Signs of nervous exhaustion. Mental exhaustion Signs of depression and nervous exhaustion in women

Every person has reasons for unpleasant experiences, and hardly anyone can avoid them even for a week. Nature has given us a certain reserve of mental stability, and this allows us to more or less calmly perceive troubles as inevitable phenomena of life. But constant stress, physical fatigue, the accelerating rhythm of life gradually deplete this reserve, which can lead to physical, moral and nervous burnout.

Nervous exhaustion (neurastheniaor asthenic neurosis) is one of the most common diseases worldwide, and slowly but surely undermines all the foundations of human existence. But, nevertheless, it is very difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms of exhaustion of the nervous system are often similar to manifestations of neurosis, depressive and psychosomatic diseases, or are generally attributed to laziness and bad character. It often happens that a person treats vegetovascular dystonia or a stomach ulcer, but the main cause of the disease, nervous exhaustion, remains.

Signs of nervous exhaustion

Nervous exhaustion often occurs after prolonged stress, during which a person experiences strong emotions: fear, anger, anxiety, ill will, envy or grief. Moreover, women are more susceptible to this disease than men. The main signs of the disease are:

  • indifference (mental and physical apathy);
  • indecision;
  • doubt in their abilities;
  • chronic anxiety;
  • overcautiousness (instead of focusing on possible success).

Nervous exhaustion is manifested by moral weakness, lack of concentration, inability to perform elementary tasks, bright outbursts of emotions and unnatural excitement. I constantly want to sleep, everything around is annoying and life loses its colors.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

Asthenic neurosis may be the result of brain intoxication, poisoning or infectious diseases. However, most often the reason lies in intellectual and physical overwork. Many men and women tend to overwork for financial well-being. But if the brain is constantly working in a transcendental mode, and there is not enough time to recover, this will certainly bring negative consequences for the body. The work of the brain requires a huge amount of energy, and lack of sleep, physical fatigue, bad habits, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins further aggravate the situation. Over time, the nervous system fails, no longer able to resist constant emotional and mental overload, and exhaustion of the body occurs. In some women, pregnancy can become the cause of asthenic neurosis, especially if the woman is forced to work in the late stages of pregnancy. The nervous system during pregnancy is already sensitive to any stress, so additional stress can cause exhaustion of the body. Neurasthenia should not be ignored, lest it become a prerequisite for more serious neuropsychiatric disorders.

Nervous exhaustion symptoms

Nervous exhaustion is manifested by a large number of symptoms, which include:

  • feeling of weakness, rapid fatigue;
  • insomnia, apathy and distraction;
  • pain in the heart and muscles;
  • digestive disorders;
  • increased irritability;
  • decreased immunity, which leads to frequent viral infections;
  • loss of working capacity;
  • severe nervous tension, disruption of the autonomic system (tachycardia, temperature fluctuations).

Due to such a variety of symptoms, people with nervous exhaustion turn to various specialists, therefore, the diagnoses are also varied, and the treatment is far from always effective. The therapist can identify malfunctions of the autonomic system, heart failure, gastritis or dysbacteriosis, a psychologist diagnoses depression, an orthopedist detects osteochondrosis, but the cause of these diseases is nervous exhaustion, and if it is cured, the rest of the problems will disappear by themselves. Indeed, the depletion of the nervous system affects all organs, and every specialist is right, finding something of his own, but all these diseases manifest themselves as the consequences of asthenic neurosis. There are several phases of development of nervous exhaustion created by a pathogenic situation, and three clinical forms were distinguished according to their signs:

  • hypersthenic;
  • irritable weakness;
  • hyposthenic.

hypersthenic form. This stage is the beginning of the disease and its main manifestations are increased emotional arousal, which is always accompanied by irritability. A person reacts sharply to any noise, as the sounds are perceived by him several times louder than usual. All conversations with loved ones end in screams and swearing, the patient quickly loses his temper and breaks down on others. Working capacity is noticeably reduced, but not for physical, but for psycho-emotional reasons. The attention of such a patient is scattered, he is constantly distracted by extraneous matters, three times more time is spent on the performance of ordinary work. All this is accompanied by either insomnia or short, interrupted sleep, and each morning begins with the agonizing need to get through the day somehow. At this stage, the doctor will definitely recommend rest, maybe light sedatives. If you listen to the doctor's recommendations, then asthenic neurosis can be easily overcome.
Irritable weakness - the main clinical manifestation of the second form of neurasthenia, and it is accompanied by increased fatigue. Breaks in work are increasing, but such rest does not add strength to the patient. Irritability is still present, anger is quickly replaced by resentment and claims, tears are shed for any, even the most insignificant reason, and the patient is haunted by a sense of his own impotence. If you do not consult a doctor and do not start treatment, then you can get a more serious diagnosis: depression, exacerbation of chronic diseases, severe neurosis.

