The hernia of the back increases rapidly. The only indication for urgent spinal surgery

Our spine is subjected to significant stress throughout our lives. If we conduct an experiment to measure all static and dynamic loads that fell to its lot, then thousands of kilotons will probably learn. Even just maintaining the back vertically and evenly requires effort - what can we say about those numerous turns, flexions and extensions when changing the positions of the torso, head and neck that our spine is forced to endure! And what if this happens in addition to physical activity? Nature provided him with good protection: between the vertebrae there are wonderful shock absorber plates made of cartilage tissue. They are called intervertebral discs, their purpose is to soften the load as much as possible and prevent dangerous convergence of the vertebrae. For the time being, the disks successfully cope with their task. But everything comes to an end, and over time, irreversible internal and external changes begin to take place in them, leading to such dangerous disease — .

To understand how the development of an intervertebral hernia occurs, Let's go back to anatomy. A healthy disc is a fibrous tissue with an internal gelatinous nucleus, surrounded by a solid ring, resembling a tendon in structure. Inside the disc, there is the necessary water and nutritional balance, carried out not by blood circulation, like all other internal organs, but by the cells of the spine, which in turn feed on cerebrospinal fluid ( cerebrospinal fluid). If this cell metabolism is disturbed, then the spinal disc begins to undergo the first dystrophic changes:

  1. It begins to thin and dry out due to insufficient fluid intake.
  2. Then, under the influence of even small loads, the disk is deformed and the nucleus is displaced inside it.
  3. Next, external factors are connected: for example, the presence of additional diseases of the spine, lifting excessive weight, thoughtlessly flick, hypothermia, etc. All this leads to the formation of the first signs of such a serious pathology as a hernia intervertebral disc

Thus, the first conclusion can be drawn:

Spinal hernia due to internal problems of the body: its cause is metabolic, nutritional and water balance. Other diseases of the spine and external factors only provoke further development pathology

Stages of development of intervertebral hernia

In its development, a herniated disc goes through the following stages:

  1. Initial degeneration- these are the first minor changes: the disc is slightly displaced - only 2-3 mm, there are no structural deformations yet, as well as external symptoms
  2. Prolapse- a significant displacement (4-10 mm), while the core is still inside the fibrous ring, but the convex deformed parts of the disc already touch the nerve roots and cause symptoms of radicular pain
  3. Extrusion- exit of the nucleus beyond the disk, most often in the lateral or posterolateral direction - towards the spinal canal. In this case, there is a strong pain syndrome and possibly numbness in certain areas of the body with muscle atrophy. Actually, extrusion is the resulting hernia.
  4. Sequestration- the core has actually already leaked out like a drop outside the fibrous ring and is held only by surface tension, after which the capsule inevitably ruptures and the contents of the core leak out

The newly formed intervertebral hernia, in turn, triggers the mechanism for the development of a formidable ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis), which gradually, but inevitably, like Moloch, grinds one by one along the axis of the spine all cartilaginous joints. There is a visual "subsidence" of the spine: patients noticeably decrease in growth, their movements become constrained, they suffer from pain throughout the spine.

One of the main provoking factors in the development of a hernia is vertebral osteochondrosis. This is far from accidental and understandable if you look at osteochondrosis through the prism of the structural changes that accompany it:

  • dystrophic changes intervertebral discs especially cartilage tissue
  • stenosis of the spinal canal, due to which there is not only an increase in the risk of nerve pinching, but also a deterioration in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord and brain

Arises indeed vicious circle, osteochondrosis hits the spine from two sides:

By itself - through the destruction of the structure of the disc, and by provoking such a disease as an intervertebral hernia - through internal metabolic processes.

Every change that occurs through the fault of osteochondrosis today promises even more catastrophic destruction tomorrow in the future, imperceptibly preparing the ground for this.

Types of intervertebral hernia

The above stages of development of a hernia of the spine are conditional. Due to narrowness dorsal canal in the cervical region, even minor disc displacements of 2 mm can cause radicular symptoms.

When making a diagnosis, the basis is:

  • External examination of the patient and his complaints
  • Determining the main symptoms
  • KG and MRI (computed and magnetic resonance imaging)

Treatment of a herniated disc usually begins with medication to eliminate external pain, and then begins the direct treatment of the disease:
Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage and manual therapy.

Hernia of the abdomen or abdominal wall- this is a protrusion of an internal organ or part of it together with a stretched peritoneum through a defect in connective tissue under the skin. Visually, a hernia of the abdomen looks like a tumor with even contours and intact skin.

The hernia itself consists of a hernial sac- this is the same stretched peritoneum, hernial ring - a defect in the tendon or muscles of the abdominal wall, through which the hernia and hernial contents exit - an organ or part of an organ located in the hernial sac.

Abdominal hernia is formed in the so-called weak spots of the abdominal wall. These are: inguinal region, navel, lateral walls of the abdomen, midline of the abdomen.

The main symptom of a hernia of the abdomen- the presence of a volumetric formation (for external hernias). It is round, dough-like in texture, may or may not be reduced into the abdominal cavity.

After its reduction, palpation of the abdominal wall can reveal a round or slit-like defect - a hernial gate through which the hernia goes under the skin.

The size of the hernial protrusion can vary from two to several tens of centimeters (giant hernias).

Typical localization ("weak spots" of the abdomen):

*groin area;

* umbilical ring (navel);

* femoral canal (located on the front of the thigh);

*white line of the abdomen (median vertical line in the middle of the anterior abdominal wall);

*region postoperative scars.

Hernial protrusion is usually painless, decreases or disappears with a horizontal position of the body, increases with physical effort. Other symptoms in an uncomplicated hernia are usually absent.

particular danger in clinical practice present strangulated hernia(infringement is a sudden or gradual compression of the hernial contents in the hernial orifice, which is accompanied by a violation of the blood supply, and with prolonged infringement - necrosis (necrosis) of the hernial contents).

