All about the woman's bladder. Treatment of diseases of the bladder in men. Violation of innervation or neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder

Diseases Bladder- These are pathological conditions that are characterized by pain localized in the lower abdomen, independent of the process of urination.

Main symptoms

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Frequent or difficult urination, nocturia, urinary incontinence.
  3. Pathological changes urine indicators (the appearance of turbidity and blood impurities in the urine, discoloration and the appearance of an unpleasant odor).

Types of diseases

If during diagnostic examination the patient has bladder disease symptoms given state may indicate the presence various pathologies this sphere. In order to determine what exactly caused pathological condition, a thorough differential diagnosis is carried out.


This is the most common disease that develops as a result of infection in the bladder.

It is characterized frequent urges to urinate with the release of a small amount of urine. Patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes shooting through the groin and anus. Body temperature may rise, a drop of blood appears in the last portion of urine.

Urolithiasis (stones and sand in the bladder)

The reasons: genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, lack of vitamin D, prolonged dehydration.

Patients complain of pain in the lower back, pain when urinating, frequent urination. Hypertension develops, subfebrile condition is sometimes noted, urine becomes cloudy.


These pathologies account for 4% of total bladder diseases. They can be malignant and benign, form in the epithelial layer, or be created from connective tissue fibers (adenomas, papillomas, endometriosis formations, etc.).


AT clinical practice of all cancers, the most common form of cancer is the bladder cell cancer(90%). The squamous form and adenocarcinoma in this case develops only in 10% of cases.

This terrible disease most often occurs in smokers, as well as in persons who, by the nature of their work, are constantly forced to deal with aniline dyes. Also, the pathological process can occur with anomalies of the pelvic organs, chronic inflammation bladder, after irradiation and regular use of saccharin, cyclamate and a number of medications.

Note: such diseases of the bladder in women are very rare, men are more susceptible to them.


It develops as a result of a pathological change in the mucous membrane, due to which keratinization of epithelial cells occurs and their displacement by multilayer squamous epithelium. On the mucous membrane, pale areas of tissue of various configurations are formed, rising above the rest of the surface.

At the same time, patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during urination, frequent, often fruitless urges.


Develops due to damage nerve endings. In this case, urination occurs spontaneously, and not in portions, but drop by drop. Most often, atony is the result of injuries of the sacrum, affecting spinal cord, and also it is a complication of pathologies that disrupt the function of the spinal roots.


A condition in which there is a simultaneous prolapse of the vagina and the bladder. It can occur due to rupture of the perineum during childbirth, insufficiency of pelvic tissue, non-physiological localization of the uterus, its prolapse or complete prolapse.


it congenital anomaly occurring in the fourth week prenatal development. In this case, the bladder is located outside, completely bifurcated abdominal wall and there is no sphincter.

Bladder overactivity

This is a fairly common pathology, in which they are noted (more than 8 times a day). Most often, elderly patients suffer from it.

Note: Urinary incontinence may occur.

Tuberculosis of the bladder

Every fifth patient suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis is simultaneously affected by tuberculosis of the excretory organs (due to the transfer of the pathogen with the blood stream).

This form of pathology is almost asymptomatic. Can only be marked general malaise, lack of appetite and increased sweating at night. With the development pathological process pain occurs when urinating in the perineum, urine output increases up to 20 times a day, develops Blunt pain in the lower back, pus appears in the urine.

Sclerosis of the bladder neck

This pathology occurs due to the replacement of normal tissues with connective tissue fibers (scarring). The reason for this condition is inflammatory process, and it can also be a consequence of an operation to remove prostate adenoma.


The pathological process begins in the upper part of the bladder. The ulcer that forms round shape, festering and bleeding. Symptoms of this condition resemble those of cystitis.


Most often, this pathology develops in older men due to the penetration of the bladder wall through the hernial orifice.


It occurs due to the penetration of endometrial cells during menstruation from the anterior wall of the uterus. They can also come from the ovaries or be carried to the bladder during caesarean section.

This condition is characterized by heaviness in the lower abdomen, aggravated before menstruation and frequent painful urination with blood in the urine.

deserve special attention, since the characteristic location of the bladder, in proximity to the organs reproductive system, makes women vulnerable to a number of diseases.

Influence of structural features of the genitourinary system of women on the development of bladder diseases

Features of the genitourinary system

feature urinary organs women is the proximity of the rectum and external genital organs to the urethra, which accelerates the infection in the bladder cavity.

