Viral infection with abdominal syndrome: causes and treatment. Abdominal syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

In our article, we will tell you what a viral infection with abdominal syndrome is. We will also consider the symptoms of this disease and the causes of its appearance. In addition, recommendations will be given regarding the treatment of such a condition.

What is this syndrome? Reasons for the appearance

Abdominal syndrome is a set of symptoms. It manifests itself primarily as pain in the abdomen. main reason its development - spasms in the gastrointestinal tract or overstretching of the biliary tract. In addition, this pain syndrome also causes bloating. There are also other reasons. We will consider them further.

So, the causes of abdominal pain syndrome:

  • malnutrition;
  • bowel disease;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • stress.

Sometimes pain occurs as a result of irritation of the phrenic nerves, allergic reaction etc.

Also, abdominal syndrome is caused by problems with the lung, heart, and also with nervous systems oh. In addition, such a condition can also provoke an inflammatory process in the peritoneum, which arose as a result of exposure to toxic substances.

In what cases does it develop?

This syndrome has a rather complicated classification. It can be conditionally correlated with the diseases against which it also manifests itself.

For example, it can be diseases of the digestive system (liver cirrhosis, hepatitis). Also, abdominal syndrome occurs against the background of organ pathologies. chest(myocardial infarction, pneumonia).

It has been observed that it also manifests itself in infectious diseases such as herpes zoster, syphilis.

To separate group pathologies include ailments immune system and diseases that are caused by metabolic disorders. For example, rheumatism, porphyria, diabetes and others.

Pain due to various factors. How is it manifested?

Abdominal syndrome still differ in types of pain. This sign helps doctors make the correct diagnosis, identify the cause of its appearance. After that, the patient is examined, the results of ultrasound, x-rays of the abdominal and chest cavity as well as a biochemical blood test.

So, the types of pain:

  • Spastic. They appear suddenly and also disappear, that is, they are manifested by seizures. Often the pain is given to the area of ​​the shoulder blade, back, lower extremities. Sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting. As a rule, they are provoked by poisoning, inflammatory processes in abdominal cavity, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Aching and pulling. Usually occurs due to stretching hollow organs.
  • Peritoneal. They occur when there is damage to organs or structural changes. Such pains are considered the most dangerous. Accompanied general malaise sometimes vomiting.
  • Reflected. Appear with pleurisy, pneumonia, etc.
  • Psychogenic. They cause stress, as well as neurotic, depressive states.

Features of the manifestation of chronic syndrome

Abdominal syndrome can be short-lived (manifested by seizures) or be protracted.

In the latter case, the pain increases gradually. Chronic pain syndrome is formed, depending on psychological factors.

Some experts believe that this disease often triggered by latent depression.

Usually, such patients have pain everywhere (both the head, and the back, and the stomach).

Although such chronic pain can also cause joint disease, oncological diseases, cardiac ischemia. But in such cases, the pain syndrome is clearly localized.

Manifestations of the syndrome when urgent hospitalization is required

As you may have already understood, in some cases, acute abdominal syndrome may be a sign serious violations the work of organs. Therefore, in order not to expose yourself once again to the danger of pain in the abdomen, you need to know when an urgent health care. Let's look at the symptoms that will indicate that urgent hospitalization is needed. These signs include the following:

  • repeated vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen, together with dizziness, apathy and severe weakness;
  • a large number of subcutaneous hematomas;
  • heavy discharge or bleeding (in women);
  • peristaltic noises are absent, while gases do not escape;
  • abdominal muscles tense;
  • the volume of the abdomen increases greatly, while pain is expressed;
  • fever (the cause of its occurrence is unclear);
  • in addition to pain, pressure decreases and tachycardia occurs.

abdominal syndrome. Treatment

The described condition is not a separate disease, but a complex of symptoms. It is worth fighting the pain syndrome by eliminating the cause that caused the disease.

To remove discomfort, against the background of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, myotropic antispasmodics are usually prescribed. The most popular of these drugs is Drotaverine. It has a high selectivity. In addition, the drug in no way negatively affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Besides that this medicine has an antispasmodic effect, it also reduces blood viscosity. And this allows you to use it not only with a stomach ulcer (or duodenal ulcer), biliary dyskinesia, but also with coronary disease intestines.

