Why does a newborn baby vomit. Causes and treatment of vomiting in infants. Causes of vomiting in the baby

Parents know that in the first years of life, the baby frequent vomiting. This phenomenon looks like the release of previously eaten food through the mouth. Sometimes some parents think that vomiting and spitting up are the same thing. However, this is misleading. When spitting up, food is excreted through the mouth due to overeating. When a newborn vomits, it is due to spasms in the lower stomach. But there are cases when vomiting also arose as a result of overeating.

If the baby constantly releases food masses from the stomach through the mouth, then this is a reason to be wary. It is possible that this is due to the not fully developed gastrointestinal tract, which is not yet able to effectively perform its basic functions. You should not worry about this, because it takes quite a lot of time for the baby and his body to adapt to this world.

But children grow up quite quickly, and therefore very soon their body will learn Right process food. If, after a few weeks, and even more so months, vomiting in the baby does not disappear, and the frequency of its manifestation remains at the same level, then this is a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

If you are increasingly experiencing gastric emptying in your child, keep in mind that it may indicate the presence of a serious illness. Due to frequent vomiting in the baby, dehydration. At the same time, there is a threat to his life if the vomit can enter the respiratory tract. Therefore, young parents need to be especially attentive to how the child behaves in the first years of his life.

Types and causes

The first thing I would like to say is that there are several types of vomiting that can occur in the first years of life in infants:

  • regurgitation;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • after feeding;
  • fountain;
  • ordinary.

Vomiting in the baby, which manifests itself in the form of an independent eruption and spasms of the stomach, as a result of which not only food, but also other formations come out - slime, blood, indicates that the child has a certain disease. This pathology can occur in a little man for a variety of reasons. Experts currently distinguish several main ones:

  • uremia;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • injuries in the abdomen;
  • poisoning;
  • sepsis;
  • otitis media;
  • respiratory infections;
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction. This pathological disease can be acquired or congenital.

However, these are not all the reasons why a small child may experience symptoms vomiting. Observing the condition of the baby, you need to pay attention to the composition of the vomit. If parents saw in them not only milk, but also foreign formations in the form of bile, blood and mucus, then this is a signal that you should immediately consult a doctor for an examination. It is likely that a serious disease develops in the child's body, which can only be detected by an experienced doctor.

Ordinary vomiting

In the event that vomiting occurs in an infant infrequently without temperature and at the same time its composition is quite normal, this phenomenon can only be explained by a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the involuntary release of food through the mouth is very rare, then most likely the cause of the pathology is infection of the genital organs. If appendicitis is the cause of the ailment, then it can be detected not only by vomiting, but also by sharp pains in the abdomen, due to which the baby will make piercing cries.

If the cause of vomiting is a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, then a similar symptom of the disease is considered to be secondary. Be that as it may, vomiting, which makes itself felt not only by the release of liquid masses, but also by an increase in temperature, is sufficient reason to immediately undergo an examination in a hospital or call an ambulance at home.

Young parents can very easily confuse vomiting with regurgitation, so you should elaborate on this. You should not worry about this phenomenon, since this often occurs in an infant due to overeating or air entering the stomach, which does not pose a serious threat to the health of the baby. When a child has regurgitation, only the remnants of food can be found when leaving the mouth. There is nothing to worry about, so there is no reason to think about the presence of a serious pathology.

Vomiting after feeding

Young mothers who have been caring for a baby for a long time gradually get used to the fact that after the next feeding, the baby begins to spit up. But in some cases, an atypical reaction of the child's body may occur in the form of an active release of food through the mouth. The first thought a mother might have is child poisoned by milk. However, it is not. All this is a consequence of aerophagia, that is, when a child swallows air while sucking at the breast. Vomiting in the clinical picture resembles regurgitation, but here the process of food excretion is more active, which can confuse young parents.

In fact, this is not a reason to panic. Just when food comes out of the stomach in this way through the mouth, it indicates that the baby was not properly attached to the mother's breast. In such a situation, you need to do the following - remove the remaining air, and the drunk milk will come out with them. Most babies often burp after vomiting like this.

You can prevent the recurrence of vomiting after feeding if you are careful while eating the baby. To do this, it must be kept in the correct position. When the baby finishes eating, it should be held for a while with a column - this will help remove air from the stomach that has got along with milk. After a while, you can hear the characteristic sound of belching, but food will not come out of the baby's mouth. Based on this, we can say that the feeding procedure was carried out correctly.

