Exercises for arthrosis of the right shoulder. Shoulder exercises. What projectiles can be used

Shoulder exercises are a necessary set of general and physical activities. Such procedures are needed to normalize the functionality of the shoulder joint and prevent the occurrence of diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system.

Therapeutic exercises should be performed in compliance with all safety measures, taking into account the age and physiological data of the patient. The best option is to go to the gym regularly. Exercise therapy and a set of exercises are aimed at strengthening and improving the shoulder girdle.

Under the supervision of a coach, such exercises exclude the possibility of injuries and increased loads.

Note! The entire training set of procedures for developing shoulder joints has similar movements. They help to strengthen the joint capsule and increase the muscle mass of the shoulder.

At the same time, with arthrosis and other joint diseases, exercise therapy is performed for rehabilitation and prevention.

Additional measures


gymnastics will bring more tangible results if used in conjunction with anti-inflammatory drug treatment. Such actions relieve inflammation, pain and improve intra-articular circulation.

At the same time, therapeutic baths and rubbing the affected area with products with natural ingredients can bring an additional effect. For these purposes, blue clay, rich in minerals and trace elements, is excellent.

It is involved in the regeneration of the joint capsule and replenishment of the calcium balance of bone tissue.

Many doctors advise the use of homeopathic and folk remedies. Quite often, joint diseases of the shoulder girdle are caused by metabolic disorders in bone tissues and bone dystrophy.

In such situations, it is necessary to change the diet and take drugs that stimulate the flow of blood and lymph. It is also recommended to take a course of massage.

Physiotherapy. Indications for use

A complex of therapeutic exercises can not be performed by all patients, since there are a number of contraindications. Consider the conditions under which the exercise is necessary:

  • any physical activity has a positive effect during the period of weakening the symptoms of the disease. With an exacerbation of the disease, gymnastics is strictly contraindicated;

  • all exercises for arthrosis recommended by authoritative sources (books, Internet sites) should be discussed with your doctor and only then proceed with their implementation. Not all loads can be useful, in some cases they can give negative results;
  • physical activity in arthrosis should not provoke pain. In the case when the complex of procedures being performed causes attacks of pain, it is worth stopping its use and consulting a doctor for additional advice;
  • to get positive results from exercises for arthrosis, daily exercises are simply necessary. After each session, it is recommended to do a light massage in the area of ​​the affected joint and the muscles next to it. In addition to massage, you can apply various healing gels, ointments, balms and creams.

Important! Decompensated diseases of the heart and lungs, high fever and a number of other diseases can cause significant harm to the entire body if, in their presence, engage in physical activity. Therapeutic gymnastics in such cases is prohibited.


Numerous factors are involved in the progression of the disease, so there are several hypotheses that explain the occurrence of the disease. The main factors in the development of the disease can be considered:

  • hereditary traits;
  • overload and damage to the meniscus;
  • overweight and bad habits;
  • post-traumatic condition;
  • anatomical developmental defects.

Dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous and bone tissue of the joint will pass slowly but inexorably. Temporary relief of the condition can again be replaced by a severe attack of pain. The treatment of deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint is complex, therefore, only a highly qualified specialist should prescribe it.

If we talk about certain symptoms of the disease, we can distinguish the following:

  • spasms and pain;
  • numbness;
  • muscle tension;
  • constrained movements;
  • change in joint configuration.

Osteophytes of the shoulder are called "frozen" by physicians. Since the intensity of the manifestations is different, there are three degrees of the disease. DOA of the shoulder joint of the 1st degree is characterized by aching pains in the scapula, shoulder under load of mechanical origin, subsiding at rest. At this stage, the range of motion is not yet limited.

With 2 degrees of arthrosis, the pain is stronger and is permanent. A characteristic crunch accompanies any body movements, the muscles are in tension. When the arm is moved backwards, the pain intensifies, the motor volume is disturbed. Grade 3 of the disease is accompanied by unbearable spasms, and movements are difficult starting from the shoulder girdle. The patient cannot show even the simplest household skills. The joint is deformed, and osteophytes are palpable through the skin. Arthrosis progresses slowly from one degree to another: time is calculated in years.

Principles of treatment of deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint

  • restoration of the joint configuration;
  • normalization of cartilage nutrition;
  • elimination of painful sensations;
  • expansion of motor volume.

To eliminate the painful symptoms of arthrosis, a wide range of means is used, including medicines, folk recipes, therapeutic exercises and massages. A traumatologist and a neuropathologist establish a treatment that uses conservative and medical methods.

The list of drugs for DOA is prescribed by a medical specialist who has examined all the patient's tests. The drugs are aimed at eliminating inflammation and pain relief of the joint. Osteoarthritis is treated:

  • Means for improving blood microcirculation;
  • NSAIDs;
  • Chondroprotectors for cartilage restoration;
  • Minerals and vitamins.

Medicines that reduce inflammation and remove effusion will make you feel better. Non-steroidal drugs help with this. With severe inflammation, an intra-articular blockade is performed, in which injections of corticosteroid drugs are made directly into the affected area.

The local effect of hormonal drugs helps to achieve recovery without harm to the body. Non-invasive treatment in the form of ointments and gels will help maintain the integrity of the skin. Chondroprotectors will help to influence the destructive processes of cartilage. Glucosamine, hyaluronic acid and other substances will help to give elasticity and strength to the tissue. The drugs have a slow mechanism of action, so you can see the result only three months later.

Therapeutic exercise for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Exercise therapy for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is an important component. After all, the main task is to stabilize the work of the joint between the complete absence of load and intense exposure. Muscles receive the necessary stimulation, and the joint is restored and developed. If pain occurs during exercise, the exercise should be stopped immediately.

Exercises for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint:

  1. Sitting, they put their hands on their knees, and rotate only the shoulder joints.
  2. Straightened arms lift up as high as possible.
  3. They bend their arms at the elbows and rotate the shoulder joints, then straighten and spread their arms to the sides.
  4. Fingers touch shoulder blades.

