Why does an octopus have blue blood. Why do octopuses have blue blood

Octopuses are amazingly complex creatures. And it's not just the unusual structure of their limbs. They know how to think ahead, communicate and use improvised means when necessary (fortunately, they have as many as eight "hands"). It remains to be seen how they succeed. Scientists say the main reason is "blue blood". But why is she that color?

Copper pipes

No, octopuses do not belong to an ancient noble family, there are no august persons among them, and they do not wear a crown on their heads. The fact is that they actually have blue blood, and the substance that is responsible for such an unusual color allows these creatures to better adapt to the environment.

This substance is called hemocyanin and is a protein with copper atoms, which carries oxygen through the body with blood. Remember the color of copper sulfate? The blood of octopuses acquires the same shade: because it contains not red, but blue blood cells. By the way, humans and other land mammals also have a protein with similar functions. It is called hemoglobin, instead of copper, it is rich in iron and gives the blood a red color.

But why does an octopus need blood with hemocyanin? The fact is that these creatures live on the seabed, where there is very little oxygen, and they do not live long, so even for millions of years of evolution they could not migrate to more favorable conditions. Therefore, octopuses have three hearts that constantly pump the body with oxygen-rich blood. This is what hemocyanin provides. Thanks to him, octopuses can survive in conditions that are deadly for many other marine inhabitants - from -2 ° C to high temperatures of underwater ocean sources.

Eight-legged brain

But that's not all. An octopus is essentially one big brain that needs to be oxygenated. Its 500 million neurons are distributed throughout the head and body. Of course, this does not compare with 100 billion neurons in our brain, but octopuses do not claim the Nobel Prize, and their intelligence is enough for everyday needs.

For example, in Indonesia, octopuses collect halves of a coconut shell before a storm, and then use them as shelter: they climb into one half and cover themselves with the second. And Jean Boal, a behavioral researcher at the University of Millersville who studies the inner life of octopuses, is confident that octopuses are excellent at communicating and transmitting specific signals. When she tried to feed the experimental octopuses with rotten squid, one of them caught her eye and defiantly stuffed the squid into the garbage can.

Still, there is some kind of aristocracy in the blue blood!

It is impossible not to recognize the fact that octopuses are amazing creatures. And this applies not only to their unusual structure of the limbs. They are similar to humans: they can think, communicate and use improvised means if necessary (and they have as many as eight "hands"!). We can only marvel at this extraordinary miracle. According to the researchers, the primary factor is the presence of "blue blood". But why does it have such a color?

Copper pipes

"Blue blood" does not attribute them to the old family of noble blood, and, of course, you will never see a crown on their head. In fact, their blood is blue in color, and the substance that is responsible for this extraordinary color makes it possible for these individuals to better adapt to the external environment.

The name of this substance is hemocyanin, it contains a protein with copper atoms, with the help of which oxygen enters the body with blood. Do you know the color of copper sulfate? The blood of an octopus gets a similar shade, because it contains blue bodies, and not red as expected. By the way, humans and other mammals living on earth have the same protein with a similar role. Its name is known as hemoglobin, its basis is iron, it is he who gives the red color to the blood.

But why does an octopus need blood with hemocyanin? The fact is that these creatures live on the seabed, where there is very little oxygen, and they do not live long, so even for millions of years of evolution they could not migrate to more favorable conditions. Therefore, octopuses have three hearts that constantly pump the body with oxygen-rich blood.

This is what hemocyanin provides. Thanks to him, octopuses can survive in conditions that are deadly for many other marine inhabitants - from -2 ° C to high temperatures of underwater ocean sources.

Eight-legged brain

But that's not all. An octopus is essentially one big brain that needs to be oxygenated. Its 500 million neurons are distributed throughout the head and body. Of course, this does not compare with 100 billion neurons in our brain, but octopuses do not claim the Nobel Prize, and their intelligence is enough for everyday needs.

