What to do if the head is in a fog. Causes and treatments for a heavy, cottony head. stress - stress - neurasthenia

Fog in the head is not a disease. This is a term used for certain symptoms that may affect your ability to think. You may feel confused or disorganized, or you may find it difficult to focus and put your thoughts into words. Here are the main reasons for this state of affairs.


Many women find it difficult to remember everything during pregnancy. The process of carrying a child changes the body, and the chemicals produced to protect and nourish your unborn baby can cause memory problems.

Multiple sclerosis

This disease affects your central nervous system and can change how your brain "talks" to the rest of your body. About half of people with multiple sclerosis report problems with memory, attention, planning, or language. Learning and memory exercises can help. The therapist can suggest new ways of dealing with the challenges you face.


Some types of drugs can cause fog in the head. If you've started taking a medicine and notice that your thinking isn't as clear as it should be, or you suddenly can't remember certain things, call your doctor. Be sure to tell him the names of all the medicines you are taking.

Cancer treatment

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses strong drugs. Often it leads to problems with brain activity. You may have trouble remembering details such as names or dates, have trouble multitasking, or take longer to complete work. Usually these symptoms go away fairly quickly, but some people may suffer from them for a long time after treatment.


Women may find it harder to learn or remember certain things when they reach this stage of life. This happens about a year after their last menstrual cycle, usually around 50 years of age. Along with brain fog, women can also have hot flashes - sudden sweating with a higher heart rate and an increase in body temperature, among other changes. Hormone supplements and other types of medications can help.

chronic fatigue syndrome

Under this condition, your body and mind get tired for a long time. You may feel forgetful and unable to concentrate. There is no known cure for this syndrome, but rest, exercise, and talking to a psychologist can help.


In this state, you cannot remember things well or think about problems easily. It's hard to know if this is due to the loss of energy and motivation that comes with depression, or if the disease is affecting your brain in ways that cause fog. Treating depression, including medication and talking therapy, should help restore proper brain function.

Insufficient or excess sleep

You need sleep for your brain to function properly, but if you sleep too much or not enough, it can make you feel like you're in a fog. Try to sleep between 7 and 9 hours. To get a good rest before bed, you should avoid caffeine and alcohol after dinner. Do not use your computer and smartphone in your bedroom. It will also help if you go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.


This long-term illness causes your immune system to attack the body, and symptoms vary from case to case. About half of people with lupus have problems with memory and concentration. There are no effective drugs for these symptoms, but treating the disease and talking to a therapist can help.

If “Unclear head”, “Turbid head” is the feeling with which you get up and lie down, and if increased irritability, fatigue and poor sleep are added to this, most likely, we are talking about astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Main symptoms: A lot of people complain about “fog in the head”, “head like cotton wool”, “unclear head” and similar symptoms.

If you notice overwork, constant irritability, then you may have a mental disorder called astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Prevalence: This disease is one of the most widespread "diseases of civilization". It is often referred to as the "management flu".

The disease affects people who are educated and prosperous. The most characteristic age is from 20 to 40 years. These are entrepreneurs, managers, doctors, teachers. In a special risk group are people whose work is associated with increased responsibility, for example, air traffic controllers.

In the past, astheno-neurotic syndrome was called "nervous exhaustion"

Also at risk are creative individuals.

Causes of occurrence: The main causes of occurrence are stress, prolonged nervous excitement, chronic lack of sleep, constant overwork. Also, factors contributing to the emergence of astheno-neurotic syndrome are past diseases, including colds, some viruses, poisoning, and poor environmental conditions.

Similar symptoms: What diseases can manifest themselves as “head in a fog”, poor sleep, weakness and irritability, except for neurasthenia? First of all, these are asthenic conditions with incipient serious illnesses. In the second - masked depression, which at the beginning can easily be confused with astheno-neurotic syndrome. And chronic fatigue syndrome can manifest itself in a similar way.

So the correct diagnosis can only be made by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. To make a diagnosis, professional psychological diagnostics (psychotests) are usually used, which you can go through on your own (following this link).

