No strength and want to sleep reasons. Why does a woman always want to sleep. Weakness after eating - Poor nutrition

A constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness can significantly affect a person's lifestyle and performance. Such symptoms can indicate both serious diseases, as a result of which the body malfunctions, and external factors that are indirectly related to the problem.

Therefore, if even after a long sleep there is a feeling of fatigue, and during the day you really want to sleep, then you should analyze the situation and, if necessary, seek help from a specialist.

The main causes of chronic fatigue

Causes of fatigue and drowsiness How to get rid of the problem
lack of oxygen Go outside for fresh air or open a window to increase your oxygen supply.
Vitamin deficiency It is necessary to normalize nutrition in order to ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients with food. If necessary, you should start taking vitamin complexes or dietary supplements.
Improper nutrition You need to revise the diet, remove fast food from it, eat more vegetables and fruits.
Vegetovascular dystonia It is worth practicing breathing exercises, yoga, using hardening methods.
Weather You need to drink a cup of coffee or green tea and do work that will cheer you up.
Iron-deficiency anemia You need to eat foods rich in iron. If necessary, take iron-containing preparations: Hemofer, Aktiferrin, Ferrum-Lek.
Bad habits Stop drinking alcohol or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.
Chronic fatigue syndrome and depression In order to get rid of the problem, you need to change your lifestyle and take tranquilizers prescribed by your doctor.
endocrine disruption To get rid of it, you need to take hormonal drugs.
Diabetes Medications or insulin injections are required.

External factors and lifestyle

Often the cause of constant drowsiness in women can be external factors that affect the body. It can be both natural phenomena and the wrong way of life.


Very often, drowsiness overcomes indoors with a large crowd of people. The reason for this is very simple - lack of oxygen. The less oxygen enters the body, the less it is transported to the internal organs. Brain tissues are very sensitive to this factor and immediately react with headache, fatigue and yawning.

Yawning is a signal that the body is trying to get more oxygen. from the air, but since there is not too much of it in the air, the organism may fail. In order to get rid of drowsiness, you should open a window, a window or just go outside.


Many people notice that before the rain there is drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue. This is explained quite simply. Before the weather worsens, atmospheric pressure drops, to which the body reacts by lowering blood pressure and slowing the heartbeat, as a result of which the supply of oxygen to the body decreases.

Also, the cause of fatigue and drowsiness during bad weather can be a psychological factor. The monotonous sound of rain, the lack of sunlight are depressing. But most often the problem worries meteorological people.

Magnetic storms

Until recently, magnetic storms were considered an invention of astrologers. But after the appearance of modern equipment, science can observe the state of the sun and report that a new outbreak has occurred on it.

These outbreaks are sources of colossal energy that enters our planet and affects all living things. Sensitive people at such moments experience drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue and weakness. An increase or decrease in blood pressure or an increase in heart rate may also occur.

In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to spend more time outdoors and take drugs to normalize blood pressure prescribed by your doctor.

As a prevention of hypersensitivity to magnetic storms, hardening will help.

Place of residence

The human body is very sensitive to climate change. If a person gets to the north, where the amount of oxygen is less than in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis usual residence, then he may experience a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness. After the body adapts, the problem will go away by itself.

It is also a problem for residents of megacities, where polluted air is a normal phenomenon. The reduced amount of oxygen in this case causes undesirable side effects.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Constant fatigue and drowsiness in women may be due to a lack of vitamins in the body. Vitamins are responsible for transporting and obtaining oxygen. To replenish their level, you need to eat right or take additional vitamin complexes.

Vitamins and trace elements, the lack of which causes a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness:

Poor or improper nutrition

Women sitting on rigid mono-diets often complain of poor health, fatigue and drowsiness. This is due to the lack of vitamins and trace elements that must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities.

Some of them the body is not able to produce on its own and must receive from outside. Therefore, people who want to lose weight should take this fact into account and give preference to diets in which the diet is varied.

Also, the cause of drowsiness can be malnutrition, eating fast food or fatty foods.

To process unhealthy food, the body spends additional energy. This creates an additional load on the digestive system, which negatively affects the work of all organs and in the future can cause a negative reaction in the form of constant fatigue and drowsiness.

Another cause of fatigue and drowsiness in women: overeating, in which the body finds it difficult to cope with the excess amount of food entering the body.

Bad habits

One of the worst habits that can cause you to feel unwell and sleepy is smoking. When nicotine and its accompanying harmful substances enter the body, vasoconstriction occurs, as a result of which blood to the brain begins to flow more slowly. And since it transports oxygen, the brain begins to experience hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

In turn, alcohol negatively affects the liver, as a result of which a person's condition worsens, there is a constant feeling of fatigue and a desire to lie down. Narcotic drugs can also disrupt liver function.

Drugs that cause drowsiness

In some cases, increased drowsiness in women may occur as a side effect after taking medications of various pharmacological groups:

Diseases and the state of the body

In some cases, the cause of drowsiness and constant fatigue can be various disorders in the body.

Hormonal disorders

Women are very dependent on hormonal levels. In addition to drowsiness and feeling unwell, symptoms such as unmotivated aggression, tearfulness, and insomnia may occur. In women, sleep is disturbed, body weight changes and interest in sex is lost. Also, increased hair loss or frequent headaches can indicate hormonal disorders.

There are various causes of hormonal changes, which include:

  • Puberty, in which the reproductive function is formed;
  • Menopause associated with the extinction of reproductive function;
  • Premenstrual period (PMS);
  • Pregnancy;
  • postpartum period;
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • Frequent stressful situations;
  • Violation of lifestyle and bad habits;
  • Rigid diet;
  • Obesity;
  • Abortions or gynecological diseases;
  • Physical exercise.

Treatment of hormonal disorders depends on the causes of their occurrence. In some cases, it is enough to change your lifestyle or get rid of bad habits.

Hormonal preparations can be prescribed as a medical treatment. But if they themselves cause drowsiness, then it is possible that the drugs are chosen incorrectly and the dose of hormones in them exceeds the required one.

