Where to check testosterone levels. How to know the level of testosterone: how a man can check his indicator without leaving home. Treatment for low testosterone

Testosterone(test, dough - in the world of bodybuilding) - the main male sex hormone. It is he who plays important role as a man's life, has a huge impact on the processes occurring in the body. The level of this hormone changes throughout the day (maximum concentration in the morning and minimum in the evening). Exercising in the gym raises the level of the test, but if you train too intensely and catch 'overtraining', then the concentration of the hormone, on the contrary, will decrease. Today we will talk about how to determine the level of testosterone and how to increase it.

To the main level male hormone affects:

  • age (after about 25-30 years, the level begins to fall by 1% per year);
  • lifestyle (well, I think everything is clear here - with healthy way the level of life rises, with smoking, alcoholism, excess weight, poor diet on the contrary, it will be very low);
  • general state health ( the immune system, chronic diseases);
  • mood or mental condition(stress, depression lower the concentration of testosterone).

How to determine the level of the main sex hormone of a man

There are only 2 ways to determine the level own testosterone: according to a blood test, according to external signs. Naturally, the first method will be better, as it will show the exact concentration of the hormone, and the second can only show big picture- increased or decreased level. It is better to take an analysis in a hospital in morning time, To obtain real result before going to the hospital, it is not recommended to: eat (8 hours before donating blood), exercise (one day before donating), smoke (6 hours before donating). The accuracy of the results depends on whether you followed our recommendations or not. For exact result it is better to donate blood several times a day different days because the concentration of the hormone is constantly changing. A level in the range of 500 to 700 ng/dl (testosterone level measurement) is considered normal, if the tests show below 350 ng/dl, then you should act. Therefore, if you want to determine the level of your own testosterone, we advise you to contact specialists who, if necessary, can prescribe treatment for you.

You can determine the level of testosterone by some signs. The low concentration of the test is indicated by:

  • Depression, irritability, insomnia;
  • Loss of muscle mass and strength;
  • Decreased hair growth;
  • Excess weight;
  • decline sexual attraction;
  • Infertility;
  • Anemia;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Dry skin;
  • Impotence.

If you recognize yourself at least in three signs, then immediately take tests for sex hormones and consult with doctors. You may be able to improve your test score by changing your lifestyle.

At high concentration it's the other way around:

  • High sexual activity;
  • Developed muscles;
  • Low, male timbre of voice;
  • Positive attitude;
  • Confidence;
  • Absence of excess weight;
  • High endurance;
  • Excellent health.

To increase the concentration of the main male hormone will help you:

  • Exception bad habits;
  • Proper balanced nutrition;
  • Positive mood, lack of stress;
  • Regular physical activity;
  • Full recovery, sleep;
  • Maintaining a regular sexual life;
  • Refusal to consume sugar and salt;
  • Refusal of caffeine;
  • Getting vitamins in the required quantities;
  • In training, give preference to basic exercises;
  • Aerobic exercise reduces testosterone levels, anaerobic exercise increases testosterone (in this case, powerlifting and bodybuilding are ideal).

Taking care of your own health is important for everyone. This rule applies not only to women who are worried about beauty, but also to men who pay less attention to their health. But this does not mean at all that you will have to visit a doctor regularly; you can check the level of testosterone in the blood at home.

There is a special questionnaire, it was specially designed based on the first signs of testosterone deficiency. The results show what changes can occur if there is a change hormonal level. The most common symptoms are fatigue, irritability, decreased sex drive, etc.

Main symptoms

It is impossible to calculate the exact content of the hormone at home, but there is certain symptoms, which show that the body begins to experience its shortage. If there are certain suspicions, then it is best to immediately contact the clinic, where appropriate tests will be prescribed.

There are a number of symptoms to watch out for:

  • external signs Hormone deficiencies can be seen even in infants. In boys, these are violations in the formation of the genital organs, which are increasingly beginning to resemble women's. The formation of the figure occurs according to the female type, and this is a good reason to visit a doctor and conduct an examination;
  • in adolescents with a lack of a hormone, there is excessive thinness, breast enlargement, poor development of the genital organs, the voice remains thin;
  • in adulthood- violation erectile function, decreased bone density, hair loss, weakness of muscle tissue;
  • in women, the lack of this hormone is expressed in a violation of sexual desire, weight loss, the appearance strong irritability, drowsiness.


