Why does a baby vomit. Dr. Komarovsky: what to do if the child has vomiting. What to do after vomiting

  • What to give?
  • Diet
  • All mothers and fathers are well aware that vomiting in children is not such a rare occurrence. However, in practice, faced with an attack, many simply get lost and do not know how to give the baby first aid, what to do and where to call. Authoritative children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, the author of numerous articles and books on children's health, tells why vomiting occurs and what adults should do about it.

    About vomiting

    Vomiting is a protective mechanism, a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach through the mouth (or through the nose). During an attack, the abdominals contract, the esophagus expands, the stomach itself relaxes and pushes everything in it up the esophagus. This rather complex process regulates the vomiting center, which in all people is located in the medulla oblongata. Most often, vomit is a mixture of undigested food debris and gastric juice. Sometimes they can be observed impurities of pus or blood, bile.

    The most common cause of children's vomiting is food poisoning. Vomiting can be observed in various infectious diseases: rotavirus infection, scarlet fever, typhoid.

    Less commonly, this problem is triggered by accumulated toxins, this condition can occur with serious kidney disease.

    Other causes of vomiting include diseases of the stomach and intestines, neurological diagnoses, and head injuries.

    In children, vomiting can often be triggered by strong emotional upheavals.


    Doctors distinguish several types of children's vomiting:

    • Cyclic vomiting (acetonemic).
    • Renal.
    • Hepatogenic.
    • Diabetic.
    • Cardiac.
    • Psychogenic.
    • Cerebral.
    • Bloody.

    In most cases, vomiting in children begins at night. The baby wakes up with severe nausea. In this situation, it is important not to be afraid and not to get confused. The actions of parents should be calm and confident.

    The younger the child, the more dangerous vomiting is for him, since dehydration can occur, which can be fatal for babies.

    A single vomiting (without any additional symptoms) in a child should not cause much concern for parents, Yevgeny Komarovsky believes. The fact is that in this way the body is “cleansed” of accumulated toxins, food elements that the child could not digest. However, parental inaction can be fraught with tragic consequences in cases where vomiting is repeated, and also if there are other symptoms that indicate disorders in the body.

    The most common cause of vomiting in children is food poisoning. Poison in the body of the crumbs can get with different products: dairy, meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

    In the vast majority of cases gag reflex caused by nitrates and pesticides, used to process fruits and vegetables. Even very high-quality products of meat origin can cause severe poisoning if they are cooked incorrectly.

    Yevgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that the first symptoms of food poisoning usually begin to appear between 4 and 48 hours after eating. Quite often, you can stop vomiting, which is provoked by food, on your own, at home.

    However, Yevgeny Komarovsky recalls that there are situations in which mothers and fathers should not engage in independent healing. Medical assistance is required:

    • Children from 0 to 3 years old.
    • Children who vomit occurs against the background of elevated body temperature.
    • Children who have vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain (all or part of the symptoms) have lasted more than two days.
    • Children who are not "alone" in their illness (if others in the household have similar symptoms)

    There are situations in which a child needs urgent medical attention as soon as possible. An ambulance should be called under one or more of the following conditions:

    • Vomiting occurred after eating mushrooms.
    • Vomiting is so intense that the baby cannot drink water.
    • Vomiting is accompanied by clouding of consciousness, incoherent speech, impaired coordination of movements, yellowing of the skin, dry mucous membranes, and a rash.
    • Vomiting is accompanied by a visual increase (swelling) of the joints.
    • Against the background of repeated vomiting, there is no urination for more than 6 hours, urine has a dark tint.
    • In the vomit and (or) feces there are impurities of blood, pus.

    While waiting for the arrival of the doctor, the child should be placed on its side so that during the next vomiting attack the child does not choke on the vomit. The baby needs to be held in his arms, on his side. You don't need to give any medication.

    In order for the doctor to be able to quickly understand the true cause of the child's condition, parents should remember in as much detail as possible what the baby ate over the past day, what he drank, where he was and what he did. In addition, mom and dad will have to carefully examine the vomit, so that later they can tell the doctor about what color they are, the consistency, whether there is an unusual smell, whether they contain blood or pus.

    Analyzing color

    Dark vomit (coffee ground color) may indicate serious problems with the stomach, up to a peptic ulcer.

    If there is an admixture of bile in the masses and there is a bittersweet smell, you can suspect a malfunction in the gallbladder and biliary tract.

    Green color vomit may indicate the neurological nature of the reflex, the same happens with vomiting in a strong stressful situation, when the child cannot cope with excitement and feelings in a different way.