If the cartilage is completely destroyed, joint arthroplasty is used, during which part of the joint is replaced with a plastic, ceramic, or metal prosthesis. The service life of such a prosthesis is more than twenty years, and the operation itself is expensive and serious. Contact the clinic at the first signs of deforming arthrosis.

Alternative methods of treatment of the shoulder joint

If arthrosis of the shoulder joint is detected, gymnastics will help develop the joint, give it mobility. By means of substances of natural origin, the condition of a patient suffering from spasms can be alleviated.

Propolis in the amount of 3 grams is mixed with 50 grams of melted fat. The ointment is applied to the affected area. Another natural cream recipe is a mixture of a tablespoon of honey heated in a water bath. Massage the sore spot with honey ointment, and then wrap in warmth.

Vaseline in the amount of 50 grams is mixed with hops, St. John's wort and sweet clover (10 grams each). This cream is rubbed into the damaged joint. Hellebore root is mixed with wild rosemary (10 grams each). Pour melted animal fat and insist 12 hours. Healing ointment is applied to the sore spot. Properly selected treatment in the early stages of the disease will help preserve the joint and avoid surgical intervention.


With osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, it is important not only to take the medications prescribed by the doctor, but also to perform exercise therapy exercises.

Along with drugs, physical education helps in the speedy and high-quality rehabilitation of joints, reduces pain and alleviates the general condition of the patient.

Due to physical activity, the flow of synovial fluid is stimulated, delivering the nutrients necessary for recovery to damaged joints.

Contraindications to exercise therapy

Exercise therapy exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint have a number of contraindications that should never be ignored:

  1. To perform gymnastics, the disease must be in remission. The patient should not experience acute pain. Otherwise, there will be no positive effect from classes with osteoarthritis, the course of the disease will become more complicated.
  2. In the presence of high blood pressure or temperature, classes must be canceled until the body is fully restored. Vascular spasms and hyperthermia can cause pain in the shoulders.
  3. Before you start performing a set of exercise therapy exercises for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, you need to pick it up with the help of a rehabilitation doctor.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to perform gymnastics if pain is observed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe damaged joint during exercise.
  5. It is important to do gymnastics regularly, and to consolidate the positive effect of it, you can do your own massage of the muscles of the shoulder and adjacent areas. Strengthening the effect of it can be achieved with the help of special for.
  6. If a doctor has prescribed exercise therapy for shoulder arthrosis with weights, it is undesirable to immediately use the maximum weight. It is better to gradually increase the weight of the load, observing how you feel.

It should also be remembered that exercise therapy for arthrosis of the shoulder joint of the 2nd degree should be performed strictly under the supervision of the attending physician or rehabilitator.

If the classes are chosen independently, a doctor's consultation is still required, since not all of them are developed by professionals and will be beneficial in each individual case.

Gradual physical rehabilitation

Basically, during rehabilitation for deforming arthrosis, doctors prescribe physiotherapy exercises, which are performed in four main stages.

First stage

At the first stage, the physical load for the patient is selected. In this case, the doctor takes into account the stage of development of the disease. At this stage, there should be tension in the muscles of the shoulder, but there should not be sharp pains.

Second phase

It is a simplified exercise therapy gymnastics for arthrosis of the shoulder joint. This is a special complex, which includes the following classes:

  • the shoulder muscle needs to be strained and relaxed 5 times;
  • the fingers of the injured hand squeeze some hard object, for example, a dense rubber ball;
  • the wrist region is developed with circular movements of the brush 8 times;
  • fingers on the arm affected by arthrosis 12 times bend and unbend;
  • with a healthy hand, the patient slowly bends at the elbow 6 times;
  • 4 times the sick hand is raised and laid aside with the help of a healthy one.
Third stage

At the third stage, all gymnastics is performed in a sitting position, with hands folded on their knees:

  • the sore arm slowly rises forward and then up;
  • arms bent at the elbows are bred to the sides;
  • shoulders rise and tense;
  • hands are slowly wound behind the back.

All exercises are repeated five times.

Fourth stage

At the fourth stage, all physiotherapy exercises are performed in a sitting position, with arms lowered along the body. Repeat all exercises 10 times:

  • rotate by hand;
  • bend and unbend arms;
  • swing them back and forth.

When performing the exercises of the last stage, it is allowed to use a small load - so the effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises will be higher.

Other tricks

If there are symptoms of shoulder arthrosis, the doctor may also prescribe exercise therapy, which consists of the following classes.

Pulling up to the shoulder blade

The position of the legs shoulder-width apart, raise one arm bent at the elbow. In this case, the fingers should touch the shoulder blades, and the elbow should be pointing up. With the other hand, gently press on the elbow so that the palm drops as low as possible.

Chair exercise

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, facing 40 cm away from a regular chair. Further, counting to eight, lower your straight arms on the back of the chair. On a new count, the affected shoulders should be gently pulled towards the floor, holding on to the back of the chair.

On the count of 8, gently return to the starting position. During one session, the exercise is repeated eight times.


For the next exercise, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, and lower your arms down. Each hand must be placed on the opposite shoulder.

Exercise therapy gymnastics is indicated for arthrosis of not only the shoulder, but also the elbow joint.

The main thing is to remember that all exercises must be performed very carefully, while you need to monitor your feelings. With systematic implementation, rehabilitation can be significantly accelerated.


  1. The essence of the problem
  2. Reasons for development
  3. Symptoms of the disease
  4. Stages of arthrosis
  5. Diagnosis
  6. Treatment Methods
  7. Exercises
  8. Prevention

Various diseases of the joints are now becoming more common. This is due to lifestyle, malnutrition, ecology, and sometimes heredity. One of the most common pathologies is osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint. It is observed in people over 55 years old, by the age of 70 the number of patients reaches 70%. Men suffer from arthrosis to a greater extent, since hard physical labor is considered one of the causes of occurrence.