Infant poisoning

Vomiting in infants can be caused not only by the penetration of air into the stomach along with milk, but also by the wrong daily routine. If, after eating, the child immediately begins to play active games, or the parents begin to rock or shake him, then all this will eventually end with the appearance of vomiting.

Just put yourself in the place of a child: even an adult can experience discomfort in the abdomen if, after a meal, they start shaking it or doing other similar actions with it.

As a result, a favorable situation will arise for the reverse exit of food. This can happen with young children as well. Moreover, this happens much more often due to the fact that their body is not yet adapted to the new conditions of life. If the baby begins to sway immediately after feeding, then this will necessarily negatively affect the work of the digestive system. To prevent this from happening to your child, make it a rule not to disturb him for half an hour after eating.

Vomiting fountain

In addition to the negative consequences described above, after eating, the child can also sometimes experience vomiting with a fountain. This phenomenon can be explained by various reasons - overfeeding, the presence of serious diseases.

If the baby is fed only with natural milk, then it will be very difficult for his parents to control the amount of food he eats. A baby can suckle for a very long time, which can eventually end with an overflow of the stomach. The physiology of young children is such that their stomach has a very small volume, and its walls do not yet have the ability to stretch. If he eats more than his stomach can hold food, then the internal pressure in it will rise and then spread to the valve of the stomach and esophagus.

Due to the pressure, the walls of the stomach will begin to contract, and as a result, excess milk will come out as a fountain in the form of vomiting. The strength of the secretions that will come out will depend on the amount of milk eaten and the pressure it creates in the stomach.

If such a phenomenon is observed extremely rarely, then parents need not worry. Another thing is if this type of ailment makes itself felt constantly. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to control food intake, and this is easy to do - using a regular bottle. After finishing the next procedure for feeding the baby, you need to hold him in an upright position for several minutes and watch him during this time. When the baby is in a horizontal position, the food he eats under the influence of the gag reflex can enter the respiratory tract, which can cause asphyxia.

If, while observing the child, you notice that vomiting is still present with a fountain, and the reason for its appearance is in no way connected with overfeeding, then in this case you should show it to the doctor. It is possible that there is a serious disease of an important organ here.

Vomiting and diarrhea

What actions should parents take if the baby has diarrhea against the background of vomiting? The main thing is not to worry about this, because it is quite mild pathology which is very easy to identify and treat. If the baby has diarrhea, then most likely this is due to the penetration of a bacterium, infection or virus into the body. Faced with such a threat, the body will do everything necessary to remove the foreign body. It is the consequence of the struggle of the body with an external stimulus that is vomiting and diarrhea. Also, some newborns diarrhea may be the result of poisoning.

In addition to the already indicated symptoms, the child may have a fever. It can also help at home without visiting a doctor to identify the disease at an early stage. Against the background of diarrhea and fever, the child often has a state of weakness, the skin turns pale and the lips dry up.

In a state where the baby has vomiting with diarrhea, the body temperature can rise to 39 degrees. From this we can conclude that qualified medical assistance is needed here. Very often in the summer months bacteria penetrate the children's body, causing poisoning. Therefore, if the baby has a fever against the background of vomiting and diarrhea, then this is a serious reason to show it to the doctor.


If you notice vomiting in a child, then the first thing you need to figure out is whether this is a pathological process of excreting food from the stomach or is it just a normal regurgitation. Specialists have no treatment against vomiting, as it is nothing more than a symptom of a certain disease or pathology. In order to protect the child from vomiting in the future, reasons need to be established. that give rise to this phenomenon. And after these causes are eliminated, the child's health will return to normal, and he will no longer vomit.

What should parents do if they notice vomiting in a baby?

First you need to calm down. From this point on, carefully monitor the condition of the child. Pay attention to the composition of feces and shape. Still won't hurt you take a temperature measurement, by which you can also determine the state of health of the crumbs. And when you have all this information, you can go to the doctor and at the reception tell him about your observations.

  • After each involuntary release of food from the stomach through the mouth, it is always necessary to clean the mouth and nose from food debris and other foreign formations. After that, the baby needs to be given some water to normalize the water balance of the body.
  • If there is a suspicion of poisoning, then it is necessary to carry out a gastric lavage.
  • In a situation where the cause of vomiting was a viral infectious disease, the child is given antibiotics.


