Drugs that increase the production of your own testosterone. Drugs to increase testosterone: a review of funds. Preparations for men

Testosterone is the leading androgenic hormone in the male body, which is responsible for sexual functions and regulation of spermatogenesis. It stimulates a set of muscle mass, physical activity, protects the body from the effects of stress. Testosterone deficiency negatively affects both the physical and emotional state. How to increase testosterone in men?

Testosterone in the male body

The hormone is produced in the adrenal cortex and testicles. The norm is 11-33 nanomoles / liter. How does testosterone affect the male body? Its impact occurs in two main directions:

  • androgenic: regulation of the processes of sexual development of the body. Progesterone activity contributes to the development of sexual characteristics in boys during puberty,
  • anabolic: protein, insulin, endorphins are synthesized, muscle fibers are formed, the physical development of the body occurs.

In addition, testosterone performs a number of vital functions:

  • takes an active part in metabolic processes,
  • regulates weight gain and the formation of the anatomical shape of the body,
  • controls blood sugar levels
  • stimulates resistance to stress,
  • maintains the level of libido, the activity of a man.
Testosterone is responsible for the sexual function of a man, his appearance, masculinity, character

Testosterone is a natural anabolic substance that is absolutely safe for the body, unlike its synthetic counterparts. The maximum concentration of testosterone levels is observed at the age of 18, and after 25 years it begins to gradually fall. By the age of 35-40, hormone production decreases by about 1-2% every year. Such a decrease in the level of the hormone is a natural process and does not require treatment.

The effect of testosterone on the body in different periods of male development:

Embryonic period Under the influence of testosterone, the sex of the child is formed, then the prostate and seminal vesicles develop in the fetus.
Puberty (transitional age in boys) The chest expands, the shoulders, chin, forehead, jaw increase.

· Increased muscle mass.

The sebaceous glands can work in an enhanced mode, which often causes a rash.

Hair appears in the pubic area, armpits, on the face. Gradually, hair appears on the chest, legs, arms.

There is an increase in the genital organs and increased sexual desire.

· Increased ability to conceive.

mature men After 35 years, the level of the hormone gradually decreases, sexual desire fades away.

· Simultaneously with a decrease in testosterone levels, diseases of the heart and blood vessels develop, osteoporosis, malfunctions of the autonomic system may develop.

The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increases with age.

But the process of testosterone production can be disrupted under the influence adverse factors:

  • smoking, alcohol abuse,
  • inactive lifestyle,
  • chronic diseases,
  • some drugs
  • unfavorable environmental conditions,
  • overweight, constant stress.

Testosterone level: norm and deviation

With age, the amount of testosterone gradually decreases, by the age of 60 it can fall by 50%. Moreover, an increase or decrease in the level of the hormone is noticeable even with a deviation from the norm of 5-15%. The total content of the hormone in the blood consists of a free part - 2% and a part that is associated with proteins - 98%.

Causes and consequences of a decrease in the level of the male hormone

A decrease in testosterone levels can be primary (testicular damage) and secondary (pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system). Unfortunately, low hormone levels are common in today's young men. What is the reason for this deficit? Both various diseases and lifestyle can affect the decrease in testosterone.

A decrease in the level of the hormone immediately affects the metabolism and is characterized by typical symptoms:

  • joint pain, decreased muscle mass,
  • memory problems,
  • erection problems, premature ejaculation,
  • breast enlargement, overweight,
  • insomnia, decreased libido,
  • hair loss.

Hormone deficiency provokes weight gain, a man becomes irritable, prone to depression, in addition, the risk of developing various kinds of diseases increases. Factors, contributing to a decrease in the level of sex hormones:

  • stress,
  • unbalanced diet,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • STD,
  • taking certain medications
  • genital trauma,
  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • irregular lovemaking,
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

If you see an overweight man, know that he definitely has low testosterone levels in his blood.

How to increase testosterone levels in men? Of course, there are effective drugs for such cases, but they can only be prescribed by a specialist after an examination. First, let's look at natural and safe ways.


The production of hormones is a complex process that involves the joint work of organs and systems. What foods increase testosterone in men? For the normal production of androgens, it is necessary first of all to provide the body with useful substances:

Minerals To increase testosterone levels, it is important to consume enough zinc. With its deficiency, a drop in testosterone levels is noted. Zinc is found in the following foods:

seafood (shrimp, squid, oysters, crabs),

fish (herring, anchovies, carp),

nuts (pistachios, walnuts, almonds).

