Diarrhea water in a child treatment yellow feces. What to do if the child has yellow diarrhea? Bright yellow loose stools in a child

Often, mothers at the pediatrician's appointment hear the question - how are we? Far from the peanuts, a person will shrug his shoulders in bewilderment. Well, who cares how a child solves his toilet problems. But experienced mothers know that the color, texture, nature of feces and, in general, are an important criterion for assessing the overall health and development of the baby.

And if feces of a suspicious color, smell or consistency are found in a diaper or a pot, then the right mother will draw certain conclusions and visit a pediatrician with a toddler.

A normal stool in a baby in the first days of life is blackish-green in color.

Normally, adult feces are brown or yellow-brown in color. But digestion in children is significantly different from the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system in adults.

In infants in the first days of life, feces are black or. It's meconium coming out.
After 3-4 days, the color of the baby's feces changes.

If the baby is breastfed, then his feces will be yellow and soft, even liquid. If the child receives an adapted formula, then parents will find pale yellow excrement in the diaper.

Currently, infant formula is additionally enriched with iron to prevent anemia, so the feces acquire a greenish tint. The normal number of bowel movements in a child under the age of one year is from 1 to 3 bowel movements per day.

After 6 months, the baby begins to receive additional nutrition and his feces begin to approach the usual brown color.

When not to worry?

If the mother eats spinach, the color of the stool may change in the baby.

Yellow liquid feces may be normal in toddlers in their first year of life. When not to sound the alarm:

  • an episode of loose stools is isolated;
  • the baby is active, gurgles and is interested in toys;
  • there are no signs of fever and the appearance of intestinal colic;
  • the tummy is not swollen and does not boil;
  • feces are not offensive or frothy.

In this case, parents should calm down and enjoy life with the little one. Yellow feces can produce excess juices in the diet and a period of dentition. At this time, teeth are being cut, and this creates a load on them as well.

But in this case, diarrhea begins at the time of teething and lasts no more than a day. As soon as the tooth has broken through the gum, troubles with the tummy go away on their own.

Yellow liquid trouble in the diaper is caused by improper introduction of complementary foods. Eliminate new foods and introduce complementary foods under the guidance of your pediatrician.

Baby of the first year of life. Yellow feces as a sign of pathology

The color of the stool in a child depends on complementary foods.

If a baby starts having diarrhea of ​​any color, this causes anxiety, and even panic among parents.

At this age, the yellow tint of feces and their liquid consistency is not considered a pathology.

If the baby is breastfed, then the mother should first of all review her diet and exclude the intake, if any. Also, a banal food overload can cause a negative reaction in a baby.

A similar disorder can occur if the baby sucks only part of the milk from the mother. This happens when a woman, after listening to the advice of her grandmothers, that the front milk is expressed before feeding.

Previously, there was a myth that this milk burns out and therefore it should be expressed, and only then give the breast to the child. In this case, the baby receives only hind fat milk, but does not receive the front one - less fatty, but saturated with proteins. The end result is yellow.

The unexpected color of stool causes dysbacteriosis - a violation of the ratio of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic bacteria. In addition, this pathology may have the following symptoms:

  1. regurgitation of milk;
  2. pain and rumbling in the abdomen;
  3. increased gas formation;
  4. the baby worries, cries, pulls the legs to the tummy;
  5. development slows down, the baby does not gain weight.

If dysbacteriosis is suspected, it is recommended to take a stool test and, based on its results, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy to suppress pathogens and drugs to normalize microflora.
is not immune from intestinal infections, especially when the active period of crawling and exploring the world begins. You should sound the alarm in the following cases:

  • liquid feces do not stop during the day;
  • against the background of suspicious fecal masses, the temperature increased;
  • refusal of food;
  • vomiting appeared, especially if the urge to vomit cannot be stopped;
  • indefatigable crying, crying without tears and visible reasons;
  • the baby has sunken eyes or a fontanel;
  • in the feces there is mucus, pieces of undigested food after the introduction of complementary foods, blood clots.

This requires immediate medical attention to determine the causes of diarrhea. If diarrhea occurred during the treatment of other diseases, then you should also contact the pediatrician to change the treatment method.

Important! Diarrhea in a baby of the first year of life is fraught with dehydration and is a threat to life. Therefore, during treatment, drugs are prescribed to rehydrate the body. They are administered intravenously or orally, depending on the condition of the child.

Cause yellow feces anomalies in the development of sites, inflammatory processes in the intestines. In this case, in addition to diarrhea, additional symptoms will be observed.

Yellow diarrhea in older children

The first months in infants, loose stools are the norm!

Unpleasant symptoms in children older than a year and adolescents can be caused by a number of reasons:

  1. Poor quality and stale food, the use of prohibited foods.
  2. This is a kind of food poisoning. With a weak degree, it causes only a violation of defecation, in severe cases it is a serious food poisoning with pain, diarrhea, in severe cases, to disruption of other organs.
  3. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Violation of the development of the necessary.
  5. Fermentopathies can be acquired or hereditary; intolerance to certain foods and drinks is a separate category.
  6. The specific symptomatology of this disease in children is a reaction to certain foods. Often in childhood, doctors are faced with hereditary fermentopathy - galactosemia, phenylketonuria, celiac disease. In addition to yellow diarrhea, the child will have other signs corresponding to a particular pathology.
  7. Chronic inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis. Diarrhea is one of the symptoms of pathology. The correct diagnosis will help to put additional signs - soreness in the epigastrium of different locations, the nature of the pain, bloating, the appearance of feces and the frequency of defecation.
  8. Stressful situations, nervous strain.
  9. Violation of the balance of useful and conditionally pathogenic.
  10. Leukemia in acute form is a malignant disease of the blood. With this pathology, bleeding occurs from various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative necrotic processes in the intestine.

When yellow diarrhea appears, you should carefully monitor the condition of the child. If, in addition to a violation of defecation, additional symptoms appear, then you should definitely contact a medical institution.

What does diarrhea in a child say - the thematic video will tell:

Yellow diarrhea after antibiotics

Preparations of the antibiotic group destroy the pathogenic microflora in the intestine. But at the same time, beneficial symbionts that ensure the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract also suffer. Although sparing forms of antibiotics are currently being produced, some of which do not disturb the balance of the flora in the gastrointestinal tract and can be used for a long time.

In children, the balance between beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms is easier to break than in adults. And no one canceled the side effects of drugs. If diarrhea begins after taking, then you should monitor the condition of the child and consult with a pediatrician.

If the violation of bowel movements was single, then you should not stop taking the drug.

What should parents do before consulting a doctor?

Smecta is a remedy for diarrhea for children.

First of all, do not panic and observe the behavior of the child. Find out from older children what he ate, drank, just tasted and with whom he talked.

In babies up to a year of life, carefully monitor the process of eating, since with health problems they first of all refuse food.

If, despite diarrhea, the baby is actively breastfeeding or drinking a mixture from a bottle, then most likely the yellow liquid nuisance will pass on its own.

It is desirable to give enterosorbents to children from one year old in doses according to age. This is enterosgel, activated carbon. Even if the enterosorbent stays in the stomach for a short time, it will collect some of the toxic substances and remove them from the body. When vomiting occurs, start to solder with a liquid - boiled water, weak tea, ready-made solutions for hydration.

With an increase in temperature, the appearance of pain in the epigastrium, a deterioration in the general condition, the child should be urgently taken to a medical facility. Diarrhea can be a sign of a number of pathologies.

Therefore, if you cannot solve the problem with loose stools on your own and other symptoms are added, then the child needs to be comprehensively examined. Do not play with recipes and listen to the advice of strangers. You are wasting time and risking the health and life of your baby.

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  • What causes diarrhea in a newborn, what to look for and ...

The chair in a child is an important indicator in assessing the state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. A change in the consistency of stool or its color causes parents to worry. Diarrhea is the body's natural attempt to deal with invading bacteria and viruses.

In a healthy infant, the color of feces is light yellow. This indicates that the body has adapted to breast milk or the mixture is completely suitable for the baby. Eating only liquid food makes the stools mushy and yellowish. Some mothers may confuse with diarrhea.

The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in a newborn is sterile. Its settlement is gradual.

Causes of yellow diarrhea

At the age of one year, the enzymes that are produced by the pancreas are not enough for the complete digestion of food. The amount of bile that the liver produces is not enough for the feces to have the usual brown color. In the absence of additional signs of infection of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to worry about the liquefied and light bowel movements of the baby. Yellow diarrhea in a child indicates a malfunction in the functioning of the intestine.

