Candidiasis. Types and forms of candidiasis. Symptoms of the main forms. Diagnosis and treatment of genital candidiasis. The difference between male and female candidiasis. Thrush: Where does it come from and when to run to the doctor Is thrush dangerous for pregnant women

The number of diseases caused by fungal infections is constantly growing. The leading position among them is occupied by candidiasis. In everyday life, this disease is better known as "thrush". The disease is a chronic infectious process that is caused by pathogenic fungal microorganisms of the genus Candida. Fungi affect not only the skin and mucous membranes, but also internal organs, which can lead to serious health consequences.

It is impossible to completely get rid of fungal microorganisms. However, lifestyle changes and the right treatment tactics chosen by the doctor will help stop their growth and reduce their number to normal. In this article, you will learn everything about candidiasis, its symptoms and treatment.

Why disease occurs

In a small amount, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida are present in the body of any person. However, when an immunodeficiency occurs, their active growth begins, the body's defenses cannot cope, and a disease occurs.

Various reasons can lead to a decrease in immunity. However, the most important culprit is the incorrect or inappropriate use of antibiotics. They destroy the "good" microorganisms in the intestines, which are the guardians of human health. Without them, the defense weakens, and the infection takes over.

There are also negative factors that can provoke the disease. They are divided into 2 large groups:

  • External.

Thanks to them, the infection enters the body through damaged skin (burns, cuts, cracks). For example, damage to the oral mucosa can occur due to poor hygiene, periodontitis, and improperly selected prostheses.

  • Internal (endogenous).

These include diseases that lead to a decrease in immunity, as well as a congenital state of immunodeficiency. These are beriberi, hormonal disruptions, metabolic disorders, anemia, chronic gastrointestinal pathologies, diabetes mellitus.

Signs of candidiasis may appear due to frequent exposure of the skin or mucous membranes to chemicals. Taking hormonal contraceptives, alcohol abuse, smoking, unfavorable ecology in the place of residence and frequent stress can also lead to the disease.

How candidiasis manifests itself

The manifestations of this infectious disease are varied. They depend on the place of origin and on which organ was attacked by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Consider the main types of the disease and its symptoms.

Superficial candidiasis

It develops on the surface of the skin and its appendages (hair, nails), and also affects the mucous membranes of the lips, mouth, genitals and anal area.

  • Oral and throat candidiasis

Most often, complaints are that a person is concerned about burning, dryness or discomfort in the mouth. The pain gets worse when eating. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity becomes edematous, small white rashes appear. A whitish film or a strong gray coating may form.

  • Skin, nail and hair lesions

With cutaneous candidiasis, the symptoms at the initial stage appear as a slightly noticeable white strip in the folds of the skin. Then itching joins, and erosive lesions occur. Small bubbles merge, and the fungal disease spreads to healthy areas. If a secondary infection joins as a result of scratching, then ulcers occur.

When a fungal infection affects the nails, reddening of the nail fold occurs first, and then abscesses may appear. The nail plate itself becomes brittle, may crack, and throbbing pain occurs.

Candidal lesions of hair follicles are not common. Such a disease is manifested by the formation of a purulent rash at the site of hair growth on the head or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beard, mustache.

  • genital candidiasis

In women, opportunistic microorganisms of the genus Candida are constantly present in the vagina, and normally do not manifest themselves in any way. But under the influence of adverse factors, their number increases, and then a woman develops candidiasis or thrush.

Usually, burning and itching in the genital area of ​​the male organs is felt 2-3 hours after contact. However, after a couple of days, the symptoms weaken or disappear completely until the next sexual intercourse. In severe cases, multiple abscesses occur, which can pass from the genitals to the skin (inguinal folds).

The female form of candidiasis is accompanied by itching, which increases during movement, during sexual intercourse and during menstruation. There may be sensations of burning, pain and discomfort. Often there are complaints of thick, cheesy discharge. Outwardly, you can see the edematous mucous membrane of the labia with small dotted inclusions.

Chronic generalized candidiasis

This form of the disease is characterized by multiple lesions of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. It externally manifests itself in the formation of a dense white coating, after the removal of which erosion forms. A fairly rare form of the disease, so the exact causes of its occurrence are little studied. Manifested by general malaise, lethargy, headaches, apathy, fever.

Systemic candidiasis

Fungal microorganisms infect only internal organs and systems.

  • Gastrointestinal tract

With damage to the esophagus, stomach or intestines, there is pain when swallowing, a burning sensation, nausea, vomiting, and frequent belching. Due to pain during meals, a person’s appetite decreases, weight decreases, which leads to a deterioration in overall well-being.

  • Respiratory organs and airways

Fungal microorganisms in the larynx, trachea or bronchi can enter from the affected oral cavity. It is characterized by cough, shortness of breath, itching. The disease negatively affects the vocal cords, which can lead to hoarseness or temporary loss of voice.

  • genitourinary system

A common cause of lesions of the urogenital organs with candidiasis is a nosocomial infection. It is also possible the appearance of such a disease in the form of a complication after surgery. It mainly occurs in the form of diseases such as cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis with all the accompanying symptoms.

If adequate treatment is not started in a timely manner, then a candidal infection of any kind acquires a chronic course.

Diagnostic methods

It is known that there are more than 70 species of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Many of them can lead to painful symptoms, so a preliminary examination is extremely important to determine the correct and effective treatment.

To determine the causative agent of an infectious disease, a number of laboratory tests are required. Diagnosis of candidiasis includes the following methods:

  • study of biological material (skin, mucus, plaque). For this, skin scrapings, smears are prescribed, and scales, crusts or plaque from the mucous membranes are also taken to study;
  • hemotest for determining the level of globulins. If their number exceeds the norm, then it means that there is a high probability of an infection;
  • general tests: feces, urine, blood. Necessary for suspected systemic form of candidiasis.

When the gastrointestinal tract is affected by fungal microorganisms, an endoscopic examination is performed. Often it is assigned to take material for subsequent detailed laboratory study. Your doctor may also order a colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, or x-ray.

How to cure the disease "candidiasis"

A thorough preliminary study allows you to identify the type of fungus, as well as its sensitivity to certain bacterial preparations. If this is not done, then the treatment will be ineffective, and the disease will worsen. In no case should you self-medicate.

The doctor selects medications depending on what type of fungal infection has been identified. To eliminate external manifestations, various antifungal ointments, gels, creams are used. Concomitant diseases are being treated, it is especially important to put the intestinal microflora in order.

At the same time, immunostimulating therapy is carried out. This is the intake of vitamins, lifestyle changes, adherence to the recommended diet. All flour products, sugar, alcohol and fatty foods are excluded. It is possible to supplement drug therapy with folk remedies, but only after consultation with your doctor.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The presence of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms of the genus Candida in itself is not harmful to the body. People who do not have immunodeficiency, even with constant contact with the pathogen, do not get candidiasis, since the immune system copes well with the infection. Therefore, the main prevention is to maintain the body's defenses in a workable active state. To do this, you need to eat right, exercise, do not start chronic diseases, and undergo preventive examinations.

An important point is nutrition. Many products provide a breeding ground for the active growth of yeast-like fungus. The most dangerous in this regard is sugar. Do not abuse sweets and pastries.

Also eliminate bad habits, try to avoid stress, and allow yourself to relax more in the fresh air. Take antibiotics only on the recommendation of a doctor and only in conjunction with probiotics.

Be sure to observe personal hygiene. You should be especially careful in public places where it is humid and warm. This is a sauna, swimming pool, bath.

Taking care of yourself is the basis of good health, and then no infections can harm and lead to illness. But if you suspect that you have symptoms of a fungal infection, consult a doctor in a timely manner, and then you can quickly cope with the disease.

You can clearly see what thrush (candidiasis) looks like in women in the photographs.

Thrush on tonsils

In the article: "Thrush in men" you can see what thrush looks like in men in photographs.

According to statistics, about 70% of women suffer from vulvaginal candidiasis at least once in their lives, and half of them experience a relapse of the disease in the future. The genital view is more widespread in countries with elevated air temperatures and lack of necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions. The urogenital appearance appears several times more often in women than in men.

Symptoms have the ability to come on suddenly and reappear. The cause of candidiasis is Candida fungi, which are present in the body of every person, but begin to multiply actively in the presence of favorable conditions.

Why thrush appears in women can be explained by the presence of various concomitant infections in the body or as a result of sexual infection. It must be understood that the disease does not go away on its own, it should be treated correctly, otherwise it will become chronic and will return regularly after a while. It is important to understand what is happening and take the necessary measures in time. Thrush is more common in girls or women, regardless of age, than in men or boys.

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Pathology in adults develops against the background of reduced immunity. In the case when it manifests itself in adolescent girls, it indicates an insufficiently formed immune system. With the active reproduction of fungal spores of the infection, they displace useful lactobacilli from time to time, and as a result, dysbacteriosis develops. Epidemiology is associated with an imbalance of an alkaline or acidic environment.

Milkmaid: Wikipedia

Types of candidiasis: superficial and visceral (systemic)

Generalized candidiasis

Fungi of the genus Candida infect various organs in humans, as a result of which a disease appeared - Candidiasis.

Depending on how thrush manifests itself in women, which areas it affects, it is customary to divide the disease into 2 types:

  • surface;
  • visceral.


There are varieties of superficial candidiasis, in which different areas of the skin are affected.

  1. Damage to the skin and mucous membrane, which manifests itself in the form of external rashes of an infectious-allergic nature.
  2. Localization on the genitals in the perineum and oral mucosa, expressed in a characteristic white coating.
  3. Localization in the corners of the mouth, resulting in cracks, white crusts and various erosions.
  4. Localization on the lips, while affecting the border, which ultimately causes the formation of edema and characteristic peeling.
  5. Localization between the fingers and toes, feet and is expressed in increased dryness of the skin and rash: small bubbles filled with liquid, causes a burning sensation and itching.
  6. Localization on the nails and nail folds, which is expressed in peeling of the skin, thickening of the nail plate, and a change in color to a brown tint.
  7. Localization between large skin folds, in the form of yeast diaper rash, appears in the armpits, anus, on the chest, in the abdominal cavity, on the pubis. Ulcers form in the areas, the surface of the skin becomes weepy, cracks appear, and white plaque accumulates in the folds, which causes a feeling of discomfort.

A common cause of occurrence is the penetration of infection into the blood in violation of the skin. It can also develop against the background of other pathologies such as dysbacteriosis, diabetes mellitus, chronic blood diseases.

The lack of proper and timely treatment leads to the fact that thrush covers new areas.


This is a simultaneous lesion of both internal organs and the outer surface of the skin. It is noticed that such a pathology appeared as a result of taking antibiotics, which give impetus to the development of dysbacteriosis. This is due to the inhibition of the vital activity of beneficial bacteria that keep the development of Candida fungi under control.

Systemic disseminated candidiasis is characterized by a route of infection without the influence of environmental factors. Spread through the blood leads to the fact that the infection can develop in any internal organ.

Oropharyngeal candidiasis can affect the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract. As a result, candidiasis manifests itself in the lungs, kidneys, and stomach. Due to damage to the oral cavity, it can pass to the human esophagus. Sometimes it manifests itself in the intestines and in the anus.