Vomiting in the baby can occur for various reasons. In most cases, it turns out to be ordinary regurgitation, and you should not worry about this if it manifests itself without a temperature. But when, in addition to this symptom, there are other unpleasant signs for the baby, for example, fever, diarrhea, this indicates that the child has a serious illness. In any case, if parents have doubts about what exactly is happening with the baby, do not be inactive. It is better to immediately go to the doctor for professional advice.

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Among the many symptoms of disease, vomiting is an alarm signal - the baby's body is not in order. There are many reasons for vomiting. Monitoring the child's condition will help to identify the root cause of the disease, cure, prevent the baby's illness.

The gag reflex in young children signals a health problem. It is necessary to prescribe adequate treatment. Delay will lead to dehydration, dangerous to the health of the crumbs. The younger you are, the sooner you seek medical help. This is important for newborn nausea.

The parent must understand when vomiting is not a dangerous condition that does not harm the baby, and when it is necessary to see a doctor.

In infants, due to the immature digestive system, regurgitation occurs. This is not a dangerous condition for the baby, unlike vomiting, which is harmful to health. Let's understand the difference between the concepts.


Baby regurgitation is the natural outflow of a small amount of food eaten from the stomach. Occurs after feeding for half an hour. Regurgitation is characterized by:

  • Occurs after eating;
  • Behavior, the condition of the baby does not worsen;
  • The amount of regurgitation is small;
  • once;
  • No gag reflex;
  • Discharge from the stomach without pressure;
  • Milk, water, curd masses are poured out.

Regurgitation is prevented if the baby is not overfed, after eating, do calm games.


Involuntary release of stomach fluid through the oral cavity to the outside - vomiting. A characteristic external marker that signals a threat to the body. The following symptoms are typical for vomiting:

  • Occurs at any time, does not depend on food intake;
  • The child's behavior is restless, he is capricious, his condition worsens;
  • Large volume expelled by the stomach;
  • repeatedly;
  • Vomiting reflex;
  • Stands out like a fountain, sharply;
  • Vomit with an unpleasant odor, unnatural color;
  • Associated symptoms are manifested - fever, diarrhea, pain.

Have you diagnosed nausea in a child? We are trying to find out the causes of the pathology, further actions.


Depending on the nature of vomiting in an infant, the degree of danger to life and health varies. A single discharge of the contents of the stomach, without accompanying symptoms, indicates the imperfection of the digestion of the newborn and does not pose a threat to health. No medical intervention required.

Rarely does nausea occur without concomitant abnormalities. Diarrhea, an increase in body temperature above 38.5 degrees, and heavy breathing are considered especially alarming signs. Repeated vomiting with aggravating signs of deterioration in health is dangerous due to dehydration.

The main causes of vomiting in infants:

  • Lure.
  • Transfer to a new mixture.
  • Overnutrition.
  • Poisoning.
  • Hygiene.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.
  • Foreign object in the digestive tract.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Concussion.
  • Neurology.
  • external stimuli.


To avoid rejection of food when introducing complementary foods into the diet, follow the recommendations of the pediatrician. The baby needs to be fed with fresh, high-quality products, carefully processed, ground.

If, after the first test of a new type of complementary food, the baby vomited, the digestive system is not ready for unusual food. It is necessary to postpone complementary foods for a month. Resume complementary foods after a week, in a smaller volume. If you experience allergic reactions to a particular type of product, you should consult a pediatrician.

Transfer to a new mixture

When changing the mixture, the baby's body reacts with nausea, allergies, and a change in stool. Vomiting occurs after feeding with a new mixture - a reaction to getting used to the old composition of the mixture. It is necessary to abandon the introduction of a new type of mixture and choose, together with the pediatrician, the right one. The new mixture is introduced gradually from 10 milliliters.


For children of the first year of life, the organization of feeding is an important responsibility of parents. Food helps babies grow healthy. Overeating does not contribute to energy, activity.

If a one-time nausea immediately appears in a one-month-old baby after feeding with milk, the reason is overeating. The baby cries, arches.

When part of the food is rejected from overeating, it is required to reduce portions. After eating, try not to shake, do not bathe the child.