Pale or bright yellow diarrhea should alert parents. There may be several reasons for the appearance:

  1. Intestinal infection. Yellow discharge of the child is accompanied by vomiting, fever. A baby may cry out loud. Older children are able to signal pain in the abdomen. In the feces, impurities of blood or may be observed.
  2. Rotavirus infections. They proceed without severe pain symptoms. The temperature rises quickly and does not decrease with the use of standard drugs. Yellow diarrhea is characteristic of the early period of the disease. As the disease progresses, the color changes to gray and becomes watery. The likelihood of dehydration increases. Often accompanied by vomiting.
  3. Allergy to food. A high degree of concentration of allergens in the body is caused by chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs, cow's milk and strawberries. These products can have a laxative effect. Substances that the listed food contains irritate the intestinal mucosa and are more quickly excreted from the body.
  4. Whipple's disease. The disease is dangerous and has symptoms in the early stages of development in the form of diarrhea, which is of a protracted nature, and fever. The color of the feces is predominantly light yellow. The cause of the pathological condition has not yet been identified. There is a theory that the impetus for the development of the disease is a violation of fat metabolism. If parents decide to refuse inpatient treatment, then the likelihood of dehydration increases significantly. There is a possibility of weight loss. Cells of the nervous system are susceptible to pathogenic effects. Vision loss can be one of the complications of Whipple's disease.
  5. Food poisoning. When using products with violated storage conditions, there is a risk of poisoning. The first signs are diarrhea and vomiting. If the feces have a yellow tint, this indicates that the body copes with intoxication on its own. Parents need to carefully monitor the condition of the child and prevent dehydration in time by taking special solutions. Diarrhea may leak.


With lactose intolerance, the baby's stool becomes frothy. This condition is typical for babies up to a year. After the introduction of complementary foods, the situation gradually improves. The presence of bubbles in the feces indicates increased gas formation. A newborn with such a symptom behaves uneasily, cries loudly. He may be bothered by colic and bloating. The consequence of an incorrectly diagnosed disease is often atopic dermatitis. Milk sugar is not broken down due to lack of enzymes.

One of the characteristic signs of dysbacteriosis is frothy diarrhea. The main reasons for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora are antibiotics or allergies. Broad-spectrum antibiotics kill not only pathogenic bacteria, but also microorganisms beneficial to the body.

Nursing women should carefully monitor their diet and the reaction of the baby to the food consumed. The presence of a large number of fatty, fried and spicy foods can provoke the formation of foamy feces in a child. The nutrition of the mother should not adversely affect the condition of the child.

Celiac disease is a congenital disease. Gluten, which is found in many foods, does not undergo splitting, since the body lacks the necessary enzyme. The abundance of protein causes irritation of the intestinal mucosa and provokes foamy diarrhea. The only way out in this situation is the complete elimination of foods with gluten.

Inflammatory processes of the digestive organs are accompanied by loose stools with a strong unpleasant odor. The child experiences pain in the abdomen. This is an occasion for immediate medical attention.

Liquid yellow stool in a child without fever accompanies a functional disorder. To restore the proper functioning of the digestive system, it is necessary to consume a large amount of water with nutrients.


Most often, parents try to cope with the manifestations of diarrhea on their own. The main danger for a small organism is a violation of the water balance. Thinking about hospitalization is subject to severe foamy or watery diarrhea that lasts more than two days. This condition is especially dangerous for young children.

Bright or pale yellow stool is a warning sign if:

  • the baby complains of pain in the abdomen or cries a lot;
  • signs of intoxication are growing;
  • the body rises more than 38 ° C and is not disturbed by the usual antipyretics;
  • the child has a fever;
  • there are traces of blood or mucus in the stools;
  • there is vomiting and nausea;
  • the baby refuses to eat;
  • the general condition deteriorates sharply.

When ascertaining at least one of the listed symptoms as an accompanying one, parents are recommended to immediately call an ambulance.

If loose stools in a child do not greatly affect his activity, then you should not panic. You should be attentive to the condition of the baby. There is always a chance that the baby ate something stale or did not wash his hands in time.

To accurately determine the causes of occurrence, it is necessary to pass tests. When hospitalized, this will be done without a referral from the pediatrician. In the absence of traces of infection in the body of a sick baby, they are transferred under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

The main component of the treatment of diarrhea is to prevent dehydration. Therapy of the condition consists in the use of an electrolyte solution by the patient. If diarrhea with foam is infectious, then antibiotics are used. Sorbents are able to remove toxins from the body and normalize the balance. Preparations containing lactobacilli will help populate the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria. Enzymes prescribed by a doctor will help break down food. It is not recommended to prescribe any medications on your own if the baby's condition worsens. The use of folk methods can lead to a greater complication of the situation.

Before the visible effect, three days should pass after the start of the course of treatment. Complete recovery of the damaged microflora is observed after at least four weeks. If problems associated with gastroenterology are detected, additional diagnostics and examination are required.


To prevent troubles associated with the digestive system, it is necessary to teach the child:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • do not lick dirty objects, especially those located on the street;
  • do not eat unwashed vegetables, fruits and berries.

Compliance with these rules will not be able to prevent diarrhea or abdominal pain. However, by following them, you can significantly reduce the risk of problems with the baby's digestive system.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Yellow diarrhea is primarily a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). This disease should not be treated negligently, as this can lead to dehydration of the body. And after the first signs of a weak stool, you need to find its cause. Further treatment depends on this.

Why is diarrhea yellow?

Yellow diarrhea is liquid stool. It is a consequence of intoxication or the body's reaction to interruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). The color of the stool and its consistency are of great importance, as they show the cause of the diarrhea. For example, sick babies have green feces. And if there are blood blotches in it, then this is a signal that the child urgently needs to be shown to an infectious disease doctor.

The terms "diarrhea" or "diarrhea"

Diarrhea, or, otherwise, diarrhea, is a bowel movement that has a liquid consistency of feces and a characteristic odor. Over time, the stool becomes more and more watery. At the same time, its color also changes. This may indicate the causes (and there may be many) of the disease. The color of diarrhea helps to separate diarrhea that is caused by food or water from that that is caused by pathogens.

Causes of yellow diarrhea

When yellow diarrhea begins, the causes may be different. This color of liquid feces can be caused, for example, by dehydration. For proper treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of diarrhea. It can be called:

  • intoxication;
  • bacterial infection;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • diabetes
  • menopause;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • violation of menstruation;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • gastritis and ulcers;
  • taking medications;
  • viral infection;
  • stress, prolonged depression, nervous strain.

Yellow diarrhea can be caused by salmonella, hepatitis or herpes simplex viruses. Sometimes loose stools are the result of taking antibiotics. But more often, the yellow color of diarrhea indicates an infection present in the human body. Diarrhea can occur due to changes in food and water. This reason is most often observed in tourists who often visit different countries and regularly encounter food and drink of different quality. Foods that are unusual for the body may contain products that have never been consumed in life. And the body can react to them with diarrhea. A common cause of diarrhea is dysbacteriosis or helminths.

Yellow diarrhea in an adult can occur due to stress (exams, problems at work, family or personal life). The cause is often a rotavirus infection or eating fruits and vegetables that have been treated with chemicals. Diarrhea can occur due to stomach flu or after contact with infected people. Often the yellow color of diarrhea indicates a serious illness:

  • hepatitis or other disorders of the liver;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland.

The occurrence of yellow diarrhea in children

Why does a child have yellow diarrhea? If the child is not yet a year old, then diarrhea is a common occurrence. Another thing is if it started suddenly, and especially in children older than one year.

The reason may be the use of fruit and vegetable juices. Therefore, doctors strictly monitor the diet when feeding babies begins. Diarrhea can also occur after switching to solid foods. In addition to the above, there may be several causes of diarrhea:

  • poor hygiene (dirty hands or toys);
  • cutting teeth;
  • elevated temperature;
  • colds.

The stool may contain blood, mucus, pieces of undigested food. In any case, if a child develops diarrhea, it is necessary to consult an infectious disease specialist to exclude infection with dysentery. It must be remembered that the child's body is very sensitive to dehydration, and its consequences can be very serious.

When yellow diarrhea indicates serious illness

Yellow diarrhea in children can indicate serious illness if:

  • the cause of the disease was stale food or unwashed fruits and vegetables;
  • with diarrhea, the temperature rises sharply (from thirty-eight degrees and above);
  • it bothers for a long time, and there is blood and mucus in it;
  • diarrhea occurred for no apparent reason;
  • diarrhea is accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • urine became much darker;
  • lips, skin began to crack;
  • urine is gone, no tears;
  • yellowed skin and eyes;
  • diarrhea is collective;
  • diarrhea appeared after a trip abroad.

