Why does a cat have oily fur? Poor condition of the cat's coat

I noticed that at the base of the tail of my cat Buttercup became very fat, as if smeared with oil or lard. Buttercup is a long-haired and fluffy cat. Therefore, such a change immediately caught my eye: the previously beautiful tail turned into a “fat” icicle. I tried to wash it, but it seems to me that nothing has changed drastically. Maybe he climbed somewhere and got dirty? Or is it a sign of illness?


Most likely, the cat of our reader is young, not yet neutered, and he has a phenomenon that has received the names "greasy tail" or "producer's tail".

The veterinary literature reports that the exact causes of this seborrheic condition in cats have not yet been fully identified (unlike dogs, where a direct hormonal relationship has been established), since such cases have been recorded in the sources not only in uncastrated cats, but also , although extremely rare, also in cats and neutered cats.

However, based on my own experience, in the overwhelming majority of cases, this condition is still typical for uncastrated young cats, not for nothing that they received one of the speaking names "producer's tail", since young cats may experience a certain hormonal imbalance, as in adolescents, when the hormonal background is still unstable. Therefore, in practice, such a problem applies specifically to sexually mature males, and more can be said that a greasy tail is a “privilege” of exclusively uncastrated cats.

What happens and why exactly does the tail become so fat?

The thing is that there is iron in the tail area. The gland in the tail region is located along its upper surface and consists of many glands, including sebaceous ones.

It is the increased activity or hyperplasia of the glands in the tail region, located along its upper surface, that leads to the release and accumulation of excess secretion on the surface of the skin, as a result of which the tail looks very oily and greasy.

Is the "producer's tail" dangerous and should something be done?

Although, in fact, this aesthetic problem for the owner does not cause any discomfort to the cat itself, it is worth paying attention to it and here's why. Abundant sebaceous secretions from the glands are not dangerous in themselves, but they are dangerous for the development of a bacterial infection. Often, the glands become inflamed, irritation occurs under the greasy coat, which can cause the development of bacterial folliculitis and furunculosis, abscesses. Crusts may form on the tail, the coat may become thinner, the skin may darken. There may even be hair loss or tufts of hair. Pyoderma develops - a bacterial infection of the surface layers of the skin and hair follicles.

With all this, the cat is in pain. Therefore, he does not allow to touch the tail, his behavior changes: the once peaceful and kindest cat suddenly shows aggression when the owner strokes his tail.

Therefore, if you notice such a problem as a “greasy tail” in your cat, periodically inspect it carefully. It is worth paying attention to the entire tail and the condition of the skin under the coat, regularly check for inflammation. If inflamed areas are found under the coat, you must not forget to treat them.

If the "greasy tail" of the cat has led to a bacterial infection, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian in order to prescribe the appropriate treatment: as a rule, we are talking about the use of antibiotics and antiseptics.

And, of course, it is better not to allow such complications. And take preventive measures.

If you notice a fat tail in your cat, you need to regularly clean it up and not start the problem in order to prevent the development of a bacterial infection and complications.

However, washing the “tail of the producer” is not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. Anyone who has tried this will understand. At some point, it may even seem impossible. Therefore, a few tips from the experience of breeders will be very helpful:

1. Treatment with alcohol, in particular, salicylic alcohol, for which there is a lot of advice on the Internet, is not recommended, since salicylic alcohol is very dry and as a result, on the contrary, can lead to the opposite effect - the activity of the sebaceous glands will only intensify, and so the fat tail will become even fatter.

2. To induce a marafet, some breeders recommend using hand cleaners that are sold in hardware and automotive stores, as well as high-quality dishwashing detergents - in which you can try to “soak” the cat’s tail: apply the product to the fatty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tail, wait a bit, rinse water, and then wash with shampoo for cats. These manipulations, if necessary, are repeated several times.

3. The modern pet industry does not stand still, and now a huge range of special professional cosmetics for cat grooming is available, many of which are worthy of attention and are actually extremely effective in solving various problems.

In the line of a number of brands there are degreasing shampoos and degreasing pastes that have proven themselves well. Also, positive reviews collect means for washing without water (shampoos, powders, sprays).

Experienced felinologists advise the following sequence of actions:

generously apply dry shampoo or powder to the oily area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tail;

comb out the powder well;

repeat several times.

This procedure can be carried out every day.

