Puberty: physical changes. Puberty in girls - how to find out that it has begun and what to do next

The puberty of boys is characterized mainly by the appearance in them in the process of growing up of the ability to perform the reproductive function, childbearing.

In the age period from 11 to 13 years, a young male representative starts the mechanisms for the production of a specific hormone of gonadoliberin in the hypothalamus of the brain. It should be noted that the release of this hormone in the boy's body at first occurs exclusively at night, at the stage of deep sleep. In the process of further puberty in boys, dependence on sleep phases tends to decrease significantly, and the hormone begins to secrete more and more often during periods of wakefulness. The result of the action of gonadoliberin is the activation of sperm production - spermatogenesis, as well as male androgen hormones. Androgens, in turn, cause a number of characteristic changes that occur with the body.

In particular, the total volume of muscle mass increases, and the bones begin to differ in the increased amount of protein they contain. As a result, the dimensions of the body increase, and this process is not uniform, but abrupt. At different ages of puberty in boys, it can occur with different, greater or lesser degrees of intensity. The peak of growth activity occurs at 12 and 15-16 years of age. The growth of the boy in this time period is able to increase by more than 10 cm per year. After the age of 18, the growth of a boy, who by these years is already becoming a young man, can become even larger by about 3 centimeters. Due to the high content of androgen hormones in the body, at some point in time, the growth zones of long bones begin to ossify, which causes the cessation of their elongation in the future.

The genitals of boys during puberty undergo changes in the development process, consisting in the fact that the testicles and scrotum, the prostate gland and seminal vesicles become larger in size, the penis increases. The first ejaculations appear in boys from 12 and a half to 14 years old.

The hormone testosterone, which, along with androgens, is produced in large quantities, causes the onset of body hair according to the male type of hairline. One of the results of exposure to androgens is that the Adam's apple, also called the "Adam's apple", is actively developing. This is accompanied by lengthening of the vocal cords, which leads to the formation of a relatively low timbre. In the process of this, "voice breaking" may occur.

The puberty of boys is a largely individual process, and although it usually occurs within certain general age limits, it often depends on many factors in each case. So, for example, boys of the same age can have a fairly significant difference in height, the degree of body hairiness, etc.

Puberty in boys

When the period of puberty begins in boys, the endocrine system comes to the fore in the body. With the peculiarities of her activity, in which in this case the leading role is played by the lower appendage of the brain - the pituitary gland, a number of specific changes occurring with the child are associated. Hormones produced by the pituitary gland, entering the blood in large quantities, are transported to all parts of the body, acting as a growth stimulator of the body and its intensive physical development. In addition, the pituitary hormones activate the functioning of the male gonads - the testes, which also begin to secrete the corresponding hormones. For the period of puberty of boys, an increase in their content many times over is characteristic. A reflection of this is, in turn, those changes taking place literally before our eyes with a child in a transitional, adolescence.

A significant change in the hormonal background can cause a state of psycho-emotional instability inherent in many adolescents. With insufficient education and when there is no internal culture, boys during puberty can show nervousness, be aggressive towards their elders, and take a negative position towards everything that comes from them. The actions of adolescents are characterized by impulsive thoughtlessness, they are often unpredictable and contradictory.

Of particular importance for boys during puberty are issues and problems associated with sexual relations. And this is not surprising, because the very essence of everything that happens at this time is to prepare the maturing organism for the fulfillment of one of the most important missions in human life - procreation.

The period of puberty in boys is a very important time for the development and formation of personality. At the same time, self-esteem and self-identification are largely formed in a teenager, which determines the success and nature of his socialization in the future based on the characteristics of the social roles played by men in human society.

Age of puberty in boys

The age of puberty in boys can cover time limits from 11 to 18 years. Puberty begins in boys, mainly at the age of 9-14 years. After 2-5 years from the beginning of adolescence or puberty, as this time in a child's life is also called, the final formation of signs of gender is completed. The external genital organs, the penis and testicles, increase in size. In the testicles, the processes of spermatogenesis are triggered - the maturation of spermatozoa, male hormones are produced. The action of these hormones is that the formation of secondary sexual characteristics occurs: in addition to the changes that occur with the genital organs, body growth increases, male-type hair appears on it with pubic and armpit hair, and a beard begins to grow. At the age of puberty in boys, the functioning of the sweat glands is activated, which leads to increased oiliness of the skin and can provoke acne.