Also enough effective drugs are those that relate to blockers of muscarinic receptors or to selective and non-selective anticholinergics ("Metacin", "Gastrocepin", etc.).

SARS with abdominal syndrome. Clinical picture

ARVI with abdominal syndrome (ICD-10 Code: J00-J06) is often observed by pediatricians. This pathology is more often diagnosed in children. Adults rarely suffer from this disease. Children become infected in kindergartens, schools. Rotavirus is especially dangerous for them and " stomach flu". Such ailments are diagnosed as acute respiratory viral infections with abdominal syndrome. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • runny nose;
  • pain in the tummy;
  • vomit;
  • weakness
  • nausea;
  • cough;
  • elevated temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • lethargy.

All these symptoms can indicate both a cold and intestinal infection. demarcate similar ailments difficult enough, even for experts. Diagnosing rotavirus is even more difficult. Complex methods are used to determine it (electron microscopy, linked immunosorbent assay and others). Often pediatricians make a diagnosis without the above diagnostic methods, only based on the anamnesis.

ARI with complications. Treatment

Treatment of acute respiratory infections with abdominal syndrome should be based on an accurate diagnosis.

If the pain is caused by pathological waste products respiratory viruses, then the main ailment is treated, plus sorbents are added to this therapy.

If the diagnosis of rotavirus is confirmed, the patient is prescribed an appointment activated carbon, as well as sorbents. Necessary plentiful drink and diet. Probiotics are prescribed for diarrhea.


Now you know what the abdominal syndrome is, how it manifests itself and what are the causes of its occurrence. We hope that this information was helpful to you.

Any pain is a warning signal that indicates the appearance of some kind of malfunction in the body. Accordingly, this kind discomfort should not be ignored. This is especially true of the symptoms that develop in children, since they can indicate the most serious violations of the body's activity, including those that require emergency care. Enough common symptom this kind is considered to be an abdominal pain syndrome, in other words, pain in the abdomen. Let's talk about the diversity and specificity of complaints of this kind in a little more detail.

Abdominal pain syndrome in children often causes parents to visit doctors, and may be an indication for hospitalization in an inpatient department. The appearance of such unpleasant phenomenon can be explained by different factors- from SARS and up to surgical pathologies.


In the last ten years, the main assistance in clarifying and even establishing the correct diagnosis for abdominal pain syndrome in pediatric practice has been provided by ultrasound organs of the peritoneum, as well as the retroperitoneal space.

No special preparatory measures are needed for the implementation of ultrasound. Children usually skip one feeding. In children younger age you should pause for three to four hours, students under ten years of age will have to fast from four to six hours, and older ones - about eight hours. In the event that it is not possible to perform an ultrasound in morning time on an empty stomach, it is allowed to carry out later. However, it should be excluded from the diet of the child. certain products- creamy and vegetable oil, eggs, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, seeds and various frankly junk food. In the morning, you can give the patient a little lean boiled meat or fish, buckwheat porridge and some unsweetened tea.

The reasons

Abdominal syndrome in children early age may be provoked excessive gas formation- flatulence, which causes the appearance intestinal colic. AT rare cases such a nuisance fraught with the development of intestinal intussusception, requiring immediate hospitalization. In addition, at an early age, ultrasound helps to detect abnormalities in the structure of organs.

In children school age complaints of abdominal pain are often a sign of a chronic variety of gastroduodenitis. In addition, they may indicate dyskinesia and reactive changes pancreas. In this case, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment for the child, which will eliminate the symptoms and lead to recovery.

Among other things, quite often abdominal pain syndrome in children develops due to acute or chronic ailments kidneys or bladder. Respectively, important role playing and conducting a survey of the urinary system. Ultrasound of these organs is carried out twice - with a well-filled bladder and shortly after its emptying.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that abdominal pain may be a consequence of the formation menstrual cycle. In this case, their appearance is often explained by the occurrence functional cysts ovaries, which require systematic monitoring by ultrasound, and usually disappear on their own.

