What is the danger of overeating other than being overweight. You are disrupting your circadian rhythms. Therapeutic tactics for overeating and obesity

Metabolism is a set of chemical compounds that ensure the vital activity and growth of cells, and also provides contact and exchange between chemical composition human and living organism. Chemical and natural elements are an integral part of metabolism, for example, proteins create building material, and fats and proteins in close interaction are responsible for regulating the balance of energy costs. And, of course, you can not do without minerals and vitamins, as they help to improve the cellular environment.

The role of metabolism. This process is very important for every organism, since it depends on how our cells will be supplied with useful substances. As you know, almost all vitamins and minerals we get from food, and the task of the metabolism is to properly perform chemical reactions with which we can maintain the vital activity of our entire body.

How does overeating affect? First of all, overeating threatens with serious problems with overweight, as you know, with age, the metabolism itself slows down, so it will be much harder to maintain weight without that, moreover, serious illnesses will be added to all this.

Obese people very often suffer from a shortage in the body of the hormone thyroid gland- thyroxine, and this primarily affects metabolic disorders. In women, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, and in men, problems with erection.

As mentioned above, overeating can result in a large number of diseases. Doctors themselves warn that it is better to leave the table hungry than to eat to satiety. Understand that our body reacts very sharply and painfully to this, since almost all organs are subjected to a double load. When overeating, the organs increase, so the work of the heart is forced to increase, which soon threatens with problems with pressure and hypertension.

binge eating disease bulimia

bulimia- This is a disorder of the digestive system, characterized by dependence on food, this word is also translated as "brutal appetite." This dependence is as strong as the dependence on alcohol and drugs.

Ingestion of large amounts of food can be caused stressful situations, for example, when a person experiences failure in something, loneliness, rejection by society, anger, but positive emotions can also cause this situation. For example, if a person is happy about a promotion or good luck on a personal front, in cases of this, the patient tries to drown out his anxiety with the help of food. But that's not all, after overeating, bulimics feel guilty and resort to emptying their stomachs with artificially induced vomiting, strenuous exercise, or with laxatives or diuretics.

People with this disease are much harder to identify than those with anorexia. The thing is, they might have enough normal weight, but they can use a large number of food, alcohol and drugs. Suicide is also more common among these people.

Why is bulimia dangerous?

One of the obvious consequences of bulimia are sores in the mouth, most often they appear in large numbers on the palate. This is due to induced vomiting when stomach acid comes into contact with the mucosa. But the worst is yet to come, when the body gets used to vomiting after a while and then itself begins to reject food. And here the patient is no longer the master of his body. In women, because of this disease, it goes astray hormonal background and other hormonal disorders.

Certainly with this disease, the gastrointestinal tract suffers - this is inflammation, gastritis and ulcers. At mechanical damage Gastrointestinal bleeding may occur. If a person uses various pills and especially laxatives, then constipation may occur.

This does not mean that if a person eats a lot, and then tries to get rid of food, that he must be thin. Usually, in the first stages of the disease, weight increases, it can even provoke the appearance of obesity. Of course, the appearance also begins to deteriorate significantly, hair begins to fall out, nails exfoliate and the condition of the teeth deteriorates.

The main problem is psychological condition sick. Since such a person quickly goes into depression and engages in self-accusation, outwardly he may look like a simple person and relatives may not be aware of his problems at all.

nervous overeating

Nervous overeating, also called compulsive overeating is one of the disorders eating behavior. This means that a person in a short period of time is able to absorb a large amount of food and after a while again feel the feeling of hunger. Often, they can't even remember what they ate at the next meal. People with this type of diet always eat alone, as they feel guilty after such bouts of binge eating.

Causes of nervous overeating: emotional overexcitation, mental or physical discomfort, diets, irregular meals. This eating disorder is somewhat similar to bulimia, only without cleansing the body.

A common reason for this behavior is low self-esteem, it is people with low self-esteem that can succumb to severe depression. On this basis, a change of mood often occurs, a person is overcome by various feelings, such as irritation, excitement, anger, rage, sadness. It is these emotions that provoke an attack of hunger and gluttony in a person, they are also prone to alcohol abuse.

Consequences of nervous overeating

  1. All bouts of overeating negatively affect the psyche, in the form of stress and depression. Being in such a state for a long time, a person’s sleep is disturbed, irritability appears, and physical activity decreases.
  2. With constant overeating, the work of the stomach and intestines increases, which gives an increased load on almost all organs of the body. In this case, a person is at risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, metabolism is disturbed, resulting in diabetes and arthritis.

What are the dangers of overeating sweets?

Almost every girl has a sweet tooth, and how in front of such a huge selection of cakes, sweets, chocolate, you can find the strength in yourself not to succumb to temptation. And we all know that excessive consumption of sweets threatens with extra pounds and caries. But that's not all, doctors warn that sweets can really cause irreparable harm to health.

It is undeniable that in moderation, sweets are beneficial. For example, carbohydrates that come with sweets are necessary for correct operation body, they also provide it with the necessary energy. Do not forget about the hormone of happiness, which is produced when chocolate enters the body. But everything should be in moderation, since its excessive use can provoke such diseases:

The occurrence of thrush

Fungus is known to be the cause of thrush. genus Candida and they exist in almost every organism, only in sleep mode. Excessive consumption of antibiotics, sweets, carbohydrate-containing foods can provoke the reproduction of these fungi. Their increase in the body, in turn, provokes the appearance of thrush. Therefore, you should be careful with these products and control their use.