When should you see a doctor for diarrhea?

It is necessary to pay attention to the duration of diarrhea. If neither medications nor folk remedies help within a week, then a doctor's examination is needed, since the reason may lie in diseases of various internal organs. You should also contact your doctor immediately if your stool suddenly turns red, black, or yellow. This may indicate internal bleeding or the presence of inflammatory processes.

Features of the treatment of yellow diarrhea

In some cases, with diarrhea, it is necessary to call an ambulance (symptoms especially affect children under one year old):

  • if the color of the diarrhea has turned yellow;
  • nausea does not stop;
  • vomiting started;
  • the child cries without tears (the threat of dehydration);
  • a sunken fontanel or eyes is noticeable;
  • dryness or yellowing of the skin;
  • the stool contains a lot of watery discharge, mucus or blood.

What is the treatment for diarrhea?

Yellow diarrhea can be treated in several ways. It all depends on the severity of the disease. For example, adults with diarrhea do not always see a doctor on time. As a result, the disease sets in, and instead of taking pills, doctors have to put in drips to avoid dehydration. In any case, with diarrhea, it is better to consult a doctor. Yellow diarrhea can be treated with:

  • Diet and proper nutrition. All products that cause fermentation and decay are excluded. Dishes should be pureed, semi-liquid, steamed or in water. Very cold or hot food is excluded. You need to eat five to six times daily in small portions. With diarrhea, you can not eat fatty meat, sausage and other meat products. Fatty broths, canned food, salted fish are excluded. As well as any dairy products, cereals, eggs, sweets, spices and sauces. From bakery products, only crackers can be consumed. You can not drink carbonated drinks, cocoa with milk and coffee.
  • Medicines. Adults can drink activated charcoal, Kaopectat, Smecta, Linex, etc. Doctors can prescribe Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Bactisubtil, Lactobacterin, Bifidobacterin.
  • Folk recipes (starch, herbs, etc.).
  • Acupuncture.
  • Homeopathy.
  • Purification of toxins and slags.

During the treatment of diarrhea, the possibility of dehydration is primarily excluded. Therefore, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible. This and the appointment of probiotics is the basis of treatment. Forms of influenza that have appeared in modern times are often accompanied by yellow diarrhea. Patients may confuse this with an intestinal disorder and, with self-treatment, begin to take the wrong drugs that are needed. And this only exacerbates the disease. You should also undergo an examination at the clinic twice a year.

Diarrhea is a condition in which a child has liquid bowel movements more than twice a day. This is due to rapid intestinal motility or as a result of improper absorption of fluid by the walls of the large intestine. Another possible cause of diarrhea is the production of an inflammatory secret by the intestinal wall. Various negative factors can provoke such a state. Their identification is important, since as a result of correct diagnosis, effective treatment is possible.

The main causes of diarrhea in children, why did the child have diarrhea?

Parents are not always aware of what causes diarrhea in children can be? Factors that influence the occurrence of diarrhea include:

1 incorrect anatomical structure of the gastrointestinal tract;

2 intestinal dysbacteriosis can cause severe diarrhea, frequent loose stools;

3 all kinds of intestinal infections are often accompanied not only by nausea and vomiting, but also by other stool disorders, such as diarrhea;

4 intolerance to certain foods;

5 the development of inflammation in the intestines often leads to diarrhea in a child;

6 chronic gastrointestinal diseases can manifest as symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea;

7 eating too much food;

8 taking antibiotics often provokes the appearance of loose stools in a child;

9 acute leukemia disease;

10 eating low-quality products, as well as products with an expired shelf life;

11 fermentopathy - a violation of the activity of certain enzymes;

12 enterocolitis - inflammation of the small and large intestines;

13 poisoning with toxic substances;

14 incorrect introduction of new food products into the child's diet;

15 inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract can provoke the appearance of diarrhea;

16 prolonged stress and nervous exhaustion;

17 penetration of the virus into the child's body can provoke diarrhea.

Types of diarrhea, what is loose stool?

If the child's diarrhea is not viral in nature, then, as a rule, it goes away on its own after a while. The most likely causes of this condition are eating hard-to-digest foods and teething. Also, the occurrence of such diarrhea is possible as a result of intolerance to certain drugs or due to an increase in acetone in the child's body.

Diseases such as dysentery, food poisoning, salmonellosis are the cause of viral diarrhea.

Types of stool disorders in the form of diarrhea, frequent loose stools:

1 rotavirus diarrhea occurs as a result of infection with rotavirus infection. This condition is aggravated by repeated vomiting, fever and headache;

2 alimentary diarrhea - occurs when monotonous foods are present in the child's menu or as a manifestation of an allergy to a certain food;

3 dyspeptic loose stools, the cause of which is the limited release of certain enzymes in the child's body. In this regard, the process of digestion of food masses is disrupted;

4 toxic diarrhea as a result of intoxication of the child's body with mercury or arsenic preparations;

5 neurological diarrhea that occurs under the influence of stress or nervous strain.

It is important to correctly evaluate the characteristics of the child's bowel movements in order to establish the cause against the background of the analysis. In any case, without the help of a specialist and additional tests, it is quite difficult to accurately establish the root cause.

The color of feces with diarrhea, what can it indicate?

An experienced doctor can determine the cause of diarrhea by looking at the color of the child's feces.

1 Green diarrhea appears when there is a viral or bacterial infection in the body. In this case, leukocytes accumulate in the feces and staphylococcal bacteria actively multiply, which gives it a greenish color and the presence of mucus. Even the child has pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, weakness, the temperature rises, the blood picture changes.

2 Yellow diarrhea most often indicates an increase in the motor function of the intestine, as a result of which its contents simply do not have time to take the desired shape. In this case, the child sometimes has sharp pains and heaviness in the abdomen.

3 The appearance of black or dark stool with diarrhea is possible in the presence of internal bleeding. However, you should not immediately panic, first you need to analyze what foods or medications the child used the day before, because the color of the stool also depends on this.

4 Diarrhea of ​​white or light color often occurs due to the fact that the food is not sufficiently processed by bile. This is possible in violation of the biliary tract.

Symptoms and signs of diarrhea

Laboratory tests are needed to establish the final diagnosis, but there are signs by which the type of diarrhea can be determined. One of the most common symptoms is an increase in body temperature. This is typical mainly for viral, bacterial and microbial diarrhea. In this case, an inflammatory process begins in the body, as a result of which the body temperature can rise greatly. Thus, the child's body resists viruses.

Another common symptom of diarrhea is nausea and vomiting. This happens as a result of improper passage of food through the intestines, and also as a reaction of the vomiting center of the brain to toxins that have entered the bloodstream. Loose stools are also often accompanied by sharp cramping pains in the abdomen. They arise as a result of increased intestinal motility and become much more intense before or during a bowel movement.

Impurities in the feces with diarrhea, what can they talk about?

Consider the main impurities that are found in diarrhea in a child:

1 The presence of blood in the stool during diarrhea indicates intense internal bleeding. This condition is typical for a severe intestinal infection, as well as in the presence of tumor formations that destroy the structure of the intestinal mucosa. If the color of diarrhea is dark cherry, then intoxication with all kinds of toxic substances and chemicals is possible;

2 The admixture of mucus in the feces with diarrhea often occurs as a symptom of a disease. Clear or light mucus indicates a favorable clinical picture (small poisoning or food poisoning). If the mucus acquires a greenish, brown or red tint, then the child has a severe course of the disease and the recovery process is delayed;

3 Watery diarrhea is common with cholera, and bowel movements occur frequently and in large volume. The state of dehydration of the body is deadly and requires immediate contact with a specialist and the appointment of competent treatment.

The appearance of bloody clots in the stool in a child with diarrhea should alert parents. It is important to immediately consult a doctor and carry out appropriate treatment. Blood loss often leads to anemia.

Yellow diarrhea in a child under one year old, causes

The most common cause of liquid yellow stools in children under one year old is poisoning with poor-quality food. In case of severe intoxication of the body due to poisoning, whitish foam can be seen in liquid feces. It is typical for very strong disorders that can cause dehydration of the baby's body. Dehydration of the body or exsicosis appears as a result of a sharp decrease in the amount of water in the body, combined with the loss of undigested nutrients that are not absorbed by the intestines.

The urge to nausea and vomiting indicate disorders of the body of various forms. In order to provide the child with the necessary assistance with bouts of vomiting, adults (parents, grandparents) need to know the factors that contributed to its occurrence.