The age at which puberty occurs in boys is determined by a number of factors, including heredity, nationality, living conditions, nutrition.

Due to the constant excessive physical stress, the time of onset of puberty in boys can shift to a later age and provoke its slowdown. Over the past 100 years, there has been a trend towards a gradual decrease in the age at which puberty begins. It is generally accepted that the reason for this lies in the ongoing overall improvement in living conditions and nutritional quality. The possibility that environmental conditions exert an influence is also not excluded.

Based on the foregoing, we summarize that the age of puberty in boys, in general, decreases to a certain extent from year to year. This is largely facilitated by eating enough food, which is distinguished by a balanced content of essential substances, vitamins and microelements, a high level of physical activity and sports. For the normal puberty of boys, it is also necessary to give up smoking and drugs, and from inhaling the vapors of toxic substances.

When does puberty begin in boys?

The age when puberty begins in boys is predominantly 10-12 years old. However, these figures are not a rigid constant and some kind of unambiguous unshakable standard. Under a certain set of circumstances and due to some existing factors of an individual, hereditary or social and domestic nature, the onset of puberty may be postponed to a later time. Therefore, for parents, it should absolutely not be a reason to sound the alarm at all bells if the child entered puberty at 14 or even at 15 years old. In a delay of a year or two there is nothing so out of the ordinary and supernatural.

However, in this regard, the boy may experience anxiety and worry about the fact that he is somehow different from his peers, for example, that he is shorter than their height, and he does not have this cannon on his upper lip like everyone else, as if indicating adulthood. . In this case, he really needs the support of loved ones who need to support him, cheer him up.

But sometimes too late, when boys begin puberty, may indicate that some disorders are taking place. This situation requires seeking the advice of specialists and the appointment of appropriate corrective measures. Thus, with a delay in the appearance of the first signs of puberty in boys by the age of 12-13, it is worth visiting an andrologist or urologist.

Boys Puberty Standards

Each person in his own way, of course, is unique and unique, unlike everyone else in height, weight, facial features and the totality of all other individual characteristics. In an individual way, from the beginning of life, the very growth and development, the transformation from a child into an adult, takes place. Important in this is the achievement of puberty and self-identification, in this case, as a man. After all, we all come from childhood, and this is a wonderful time, as well as the transitional puberty period from childhood to adulthood is very important. This transition occurs in each individual in different ways, but there are some standards for the puberty of boys.

The primary criterion is the age at which the first signs of the fact that processes are activated in the child's body are activated, as a result of which the childbearing function should be updated over time. Boys begin puberty at 11 or 12 years of age. 14-15 years of age is also considered not beyond the norm.

The penis from 7 years to the onset of puberty grows from 3-3.5 cm to 3.8 cm and at 13 years is 6.3 cm, respectively.

At the age of 15, the size of the testicles usually increases to 4 cm, and the penis reaches 6.7 centimeters.

Another indicator is the appearance of body hair. At first, hair grows on the pubis, and by the age of 14-15 - in the armpits. At the same time, the growth of a youthful cannon on the chin and above the upper lip is noted.

Around the same time, by the age of 14, wet dreams often begin to appear.

During puberty, boys experience two major growth spurts. At the age of 10-11, a child can stretch 10 cm. By the age of 13, an addition of another 7 to 8 centimeters is possible.

The standards of puberty for boys, of course, are approximate and very average indicators. Some variability is, of course, possible and even inevitable somewhere. But differences are not at all necessary and not in every case indicate the presence of serious deviations in the development of the child. Unless, of course, their values ​​are not too out of the ordinary.