For example, in Indonesia, octopuses collect halves of a coconut shell before a storm, and then use them as shelter: they climb into one half and cover themselves with the second. And Jean Boal, a behavioral researcher at the University of Millersville who studies the inner life of octopuses, is confident that octopuses are excellent at communicating and transmitting specific signals.

When she tried to feed the experimental octopuses with rotten squid, one of them caught her eye and defiantly stuffed the squid into the garbage can.

Still, there is some kind of aristocracy in the blue blood!

"Wet in the toilet."
© Narodnoe.

Many traditions, legends and myths were left to us by our ancestors. Some came down to us in the form of fairy tales, others formed the basis of textbooks and became unshakable postulates.

Everyone, of course, has read the collection of Himalayan tales, many are familiar with the collection of Kamchadal myths. The differences are clearly visible. There are no gods in the fairy tales of Kamchadals. There are spirits, there are people, there are animals. Himalayan tales describe the life of the gods.

It is interesting that in no corner of the world there are legends about commoners - vampires. These are always representatives of the upper strata of society. At that time, such characters as mermaids, goblin, dwarfs, good and evil sorceresses in the fairy tales of any people do not have, as they said in the old days, class affiliation.


To live, a living organism must consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The transfer of these gases from the external environment to the tissues of the body and vice versa is carried out by the blood. Respiratory blood pigments contain metal ions capable of binding oxygen molecules and, if necessary, giving them away.

In humans, the respiratory pigment of the blood is hemoglobin, which includes ferrous ions. Hemoglobin makes our blood red.

The octopus has blue blood. Also in spiders and cuttlefish. The blue color is due to the pigment hemocyanin, an enzyme that contains copper.
In hemocyanin, one oxygen molecule binds to two copper atoms. In this case, the protein turns blue and fluorescence is observed. Hemocyanin, like hemoglobin, reacts reversibly with carbon monoxide, forming colorless compounds.
The ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen is 5 times higher than that of hemocyanin.
Monovalent copper compounds are easily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. Therefore, copper-containing enzymes that catalyze oxidation processes in the body are themselves rapidly oxidized, as a result of which their function is restored. However, copper plays an essential role in hematopoiesis. First of all, copper binds to albumin, then copper passes to the liver and from there returns to the blood serum as part of the blue protein ceruloplasmin. This enzyme serves as a regulator of copper balance and ensures the excretion of its excess from the body. Ceruloplasmin is not only involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, but also contributes to the formation of transferrins, blood plasma proteins that transport iron ions. So copper and iron are biologically related, playing a big role in metabolic processes.

Hemocyanin-based blood has some advantages, but even more disadvantages. Especially in terms of transport of carbon dioxide by the blood. With an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, the concentration of carbonic acid (H2CO3) increases, i.e. blood acidity increases (blood pH decreases). Hemoglobin also stabilizes the acidity of the blood. And if in an environment with a low oxygen content, copper can completely replace iron as a carrier of oxygen and carbon dioxide, like an inhabitant of the deep sea, an octopus, then in the earth's atmosphere, mammals do not.

Violation of the synthesis of ceruloplasmin leads to Wilson's disease - Konovalov. This is the name of a congenital disorder of copper metabolism, leading to severe hereditary diseases of the central nervous system and internal organs. When there is more copper in the liver than its binding proteins, their oxidative damage occurs. This leads to liver inflammation, fibrosis and eventually cirrhosis. Also, copper is released from the liver into the bloodstream, which is not associated with ceruloplasmin. This free copper is deposited throughout the body, especially in the kidneys, eyes, and brain.

The main role in the pathogenesis is played by a violation of copper metabolism, its accumulation in the nervous, renal, hepatic tissue and cornea, as well as toxic damage by copper to these organs. Violation of metabolism is expressed in a violation of synthesis and a decrease in the concentration of ceruloplasmin in the blood. Large-nodular or mixed cirrhosis is formed in the liver. In the kidneys, the proximal tubules are the first to be affected. In the brain, the basal ganglia, the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, and the substantia nigra are affected to a greater extent.