    It is recommended to leave samples of vomit and feces of a sick child until the doctor arrives in order to show them to a specialist. This will contribute to the most rapid and accurate diagnosis of the true cause of the condition.

    Vomiting in an infant may be a completely natural process for the formation of digestive functions, but it is better if a doctor states this. Komarovsky emphasizes that often in infants, vomiting is a completely expected cause of banal overeating if parents are too zealous in their desire to feed their child more and more calories.

    Vomiting can also be of a different nature - allergic, traumatic, and also inflammatory. In other words, this reflex accompanies a great variety of various diseases, some of which require prompt hospitalization with subsequent surgical care, and therefore vomiting attacks should not be underestimated.

    So, parents should make every effort not to stop vomiting at any cost and try to treat something with folk remedies, but in order to carefully observe. It will be just fine if they can provide the following data to the doctor who came to the call:

    • The frequency and frequency of attacks (at what intervals does vomiting occur, how long does it last).
    • Does the child feel better after the next attack, does the pain in the abdomen decrease.
    • What is the approximate volume of vomit, their color and whether there are any impurities.
    • What has the baby been ill with over the past year, over the past two weeks.
    • What did the baby eat, do the parents also suspect food poisoning.
    • Has the child's weight changed in the last 2 weeks?

    If the child has some of the above symptoms, but there is no vomiting, Komarovsky advises calling the reflex on his own. To do this, let the baby drink 2-3 glasses of warm water or milk, and then gently insert your fingers into the oropharynx and move them slightly. You can use your fingers or a spoon to lightly press on the root of the tongue.

    There is no need to feed the child. However, drinking is a must. At the same time, you should know that soldering a child with vomiting is a whole science, it must be carried out strictly according to the rules. Firstly, says Yevgeny Komarovsky, drinking should be fractional, but very frequent. One-time amount - a few sips. Secondly, the temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature, so the liquid will be absorbed more quickly, which will protect the child from dehydration. When asked what to drink, the doctor replies that oral rehydration solutions or home-made saline solutions are the best option. If desired, you can give the child non-carbonated mineral water, tea, compote.

    In no case should you add sugar, jam, honey to your drink. If the child flatly refuses to drink what is supposed to, offer him what he likes - juice or a sweet drink, but at the same time dilute it with water so that the resulting drink is as clear as possible.

    It is useful to give activated charcoal, but only in strictly indicated proportions - 1 gram of the drug per kilogram of the child's weight, no less. If the temperature rises, you can give the baby an antipyretic, Paracetamol is best.

    Fountain vomiting in an infant can occur in different situations - for example, teething or appendicitis. One way or another, frequent vomiting leads to severe dehydration of the body, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

    If frequent vomiting in infants is accompanied by lethargy and fever, and he himself refuses to breastfeed, urgently call an ambulance. The longer you delay calling the doctor and trying to determine the causes yourself, the worse the child can become.

    Causes of vomiting

    Most often, vomiting in an infant occurs during teething. It is usually short-term and passes quickly.

    It can be very difficult to determine that frequent vomiting occurs during teething. The only sign that signals teething is a change in the behavior of the child: he becomes restless, irritable, constantly crying, sometimes there is an increase in temperature.

    If at this time you carefully examine the baby's oral cavity and notice swelling of the gums, then your diagnosis was confirmed - the vomiting that appeared like a fountain really warned of teething.


    Due to the large amount of food eaten by the baby, his stomach may not have enough space to accommodate and digest it, which causes vomiting, which is also called regurgitation.

    To prevent spitting up, try to observe the feeding schedule of the child and within 30 minutes after eating, let him lie down and rest calmly.

    Vomiting during overfeeding and teething is the most harmless and goes away on its own.

    What to do to make the child stop spitting up

    Mom's lack of hygiene and proper diet

    Violation of hygiene rules by a nursing mother can lead to a serious infectious disease in a child, the main symptoms of which are vomiting and fever. To prevent this from happening, be sure to wash your breasts before and after feeding.

    The quality of milk and, consequently, the health of the child is completely dependent on how and what the young mother eats.

    Any fatty, salty, or spicy foods in the diet can spoil breast milk and cause the baby to vomit and have diarrhea.

    Often, formula-fed babies (especially those under a year old) react very sharply to frequent changes in formula.

    This can lead not only to vomiting, but also to other serious disorders - for example, allergies, dysbacteriosis, gastrointestinal dysfunction - many of which are accompanied by diarrhea.