From the bladder, microorganisms, if some factors coincide (hypothermia, decreased immunity, etc.), can enter the kidney through the ureter and cause pyelonephritis.

You can read more about this inflammation in the material - .

urinary tract infection

In women, the ascending urinary tract, and there are diseases such as: urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis. E. coli, trichomonas, chlamydia and other pathogens from the anus and genital tract of a woman easily enter the urethra and bladder.

flow differently. Not always the process of inflammation of the bladder is acute. Often the signs of pathology are blurred. A woman goes to the doctor when the chronic form of the disease has already developed.

What causes hormonal disorders

Hormonal changes in the body of women in the post-menopausal period can lead to atrophy of the muscles and ligaments that hold the uterus and bladder. As a result, a disease develops - cystothele - prolapse of the bladder and impaired urination.

Types of bladder diseases in women and their symptoms

Common pathologies

Among the diseases of the bladder in women, the following common pathologies can be distinguished:


Urolithiasis disease;

Violation of the innervation of the bladder (neurogenic dysfunction);

Leukoplakia of the bladder.

Also in women, there are, but less often, such ailments as crayfish, tuberculosis Bladder, cystocele.

1. Urethritis

It develops in case of infection in the urethra if the rules of personal hygiene are not observed. The patient is concerned about symptoms such as: frequent urination with a feeling of itching or burning; discharge from urethra blue-green.

2. Cystitis

is an inflammation of the lining of the bladder infectious origin.
Usually manifested by such signs as: frequent urination; pain in the form of cutting even at rest, which increases during urination. A woman constantly feels an overflow of the bladder, maybe involuntary urination. The color of the urine is changed, and a cloudy sediment appears in it.

Possible causes of infection of the bladder - non-compliance with the rules of personal and sexual hygiene; hypothermia; anal sex; excessive consumption of spicy, spicy, smoked foods and alcohol; hormonal and immune disorders in the body.

Diagnose cystitis not difficult on the basis clinical picture and laboratory tests urine.

Cystitis can proceed for a long time with periods of remission, then they talk about chronic form illness. Chronic cystitis is accompanied from time to time by relapses, similar in symptoms to the acute form of this disease.

3. Urolithiasis

in women can be caused by metabolic disorders or long-term stagnant processes in the urinary system, or getting into the bladder of sand and stones from the kidneys through the ureters.

signs urolithiasis Bladder different from the manifestations of the movement of kidney stones. A woman experiences a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, severe burning during
urination. Blood streaks are visible in the urine due to mucosal stone damage urinary tract. If the stone blocks the urethra, the urine stream becomes intermittent or absent altogether.

These symptoms tend to worsen after physical activity and bumpy ride.

4. Violation of innervation or neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder

is a pathology in which the patient cannot control the function of urination, due to psychological, neurological or traumatic disorders.

The causes of neuromuscular disorders of the bladder can be both serious congenital and acquired diseases. nervous system and severe stressful situations.

There are three types neurogenic bladder dysfunction:

  • - Atonic appearance or hypotension. When there is a sluggish tone of the bladder, and the absence of the urge to urinate. Increasing the volume of urine relaxes the sphincter, and the urine does not hold.
  • - Standalone view or non-reflex. A woman experiences the urge to urinate only when the bladder is full. This type of pathology develops when the central nervous system is damaged.
  • - A spastic type of dysfunction or a hyperreflex bladder is characterized by involuntary emptying at the first entry of fluid into a woman's body. Often there is a constant leakage of urine, an intermittent stream, frequent urination, especially at night.

Violation of the innervation of the bladder provoke more serious illness other systems, so you need to treat the main ailment first, and then the symptoms of the bladder.

5. Bladder leukoplakia

rare disease, which develops in women against the background chronic infection in the genitourinary system, as well as hormonal changes(menopause, long-term use oral contraceptives).

The essence of the disease is in pathological changes in the mucous layer of the bladder, which is protective, as it neutralizes the effect of urine on the walls of the organ.

When the disease occurs, the cells of the transitional epithelium of the mucosa are replaced by flat (keratinized) epithelial cells that do not have a protective function.

Leukoplakia of the bladder develops when sexual infections enter the body, for example, chlamydia or mycoplasma, despite the fact that a sexual disease has been treated.
Leukoplakia often accompanies such female diseases like cervical erosion, etc.

The signs of this pathology of the bladder are very similar to the symptoms of chronic cystitis.