Strangulated hernia - emergency requiring immediate hospitalization and surgery. Its symptoms are:

*appearance of sudden acute pain in the area of ​​the hernia. They may appear after lifting weights, defecation (emptying the rectum), physical activity or without apparent reason;

* hernial protrusion becomes tense, painful, ceases to be set (move freely back) into the abdominal cavity.

Hernia forms

By origin, hernias are divided into several forms.

*Congenital(occur in childhood due to errors in the development of the walls of the abdomen).

*Purchased(arise under the influence of various factors):

- "from effort" - with excessive physical exertion;

- “from weakness” - due to the weakness of the anterior abdominal wall;


Traumatic (the cause of their occurrence is an injury to the abdomen).

By localization (location) hernias are outdoor and internal.

outdoor located:

AT inguinal region(direct, oblique inguinal hernia);

On the anterior abdominal wall (umbilical, lateral, epigastric, supravesical);

- in the pelvic region (obturator, ischial, perineal);

In the lumbar region;

On the front of the thigh (femoral hernia);

In the area of ​​postoperative scars (hernia of postoperative scar).


AT abdominal cavity(intra-abdominal: hernia of the stuffing bag, etc.);

In the diaphragm (diaphragmatic).

By clinical course allocate uncomplicated, complicated and recurrent hernia.

*Uncomplicated (reducible) hernia.

* Complicated hernia. The complication may be:



Intestinal obstruction;

Inflammation, suppuration.

* Recurrent (recurring after surgery) hernia.

Factors leading to the development of hernias, are divided into predisposing (creating conditions for the occurrence of a hernia) and producing (which are the "push" for the occurrence of a hernia).

Predisposing factors are:

Congenital defects of the abdominal wall;

Extension natural holes abdominal wall (navel, inguinal ring, femoral ring);

Thinning and loss of elasticity of tissues against the background of aging of the body, exhaustion;

Trauma or wound (especially postoperative). Suppuration of the postoperative wound increases the risk of hernia formation.

The producing factor for the occurrence of a hernia is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This is facilitated by:

Heavy physical labor;

Cough (for chronic lung diseases);

Difficulty urinating;

Ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity);

Flatulence (excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines);


A hernia is diagnosed based on:

Analysis of the anamnesis of the disease and complaints (when the hernia symptoms appeared, what the patient associates with their occurrence);

History of life ( past illnesses, operations).

Also, in some cases, you may need:

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal organs;

Herniography - X-ray method for insertion into the abdominal cavity contrast medium for the purpose of hernia research;

Ultrasound examination of hernial protrusion - additional method research.

Complications and consequences

* Infringement of a hernia with necrosis (necrosis) of the hernial contents (abdominal organs located inside the hernia) and the development of peritonitis (inflammation of all abdominal organs).

* Intestinal obstruction (difficulty or lack of passage of food through the intestines).

* Marginal infringement with perforation (damage to the wall) of the intestine and the development of fecal peritonitis ( severe inflammation all organs of the abdomen).

* Suppuration (phlegmon).

* Gradual increase in the contents of the hernia and the development of "small belly syndrome" after surgery (a condition in which the contents of the hernia no longer fit in the abdominal cavity).

Uncomplicated hernia It is not an emergency condition, but it can be inconvenient. But you should be aware of the constant risk of infringement of the hernia. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

With a diagnosis of intervertebral hernia, surgery is far from always required. Exists a large number of patients who are convinced of the complete restoration of the intervertebral discs, but there are much more people in whom the hernia caused disability. In order to understand how to act so that the disc herniation resolves and prevents complications, let's look at the topic in more detail.

According to statistics, the worst thing with such a diagnosis is inaction. Let's say it's formed small hernia(protrusion) and the patient was persuaded to undergo surgery. Naturally, a person does not agree and simply tries to forget about the problem. At that time, years pass, and the hernia grows and increases, pains appear more and more often. The patient again goes to the doctor and is again told about surgical intervention, long-term receptions drugs. Trying to forget about the problem, the patient tries to live a normal life, loading his back, not showing symptoms in the presence of loved ones, and the hernia keeps growing and growing, aggravating the situation more and more, and when it's too late, it really remains only to operate.

But everything can be changed in the other direction, simply by choosing right direction by remembering a few simple rules.

  1. The first rule, if you go to see a neurosurgeon to find out the "verdict" is your first mistake. Neurosurgery is a surgical specialization, it treats surgically, and no matter what you say, there can be only two options: to operate immediately or to operate a little later (after all, there is a clearly defined diagnosis).
  2. Second rule. Anyone who does not want to have surgery or has received the verdict “operate a little later” first of all looks for pills to relieve symptoms in order to feel normal and not notice any restrictions. This allows the second error. Hiding the symptoms with painkillers and continuing to load your back, inactive, deterioration is guaranteed.
  3. Third rule. Understanding the top two rules, some move on to the next one. Having a problem and trying to somehow eliminate it without surgery, they begin to try all methods. Starting from treatment with magnets, home exercises, "magic" drugs, etc. And it will absolutely not necessarily be done at home, rather it will look like jogging to the doctors, a couple of appointments with a therapist, a couple of injections with a neurologist, a couple of “reductions” and a little bit more. This is a serious mistake, because if you have back problems, you need to be treated by one doctor who will give results and show positive dynamics. It is very easy to identify a specialist, by the presence of a treatment plan. Having a clear plan with planned control images, ongoing treatment and expected results for several years in advance guarantees you the experience and professionalism of a doctor. Only such a doctor will be able to show pictures with healthy, restored intervertebral discs a few years later. So the third rule - if you can't cope, look for a normal doctor.