It is important to provide the body with sufficient amounts of selenium, magnesium and calcium.

vitamins For full health, the body needs vitamins:

Vitamin C - a powerful antioxidant, is responsible for the body's defenses, inhibits the production of cortisol,

Vitamin E - helps insulin fight high blood sugar levels,

omega-3 and omega-6 - essential acids necessary for the production of testosterone,

B vitamins.

Proteins and fats The basis of nutrition and testosterone synthesis. It is important to balance the diet in such a way that there is no deficiency in either proteins or fats.

Healthy fats: flaxseed, peanut, olive oil, bananas, salmon, egg yolks.

Water Sufficient consumption of clean water is necessary for the smooth functioning of the body.

Seafood is known for its ability to increase potency.
  • include in your menu parsley, spinach, dill - vegetable forms of testosterone,
  • dried fruits are very useful, they contain lutein,
  • be sure to eat cereals - fiber is necessary for the body,
  • avoid soy products
  • exclude beer, fast food, carbonated drinks, fast carbohydrates (pastries, sweets),
  • limit the amount of salt
  • you can drink no more than one cup of natural coffee per day,
  • products that increase testosterone in men should be natural, so try to buy meat in the markets, as imported meats can have the opposite effect. The fact is that in order to increase body weight, cattle are fed with supplements containing hormones. And 80% of the hormones that are added to pig feed to quickly increase the amount of fat are female.

Weight normalization

How to increase testosterone production in men? Overweight men need to get rid of extra pounds. It has been proven that obese men have lower levels of testosterone production. Male sex hormones in adipose tissue are converted into female ones. Therefore, sports and proper nutrition are the companions of a real healthy man.

Physical exercise

Weight training has been proven to increase testosterone levels. Main recommendations:

  • the optimal duration of training is an hour,
  • number of workouts - 2-3 per week,
  • it is necessary to train the large muscles of the back, legs, chest,
  • take the weight so that you can do the exercise 8 to 10 times, the last one with effort.

Get rid of bad habits

Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, testosterone is converted into estrogen. Any kind of alcohol negatively affects the process of hormone production, and beer contains analogues of some female sex hormones. The exception is high-quality dry red wine, which is healthy in moderation.

Physical activity increases the level of male hormones.

Limiting the amount of sugar in the diet

Elevated sugar levels lead to a decrease in testosterone production. In addition, the abuse of sweets leads to weight gain. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the amount of sugar and fast carbohydrates (these are pasta, bakery products).

Normalization of sleep

Healthy sleep is very important for men's health. Interestingly, most hormones are produced during deep sleep. That is why lack of sleep leads to a sharp decrease in testosterone levels.

Avoid stress

Stress negatively affects the body as a whole, and also contributes to the production of the hormone cortisone, an antagonist of male sex hormones. Try to maintain a stable emotional state.

Regular sex life

An active sex life stimulates the production of male hormones and has a beneficial effect on the entire body, this is a pleasant and effective way to increase testosterone in men. If there is no constant sexual partner, do not forget about safety, as STIs are dangerous for men's health and often cause complications. It is also noted that simple communication with the beautiful half of humanity significantly increases testosterone levels.


The sun is not only a source of vitamin D. Studies have shown that the sun's rays stimulate the production of testosterone. So don't forget to sunbathe in summer.


Testosterone is the hormone of winners. Rejoice even in your insignificant achievements, enjoy life in all its manifestations.

A little about drugs

Preparations containing hormones can only be prescribed by a doctor!

Medications that increase testosterone in men are prescribed by specialists in the case when the hormone level is below 10 nanomoles per liter:

  1. Testosterone in injections is prescribed for violation of the sex glands. Side effects - fluid and salt retention in the body, swelling, increased sexual desire.
  2. Oral preparations (tablets).
  3. Gels.
  4. Testosterone patch.

Means that increase testosterone levels in men can only be prescribed by a doctor, since long-term use of such drugs can provoke the development complications:

  • inhibition of hormone production by the body,
  • the development of gynecomastia (this is a pathology in which the mammary glands swell),
  • there is an increasing risk of developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, oncological.

Increased testosterone levels

signs increased testosterone in men:

  • increased body hair
  • well developed muscles
  • increased sex drive,
  • impulsiveness, such men are very aggressive,
  • on the head, unlike the body, a bald spot may appear.

The consequences of increased testosterone in men can be testicular tumors, infertility. The reasons elevated hormone levels

  • testicular tumors,
  • pathological processes of the adrenal glands,
  • heredity,
  • taking drugs containing hormones,
  • excessive physical activity.