Hyposthenic form. The last stage is characterized by general mental weakness, physical exhaustion, persistent lethargy and passivity. Hypochondria appears, the patient constantly listens to his body and complains of depression. The mood is suppressed by oppressive thoughts about his condition and the person is overwhelmed with self-pity. There are psychogenic pains in the abdomen and joints, a person is completely broken, but with proper treatment and the implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, he can neutralize the negative consequences and return to his previous form.

How to overcome nervous exhaustion?

An experienced doctor, before treating, prescribing vitamins and other drugs, will try to find out what led to such consequences as nervous exhaustion. After all, if you do not find the true causes of asthenic neurosis and do not change anything in your lifestyle, then you can take various stimulant drugs, vitamins, antidepressants, recuperation agents and other medicines for a very long time, but never fully return to normal. It is important to understand that you should not choose any drugs and even folk remedies at the pharmacy without consulting a doctor. Any drug treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist after an accurate diagnosis has been made, otherwise the consequences of improper use of drugs can be extremely deplorable for health.

Nervous exhaustion should not be underestimated, because sometimes hospital treatment may even be required. In order to get rid of neurasthenia, any means are good that allow you to restore vitality at home. First of all, it is necessary to establish the correct daily routine, establish nutrition and sleep at night. The doctor may recommend taking complex vitamins - this is good for restoring the resources of the brain and the body as a whole. In addition, how to take vitamins and prescribed medications helps to restore the body and relieve the brain of physical activity. For a good sleep, it is recommended to master relaxation methods, go to bed at the same time, after taking a warm, relaxing bath.

There are also various folk remedies to overcome the effects of nervous weakness. To restore an overloaded brain, aromatherapy helps well, namely the smells of citrus, pine needles and mint. To calm the nervous system, such proven folk remedies as soothing herbal teas and decoctions instead of the usual coffee are suitable. However, before using specific folk remedies, it is better to consult with your doctor. Exhaustion of the body and overload of the brain will not be terrible for you if you learn to clearly separate work and leisure, family and personal needs. The main task is to learn how to turn off useless nervous tension, and in the future this will help to cope with any stress, which makes the return of the disease impossible.

The other day I watched the 1969 film "Hunted Horses Get Shot, Don't They?" The main character of the film, Gloria, lives in the United States during the Great Depression. There is little work at this time, and out of desperation, she decides to take part in a dance marathon, in which the winning couple will get big money at that time - $ 1,500. Under the terms of the marathon, participants have a 10-minute break every two hours. A dance marathon requires endurance and endurance from the participants. For more than 50 days, the heroes of the film have been waging a grueling struggle for victory. Dancers face physical and emotional exhaustion.

Watching the film, I remembered my friends who, with the advent of the crisis, began to arrive from work closer to midnight, forgetting about holidays and weekends. And I thought that the dance marathon from the film is somewhat similar to the struggle for survival during the financial crisis.

This gave me the idea to write about how to avoid the negative effects of physical and psychological exhaustion during difficult financial times.

Symptoms of wasting (asthenia)

Exhaustion can range from mild fatigue to a state where the body refuses to obey.

The following are symptoms of exhaustion. Count how many symptoms you have. You should mark only those items that have appeared for the first time during the last year.

If you checked 0-4 points - you do not have symptoms of exhaustion;

If you have checked 5-8 points, you are experiencing symptoms of exhaustion.

If you have marked 9-13 points - you are seriously exhausted, you need to urgently change something.

Symptoms of asthenia can be caused by both psychological and physiological reasons: lack of vitamins or iron, low blood pressure, endocrine disorders, decreased immunity after illness. Contact your doctor to rule out somatic disorders.