The essence of the problem

The shoulder is a complex element that provides movement in almost all planes. It is because of their mobility that the shoulder joints are highly susceptible to damage and rapid wear.

Dystrophic and degenerative processes in cartilaginous tissues and bone surfaces without pronounced inflammatory signs are called arthrosis. The disease is chronic progressive in nature and is accompanied by increasing pain. Without timely measures taken, a person runs the risk of becoming disabled.

Reasons for development

Deterioration of cartilage nutrition is the main cause of arthrosis. It is due to the following factors:

  • injuries - athletes, people dealing with heavy loads, the elderly are at risk;
  • physical activity - efforts in which the shoulder joint is directly involved, provoke sprains and muscle strain, the joint works in a mode of deficiency of necessary substances and gradually becomes thinner;
  • infectious diseases;
  • vascular diseases - cardiovascular, varicose veins cause a slowdown in blood flow;
  • genetic predisposition - there is a high probability of manifestation of pathology in those whose parents and close relatives have arthrosis. This is due to the inheritance of the weakness of the articular tissue and structural features of the skeleton;
  • age-related changes - with age, the likelihood of acquiring all kinds of diseases increases significantly, metabolism worsens, hormonal levels change. All this is aggravated by inactivity, and as a result leads to irreversible changes in the articular surfaces;
  • birth defects - dysplasia, insufficiency of the ligamentous apparatus limit the functionality of the shoulder, due to which muscle dystrophy begins to progress, disrupting the normal conductivity of the surrounding tissues and reducing the nutrition of the joint itself;
  • overweight - may be the result of metabolic disorders or malnutrition, but, nevertheless, leads to endocrine problems and cartilage depletion;
  • concomitant diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, gout;
  • a change in the hormonal background - observed in women during menopause and entails metabolic disorders, and even during this period, due to a sharp decrease in estrogen levels, calcium is washed out of the bones, which makes them brittle.

Symptoms of the disease

Pathology develops slowly, and its onset is almost asymptomatic. Implicit pain, a fleeting feeling of discomfort - all this is attributed to the weather, uncomfortable posture and much more.

Strong painful sensations can manifest themselves abruptly and suddenly - this behavior is due to the fact that there are no nerves and blood vessels in the cartilage, and pain appears when changes affect the periarticular tissues.

Signs of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint:

  • pain in the shoulder area, aggravated by movement;
  • crunching and clicking, which indicate salt deposits that form osteophytes on the joints;
  • limitation of motor function, increasing with each subsequent stage of the disease.

Stages of arthrosis

The stages of the pathology of the shoulder joint differ depending on the degree of damage to the cartilaginous and bone tissues, as well as the overall clinical picture. Classification allows the doctor to prescribe the correct set of measures, which should show a positive result.

  1. At the initial stage, the morphological tissues of the joint undergo minor transformations. Pain usually appears after lifting weights, significant physical exertion, monotonous shoulder movements. Cartilage gradually loses flexibility and elasticity. There is numbness after sleep. If, already at the first symptoms, you go to the clinic to a specialist, then it is quite possible to get by with a light treatment of the shoulder joint and treatment with gymnastics.
  2. Signs that take place initially, appear more clearly. Cartilage tissue is rapidly changing, becoming thinner, as a result of which defects are formed - osteophytes, giving a characteristic crunch. These processes are often accompanied by synovitis - inflammation of the synovial bag. 2 degree arthrosis has a detrimental effect not only on the joint itself, but also on the menisci and intra-articular ligaments, and also causes muscle atrophy.
  3. At the third stage, the joint is already thoroughly deformed and becomes practically immobile due to the lack of friction between the joints. It is very important to quickly slow down the destruction of cartilaginous and bone tissues, otherwise complete immobilization will occur.


To determine the exact diagnosis and degree of damage to the shoulder joint, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination by a doctor. At the beginning of the disease, you can contact a therapist. He will prescribe medications, massages, physical procedures. More complex cases are considered by a rheumatologist and an orthopedic traumatologist.

In addition to examination and palpation, the patient will receive a referral for an x-ray, with which you can detect the first signs. The most effective method is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which gives a three-dimensional image of the joint itself and the surrounding soft tissues. To identify the presence or absence of inflammation, you need to pass laboratory and biochemical tests.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint is carried out by conservative methods. In some cases, recipes from traditional medicine are appropriate, but they are effective only at the beginning of the disease. conservative ways:

  • medicinal preparations;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet.

Medicines are designed to relieve pain and inflammation and restore cartilage. This:

  • analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • ointments for external use.

In situations where the pain becomes intense, blockades are prescribed - hormonal injections of diprospan, flosterone, hydrocortisone.

Physiotherapy procedures are carried out by the following means:

  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound;
  • magnetotherapy.

They are designed to enhance the effect of drugs and speed up the healing process. A positive effect on tissue regeneration, the state of blood vessels, blood flow and lymph flow was noted. As a result, the metabolism is normalized, the joint begins to receive proper nutrition and strengthen.

Massage can be performed only after the acute phase subsides. It is indicated for all types of arthrosis. Massage restores motor function, removes muscle seals, stabilizes cartilage nutrition.

Treatment and elimination of symptoms of arthrosis of the shoulder joint by gymnastics is an effective method that has preventive and rehabilitation value. It is prescribed for patients who have completed a course of medication and have stepped over a difficult stage. A set of exercises is recommended by a doctor, you can do it at home or in a group. Contraindications for training:

  • heat;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased intracranial and arterial pressure.


Standing position.

  1. Stand near a wall with your toes touching it. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Lean against the wall at chest level. Move your healthy and diseased hand alternately along the wall in a circular motion.
  2. Stretch your arms up, then down.
  3. Push up from the wall.
  4. Turn your back to the wall, press your hands down to it. While moving your palm along the wall, raise your arm parallel to your shoulder. The same with the other hand.
  5. Take the bandage, with a healthy hand, pull one end down, and the other up. Change limbs.
  6. Approach the table at a distance of a step. Holding on to the edge, lean back as you inhale, as you exhale, lean forward, as if you are doing push-ups.