You need to understand that the disk recovery process is not something unique, well studied and far from new. Each of us grows, the intervertebral discs grow, increasing in volume, restoring their shape, but this process does not take place all our lives. The growth of the body stops at about 23 years of age, after this age, the mechanisms of aging and recovery are triggered. At the same time, the number of vessels in the intervertebral disc decreases, all metabolic processes slow down, since it no longer needs to grow. Understanding this mechanism, we can draw the first conclusion - at a young age, it is much easier to completely cure the spine.

Those who are older than this age can also recover, but much more slowly. There are other features of the intervertebral discs, for example, if the hernia is large, it resolves faster, but that's another story. But there is only one conclusion from this - herniated discs are prone to resorption, the body is able to compensate for the problem, or, as some say, they “dry out”.

In order to understand why some hernias disappear in a couple of years, while others suffer all their lives, one should present an appropriate picture. Imagine that the hernia resolves, decreases in size every day, little by little, but decreases. But on the other hand, a person puts a load on the spine, unevenly loads the disk, has a violation metabolic processes in this area, thereby causing an increase in the hernia. It turns out that in a year the hernia will decrease by 2 mm but increase by 4 mm, in total we get the difference with which the patient comes to the doctor - an increase of 2 mm. We took the most optimistic figures, in order for the hernia to decrease at such a speed, you need to undergo spinal correction, do special exercises every day and follow all the doctor's recommendations. At the same time, if you carry heavy things, sit at the computer around the clock and provoke a problem in every possible way, then during the year it can increase by more than 4 mm.

The fact is that in weak patients with an exhausted body, even ordinary walking already causes a strong load on the discs, there is no normal blood circulation near the affected tissues, and there can be no talk of recovery, because without the participation of a doctor it is impossible to stabilize the processes in the body. Even if a strong, young patient has overload on one side of the disc and no resistance on the other, herniation will occur again and again. Distinctive feature such problems is the presence of not one hernia, but many of them and, as a rule, in all parts of the spine. This condition, which the doctor corrects by shifting the vertebrae in the right direction and correcting the overload, restores the metabolism of the surrounding tissues. Indeed, in 90% of cases this is enough to start the recovery reactions.

If we add to this exercises that, on the one hand, will not harm the discs, and on the other, help them absorb nutrients, will create reliable support- Consider that you have almost reached the goal.

There are many subtleties in the diagnosis and evaluation of results, but the main judge is always well-being, and you need to focus on it.

Dry numbers. Once the overload of the disks has been eliminated, a regeneration process is initiated which causes the herniation to decrease at a rate of 10 to 30% per year. The speed depends on the loads and factors affecting the person. If the patient behaves correctly, follows the recommendations, he can count on the disappearance of the hernia within 3 years (30% X3 years = 90%), if the regimen is violated, the problem is provoked in every possible way, then within 10 years (10% X10 years =100%). Fortunately, this process is almost entirely up to the individual.

There are several situations where a hernia will not change in better side. All 100% who do not respond in any way to the diagnosis will not improve, the causes that caused the hernia will continue to influence it, causing deterioration.

FROM medical point of view, at the age of over 60 it is extremely difficult to talk about recovery, since the metabolic and recovery processes are extremely slow and at such a pace, in an ideal situation, it may take more than a dozen years.

There are still situations when the hernia will not resolve anywhere. Unfortunately, this is most often found in the cervical region, in about 3-4% of patients. This is a situation where the diagnosis is not entirely correct, namely, there are large bone outgrowths that cause narrowing spinal canal, but on MRI, all attention is focused on the affected disc between the osteophytes. These are patients who suffer from a hernia for 5-10 years, and then they want to restore the discs, dissolve the intervertebral hernia, but it's too late.

And of course, as we have already discussed, in cases where there is no clear treatment plan for several years and everyone is treated in a row - “more, but faster”.

And the last little rule. The diagnosis should be clearly stated, without assumptions or guesswork. Even if someone claims that the symptoms are 100% similar, this does not mean anything. You need to conduct an MRI and draw conclusions based on the results.

Ignatiev Radion Gennadievich - neurologist, vertebrologist.
The article is written for understanding the problem by patients.

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Please check your post for errors and readability!

    Good afternoon! Could you recommend good specialists for treatment in St. Petersburg? Or is there a branch? I am 33 years old, unstable cervical vertebrae and sequestering hernia c5-6 3.5mm. I've been suffering for a year

    hello, I have a hernia in the lumbar region of 7mm, I had it 3 years ago, I was then 16 years old. I’m already 19, please tell me if it can pass with me. do. I went to a chiropractor and did a massage .. What I just don’t do to make it pass
    Please tell me it will pass?

    Hello, I have the same problem, can you help me?

    Hello, I would like to ask about treatment or surgery? I am 25, sedentary work-manicurist. And if I want more children, then surgery or treatment? Kazakhstan

    hello! Please tell me if it is possible to go to the manual after such an operation (puncture decompressive nucleoplasty c5-c6-c7. Radiofrequency denervation of the facet joints c5-c6-c7.

    Good afternoon! Could you recommend good specialists in Kharkiv for the treatment of cervical protrusion? Thank you.

    Can you vylicht or what to do with such a diagnosis?

    Come to a face-to-face consultation in Odessa, the doctor will conduct an appointment in Odessa from 03-14.04. You have a hernia of the lumbar, you need to see the spine and posture in general.

    Hello! I was diagnosed with protrusion between L4-L5 vertebrae, I will live with pain all my life, they advised an electric heating pad and yoga, I want to get rid of it, tell me how?