In this article, I will only talk about exhaustion caused by physical, mental or emotional overload.

Why are symptoms of exhaustion necessary?

Asthenia has a useful property. This is a signal to you and your body that you should take care: relax, take a break, get enough sleep.

But if you ignore these signals, you may face unpleasant consequences.

Consequences of exhaustion

Asthenic neurosis

Asthenic neurosis occurs when there is an internal conflict between "should" and "can".

At the same time, you demand more from yourself than your body can withstand - work more, sleep less. As a result, the body refuses to obey, you do not pull even the usual things for yourself. It ends either with an appeal to a psychiatrist, or with a somatic illness.

Somatic diseases and symptoms

You may experience chronic pain (back pain, headache) as well as complications of viral diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia).

Loading yourself beyond measure, you can become seriously ill. Distress-related illnesses include:

  • heart attacks;
  • Strokes;
  • Hypertension;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • Disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • Bronchial asthma.

Psychotic states

Due to lack of sleep and rest, symptoms of psychosis can occur. Hallucinations often occur with sleep deprivation.

Psychological causes of exhaustion

  1. Constant anxiety and despair.

The inability to cope with anxiety and despair leads to fatigue and indifference. So the body protects itself from unbearable experiences. Anxiety appears when it is impossible to be sure of the future. Despair arises from the need to give up your goals or familiar things: cars, apartments, vacations abroad or sausages for breakfast.

  1. Insensitivity to your body.

There are people who have been brought up in such a way that they stop listening to their body. They don't feel tired or in pain. Some of them don't feel hungry. They just get really sick at some point. Sensitivity to your body can be restored in the process of long-term psychotherapy.

  1. All by myself, all by myself.

If you have a lot of responsibility, you may experience symptoms of exhaustion. Sometimes unbearable burdens are connected with an objective necessity - for example, to pay a foreign currency mortgage and feed children. But truly hopeless situations are extremely rare. In most cases, it is simply difficult to see the resources around you. Or afraid to share responsibility with other people. Or lack the ability to ask for help. Or asking for help is humiliating for you, like admitting that you are a “weakling”.

  1. Unrealistic demands on yourself.

If the word “should” is more important to you than the word “want”, then this is the path to exhaustion.

"I have to be successful." "I should buy a fancy car." “I simply have to send my child to the best paying school.”

Constant demands on yourself may be a habit that has appeared in the parental family. Or they can serve to maintain unstable self-esteem: if self-esteem depends solely on your successes and failures, then you are forced to spend a lot of energy.

  1. The idea of ​​"everything depends only on me."

Now the idea is popular that we form our reality, that everything depends on us. This is partly true, but it is also true that each person has their own limitations. If you "see the goal, believe in yourself and do not notice the obstacles," then reality can remind you of itself either with a bump on your forehead or exhaustion.

  1. Denial of the changed reality.

It happens that exhaustion is associated with an unwillingness to give up your goals and ambitions no matter what. Have you heard the phrase "The crisis is in your head"? Denial of reality is a defense mechanism of the psyche.

If you decide, "I will do my best to live as before, pay all bills and go on vacation as before," then you increase the likelihood of asthenia.

  1. Refusal to mourn losses.

Some of the causes of exhaustion have to do with an unwillingness to grieve for vanishing opportunities. The experience of anger and sadness is so terrifying that it is easier to bring yourself to exhaustion than to accept a new reality.

  • Get enough sleep.

It is believed that an adult should sleep from 6 to 9 hours a day, each person has his own norm. With general exhaustion, sleep may take longer. You need to sleep in silence in a dark room. Light, sounds and interrupted sleep interfere with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. This hormone is necessary for normal health.

  • Rest

Walk regularly. Find time to go to the movies, sit with a book, swim in the pool. If you are busy with mental work, find yourself a pleasant activity with physical activity. If your job is physical, give yourself time to watch a comedy.

  • Relax

Do yoga, Pilates. Learn meditation and visualization techniques. Learn relaxing breathing. Use the technique of auto-training or progressive muscle relaxation. Take a course of massage or treat yourself to a spa treatment.

  1. Reduce costs

Reducing spending is needed to reduce stress and reduce anxiety.

What should you give up? If this is difficult to understand, answer the following questions:

What do I really need to live and what can I do without?