Also, to get rid of hormonal problems, normalization of weight may be necessary., for which a woman should start eating right and make sure that the diet has a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

nervous exhaustion

Nervous exhaustion has a huge number of symptoms, so recognizing it is not so easy. It can manifest itself as a violation of intelligence, depression, pain in the heart, tachycardia, jumps in blood pressure, numbness of the limbs and a sharp change in body weight.

Nervous exhaustion is almost always accompanied by a feeling of constant weakness and drowsiness in women.. With this disease, women develop memory problems, they cannot absorb the most elementary information, which negatively affects the quality of life and the work process.

The most common cause of nervous exhaustion is overwork. With this ailment, the body consumes much more energy than it is able to accumulate. Nervous exhaustion occurs as a result of mental and emotional stress, prolonged lack of sleep and the presence of bad habits.

Do not ignore the signs of the disease, since treatment started on time in the future will help to avoid many problems.

In order to get rid of nervous exhaustion, first of all, it is necessary to reduce both the emotional and physical stress on the body. It is worth normalizing nutrition, changing the type of activity and paying special attention to sleep.

Of the medications, nootropics can be prescribed: Nootropil, Pramistar and tranquilizers: Gidazepam, Nozepam. Also useful will be sedatives in the form of valerian or Persen.


Often the cause of drowsiness is depression, which is classified as a number of mental disorders. In this case, a person develops an oppressed and depressed state. He does not feel joy and is not able to perceive positive emotions.

A person with depression feels tired. Such people have low self-esteem, they lose interest in life and work, and also limit physical activity.

The combination of all these symptoms leads to the fact that in the future such people begin to abuse alcohol, drugs, or even commit suicide.

In order to get rid of depression, you need the help of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. who may prescribe tranquilizers or sedatives. The support of relatives and friends also plays an important role in this case.

Vegetovascular dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia is a fairly common diagnosis. At the same time, some doctors consider it not an independent disease, but only a symptom of other problems in the body. In this case, disturbances occur in the autonomic nervous system, which is fraught with dizziness, a feeling of constant fatigue, drowsiness, poor health, fluctuations in arterial and intracranial pressure.

People with vegetovascular dystonia need to harden, strengthen blood vessels and lead a proper lifestyle.

Simply put, the brain, for some, often not established reasons, is not able to properly control the organs. It is almost impossible to get rid of such a problem with the help of drugs. But at the same time, there is a way out. Breathing techniques, massages, swimming, limited physical activity give good results.

Iron-deficiency anemia

Hemoglobin is the component of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen. This is a complex iron-containing protein that can reversibly bind to oxygen and transport it to tissue cells.

With a lack of iron, a disease such as iron deficiency anemia occurs.

At the same time, the level of hemoglobin is below normal, the person experiences a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness. This condition often occurs in pregnant women.

For to replenish the level of iron in the body, you need to eat right, eat red meat, offal, buckwheat porridge and vegetables. It is also necessary to pay special attention to cooking, not to overcook the dishes.


Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels resulting from inadequate production of insulin by the pancreas.

Diabetes is accompanied by symptoms such as drowsiness, constant fatigue, dry mouth, constant hunger, muscle weakness and severe itching of the skin. At the same time, the disease is fraught with a mass of additional complications, disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system and organs of vision.

High blood sugar levels can be detected by doing a blood test. To do this, you need to donate blood from a finger on an empty stomach and quickly determine the amount of sugar using a test strip and a glucometer.

Endocrine disruptions

Thyroid dysfunction is very often the cause of such symptoms. According to statistics, 4% of the population of our planet suffer from autoimmune thyroiditis. In this case, the immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland.

If you are worried about the constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, but there are no chronic diseases, and the rest is long enough, then you must first contact an endocrinologist.

Various tumors of the thyroid gland can also occur, which interfere with its normal functioning. If you suspect a malfunction of the thyroid gland, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination and analysis for hormones.

In the future, the work of the thyroid gland is corrected by taking hormonal drugs. such as L-thyroxine. If the cause of poor health is an inflammatory process, then corticosteroids in the form of Prednisolone may be prescribed.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, symptoms and treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a relatively new disease that mainly affects residents of megacities. It can be provoked by chronic diseases, great emotional and mental stress, in which there is practically no time left for physical exercises and walks, viral diseases or prolonged depression. Also, regular stressful situations can become the cause of the development of this syndrome.

A person with chronic fatigue syndrome, in addition to constant drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue, may experience attacks of aggression that occur without specific motives, sleep disturbances, and memory problems. A person wakes up in the morning not rested and immediately feels overwhelmed and tired.

In this case, you should consult a doctor and establish the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome. If chronic diseases become the cause, then it is necessary to immediately begin their treatment.

In other situations, coping with chronic fatigue syndrome will help:

  • Right lifestyle. A special role in this case is played by the normalization of sleep. Healthy sleep should last at least 7 hours, while you need to go to bed no later than 22-00;
  • Physical exercise. It must be remembered that people who spend a long time at the computer need to go to the gym or walk in the fresh air for a long time. Well, for those who have to spend a long time on their feet, massage or swimming will help;
  • Nutrition normalization. In order for a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements to enter the body, it is necessary to eat right, introduce vegetable and fruit salads, cereals, soups into the diet. It is worth giving up fast food, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

How to get rid of drowsiness

In order to get rid of drowsiness and a constant feeling of fatigue, first of all, you need to lead a proper lifestyle, monitor your weight and nutrition. People who have devoted their entire lives to work need to periodically change the situation and try to spend the weekend actively and cheerfully.

Pay special attention to your health if symptoms of any disease are detected, consult a doctor and begin treatment to avoid the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

To get rid of drowsiness you can drink a small amount of natural coffee or strong tea. In this case, lemongrass or ginseng tinctures can also be useful. They have an excellent tonic property and help to quickly cheer up. But it must be remembered that people with high blood pressure should not use them.

In the winter-spring period, when food becomes poor in vitamins, it is worth thinking about taking vitamin complexes that will help make up for the lack of these substances in the body. These funds include: Supradin, Duovit, Vitrum, Revit. A doctor or pharmacist will help you choose the right drug.