Pyelonephritis as a complication

AT advanced cases when microbes penetrate the urethra and ureters into the kidney, a woman can develop the most dangerous pathology among ascending infections of the urinary system, pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney pelvis. Contribute to the development of this disease is a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney, frequent overflow of the bladder, impaired neuromuscular conduction, weakness smooth muscle bladder, cystitis.

Acute begins with fever, back pain, and painful urination.

Treatment of bladder diseases

Bladder disease in women, symptoms and treatment require correct diagnosis, medical and conservative methods of therapy. In order to timely identify the disease and begin treatment, it is necessary to systematically monitor a woman with a doctor.

With urethritis

Therapy for urethritis may include antimicrobials. For proper treatment appoint bacteriological culture urine, in order to identify the causative agent of pathology.
Individually for each patient, the urologist selects the most effective drugs that affect the identified pathogen, as well as therapies that contribute to the cure concomitant diseases and complications.

With cystitis

At cystitis appointed antibiotic treatment with the use of antibiotics, antifungal, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory and other drugs.

Anti-inflammatory folk remedies

At the same time with antibacterial drugs indicated to combine treatment with the use of drugs traditional medicine. For example, chamomile acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, kills pathogenic microflora. You can wash, douche with a decoction of chamomile. Useful dill, cranberries. Cranberry juice with cystitis acts as a natural antibiotic.

How to treat urolithiasis of the bladder learn from women from the material Urolithiasis symptoms and treatment in women.

With neurogenic bladder dysfunction

Because the reasons neurogenic bladder dysfunction are diseases of the nervous system and severe stress, in the first place, the underlying disease that caused hypotension or spastic bladder dysfunction should be treated. In addition to the urologist, it is necessary obligatory visit psychotherapist or psychologist.

Usually treat nervous diseases, very difficult, due to the need individual approach to the patient. If methods laboratory diagnostics confirmed the absence of an inflammatory process in the bladder, then medicine offers treatment by a psychotherapist, physical exercises taking sedatives.

With leukoplakia

Treatment l eucoplakia of the bladder comes down first to conservative methods. Medicamentally affect the causative agent of the pathological process. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immuno-strengthening therapy is prescribed, as well as physiotherapeutic treatment of bladder structures using laser and electrophoresis, microwave treatment and magnetotherapy.

If no effect is shown prompt removal affected keratinized areas of the bladder through transurethral resection using a cystoscope inserted into the bladder through the urethra.

The procedure is safe, since the whole process takes place under the visual control of the surgeon
due to the presence of a microcamera and light radiation.

Another modern method removal leukoplakia of the bladder– laser surgery, minimally invasive and non-contact. Foci of mucosal lesions are burned out and evaporate without bleeding, only a thin film remains in their place.

After the operation, a course is prescribed hormone therapy to prevent relapse.

For diagnostics leukoplakia of the bladder be sure to do a biopsy of the mucous tissues of the bladder wall, followed by histology of the resulting biopsy.

Self-treatment leukoplakia of the bladder- not acceptable, because the pathology is very serious.

Prevention of bladder diseases in women

Bladder disease in women can be warned. To prevent pathologies, effective prevention is needed:

  • timely sanitation chronic foci infections in the genitourinary system;

The bladder in women is a very vulnerable organ, which is also associated with the reproductive system and other organs. It is impossible to feel like a full-fledged woman if something is constantly bothering you in this area, so you should pay attention to your fragile female health.

One disease or another genitourinary system today almost everyone has adult woman. This is due to the structural features of the body. But not everything is so deplorable, we can do a lot for our own health. First, let's figure out what diseases of the bladder in women exist - symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and most importantly - how to keep the disease out of your life.

Bladder diseases:

  • Congenital abnormalities in the development of the genitourinary system: narrowing of the urethra, reverse reflux of urine from the ureters into the bladder;
  • , bladder, kidneys;
  • keratinization of the mucosa membranes of the bladder (leukoplakia), this is a precancerous condition;
  • Formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder, ureters;
  • Urination disorders: in the elderly, after surgery, enuresis, consequences of brain damage (stroke, etc.), increased activity bladder, urinary incontinence;
  • Formation of diverticula(protrusions) or fistula(moves through the wall) of the urethra,
  • Tumors, papillomas and other innovations
  • Pain in the bladder not associated with diseases of the genitourinary system (compression by other organs, nervous tension etc.)