    Good evening, I was diagnosed as a result of computed tomography.
    There were no cystic-destructive changes in the body of the ridges of the transverse cross-section of the ridge. Lateral height of the ridge of the coast. Physiological lordosis of straightening. The height of the intersternal discs is reduced in segments L1-S1. In the segments L1-L2-L3-L4,L5-S1 - protrusion of the interspinal discs along the anterolateral contours of the bodies of the spines up to 3 mm. leg and see in the life below on the right, the same way I sleep on the boots to the right hand, to the left, I can’t hurt anymore, just as I’m lying down, please explain to me my problem and how to excite

    Hello. I am 24 years old, I started to suffer from back pain in the lumbar region. I did an MRI based on the results: Reduced MR - signal and height of the intervertebral disc L5-S1.
    There is a protrusion of the intervertebral disc L4-L5 up to 5 mm posteriorly, the disc L5-S1 up to 6.9 mm posteriorly (24 mm to the base). In the region of protrusion L4-s1, there are hyperintense inclusions. The radicular canals L5-S1 on the right and left are moderately narrowed. The structure of the lumbar thickening of the spinal cord is normal. The anteroposterior and transverse dimensions of the spinal canal were within normal limits. In conclusion, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine at the level of L4-s1 with the presence of a median herniated disc L5-S1 with protrusion of the disc L4-L5.
    What is my situation? I can’t understand the size of the hernia, which is almost 7 mm ??? There is no pain, but the situation scares me!! Please explain what awaits me with such a diagnosis and do I really have to go under the knife? Thanks in advance!

    Consultant: Good afternoon! Your picture is not easy, but we manage such patients successfully without surgery. In order to say how much they will help you and what course of treatment you need to get an internal consultation. You do not yet have direct indications for surgery. Ignatiev Radion Gennadievich will conduct a reception in Odessa from 4-15.07.16.

  1. Good afternoon! At the end of August 2015 at night, in a dream, while stretching in bed, I woke up from a sharp, surging pain in right leg. MRI showed herniation of the spine L5S1, pinched sciatic nerve. I live in Poland, there is no one treating doctor, there is no such practice here, so I consulted with many, more often private ones, because. to get an appointment with a specialist, you have to wait several months, and time passed! In addition, knowledge of the language is not very good, so I did not immediately understand what should be done and what should not be done. Most of the information about this disease scooped from the Internet. Almost 6 months have passed, I had kinesitherapy, and massage, and a sanatorium, I feel better when I walk than I stand or sit, but I also try to sit a little, only when necessary, I don’t lift more than 2 kg, I don’t bend over, I do 2- 3 a day gymnastics, which they showed me in the sanatorium, for a month now, 2 times a week I go to the pool. . In general, I feel better, but the feeling of numbness in the foot - 3,4,5 fingers, does not go away. What can be done in this case or continue to do gymnastics and wait? I try to do my best, but ... Thank you if you mark my letter.

A hernia is a process of exit of organs from the position in which they normally exist or from the cavity through a natural or incorrect, pathologically formed hole, provided that the membranes that cover the organs remain intact.

The hernia may be incarcerated or uninjured. In the first case, reduction is mandatory, even if strangulation is not symptomatically determined. Uninjured is set manually without consequences for the patient.

Hernias differ in the places they occur and the affected organs. Most common abdominal hernias, although there are still cerebral, pulmonary, and so on. Of the external ones, inguinal hernias are most often manifested, for example, oblique inguinal, which is divided according to its stages into initial, canal, inguinal and scrotal. The stages differ in the degree of prolapse of the small intestine through the inguinal canal.

femoral hernia

A femoral hernia is one of the most technically complex reduction operations. Since too narrow access to the surgical area and the close location of vital arteries can be difficult for the surgeon.

Hernias occur when the pressure inside the abdominal cavity differs from the ability of the muscular walls of the abdomen to counteract it. Less trained people, infants and children under 7 years of age are more susceptible to this. As well as some predispositions, such as a distorted diet, pregnancy or prolonged hard labour. Hernias are acquired and congenital.

Intervertebral hernia

Another of the most common hernias is a vertebral hernia, in which a certain amount of nucleus pulposus enters the spinal canal, which causes compression of the spinal cord. Symptomatically, this is determined by back pain and possible recoil in the limb. Not every case of vertebral hernia requires immediate treatment, since most often nerve roots do not shrink so much that the help of a doctor is required, and the pain goes away after a while. But you need to be careful, because in some cases, when there is numbness of the limbs, in the perineum, loss of control over urination and defecation, or difficulty walking, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Most often vertebral hernias common between the ages of 35 and 45, when there is depletion and degradation of the intervertebral discs. Smoking is also an important factor because of its ability to reduce oxygen levels. Excess weight and height also contribute to the onset of the disease.

Hernia of the esophagus

There is such a not very pleasant disease - a hernia of the esophagus. If there is such a diagnosis, then special nutrition and some recommendations are needed.

Hernia of the esophagus is the first, second, third and fourth stage. In the last stages, people undergo surgery under general anesthesia, but it, unfortunately, does not always help. So if there is a first or second stage, then it is better to immediately stick to following recommendations so that it does not develop further.

  1. If there are bad habits, then you need to give them up (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  2. Eat little and often so you don't overeat. Overeating leads to the reflux of gastric contents into the body.
  3. Can't go straight to bed horizontal position after a hearty meal, you need to wait until it is completely digested. It is better to go to bed a few hours before bedtime so that the food has time to be digested.
  4. You need to adjust your diet. Avoid tea and coffee. Preference should be given to sweet juices, compotes, jelly, rosehip or chamomile decoction. Do not eat acidic foods (juices, fruits), smoked meats, salty foods, fried or fatty foods. It is better to give preference to sweet vegetables and fruits, boiled meat, soufflé, puree, jelly. Pickled, excluded canned food, it is undesirable to use mushrooms. Dieting will reduce hyperacidity in the body, irritation of the mucosa, which leads to severe pain and even more hernia.
  5. It is forbidden to eat grapes, cabbage, milk, black bread, peas, as these products cause "fermentation" in the body.
  6. Hard foods that irritate the stomach (raw and rough vegetables, hard fruits, nuts or hard cereals) are excluded. It is better to eat everything ground, boiled.
  7. It is forbidden to wear tight belts in clothes. You should try to wear looser clothes that do not tighten the stomach.
  8. Will be useful special exercises aimed at improving well-being. They must be performed daily and not skipped, then the effect will be noticeable.
  9. It is necessary to sleep only on the right side and not on a pillow that is too flat, so that at night there is no reflux of gastric contents behind the peritoneum.
  10. Better get rid of overweight, if he is.