  1. A. Gladkova «Hormonal regulation of sexual function in men». Kharkov, 1998.
  2. S. Krasnova. "Hormonal therapy", 2007.

Low levels of male hormone? I will try to help you, friends, in this matter. After all, there are pharmaceutical preparations for increasing testosterone, which raise its concentration in natural ways.

Greetings to everyone who is here now. The article gives a list of names of drugs to increase testosterone levels, describes their general features and related information. If you are interested, please read to the end.

Pharmacology is a broad concept. Therefore, under this collective name, both anabolic steroids and simple drugs that are actively used by modern athletes of various sports fit in. Naturally, we will now focus on the second.

How do drugs increase testosterone?

The composition of the following funds may differ dramatically from each other, but the increase in the level of the male sex hormone - testosterone (“test”, as it is also called pitching) remains common and unchanged. Each can be based on both chemical compounds that make the testicles synthesize more testosterone than usual, and well-known vitamins, which in the same way affect the production of “test”.

But I can say that pharmaceutical preparations for testosterone have different mechanisms of influence on the increased synthesis of the male hormone.

Tribulus terrestris, for example (or Tribulus Terestris), so popular among sports supplements, does not directly have the effect of increasing the production of this sex hormone. Tribulus stimulates the pituitary and hypothalamus to produce the hormone lutein, which increases testosterone itself. You can read about it in the article "How to take Tribulus Maximus correctly and what effect to expect."

Tamoxifen generally affects the opposite (female) hormones - estrogens, which, due to enzymes, convert testosterone to estradiol. He simply blocks them, although not completely. The less estrogen, the more testosterone. You understand the principle of action of various drugs.

As the hormone rises, so does the sexual desire, called libido, among both sexes. But in fact, for an athlete, it is not the overall level of the “test” in the blood that is important, but the level of free testosterone. It is the free one that is responsible for the accelerated weight gain, strength growth, secondary sexual characteristics (bristle, rough voice), recovery. Therefore, the formula for the growth of this type of hormone is simple: against the background of an increase in total testosterone, the amount of free testosterone also increases.

But do not think that in such ways (I mean pharmaceutical products for increasing testosterone) you can increase your libido endlessly or to a large level. No. We all have a certain “ceiling”, which can only be broken through with the help of steroids, but not a “pharmacy”.

For ease of understanding: Your "dough" is at a certain level (right now); began to use the medicines described below - the "dough" jumps up by some tens of percent. Everyone is different: someone has 20%, and someone will be more lucky - 40%. That's how much it jumps - this is the very "ceiling".

Names of pharmaceutical preparations to increase the concentration of testosterone

You need to understand that all the remedies listed below were originally created as a cure for a particular ailment (well, or as a means of prevention). No wonder there is an expression "One heals, the other cripples." So in everything you need to know the measure.

Fixed assets:

  • Tamoxifen (I wrote about it above);
  • Tribestan (base - Tribulus Teretsris);
  • Viardot (base - vitamins, minerals and phytosterols);
  • Leveton;
  • Tribulustan (previously - the basis of Tribulus, now - chemical elements);
  • Testosterone propionate (injection);
  • Andriol;
  • Sustanon 250;
  • Parity.

Of course, this list is not complete, but you can add to it. What preparations for the “test” do you know that I have not indicated?

In addition, I can say that vitamins, minerals and other organic compounds can increase the concentration of the male hormone in the blood quite naturally. These include vitamin D, zinc (Zn) and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

All this can be easily bought at any pharmacy. The only thing is the lack of zinc and vitamin D in its pure form: usually, in combination with other vitamins and minerals, which is also not bad, I think. You will find Omega-3 without any problems. Here I can also include selenium, which causes more seminal fluid to be produced.

For reference: Vitamin D is synthesized by the body when exposed to sunlight. That's why dark-skinned people have larger sex organs and the "dough" is higher. They simply have more of this vitamin, which is directly related to the male hormone. Therefore, light up.

Vitamin E, C affect the increase in the level of the male hormone as follows: vitamin C strengthens the immune system, which is why the “dough” jumps up, and vitamin E creates a barrier to insulin, which destroys testosterone. And, if you can find it in pharmacies (you never know - in some multivitamins), I advise you to pay attention to the amino acid arginine. It is simply necessary for the functioning of the genital organs.

Actually, pharmacies are full of vitamin and mineral complexes with all these components. Choose any. Personally, I prefer similar sports supplements: Daily Multivitamin from Nutricore (the composition and concentration are “amazing”), Alpha Men from MyProtein (the composition is even wider, but the concentration is slightly less) and One Daily Maximum or Men`s Health from 21st Century (composition and concentration is also high.

