Cramps after childbirth in the lower abdomen. Causes of abdominal pain after childbirth and when to see a doctor. It's all about oxytocin

Pulling or spastic pains in the lower abdomen after childbirth are normal.

The body of a woman in labor undergoes a serious test, the internal organs experience an increased load throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Postpartum chores take up most of the time, so mothers do not always find time to observe changes in well-being.

However, if the lower abdomen hurts for more than a month, this may be a symptom of complications, which should be reported to the doctor immediately.

Natural causes of pain

The passage of a child through the birth canal is accompanied by a divergence of the pelvic bones, stretching or tearing of tissues.

In addition, often a woman in labor needs medical assistance, which consists in dissecting the perineum.

If there are certain indications, a caesarean section may be necessary. The postoperative period is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, which can last a month or more.

Both during the dissection of the perineum, and after surgical delivery, burning and discomfort can be observed in the suture area.

Other natural reasons why the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth are:

  1. Contractions of the uterine muscles in terms of intensity can resemble contractions. However, the return of tissue to prenatal form is a natural process that breastfeeding can help speed up. During the application of the baby to the breast and irritation of the nipples in the mother's body, the production of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for uterine contractions, occurs. The pain associated with this process disappears on its own within a month.
  2. The postpartum period is associated with a radical change in the woman's diet. The menu is compiled so as not to harm the fragile body of the newborn. However, such changes can lead to stagnation of feces in the mother's intestines. Constipation and increased gas formation cause pain in the lower abdomen. A diet will help to avoid discomfort, which a doctor will help to make after childbirth. Compliance with the rules of nutrition and timely emptying of the bladder contribute to the normalization of bowel function and reduce the intensity of pain.
  3. Caring for the sutures left after cesarean at home should be done very carefully, since an infection that has entered the junction of tissues can cause not only pain in the lower abdomen, but also suppuration, which will lead to repeated surgical intervention and hospital treatment.
  4. After childbirth, a woman must definitely undergo an ultrasound examination aimed at identifying the remnants of the placenta, epithelium or fetal egg. Foreign tissue can cause the process of decay. If they are not removed, purulent spotting will appear within a month after childbirth, and the pain syndrome will worsen.

If the remains of the placenta are found, the patient must undergo a curettage procedure, which is performed under local or general anesthesia.

After cleaning, the stomach hurts a lot, but the discomfort disappears within a month.

Thus, the answer to the question of why the stomach hurts after childbirth can be natural causes that do not require the intervention of specialists.

A woman needs to carefully monitor her health. If additional symptoms are found, such as discharge or fever, you should consult a gynecologist.

Pathological causes of pain

Discomfort in the lower abdomen should disappear by the end of the month after childbirth. This happens if the pain is natural.

If the discomfort has not passed, its cause may be pathologies that are dangerous to the life and health of the mother.

You should consult a doctor if a month has passed after the birth, and the lower abdomen still hurts, and the following symptoms appear:

  • the patient experiences weakness, quickly gets tired;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the intensity of the pain increases or they are pronounced cramping;
  • purulent discharge appeared, in which blood can be seen.

If the abdomen hurts on the left, below or in the right side, this may indicate the development of a purulent-inflammatory process that occurs as a result of infection penetrating through the vagina or postoperative scar.

Pathogenic microorganisms enter the mucous membranes during childbirth from the outside, or develop against the background of the following pathologies:

  • reduced concentration of hemoglobin;
  • severe form of toxicosis;
  • protracted childbirth;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis, etc.

There are such types of postpartum infections:

  1. Ulcers that form in places of tissue ruptures, postoperative sutures, as a result of violation of the terms or norms of treatment with antiseptic preparations.
  2. Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterine lining, the most common type of complication after childbirth. Pathology is characteristic of caesarean section, during which the inner walls of the uterus come into contact with air. A few days after the onset of the inflammatory process, the patient experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen, purulent discharge with a characteristic odor is observed, body temperature rises to 39º. Symptoms appear a few days after delivery.
  3. The lower abdomen can hurt against the background of the development of parametritis - an infectious lesion of the periuterine tissue. Pathology is dangerous because an infiltrate forms on the lateral surface of the uterus, which eventually develops into an abscess.
  4. Symptoms of postpartum pelvioperitonitis are intoxication, vomiting, high fever, tension of the anterior wall of the peritoneum.

If a woman in labor has pain in her lower abdomen, the intensity of discomfort increases and additional symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination and begin a course of treatment.

Treatment and prevention

In the case when the lower abdomen after childbirth hurts for more than a month, it is necessary to find out why the discomfort does not go away.

Based on the data obtained as a result of laboratory and instrumental studies, the doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe a comprehensive treatment aimed at eliminating the cause and symptoms of the pathology.

It is important to remember that the course of therapy should take into account the patient's condition after childbirth.

Pain that occurs against the background of endometritis is eliminated with the help of antibiotics, antihistamines, immunomodulating drugs. Treatment is carried out in a hospital.

After childbirth, the microflora may be lost, so antibiotic therapy should be selected individually. If the lower abdomen hurts a lot, physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed:

  • local ultraviolet irradiation;
  • laser therapy;
  • exposure to ultrasound, etc.

Complex therapy helps to relieve pain and improve the patient's condition after childbirth. In some cases, drug treatment may not have the desired effect, the lower abdomen continues to hurt.

For advanced infections and abscess formation, surgery may be needed.

If the stomach hurts as a result of an infection of the suture or ruptures formed during childbirth, the wounds should be treated with antiseptic agents, and the dressings should be changed in a timely manner.

The following can be mentioned as preventive measures:

  1. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene during pregnancy planning and gestation.
  2. Timely sanitation of foci of infection.
  3. Performing gymnastics exercises for pregnant women allows you to avoid tissue ruptures, spinal injuries, and divergence of the pelvic bones.
  4. Compliance of the staff and premises of the obstetric institution with all sanitary standards.

It should be remembered that the lower abdomen after childbirth can hurt due to natural causes. In this case, the discomfort gradually disappears and after 2-3 weeks the patient feels well.

If the pain continues to torment the young mother, other symptoms are observed, you should immediately contact the antenatal clinic, as they may be signs of complications.

Useful video

If, after a month after childbirth, the stomach hurts like during menstruation, the pathology must be excluded. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Causes of postpartum pain

The entire birth process consists of three periods:

  • smoothing and opening of the cervix;
  • birth of a child;
  • the birth of a child's place.

The reproductive organ during pregnancy increases according to the growth of the fetus, the muscles are stretched. During childbirth, they contract rhythmically, expelling the fetus, and then the placenta, from the uterine cavity.

Physiological causes

After childbirth, the reverse development of the uterus occurs - it becomes smaller in size, the muscles contract, their volume decreases several times. The most active muscle contraction occurs in the first hours and days. This process is accompanied by the presence of pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth of a pulling nature, but this should soon pass.

The process of reverse development occurs under the action of the hormone oxytocin. It affects the muscles of the uterus, bladder, abdominal wall, pelvis, contributing to their contraction. Under its action, breast milk begins to be produced. The release of oxytocin increases during the attachment of the baby to the breast. The nipple and the area around it are abundantly dotted with receptors, when stimulated, a large amount of oxytocin is produced, the muscles of the uterus contract more strongly under its action.

When a child is born by caesarean section, recovery is more difficult and lasts longer. The reason for this is the presence of a wound on the wall of the abdomen and uterus.

Pathological causes

Most often, a month after childbirth, the reproductive organ is restored, the pain disappears. This process is delayed if complications arise:

  • the presence of pieces of a child's place in the uterus;
  • inflammation of its mucosa;
  • inflammatory process of appendages;
  • the transition of inflammation into the abdominal cavity;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • divergence of the bones of the pubic joint;
  • intestinal pathology;
  • dysfunction of the bladder.