Disease symptoms

Symptoms of each disease, of course, their own. But there are some signs that should alert you:

  • If you do not have time to run to the toilet;
  • Nighttime urination;
  • urine leakage;
  • Urine leakage during coughing, sneezing, exercise, jumping;
  • Difficulty starting and/or continuing to urinate;
  • Urination frequent and little by little;
  • Weak intermittent stream when urinating;
  • There is a feeling that the bladder is full, even after urination;
  • Urine red or tea leaves;
  • Unpleasant sensations, pain or itching during urination.

Any of these symptoms is the reason for a visit to the urologist. It is good if at the same time as the urologist you will also be examined by a gynecologist. After examination and examinations, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Diagnosis of diseases

The need for this or that examination is determined by the doctor. You should not go through expensive and traumatic examinations on your own, which you may not need. However, be prepared to undergo, if necessary, some procedures:

  • Pass a urine test: collect urine in the morning after thorough washing, covering the vagina cotton swab. It is undesirable to take during the period of menstruation.
  • Blood test: given in the morning on an empty stomach. At least one hour before the test, you can’t smoke, you can’t drink alcohol the day before, eat fatty foods. You can not take a blood test after the X-ray, any physiotherapy, in this case, wait 2-3 days.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder: given with a full bladder, an hour before the procedure, you need to drink a liter of water.
  • Cystoscopy: examination of the bladder using a special tube with optical instrument, which is injected through the urethra (urethra). The procedure is quite painful, so anesthesia is usually performed first.
  • Biopsy: During a cystoscopy, a piece of tissue is taken to look for pathology under a microscope.
  • A smear from the urethra and vagina to determine the causative agents of the disease: do not try to thoroughly wash yourself before the smear - this will make diagnosis difficult.

What can you do yourself?

These measures will not replace a visit to the doctor and a course of treatment, but will help prevent trouble.

  • Daily hygiene of the genitals (the movement should go from the genitals to the anus, and not vice versa).
  • Timely treatment of thrush and other gynecological diseases.
  • Clothing according to the weather: back, waist line must be closed! Avoid wearing low-waisted clothing.
  • come through preventive examination at least once a year, especially if you previously had bladder diseases, if you had at least one childbirth, if you have hypothermia (work outside, etc.)
  • Observe drinking regimen: For health, you need to drink about 2 liters of water a day. Thus, all pathogens and their waste products are washed out of the kidneys and bladder.
  • In most diseases of the bladder, infusions of herbs that have a diuretic effect are useful. These are lingonberries, bearberries, horsetail, parsley, celery, chamomile, strawberry leaves, etc.
  • In case of urinary incontinence due to chronic disease or age-related weakening of the muscles, exercise is beneficial. good effect gives a set of Kegel exercises.
  • Do not tolerate if you want to go to the toilet. This leads to urinary incontinence.
  • Lead healthy lifestyle life: avoid smoking, exercise, try to avoid stress.

Remember that women's bladders are more vulnerable to various diseases. Pain in the bladder can be symptoms of various diseases, see for yourself. To make a diagnosis on your own, without tests and consulting a doctor, is a fundamentally wrong decision. However, we hope that our material will help you to detect in time warning signs or make sure there is nothing to worry about.

As you know, women, in view of the structural features of the genitourinary system, are much more likely to experience diseases of the excretory organs than the representatives of the stronger sex. So, their urethra is much shorter than that of men, therefore it is much easier for pathogens to enter the bladder. Due to the presence this factor, most diseases of the bladder in women, the symptoms of which we will talk below, have ascending path development.

What are the features of diseases of the female bladder?

Through a short and wide urethra, pathogenic microorganisms quickly enter the bladder. However, diseases do not always have an acute onset; on the contrary, they are more often noted chronic disorders urinary system. Mostly women face such diseases as cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. Consider the signs of these bladder diseases in women.

How is urethritis manifested in women?

Under this violation in gynecology, it is customary to understand the inflammatory process that directly affects the urethra. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • very painful, with increased frequent urination;
  • the appearance of discharge from the urethra, which cause redness or even sticking together of its external opening;
  • an increase in the concentration of leukocytes in the analysis of urine, the presence of protein.

The disease usually develops when it enters the urethra pathogenic microorganisms, and may also be the result of a violation of the rules intimate hygiene. Occasionally, the disease occurs as a result of infection entering the genitourinary system along with the blood flow from chronic foci of infection present in the body (, periodontitis, etc.).