This variety, according to ICD-10, has a different name - candidal stomatitis (oral): it looks like a white coating, which can be one continuous spot or accumulate in separate places: on the cheeks, on the tongue, on the back of the throat. Initially, the affected areas are painless, but if the situation worsens, they become denser and cracks appear.

Babies, newborns and the elderly are at risk. If thrush is present in pregnant women, then it is likely that the child will also have this disease. Like chlamydia, it can be passed from mother to child through the birth canal. In addition, you can get infected by kissing the mother, if she is a carrier of the erythematous species.

Candidiasis of the oropharynx begins with a feeling of dryness in the mouth, then many small white dots appear on the palate, cheeks, and tongue. In the absence of proper treatment, candidiasis can spread further and affect the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes, the brain. It may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction of the body to the long-term use of acrylic prostheses in the oral cavity.

As a rule, the regular appearance of oropharyngeal candidiasis of the nasopharynx is a sign that a person has AIDS, therefore, first of all, the doctor prescribes tests for the presence of HIV infection in the body.

Candidiasis of the larynx occupies one of the main places of the general problem of mycosis.

The defeat of the bronchi and trachea is a common pathology, which tends to later turn into a bronchopulmonary form, accompanied by lymphadenitis.

In medicine, the following classification is distinguished.

Pseudomembranous candidiasis - affects the mucous membrane of the mouth. It is very common in infants up to a year old who are on Guards.

Atrophic candidiasis - characterized by increased dryness of the oral cavity. The pink color of the tongue changes to bright red. The filiform papillae on it atrophy.

Hyperplastic candidiasis - manifested by a thick layer of fungal plaque on the sky in the form of characteristic plaques and nodules. With a long course of the disease, plaque is impregnated with fibrin, forming a yellow film tightly soldered to the mucosa.

In the bronchial variety, the symptoms may resemble chronic bronchitis and be accompanied by rectal body temperature, cough with a small amount of vitreous sputum. In some cases, it may contain blood impurities.

With a bronchopulmonary form, a more severe course of the disease is observed, which is expressed in high body temperature and cough with purulent sputum. The disease can be diagnosed as pneumonia and then a course of antibiotics is prescribed, which in the end only aggravates the situation.

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Candidiasis of the upper respiratory tract is initially manifested by an inflammatory process in the tonsils, an increase in lymph nodes in the neck or in the ear. In the future, severe pain appears with a sharp jump in temperature.

The infection of the intestines with an infection is associated with a disruption in the functioning of the woman's immune system against the background of gastrointestinal pathologies, and then it is of a generalized nature, that is, not one, but several organs are affected at the same time.

Accompanied by diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, fungal sepsis, excessive gas formation, nausea, vomiting, loose stools with bloody impurities. The development of the disease is due to concomitant pathology in the body, and requires complex treatment.

In practice, a non-invasive form is more common, the development of which occurs against the background of dysbacteriosis or intestinal infection, while fungal spores begin to actively multiply in the rectum, without penetrating into the mucous membrane. As a result of their vital activity, toxins are formed, which are the reason why thrush occurs in women.

The pathogenesis of the invasive form is different in that the fungal plaque affects the mucous membrane and eventually enters the bloodstream, as a result of which the infection affects the liver and pancreas. This may occur as a result of the absence of neutrophilic white blood cells or in the last stage of AIDS.

Cutaneous candidiasis

Regardless of age, the disease can affect the skin on the body or face, the elderly and children are more susceptible to it.

Depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution, there are:

  1. candidiasis jam (in the corners of the mouth);
  2. candidal cheilitis, when the area of ​​​​the red border of the lips is affected;
  3. candidiasis of the skin folds: often appears in babies in the groin in the form of diaper rash and overweight people in the fat folds;
  4. interdigital erosion, which may be associated with a consequence of the economic activity of a woman, when the fingers are often in a humid environment, also manifests itself in the armpits;
  5. tremor paronochia, the nail folds turn red, and when pressed on them, pus appears;
  6. candidiasis of the palms, develops as a result of a neglected form of the interdigital variety;
  7. candidiasis of smooth skin, more common in infants, when the disease from the skin folds spreads further to a smooth surface;
  8. candidiasis on the nipples, appears in lactating women if personal hygiene is not followed;
  9. candidiasis of the scalp, manifested in rare cases, looks like acne, follicles and seborrheic dermatitis;
  10. genital candidiasis, which is expressed in the formation of papillomas or warts on the genitals, in the absence of timely treatment, there is a high probability of developing cervical cancer and deformation of the genital organs.
Cervix with thrush

The reasons

The first signs of thrush in women are a sensation of itching, which can manifest itself both on the external and on the internal genital organs. Most of the lovely ladies at the doctor's office complain that itching has a habit of appearing at night, when it comes to sleep. Such an increased manifestation of such symptoms causes irritability, anxiety, and the inability to concentrate on work or any other business.

Since the epithelium is in a state of inflammation, it is impossible to comb the areas affected by fungi, otherwise such actions will lead to the fact that yeast microorganisms will penetrate much deeper, then medical therapy will have to be carried out much longer and more difficult. By the way, you can independently conduct a mini-test for thrush. This is easy to do: you need to sit in a familiar position for many - put one foot on the other. If unpleasant sensations in the form of itching are noted, then the thrush has not bypassed you.

The first signs also include burning. All the sharpness of the burning sensation is usually felt after or during washing, hot baths, urination, during intercourse. Therefore, such processes are painful and unpleasant. It is best to refuse intimate relationships, since it will not be possible to achieve the desired unearthly pleasure, instead of it you will have to feel significant discomfort. This happens because in most cases, fungi begin to establish colonies and settle down on the vaginal mucosa, gradually leading to:

  • to the destruction of the upper epithelial cells;
  • to the penetration of candida deep into the layers.

As a result, small lesions are formed, similar to ulcers, which, in fact, are the cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is worth noting that if the immunity of the sexual partner has been weakened for any reason, the possibility of transmitting a fungal infection to him is not excluded. A clear sign of thrush is vaginal discharge, similar to curdled mass or cream.

The released masses are very different from the usual white discharge, which can be seen almost every day in any healthy female representative. They are also characterized by white color, but with a yellowish or grayish tinge. As for the specific smell, it is either absent or similar to sour kefir. (Hence its name follows - "kefir").

The next characteristic symptom, which is difficult not to pay attention to, is swelling of the vaginal walls. It occurs due to the expansion of small vessels located on the surface of the mucosa. With the help of this method, the body tries to get rid of toxic substances secreted by yeast-like microorganisms - fungi of the genus Candida.

As a result, blood circulation is increased, and the genital tissue absorbs the fluid that has leaked out through the capillary walls. In parallel with swelling, significant redness appears. It is possible to recognize the popular ailment of our century thanks to rashes in the form of small pimples with liquid on the labia, the vestibule of the vagina. After a few days, they burst, forming small erosive areas.

The main causes of thrush in women, giving impetus to the development of fungi in the vagina, are:

  • decreased immune defense;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • violation of the composition of the bacterial environment and the acidity of the vagina;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • eating a large number of sweet and starchy foods.

Many factors contribute to these causes.

The state of a woman's immune system depends on her health, physical form, conditions and lifestyle, diet, bad habits. A sharp decrease in immunity contributes to the occurrence of chronic diseases of various organs (liver, kidneys, heart, intestines). The load on the immune system increases in the presence of inflammatory processes, injuries, after surgical operations.

A person gets sick more often if the body is weakened due to malnutrition (starvation, lack of proteins and vitamins in food), lack of sleep, exhaustion of the nervous system, lack of normal sanitary and living conditions. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of hardening lead to the fact that a person often suffers from colds, which take away the strength necessary to protect against infection. Smoking, addiction to alcohol, drug addiction also increase sensitivity to infections, and can cause an exacerbation of thrush.

Hormonal background

The ratio of various hormones is interconnected with the work of the reproductive system. Often, thrush worsens before menstruation, during pregnancy, with menopause. This is due to the influence of hormones on the state of the genital organs, the structure of their mucous membranes, and the body's susceptibility to infection.

The cause of hormonal changes can be the use of hormonal medications and contraceptives, endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders. Often, the causes of thrush in women are diabetes, obesity, and disruption of the thyroid gland.

The reasons for the violation of the bacterial flora can be:

  1. Prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics. By killing pathogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci), they simultaneously destroy the beneficial microflora that inhibits the growth of fungi, which leads to their overgrowth in the intestines, from where the fungus can easily enter the vagina.
  2. Frequent douching, use of alkaline intimate hygiene products. There is a washing out of beneficial bacteria, a change in the acidity of the environment, and overdrying of the vaginal mucosa.
  3. Misuse of probiotics for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. They can be used to restore the bacterial environment only in the absence of fungi in the microflora.
  4. Eating a large number of sweets, yeast dough products. In addition to creating a favorable environment for the development of fungi, there is also an increase in blood sugar, which contributes to the onset of diabetes.

Addition: Changes in the microflora of the vagina also occur when changing sexual partners. Thrush is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease, but infection of a woman during sexual intercourse is not uncommon. In men, the disease usually occurs in a latent form, so infection is quite possible through unprotected sexual contact.

The reason for the exacerbation of thrush can be improper care of the genitals, including during menstruation, a rare change of underwear and sanitary pads. The reproduction of the fungus is promoted by wearing tight synthetic panties, which favor the penetration of infection into the vagina from the intestines.

There are many reasons for thrush. Let's note the main ones.

Vaginal dysbacteriosis; - taking antibiotics; - changes in the hormonal background of the body (taking contraceptives, menstrual irregularities, pregnancy); - malnutrition (little vitamins and the predominance of carbohydrates in the diet - sweets, cakes, sweets); - after surgical interventions; - wearing tight synthetic shorts; - non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene; - weakened immunity; - metabolic disorders; - diseases and infection in the body; - diseases transmitted through sexual contact.

Stress; - reduced immunity; - endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, reduced glucose tolerance); - blood diseases, anemia, oncological diseases; - deficiency of vitamins and microelements; - hypothermia; - non-compliance with personal hygiene; - taking antibiotics, and also steroid hormones (corticosteroids); - abuse of tanning in the sun and solarium; - overweight, metabolic disorders.

The main cause of thrush is the intensive local reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida, located on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. The most favorable conditions for their active growth are an acidic environment (metabolic acidosis), a high level of humidity, a temperature of 30–37 ºС, a high concentration of glycogen in tissues against the background of a weakening of local immunity.

Predisposing conditions for the development of thrush:

  • pregnancy (candidiasis develops in 20-30% of women);
  • the use of oral contraceptives (especially those containing high concentrations of estrogen);
  • prolonged psycho-emotional stress;
  • acute stress impact;
  • taking antibacterial drugs (the risk of developing thrush increases as the duration of the course of antibiotic therapy increases);
  • diabetes ;
  • transferred severe acute inflammatory diseases;
  • condition after surgery;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene measures;
  • hot climate (intense sweating);
  • the use of aggressive cosmetics that violate the natural balance of microflora;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • wearing synthetic underwear.