    To prevent this from happening, you must do the following:

    1. Feed your baby only one carefully selected milk formula. It must necessarily include thickeners - for example, gum, starch or casein. The latter tends to quickly curdle in the stomach, turning into flakes that inhibit food. If there are no thickeners in the mixture, you can thicken it yourself with rice powder in a ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon for 60 ml of the mixture.
    2. If you need to change the mixture, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

    A single vomiting after the introduction of complementary foods is a natural reaction of the body to new food, but if the gag reflex is repeated in children over and over again, despite the fact that the baby does not have fever and diarrhea, this fact cannot be left without due attention.

    • the introduction of complementary foods should begin with a one-component product (apple puree, pear juice, etc.) - this way it is easier to determine the body's reaction to each new component;
    • feeding the baby should be from a new, just opened jar;
    • always check the expiration date of baby food;
    • do not save on the quality of the product;
    • feed your baby small meals.

    If you do these simple procedures, the introduction of complementary foods will pass without harm to the body.


    Poor quality food that has entered the child's stomach is immediately rejected by the body, and as a result, a gag reflex occurs with a fountain. Self-treatment of poisoning in young children is very dangerous and risky, so the first thing you should do is call an ambulance.

    While the ambulance is on the way, every 10 minutes give your baby a teaspoon of clean boiled water. Once the urge to vomit has passed, you can increase the portions of water to a tablespoon.

    When children are poisoned, vomiting with a fountain is often accompanied by fever and diarrhea.

    To reduce diarrhea a little, you can dilute smecta or activated charcoal in a bottle of water. But in any case, a call to the doctor at home is required.

    Intestinal infection

    This disease is accompanied by frequent vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea and fever, which leads to a large loss of fluid in the body. Therefore, you need to constantly give the baby clean water in small quantities. If he independently refuses water due to age, the doctor may begin to replenish the body with fluid intravenously. Any intestinal infection should be treated only in stationary conditions.


    After the fall of newborns from any height (bed, chair, changing table), serious consequences can occur. It is urgent to call an ambulance if, after a fall, his condition has deteriorated sharply, namely:

    • he began to lose consciousness;
    • began to cry for a long time and for no reason, constantly clutching his head;
    • his coordination of movements was disturbed;
    • there was frequent vomiting with a fountain;
    • an increase in temperature is observed.

    Probably, the baby received a concussion, and a clearer picture can be obtained after an x-ray and ultrasound of the brain area.

    We examined the most common reasons why vomiting occurs in infants. Some of them are absolutely harmless (for example, when teething). Others are very serious and require immediate medical attention (appendicitis, intestinal infection, concussion).

    It is worth taking a responsible approach to determining the cause of gag reflexes in children, especially since we are talking about tiny people who still do not know how to talk and explain what hurts them.

    Sometimes it may seem that vomiting occurred during overeating or teething, even swollen gums are visible, and then it turns out that the disorder of the body occurred for a completely different reason. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and call a doctor at home so that he can accurately determine the cause of the ailment and prescribe the necessary treatment.

    The gag reflex is a protective function of the body, which allows ridding the gastrointestinal tract of pathological masses. If, after breastfeeding, the baby vomits with a fountain, this indicates dangerous pathologies of the child's body.

    An infant performs a normal physiological phenomenon - regurgitation. Unlike vomiting, the process is completely natural and allows the baby to get rid of excess air trapped in the feeding process. Babies usually vomit after feeding breast milk or formula after 10-30 minutes. Provoking the ejection of food from the stomach into the esophagus may be associated with breaths of air, overeating, or as a result of strong arousal.

    The physiological process of regurgitation is accompanied by the following signs:

    1. Belching does not cause vomiting.
    2. The rejected mass is small.
    3. The baby is doing well.
    4. There is a normal weight gain.
    5. The secreted liquid contains an admixture of milk and water.

    Spitting up is temporary, does not require treatment, and resolves on its own as the child grows older.

    It is important to distinguish between dangerous vomiting and regurgitation. The further condition of the newborn depends on the competence of the parents.

    Call signs:

    1. The baby behaves restlessly, is naughty before vomiting. Crying and restlessness indicate discomfort.
    2. The baby experiences repeated urges.
    3. Gastric contents acquire a greenish or yellow tint.
    4. There is an admixture of bile.
    5. Accompanied by temperature.

    Vomiting is a reflex regulated by the cerebral cortex. The muscles of the abdominal press and diaphragm are involved in the process. The baby tenses up, begins a copious secretion of saliva. An attack of nausea is accompanied by the child's pallor and rapid breathing. Vomiting exceeds the amount of food consumed - in addition to the food eaten, gastric juice is secreted.