What can I give up temporarily?

What is my cost structure? To understand the structure of expenses, write them down for a month or two.

  1. Look for resources

When exhausted, you use up much more energy than you gain. Your task is to restore the balance between giving and receiving. Think about how to get what you need for free. Let others take care of you. The main thing is that you feel that you are getting more than you are giving.

For example, trips to the mall can be replaced with free delivery via the Internet. This is a way to save time, effort and not spend money on impulsive purchases.

Let's say you have a goal that requires you to invest. For example, you want to relax by the sea. Before you buy a ticket, brainstorm about who or what can help you. Maybe your work offers cheap tours? Or can you ask your great aunt from Koktebel? Or your girlfriend who has a house in Montenegro can take you for free for company?

Think about who can help you clean up, who can help pick up the kids from school.

  1. Avoid unimportant and non-urgent tasks

Use the Eisenhower matrix to analyze your employment. Divide upcoming tasks into important and unimportant, as well as urgent and non-urgent. Refuse unimportant and non-urgent things without regret.

  1. Apply the Pareto Law

Pareto's law says: "20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of efforts - only 20% of the result." Find those 80% of cases that can be abandoned almost without loss, at least for a while. Is it really necessary to clean the apartment every day? Is it really necessary to spend half a day preparing dinner? What task will your boss not remember in a month or two?

Put efforts only in those cases that bring maximum money with a minimum investment of time and effort.

  1. Psychotherapy

If you are faced with asthenic neurosis, seek psychological help.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

What is nervous exhaustion? This nervous disease due to mental overstrain. Nervous exhaustion is one of the most common mental disorders of our time: according to statistics, the basis of the risk group is the working-age population aged 20 to 45 years and mostly women. The disorder is also called neurasthenia or chronic fatigue syndrome, and the Aesculapius consider it a disease.

The unpleasant features of the disease include it poor diagnosis: the disease masquerades as laziness, irritability, depression and somatic diseases. Nervous exhaustion does not always unambiguously fit into the classic symptoms, and the treatment of nervous overexertion is carried out with a delay, only when the disease takes on bright, undoubted signs. Let's figure out what are the symptoms and treatment of depletion of the nervous system in women.

Signs of nervous exhaustion

Irritability. The most common symptom. Irritability arises unmotivated and for no reason. A person is unnerved by friends, family members, co-workers, passers-by and personal habits. Obvious symptoms of emotional exhaustion are irascibility and nervousness. The patient instantly "explodes", loses control and adequate response to sources of irritation. After an outburst of aggression, a person feels lethargic and exhausted.

Headache. With nervous exhaustion, headaches of a compressive nature occur. There is a feeling as if tight leather belts surround the head. The main foci of pain are concentrated behind the eyeballs and in the temples.

Low concentration. There are problems with concentration, which negatively affects work. The person loses the ability to focus on elementary tasks and becomes distracted. Thoughts are abrupt and constantly jump from one to another.

Sleep disturbance. A person with this symptom has difficulty falling asleep. Before going to sleep, the head is filled with negative thoughts, and nightmares are seen at night. Sleep becomes superficial and weak.

Increased sensitivity. Sensory perception is sharpened. Even soft sounds cut the ear, and moderate light is perceived as too bright. The level of sentimentality rises, regular melodrama brings tears. The person becomes resentful.

Anxiety and low self-esteem. There are unreasonable anxieties and fears. Even the simplest things and phenomena frighten a person. There is an obsessive fear of sudden death or an incurable disease. The patient is looking for physical and intellectual flaws in himself, as a result he loses.

Fatigue and weakness. Symptoms of nervous overwork of the body are characterized by the presence, which does not pass even after a long rest. Waking up in the morning, a person already feels tired. Constantly, muscle weakness and fatigue even after minor physical exertion.

Decreased sex drive. Decreased sex drive. Men experience erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, and women may experience vaginal itching.

Psychosomatic disorders. There are violations of the heart rhythm, colic, skin rashes, joint pain, arterial hypertension. Chronic diseases are on the rise. Allergies, problems with nails and hair appear, appetite decreases, the patient's weight decreases sharply.