Constant fatigue and drowsiness, apathy, indifference to everything, low efficiency- almost every person notes such signs at least once. Interestingly, this state is experienced by many energetic, businesslike, responsible and successful people. Experts believe that many of them do not pay due attention to their well-being, provoking a decrease in the body's resistance to stress and infections, and this, in turn, reduces the level of production of serotonin (stimulating hormone, hormone of joy).

Serotonin by the way, a very important hormone that not only creates a positive emotional mood, as everyone is used to thinking, but regulates most of the processes in the body. In many respects, it is precisely because of the decrease in its level in the blood in the winter that the inhabitants of Russia become overweight, there is constant fatigue, weakness and drowsiness, they become brittle and hair falls out, the skin becomes faded.

According to scientists' research, when serotonin levels in the brain are low, the person begins to experience strong cravings for foods rich in carbohydrates: to sugar, sweets, cakes, chocolate. Trying to make up for the lack of serotonin in such an uncontrolled way, a person simply begins to gain weight.

And Dr. Wartman (MA) believed that low levels of serotonin lead to to constant fatigue, seasonal depression, low performance, premenstrual syndrome.

Constant tiredness and drowsiness- a serious consequence of a low level of serotonin in the blood - the body receives the installation: I am bad, I am unhappy, I cannot be attractive to the opposite sex, I am weak and need rest. All processes in the body seem to work to save energy and accumulate fat (future fuel).

Many women 20-40 years old feel constantly tired. They often have an irresistible desire after work to get to the sofa as soon as possible and, as it were, disconnect from the outside world. It would seem that you just need to lie down - and everything will pass. But no. Morning comes - and with it new problems and worries, accumulating like a snowball. And again - low performance.

Constant fatigue and drowsiness can be provoked by the environmental situation, frequent stress, lack of vitamins, and chronic lack of sleep. Treatment is necessary here, otherwise health begins to deteriorate and the body's defenses decrease.

If constant weakness and fatigue persist even after a long rest, and this condition lasts more than six months, in medicine this condition is called chronic fatigue syndrome.

The most important symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is constant fatigue and a feeling of weakness, which appear even without significant exertion. Things that you used to do easily and without difficulty become a heavy burden, annoying and literally exhausting. Even a simple walk or a trip to the store can become very tiring, not to mention the physical and emotional stresses such as fitness classes, negotiations, the sales process, and being in contact with people for a long time.

Other permanent (chronic) fatigue syndromes

Some scholarly works describe the following factors, entailing constant fatigue and often causing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

    increased formation of lactic acid in muscle tissue after exercise,

    decreased intensity or impaired oxygen transport to tissues,

    decrease in the number of mitochondria and their dysfunction.

This is a kind of complex disease that affects both the body and the brain.

Interesting facts about constant fatigue.

    Most often, people aged 40-50 suffer from weakness and constant fatigue. However, children and teenagers can also show signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Most of the research notes more frequent symptoms of CFS in girls than in boys.

    Calm, harmonious and good personal relationships with family members and friends is an important factor in the full recovery of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It turns out that your family is also the key to getting rid of constant fatigue.

    Chronic fatigue syndrome can cause joint pain. Therefore, often people suffering from constant fatigue abuse painkillers.

    According to another widespread theory, the processes of energy metabolism are disturbed in the mitochondria of cells as a result of a combination of stress, allergies, and viral diseases. In mitochondria, the synthesis of ATP, which contains the energy necessary for the body, decreases. For example, the energy needed for muscle contraction is also released when ATP is broken down. All patients with CFS are characterized by low levels of ATP, and we can say the same about people who feel constantly tired and sleepy.

    allergies is the only abnormality of the immune system seen in most patients with CFS. Some studies have reported that up to 80% of CFS patients have allergies to food, pollen, and metals.

    People who feel constantly tired least susceptible to treatment by self-hypnosis(or the placebo effect, in other words). On average, studies of various diseases show 30-35% cures due to the placebo effect. For patients diagnosed with CFS, these rates are less than 30%.

With this disease, an integrated approach is needed. Revision of lifestyle, more active physical activity, sleep and nutrition, avoiding alcohol and smoking.

What can be done to make constant weakness and low performance a thing of the past?

To overcome fatigue, treatment can be different. The ideal option is to change your lifestyle, with proper rest, a good diet, outdoor walks, exercise and the absence of stress. Trips to waterfalls, the sea or mountains help a lot.

It is not available to everyone and not always. So people are looking for other options.

At a waterfall, high in the mountains, on the sea after a storm, there are negative ions that have a beneficial effect on the body, improve well-being, and increase the level of serotonin in the blood. Weakness and fatigue disappear on their own.

Negatively charged ions or anions These are the smallest particles that enter our body with air and have the following effects:

    Enhance the ability of the blood to absorb and carry oxygen

    They have a powerful antioxidant effect, similar to the action of vitamins. Anions stop oxidative processes in the body, thereby removing the cause of weakness and fatigue.

    They have a powerful antiviral and antimicrobial effect. This fact has long been used in modern medicine for disinfection. For example, surgical gloves are treated with a special ionized powder. But about her later.

    Enhance the growth of the number of mitochondria. Mitochondria are intracellular formations that produce energy in the body. They synthesize adenosine triphosphoric acid, tk. the basic energy unit of living organisms and are located in places where it is necessary to use energy for any life processes,

    Contribute to the increase of mental activity and metabolic processes in the body,

    Contribute to the rejuvenation of the body. It has been proven that in the environment of ionized air, cells multiply 2.5 times faster,

    And finally, they contribute to the production of serotonin in the blood.

This feature was used in the creation of energy bracelets. LifeStrength, with the wearing of which, during the first week, constant fatigue and drowsiness disappear or significantly lose ground.

In the production of seemingly simple silicone bracelets, the same ionized powder is used, which helps surgeons in the disinfection of gloves. The special composition of the seven-mineral powder allows the bracelet to retain its ionic charge for a long time. The anions in the LifeStrength bracelet help you fight constant weakness and fatigue for 5 years. That is their lifespan.

People who have tried bracelets on themselves, I cut off what low performance or unwillingness to work means. Scientists have proven that negative ions also slow down the aging process. Therefore, LifeStrength energy bracelets with a high concentration of negative ions are so popular among the beautiful half of humanity.