After the intake of chocolates, sweets and cakes, the level of sugar in the blood rises. Then the body begins to release insulin to break down sugar and other carbohydrates. But at frequent use foods containing sugar, the body begins to get used to the high level of insulin in the blood. This situation can lead to the development of diabetes.

Overweight and obesity

It is these beloved foods that are very high in calories and often we do not even notice how many sweets we can eat at a time. But our body, for proper operation, needs only a very tiny part of the sweet. And the rest of the calories are simply deposited under the skin in the form of fat, but it is much worse to eat sugar with a combination of fat, for example (cakes, chocolates, pastries), all this can cause obesity even more.


The oral cavity is inhabited by peculiar microbes, which, in interaction with sweets, form acids. In turn, these acids destroy tooth enamel and cause periodontal disease.

Danger for pregnant women

Pregnant women need to be sure to monitor their diet, and you should not go on occasions, if you want, then once you can. After all, every time you consume a large amount of sweets, the body contains an excess of carbohydrates. And carbohydrates can cause allergic reaction in an unborn child, and this threatens the development of diseases of the central nervous system.

Video from a man who began to struggle with his excess weight

Overeating is familiar to everyone - great use food is characteristic of festive feasts when there are dozens of dishes, but you want to try everything. But some are not just familiar with this phenomenon, but do it systematically. Binge eating is an eating disorder in which there is a large amount of food eaten and the inability to stop. The reasons for this phenomenon and how to deal with it will be discussed further.

The causes and consequences of overeating are different in children and adults. The cause of overeating can be affected various factors- it can be a little stress and even changes in the brain. These reasons determine how firmly overeating enters your life. In order not to fight the consequences of overeating, do not allow this situation. Try everything in feasts, but do not eat a whole portion of each dish. Stop on time so that food addiction does not develop. Otherwise, gluttony will provoke irreversible consequences which significantly impair the comfort of life.

Every day an adult has to decide something, choose, undertake, refuse something, therefore he is vulnerable to many attachments. Including the habit of tasty and plentiful food.

What kind physiological causes excessive food intake are:

  • Saturation alarm delay. Due to this feature of the stomach, the signal to the brain about saturation arrives after 15-20 minutes. Therefore, it is required to finish the meal with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • False feeling of hunger. A hunger signal is sent when you just want to drink or there is a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in the body.
  • If you are suffering, then in this case you should definitely see a doctor.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine glands. The hypothalamus, which is responsible for appetite, can fail and a person does not feel the brakes while eating.
  • Food addiction. The use of sweet, salty or fatty foods is addictive, akin to drugs. But this theory has not been proven.

Socio-cultural reasons:

  • Changes in food choices. Now many people choose products not for their usefulness and nutritional value, but for appearance, aroma, availability, both in terms of price and speed of preparation, as well as being guided by advertising calls.
  • Bad habit. Sometimes gluttony is a family tradition - food is elevated to the rank of life values.
  • Internal settings. A person sets himself up to eat more so as not to offend the hostess at a party, or this makes him do ordinary greed.
  • Food restrictions. You can overeat if you have been on a diet for a long time or have not eaten fully due to lack of funds.
  • Fast paced life. Lack of time makes you eat on the run during the day, but in the evening you have to overeat.

Psychological overeating and its causes:

  • Lack of self-esteem. A person with low self-esteem is used to “seizing” his problems.
  • I don't like my body. If you don’t like your own figure, then your hands may drop and you won’t want to change anything.
  • Loneliness. An unsettled personal life pushes for the search for pleasure in food.
  • Depression. She fixes a person on her condition so much that you may not even notice how you overeat.
  • Negative emotions. Stress, anxiety or fear is always smoothed out with something delicious.
  • promotion. Sometimes a person rewards himself with goodies for a good deed or deed.

Problems of psychological overeating are treated by a psychologist. If the psychological problem disappears, the habit of “jamming” will also disappear.

Causes in children

The main reason in children is their parents, who strive to feed the baby, even when he is not hungry. Constant overeating leads to stretching of the stomach in a child, and then it holds more food than the baby needs.

Important! To feed the child, parents come up with distracting maneuvers in the form of games or watching cartoons, but this is absolutely impossible to do. Feeding at the same time becomes uncontrolled and automatic, the child develops the habit of snacking while watching TV or reading a book, and this is a direct path to obesity.

Overeating Symptoms

Overeating can be one-time or permanent. If uncontrolled eating occurs occasionally on holidays, then its signs appear immediately. When gluttony occurs daily, there are no symptoms, but this is noticeable by the blurry figure.

Overeating symptoms in adults are as follows:

  • Heaviness in the stomach, discomfort, difficult breathing.
  • Pain in the stomach area. They can be, both with a one-time overeating, and when it passes into a chronic state.
  • Weight gain or its periodic fluctuation.
  • Insomnia. Sleeping on a full stomach is difficult as the digestion process continues.
  • Malfunctions in the digestive tract, discomfort in the form of increased gas formation and bloating.
  • Eating a large amount of food while maintaining the same lifestyle and daily routine.
  • Uncontrolled eating while watching TV or reading. This distracts from the definition of the moment of saturation.
  • Depression from all signs of overeating.