Stages of puberty in boys

During the pubertal period, one after another, various stages of puberty of boys are replaced. Often, up to the very moment when the child begins to show the first signs of beginning to form in him the prerequisites for the fact that in the future he will acquire the ability to perform the childbearing function, his general development is stable and uniform. At the same time, there are no obvious and significant changes in the hormonal background. To their peak of activity, all the processes associated with the puberty of boys come mainly two years later than those of the young representatives of the fair sex. Noticeable changes that occur with boys become apparent only after they reach 12-13 years.

According to many andrologists, how strong the sexual constitution of the future man will be, is determined primarily by how early the boy's puberty began. With regard to this statement, it is necessary, however, to make a note that it is fair only when the child has no violations in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Among the main signs of coming adulthood is the enlargement of the penis, which begins around the 11th year. The beginning of an active restructuring of the body is also evidenced by the beginning of an increase in the size of the testicles at the age of 11-12.

At the age of 12-13, during the process of puberty, boys begin to grow pubic hair. At first, the form of hair growth is similar to a rhombus, and later, from the age of 17-18, the inner surfaces of the thighs join the hair growth area. Subsequently, there is a complete body hair on the male type of hairline. Facial hair in the form of the first soft fluff above the upper lip first appears at the age of 13-14. At 15-16, some teenagers can flaunt a fairly obvious and expressive mustache. The appearance of a full-fledged beard should be expected by the age of 17-18.

Such a phenomenon, characteristic of the pubertal period of boys, as “breaking of the voice”, which mutates due to the fact that the thyroid cartilage in the larynx develops into the “Adam's apple”, appears at the age of 13-14. As a rule, the Adam's apple becomes completely formed by the age of 17. At this age, the young man already acquires his own voice with a characteristic male timbre.

The production of male germ cells - the processes of spermatogenesis are launched from the age of 14-15, which is accompanied by cases of involuntary ejaculation - wet dreams.

The stages of puberty in boys come to an end in the age period from 16 to 20 years. However, the onset of puberty does not automatically mean that a young man can definitely be considered fully psychologically mature as well. Psychological maturity and the formation of personality comes and takes place a little later.

Signs of puberty in boys

Signs of puberty in boys are manifested in a number of specific changes that take place during the puberty and are reflected both in their external manifestations and affecting the functioning of various organs and systems of the body.

The body of a boy during puberty grows intensively, the child becomes taller, and the total muscle mass increases. The width of the shoulder girdle increases, the figure begins to acquire proportions characteristic of the male body. Genital organs - the penis and testicles increase in size.

Gradually, hairline forms on the body, starting from the groin, scrotum, armpits, and subsequently throughout the body. Further hair appears on the face. At first, a few hairs can break through at the corners of the upper lip and on the cheeks at the top of them. During the year after this, youthful fluff will also appear above the upper lip in the middle.

During puberty, boys may develop skin problems. Due to the rampant hormones in the body, the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands adversely changes, which causes increased oiliness of the skin. And this, in turn, can provoke the appearance of acne and blackheads on the body and on the face.

The vocal cords increase in size and the throat muscles develop, and in addition, the formation of the Adam's apple - the "Adam's apple", which acts as the cause of the breaking of the voice and its coarsening. This process begins at the age of about 13 years and after a two-year period leads to the final formation of the voice.

In addition to the above changes that the boy's body undergoes during puberty, it is also necessary to bring those characteristic features that are characteristic of the psycho-emotional state in this difficult segment of the child's life path. The central nervous system is in an extremely excitable state, behavioral reactions can often be unpredictable and extremely contradictory.

These signs of puberty in boys are caused by the rapid pace of both the restructuring of the whole organism that occurs at the same time, and the change in the whole sense of self and a new assessment of oneself in the light of many factors associated with the process of reaching puberty. It can be very difficult for a boy who finds himself on the path of turning from a child into a man to adapt to them, and therefore understanding and support from parents and loved ones is very important.

Early puberty in boys

It can be said that early puberty in boys takes place mainly on the basis of the fact that if the first pubertal signs are observed in a child earlier than he managed to reach 9 years of age.