The causes of fatigue, drowsiness and apathy are numerous, such conditions very often appear in people in old age. With the appearance of drowsiness, apathy, constant causeless fatigue, you need to see a doctor. These may be signs of a disease.

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Causes of fatigue and apathy

  1. Sleep deprivation. If a person does not get enough sleep all the time, then his health is exposed to stress, which leads to disorders. An adult is characterized by eight hours of daily sleep.
  2. Sleep apnea. Apnea is the interruption of breathing during sleep. With such a dream, you can not get a good rest. Each interruption causes the sleeper to wake up for a very short time, which he himself does not notice. This leads to the fact that the patient categorically does not get enough sleep.
  3. Bad nutrition. A complete and balanced diet gives the human body energy. If the diet is disturbed by constant starvation or vice versa by overeating, then the vital energy flow stops.
  4. Anemia. This is the main cause of chronic fatigue in women. This is due to monthly menstrual blood loss. The fact is that it is the blood that is the transport for oxygen. And with a lack of oxygen in the body, a person begins to get tired very quickly, which leads to drowsiness and apathy.
  5. Depression. This condition can manifest itself not only as an emotional disturbance, very often it leads to constant fatigue, loss of appetite.
  6. Thyroid disorders or hypothyroidism. This disease often leads to very large disturbances in the body, all processes slow down, and a person constantly wants to sleep, feels overwhelmed.
  7. Problems with the genitourinary system, more often it is an infection.
  8. Diabetes. With high blood sugar levels, the body does not receive enough energy necessary for a full life. Constant and unreasonable fatigue may indicate that a person suffers from this disease.
  9. Dehydration. Since for the full functioning of the body constantly needs water, which helps thermoregulation. If there is not enough water in the body, then all the signs of apathy appear, a constant desire to sleep, causeless fatigue, as well as a persistent desire to drink.
  10. Heart problems. Such violations can be suspected if even the simplest daily tasks are difficult to do.
  11. Shift work. Such a schedule can disrupt the correct mode of a person, cause chronic lack of sleep, fatigue and insomnia.
  12. food allergy. Many experts are sure that a constant desire to sleep, fatigue in a person can appear after a slight poisoning with food or drinks.
  13. Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If fatigue does not go away for six months, completely spoils the quality of everyday life, then most likely it is chronic fatigue syndrome.
  14. Inflammation in the prostate. More often, such a diagnosis leads to a decrease in testosterone, which contributes to apathy, drowsiness.

It is very difficult to independently identify the cause of fatigue - it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Symptoms in women and men

  1. Constant desire to sleep;
  2. Loss of interest in life
  3. No desire to take care of yourself;
  4. No strength to perform normal daily work;
  5. Irritability;
  6. Previously pleasant things do not bring joy and former pleasure;
  7. Very often tormented by negative thoughts;
  8. Despite drowsiness, insomnia can torment;
  9. Feeling of emptiness, causeless longing;
  10. Motivation disappears;
  11. In some cases there is an aversion to food;
  12. There are difficulties with awakening and falling asleep;
  13. The heartbeat becomes rare;
  14. Body temperature, pressure may decrease;
  15. Constant yawning;
  16. Consciousness is dulled.

The main causes of drowsiness on video

Diseases for which you should visit a doctor

Drowsiness and fatigue can be symptoms of serious illnesses.

Some of them:

  1. Anemia. During anemia, a person notices a deficiency of red blood cells, hemoglobin, that is, there is a lack of oxygen in the body.

    With anemia, in addition to the desire to constantly sleep, the following symptoms are also observed:

    • dizzy;
    • performance decreases;
    • memory becomes worse;
    • apathy;
    • sometimes there are fainting spells.

    The causes of this disease can be:

    • large one-time or prolonged blood loss;
    • vegetarianism or constant strict diets;
    • pregnancy;
    • inflammatory processes;
    • diseases associated with the digestive tract.
  2. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Plaques appear inside the vessels, this leads to the fact that the blood flow to the brain becomes incomplete and oxygen does not flow in full measure. In such cases, a specialist can diagnose ischemia.

    Symptoms that may occur with this disease:

    • hearing falls;
    • memory becomes much worse;
    • noise in ears;
    • blood flow is disturbed;
    • during walking, instability is noticed.

    This disease, if you do not pay attention to it in time, leads to a stroke, which in some cases ends in death. It can also lead to partial or complete paralysis.

    Cerebral atherosclerosis often appears in people in old age, it develops rather slowly. The cerebral cortex gradually receives less and less oxygen, which leads to a constant desire to sleep.

  3. Diseases associated with certain internal organs, such as:
    • heart failure, chronic;
    • liver disease;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • hydronephrosis;
    • glomerulonephritis and other kidney diseases.
  4. Infections. This condition can lead to: tick-borne encephalitis, herpes, even influenza. The reaction of a person becomes slow, he constantly wants to sleep.
  5. Dehydration, which occurs against the background of vomiting or diarrhea, in this case, the body loses electrolytes in large quantities, which causes weakness.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Oncological diseases.
  8. Head injury.

Effective Treatments

How to get rid of fatigue, constant drowsiness? Doctors recommend complex therapy.

In the beginning, it is more often advised to do without medication treatment:

  • Gymnastics with breathing;
  • Relaxing massage;
  • aromatherapy;
  • Aqua procedures.

It is advisable to follow the following rules during treatment:

  • spend more time outdoors;
  • sleep for at least eight hours;
  • monitor nutrition;
  • avoid nervous tension.

With constant fatigue, apathy and drowsiness, you can also:

  • take a course of vitamins;
  • take immunocorrectors, adaptogens.

You definitely need to consult a doctor, and if fatigue has a previous diagnosis, then you need to deal with its elimination.

How to help yourself:

  1. Go to the gym and swimming pool.
  2. Create all the conditions for a good sleep.
  3. Drink a decoction of wild rose, in order to improve immunity.
  4. Find new interests and hobbies.
  5. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk.
  6. Do not eat before bed, do not overeat.
  7. Get rid of bad habits.
  8. Take a contrast shower in the morning.