    Causes of vomiting in the baby

    The appearance of symptoms in infants can be triggered by many factors, from teething to dangerous diseases.

    It happens that a few episodes pass without suspicion: vomit without blood impurities, the baby is active and does not look sick. Such rare phenomena are caused by primary causes, the prerequisite for which are reflexes of the baby. It could be:

    1. Binge eating.
    2. An undeveloped vestibular apparatus, when the baby vomits at the slightest rise.
    3. Large food particles.
    4. Overexcitation.
    5. Entry of large amounts of air.

    If attacks of vomiting cause discomfort and pain to the child, we are talking about secondary causes associated not only with the digestive organs. Symptomatic causes include:

    1. infectious diseases.
    2. Viruses.
    3. Head injuries, including concussion.
    4. Appendicitis.
    5. Hernia.

    Establishing the cause of vomiting should be done by a qualified doctor.

    After breastfeeding

    When vomiting occurs in a baby after breastfeeding, and the number of masses exceeds what is eaten, this is an occasion to seek the help of a doctor. The reason may be overfeeding. In the first months of life, the baby does not know a sense of proportion, and overeating is a common occurrence. A full stomach does not have the ability to stretch, the contents press on the upper valve, which causes a gag reflex. In such a case, doctors advise to follow several feeding rules:

    • do not put the baby in a horizontal position, but wear it in your arms in an upright position for some time;
    • feed the baby while sitting;
    • limit active games immediately after feeding;
    • pump milk into a bottle, this will help to avoid overeating.

    Compliance with the above rules prevents repeated vomiting, but the possibility of developing pathologies such as lactose intolerance cannot be ruled out. Intolerance to mother's milk is accompanied by vomiting and green diarrhea.

    A small percentage of newborns are unable to absorb the components of mother's milk. Some enzymes cause rejection. Lactation is completed, and the baby is transferred to a suitable mixture that does not contain an allergen.

    After the mixture

    Vomiting in a newborn that occurs after formula feeding may be caused by intolerance to artificial food. It is necessary to reconsider the principles of nutrition. Most likely, you will need to switch to another type of mixture. It is important to exclude neurology.

    Neurological pathologies originate in the period of intrauterine development. In violation of a neurological nature, urges have a regular appearance. At risk are premature and underweight children, infants with asphyxia.

    Toddlers transfer vomiting with a fountain to milk and dairy-free mixtures. Sometimes the cause can be drugs that were administered to the baby orally. The reaction to the drugs is accompanied by a cough and a weak state.

    If it is necessary to change the mixture, the process should be carried out gradually. The gastrointestinal tract of an infant is imperfect, with an unformed microflora. Unlike artificial babies, breastfed babies receive the necessary lactobacilli along with breastfeeding, which contribute to the absorption of food. Mixtures do not have such a privilege, you should be careful about the choice of food. Where possible, mixed feeding should be maintained.

    It is difficult to observe the grave condition of the baby, but it is important to behave correctly before the ambulance arrives. It is necessary to constantly monitor the dynamics of the state of the baby. If parents are waiting for qualified assistance, the main actions will be:

    • hold the child in a “column”, in an upright position;
    • avoid sharp turns and shaking, the baby should be as comfortable as possible;
    • if the cause of vomiting is unknown, frequent breastfeeding despite the child's refusal is not recommended;
    • self-lavage of the stomach is prohibited, can lead to mechanical damage to the intestines;
    • you can not select medicines without the recommendation of a doctor.

    Try to avoid all sorts of annoying factors. Elementary hygiene actions should be neat and gentle. The skin at the baby's mouth must be periodically wiped with a clean cloth, if particles of vomit remain on the surface, irritation may occur.

    Dr. Komarovsky advises taking the following actions while waiting for the arrival of a doctor:

    • provide the child with peace, if possible, put him to bed;
    • during vomiting, seat the child and tilt the torso forward. This action will help protect the airways. If the child’s condition does not allow him to sit on his own, lay on his side after removing the pillow;
    • then rinse your baby's mouth. You can use a syringe with cooled boiled water;
    • give the child water with solutions that replenish the water-salt balance.

    Until the doctor arrives, it is important to maintain the child's condition and avoid deterioration of the dynamics. Exicosis or dehydration is dangerous for the baby. The younger the child, the more difficult it is for him to endure the loss of fluid.