To organize a testosterone level test at home, you can use a convenient questionnaire.

Symptoms that are accompanied by a lack of a hormone in the body will be reflected on a piece of paper, and then it will develop full picture about the presence or absence of a disease.

H You must independently compile your own home questionnaire, keep a special diary, where all comments will be reflected. Keeping a questionnaire and a diary should be taken into the habit.

Such a questionnaire includes only 10 questions, which will take a couple of minutes to answer:

  1. Is there a decrease in sex drive? This behavior is most often caused by a lack of testosterone, since the hormone forms sex drive, is responsible for certain processes in the body. One or two times can still be attributed to fatigue or other factors, but if a decrease in desire is observed regularly, then this is already an alarming sign.
  2. Is there a lack of energy? Testosterone for a man is a source of energy, fuel for the whole organism. If suddenly inexplicable fatigue, lack of efficiency begins to be observed sharply, then this may be caused by a decrease in hormonal levels.
  3. Is there a decrease in the overall endurance of the body, strength? Testosterone is an anabolic hormone, it is responsible for correct formation muscle mass, for endurance. The lack of this hormone is determined at home by the fact that strength, general level stamina suddenly begin to decline sharply, while apparent reason there is no such phenomenon.
  4. Is there a decline in growth? With normal hormonal background bone mass maintained at the right level. With a lack of testosterone, there is a decrease in bone density, the skeleton becomes fragile, and growth may decrease. This phenomenon may be age-related or associated with obesity. In the latter case, it is necessary to begin to take measures to reduce weight, restore strength to the bone mass.
  5. Is there a decrease in life satisfaction? Testosterone is directly related to the phenomenon of enjoying life. If everything seems great, life is full of colors, there are no reasons for depression, then the hormonal level is normal. If the level of testosterone falls, then there is dissatisfaction with life.
  6. Is there increased irritability depression? The male character is mainly formed under the influence. If there is a shortage of it, then the character begins to change, and not at the very better side. If you have become grouchier, overly irritable, touchy, then the reason lies in abrupt change hormonal background.
  7. Is there a decrease in erection? Erection is directly related to the content of testosterone. A test for the level of the hormone always shows its lack with a decrease in erection.
  8. Is the volume reduced physical activity and the intensity of the exercise? With a reduction in sports and other physical activity, a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood is observed.
  9. Is there a need to sleep right after dinner? How to know that the hormonal level is not normal? Fatigue increases, drowsiness is more often observed, especially after lunch. No tricky methods help, coffee has almost no effect. Doctors attribute this to a drop in testosterone levels, but most often this condition is affected by obesity.
  10. Is there a sharp decline performance? Such a symptom, together with a decrease in sexual desire, a weak erection, or a positive answer to any 3 other questions of the questionnaire, immediately indicate that the level of testosterone has decreased.

To check your testosterone level, you must clearly and correctly answer all questions, only in this case you can accurately determine the general condition.

How to increase testosterone level?

In order for testosterone to return to normal, it is necessary not only to monitor its condition, but also to take appropriate measures. To do this, it is enough to comply simple recommendations given by experts:

  1. The first thing to pay attention to is good nutrition. Can't stick strict diets, since many nutrients, required to maintain hormonal levels, can only be obtained from food.
  2. It is necessary to consume vitamins E, B, C. It is recommended to include nuts, fruits, berries in the diet, be sure fish fat. Zinc can only be obtained by eating fish, and it is also necessary to maintain the correct amount of selenium, calcium, magnesium.
  3. A prerequisite for maintaining a normal hormonal level is the presence of the required amount of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins. It is these substances that launch and support those processes in the body of a man that are vital. They cause the formation of a hormone such as testosterone. Therefore, it is required to introduce foods such as eggs, vegetables, fruits, any seafood, nuts into the diet.
  4. It is essential to ensure a healthy and good sleep, relaxation. The process of testosterone formation is directly related to the state deep phase sleep. To keep in the blood normal amount hormone, it is necessary to ensure a good sleep, while it is recommended to rest in complete silence. Sleep should last at least 7-8 hours.
  5. To maintain normal hormonal levels in the blood, regular physical activity and activity are required. You can organize such classes only under the guidance of a professional trainer, then you can continue classes at home.
  6. The level of testosterone at home should be checked, given that its content directly depends on cortisol, estrogen, and insulin. All of them negatively affect the amount of the hormone, reducing its production by the body. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the content of these substances, follow the recommendations of the supervising physician.