The above recommendations must be followed throughout life, and not from case to case, because. this can provoke a relapse of the disease. The hernia of the stomach, unfortunately, will not disappear, but it will not develop further, the state of health should stabilize and improve much.

Intervertebral hernia - damage to the intervertebral disc due to inflammation. The development of the disease is accompanied by a change in the shape and position of the discs, as well as a rupture of the fibrous ring.

In most cases, the disease affects the lumbar region and much less often the cervical and thoracic. There are two methods of treatment: therapy and surgery. To surgical treatment doctors are very rare. But it depends solely on the cause of the disease and its stage.


A herniated disc can develop in four stages.

  1. Protrusion.
  2. Partial prolapse.
  3. Complete prolapse.
  4. Sequestration.

The development of each form can occur in any of the three departments that the disease affects.


The very first stage of pathology is called protrusion. Most often it occurs due to progressive osteochondrosis. The protrusion has a certain clinical picture. The contents of the disc, in the first stage, bulge outward. The protrusion can go beyond the lumbar vertebrae by 5 mm. A protrusion cervical able to move out of the disc by 2 mm. The thoracic protrusion goes 3 mm - 4 mm.

Protrusion is characterized by the preservation of the integrity of the fibrous ring. Protrusion is a hernia of the intervertebral sections, while its dimensions are much smaller than those that the pathology reaches during the development of subsequent stages.


After the patient has developed protrusion, the second and third stages begin. With partial prolapse, the symptoms of the disease increase. Pathology can be up to 10 mm in size. When the protrusion has already begun to increase in size, then the third stage of complete prolapse approaches. In this case, the kernel comes out of the disk. The hernia can reach 13 mm or even 15 mm.


The most recent phase of progressive disease. With it, the nucleus completely falls out of the disk and the parts of the vertebra are displaced. The pain syndrome becomes very strong and if medical assistance is not provided, then the patient becomes disabled, there is a high risk of paralysis.

The reasons

There are several factors that influence the development of an intervertebral disc herniation. The causes of the disease are impaired metabolism and as a result of injuries. Scientists have also proven that the causes of spinal hernia are heredity and infection.

Before the doctor takes up the treatment of the patient, he must identify the causes of the pathology and, first of all, deal with their elimination. Together with how the causes will be eliminated, it can be started conservative treatment.


Intervertebral hernia has the ICD code 10 according to the international classification of diseases. This indicates that the pathology is very dangerous and ranks 10th among the most serious diseases.

ICD - 10 is an indicator that when the first signs of violations are found, it is necessary to contact the doctors. ICD - 10 suggests an increase in symptoms with progressive stages of the disease.

It is not difficult to detect a disease that has the ICD code - 10, it is evidenced by such signs as pain, muscle numbness or stiffness of movements.

However, the symptoms strongly depend on whether the pathology progresses in the cervical, lumbar or thoracic region.

Features of symptoms

Pain naturally accompanies all forms of disturbance. But if the cervical region is damaged, the patient develops severe discomfort and increased pain when moving the neck and arms. Migraines and pressure surges may also appear. If a hernia of the intervertebral disc L5-S1 appears at the first stage, then it will not be difficult to diagnose the pathology.

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar, in contrast to the cervical, has more clear signs. A person who has such a disease looks like a hunchback. His spine looks different than his healthy person. Very often, the deformation is noticeable even to the naked eye. This happens due to damage to the L4-L5 vertebrae. Symptoms are relieved when the hernia reaches 10 mm. The patient begins to suffer from convulsions and numbness of the lower extremities.

Intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region, most often marked by symptoms of inflammation of the cervical subdivision. Symptoms occur already in the second stage, when strong pains appear in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulder joints. pain. And all movements cause severe pain. The patient is not able to make movements with a large amplitude.

Dangerous form of hernia

The development of a hernia in the L4-L5 segments can progress to unique sizes (up to 18 mm). Damage to these vertebrae has a name - a circular form.

Circular hernia occurs in the cervical region (L5-S1) or lumbar (L4-L5). With this form, the vertebral nucleus completely falls out. Circular pathology is very dangerous, especially if it concerns the L4-L5 segments. As a result of its development, all vertebrae are gradually damaged.

It is noticed that a circular hernia, even 5 mm, can cause serious deviations. Postponing treatment is dangerous, as the result may be complete paralysis of the patient's body.


The diagnosis of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar (L4-L5), as well as cervical and thoracic, is established by diagnosing. The following methods are most often used:

  • radiography;
  • myelography;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

A hernia of the cervical region is diagnosed much less frequently than a circular pathology of the L4-L5 segments. It is L4-L5 that suffer most from stress on the spine, this is the reason for the frequency of the form of the disease.


The intervertebral form of a hernia involves complex treatment. It begins with the elimination of the causes of the disease. Then the doctor deals with the blockade of symptoms. And only after that the methods by which the patient will be treated are determined.

The main ways to treat the disease include:

  • medication;
  • therapy;
  • massage;
  • gymnastics;
  • operation.

For each stage of the disease, there is a specific method of treatment. It also plays a role and then there was an injury to the cervical, lumbar or thoracic region.