    When to See a Doctor

    If it vomits with a fountain with a small frequency, about 2 times per hour, a similar reaction of the body indicates possible pathological processes.

    Vomiting in a newborn after feeding indicates a dangerous condition when symptoms are present:

    • rejection of the mother's breast;
    • the body shows signs of dehydration;
    • the child's vomit contains suspicious impurities;
    • the appearance of diarrhea or streaks of blood in the stool;
    • increase in local body temperature;
    • tension in the abdominal muscles;
    • weakness and pallor of the skin.

    The above pathological symptoms should be a good reason to seek help from doctors. Its untimely provision is fraught with dire consequences. Especially if there are signs of dehydration, which at the age of one month is dangerous and can even lead to death. Young parents should not panic or self-medicate. The best option would be to call an ambulance team or a pediatrician at home. Qualified actions of a specialist reduce the risk of complications and increase the chance for a speedy recovery.

    Among the many symptoms of disease, vomiting is an alarm signal - the baby's body is not in order. There are many reasons for vomiting. Monitoring the child's condition will help to identify the root cause of the disease, cure, prevent the baby's illness.

    The gag reflex in young children signals a health problem. It is necessary to prescribe adequate treatment. Delay will lead to dehydration, dangerous to the health of the crumbs. The younger you are, the sooner you seek medical help. This is important for newborn nausea.

    The parent must understand when vomiting is not a dangerous condition that does not harm the baby, and when it is necessary to see a doctor.

    In infants, due to the immature digestive system, regurgitation occurs. This is not a dangerous condition for the baby, unlike vomiting, which is harmful to health. Let's understand the difference between the concepts.


    Baby regurgitation is the natural outflow of a small amount of food eaten from the stomach. Occurs after feeding for half an hour. Regurgitation is characterized by:

    • Occurs after eating;
    • Behavior, the condition of the baby does not worsen;
    • The amount of regurgitation is small;
    • once;
    • No gag reflex;
    • Discharge from the stomach without pressure;
    • Milk, water, curd masses are poured out.

    Regurgitation is prevented if the baby is not overfed, after eating, do calm games.


    Involuntary release of stomach fluid through the oral cavity to the outside - vomiting. A characteristic external marker that signals a threat to the body. The following symptoms are typical for vomiting:

    • Occurs at any time, does not depend on food intake;
    • The child's behavior is restless, he is capricious, his condition worsens;
    • Large volume expelled by the stomach;
    • repeatedly;
    • Vomiting reflex;
    • Stands out like a fountain, sharply;
    • Vomit with an unpleasant odor, unnatural color;
    • Associated symptoms are manifested - fever, diarrhea, pain.

    Have you diagnosed nausea in a child? We are trying to find out the causes of the pathology, further actions.


    Depending on the nature of vomiting in an infant, the degree of danger to life and health varies. A single discharge of the contents of the stomach, without accompanying symptoms, indicates the imperfection of the digestion of the newborn and does not pose a threat to health. No medical intervention required.

    Rarely does nausea occur without concomitant abnormalities. Diarrhea, an increase in body temperature above 38.5 degrees, and heavy breathing are considered especially alarming signs. Repeated vomiting with aggravating signs of deterioration in health is dangerous due to dehydration.

    The main causes of vomiting in infants:

    • Lure.
    • Transfer to a new mixture.
    • Overnutrition.
    • Poisoning.
    • Hygiene.
    • Intestinal infections.
    • Viral and infectious diseases.
    • Foreign object in the digestive tract.
    • Appendicitis.
    • Concussion.
    • Neurology.
    • external stimuli.


    To avoid rejection of food when introducing complementary foods into the diet, follow the recommendations of the pediatrician. The baby needs to be fed with fresh, high-quality products, carefully processed, ground.

    If, after the first test of a new type of complementary food, the baby vomited, the digestive system is not ready for unusual food. It is necessary to postpone complementary foods for a month. Resume complementary foods after a week, in a smaller volume. If you experience allergic reactions to a particular type of product, you should consult a pediatrician.

    Transfer to a new mixture

    When changing the mixture, the baby's body reacts with nausea, allergies, and a change in stool. Vomiting occurs after feeding with a new mixture - a reaction to getting used to the old composition of the mixture. It is necessary to abandon the introduction of a new type of mixture and choose, together with the pediatrician, the right one. The new mixture is introduced gradually from 10 milliliters.


    For children of the first year of life, the organization of feeding is an important responsibility of parents. Food helps babies grow healthy. Overeating does not contribute to energy, activity.