Possible causes of liquid yellow stools in children under one year old:

Feeding introduction.

Dirty toys and hands.

Unwashed food and eaten food that was picked up from the floor.


Not digestion of breast milk by infants. A symptom of this pathology, in addition to loose stools, is the presence of whitish foamy discharge in the feces.

Parents must keep the situation under control. However, the best way out if a child who is not yet a year old has diarrhea is to call (or consult) a doctor.

Bright yellow diarrhea in a child, causes, what problems can there be?

With the appearance of liquid feces in newborns and infants, many parents begin to panic. However, it is worth remembering that such a chair for breastfed babies is normal. The state of bowel movements depends on the type of nutrition of the infant, that is, on what kind of feeding he is (breastfeeding or artificial). The baby's stomach digests artificial milk mixtures worse than breast milk.

If a newborn has liquid yellow feces, then this indicates the normal functioning of his gastrointestinal tract and the absence of any inflammatory processes in the intestines and the body as a whole. Since in infants the intestines do not adequately digest food, the stools will have a liquid appearance, and the color of the stools is influenced by food components that the small body does not yet perceive.

In some children, the intestines are simply not able to digest certain ingredients, such as milk sugar or gluten. A pathology in which the child's body does not digest milk sugar is called lactase deficiency. This disease can be congenital or acquired. The inability of the body to completely break down gluten (a protein found in cereals) is called celiac disease. This pathology is congenital. Stressful situations and experiences also affect the acceleration of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, the appearance of diarrhea in crumbs up to a year old.

What to do, how to treat a child if he has yellow, light yellow or bright yellow diarrhea?

Once again it is worth recalling that self-treatment of diarrhea and other abnormalities in children is strictly prohibited! The diagnosis should be established only by a doctor! The doctor should also prescribe the treatment regimen! If liquid feces of various shades of yellow appear, measures must be taken to restore the water-salt balance in the body and prevent possible dehydration. Throughout the entire period of treatment of the child, a strict diet is recommended, excluding food that is heavy for the stomach, crumbs, dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables.

Effective methods of treating crumbs are prescribed only by a doctor based on an established diagnosis. In the case when liquid yellow stools in a baby appeared due to the use of antibacterial drugs, along with a diet, it is recommended to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. For this, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with probiotics.

If the cause of diarrhea is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the use of serious medication is required. In this situation, yellow diarrhea is a symptom of some pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, a complete diagnosis and examination of the child is necessary. Rotavirus infection can provoke an upset stomach with yellow stools. It is quite common in newborn babies. There are no specific drugs for the treatment of this disease. In connection with this circumstance, doctors advise to follow a diet and drink plenty of water. As an additional supportive measure, you can brew tea from blueberries, onion husks or oak bark. An excellent strengthening agent is potato starch.

Treatment of diarrhea, what to do, how to treat diarrhea, frequent loose stools

If the diarrhea symptoms described above occur, the child should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible. He will prescribe a treatment plan. Dehydration of the body is especially dangerous, as a result of which all organs begin to work incorrectly and, as a result, death is possible. Restoring the water-salt balance must be done with the help of pharmaceutical preparations and only in those doses that the specialist has prescribed in order to avoid intestinal obstruction. Also, do not solder the child with milk, tea, carbonated drinks or sweet juices. To get rid of toxic substances, it is necessary to take enterosorbents. If diarrhea occurs while taking antibiotics, then the attending physician must prescribe prebiotics and probiotics to the child to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Often, mothers at the pediatrician's appointment hear the question - how are we? Far from the peanuts, a person will shrug his shoulders in bewilderment. Well, who cares how a child solves his toilet problems. But experienced mothers know that the color, texture, nature of feces and, in general, the process of defecation are an important criterion for assessing the overall health and development of the baby.

And if feces of a suspicious color, smell or consistency are found in a diaper or a pot, then the right mother will draw certain conclusions and visit a pediatrician with a toddler.

Normal stool color at different ages in children

A normal stool in a baby in the first days of life is blackish-green in color.

Normally, adult feces are brown or yellow-brown in color. But digestion in children is significantly different from the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system in adults.

Babies in the first days of life have black or black-green stools. It's meconium coming out.
After 3-4 days, the color of the baby's feces changes.

If the baby is breastfed, then his feces will be yellow and soft, even liquid. If the child receives an adapted formula, then parents will find pale yellow excrement in the diaper.

Currently, infant formula is additionally enriched with iron to prevent anemia, so the feces acquire a greenish tint. The normal number of bowel movements in a child under the age of one year is from 1 to 3 bowel movements per day.

After 6 months, the baby begins to receive additional nutrition and his feces begin to approach the usual brown color.

When not to worry?

If the mother eats spinach, the color of the stool may change in the baby.

Yellow liquid feces may be normal in toddlers in their first year of life. When not to sound the alarm:

  • an episode of loose stools is isolated;
  • the baby is active, gurgles and is interested in toys;
  • there are no signs of fever and the appearance of intestinal colic;
  • the tummy is not swollen and does not boil;
  • feces are not offensive or frothy.

In this case, parents should calm down and enjoy life with the little one. Yellow feces can produce excess juices in the diet and a period of dentition. At this time, teeth are cut, and this creates a load on the digestive system as well.

But in this case, diarrhea begins at the time of teething and lasts no more than a day. As soon as the tooth has broken through the gum, troubles with the tummy go away on their own.

Yellow liquid trouble in the diaper is caused by improper introduction of complementary foods. Eliminate new foods and introduce complementary foods under the guidance of your pediatrician.

Baby of the first year of life. Yellow feces as a sign of pathology

The color of the stool in a child depends on complementary foods.

If a baby starts having diarrhea of ​​any color, this causes anxiety, and even panic among parents.

At this age, the yellow tint of feces and their liquid consistency is not considered a pathology.

If the baby is breastfed, then the mother should first of all review her diet and exclude medication, if any. Also, a banal food overload can cause a negative reaction in a baby.

A similar disorder can occur if the baby sucks only part of the milk from the mother. This happens when a woman, after listening to the advice of her grandmothers, that the front milk is expressed before feeding.

Previously, there was a myth that this milk burns out and therefore it should be expressed, and only then give the breast to the child. In this case, the baby receives only hind fat milk, but does not receive the front one - less fatty, but saturated with proteins. The result is yellow diarrhea.

The unexpected color of stool causes dysbacteriosis - a violation of the ratio of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic bacteria. In addition, this pathology may have the following symptoms:

  1. regurgitation of milk;
  2. belching;
  3. pain and rumbling in the abdomen;
  4. increased gas formation;
  5. the baby worries, cries, pulls the legs to the tummy;
  6. development slows down, the baby does not gain weight.

If dysbacteriosis is suspected, it is recommended to take a stool test and, based on its results, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy to suppress pathogens and drugs to normalize microflora.
An infant is not immune from intestinal infections, especially when an active period of crawling and exploring the world begins. You should sound the alarm in the following cases:

  • liquid feces do not stop during the day;
  • against the background of suspicious fecal masses, the temperature increased;
  • refusal of food;
  • vomiting appeared, especially if the urge to vomit cannot be stopped;
  • indefatigable crying, crying without tears and visible reasons;
  • the baby has sunken eyes or a fontanel;
  • in the feces there is mucus, pieces of undigested food after the introduction of complementary foods, blood clots.

This requires immediate medical attention to determine the causes of diarrhea. If diarrhea occurred during the treatment of other diseases, then you should also contact the pediatrician to change the treatment method.

Important! Diarrhea in a baby of the first year of life is fraught with dehydration and is a threat to life. Therefore, during treatment, drugs are prescribed to rehydrate the body. They are administered intravenously or orally, depending on the condition of the child.

Anomalies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes in the intestines cause yellow feces. In this case, in addition to diarrhea, additional symptoms will be observed.

Yellow diarrhea in older children

The first months in infants, loose stools are the norm!

Unpleasant symptoms in children older than a year and adolescents can be caused by a number of reasons:

  1. Poor quality and stale food, the use of prohibited foods.
  2. This is a kind of food poisoning. With a weak degree, it causes only a violation of defecation, in severe cases it is a serious food poisoning with pain, diarrhea, in severe cases, to disruption of other organs.
  3. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Violation of the production of necessary digestive enzymes.
  5. Fermentopathies can be acquired or hereditary; intolerance to certain foods and drinks is a separate category.
  6. The specific symptomatology of this disease in children is a reaction to certain foods. Often in childhood, doctors are faced with hereditary fermentopathy - galactosemia, phenylketonuria, celiac disease. In addition to yellow diarrhea, the child will have other signs corresponding to a particular pathology.
  7. Chronic inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis. Diarrhea is one of the symptoms of pathology. The correct diagnosis will help to put additional signs - soreness in the epigastrium of different locations, the nature of the pain, bloating, the appearance of feces and the frequency of defecation.
  8. Stressful situations, nervous strain.
  9. Violation of the balance of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic intestinal microflora.
  10. Leukemia in acute form is a malignant disease of the blood. With this pathology, bleeding occurs from various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative necrotic processes in the intestine.