How the disease develops: The syndrome occurs gradually, with a combination of emotional and physical overstrain, constant fatigue. Most often, patients complain of general weakness, increased irritability, "fog" in the head, inability to cope with the usual amount of work.

If a person continues to be stressed further and does not seek medical help, his condition worsens - tearfulness and fog in the head join the usual set of complaints about a "cotton" head. Irritability increases to an extreme degree, but irritation is quickly replaced by weakness. Sleep is usually unstable, does not bring a feeling of rest, after sleep the head is “like cotton wool”. Appetite worsens, constipation or diarrhea may disturb. in both men and women. The condition worsens before a change in the weather (the so-called "weather sensitivity"). In the absence of treatment at this stage, apathy, lethargy, severe weakness and a persistent decrease in mood follow. Interest in life is reduced, the patient thinks only about his painful condition, about his "obscure" head.

Left untreated, psychotic disorders can develop.

Treatment: The prospects for treatment are positive, usually psychotherapeutic methods give excellent results up to a complete cure. In severe cases, a combination of psychotherapy with psychopharmacotherapy is used.

Self-medication usually worsens the condition and leads to the progression of the disease.

At the initial stage of the disease, a psychotherapist, in order to make a correct diagnosis, needs to exclude all diseases in which similar symptoms appear, because the more accurate the diagnosis, the more successful the treatment will be.

Different diseases with similar symptoms need to be treated differently. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist. A good psychotherapist selects therapy that is appropriate for the specific manifestations of the disease and the individual characteristics of each patient.

Astheno-neurotic syndrome is one of the most common "diseases of civilization". It is often referred to as the "management flu".

The treatment of the syndrome depends on the severity of the painful symptoms, but is primarily aimed at eliminating psychotraumatic factors. It is necessary to reduce both mental and physical stress. This is the most important condition for treatment, without such measures it will not be possible to defeat the disease. In the early stages of the development of the disease, normalization of the rhythm of life, elimination of stress and psychotherapy may be enough to significantly improve the state of health. And, of course, at this stage, psychotherapy methods that do not use drugs give a very good effect - cognitive-behavioral, psychoanalysis, group psychotherapy methods are very effective.

In any case, you need to contact a psychotherapist.

In more advanced cases, additional psychopharmacotherapy may be required. General tonic drugs, tranquilizers, if necessary, sleeping pills and antidepressants are used. Psychotherapy is also actively used in the treatment of advanced astheno-neurotic syndrome.

The first indicator of improvement is the normalization of sleep and the disappearance of the feeling of "fog" in the head. With timely prescribed treatment, the problem can usually be completely overcome, however, if the tense situation and stress at work and in personal life continue to persist, various complications are possible.

Terminology and other names: In the past, astheno-neurotic syndrome, together with diseases of similar symptoms, was called "nervous exhaustion".

In modern psychiatry, the term "neurasthenia" is more often used to refer to neuro-asthenic syndrome (synonyms). In the everyday sense, neurasthenia is usually perceived as a painfully nervous, unbalanced state, characteristic of weak-willed people, easily amenable to various influences and moods, in a state of acute mental crisis. And in the medical sense, this is - "obscure head."

Fog in the head is an unpleasant condition that is rarely observed in a healthy person. When describing their sensations, patients often also say that their head is like cotton wool, cloudy, it is hard to think, thoughts scatter, and they can’t concentrate on one thing. Often there are problems with short-term memory and logic. There are several reasons that may explain this condition. Some of them are a variant of the norm and go away on their own, while others require a visit to a doctor. MedAboutMe figured out why people get foggy in their heads?

It is not in vain that people circulate tales about absent-mindedness and forgetfulness of pregnant women. This is not the easiest condition for a woman, which lasts for 9 months and is accompanied by global restructuring of the body. A 2007 study confirmed that pregnancy affects the psyche of women: their short-term memory worsens (most often in the third trimester), and other cognitive functions also slightly decrease. This phenomenon has even received the playful name "mamnesia".