Frame from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" ("The Wolf of Wall Street")

Online test for signs of nervous exhaustion, nervous breakdown and depression in women

Among the popular and reliable online tests, two should be noted: determining changes in behavior over a certain period of time (most often a month) scale for recognizing depression And Beck test questionnaire to recognize depression. The online test for signs of nervous exhaustion by subjective indicators evaluates overwork, mental exhaustion and energy exhaustion. If a woman feels unwell and realizes that she is mentally exhausted, or, conversely, daily stresses that cause deviations in physical health do not indicate psychological exhaustion, the test results will indicate the absence of depression or make a disappointing, but quite treatable diagnosis: nervous exhaustion.

In the world of modern speeds and high information loads, any person should make it a rule to undergo such tests from time to time: they will promptly indicate the symptoms of a developing disease and will not allow nervous exhaustion to reach a chronic phase.

Consequences of a nervous breakdown

If the symptoms of the disease could not be detected and stopped in time, effects of nervous exhaustion will not keep you waiting. Problems with the work of the heart, digestive organs, high blood pressure, migraines are the price that a workaholic or a person subject to any personal problems pays for inattention to his physical and psychological health.

An unhealthy psychological background, weakness and fatigue with exhaustion of the nervous system cause the emergence and exacerbation of phobias, anxiety and even suicidal attempts.

It becomes a serious problem deterioration of social contacts: increased irritability of the patient leads to conflicts with family members, friends, colleagues, which only aggravates the feeling of guilt and leads to an increase in psychological stress. In some cases, a breakdown leads, alas, to drug or alcohol addiction that has become traditional for modern times: a person is trying to find relaxation and rest from accumulated fatigue and from a difficult life situation that causes constant discomfort.

Forms of nervous exhaustion

Doctors define three forms of the disorder. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Hypersthenic form

As a rule, it is from this stage that nervous exhaustion begins. Symptoms are manifested in the form of asthenia, irritability, loss of strength, sleep disturbance. Even ordinary physiological phenomena are perceived inadequately. Patients shun intense lighting, harsh sounds and interaction with people. There are complaints of abdominal pain, shortness of breath, tinnitus. People with this form of exhaustion experience a loss of concentration, resulting in a decrease in the amount of work performed and its quality.

Frame from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" ("The Wolf of Wall Street")

Irritable weakness

At this stage, the exhaustion of the body increases, acute irritability is manifested. Short periods of violent manifestation of feelings are replaced by frank indifference and silent irritation. to a person more and more difficult to fulfill their duties. Insomnia occurs, light and minor sounds interfere with sleep.

Hyposthenic form

The hyposthenic form is a consequence of severe depletion of the central nervous system. The disorder of this stage is characterized by a constant bad mood, its sudden changes, increased tearfulness and anxiety. Observed complete apathy and lack of initiative. The general mental state resembles depression.

Nervous exhaustion in children

According to statistics, up to 30% of school-age children are prone to nervous exhaustion.

The main causes of nervous exhaustion are:

psychological trauma;
excessive pressure from parents and teachers;
weakening of the body by diseases;
prolonged separation from the family;
change of place of residence and study;
family problems, etc.

The risk group includes children who are required or who themselves strive to achieve high results in school, sports, additional activities, and all this at the same time. Children who seek approval from others for their actions are also prone to frustration. Symptoms of nervous exhaustion are the same as in adults (adjusted for age and childhood physiology).

What to do with the moral exhaustion of a child? First of all, do not think of yourself, a parent or relative, as a great doctor, but turn to qualified specialists and child psychologists (if you yourself are not one). Most likely, the way of life that has developed in the family will have to be reviewed and worked on, like parents, on oneself - yes, this is not easy, but only change in the child's environment can give impetus to positive changes in his health.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

The main cause of nervous exhaustion is imbalance between activity and rest. If a person spends more physical and mental energy than he receives from rest, the vital forces of the body dry up. Emotional and physical overload, addictions, regular lack of sleep, stress, irregular meals and negative emotions, infections greatly deplete the nervous system.

Frame from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" ("The Wolf of Wall Street")

Ideally, a person needs an alternation of mental and physical activity with relaxation and rest. Activity should be replaced by high-quality and varied rest. If a person ignores these rules for a long time, the likelihood of developing nervous exhaustion increases.