Treatment of drowsiness will not be effective enough if you do not follow the rules of nutrition:

  • The daily diet should be rich in iron-containing foods, it can be seafood, apples, peas, pomegranates, meat.
  • In order to get a full charge of energy will help food rich in carbohydrates.
  • You need vitamin C in your diet.
  • Eat fractionally, this will help not to overeat and be full all day.
  • Drink enough water or other liquids.

Why do men feel constant fatigue, drowsiness, apathy

It happens that the whole day does not leave the desire to take a nap somewhere. A person feels tired, he is indifferent to everything that happens around him. The reason for this may be a fun party the night before or a quarterly report that had to be done all night. But if you sleep, relax, then everything comes back to normal.

But there are times when, with proper rest and sleep, a person still feels overwhelmed. In this state, he can even show aggression, as he is annoyed by everything that happens around him, everyone who prevents him from taking a nap. To determine the cause of this condition, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

For men, the feeling of constant fatigue, drowsiness is associated with many factors. Apathy and fatigue are the two most common conditions. At the same time, the man does not have motivation for further actions, he loses faith in the successful outcome of events. Such a man ceases to believe in himself, to enjoy life.

Drowsiness and apathy can also often be observed in men. There may be several reasons for this state of affairs. The main one is not getting enough sleep. But it is worth getting enough sleep, as drowsiness will pass, and apathy will pass with it.

Also among the reasons are the following:

  1. The body is constantly under stress when it lacks sleep. To feel alert and efficient, experts advise sleeping at least 8 hours a day.
  2. The body receives a boost of energy during deep sleep. But there are times when a person wakes up several times a night. These moments of wakefulness do not last long, a man may not even remember them. But at the same time in the morning he feels sleepy, tired.
  3. Shift work causes a violation of the sleep and wakefulness of a person. The rhythm breaks. A person sleeps during the day, works at night. This can cause apathy, fatigue in a man.
  4. Problems with the prostate. Often symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland are apathy, drowsiness. The main reason for this is the reduced level of testosterone in the male body.
  5. Infections and diseases of the genitourinary system. They cause the urge to urinate frequently, pain that interferes with proper rest at night.

You can get rid of some reasons yourself. But a number of reasons require the intervention of a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will prescribe drug therapy, vitamin preparations that help you feel full again.

severe fatigue

A number of causes of severe fatigue, drowsiness are similar for both men and women. These factors include:

  1. Diabetes. People who notice constant drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue, are recommended to consult an endocrinologist. The natural enzyme insulin serves as a “supplier” of glucose to cells. It is she who serves as a source of energy. If the desire to sleep accompanies a person from morning to evening, then this may indicate an increase or decrease in the level of insulin in the blood. Along with fatigue, other symptoms may appear, namely: weakness, dry mouth and excruciating thirst, severe itching of the skin, dizziness.
  2. The intake of insufficient amounts of nutrients, vitamins. Food provides a person with energy. If something is disturbed in the energy flow, the body immediately reacts to it. Diets or frequent overeating can lead to severe fatigue, drowsiness.
  3. Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland. Often this leads to great disturbances in the work of the whole organism, leads to a slowdown in processes. In such cases, people complain of fatigue and constantly want to sleep.
  4. Dehydration of the body. Since most of the body is water, it is constantly required to replenish its level. Water is involved in thermoregulation, in all processes occurring in the body. With a lack of water, a person feels apathetic, tired, constantly thirsty.
  5. Depression leads to disturbances in the emotional state, to loss of appetite. A person is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue.

Vitamins and pills for fatigue in women

To get rid of apathy, fatigue, drowsiness, doctors recommend an integrated approach.

First, non-drug treatment is applied:

  • physiotherapy;
  • breathing exercises;
  • relaxing massage;
  • meditation and yoga;
  • aromatherapy.

If these methods do not bring the expected result, drug therapy is prescribed.

  • a course of vitamins;
  • immunocorrectors, adaptogens.

Doctors attribute increased fatigue, drowsiness and apathy to a lack of the following vitamins:

  • vitamin B5;
  • vitamin B6;
  • routine;
  • iodine;
  • vitamin D.

Pantothenic acid (B5) of natural origin. It can be found both in plants and in animal food. Eggs, milk, cottage cheese, green vegetables, fish roe are rich in vitamin B5. Lack of B5 is manifested by fatigue, frequent headaches, nausea, and sleep disorders.

Vitamin B6 deficiency provokes the intake of certain medications, which include penicillamine or cuprimine. You can make up for its lack of products of plant origin. Nuts, carrots, potatoes, spinach, strawberries, cherries, as well as many other fruits and vegetables are rich in B6.

With a lack of iodine in the body, a person feels a breakdown. He practically turns into a sloth who only dreams of getting enough sleep. You can make up for the lack of this mineral by including sea fish, sea kale, and other seafood in your diet. You can replenish your iodine supply by regularly eating dairy products.

Rutin enters the body exclusively with food, so its supply must be regularly replenished. Its maximum concentration is found in chokeberry. But if there are any contraindications to its use, then you can include citrus fruits, fruits, berries, greens in your diet.

Vitamin D can be ingested through both sunlight and food. Fish oil or fatty fish is an excellent source of this vitamin. Also, in a smaller amount, it is found in beef liver, eggs, butter, hard cheese.

Medications are prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the causes that caused them. You should not buy medicines that have helped others without consulting a specialist.

Traditional medicine helps to recover, get rid of fatigue, drowsiness, apathy. The easiest way to regain strength is to regularly use rosehip broth. You can use such a remedy for as long as you like, replacing regular tea with it.

A warm bath with the addition of sea salt helps to relax and relieve severe overwork. To improve the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the water.

A proven remedy against fatigue, drowsiness is ginger tea. They can replace coffee. For cooking, you need a small amount of fresh root, and to enhance the effect, you can add lemon juice, a spoonful of honey to tea.

There are many ways to deal with fatigue, drowsiness and apathy. However, it is better to listen to your body, avoid overwork, avoid stress, and get more rest.

For various reasons, some women experience fatigue, apathy, and even dizziness during the daytime. These manifestations interfere with a normal life, full-fledged work and making important decisions. If there is constant fatigue and drowsiness in women, then this may be caused by some disease or other factors.
In young years, people have a lot of energy and vigor, thanks to which you can even do hard work, moreover, not always allocating enough time for a night's sleep. But the years go by, and over time, the strength becomes less, besides, a family and children appear, various health difficulties arise, domestic difficulties, and it is not always possible to get enough rest. Many tasks and responsibilities fall on the shoulders, weakness and drowsiness arise, which often do not disappear. Why do you want to sleep all the time, and what are the main causes of fatigue?