As well as delayed sexual development, premature onset of maturation is a weighty argument in favor of consulting a doctor without delaying this issue. Suspicion in this context should be caused by the fact that there are enlarged testicles, abnormally rapid body growth exceeding the average age norm, the appearance of acne on the skin, pubic and armpit hair, facial hair growth, as well as too low and rough, breaking voice of the child.

Too early entry into puberty by a boy can be caused by the presence of abnormal development of the genital organs, disorders of the thyroid gland, tumor formations in the brain, the consequences of head injuries, complications due to infectious diseases, such as encephalitis and meningitis, as well as other structural brain disorders.

This is justified mainly by the fact that it is the pituitary and hypothalamus that are involved in the regulation of hormonal secretion by the peripheral sex glands. In addition, some of the factors of heredity are able to lead to early puberty in boys. So the probability of premature puberty is high when the child has excessive body weight.

As the main negative consequence of the early puberty of boys, one can name the fact that during it the child stops growing. This happens due to the fact that sex hormones thus negatively affect the bones that the growth zones are closed - those parts of it that provide an increase in length. Because of this, boys who have become sexually mature too early are significantly inferior in growth to their peers.

Early puberty in boys is successfully treated with modern medical means. A necessary condition is only to identify the signs of such a process in a timely manner and select appropriate methods. Depending on the established causes, medical action is directed against the underlying disease, or special drugs can be prescribed that inhibit the secretion of sex hormones until the growth processes are completed.

Delayed puberty in boys

Delayed puberty in boys is mainly stated if, after reaching the age of 14, the child has no signs indicating the onset of puberty.

This fact, however, does not mean at all that it should arouse suspicion that it is provoked by the presence of any anomalies in development. And perhaps it is due to some genetic characteristics, a hereditary predisposition of all or most of the males of any particular family to a late start in the development of their ability to bear children. This phenomenon is quite common and is known as a constitutional delay in physical and puberty. The puberty of boys in this case is preceded by a period with an absolutely normal growth rate, the intensification of which and the appearance of features characteristic of puberty can begin only by the age of 15.

The presence of diseases, during which significant hormonal disturbances are caused, can delay the puberty of boys. This may occur in connection with a tumor affecting the pituitary gland and hypothalamus - the appendages of the brain responsible for the processes of puberty. An insufficient amount or a complete cessation of the production of hormones important for the growth of the genital organs, gonadotropins, can interfere with sexual development. With a number of chronic kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc., puberty is also often delayed.

With a delay in sexual development in boys, with relatively long upper and lower limbs, there is a frail physique, a high waistline, in body proportions, the width of the hips exceeds the width of the shoulders. There is an underdevelopment of the genital organs, the penis is very small, the scrotum does not sag, there is no pubic and armpit hair, pollution does not occur.

If there is a delay in puberty in boys, it must be borne in mind that it is fraught with at least aggravation of the psycho-emotional state of a teenager with this problem, and in the future threatens with infertility. At the same time, treatment does not present any particular difficulties if the causes are established in a timely manner and the necessary medical measures are prescribed. In adolescence, it can be dealt with within 2-3 months.

Late puberty in boys

Late puberty in boys, in some cases, may not be directly related to any developmental disabilities, but may be the norm within some individual families in which, in men, puberty, as a rule, begins later than in age, which is general average. This is a general trend for such a family, and the puberty of boys, starting a little later, then proceeds at a completely normal rate of growth and development.

There are a number of characteristic features, on the basis of which it becomes possible to ascertain the late onset of puberty in boys. The most obvious and obvious difference between such children is hypostature - that is, that they are generally shorter than their peers. The next symptom is that when the boy reached the age of 15, he did not have an increase in testicles. You can also talk about late puberty in boys, based on the fact that by these years there is no growth of pubic hair.

By late puberty, boys are able to lead to the presence of certain chromosomal abnormalities in the child, in particular Klinefelter's syndrome. With this genetic disease, the female sex chromosome Y joins the male XY chromosome set in a single amount or several at once. As a result, all sorts of disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system appear, one of the manifestations of which is a decrease in the production of male sex hormones in the testicles. A tumor lesion of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus - a zone in the brain that is associated with the processes of puberty, provokes a decrease in the number of gonadotropins, under the influence of which active growth of the genital organs occurs.