Nervous exhaustion treatment

Nervous exhaustion is an insidious and unpredictable disorder. Underestimation of this condition leads to serious health consequences. At the first manifestations of the symptoms of the disorder, you need to understand the causes of occurrence and tackle them - not everyone knows how to recover from nervous exhaustion, but with a timely response, the result will be quick.

So, how to treat the depletion of the nervous system in both women and men?

Balance of rest and work

Diligence is good and commendable, but work and other important tasks always exist, but health can be irretrievably lost.

In addition, in a state of nervous exhaustion human performance is drastically reduced. Therefore, if you are still a workaholic and focused on the highest results, you just need to know what to do with nervous exhaustion and find a balance. Otherwise, you risk losing two important things: health and a high result of labor.

What to do?

Make a schedule for work and rest. It is necessary to clearly realize that work must necessarily alternate with breaks for rest. You must take short breaks during working hours. For every hour of work, it is advisable to take a 5-minute break. During this time, the functions of the body are restored to the required tone, fatigue decreases and at the same time the working mood does not decrease.
Pauses in work are best filled with actions dissimilar to the usual work activities.
If a person is engaged in physical labor, then the best option would be a quiet rest and passive relaxation. In the case of the predominance of mental labor, movement is rational, for example, walking or light gymnastics.

Filling five-minute breaks with smoking or surfing is not an option. Rest should be different from the main activities and be useful.

Lunch meal is optimally combined with a walk.
To draw up a plan, ordinary paper diaries are used, in which they make a list of tasks for the day indicating the start and end time of a specific action. But it is more convenient to use special applications for mobile devices and personal computers, which will not only take into account and remind you of the need to start or complete tasks, but also keep useful statistics of tasks and actions.
A daily routine will help you cope with the chaos that drains your energy and help you develop a good habit of taking breaks from work and going to bed on time.

Normalization of sleep

A person spends a third of his life on sleep, and this is no accident. Sleep is an important physiological process that ensures the restoration of the body and immunity. During sleep, the brain systematizes the information received during the day and consolidates memory.

What to do?

In order for sleep to fulfill its function, on average it must last at least 8 hours. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania conducted a study. As a result of the study, it turned out that people who slept 4 and 6 hours a day for two weeks significantly decreased the cognitive functions of the body, their reactions worsened, creative thinking and memory lapses were observed. At the same time, the group that slept for 4 hours, the indicators were not much lower than those of the group that spent 6 hours of sleep.

Scientists have come to several conclusions. The first conclusion is that sleep deprivation tends to accumulate. The second is that sleep-deprived participants do not notice a decrease in their performance. Third - optimal sleep duration is 8 hours.

Frame from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" ("The Wolf of Wall Street")

Preparation for sleep should begin at 21-00. At this time, the brain prepares to fall asleep and produces the hormone melatonin (regulator of circadian rhythms). By now, you should have finished all your work. It is necessary to stop telephone conversations, correspondence in social networks, watching news, talk shows and films. In other words, you need refuse any sources of information and anxiety that do not allow the brain to calm down and get ready to rest.

For those who find it difficult to give up a movie or a book for the night, it is important to remember that the content of these sources of emotions and information should not be negative. Movies and books can have a calm, positive plot and should not cause a storm of emotions, especially negative ones. Everyone has their own biorhythms, but studies show that the mind and body are best rested when a person goes to bed before 24-00.

Physical exercise

Common cause of nervous exhaustion physical inactivity therefore, physical activity is an important element in the treatment of exhaustion. But physical activity must be dosed, because exhaustion is a tired body, and incorrectly selected loads will worsen the situation.

What to do?

You can start with light exercise in the morning and walking or cycling in the fresh air in the evening. To relieve stress, water procedures are suitable: swimming, contrast showers, aroma baths. As the body strengthens, move on to more intense loads - your own body will tell you how to treat overwork, you just need to listen to it.

Frame from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" ("The Wolf of Wall Street")


We are what we eat. Therefore, if you want your mind and body to be healthy, you need to eat right- A rational and balanced diet in case of nervous exhaustion will become the basis for supporting health and effective recovery after stress.

What to do?

In order for the body to effectively and other negative influences, you need to properly organize the regimen and diet.