Factors leading to chronic weakness

There are various causes of sleepiness in women. Various mental or somatic diseases of the female population often appear due to apathy and excessive fatigue during the day. Below are the most common causes of constant fatigue and drowsiness.


Some women, when stressed, fearful, or anxious, often cannot sleep well at night, so they take sleeping pills. Light sedatives, for example, lemon balm, mint, Persen are quickly excreted from the body, they do not affect working capacity during the day and well-being. But if you take strong sleeping pills or tranquilizers, for example, Donormil, Phenazepam, then it is important to consider that they have negative side reactions, for example, increased desire to sleep, fatigue, apathy, dizziness, nausea, and others. These symptoms lead to hypersomnia, and do not allow a normal day to live.

Insufficient sunlight

Many people notice that in the summer and spring, waking up in the morning is much easier when there is a bright sun outside the window and the birds sing. This has a beneficial effect on mood and performance, since the blood contains a small level of melatonin - a hormone that, when increased, makes you want to sleep. In winter, the sun often does not shine in the morning, and it is cold outside. At this time, few people want to get up and go to work. In winter, there is much more melatonin in the body, so the body cannot understand why it is necessary to wake up, because there is no sunlight. In offices and schools, this problem is solved by turning on fluorescent lamps.


One of the causes of severe weakness and drowsiness in women is a lack of iron in the blood and tissues of the body. Iron is one of the most important trace elements that is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin. With reduced hemoglobin, the blood carries an insufficient amount of oxygen to the internal organs, as a result of which hypoxia develops, oxidative processes are disturbed. Signs of iron deficiency anemia include:

  • sleepiness during the day;
  • fairly quick fatigue;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dizziness;
  • low blood pressure;
  • nausea, problems with stool regularity;
  • fragility of nails;
  • weakening and hair loss.

This problem is diagnosed very quickly and simply, you just need to donate blood for analysis. If the hemoglobin level is less than 115, then anemia has begun to develop. But why does she show up? This may be due to various factors, the culprits may be, for example, insufficient consumption of meat products, gastritis, anorexia, too heavy menstruation, approaching menopause. A hematologist or therapist will prescribe the necessary medications for the treatment of anemia, first of all, iron preparations are prescribed, thanks to which severe weakness will pass quite quickly.

Reduced blood pressure

This is a common cause of increased sleepiness in women. Hypotension occurs even in young girls who have a small body weight. With reduced pressure, the head begins to spin, nausea occurs, it causes fatigue and weakness. Hypotension can be a genetic pathology when the pressure is below 110 over 70.
Reduced blood pressure is very well observed during a sharp rise, this phenomenon is called orthostatic hypotension, when, with a sharp change in body position from lying or sitting to vertical, the pressure decreases rapidly, which can even cause you to faint.
Hypotension, which is the cause of weakness and drowsiness in women, can be a temporary problem that occurs due to heavy menstruation, pregnancy, mental or physical overwork, nervousness, constant stress. To improve vascular tone and normalize blood pressure, it is necessary to observe the time of rest and work, take a contrast shower, use lemongrass, ginseng, spend more time in the fresh air, do exercises in the morning, play sports, periodically drink vitamin and mineral complexes.

sleep apnea syndrome

Both men and women snore during sleep, at this time the airways can temporarily overlap, as a result of which a person stops breathing completely for a couple of seconds, this syndrome is called apnea. During the night there can be a lot of such short-term pauses in breathing, even several hundred! Snoring during sleep and occasional pauses in breathing can be another cause of constant fatigue and drowsiness in women during the day. Apnea leads to chronic hypoxia, the body receives insufficient oxygen all the time, this phenomenon is dangerous for the brain.

Thyroid diseases

When this gland begins to function incorrectly, the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • muscle weakness, apathy, fatigue, both mental, emotional and physical;
  • the appearance of constipation, chills, constantly want to sleep;
  • menstruation is broken;
  • there are swelling of the upper, lower extremities and face, the skin becomes dry.


Nowadays, it is a fairly common endocrine disease that can be the cause of constant drowsiness and fatigue in women. With this pathology, there is a violation of the absorption of glucose, so the body does not have enough insulin. With a rapid drop in blood sugar, hypoglycemia occurs, which is life-threatening. If it became known about the appearance of diabetes mellitus, which is the cause of nausea, weakness and drowsiness in a woman, then it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible, take antidiabetic drugs, monitor blood glucose all the time, regularly go to appointments with an endocrinologist so that there is no complications.


This pathology is quite rare when a person suddenly falls asleep anywhere. At the same time, he can be cheerful and have good health. For no reason, a short-term sleep begins, lasting a couple of minutes, after which a quick awakening occurs. This can happen anywhere, even on the street, on public transport or at work. Sometimes before this pathology, catalepsy can be observed - severe weakness in the arms and legs, as well as paralysis. This pathology is quite dangerous, since it is possible to get injuries to the limbs and other parts of the body, but it is treated quite well with the help of psychotherapeutic medications.

Klein-Levin syndrome

It is a very rare disease, most often observed in adolescents to adulthood, sometimes in women. It is manifested by the fact that a person falls into a deep sleep for one or several days. When he wakes up, he feels excited, hungry and cheerful. This syndrome is not treated in our time, as it is not clear why it occurs.

Various brain injuries

Injury to the head can occur at any age, as a result of, for example, a fall, a strong blow, an accident, a car accident. Injuries can have varying degrees of severity, often because of them there is constant drowsiness and fatigue, which can occur even after not difficult and not very long work, as well as rapid emotional fatigue. In case of brain injuries, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination, after which a course of drug treatment will be prescribed.

Mental health disorder

There are many different mental illnesses and deviations that affect the emotional state. These include the appearance of psychosis, depression, manic syndrome, neurotic disorder, neurasthenia, and others. Almost all mental illnesses lead to lethargy and fatigue in women, often there is a violation of night sleep. Many pathologies are cured with medications prescribed by a psychotherapist or neurologist.