So, late puberty in boys occurs due to heredity, as well as against the background of a number of diseases with a violation of the hormonal balance in the body, which is reflected in the slowdown in the growth of the body and the development of the genital organs of boys. When the onset of puberty occurs at a slightly later time than what is considered the norm, and then proceeds at a normal pace, this may often not require special correction. Medical measures in case of an abnormal delay in the entry of a child into puberty are mainly reduced to the treatment of the underlying disease that caused it.

The run of time cannot be stopped, its inexorable movement is especially noticeable when children begin to grow up. Until recently, the son was glad of his mother's hugs and enthusiastically responded to her kisses, but now he has become rude and restrained. The most important period has come - puberty in boys, which appears a little later than in girls, but is also inevitable. The body of a teenager has to experience a colossal load, because along with physical restructuring, colossal psychological changes occur.

What is puberty

Puberty is characterized by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. With normal development, the body reaches the phase of biological puberty. The signs of puberty manifest themselves from the outside as the rapid growth of the body, the pubis, the armpits are covered with hair, but then the boys and girls continue to grow up each in their own way, turning into men and women. Hormones make themselves felt, and therefore, in addition to the average norm, there is early, late development and a significant delay in puberty.

When does puberty begin and how long does it take for boys?

The changes taking place can confuse or even frighten a teenager, because the onset of the puberty process occurs at the age of 10 or a little later. So far, all the most important things have been laid at the level of the pituitary gland, preparing the boy's body for those changes that will eventually turn him into a man. But with a fragile voice, increased work of the sweat glands, an increase in the testicles, penis, muscle mass and the appearance of a number of other signs, a period of puberty comes, which drags on to 18, and sometimes 20 years.

prepubertal period

The development of the child at this stage is not much different from the growing up of peers. From the moment of birth until the day the son goes to school, parents have almost no problems with education, and health issues are often associated with colds. Muscle mass may also gradually appear behind smooth growth, but by the age of 10, the body has already laid down future changes. If there is no delay, then the next stage of development comes to replace the prepubertal period.


From about the age of ten, those changes begin to occur when the boy grows up and begins to turn into a young man. The amount of hormones produced causes rapid growth with the simultaneous development of the gonads. Gaining momentum, the process inevitably leads to the fact that the teenage penis increases along with the size of the testicles. By the age of 15, on examination, hair growth is noticeable in the armpits, on the pubis; external signs - the appearance of antennae and acne, and the puberty period ends by about 20 years.

Features of sexual characteristics in adolescence in boys

Hormonal restructuring of the body affects the growth of not only hair, but also the genitals. The boy's penis grows up to about 16 years, spontaneous or nocturnal emissions appear. An increase in male hormones affects the development of muscles, bones of the skeleton, especially the shoulder joint. Voice mutation, the so-called breaking of the voice in boys, is considered one of the most visible signs of the important process of puberty. The appearance of acne, hair on the face, chest, thighs, inguinal region, and under the arms testifies to the correct development.


The presence of these signs is genetically determined, and they are nothing more than the genitals. The formation of the prostate, scrotum, vas deferens, penis, testicles occurs even at the stage of intrauterine development. Early puberty can speed up the process of transformation into a young man, but one way or another, any development occurs under the control of hormones.


This group of features has an equally important role. Nature assigns a different mission to secondary sexual characteristics - determining puberty and attracting a partner, because they do not directly participate in reproduction. What characterizes their appearance? Voice mutation in boys, male pattern hair, rapid growth, broad shoulders, erection and Adam's apple.