In addition to endogenous, thrush can be caused by exogenous causes - drift from the outside. Infection in this case occurs in utero or after birth, in childhood or adulthood.

Intrauterine infection with Candida fungi is possible in several cases:

  • transplacental penetration;
  • intranatal (contact infection) when a child passes through the birth canal;
  • ascending infection in case of fungal infection cervix or vagina, the presence of candidal endometritis in the mother.

After birth, the infection can be transmitted to the child from the mucous membrane of the mother's mouth, from the skin of the nipples, hands. In addition to the mother, the source of infection for the newborn can be medical personnel who transmit fungi during invasive manipulations, or non-sterile material (oilcloths, diapers, nipples).

In adulthood, the main cause of thrush is unprotected sexual contact, the use of dishes contaminated with mushrooms, household items.

The microflora of the vagina is very sensitive to changes occurring in a woman's body and the appearance of symptoms of thrush is a signal that warns of any trouble. The following reasons can contribute to the active reproduction of Candida fungi:

  1. Weakened immunity. Decreased immunity can have many causes. These are hypothermia, stress, any inflammatory processes, the presence of bad habits, operations, infection with a viral or bacterial infection;
  2. Antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics kill both "beneficial" and pathogenic microorganisms;
  3. High blood sugar. "Sweet" blood is an excellent breeding ground for Candida yeast-like fungi;
  4. HIV infection. In immunocompromised individuals, candidiasis is an opportunistic infection and manifests itself in its generalized form;
  5. Pregnancy. Hormonal changes and a decrease in the body's defenses contribute to the growth of opportunistic microorganisms;
  6. Violation of personal hygiene creates conditions for the reproduction of bacteria;
  7. Hormonal changes. Some pathologies of the endocrine system, taking oral contraceptives can contribute to the development of thrush;
  8. Wrong nutrition. The use of a large amount of simple carbohydrates, flour products, products containing yeast can provoke an increased growth in the number of Candida fungi.
candidiasis on the lip
Discharge color What does it testify
White Thick patchy discharge of this color is a classic symptom of candidiasis.
Yellow Abundant discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates the development of thrush in combination with another sexually transmitted disease (trichomoniasis)
Pink In a pregnant woman with thrush, the discharge has exactly this color, otherwise it indicates the development of cervical erosion
Brown At the beginning of menstruation, slight brown discharge is normal, but otherwise they indicate an ectopic pregnancy or hormonal failures.
Green Accompanied by an unpleasant smell of fish. Often green discharge of a thick and dense consistency. This color suggests a serious complication and indicates the presence of pus in the mucus. It is urgent to contact a specialist.

Forms of the disease

The main types of candidiasis:

  • candidiasis of the nail plates (paronychia and onychia), skin and mucous membranes (superficial candidiasis);
  • visceral (damage to internal organs);
  • generalized candidiasis.

According to the degree of involvement of organs and tissues in the pathological process, the following types are distinguished:

  • widespread candidiasis;
  • local or focal, characterized by damage to a limited area or a separate organ.

Superficial candidiasis can be manifested by stomatitis, lesions of the lips and tongue, the formation of candidal seizures, a pathological process in the vagina and its vestibule or the glans and foreskin of the penis, colonization of large skin folds, skin of the palms and feet by the fungus.

With visceral candidiasis, various internal organs are affected: the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, bronchial tree, lung tissue.

Generalized candidiasis is diagnosed when Candida fungi enter the systemic circulation, which is rare (against the background of severe immunodeficiency states, in extremely malnourished patients).

Types of thrush depending on the phase (severity) of the process:

  • candidacy;
  • acute form;
  • chronic thrush.

In accordance with the etiological factor, thrush can be endo- and exogenous. Endogenous thrush is an autoinfection, and exogenous thrush is the result of infection from the outside.

Also, thrush can be complicated and uncomplicated.

Based on the classifications presented, it can be concluded that the term "thrush" is the common name for a superficial focal endo- or exogenous candidiasis of an acute or chronic course, localized in the genital area or oral cavity. It is incorrect to call other forms of candidiasis thrush.

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Thrush or candidal colpitis is the defeat of the vagina by Candida yeast-like fungi. The disease occurs predominantly in women of reproductive age. Candida are part of the permanent microflora of the vulvar mucosa. When favorable conditions are created, the protozoa begin to actively grow and multiply, causing irritation and inflammation of the reproductive organs.

Vaginal candidiasis is most often diagnosed when the immune system is weakened. Provoking factors can be:

  • concomitant diseases of internal organs;
  • endocrine disorders: diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism;
  • hypothermia;
  • poor hygiene;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • promiscuity;
  • chronic dysbacteriosis;
  • wearing tight clothing, underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • taking oral contraceptives.

Infection with thrush occurs during sexual contact, through personal hygiene items. Chronic candidiasis develops if the acute stage has not been treated on time. Gradually, the symptoms subside, appear weaker, but relapses occur periodically. A cold, a viral disease, hypothermia, a stressful situation, hormonal disorders can provoke an exacerbation. Most often, the recurrent form of thrush occurs before the onset of menstruation.

In the acute stage, women are concerned about severe itching, burning and a rash on the external genitalia, white discharge with an unpleasant sour smell, similar to cottage cheese. Discomfort occurs during urination, sexual intercourse is painful. Due to constant scratching, microcracks appear on the outer mucous membranes, the tissues turn red and swell strongly.

The acute period can last up to 2 months, then chronic candidiasis develops. Fungi deeply affect the mucous membranes, forming areas of infiltration, erosion. Symptoms of the recurrent form of the disease in the remission stage are less pronounced, there are curdled discharge, slight burning and itching of the genital organs, which intensifies in the evening and at night.

Chronic thrush in women is manifested by periodic exacerbations. Again there are typical signs of candidal colpitis, the urinary system is involved in the inflammatory process. Cystitis, pyelonephritis may develop, sometimes on the skin in the perineum, inguinal folds, painful ulcers are formed, covered with a whitish coating.

If chronic thrush is not treated for a long time, the disease can lead to serious complications. In women, adhesions of the fallopian tubes are formed, the risk of infection of the bladder and kidneys increases. The adhesive process leads to obstruction of the tubes, as a result, the symptoms of PMS increase, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, and infertility develops.

How to cure chronic thrush, what drugs help get rid of itching and discharge? The treatment regimen is selected by the gynecologist, taking into account the severity of the disease and the presence of complications. Recurrent thrush is treated with the same drugs as the acute form, but it will take much more time to completely get rid of the disease. The doctor prescribes topical application of vaginal suppositories and oral antifungal tablets.

How to treat chronic thrush in women - determines the gynecologist. Self-administration of tablets and the use of suppositories can aggravate the course of the disease, cause side effects and the development of complications. Before starting therapy, tests and examination by a doctor are required. With a mixed type of infection, antifungal drugs will not give the desired result.

Treatment should be carried out by both sexual partners, otherwise re-infection occurs. It is necessary to take the tablets strictly according to the prescribed scheme, even if the symptoms of chronic thrush have already passed. An interrupted course threatens to re-develop a fungal infection.

If during treatment menstruation begins, you can not use tampons, they increase the symptoms of candidiasis. It is necessary to give preference to gaskets with a top layer made of natural cotton.

But you can use the funds only with the permission of the doctor, with untreated thrush, a relapse may occur.

In addition to medical treatment, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. Magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with zinc, mud, laser technologies help strengthen local immunity, increase resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease can cause the development of thrush. These pathologies develop due to a violation of the hormonal regulation of the body and require special treatment by an endocrinologist. Thrush often appears against the background of these ailments, as immunity is weakened and a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of fungi.

The use of local antimycotics in such cases will not give results; the main cause of the disease needs to be eliminated. With diabetes, it is necessary to control the level of sugar in the blood. Thyroid diseases are treated by correcting the hormonal balance of thyroid hormones.

An untreated tooth, inflamed gums, intestinal dysbacteriosis or sinusitis can provoke the development of thrush. It is necessary to eliminate foci of infection, consult with specialized specialists.

The necessary drugs are selected by the attending physician, taking into account individual characteristics, the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. Be sure to take vitamins and immunomodulators: Immudon, Echinacea.

In order not to disturb the thrush every month, it is necessary to observe measures to prevent exacerbations:

  • prevent hypothermia of the body;
  • timely treat concomitant diseases;
  • wear cotton underwear;
  • avoid casual sex;
  • limit the use of sweets, flour products, alcoholic beverages;
  • wash 2 times a day, you can not use intimate gels with an antibacterial effect;
  • when using daily pads, you need to change them 2-3 times a day;
  • Antibiotics should only be taken as directed by a physician.

In severe forms of chronic thrush during remission, antimycotics are prescribed in the form of tablets or vaginal suppositories.

Treatment of a recurrent form of vaginal candidiasis is carried out in a complex manner. It is necessary to use antifungal drugs for local treatment of the genital organs and internal administration. It is important to strengthen the immune system, restore the vaginal microflora with the help of bifidobacteria.

Many women are familiar with strange and unpleasant feelings before regular menstruation. During this period, the most cheerful and balanced persons are able to turn into furies or monstrous crybabies. To an inadequate psychological state, purely physical rather uncomfortable sensations are added. Every woman has experienced this condition to a greater or lesser extent at least once in her life.

What does it mean

How is PMS deciphered and what is this phenomenon? While waiting for an answer to these questions, it is worth remembering that nature assigned the mission of the birth of a new life to a woman. It is with this feature that the monthly rejection of the upper layer of the uterine mucosa in the form of menstrual bleeding is associated. The process is regulated by a change in the concentration of hormones in the body, which are responsible for PMS.

There was a time when experts believed that PMS in women is associated exclusively with their state of mind and lies in the plane of psychology. With the development of medical science, it was found that this syndrome has an organic justification. It has been established that during this period the amount of estrogen and progesterone decreases, which provokes:

  • An increase in aldosterone, which retains fluid in the body, affects overall well-being and the functioning of the nervous system;
  • An increase in the concentration of monoamine oxidase in brain tissues, which can cause depression;
  • A decrease in the “hormone of joy” serotonin, which gives a clear understanding of what PMS is in girls, not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones.

Other reasons

  1. Liquid or thick discharge with white lumps that resemble curd mass, have a sour smell;
  2. Burning during intercourse is associated with inflammation of the vagina - vaginitis;
  3. Painful, possibly frequent, urination. Due to the ascending pathway of Candida spread through the urethra to the bladder;
  4. Swelling and irritation, redness of the external genital organs. Occurs due to a change in ph balance on the acid side;
  5. Severe itching of the genitals and around the anus is due to the allergic response of the body to the waste products of fungi. Combing the itchy surface is highly undesirable so as not to aggravate the irritation.
candidiasis on the lip
  • excessive use of antibiotics;
  • the use of hormonal drugs (Dufaston);
  • performed chemotherapy;
  • widespread HIV infection;
  • concomitant chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, arthritis);
  • course of intensive care;
  • surgical operation of the abdominal cavity;
  • kidney failure;
  • disorders of the immune system, for example during ovulation at conception;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • frequent change of partner;
  • having sex without condoms;
  • swimming in the sea;
  • use of gaskets from an unverified manufacturer;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • eating cheap food.
  • chronic fatigue;
  • significant redness of the skin;
  • a sharp change in body temperature;
  • profuse sweating;
  • frequent migraines;
  • general weakness;
  • inability to concentrate on work;
  • dizziness.
  1. lean poultry meat, fish;
  2. cereals, dry bread, eggs;
  3. spices (cloves, cumin, bay leaf);
  4. fermented milk products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir);
  5. oatmeal jelly - good to drink on an empty stomach and at bedtime.