Carrying out diagnostic procedures

Since there are completely different causes of daytime sleepiness in women, it is quite difficult for doctors to diagnose and understand what caused this condition. First of all, the patient needs to contact a local therapist or a neurologist. The doctor will first prescribe standard examination methods to determine the somatic disease.
Usually, a referral is issued for the delivery of urine and blood tests, the passage of an electrocardiogram, and a biochemical blood test is also performed. If the doctor suspects any neurological diseases or endocrine pathologies, the patient will be referred to a highly specialized specialist, for example, an endocrinologist, neurologist or psychotherapist. If brain injuries have been sustained, then most likely you will need to undergo magnetic resonance imaging or other procedures to examine the brain and blood vessels of the head.
Very rarely, doctors are sent to undergo polysomnography, during which the parameters of the brain and other internal organs of a woman are studied during sleep, this requires specialized equipment. If disturbances in the structure of sleep are detected, then the treatment will be carried out by a somnologist.

How to deal with chronic fatigue

If, as a result of diagnostic procedures, the doctor found any pathologies or diseases, he will prescribe an effective treatment. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor at all times, take all medications in accordance with his appointment.
However, if after a thorough examination no abnormalities in the body or illness were found, if the patient does not have any mental or somatic problems, and the doctor has not identified the causes of weakness and drowsiness, then you can try to follow these simple tips and recommendations:

  • strictly adhere to the daily routine of the day: go to bed every day and wake up in the morning at the same time, in the evenings do not sit late in front of the TV or on the Internet;
  • do not overwork during work, always observe the regime of rest and work, if you feel tired, be sure to take a break for a short rest;
  • in the morning, do exercises, warm-up, very well adds energy and cheers up a walk in the fresh air or a run, in the evening it is also useful to walk along the street before going to bed;
  • in the morning, before work, drink a cup of coffee, because caffeine stimulates many processes in the body, adds vigor, but you can’t get too carried away with coffee;
  • stop drinking alcohol, carbohydrates, smoking;
  • drink a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex, which quickly eliminates the desire to sleep during the day, saturates the body with useful trace elements and energizes the body;
  • control blood pressure, with low vascular tone, make drinks from ginseng and lemongrass, which are adaptogens.

It is also very important to listen to the body, if you pay attention to important signals, changes in well-being, deterioration, the appearance of pain, and also seek medical help in time, then serious diseases can be prevented.


So, there are many different factors that lead to daytime fatigue and apathy. In order to accurately determine the root cause, due to which the condition worsens, it is important to undergo an examination and those diagnostic procedures that the therapist or attending physician recommends. To prevent lethargy and weakness of the body, it is necessary to eat properly, in a balanced way, so that the diet contains a sufficient amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins. Also, you do not need to overwork physically and mentally, you need to do morning exercises and spend more time in the fresh air, then the body will be filled with vitality and strength.


Health 05.06.2018

Dear readers, in our modern age, we have to almost completely switch to mental work, which, as you know, is more tiring than physical. When you spend the whole day fiddling with papers, checking documents, submitting reports or corresponding with people, by the evening you are so tired that it seems as if you have been doing hard physical labor all day.

If mental fatigue continues for weeks and months, then for some reason you constantly want to sleep and feel very weak. This is how our body reacts to long work at the limit of its strength and capabilities - for a while it seems to stop giving us energy, forcing us to slow down and take a break.

But are the reasons why you constantly want to sleep connected with overwork? Various factors can influence the human body. It is important to understand why you want to sleep when it is time to be awake, work, play sports and stay active.

Possible Causes of Constant Sleepiness

People who suffer from daytime sleepiness describe their condition like this: they constantly want to sleep, and it is not known why there is severe fatigue, there is no energy and their eyes close as if by themselves. In this state, there is no time for work. Nobody wants employees who fall asleep on the go. They have reduced attention, they lose their professional qualities. And most importantly, they can accidentally fall asleep at the wheel, or, for example, not notice a pedestrian, which will lead to tragedy. Due to drowsiness, you can lose a good position.

So why do you want to sleep all the time? Let's deal with the causes of such strange drowsiness.

Violation of sleep and wakefulness

Many people underestimate the importance of maintaining a proper sleep and wake schedule. Ideally, we should sleep at least 8-9 hours - and only at night. Children and the elderly can sleep during the day - 1-2 hours. Some people have adapted to take a nap during the day for 20-30 minutes, which gives a feeling of cheerfulness almost until the evening. This is also the norm. If you work a lot, you wake up several times at night (to a child, sick relatives), during the day you constantly want to sleep - and even a short nap helps to relax and cheer up.

But when violations of sleep and wakefulness become habitual, signs of failure appear primarily in the work of the nervous system:

  • after a night shift, a sleepless night, a person returns home and cannot go to bed to rest in a dream - an incomprehensible feeling of anxiety worries, I want to continue working, because for the body the day is the time of greatest activity;
  • character worsens, it becomes more difficult to negotiate with a person, he loses his former social skills, for a long time he is in a state of anxious thoughtfulness;
  • night sleep becomes inadequate due to anxiety and the habit of working after midnight, as a result, it is not possible to fall asleep soundly - neither day nor night.

But we are often inattentive to ourselves, do not pay attention to the first alarming bells. Meanwhile, health problems are growing like a snowball, and it can be difficult to understand why you want to sleep all the time and what was the main reason for which failures in the body began - an irregular schedule or internal diseases.

Quote! The lack of quality sleep is a kind of springboard to the deterioration of the whole organism. Sleep deprivation is the root of many health problems.

External manifestations of lack of sleep are not as terrible as internal ones. The habit of staying up late or having to work at night leads to an imbalance in the whole body. Not only the nervous system is under attack, but also the immune system and other organs. People who constantly want to sleep often get ARVI, infectious diseases, complain of unreasonable abdominal pain, poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and mood swings. Irritable bowel syndrome, weak immunity, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression - these and many other disorders often begin with a banal violation of the regimen.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without stress. They are everywhere: at work, at home, even during leisure, situations arise daily that violate the psycho-emotional balance of a person. Of course, much depends on the attitude to what is happening. If you react to every little thing, lose your temper, worry about situations that, alas, cannot be avoided, sooner or later the nervous system will begin to fail, which will primarily affect the quality of sleep and the degree of vigor in the daytime.