When yellow diarrhea appears, you should carefully monitor the condition of the child. If, in addition to a violation of defecation, additional symptoms appear, then you should definitely contact a medical institution.

What does diarrhea in a child say - the thematic video will tell:

Yellow diarrhea after antibiotics

Preparations of the antibiotic group destroy the pathogenic microflora in the intestine. But at the same time, beneficial symbionts that ensure the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract also suffer. Although sparing forms of antibiotics are currently being produced, some of which do not disturb the balance of the flora in the gastrointestinal tract and can be used for a long time.

In children, the balance between beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms is easier to break than in adults. And no one canceled the side effects of drugs. If diarrhea begins after taking antibiotics, then you should monitor the child's condition and consult a pediatrician.

If the violation of bowel movements was single, then you should not stop taking the drug.

What should parents do before consulting a doctor?

Smecta is a remedy for diarrhea for children.

First of all, do not panic and observe the behavior of the child. Find out from older children what he ate, drank, just tasted and with whom he talked.

In babies up to a year of life, carefully monitor the process of eating, since with health problems they first of all refuse food.

If, despite diarrhea, the baby is actively breastfeeding or drinking a mixture from a bottle, then most likely the yellow liquid nuisance will pass on its own.

It is desirable to give enterosorbents to children from one year old in doses according to age. These are enterosgel, smecta, activated carbon. Even if the enterosorbent stays in the stomach for a short time, it will collect some of the toxic substances and remove them from the body. When vomiting occurs, start to solder with a liquid - boiled water, weak tea, ready-made solutions for hydration.

With an increase in temperature, the appearance of pain in the epigastrium, a deterioration in the general condition, the child should be urgently taken to a medical facility. Diarrhea can be a sign of a number of pathologies.

Therefore, if you cannot solve the problem with loose stools on your own and other symptoms are added, then the child needs to be comprehensively examined. Do not play with traditional medicine recipes and listen to the advice of strangers. You are wasting time and risking the health and life of your baby.

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The child's body has its own characteristics of functioning. The gastrointestinal tract is no exception. In babies, it is still immature, and the secretory function of the digestive glands is low. The color of bowel movements depends on many factors, including the food you eat. Since the main food of infants is milk, it is not surprising that the color of feces and the frequency of bowel movements differ from adults. What should I do if my child has yellow diarrhea? What is the normal amount of feces in infants?

Normal breast stool

Diarrhea is an increased frequency of bowel movements. The motor function of the intestines in a one-month-old child is quite energetic, which is manifested by frequent bowel movements: in the first two weeks in a newborn - 3-5 times, during the first year of life - 1-3 times a day, in a one-year-old child - 1-2 times a day. In infants, the process of defecation is a spontaneous (reflex) act, and starting from the age of two, defecation is a voluntary (conscious) process.

The first bowel movement in a child occurs during the first day of life and is called meconium (original feces). It consists of epithelial cells, bile, enzymes and has a greenish-black color. The manifestation of meconium is necessarily recorded in the history of the development of the newborn, as this indicates intestinal patency. The stool in a breastfed baby has a yellow color, the consistency of liquid sour cream with a sour smell.

Since artificial formulas for feeding are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract longer than breast milk, the child can defecate 2 times less often. In this case, the volume of fecal masses will be greater. The stool in an artificially fed baby has a light yellow color with an unpleasant odor. If formula is not well absorbed in the digestive tract, white lumps may appear in the stool.

Normal stool in a child has color shades ranging from bright yellow to light yellow. The color of the feces begins to change and becomes brown only after the introduction of complementary foods at 6 months. In the first year of a child's life, yellow loose stools are not a pathology and do not require treatment.

Causes of diarrhea

Why does yellow diarrhea occur in a child? In a small child, liquid yellow stools can occur for a number of reasons:

  • violation of the feeding regimen;
  • improper introduction of complementary foods;
  • changing the diet of a nursing mother;
  • intestinal infections;
  • diseases of the stomach, pancreas, liver;
  • overfeeding the baby;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • teething.

In an infant, diarrhea after antibiotics may occur due to the suppression of normal intestinal microflora by antibacterial drugs. In this case, it is necessary to pass a stool culture for dysbacteriosis, a stool analysis for opportunistic microflora and a coprogram. According to the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Loose stools in babies often occur during teething. At the same time, the baby begins to salivate profusely and the temperature may even rise slightly.

Rapid liquid foamy yellow stools in a newborn may be a sign of physiological dysbacteriosis. It occurs during the first two weeks of a child's life, as the intestines are actively populated by new microflora. At the beginning of the 3rd week in healthy full-term babies after feeding with mother's milk, this condition self-destructs. A sign of dysbacteriosis can also be frequent loose stools with white lumps.

Foamy diarrhea in a child without fever occurs with lactase deficiency, increased gas formation, and with an allergy to foods that a nursing mother eats.

When to see a doctor?

In the first months of life, it is quite difficult for parents to determine whether a child has diarrhea, since defecation occurs much more often than in adults.

Signs of "danger":

  • the number of daily acts of defecation exceeds the norm;
  • accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • the child refuses to eat;
  • diarrhea with foam in a child;
  • yellow diarrhea with mucus;
  • watery stool;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • the baby is constantly restless, crying, knocking with his legs or lethargic;
  • signs of dehydration: the fontanel sinks in the newborn, the mucous membranes are dry;
  • mucus in the feces, after the introduction of complementary foods, there may be pieces of undigested food.

If at least one of the above symptoms appears, then you should immediately contact a pediatrician to determine the causes of diarrhea in children.

In a newborn, loose stools with “water” always lead to dehydration and are a very dangerous condition. What to do in this case? Treatment involves adequate replenishment of the body's water balance. Rehydration agents are administered intravenously or orally, depending on the degree of fluid loss.

Frequent loose stools with white lumps may indicate severe intestinal dysbacteriosis. Also, this condition can be in children who are bottle-fed, since not all mixtures are equally well digested in the child's gastrointestinal tract.

Types of diarrhea

Foamy diarrhea in infants, which has a pungent odor and is accompanied by fever, as well as intoxication, indicates the presence of an intestinal infection. Classification of acute intestinal infections by type of diarrhea:

  • invasive type. Acute intestinal infections of bacterial etiology. Caused by salmonella, shigella, some types of Escherichia, Yersinia and other pathogens. Pathogens can invade the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract and cause foamy feces. Watery diarrhea with mucus in a child is yellow-green in color with blood impurities, often indicates salmonellosis. Fecal masses of green color and a small amount (“rectal spit”) indicate the occurrence of shigellosis.
  • secretory type. Such diarrhea in an infant can be of bacterial etiology (Vibrio cholerae, enterotoxigenic Escherichia, Klebsiella, Campylobacter, etc.) or viral (rotaviruses, coronaviruses). These pathogens multiply only on the surface of the intestinal epithelium. This type of diarrhea causes a very loose stool in a newborn, which looks like “water”. Yellow diarrhea in an infant and older is a clear sign of a rotavirus infection.
  • Mixed type. Caused by a mixed infection, clinical signs include symptoms of both invasive and secretory types.

To isolate the alleged pathogen, feces, vomit, gastric lavage are used, where it is identified by bacteriological examination. Its main disadvantage is a long holding time (5-7 days), sometimes diarrhea in a newborn can be cured even before results are obtained. Serological studies are also used to detect the titer of antibodies to a specific pathogen.

Treatment of acute intestinal infections is prescribed by a doctor, since loose stools in an infant can quickly lead to dehydration with severe consequences. Rehydration, detoxification therapy is prescribed, and in case of bacterial infections - antibacterial drugs.

Prevention of yellow diarrhea

In a newborn, diarrhea is easier to prevent than to treat. To this end, you must adhere to the rules:

  • a nursing mother should be on a hypoallergenic diet;
  • follow the rules for the introduction of complementary foods (at 6 months - vegetable puree, at 8-9 months - low-fat mashed
  • meat, at 10-12 months. - steamed fish cakes);
  • keep child care facilities clean;
  • observe the expiration dates of food;
  • carefully thermally process food;
  • do not allow the child to be fed cow's milk.