This condition is explained by the "games" of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. According to one version, in this way the body adjusts the woman's consciousness to motherhood, when the main object of her attention is the child.

2. Menopause

The hormonal nature of forgetfulness during pregnancy is confirmed by the reaction of the aging female body to the change in the balance of sex hormones during menopause. Observations show that during menopause, "cloudy head" is a common condition. And the so-called hot flashes, accompanied by a sensation of heat, sudden heavy sweating and a sharp increase in heart rate, are associated with changes in the hippocampus, and this structure is largely involved in the work of memory and thinking.

Most people need at least 8 hours of sleep. There are, of course, citizens who manage 6 or even 4-5 hours and are able to function effectively, but this is rare. For the average person, a constant lack of sleep or being on their feet for days or more has a strong effect on the brain. Peripheral vision narrows, attention is scattered, a person's reaction to stimuli is reduced to a minimum, coordination and perception of light deteriorate.

Studies have shown that with a lack of sleep, interactions between neurons in the hippocampus are disrupted, and in the literal sense of the word: microscopic spines in the area of ​​​​synapses (the places where the processes of nerve cells contact each other) become shorter. If the laboratory mice on which the experiments were carried out were allowed to sleep, the contacts were completely restored.

4. Whiplash

This is that unpleasant type of injury that you can get, as they say, on the spot - and even at the first moment you don’t notice it. A sharp braking of the car, an unsuccessful fall, an excessively rapid turn of the body so that the body and head at some point moved asynchronously - and as a result, a whiplash injury. Manifested by pain in the neck and limitation of movement. In this case, a violation of blood circulation in the injured area may develop and, as a result, a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain. Which is expressed in violation of concentration and memory disorders. The feeling of "fog in the head" is exacerbated by impaired vision and sometimes hearing.

Taking many medications in the morning on an empty stomach can cause a feeling of mild nausea and foggy head. Students who abuse nootropics know the overdose effect, which is expressed in a feeling of vagueness of the surrounding world and a deterioration in the ability to concentrate. By the way, an overdose of even such relatively harmless drugs as some analgesics can lead to a similar effect.

6. Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as astheno-neurotic syndrome) also leads to a feeling of "fog in the head", memory impairment and a general decrease in the level of intelligence. During the study, it turned out that the cause of these symptoms is the accumulation of certain cytokines in the human spinal cord.

A similar cytokine, eotaxin, has been found in people with multiple sclerosis, a severe disease of the nervous system that in half of the cases leads to a deterioration in attention, the ability to concentrate and a feeling of "cloudy head", but these symptoms are usually mild.

For example, depression is a mental disorder that is quite difficult to live with without the help of medication. People in a depressed state often forget everything, their immediate future seems vague and uncertain, and their general mood tends to zero. A person loses energy and motivation to perform any action, and this is all aggravated by a feeling of fog in the head. Other psychiatric disorders with similar manifestations include bipolar disorder and panic attacks.

  • Sometimes the fog in the head is caused by several factors at once. For example, if a person is quite anxious on his own, then any stress for him is a trigger (trigger) for the development of the “fog in the head” state. When such a person is a woman who has entered the menopause period, and even takes certain medications, it will be difficult for the doctor to immediately determine what is the main cause of the problem with memory and cognitive functions.
  • If a person has a fog in his head, he should consult a neurologist. During the reception, he will have to remember a variety of details of his life: what drugs he takes, how much he sleeps, what hurts him, etc. Without these details, it is impossible to find out what exactly is the cause of the “cloudy head” feeling.
  • To try to cope with the feeling of fog in your head, you should, at least for starters, streamline your regimen: for example, get enough sleep, taking at least 7-8 hours to sleep. To do this, you should give up sitting at the computer until 6 in the morning, and in general, it is better to remove the computer, smartphone and other gadgets from the bedroom.
  • The diet should include green leafy vegetables, which are rich in iron and vitamin A, as well as foods that are high in

Neurasthenia - nervous exhaustion - in my opinion, the most common disease today. And the least diagnosed. She disguises herself as depression, bad temper, laziness, and a whole bunch of somatic diseases. So it turns out that a person is being treated for depression, headaches, vegetovascular dystonia, abdominal pain, stomach ulcers, and neurasthenia - the cause of the disease - does not go away.