Boys height

If the process of puberty in boys is not disturbed, then a sure sign that the child has begun to grow up is rapid growth. A characteristic feature of this period, the process does not go smoothly, but in leaps, which sometimes causes health problems. With all the individual characteristics of the body, the fastest period of growth falls on the period from 12 to 16 years, when a boy can stretch 10 cm per year and lose a lot of weight. After reaching the age of majority, young men almost stop growing and can stretch a maximum of another 3 cm.

precocious puberty

It is customary to talk about this phenomenon - false or true - if the boy has not yet reached the age of 10. Outwardly, early sexual development can be judged by the facts that the boy looks older than his peers, the first acne appears, the body odor changes. If the right and left eggs develop, this is the true beginning of the process. If they remain immature, it says that early puberty is false.

Psychology of a teenager

Together with a serious physiological restructuring of the body, a teenager has to overcome psychological problems. The appearance of acne on the face, pollution, increased work of the sweat glands require a more careful attitude to the issue of hygiene, which can cause irritation in a teenager. External changes, angularity take time to adapt, but it is difficult for a child to cope with this, especially if he becomes the object of ridicule at school.

Shyness, shyness, self-isolation, exaggeration of even an insignificant fact, for example, an unsuccessful photo - all this is a manifestation of the psychological signs of growing up. When girls have menstruation in boys, the reproductive system also reaches a new level of physiological development. Since puberty is associated with the desire to gain more freedom in their actions, parents need to tell the boy about contraceptive methods.

Psychologically, puberty in a teenager can manifest itself as unmotivated aggression, frequent mood swings, irritability and depression, and a harsh statement or criticism can lead to rash acts. It is necessary to continue to educate a teenager, only adults need to create a favorable atmosphere, show tolerance, wisdom, be tactful so that puberty ends for the boy with the formation of a beautiful male figure and a correct understanding of worthy behavior.

Video about puberty in teenage boys


puberty crisis. Psychophysiological development of a teenager.

An important task of growing up a teenager is psychological coping with his own bodily and sexual maturation. The teenager for the first time realizes the limited ability to control and regulate the physiological changes occurring in him (body growth, weight gain, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, etc.). The close relationship of biological and psychological changes largely determines the specifics of this age period. The explanation of many psychological problems and difficulties faced by a teenager is impossible without knowledge of the physiological and biological changes taking place in his body.

The puberty crisis, which occurs in adolescence, implies biological and physiological changes associated with the development of somatic and sexual functions. It is evidenced by the first menstruation (menarche) or, respectively, ejaculation. True, the borderline nature of these signs is relative, since the changes characteristic of puberty begin even before they appear.

The biological changes associated with puberty lay the foundation for all subsequent developmental processes. The most obvious shifts relate to height and body proportions. The changes that occur are hormonally regulated. Endocrine restructuring, on the one hand, prepares the transition to puberty, and on the other hand, provides significant functional and morphological changes in various organ systems.

External signs of puberty are important guidelines for assessing its course, although the influence of various factors can lead to a noticeable inconsistency in external indicators.

Five stages of puberty.

One of the characteristics of adolescence is rapid biological maturation, which is characterized by rapid physical development coinciding with puberty.

There are five stages in the process of puberty characteristic of both boys and girls (Martsinkovskaya T.D. et al., 2001; Physiology of growth and development of children and adolescents, 2000).

First stage- childhood (infantilism). At this stage, the reproductive stage develops slowly and virtually imperceptibly. The regulation of development is carried out by thyroid hormones and somatotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. The genitals at this time undergo slow changes, secondary signs of sex do not develop.

The first stage is completed in girls at 8-10 years old, and in boys at 10-13 years old.

Second stage- the actual beginning of puberty - is associated with an increase in the activity of the pituitary gland. The secretion of pituitary hormones (somatotropin and follitropin) increases, which determine the acceleration of tissue growth and the appearance of initial signs of puberty.

The stage ends in girls at 9-12 years old, in boys at 12-14 years old.

Third stage- the stage of activation of the sex glands, which secrete steroid hormones (androgens and estrogens), the functioning of other endocrine glands (thyroid gland, adrenal glands) is enhanced.

This is expressed in the so-called "growth spurts" (accelerated gain in height and weight), which is a significant indicator of the onset of adolescence.

During adolescence, children grow by 5-8 cm per year.