Liquid yellow stools in a newborn are the norm. If diarrhea occurs, frothy, watery or greenish stools appear, you should contact your pediatrician.

A fairly common pathological condition in children is yellow diarrhea. This pathological process is a kind of protective reaction to the influence of negative external factors. When a yellow color appears that does not go away for a long period, it is imperative to take the help of a doctor.

If diarrhea lasts more than 3 days, then you need to see a doctor.

The appearance of yellow diarrhea may indicate the development of an infection in the area.

In this case, the baby has loose stools, which includes undigested pieces of food. The baby goes to the toilet more than 6 times a day. Patients complain of the appearance of soreness during the period.

If the mucous membrane of the large intestine is affected by an infectious process in a child, this leads to an increase in the process of emptying. When the baby has severe spasms, which he cannot fully tolerate. Also, children complain of the appearance of soreness of a cutting nature.

In some cases, there is fecal incontinence in the baby. The child can be emptied in this case up to 10 times a day. With active and prolonged diarrhea, the baby may experience dehydration. That is why when this pathological condition appears, it is necessary to immediately begin its treatment.

If there is yellow diarrhea in the baby and at the same time the child is crying a lot, and his lips are cracking, then it is urgent to call. Diarrhea in yellow children is a sign of serious diseases of the digestive tract. That is why if the process lasts more than three days, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Causes of diarrhea

Improper functioning of the body causes diarrhea.

Yellow diarrhea can occur due to the influence of various factors. Most often, pathology is observed against the background.

In some children, the disease occurs when. If chronic diseases are exacerbated in a small patient, this can lead to the appearance of yellow diarrhea.

Yellow diarrhea is often a symptom of a variety of viral diseases.
A pathological condition may indicate a malfunction of the baby's body.

In this case, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the child to determine the cause of the pathology. In the first year of life in babies, yellow diarrhea is the norm. If the pathological condition is observed for no more than three days, then parents should not worry. Sudden and prolonged diarrhea requires seeking qualified medical attention.

During the development of diarrhea against the background of various diseases, the appearance of severe and dangerous dehydration can be observed. in children, it can occur against the background of bacterial or viral infections. Also, the cause of the pathology is often helminthic invasions. Diarrhea can occur not only against the background of the appearance of bacteria in the body, but also their toxins.

Quite often, pathology is observed when drinking untreated water. Also, the disease can be diagnosed with food poisoning. If a child eats native foods, then this can cause pathology. Yellow diarrhea can be diagnosed if the rules of personal hygiene are not followed correctly.

After the transfer of intestinal infections, a weakening of the human immune system is observed. That is why re-infection may occur. Quite often, diarrhea is a symptom of various diseases. Most often, the pathological condition is diagnosed against the background of:

  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • bowel intussusception;
  • Inflammation of the walls.

Diarrhea in children can be diagnosed against the background of diseases that are accompanied by disorders of food digestion - cystic fibrosis, Hartnup's disease, lactase deficiency, etc. If the balance of the intestinal flora is disturbed in small patients, the appearance of a pathological process can be observed.

The cause of diarrhea may be. If a child has a certain catarrhal disease, then the development of pathology can also be observed with it. In older school age, the disease can occur against the background of irritable bowel syndrome. Diarrhea in yellow children can occur for a variety of reasons. That is why parents need to closely monitor the nutrition and lifestyle of the baby.

Symptoms of pathology

With diarrhea, there is an increased temperature.

The degree of development of the symptoms of the disease is directly affected by the cause of its occurrence and the degree of severity.

Its indicator quite often reaches 39 degrees. Young patients may complain of headaches. With the appearance of a high temperature in a child, increased sweating is observed. When examining a baby, an increase in heart rate is diagnosed. Yellow diarrhea in a child is characterized by the presence of pronounced symptoms.

Treatment of diarrhea

Imodium is an antidiarrheal drug.

If the child has diarrhea for more than two days, is characterized by high intensity and is accompanied by additional symptoms, then it is imperative to begin its treatment.

If the cause of the pathology is dysmotility, then the small patient must be given motility regulators. The ideal remedy in this case is, which is developed on the basis of loperamide.

With the help of this traditional medicine, the digestive system is restored to a normal state, which leads to the restoration of the absorption of liquids.

For the treatment of diarrhea in children of different ages, the use of sorbents is recommended, which is explained by their high level of safety, since they are not absorbed into. With the help of these medicines, fecal masses are strengthened and their progress is slowed down. Also, these medications absorb toxins that are present in the human gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary to take sorbents as carefully as possible and only after consulting a specialist. Most doctors recommend treating patients with probiotics. These substances are found in a healthy intestine and are participants in the digestive process. If you take drugs that include probiotics, this will lead to the elimination of disorders in the digestive tract.

Nutrients will begin to be fully absorbed, which will lead to the recovery of the child. Treatment of diarrhea is often carried out with the use of bacterial and antibacterial drugs. If diarrhea is observed against the background of an infectious process, then the child is prescribed antibiotic therapy.

With its help, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, which leads to the stabilization of the baby's health. If diarrhea develops against the background of dysbacteriosis, then it is necessary to use drugs that include representatives of a healthy one. Yellow diarrhea in a child can be observed for a variety of reasons related to the wrong lifestyle or more serious illnesses of the baby.

The pathological condition may be accompanied by additional symptoms, which requires urgent treatment. If yellow diarrhea is observed for more than three days, then the baby must be taken for examination to the doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe an effective treatment after an appropriate one.

Video about diarrhea in a child:

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Diarrhea (diarrhea) is frequent bowel movements, liquid feces (more than 3 times during the day). Diarrhea is a symptom or consequence of inflammatory processes occurring in the human body and directly in the digestive tract.

Diarrhea can be acute or chronic.

Based on the mechanism of occurrence, diarrhea is divided into:

  1. Hyperkenitic - a consequence of increased intestinal motility.
  2. Hypermolar - a violation of the absorption of water in the intestine.
  3. Secretory - increased release of sodium and water into the intestinal lumen.
  4. Exudative - a consequence of inflammatory bowel disease.

According to the causes of occurrence, diarrhea is divided into:

  • Toxic - poisoning with poisons or other dangerous drugs.
  • Infectious - when the body is infected with a viral or bacterial infection.
  • Alimentary - when eating monotonous and improper food, lack of vitamins.
  • Dyspeptic - a consequence of a lack of enzymes in the body.
  • Neurogenic - nervous exhaustion, stress.
  • Medication - a reaction to medications.

By duration, diarrhea is classified into:

  1. Chronic - from three weeks or more.
  2. Acute - usually takes up to two to three weeks.

Liquid stool color

The color of the stool can determine the cause of the disease.

By the color of the stool and the accompanying symptoms, it is most often possible to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe further treatment.

Green stools, along with a fever, usually indicate a bacterial infection.

If green diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then the nature of the diarrhea is of a viral origin.

Green mucus in loose stools indicates widespread or localized colitis. It appears due to the secondary reproduction of pathogenic coccal flora (enterococci, staphylococci) on the inflamed surface of the mucous membrane. The stronger the inflammation, the more abundant the green impurities in the diarrhea.

Yellow stool indicates the absence of infections and inflammatory processes and is a kind of norm in children. Such a manifestation may indicate accelerated intestinal motility, incomplete digestion of food, or intolerance to any of its components.

Black diarrhea is not always, but often should seriously alert parents. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, callas are usually black as tar.

But do not immediately panic, because the dark color can also be associated with previously eaten foods or medications taken. In any case, when such symptoms appear, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child and if the color of the feces does not normalize, immediately visit a doctor.

Too light or white diarrhea can be associated with liver disease or biliary tract problems and be the result of a disorder of bile production and the release of bile into the intestines. Also, with an increase in bilirubin in the blood, feces become discolored.

In any case, stools that are too light or white in color are a serious reason to see a doctor.

Impurities in diarrhea

If you have diarrhea with mucus, you should consult a specialist.

Diarrhea with mucus is not an unambiguous symptom; it can be a sign of overeating, eating low-quality food, or an inflammatory process in the intestines.

In the latter case, there are severe abdominal pain and fever.

Diarrhea with blood indicates the resulting destruction of the mucous membrane in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intestine.

The cause may be polyps, tumors, ulcerative colitis, diverticula of the small and large intestines, poisoning with poisons or chemicals.

In any case, an urgent examination by a specialist is necessary. Watery diarrhea, which has a fetid odor and a frothy character, clearly indicates the microbial cause of diarrhea. Often in children, such diarrhea is caused by enterovirus infections.