A number of reasons why the stomach hurts after childbirth disappear on their own within a month and do not cause significant harm to a woman's health. However, the occurrence of inflammatory complications can be dangerous for the health of the mother.


Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth in all women. At first, there are pulling, unpleasant pains in the lower abdomen. Each time during breastfeeding, they intensify, they can become cramping, but tolerable. At first they are more pronounced, in the future the above symptoms will pass by themselves as the discharge disappears. If complications occur, the pain does not go away until 4 months.

Symptoms of endometritis and inflammation of the appendages

Blood is an excellent breeding ground for the growth of pathogenic microbes. If pieces of the placenta remain in the uterus, the uterus cannot fully contract, bacteria rise from the vagina into its cavity through the open pharynx. With a caesarean section, the infection can enter through the surgical wound.

Symptoms of inflammatory complications:

  • aching pain is constant;
  • over time, it acquires a cramping character;
  • discharge from the vagina becomes brown, greenish;
  • there are clots of pus, lumps of mucus in the secretions;
  • there is an unpleasant smell of discharge;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the general condition of the mother worsens;
  • mammary glands become painful;
  • the skin over the area of ​​soreness turns red, hot to the touch;
  • when expressing milk, pus may flow from the nipple.

If the child was born through surgery:

  • the seam and the skin around it turn red;
  • become hot;
  • mucus with pus begins to stand out from it.

If the mother continues to breastfeed her child, he becomes restless, constantly crying and kicking his legs. The baby's stool can become liquid with an unpleasant odor, regurgitation or vomiting appears.

Symptoms of mastitis

If the infection has entered the mammary glands of a nursing mother, she may experience abdominal pain from below and the nature of the discharge may change. This often happens in a situation if 2 months have not passed since the birth.

The patient will be disturbed by pain and discharge of pus from the chest, aching pain in the lower abdomen, the temperature rises.

Symptoms of peritonitis

The transition of the inflammatory process into the abdominal cavity can occur from the focus of inflammation in the uterus or its appendages with late seeking medical help. In this case, the patient's condition worsens:

  • the whole stomach hurts;
  • aggravated by touching it;
  • becomes unbearable at the moment of tearing off the hand from the stomach;
  • body temperature jumps to the highest possible numbers;
  • pressure decreases;
  • pulse quickens.

If two months have passed since the birth of the child, there was no more discharge, with the development of such a complication, they reappear, become greenish with an unpleasant odor.

Symptoms of the displacement of the vertebrae

If the pain is not relieved by 4 months after the baby is born, a spinal displacement should be considered. It is typical for him:

  • the pain is acute;
  • localized in the lumbar region;
  • intensifies when turning to the sides, bending over, trying to lift the child;
  • “jamming” may occur.

When “jamming”, a woman cannot unbend after an unsuccessful tilt or turn. In severe cases, the substance of the spinal cord is pinched. Then the woman will be disturbed by the numbness of one or both legs.

This complication will not go away on its own. The patient should consult a neurologist.

Symptoms of intestinal pathology

As the fetus grows, the uterus presses the intestines up. He is in a constricted position throughout the pregnancy. After giving birth, women often experience constipation. On average, up to 4-6 months is necessary in order to normalize bowel function.

In this case, the patient is worried about heaviness in the intestines, its swelling. The abdomen may ache when you want to go to the toilet, the pain may disappear after a bowel movement.


When 2 or 3 months have passed after childbirth, and the pain persists, the doctor conducts a series of studies:

  • seat inspection;
  • examination of the contents of the vagina;
  • study of discharge from the seam on the abdomen;
  • x-ray of the spine and pelvic bones;
  • analysis of urine and blood.

Such studies help to detect pieces of the placenta in the uterus. At the same time, the reproductive organ remains large in size, its wall will be loose. Pathogenic microbes are found in the secretions. In the blood test, inflammatory changes are visible.

X-ray of the spine and pelvic bones will allow you to find the displacement of the vertebrae or the divergence of the bones in the symphysis.


The treatment program depends on the cause of the pain. In case of inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed, solutions are dripped into the vein to reduce the manifestations of intoxication, drugs are injected to reduce the muscles of the uterus.

In case of bowel diseases, a diet with the inclusion of fermented milk products and natural yoghurts is recommended. Vegetables and fruits are allowed depending on the age of the child and the reaction to their use. If peritonitis occurs, surgery is performed. The patient is also receiving antibiotics.

In the first time after childbirth, at the very first urge to go to the toilet, a woman should recover. Each restraint leads to the development of constipation.

Synthetic pads and tampons should not be used. They must be made from natural fibers. It is necessary to change such pads as they are soaked with secretions, but at least every two hours. It is necessary to wash with the use of special means. At first, at least 4 times a day.

It is necessary to apply the child to the breast at his request. The rest of the milk must be expressed. The chest must be constantly warm.

In the case when a month after childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts, the patient should consult a gynecologist.

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After childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts - find out about the reasons. What to do if the stomach hurts a month after childbirth: norm and pathology

Problems after childbirth, as a rule, there are many.

One of them, which they do not always have time to pay attention to and deal with in a timely manner: the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth.

Needless to say, almost everyone experiences pain. The causes of these pains are many and varied. It is necessary to understand the seriousness of the situation: when it is necessary to urgently take some action, despite being busy and lacking time; and to be able to differentiate the normal state associated with the postpartum period, and formidable harbingers of an impending catastrophe.

In order not to end up in a hospital again, one must learn to distinguish physiological pain from those caused by a developing pathology. As a rule, in cases where the pain is short-lived and passes relatively quickly, you can not panic. But if the pain is intense or lasts more than a week without any positive dynamics, or if it begins to intensify, and, accordingly, the general condition worsens, a doctor is urgently needed!

After childbirth, pulls the lower abdomen - causes

There are many factors that cause pain in the lower abdomen. Many of them relate directly to the postoperative period:

1. Breaks in childbirth or episiotomy - in this case, stitches can be placed on the labia, on the vagina, on the cervix. The percentage of such surgical interventions, unfortunately, is high.

After these surgical manipulations, there are intense burning pains in the perineum. Soon these sensations disappear completely. As a rule, these pains pass without a trace in a few days. But sometimes the stomach hurts for a month or longer. And then there will always be complaints that after childbirth it pulls the lower abdomen. This is due to:

Infection is a very serious complication that requires medical attention.

2. In addition to complaints that the lower abdomen hurts, purulent discharge appears, the temperature rises to 38 degrees - a caesarean section. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. As soon as the anesthesia wears off, pain immediately arises. And in the future, for a very long time, pain in the area of ​​​​the postoperative scar will disturb until it is completely healed. Complete scarring occurs within a month.

3. Of all the above, the main reason that the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth is uterine contraction under the influence of oxytocin, a hormone that directly affects this process. Oxytocin is reflexively released during breastfeeding. In these cases, no further intervention is required. When the uterus contracts, the remaining traces of blood, tissue, and placenta are removed.

These pains are most severe and unpleasant, starting from the first hours, when the contraction of the uterus is especially intense.

4. A few, but occurring cases, when the remaining particles of the placenta are detected in the uterus, possibly the remains of the fetal egg, accumulations of dead epithelium. Complaints that after childbirth the lower abdomen hurts. Necessarily accompanied by high fever, often chills.

5. Restoration of disturbed hormonal balance after childbirth.

6. Injury to the pubic bone. The pain caused by the injury goes away on its own after a certain time.

Stomach pain for a month after giving birth

If after childbirth the stomach hurts for a month, the pain increases, accompanied by the addition of a temperature of up to 38 degrees and above, it is necessary to exclude serious complications that require urgent medical advice.

