Measures to prevent thrush in a man if a woman is sick. Factors affecting the immune system and the development of candidiasis. Features of the course of this disease in men

Candidiasis can only appear when favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, so thrush in men in most cases occurs due to reduced immunity. Science knows that pathogenic microorganisms inhabit mucous membranes human body, however, an active increase in the number of fungi occurs only in the presence of disposing factors. These include bad habits, chronic diseases, frequent change sexual partners, no good nutrition and other reasons.

What is a thrush

This disease is a consequence of the defeat of fungal infections of the male external genital organs. The occurrence of candidiasis is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as burning and itching during urination. In addition, representatives strong half Humanity notes discomfort during intercourse. The causative agent of the infection is candida fungus, which is part of the microflora of the intestinal mucosa, oral cavity and genitals.

Candidiasis unites a group of diseases of similar etiology, characteristic symptoms which is a lesion of the skin of the genital organs with characteristic mucous secretions. Fungal microflora may look like white coating with a sour milky smell, from which the disease is called "thrush". There are other types of pathology, for example, intestinal candidiasis, stomatitis, urethritis, vaginitis or vulvitis.

Do men have thrush

It is believed that male thrush- this is a myth, since the disease is attributed to female diseases. However, candidiasis affects both sexes. Misconception appeared because the body of the weak half of humanity is more suitable for the reproduction of fungi that are transmitted during sexual intercourse. In this case, the man becomes a carrier of the disease, not a patient.

IN medical institutions Every year there are hundreds of males who want to quickly cure thrush. The cause of the problem lies in the causative agent of candidiasis, which is located on the mucous membranes or skin of the genital organs in the male body. Subject to intimate hygiene chance of disease in a healthy person zero. However, there are certain factors that provoke the development of infection.

Can a man be a carrier

According to medical data, thrush in boys and girls is caused by the Candida fungus, which can manifest itself in different states. Since men are often carriers of infection, the pathogenic microflora in their body is inactive, however, in the absence of a permanent sexual partner, all women who have had close contact with an infected person are at risk of infection. Due to the fact that the head of the penis is not favorable place for the reproduction of fungi, microorganisms develop much more actively on the female genital organs.

Infection with thrush occurs in a humid and warm environment, so the microflora of the vagina is considered an ideal place for the occurrence of thrush. man in this case acts only as a carrier of the disease, since fungi are present on the external genital organs - the head of the penis and the foreskin. The immunity of the strong half of humanity in most cases successfully resists the disease, but in rare cases and they have a genital inflammatory process.

Symptoms in men

Clinical symptoms inflammation of the glans penis is difficult to confuse with something. A man feels discomfort in the groin area, which haunts him throughout the day. The disease proceeds in several stages, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms. Symptoms of thrush in men take the form inflammatory process, which is accompanied by swelling, itching, redness or burning of the penis. Often, when the head is damaged, the patient has a white coating - with the help of this manifestation disease can be identified.

First signs

The development of thrush initial stage sometimes it is asymptomatic, because the man acts as a carrier of the disease. Candidiasis occurs when a person's immune system weakens. The disturbance may appear along with the corresponding outward signs, such as rash, erosion, plaque with sour smell. In addition, the patient experiences pain during intimacy, and when urinating - itching and burning.


Having found out how thrush manifests itself in men, you should deal with the reasons that may favor the development dangerous disease. Often the body of representatives of the strong half of humanity has powerful immunity, therefore, the infection seeks to find alternative ways of infection. The most common reasons are:


Diagnosis of thrush is carried out by a urologist, who, based on the symptoms and results laboratory research should establish the nature of the disease. To determine the pathology, tests such as smear microscopy and sowing on nutrient media are used. The material is taken gauze swab followed by a drug susceptibility test. This procedure necessary to accelerate the selection of antifungal therapy.

Treatment of thrush in men

In case of confirmation of thrush, several types of therapy are used, which can be both local and systemic. Topical preparations are presented antifungal agents such as Clotrimazole ointment. Concerning systemic treatment, then here they go special tablets like fluconazole, nystatin, or itraconazole. The use of drugs is prerequisite to get rid of the fungus.

Doctors do not recommend self-medication, because this is likely to lead to a relapse of the disease. If re-infection is observed after a course of therapy, then most likely the sexual partner is the source of the infection, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Further performance of marital duties should occur only with a condom. The reason for the return of the disease in some cases is a weakened immune system.