But if watery diarrhea was preceded by frequent vomiting, this may be a sign of such a dangerous disease as cholera. In this case, urgent hospitalization and intravenous infusion of saline solutions are necessary, since cholera leads to severe dehydration, which is extremely dangerous, especially for a child.

What causes diarrhea

A common symptom that accompanies diarrhea is fever, often indicative of a viral or bacterial infection.

Thus, the immune system fights foreign proteins by producing antibodies against them. This helps the body cope with the disease.

Another companion of diarrhea is nausea and vomiting. Nausea occurs due to a violation of the movement of food masses through the intestines. And by vomiting, the body tries to partially get rid of decay products and toxins, which, getting into the blood, are carried through the tissues and organs, aggravating their work.

Pain with the urge to defecate or during it, appears due to increased intestinal motility.


Treatment of diarrhea should be agreed with the doctor.

The most dangerous consequence of diarrhea is dehydration. Therefore, the restoration of water balance in the body is necessary in the first hours from the onset of the disease.

For this, there are special saline solutions that can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. But it is absolutely impossible to give juices, soda, milk, tea with sugar.

The use of antidiarrheals should be strictly agreed with the doctor, inappropriate doses of the drug can lead to intestinal obstruction. The use of enterosorbents is necessary both in case of infections and in case of poisoning, they will help to remove microbes and toxins from the body.

Well, the probiotics and prebiotics prescribed by the doctor will help normalize the intestinal microflora. In any case, it should be remembered that loose stools, high fever, dry mucous membranes and skin, vomiting, lethargy, various impurities in diarrhea, all this indicates serious health problems, and in this case, the child should immediately be shown to the doctor.

Folk remedies for diarrhea

Rice broth is a folk remedy for diarrhea.

If the cause of diarrhea is not a disease that seriously threatens the health and life of the child, then alternative methods can also be used to treat unpleasant symptoms.

It should be noted that such products also cannot be completely safe for your baby.

Herbs, like medicines, can cause an allergic reaction, therefore, before using any remedy, it is always necessary to consult a pediatrician. Consider the most popular and effective people ways to stop diarrhea:

  1. The use of rice water. To get rice water, one teaspoon of rice and five glasses of water are enough. Pour rice with water and cook over low heat until completely boiled. The resulting decoction is drained and given to the child every hour.
  2. Mint and chamomile are a much more pleasant drink than rice water and no less effective. In addition, chamomile relieves inflammation of the intestinal mucosa well. To prepare this remedy, you need one teaspoon of dried chamomile and a pinch of mint, pour a glass of boiling water all together, leave for 20 minutes and drink in small sips throughout the day. The result will be the next day.
  3. Hawthorn fruits not only help stop diarrhea, but also remove toxins from the body well. Plus, this is an excellent vitamin complex, so you can continue to use it even after the end of diarrhea, as a prevention of recurrent diseases. To prepare a healing decoction, take 5 grams of fruit, pour a glass of boiling water and additionally boil on fire for 10 minutes. Then take it off the heat and let it steep for a bit. After 30 minutes, your broth is ready, you need to drink it in a tablespoon throughout the day.
  4. Common cuff - this medicinal plant has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and, if used correctly, can quickly stop diarrhea. The most important thing is to avoid overdose, otherwise there will be a reverse effect and diarrhea will only intensify. To brew this wonderful remedy, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of an ordinary cuff with 1.5 cups of boiling water and let it cool to room temperature. Then strain and drink in small sips throughout the day.

If the baby has rare urination and dry mucous membranes, this indicates dehydration. To prevent such a dangerous condition, you need to drink plenty of water. To replenish the lost fluid and saturate the body with vitamins, you can use dried fruit compotes and a decoction of rose hips from folk remedies.

These drinks will definitely not harm the children's body. But even despite the harmlessness of dried fruits and rose hips, the use of folk methods and any self-treatment is categorically not recommended without consulting a pediatrician.

Prevention of childhood diarrhea

Proper nutrition will prevent diarrhea.

So, by learning to pay attention to elementary things and accustoming yourself and your child to the simplest rules of personal hygiene, you can avoid many serious health problems in the future.

What to do with diarrhea in a child, the video will tell:

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For a child during breastfeeding, yellow stools are the norm. Mothers should not worry if the mass is well formed, does not contain inclusions of a different color and structure. Another thing is frequent liquid bowel movements, accompanied by flatulence, a state of anxiety, refusal of food.

Diarrhea in this case is accompanied by fever, vomiting, urgent consultation of a specialist is required.

Yellow diarrhea in a child is a symptom of a possible disease, such as an intestinal infection or poisoning.

What determines the color of the feces of an infant

Subject to the diet and normal function of digestion, the infant has a soft yellowish stool of a uniform consistency, which passes well 1-2 times a day.

With a change in the mother's diet, the introduction of complementary foods, taking medications, reproduction of a certain type of bacteria in the intestines, the shade and consistency of feces can change.

Breastfeeding Addiction

The baby's stool of the first days of life has a greenish-black color due to the content of digested epithelium and amniotic fluid in the intestine.

The baby receives the mother's colostrum and the color of the feces begins to change, gradually becoming yellow. Greenish inclusions in the normal physical condition of the child and the frequency of stools no more than 2-3 times a day are also considered the norm and depend mainly on the nutrition of the mother.

Children who are bottle-fed have a more formed stool, and the frequency of bowel movements is more rare, 1 time per day or 2 days. The color of the stool is usually affected by changing the formula.

How to distinguish loose stools from diarrhea?

If loose stools in a child are common, then diarrhea can be recognized by the frequency of bowel movements (more than 4-6 times a day). Also signs of diarrhea in infants are:

  • A lot of fluid in the stool;
  • Feces in a small amount departs with any tension of the baby;
  • Greenish mucus stools;
  • Offensive (sour) smell;
  • Flatulence in a child;
  • The exit of bowel movements is a fountain.

Yellow diarrhea in a child is caused by flaws in the mother's diet.

The use of sour, carbonated, fermented foods cause fermentation in the intestines of the baby.

A more serious cause is inflammatory and infectious diseases, for which diarrhea in a newborn is a symptomatic sign.

When should you see a doctor?

If the mother has changed her diet to normal, follows a traditional diet, the child is given auxiliary preparations prescribed by the pediatrician to normalize the digestive function, and loose stools do not pass for more than 2-3 days, you cannot do without going to the doctor. Especially dangerous is the appearance of black or bloody inclusions in the feces. These are symptoms of severe intestinal disorders that require urgent hospitalization.

Diarrhea and fever, vomiting, general weakness indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, intoxication.

If the baby has liquid

yellow chair

more than 2 days, the color of the skin is pale, the lips are dry, this indicates dehydration - a life-threatening condition for the child.

Signs of dangerous diseases with diarrhea:

  • Temperature above 38°;
  • Diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting (a sign of poisoning);
  • Severe gas formation with pain in the abdomen;
  • Swollen, hard tummy of a child;
  • Sudden and frequent yellow liquid stools;
  • Changing the color of urine to darker;
  • Yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes;
  • signs of dehydration (chapped lips, no urine);
  • Infection is indicated by the appearance of diarrhea in several family members.

What to do?

Call the pediatrician or call the doctor at home. After all, a baby cannot independently tell about all the ailments that accompany diarrhea in a child. Self-administration of medications is not recommended. A symptom can be partially eliminated or "extinguished" its manifestations, and the real cause of diarrhea cannot be found. This is fraught with the development of the underlying disease or the spread of infection.

To support the body, protect against dehydration, let's drink plenty of fluids. You can dissolve the adsorbent allowed by age in water, apply Regidron. Smecta will reduce the manifestations of flatulence, soothe pain in the tummy a little.

Follow the diet. Infants prefer dairy-free mixtures with prebiotics. If the baby is already receiving complementary foods or has completely switched to regular food, provide a sparing diet:

  • Rice flock;
  • Porridge without milk;
  • Puree soups;
  • Light broths;
  • Baked vegetables;
  • Homemade croutons;
  • Kiseli.

Fruits with a high acid content, vegetables, fatty meats, concentrated broths, carbonated drinks, muffins are excluded.

To prevent the recurrence of loose stools in a child, follow a diet for at least a week. Get tested for bacteriological flora.

The video tells in detail about the dependence of the color of the stool, including yellow


If the baby's gastrointestinal tract has failed, be more attentive to this fact in the future. Proper functioning of the internal organs is the key to good health and good mood of the child. It will not be possible to engage in development if you are worried about bloating, intestinal pain, and stool disorders.