Sitting position.

  1. Sit at the table, put your hands on the surface with your palms down. Describe a circle with a healthy hand, then a sick one.
  2. Legs shoulder width apart. Take your elbow to the side and up as you inhale, lower your arm as you exhale.
  3. Spread your elbows.
  4. Bend your elbows, clench and unclench your fists.
  5. Put your hands down, relax them. Make arbitrary swings.
  6. Interlock your fingers, raise and lower your hands.

Sitting position with stick.

  1. Sit on a chair, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Grab the ends of the stick. Lift it vertically alternately with a sick and healthy hand.
  2. Put a stick on the floor, grab it with a healthy limb at the top, and a sick one a little lower. Make a circle to the side, while the body should repeat the movement.
  3. Grasp the middle of the stick, hold it horizontally in front of you. Make turns to the sides.


Problems with the joints of the shoulders can be avoided if all the existing prerequisites are removed - heavy physical exertion, an unhealthy lifestyle, and inactivity. Compliance with medical recommendations, sleep and rest, and proper nutrition are the key to successful treatment of arthrosis.


Causes of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

The main reason for the development of arthrosis is the age factor. In an elderly person, the disease can quickly develop, for example, when lifting weights and working in the garden. Trauma can also cause illness and impair the functioning of the shoulder and arm.

Indirect reasons are:

  • the use of heavy physical exertion;
  • congenital disorders of the shoulder joint;
  • excess weight;
  • heredity;
  • endocrine diseases.

Treatment of the shoulder joint with arthrosis is a long process, including different methods. Comprehensive treatment consists of both the use of medicines, massage, and the use of traditional medicine recipes. Also shown is physiotherapy and performing special exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint (exercise therapy).

With arthrosis, every hand movement is accompanied by severe pain and is a big problem. In advanced cases, it is impossible to move your hand. Gymnastics for arthrosis of the shoulder joint will restore the damaged joint by improving the flow of synovial fluid, which delivers nutrients to the joint.

You need to use exercises in combination with massage and diet. Arthrosis of the shoulder joint of the 1st degree can be completely dealt with by performing special gymnastic exercises.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint are performed subject to certain rules:

  1. Performing exercises is permissible in a period when there is no pain and inflammation. Classes during an exacerbation can worsen the condition of a diseased organ.
  2. Before performing special exercises, consultation with your doctor is necessary. Certain movements from exercise therapy may be contraindicated. Often the complexes are developed by people who have nothing to do with medicine. The harm in this case will be much more than good.
  3. Exercises for arthrosis put a load on both muscles and ligaments, it is better not to overload a sore shoulder. If very strong loads are given to the joint, it is better to consult a doctor and do not perform such exercises.
  4. Ideally, there should be more static loads rather than dynamic ones. Static exercises with a minimum of movements strengthen the muscles without wearing out the diseased organ.
  5. To perform physiotherapy exercises for the joints, special devices and costs are not required. All exercises must be performed carefully, without missing classes.
  6. Before starting classes, you need to measure blood pressure.
  7. Exercises are performed slowly and smoothly, the pace is increased very carefully.
  8. Sharp pains signal the termination of classes.
  9. It is impossible to conduct exercise therapy classes when there are such contraindications as high fever, heart and lung diseases and other diseases.

Gymnastics is carried out for a month 2 times a day with a gradual increase in load and range of motion, it consists of 4 stages.

Stage 1. The initial stage consists in the selection of the complex, taking into account the stage of the disease. You can not allow the occurrence of pain, doing therapeutic exercises.

Stage 2. A set of special exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint:

  1. Tighten and relax the shoulder muscle, repeat 5 times.
  2. Squeeze a hard object with a sick hand and release, repeat 5 times.
  3. Rotational movements of the wrist region, repeat 8 times.
  4. Bend and unbend the fingers of the affected hand, repeat 12 times.
  5. With a healthy hand, bend the sore arm at the elbow, repeat 6 times.
  6. Raise the affected arm with the healthy arm, take it to the side, repeat 4 times.
  7. Stand up, put your left hand on your right shoulder, your right hand on your left. On the count of 1-7, keep your elbows as high as possible, and try to reach your spine with your fingers. Give up. Repeat 4 times.
  8. Clasp hands bent at the elbows behind the back. With the left hand, grab the right elbow as close to the shoulder as possible. Repeat 10 times, changing hands.

Stage 3. Exercises in a sitting position, hands on knees:

  • swing your elbows in and out with a small amplitude, repeat 5 times;
  • circular movements with the shoulders, do 5-6 times;
  • raise the affected arm forward and up, repeat 5 times;
  • spread the arms bent at the joints to the sides, repeat 5 times;
  • raise shoulders with tension, repeat 5 times;
  • put your hands behind your back, repeat 5 times.

Stage 4. Exercises in a sitting position, hands down:

  • rotation with straight arms, repeat 10 times;
  • bend and unbend arms, repeat 10 times;
  • swing your arms back and forth, repeat 10 times.

Physical education for arthrosis is more effective if small dumbbells are used.

Exercise therapy is carried out with a gradual increase in loads, avoiding overloads. Therapeutic gymnastics is performed with several short-term approaches of 10 minutes during the day.

Dr. Bubnovsky exercises for the knee joints Temperature in osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Gymnastics for the shoulder joint is a method of treatment carried out under the supervision of a medical professional who has undergone special training.

A set of exercises, properly selected, will help prevent the occurrence and progression of diseases characteristic of this joint.

Gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises: what are the benefits?

Performing certain movements during gymnastics has a positive effect on the individual's body:

  • the amplitude of movements is restored;
  • residual effects of the inflammatory-degenerative process are stopped;
  • tissue nutrition is restored;
  • in the affected area, the processes of microcirculation and blood circulation are improved;
  • relieves tension from muscles and tendons;
  • ligamentous structures are strengthened;
  • gradually recovers.