Treatment of male thrush in representatives of the strong half of humanity requires integrated approach, since the use of even the most effective drugs does not always bring the desired results. Candida fungi affect the mucous membranes of the human body, so both systemic and local medicines are recommended. Antibiotics in the form of tablets or capsules for oral intake constitute important part therapy. Popular drugs in this category are:

  • Difluzol;
  • Flucostat;
  • Diflucan;
  • Fluconazole.


With male thrush, doctors often prescribe various antifungal creams or ointments based on clotrimazole, because this substance perfectly fights pathogenic microflora. In most patients who have undergone therapy, the fungus will definitely not appear. long time. The most popular drugs for the treatment of any type of pathology, including urogenital candidiasis, are Ketoconazole and Miconazole.

Creams for local use put on foreskin and the head of the penis thin layer without rubbing. This manipulation should be carried out twice a day for a week. You should not stop treating thrush if the symptoms disappeared earlier, because the fungus can temporarily go into a passive state. The parallel use of ointments and tablets will ensure a successful recovery.

Normalization of bowel function

Before treating thrush in men, it is necessary to identify the main cause of the disease. Often the provoking factor of candidiasis is intestinal dysbacteriosis, therefore, for the implementation effective therapy first you need to deal with the root cause. Diseases digestive tract are often the result of overuse of antibiotics or other aggressive drugs.

Not proper nutrition with an abundance of fatty carbohydrate food can cause a violation of the natural microflora of the stomach, which will create ideal conditions for the development of the fungus. Diarrhea, flatulence or constipation are considered characteristic signs of dysbacteriosis. In this case, the patient should take feces for analysis to make sure the diagnosis is correct. Best of all, probiotics or prebiotics cope with intestinal problems, which only a gastroenterologist has the right to prescribe.


When dealing with thrush, it is recommended to observe strict diet, which excludes the use of sweet, carbohydrate foods. Representatives of this type of products are all bakery and confectionery products, chocolate, sweets and cookies. predominance fast carbohydrates in the patient's diet causes bowel problems and other complications.

A reasonable way out of the situation would be a change in the usual way of life and the transition to balanced diet. With candidiasis, specialists prescribe treatment with medicinal infusions from herbs such as chamomile, barberry, calendula, cloves and other plants. The resulting decoction treats the affected areas or makes steam baths with their participation.


The appearance of thrush requires careful observance of all the rules of personal hygiene. It is best to use underwear made from natural fabrics that will fit comfortably on a man. From taking a bath and previous hygiene products will have to be abandoned, patients with candidiasis are allowed to bathe only in the shower. It is recommended to purchase a separate soap for the intimate area and after water procedures dry the genitals. At the time of therapy, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse.


Many men treat thrush as mild illness, which will pass by itself. However, do not forget about possible complications diseases, because fungal infection able to climb up urethra. The consequences of neglected candidiasis often take the form of such serious diseases as prostatitis or cystitis. In rare cases, with a recurrent form of thrush, there is a possibility of infertility in men.


As a preventive measure for candidiasis, men should avoid unprotected sex. The best thing to do to strengthen immunity is to go to healthy eating, quit bad habits, regularly attend sports sections. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is very important for the prevention of thrush, but the most important thing is regular medical examinations. Timely therapy is the guarantor of the health of any patient. Avoid attempts at self-treatment, because only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Prevention of thrush in men if a woman is sick

When signs of thrush appear in a woman, both partners should be treated, regardless of gender. The risk of contracting candidiasis will be significantly reduced if a condom is used during intercourse. In addition, men must observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash their hands after using the toilet, use separate hygiene products dry the genitals after a shower. Additionally, antifungal drugs are used.

Photo of thrush in men


Prevention of thrush in men is not much different from the prevention of female candidiasis. However, it is worth talking about the urogenital separately. Some men even have no idea about this disease and consider it female disease. But the male thrush is far from a rare event, and its manifestations are as unpleasant as in women. Some men prefer to remain silent about their discomfort and endure, they do it in vain, because thrush is not such a harmless disease as it seems at first glance.