The main reaction of the body in case of poisoning with poor-quality food products, medicines is to remove the poison from the stomach so that it does not enter the bloodstream. Need to induce nausea. Without vomiting, it is impossible to get rid of toxic substances. Vomiting should occur as an aid to poisoning. The condition quickly worsens, diarrhea, weakness, whims appear. In case of poisoning, intestinal infection, vomiting is yellow.

The baby needs to be offered some water every ten minutes, first in small portions, bringing it up to 30 milliliters. To remove toxins, an adsorbent is given. Then we turn to the doctor.


Failure to comply with the hygienic standards of nutrition of children causes food to be wasted. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene.

With artificial feeding, after the mixture, they are thoroughly washed, the bottles are boiled. Before preparing the mixture, wash hands, kitchen surfaces, utensils.

When breastfeeding, a nursing woman should eat right, feed the baby with clean breasts. After breastfeeding, the breasts are washed.

When breastfeeding, mom should not eat allergenic, harmful foods. The health and immunity of the baby depends on breast milk.

Intestinal infections

An intestinal infection is similar to poisoning. The symptoms are similar - fever, liquid diarrhea, severe vomiting. Do not treat an intestinal infection at home, call a doctor. Due to fluid loss, the child's condition worsens, frequent nausea worsens the situation. The infection covers new parts of the body. In the hospital, under a dropper, you can compensate for the lost water from the body. Treatment will help neutralize harmful bacteria, improve the condition of a small patient.

Viral and infectious diseases

The eruption of food debris is caused by a variety of infections, viruses. The child looks sick, does not eat, sleeps a lot, has a temperature. Temperature is a consequence of infectious, viral diseases.

To determine the treatment, the type of disease, we go to the hospital.

Foreign object in the digestive tract

If vomiting occurs without deterioration of health, the probable cause is the ingestion of a foreign object. It often occurs in a seven-month-old child when there is an energetic cognition of the outside world. Muscle contraction causes nausea, blood and mucus are present in the erupted masses.

It is necessary to call an ambulance when, with the help of the expulsion of the contents of the stomach, it was not possible to push the foreign object out, the baby began to suffocate.


Vomiting is common with appendicitis. Occurs abruptly, occurs infrequently. There is lethargy, weakness, pain, nausea. Independently, the parent of the baby does not diagnose appendicitis, only with additional medical studies. You need to see a doctor.


When the baby rolls over, he tries to consider everything, injuries are possible. Often a five-month-old baby has a concussion. If during the fall the baby vomited, the baby cries for a long time, lost consciousness, call an ambulance.


With neurological disorders, the baby often cries, vomits. If during a planned visit to the pediatrician it was advised to consult a neurologist, do not neglect the advice. Neurological diseases are accompanied by:

  • rejection of food eaten;
  • excitability, lethargy;
  • muscle tone;
  • convulsions, tremors.

It is worth starting treatment from the first months of life, increasing the chances of recovery.

External stimuli

Vomiting appears due to external irritating factors. Swallowing air when crying, force-feeding contribute to such a reaction. When seasick in transport, the baby is sick, he will vomit. With sunstroke, the result of overheating is nausea. Teething is not asymptomatic, accompanied by the eruption of food debris.

What to do?

The parent should understand what to do in case of rejection of food before contacting a medical facility. Baby first aid:

  • Lay the patient on their side or hold them upright.
  • After vomiting, clean and ventilate the room.
  • Rinse your mouth with water.
  • Be calm, collected.
  • Leave vomit - see a doctor.
  • Give a drink in a small spoon at short intervals.

How long to give liquid? Boiled water is brought every five minutes. If not treated in time, complications will arise - dehydration, weight loss, blockage of the respiratory tract with vomit.


Nausea is an alarming symptom that requires medical attention. Call an ambulance for symptoms:

  • Prolonged crying.
  • Repeated rejection of food.
  • Falling from height.
  • Heat.
  • Blood in vomit.
  • The kid does not accept drink, food.
  • Frequent diarrhea.
  • No stool, no urine.