In general, you are able to force your body to produce more spermatozoa without any additives. This is achieved through a streamlined regime of training, nutrition and rest.

Just try to exercise on the same days at the same time, go to bed and wake up at the same hours, eat at least 5 times a day at the same time as yesterday, the day before yesterday, and so on. This was talked about by such a popular video blogger-jock Dobromil. In principle, I can confirm this myself: I have been using all the advantages of the regime for a long time.

In addition, regular sexual intercourse with your companion also increases testosterone: the body understands that it must exceed the norm by the time you have sex again. This is also a kind of mode. The main thing is to get used to doing all this systematically, and not randomly and whenever you want.

As you can see, there are many ways to increase your “dough”. Which one do you like more? Be sure to write in the comments. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates and tell your friends about this material in case they need it too. All the "test" through the roof, bye.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Drugs that increase testosterone in men, and sold in pharmacies, are intended to restore the normal level of the male hormone in the body and to treat disorders associated with its low level.

How to increase testosterone in men with medication, read further in the article.

The choice of a drug that increases testosterone depends largely on the preferences of the person and his financial capabilities.

Gels tend to be easier on the body, but they are also the most expensive of the entire line of male testosterone boosters.

The goal of testosterone replacement therapy is to achieve a normal range of hormonal levels in the human body.

In men, as a rule, this level is more than 200 ng / dl (nanogram of a substance per 1 deciliter of blood plasma).

Since the normal range for male testosterone levels is 200-800 ng/dl, and varies with age, the specific target level varies widely, depending on the individual's condition and their symptomatic response to hormone therapy.

The main possibilities of drugs that increase testosterone are the treatment of male hypogonadism (low levels of the hormone in the body), and related health problems, as well as the treatment of delayed puberty in the stronger sex.

The drugs, however, should not be taken in cases of:

  • breast or prostate cancer;
  • aggravated liver diseases;
  • complex obstructive sleep apnea;
  • severe congestive heart failure;
  • increased levels of red blood cells (hematocrit);
  • known allergic reactions to testosterone.

Testosterone boosters are used to improve stamina if a man is engaged in weightlifting, bodybuilding and other strength sports. See testosterone boosters and their composition.

List of hormonal pills

  • Methyltestosterone (17-alpha-methylandrosten) and Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin). These drugs are well metabolized by the liver, but when they are taken, there is a risk of cholestasis (abnormal drug excretion), lipid metabolism disorders and hepatic adenoma, as well as other hepatic complications. Also, these two forms of testosterone are associated with reports of hepatotoxicity and therefore are not recommended for active use.
  • Proviron (Mesterolone), a DHT derivative. It is used quite rarely due to its weak androgenicity (the severity of the effect on sexual characteristics).
  • Andriol (testosterone undecanoate) is a testosterone ester, well metabolized by the liver through absorption into the lymphatic system.

Andriol's benefits include ease of use and relative safety, but its short half-life causes significant fluctuations in testosterone levels in the body, requiring multiple doses and careful dosing.

Gels and ointments

Testosterone gels and ointments, such as Androgel, are designed to deliver testosterone transdermally to the body.

Although expensive, the transdermal gel is currently the most commonly used, as opposed to injections, patches, or oral tablets.

As a rule, the gel is applied to the dry skin of the shoulder, abdomen or upper arm after water procedures.

The gel dries within 10 minutes. It is recommended to cover the site of application of the gel with a cloth for about 2 hours to prevent its abrasion, and to avoid water procedures for 2-6 hours after application (depending on the manufacturer of the gel).

Approximately 10% of the gel is quickly absorbed into the stratum corneum, which serves as a "reservoir" for testosterone, where it is slowly released into body tissues over several hours.

Peak testosterone levels are reached between 16 and 22 hours and persist for 1 to 2 days. The return to the initial hormonal level in the body after the application of the gel occurs within 4 days after the cessation of its use.

Hormone patches

The testosterone patch is often used to treat men with hypogonadism, which prevents them from producing enough testosterone.

Testosterone transdermal patch is available under the brand name Androderm.

Common side effects of the drug may include redness, irritation, burning and blisters at the site of its application, as well as back pain.

Solutions for injections

Long-acting intramuscular injections of testosterone are currently undergoing final trials and have already been approved for use in some countries.

Injectable testosterone, specifically Testosterone Propionate, should be taken in cycles every 3 months.