After such manipulations, if necessary, you can wash the cat (however, you should not wash it every day). It is noticed that after such treatment with dry shampoo or powder, the fat tail is washed off much better.

By the way, instead of powder or dry shampoo as folk remedies, some breeders recommend using the most common potato starch. Starch is used similarly to dry shampoo: apply liberally, comb out well, if necessary, after the animal is washed.

4. Do not be overly zealous and with manic persistence try different means on the tail of your cat: constantly wash, rub, dry with alcohol, and so on in a circle. Such activity of the owner, on the contrary, can only aggravate the situation: the skin of the tail will become dry, while the fat content will not decrease and the secretion of fat will become even more intense. And if inflammation has already occurred, it should be treated with mild means so as not to cause an exacerbation.

5. And, of course, the most effective and radical remedy is cat castration. If the cat is not used as a breeding sire and is not involved in breeding, I strongly recommend that you contact your veterinarian and castrate your pet.

In addition to the fact that castration will help in solving the problem of the “greasy tail” and bring the cat back to normal, it will positively affect the behavior of the cat and remove the problem of tags possible in the future or already existing in the present and save the house and your property from manifestations of sexual desire pet. After the operation, the cat will become more affectionate, playful and attached.

Irina Kostyuchenko, felinologist

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One of the reasons why people love pets is their warm, soft coat, which is a pleasure to pet. In addition, the coat is the pride of many types of cats and dogs, making them beautiful and easily recognizable. However, there are cases when, due to various ailments, the wool loses its qualities, becomes excessively oily, falls out or strays into tangles. Veterinarians note that one of the most common reasons for feline lovers to contact them is the greasy tail of a cat. In this article, we will talk about why the cat has the effect of a greasy tail and how to deal with it.

Cats are elegant and graceful animals that are very neat and well-groomed. Therefore, it is doubly insulting when a pet has oily hair on its tail. This spoils the impression of a four-legged pet. There are several reasons for the appearance of such a defect - internal and external, we will consider each of them in more detail.


You need to start with those reasons that arise due to malfunctions in the cat's body. Luckily, there aren't too many of them.

  1. Hyperfunction of the anal glands. They are located at the very base of the cat's tail, their function is to lubricate the anus of the animal, which makes it easier for him to defecate. With inflammation or narrowing of the exit, a delay and accumulation of a foul-smelling substance in the anus occurs. It is important to know that pets that have not been castrated are more likely to have such a disease. Experts say that a possible reason for this is an increased level of hormones in a pet.
  2. Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, which are located directly on the cat's tail. If their functioning is too intensive, then the fat does not have time to spread evenly over the pet's coat, concentrating in one place. In a neglected state, this leads to complete blockage of the glands, which creates a favorable atmosphere for the development of harmful microorganisms. Veterinarians notice that the active production of keratin often leads to this. At the site of the lesion, a characteristic black spot may appear - a comedo. Over time, if an infection gets there, it threatens to develop into an abscess on the cat's skin.
  3. Hairless and short-haired cat breeds fall into a special risk group, which is characterized by the effect of a fat tail. It is quite difficult to identify them.


In addition to internal causes, there are external ones that can contribute to the formation of excess fat on the cat's tail. These include:

  1. Poor animal hygiene. If the pet is overweight, then this makes it difficult for him to attempt self-care. An aggravating factor can be the owners' inattention to such issues, as well as the cat's categorical dislike for taking baths.
  2. Irregular nutrition, lack of vitamins. These two factors seriously affect the level of subcutaneous fat production. Therefore, the owner of a "problem" cat needs to carefully monitor the diet of his pet.

In any case, only an appropriate specialist can give a qualified assessment of the reason why the cat's hair becomes greasy. Do not try to diagnose yourself, this will aggravate the situation, from which the animal will suffer and become even more unattractive.

Symptoms of the disease

A fat tail is much more characteristic of cats than cats. As noted above, animals with a short coat fall into the risk zone, which complicates the diagnostic process. Let's try to find out what signs clearly demonstrate this disease:

  1. The epithelium at the base of the coat becomes bumpy, it peels off and becomes covered with a thin crust of pus.
  2. The tail, most often at the junction with the body, is densely covered with fat, from which the coat begins to shine. Discharge cannot be washed off with shampoo or soap.
  3. If the disease progresses, then the skin at the localization site will be combed and covered with red pimples. So the animal tries to relieve the itching, but only spreads the infection through the skin.
  4. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bgreasy hair becomes exposed over time. This is due to the fact that the hairs gradually break off at their base.
  5. A symptom that the anus is inflamed can be uncharacteristic behavior when the cat crawls backwards on the carpet, trying to release excess contents.
  6. Over time, brown spots may appear on the tail of the pet, if they are not treated, they will develop into a hard crust, tearing which, the cat will injure itself.