Breakfast is a must. Nutritionists say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Morning meal activates protective functions in the body. It is breakfast that contributes to a gradual decrease in the volume of dinner and eliminates harmful snacks during the day.
Avoid unhealthy snacks on the go and overeating.
Another component of well-being and recuperation is drinking enough fluids. For good health, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day. Coffee and tea, juices, sweet soda, alcoholic drinks are not included in this amount. In addition, caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee, energy drinks) and alcohol deplete the body's energy reserves. Treating exhaustion with energy drinks, coffee, and alcohol is like squinting myopia. The consumption of these drinks is best avoided.
The main part of the diet should be products that increase the adaptive properties of the body and contribute to its rapid recovery. Such products include nuts, fresh berries, vegetables and fruits, fatty fish, baked or steamed, wholemeal bread and dairy products, vegetable oils, cereals, honey, herbs.
Vitamins for nervous exhaustion and complex treatment of the disease help to neutralize the symptoms. In addition to the vitamins of group B (thiamine, choline, niacin, B2b B6) necessary for the nervous system, regular intake of macro- and microelements, amino acids, vitamin E, biotin is required.
It is recommended to reduce the consumption of fatty, salty, sweet foods and exclude mushrooms, fried and smoked meat, sausages, legumes, and canned food from the diet.
Additionally, fill the pauses between meals with special decoctions and teas. At the same time, those whose activities require increased concentration of attention, sedative drugs should be avoided.

Frame from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" ("The Wolf of Wall Street")

Treatment of nervous exhaustion with folk remedies

At the first symptoms of the disease, it is quite possible restore the psychological balance of the body:

Essential oils of orange, lavender, peppermint, cinnamon, sage, patchouli, seaside pine will relieve excessive anxiety and stress.
Some flowers, for example, geranium, will help improve the ecology of a residential or office space - its medicinal components will be useful for the body as a whole and for the nervous system in particular.
“What kind of herbs to drink from nervous exhaustion?” - Many non-lovers of drug treatment try to get by with natural remedies. In the fight against overwork, infusions of rose hips rich in carotene and vitamin C, chamomile that calms the nerves (and the addition of honey will save you from insomnia), a decoction of calamus rhizome, useful in depressing the central nervous system, tincture of Rhodiola rosea, will help in the fight against overwork.

Medical treatment of nervous system exhaustion

For the prevention and treatment of nervous exhaustion, the use of pharmaceutical products is acceptable. But at the same time, it is important to remember that pharmaceutics can be different and what kind of drugs to take for the treatment of nervous exhaustion should be advised by a medical specialist.

Frame from the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" ("The Wolf of Wall Street")

If vitamin complexes and natural preparations (valerian, chamomile, lemon balm) can be used more or less calmly, then other preparations are used only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor. In some cases, droppers will be effective to restore a severe psycho-emotional state - with nervous exhaustion, this method turns out to be very effective.

Your surroundings

No matter how unique, strong and independent you are, the environment still affects you. Conduct an audit of your circle of contacts, perhaps among relatives and friends there are those who are called, those who "wag their nerves."

Perhaps the decline in strength directly depends on those with whom you have to interact.

Often, these people are of little use and communication occurs as a result of habit or far-fetched obligations. If this is the case, then try to communicate less with such people. Choose your environment.


In conclusion, let us say that nervous exhaustion is an unpleasant and widespread disease, it is diverse in symptoms, it is not always and not immediately detected, and it can be safely called the "disease of the century." However, this disease, which masquerades as laziness and apathy, is important to be diagnosed in time for timely, and in case of concomitant diseases or injuries, immediate treatment.

With a timely, correct approach, nervous exhaustion can be easily cured by the methods given, but if you think that the disease has acquired a serious form and you cannot cope on your own, then see a doctor immediately.

March 16, 2014, 11:29 am

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Reading 5 min. Views 32.5k. Posted on 2017-03-11

Nervous exhaustion in women and men is nothing but emotional fatigue, provoked by frequent stress, a frantic pace of life, and the pursuit of material wealth.

As a result, chronic fatigue, anger, apathy, dissatisfaction with oneself and others appear. The following are common signs of nervous exhaustion and how to treat it.