Causes of thrush

Thrush got its name due to the fact that the discharge in this disease resembles or cottage cheese. This disease occurs due to an increase in the number of Candida fungus. In a healthy person, this fungus in small quantities always present on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, but does not cause any trouble. But as soon as the amount of fungus increases, beneficial bacteria can no longer restrain the reproduction of the fungus and a disease occurs.

More often explosive growth the fungus begins when immunity falls, for this there may be the following reasons:

  • infectious diseases in the body;
  • long reception antibacterial drugs;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • unprotected intercourse with a candida carrier.

I must say that men get thrush much less often than women, this is due to the fact that in men the fungus is localized in the urethra, from where it is constantly washed out with urine. When a man shows symptoms of thrush, we can say that immunity is extremely reduced.

Symptoms and diagnosis of thrush in men

Just like in women, thrush gives a man a mass unpleasant symptoms. It is itching and burning during the process of urination, discomfort during sexual intercourse, plaque on the genitals white color, unpleasant sour smell, swelling and redness of the glans penis or only the foreskin. As soon as such symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a urologist, otherwise other urogenital diseases will join the candidiasis, or it will cause complications of the disease.

For example, balanitis may occur. This disease is accompanied by the appearance of rashes or wounds on the penis, the color may change skin genitals. The head of the penis swells and becomes covered with a whitish coating.

Balanoposthitis develops if the amount of the fungus increases greatly, with this disease the glans penis narrows. If candidiasis passes into the urinary tract, then urethritis may appear, its symptoms are very similar to those of gonorrhea, so it is often confused with this disease. Symptoms are discharge and itching.

In the event of a fungal infection Bladder cystitis begins. The patient complains of heaviness in the pubic region, discomfort and burning sensation during urination, while the urine is cloudy, severe cases blood is mixed with it.

Male candidiasis is diagnosed based on visual inspection. The doctor takes an analysis for bakposev of the fungus, this is necessary in order to find out its number, type and determine which type antifungal drugs there is a sensitivity. Tests can show the presence of the fungus even if the man does not show symptoms, then it is considered that the man is a carrier of the disease.

What should be done in order not to infect a woman?

If a woman has symptoms of thrush after sexual intercourse, then it is safe to say that the infection came from a man. In order not to infect your partner in the future, it is necessary to be treated with her, regardless of whether the man has symptoms or not. While treatment lasts, intimacy is possible only with the use of condoms. After treatment, factors that can provoke a relapse of the disease should be avoided.

Often men do not recognize any diseases in themselves and refuse to undergo treatment with a woman. In this case, it is necessary to correctly explain the situation, and the man must understand that if the woman is treated, but he is not, then at the very first sexual intercourse, he will infect her again. The prognosis of treatment is always favorable and relatively uncomplicated, but the denial of the disease and refusal to be treated can lead to serious complications.

Treatment of thrush

For the treatment of thrush in men, the drugs used are the same as in the case female form. These are oral antifungal drugs, however, the treatment should be complex, so only pills are not enough here. Nessesary to use antifungal ointments or creams - Nystatin, Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, etc.

It is imperative to eliminate the causes that provoke the growth of the fungus, as well as treat concomitant diseases, if any. For example, if a man, in addition to thrush, has infectious diseases, inflammation, and so on, then treatment should be directed to them.

In order to avoid relapses in the future, you need to take vitamins, especially group B, follow a diet - eat less sugar and dough products, and introduce more fermented milk products into the diet.


After candidiasis is cured, it is important to prevent its reappearance. Prevention of candidiasis in men involves strengthening immune system, the exclusion of sexual contact with an infected partner and the observance of proper personal hygiene. Very important early diagnosis and timely treatment of infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. Special attention men who are at risk should pay attention to their health - these are people with diabetes, blood diseases, those who are forced to take antibiotics for a long time, hormonal preparations, as well as men prone to a permanent decrease in immunity.

Preventive measures should be aimed at reducing the number and effect of the fungus on the body, it is very important to maintain beneficial microflora genital organs, for this it is necessary to consume sour-milk products.

Equally important is personal hygiene. It is necessary to regularly wash the penis, wipe it dry. It is advisable not to use intimate hygiene products with fragrances and fragrances, to abandon products containing dyes. It is not recommended to wear synthetic underwear.