Acute pain in the abdomen that develops at night often causes the child to be hospitalized in the surgery department, where he is already undergoing a mandatory ultrasound. So similar symptom often attributed to acute surgical pathology, for example, acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction(mechanical or dynamic type), intestinal intussusception, etc. Similar states require immediate surgical intervention.

Sometimes nocturnal abdominal pain indicates changes internal organs that can be corrected conservative methods and do not require hospitalization.

In rare cases, the occurrence of pain may also indicate the development of neoplasms. These diseases require prompt diagnosis and immediate treatment. Again, ultrasound and a number of other studies will help to identify them.


Therapy of abdominal pain syndrome in children depends directly on the causes of its development. Parents are strongly discouraged from making their own decision and giving the child some painkillers, antispasmodics, etc., since such a practice is fraught with serious consequences. It is better to play it safe and once again seek medical help.

Additional Information

With the development of abdominal pain syndrome in pediatric practice, the main difficulty for correct diagnosis makes it difficult for the baby to describe his sensations, the localization of pain, their intensity and irradiation. According to doctors, little children very often describe any discomfort that occurs in the body as abdominal pain. Similar situation observed when trying to describe a feeling of dizziness, nausea, incomprehensible to the child, pain in the ears or head. At the same time, it is extremely important to take into account that pain in the abdomen can also manifest itself in many pathological conditions, such as diseases of the lungs or pleura, heart and kidneys, as well as lesions of the pelvic organs.

Abdominal syndrome manifested by severe pain in the abdomen in the absence of acute surgical disease abdominal organs. It is observed mainly in children. Its reason may be hemorrhagic vasculitis, periarteritis nodosa, lobar pneumonia, rheumatism, viral hepatitis, ersiniosis, influenza, enteritis, diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of the abdominal syndrome

Abdominal pain syndrome is characterized by intermittent pain, the localization of which is difficult to determine. Also, the disease is accompanied by:
vomiting; muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall; a change in the cellular composition of the blood, that is, leukocytosis.

Experts distinguish two types of pain:

Acute abdominal syndrome. It has a short duration, most often it develops quickly.

chronic syndrome abdominal pain. It is characterized by a gradual increase in pain, which can recur over months.

The syndrome is also divided into:

- visceral;
- parental (somatic)
- reflected; (radiating)
- psychogenic.

Visceral pain occurs in the presence of pathological stimuli in the internal organs and is conducted by sympathetic fibers. The main impulses for its occurrence are a sudden increase in pressure in a hollow organ and stretching of its wall (most common cause), capsule stretching parenchymal organs, tension of the mesentery, vascular disorders.

Somatic pain is due to the presence of pathological processes in the parietal peritoneum and tissues that have endings of sensitive spinal nerves.

Radiating pain is localized in various fields remote from the pathological focus. It occurs when the impulse of visceral pain is excessively intense (for example, the passage of a stone) or when anatomical damage organ (for example, strangulation of the intestine).
Radiating pain is transmitted to areas of the body surface that have a common radicular innervation with the affected organ of the abdominal region. So, for example, with an increase in pressure in the intestine, visceral pain first occurs, which then radiates to the back, with biliary colic - to the back, to right shoulder blade or shoulder.

Psychogenic pain occurs in the absence of peripheral exposure or when the latter plays the role of a trigger or predisposing factor. Special Role in its occurrence belongs to depression. The latter often proceeds hidden and is not realized by the patients themselves. The close connection between depression and chronic abdominal pain is explained by common biochemical processes and, first of all, by the lack of monoaminergic (serotonergic) mechanisms. It's confirmed high efficiency antidepressants, especially serotonin reuptake inhibitors, in the treatment of pain. The nature of psychogenic pain is determined by the characteristics of the individual, the influence of emotional, cognitive, social factors, the psychological stability of the patient and his past "pain experience". The main signs of these pains are their duration, monotony, diffuse character and combination with other localizations ( headache, pain in the back, in the whole body). Often, psychogenic pains can be combined with other types of pain mentioned above and remain after their relief, significantly transforming their nature, which must be taken into account in therapy.

The causes of abdominal pain are divided into intra-abdominal and extra-abdominal.