In order to generally begin to worry about vomiting in a baby, let's figure out what “regurgitation” is and what “vomiting” is in newborn children. Regurgitation is familiar to all mothers when only a small amount of food rises in the baby and pours out. This process is connected with the fact that the esophagus in newborns differs from the esophagus of an adult. Moreover, regurgitation is an absolutely normal phenomenon in young children, so you should not worry, the only recommendation is to keep the baby upright so that the child has the opportunity to get rid of excess air, which pushes some of the food back. Vomiting in a newborn after feeding is quite normal, if it is not plentiful.

But, if your baby is vomiting and food literally comes out in a stream, this is a completely different matter. To begin with, calm down, because if your child does not have changes in behavior, he does not become more capricious, there are no signs and symptoms of the disease, then nothing terrible happens. It happens that in the first months the child often has “eruptions” and there is no cause for concern. If the baby has an increased tone, then vomiting can occur for several weeks almost every day. Worse if , but this is also solvable. Don't panic, but check with your pediatrician. Vomiting in a newborn can occur for many reasons, let's look at which ones.

Vomiting in a newborn baby: causes

So why do newborns vomit at all? And what are the causes of vomiting in babies? The main causes of vomiting are as follows:

  • Intestinal obstruction in a child
  • Impaired kidney function. Most often this is a congenital cause.
  • Difficult birth or birth trauma. If during childbirth the baby's head was damaged, then vomiting in the newborn may be associated with the recovery process after cerebral edema or internal hemorrhages.
  • At the level of the organism, intolerance to cow protein or specific elements in the diet. In this case, vomiting is a consequence of the inability to digest the protein. A small and still underdeveloped ventricle can compact the protein, creating a lump, which is then thrown out as a protective reaction. , so carefully study the composition and choose high-quality nutrition.
  • Also, vomiting in newborns can be caused by allergic reactions. In this case, there may be rashes or redness on the baby's body. Talk to your doctor about specific items in baby food.
  • A stomach infection can also cause vomiting, again, consult your doctor.
  • Vomiting in newborns may be the result of an adverse reaction to SARS or a response to fever.
  • The problem may be hidden in neurology. If the child's central nervous system develops incorrectly, then a neurologist's consultation is needed. Meningitis or a concussion can also cause vomiting. In addition to vomiting, infants with such problems may have convulsions and rashes.
  • Vomiting can be the result of sunstroke or overheating, so when going for a walk, be sure to put on a baby hat.
  • Surprisingly, vomiting can be the result of long tantrums or the crying of a child.
  • Diabetes mellitus or changes in intracranial pressure can also cause vomiting.
  • Another reason - . Prolonged paroxysmal coughing can cause vomiting.
  • In most cases, vomiting in children should not cause much concern on the part of parents, however, if vomiting has a greenish tint, which appears due to the appearance of bile, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Be that as it may, if vomiting is repeated frequently or is caused due to some special reasons, you need to consult a doctor and hand over the baby.

What to do with vomiting in a newborn baby?

  • Of course, you yourself are unlikely to understand the causes of vomiting in a child, at the same time, vomiting in newborns can be dangerous and lead, for example, to dehydration. Be that as it may, do not leave the child alone with the problem, as the baby may choke on vomit. If you put the baby in the crib, then be sure to turn your head to the side. Warm water can also alleviate the baby's condition, but pour in small portions, because large ones will again cause vomiting. Later, you can bathe the baby in warm water to alleviate the condition. About,

Moms and dads can often watch vomiting in breasts. The child's body still does not work as smoothly as an adult, and it takes time to adapt to living conditions. The system of the gastrointestinal tract is only being adjusted to work, so vomiting in infants is becoming a frequent occurrence.

Gradually, year after year, food becomes more varied, and the child's body gently adjusts to new foods. In adulthood, the digestive system becomes fully coordinated and does not cause any problems. Despite the fact that vomiting that occurs in infants is very common, treat this symptom carefully. If it does not stop, it can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance. How to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation? Regurgitation does not cause spasms, occurs quickly without repetition and does not affect the well-being of the crumbs.

Causes of vomiting

Most often, this symptom is associated with a reflex of newborns. But you can only calm down if vomiting in a baby does not contain foreign impurities in the form of streaks of blood, bile and others. If it consists of undigested milk, then it can be as follows:

1. The baby ate a lot (breastfeed or bottle feed until the baby releases it on its own).
2. Imperfection of the vestibular apparatus.
3. Undigested complementary foods (bring it to the consistency of semi-liquid porridge).
4. Excitability of the nervous system. You should not feed immediately after active games and tossing, let them calm down and tune in to eating so that babies do not vomit.
5. Accumulated air in the stomach. When it exits through the esophagus, it begins to push food out, hence vomiting occurs in infants. Hold the baby upright after feeding, walk around the room with him. For prevention, make sure that the mouth tightly (without gaps) captures the nipple or bottle.