    If a one-time nausea immediately appears in a one-month-old baby after feeding with milk, the reason is overeating. The baby cries, arches.

    When part of the food is rejected from overeating, it is required to reduce portions. After eating, try not to shake, do not bathe the child.


    The main reaction of the body in case of poisoning with poor-quality food products, medicines is to remove the poison from the stomach so that it does not enter the bloodstream. Need to induce nausea. Without vomiting, it is impossible to get rid of toxic substances. Vomiting should occur as an aid to poisoning. The condition quickly worsens, diarrhea, weakness, whims appear. In case of poisoning, intestinal infection, vomiting is yellow.

    The baby needs to be offered some water every ten minutes, first in small portions, bringing it up to 30 milliliters. To remove toxins, an adsorbent is given. Then we turn to the doctor.


    Failure to comply with the hygienic standards of nutrition of children causes food to be wasted. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene.

    With artificial feeding, after the mixture, they are thoroughly washed, the bottles are boiled. Before preparing the mixture, wash hands, kitchen surfaces, utensils.

    When breastfeeding, a nursing woman should eat right, feed the baby with clean breasts. After breastfeeding, the breasts are washed.

    When breastfeeding, mom should not eat allergenic, harmful foods. The health and immunity of the baby depends on breast milk.

    Intestinal infections

    An intestinal infection is similar to poisoning. The symptoms are similar - fever, liquid diarrhea, severe vomiting. Do not treat an intestinal infection at home, call a doctor. Due to fluid loss, the child's condition worsens, frequent nausea worsens the situation. The infection covers new parts of the body. In the hospital, under a dropper, you can compensate for the lost water from the body. Treatment will help neutralize harmful bacteria, improve the condition of a small patient.

    Viral and infectious diseases

    The eruption of food debris is caused by a variety of infections, viruses. The child looks sick, does not eat, sleeps a lot, has a temperature. Temperature is a consequence of infectious, viral diseases.

    To determine the treatment, the type of disease, we go to the hospital.

    Foreign object in the digestive tract

    If vomiting occurs without deterioration of health, the probable cause is the ingestion of a foreign object. It often occurs in a seven-month-old child when there is an energetic cognition of the outside world. Muscle contraction causes nausea, blood and mucus are present in the erupted masses.

    It is necessary to call an ambulance when, with the help of the expulsion of the contents of the stomach, it was not possible to push the foreign object out, the baby began to suffocate.


    Vomiting is common with appendicitis. Occurs abruptly, occurs infrequently. There is lethargy, weakness, pain, nausea. Independently, the parent of the baby does not diagnose appendicitis, only with additional medical studies. You need to see a doctor.


    When the baby rolls over, he tries to consider everything, injuries are possible. Often a five-month-old baby has a concussion. If during the fall the baby vomited, the baby cries for a long time, lost consciousness, call an ambulance.


    With neurological disorders, the baby often cries, vomits. If during a planned visit to the pediatrician it was advised to consult a neurologist, do not neglect the advice. Neurological diseases are accompanied by:

    • rejection of food eaten;
    • excitability, lethargy;
    • muscle tone;
    • convulsions, tremors.

    It is worth starting treatment from the first months of life, increasing the chances of recovery.

    External stimuli

    Vomiting appears due to external irritating factors. Swallowing air when crying, force-feeding contribute to such a reaction. When seasick in transport, the baby is sick, he will vomit. With sunstroke, the consequence of overheating is nausea. Teething is not asymptomatic, accompanied by the eruption of food debris.

    What to do?

    The parent should understand what to do in case of rejection of food before contacting a medical facility. Baby first aid:

    • Lay the patient on their side or hold them upright.
    • After vomiting, clean and ventilate the room.
    • Rinse your mouth with water.
    • Be calm, collected.
    • Leave vomit - see a doctor.
    • Give a drink in a small spoon at short intervals.

    How long to give liquid? Boiled water is brought every five minutes. If not treated in time, complications will arise - dehydration, weight loss, blockage of the respiratory tract with vomit.


    Nausea is an alarming symptom that requires medical attention. Call an ambulance for symptoms:

    • Prolonged crying.
    • Repeated rejection of food.
    • Falling from height.
    • Heat.
    • Blood in vomit.
    • The kid does not accept drink, food.
    • Frequent diarrhea.
    • No stool, no urine.

    Parents know that in the first years of life, the baby frequent vomiting. This phenomenon looks like the release of previously eaten food through the mouth. Sometimes some parents think that vomiting and spitting up are the same thing. However, this is misleading. When spitting up, food is excreted through the mouth due to overeating. When a newborn vomits, it is due to spasms in the lower stomach. But there are cases when vomiting also arose as a result of overeating.