Girls grow more actively at 11-12 years old (height increases to 10 cm per year). Boys gain height at 13-14 years old, and after 15 years they overtake girls in height.

The increase in growth occurs mainly due to the tubular bones of the limbs, the bones of the chest grow more slowly, which causes a change in the posture of adolescents - a flat, narrow or even sunken chest, making breathing difficult.

Along with growth, body weight also increases. Girls add 4-8 kg per year, especially intensively at the age of 14-15, boys - 7-8 kg per year.

The growth rate of body weight lags behind the rate of fasting of the skeleton, which determines the appearance of a teenager: a bony, elongated figure.

The discrepancy between the size of the skeleton and body weight leads to insufficient coordination of movements, general awkwardness, angularity, and an abundance of unnecessary movements. However, at the same time, adolescence is optimal for mastering complex motor skills. This paradoxical situation of combining clumsiness and sensitivity in mastering complex movements is explained by the fact that the gradual development of fine functioning occurs sequentially: first muscle growth, then muscle strength and then coordination. An unformed system in motion control has the greatest plasticity, readiness for learning, so training plays a significant role in the formation of coordinated movements.

In adolescence, lungs grow, breathing improves (although its rhythm remains rapid), and lung capacity increases. The type of breathing is finally formed: in boys - abdominal, in girls - chest.

The increased growth of organs and tissues makes special demands on the activity of the heart. It grows intensively at this age, but the growth of blood vessels lags behind the growth of the heart. Therefore, adolescents often have high blood pressure, there is a violation of the rhythm of the heartbeat. This leads to rapid fatigue of adolescents. Insufficient blood supply to the brain can lead to oxygen starvation, which leads to a decrease in the functionality of brain activity, and this manifests itself in a decrease in attention, memory, and perception.

At this stage, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics occurs. The boys' voice breaks, mustaches and beards break through, pubic hair and armpit hair appear, wet dreams begin.

Girls develop mammary glands. Adipose tissue is formed according to the female type: deposits in the thighs, buttocks, mammary glands, arms. Body shapes are rounded.

Fourth stage- the period of maximum activity of sex hormones: androgens (male) and estrogens (female).

Male sex hormones are produced by special cells in the testicles. The main male sex hormones are testosterone and its derivative androsterone. They determine the development of the reproductive apparatus and the growth of the genital organs, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics: the voice, larynx, skeleton and muscles of the male type, the growth of hair on the face and body. Together with the pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone, testosterone activates spermatogenesis (sperm maturation).

With hyperfunction of the testes, premature maturation, rapid growth of the body and the development of secondary sexual characteristics are noted.

The defeat of the testes or their removal (castration) at an early age leads to a cessation of the growth and development of the genital organs, secondary sexual characteristics, while the period of bone growth is lengthened, there is no sexual desire, hair does not grow on the face, body, there are no changes in the voice (he remains high throughout life). The short torso and long arms and legs give the eunuchs a distinctive look.

Female sex hormones (estrogens) are produced in the ovaries. They affect the development of the genital organs, the formation of eggs, their readiness for fertilization, the readiness of the uterus for pregnancy, and the mammary glands for feeding the child.

In girls, a sharp increase in height precedes the development of secondary sexual characteristics, while in boys, on the contrary, a significant increase in growth occurs only after their genitals begin to develop intensively.

The main female sex hormone is estradiol. The female sex hormones include progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy (hormone of the corpus luteum).

Hyperfunction of the ovaries causes early puberty and early menstruation. Cases of puberty of girls in 4-5 years are described.

At this stage, secondary sexual characteristics are actively developing, which can reach completion. Girls sometimes start menstruating.

Fifth stage- completion of the formation of the reproductive system, which means the formation of regulation between the individual links of the system: pituitary hormones and peripheral glands. Secondary sexual characteristics are fully expressed.

At the age of 16-17, the formation of the skeleton according to the female type basically ends. At the age of 19-20, the final formation of the menstrual function occurs in girls, anatomical and physiological maturity sets in.