Owners who have noticed that their animal has developed the “greasy tail” syndrome should in no case brush aside this problem, attributing it to seasonality or simply untidiness of the cat. Most often, the true cause lies precisely in a serious illness that has just begun to manifest itself. If you react quickly, then this will save a lot of trouble for both the owners and the cat.

Methods of treatment

Treating a fat tail in a cat is a long and tedious process. You need to start it with a trip to the veterinarian, who will accurately determine what caused the disease and how to eliminate it as quickly as possible. Treatment, as a rule, is based on the fact that the pet begins to take baths more often. To do this, you need to buy special shampoos containing lactic acid. This will perfectly exfoliate harmful accumulations of keratin and cleanse the skin, which will create a base for subsequent therapy.

If the veterinarian has determined that the greasiness of the tail is caused by a violation in the hormonal sphere, then castration of the pet or medication to stop the production of sex hormones will be required. Excessive production of anal secretions is treated with lavages. The specialist will explain to the owners clearly how this is done. With the regularity of the repetition of the disease, the anal glands can be completely removed surgically.

If the causes are caused by external stimuli, then a complex of vitamins is prescribed to strengthen the immune system, as well as a special diet. All this will help the cat to become beautiful again, and its owner - calmer. If you ignore the fact that the pet's tail becomes fat, then in the future this can lead to complete baldness, from which the animal will become completely unsightly.

The appearance of oily wool in a domestic cat is often caused by such reasons:

  1. The animal can get dirty with something greasy, in which case the owner simply has to bathe him;
  2. Cat hair can be contaminated by children while playing with the animal (after all, babies love to squeeze, stroke and carry fluffy pets in their arms);
  3. A disease that provokes increased activity of the anal glands (in this case, the problem is due to the fact that the cat has oily hair on its tail, and the pet itself constantly rubs its back against rough surfaces (for example, a carpet), trying to free the glands from the accumulated secret);
  4. Violation of keratinization processes or oily seborrhea can become a provoking factor leading to increased greasiness of the coat.

Its cause, in turn, can be an infection, the release of hormones, and much more.

The most harmless reason is the game of hormones

If you are a happy owner of an unneutered cat, and you find that he has greasy hair and strange spots in the tail area, then there may be no cause for alarm.

During puberty, the animal's body may secrete more fat than usual, as hormones activate the sebaceous glands. These excesses remain on the wool, giving it a unkempt appearance.

Causes and signs

A cat may have a bump on its tail or the base of the tail may go bald. Such problems do not arise unreasonably. Among the most common causes are various injuries, bruises, fractures.

  • The animal does not always show the pain that he experiences when he falls, hits, or gets injured. And so the owner may not notice the bruised tail. And in the future, even a small injury causes the appearance of a tumor, for example.
  • Tail disease may be due to a lack of calcium, which indicates poorly balanced diet and metabolic disorders.
  • Hair loss in cats around the tail is sometimes due to skin infections. Contact with the skin and the body of a dangerous infection can be the most unpredictable, the causative agent of the disease can be brought into the house on his shoes even by a person.
  • In the cat's body, there is a malfunction of the glands that produce fat. Because of this, the tail also often climbs - bald patches appear, there may be oily hair. In case of violation of the functioning of the glands, one more phenomenon can be noted - brown patches under the coat. Over time, under this plaque, the skin becomes wet, inflammation begins.

If the cat's tail is fat, treatment should be comprehensive. It will be prescribed by an experienced veterinarian, and the owner only needs to follow all the recommendations.

In a cat, less commonly in a cat, the tail can become greasy due to hyperplasia (increased activity) of the supracaudal sebaceous glands, which leads to the accumulation of polluting sebaceous secretions on the coat, covering from a small area to a large part of the cat's tail.