What are the symptoms of nervous exhaustion?

Signs of neurasthenia

1. Irritability - a person becomes quick-tempered, starts up with a half turn. Literally everything irritates - even close people, music that you liked before, your own habits ... This irritation flares up right away - and completely embraces a person ...

2. Impatience - any ability to wait, to restrain oneself is lost ... For example, even knowing that the bus will arrive in 5 minutes, a patient with neurasthenia will not wait for him, and will go on foot.

3. Fatigue - despite the violent manifestations of feelings, the patient with neurasthenia quickly gets tired. In general, fatigue constantly haunts a neurasthenic - in the morning, waking up, he already feels tired.

4. Weakness - it seems that the arms and legs are like strings, and any movement requires effort.

5. Headache - they are very frequent in neurasthenia, occur at the slightest load, have a compressive character. Typical sensations are as if the helmet is squeezing the head, or pain behind the eyes and in the temples.

6. Fog in the head everything is perceived as if through a veil, the head seems to be filled with cotton wool, intellectual activity becomes unproductive. Often in my head a mess of unpleasant thoughts that interrupt each other ...

7. Inability to focus everything is distracting. When trying to engage in intellectual activity, the patient quickly switches to something else: for example, he begins to walk from room to room, look for some objects, then make tea ...

For modern office workers, it is common to be distracted in such cases by communication in “asi”, “Skype”, it is pointless to spend time on social networks (“Vkontakte”, “classmates”) ...

8. Increased sensitivity - even quiet sounds seem unpleasantly loud, lights seem bright... A banal melodrama can cause tears.

9. Sleep disturbance- falling asleep is very difficult - despite the feeling of fatigue and the desire to fall asleep, unpleasant thoughts roam in the head like cockroaches ... Such sleepless torment can last for hours ... The coming dream is superficial, filled with disturbing, unpleasant dreams. Upon awakening, a person feels completely overwhelmed, tired.

10. Anxiety, fears- the soul is tormented by various fears, doubts, anxiety for the slightest reason.

11. Low self-esteem- a person perceives himself as a loser, a nonentity, a weak personality ... Often he finds himself with a lot of bodily diseases and undergoes endless examinations by therapists.

12. Decreased sex drive- Men often experience premature ejaculation, and later - impotence.

13. Exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of psychosomatic disorders- pain in the spine, a feeling of tightness in the chest, heaviness in the heart, tremors, psoriasis, allergies, conjunctivitis, herpes, acne, joint pain, eye pain and visual disturbances, problems with teeth, nails, hair, sudden weight loss ...

As you can see, the manifestations of neurasthenia, on the one hand, are serious, on the other hand, they are diverse, not specific, which makes it possible for neurasthenia to disguise itself as many diseases. Depending on the degree of neurasthenia, its three stages are divided.

The course of neurasthenia

The first stage is hypersthenic.

A person becomes irritable, fussy, cannot sit in one place for a long time. He is aware of these changes, but he cannot help himself. If he loses control over himself, then he goes into a scream. Often, restraining himself at work, when he comes home, he begins to “for no reason” quarrel with loved ones. Difficulty concentrating. Unsuccessful attempts to collect oneself, reduced productivity of activity cause irritation even more. Falling asleep is disturbed, a person lies awake for a long time in bed. There are headaches of a pressing nature, pain in the spine, weakness, a constant feeling of fatigue.

The second stage is "irritated weakness."