It maintains stable physiological testosterone levels for up to 12 weeks and appears to be well tolerated by the body.

Injectable solutions cause a stable increase in testosterone levels in the body, a low maximum concentration, and a gradual decrease in its level, minimizing mood swings and libido.

The safety and tolerability of these drugs is also quite favorable, and no serious side effects have been found with their use.

Because the drug has a long half-life, it can play a big role in treating young people.

Universal means and dietary supplements

As with all other testosterone-boosting drugs in the human body, it is important to follow the prescribed dosage and regimen instructions when taking dietary supplements.

  • Tribulus Terrestris. This herb for men grows in warm, dry climates and its extracts are used to enhance athletic performance as well as reduce cardiovascular disease. The extract stimulates the male testicles to produce more testosterone. The drug also has aphrodisiac properties.
  • D-aspartic acid (D-AA). It is an essential amino acid found in male testicles. It is an effective supplement in building skeletal muscle and in maintaining muscle mass in athletes when training loads are discontinued.
  • Fenugreek. A popular food ingredient in India and the Far East. Studies show that fenugreek has strong anabolic properties and increases muscle mass in people involved in athletic sports.
  • ZMA. This product includes zinc, monomethionine aspartate, magnesium aspartate and vitamin B-6. It is effective in increasing testosterone levels and helps as a sleep aid.

Testosterone plays an important role in the development of muscle mass and human strength. After reaching the age of thirty, the level of testosterone in the human body drops, and it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain strength and sexual desire.

The best testosterone boosters among health products

  1. BRI Nutrition Testrone Booster- contains powerful plant extracts that increase testosterone production. The drug increases libido, aids in weight loss and increases natural testosterone levels. This natural herbal formula contains only 100% natural ingredients, chief among which is Tribulus Terrestris. The drug does not cause allergies and does not contain genetically modified components.
  2. Tribulus Terrestris. This plant extract naturally increases the body's own production of testosterone. It stimulates the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone, causing the testes to produce more testosterone.
  3. Tongkat Ali. It is a powerful natural booster for people with low testosterone levels. Some studies have shown that this natural extract is able to increase male hormone levels by about 46% in most cases. The drug is also known to increase libido.
  4. Berries with Palmetto. It is a common natural extract in the treatment of various types of prostate. The recommended dose is one capsule per day and is not recommended for women and children.

There are also a number of other remedies that help to significantly increase energy and sexual desire. These are Hawthorne Berries, Zinc Citrate, Horny Goat Weed, and Chrysin (Isoflavone).

In some cases, hormonal preparations containing testosterone can cause serious side effects.

These may include an enlarged prostate, an increased risk of prostate cancer, blood clots in the lungs or leg veins, an increased risk of heart attack or stroke, and reduced fertility.

Related video

Testosterone is considered the main male hormone. It performs many functions. If a man has a deficiency of this hormone, then various diseases with severe symptoms begin to attack him. Fortunately, modern medicine has learned to solve this problem. Dozens of effective testosterone-boosting drugs have been developed in laboratories. Men who have such a deviation, it remains only to choose the most suitable for themselves.

Form of release of drugs

Medications designed to raise testosterone are produced by manufacturers in different forms. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account.

On sale you can find drugs in the form of:

  1. capsules or tablets. The most convenient form of all existing. Such drugs are easily absorbed by the body. However, they are very quickly excreted, which is why the medicine is not able to maintain normal hormone levels for a long time.
  2. Ointments and gels. They are considered more effective than pills. Thanks to them, testosterone penetrates into the blood quickly enough. If a person has chosen just such a drug, he should be prepared for the fact that with prolonged use of gels on the skin, allergic rashes may appear.
  3. plasters. They need to stick on any part of the body or specifically on the scrotum. When the skin comes in contact with a hormonal agent, testosterone quickly penetrates the body. In some cases, these patches cause allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and irritations.
  4. Implants. They are embedded under the skin. This tool has the form of a small capsule, which the specialist places in the abdomen. The implant will dissolve over time. The medicine allows you to maintain normal hormone levels for six months.
  5. Injections. The fastest way to increase the hormone in the body.

Men should talk to their doctor about which types of testosterone-boosting drugs they should use.

Drugs to increase the level of testosterone in the body of a man

It is worth paying attention to the following means to increase testosterone in the blood /

The name of the drug comes from Germany, which looks like a yellow solution of an oily consistency. Such an injection is recommended to be given once every three months. The drug can be seen on sale in all pharmacies. It is released only by prescription.