The Wilson-Konovalov disease gene is located on the long arm of the 13th chromosome. Men are more often ill, the average age of onset of the disease is 11-25 years. It occurs on average in a population of 3:100,000. The prevalence is high in closely related marriages.
© From smart medical books.

Zeus reigns high on the bright Olympus, surrounded by a host of gods.
Here is his wife Hera, and the golden-haired Apollo with his sister Artemis,
and the golden Aphrodite, and the mighty daughter of Zeus Athena, and many other gods.

© Nikolay Kun. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece.

"Traditions of antiquity deep" tell us that the gods came from heaven. Not a single fairy tale, not a single myth of any people of the world says that the gods (god) came from a neighboring village, a neighboring cave or from a nearby grove. Amazing unanimity! It is difficult to suspect Indians and Indians, Maori and Maya, Nenets and Germans of deliberate collusion.

From the book of Nikolai Kun, we learned in early childhood that nothing human was alien to the gods. Loving gods and goddesses often indulged in love with mere mortals. Perhaps Zeus himself walked "to the left" more often than others, twisting recklessly novels with earthly women. From such an affair with the beautiful Io, the first king of Egypt, Epaphus, was born. A descendant of which was the well-known invincible hero Hercules. Which neither a sharp sword, nor fire, nor water, nor copper pipes took. And the hero died, wearing a cloak soaked in the blood of a centaur mixed with the poison of the Lernean hydra.

"Traditions of ancient times" also tell us that "blue blood" served as a sign of "chosenness" and confirmed the right to reign. It is known that in ancient times only gods and their descendants from a love affair with earthly inhabitants could reign ... The gods, according to the legends of all peoples, came to Earth from heaven, possibly from another planet, since the gods of ancient beings are completely bodily. Like the notorious Mayans, like the ancient Indians, the gods are presented as celestials. And the blue color of blood is due to the fact that copper in the blood serves to nourish the body. In many ancient Indian images, the gods, moreover, have blue faces.

Atheists, ufologists and charlatans (however, there is an opinion that these words are synonyms) call aliens not gods, but humanoids.

Accordingly, since there was hemocyanin in the blood of the aliens instead of hemoglobin, in the crust of the planet where the gods came from, obviously, copper prevailed over iron. And the oxygen content in the atmosphere was less than on Earth. Arriving on Earth, the gods found themselves on a planet with a deficiency of copper and an excess of iron. We had to adapt to these conditions.

First, you need to continuously replenish your own body with copper.

Secondly, iron is more reactive than copper. Therefore, getting into the blood of the gods, it must inevitably strive to displace copper from its compounds.

The easiest way to ease these challenges is to follow a diet high in copper and low in iron. It is, first of all, grain. Cereals contain almost no iron. Almost all Mesoamerican civilizations - Olmec culture, Mayan civilization, Aztec civilization, etc. - owe their appearance and flourishing, first of all, to the culture of corn, because it was it that formed the basis of highly productive agriculture, without which a developed society could not arise. The special role of corn in the life of the ancient Maya was well reflected in their religious system, one of the central gods of which was the god of corn Quetzalcoatl.

The increased content of copper and the reduced content of iron in the food of the gods enhanced the antibacterial properties that the blood of the gods possessed due to copper in the blood. These antibacterial properties protected against terrestrial infections and provided alien aliens with longevity. Hence the belief in the immortality of the gods.

Since the blood of the gods does not contain hemoglobin, but hemocyanin, which slightly changes its acidity with a change in oxygen concentration, and therefore is less able to neutralize excess acidity with a change in oxygen concentration, the acid-base balance of the blood will inevitably be disturbed, its pH will drop. However, the gods figured out how to bring the acid-base balance back to normal.

From a school chemistry textbook it is known how: by adding alkalis or bases. And where to get them? It is appropriate to recall the well-known formula C2H5OH. Helps out the hydroxyl group OH. From the same Nicholas Kun, we know that the gods also invented wine, and the chief winemaker Bacchus, aka Dionysus, taught people how to make wine. Thus, drinking wine allowed the gods to regulate the acid-base balance of their blue blood. In the list of Mayan sacrifices (the very ones about which they lie that they predicted the end of the world in December) there are about a dozen alcoholic beverages from maize.