This method of treatment consists in taking a sick number of drugs that affect inflammatory areas and eliminate the causes of the disease. Very often, patients are prescribed ointments local application. They not only reduce inflammation, but also eliminate symptoms. Features of their use depend on the state of the body, the stage of pathology and the presence of contraindications.


Treated with the help of therapeutic methods is quite possible. The patient may be recommended manual or laser therapy.

But there is more effective method- treatment with electrophoresis with caripazim. This drug has been used for over ten years. Caripazim is modern means with enzymes created on the basis of special dietary supplements.

You can use caripazim at home. However, this process should take place only under the supervision of a physician. Therefore, electrophoresis with caripazim is also carried out in medical institutions. Thus, a hernia of the cervical and lumbar sections is treated.


With a hernia of the vertebrae, massage can also be performed at home. Massage is used to restore the position of the vertebrae. You can use massage to stretch the muscles at the level of the cervical and lumbar segments.

Massage can reduce pain, relieve nervous excitability and prevent muscle atrophy. But only a doctor can prescribe a massage. Despite the fact that massage seems to be an absolutely harmless procedure, it can have certain contraindications. The effect of massage depends on the stage of the disease. In the initial stages, massage can have an effect. But in the third stage, massage helps very rarely.

Carrying out procedures such as massage should only experienced specialist. Turning to chiropractors or performing the procedure yourself at home is extremely dangerous. There is a risk of harm to the body and deterioration of the patient's condition.


With an exacerbation of a hernia of the spinal column, gymnastics or any physical exercises are contraindicated. However, in preventive purposes or during the rehabilitation period, many patients are advised to perform the exercises developed by the Bubnovsky center.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics is a way of influencing certain parts of the spine that are prone to inflammatory processes. Such exercises are very often used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The Bubnovsky Center has been studying the features of herniated discs for a long time. As a result of their work, a physiotherapy. The exercises that the Bubnovsky center offers can be performed with a hernia of any part of the spinal column.

Gymnastics is especially needed for those patients who are affected lumbar regions. At correct execution, exercises restore lymph flow and impaired blood flow. Gymnastics activates biochemical processes that play a leading role in the normal functioning of the body.
vociferous. These exercises are most effective in deforming the vertebrae of the L4-l5 segment.

Upon consultation a good specialist You can also do exercises at home. However, gymnastics should not be carried out without the recommendation of a doctor. If the exercises are performed during a dangerous period for the patient, then the result of self-treatment may be muscle atrophy or paralysis.

Bubnovsky developed exercises, with the aim of gymnastics increasing the flexibility of the vertebrae, restoring all necessary processes and also reduced the development inflammatory processes. Exercises must be performed daily and following all recommendations.


Another way that a herniated intervertebral hernia is eliminated is surgery. Surgery is required only last stage disease or complications. Surgical intervention can be carried out in several ways.

  1. Microdiscectomy.
  2. Laser technique.

These methods of operation are the most common. But despite the fact that modern medicine has a wide knowledge, surgical intervention in the region of the spinal column is a big risk.

A feature of such a method as microdiscectomy is the use of microscopic instruments during the operation. Microdiscectomy allows surgeons to perform the operation with maximum precision, thereby reducing the risk.

Endoscopic microdiscectomy differs from the previous method using an endoscope. This uses local anesthesia. The risks for the patient in this case are minimal.

Surgical intervention is carried out with the help of laser technique. Depending on the method by which the laser operates, the hernia can be vaporized or burned out. Restoration of the vertebrae when using the laser technique is very fast.


Realize healing procedures folk remedies at home is very risky. It is advisable to follow the recommendations given by the attending physician. However, many patients combine medical methods with folk remedies.

Before using folk remedies, it is worth checking with a specialist whether their use is permissible for this form of hernia.

Effective Methods

People who performed medical procedures at home and used folk remedies consider the following methods to be the most effective:

  • honey massages;
  • drinking tincture of oil and comfrey roots;
  • compresses of lilac and vodka.

Eliminating a hernia with folk remedies cannot lead to complete healing. However, folk remedies can reduce pain and reduce inflammation.

Therapeutic procedures with folk remedies are carried out preferably at bedtime. If, together with folk remedies, light massage, then the procedure has a warming effect, which helps to relax the muscles.

Do not forget that it is possible to be treated with folk remedies for a hernia progressing between the vertebrae only at the first stage of the disease. In addition, it is impossible to fight the disease only with folk remedies. The patient must go to a medical institution.

A herniated disc is a very serious illness which can lead to negative consequences. It is better to seek medical help after the first signs of a deviation in health status have been discovered. Self-medication is prohibited, since the spine is one of the main human organs.

In the absence of an impact on the pathology, it will grow and damage the entire spinal column, which can lead to paralysis, partial atrophy muscles and as a result, the patient becomes disabled.


How to get rid of a hump on your back: effective methods

The human spine has physiological curves that ensure its flexibility and mobility under any load. Two forward bends (concavities) are called cervical and lumbar lordosis, two backward bends (bulges) are called thoracic and sacral kyphosis.

Due to certain diseases, injuries or posture disorders, pathological kyphosis can form with an angle of curvature of the spine of more than 30 degrees.

Visually, it looks like a hump on the back, noticeable when turning in profile, its localization, shape and severity depend on the characteristics of the pathological process that caused the deformation.

The humps are different - fatty and very dangerous

A hump can mean both pathological kyphosis and fat accumulation in the upper back, more typical for women over 45 years old and called withers or widow's hump.

Widow's withers are formed as a result of hormonal changes in a woman's body during menopause, but can also appear at a younger age due to osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, chronic hormonal disorders, and improper metabolism in the body.

This is not a pathology of the spine, but just a fatty layer, the defect is mostly cosmetic. Although such a hump can block blood vessels, disrupting the blood supply to the brain, causing migraines, dizziness, increased pressure, and numbness of the hands.