Quite often, "Nebido" is prescribed to male adolescents who have delayed puberty. Replenishing the lack of testosterone quickly solves this problem. Often the drug is used to treat infertility.

From the use of "Nebido" should refrain from men who have diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms in the liver and disorders in the cardiovascular system. The presence of other contraindications must be reported by the doctor.


The drug has the form of a solution that is injected into the body. It contains four active substances that act as hormone substitutes. Significant changes become visible after the first injection. It is customary to prescribe the medicine to men who suffer from any form of hypogonadism. Injections with the drug are done once every three weeks.

"Sustanon-250" is very popular with athletes who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding. It is used by them to quickly build muscle mass. However, it is still worth refraining from using it without existing medical indications, so as not to cause serious harm to the body.

The drug should not be used to treat men who have been diagnosed with gynecomastia and prostate cancer. Contraindications are also liver diseases.

Another popular drug that helps increase testosterone levels in the male body. It is available in the form of tablets and capsules. The drug not only compensates for the lack of the hormone, but also does not suppress the production of its own testosterone. As a rule, patients tolerate it well. It is worth taking into account that the drug has side effects. But there are not so many of them. It is important that it, unlike other hormonal formulations, is allowed to be used in the presence of liver diseases.

"Andriol" is usually prescribed for the treatment of infertility in men, as well as for endocrine impotence and androgenic osteoporosis. The doctor himself determines the dosage that the patient should adhere to. In a pharmacy, such a drug will be sold only with a prescription.

French composition, presented in the form of a gel. It is suitable for outdoor use. It has anabolic, androgenic and antitumor effects. The drug well increases hormonal levels and normalizes the growth of muscle and bone tissue.

The patient is allowed to use only 5 g of the gel-like composition per day. It is applied once a day to the lower abdomen or to the inside of the forearm.

The use of the gel should be avoided by men who have kidney and liver diseases, as well as heart failure or diabetes mellitus.

"Testosterone Propionate"

The best drug in existence. Both doctors and patients respond positively to him. The medicine is in the form of a solution. It is used for the purpose of treatment, delayed puberty of adolescents, underdevelopment of the genital organs and infertility.

For each patient, an individual mode of taking a hormonal agent is selected. Usually the course of such therapy lasts about one month. The drug is not recommended for use in men who have been diagnosed with renal liver failure, hypertension and malignant tumors.

As a rule, men who are looking for drugs that increase testosterone in a pharmacy manage to limit themselves to just one hormonal composition.

The use of biologically active additives

Not only drugs, but also dietary supplements help to increase testosterone levels. They do not belong to the group of hormone replacement drugs. They contain plant components that do not harm the body. Dietary supplements help to activate the production of your own testosterone. But it is worth considering that it is impossible to treat them with serious deviations of the hormonal background. They can cause complications.

It makes sense to use dietary supplements for men without health problems who want to build muscle mass as well as increase their arousal levels. In addition, the natural components that make up dietary supplements improve vascular tone, which has a positive effect on potency.

Supplements that increase the amount of testosterone are usually taken by athletes. Particularly popular among them are the following natural remedies:

  1. "Parity".
  2. Testoproject.
  3. Critical PCT.

Many men naively believe that a dietary supplement will give them a 100% result. In fact, this is not the case, because such drugs are not tested in clinical settings. Based on practical observations, it can be argued that dietary supplements give the desired effect to every third man. If a person plans to use such a tool, he should initially make an appointment with a specialist. During a conversation with a doctor, a man will find out which supplement will suit him best.

Drugs that stimulate the production of your own testosterone

Medications to increase testosterone, which force the hormone to be produced naturally, are used to increase male potency and build muscle mass. They contain harmless components of natural origin. They cause the production of luteinizing hormone, which affects the testicles. Those, in turn, receive a signal to start producing testosterone. That is how these medicines work.

Among the currently existing drugs that stimulate the production of a natural hormone, the following stand out:

  1. "Vitrix".
  2. "Cyclo-Bolan".
  3. "Evo-Test".
  4. "Arimatest".

All these drugs do not belong to the group of hormonal. However, before using them, it is still better to consult with a competent specialist. Only in this way can a man protect himself from the side effects that are caused by drugs due to misuse and overdose.

Therapy with medications that stimulate the production of your own hormone will be successful if you follow clear instructions regarding their intake and dosage. It is also necessary to regularly take tests to check the hormonal background and the condition of the internal organs, the work of which may be adversely affected by such a medicine. Self-medication with such medicines is not worth doing, as this can have very unpleasant consequences. The entire course must be supervised by an experienced physician.