Tail skin greasiness is most common in non-neutered cats, but can also occur in neutered cats. Most common in catteries or cats with poor self-care. Generally, this problem is considered only cosmetic, however, the accumulation of dirt and maceration (soaking) can lead to a secondary infection and the skin becomes inflamed and painful.

The reasons why a cat has oily hair can be very different:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • young age - small kittens still poorly care for their hair;
  • old age, when it is already difficult for the animal to engage in full-fledged grooming (hair care);
  • any serious illness;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs - liver and kidneys;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • hyperandrogenism - excessive production of male sex hormones that stimulate the secretion of sebum, especially in the tail gland (occurs not only in males, but also in castrated animals of both sexes due to problems with the adrenal glands).

As you can see from this list, the causes of oily fur in cats are very diverse. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: those associated with worsening grooming (which in turn occurs due to general poor health or age) and increased sebum production in case of internal problems (hormonal imbalance, food intolerance, etc.).

This phenomenon is called the "tail of the breeding cat", as it is common in uncastrated males. Females sometimes have excess fat, but this is considered an exception. Kuhn's glands are actively working under the influence of testosterone. For the same reason, acne appears on the chin of animals. The hormone is produced with the onset of puberty and provokes the release of a substance for almost a lifetime.

However, veterinarians are faced with other causes of the phenomenon in Maine Coons:

  1. Allergy to food, flowers, drugs, cosmetics.
  2. Blockage of the anal glands.
  3. Insufficient care.
  4. Various diseases of internal organs, including the endocrine system.

All of the above points are grounds for strengthening the work of the glands. The peak of activity falls on the period from 9 months to 3 years. The cat's tail becomes less pleasant to the touch, the hairs stick together not only at the base, but also on a small area of ​​the back.

When the Maine Coon's skin under the coat is clean, without signs of inflammation, you should not worry about the pet's health.

The main types of diseases in a cat

When owners decide why a cat's tail is falling off, they do not always assume a serious illness. Often, the appearance of lichen is simply suspected. But the reason for this phenomenon may be more serious, you should definitely take your pet to a veterinary clinic for an accurate diagnosis.

An animal's bone marrow can become inflamed due to an infection or dangerous injury. As a result, osteomyelitis will develop.

Features and symptoms of the disease

High greasiness of wool is an ailment that most often affects uncastrated cats. True, it can also appear in pets that have undergone castration, but much less often. The main cause of oily hair on the back of a cat, tail or other parts of the fluffy body is a pathology called paraanal gland hyperplasia. An excess of sebum accumulates on the skin. From there, it enters the animal's fur, heavily polluting it.

The symptoms of sebaceous fur syndrome are as follows:

  • oily hair appears at the base of the tail, on the back or sides of the cat;
  • The “fur coat” of a pet becomes dull, sticks together into tangles;
  • on the skin of a pet, a wax-like composition that has a brownish color and exudes a rancid odor;
  • the skin in those areas where there is greasy hair becomes inflamed and reddens;
  • often weakened and matted hair falls out;
  • scabs appear on the surface of the skin;
  • hair follicles become inflamed, and then many small pimples appear in their place.

If the disease becomes chronic, the area of ​​​​the body with damaged hair can become completely bald. The appearance of scabs on the skin leads to the fact that the unfortunate cat develops eczema.


One of the symptoms of a complex disease is ulcers on the tail of a pet. The skin in this place becomes wet, rots, the affected area increases. If at first the ulcer only crawled out under the tail, later rotting areas may appear on the entire tail, back.

Treatment of ulcerative areas does not need to be carried out independently, because a variety of infections can cause decay. There is no way to contact the veterinary clinic in the near future? You can clean the rotting wound yourself from liquid, treat it with an antiseptic designed specifically for cats. Then an ointment is applied to the wound, a bandage on top.

So that the cat does not scratch the wound, which already bleeds or simply rots, you need to put on it a special protective cone-shaped circle. This design is removed at the time of feeding.

Ulcers occur more often in representatives of short-haired breeds. A small wound in the future can lead to necrosis of the tissues and vertebrae of this part of the animal's body. Among the most dangerous complications are also gangrene caused by circulatory disorders, blood poisoning. You can not ignore the ulcer, hoping for the ability of felines to self-medicate.

For the final diagnosis, an external examination is sufficient.

Ulcers - diagnosis of diseases, treatment

Treatment of increased oily hair in cats is developed by a veterinarian and depends on what caused the pathology.