As for nutrition, it is necessary to limit the use of products containing preservatives, food colorings, not to abuse alcohol and smoking, if possible, avoid stressful situations. Prevention of thrush is healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition, hygiene and timely treatment of infectious diseases. Be healthy!

It is generally accepted that the problem of thrush is faced mainly by women. Yes, this disease is more common among the fair sex, however, this disease often affects men as well. Therefore, the prevention of thrush in men is just as important as in women.

Features of the course of thrush in men

Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease. Various factors can cause it to appear:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • genital trauma;
  • decrease in the level of immunity;
  • dysbacteriosis, in which normal microflora genital organs (head of the penis, etc.);
  • sexual contact with a partner who has thrush.

Most often in men, candidiasis affects the glans penis and foreskin. As a rule, for a full recovery it is enough local treatment. At the same time, drugs are prescribed local action(mainly ointments) that contain clotrimazole. Most likely, candidiasis will not cause any complications in a man, but this possibility cannot be ruled out.

The fungus of the genus Candida can cause the following diseases in men:


It is worth noting that if the course of thrush in men is significantly different from its course in women, then the means of prevention are generally the same for both sexes.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of thrush for those people who are at risk.

It is necessary to avoid sexual contact with carriers of the infection, observe the rules of personal hygiene and strengthen the immune system. Please note that candidiasis may be an accompanying factor in any venereal disease, so it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent any diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.

If thrush is detected in one of the partners, both must undergo treatment. Before obtaining negative results of control tests, barrier contraceptives must be used at each sexual contact.

Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. This can lead to the development of complications. It is recommended to wear underwear made from natural materials. This will prevent the creation of wet places on the body in which the environment is favorable for the reproduction of fungi. Stop using scented soaps for hygiene intimate areas and perfumes. If you are taking medication antibacterial action, glucocorticosteroids or cytostatics, it is necessary to use antifungal drugs. In this case, the drugs will not cause the development of thrush in men.

Thus, preventing the appearance of thrush in men is quite simple, for this it is enough to avoid unprotected sexual intercourse with casual partners, follow the rules of hygiene and take antifungal drugs along with certain medications. Personal hygiene is very important - this is the main prevention of thrush. In addition, stress, which is quite common cause the occurrence of candidiasis, and in time to treat all diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes that reduce immunity and contribute to the development of candidiasis.

Prevention of thrush in men, if a woman is sick, is of great importance. This is due to the fact that fungal disease transmitted during sexual intercourse and begins to progress, affecting reproductive system male body. A fungus of the genus Candida causes the development of a disease such as candidal balanoposthitis. Treatment of thrush in men takes a long time and requires a qualified approach. That is why it is easier to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it later.

Get tested if your girlfriend has thrush

A fungal disease in a woman causes a number of characteristic features. When they appear, it is recommended to limit sexual contact. A woman is advised to go to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. A man should also be screened to rule out the possibility of infection.

Female thrush in contrast to male infection flows from certain symptoms that are visible to the naked eye.

Signs of vaginal candidiasis include:

  1. Cheese-type discharge - characterized copious secretions from the walls of the vagina, which are visible on the underwear.
  2. in the genital cavity - appears after the detection of secretions. As the disease spreads, the discomfort becomes stronger.
  3. painful urination, discomfort in the abdomen, which cause discomfort during intimacy. This is caused by an abundance of microcracks in the vaginal mucosa, due to increased acidity.
  4. Unpleasant odor - occurs when the pH of the vagina is violated.

Every woman experiences symptoms differently, mostly between 15 and 20 days. menstrual cycle. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. In this case we are talking O hidden current vaginal candidiasis.

Manifestations of thrush in men

In men, superficial candidiasis most often occurs, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Redness of the foreskin.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  • Accumulation of white cheesy plaque.

With absence timely treatment arises Great chance development of vesicles, spots and erosions in the genital area. Fungal microflora can penetrate the scrotum or groin, which is fraught with the progression of diseases such as candidal urethritis or prostatitis. That is why it is recommended to observe preventive measures when having sex. If it was not possible to prevent infection, then medical measures should be taken as soon as possible. This will eliminate the likelihood of complications.

Risk group

Stress and alcohol abuse weaken the body

Most experts agree that thrush in a man develops only after unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner. These statements are only half true. The fact is that if a man’s body is not weakened, then he independently copes with the fungal microflora, suppressing it and preventing the development of the disease.