1. If the stomach hurts, endometritis is excluded immediately during differential diagnosis. This is an inflammation of the epithelium of the uterus. It can develop at any time after childbirth.

Due to the fact that the conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is normally present in the body of every woman, can become pathogenic with the development of endometritis. The reason for this activity may be reduced immunity - immunosuppression. For women in labor, this is a common condition, but in some cases, under the influence of any factor, this leads to endometritis. Either a bacterial or fungal infection occurs during aspiration or for other reasons.

2. After the diagnostic curettage, the lower abdomen hurts for a long time. This unpleasant procedure is performed if there is a suspicion of the remains of the placenta or umbilical cord in the uterus.

3. The stomach almost constantly hurts for a month after childbirth in multiparous.

With repeated births, the uterus contracts longer due to the fact that its walls have lost their normal tone. Prostaglandins (hormones, including one of them - oxytocin, responsible for the rapid contraction of the uterus) are synthesized in much larger quantities than in primiparas. In this regard, after childbirth, the lower abdomen is pulled for a month or more. For many, this can stretch over time for almost the entire postpartum period.

4. Inflammation in the tubes, ovaries (salpingoophoritis, or adnexitis). It is clinically manifested by the fact that after childbirth it pulls the lower abdomen. These unpleasant sensations do not go away with time, but on the contrary, it intensifies. In intensity - not strong, but constant, exhausting.

5. Peritonitis is one of the most dangerous complications that also occurs as a result of infection. The pain becomes acute, the temperature rises. Requires urgent action.

6. Injuries of the spine. If after childbirth the lower abdomen hurts, and the pain radiates to the spine, this is a manifestation of the displacement of the vertebrae that occurred during childbirth. All this can occur remotely - even after a few months. Physical activity and even walking provoke pain. If this happens, it is necessary to examine the spine to clarify the pathology that has arisen. Based on the examinations, treatment is prescribed.

7. The divergence of the hip joint, stretching of muscles and ligaments leads to the fact that the stomach hurts for a month or more after childbirth. The treatment of the joint and the musculo-ligamentous apparatus can be delayed for a long time.

8. If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, the cause may be a disease of the digestive system. Pain in the intestines can be provoked during the period of feeding a child by lack of sleep, stressful situations, a change in diet, and insufficient rest. Therefore, it is necessary to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Their absence causes increased gas formation and fermentation in the intestines, constipation, and, as a result, pulls the lower abdomen after childbirth.

Lower abdomen hurts after childbirth - what to do

If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, this prevents a harmonious existence, causes various discomforts. You should always know what to do in such cases. Treatment tactics depend on the factors leading to the onset of pain.

1. After childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts - inflammation

Conservative methods of treatment are used. Treatment must be comprehensive. Depending on the severity of the process, it consists of antibacterial, infusion, detoxification, sedative, desensitizing and restorative therapy. It is necessary to take drugs to reduce the uterus.

Treatment begins with the appointment of antibiotics. Cephalosporins and protected penicillins are predominantly used.

It is possible to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the absence of contraindications and immunostimulating drugs.

Drugs that increase the contractility of the uterus are also used.

As soon as the inflammation is removed, the pain immediately disappears. It is important to remember that the use of antispasmodics is strictly contraindicated. You cannot self-medicate.

2. After childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts in multiparous women - what to do

With pain in the lower abdomen after the second, third birth, it is necessary to prescribe certain drugs, the mechanism of action of which is to suppress the formation of prostaglandins. It is prostaglandins that lead to the onset of pain syndrome, irritating special receptors. Such medicines are drugs of the NSAID group (Diclofenac; Nise, Aspirin, Dicloberl, etc.)

Can be used to relieve pain in multiparous painkillers:

It is safer to use drugs in the form of rectal suppositories. The advantage of this dosage form is the rapid absorption of the drug and the absence of side effects of the drug (the occurrence of stomach ulcers, erosive gastroduodenitis). Sometimes banal analgin helps.

3. After childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts - other reasons - what to do

1. If there is suspicion of pieces of the placenta or umbilical cord remaining in the uterus, a diagnostic curettage is performed and they are removed from the uterine cavity to prevent infection. After this intervention, antibiotics are required.

2. If a displacement of the vertebrae during childbirth has been diagnosed, several courses of manual therapy are necessary.

3. Peritonitis is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention and possibly surgery.

4. In case of violation of the functions of the digestive organs, a special diet is needed, depending on the identified pathology. Since heaviness and pain in the abdomen, resulting from the pathology of the digestive system, can appear indefinitely after childbirth, you should immediately diversify your diet with lactic acid foods and fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits. And avoid slow digesting foods.

5. For pain in the abdomen of a non-inflammatory nature, you need to follow some recommendations:

In order for the uterus to return to normal size as quickly as possible, it is necessary to find time for therapeutic exercises;

On the fifth day after discharge, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist;

Adhere to a special diet, be physically active.

Thus, successful treatment depends on the elimination of factors that cause pain.

If timely measures are taken to eliminate the root causes, this will reduce pain and prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications. After that, an adequate and effective treatment is possible, which will lead to success.

© 2012-2018 Women's Opinion. When copying materials - a link to the source is required!

Portal Editor-in-Chief: Ekaterina Danilova


Editorial phone:

a month after giving birth, lower abdomen hurts

Questions and answers on: a month after childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts

I have a lot of questions about this. I still vaguely understand why all this is .. What to do next, how and where to be observed, examined .. What are the risks, that this will happen again, etc. The only suspicion why this happened is my cold during pregnancy .. I was very windy and had a high temperature ..

The pregnancy was not easy from the very beginning.. Throughout the pregnancy, the lower abdomen hurt quite a lot. In the first trimester, I was in the hospital twice with the threat of a miscarriage and with a miscarriage that had begun, they saved me .. But they also didn’t send me to the LCD for tests. And they didn’t even get an exchange card .. Also, due to my stupidity, I got sick with a cold in the ignorance of doctors. She cured herself with folk remedies. After that (it was the beginning of the 2nd trimester), I decided to leave for my hometown in order to live with my mother until the birth and be observed in my residential complex by registration. In the first LCD, they gave me a stack of papers with some results and waved a pen .. In the new LCD, they scolded me for coming with some stack of leaflets, looked at them, sent me for an ultrasound, they said everything was fine, come for a scheduled examination in a month. A month later, the lower abdomen began to hurt even more than usual (the doctors said this was normal) and I again did an ultrasound scan (I decided it myself) .. It was 21 weeks .. well, they found terrible pathologies, after which they sent me to the perinatal center where everything was confirmed and accepted the decision to terminate the pregnancy .. As a result, I can’t answer questions about the combined and triple test .. Apparently I didn’t take this .. Well, about TORCH infections - I remember exactly what I handed over, but not knowing how important it was, I left without taking the result .. He was not ready yet, and the doctor did not remind me to wait .. I understand one thing - all this is because of my stupidity .. I thought everything was in order and that I had everything under control .. And now where to run and what to do, I don't know.

At this point, start by getting to know your local gynecologist or family planning doctor. All termination information must be kept at the oblast family planning center. But. I recommend starting with a district gynecologist at the place of residence.

You need to be examined for TORCH infection, do an ultrasound scan, pass a bac. urine culture for microflora, examine the thyroid gland, see an ENT doctor.

You need to take folic acid (together with your husband) for three months at 800 mcg / day. If a pathology is found during the examination, then it is necessary to undergo treatment.

Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth

Frequent pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth

if during feeding - then it is the uterus that contracts and there can really be pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen. Almost 5 months have passed since the birth.

Pain in lower abdomen after childbirth

Lower abdomen hurts. After giving birth, maybe menstruation will come.

I got regular ones exactly a month after giving birth ... but yesterday my stomach ached, it hurt, everything just ached, here they are again today


how to remove the lower abdomen after childbirth? (photo)

Lower back and lower abdomen pain after childbirth

and with your anesthesia, back pain is the norm, someone hurts for a year, my girlfriend had a backache for 1.5 years after an epidural! I also wanted to put it on myself, and the doctors said, why, now you will suffer, but then there will be no problems with your back! But this is not the case for everyone, but for the majority!

I also had an epidural, my back hurt during the last month of pregnancy from gravity, it went away two months after the birth, but my knees hurt, I went to the doctor, they didn’t find anything. my cousin went for a massage with her back, it helped.

That's right, this is not a very well-made epidural gives such consequences. You are still not strong, it happens that it is not possible to get up at all. I also had an epidural (EP), but, thank God, without consequences.

pulls the lower abdomen after childbirth

if there was a cop, then there may be gases. I suffered in the mornings with my stomach for about a year for sure, until all the gases came out, my stomach would not let go. if ep, probably intestines.

I went to the gynecologist, she said that the problem is in the intestines, she prescribed normase, but it does not help at all

go to the gini or ultrasound, you never know what

pulls the lower abdomen after childbirth .. is it dangerous?

this is the uterus is shrinking. I have been shrinking for a month after giving birth

The uterus can contract, muscles

How to clean the stomach after childbirth!

yes, but about the lemon ... nevertheless, probably, the first 3 months is not worth it ..

I overcame weight after 1 birth by swinging the upper and lower press. the lower one is generally convenient, even when you feed, you can lift your legs))) and under the movie)


well, that's by itself. but in general, for me personally, somehow without training, he left completely after a year ... now I just started to bring it to mind, so that everything would be perfect in general)

Thank you, an interesting article) you need to take your lazy w ... in your hands! otherwise we are almost 3 years old, and my belly is in place (((


but I'm still afraid of eating a lemon) I have no reaction to it) so you can?)

thanks for the info

Lower abdomen hurts after sex

no period is normal

and my stomach aches if there was no sex for a long time

I used to whine when I had endometriosis. Then they burned it and everything went away.

can you b? so pulls after sex. do a test.

Pain in the abdomen after childbirth.

I had severe pain in my lower abdomen. went to the maternity hospital. Banykin.

PPC ... Banykin is treated worse and worse

Are you registered in the old city? in the new city from 1.07 they accept only new city (((you will have to give birth to a banykin (((

how do you feel now?

pain in the lower abdomen

Lower abdominal pain(((

I… when I gave birth… my back and lower back ached a lot (about a month)… my back went away… and about three weeks ago it started to hurt in the lower abdomen… and after giving birth there was discomfort when having sex. And so… how the lower abdomen began to hurt I went to the gynecologist. He looked at me ... passed a smear ... everything is OK ... And then he asks ... if my lower back hurts.? I say ... that it hurts. The result ... the lower abdomen hurts because of the lower back ... the nerve endings hurt ... that pass along the wall of the uterus and the lower abdomen hurts because of this ... and the lower back hurts because ... the child pressed on the pelvis ... or caught a cold . but of course you shouldn't self-medicate. Better... of course... a gynecological examination. More reliable! Be healthy!!

I won’t scare you, I didn’t go to the doctor after giving birth either, but nothing bothered me, 6 days ago I went to the hospital in an ambulance, they had an emergency operation, a cyst burst, 2 days in intensive care, it’s better to carve out a day and money than how I have (take care of yourself. be sure to go to the doctor.

I’m not the first, but go to G… Because you don’t joke with that… I had a CS, and nothing hurt, though I got to G a month after giving birth… Leave the baby on the weekend with their parents, and go to a private clinic (there are no different from their doctors), but you will be calm.

Pain in the lower abdomen

After I was discharged, it was like that in the first days. I was crying, I couldn’t even get up, I thought I had a cold or something, although there was nowhere. As a result, after a couple of days, I myself realized that the intestines. The pain was terrible

Damn, I also have thoughts, God forbid, what’s in the uterus ((but this can only be shown by an ultrasound. Don’t get sick Tanya. If you are very worried, go for an ultrasound for a fee tomorrow, don’t delay !!

Can the uterus shrink so much during feeding? I still have everything there, it gets stronger right after feeding

Pain in the lower abdomen..

This is how my period started. They were gone for a year and a half after giving birth.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Most likely due to the fact that you take your daughter in your arms, something heavy and therefore hurts! I also have a caesarean, I still have such sensations, I asked my gynecologist, she said because of the severity that, after all, the seam is still fresh (11 months have already passed) and you only have 5 weeks.

Have you been to an ultrasound and a gynecologist?

Pain in lower abdomen

This is most likely for menstruation.

I would have waited a couple more weeks - and if M did not come during this time, then I would go to the doctor and have an ultrasound.

With artificial menstruation, they should have started a long time ago, go for an ultrasound, and if they say that something is wrong, then go to the doctor (

How do periods come after childbirth

lower abdominal pain…

how does it hurt? gives in the anus or not? And the appendix is ​​still there or not?

Exercises for diastasis (for the abdomen after childbirth)

Saved to bookmarks, I'll try, otherwise I'm torturing myself for a year and it's all useless

Pain in the lower abdomen

the uterus is shrinking. I have been shrinking like this for 2 months. There was also a lot of mucus. Then the doctor told me to come a week after giving birth and pulled out this mucus

Aching pain in the lower abdomen for a year (

Dear user, unfortunately, your entry does not correspond to the theme of the "Everything about everything" community. Please move the topic to the Parental Health community Hint: select and copy the content of the entry, open the required community and click "Write", paste the copied text, write a title, indicate the category and save. Comments are not saved during migration. Thank you in advance for your understanding! Sincerely, assistant moderator Elena.


Plus, bodyflex is based on breathing exercises, my mother has been doing it for a month, the volumes are disappearing before our eyes!


Will have to try!

oh, the hated problem.)) We will fight on)

To whom to go? Pain in the lower abdomen

Go to the gynecologist, I had the same garbage, she will give you directions for tests that you need to pass, and from there they will already draw conclusions!)

In theory, you need to see a nephrologist and a gynecologist, first take urine for a general analysis, maybe there is a common cystitis

Go to the therapist, and he will already give you a referral to other doctors. Let him see.

Postpartum abdominal pain: normal or cause for concern?

Childbirth is a complex process that causes significant changes in the body. And the period of postpartum rehabilitation in young mothers proceeds in different ways. Many women feel pain in the abdomen, which they try not to pay attention to, because all the worries are concentrated around the baby. How normal are these feelings? Can they be a symptom of any disease?

Causes of postpartum abdominal pain

Abdominal pain in the postpartum period can be caused by both physiological and pathological causes. A woman must be aware of them in order to assess the seriousness of her situation and take the necessary measures in time.