How to recognize nervous exhaustion

It is difficult to define it, because exhaustion is often confused with physical diseases.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion are often headaches, depression, indigestion, bad mood, and so on. The latent symptom forces the visible problem to be treated, while the exhaustion remains in the body, flowing into a chronic form.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

Constant nervous and physical stress has a negative impact on the internal resources of a person. Possible causes of wasting include:

  • Overwork at work.
  • chronic stress.
  • Hyperresponsibility for everything that happens.
  • Past illness and surgery.
  • Mental loads.
  • Physical stress, such as childbirth.

Not all of the reasons listed above provoke exhaustion. Each organism perceives what is happening in its own way, it all depends on the individual perception of a particular problem.

Symptoms of Nervous Exhaustion

Increased irritability

A person cannot cope with negative emotions; even the most insignificant situation pisses him off. Close people suffer first of all from a violent reaction.

Fast fatiguability

A person experiences a constant lack of strength, even if he has just woken up. Every day he struggles with a feeling of weakness and lack of assembly. It seems that the strength has left his body.

Constant rush

A person with nervous exhaustion is unable to stand quietly in one place for several minutes. He needs to be constantly on the move, sometimes actions are chaotic and ill-conceived.

Pain in the head and muscles

Often, psychological exhaustion is accompanied by headaches that do not depend on external factors. Intellectual activity is equal to zero.

It is difficult for a person to concentrate and cope with elementary tasks. This provokes forgetfulness and jumping from one thing to another.


Obsessive thoughts do not allow a person to fall asleep, he scrolls unpleasant events and moments in his head, worries about what may not be.

If you managed to fall asleep, then the person sleeps sensitively, the slightest rustle can wake him up. After such a dream, one feels overwhelmed.

Nervous state is accompanied by:

  • fear
  • anxiety
  • back pain
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • inflammatory processes.

Chronic forgetfulness syndrome appears, it is difficult to remember simple information.

It is easier to cope with nervous exhaustion at the initial stage by connecting relatives and other people interested in a speedy recovery.

Consequences of a mental disorder

The symptoms of the disorder cannot be ignored, they have consequences.

A shattered nervous system affects communication with others. Any situation is perceived with hostility, irritation and even anger appear.

A person refuses to communicate with loved ones, believing that it will be better for everyone.

A severe form of exhaustion changes the attitude towards life, provokes mental problems. They are accompanied by obsessive manic thoughts and ideas. There is a degradation of personality.

It is no secret that mental illness provokes various diseases. Many women complain about the presence of candidiasis, herpes, the work of the endocrine system is disrupted. Exhaustion of the nervous system provokes a violation in the thyroid gland, weight fluctuates.

Disorders provoke to resort to bad habits, such as: smoking, alcohol and even drugs. Such funds only exacerbate the situation, leading to prolonged depression.

Treatment and recovery

The habitual rhythm of life is reflected in the psychological state of a person. Pay attention to the duration and quality of sleep, food, rest, walks.

  1. The well-being of a person and his mood depends on nutrition. The diet should be balanced, containing vitamins and other elements that contribute to the development of protective functions in the body.
  2. Go to bed only when you feel tired. Do not force yourself to sleep if the body does not need rest. Reading books, watching TV and other things that can be done anywhere but in bed do not contribute to deep sound sleep.
  3. Walk outside every day without exception. Give preference to evening walks. Instead of gatherings in a cafe, go with friends to the countryside, where you can have an active and fun time. Go in for sports, practice yoga, swim in the pool. Physical activity is calming and positive.
  4. Don't let work take up all your free time. Correctly prioritize, spend your free time with benefit.

In some cases, the disease requires medication. Use antidepressants only as prescribed by the doctor, otherwise you can aggravate the situation and undermine your health. Such drugs dull the feeling of anxiety and fear. They have a sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant action.

Balanced diet

The emotional state depends on nutrition, the lack of useful components leads to mental disorders. Regular intake of vitamins and minerals improves the nervous system.

Add variety to your daily menu, which should consist of plant foods, cereals and seafood.

Forget about simple carbohydrates, fatty foods, pickles, processed foods, sausages, sweets, alcoholic beverages.

What to remember

  1. Alternate work with rest.
  2. Get yourself a good night's sleep, lack of sleep leads to irritation and other problems.
  3. Eat in a balanced way. See a nutritionist if you don't know how to make your own diet.
  4. Be active. Go in for sports, physical activity relieve stress.
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