Infection occurs only when the following predisposing factors affect the male body:

  • Diseases of the digestive tract, anemia and hypovitaminosis.
  • Excessive body weight and increased sweating.
  • Dysfunctions of metabolic processes and diabetes mellitus.
  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs and corticosteroids.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Stressful situations and emotional overload.

If a wife has symptoms of a disease such as candidiasis, then what should a husband do? When absolutely healthy body nothing to worry about. But if there is at least one of the predisposing factors listed above, then it is not worth the risk.

A smart approach to treatment

Before treating a partner with thrush, it is recommended to go to the doctor for a diagnosis. Only after the doctor makes a conclusion, you can proceed to drug therapy. Medicines should also be prescribed by a specialist, based on the results of the studies.

Absence simultaneous treatment thrush in both partners is a guarantee of re-infection. A man and a woman should start taking medication together, refusing sexual contact for the period of therapy.

Only an experienced doctor can advise how to treat thrush in one case or another, based on individual characteristics patient and diagnostic results:

  1. Antifungal agents (orally and / or locally "Orungal", "Rumikoz", "Natamycin"). They are prescribed to suppress the fungal microflora and exclude the progression of the disease.
  2. Correction of immunity (tincture of echinacea or licorice root). After the patient's condition stabilizes, measures are taken to restore defensive forces organism.
  3. Stabilization of microflora ("Linex", "Bifidumbacterin", "Enterogermina"). Thrush in women and men causes imbalance beneficial microorganisms. To restore the microflora, special lacto- / bifido preparations are prescribed.

To increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, it is recommended to adhere to special diet(avoid sweet, spicy and fatty foods) and observe the rules of personal hygiene. We should not forget that in no case should you wear tight or synthetic underwear. It is important to provide oxygen to the genitals. It contributes to the destruction pathogenic microflora. That is why it is better to give preference to free models of clothes made of cotton fabric.

Thrush and sex

For the period of treatment, it is better to completely avoid sexual intercourse.

If candidiasis is found in both partners, then it should be abandoned until complete recovery. Even use barrier contraceptives won't help fix the situation. Mechanical impact can give a woman a lot of discomfort. It also contributes to the strengthening and spread of the inflammatory process. Thrush in women can cause the development of very serious complications Therefore, preventive measures should not be neglected.

If the girl was drinking medications against thrush, and the guy did not undergo a course of drug therapy, then there are high risks of re-infection. The need to treat a sexual partner is present even when he has no symptoms of thrush. healthy girl can have sex with a guy, protected by a condom. This will eliminate the possibility of infection.

How to treat thrush in men

When measures for the prevention of thrush in a man, if a woman is no longer observed, then it becomes necessary to carry out drug therapy. Treatment of both partners with thrush is a mandatory measure effective fight with candidiasis. That is why a boy and a girl, or a husband and wife, should take medicine together. After the end of drug therapy, specialists take control tests to understand whether candidiasis has been cured or not. If necessary, repeated treatment is prescribed.

Sexual partners with candidiasis should take the following drugs:

  • "Nystatin". potent medicine has a pronounced antifungal and antibacterial effect. The drug quickly suppresses the progression of fungal microflora and relieves the patient of the discomfort that thrush provokes. Tablets should be taken with caution, in the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. Most often, "Nystatin" is prescribed to a husband and wife with frequent relapses candidiasis. In other cases, you can get by with gentle drugs.
  • "Pimafucin", "Lomexin" and "Clotrimazole". Ointments and gels are widely used to treat candidiasis in women and men. Topical preparations help to cope with the symptoms of the disease and stop the progression of the fungal microflora, preventing the development of complications.
  • "Isoconazole" "Metaconazole" and "Pimafucin". Rectal suppositories do not provide negative impact on the body. With their help, you can not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also influence the cause of its development. Active substances, included in rectal suppositories, are widely used both for the treatment of thrush for women and men.

What to take for candidiasis for men? This question can only be answered experienced specialist. You should not advise your husband or boyfriend to take this or that drug, as this can cause the progression of the disease, and the development of health-threatening consequences. At the first symptoms of candidiasis, consult a doctor, undergo a joint and complex treatment and then you will not have to deal with thrush again and again.

A rare woman does not know what a thrush is.