Contraindications for therapeutic exercises

The following are cases in which exercise is not recommended:

  • disease in the acute stage;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hyperthermia;
  • chronic circulatory failure;
  • severe pain in the area of ​​the damaged joint during exercise.

General requirements

Before starting a complex of therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joint, you should familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. Begin a set of exercises from a supine position.
  2. First of all, with humeroscapular periarthritis, the joints of the upper limb, distant from the shoulder, should be involved in the exercises.
  3. With the help of massage before doing gymnastics, you can reduce the limited range of motion in the shoulder.
  4. The pain syndrome of low intensity that occurs during exercise is not a reason to refuse therapeutic exercises. It can be removed by taking drugs that have an analgesic effect.
  5. The intensity of the performed loads is increased gradually.
  6. The introduction of special sports equipment into the complex of exercises, such as a gymnastic stick, tape, dumbbells, a ball, will help to achieve good results.

To obtain a lasting effect from therapeutic exercises, it is recommended to do it regularly.

Treatment of shoulder joints with gymnastics

One of the frequent pathologies is dislocation, which occurs due to a decrease in the activity of the periarticular muscle tissue and weakening of the ligamentous apparatus. Unpleasant sensations and pain in the shoulder joint reduce the ability to work and quality of life. Therapeutic exercises strengthen the muscles and ligaments around the joint, improve the circulation of the intra-articular fluid and the tone of the muscles of the shoulder, normalize blood circulation, which, in turn, relieves pain and relieves tissue swelling. To develop the shoulder joint, the so-called Her feature is used, which is that all exercises are performed in a prone position and sitting on the floor. Due to this, the compression load on the joints is eliminated. Gymnastics can be divided into several stages:

  • First. Exercises are performed, accompanied by contraction and relaxation of the muscle, movement in the joint.
  • Second. Exercises are aimed at stretching the muscles.
  • Third. Meditation exercises aimed at complete relaxation.

Competently choose gymnastics for the shoulder joint will help a qualified medical worker.

Shoulder arthrosis

This disease develops when there are changes in cartilage that are degenerative-dystrophic in nature. There are several reasons for the occurrence of this pathology, among them - excessive physical exertion. Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating pain and restoring normal metabolism in the cartilage tissue. Further, rehabilitation and preventive measures are taken to prevent the progression of the disease. Massage and gymnastics for the shoulder joint are the main methods of non-drug treatment.

Gentle loads and regular exercise are a prerequisite. The implementation of this simple rule will reduce the limited movement of the joint to a minimum. A training system is individually developed for each patient.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

With this disease, many patients undergo rehabilitation treatment according to the Bubnovsky method. The complex of exercises developed by him is aimed at reducing the strength of the pain syndrome and restoring movements in the damaged joint. Gymnastics is easy to perform and available to perform at home. Like other types of rehabilitation measures, it is done after the symptoms of an exacerbation of the disease have been removed. Immediately before doing the exercises, right in bed, you need to stretch your arms up, then spread them apart and place them under your head. This will be a small warm-up, allowing you to tune in to the exercises and bring the skeletal muscles into tone. The next thing to remember is breathing. On exhalation, that is, with a relaxed state of the skeletal muscles of the thoracic region, all exercises are performed.

So, to normalize movements and improve metabolic processes in the treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint, gymnastics is recommended according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky:

  • In a sitting or standing position (whichever is more convenient) or special rubber bandages that resist lifting. The weight of dumbbells is selected individually in the range from one to four kilograms.
  • In a sitting position, straighten your arms with dumbbells forward and spread them to the sides. Repeat 15 to 20 times.

Bubnovsky's technique has several variations. Be sure to check with your doctor before exercising.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis

With this pathology, the inflammatory process covers the periarticular tissues of large joints (capsules, ligaments, as well as the tendons and muscles that surround them). Middle-aged or elderly people are most susceptible to this disease.

The causes of the disease are heavy loads, hypothermia, cervical osteochondrosis or trauma. When gymnastics with a properly selected set of exercises with regular performance will bring a positive result. However, it should be remembered that these therapeutic measures are performed in the stage of remission of the disease.

Dr. Popov's exercises

Physiotherapy procedures together with therapeutic exercises give a lasting effect. There are many different techniques that are aimed at restoring joint mobility. Popov's gymnastics is recognized as the most effective for the shoulder joint. He managed to create a special method of treating the disease, which consists of several exercises aimed at restoring the affected limb. The following gymnastic exercises (time to perform one - 5 seconds, repeat 10 times) are performed daily in the morning:

  1. Walking in place. Sit on the edge of a chair with your legs apart. Move your legs as if you were walking. At the same time, hands slide from top to bottom along the surface of the thighs.
  2. Relaxation of muscles and ligaments. Make smooth movements with your shoulders, while your hands are in a relaxed state. Next, bend and straighten, continuing to move your shoulders. Perform all movements at a slow pace.
  3. Sipping movement of the shoulders forward. Stretch your arms in front of you, make movements in the form of a figure-eight with your shoulders.
  4. Give up. Inhale and push your shoulders forward to cross your arms over your chest. Return to the starting position while exhaling.
  5. Circular movements are performed forward and backward with the elbows.
  6. Putting your feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward, while trying to reach the feet, which are directed inward. Straightening, bring the shoulder blades together, while the socks look outward.
  7. Put your hands on your shoulders, stretch your elbows in front of you.
  8. Relax the lowered hands completely. Inhaling, raise them up, exhaling - lower them.

Exercises are performed in a sitting position. Gymnastics is stopped if discomfort occurs during its implementation. After the pain syndrome is relieved, classes can be continued. Popov's gymnastics well helps to develop the mobility of the affected joint of the limb, and also allows you to return the shoulder girdle to the physiological tone.


Therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joint, together with drug therapy, alleviate the patient's condition, reduce pain and promote faster rehabilitation. However, we must remember that recovery is a long process, and you should not expect instant results.