It should be noted that on Earth the gods, according to all, without exception, mythologies, lived high in the mountains. There is a lower concentration of oxygen. From this we can conclude that on the home planet of the gods, the atmospheric pressure and relative oxygen content are lower than on Earth.

Leaving on Earth numerous offspring with a fair amount of blue blood, the gods either ascended to their historical homeland, or ...

When crossing two heterozygous offspring of the first
generations among themselves in the second generation is observed
splitting in a certain numerical ratio:
phenotype 3:1, genotype 1:2:1.
© Mendel.

... Or it can be assumed that the myths about the immortality of the gods are somewhat exaggerated. The gods left the Earth, returned to their native planet, leaving behind, here and there, pyramids, Stonehenge, dolmens and other megaliths. Including auto-(?) portraits on Easter Island. As well as the legends of Atlantis and the second coming.

However, the time of the last coming of the gods (before the coming of Christ) to Earth is known. This happened about 1400 - 1300 years before the birth of Christ. The reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep the fourth (Akhenaton), 1375-1336. BC e. was a time of radical religious reform, which shook all the foundations of the traditional ancient Egyptian society, civilization and culture. The reasons for this revolutionary reform of Akhenaten have not been clarified by historians.

Also unclear are the reasons for the death of Akhenaten, who ruled for 17 years. It is believed that he was poisoned, even one of the paintings depicts an attempt on his life. He was buried in his tomb, carved in the rocks for himself and for the whole family. Later, his mummy was transferred to the necropolis of the Valley of the Kings. Researchers note an unusually long face and limbs of the pharaoh, excessive even for dolichocephals.

Many Egyptologists claim that the last goddess on earth was the unearthly beauty Nefertiti, the wife of Akhenaten. The images of the queen are well preserved. But for many centuries, enthusiasts have been trying in vain to find the mummy of Nefertitti. Many hot and big minds believe that Nefertiti arrived on Earth with a mission, after which she left the planet.
The son of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun (Tutankhaten), who ruled around 1332-1323. BC e. ascended the throne at the age of 10. The tomb of Tutankhamun is well preserved and therefore thoroughly investigated.

After a 9-year reign, having lived to be only 19 years old, which was established by the anatomical study of his mummy, Tutankhamun died. Tutankhamen's early death has sparked speculation that he was murdered by conspirators. Modern research suggests that Tutankhamun died as a result of an unknown illness, possibly caused by poisoning.
So, the reigning persons had a blue component of blood, the percentage of which, with further incest, became less and less. But, according to the inexorable laws of genetics, in aristocratic families, in some generation, according to these laws, individuals with blue blood were inevitably born.


The divine beauty and unearthly hypersexuality of Cleopatra, who seduced two of the greatest Roman generals, is noted in history. According to the chronicles, Cleopatra committed suicide at the age of 31 with poison.


Poison... Again poison... And early death... As well as the early death of Hercules came from poison...

April 13, 1519 in Florence in the family of the Duke of Urbinsky and his wife Countess of Auvergne, the daughter Catherine de Medici was born. Future Queen of France, wife of Henry II of Valois. Catherine's parents died in the first month of life. Mother was 19 years old, father - 27. Catherine was married to Prince Henry of Valois at the age of 14.
In 1536, the eighteen-year-old Dauphin Francis died unexpectedly, and Catherine's husband became heir to the French throne. Until now, Catherine has been stigmatized as a poisoner, for a version immediately arose that Catherine poisoned the Dauphine.

After the death of Henry II, the king of France was his eldest son, fifteen-year-old Francis II, who died shortly before his 17th birthday from an "abscess of the brain."
Equally harsh legends, rumors and traditions came from antiquity about the Borgia family, which became the personification of ruthless politics and sexual promiscuity. The aristocratic name Borgia is associated with the practice of incest, poisoning, and murder. One Lucrezia is worth something.
The general public was introduced to the sinister crimes of Lucretia Borgia by the fashionable and hitherto Victor Hugo. Yes, and many others.