Pain and heaviness in the stomach do not go away on their own, even after taking painkillers. In this case, you should seek help from a doctor.

Compulsive overeating

Constant overeating is called compulsive eating.. This condition manifests itself after prolonged diets, depression, various complexes and psychological trauma.

The symptoms of compulsive overeating are:

  • Eating when sadness, depression, boredom, loneliness, and the like overtakes.
  • Eating food even without feeling hungry.
  • Breaks between meals are less than two hours with the preservation of a large amount of food.
  • Uncontrolled intake and a large amount of food, the absence of a brake at the same time.
  • Violation of the diet during the day.
  • Loss of sense of moderation, eating until the stomach is open.
  • Greed for food, desire to take it alone.

Compulsive overeating occurs due to psychological reasons. Therefore, the treatment of this problem should be carried out by a psychotherapist. By eliminating the root cause, you can get rid of food addiction.

What to do when overeating

How to deal with overeating on your own without resorting to drugs? It is necessary to carry out some, proven over the years, activities:

  • If the condition allows you to move, you need to walk. The activity of the body provokes the acceleration of metabolic processes. If you don’t have the strength to walk, then you need to lie down for a bit, and then take a walk.
  • You can help the stomach work with warmth. To do this, put a heating pad or a bottle of warm water on the stomach area. Warm the stomach for at least 15-20 minutes.
  • Limit yourself in the further use of food and drink, especially. You can drink plain water or tea with lemon or mint.
  • Can be chewed chewing gum, it provokes the acceleration of digestive processes.

After the recovery of the body, it is necessary to switch to light and low-calorie food, it is forbidden to use fatty foods. In no case should you starve, because the body will get stress. This help It helps a lot if overeating happens infrequently. If gluttony is at the last stage, and the reasons lie in emotional sphere, then here you can not do without the help of a psychotherapist.

The following methods are used in therapy:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. There are problems in thinking, aimed at uncontrolled eating. The patient himself must be aware of his problems.
  • Interpersonal Therapy. Treatment is aimed at improving relationships with loved ones. A good relationship with others relieve unhealthy dependence on food.
  • Group therapy. There is communication with people who have suffered this addiction. Their support and understanding help to cope with addiction.

Along with psychological therapy, medical treatment is carried out. Drugs may be prescribed from different pharmacological groups: antidepressants, drugs to reduce appetite. The appointment of drugs and the treatment regimen is chosen by the doctor.

Medical treatment

A lot of drugs are produced based on enzymes, plant and synthetic active substances that can alleviate the pain of overeating.

The most common include:

  • . Produced from animal or vegetable raw materials, it has a strong adsorbing effect, barely getting into a humid environment. Available in the form of powder, capsules and tablets. On its basis, such products as Sorbex, Karbolen are also produced.
  • Sorbents - White coal, Polysorb, Enterosgel, are made on the basis of silicon. They absorb everything unnecessary to the body - alcohol, toxins, heavy food, everything that interferes with normal digestion.
  • Enzyme preparations - Festal, Panzinorm, Mezim. These products include pancreatic enzymes that help absorb and break down nutrients, increasing the speed of digestive processes.

If you have a tendency to overeat, then these medications should always be at hand to save you from unpleasant consequences gluttony. It is recommended to take a certain drug immediately after a meal.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies help to get rid of heaviness in the stomach and bloating. In the recipes of traditional medicine, many methods have been accumulated that relieve the consequences of gluttony in the form herbal decoctions and infusions, teas and herbal preparations.

The most effective of them:

  • Infusions from plants: dill and fennel seeds, chamomile, calamus, calendula and many others. Take a glass of boiling water on a tablespoon, brew for a minute and drink warm.
  • Decoctions. Made from rose hips and blueberries, blueberry leaves and chamomile. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of any raw material and cook for 10-15 minutes. Drink warm in small sips.
  • Tea. Take a teaspoon of chamomile and yarrow and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew and drink when it is warm.
  • Herbal tablet, choleretic. Grind dry tansy and chamomile in a blender, combine the powder with honey and finely chopped wormwood herb. Take everything in a tablespoon. Roll the mass into balls and again roll in honey. You can eat the remedy before and after the meal.

To combat overeating, you can choose not one remedy, but several at once - it will be much more effective.

Consequences of overeating

Uncontrolled eating leads not only to obesity, but also to damage internal organs organism.

What overeating leads to is as follows:

  • Heart. Big weight makes the heart work hard to saturate the whole huge body with blood. Violations still occur heart rate and blood circulation is disturbed. Hypertension, cardiac asthma develops, and the risk of a heart attack increases.
  • The liver is saturated with fats. Oversaturation of the body leads to the fact that fats are transferred to other organs: intestines, heart, blood vessels. From this, diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, gastritis develop.
  • Hormonal disbalance. People of both sexes who are obese become infertile. Women are disturbed menstrual cycle, and in men potency.
  • (until 07.04.2019)

“There should be a lot of a good person,” people who are overweight usually comfort themselves with this statement.