Features of the course of thrush in children

Infection of the child occurs either in utero or after birth. Symptoms of thrush appear within a few weeks.

Prematurity, congenital immunodeficiency states, taking antibacterial drugs in the first days (weeks) of life, mother neglecting hygiene measures during breastfeeding, using insufficiently clean dishes, pacifiers, frequent regurgitation (shift of the acid-base balance of the oral cavity to the acid side) are risk factors for development thrush of newborns.

In addition, the clinical manifestation of thrush may occur during periods of teething in infants and toddlers, hormonal changes in adolescents.

The following signs indicate the possible presence of thrush in an infant:

  • anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • refusal to eat;
  • causeless crying;
  • refusal of the pacifier;
  • obsessive hand touches to the genital area or oral cavity (depending on the localization of the process).

When examining the oral cavity or genital organs with thrush in children, a characteristic plaque, hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes, and a specific sour smell are noted.

Diagnosis of thrush

Diagnosis of thrush, as a rule, is carried out on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture. In case of doubtfulness of the alleged diagnosis, the following studies are carried out:

  • microscopy of a smear from the oral cavity or genital organs with the detection of Candida fungi in the material;
  • polymerase chain reaction (determination of DNA sections of the pathogen);
  • inoculation of the material taken from the smear on nutrient media.

A characteristic feature is the presence of a certain amount of fungi in a normal smear of a healthy woman, therefore, to establish a reliable diagnosis of thrush, a combination of signs of local dysbacteriosis with an increased concentration of Candida fungi is necessary.

Diagnosis of thrush, however, like any other disease, begins with a survey. Sometimes the diagnosis can be made during a gynecological examination. However, laboratory diagnostic methods are considered the most informative.

  1. Microscopic examination of the smear. Biological material is examined under a microscope. Mushrooms of the Genus Candida, when magnified, are a convex, shiny colony of a creamy consistency;
  2. Sowing on a colony of fungi of the genus Candida with the determination of sensitivity to antifungal drugs. A titer of yeast-like fungi higher than 10 to the 4th degree cfu / ml indicates thrush. For treatment, antimycotic drugs are selected, to which microorganisms are sensitive;
  3. Determination of DNA of yeast-like fungi in human biomaterial (PCR method). Biological material can be a smear, blood, saliva, urine.

In case of symptoms of thrush, the specialist prescribes an examination, which consists in passing tests in the following areas:

  • smear microscopy (flora examination);
  • PCR studies (to detect the DNA of yeast-like fungi);
  • bakposev (to identify the fungus and species, it also helps to determine the level of sensitivity of the identified fungus to the drugs that are planned to treat the patient).

Never self-diagnose. Since in most cases, laboratory diagnostics reveals concomitant infections, and complex treatment is prescribed.

Important! Treatment of any disease can only be prescribed by a doctor!

Important! Both sexual partners need to be treated for candidiasis.

Treatment of thrush in men

Trade names for fluconazole:"Diflazon", "Diflucan", "Medoflucon", "Mikosist", "Forkan".

Treatment of thrush in women

Some drugs (in brackets) based on active ingredients:

Clotrimazole ("Antifungol", "Yenamazol 100", "Kandibene", "Kanesten", "Canison", "Clotrimazole");
- isoconazole ("Gyno-travogen Ovulum");
- miconazole ("Ginezol 7", "Gino-daktarin", "Klion-D 100");
- natamycin ("Pimafucin");
- nystatin ("Polygynax", "Terzhinan").

Additionally, like men, they can prescribe a single dose of fluconazole (150 mg) orally - "Diflazon", "Diflucan", "Medoflucon", "Mikosist", "Forkan".

Treatment of thrush with folk remedies

Oil of calendula and tea tree. To 1 teaspoon of calendula oil, add 2 drops of tea tree oil. At night, inject the solution with a syringe without a needle.

Calendula and chamomile. 1 st. mix a spoonful of chamomile with 2 tbsp. spoons of calendula and pour 1 liter of boiling water overnight. In the morning, strain and sprinkle. Or brew the herb, let it brew a little and cool (to a warm state) and use it as a bath.

Oak bark, chamomile, sage and nettle. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oak bark, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile, 1 tbsp. spoon sage officinalis and 3 st. nettle spoons. Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew all night. Strain in the morning and use as a douche.

soda and iodine. During the day, douche with a solution: 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of boiled water. Before going to bed, take a bath: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of baking soda per 1 liter of warm boiled water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of iodine. Pour into a bowl and sit in the product for 15-20 minutes. Repeat such baths and douching throughout the week.

Honey. Dilute honey in boiled water (1 part honey to 10 parts water). Treat the affected areas with thrush in the morning and evening.

Kefir. Make a swab out of gauze and securely sew a thread to it so that you can then remove it. Soak a swab in fat-free yogurt, insert into the vagina and leave overnight, and in the morning douche with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Honey and aloe. In 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of warm boiled water, and 0.5 teaspoon of honey. Mix, moisten a swab and insert into the vagina at night. Do 2-3 procedures.

Prevention of thrush

Which doctor should I contact?

List of drugs used in the treatment of mastopathy in women

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy takes place purely according to the scheme drawn up by the attending physician and implies a gentle regimen so as not to harm the baby. Otherwise, it will be necessary to treat thrush (candidiasis) in newborns.

For treatment, of course, antifungal drugs of external or internal action will be needed.

To determine how to treat thrush in the mouth in adults, the doctor initially clarifies the individual characteristics of the woman and possible allergic reactions of the body.

The most effective and fast-acting treatments are: lubrication, rinsing, douching and of course pills. These methods can remove symptoms in one day.

It is also important to analyze nutrition and revise the daily menu. Vegetables, citrus fruits must be present in the diet and flour containing starch and sugar must be removed.

An alternative to how to treat candidiasis in the mouth can be various remedies for thrush, which look like: lozenges, liquid solution, cream, suspensions, ointments or chewable lozenges. Even a single application allows you to quickly relieve symptoms, cope with the cause of the onset of the disease and destroy accumulations of fungi.

Other types of candidiasis may be treated with oral antifungals or suppositories. During treatment, the doctor recommends remedies that will not only help cure, but also restore the vaginal microflora in case of urethral or anorectal pathology.

There are many common thrush medications available at pharmacies with or without a prescription.

The acute form is treated exclusively in the hospital. In addition to conventional means, bacteriophages are now actively used, which, unlike antibiotics, have a selective effect on the pathogen. The duration and frequency of therapy depends on the recommendations of the doctor.

Homeopathic remedies are also used to treat thrush. Mainly used internally.

If a woman is treated incorrectly or does not heal (does not kill) the fungus to the end, then the thrush will come back again, maybe every month. Therefore, after treating thrush, you need to do a test to make sure that there is no fungus.

Quite quickly, the treatment of thrush with folk remedies takes place in the initial stage. For this, herbal medicine is used using herbal tinctures for baths, washing, oral rinses and douching.

Folk remedies will help get rid of not only vaginal candidiasis, but also its other varieties.

1 part chamomile, 2 parts calendula, pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for at least 12 hours, strain. Therapy is carried out 3 times a day for at least 10 days.

2 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tsp. l. olive oil, douching with a syringe without a needle. The duration of treatment is 7 days at least 2 times a day.

Hydrogen peroxide - for douching with a 3% solution;

1 part of celandine, 2 parts of chamomile, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Rinse every hour for 4 days.

Grate 1 clove of garlic, add 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. sunflower oil. Drip in the nose three times a day for at least 7 days in a row.

It is recommended to use a soda solution for thrush, it removes itching well, a solution of boric acid, which effectively help relieve discomfort. It is used both for douching, washing, and for rinsing the mouth.

Vaginal tampons are effective for vaginal candidiasis, which are made by soaking cotton pads with sea buckthorn oil with a high vitamin content, which is laid at night for 7 days.

Before treating thrush, it is necessary to exclude the factors that could provoke it (neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, wearing thongs, underwear made of synthetic fabric), it may be worth changing the detergent for intimate hygiene or abandoning scented sanitary pads in favor of the most ordinary or change the diet. There can be a great many reasons.

If the symptoms of thrush do not disappear when the possible causes are eliminated, then etiotropic treatment is necessary. The modern market is replete with antifungal drugs. These drugs are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Systemic drugs. Taken orally, they act on the body as a whole, however, they can have a negative effect on the liver, nervous and digestive systems. These are, for example, Ketoconazole tablets, Flucostat capsules.
  2. Dosage forms of topical application. Local treatment is characterized by a more gentle effect, fights microorganisms, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. Pimafucin, Livarol, Klion-D suppositories, Clotrimazole vaginal tablets, Candide ointment, Pimafucin are often used.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor should be based on the sensitivity of the identified colony to drugs that have antifungal activity.

In no case do not try to cure thrush on your own. Some hidden infections can disguise themselves as thrush (chlamydia, ureaplasma). And they already require more serious treatment. The drugs should have antifungal, antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity. These are such vaginal suppositories as Terzhinan, Palizinaks.

With the initial occurrence of thrush, Zalanin vaginal suppositories, the active ingredient of which is sertaconazole nitrate, have proven themselves well. These candles help get rid of thrush in one day.

Sexual life with thrush is contraindicated (even with the use of barrier protective equipment), since it leads to mechanical trauma to the affected areas, as a result of which the inflammation intensifies. In men, thrush is often asymptomatic, so when a woman has thrush, her sexual partner should also be treated.

As an additional treatment, traditional medicine is used. Of course, they cannot replace medications, but the quality of life with thrush is significantly improved.

To prepare an infusion for douching, you need to take one tablespoon of chamomile flowers and two tablespoons of calendula flowers, pour a liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 10-12 hours. Strain the finished infusion and use it warm.

Candida loves an acidic environment, which is why our grandmothers used soda to fight it. The fact is that soda is alkaline and is able to neutralize the acidic environment of the vagina, which is detrimental to fungi. To prepare a solution for douching, take a teaspoon of soda and dissolve it in a liter of warm boiled water. Douching with this solution can be done 2-3 times a day.

Important! Treatment of any disease can only be prescribed by a doctor!

Important! Both sexual partners need to be treated for candidiasis.

For the treatment of thrush in men (treatment of candidal balanoposthitis (lesion of the glans penis and foreskin)) local treatment is sufficient. To do this, use a cream with clotrimazole. The agent is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer 2 times a day, for 5-7 days.

At the same time, fluconazole (150 mg) can be taken orally once, but as a rule, this is not necessary.

Commercial names of fluconazole: "Diflazon", "Diflucan", "Medoflucon", "Mikosist", "Forkan".