This disease is considered purely women's problem, so many men do not even think that they can be potentially dangerous for their soulmate.

That is why, if a woman is faced with thrush, it should be treated in both sexual partners, regardless of how severe the symptoms are.

Otherwise, the problem will return and spoil the life of both the woman and the man.

Thrush is a fungal disease called Candidiasis.. The household name "Thrush" is associated with characteristic secretions from the genitals resembling dairy products - kefir or cottage cheese.

Candidiasis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida., which are related to conditionally pathogenic microflora, which means that they are present in small amounts in healthy people. However, if there is certain conditions the fungus begins to multiply rapidly, pathogenic fungal species appear (there are more than 150 species), which leads to the development of the disease.

The main reason for the rapid growth of Candida fungi is a decrease in immunity.. But there are several factors that lead to a weakening of the immune system and entail the development of Candidiasis. These include:

The development of thrush in men occurs much less frequently than in women, because the fungus is mainly concentrated in the urethra, from where it is constantly washed out with urine. If the symptoms of thrush are clearly manifested in a man, this indicates significant reduction immunity. But even if the symptoms are not expressed, it cannot be unequivocally stated that the man is not a carrier of the Candida fungus.

In most cases, thrush in men is asymptomatic.. This can be explained by the fact that strong immunity does not allow the fungus to develop excessively or the fact that the disease has already passed into chronic form and the symptoms appear very sluggishly, almost imperceptibly.

When Candidiasis is in the acute phase, in men it manifests itself with the following symptoms:

Sometimes these symptoms go away without treatment or their manifestations take minor character. A man gets used to them and does not conduct proper treatment.

To diagnose Candidiasis in a man in the acute phase visual inspection is usually sufficient. But the doctor is not limited to examination and conducts necessary tests, namely sowing to identify Candida mushrooms. And it is important not only the presence of fungi. The main importance is given to their type and quantity. With the help of tests, it is possible to detect the presence of Candidiasis in men even in the absence of symptoms.

If a woman once cured her thrush, and after sexual contact her symptoms reappeared, it can be assumed with some certainty that the man is the source of infection.

To avoid re-infections Candidiasis, you must do the following:

Men often deny that they have any diseases, and react quite sharply to a woman's proposal to undergo treatment together. It is important to correctly explain the situation, to persuade them to go to the doctor together, to explain that the treatment of Candidiasis in most cases is not difficult and has a favorable prognosis.

But the absence adequate treatment can lead to various complications.

For the treatment of thrush in men, antifungal drugs are primarily used topically or orally (through the mouth into the mouth). But most good results treatments are observed with an integrated approach.

This approach includes treatment in three areas:

Local treatment. For this, men use an antifungal cream or ointment, 2-3 applications on the affected areas per day (according to the instructions for the drug).

In pharmacies today you can find a large number of antifungal creams and ointments ( Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Nystatin, Zalain and others ). They bring initial relief, relieve itching and burning.
Systemic treatment to eliminate the causes of the rapid growth of the fungus. This includes oral antifungal medications ( flucanazole or fenticonazole under various trade names(Fdukanazole, Flucostat, etc.) ) and treatment concomitant diseases if available.

That is, if a man suffers in parallel infectious diseases, diabetes, various inflammations etc. then treatment should be directed more towards these diseases.
Rehabilitative Therapy. Vitamin therapy is prescribed to avoid relapses. high content B vitamins, immunocorrectors, diet (low sugar and flour products and high content of lactic acid products).

To avoid pathogenic growth fungi of the genus Candida can be, if you follow a number of simple rules:

Insufficient attention to changes in your body, an indifferent attitude to symptoms indicating the presence of thrush in a man can lead to various complications.

Most often, candidiasis provokes inflammation of the glans penis (balanitis) or the head and extreme half (balanoposthitis). We must not forget that the presence of erosions on the head of the penis is an excellent environment for the development various infections. Possible infection in the urethra, which causes urethritis. In general, the absence proper treatment can provoke the spread of candidiasis to other vital important organs(most often the intestines), as well as nails, skin and oral cavity.

In addition to unpleasant and dangerous consequences for the body, candidiasis causes constant discomfort, constraint, lack of a normal sexual life, which leads to psychological problems. If a woman notices manifestations of thrush in her partner, every effort should be made to convince the man to undergo high-quality and timely treatment.

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