The defect can be easily corrected with proper organization sleeping and working place, special gymnastics and massage.

The situation is much more serious with the most common cause of the appearance of a hump on the back - kyphosis, the name of which is translated from Greek as “humpback”, “bentness”.

If normally this is a physiological bend that performs a shock-absorbing function, then in pathology it is a serious defect in the shape of the spine, a symptom of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It is manifested by an arched bulge back or a hump on the back, in a pronounced form, it is most often combined with a hollow chest and a shortening of the body.

Forms of kyphotic curvature

Pathological kyphosis can be:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

By severity:

  • mild (1st degree) - the angle of curvature of the spine does not exceed 40 degrees;
  • moderate (2nd degree) - the angle of curvature is 40-60 degrees;
  • heavy (3rd, 4th degree) - the angle of curvature is over 60-71 degrees.

According to the degree of resistance to deformation:

  • fixed, not amenable to correction;
  • mobile, correctable in the supine position, correctable with the help of conservative or surgical treatment.

With the flow:

  • progressive, depending on the change in the angle of convexity during the year, the progression can be slow or rapidly developing;
  • not progressive.

By form:

  • angular-shaped in the form of a hump with a top of 1-2 spinous vertebrae;
  • arcuate in the form of an elongated short arc.

congenital deformity

Congenital kyphotic deformities are caused by anomalies in the development of the anterior sections of the spine - wedge-shaped or half vertebrae in the thoracic region, fusion (concretion) of the vertebral bodies due to intrauterine developmental disorders of the fetus.

Genotypic kyphosis is hereditary, transmitted from generation to generation according to a dominant trait.

Acquired forms of curvature

Acquired deformities are caused by posture disorders, injuries, diseases musculoskeletal system, bone tissue.

There are the following types of acquired kyphosis:

The hump "grows" not immediately

The hump on the back appears gradually and it manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  1. Mild degree - moderate violation of posture, stoop with a slight angle of inclination, fast fatiguability back muscles, slight back pain, aggravated by physical exertion.
  2. The average degree is pronounced flexion, hunchback of the back, sunken chest, protruding belly, retracted shoulders, shoulder blades apart. After long sitting back takes C-shape, remains convex in the supine position. The chin, due to the displacement of the position of the neck, is pushed forward strongly.
  3. Severe degree - the back takes an S-shape, as a compensating increase in lumbar lordosis develops, growth decreases due to trunk deformation, muscle tone in the arms and legs decreases, intolerance to prolonged physical exertion appears. Occurs not only external changes, but also pronounced violations functions internal organs due to a decrease in the volume of the chest and lowering of the diaphragm. Children with severe pathological kyphosis lag behind their peers in physical development.

The form and severity of the violation is confirmed by X-ray, MRI, computed tomography.

What can be done?

Doctors of the following specialties will help get rid of the hump: orthopedists, vertebrologists, chiropractors, neuropathologists, traumatologists, rheumatologists. The choice of treatment methods depends on the cause, form and severity of the pathology.

For kyphosis associated with degenerative changes or systemic diseases therapy should be aimed at treating the underlying pathology.

Conservative treatment

Conservative methods of therapy are effective for mobile kyphosis, and should be used in combination:

How to remove the withers-hump on the back in a few minutes a day:

Surgery as a last resort

If conservative treatment for severe kyphosis with dysfunction of the internal organs and compression of the roots does not give a result, surgery may be required.

Operations allow you to correct the angle of the spine, stop the progression of the deformity, remove the hump, eliminate compression of the nerve trunks and protect them from damage in the future.

The spine is fixed with structures made of inert metals. After the operation, bed rest is indicated, followed by wearing a corset.

Prevention of humps and deformities

To prevent the development of pathological kyphosis and the formation of a hump in adults and children, the following recommendations must be followed:

What is the risk!?

In severe progressive forms of kyphosis with the formation of a hump, multiple complications arise:

Symptomatic remedies such as Menovazin are ideal for moderate joint pain. They do not lead to a complete cure for the disease, but allow the patient to temporarily forget about unpleasant symptoms. Many anti-inflammatory drugs have many contraindications that limit their use in elderly patients.

Therefore, such patients are required to prescribe both safe and effective medicine, which will relieve them of the symptoms of diseases of the spine and joints.

In almost any pharmacy without a prescription, you can buy Menovazin, which has a local anesthetic effect.

The medicine is available in the form of a solution or ointment, which is applied directly to the skin over the focus of pain impulses.

But, despite the relative safety of the drug, you should still carefully study its instructions for use. Such a measure is necessary to determine the indications, since not every pathology of the musculoskeletal system will show its effectiveness. Knowing all the information about the drug, as well as instructions for its use, the patient will use it as correctly as possible.


Unlike other local painkillers, Menovazin is characterized by a clear focus of action. Its components practically do not penetrate into the bloodstream, reaching the lesion through the tissue fluid. Therapeutic effect from application is due to the mutual action of two elements:

  • Main active ingredients are local anesthetic solutions - procaine and benzocaine. Their molecules bind to painful nerve endings, stopping the formation of an excitation impulse on them. Self-administered solutions are characterized by low efficiency, which is associated with poor skin permeability.
  • To increase it, an irritating agent, menthol, was added to the composition of the drug. It provides vasodilation of the skin in the area of ​​application, which allows deeper penetration of anesthetic components. Menthol also acts on the nerve endings, causing a feeling of cooling when they are irritated. It creates a distracting effect - the nervous system partially switches from pain impulses.

The Menovazin solution appeared much earlier than the ointment, due to the properties of the main components. They dissolve well in water, so it was possible to create a liquid version of the drug - rubbing. The ointment was developed much later, when modern polymeric substances that were not of fatty origin were introduced. They made it possible to avoid the formation of a film on the skin, which is formed from creams based on petroleum jelly.