Overeating is the path to obesity

Overeating always leads to obesity. This rule has almost no exceptions. 9 out of 10 people who do not know the measure in nutrition, sooner or later begin to suffer from excess weight. It does not matter whether a person eats meat products, flour or vegetables - a person's weight is directly related to the amount eaten. If you eat a lot, if you get up dining table with a feeling of oversaturation, when even taking a breath is not easy, be sure that your weight will invariably increase. And to remove these so easily overtaken kilograms, you will have to sweat a lot and starve.

The nervous system is responsible for the feeling of fullness, which receives a signal from the walls of the stomach and transmits it to the hypothalamus - special department brain. If a person’s stomach is stretched by constant overeating, then in order to generate a satiety signal, he will need everything more food. But even this does not guarantee that a person will stop feeling hungry. Sometimes the failure occurs at the highest level - at the level of the brain. Such cases are rare, but they do happen. Most often, problems with controlling hunger occur in children and the elderly. They need special supervision and care.

Why is overeating dangerous for health?

People who sin by overeating often face problems such as:

  • obesity
  • heartburn
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes

In order not to overeat, experts advise relying not on the feeling of hunger, but on the amount eaten.

How not to overeat?

  • eat 3-4 times a day
  • do not eat anything between main meals (no sandwiches, cookies, etc.)
  • choose the smallest dishes for eating
  • never eat a "supplement"


concept binge eating in practical medicine and folk life is not fundamentally different, since its essence includes increased food intake, provoked by psychogenic or somatic disorders. Nervous stress, pregnancy and postpartum period, somatic need for food or the presence of pathological changes in the body - all this is a predisposing set of factors that directly lead to overeating.

Binge eating. Descriptive characteristic

A certain contribution to the development of pathology is made modern look life and infrastructure of developed countries. Use of biological and chemical substitutes for natural food, stimulants taste sensations and the wide availability of food allow this condition to develop and gradually progress. Established dining traditions are also important.

It is noteworthy that overeating is not a specific nosological form in practical and preventive medicine, since, in fact, it is only a symptom, because its provocation is observed when various diseases, the elimination of which can relieve the symptoms of the condition.

Obesity statistics in the 19th and 20th centuries

Historical data on overeating are rather scarce, although specific cases have previously been described by domestic and Western experts in medical literature. However, the relative disadvantage finished products food, wartime famine and low food crop yields were a prerequisite for the fact that obesity, as the main symptom of hyperphagia (overeating), was observed relatively rarely. per 1000 people in different countries accounted for approximately 2-3 cases of overweight. It is noteworthy that their manifestation was often associated with somatic and psychological illness, the unambiguous interpretation of which was not previously determined. Such diseases include type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, bulimia as a hypothalamic disorder of the nervous regulation of eating behavior, pathology of the intestines and pancreas, menopause in women.

Due to the lack of teachings about the constitution of the human body, and also without the practical use of body mass index, doctors did not evaluate the weight of their patients, which is why obesity statistics were significantly lower than on present stage. This information is genuine, and its proof is the example of one circus performer Celeste Hermann from Cincinnati: her comic performances in the 19th century were very popular, and she made her audience laugh with the sight of her body.

Clumsily moving around the circus platform, she caused wild delight among the visitors. At the same time, her talent was due to a disease leading to overeating. It is noteworthy that the weight of this circus artist was at the level of 135 kg at the age of 16 years. In 1946 - 266 kg. The importance of mentioning this case of obesity, and the fact that she performed in a circus, speaks to the extreme rarity of obesity in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Statistical indicators of obesity in the 21st century

In the 21st century, obesity statistics have increased significantly for the above reasons. The average weight of typical Americans, in particular housewives, has been set at 80-95 kg. There are about 200 cases of obesity per 1,000 people in the US. In Western Europe this indicator was established at the level of 130 people, and for the Slavic population - 80-90. It is traditionally believed that the inhabitants of the East are much less likely to notice such changes in their bodies. The explanation here lies in the traditional nature of their social and political system, the religiously conditioned sin of gluttony.

In Africa, obesity statistics are the lowest. This is directly related to lifestyle, the lack of a large number of ready-made foods, herbal and synthetic additives, ready-made breakfasts and business lunches. This is also due to the low level economic development countries of the region. China, Japan and Vietnam, as well as the relatively small states of the Asian region, also differ in more low scores obesity, as traditionally preference in their diet is given to natural products, most of which include herbal ingredients, namely, fresh herbs. Also, residents of these countries often consume low-calorie foods: sea ​​fish, crustaceans, molluscs.

Compulsive overeating

In practical medicine, compulsive overeating is a symptom of an uncontrolled desire to consume certain foods under the influence of nervous stress, or a deficiency in the diet of certain components. diet. The patient is not able to control food intake, eating it almost uncontrollably, as this reduces the anxiety of his condition.

The primary condition of compulsive overeating is the experience of nervous stress, which can be remote. Often, the reason for the collection of anamnesis cannot be established, since the fear can be childish, about which the patient does not remember anything at all. Also, compulsive overeating often occurs in people who have had episodes of hunger. At the level of the psyche and reserving the body's capabilities, the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain send signals to the vegetative centers, which requires satisfying hunger. In reserve, the body can accumulate specific substances, but not emotions or a sense of fullness. Since initially, even with some abstinence from food, such people begin to use up mobile reserves of nutrients and substances valuable in terms of energy needs. Mobile reserves do not have time to begin to break down, which is why for some time, if food intake is not allowed by volitional tensions, hypoglycemia will be observed in the blood.