Side effects from hormonal drugs

Men who have had to take hormone-containing formulations have heard that they can have side effects. They should be prepared for the following phenomena:

  1. early puberty, which is accompanied by the closure of bone tissue growth in adolescent boys.
  2. High degree of sexual desire, aggression.
  3. Reducing the volume of ejaculate in patients who have reached adulthood.

Side effects that are caused by drugs to increase testosterone in the blood include headaches, seborrhea, acne, and increased body hair. Do not exclude the development of jaundice.

If a person does not adhere to the recommended dosage of the drug, then he may experience swelling and increased excitability, as well as irritability. In rare cases, patients notice the development of arterial hypertension or hypertensive crisis.

It is highly undesirable to use hormone replacement drugs along with sleeping pills or hard liquor. This interaction leads to a strong decrease in the effectiveness of drugs.

Who can prescribe drugs to increase testosterone

To get a prescription for the purchase of drugs to increase the amount of testosterone in the blood, you need to visit an endocrinologist. You can also contact an andrologist with this question. Before prescribing the drug, the doctor will offer the patient an examination to determine the cause of the hormone deficiency. For additional help, you should contact your family doctor or therapist.

No need to try to solve the problem of lack of testosterone in the blood on your own. After all, improperly selected treatment can provoke serious complications that will negatively affect men's health.

The problem of male impotence has many reasons, among which it is worth highlighting the decrease in the volume of the main sex hormone. Find out how to increase testosterone in men with medication in order to fully improve the quality of your sex life.

The fact is that with low levels of the corresponding androgen in the blood, it is important to take measures to correct the situation. At the moment, medicine offers a large list of drug developments to increase the male androgen in the blood.

What is the danger of lowering the level of the male hormone?

Before you get into the study of drugs that can increase testosterone with medication, it is important to familiarize yourself with why you should do it at all.

Under no circumstances should the properties of the respective substance be underestimated. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the general and reproductive health of every man.

With a lack of testosterone in the body, the following deficiency symptoms are noted:

  • Decreased libido. The man's interest in women is lost.
  • . The degree of manifestation will depend on the level of deficiency.
  • Increasing the percentage of adipose tissue in the body of a man.
  • Decreased muscle strength. The muscles become flabby and sagging.
  • Fatigue, apathy and disturbed sleep rhythm.
  • Decreased immunity and general deterioration of well-being.
  • Depression.

Accordingly, the lack of testosterone is fraught with many negative consequences for a person. The drug method of correcting the problem is the simplest. You can increase the male hormone only after consulting a specialist. Otherwise, you can not calculate the dose and either aggravate the condition, or not achieve the desired end effect.

Medications to increase testosterone in men

Medications designed to increase testosterone have a solid number of trade names that an ordinary person without a medical education may not understand on their own.

All drugs to increase testosterone in men can be divided into two varieties, which differ in the mechanism of action on the body:

  • For hormone replacement therapy. The drug approach in this variant is aimed at filling the lack of testosterone due to its exogenous synthetic or natural analogues. Thus, it is possible to solve the problem relatively quickly and efficiently, however, in most situations, a man will have to continue to use artificial testosterone analogues to maintain the result.
  • To stimulate endogenous testosterone secretion. We are talking about medicines that activate the work of their own endocrine glands, which ensure the flow of testosterone into the blood. Such treatment often takes longer, but allows you to independently produce the right amount of such an important substance for men. Such drugs are especially relevant for restoring the necessary hormone at a young age.

Depending on the type of dosage form, they are divided into:

  1. Injection drug middleware (solutions for intramuscular and intravenous administration).
  2. Oral preparations (, capsules).
  3. Transdermal drugs (various gels, ointments, etc.).

Depending on the circumstances, the doctor selects the optimal remedy in order to increase the concentration of the hormone in the body. The dose and method of administration in each individual episode may differ.

All people are individual and what is good for some is unacceptable for others. For this reason, self-medication is prohibited (because of the high chance of aggravating the situation).


The drug method of increasing the described substance involves the use of different solutions to make up for the deficiency.

Today, there are many different drugs that deserve the attention of doctors and their patients.