The novels of Sabatini, Dumas, Mérimée, the Golons and other authors, especially Maurice Druon, tell of the inevitable trend of aristocratic families. This is the trend. Frequent early mysterious death, similar to the death of young Hercules. Symbolically, this trend can be called the title of Druon's novel: Poison and the Crown.

But maybe it wasn't quite right? Maybe royals can be less ashamed of their bloodthirsty ancestors? Maybe not with poison, but only with fire and sword, sword and dagger, feather and ax, did blue blood people defend their dominance for the benefit of the people?
Perhaps they can. They can, rightly, throw a stone from the heart.

Signs of arsenic poisoning, which, as Druon and Co. fear us, poisoned the heirs to the throne, mostly young ones, coincide with the signs of Wilson's disease. The disease strikes a person at an early age. So isn't it time to finally justify Catherine de Medici? No one did, allegedly poisoned by her, the dauphin, an analysis for the content of copper in the liver. As well as no one did a chemical analysis of the allegedly poisoned cloak of Hercules. It's all about blue blood. And there were not thousands of ominous poisonings.

It is known that persons of blue blood were married to the same chosen ones. And Wilson's disease accompanies closely related marriages. At the same time, the Chukchi, Nganasans, Eskimos and Khanty-Mansi do not suffer from Wilson's disease! Although there are an innumerable number of related marriages among these peoples. Why? Yes, because among these peoples there are no blue-blooded persons. No Bourbons, no Habsburgs, no Holstein-Gottorps, no Yorks. You will not meet among the plagues and yarangas and the Orleans house. That is why Wilson's disease does not occur among the Chukchi. Their ancestors did not have blue blood, because they were not visited by the gods. Another confirmation of this is the following factor.

Representatives of these ethnic groups have special forms of genes encoding enzymes responsible for the utilization of alcohol. These enzymes have an increased activity at the first stage of ethanol utilization and a reduced activity at the second. At high levels of alcohol in the blood, acetaldehyde is formed in high concentrations, causing a very strong toxic effect of alcohol and an accelerated and malignant formation of alcoholism. The reason for the preservation of these genes is that, on a historical scale, these ethnic groups have not gone through a long, centuries-old path of adaptation to alcoholic beverages, unlike the peoples of the Levant and southern Europe. That is why these peoples, not chosen by God, are so prone to alcoholism. One stack - and ready, alcoholic. They say that in tsarist Russia there was a criminal liability for soldering the peoples of the north.

But the "anti-alcohol gene" called ADH2 * 2 encoding a high content of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, is present in most Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews. Among which least of all alcoholics and prone to alcoholism. Which, in this light, there is nothing to even try to object to the assertion that these peoples are chosen by God. For alcohol is an earthly invention of the gods. They taught it, and passed it on with blood... to God's chosen people. Everything converges.

Once upon a time there was a man who had
lots of good stuff:
he had beautiful houses in the city and outside the city,
gold and silver dishes, embroidered chairs and
gilded carriages,
but, unfortunately, this man's beard was blue,
and this beard gave him such an ugly and menacing look,
that all the girls and women used to, as soon as they envy him,
so God bless your feet.
© Perro


Years passed, centuries passed, the aristocracy, blue blood, descendants of the gods, gradually assimilated among the people of red blood, with each generation more and more adapting to life on our planet.

But the inexorable laws discovered by Padre Mendel lead, in some generation, to Wilson's disease in aristocratic families. And the myths about vicious, cruel poisoners and poisoners of blue blood, which have come down to our time from time immemorial, and colorfully presented to us by various talented writers, are greatly exaggerated. Violation of copper metabolism and increased carbon dioxide in the blood played a fatal role in the fate of the aristocracy.