This condition will be characterized by an unpleasant symptom complex: trembling of the limbs, unsteadiness of gait, palpitations, memory impairment, irritation in the epigastric region, increased intestinal motility. Private symptoms and objective data for compulsive overeating are signs such as nervous excitement during hunger, emotional instability. In this case, the pathology can be diagnosed on the basis of anamnesis: the presence of episodes of hunger in the process of life, experienced stress, a labile type of the nervous system, a type of temperament - melancholic or phlegmatic.

Bulimia as pathological overeating

Bulimia is out of control episodic violation physiological mode of eating, the causative factor in the development of which is the pathology of the regulatory centers of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for reflex activity, including eating behavior. In its structure there are specialized nerve nuclei located ventro-medially, which are responsible for saturation. The defect in their functional activity makes it impossible to saturate, and therefore the patient eats as many foods as he is physiologically unable to digest.

The symptomatology of this pathology consists of two directions. The first is isolated damage to the nuclei of the hypothalamus, which are responsible for saturation. Then bulimia is the main symptom, and the diagnosis is made after the exclusion of others. etiological factors. The second direction is combined damage, which is observed after injuries, neuroinfections, basal strokes, as a result of the growth of tumors of the central nervous system or meninges. Then focal neurological symptoms, violation of the regulatory functions of the autonomic nervous system are superimposed on bulimia.

Overeating at night

Overeating at night is not classified into a nosological form, as well as pathological condition hyperphagia. That is, in fact, this is a typical symptom in some types of eating disorders associated with hung appetite. As a rule, nighttime eating is characteristic of the compulsive form of the disorder, although there is confirmed evidence that patients with bulimia experience a significant increase in appetite in the evening.

Traditionally, a typical characteristic of overeating not complicated by obesity is an increase in appetite before bedtime and an inability to fall asleep before eating. In relation to the functions of the intestines and stomach, this condition affects negatively. This is due to the low activity of the digestive system in conditions of physical inactivity. Such patients note a tendency to constipation and flatulence, as food lingers in the intestines for a long time. In addition, eating just before bedtime is a predisposing factor in the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Causes and mechanisms of development of overeating

Overeating has many justifications, including pathological disorders in the body. Among them, the most significant is the neurohumoral failure of the physiology of the body, as well as somatic diseases that are metabolic in nature.

Overeating as a neuro-regulatory failure

Eating behavior is regulated by the functions of the hypothalamus as a higher nervous autonomic center. And if, with a violation of the structure of its nuclei, the mechanism for the development of hyperphagia is practically deciphered, then with regard to nervous stress, this effect, and its side effects, have not yet been thoroughly studied.

It is assumed that a typical factor in the development of overeating is neurosis. This condition arises as a result of nervous tension, stress, discrepancy between motivation and the objective possibilities of their implementation. Emotional reactions are for a long time persist in the form of a circular focus of nervous excitation in specialized centers limbic system.

However, in some cases, increased motivation, emotions, and stress responses can also affect other areas of the brain, including centers of autonomic regulation. central authority of this system is the hypothalamus, which is responsible for humoral and nervous regulation bodily functions. Violation of its work can cause blocking of impulses about saturation coming from the stomach and vascular chemoreceptors. Therefore, on this basis, they generate an upward impulse to the cerebral cortex, which stimulates the search for food.

The humoral influence is associated with pancreatic and thyroid hormones. Violation of the functioning cycle and target pathologies of these organs can cause obesity. In type 2 diabetes, this is due to the low efficiency of fat breakdown, although symptoms of hyperphagia may not be observed. In the case of hyperthyroidism, the metabolic disorder becomes more pronounced and specialized. The body increases the intensity of catabolic processes, due to which most of the stored substances are spent on the formation of heat. At the same time, a constantly low level of glycemia stimulates the centers of hunger in the hypothalamus, forming an appetite. However, obesity with severe hyperphagia in such patients does not occur, since the food consumed is processed into heat.

The main symptoms of overeating. Adverse symptoms

Overeating, the symptoms of which are visible even to people around, has some features in relation to pathological changes in the body regarding the cardiovascular system and digestive organs. A typical and non-specific symptom of overeating is a feeling of appetite that persists after eating the amount of food that previously caused satiety. Also, pathological compulsive overeating is characterized by the presence of a desire to eat, even with an objective sensation of a feeling of fullness in the stomach. In this case, there may be pain in the stomach, vomiting, after the termination of which the patient is taken to eat food again (mainly characteristic of bulimia).

Constant filling of the stomach and intestines, as well as a deficiency in the function of the enzyme systems of the body, leads to the ingress of incompletely digested food into distal departments intestines. In the large intestine, it begins to ferment by bacteria, which leads to increased production of toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream, causing toxemia.

Pancreatic deficiency leads to mushy stool. Its discharge is observed 2-3 times a day, especially with compulsive overeating. The use of a large amount herbal products leads to an increase in the osmotic pressure in the colon, since the polymeric cellulose molecules are broken down to dextrans, which are even more active in relation to the osmotic gradient. A large amount of fluid begins to flow into the intestinal lumen, which causes diarrhea.