With a mild course of vulvovaginal candidiasis (vaginal candidiasis - damage to the vagina and external genitalia), local treatment is sufficient, but sometimes additional antifungal drugs, general strengthening drugs, means to strengthen the immune system, physiotherapy, etc. are added to the set of measures to eliminate thrush.

Clotrimazole ("Antifungol", "Yenamazol 100", "Kandibene", "Kanesten", "Canison", "Clotrimazole"); - isoconazole ("Gyno-travogen Ovulum"); - miconazole ("Ginezol 7", "Gino- daktarin", "Klion-D 100"); - natamycin ("Pimafucin"); - nystatin ("Polygynax", "Terzhinan").

Additionally, like men, they can prescribe a single dose of fluconazole (150 mg) orally - "Diflazon", "Diflucan", "Medoflucon", "Mikosist", "Forkan".

The use of broad-spectrum vaginal tablets and suppositories ("Terzhinan", "Polygynax", "Betadine") with thrush is impractical, as they contribute to the development of gardnerellosis. The composition of these drugs includes broad-spectrum antibacterial agents that suppress the normal microflora of the vagina.

In addition to treatment with drugs for recovery, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that led to thrush. Also, after the course of treatment, it is necessary to come for a second examination, because the symptoms may go away, but the thrush may still remain.

Treatment at home should be used only after consultation with a specialist. Improper treatment can lead to the fact that thrush becomes chronic, which is already a more serious problem.

For men, for the treatment of the following folk recipes, you can use baths and solutions to wipe the affected areas.

Oil of calendula and tea tree. To 1 teaspoon of calendula oil, add 2 drops of tea tree oil. At night, inject the solution with a syringe without a needle.

Calendula and chamomile. 1 st. mix a spoonful of chamomile with 2 tbsp. spoons of calendula and pour 1 liter of boiling water overnight. In the morning, strain and sprinkle. Or brew the herb, let it brew a little and cool (to a warm state) and use it as a bath.

Oak bark, chamomile, sage and nettle. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oak bark, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sage officinalis and 3 tbsp. nettle spoons. Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew all night. Strain in the morning and use as a douche.

soda and iodine. During the day, douche with a solution: 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of boiled water. Before going to bed, take a bath: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of baking soda per 1 liter of warm boiled water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of iodine. Pour into a bowl and sit in the product for 15-20 minutes. Repeat such baths and douching throughout the week.

Possible Complications

When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist. Incorrect and untimely treatment of candidiasis leads to frequent exacerbations in the future, causing complications:

  • vaginal dysbacteriosis, decreased local immunity;
  • synechia in the uterus and in the fallopian tubes, which leads to infertility or ectopic pregnancy;
  • generalized form of candidiasis (sepsis);
  • cystitis, pyelonephritis (ascending route of infection).

The main negative consequence of mild and moderate thrush is a short-term decrease in the quality of life, which fully recovers after the therapy.

In severe thrush, the following complications may develop:

  • accession of a secondary bacterial infection;
  • development of resistance to ongoing therapy;
  • candidal septicemia;
  • involvement in the inflammatory process of neighboring organs.

Signs of thrush

The signs of thrush in women are clearly visible in the photo in the article above.

A woman can herself recognize what she has by characteristic signs:

  1. sensation of itching and burning;
  2. numerous red dots on the skin;
  3. copious white vaginal discharge;
  4. painful urination;
  5. pain during intercourse.

It is not allowed to self-medicate, because how to cure thrush once and for all can only be learned from a qualified specialist.

After infection, an incubation period begins, which lasts a week and after that unpleasant sensations make themselves felt. If this is an intimate candidiasis, then even faster: maybe in 2, 3 days.

Prevention of thrush

In order to reduce the risk of developing candidiasis, a woman should take care of strengthening the immune system (this is facilitated by hardening, outdoor activities, and the fight against a lack of vitamins in the body). It is necessary to control body weight and metabolism. To do this, you need to limit the use of sweet and baked products, salt, fatty foods.

An important preventive measure is the timely treatment of endocrine disorders, inflammatory and other diseases of the genital organs.

Warning: Antibiotics and hormonal agents should be used only in the doses prescribed by the doctor.

It is required to maintain normal bowel function (avoid constipation, diarrhea).
It is recommended to wear underwear made from natural materials, minimize the use of
daily pads. With thrush, you can not smoke, drink alcohol.

To prevent the appearance of thrush, you must:

  1. Keep the genitals clean. A woman should wash herself in the morning and in the evening, the direction of the water jet should be from the vagina to the anus, and not vice versa;
  2. Proper nutrition. From the diet it is desirable to exclude sweet, flour products, potatoes, yeast, sugar. It is useful to consume dairy products;
  3. Wear underwear made of natural breathable fabric;
  4. Refuse to use panty liners;
  5. Use a condom during sexual intercourse with unverified partners;
  6. Increase the body's defenses (pouring, rubbing);
  7. Lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits;
  8. Do not self-medicate with antibiotics.
  1. Use of barrier methods of contraception.
  2. Compliance with the hygiene of the intimate area and oral cavity.
  3. The use of eubiotic drugs against the background of antibiotic therapy.
  4. Refusal to use aggressive cosmetics that disrupt the balance of microflora.
  5. Timely treatment of diseases that can cause thrush.

In order not to get sick with thrush, you must follow the following simple rules:

  • observe intimate hygiene (be sure to wash yourself at least 2 times a day);
  • women are not recommended to use tampons for more than 4 hours; gaskets need to be changed frequently;
  • when taking antibiotics, strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, and after taking them, take probiotics that normalize the intestinal microflora;
  • wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics, also avoid tight clothing;
  • do not use colored scented hygienic antibacterial gels and soaps for intimate hygiene, colored scented toilet paper;
  • do not stay in a wet swimsuit for a long time (if it is very hot, dry quickly in the sun, otherwise change the wet swimsuit to a spare, dry one);
  • Eat less buns and sweets, giving preference to fruits, vegetables, and foods containing Omega 3 and vitamin C.
  • avoid casual sex;
  • do not douche unnecessarily, so as not to wash out the beneficial microflora.


From the point of view of psychosomatics, thrush can develop due to the psychological factors that a woman faces. Regular stress and not perceiving life in this perspective as it is leads to the fact that a person develops his own emotional assessment of everything that happens. As a result, blocks are formed in the woman's body, which then take on the outlines of the disease.

Many specialists are now known who are conducting research on the psychosomatic causes of the development of thrush, among them: Louise Hay, Liz Burbo. In this regard, along with drug treatment for re-development or a latent form, a woman visits a psychotherapist who helps her overcome psychological barriers.


When establishing a diagnosis, the gynecologist conducts a visual examination of the patient, and also prescribes additional microbiological studies and tests. Moreover, not only the woman herself, but also her husband must go through them in order to identify whether this form of pathology is dangerous or not.

Initially, a smear of the vaginal mucosa and a scraping of the cervix, a swab from the gums, teeth or auricles are taken, which makes it possible to examine the mycelium of fungi under a microscope, to identify the level of ureplasma.

To identify the pathogen, bacterial culture is carried out, the number of bacteria is also determined, since their insignificant content is considered the norm. Conducting an additional test allows you to identify their reaction to antifungal drugs.

Thrush can mask other infections of the body and therefore the doctor additionally prescribes a differential diagnostic method, which will make it possible to confirm or refute the presence of concomitant pathologies such as herpes, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.

The doctor also prescribes additional blood, urine and feces tests. Laboratory diagnostics allows you to determine the level of sugar and identify the source of the inflammatory process.

  1. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  2. smear of the urethra;
  3. Ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys;
  4. frautest.

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to detect candidiasis at the initial stage of development, as well as to recognize more serious diseases in which thrush is a symptom. Papillomas may appear on your body, and when examining a doctor, you can ask a question about neoplasms: what are papillomas and where do they come from, you can read here.

Thrush is a fungal infection that almost all women experience at least once in their lives. The danger of thrush (candidiasis) is the risk of the disease becoming chronic. Women with such a problem are more susceptible to other infectious and inflammatory diseases in the gynecological field. To avoid unpleasant consequences, thrush should be treated from the first symptoms.

What is candidiasis

Thrush is caused by various strains of yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. Most of the world's population are carriers of these microorganisms. Fungi asymptomatically live on their mucous membranes, without causing any trouble. Candida are part of the microflora of the large intestine, mucous membranes of the genitals and oral cavity. Normally, they are too few to cause disease. The amount of fungal bacteria corrects local immunity - beneficial microflora and antimicrobial components of natural secretions.

Problems begin when favorable conditions arise for the reproduction of fungi:

  • the number of beneficial bacteria decreases;
  • the composition of secretions changes;
  • mucous membranes are damaged.

Then the fungi begin to divide intensively, form colonies, displacing the remaining beneficial bacteria.

In the process of life, they release toxic substances - mycotoxins. The compounds have an irritating effect - they provoke a local inflammatory process. Hence the unpleasant symptoms:

  • puffiness;
  • redness;
  • unusual discharge.

So there is an acute thrush.

The structure of the epithelium of the female vagina is multilayered. Under favorable conditions, candida acquire the ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the mucous membrane. Here they “hide” from defense mechanisms and reproduce by spores. With a shift in acidity and a violation of the composition of the microflora, spores are activated, causing acute symptoms of thrush or a relapse. If there are few fungal bacteria, the signs of the disease are mild and may go unnoticed. This is how a chronic form of genital candidiasis occurs in women.

Why is the fungus activated

Fungi of the genus Candida are classified as opportunistic (potentially dangerous under special conditions). Their number increases with episodic and persistent disorders in the work of immunity. These changes cause:

  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • venereal diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • transferred SARS;
  • immunodeficiencies (including HIV);
  • depletion of the body;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • avitaminosis;
  • nutrient deficiency;
  • alimentary exhaustion (in other words, regular malnutrition);
  • hormonal changes (during puberty, pregnancy, menopause).

Stress, tension, fatigue are prerequisites for weakening the immune system

The work of immunity is extremely adversely affected by psycho-emotional overstrain, stress, overwork. Some drugs also weaken the body's defenses. We are talking about immunosuppressants (hormones, chemotherapy drugs), antibiotics, oral contraceptives.

There are also banal causes of thrush - neglect of the rules of intimate hygiene, wearing synthetic underwear, abuse of hygiene products (pads, tampons), their irregular replacement. The composition of the vaginal microflora is disturbed when using aggressive detergents, excessive zeal in matters of intimate cleanliness (frequent washing is as harmful as lack of hygiene). The spread of candida in the vagina is facilitated by wearing thongs. The infection can be activated against the background of regular mucosal injuries. For example, during intercourse.

There are many reasons for the development of thrush. Contrary to popular belief, this fungal infection is not transmitted through sexual intercourse. Thrush in a woman is not a reason to suspect a sexual partner of infidelity.

Thrush symptoms

Vaginal candidiasis in women differs in the degree of intensity of symptoms. The clinical picture varies, depending on the state of immunity and the presence of aggravating factors. These can be considered venereal infections and other diseases. So, in diabetics, the symptoms are always more intense, which is justified by the tendency to imbalance pH.