  • Dirt. If a cat has oily hair once, after contamination, then there is no need to treat the animal. The pet should only be washed well.
  • Oily fur syndrome. In the case when the fluffy suffers from the syndrome of greasy wool and dry, irritated skin, the owner should take him to the veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe a series of tests by which he can determine the causes of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The primary task for a dull and greasy coat in a cat is to saturate his body with vitamins. The animal is prescribed a course of vitamin therapy, which helps to normalize the work of the perianal and sebaceous glands of the pet. Good effect gives the drug Hokamix-30.
  • Cleansing glands. Treatment of fattened fur in cats also involves the release of paraanal glands from excess secretion. The procedure is performed by an experienced veterinarian who squeezes out the accumulated contents. If the glands are often inflamed, the specialist suggests surgery to remove them. As an option, periodic flushing of the glands under anesthesia can be considered (but this method ultimately harms the cat's internal organs).
  • Irregular keratinization or oily seborrhea. To fix the problem, it is advisable to use special shampoos such as Dermilen or Meladerm. Lactaderm shampoo also gives a good effect. It helps to temporarily cope with the problem of greasy hair in a cat, cleanse it of secretions and remove bad smells.

Cat hair is the epitome of a pet's health. If it is smooth and shiny, then everything is fine with your pet. Conversely, a dull coat with signs of increased fat content indicates that the mustachioed inhabitant of the house is sick. Probably, some kind of failure occurred in his body, and the animal needs the help of a veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe medication, and your pet will quickly recover, again delighting the owners with a healthy appearance.

Bald areas of the tail are not only an aesthetic issue. Usually this phenomenon leads to a violation of the work of the internal glands. Most often, the disease goes away on its own, but bald patches greatly worsen the appearance of the animal. The veterinarian will help you choose a variant of the drug that will speed up recovery.

But in some cases, a mangy tail becomes a big problem, since the bare skin is very irritated and inflamed. Bacteria are actively growing on bald spots. And over time, the cat begins to experience severe discomfort, scratching its inflamed skin.

How to help an animal? The main principle of treatment is the removal of excess fat from the skin and wool, as well as antibacterial treatment of the affected area. If you perform all the activities prescribed by the doctor correctly, over time you can lighten the problem to a minimum. Be sure to find out why excess fat and bald spots appeared.

During the treatment period, cat shampoos should be used, which include oatmeal, natural salicylic acid. Wiping the bald area with a swab slightly moistened with alcohol gives a good effect. Alcohol should be used with caution, as it can only cause deterioration of the skin condition.

Since the problem is not health, but only cosmetic and the accumulation of sebaceous deposits will be repeated, then all care consists in periodically washing the tail and controlling the occurrence of foci of inflammation with increased bacterial activity. However, it should be recalled that this greasy secret also has antibacterial, protective properties, so you should not strive to clean the tail to a chrome shine, just remove the excess.

Use shampoos with keratolic action (just ask at the veterinary pharmacy or pet store, check the instructions), which is better than soap to cope with these overlays. If it is difficult to get such a shampoo, then abundantly moisten the contaminated surface with sunflower oil, rub the oil into the contaminated skin, and then wash it off in several steps using warm water and baby soap.

An excess of fatty secretions in Maine Coons indicates ill health. The most frequent manifestations:

  • abscesses;
  • baldness;
  • redness;
  • wen;
  • ichor;
  • blood at the site of scratching;
  • tissue necrosis (very rare).

With such symptoms, the behavior of the sick animal also changes. It becomes irritable, can nervously meow, eat poorly, bite and tear the tail with its paws. Together with cloudy discharge from the eyes, they indicate:

Hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands is detected in most cases when contacting the clinic. It is important to maintain Maine Coon hygiene, but not to overuse care products and frequency of processing. You can learn the right actions from the masters from the grooming salons and breeders. Neutering a cat eliminates the vast majority of problems with tail greasiness.

Means, cosmetics and methods for care

A greasy tail does not look aesthetically pleasing and can lead to unpleasant consequences. Regular cleansing of hair and skin from secretions improves their condition. For the treatment of problem areas Kuna are suitable:

  1. Special pastes based on degreasing agents.
  2. Shampoo from a veterinary pharmacy.
  3. Food starch.
  4. Cosmetic tinting agents.
  1. Baby powder.
  2. Household chemicals.
  3. human shampoos.
  4. Any creams.