Based on the conclusions about the extreme physiological manifestations overeating, it is worth highlighting the following non-specific symptoms: frequent stool mushy nature with the presence of semi-digested components, sometimes diarrhea 3-4 times a day, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, polydipsia, nausea, vomiting.

An increase in body weight is not always a pathognomonic sign of overeating, since there are pathologies in which the level of energy metabolism (type 1 diabetes, hyperthyroidism) does not allow substances to be stored in reserve.

Changes in the body associated with overeating. Harm of overeating

In accordance with the peculiarities of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, overeating causes a lot of side effects, which consist in restructuring the mode of its operation. Due to the increased intake of food, the stomach stretches and increases in volume. Its muscle wall quickly adapts to stretching, due to which the capacity increases significantly. In fact, this causes the formation of a pathological circle: increased food intake will cause the walls to diverge, the adaptation of stretch receptors to the load. As a result, for the onset of saturation, a larger amount of food is required, which will be in contact with them.

Impulses along nerve fibers are delayed, and therefore saturation is formed much later than during normal functioning. digestive system. At the same time, initially people who do not control their diet can fall into the category of predisposed to obesity. This is due to the presence of slow unmyelinated nerve fibers coming from the stomach. The saturation pulse is always delayed by about 20 minutes. In the case of a quick meal, the organ cavity is instantly filled, but there is no signal about the extinction of appetite. His "arrival" to higher nerve centers regulation of eating behavior, if a person continues to eat, is carried out when, in fact, there is an overflow of the stomach. This problem mainly characterizes the development of pathology.

In case of night overeating, when after eating man goes sleep, the walls of the stomach are stretched, its proximal section is at the level esophageal opening irritated, and the pressure on the cardiac sphincter increases. This, over time, causes its expansion and the formation of insufficiency (the entrance to the stomach is not completely closed, and food in some quantities is thrown back into the esophagus). This mechanism explains the development of heartburn as the main symptom in the formed gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Overeating is a fundamental factor in the development of obesity, except in cases of type 1 diabetes and hyperthyroidism. The deposition of fats on the body is formed gradually, bringing the body weight to high numbers. There are described cases when this indicator for patients was more than 350 kilograms. At the same time, such indicators of obesity are fraught with a whole range of diseases, ranging from the cardiovascular system to the skin.

An increase in the amount of lipids consumed leads to an increase in the level of chylomicrons and low-density lipoproteins in the blood. The latter have a pronounced atherogenic property, that is, they are capable of causing atherosclerosis of arteries of large and medium caliber. Subsequently, these changes lead to ischemic heart disease, transient ischemic attacks, ischemic strokes, pathologies of the lower extremities.

Musculoskeletal system A person is not always able to withstand weight loads. This causes the development of arthritis, destructive changes in the epiphyses of bones, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, pathologies of the ankle joints, radiculo-ischemia, discogenic radiculopathy. Subsequently, patients with severe forms of obesity of the 3rd degree lead a sedentary lifestyle, often limited to bed. Thrombosis of the veins of the legs, phlebitis with complications require adequate pharmacological therapy.

Diagnosis and definition of a specific form of overeating

Diagnostic manipulations to identify a specific form of overeating and obesity require the participation of several specialists, in particular, somatic and psychiatric profiles. Complete diagnostics complications require visits to targeted specialists.

In diagnosis, the main data are: anamnesis of life, general examination, physical, instrumental and laboratory research. The anamnesis specifies the presence of stress factors and a predisposing environment: prolonged fasting, psychogenic disorders, hormonal diseases. A general examination allows you to establish the facts of disruption of the intestines, the amount of food consumed per day.

Instrumental and laboratory research is the most informative approach to diagnosis. Through fibro-gastro-duodenoscopy, the presence of GERD, the volume of the stomach, gastric secretion on an empty stomach is revealed. Laboratory methods are designed to establish the level of blood cholesterol, to identify the risk of developing atherosclerosis and to find out some hormonal pathologies including hyper- and hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus. All this is important diagnostic value, since the establishment of a specific pathology can solve the problem of overeating and obesity.

Stages of development

Exhibiting a specific stage of obesity is necessary measure to form a prognosis, on the basis of which a specialized medical conclusion is made about the tactics of treatment and the diet. It can also become an indication for pharmacological and surgical methods for the treatment of obesity, correction of mental status.

In practical medicine, body mass indices (height-weight ratio), indicators of the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are used for this.

The first stage of obesity, associated with overeating, is characterized by a BMI in the range from 30 to 34.9 kgm 2 . The excess free weight is 20%. The second stage of obesity: BMI 35-40 34.9 kgm 2, and the third: BMI over 40 kgm 2.

Overeating in children

Unfortunately, children also have a tendency to overeat, having unformed hormonal mechanisms for regulating appetite. At the same time, their indicators of excess weight are much less likely to go beyond the limits of acceptable limits that require correction. Generally, most cases are due to somatic diseases requiring a specialized approach and treatment. Also, the proportions of the body, and, accordingly, the amount of food consumed per day, are mainly influenced by genetics.