Unique. It is surrounded by a muscular frame, due to which it functions to a greater extent. He can move in all planes, but due to daily monotonous movements, many muscles do not participate in his work and gradually atrophy.

Neck problems can also cause shoulder problems. Exercises for the shoulder joint are aimed at increasing its mobility, forming a powerful muscle corset, normalizing physical activity and reducing intra-articular edema.

Exercises to Increase Shoulder Mobility

One of the consequences of the disease of the shoulder joints is stiffness. If the disease is aggravated by problems in the cervical spine, stiff neck may be added. It will be painful for the patient to turn, raise his arms.

The radius of his movements will be limited by raising the hands to the level of the face. To avoid this, you need gymnastics (exercise therapy). It allows you to develop a sore shoulder and strengthen the muscles responsible for its movement.

Exercise therapy and problems of the shoulder joints

Gymnastics is performed in a standing position. It is important to perform at least 10 exercises daily, focusing on the correct movements and your feelings:

  1. Raise your hands up (palms facing each other) and stretch your fingertips well. Turn your palms forward and begin to stretch alternately with each hand. The duration of the exercise depends on how you feel. At the end, a smooth transition to the next exercise follows without rest.
  2. Spread your arms to the sides, turn to the right, stretch the fingertips of your right hand and look at them (turn your head), then turn to the left and do the same. Repeat this at least 10 times.
  3. Continuing to keep your arms parallel to the floor, bend your palms towards you and begin to make circular movements with your hands (shoulders are involved). It is necessary to make 5 circular movements forward and 5 back.
  4. The arms are still parallel to the floor, but they need to be taken back slightly and lowered slightly (the hands should be below shoulder level). Slowly clench your hands into a fist, and then unclench. Stretch your fingers as much as possible while opening your palm. Repeat at least 10 times.
  5. Hands apart parallel to the floor, make rotational movements with the wrist joint (palms clenched into fists). 5 times in each direction.
  6. Variation of exercise 5. Fold your palms into fists as follows: put your thumb in the center of your palm and cover it with the rest of your fingers. Make rotational movements forward and backward (at least 5 times in both directions).
  7. Raise your arms up, bend at the elbows. Grasp the right elbow with the palm of the left hand, and the left elbow with the right. Important - the lower back should not bend. Stretch alternately left and right shoulder up. Minimum - 5 times.
  8. Raise your arms up, bend at the elbows. Grab your left elbow with your right hand. The left hand should hang freely on the back of the head. Gently begin to pull your left elbow. You should feel your shoulder muscles stretch and warm up. Repeat with the other hand.

Exercises according to Evdokimenko

The development of the shoulder joint according to Evdokimenko differs from standard exercise therapy exercises. Here, close attention is paid to the individual characteristics of the patient. The connection of the exercises is unimportant. There are both simplified options (for patients with a severe limitation in movement) and standard ones. All attention is directed to the result.

Exercise examples

Most of the gymnastics is performed in the "sitting" or "lying" position, and only two exercises in the "standing" position. Among the most available are the following:

  1. sitting. Put your hands on your waist and relax as much as possible. Start making circular movements with your shoulders (without jerking). In time, the number of forward / backward rotations is the same (about 1 minute each).
  2. Sitting, hands on the waist. Relax the shoulder girdle and take your shoulders as far back as possible, tighten your muscles, then slowly move them forward until they stop. Minimum repetitions - 5 times.
  3. sitting. The palm of the diseased hand is on the opposite shoulder, the palm of the healthy one is on the elbow of the patient. The affected arm is relaxed. Begin to gently pull the sore arm by the elbow up. The elbow joint should slide over the body without coming off. It is important to achieve maximum abduction of the diseased elbow, in which there is still no pain, but the muscles are very tense. In this position, you need to linger for 10 seconds, tighten your shoulder, and then slowly return to the starting position and relax. Minimum repetitions - 5 times.
  4. Lying on the floor (simple option), take your sore arm to the side and place it on the floor with your palm up. Inhale, raise your arm slightly off the floor and tighten it strongly. Hold for 5 seconds and then relax. The minimum number of repetitions is 5. The standard version is no different from the simple one, only the patient should lie on the bed, and the sore shoulder should be located on the very edge (the arm is laid aside with the palm up and is slightly below the level of the sofa).

Medical practice shows that it is possible to develop a stiff sore joint with the help of gymnastics - a properly selected exercise therapy complex or other methods. It is important for the patient to understand that everything is done smoothly. Sharp movements and excessive loads are excluded.

Gymnastics should be done daily. Only with this approach you will get a stable result and a significant improvement in your condition.

The causes of pain in the upper spine can be completely different, but in almost all cases, complex therapy for such manifestations includes mandatory exercises for the shoulder joint.

The treatment complex is aimed at restoring the functionality of the joints in case of arthrosis, arthritis, injuries, after operations and after dislocations. Gymnastics allows you to increase joint mobility, strengthen the muscle corset, significantly reduce intra-articular edema and normalize physical activity.

Exercise rules

The shoulder joint is surrounded by a framework of muscles, which ensures its functionality with movements in all planes. However, daily monotonous movements can gradually lead to atrophy of some muscles that are not involved in its work.

To obtain the most positive result, a special gymnastic complex for the joint is being developed. The implementation of exercise therapy requires certain rules:

1. Timeliness

Of great importance in the organization of gymnastics is the timeliness and regularity of classes. In the absence of contraindications, for example, after surgery or in case of injury, when the patient performs a light set of exercises, gymnastics should be carried out at a strictly set time, in accordance with an individually developed scheme.

2. Security

In order to avoid additional injuries, physical education should be carried out with maximum safety, according to which an individual approach to each patient is necessary. This takes into account the state of the ligaments, especially the course of symptoms in the disease.

3. Moderation

In order to avoid overload during the rehabilitation of the joint, as well as to restore the functionality of the muscular corset, it is necessary to correctly distribute the degree of load on the shoulder joint. In the event of fatigue, it is necessary to reduce the load.