The first "calls"

The initial symptoms of thrush often go unnoticed or are written off as temporary discomfort. The first and main symptom is itching in the vagina. Discomfort is localized in the region of the labia minora. It is aggravated by going to the toilet and using toilet paper.

The second integral sign of thrush is discharge. Normally, the vaginal secretion has a mucous consistency. It is clear or slightly cloudy. With thrush, the discharge looks dense, grainy, has a pronounced white color. As a rule, the first changes coincide with the appearance of itching. A little later, the volume of the secret increases, and its consistency changes even more noticeably. Among the white-gray viscous mass of replacement, compacted inclusions, similar to cottage cheese. That is why such secretions are called curdled. Grains can be soft or grainy. The volume of secretions also varies - from a few inclusions to a complete change in the vaginal secret.

Another early symptom of candidiasis is a characteristic smell. It appears already at the first changes in the consistency of the secretions. As a rule, women feel it immediately, but the use of scented sanitary napkins can mask this symptom. The smell of thrush is characteristic - lactic acid. Normal discharge does not have any odor.

The symptom of thrush that is most often ignored is discomfort during intercourse. At the very beginning, mechanical irritation brings pleasure. However, after intercourse there is a burning sensation.

Pronounced signs

As candidiasis progresses, the symptoms increase. Allocations become even more voluminous - about 15 ml (the volume of a tablespoon) per day. Due to inflammation, mucous or bloody inclusions may be present in them. A small volume of blood stains the secret in a pale pink color.

The mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva becomes edematous. This is noticeable in hygiene procedures. Intense itching gives way to burning, especially after washing.

Often, erosions form on the labia minora and labia majora - red spots covered with a dense white coating. After its removal, erosion is exposed, may bleed. A woman experiences a burning sensation while emptying her bladder.

Signs of complications

In the absence of treatment or weakness of the immune system, candidiasis occurs with complications. It is possible to attach a bacterial or viral infection, the spread of the fungus through the internal genital organs, their inflammation against the background of the infection. Secondary infection is manifested by additional changes in the nature of the discharge - they become brown, yellowish, greenish. At the same time, the curdled consistency is preserved. With sexually transmitted infections, the smell of rotten fish appears. The spread of thrush on the skin looks like red spots in the inguinal folds. They also itch, get wet, covered with bloom.

How to recognize chronic thrush

The development of chronic candidiasis is preceded by an acute phase. If the treatment was inadequate (too short or with the use of ineffective drugs), the symptoms only weaken, but do not disappear completely. Sluggish candidiasis manifests itself periodically - itching and characteristic discharge, discomfort during sexual contact and burning after it. Signs either appear or disappear, so the patient does not have any special complaints.

With recurrent candidiasis, the discharge remains normal or acquires a curdled consistency only occasionally. Most often - in the second phase of the cycle or immediately before menstruation. The lactic acid smell is also not always present. Women attribute such symptoms to mild malaise or hormonal disorders and do not go to the doctor. With strong immunity, thrush recurs 3-4 times a year. With a weak one, it can declare itself every month.

Is thrush dangerous for pregnant women

Pregnant women experience candidiasis twice as often as ordinary women. The first cases of the disease occur at different gestational ages. Doctors reassure patients - the child is reliably protected from the fungus in the uterus. In fact, there is a risk of abortion and harm to the baby. It is especially great if a woman suffers from a chronic form of candidiasis at the time of conception. In this case, intrauterine infection of the fetus is not excluded. This is fraught with miscarriage or serious violations in the development of the child.

If the infection penetrates the baby at a later date, there is a risk of generalized forms of thrush, lesions of the spinal cord and brain. If the expectant mother gets sick with thrush before childbirth, the child can become infected with the fungus when passing through the birth canal. In this case, the risk of candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract, hearing, vision, and extensive skin lesions in the newborn increases.

Chronic thrush should be treated before pregnancy. If the disease manifested itself during the bearing of a child, you need to urgently consult a doctor and undergo therapy with drugs approved for expectant mothers. It is impossible to neglect a fungal infection - this can lead to disastrous consequences.

How to treat thrush in women

A doctor should treat candidiasis. If the first symptoms occur, you should consult a gynecologist. The specialist will take smears from the vagina, cervical canal (cervix). This is necessary to accurately determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antifungal drugs. Focusing on the results of the tests, the specialist will select the appropriate medications that can completely eliminate the fungus. Self-treatment of thrush in an acute form is fraught with chronic disease. It will be much more difficult to cure it. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to independently use any drugs for candidiasis. The doctor will select medicines for the expectant mother, which will fully eliminate the fungus in the shortest possible time.

The main cause of chronic thrush is self-medication or violation of the therapy regimen prescribed by the doctor. It is impossible to stop treatment immediately after the symptoms subside. Even in the absence of signs of infection, the fungi remain in the mucosa.

Is it possible to use folk remedies

Serum - an ineffective remedy for thrush

For the treatment of thrush, traditional medicine recommends douching with whey, decoctions of herbs, soda or iodine-soda solution, tampons with honey, aloe, raw egg and other means. Their use for the treatment of candidiasis is a direct path to the chronic form of the fungus. Food and herbs are not able to eliminate the fungus. Most douches simply mechanically wash them off the mucosa without eliminating the infection in its deep layers. The fungus can use some foods as a nutrient medium. In this case, alternative treatment will not only be ineffective, but will also provoke an aggravation of symptoms.

Douching with soda and iodine can be considered the most effective folk method. The solution has antimicrobial properties, alkalizes the environment in the vagina, creating unfavorable conditions for the fungus. This method can only be used in addition to medical treatment and in consultation with the doctor.

You can not douche at any stage of pregnancy. This can lead to miscarriage or premature onset of labor.

Effective candles

Candles - the optimal dosage form for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. Active components work directly in the focus of infection. With the correct use of suppositories, even the chronic form of thrush can be cured.

Any drug can cause an allergic reaction. When using candles for the first time, you should carefully listen to the sensations. Increased burning and itching in the vagina after the introduction of the suppository is a reason for discontinuing the drug.

In addition to suppositories, other vaginal dosage forms can be prescribed - ovules (round capsules), creams for insertion into the vagina, tablets. Together with creams and tablets, a special applicator is provided. With its help, the drug should be administered. Pregnant women should not use such devices. Any intravaginal forms, they must be inserted with a finger.

Candles are used 1-2 times a day. The drug is administered after hygiene procedures. Most medications are recommended to be taken at night. This ensures uniform distribution of the mass of the suppository, prolonged interaction of the drug with the mucosa, and prevents premature leakage of the molten base.

Candles, tablets, creams can contaminate underwear and bedding, as a certain amount of the product still flows out. To prevent discomfort, sanitary pads should be used during treatment. The most popular drugs for the treatment of thrush in women are as follows.

  • Candles Pimafucin. The drug of choice for vaginal candidiasis. The active substance - Natamycin, kills candida, leaving no opportunity for the fungus to acquire resistance (resistance) to the drug. The active substance is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. The drug is approved during pregnancy. Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. For prevention, it is used for 3 days, for treatment - for 6 days. Candles are introduced at night.
  • Candles Nystatin. The active substance of the same name is effective exclusively against candida. It is not absorbed into the bloodstream, but the drug is contraindicated in pregnancy due to lack of evidence of safety. For the treatment of thrush, 1 suppository is administered into the vagina 2 times a day (morning and night). Treatment lasts 10-14 days.
  • Candles Livarol. A drug based on Ketoconazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. Assign for the treatment of acute and chronic thrush. During pregnancy and lactation, it is used with caution, since a small amount of the substance is absorbed into the blood. In acute candidiasis, 1 suppository is used at night, for 3-5 days. The timing of treatment depends on the intensity of the symptoms. In the chronic form, the drug is used for 10 days.
  • Zalain. Means based on Sertaconazole. The substance has an antifungal effect, is active against staphylococci and streptococci. Assign for acute form of thrush. The candle is administered once, at night. If symptoms persist, repeat the procedure in a week. The active ingredient is not absorbed into the blood, however, use during pregnancy is possible only as directed by a doctor.
  • Vaginal capsules Polygynax. Contains 2 antibiotics and an antifungal component. Assign for the treatment of mixed fungal and bacterial infections. During pregnancy, use only as directed by a doctor. For the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, the capsules are administered at night, for 12 days in a row.
  • Capsules Lomeksin. A drug based on fenticonazole. It has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Apply 1 capsule at night. If symptoms persist, the second capsule is used after 3 days. Contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

When treating with candles, it is undesirable to douche. The external genitalia can be treated with special detergents with an antifungal effect (Citeal, Lactacid antifungal).

Why do you need ointments

With pronounced signs of thrush on the external genital organs (erosion, swelling, accumulations of white plaque), antifungal creams are prescribed in parallel with suppositories. Suitable means for intravaginal administration, preparations for the treatment of fungus on the skin. Recommended for treatments:

  • clotrimazole cream;
  • Nystatin ointment;
  • Pimafucin cream;

The preparations treat the vulva, large and small labia. Two applications per day are sufficient. For optimal results, creams are used after hygiene procedures and the introduction of suppositories.

a drug prescribed to a woman can be used by her sexual partner. Doctors advise to be treated together to prevent relapses. In some cases (if a man himself suffers from candidiasis or violates the rules of hygiene), it is sexual intercourse that serves as a trigger for the development of acute thrush in a woman, and contributes to repeated episodes of the disease.

Treatment with systemic drugs

Systemic antimycotics help to cure thrush quickly and effectively. These are antifungal drugs for oral administration. Absorbed into the systemic circulation, they are distributed in the body. The funds accumulate especially well in the epithelium of the mucous membranes and skin, eliminating the infection from the inside.

For the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, Fluconazole (Fucis, Diflucan, Flucostat) is most actively prescribed. To eliminate acute symptoms, one dose of 150 mg of the substance is sufficient. To prevent recurrence of chronic thrush, take 3 capsules with an interval of 3 days. Maintenance therapy involves taking Fluconazole once a week for 3-6 months.

In the treatment of genital candidiasis, the popularity of Itraconazole (Orungal, Rumikoz, Itrazol) has increased. For the treatment of an acute form with moderate symptoms, it is enough to take 2 capsules (100 mg each) in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening. With severe symptoms, treatment takes 3 days. Capsules are taken 1, 2 times a day. To prevent relapse, take 2 capsules of Itraconazole on the first day of the cycle for 3 months.

The success of the treatment of thrush depends on the effectiveness of the elimination of the main provoking factor. Even the correct therapy regimen will not give a long-term result if the woman continues to violate intimate hygiene or suffers from diseases of the immune system. In recurrent forms that are difficult to treat, you should undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. The reason may lie in the problems of hematopoiesis or immunodeficiency.

- a fungal disease that mainly affects the skin and mucous membranes, less often internal organs. There are candidiasis of the respiratory, digestive, genitourinary systems. With a sharp weakening of the immune system, generalized candidiasis (candidiasis sepsis) can develop. Urinary candidiasis in men is manifested by inflammation of the penis (redness, swelling, grayish coating and erosion, itching, burning and pain in the head of the penis). Possible candidal urethritis and cystitis. In women, there is a lesion of the external genital organs and the vagina. Without timely treatment, candidiasis takes a chronic relapsing course.