Maintenance of the required hormonal level in the blood is required condition maintaining the health of every man.

This cannot be neglected, since testosterone has a direct effect on the course of many processes in the body. It is not so difficult to control this level at home, it can be done based on the recommendations of the attending physician.

Notice the decrease in sex drive. As men age, the number of erections decreases, which is quite normal. However, the absence or inability to maintain an erection, as well as loss of sexual desire, indicate a problem. Decreased testosterone levels can cause the following problems related to sex drive:

  • Decreased sex drive (libido) and other sexual problems:
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased quantity and quality of erection
  • Decreased sperm count and possible infertility

Pay attention to physical changes. It is normal for men to experience a decrease in testosterone levels with age, but there should be no pathological changes body. Decreased testosterone levels in men can lead to some physical changes. These changes include testicular shrinkage, as well as swelling and pain in the chest.

  • because of low level testosterone teens who have not yet passed puberty will look younger than their age. These teenagers will also lack body and facial hair.
  • Men with low testosterone may also experience hot flashes.
  • In addition, men may have decreased muscle mass body, resulting in reduced strength and endurance, osteopenia (softening of the bone) and osteoporosis (decrease in bone density).
  • It is also possible to change the lipid spectrum blood levels, such as cholesterol levels.
  • Check for changes in behavior. Men with low testosterone may experience behavioral changes. They may experience fatigue, sleep problems, and changes in sleep patterns. Men can also experience mood swings, depression, irritability, and anxiety.

    • In addition, problems with memory, concentration, or sudden lack of self-confidence are common.
  • Look out for symptoms of low testosterone in women. Women can also suffer from low testosterone levels. In women, symptoms most often occur closer to menopause and can make it difficult to treat symptoms. Symptoms of low testosterone in women include:

    • Decreased sex drive and sexual function
    • muscle weakness
    • Decreased production of vaginal fluid
    • Infertility
  • Aging affects testosterone levels. As women and men age, testosterone levels decrease. In men, testosterone levels after 30 decline by about 1% per year. In women over 40, testosterone levels can be half what they had in their 20s. This decrease is normal and does not indicate a problem.

    Watch for symptoms if you are overweight. Low testosterone secretion can be caused by a problem with the pituitary or hypothalamus. Obesity and type 2 diabetes can cause testosterone levels to drop due to problems with these glands.

    The date: 2016-08-31 Views: 16 836 Experienced athletes know that a decrease in blood testosterone levels also affects physical forms and overall quality of life. After all, this hormone has a direct impact on the overall well-being, libido, vital activity of each person. in the body can decrease not only due to the use of artificial androgenic and anabolic steroids, and from stressful situations, nervous and physical overstrain, some endocrine diseases, unhealthy lifestyle. This article aims to address information gaps in knowledge about testosterone. We will talk about the dangers of a lack or excess of testosterone, about the causes, symptoms, and consequences of these phenomena. The authors of the article hope that this material will be useful to a wide range of readers of both sexes.