Diarrhea indicates the presence of irritants in the body. Eliminate them - and there will be no reason for the worries of the baby and parents.


The presence of symptoms such as:

  • smell from the mouth
  • stomach ache
  • heartburn
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • nausea, vomiting
  • belching
  • increased gas production (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer. These diseases are dangerous for the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to


exodus. Treatment needs to start now.

Read an article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their root cause. Read the material ...

The child's body has its own characteristics of functioning. The gastrointestinal tract is no exception. In babies, it is still immature, and the secretory function of the digestive glands is low. The color of bowel movements depends on many factors, including the food you eat. Since the main food of infants is milk, it is not surprising that the color of feces and the frequency of bowel movements differ from adults. What should I do if my child has yellow diarrhea? What is the normal amount of feces in infants?

Normal breast stool

Diarrhea is an increased frequency of bowel movements. The motor function of the intestines in a one-month-old child is quite energetic, which is manifested by frequent bowel movements: in the first two weeks in a newborn - 3-5 times, during the first year of life - 1-3 times a day, in a one-year-old child - 1-2 times a day. In infants, the process of defecation is a spontaneous (reflex) act, and starting from the age of two, defecation is a voluntary (conscious) process.

The first bowel movement in a child occurs during the first day of life and is called meconium (original feces). It consists of epithelial cells, bile, enzymes and has a greenish-black color. The manifestation of meconium is necessarily recorded in the history of the development of the newborn, as this indicates intestinal patency. The stool in a breastfed baby has a yellow color, the consistency of liquid sour cream with a sour smell.

Since artificial formulas for feeding are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract longer than breast milk, the child can defecate 2 times less often. In this case, the volume of fecal masses will be greater. The stool in an artificially fed baby has a light yellow color with an unpleasant odor. If formula is not well absorbed in the digestive tract, white lumps may appear in the stool.

Normal stool in a child has color shades ranging from bright yellow to light yellow. The color of the feces begins to change and becomes brown only after the introduction of complementary foods at 6 months. In the first year of a child's life, yellow loose stools are not a pathology and do not require treatment.

Causes of diarrhea

Why does yellow diarrhea occur in a child? In a small child, liquid yellow stools can occur for a number of reasons:

  • violation of the feeding regimen;
  • improper introduction of complementary foods;
  • changing the diet of a nursing mother;
  • intestinal infections;
  • diseases of the stomach, pancreas, liver;
  • overfeeding the baby;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • teething.

In an infant, diarrhea after antibiotics may occur due to the suppression of normal intestinal microflora by antibacterial drugs. In this case, it is necessary to pass a stool culture for dysbacteriosis, a stool analysis for opportunistic microflora and a coprogram. According to the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Loose stools in babies often occur during teething. At the same time, the baby begins to salivate profusely and the temperature may even rise slightly.

Rapid liquid foamy yellow stools in a newborn may be a sign of physiological dysbacteriosis. It occurs during the first two weeks of a child's life, as the intestines are actively populated by new microflora. At the beginning of the 3rd week in healthy full-term babies after feeding with mother's milk, this condition self-destructs. A sign of dysbacteriosis can also be frequent loose stools with white lumps.

Foamy diarrhea in a child without fever occurs with lactase deficiency, increased gas formation, and with an allergy to foods that a nursing mother eats.

When to see a doctor?

In the first months of life, it is quite difficult for parents to determine whether a child has diarrhea, since defecation occurs much more often than in adults.

Signs of "danger":

  • the number of daily acts of defecation exceeds the norm;
  • accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • the child refuses to eat;
  • diarrhea with foam in a child;
  • yellow diarrhea with mucus;
  • watery stool;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • the baby is constantly restless, crying, knocking with his legs or lethargic;
  • signs of dehydration: the fontanel sinks in the newborn, the mucous membranes are dry;
  • mucus in the feces, after the introduction of complementary foods, there may be pieces of undigested food.

If at least one of the above symptoms appears, then you should immediately contact a pediatrician to determine the causes of diarrhea in children.

In a newborn, loose stools with “water” always lead to dehydration and are a very dangerous condition. What to do in this case? Treatment involves adequate replenishment of the body's water balance. Rehydration agents are administered intravenously or orally, depending on the degree of fluid loss.

Frequent loose stools with white lumps may indicate severe intestinal dysbacteriosis. Also, this condition can be in children who are bottle-fed, since not all mixtures are equally well digested in the child's gastrointestinal tract.

Types of diarrhea

Foamy diarrhea in infants, which has a pungent odor and is accompanied by fever, as well as intoxication, indicates the presence of an intestinal infection. Classification of acute intestinal infections by type of diarrhea:

  • invasive type. Acute intestinal infections of bacterial etiology. Caused by salmonella, shigella, some types of Escherichia, Yersinia and other pathogens. Pathogens can invade the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract and cause foamy feces. Watery diarrhea with mucus in a child is yellow-green in color with blood impurities, often indicates salmonellosis. Fecal masses of green color and a small amount (“rectal spit”) indicate the occurrence of shigellosis.
  • secretory type. Such diarrhea in an infant can be of bacterial etiology (Vibrio cholerae, enterotoxigenic Escherichia, Klebsiella, Campylobacter, etc.) or viral (rotaviruses, coronaviruses). These pathogens multiply only on the surface of the intestinal epithelium. This type of diarrhea causes a very loose stool in a newborn, which looks like “water”. Yellow diarrhea in an infant and older is a clear sign of a rotavirus infection.
  • Mixed type. Caused by a mixed infection, clinical signs include symptoms of both invasive and secretory types.

To isolate the alleged pathogen, feces, vomit, gastric lavage are used, where it is identified by bacteriological examination. Its main disadvantage is a long holding time (5-7 days), sometimes diarrhea in a newborn can be cured even before results are obtained. Serological studies are also used to detect the titer of antibodies to a specific pathogen.

Treatment of acute intestinal infections is prescribed by a doctor, since loose stools in an infant can quickly lead to dehydration with severe consequences. Rehydration, detoxification therapy is prescribed, and in case of bacterial infections - antibacterial drugs.

Prevention of yellow diarrhea

In a newborn, diarrhea is easier to prevent than to treat. To this end, you must adhere to the rules:

  • a nursing mother should be on a hypoallergenic diet;
  • follow the rules for the introduction of complementary foods (at 6 months - vegetable puree, at 8-9 months - low-fat mashed
  • meat, at 10-12 months. - steamed fish cakes);
  • keep child care facilities clean;
  • observe the expiration dates of food;
  • carefully thermally process food;
  • do not allow the child to be fed cow's milk.

Liquid yellow stools in a newborn are the norm. If diarrhea occurs, frothy, watery or greenish stools appear, you should contact your pediatrician.

  • Color of bowel movements in a child
  • How to recognize diarrhea in a baby
  • Serious causes of diarrhea in older children
  • home mode

In infants, yellow stools are a sign of normality. This is due to the nature of their diet. But when the diarrhea in a child is yellow at an older age, you should be wary. Especially if it is accompanied by alarming symptoms: fever, vomiting, pain and bloating.

Color of bowel movements in a child

Liquid yellow stools for an infant are the norm. If he is bottle-fed, then his stool is pale yellow. The reason is poor assimilation of food as a result of underdevelopment of the intestine, the lack of all the necessary digestive enzymes for its complete assimilation. In older children, the feces are light brown, slightly watery. In adolescents - brown, decorated, of normal consistency. Yellow liquid stool in children after a year indicates such deviations:

  • stress or strong emotional experiences;
  • lactose intolerance,
  • celiac disease;
  • the body's reaction to certain drugs;
  • lack of bile salt.

Usually in these cases there are no other symptoms that would cause the mother to be afraid. Therefore, it is enough to take simple measures to eliminate the causes of yellow loose stools. With lactose intolerance, you do not need to include dairy products in your baby's diet. As you get older, this usually goes away. In cases where the cause of loose stools has become a long-term use of antibiotics, probiotics, intestinal antiseptics, antifungal drugs should be introduced. In this case, this measure is necessary, since the cause of liquid yellow stools is the destruction of beneficial microflora in the intestine by antibiotics. As a result, the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi progresses.

Teething may be the cause of diarrhea in young children. Sometimes it is accompanied by a slight temperature. The child does not sleep well at night, often cries. Intestinal upset often occurs in babies at the beginning of complementary foods and after the introduction of a small amount of a new product into the diet. In this case, children's enzyme preparations should be given to the child during and after meals. Even if the child is overfed with fresh vegetables, fruits or juices, yellow diarrhea can be provoked.

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