Balms, masks are not desirable to use locally. They clog pores, creating a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Also, Maine Coon owners and groomers avoid aggressive products due to increased sebum production.

Pastes give a long-term effect. It is better to choose a product from a professional line of trusted brands that is suitable for Coon. They are carefully applied with a brush to the base, after 5-10 minutes, thoroughly washed off with warm water. Pastes are used before shampooing. White Maine Coons need tinting agents, because the coat of this color fades even after processing.

A comb with rare metal teeth is an indispensable assistant in the care of a fairly thick coat. The tail of a purebred animal cannot peel off from this, if there are no other reasons.

Tail injuries and their consequences

If a cat falls from a height or accidentally gets under a car or even under a person’s feet with its tail, injury to this organ can lead to serious consequences.

At the slightest suspicion of injury in a kitten or an adult, whose tail has darkened after a blow, an x-ray should be taken to the animal, because with a strong fracture, tissue necrosis can begin, which cannot be cured with simple medications. The doctor may prescribe the wearing of a splint, a plaster cast. After treatment, a re-examination with x-rays is performed.

Tail Disease Prevention

If injuries or tumors are difficult to prevent, then the owners can protect their pet from problems due to excess oil on the skin. You should constantly care for the coat of the animal, not only when bald patches appear. An excellent remedy is fish oil, it must be added to the feed.

After a cat is injured, it is important to monitor its health - take it to a doctor for examination, take an x-ray of the affected organs. Immediately after injury, you can carefully feel the cat's tail, pay attention to painful areas. If there is an open wound, you need to act immediately. Ice can be applied to the diseased tail, it will relieve the pain a little and allow you to get to the veterinary clinic.

A balanced diet allows you to avoid a lack of calcium in the diet, and this lack is the cause of bone caries.


The prognosis for uncastrated males after castration is good. The prognosis for the return of the skin to normal is cautious for castrated males and for females until remedial measures are taken, further stability will depend on the regularity of grooming measures. In any case, this condition is considered only as a cosmetic problem.

A cat is a common animal that lives in many houses and apartments. When a pet is healthy, its well-groomed appearance pleases the eye of the owner and household. But sometimes the health of the animal fails and its appearance changes for the worse. For example, a cat's coat may become oily, which many owners initially mistake for normal soiling. It is especially clearly visible in white pussies with long hair.

To get rid of the problem, the owners are trying to redeem the mustachioed inhabitant of the dwelling. This method really helps if the pet is just smeared. But if after some time the hair becomes oily again, this most often indicates oily coat (tail) syndrome.

Why does a cat's coat get greasy?

The appearance of oily wool in a domestic cat is often caused by such reasons.:

  1. The animal can get dirty with something greasy, in which case the owner simply has to bathe him;
  2. Cat hair can be contaminated by children while playing with the animal (after all, babies love to squeeze, stroke and carry fluffy pets in their arms);
  3. A disease that provokes increased activity of the anal glands (in this case, the problem is due to the fact that the cat has oily hair on its tail, and the pet itself constantly rubs its back against rough surfaces (for example, a carpet), trying to free the glands from the accumulated secret);
  4. Violation of keratinization processes or oily seborrhea can become a provoking factor leading to increased greasiness of the coat.

In any case, if the owner notices that the cat's coat seems to be greasy, he must find out the causes of the problem and take measures to eliminate them.

Features and symptoms of the disease

High greasiness of wool is an ailment that most often affects uncastrated cats. True, it can also appear in pets that have undergone castration, but much less often. The main cause of oily hair on the back of a cat, tail or other parts of the fluffy body is a pathology called paraanal gland hyperplasia. An excess of sebum accumulates on the skin. From there, it enters the animal's fur, heavily polluting it.

The symptoms of sebaceous fur syndrome are as follows:

  • oily hair appears at the base of the tail, on the back or sides of the cat;
  • The “fur coat” of a pet becomes dull, sticks together into tangles;
  • on the skin of a pet, a wax-like composition that has a brownish color and exudes a rancid odor;
  • the skin in those areas where there is greasy hair becomes inflamed and reddens;
  • often weakened and matted hair falls out;
  • scabs appear on the surface of the skin;
  • hair follicles become inflamed, and then many small pimples appear in their place.