Overeating in newborns
The failure of the regulatory and receptor systems of the body of a newborn often leads to overeating. However, since the organ systems are also not fully adapted, the stomach, which has a volume of approximately 30-35 ml, is not able to accommodate a large amount breast milk. The result is regurgitation (regurgitation) excess food. For a newborn, this is not a pathology, just a mismatch in the amount of breast milk secreted by the gland in one feeding can exceed the amount of free space in the stomach.

An important point overeating such a plan is to care for the newborn after feeding. If he initially spits up an excess amount of milk, you should wait until the regurgitation stops. It is noteworthy that before laying the baby, you should hold him for some time in vertical position, especially if vomiting was shown earlier. This is necessary to prevent asphyxia of the newborn.

Overeating during pregnancy

Pregnancy is characterized by special changes in a woman's body. During the manifestation of toxicosis of pregnant women, food intake can be very complicated, since its use causes vomiting. The severity of this condition requires treatment, and the shorter the duration of toxicosis, the less likely is the onset of a period when the appetite increases compensatory. Is this phenomenon described above? and is characterized by the "desire of the body" to take food in reserve.

In part, the increase in appetite and intelligibility in food is due to the deficiency of certain components. Mostly iron and proteins. In this case, food intake can be either uncontrolled (in rare cases), or simply increased. In a typical sense, the term overeating does not characterize this state, because in this way replenishment occurs. necessary for the body components and nutrients.

Therapeutic tactics for overeating and obesity

Overeating as a pathological condition is largely associated with obesity, with the exception of hormonal pathologies described above. At the same time, the assessment general condition body and the degree of obesity may be an indication for medical measures using pharmacological agents and a variety of surgical techniques.

The stringency of indications for treatment should prevent the treatment of cases that can be treated with a specialized dietary intake regimen and the implementation of the principles of fractional nutrition.

Pharmacological treatment

Pharmacological treatment of binge eating is often not highly specialized, especially if it is of a metabolic nature. For the most part in medical hospitals and outpatient departments are patients in whom overeating provoked the development of health problems. it ischemic disease heart disease, arthritis, osteoarthritis, pathological fractures of the extremities, gastroesophageal reflux disease, intestinal obstruction.

If overeating is a symptom of organic brain diseases, or a consequence of psychogenic stress, specialized therapy includes a course of antidepressants, and is prescribed by a neurologist or psychiatrist.

Symptomatic treatment of obesity is associated with the development of thrombosis and phlebitis. Also, blood cholesterol levels are corrected as a preventive measure to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. This therapy requires the appointment of a course of drugs belonging to the class of fibrates, or statins, derivatives nicotinic acid, vitamin complexes and antioxidants.

The rationality of obesity therapy using the so-called bioactive food additives raises certain doubts, since the indicators of their use do not differ in a qualitative change in the patient's weight, and do not affect appetite. Also in practical medicine, experts are skeptical about fat absorption inhibitors and burners of deposited lipids.

These drugs are mostly under controlled clinical researches, and therefore the safety of their use has not yet been proven. At the same time, a typical complication of taking lipid absorption inhibitors is the development bacterial complications, dysbiosis of the intestinal microflora, increased risk of metaplasia of the epithelial cover of the large intestine. The last side effect, which develops as a result of constant contact of the mucous membrane with the acidified contents of the colon, is characterized as an optional precancer. This means that the patient has increased risk the formation of both malignant and benign tumor formations in the intestine.


For the treatment of obesity surgical tactics are more specific and effective, although relapse may manifest itself through certain time, as well as the side effects associated with changing physiological mechanism digestion.

Among the most promising surgical interventions, resection of the antrum of the stomach, resection of the area small intestine(part ileum, directly at the Bauhin's valve), gastric banding, installation of an intragastric balloon.

However, surgical treatment tactics are not always applicable, even in cases where the intervention is not contraindicated by the general somatic status, which often happens in bedridden patients with stage 3 obesity, due to the risk of thrombosis. Also, surgery should be carefully considered in terms of indications, among which there is no absolute need for intervention.

To typical indications surgical treatment obesity includes: BMI over 40, disease progression (the primary pathogenetic factor of which is obesity), the absence of endocrine pathology, and inefficiency conservative therapy.

Metabolic disorders in obese people suffering from overeating, lead to a relative lack of insulin. The result is type 2 diabetes, which further exacerbates obesity. At the same time, the metabolism is partially rebuilt for the processing of fats, however, due to the large amount of acidic products, their breakdown and the formation of ketone bodies, patients may experience serious health problems.

What people who are prone to overeating and obesity need to know

A rational explanation for the predisposition to obesity is the genetic background, the presence of close relatives with obesity in the family, the diet with an excess of the energy capacity of the consumed products. AT this case it should become preventive measure designed to control the amount of food consumed. Respectively rational methodology, the essence of which is to stretch the time allotted for one meal, you can achieve a stable weight loss.

Also, the fight against overeating should not be carried out on your own, since you should first find out its etiology by passing a medical examination. Based on it, specialists on a personal basis, taking into account specific constitutional features, will recommend a certain regimen, or provide special treatment.

Prognostic characteristic of the development of various types of overeating
after proper treatment

Modern pharmacological and surgical techniques have achieved some success in the treatment of obesity. various etiologies including complex hormonal pathologies. For patients, this guarantees a stable weight loss, and a decrease in pathological cravings for food through psychotherapy and drug treatment. At the same time, the main emphasis in the process of therapy is on stimulating the personal qualities of a particular patient.