    If the baby constantly releases food masses from the stomach through the mouth, then this is a reason to be wary. It is possible that this is due to the not fully developed gastrointestinal tract, which is not yet able to effectively perform its basic functions. You should not worry about this, because it takes quite a lot of time for the baby and his body to adapt to this world.

    But children grow up quite quickly, and therefore very soon their body will learn Right process food. If, after a few weeks, and even more so months, vomiting in the baby does not disappear, and the frequency of its manifestation remains at the same level, then this is a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

    If you are increasingly experiencing gastric emptying in your child, keep in mind that it may indicate the presence of a serious illness. Due to frequent vomiting in the baby, dehydration. At the same time, there is a threat to his life if the vomit can enter the respiratory tract. Therefore, young parents need to be especially attentive to how the child behaves in the first years of his life.

    Types and causes

    The first thing I would like to say is that there are several types of vomiting that can occur in the first years of life in infants:

    • regurgitation;
    • vomiting and diarrhea;
    • after feeding;
    • fountain;
    • ordinary.

    Vomiting in the baby, which manifests itself in the form of an independent eruption and spasms of the stomach, as a result of which not only food, but also other formations come out - slime, blood, indicates that the child has a certain disease. This pathology can occur in a little man for a variety of reasons. Experts currently distinguish several main ones:

    • uremia;
    • urinary tract infection;
    • injuries in the abdomen;
    • poisoning;
    • sepsis;
    • otitis media;
    • respiratory infections;
    • appendicitis;
    • intestinal obstruction. This pathological disease can be acquired or congenital.

    However, these are not all the reasons why a small child may experience symptoms vomiting. Observing the condition of the baby, you need to pay attention to the composition of the vomit. If parents saw in them not only milk, but also foreign formations in the form of bile, blood and mucus, then this is a signal that you should immediately consult a doctor for an examination. It is likely that a serious disease develops in the child's body, which can only be detected by an experienced doctor.

    Ordinary vomiting

    In the event that vomiting occurs in an infant infrequently without temperature and at the same time its composition is quite normal, this phenomenon can only be explained by a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

    If the involuntary release of food through the mouth is very rare, then most likely the cause of the pathology is infection of the genital organs. If appendicitis is the cause of the ailment, then it can be detected not only by vomiting, but also by sharp pains in the abdomen, due to which the baby will make piercing cries.

    If the cause of vomiting is a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, then a similar symptom of the disease is considered to be secondary. Be that as it may, vomiting, which makes itself felt not only by the release of liquid masses, but also by an increase in temperature, is sufficient reason to immediately undergo an examination in a hospital or call an ambulance at home.

    Young parents can very easily confuse vomiting with regurgitation, so you should elaborate on this. You should not worry about this phenomenon, since this often occurs in an infant due to overeating or air entering the stomach, which does not pose a serious threat to the health of the baby. When a child has regurgitation, only the remnants of food can be found when leaving the mouth. There is nothing to worry about, so there is no reason to think about the presence of a serious pathology.

    Vomiting after feeding

    Young mothers who have been caring for a baby for a long time gradually get used to the fact that after the next feeding, the baby begins to spit up. But in some cases, an atypical reaction of the child's body may occur in the form of an active release of food through the mouth. The first thought a mother might have is child poisoned by milk. However, it is not. All this is a consequence of aerophagia, that is, when a child swallows air while sucking at the breast. Vomiting in the clinical picture resembles regurgitation, but here the process of food excretion is more active, which can confuse young parents.

    In fact, this is not a reason to panic. Just when food comes out of the stomach in this way through the mouth, it indicates that the baby was not properly attached to the mother's breast. In such a situation, you need to do the following - remove the remaining air, and the drunk milk will come out with them. Most babies often burp after vomiting like this.

    You can prevent the recurrence of vomiting after feeding if you are careful while eating the baby. To do this, it must be kept in the correct position. When the baby finishes eating, it should be held for a while with a column - this will help remove air from the stomach that has got along with milk. After a while, you can hear the characteristic sound of belching, but food will not come out of the baby's mouth. Based on this, we can say that the feeding procedure was carried out correctly.

    Infant poisoning

    Vomiting in infants can be caused not only by the penetration of air into the stomach along with milk, but also by the wrong daily routine. If, after eating, the child immediately begins to play active games, or the parents begin to rock or shake him, then all this will eventually end with the appearance of vomiting.