Natural causes of pain:

  1. After childbirth, the female body begins to intensively produce the hormone oxytocin. It causes an intense contraction of the uterus - this organ gradually returns to its original size and shape. At the same time, a woman usually feels pain in the abdomen of varying intensity: it is especially strong in the first postpartum hours and gradually weakens over the next 4–7 days (for multiparous women, this period is longer, since their uterus has less tone). The release of oxytocin increases even more when the baby is breastfed (namely, when the female nipples are irritated): as a result, the uterus begins to contract even more, provoking increased pain.
  2. During childbirth, a woman sometimes gets an injury to the pubic bone, which also causes pain for a certain time. This usually happens in fragile women in labor: the passage of a child (especially a large one) through the birth canal causes a divergence of the pubic symphysis. At the same time, the mother does not feel pain at first, thanks to the hormone relaxin (it makes the joints and ligaments more mobile), but then discomfort occurs.
  3. Tears of the labia, vagina, cervix during childbirth, followed by suturing. Within a few days after this, the woman feels a burning pain in the perineum and in the lower abdomen.
  4. Sometimes, some time after the birth, the mother is scraped to remove the remains of the placenta (they are determined by ultrasound). This procedure is quite painful, so the woman then feels discomfort in the abdomen for quite a long time.
  5. The performed caesarean section, of course, also causes pain (after the local anesthesia departs): after all, the operation leaves an incision that does not heal immediately (the process of complete scarring takes about a month).
  6. Sometimes, during a caesarean section, gases do not have time to leave the intestines, which then begin to burst the stomach, causing pain to the woman.
  7. During childbirth, microcracks in the external genitalia often occur, and when urinating, a young mother feels a slight burning sensation in the lower abdomen. These sensations usually go away within a few days after delivery.

Physiological pain in the abdomen, as a rule, increases when a woman sneezes, coughs, lifts even small weights. The duration of such pain is due to how easy or difficult the birth was.

Photo gallery: physiological factors that provoke abdominal pain

Pathological causes requiring medical attention

If the pain in the abdomen does not subside a month after delivery (and even more so when they intensify), the woman should consult a doctor. Most likely, pathological factors take place here:

  1. If, after an episiotomy, the stomach hurts for more than a month, this may be due to the introduction of an infection or to the divergence of the sutures.
  2. In some cases, fragments of the placenta, ovum, or dead epithelium remain in the uterus. The body tries to get rid of them by frequent contractions, which leads to pain. And if you do not take any measures, then the likelihood of suppuration is high.
  3. At any time after childbirth, the mother may develop endometritis - inflammation of the epithelial tissue of the uterus. This is due to the fact that in women in labor, as a rule, immunity decreases, as a result, pathogenic microflora multiplies in the body. Especially often this pathology develops after a cesarean section (a skid during an infection operation), during aspiration or another procedure.
  4. Inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis) or appendages (salpingoophoritis).
  5. Peritonitis - inflammation of the abdominal cavity: the most dangerous complication due to infection.
  6. During childbirth, the spine can be injured - individual vertebrae are displaced. Moreover, the injury manifests itself only after a few months. Pain increases with physical exertion or normal walking.
  7. Childbirth sometimes causes a divergence of the hip joint in a woman, as well as sprains with muscles. In this case, the stomach will hurt for a long time - more than a month.
  8. Discomfort in the lower abdomen can also be caused by disorders in the digestive system. They, in turn, are caused by a change in diet, fatigue, lack of sleep, and a stress factor. Insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits provokes increased gas formation, fermentation in the intestines and constipation. Deficiency of dairy products (especially fermented milk) also causes digestive disorders.

These types of pathology are usually accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the woman.

Table: the nature of pain in the lower abdomen, depending on the disease

  • contraction of the uterus due to the production of oxytocin;
  • condition after scraping;
  • fragments of the placenta in the uterus.


Therapy of pain after childbirth depends, of course, on their origin. A special set of physical exercises will help to quickly bring the uterus into tone and stop pain. You can perform them already in the delivery room, lying on the bed.

  1. The woman lies on her back, bending her knees, and takes deep breaths in and out. Breathing is calm and even. With the first breath, the air is directed to the chest area, the second - to the stomach (inflates like a balloon), and in the process of the third, both the stomach and chest are involved. The exercise is repeated daily several times.
  2. Lying on her back, the woman lifts her chest up while inhaling. Shoulders, buttocks, heels are tightly pressed to the surface of the floor or bed. Relax on the way out. On the first day, the exercise is performed 4 times, and then one more repetition is added daily (up to 12 times).
  3. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. On inspiration, the lower back should be pressed to the floor (bed), and on exhalation, the coccyx - the sacrum seems to be rolling on the floor.
  4. I. p. - lying on your back, hands under your head. Toes should be pulled towards you, and then away from you, alternating tension with relaxation.
  5. I. p. - lying on your back. Legs bent at the knees should be alternately tilted to the right and left, touching the floor or the surface of the bed.
  6. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. On inhalation, the pelvis slowly rises.
  7. I. p. - lying on your back, shoulders and heels tightly pressed to the surface. In this position, you need to linger for about 7 seconds, and then relax.

Exercises 2-7 are performed 4-5 times.

A number of exercises can speed up the process of bringing the uterus into tone

As for the stitches after an episiotomy on the genitals and on the abdomen after a cesarean section, they are treated daily with brilliant green until completely healed (a bactericidal patch can also be used on the abdomen). After some time, the pain will disappear.

Proper care of the stitches will help to avoid complications and quickly get rid of pain.

After the second and third births, the stomach hurts especially badly. To alleviate the mother's condition, the doctor may prescribe her special drugs that suppress the process of prostaglandin synthesis: these are Diclofenac, Nise, Aspirin or Dicloberl. However, most of them are incompatible with lactation.

You can also stop a strong pain syndrome with painkillers (again, if a woman does not breastfeed a child), for example, Ketoprofen, Artokol, Ketorol, etc. (ordinary analgin also helps some).

To avoid possible adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, you can choose medications in the form of rectal suppositories, which are also absorbed faster.

Therapy of pathological conditions

In pathological conditions that make themselves felt with abdominal pain, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment for the woman:

  1. Peritonitis requires immediate surgical intervention.
  2. The remains of the placenta in the uterus are removed by curettage, and after it the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy. Vacuum aspiration is also used.
  3. Endometritis requires complex therapy: these are antibiotics (usually intravenously), drugs to increase the contractile activity of the uterus (to reduce the absorption of decay products), immunomodulators, vitamins, antiviral agents, vacuum aspiration, enzymatic curettage (treatment of the walls of the uterus with special enzymes that dissolve dead tissue) .
  4. Pain associated with spinal injury is treated with professional massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy. Also, the doctor may prescribe the patient to wear a special corset that helps the vertebrae to take the correct position.
  5. With the divergence of the pelvic bones, the traumatologist will prescribe to limit the mobility of the joint by wearing a bandage.
  6. Problems with the digestive system are usually resolved by following a diet based on eating enough dairy products, vegetables and fruits (fiber). In this case, slowly digesting foods should be excluded. With constipation, you can also take appropriate medications (for example, doctors recommend Dufalac to nursing mothers). To relieve the pain caused by the accumulation of gases, self-massage will help: you need to make delicate circular movements in the abdomen in a clockwise direction.

Photo gallery: treatment of pathological abdominal pain

To avoid the appearance of postpartum abdominal pain (or minimize it), a young mother should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Don't lift heavy things.
  2. Do not engage in intimacy until the birth canal is fully restored.
  3. Carefully monitor intimate hygiene, in particular, wash yourself after each trip to the toilet.

Childbirth is a complex process that causes significant changes in the body. And the period of postpartum rehabilitation in young mothers proceeds in different ways. Many women feel pain in the abdomen, which they try not to pay attention to, because all the worries are concentrated around the baby. How normal are these feelings? Can they be a symptom of any disease?

Causes of postpartum abdominal pain

Abdominal pain in the postpartum period can be caused by both physiological and pathological causes. A woman must be aware of them in order to assess the seriousness of her situation and take the necessary measures in time.