When examining a patient, a neurologist determines the functionality of the joint and the necessary amount of intervention

4. Break

Strengthening the activity of physical exercises should be done gradually. The patient should not be nervous, in a hurry and fuss, since the rate of normalization of the functionality of the joint, especially in case of dislocation, depends on his emotional state.

It is important not to accelerate the load until the muscles return to normal tone, then it will become much easier to perform the exercises. After the desired result is obtained, treatment with gymnastics can be considered successful, but an abrupt cessation of exercise is not recommended. Load reduction should be carried out gradually to prevent the possible development of pathological conditions.

Exercise therapy for the development of the shoulder girdle

The complex of therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joint includes movements that can be performed both independently and together with the instructor. Such exercises are useful not only for patients who suffer from a pain symptom and limitation of joint mobility, but also as a preventive measure for people who do not experience such problems. In this case, there is an effective stretching and warming up of the muscles.

Gymnastics is an excellent method of normalizing mobility in the hands. Initially, the exercises are performed together with the doctor, but later they can be performed independently.

Approximate set of therapeutic exercises

Gymnastics for the shoulder joint, as a rule, is performed in an upright position. 10 approaches (exercises) should be done daily, which include:

  • Both hands are raised with palms facing each other. Next, you need to stretch your fingers well, turn your palms forward and alternately stretch your arms, raising your shoulders. The duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes, depending on the patient's well-being. At the end of the pull-ups, a gradual transition to the following actions is performed;
  • hands should be spread apart, then turn to the left, reach out with the fingers of your right hand, turning your head slightly and looking up. Further, a similar exercise is performed on the other side. This helps to restore motor activity in the cervical-shoulder region and is performed at least 10 times;
  • keeping your hands parallel to a flat surface, for example, the floor, you should slightly bend your palms towards you and perform a circular motion with your hands involving the shoulder girdle. It is recommended to perform 5 exercises (back and forth);
  • the arms remain in the same position, but are retracted slightly back and lowered so that the hands are below the shoulders. It is necessary to slowly clench the fists and unclench (opening the palm as much as possible and stretching the fingers). This exercise is recommended to be performed when a patient is diagnosed with brachial osteochondrosis;
  • hands must be placed in different directions, clench your fists and rotate the brush 5 times back and forth;
  • arms are raised and then bent at the elbow joint. The palm of the right hand clasps the left elbow and vice versa. Alternately, the shoulders are pulled up until the muscles are stretched and warmed up. In this case, you can not bend in the lower back.

Shoulder joint development scheme

A video of gymnastics for the shoulder joint will help you understand the principle of performing exercises. It is important to perform the gymnastic complex daily, since only with this approach is it possible to obtain a stable result and a significant improvement in the general condition. If special simulators are used, the help of a trainer is needed, who will adjust the load, as well as give recommendations on nutrition.

Exercise therapy according to Evdokimenko

There is a special gymnastics, which was developed by the resuscitator P.V. Evdokimenko. He is the author of numerous books on joint health. Currently, there are many fans of his approach to treatment, the exercise video posted on various video hosting sites is especially popular.

According to the development of joints according to Evdokimenko, the main attention should be paid to the individual characteristics of the patient. At the same time, gymnastics can be performed both in a simplified version (for patients with limited movements), and according to a standard scheme. The main thing is getting results.

Watch the video in which Dr. Evdokimenko shows exercises for the shoulder joint:

Approximate set of classes

For better muscle strengthening, Dr. Evdokimenko suggests doing gymnastics while lying down and only 2 exercises from the whole complex are performed while standing.

The scheme of exercises, according to the method of Evdokimenko

Most often, a set of exercises for developing joints includes:

  • sitting on a chair, you need to rest your crayfish on your belt and relax. Next, smooth (circular) movements are performed with both shoulders forward and then back (1.5 minutes in each direction);
  • the starting position is the same, the shoulders are as relaxed as possible. Taking them back, it is necessary to tighten the muscles, and then bring the shoulders forward (when performing such an exercise with arthrosis of the shoulder, caution is required). The action is repeated 5-7 times;
  • sitting on a flat surface, you need to put the palm of a healthy hand on the opposite elbow (sick), and the second palm is placed on the other shoulder. Relaxing as much as possible, you should very carefully pull the limb (sick) up, holding it by the elbow, which should not be torn off the body. The action is aimed at achieving maximum shoulder abduction when the muscle is sufficiently tense, but there is no pain. The shoulder is fixed in this position for 10-15 seconds, after which it slowly returns to its original position. The complex is repeated at least 5 times;
  • in the prone position (especially when the patient is diagnosed with osteoarthritis), it is necessary to move the arm to the side, slightly raising it above the surface, and strain it for 5-10 seconds, then relax. In a standard exercise, the patient can lie on the couch (bed) with his arm out to the side. In this case, the palm is maximally opened, and the shoulder should be located on the edge of the surface.

The development of the shoulder after osteoarthritis is performed with the help of an instructor who regulates the strength of stretching and raising the arms

Practice confirms that exercises for arthritis of the shoulder allows for efficient development. A properly selected complex of physiotherapy exercises, as well as therapeutic measures, may well improve the patient's condition. At the same time, it is important to use all the necessary techniques that exclude the physical complex with increased stress on the joints.

As adjuvant treatment the musculoskeletal system, you can use compresses made from blue pharmacy clay, baths and rubbing with the addition of natural ingredients. Such methods allow not only to restore the functionality of the joint, but also to compensate for the lack of calcium in the bone tissue, which is important for its normal functioning.

After the motor activity of the joint is fully restored, and the pain no longer bothers the patient, complex exercises can be completed. However, for the prevention and maintenance of the body in a good tone, it is recommended to continue the exercises. This will help prevent the development of pathological conditions in the future.

Pain in the shoulder joint can have completely different causes, but almost always the treatment of this phenomenon is complex. An important measure of it is exercises for the shoulder joint, which are aimed at restoring the functionality of the joints in case of injuries, after dislocations and operations, with arthrosis and arthritis. Gymnastics helps to increase joint mobility, strengthen the muscle corset, reduce intra-articular edema and normalize physical activity.