    Low testosterone in men

    A bit of physiology: one of the reasons for the decrease in testosterone levels are hereditary features and age-related changes. A sharp hormonal jump occurs in a man in adolescence, then the level of the hormone reaches the norm (at about the age of twenty) and remains at a certain level until the age of 30-35. Further, the content of the male sex hormone begins to slowly decline - up to 1-2% per year. In some cases, after the age of 50, the representatives of the stronger sex experience a rapid decrease in testosterone levels. It depends on the genetic predisposition, lifestyle and many other reasons. O low testosterone it is customary to say if the analysis shows a hormone content of less than 14 nm per liter. Usually at the same time, external signs of androgen deficiency begin to appear. Failure in the hormonal system can cause stress, insufficient or excessive physical activity, psychological trauma bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and narcotic substances. Sports pharmacology drugs will help raise testosterone. Turinabol successfully copes with this task. In addition, testosterone levels can be affected by forced prolonged abstinence, unfavorable ecological situation, low-quality food products, consumption hormonal drugs and products containing hormones, excess weight. The latter reason not only reduces the production of the male hormone, but also contributes to its conversion into the female hormone - estrogen. Clinical signs these two phenomena are similar:
    • Decreased physical activity.
    • The muscles are reduced.
    • The appearance of the figure female type with deposits of fat in the abdomen, thighs, chest and buttocks.
    • depressive states.
    • Dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, hot flashes may appear. About more serious violations in the hormonal system, the following symptoms indicate.
    • Sexual disorders.
    • A state of distraction, apathy, forgetfulness, depression.
    • Sleep disorders.
    • Fast fatiguability.
    • , tachycardia or arrhythmia.
    • Risk of stroke, heart attack, diabetes.
    It is possible and necessary to fight testosterone deficiency. You can buy methandrostenolone for this purpose in a sports online store. Hormone replacement therapy is quite effective, gives quick results.

    Low testosterone in women

    Testosterone levels are also important for the female body. From the coordinated work of the hormonal system depends on the overall physical state, well-being, appearance of a woman. The reasons that cause a decrease in testosterone in women are different: sedentary image life, bad habits, endocrine diseases, diseases genitourinary system, lack of vitamins and minerals. The main sign that the female body suffers due to low content testosterone is. To clinical symptoms testosterone deficiency in women also includes:
    • Deterioration general well-being, chronic fatigue.
    • Dry skin, hair loss.
    • Weakness of muscles and vocal cords.
    • Decreased libido.
    • Increase in subcutaneous fat.
    • Decrease in muscle mass.
    • Depressive and hysterical states.
    Simultaneously with a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood, in female body the content of the important female hormones estrogen and progesterone decreases, which in some cases leads to serious illnesses: the hormonal system affects everything vital functions organism. Every woman needs to constantly monitor the state of her hormonal background. It is very important to correct the situation in time, to support the body with medication, until this leads to serious consequences.

    Increased testosterone levels in men

    Many athletes rejoice when they manage to significantly increase testosterone levels: vitality, increases muscle mass, strength endurance. Usually, for the sake of these results, anabolic and androgenic steroids are taken in courses. For example, the rate methane / deca / sust is often used. But in the process of chasing sports achievements, one should not forget that high testosterone may be the reason dangerous disease. For example, androsteromas (hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex). For adolescent boys with hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, are characterized by: rapid growth musculoskeletal system, increased hair growth of the face and body, penis enlargement with a small size of the testicles. That is, mismatch physical development psychological. Often increased testosterone indicates androgen resistance in the body of a man. In other words, the body does not perceive androgens. This phenomenon usually occurs due to congenital disorders in work endocrine system. Immunity to androgens leads to the fact that a man has a female-type figure, breasts grow, genitals are deformed. Doctors call among the reasons that cause an excess of testosterone in the blood, deviations in the production of sex hormones, unhealthy image life, long-term use drugs from the field of sports pharmacology. Under what symptoms is it necessary to sound the alarm and urgently take an analysis for the content of hormones? When uncontrolled aggression, overexcitability, irritability, desire to commit suicide. In addition, an increase in testosterone can affect the appearance: purulent acne, unusual this person increased hair growth on the face and body, oily skin and others. A significant excess of testosterone levels in the blood can lead to the following consequences:
    • Violations at work of cardio-vascular system, stroke, heart attack.
    • Tendency to form blood clots.
    • Problems with urination, prostate enlargement.
    • Deterioration of sperm quality.
    • Impotence.
    • Prostate cancer.
    • Nervous disorders. Depression, sleep disturbance.
    • Edema, liver damage.
    High testosterone is common among bodybuilders. Taking steroids increases strength, endurance, accelerates muscle growth - on the one hand. And causes a number of serious side effects- on the other hand. In response to taking anabolic steroids, the body tries to equalize the level of hormones, testosterone production decreases, some organs of the reproductive system begin to work differently. Sexual activity is reduced, testicular atrophy occurs. To prevent all this from happening, experts recommend post-cycle therapy after taking steroids. Post-cycle therapy is needed in order to neutralize bad influence anabolic steroids, restore your own hormonal background and fix the result.