    Just put yourself in the place of a child: even an adult can experience discomfort in the abdomen if, after a meal, they start shaking it or doing other similar actions with it.

    As a result, a favorable situation will arise for the reverse exit of food. This can happen with young children as well. Moreover, this happens much more often due to the fact that their body is not yet adapted to the new conditions of life. If the baby begins to sway immediately after feeding, then this will necessarily negatively affect the work of the digestive system. To prevent this from happening to your child, make it a rule not to disturb him for half an hour after eating.

    Vomiting fountain

    In addition to the negative consequences described above, after eating, the child can also sometimes experience vomiting with a fountain. This phenomenon can be explained by various reasons - overfeeding, the presence of serious diseases.

    If the baby is fed only with natural milk, then it will be very difficult for his parents to control the amount of food he eats. A baby can suckle for a very long time, which can eventually end with an overflow of the stomach. The physiology of young children is such that their stomach has a very small volume, and its walls do not yet have the ability to stretch. If he eats more than his stomach can hold food, then the internal pressure in it will rise and then spread to the valve of the stomach and esophagus.

    Due to the pressure, the walls of the stomach will begin to contract, and as a result, excess milk will come out as a fountain in the form of vomiting. The strength of the secretions that will come out will depend on the amount of milk eaten and the pressure it creates in the stomach.

    If such a phenomenon is observed extremely rarely, then parents need not worry. Another thing is if this type of ailment makes itself felt constantly. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to control food intake, and this is easy to do - using a regular bottle. After finishing the next procedure for feeding the baby, you need to hold him in an upright position for several minutes and watch him during this time. When the baby is in a horizontal position, the food he eats under the influence of the gag reflex can enter the respiratory tract, which can cause asphyxia.

    If, while observing the child, you notice that vomiting is still present with a fountain, and the reason for its appearance is in no way connected with overfeeding, then in this case you should show it to the doctor. It is possible that there is a serious disease of an important organ here.

    Vomiting and diarrhea

    What actions should parents take if the baby has diarrhea against the background of vomiting? The main thing is not to worry about this, because it is quite mild pathology which is very easy to identify and treat. If the baby has diarrhea, then most likely this is due to the penetration of a bacterium, infection or virus into the body. Faced with such a threat, the body will do everything necessary to remove the foreign body. It is the consequence of the struggle of the body with an external irritant that vomiting and diarrhea are. Also, some newborns diarrhea may be the result of poisoning.

    In addition to the already indicated symptoms, the child may have a fever. It can also help at home without visiting a doctor to identify the disease at an early stage. Against the background of diarrhea and fever, the child often has a state of weakness, the skin turns pale and the lips dry up.

    In a state where the baby has vomiting with diarrhea, the body temperature can rise to 39 degrees. From this we can conclude that qualified medical assistance is needed here. Very often in the summer months bacteria penetrate the children's body, causing poisoning. Therefore, if the baby has a fever against the background of vomiting and diarrhea, then this is a serious reason to show it to the doctor.


    If you notice vomiting in a child, then the first thing you need to figure out is whether this is a pathological process of excreting food from the stomach or is it just a normal regurgitation. Specialists have no treatment against vomiting, as it is nothing more than a symptom of a certain disease or pathology. In order to protect the child from vomiting in the future, reasons need to be established. that give rise to this phenomenon. And after these causes are eliminated, the child's health will return to normal, and he will no longer vomit.

    What should parents do if they notice vomiting in a baby?

    First you need to calm down. From this point on, carefully monitor the condition of the child. Pay attention to the composition of feces and shape. Still won't hurt you take a temperature measurement, by which you can also determine the state of health of the crumbs. And when you have all this information, you can go to the doctor and at the reception tell him about your observations.

    • After each involuntary release of food from the stomach through the mouth, it is always necessary to clean the mouth and nose from food debris and other foreign formations. After that, the baby needs to be given some water to normalize the water balance of the body.
    • If there is a suspicion of poisoning, then it is necessary to carry out a gastric lavage.
    • In a situation where the cause of vomiting was a viral infectious disease, the child is given antibiotics.


    Vomiting in the baby can occur for various reasons. In most cases, it turns out to be ordinary regurgitation, and you should not worry about this if it manifests itself without a temperature. But when, in addition to this symptom, there are other unpleasant signs for the baby, for example, fever, diarrhea, this indicates that the child has a serious illness. In any case, if parents have doubts about what exactly is happening with the baby, do not be inactive. It is better to immediately go to the doctor for professional advice.

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