Used injectable hormonal medicines:

  • Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate. They have an almost identical effect on humans, contributing to an increase in androgen levels. They are administered at 200-400 mg once a month. At the same time, a kind of depot of active testosterone is created in the injection area, from where the hormone gradually spreads through the bloodstream.
  • Testosterone in the form of a mixture of its own esters (Sustanon or Omnadren). Used at a dose of 250 mg every two to three weeks, depending on the doctor's recommendations. Such medicines work on the principle of the medicines indicated above.
  • Testosterone Undecanoate (Nebido). Prolonged action. One injection allows you to not worry about the level of testosterone in the body for as long as 3 months. It is produced in the form of an oily solution for intramuscular injections. The dosage is 1000 mg.

There is a relatively large choice of how to conduct a drug testosterone increase. The main thing in this matter is to choose exactly what will be the most effective and affordable. There are episodes when the same medical product affects men differently.

testosterone booster pills

Injections can often be an inconvenient type of drug therapy. Not all men are eager to be regularly exposed. In this case, pills that increase testosterone will come in handy.

They have a number of features to keep in mind:

  • More convenient way to use.
  • Need to use every day.
  • Efficiency is maintained only with regular use and compliance with the doctor's recommendations.
  • Big list.

Despite the above nuances, most men prefer this type of medication. The drug effect develops quickly, which contributes to a noticeable improvement in potency in particular, and sexual function in general.

The most popular and in demand among this group of therapeutic agents remain:

  • Halotestin. Use from 5 to 20 mg every day, depending on the severity of the corresponding pathology.
  • Metadren. Dose: 10-30 mg per day.
  • Andriol. One of the most used drugs to increase testosterone. It is used in a daily dose of 120-200 mg.
  • Proviron, Vistinon, Vistimon. Three similar products with different names. They work on the same principle. The average dosage ranges from 25-75 mg per day.

The selection of a specific type of medication is carried out by the doctor on the basis of the collected history, and most importantly - the data of laboratory tests. The lower the concentration of free androgen in the blood, the higher the dose of drugs.

Transdermal medicines

A very common method of increasing testosterone in men in recent years is the use of a variety of drugs that are used externally.

Most Popular:

  • Androgel.
  • Andromene.
  • Andraktim.
  • Special patches with a hormone in their composition - Androderm and Testoderm.

To achieve the desired end result, you just need to apply the medication to the skin and leave to dry. The patches have the ability to create a small "channel" of a biologically active substance, which smoothly and regularly enters the bloodstream, causing a general improvement in a person's condition.

Separately, it must be said about this type of drug-induced increase in testosterone concentration as implants with a hormone inside. They are injected under the skin, where there is a gradual release of active molecules. Despite the large number of positive aspects of such therapy, not many men agree to such manipulations.

Testosterone Stimulants

Replacement therapy is used in the treatment of various forms of erectile dysfunction, which are characterized by testosterone deficiency.

Indications for such an intervention:

  • Eunuchoidism.
  • Infertility.
  • Endocrine impotence.
  • climacteric changes.

However, there are situations when the body of a male representative can independently produce a specific substance, but he does not have enough internal reserves to start the process.

In this case, it would be justified to use testosterone stimulants, which activate the corresponding processes and allow the body to independently begin to produce the necessary hormone. It must be said right away that such an approach is far from always effective. Much depends on the characteristics of each individual man and the reserves of his body.

Types of funds:

  • Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injections. The hormone has an activating effect on the male gonads, increasing the synthesis of testosterone. The dosage is up to 3000 IU two to three times a week for a month. After such a course of treatment, you must definitely take a break.
  • ZMA and other similar nutritional supplements containing vitamin B6, magnesium and zinc. These components contribute to the improvement of the work of the male genital organs with the stabilization of spermatogenesis and the general normalization of well-being.
  • or other analogues containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. They should be taken as food supplements. Thus, it will be possible to carry out high-quality prevention of a number of diseases and to some extent normalize.
  • Tinctures of natural stimulants. Here it is imperative to remember about, eleutherococcus and other similar plants that naturally contribute to the normalization of the sexual function of almost any man.

All of the above remedies are purely auxiliary in the treatment of a problem that is accompanied by testosterone deficiency. Most often they are combined with other drugs, but only after appropriate consultation with a doctor.

Additional Methods

Despite the abundance of various medicinal tablets, ointments, tinctures and other medicinal "lotions", it is possible to increase the level of testosterone in a man in a more natural way.

Of course, you should not completely abandon drugs, but you can improve their effectiveness using the following simple methods:

  • Proper nutrition. There should be enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Physical activity. Supporting the body in good shape also contributes to the normalization of androgens. It has long been known that strength training gradually raises testosterone.
  • Regular sex. Frequent sexual intercourse contributes to the activation of the testicles with an increase in testosterone in the blood.

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