Urogenital candidiasis is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (Candida), representatives of the normal microflora of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. The development of candidiasis occurs as a result of the intensive reproduction of Candida fungi and their violation of the natural balance of the environment of the genitourinary tract. The development of candidiasis is largely facilitated by a general decrease in the body's resistance.

Genitourinary candidiasis is not a health and life-threatening disease, but it is extremely unpleasant for its manifestations, leading to disturbances in the intimate and psycho-emotional spheres. In addition, the presence of candidiasis may indicate a severe comorbidity ( diabetes, HIV infection, etc.).

Candidiasis of the genital organs, or the so-called thrush, affects the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract of men and women, being essentially a sexual infection. Often, thrush is accompanied by other diseases with sexual transmission: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.

Acute and subacute course of candidiasis lasts no more than 2 months. During this period, edema, hyperemia, discharge from the genital tract and other inflammatory symptoms are pronounced. Chronic forms of candidiasis are characterized by a duration of over 2 months. Foci of dryness develop on the mucous membranes, hyperpigmentation, infiltration, tissue atrophy.

Recently, atypical, obliterated and treatment-resistant forms of urogenital candidiasis have become common.

Thrush is an inflammatory lesion of the vaginal mucosa caused by fungi of the genus Candida. It is characterized by burning and itching in the vagina, white curdled discharge. Thrush is also called neonatal candidiasis, most often manifested as oral candidiasis. Diagnosis of thrush is carried out by detecting the fungus during microscopy and cultural examination of smears from the vagina. To exclude concomitant STIs, ELISA, RIF and PCR studies are carried out. Chronic recurrent thrush is an indication for a complete examination of the patient in order to identify those disorders in the body that could cause such a course of thrush. Treatment is carried out by local and general use of antimycotic drugs.

Yeast-like fungi Candida, which provoke the development of thrush, are opportunistic flora of the vagina of most women and do not cause any pathological symptoms. Therefore, unlike classic STIs, thrush cannot be 100% attributed to diseases with sexual transmission, although Candida fungi can be transmitted from sexual partners. Clinical gynecology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of candidiasis due to the similarity of its clinical picture with sexual infections and frequent cases of a combination of these diseases.

Causes of the disease

Various factors that disrupt the healthy microflora of the vagina lead to the development of thrush. As a result, there is a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria that normally inhibit the growth of fungal flora, and intensive reproduction of fungi. The active growth of fungi leads to the manifestation of their pathogenic properties with the appearance of inflammatory changes in the vaginal mucosa, such as colpitis or vaginitis.

Violation of the normal ratio of microorganisms in the vagina with the development of thrush can be caused by treatment with cytostatics and other immunosuppressants, the use hormonal contraception, decreased immunity due to somatic diseases (HIV, Chronical bronchitis, tonsillitis , chronic pyelonephritis, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.), hormonal abnormalities (diabetes mellitus, ovarian dysfunction, menopause, hypothyroidism, obesity), anorexia, pregnancy, stressful situations, sudden climate change.

Prolonged or frequent antibiotic therapy, the use of antibacterial drugs without additional prescription of probiotics in the first place cause intestinal dysbacteriosis. Since the intestine is a reservoir of Candida fungi, its diseases (dysbacteriosis, colitis, etc.) lead to the spread of Candida to other organs, and especially to the vagina with the development of thrush.

Various local factors can have an adverse effect on the vaginal biocenosis with the appearance of thrush: poor personal hygiene, irregular change of pads and vaginal tampons, the use of local contraceptives, the use of deodorized pads and flavored colored toilet paper, wearing synthetic underwear. Frequent use of antibacterial products for hygiene purposes (antibacterial soap, intimate gel, vaginal spray) often leads to a decrease in local natural immunity and can provoke the occurrence of thrush.

In some women, the appearance of thrush is observed after wearing wet underwear, visiting the pool or swimming in open water. This is due to the beneficial effect of a humid environment on the vital activity of Candida fungi. An unhealthy diet with excessive consumption of sweets can also contribute to the development of thrush.

Newborns born to mothers with thrush can get thrush as a result of infection during the prenatal period or passage through the birth canal. The development of thrush in such cases is facilitated by the weakened state of the child's body in connection with the birth trauma received, premature birth, hemolytic disease, intrauterine hypoxia transferred asphyxia of a newborn.

The causes of thrush are different factors:

  • infectious diseases, and sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia , trichomoniasis , mycoplasmosis , ureaplasmosis ;
  • endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc.;
  • taking medications (especially antibiotics);
  • with hormonal disorders (for example, taking hormonal contraceptives increases the risk of thrush);
  • diseases in which immunity is reduced: viral infections, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • non-compliance intimate hygiene;
  • exacerbation is observed in hot weather, when various bacteria and fungi are activated;
  • sexual intercourse without barrier contraception;
  • stress, nervous experiences;
  • malnutrition;
  • wearing too tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics.

This disease can be caused by many different factors. Among them are:

  • stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • venereal diseases;
  • infections;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • wearing uncomfortable or synthetic underwear.

The development of genital candidiasis

According to studies conducted in the field of venereology, the following factors most often contribute to the development of genital candidiasis:

  • taking antibacterial and a number of hormonal drugs;
  • pregnancy;
  • candidiasis ( dysbacteriosis) of the intestine;
  • diabetes;
  • HIV and other infections that suppress the immune system;
  • excessive douching;
  • wearing synthetic and tight underwear;
  • long-term adverse effects of physical factors (work in warm, damp rooms, etc.).


Thrush is manifested by severe burning and itching in the vulva and vagina. These symptoms are accompanied by the appearance of discharge that is characteristic of candidiasis white. For thrush, a heterogeneous consistency of secretions with small lumps, resembling grains of cottage cheese, is typical. The discharge may have a sour smell. Many women suffering from thrush note an increase in the amount of discharge after sexual intercourse, water procedures, at night. Often there is redness of the labia minora, sometimes swelling of the labia minora and labia majora, which can reach the anus. Puffiness and inflammatory changes in the vaginal mucosa with thrush lead to the fact that during intercourse a woman experiences pain. Painful urination may be noted.

Quite often there is an erased course of thrush, when its clinical manifestations are mild or only one of these symptoms is present. Symptoms of thrush may spontaneously disappear with the appearance of menstrual flow, since during this period the vaginal environment shifts to the alkaline side, which is less favorable for fungi. However, thrush can also become chronic. Her relapses, as a rule, occur at least 4 times a year and usually occur a week before the onset of menstruation. Chronic thrush is much worse to treat and can lead to complications. It is possible to combine thrush with other infectious lesions of the vagina (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, genital herpes and etc.).

The most common manifestation of thrush in newborns is candidal lesions of the gums ( gingivitis), soft palate, buccal mucosa ( stomatitis) and tongue ( glossitis). It is manifested by the appearance on the mucous membrane of areas or spots covered with a white coating. When plaque is removed, red and inflamed mucous membranes are exposed under it. A newborn with thrush is restless, cries often, sucks poorly, and may refuse to breastfeed. Less commonly, thrush in newborns manifests itself in the form of candidal conjunctivitis. Consequence intrauterine infection can become caused by fungi pneumonia.

Taking into account the affected area of ​​​​the disease, the following types of candidiasis are distinguished:

  1. Surface.
  2. Interdigital.
  3. Mucosal candidiasis.
  4. Yeast paronychia and onychia.
  5. Candidiasis vulvitis and colpitis (vulvovaginal candidiasis).


This form of the disease is characterized by damage to the smooth skin of the mucous membranes. Skin candidiasis originates from large folds, where the formation of erymatous-point foci with vesicles, erosions and pustules occurs. Candidiasis of the skin suggests the presence of affected areas, which are characterized by clear scalloped edges.

The erosion surface has a smooth, shiny appearance, sometimes there is a whitish coating.

Candidiasis of the skin can be of two types: erythematous and vesicular. The first type is characterized by the presence of foci, on the surface of which erosion and weeping predominate. Vesicular type skin candidiasis is characterized by the formation of a large number of serapules, blisters, pustules and vesicles.


This form of yeast infection is most often diagnosed in schoolchildren and adults whose work involves a long stay in garden plots. In this case, maceration foci with edematous-congestive hyperemic skin can be found between the fingers.

With this form of the disease, genital candidiasis and a yeast-like lesion of the oral cavity develop. Symptoms depend on the location of the lesion. Candidiasis of the oral cavity and mucous membranes is accompanied by the presence of a whitish cheesy plaque, on the surface of which there is a removable film. When it is removed, erythema may develop. Candidiasis in the mouth can affect:

  • language;
  • corners of the mouth;
  • lips;
  • tonsils.

Oral candidiasis occupies a leading position in relation to all localizations of this disease in the gastrointestinal tract. Candidiasis stomatitis very often affects newborns, adults who use dentures.

Due to the presence of white cheesy deposits in the oral cavity, candidal stomatitis is also called "thrush". Candidiasis stomatitis at the initial stage has the following characteristic symptoms:

  • small foci of redness;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the gums, cheeks, tongue;
  • when the foci merge, white curdled plaques appear, which increase in size over time;
  • when the film is removed, the surface becomes smooth, shiny and deep red.

Oral candidiasis does not cause fever or swollen lymph nodes.

If chronic candidal stomatitis is present, then it is characterized by its manifestations:

  • rough, more closely adjacent to the affected mucosa raids;
  • after removing the film, erosions form under them;
  • an increase in the size of the tongue, covering its surface with deep furrows.

Candidiasis of the oral cavity, affecting only the corners of the mouth, is formed due to the spread of yeast bacteria from the affected area. It is characterized by the presence of erosions or cracks of a grayish-white hue with clear boundaries. Candidiasis of the lips has a bluish tint in the area of ​​the red border of the lips, peeling in the form of grayish plates.

If we are talking about a disease such as candidiasis of the tongue, then its symptoms are very similar to the manifestations of a fungal infection of the throat. The disease proceeds in the form of stomatitis, bleeding wounds and ulcers form on the mucous membrane. After a certain time, white bubbles and films appear on the site of these wounds. Gradually, candidiasis of the tongue spreads and captures an increasing surface.

Gastrointestinal lesion

Gastric candidiasis is a disease that belongs to the type of visceral candidiasis. It is formed for the following reasons: peptic ulcer, low acidity of gastric juice.

Intestinal candidiasis is a consequence of prolonged therapy with modern antibiotics. Intestinal candidiasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • flatulence;
  • discomfort;
  • diarrhea.

In addition, intestinal candidiasis can cause pain in the abdomen, and blood or mucus is found in the patient's feces. A person has a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine. If intestinal candidiasis occurs in severe form, then it is characterized by an invasive phase. A diagnosis of intestinal candidiasis can only be made after the composition of the intestinal flora has been studied.

Esophageal candidiasis is a disease that is very difficult to determine among all those available in the field of gastroenterology. The disease is characterized by a discrepancy between the severity of the disease, the level of damage and the condition of the patient himself. Almost 30% of patients may not even suspect that they have esophageal candidiasis. As a rule, this applies to those people who have a low level of immunity. However, esophageal candidiasis has the following manifestations:

  • heartburn;
  • poor appetite;
  • disturbances in the process of swallowing food;
  • pain during swallowing;
  • chest pain;
  • frequent vomiting and nausea;
  • temperature rise;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain attacks in the upper abdomen.