Natural causes of pain:

  1. After childbirth, the female body begins to intensively produce the hormone oxytocin. It causes an intense contraction of the uterus - this organ gradually returns to its original size and shape. At the same time, a woman usually feels pain in the abdomen of varying intensity: it is especially strong in the first postpartum hours and gradually weakens over the next 4–7 days (for multiparous women, this period is longer, since their uterus has less tone). The release of oxytocin increases even more when the baby is breastfed (namely, when the female nipples are irritated): as a result, the uterus begins to contract even more, provoking increased pain.
  2. During childbirth, a woman sometimes gets an injury to the pubic bone, which also causes pain for a certain time. This usually happens in fragile women in labor: the passage of a child (especially a large one) through the birth canal causes a divergence of the pubic symphysis. At the same time, the mother does not feel pain at first, thanks to the hormone relaxin (it makes the joints and ligaments more mobile), but then discomfort occurs.
  3. Tears of the labia, vagina, cervix during childbirth, followed by suturing. Within a few days after this, the woman feels a burning pain in the perineum and in the lower abdomen.
  4. Sometimes, some time after the birth, the mother is scraped to remove the remains of the placenta (they are determined by ultrasound). This procedure is quite painful, so the woman then feels discomfort in the abdomen for quite a long time.
  5. The performed caesarean section, of course, also causes pain (after the local anesthesia departs): after all, the operation leaves an incision that does not heal immediately (the process of complete scarring takes about a month).
  6. Sometimes, during a caesarean section, gases do not have time to leave the intestines, which then begin to burst the stomach, causing pain to the woman.
  7. During childbirth, microcracks in the external genitalia often occur, and when urinating, a young mother feels a slight burning sensation in the lower abdomen. These sensations usually go away within a few days after delivery.

Physiological pain in the abdomen, as a rule, increases when a woman sneezes, coughs, lifts even small weights. The duration of such pain is due to how easy or difficult the birth was.

Photo gallery: physiological factors that provoke abdominal pain

In the process of feeding, oxytocin is produced even more, which increases uterine contractions, causing pain Microcracks in the genital organs make urination painful Sometimes during childbirth, the pubic bones diverge, which causes pain for a long time

Pathological causes requiring medical attention

If the pain in the abdomen does not subside a month after delivery (and even more so when they intensify), the woman should consult a doctor. Most likely, pathological factors take place here:

  1. If, after an episiotomy, the stomach hurts for more than a month, this may be due to the introduction of an infection or to the divergence of the sutures.
  2. In some cases, fragments of the placenta, ovum, or dead epithelium remain in the uterus. The body tries to get rid of them by frequent contractions, which leads to pain. And if you do not take any measures, then the likelihood of suppuration is high.
  3. At any time after childbirth, the mother may develop endometritis - inflammation of the epithelial tissue of the uterus. This is due to the fact that in women in labor, as a rule, immunity decreases, as a result, pathogenic microflora multiplies in the body. Especially often this pathology develops after a cesarean section (a skid during an infection operation), during aspiration or another procedure.
  4. Inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis) or appendages (salpingoophoritis).
  5. Peritonitis - inflammation of the abdominal cavity: the most dangerous complication due to infection.
  6. During childbirth, the spine can be injured - individual vertebrae are displaced. Moreover, the injury manifests itself only after a few months. Pain increases with physical exertion or normal walking.
  7. Childbirth sometimes causes a divergence of the hip joint in a woman, as well as sprains with muscles. In this case, the stomach will hurt for a long time - more than a month.
  8. Discomfort in the lower abdomen can also be caused by disorders in the digestive system. They, in turn, are caused by a change in diet, fatigue, lack of sleep, and a stress factor. Insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits provokes increased gas formation, fermentation in the intestines and constipation. Deficiency of dairy products (especially fermented milk) also causes digestive disorders.

These types of pathology are usually accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the woman.

Table: the nature of pain in the lower abdomen, depending on the disease

The nature of the pain, accompanying symptoms Condition or disease
Drawing pains resembling contractions
  • contraction of the uterus due to the production of oxytocin;
  • condition after scraping;
  • fragments of the placenta in the uterus.
Drawing pain, fever, chills, bloody or purulent vaginal dischargeendometritis
Acute pain, high body temperaturePeritonitis
Not very strong, but constant aching pains on the left or right (sometimes bilateral)Inflammation of the ovaries, appendages
Pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the spineDisplacement of the vertebrae
Spasmodic pain in the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea or constipation, bloatingPathologies of the digestive system
Burning and sore pains, aggravated by urinationMicrocracks in the genitals
Sharp shooting pain in the pelvic region, aggravated by spreading the legs to the side, climbing stairsDivergence of the hip joint


Therapy of pain after childbirth depends, of course, on their origin. A special set of physical exercises will help to quickly bring the uterus into tone and stop pain. You can perform them already in the delivery room, lying on the bed.

  1. The woman lies on her back, bending her knees, and takes deep breaths in and out. Breathing is calm and even. With the first breath, the air is directed to the chest area, the second - to the stomach (inflates like a balloon), and in the process of the third, both the stomach and chest are involved. The exercise is repeated daily several times.
  2. Lying on her back, the woman lifts her chest up while inhaling. Shoulders, buttocks, heels are tightly pressed to the surface of the floor or bed. Relax on the way out. On the first day, the exercise is performed 4 times, and then one more repetition is added daily (up to 12 times).
  3. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. On inspiration, the lower back should be pressed to the floor (bed), and on exhalation, the coccyx - the sacrum seems to be rolling on the floor.
  4. I. p. - lying on your back, hands under your head. Toes should be pulled towards you, and then away from you, alternating tension with relaxation.
  5. I. p. - lying on your back. Legs bent at the knees should be alternately tilted to the right and left, touching the floor or the surface of the bed.
  6. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. On inhalation, the pelvis slowly rises.
  7. I. p. - lying on your back, shoulders and heels tightly pressed to the surface. In this position, you need to linger for about 7 seconds, and then relax.

Exercises 2-7 are performed 4-5 times.

A number of exercises can speed up the process of bringing the uterus into tone

As for the stitches after an episiotomy on the genitals and on the abdomen after a cesarean section, they are treated daily with brilliant green until completely healed (a bactericidal patch can also be used on the abdomen). After some time, the pain will disappear.

Proper care of the stitches will help to avoid complications and quickly get rid of pain.

After the second and third births, the stomach hurts especially badly. To alleviate the mother's condition, the doctor may prescribe her special drugs that suppress the process of prostaglandin synthesis: these are Diclofenac, Nise, Aspirin or Dicloberl. However, most of them are incompatible with lactation.

You can also stop a strong pain syndrome with painkillers (again, if a woman does not breastfeed a child), for example, Ketoprofen, Artokol, Ketorol, etc. (ordinary analgin also helps some).

To avoid possible adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, you can choose medications in the form of rectal suppositories, which are also absorbed faster.

Therapy of pathological conditions

In pathological conditions that make themselves felt with abdominal pain, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment for the woman:

  1. Peritonitis requires immediate surgical intervention.
  2. The remains of the placenta in the uterus are removed by curettage, and after it the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy. Vacuum aspiration is also used.
  3. Endometritis requires complex therapy: these are antibiotics (usually intravenously), drugs to increase the contractile activity of the uterus (to reduce the absorption of decay products), immunomodulators, vitamins, antiviral agents, vacuum aspiration, enzymatic curettage (treatment of the walls of the uterus with special enzymes that dissolve dead tissue) .
  4. Pain associated with spinal injury is treated with professional massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy. Also, the doctor may prescribe the patient to wear a special corset that helps the vertebrae to take the correct position.
  5. With the divergence of the pelvic bones, the traumatologist will prescribe to limit the mobility of the joint by wearing a bandage.
  6. Problems with the digestive system are usually resolved by following a diet based on eating enough dairy products, vegetables and fruits (fiber). In this case, slowly digesting foods should be excluded. With constipation, you can also take appropriate medications (for example, doctors recommend Dufalac to nursing mothers). To relieve the pain caused by the accumulation of gases, self-massage will help: you need to make delicate circular movements in the abdomen in a clockwise direction.