When establishing the causative agent of the disease, gonococcus, ureaplasmas, are often found in the sowing.

How does cystitis manifest in women?

This violation is perhaps the most common of all affecting the bladder. When it occurs, a change in the mucous membrane occurs, which causes next kind symptoms:

  • frequent, literally every 10-15 minutes urination, accompanied by severe pain, burning;
  • appearance of cloudy urine;
  • pain in the pubic region, which may be stitching, dull in nature and worse at the end of urination.

In about 80% of cases, this kind of pathology occurs as a result of exposure to the genitourinary system. coli or staphylococcus. Antibacterial drugs form the basis of the treatment of the disease.

Separately, it is necessary to say about this form this disease, how chronic cystitis. Typically, he is collateral disorder and is often observed in urolithiasis, pathology of the urethra. Symptoms of the disease are noted only in the acute stage.

What are the signs of pyelonephritis?

Under this violation understand the inflammatory process, directly in the renal pelvis. According to statistics, approximately 90% of women who are faced with the disease by the age of 55 do not notice any symptoms at all.

However acute pyelonephritis manifests itself as follows:

Bladder problems are common in women. The main cause is inflammatory reactions, infectious, oncological diseases in organs or a pathological change in the innervation of an organ. Symptoms are not always characteristic, for most types of the disease it is similar.

Pain in the bladder is alarm symptom, which manifests itself through pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, it may be accompanied by urination disorders, this includes quantitative and qualitative deviations. To determine the cause of the occurrence, a preliminary diagnosis is carried out, since the pain itself does not indicate a disease, but draws attention to the existence of a problem.

It is important to describe pain, since there are some distinctive features in diseases. Pain may be characterized by:

  1. The nature of the manifestation
  2. intensity.
  3. Certain conditions of manifestation (for example, when bending over, lying on one side).
  4. Also describe what causes pain and what relieves it.
  5. Indicate the duration of the pain, how long ago it arose, the place where it hurts, as well as the area of ​​distribution, whether additional manifestations were noticed.

Actually the reasons pain enough in the bladder

  1. , with both chronic and acute form is an inflammatory process in the walls of the bladder. Is one of the most frequent illnesses manifested by pain.
  2. - inflammation, accompanied by irritation of the channel for urination.
  3. Calculi located in the urinary tract.
  4. Hormonal disorders that provoke changes in menopausal etiology in the bladder.
  5. The formation of tumors or polyps on the bladder wall.
  6. Injury to the bladder, possibly also to the urethral section.
  7. , especially, which is accompanied by colic in the liver when moving the calculus from the kidneys to the bladder.
  8. Prostatitis.
  9. BPH.
  10. Inflammatory reactions in the uterus, as well as appendages. A similar reaction in the formation of tumors.
  11. Projection of pain in the pathology of the pubic joint, intestines or spine.

Disease symptoms

Differential diagnosis is the first stage in determining the disease, and the quality of treatment depends on the right direction. However, such a diagnosis must be confirmed additional examinations. You can find out the cause of pain on the basis of characteristic manifestations common diseases of the female urinary organs, for example:

  • Cancer (tumor) of the bladder

Cancer located in the bladder is malignant neoplasm which is aggressive in nature. In this case, the symptoms are similar to cystitis, sometimes leading to the release of blood along with urine.

Cancer can be caused by:

  1. Chronic infectious diseases.
  2. Bladder inflammation.
  3. Long-term exposure to carcinogens, for example, is now a proven carcinogen effect from sodium cyclamate, which is used in foods to add sweetness.

Tumor at long-term development can completely block the lumen in the urethra, then surgery will be required.

The symptoms of the disease are different, but the following manifestations are characteristic:

  1. May be present in urine blood clots or blood. The occurrence of the symptom is quite frequent, 8 out of 10 patients have this manifestation.
  2. Pain when urinating.
  3. Frequent urge to go to the toilet, although the amount of urine is small.
  4. Frequent overlap of infectious diseases of the urinary tract.

On the late stages symptoms may include:

  1. Severe pain in lumbar region, often on the side.
  2. Swelling of legs.
  3. The renal pelvis is swollen and the bladder is overdeveloped. Often you can notice the formation of tumors, from which other organs of the small pelvis suffer.

Treatment specific to cancer is chemotherapy or radiation exposure, if necessary, palliative surgery.