    High testosterone levels in women

    In the work of the female hormonal system, testosterone takes the same active part as typical female hormones- estrogen and progesterone. Testosterone in women is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. True, women of this male hormone require much less than the representatives of the stronger sex. But without it, the follicle in the ovaries will not mature, the skin will produce too much fat. And this hormone is also responsible for the formation of the skeleton, for emotional condition women. An increase in testosterone in the language of medicine is called "hyperandrogenism". There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Among them: increased work of the adrenal glands, hormonal disorders, abuse of unhealthy foods, menopause, sleep disturbances, excessive exercise, the use of drugs from the group of sports pharmacology. Overworked adrenal glands are the most common cause of hyperandrogenism. How does an increase in testosterone levels affect women? There is a tendency to male type figures, hair growth on the face intensifies, hair falls out on the head, acne appears, muscles increase, a low timbre of voice prevails. There are also changes in character. Aggressive behavior, increased excitability, ambitiousness, desire for leadership, rivalry. All these signs can be the cause of other phenomena, so any woman needs to carefully monitor her body, if symptoms appear that were not characteristic of her before, it is better to consult a doctor and get tested for hormones. Hormonal system a woman is very vulnerable, it is easy to break something in her, it can be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to restore the balance in the work of hormones. Increasing the testosterone content in a woman's body can lead to the following consequences:
    • Disturbances in the work of the ovaries, the risk of developing an ovarian tumor.
    • Anovulation.
    • Violation menstrual cycle cessation of menstruation.
    • The risk of developing diabetes.
    • Problems during pregnancy.
    • Risk during childbirth.
    • Miscarriage.
    • Infertility.
    A slight increase in the level of the male hormone in the blood in healthy women is the norm only

    Testosterone is a steroid male sex hormone secreted in the testes and is responsible for puberty, as well as the correct sexual function. It is considered the main biologically active substance in the body of a man, which affects almost all processes. But the main task of this hormone - the sexual activity of men.

    For the healthy functioning of the human body, a certain level of hormones is required, which are involved in metabolism and affect physiological functions. Responsible for this indicator main body endocrine system - pituitary gland. This body regulates the production of various hormones, including testosterone.

    If the level of the male hormone decreases, the pituitary gland begins to secrete a substance called the releasing factor. This substance, once in the blood, acts on the sex glands by transmitting a signal about the violation, and they, in turn, begin to produce testosterone. The main male hormone in a small amount produced by the adrenal cortex and ovaries in women.

    Functions of testosterone in the male body:

    • participation in the formation of the genital organs;
    • development of secondary sexual characteristics;
    • regulation of sexual behavior;
    • influence on phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism.

    A blood test for testosterone in men exists so that each person can check its level in his body. Thanks to the procedure, you can find out about many problems. The interpretation of the analysis shows whether there are deviations from normal indicators, and also provides an opportunity to learn about possible diseases.

    Normal testosterone levels in men: how is the normal indicator calculated

    Testosterone levels in men are age dependent and range from 12 to 33 nmol/L (345 to 950 ng/dL). In different clinical laboratories, the norms of this hormone may be different, depending on the method for determining the indicator.

    When determining normal testosterone levels in men other than overall indicator reveal the following:

    • biologically active form hormone (about 40% of the total) - 3.5 - 12 nmol / l;
    • free form of the hormone (from 1 to 3% of the total) - 4.5 - 42 pg / ml.

    These two indicators are biologically significant, since they are able to penetrate the androgen. sensitive cells and affect male function.

    About 57% of total hormones are in strong interaction with sex steroid-binding globulin, and therefore cannot have an effect on male sexual function. Thus, the hormone associated with SHBG is considered to be inactive.