Photo gallery: treatment of pathological abdominal pain

With the displacement of the vertebrae, manual therapy will help. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract after childbirth will be solved by the diet. Peritonitis requires urgent surgical intervention.

To avoid the appearance of postpartum abdominal pain (or minimize it), a young mother should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Don't lift heavy things.
  2. Do not engage in intimacy until the birth canal is fully restored.
  3. Carefully monitor intimate hygiene, in particular, wash yourself after each trip to the toilet.

childbirth - a difficult process that the female body endures. Delivery is accompanied by pain, muscle strain, ruptures and other complications often occur. Doctors warn - generic activity is unpredictable and it is almost impossible to predict events. But if the pain during the birth of the baby - is a completely natural state, then its appearance after childbirth can be dangerous. When should new moms worry?

The physiological norm of postpartum pain

Reduction - this is the main reason that some time after childbirth, a woman feels intense, sharp pain. As soon as the baby takes the breast, the active production of oxytocin begins. - hormone responsible for this process, residual, waste materials come out of the body.

Similar phenomenon - this is a normal response of the body to the changes that have occurred, which does not require additional interventions. But painful symptoms appear in the first hours and may disturb in the first 1-3 days, gradually decreasing.

If a woman has undergone a caesarean section, then this process is somewhat delayed, and the woman is given special drugs that normalize contractile reflexes. However, if the stomach hurts after childbirth after 2 weeks or more, then we can talk about pathological processes.

After all, 2-3 months after delivery, the female reproductive system is restored, and the risks of complications are high. In most cases, 3-4 weeks after the birth of a child, a woman forgets about the discomfort.

Pain syndrome can occur due to the following conditions:

  • fragments of a child's place remain in the fallopian tubes;
  • an inflammatory process develops, localized in the uterine mucosa - there are many reasons, and if the lower abdomen hurts 2 weeks after childbirth, then perhaps this is a symptom of inflammation;
  • inflammation in the uterine appendages;
  • the inflammatory process has spread from the reproductive organs to the peritoneum - if you ignore the primary symptoms and attribute discomfort to the postpartum state, then you can expect similar complications.

If additional symptoms join the pain: purulent discharge from the vagina or chest, fever, swelling, etc., then most likely a serious infection has developed in the body. Any of the conditions requires an appeal to a gynecologist, and a woman should protect herself from possible infection.

In addition, some women are faced with such a pathological condition as the divergence of the pubic bones. This phenomenon occurs even during pregnancy, and during childbirth there are risks of tissue rupture. After some time, inflammation may occur on the damaged area. The disease is called, which requires mandatory complex therapy.

And if the pain is not associated with childbirth?

If the stomach hurts 2-3 weeks after childbirth, then it is worth excluding conditions that are not associated with them. Pain syndrome develops:

  • against the background of the pathological condition of the intestine;
  • due to dysfunction of the bladder;
  • due to kidney disease;
  • with inflammation of the appendix.

Most of the above ailments are extremely dangerous and require emergency hospitalization. It is not recommended to solve the problem on your own, especially to stop unpleasant symptoms with the help of painkillers and analgesic medications. Taking any medication lubricates the general clinical picture and makes it difficult to make a diagnosis.

If 3 weeks after childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts, in no case can one ignore such a phenomenon and think that this is the norm. A woman should better monitor her health, undergoing timely examinations and adequate treatment.

Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the female body adapted to changing conditions. The uterus increased as the fetus grew, the location of the internal organs changed, the vessels and nerve plexuses were compressed.

Childbirth is a sudden deliverance from 4-5 kg, and sometimes much more weight, as well as a decrease in the volume of the abdomen. The organs must return to their original state, so it can be accepted as normal that the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth. In most cases, this is an indicator of the physiological course of the postpartum period.

When is this the norm?

Throughout pregnancy, the main hormone of the female body was. It reduced the tone of the uterus until the moment of delivery, suppressed the secretion of prolactin. But by the day of delivery, its concentration decreased, but the active production of oxytocin and prolactin began. Oxytocin controls the contractility of the smooth muscles of the uterus, but it is also necessary in the postpartum period, as well as throughout lactation.

Contractions of the muscles of the uterus are necessary during childbirth, not only to open the cervix and expel the fetus. After separation of the placenta, the uterine walls are a continuous wound surface with bleeding vessels. For hemostasis, only the activation of the coagulation system is not enough. A spasm of the vessels and a decrease in their lumen should occur. Oxytocin provides further contraction of the uterus after the birth of the child, allows you to stop bleeding.

The size of the uterus in the postpartum period decreases very quickly. The doctor evaluates them daily during the bypass according to the height of the standing day. The following are considered normal rates of reduction:

  • immediately after childbirth - 4 cm above the navel (or 20 weeks of pregnancy);
  • the end of the first day - at the level of the navel;
  • on the second day - one finger width below the navel;
  • on the 3rd day - 2 fingers below the navel;
  • 4 days - in the middle of the distance between the pubic joint and the navel;
  • on the 6th day - up to 9 cm above the pubis;
  • on the 10th day - protrudes slightly above the bosom;
  • by 6-8 weeks corresponds to the state before pregnancy.

Very painful, but postpartum contractions cannot be called pleasant. Most often they are associated with breastfeeding.

Two hormones are involved in the mechanism of milk production and secretion. Prolactin ensures the synthesis of milk in the alveoli. Its excretion is regulated by oxytocin. During attachment of the baby to the breast, irritation of the nipples occurs, which stimulates the release of oxytocin by the pituitary gland. The hormone affects not only the myocytes of the mammary gland, its stimulating effect also extends to the myometrium. In the first few days, with each breastfeeding, a woman experiences cramping pains that resemble those during childbirth.

How much does the stomach hurt after childbirth?

This is a physiological process, it depends on the individual characteristics and the rate of uterine contraction. In most cases, discomfort stops after 2 months.

Also, do not forget about those who gave birth by caesarean section. In this case, physiological pain in the lower abdomen will be a natural reaction to a violation of the integrity of the anterior abdominal wall. The pain is postoperative. But she is short-lived. In a hospital setting, narcotic analgesics are used to relieve pain; they have a more pronounced analgesic effect. After about two days, you can switch to anesthesia with an analgin solution, which, at small doses, will be safe for the child.

Signs of a pathological process

If after childbirth the stomach hurts for a natural reason, this condition is not characterized by additional signs. In the presence of a pathological process, pain can be of a different nature and be accompanied by changes in the general condition.


During the first day, the discharge from the genital tract should acquire the character of brown, mucous, less and less resembling blood. But sometimes the bleeding does not decrease, but suddenly increases. At the same time, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Additional features are the following:

  • temperature rise;
  • signs of intoxication;
  • purulent discharge from the genital tract;
  • signs of subinvolution of the uterus;
  • tachycardia.

These symptoms are characteristic of postpartum endometritis. The condition most often develops after a caesarean section, but may also be the result of natural childbirth. Endometritis refers to infectious postpartum complications and requires immediate medical attention.

The reason is the violation of contractility, which is associated with the retention of parts of the placenta or fetal membranes. While they are in the uterus, it is not able to contract normally, which means that the pathological process will progress.