If the disease becomes chronic, the area of ​​​​the body with damaged hair can become completely bald. The appearance of scabs on the skin leads to the fact that the unfortunate cat develops eczema.

Diagnostic measures

Only a veterinarian will be able to accurately answer the question of why the cat's coat has grown fat and what to do to restore its former beauty and healthy shine. Diagnosis of the alleged disease involves a preventive examination by a veterinarian. During this procedure, the specialist examines the pet, and, if necessary, recommends passing the appropriate tests. If, in addition to greasy fur, the skin of the cat is flaky and itchy, or dandruff has appeared, it should also be shown to a dermatologist.

How to treat pathology?

Treatment of increased oily hair in cats is developed by a veterinarian and depends on what caused the pathology.

  • Dirt. If a cat has oily hair once, after contamination, then there is no need to treat the animal. The pet should only be washed well.
  • Oily fur syndrome. In the case when the fluffy suffers from the syndrome of greasy wool and dry, irritated skin, the owner should take him to the veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe a series of tests by which he can determine the causes of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The primary task for a dull and greasy coat in a cat is to saturate his body with vitamins. The animal is prescribed a course of vitamin therapy, which helps to normalize the work of the perianal and sebaceous glands of the pet. Good effect gives the drug Hokamix-30.
  • Cleansing glands. Treatment of fattened fur in cats also involves the release of paraanal glands from excess secretion. The procedure is performed by an experienced veterinarian who squeezes out the accumulated contents. If the glands are often inflamed, the specialist suggests surgery to remove them. As an option, periodic flushing of the glands under anesthesia can be considered (but this method ultimately harms the cat's internal organs).
  • Irregular keratinization or oily seborrhea. To fix the problem, it is advisable to use special shampoos such as Dermilen or Meladerm. Lactaderm shampoo also gives a good effect. It helps to temporarily cope with the problem of greasy hair in a cat, cleanse it of secretions and remove bad smells.

Cat hair is the epitome of a pet's health. If it is smooth and shiny, then everything is fine with your pet. Conversely, a dull coat with signs of increased fat content indicates that the mustachioed inhabitant of the house is sick. Probably, some kind of failure occurred in his body, and the animal needs the help of a veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe medication, and your pet will quickly recover, again delighting the owners with a healthy appearance.

Category: Pets

Beautiful shiny coat gives the cat an exquisite charm. What should the owner do to keep the pet's fur coat in the best possible condition?
The appearance of the pet will please the eye and will be proof of his health, if you follow all the rules of care. Seasonal shedding does not affect the cat's health, it is a natural process of hair renewal and adaptation to changing conditions (heat and cold).

Causes why wool loses its glamor and luster can be:
Many diseases (infections and disorders of the internal organs)
Allergies (to food, flea bites, etc.)
Unbalanced diet
Poor condition of the body after a serious illness
postpartum period
deep old age

Skin diseases can not but affect the condition of the coat. If the animal pays a lot of attention to any part of the body, do not wait for it to go away on its own. As soon as possible, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian, and carefully follow the prescribed recommendations. Fungal lesions of the skin and hair cannot be cured without special tests and individually selected medications.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance after sterilization or the use of corticosteroids provoke baldness. A consultation with a veterinarian is required, which will correct the treatment of the underlying disease.

A cat needs a high-protein diet: hair is made of proteins, an unbalanced diet will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the condition of the coat.

Licking for self-soothing is a normal activity for a cat. However, stress can manifest itself in the continuous licking of some areas of the skin, up to bleeding wounds. There are many reasons for stress, from boredom to feeling unwell for a long time. It is difficult for the owner of the animal to determine that stress has become the cause of the poor condition of the coat. Only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

After a serious illness or childbirth, the body of a cat is greatly depleted. The pet needs enhanced high-protein nutrition, with mineral and vitamin supplements. The new coat will grow for several months.

In addition to diseases, inactivity and tooth loss, old age can bring baldness to a cat. You can introduce a complex of vitamins and minerals into the diet, improve nutrition, but time in this case works against the animal.

A shiny, thick coat is the first sign of a cat's health. Most animals do not require serious care: only comb once a week. It is not recommended to wash the cat often (except in special cases: the pet got dirty or picked up fleas). Regular washing is necessary only for Sphynx pets. And representatives of long-haired breeds need daily combing, and a thorough examination for tangles and fleas.

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