What to do after vomiting?

Rinse the baby's mouth with a syringe of water ( no needle!!!) and give it a drink. Clean boiled water will help to wash the stomach and eliminate its irritation.

Vomiting newborn baby fountain can be a dangerous sign. If you notice that there are streaks of mucus, bile or blood in this mass, vomiting in an infant does not stop and cramps in the tummy are observed - urgently call an ambulance. Do not be afraid of hospitals, as the health of the baby should come first.

Dangerous reasons

Vomiting can be observed in infants and for more serious reasons. Among them:

1. Diseases of an infectious nature (cholera, dysentery, poisoning).
2. Viral diseases (rhinovirus or enterovirus infections, SARS and others).
3. Concussion.
4. Intolerance to drugs.
5. Underdevelopment of the upper sphincter of the stomach.
6. Diseases of the central nervous system.
7. Hernia.
8. Increased intracranial pressure.
9. Appendicitis.
10. Intestinal obstruction.
11. Abdominal injury.

The doctor in the hospital, by the condition of a small patient and impurities in the vomit, will be able to determine the nature of the disease. Vomiting observed in infants is a symptom that needs to be analyzed. Therefore, to speed up the diagnosis, it is recommended to take some biomaterial into a clean jar on your own.

Vomiting after feeding

Any mother can distinguish vomiting from regurgitation. It arises due to aerophagy- swallowing air. Such vomiting is observed in all infants. When you feed the baby and vilify him, holding "column", you may notice that the air gradually comes out in the form of a burp. To ease the condition of the baby, you can lightly pat him on the back.

Consider your baby's feeding schedule. You should not play active games with him immediately after a meal, otherwise the not fully developed vestibular apparatus will return food to the outside. For the development of the apparatus and the prevention of vomiting in infants, massages, travel in transport, swinging on a swing or knees, bathing and fun games are suitable. Only it should be done in advance before meals or after an hour.

In rare cases, vomiting in an infant may be due to intolerance to mother's milk (lactose). Hence profuse vomiting and liquid green stool. In this case, you should go to the doctor, who will recommend switching to the mixture.

Profuse vomiting fountain

How to distinguish vomiting from ordinary regurgitation, we figured it out. Now let's move on to the issue of profuse vomiting. It can occur due to overfeeding or illness. A baby has its own needs, so you won’t be able to find out how much he ate. His body is also saturated with a delay. What causes vomiting in a fountain in a baby? This occurs due to the imperfection of the digestive system and the perversion of the stomach.

You can control your food intake by offering it through a bottle. But because of this, the baby may refuse to breastfeed. Therefore, in order to avoid vomiting, do not put the baby in a horizontal position. Keep standing or half-sitting, always under the attention of an adult, so that the baby does not choke on vomit.

Vomiting along with diarrhea

May appear simultaneously with diarrhea. The reason may be the introduction of complementary foods before 6 months, diseases (viral or infectious), poisoning, or appendicitis. In this case, in addition to the fact that vomiting occurs in infants, accompanied by diarrhea, a high temperature also appears. All this causes exhaustion, dehydration and the addition of new symptoms:

1. Fainting.
2. General weakness.
3. Pale color of the skin.
4. Dry lips.
5. Hollowness in the area of ​​the fontanel.

In such cases, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, put an enema and flush the stomach. These symptoms may cause rotavirus infection(intestinal flu). In this case, the child in the hospital will be prescribed bacteriophages, which are effective when staphylococcus enters the intestines.

The digestive tract of a newborn baby is not adapted to the living conditions of an adult. It is for this reason that the best product for feeding a baby in the first months of his life is his mother's breast milk. All other substances can cause not only digestive disorders, but also severe vomiting in children under one year old. Therefore, it is possible to introduce complementary foods, change the diet, start feeding with artificial milk mixtures only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Also, vomiting in an infant may be associated with intestinal infections, to which he does not yet have immunity. Quite often in pediatric practice, there are cases when a nursing mother became a source of infection and the cause of severe vomiting in a child up to a year old.