But this does not mean at all that blue-blooded persons did not commit other crimes caused by an imbalance in the acidity of the blood and a violation of the exchange of copper in the body. Obviously, ways were constantly being sought to make life easier for the heirs of the blue blood. Blue blood in the conditions of the Earth became poison. Of course, an antidote was sought. And, of course, it was found. Many secrets are buried behind the thick walls of medieval castles. But something still came out. Traditions have conveyed to our time a lot of all sorts of horror.

The prototype of Perrault's tale was Baron Gilles de Re, Marshal of France, associate of Joan of Arc.

Gilles de Re was accused of Satanism and witchcraft, the murder and depravity of young children of both sexes, and alchemy. He was accused of human sacrifice, witchcraft, the murder of innocent boys and girls, the dismemberment of their bodies, sexual perversions, etc. Gilles de Rais admitted that he “enjoyed vice, cutting off the heads of children with his own hand with a dagger or knife, or beating them with a stick until death, and then, voluptuously kissing dead bodies, lustfully looking at those who had the most beautiful heads and the most attractive limbs ... He took considerable pleasure in watching the separation of the heads of children from the body. Sometimes he made cuts in their necks to make them die slowly, which made him very aroused, and while they bled to death, sometimes he could masturbate with them, and sometimes he did it after they died, while their bodies were still warm." The corpses of the unfortunate were burned.
Duke Bluebeard, Gilles de Rais, was executed.
Kissed or drank blood? The question that the cruel judges did not dare to ask...


In that tower high and cramped
Queen Tamara lived:
Beautiful like an angel in heaven
Like a demon, insidious and evil.
To the voice of the invisible peri
There was a warrior, a merchant and a shepherd...
Hot hands intertwined
Lips stuck to lips
And strange, wild sounds
All night long they were heard there.
© Lermontov.

Lermontov told everyone where the corpses of the participants in the night orgy were put in the morning: into the deep gorge of Darial. Queen Tamara is considered the most powerful of all Georgian rulers. Having banished her legitimate husband, Prince Yuri Bogolyubsky, under the pretext of his drunkenness and homosexuality, she managed to curb the barbaric feudal country and hot eastern men. Myths and legends have brought us rumors about the numerous vices and virtues of the legendary queen. About numerous feasts and orgies, about enviable supersexuality and tough temper.
Tamara died as a young woman, as the chronicles testify, from an unknown severe and long illness.

Russian aristocrat Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova, nee Ivanova, went down in history as a sophisticated sadist and serial killer of several dozen serfs subject to her. The court found Saltychikha "guilty without leniency" of thirty-eight murders and torture of courtyard people. Many suspicious death records have been identified. A twenty-year-old girl could go to work as a servant and die within a few weeks.

Countess Elizabeth Bathory. More than a dozen films have been made about her and countless books have been written. The last dark film was released in 2009. That's what it's called, "The Countess." According to the plot of the film, after the death of her husband, the countess has a young lover; in order to look younger herself, she begins to use the blood of young virgins who are killed for this purpose. In Carans' book The War of the Witches: The Curse of Odia, Erzsébet is described as a demonic woman who drinks the blood of young girls to preserve her youth and beauty.

Erzhebet was the niece of the famous Stefan Batory. Her husband gave her a castle in the Lesser Carpathians, where she gave birth to five children.
According to the materials of the investigation, the murders of young girls began during the life of her husband. In total, 650 girls from the surrounding villages were killed. The nobility of the countess was so high that even the emperor did not dare to arrest Elizabeth Bathory, and she lived in her castle until the end of her life. And she died a quiet death.
The Carpathians, colorfully sung by Sacher-Masoch!
In the Carpathians, there was also the residence of the ruler of Wallachia, Vlad III Basarab. Also known as Vlad the Impaler and Vlad Dracula. In which the blood of Batory also flowed.
Vlad Tepes became famous for his successful struggle against the Turks, and also for the fact that he pressed the Romanian boyars to the nail, like Ivan the Terrible. He received the nickname "Tepes" (Kolosazhatel) for cruelty in reprisals against enemies and subjects, whom he executed by impaling.
The name of Count Dracula has become a household name, synonymous with the word vampire.