Intra-abdominal causes: peritonitis (primary and secondary), periodic illness, inflammatory diseases abdominal organs (appendicitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, etc.) and small pelvis (cystitis, adnexitis, etc.), obstruction of a hollow organ (intestinal, biliary, urogenital) and ischemia of the abdominal organs, as well as irritable bowel syndrome, hysteria, drug withdrawal, etc. P.

Extra-abdominal causes of abdominal pain include diseases of the organs of the chest cavity (thromboembolism pulmonary artery, pneumothorax, pleurisy, diseases of the esophagus), polyneuritis, diseases of the spine, metabolic disorders(diabetes mellitus, uremia, porphyria, etc.), exposure to toxins (insect bites, poisoning with poisons).

Pain impulses originating in the abdominal cavity are transmitted through nerve fibers autonomic nervous system, as well as through the anterior and lateral spinotolamic tracts.

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At least once in a lifetime, a person experienced discomfort from the abdominal tract and liver. Abdominal pain is pain in the abdomen. This condition is caused various factors and reasons. Most often, ARVI with abdominal syndrome is diagnosed in children, although the pathology is also present in adults. Let us consider in more detail what abdominal pain is and what it can be.

The reasons

Abdominal pain syndrome is not individual disease, this is whole complex symptoms indicating various pathologies. It develops, as a rule, not as a result of surgical internal interventions, but because of diseases of internal organs and systems.

It is worth noting that pain in the abdomen can be caused by many ailments, so they are classified according to the root causes of this condition.

Abdominal syndrome is a complex of symptoms, which is primarily manifested by pain in the abdomen.


  • intra-abdominal;
  • extra-abdominal.

And in the first case, aching or acute abdominal pain is localized in the abdominal cavity, as is the cause of it.

These are all kinds of diseases and pathological conditions of the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity:

  • liver, gallbladder and ducts;
  • spleen;
  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • all parts of the intestine;
  • reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries);
  • kidneys, bladder and its ducts.

Pain is caused by inflammation, obstruction, ischemic pathologies organs. As a result, the normal functionality of entire systems is disrupted. Unpleasant sensations can have a different location in the abdominal cavity.

The main causes of the development of the syndrome are spasms of some parts of the gastrointestinal tract

In the case of extra-abdominal pain, which is also localized in the abdominal cavity, the causes are outside this area.

This type of abdominal syndrome is caused by diseases:

The same group includes syphilis, shingles, stress, diabetes.

Syndrome symptoms

The main symptom of abdominal syndrome is pain. Based on its intensity and localization, it can be assumed in which organ the failure occurred.

For example, according to the nature of pain, they distinguish:

  1. Renal and hepatic colic, myocardial infarction, rupture of vascular aneurysm - are characterized by an attack of very strong, intense pain.
  2. If a person has an obstruction of the colon, its torsion, as well as in acute pancreatitis, the pain will increase rapidly, and will remain at its peak for a long time.
  3. At acute cholecystitis, appendicitis discomfort, pulling, medium in intensity and very long.
  4. If the pain resembles colic, but the duration of the attack is short, the patient most likely has an obstruction small intestine or initial stage acute pancreatitis.

Abdominal pain syndrome is characterized by intermittent pain, the localization of which is difficult to determine.

As you understand, abdominal syndrome is characterized by pain different intensity and duration. They can be both sharp and long, and aching, cramping, barely noticeable. In any case, pain in the abdomen requires a visit to a doctor, since many organs and vital systems are located in this area.

In addition, the patient can observe:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • increased gas formation, flatulence;
  • hyperthermia, chills;
  • changes in the color of stools.

In what cases, the patient requires urgent hospitalization?

You need to closely monitor the state of your health and the well-being of your family members.

If the abdominal syndrome is accompanied by these signs, you should immediately contact the medical institution for qualified help:

  • rapid increase in body temperature;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • painful acts of defecation;

Symptoms requiring emergency hospitalization-complex neurological disorders (great weakness, dizziness, apathy)

  • plentiful bloody issues from the vagina;
  • acute paroxysmal pain;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system, arrhythmias, chest pain;
  • profuse bouts of vomiting;
  • subcutaneous hematomas on large areas of the body;
  • gases accumulate in the intestines, the volume of the abdomen increases intensively;
  • there are no signs of peristalsis in the intestines.