In boys at the age of 15-16 there is a process of enhanced development of secondary sexual characteristics, involuntary eruptions of the seed begin. However, anatomical and physiological maturation ends by the age of 24.

Hello, my name is Zinaida. My daughter is 13 years old, her breasts began to appear at 11 years old, and menstruation began this year. I want to know when does puberty normally begin and end in girls? And do girls really "mature" faster than boys?

Expert Answer

Hello Zinaida. As a rule, puberty begins at the age of 8-13 years for girls and at the age of 9-15 years for boys. This wide age range may help explain why some of the teenagers still look like little kids, while others look more like adults.

For most girls, the first sign of entering puberty is the onset of breast development. Then begins the growth of pubic hair, which is accompanied by the growth of hair in the armpits. In some girls, pubic hair appears before the development of the mammary glands. The onset of menstruation tends to be later than other physical changes and usually occurs 2.5 years after the onset of breast formation. After that, the girls stop growing rapidly, but the breasts and hips become more rounded. And the age when puberty ends in girls is usually 15-17 years.

In boys, an increase in testicular size is the first change seen at the onset of puberty. It usually starts at age 11.5 and lasts about six months. Then the penis grows in size. The next stage is the growth of pubic hair and vegetation in the armpits. Then the voice changes, and the muscles increase in size. The last step is the appearance of facial hair. The end of puberty in boys is the age of 18-19 years.

Puberty usually begins during adolescence. During this period, the child's body will go through a series of biological changes: rapid growth, weight gain, genital development, body hair growth.

These changes mean that yesterday's child is gradually turning into an adult.

What is puberty?

These are successive biological and physical changes in the child's body that lead to the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the emergence of the possibility of conceiving and having children.

adult conversation

When does puberty begin?

Puberty starts at different times for everyone. As a rule, in girls it occurs between the ages of 10 and 14, and in boys - from 12 to 16.

Nowadays, teenage girls develop faster than boys. So, the average age of the appearance of the first menstruation in 1900 was 15 years. In 1990 - already 12.5 years.

Scientists believe that factors such as overnutrition and obesity cause early puberty in girls.

According to some studies, early onset of hormonal changes in a child's body can increase the risk of cancer at an older age.

What physical changes occur during puberty?

Development of secondary sexual characteristics

The first sign of puberty in girls is development of the mammary glands. It begins around the age of 11, along with the start of the production of female sex hormones - estrogens. Then it usually happens Hair Growth on the pubis and in the armpits.

The next stage is the beginning of ovulation (the maturation of eggs ready for fertilization in the ovaries) and start of menstruation.

The main sign of the onset of puberty in boys is an increase in the size of the testicles. It starts at about 11 years old and lasts about six months. Then, in adolescents, the penis increases in size, and pubic and armpit hair appears.

Under the influence of the male hormone testosterone, which begins to be produced in the body, in boys voice becomes rougher and muscle mass increases. At the same time, the boys begin to produce sperm capable of fertilization.

The last stage of puberty appearance of facial hair.

growth spurt

Puberty in both sexes is usually accompanied by a rapid growth of the body in height. During this period, it increases by an average of 17-18 percent.

In girls, the growth spurt begins an average of two years earlier - about six months before the first menstruation.

Skeleton growth

Puberty is characterized by growth and increased bone density in adolescents. In girls and boys, this process peaks immediately after the growth spurt.

Important! Bones first grow in length, and only then does bone density increase. Because of this, adolescents are prone to high fracture risk.

Weight change

During puberty, girls begin to actively form adipose tissue in the body, mainly on the hips and buttocks.

In boys, fat also begins to be deposited, but outwardly it is not so noticeable, since in parallel there is an increased growth of muscle tissue. By the end of puberty, her mass in a male teenager becomes one and a half times more than in a girl of the same height and weight.

Other changes

Together with puberty in adolescents, the final formation of the cardiovascular system and lungs occurs. This leads to an increase in the efficiency of these organs. This process is especially effective if a teenager goes in for sports.

The most important

Puberty is not only the appearance of menstruation in girls or facial hair in boys. This is also a period of active growth and development of the whole body of a teenager.

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