This form of medicine is the very first, since initially Menovazin was produced only in solution. Now bottles with it have become a rarity, due to the difficulties in storage and transportation. The composition and action of the solution was slightly different from modern analogues:

  • Since this form is different short term shelf life, the content of active components in it is much higher. Therefore, the procedures required much less solution, which was dosed using special measuring containers.
  • It could be used for physiotherapy - electrophoresis or diadynamic therapy. With the help of electrodes and a magnetic field, the agent penetrated great depth compared to conventional application.
  • The solution did not need to be rubbed in - it was enough to distribute it on the surface of the skin with a slight movement. The excess was absorbed on its own after a few minutes.
  • Also in the solution was additionally ethyl alcohol, which ensured the rapid evaporation of its liquid part. He created an auxiliary irritant effect, which, together with menthol, provided a strong vasodilatation of the skin.
  • But the tool was not equipped with clear instructions - if used incorrectly, side effects were often observed. They were associated with a violation of the application technique, which led to the development allergic reactions- rash, itching, swelling on the skin.

Therefore, over time, the widespread use of the solution had to be abandoned - it was replaced by modern drugs that made treatment with Menovazin safer.


With the advent of modern polymer bases for creams, it was possible to create a long-term stored form of Menovazin - a water-based ointment. She let go of everything negative qualities solution, preserving and increasing its positive effects:

  • The ointment is in a sealed tube, which excludes the contact of active elements with air and sunlight. This prevents their oxidation and destruction, which allows the drug to be stored for a long time.
  • The drug is manufactured in the factory, which ensures a stable dosage in each tube active substances. This precision avoids side effects associated with drug overdose.
  • The polymer base has a "smart" effect, as it allows only a certain amount of painkillers to be absorbed through the skin.
  • The ointment remains on the skin for a long time, ensuring a continuous flow of active ingredients through it. Therefore, its number of procedures for its application can be reduced to 1 or 2 during the day.
  • The need for dosing the drug also disappeared - if the patient applies an excess of the drug, then it will not have time to be quickly absorbed.

Compared to the solution, the ointment turned out to be much more convenient - it does not require special conditions or fixtures.


  • Symptoms of osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia usually present with pain in various departments back. They have a reflex (reflected) character, therefore, they are easily eliminated with the help of local irritants.
  • Any neuralgia - intercostal, lumbar, sciatic - are eliminated with Menovazin ointment.
  • The tool has proven its effectiveness only on early stages deforming arthrosis - with a long course of the disease, it will not be possible to eliminate the symptoms.
  • Any minor soft tissue injuries - bruises, sprains, the manifestations of which can be reduced using ointment.
  • During the recovery period after a fracture or dislocation, to eliminate the stiffness of movements and pain during exercise.
  • For pain in muscles or ligaments after previous physical exertion, to speed up their healing.
  • For application to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bscars after burns - this helps to reduce the itching that develops when they are stretched.

The only condition is that the pain syndrome should be of little strength, otherwise the effect of the medicine will be insignificant.

The regularity of the procedure plays an important role, since the pain after application is eliminated for a short time.


Instructions for use should always be studied in detail by the patient - it contains all recommendations for using the drug. Menovazin has only one contraindication - the presence of an open wound in the area of ​​application. If you perform the procedure contrary to this rule, then there will be severe irritation of the edges of the wound. Therefore, instead of an analgesic effect, the patient will receive the opposite effect - pain and swelling around the skin defect.

According to the instructions, the solution and ointment have only one side effect- allergic reactions.

Their development is usually associated with the action local anesthetics that still enter the bloodstream. Therefore, patients with an allergy to novocaine should also refrain from treatment with Menovazin. And in order to create a final impression of the drug, you need to consider individual options for its use.

Back pain

With the development unpleasant symptoms accompanying osteochondrosis of the spine, Menovazin allows you to get rid of them within a few procedures. The soft tissues of the back have sufficient thickness, which makes it difficult for the drug to quickly penetrate to the source of pain:

  • It is very difficult to carry out the procedure yourself, therefore, relatives or acquaintances should be involved in its implementation. Some parts of the back are very difficult to reach with the palm of your hand, which will not allow you to distribute the product well over the skin.
  • When applying the product, you need to capture not only the painful area, but also the entire surrounding back. Thanks to this technique, the medicine will penetrate into the soft tissues over a large area, which will accelerate its entry into the lesion.
  • It is necessary to perform the procedure only in the supine position in order to ensure complete relaxation of the muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine.
  • After all the manipulations, you should cover your back with a clean towel or sheet to create a slight warming effect. It is also necessary to lie down a little - during this time the medicine will have time to be well distributed.

Procedures using a solution are best carried out in the form of electrophoresis - so the remedy will be delivered faster and safer to the source of pain.

Joint diseases

Lesions of the joints of the extremities facilitate the procedure - with any localization of injury or pathology, the patient can perform them independently. But for this you need to follow a few recommendations:

  • When applied, the medicine should be distributed not only on the site of pain, but on the entire surface of the skin surrounding the joint.
  • It is not recommended to carry out more than three procedures during the day - the body loses its sensitivity to painkillers.
  • The application of the ointment must be combined with small movements in the joint - a warm-up. It will provide improved blood circulation, which will accelerate the onset of the analgesic effect.
  • After each application, close the articulation area with a soft bandage or elastic bandage to create a warming effect.

According to the instructions, there is a limitation on the duration of the use of the product - it is not recommended to use it for more than 3 weeks. During this period, a specific reaction to the components of the drug is formed in the body, leading to the development adverse reactions. Also during this time there is a decrease in sensitivity nerve endings to novocaine.

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