It is important to identify the abdominal syndrome in time and distinguish it from other diseases. There are a number of diseases that have similar symptoms to abdominal syndrome. An inexperienced professional may confuse this pathology with appendicitis, renal or hepatic colic, acute cholecystitis or pancreatitis, pleurisy and pneumonia.

Various diagnostic methods are needed for accurate identification causes of the syndrome. If an adult can still answer exactly where and how it hurts, then when the situation concerns children, the task of the doctor becomes more complicated.

For pain in the abdomen, the doctor will prescribe:

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: if pathology of the biliary tract is suspected, ectopic pregnancy, aneurysm abdominal aorta or ascites

These methods are not specific, but they will help to identify diseases. genitourinary system, inflammatory processes in the body (leukocytosis will indicate appendicitis or diverticulitis), pathologies of the liver and pancreas.

doctor to all women reproductive age prescribe a pregnancy test. If this is confirmed, it will be necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan to exclude the risk of ectopic attachment of the fetus.

Patients will be assigned the following diagnostic methods:

  • CT scan;
  • radiography;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • colonoscopy.

Diagnostic methods for each patient may vary slightly, depending on the localization. pain and other pathologies. In any case, the task of the patient is to strictly listen to the doctor and follow his prescriptions and recommendations.


The doctor will tell you in more detail what abdominal pain is and how to treat it. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause this syndrome. If doctors cannot identify the original cause of the disease, treatment is symptomatic. To eliminate pain, it is not recommended to use analgesics, because they can lubricate the overall clinical picture.

Therefore, they are assigned:

  1. Blockers of M1-cholinergic receptors. They are divided into selective (Gastrocepin) and non-selective (Belalgin, Bellastezin, Buscopan).
  2. Antispasmodics - Drotaverin, Platifillin, NoShpa, Mebeverin.
  3. sedatives for plant-based and chemical.

It is worth remembering that abdominal syndrome is not independent disease is a symptom. Only a doctor will be able to choose the tactics of treatment and correctly diagnose this pathology.

The first recommendation of specialists is to establish the work of the entire digestive and nervous system. Many doctors pay attention to folk medicine. For example, decoctions of chamomile and mint can have a mild antispasmodic effect on the intestines. The main thing is to listen to your body and keep it in good shape. stick right image life and the risk of abdominal syndrome will be significantly reduced.

Abdominal syndrome (AS) - a complex of symptoms of a number of diseases digestive system. acute pain in the abdomen is the main clinical manifestation of the disease. It is caused by involuntary convulsive contraction of the muscles of the digestive tract, overstretching of the biliary ducts, bloating of the intestines, or inflammation of the peritoneum.

Abdominal syndrome refers to an urgent pathology called " acute abdomen". It is caused by diseases and injuries of the digestive tract. The etiological factors of abdominal pain are diverse, which is connected with the presence of many organs in the abdominal cavity, the pain receptors of which respond to various stimuli. Patients develop strong pain in the abdomen, which is sharp, dull, pulling, cramping or girdle. The causes of AS, which is manifested by a sharp and intense pain in the abdomen, can also be diseases of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, bronchopulmonary tree.

The disease is observed mainly in children. They are most often diagnosed with ARVI with AS. Abdominal pain is usually accompanied by catarrhal symptoms, intoxication manifestations, leukocytosis and other indicators. viral infection in blood. If these signs occur, you should immediately contact a specialist, whose task is to establish the correct diagnosis and alleviate the patient's condition.


Causes of abdominal pain syndrome are inflammatory pathologies internal organs, which are conditionally divided into two large groups- intra-abdominal and extra-abdominal.

The first group includes pathologies of organs located in the abdominal cavity:

  • Diseases of the hepatobiliary zone - cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis;
  • Inflammation of the spleen and lymph nodes - lymphadenitis, spleen infarction;
  • Pathologies of the stomach and intestines - diverticulitis, colitis, appendicitis, gastric ulcer, gastroenteritis, tumors, IBS, Crohn's disease;
  • Diseases of the pancreas - pancreatitis;
  • Inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis, as well as thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels.

With inflammation, obstruction and ischemia of the internal organs, a pain syndrome occurs, and the normal work the whole organism. The pain is localized in different parts of the abdominal cavity.