Stress wears out the body, accelerates our aging, and contributes to the development of many diseases. In medicine, there is such a thing as “psychosomatics” - this is a subtle connection between malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system and diseases that, as it seems to us, occur suddenly and without any special reasons. We are all accustomed to stress, we do not consider them dangerous, but meanwhile, many have not learned how to protect themselves from their influence. And this is very important for maintaining health.

Here are a few rules for protecting against stress and problems that inevitably arise against the background of an invisible stressful effect on the human psyche:

  • don’t get annoyed over trifles: yes, it’s unpleasant when a car suddenly breaks down and you are late for work, but you shouldn’t boil over with irritation because of this - negative emotions undermine your health, and gradually you get used to catching only the negative from the general picture of the world, not noticing the beauty around ;
  • do not communicate with whiners, pessimists, people who like to dump a mountain of negative information on others and see only the bad around - no matter how cruel it sounds, it is better not to contact such interlocutors, because their desire to exaggerate gradually passes to others;
  • go in for sports to maintain a sense of self-satisfaction and self-confidence, and you will notice that it is difficult only at first, and then the body itself begins to “require” physical activity;
  • do not eat "food garbage", remember that food is what is involved in the renewal and construction of new cells every day, and you can not eat junk food, because it poisons, deprives you of strength, energy, prospects for the future;
  • try to sleep at least 8-9 hours, do not sacrifice sleep for the sake of a good movie, night work: regularly going to bed after midnight, you drive yourself into chronic sleep deprivation, because daytime sleep will never replace night sleep;
  • constantly develop and move forward, do not allow yourself to be lazy for a long time: long rest, monotony make a person lethargic, helpless, faded and uninteresting.

If you constantly want to sleep, analyze one day in your life: how often in 24 hours do you get irritated, cry, and maybe even yell at others? After a surge of negative emotions, a recession occurs. I really want to sleep, I don’t have the strength to continue working. And here you really need to choose: either you change your attitude to stress, move away from negative factors, or let the negativity take over.

I suggest watching a video in which a specialist simply and clearly talks about how stress affects human health and literally “sucks out” all the strength and nutrient reserves.

Drowsiness as a sign of certain diseases

If a person constantly wants to sleep during the day when others are alert and active, this may be a sign of the development of the following diseases:

  • anemia (low hemoglobin);
  • other blood diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • Crohn's disease, other pathologies of the digestive tract, poor absorption of certain nutrients;
  • hypertension;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • infections, toxic effects on internal organs;
  • atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • oncological diseases.

These are just some of the diseases that can cause constant drowsiness. It is recommended to be examined, especially if daytime sleepiness is severe and appeared suddenly.

Drowsiness and oxygen deficiency

You probably noticed that when you stay in a stuffy room for a long time, yawning appears, you want to sleep and your working capacity completely disappears. These are signs that the brain does not have enough oxygen to continue vigorous activity. In the open air, one thinks differently, and the problems seem not so insoluble.

But the lack of oxygen occurs not only when you are in a stuffy room and with rare ventilation. There are certain diseases that are accompanied by drowsiness. With a decrease in hemoglobin, which carries oxygen, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness occur. Therefore, if you constantly want to sleep, the causes of this condition may be associated with a banal oxygen deficiency.

Taking certain medications

Some drugs cause drowsiness. Today it has become fashionable to get involved in sedatives, antipsychotics, drugs that supposedly help fight stress. In fact, tranquilizers and similar drugs only wear out the body even more and are addictive. No wonder they are only sold by prescription. This ban encourages many, pushes them to circumvent the law - and they acquire such funds through acquaintances or in other cunning ways. But the dangers of psychotropics are not publicly discussed. The truth is not profitable, it hits the wallets of pharmacological companies.

Tranquilizers are taken for serious indications, for example, when a person is depressed. But if you constantly want to sleep and naughty nerves, you should not take such drugs. You need to pull yourself together, go in for sports, reconsider your lifestyle. You can take mild sedatives (motherwort, valerian), but they can cause severe daytime sleepiness. Therefore, take herbal sedatives in the evening, 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Additional symptoms

Drowsiness may be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • inconstancy of mood, irritability, tearfulness;
  • abdominal pain, intestinal cramps;
  • superficial sleep, a feeling of weakness that occurs immediately after waking up and during the day;
  • nausea, aversion to food;
  • stool disorders.

It can be difficult to say exactly why you constantly want to sleep. Drowsiness is a common concomitant symptom of both internal diseases, nervous disorders, and banal overwork. Listen to yourself, try to analyze your lifestyle. Usually the person himself knows what provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. You just need to be able to hear the signals of your body.

But what if you want to sleep? Understand the causes of sleepiness. This is the only way to help your body restore its former activity. Banal actions help best of all: sports, proper nutrition, contrast showers, periodic changes in habitual activities.

If you feel that drowsiness covers you with renewed vigor, arrange a physical education session for yourself. You will immediately feel energized. Get up, start doing banal exercises. Squats are very invigorating, swinging your arms. Or just rub your ears with your hands.

Be sure to ventilate the room 2-3 times a day. Without oxygen, the body lacks strength and energy, as a result, it begins to work in a mode of reduced activity. And in a dream, energy consumption is the least, therefore, with oxygen deficiency and overwork, you always want to sleep.

Remember the importance of positive thinking. People who see something beautiful and unique in every day always manage to do everything, they have enough time for sports, for communicating with friends, and for household chores. It's better just not to run negative thoughts into your head, yes, it's difficult, but possible. Otherwise, then it can be so difficult to get rid of the habit of being sad, lazy and feeling sorry for yourself.

Do not forget that constant drowsiness is a reason to go to the doctor. Start by passing classical tests, determine the level of hemoglobin, the amount of vitamins and trace elements, do an ultrasound scan if there are complaints about the work of some organs. An integrated approach works best.

And for the mood, I suggest watching a wonderful short film "Confirmation" . This film is the winner of the 2007 Cleveland International Film Festival.

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