The theme of vampirism as an antidote was developed by Melissa de la Cruz, who wrote the Blue Bloods series of novels. Blue blood is a physical feature of vampires.
If you were born with blue blood, you are destined to die from Wilson's disease. To prevent an excess of copper in the liver, it is necessary to constantly replenish hemoglobin reserves throughout life. As ethyl alcohol is the antidote to methyl alcohol, so red blood is the antidote to blue blood. Here, obviously, one-time blood transfusion cannot be dispensed with. You need to drink blood all your life. Scarlet blood of mere mortals.

That is why, from the depths of centuries, terrible legends about vampires have come down to our time. Which are not in the Kamchadal and Khanty-Mansiysk collections of fairy tales. However, by the twenty-first century, the blue-blooded persons, obviously, were completely assimilated, and new Elizabeth Bathory, for sure, will not be born either in Europe or in America.

Willy-nilly, we have to talk about the benefits of social revolutions in devampirization of the planet. It is also difficult to overestimate the personal contribution of Cromwell, Robespierre and Sverdlov in the eradication of this gloomy legacy of the past.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

In total, there are about 300 species of octopuses and they are all truly amazing creatures. They live in subtropical and tropical seas and oceans, from shallow water to a depth of 200 m. They prefer rocky coasts and are considered the most intelligent among all invertebrates. The more scientists learn about octopuses, the more they are admired.

1. The brain of an octopus is shaped like a donut.

2. The octopus does not have a single bone, which allows it to penetrate into a hole that is 4 times smaller than its own size.

3. Due to the large amount of copper, the blood of the octopus is blue.

4. There are more than 10,000 taste buds on the tentacles.

5. Octopuses have three hearts. One of them drives blue blood throughout the body, while the other two carry it through the gills.

6. In case of danger, octopuses, like lizards, are able to discard their tentacles, breaking them on their own.

7. Octopuses camouflage themselves with their environment by changing their coloration. When calm, they are brown, frightened, turn white, and when angry, they acquire a reddish tint.

8. To hide from enemies, octopuses emit a cloud of ink, which not only reduces visibility, but also masks odors.

9. Octopuses breathe with gills, but can also spend quite a long time out of the water.

10. Octopuses have rectangular pupils.

11. Octopuses always keep their home clean, they “sweep” it with a trickle of water from their funnel, and put the rest of the food in a specially designated place nearby.

12. Octopuses are intelligent invertebrates that can be trained, remember their owners, distinguish shapes and have a simply amazing ability to unscrew banks.

13. Speaking about the unsurpassed intelligence of octopuses, we can recall the world-famous oracle octopus Paul, who guessed the outcome of matches involving the German football team. Actually, he lived in the Oberhausen Aquarium. Paul died, as suggested by oceanologists, by his own death. In front of the entrance to the aquarium, a monument was even erected to him.

14. The personal life of marine life is not too happy. Males often become victims of females, and they, in turn, rarely survive after childbirth and doom their offspring to an orphan life.

15. There is only one species of octopus - the Pacific striped, which, unlike its counterparts, is an exemplary family man. For several months he lives in a couple and during all this time he does something very similar to a kiss, touching his mouth with his soul mate. After the appearance of the offspring, the mother spends more than one month with the children, takes care of them and educates them.

16. This same Pacific striped boasts an unusual hunting style. Before the attack, he lightly pats his victim "on the shoulder", as if warning, but this does not add to her chances of survival, so the purpose of the habit is still a mystery.

17. During reproduction, males use their tentacles to take out spermatophores “from the bosom” and carefully place them in the mantle cavity of the female.

18. On average, octopuses live 1-2 years, those who live up to 4 years are long-livers.

19. The smallest octopuses grow up to only 1 centimeter, and the largest up to 4 meters. The largest octopus was caught off the coast of the United States in 1945, its weight was 180 kg, and its length was as much as 8 meters.