Literally everything irritates, the patient “flares up” very quickly, but it does not last long. The ability to concentrate is lost, the patient practically cannot do work, he is constantly distracted. Fear appears, anxiety intensifies. The patient is convinced that he is not capable of anything, he is a loser, his life has been lived in vain. Irritates any sounds, bright light, smells. Annoying moving people, the crowd. Nothing brings pleasure. Sleep is disturbed: it is superficial, not giving rest. Headaches are constant. There may be pain in the heart, shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and constipation, allergies, a feeling of weakness and pain in the muscles, dizziness, sometimes sweating ...

The third stage is hyposthenic.

In this stage, fussiness and unproductive activity is reduced. The patient simply does not want to do anything. The mood is sad, complaints of multiple bodily ailments. Sleep is superficial. Everything is annoying. Sometimes there is a fear of the future, fear of death, tearfulness. The condition is very similar to depression.

Causes of neurasthenia

The main cause of neurasthenia is overwork. Both physical and emotional fatigue play a role. Moreover, normal physical activity will never give depression - moreover, it can cure depression. But physical inactivity, long work at the computer, lack of fresh air can very quickly cause neurasthenia. Particularly harmful is mental activity associated with the need to focus on something for a long time, to wait for something, to perform homogeneous, boring, work that requires attention - the work of an operator, proofreader, programmer ...

A very important role is played by stress, the presence of an irritating factor at work and at home, irregular working hours, lack of sleep.

Undermining the health of intoxication, infection, smoking, alcohol, lack of vitamins.

Especially harmful is the state of expectation of some kind of trouble, alertness - such a mood very often causes neurasthenia.

The insidiousness of neurasthenia

Neurasthenia always begins imperceptibly, like simple fatigue or malaise, and it seems that you should not consult a doctor with such nonsense - it will pass by itself. However, the essence of neurasthenia is such that it takes away the possibility of self-healing - after all, the only correct method of curing neurasthenia is rest, and it is precisely this that is not possible in the state of a neurasthenic - first of all, sleep is disturbed, restlessness, irritability, anxiety appear. It turns out that the neurasthenic runs in a vicious circle - the lack of rest and relaxation causes neurasthenia, neurasthenia causes the inability to rest and relax.

Another danger is self-treatment - improper prescription of drugs that nourish and stimulate the nervous system only increases irritability, headaches, insomnia and further depletes the nervous system.

Masks of neurasthenia

Suffering from neurasthenia, due to the special variety of complaints, rarely turn to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, more often going to other specialists, at best to a neurologist, more often to a therapist, and even to a psychologist. It is clear that each specialist sees, first of all, “his” complaints, therefore, the diagnoses are extremely diverse.

A neurologist is the only non-psychological specialist who can call neurasthenia neurasthenia and choose the right medication. However, the cause of neurasthenia often lies in psychological problems, and here the neurologist is powerless - he is not trained in psychotherapy. In addition to the diagnosis of neurasthenia, neurologists often diagnose vegetovascular dystonia, dyscirculatory disorders of the brain, and vegetovascular insufficiency.

Yes, indeed, with neurasthenia, immunity and hemoglobin decrease, chronic diseases become aggravated - but these diseases are not the causes of neurasthenia - remove neurasthenia - and the body will recover by itself!

The ophthalmologist finds a spasm of accommodation (it is very common in neurasthenia, especially among mouse and keyboard workers).

The dermatologist finds neurodermatitis, herpes, psoriasis.

An orthopedist, masseur, chiropractor find osteochondrosis, usually of the cervical region, and begin to treat it.

The psychologist sees depression, complexes, stresses, and tells you about them. Most often, this makes it worse - after all, with neurasthenia there is not enough spiritual energy to work on yourself!

The grandmother finds the evil eye or damage, and "skillfully" rolls it out with an egg. Or whispers. Neurasthenia from this is neither warm nor cold.

The psychic and bioenergy sees a big hole in the aura. The hole is to be patched. The neurasthenia remains.

Indeed, with neurasthenia, all organs and systems of the body are affected, and each specialist is right in finding something of his own - but all these are consequences of primary nervous exhaustion. Therefore, only a psychotherapist (psychiatrist) is able to treat both the cause and the consequences of neurasthenia, seeing this disease as a whole.