Gymnastics for the shoulder joint: basic rules

The shoulder joint is surrounded by a muscular frame, which ensures its functionality and the ability to move in all planes. But constant monotonous movements can provoke atrophy of some muscles that are not involved. Exercises to strengthen the shoulder joint help to achieve positive results, but there are a number of rules that must be followed:

  • Timeliness. Regularity and timeliness are important rules for success. Gymnastics must be performed in accordance with a well-designed scheme and at a specific time.
  • Safety. To prevent additional injuries, it is necessary to conduct classes with maximum safety and an individual approach. It is necessary to take into account the condition of the ligaments, the presence of diseases and their symptoms.
  • Moderation. To prevent overload and restore the functionality of the muscular corset, it is important that the load on the shoulder symptom is distributed correctly. Reduce it if you feel very tired.
  • gradualism. It is important to gradually increase the load. In the process of doing the exercises, do not be nervous, do not rush, do not fuss, because a lot also depends on your emotional state. It is important not to increase the load until the muscles regain normal tone. When you get the desired result, do not abruptly stop the load. It must be reduced gradually and gradually.

Treatment of the shoulder joint with exercises

Exercises for pain in the shoulder joint can be performed independently, together with an instructor. They will be useful not only if a person suffers from pain and limited joint mobility, but also for the prevention of such problems. They contribute to effective stretching and warming up of the muscles.

Therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joint are usually performed in an upright position. Every day you need to perform the following exercises 10 times:

  • Both hands need to be raised, turning their palms towards each other. Then stretch your fingers well, turn your palms forward and stretch your arms alternately, raising your shoulders. Do the exercises for 3-5 minutes, depending on how you feel. When you finish pull-ups, smoothly move on to the next steps.
  • Spread your arms to the sides, then turn to the left, stretch the fingers of your right hand, turn your head slightly and look up. Then do the same for the other side. This exercise helps to restore normal movements of the neck and shoulder. It must be performed at least ten times.
  • Keep your arms parallel to a flat surface, bend your palms slightly towards you and make a circular motion with your hands, involving the shoulder girdle. Do 5 repetitions back and forth.
  • The arms remain in the same position, but you need to take them back a little and lower them so that the hands are located below the shoulders. Slowly clench and unclench your fists, open your palm to the maximum and stretch your fingers. This exercise is useful for such a diagnosis as brachial osteochondrosis.
  • Slightly spread your arms to the sides, clench your fist and rotate the brush back and forth five times.
  • Raise your arms and bend them at the elbow joint. Grasp the left elbow with the palm of your right hand, and then vice versa. The shoulders alternately pull up so that you feel the stretching and warming up of the muscles.

In the process of performing the last exercise, do not bend in the lower back.

The gymnastic complex must be performed every day - only then you will get stable results and be able to improve your condition.

Therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joint Evdokimenko

There is also gymnastics developed by the resuscitator P.V. Evdokimenko, who is the author of a large number of books on joint health. His approach demonstrates effectiveness, therefore it is popular. The author of the technique insists that the main attention should be paid to the individual characteristics of the patient. There is both a simplified version of the gymnast (if the patient has limited movement), and a standard one.

Most of the exercises are performed in a sitting position, and only two are done while standing. The following exercises are usually recommended for the shoulder joint:

  • In a sitting position on a chair, rest your hands on your belt and relax. Then perform smooth circular movements back and forth with both shoulders - 1.5 minutes in each direction.
  • Similar starting position, relax your shoulders as much as possible. Take them back, tensing your muscles, and then bring them down. Repeat the action 5-7 times.
  • Sitting on a flat surface, place the palm of your good hand on the opposite elbow, and place the other hand on the other shoulder. Relax as much as possible, very carefully pull the diseased limb up, holding it by the elbow, which does not come off the shoulder. This action is aimed at achieving maximum shoulder abduction when the muscles are sufficiently tense, but there is no pain. Lock your shoulder in this position for 10-15 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the complex at least five times.
  • In the prone position, take your hand to the side, slightly raising it above the surface, and strain for 5-10 seconds, then relax. The palm should be as open as possible, and the shoulder should be on the edge of the surface.

Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercises

After a dislocation and injury of the shoulder joint, as well as after an operation performed on it, exercises are needed to treat, rehabilitate and restore its mobility and strengthen muscles. First, the most simple and easy movements should be performed that do not require tension within the boundaries of the remaining mobility.

Exercises contribute to the fact that the muscles eventually begin to provide an adequate response to tissue resistance and overcome it. They are performed in three positions: lying on your back, sitting on a chair and standing.

In the supine position, the following exercises are performed:

  • Clench your hand into a fist and unclench your fingers after half a minute. Finish each exercise by shaking your fingers.
  • Bend the bows at the elbow and perform circular motions with the brushes.
  • Straighten your arms along the body, make brushes move up and down.
  • Hands need to be bent at the joint, fingers reach and touch the shoulder joint. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Bend your elbows and take them to the sides, then press them again to the body.
  • Reach your fingers to your shoulders, then move your elbows to the sides.
  • Stretch your arms along the body, take them to the sides and return to the starting position again.
  • Alternately raise your straight arms up.
  • Press your palms firmly into the floor several times.

Exercises for the shoulder joint are performed in several approaches, 5-10. After completing the complex, take your hands to the sides and relax. It is recommended to rest for 2-5 minutes, then do the exercises while sitting on a chair.

The sitting complex includes the following exercises:

  • Bend your elbows and swing them without extending your elbows.
  • Raise your straight arm up, then lower it, perform circular movements along the torso.
  • Take your hand behind your back, then try to reach the opposite shoulder blade.
  • Place your hands on your shoulder, raise your right knee and try to reach it with your left elbow. Then repeat the same for the opposite elbow and knee.
  • Stand up from your chair, spread your arms out to the sides, then sit back down.
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