    When accounting age categories, it is important to note the following years of life:

    WE ADVISE! weak potency, flaccid dick, the absence of a prolonged erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There is a large number of drugs that help a man gain persistent erection for sex, but everyone has their own cons and contraindications, especially if a man is already 30-40 years old. help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as prevention and accumulation male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

    • Most high level hormone occurs during adolescence.
    • Guys 25 years old normal level starts from the average values ​​of the norm.
    • The threshold at the age of thirty is characterized by an annual decrease in testosterone to one and a half percent per year.
    • After 40, there is a decrease in the rate of inactive hormone.
    • After 50 years, the level of the hormone approaches lower border norms, while female sex hormones increase.
    • In men over sixty, testosterone levels are a fourth or fifth of the lower limit of normal, that is, approximately 70 nmol / l.

    In addition, the general health of the man is taken into account.

    Normal testosterone levels in men depend on the absence of factors such as:

    • mental state: stress, depression;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • unbalanced diet;
    • bad habits: smoking, drinking;
    • chronic diseases of internal organs;
    • decrease in immunity.

    The doctor explains the results of the procedure according to the personal characteristics of the patient.

    How is a testosterone test done in men?

    Testosterone levels change with circadian rhythms depending on the season and season. The highest level of the hormone is in the morning. Lower mark - in evening time. Seasonal indicators: maximum value is reached in August, September, the minimum - in February, March.

    Given these factors, a test for testosterone in men is scheduled in the morning (seasonality is not taken into account). It is also not recommended to eat food 8 hours before the procedure, exercise 24 hours a day and smoke 4 hours before the procedure.

    A man should go for the procedure if the desire to have sex appears less and less and the quality of erection worsens, if he feels irritated, sad, less energetic and gets tired more quickly, and also if he notices that his height has decreased and he wants to sleep after dinner. Such signs may indicate that a man should pay attention to the level of testosterone in the blood.

    Lack of testosterone in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

    The following are the main symptoms that may indicate testosterone deficiency in men:

    • decreased libido;
    • accelerated ejaculation;
    • reduction of the testicles;
    • obesity;
    • decrease in strength;
    • baldness;
    • reduction of hair on the face, in the armpits;
    • breast enlargement;
    • decrease in muscle mass;
    • the occurrence of osteoporosis;
    • increased sweating;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • anemia;
    • violation water balance skin (wrinkles, dryness);
    • depression, constant mood swings;
    • forgetfulness, inability to concentrate;
    • sleep disorders;
    • chronic fatigue.

    Lack of testosterone in men can have a variety of origins:

    1. Dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. These two organs have a significant impact on testosterone production by the testicles. In the case of pathology in the pituitary and hypothalamus, the production of biologically active substances is disrupted, and this, in turn, negatively affects the functioning of the testicles, which contributes to the appearance of testosterone deficiency. The production of hormones in the brain is disturbed due to many reasons, for example, it may be the presence of genetic defects, high physical exertion, severe stressful situations, various diseases pituitary and drug addictions.
    2. testicular dysfunction. A lack of testosterone in men will most likely occur with testicular pathology. As a rule, such dysfunctions appear later. surgical intervention, various injuries of the testicles or their removal. Inflammatory processes that a man suffered in childhood or adolescence also negatively affect the production of the male hormone.
    3. Age-related changes also reduce testosterone production. The testicles go through a period when they stop functioning and the man loses his reproductive function.
    4. Male menopause and menopause - these are the terms used in medicine. Under these concepts lies the process when the production of testosterone gradually decreases. Androgen deficiency begins around age 35.
    5. Genetically determined diseases: Down syndrome, Kallman, Klayfelter have a direct impact on the production of male hormone. With these diseases, puberty in boys is impaired, and adult testosterone levels are very low.

    Treatment for low testosterone

    You can increase testosterone levels without resorting to medical care but through lifestyle changes:

    • Give up bad habits - alcohol and smoking.
    • Take herbs ginseng and eleutherococcus (tinctures).
    • Engage in sports or other physical activities.
    • Sleep no less than 7 hours a day.
    • Experience joy, a surge of positive emotions.

    In the case where such methods do not give meaningful result, come to the rescue the following drugs: Omnadren, Testosterone propionate, Sustanon, Testosterone undecanoate and Andriol tablets, Androgel and Testim gel.

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