Treatment of neurasthenia

Mode. Treatment of neurasthenia begins with the correct choice of the regime of the day, time for sleep, work, walks. Working conditions are carefully studied, shortcomings are corrected. The mode involves a long pastime in the fresh air.

Non-drug normalization of sleep. The patient is taught some techniques to help normalize sleep: relaxation techniques, special, individually designed rules that help normalize sleep - a sample of such rules is given below:

  • Go to bed only when you are very tired.
  • Do not engage in extraneous activities in bed - do not read, do not eat, do not work on a laptop, do not watch TV.
  • If you can't sleep, don't lie in bed - get up and do something!
  • Get up every morning at the same time.

Relaxation. Special techniques are being developed to help you relax most effectively.

Physical exercises. One of the causes of neurasthenia is hypodynamia, so physical activity plays an important role in the treatment of neurasthenia. However, it must be strictly dosed - after all, neurasthenia is a disease of exhaustion, and an incorrectly chosen load will worsen the situation. You should start with long walks in the fresh air, swimming gives good results, as the body strengthens, you can move on to more active activities.

Diet. A properly designed diet for neurasthenia contains products that increase the adaptive capabilities of the body, helping to quickly recover. Much attention is paid to the frequency and regularity of food intake.

water procedures. With neurasthenia, swimming is useful, warm baths containing decoctions of certain herbs are aromatic.

  1. Vasodilators- with neurasthenia, a spasm of cerebral vessels occurs, it is he who causes headaches. From lack of blood circulation, oxygen starvation of brain cells occurs, and, as a result, increased exhaustion. Vasodilators relieve headaches and speed up recovery.
  2. Substances that improve brain metabolism- these substances, prepared from natural ingredients, contribute to the restoration of brain cells.
  3. Nootropics- Substances that feed brain cells. Since many of them have a psychostimulating effect, which increases irritability and anxiety in neurasthenia, these substances should be prescribed very carefully.
  4. vitamins- they also have a psychostimulating effect, therefore, strictly defined vitamins should be prescribed at different stages of treatment
  5. Calming agents- they relieve anxiety, tension, deepen sleep, improve the quality of rest.
  6. Antidepressants- are prescribed in the presence of depressive symptoms in the structure of neurasthenia.

Psychotherapy- it is usually aimed at solving the situation that led to the disease. If a person constantly falls into a state of neurasthenia, it is required to analyze life positions, and find mistakes in behavior and correct them.

In general, with proper treatment, neurasthenia passes quickly enough, and the person recovers completely - life begins to please again, and work and family are a pleasure!

Hello, my name is Natalia, 39 years old.! I provide the following information about myself and my illness:

In September 2010, I became very dizzy and almost lost consciousness (I managed to get to bed and suffer an attack while lying down). In the next two days, such attacks also occurred. I went to a manual therapist. The chiropractor performed three procedures with me and let me go. Such sharp bouts of dizziness no longer appeared, but they remained and began to progress:

wobbly gait,

Feeling of dizziness (i.e. such a feeling that it is like rocking on deck, compresses the temples, leads to the side, tension in the cervical-occipital region, when turning the head and torso, these sensations become stronger and more pronounced, nausea appears. It is difficult to walk in this state , could only lie down and slowly move around the house without sharp turns of the head and torso.)

There was a feeling of numbness in the arms and legs (especially when with a child on

You play half and then you get up).

When the eye is taken away to the side, pain is felt upward.

Vegetative symptoms appeared: general weakness, weakness when walking in the legs, it is difficult to concentrate, concentrate, the head is “in a fog”, working capacity is reduced, it is difficult to do even simple housework, stuffy ears, severe headaches began to appear (pain is usually concentrated in the area temples and occiput), meteosensitivity has become very aggravated, it is hard to endure both a stuffy room and a very cold one. Mentally, anxiety, irritability, mood swings appeared.