Extra-abdominal diseases of the internal organs are manifested by abdominal pain, the source of which is outside the abdominal cavity:

  1. Diseases bronchopulmonary system- pneumonia, pleurisy;
  2. Pathology of the cardiovascular system - ischemic heart disease, vasculitis, periarteritis;
  3. Diseases of the esophagus - diverticulosis;
  4. Diseases of the genital organs - endometriosis;
  5. Inflammation of the kidneys, bladder and urinary ducts - pyelonephritis, paranephritis;
  6. Pathology of the nervous system - meningitis, trauma and brain tumors, neuralgia;
  7. Infectious diseases - influenza, measles, scarlet fever, syphilitic infection;
  8. Metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus;
  9. Systemic diseases - rheumatism;
  10. Injuries and ailments of the spine.

These diseases are manifested by pseudo-abdominal syndrome. Radiating pain in the abdomen reflexively occurs with heart disease, pleural cavity, urinary system, CNS. At the same time, dyspeptic phenomena are joined clinical manifestations main pathological process- fever with infectious processes, cardialgia in ischemic heart disease, joint pain with rheumatism.

Factors that provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Passive lifestyle;
  • Stress;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Taking antibiotics or NSAIDs;
  • Intestinal diseases and more.

Children constitute a special category of the population, which most at risk of suffering from AS. It is related to the ability child's body respond in a special way to any damaging factor. Abdominal colic is observed in almost every newborn baby. Night pains often require urgent hospitalization child. They cause acute appendicitis or intestinal obstruction. AT recent times ARVI with abdominal syndrome is very common. In such cases, the disease is treated conservatively, after visiting a doctor and setting correct diagnosis. In patients, hyperemia and sore throat, runny nose, cough and fever are combined with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.


Pain is the only clinical significant sign acute abdominal syndrome. In order to diagnose a pathology that manifests itself with these signs, it is necessary to know certain distinctive characteristics of pain in certain diseases.

  1. With acute coronary insufficiency, renal or biliary colic there is a protruding, very intense and burning pain in a stomach. The pain is pronounced, strong, its intensity directly depends on the extent of the lesion. It does not go away on its own, has an undulating course and subsides after injection of painkillers. After some time, the pain returns.
  2. intestinal obstruction, acute inflammation pancreas and thrombosis of mesenteric vessels are characterized by rapid development the most severe pain that remains at its peak for a long time.
  3. With diverticulitis, acute cholecystitis and appendicitis, the attack develops slowly and lasts for hours.

The pain that occurs with abdominal syndrome is divided by origin into 2 large groups - functional and organic. The first is due to spasm smooth muscle internal organs, the second - inflammation of the mucous membrane, infringement of a hernia, obstruction, perforation of hollow organs or rupture of parenchymal organs.

By severity and nature, abdominal pain is divided into acute, short - rapidly increasing and chronic - gradually progressive.

In addition to pain of varying intensity and severity, AS is manifested by vomiting, dryness of the tongue, tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, leukocytosis, dizziness, flatulence, hyperthermia, chills, discoloration of stools, and intestinal paresis.

Emergency hospitalization is required for patients who develop the following symptoms"acute abdomen"

  1. Severe asthenia of the body,
  2. Bleeding or subcutaneous hematomas,
  3. indomitable vomiting,
  4. Bloating and lack of peristalsis,
  5. Tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall,
  6. Rapid heart rate and drop in blood pressure
  7. High body temperature,
  8. Pain during bowel movements
  9. Intensive increase in the volume of the abdomen,
  10. Rapid increase in pain
  11. Fainting during bowel movements
  12. Uterine bleeding.

Abdominal syndrome is usually diagnosed in children and young adults. They complain of abdominal pain, which is aggravated by physical activity. With unbearable pain, they lose their appetite, vomiting occurs, and weight loss occurs. Often pain precedes discomfort and heaviness in the epigastrium, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea. Any pain in the abdomen is a reason to see a doctor. Acute abdominal pain usually requires urgent operation and often threatens the life of the patient.