In a relationship pharmacological treatment there are some nuances, however, according to statistical data, their effectiveness has its own characteristics. If a medicines were used together with regime restriction of the amount of food, then a significant weight loss is observed in many cases. Also it has high efficiency with psychogenic diseases, especially after adequate anti-stress therapy with antidepressants.

Surgical techniques are extreme measures, although the efficiency surgical intervention relatively higher, because patients lose their weight faster. However, these methods are associated with high trauma, the natural passage of food through the intestine is disturbed. In addition, with the exception of gastric ballooning, these tactics do not teach patients proper food intake, but only block its absorption, or limit the volume of the gastric lumen, forming early satiety impulses. Therefore, with regard to surgical interventions, it is worth highlighting some priorities: they guarantee weight loss in the postoperative period and the first six months by 10-20%; operations with resection of part of the ileum and stomach have lasting effect gradually reducing body weight. In relation to the patient, it can be guaranteed that with the help of medical manipulations it is possible to reduce the manifestations of obesity, however, the formation of optimal eating behavior and putting weight in order depends entirely on the personal qualities of the person.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Why does a person eat? The answer is obvious, of course, to maintain the body in working condition, to replenish the reserves of vital substances and its energy resources. Why does a person overeat? it would seem absurd, why eat more than the body needs? However, the problem of overeating in developed countries is quite acute, in terms of the level of harm that overeating causes to the body, it can be compared with smoking and drinking alcohol, and this is not an exaggeration, since overeating entails consequences, in some cases, much more serious than other bad habits. So what the harm of overeating can have such a negative impact on our health?

Harm of overeating: possible reasons

What motivates people to overeat? As a rule, it is either the presence of very tasty food in large quantities, for example, for festive table, when you want to try everything in a row and without calculating your strength, you can eat so much that then it will not be up to the holiday. Another one common cause overeating is nervous stress, very often people try to calm their nerves by jamming them with various contents of their refrigerator, by the same method they are saved from boredom, when there is nothing to do, it occurs to many that they need to eat, and approaches to the refrigerator are not limited to one or two per day . There can be many reasons for overeating and it’s not so scary when it happens in isolated cases, a couple of times a year on holidays, but for many people, overeating becomes systematic. Trying to get enough, they, without noticing it, eat more and more every day, it turns out a kind of vicious circle, when a large amount of food stretches the stomach, as a result, to satisfy hunger every day a person needs more and more food, and therefore, the brain does not receive a command from the stomach in time that it is already full and enough to eat, and the person, as if nothing had happened, gobbles up everything that is in his refrigerator, and stops only when he feels that it would not be bad unbutton a couple of buttons on your pants.

Harm of overeating: health hazards

The harm of overeating affects all organs that are somehow involved in the process of digestion. Because in order to digest increased amount food, they have to constantly work in an enhanced mode, which leads to their premature wear: the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted - which can lead to the appearance of such dangerous disease like pancreatitis.

The heart gets tired due to the fact that you have to distill an increased amount of blood, which leads to wear and tear and weakening, so one of the main dangers of overeating is the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases. The "glutton" is an order of magnitude more likely to have heart attacks and strokes, and much more often than others are diagnosed with coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, etc. Not the last role in the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases is played by cholesterol, the level of which in the blood, with systematic overeating , rises sharply, why cholesterol is dangerous, everyone has probably already heard it, it clogs blood vessels, which is the cause of atherosclerosis, and high probability stroke.

Excess weight is a common thing among those who like to eat often and a lot. Excess weight inevitably leads to all the consequences that were described above, in addition, the phenomenon is extremely unpleasant, often obese people become, one might say, hostages of their body, unable to lead a full and active life. Obesity deprives mobility, in many cases negatively affects a person’s self-esteem, thereby increasing stressful condition, from which people begin to eat even more. It is very difficult to get rid of excess weight, sometimes it takes long years exhausting workouts, for which the vast majority simply do not have enough willpower, who are financially able to do liposuction - an operation to pump out fat. But given the fact that the harm of overeating extremely negatively affects, the metabolism is disturbed and slowed down, then the operation is not a guarantee that after some time the excess weight will not return, but in this case it will be much more difficult to lose it by natural methods.

Harm of overeating: food at night

Overeating at night is a very common occurrence, for some reason at night the food becomes even tastier and people, having eaten, go to sleep and do not even suspect how harmful it is, because all night the body cannot fully rest and gain strength, but is forced to process food, which is why a person does not get enough sleep , it is difficult for him to get up in the morning, he may suffer from heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating, increased gas formation, weakness and other unpleasant manifestations of indigestion.

Do not underestimate the harm of overeating, and the most The best way to avoid it, it is to eat according to the schedule at the strictly allotted time, if you are hungry in the evening, it is better to drink a couple of glasses of water, which will reduce your appetite for a while, or chew any greens or chop vegetable salad. From extra meals, playing sports or any other hobby that you can take helps free time Because often people overeat because they have nothing else to do. In the end, you should not make a cult out of food, because food is necessary in order to give us energy, but when it is overabundant, food not only does not give energy, but, on the contrary, takes it away, and with it our health.

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