I lived with such symptoms until February 2011, then worsened, the feeling of dizziness became stronger, and my unsteady gait intensified. I turned to a neurologist, they prescribed examinations: MRI of the brain, Doppler of vessels, X-ray of the cervical region with functional tests, EEG. MRI, EEG and Doppler did not show anything serious. X-ray - cervical osteochondrosis.

Description of X-ray SHOP with functional tests:

The presented functional images show a slight curvature in the cervical and upper thoracic region and straightened cervical lordosis. In the C2-D1 segments, there is a slight to pronounced disc reduction, sclerosis and deformity of the subchondral segments of the pili of the cervical vertebrae, marginal indirect growths of the pili of adjacent vertebrae from insignificant in C2-C3 to pronounced in C5-C7, the processes of C4-C7 are deformed, in C3 segments -C4, C5-C7 uncovertebral arthrosis. With functional tests, the flexion amplitude is reduced, instability is determined in the C2-C3 and C4-C5 segments. Conclusion: osteochondrosis in segments C2-D1.

Medical therapy was of no benefit. I didn't notice any significant improvement. All the symptoms that bothered me remained, and especially - this feeling of dizziness and unsteady gait, there was a strong weakness in the legs.

In June 2011, I turned to a chiropractor for help. The doctor got acquainted with the results of my examinations, pictures. At what the doctor drew attention to the head - did I have a craniocerebral injury? I didn't have them. To which he replied - then maybe these are the consequences of a birth injury. I went through 6 sessions of manual therapy. Immediately after the sessions, the condition seems to be good. But then in the evening and in the following days it got worse. Even the headache was very strong - as if the head was bursting from the inside. At times there was a feeling that I was passing out - as if the blood had drained sharply from my head. Shatalo and shaking, at times the neck hurt, ringing in the ears, ears periodically pawned. In July, the doctor took a break for three weeks and gave the task to strengthen the cervical muscle corset with the help of exercises. After studying for a month, I again went to the reception. After which it was relatively easier for me for 10 days, and then again a return to the old one.

Objectively: now my health has improved by 20 percent. Shaky gait has become less pronounced, headaches have become less frequent and only when the weather changes. If before I hardly got up, now I can be on my feet much more and do housework.

What remains is a feeling of dizziness, one can say rocking from side to side, more for some reason to the right, especially when turning the head and torso. Strongly presses and compresses the temples. Numbness of hands and feet. Feelings of anxiety and irritability escalated. Weakness in the legs is still present. It is hard to sit in front of the computer - the neck tenses up, heaviness appears in the head, goosebumps, it becomes ill. If you lie down - it becomes easier. Reduced performance. To relieve anxiety and irritation, I started taking afobazole and the drug Gelarium Herpicum - yes, they relieve anxiety a little and my mood became a little better, no more positive moments.

What could be the reason for the deterioration of well-being, it’s not safe to say

I can, I can only assume: our daughter is a very tame child and has been constantly carried in her arms since birth, and since I am alone at home with her during the day, I have to carry her outside for a walk, at home I have to. Both at home and on the street, in summer and winter in winter clothes, she constantly asks for her hands.

There were no serious injuries.

In childhood, at the age of 12-13, she did gymnastics, unsuccessfully fell on her back, apparently there was a bruise, there was no injury, there was no treatment either, but her back began to bother when she leaned back. I have since left the sport. Subsequently, scoliosis and pelvic curvature were diagnosed.

In 2007, she was skating and fell hard right on the coccyx (even sparks from her eyes probably fell), it was so painful. The coccyx was sick for three months. Then another year made itself felt (pain when you sit down, pain when you get up, it was also difficult to sit in one position for a long time).

Very much it would be desirable to know opinion of Doctors in occasion of my disease. Of course, I understand that half of my listed symptoms can be attributed to manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia and anxiety-depressive disorder, but for some reason it seems to me that cervicothoracic osteochondrosis plays an important role in this. To date, doctors have not given an objective diagnosis and have not prescribed adequate treatment that would help or alleviate the symptoms even a little. So you want to live and work, raise a daughter and enjoy life. If you need additional information in the form of pictures or other details, I will add.​

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