  • neurogenic bladder

Neurogenic abnormalities indicate urination disorders due to a disorder of the nervous system. Pathological changes can be different, depending on which function is impaired:

  1. reservoir- in case of violations, the bladder is not able to accumulate urine normally.
  2. Evacuator- violation of the urinary function.
  3. valve- inability to hold urine well.

Problems appear due to damage to the nervous system, and localization can be any, both on the cerebral cortex and on the intramural apparatus (nerve intraparietal endings). Age group lesions are different. neurogenic bladder happens congenital defect or acquired disease.

Symptoms are as follows:

  1. Increased urge to urinate.
  2. Urinary incontinence. Sometimes there may be urges of such strength that a person is not able to restrain himself.
  3. Urinary incontinence, when the patient may experience a slight leakage of urine.
  4. Frequent urge to go to the toilet at night.
  5. There are opposite manifestations, when even with a full bladder, the patient is not capable of normal urination.
  • Inflammation (cystitis)

cystitis is inflammatory response, localized in the bladder, which is quite common among women. The causes of the disease are:

  1. Infectious diseases of the genital tract, with catheterization in the bladder, as well as septic conditions. Also, the infection can get through the lymphogenous or hematogenous route.
  2. With stagnation of urine in the bladder, inflammation may occur in the urination channels.

Cystitis is common due to the fact that it can be triggered by such factors:

  • Hypothermia general or in the legs.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Diseases in the rectum.
  • Pathological abnormalities of the uterus.

Cystitis is characterized by such manifestations:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by pain.
  2. Little urine is excreted.
  3. Pain in the suprapubic region.
  4. Change in the state of urine, it becomes cloudy.
  5. There may be small blood stains.
  6. In a severe stage, the appearance of temperature is possible.
  7. Nausea, vomiting.

  • overactive bladder

GAMP is an incorrect reaction of the body to the expansion of the bubble when it enters a small amount urine. Mostly the causes of the disease are psychological overstrain. Most patients with OAB live in families with abnormal attitudes, where frequent psychological stress or physical abuse. Often there is a history of enuresis, cystitis, episiotomy, and various injuries spine.

The disease can be provoked by the abuse of diuretics, sleep disturbance, unhealthy diet, as well as dysfunctions of adjacent organs.

The symptoms of OAB are:

  1. Urination more than 8 times a day.
  2. Sudden and strong urges that occur 2 or more times a day.
  3. Urinary incontinence.

Treatment of OAB is done through psychotherapy, reflexology, and sometimes hypnotherapy is also used. Symptoms are relieved by medications. Patients are advised to refuse or reduce the amount of caffeine, which affects the bladder, enhancing the diuretic effect.

  • Stones and sand in the bladder

The main reason is in the congenital structure of the organs of the urination system, as well as the epithelium that covers them. Wrong exchange substances are also common. infectious diseases urinary system. In some cases, sand can accumulate from overuse. certain products or lack of fluid in the body.

Symptoms of sand and stones in the bladder:

  1. Frequent inflammation, cystitis, and urethritis.
  2. Inflammatory reactions in the mucous membrane.
  3. Pain, cramps, burning during urination in the urethra and bladder.
  4. Changes in the color of urine, often acquires a reddish tint.
  5. Urine becomes cloudy.
  6. Possible blockage of the channels during urination, resumes only after a change in position.
  7. Pain may radiate to the back anus, appendages.
  8. Frequent calls.
  • Bladder prolapse

Deviations in the location of the bladder is a consequence of a decrease in tone ligamentous apparatus, which is responsible for fixing the body. Thus, the bladder moves down along with the wall of the vagina, which leads to the formation of a protrusion.

First of all, the situation is typical for women who have had childbirth or are pregnant, as well as during menopause, which leads to a decrease in the amount of estrogen, and they, in turn, allow you to maintain normal condition bottom of the pelvis.

Symptoms of the disease develop in stages. Initially, there may not be any manifestations, but gradually there are discomfort especially during intercourse. There is also an increased urge to urinate. With further progression may appear:

  1. The bladder is not completely emptied.
  2. Urination becomes frequent and possibly painful or involuntary.
  3. Pain during intercourse.
  4. Regular occurrence of cystitis, mainly of infectious origin.
  5. Pressure or heaviness in the pelvic region or vagina.
  6. Increased pain when coughing, bending over, sneezing and exertion.
  7. AT rare cases it is possible for the bladder to go beyond the genital slit.

You can also learn about the symptoms of bladder inflammation in this video.

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