20. Scientists have successfully deciphered the octopus genome. In the future, this will help to establish how they managed to evolve into such an intelligent creature and understand the origin of amazing cognitive abilities. At the moment, it is known that the length of the octopus genome is 2.7 billion base pairs, it is almost equal to the length of the human genome, which has 3 billion base pairs.


Octopuses are cousins ​​to oysters. Like all mollusks, their body is soft, boneless. But the shell, or rather its underdeveloped remnant (two cartilaginous sticks), they wear not on the back, but under the skin of the back.

Octopuses are not simple mollusks, but cephalopods . On their heads grow tentacles-hands, which are also called legs, because animals walk on them along the bottom, as if on stilts.

Squids and cuttlefish are also cephalopods. They differ from octopuses only in appearance. Squids and cuttlefish have not eight, but ten tentacles and a body with fins (ordinary octopuses do not have fins). The body of a cuttlefish is flat, like a cake; in squid it is cone-shaped, like a pin. At the narrow end of the "skittles" (where the tail should have been!) diamond-shaped fins stick out to the sides.

The cuttlefish shell is a calcareous plate, the squid has a chitinous feather, similar to the Roman gladius sword. Gladius is also called the underdeveloped squid shell.

The tentacles of cephalopods surround the mouth with a corolla. Suckers sit on tentacles in two rows or in one, less often in four. At the base of the tentacle, the suckers are smaller, in the middle - the largest, and at the ends - very tiny.

The mouth of the cephalopod is small, the pharynx is muscular, and in the pharynx there is a horny beak, black (in the squid it is brown) and curved, like a parrot. A thin esophagus extends from the pharynx to the stomach. Along the way, like a dart, it pierces through the brain. After all, octopuses also have a brain - and quite large: it has fourteen lobes. The octopus brain is covered with a rudimentary cortex of the smallest gray cells - a control room for memory, and from above it is also protected by a cartilaginous skull. Brain cells from all sides tightly fit the esophagus. Therefore, octopuses (squids and cuttlefish too), despite their very predatory appetites, cannot swallow prey larger than a forest ant.

But nature endowed them with a grater, with which they prepare mashed crabs and fish. The fleshy tongue of cephalopods is covered with a hemispherical horny sheath. The cover is seated with the smallest teeth. The cloves grind food, turning it into gruel. Food is moistened in the mouth with saliva and enters the stomach, then into the caecum - and this is essentially the second stomach.

There is also a liver and a pancreas. The digestive juices that they secrete are very active - they quickly digest food in four hours. In other cold-blooded animals, digestion is delayed for many hours, in flounder, for example, for 40-60 hours.

But here's the most amazing thing: cephalopods have not one, but three hearts: one drives blood through the body, and the other two push it through the gills. The main heart beats 30-36 times per minute.

They have and blood is unusual - blue! dark blue when oxygenated and pale in veins.

The color of the blood of animals depends on the metals that are part of the blood cells (erythrocytes), or substances dissolved in the plasma.

In all vertebrates, as well as in the earthworm, leeches, houseflies and some mollusks, iron oxide is found in a complex combination with blood hemoglobin. That is why their blood is red. The blood of many marine worms contains a similar substance, chlorocruorin, instead of hemoglobin. Ferrous iron was found in its composition, and therefore the color of the blood of these worms is green.

And scorpions, spiders, crayfish and our friends - octopuses and cuttlefish have blue blood. Instead of hemoglobin, it contains hemocyanin, with copper as the metal. Copper and gives their blood a bluish color.

With metals, or rather with the substances that they are part of, oxygen is combined in the lungs or gills, which is then delivered to the tissues through the blood vessels.

The blood of cephalopods is distinguished by two more striking properties: a record protein content in the animal world (up to 10%) and a salt concentration common to sea water.

The last circumstance has a great evolutionary meaning. To clarify it, let's make a small digression, get acquainted in between stories about octopuses with a creature close to the progenitors of all life on Earth, and follow a simpler example of how blood originated and in what ways it developed.

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