The mechanism is the following. A nursing mother, not observing the rules of feeding hygiene, began to breastfeed her child after she went to the toilet and did not wash her hands. At the same time, the bacterial analysis of the mother was in the absolute norm. But for a newborn baby, the intestinal microflora of an adult became the cause of severe vomiting and weight loss. Therefore, it is very important for every mother to realize that even she, to a certain extent, is a source of increased danger for her baby. It is strictly forbidden for mothers to take baby's nipples and pacifiers in their mouths, try mixtures, take the baby in their arms without first washing their hands with antibacterial soap.

The mammary glands before each feeding should be carefully processed. Avoid contact between the infant and other adult family members who have just come from the street and have not washed their hands with soap and water. Do not give the baby in the hands of those items that have not been sanitized. All these measures will help you avoid serious infectious diseases, which are provoked vomiting in a baby.

Causes of vomiting in infants

As mentioned above, the causes of vomiting in infants may be associated with lesions of the internal organs of the digestive tract. But it's not just infections that make up the list of causes of vomiting in infants. Most often, vomiting in an infant is associated with:

  • with nutritional errors in the diet of a nursing mother;
  • with changes in ambient temperature;
  • with the introduction of complementary foods;
  • with the change of artificial mixture;
  • with impaired development of the internal organs of the digestive tract.

Cause of vomiting in an infant may become that are made with violations. Also, a single vomiting in a child may be associated with overeating the baby. If he has received more milk than his stomach can hold, then vomiting is a natural protective reflex that allows the body to get rid of excess fluid. In this case, you should not panic. You just need to rethink your diet.

Vomiting in infants should raise your suspicions if:

  • it repeats more than 3 times a day;
  • the child is lethargic and lethargic;
  • vomiting is accompanied by a high body temperature of the child;
  • leads to weight loss;
  • accompanied by convulsions;
  • the child refuses the breast;
  • dryness and pallor of the skin are observed.

All of the above is a reason to call an ambulance. But even a single vomiting in an infant is a reason to call a doctor at home for a consultation and examination of the baby. Only a doctor can correctly determine the severity of the baby's condition and prescribe treatment and further examination.

Severe vomiting in a child with fever: first aid

Most common in pediatric practice severe vomiting in a child with fever. In this case, vomiting can be both a symptom and a reaction of the baby's body to a high temperature. No less often, vomiting in a child with fever is a consequence of taking medications. The baby's body is not ready for a massive chemical attack by pharmacological drugs, so a natural reflex vomiting process occurs. With it, the baby's body tries to get rid of the chemical of the antipyretic or antibiotic.

First aid, respectively, also depends on what caused severe vomiting in a child with fever. Only a professional doctor can correctly determine this. But every mother should know what needs to be done to ensure that severe vomiting in a child with a temperature does not harm him. So, at the first sign of severe vomiting in a child, combined with a high body temperature, call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor:

  • ensure the vertical position of the baby's body;
  • make sure he has enough to drink;
  • do not allow the baby's head to tilt;
  • calm the child;
  • stop giving any medicines;
  • do not feed the baby, especially by force

In case of severe vomiting, make sure that the nasal passages of the child are clean.

If a child vomits: what should parents do

When a child vomits, parents should monitor the condition of the baby and ensure sufficient drinking. It is urgent to seek medical attention. It is also important to remember everything that the baby has been fed, and what medications have been given recently. If the child is breastfed, then it may be important to violate the diet of the nursing mother.

The most important point is to ensure the patency of the airways. Severe vomiting in infants dangerous by aspiration of vomit into the lungs. This without timely medical care leads to the death of the child.

Vomiting in a child under one year old with the introduction of complementary foods

Sometimes vomiting in a child under one year old occurs during the introduction of complementary foods. This is due to the unpreparedness of the baby's stomach to digest new food for him. Most often, vomiting during the administration of complementary foods is associated with an enzymatic deficiency.

In this case, you can advise parents:

  • postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a few days;
  • start introducing complementary foods with a lower dose;
  • monitor the quality of the preparation of complementary foods;
  • be sure to see a doctor.

If vomiting in a child under one year old with the introduction of complementary foods persists, then medical intervention may be required to regulate the intestinal microflora and restore the normal functioning of the pancreas.

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