Endometritis threatens to turn into parametritis - inflammation of the periuterine tissue, pelvioperitonitis - damage to the pelvic part of the peritoneum, peritonitis - an infectious and inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity. Pain in the abdomen in this case will only increase.


In some cases, only a radiologist together with a traumatologist can determine why the lower abdomen continues to hurt even in the remote period after childbirth. The cause is often symphysitis - a divergence of the bones of the pubic joint.

The prerequisites for the appearance of this pathology are associated with physiological causes. The same progesterone is to blame, as well as the hormone relaxin secreted by the placenta. It leads to softening, divergence of the joint of the pubic joint. This is necessary so that the birth canal can adapt as much as possible to the parameters of the fetus.

Normally, the distance between the two bones of this joint does not exceed 1 cm. The pubic articulation refers to semi-movable joints. This means that the minimum amount of displacement of its surfaces relative to each other is allowed. During the birth of a child, the joint may diverge by an additional 5-6 mm. But sometimes pathological processes are included in the case, then the displacement reaches a critical value and leads to the appearance of pain localized in the lower abdomen.

Degrees of discrepancy:

  • 1 degree - discrepancy 5-9 mm;
  • 2 degree - 10-20 mm;
  • 3 degree - more than 20 mm.

Postpartum pain, provoked by symphysitis, most often appears 2-3 days after childbirth. A woman, lying in bed, cannot lift her legs up, walking brings pain. An accurate diagnosis can be made only after X-ray diagnostics.


Postpartum abdominal pain may be due to a more mundane cause. The intestines after pregnancy and childbirth do not always quickly return to normal. Sometimes it takes time to get it going. But all this time, the feces will accumulate, expand the sigmoid colon and rectal ampulla. This is accompanied by a pulling, aching, arching pain in the abdomen, which manifests itself about a week after delivery. If timely action is not taken, then constipation will go to the extreme.

In some women, after childbirth, going to the toilet is associated with a certain fear of damaging the existing stitches on the perineum or hemorrhoids. At the same time, stagnant processes in the intestines are aggravated: the liquid from the feces is gradually absorbed back into the intestines, it becomes dry and, to a greater extent, can lead to damage to the lower intestine.

The presence of stool disorders harms not only the digestive tract. This results in displacement or compression of the uterus, and may lead to subinvolution.

placental polyp

The retention of parts of the placenta in the uterine cavity is likely to lead to bleeding in the early postpartum period. But sometimes small parts, microscopic villi of the chorion allow the uterus to fully contract, and signs of pathology appear after a long time.

The clinical picture appears after 4-5 weeks. Pain in the lower abdomen is not a characteristic sign of pathology, bleeding comes first, resulting in a decrease in hemoglobin, weakness, dizziness, tachycardia. Uterine pain after childbirth appears after the attachment of infection and the development of endometritis. Further, the clinical picture will develop according to the classical pattern of inflammation of the uterus.


During pregnancy, a woman's posture changes. This is due to the increase in weight and its redistribution in the abdomen. If the pregnant woman did not use a special supporting bandage, then the pain syndrome will be pronounced.

After delivery, not everything immediately falls into place. Sometimes during pregnancy, compression of the nerve plexuses occurs, and after childbirth, this can manifest itself as signs of osteochondrosis or neuritis. Pain in the lower abdomen will be combined with its irradiation into the abdominal cavity.

When to see a doctor

The duration of the period of pain depends on the individual characteristics and the rate of uterine involution. In most cases, during the first two weeks, the physiological discomfort associated with feeding the baby gradually decreases. The pain does not appear for every feeding, its intensity decreases. When the uterus contracts completely, this symptom will disappear.

But there are signs that indicate a possible pathological process. When they appear, do not delay a visit to the doctor:

  • temperature, at first it may be small, and then rise to 39 ° C;
  • violation of general well-being - weakness, not passing after rest;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which is constantly present;
  • chills as a symptom of fever;
  • headache;
  • spotting from the genital tract (they can intensify, change the character from mucous to more liquid, resembling scarlet blood);
  • cramping pain, resembling spasms, after which blood clots are released;
  • no stool for more than two days;
  • inability to tear off the heels from the bed in the supine position;
  • change in gait to waddling, "duck";
  • sudden onset of bleeding after a long period after discharge from the hospital.

With a placental polyp, bleeding is usually intense, begins a month or two after the birth of the child. At the same time, it can be differentiated from menstruation: during menstruation, the nature of bleeding changes daily, it becomes less intense. In the case of a placental polyp, the discharge is scarlet and only intensifies.

A gynecologist can be contacted for any changes that a woman considers different from physiological.

Ways to improve the condition

In the presence of a pain syndrome resembling abdominal pain, as with menstruation, it is necessary to establish the cause of this condition. Obligatory stages are examination of the doctor. It allows you to assess the size of the uterus, how they correspond to the term, consistency, mobility of the organ, the prevalence of pain.

An ultrasound is also required. With its help, you can notice the expanded uterine cavity, the presence of clots in it, the remnants of the placenta. If the cause is in the placental polyp, a volumetric formation will be noticeable. Inflammatory infiltrate around the uterus speaks in favor of the development of the inflammatory process.

Additional diagnostics depends on the information obtained in the first two stages. It may be necessary to carry out, laparotomy, x-ray diagnostics.

It is possible to improve the condition of a woman and reduce the pain syndrome, depending on the causes of pain.

In the postpartum period, drugs should be used with caution, most of them pass into breast milk. Those minimum concentrations for a small fruit weight may be enough to cause adverse reactions.

Pain associated with the natural process of uterine involution is not relieved with antispasmodics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Labor-like contractions are a natural process and only appear when the baby is breastfeeding. They are short-lived and do not disturb the general well-being. When they appear, you need to make a few calm breathing movements. Gradually, these symptoms will disappear on their own.

Subinvolution of the uterus, which has not yet led to the appearance of endometritis, is treated by removing the remnants of the fetal site from the uterine cavity. A further tactic is to prescribe reducing agents, antibiotics to prevent infection.

If the pain syndrome is associated with inflammation, it is necessary to assess the severity and prescribe the appropriate treatment. With endometritis, antibiotic therapy is carried out, which prevents the infectious process from spreading further, and detoxification with the help of intravenous infusion solutions.

After stopping acute inflammation, to prevent the adhesive process, which leads to the appearance, it is necessary to prescribe physiotherapy:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • diadynamic currents;
  • medicinal electrophoresis.

Constipation after childbirth must be treated with diet and laxatives. Means that act gently in the intestinal lumen are recommended. Sometimes a spoonful of castor oil is enough to start the intestines. Lactulose is also used, which is sweet in taste and without an unpleasant odor. It is safe for newborns.

Diet for constipation includes foods rich in fiber and have a laxative effect. You need to eat several fruits of dried apricots or prunes a day, boiled beetroot salad or beetroot soup. But you should not overdo it, the abuse of a laxative diet will lead to a pronounced acceleration of peristalsis and spastic pain in the abdomen.

The divergence of the pubic articulation is treated for a long time, it is necessary to comply with bed rest. If possible, the woman is not in a traditional bed, but in a special hammock that helps bring the pelvic bones closer together. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for pain relief.

To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to wear a bandage, a cane is used to evenly distribute body weight. Good help in restoring blood circulation and accretion of the symphysis of physiotherapy.

Many believe that during the time of bearing a child, a woman's body is updated and rejuvenated. But this opinion is rather misleading. During pregnancy, the female body experiences tremendous stress, it is rebuilt to the needs of the child, sometimes to the detriment of the mother. After giving birth, she needs a period of recovery, which is not always painless. But it is necessary to distinguish physiologically acceptable pain from signs of pathology in order to consult a doctor in time and prevent the development of complications.

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