In newborns, abdominal pain is usually associated with intestinal colic.
This is the most banal reason that does not pose a danger to the life of the child. To more serious reasons include: lactose deficiency, allergy, dysbacteriosis, gastric reflux. Babies become restless and capricious, often cry, refuse to eat. They constantly move their legs and press them to the chest. A rash appears on the skin, the stool becomes liquid and plentiful. There is a weight deficit.

Specialists separately consider ischemic abdominal syndrome. It develops when the blood supply is interrupted. digestive organs due to damage to the abdominal cavity by internal constriction or external pressure. The pain gradually increases and reaches an extreme degree of severity. Necrotic processes in the gastrointestinal tract are caused by a lack of oxygen and the accumulation of decay products. Pressing, aching, paroxysmal pain in the abdomen is combined with bowel dysfunction and progressive weight loss.

compartment syndrome- complication traumatic injury abdominal cavity or postoperative condition associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure. This dangerous disease presents with abdominal pain different strength and localization. To determine intra-abdominal hypertension, it is necessary to measure the pressure in the bladder. Treatment of the syndrome is surgical. Patients undergo decompression, which reduces intra-abdominal pressure. Otherwise, irreversible changes in the functioning of internal organs can lead to death.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of AS is to determine the nature of the pain, its localization and intensity. In addition to the patient's complaints, history, examination, and physical examination, the results of additional methods are required to make a diagnosis.

Laboratory research:

  • Hemogram - leukocytosis and other signs of inflammation,
  • Urinalysis reveals pyelonephritis, inflammation of the urogenital tract, urolithiasis,
  • Liver tests for lipase and amylase - for suspected pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis.

Instrumental Methods:

  1. Ultrasound examination of internal organs,
  2. tomographic study,
  3. radiographic study,
  4. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy,
  5. videocolonoscopy,
  6. sigmoidoscopy,
  7. capsule endoscopy.

In children, the diagnosis of abdominal syndrome is complicated by the fact that they cannot describe specifically their feelings, the nature and localization of pain, its irradiation and concomitant symptoms. With any ailment, babies often indicate abdominal pain. Diagnosis of abdominal syndrome in adults and children is to identify the disease that has become its root cause. Doctors advise their patients not to take antispasmodics and painkillers when abdominal pain occurs. These drugs do not cure the disease, but only eliminate the symptom, lubricating big picture pathologies and further complicating diagnosis, which can lead to serious consequences.

Healing process

Treatment of the syndrome of abdominal pain is carried out in a hospital. It depends on the causes that provoked discomfort in the abdomen and is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome. If the cause of the pathology is not established, a restorative and symptomatic therapy. An integrated treatment approach allows you to get rid of the pathology caused by non-dangerous reasons even at home. In more serious cases specialist advice is required.

Patients are prescribed:

Diet therapy consists in the exclusion of rough and gas-forming products, fried, spicy, fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, strong tea and coffee. Patients are shown gentle nutrition in small portions every 3 hours. Priority should be given lean soups, dietary meat and fish, stewed vegetables, some cereal products. Compliance drinking regime - mandatory recommendation the attending physician.

Funds traditional medicine normalize the work of the digestive and nervous systems. Decoctions of chamomile and mint have an antispasmodic effect on the intestines, Dill water eliminates flatulence, infusion of valerian root helps to calm down.

A healthy lifestyle helps reduce the risk of developing abdominal syndrome. short term pain in the abdomen, lasting one or two minutes, do not require special medical attention.

When symptoms of an "acute abdomen" appear, patients are urgently hospitalized in an ambulance in surgery department hospitals. Surgery also performed to restore blood circulation in the abdominal branches of the aorta.

Prevention and prognosis

Special preventive measures disease has not yet been developed. Proper nutrition, reference healthy lifestyle life, Physical Culture- standard techniques that allow each person to feel satisfactory and get sick less. To prevent the occurrence of abdominal pain, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that caused AS in time.

The prognosis of the pathology is relatively favorable. Timely diagnosis and adequate treatment can quickly get rid of abdominal pain and other symptoms.

Abdominal pain - dangerous manifestation diseases of the abdominal organs, in which the destruction of cells and tissues is caused by many factors. Timely diagnosis and competent treatment AS can eliminate pain in the abdomen and normalize the work of the affected organs.

Video: acute abdomen in the program "Consilium"

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