There are cases when esophageal candidiasis, accompanied by pain when swallowing, does not even allow swallowing water. This condition can contribute to dehydration. When vomiting occurs, characteristic whitish films can be found in the vomit.

The presented form of the disease is characterized by itching, burning sensation of varying intensity. Candidiasis vulvitis occurs in women in the premenstrual period and the postmenstrual phase. Vaginal candidiasis is accompanied by intense and moderate inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, a purple-bluish tinge may be present. In addition, vulvitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • small rashes in the form of vesicles, at the opening of which erosions are formed;
  • vulvovaginal candidiasis may be accompanied by layers in the form of white curdled crumbly films;
  • dryness and lichenification of the small and large labia with a whitish surface;
  • itching, which causes candidal colpitis, increases with urination, after taking a bath and sexual intercourse.

Complications of thrush

Chronically leaking thrush can cause a number of complications. First of all, they are due to the spread of a fungal infection to structures located near the vagina: the cervix with the development of cervicitis, the urethra with the development of urethritis and the bladder with the development of cystitis. The combination of thrush with other STIs with a long relapsing course can lead to the development of infertility in women.

Diagnosis of candidiasis of the genital organs

Laser research methods include:

  • smear microscopy of secretions;
  • cultural diagnosis;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • polymerase chain reaction.

When symptoms of candidiasis occur, men usually seek help from a urologist, and women come to consultation with a gynecologist. Diagnosis of urogenital candidiasis is carried out on the basis of complaints and examination of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. The diagnosis of candidiasis is confirmed by examination of the discharged vagina or penis by light microscopy, bacteriological culture, and determination of the sensitivity of isolated Candida varieties to antifungal drugs.

Consultation with a venereologist is necessary for the behavior of the differential diagnosis of candidiasis with trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, gardnerellosis, other urogenital infections and the exclusion of concomitant STIs.

With candidiasis of the genital organs, it is necessary to exclude the presence of chronic diseases of the body, to assess the state of immunity.

The diagnosis of candidiasis does not require the use of high-precision laboratory methods, such as PIF or PCR, which detect even single pathogens. The criterion for the diagnosis of candidiasis of the genitourinary organs is the identification of the fact of intensive reproduction of fungal pathogens.

As a rule, patients with symptoms of thrush turn to a gynecologist. The doctor conducts chair examination and colposcopy, takes smears from the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina. Microscopic examination of smears for thrush reveals the presence of fungal mycelium in the preparation. This is a quick method of research, but it does not give accurate information about which type of fungus caused the disease. To answer this question, a smear is sown on special nutrient media, followed by a study of the grown colonies and determination of the susceptibility of the isolated Candida fungi to antimycotic drugs. At the same time, the quantitative characteristics of the identified Candida colonies are taken into account, since their small number is normal for a healthy vaginal microflora.

Clinical observations show that thrush quite often occurs against the background of other sexual infections and can "mask" their presence. Therefore, if thrush is detected, it is advisable to additionally consult a venereologist and undergo an examination for STIs. Usually, complex PCR diagnostics is used, which, if necessary, can be supplemented by ELISA and RIF.

Since the development of thrush is usually associated with certain disorders occurring in the body, when it is detected, a complete examination of the woman is necessary. This is especially true in cases where thrush responds poorly to treatment or takes a chronic course. Often thrush is the first symptom of diabetes. Therefore, a woman needs to take a blood test for sugar and, if an increase is detected, contact an endocrinologist. An examination by a gastroenterologist is also recommended: analysis for dysbacteriosis, coprogram, gastroscopy, radiography of the stomach, abdominal ultrasound, irrigoscopy , x-ray examination of the small intestine.

With the development of complications of thrush from the urinary tract, it is necessary urologist consultation, examination of urine and smear from the urethra, Zimnitsky test, ultrasound of the bladder. Differential diagnosis of thrush should be carried out with bacterial vaginosis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, trichomoniasis.

Generalized form of candidiasis

In especially unfavorable cases, the pathological process can capture many organs with the development of a generalized form of candidiasis. Risk factors in the development of generalization of candidiasis are prematurity, the use of glucocorticoids and antibiotics, artificial nutrition, chemotherapy, drug addiction, surgery and the postoperative period, etc.

Treatment of thrush in pregnant women

The occurrence of thrush is observed in more than half of pregnant women. Its treatment requires an integrated approach, taking into account the contraindications existing during pregnancy. It is important to identify diseases and pathological conditions that can provoke thrush. In pregnant women, the treatment of thrush is carried out mainly by local means. Most often, these are suppositories with miconazole or clotrimazole. If systemic antifungal therapy is needed thrush in pregnant women it is possible to use natamycin, since it does not have an embryotoxic effect.

During pregnancy, it is possible to use alternative methods of treating thrush. These include washing with a decoction of oak bark, calendula or soda solution, soda-iodine baths, etc. These methods are not very effective in terms of completely curing thrush, but can help relieve its symptoms during pregnancy.


  • The best prevention of thrush is personal hygiene.
  • Washing and changing underwear is a must.
  • It is advisable to use a separate towel for the genitals.
  • You need to regularly visit a gynecologist (once every six months).
  • After visiting the pool or swimming in an open pond, it is advisable to do herbal douching.
  • Remember to use condoms or other barrier methods of contraception.

Prevention of thrush includes adequate antibiotic therapy against the background of the mandatory prescription of probiotics; timely and correct treatment of chronic diseases, STIs, hormonal disorders; observance of intimate hygiene; wearing cotton underwear. The use of hygienic and intravaginal products, which can change the pH of the vagina from the acid side or cause an imbalance in its microflora, should be avoided. So that thrush does not appear from the improper use of tampons and pads, women should remember that they must be changed every 3-4 hours. Women in whom a wet environment provokes the appearance of thrush should dry themselves thoroughly after bathing, avoid wearing a wet swimsuit, and use a spare dry bathing set when relaxing on a pond.

Prevention of thrush in newborns is facilitated by a complete examination of women when planning pregnancy, early detection and treatment of thrush in pregnant women.

Candidiasis (thrush) - one of the varieties of fungal infection, caused by microscopic yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida(first of all - candida albicans). All representatives of this genus are classified as conditionally pathogenic.


Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida belong to imperfect fungi - deuteromycetes (anascospores). The most common types among patients - candida albicans and candida tropicalis.

Yeast-like mushrooms of the species candida albicans- single-celled microorganisms of oval or round shape. They form pseudomycelium (filaments of elongated cells), blastospores (kidney cells sitting on pseudomycelium constrictions) and some chlamydospores - spores with a double shell. The main features distinguishing mushrooms of the genus Candida from true yeast, are the following:

  • the presence of pseudomycelium;
  • lack of ascospores (spores in bags inside cells);
  • characteristic cultural features.


Most people encounter mushrooms Candida in the first year of life, and according to a number of data in utero. The possibility of infection of the fetus is confirmed by the detection of fungi in the amniotic fluid, placenta, umbilical cord membranes. Further contact of newborns with fungi Candida can occur during the passage of the birth canal, with the oral mucosa, with the skin of the nipple during feeding, the skin of the hands during care, as well as with food or household items. A significant contamination of raw meat, dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits with these mushrooms was revealed. The source, in addition to carriers, can be young domestic animals (calves, puppies, foals), as well as poultry.

The manifestation of candidiasis is mentioned as a frequent side effect that occurs with the use of powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics that are active against many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.


To the factors of pathogenicity in fungi of the genus Candida include the secretion of proteolytic enzymes and hemolysins, dermatonecrotic activity and adhesiveness (the ability to attach to epithelial cells). All activations of virulence in opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida can be divided into three groups:

  • Exogenous factors contributing to the penetration of fungi into the body (temperature conditions, humidity, occupational hazards).
  • Endogenous factors that cause a decrease in the resistance of the macroorganism (endocrine disorders, metabolic diseases, the use of hormonal contraceptives, courses of treatment with corticosteroid hormones, cytostatic drugs).
  • Virulent properties that ensure the pathogenicity of the pathogen.

Clinical picture

skin candidiasis

Nail candidiasis

Manifestations of candidiasis depend on the localization of the process.

There is a division into superficial and systemic (visceral) candidiasis.

Superficial candidiasis

Superficial candidiasis includes lesions of smooth skin, mucous membranes, candidal onychia and paronychia.

Yeast paronychia and onychia

Paronychia are characterized by edema, infiltration, hyperemia of the nail folds, and the absence of the supraungual skin (eponychium). At the same time, the periungual roller is somewhat moving towards the surface of the nail. Often paronychia and onychia co-exist.


Candidamicides are secondary allergic rashes, indicating a significant degree of sensitization to the pathogen and its metabolic products. Polymorphic, usually in the form of erythematous-squamous edematous spots, but urticarial and bullous rashes are also possible. The appearance of candidamicids is accompanied by subfebrile condition, intensification of the main inflammatory phenomena in the main foci.

Candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush)

oral candidiasis

This form is more common in newborns (but can occur at any age). The mucous membrane of the cheeks, as well as the tongue and pharynx, are covered with a whitish coating resembling snow flakes (they are also compared with cottage cheese, that is, the mucous membrane looks as if the child had just eaten cottage cheese or drank kefir). If the mother, during or before pregnancy, had similar manifestations in the vagina, or she experienced discomfort (itching) in the genital area (vaginal candidiasis), you can be sure that this is candidiasis. In most cases, oral candidiasis is not dangerous, provided timely and proper treatment. And only if the use of local remedies does not have an effect, it is necessary to seriously tackle the clarification of the nature of this process.

intestinal candidiasis

Intestinal candidiasis is one of the varieties of severe dysbacteriosis. In situations where conditions are created in the intestines that are unsuitable for the life of normal microbes, candida breeds in it. This is manifested by diarrhea, excessive gas formation in the intestines, there is an admixture of white flakes in the stool. For young children, this form of candidiasis is dangerous because they begin to lag behind in weight and height, lose vitamins and other nutrients necessary for normal growth and development during diarrhea.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis, balanitis and balanoposthitis

With candidiasis of the genital organs, abundant white cheesy discharge is observed, itching is characteristic. For candidiasis of the vagina, as well as for other forms, is characterized by an imbalance in the normal microflora that lives on the mucous membrane. When treating vaginal candidiasis, it must be borne in mind that, as a rule, it is necessary to treat the sexual partner as well, since re-infection with the fungus is possible.

Symptoms of candidiasis in women
  • Burning and itching in the vulva.
  • White curdled vaginal discharge.
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Pungent, unpleasant odor [ ] .
Symptoms of candidiasis (thrush) in men
  • Burning and itching in the region of the glans penis and foreskin.
  • Redness of the glans penis and foreskin.
  • White coating on the glans penis and foreskin.
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • White discharge that looks like semen when urinating

Chronic, generalized (granulomatous) candidiasis

Visceral candidiasis (systemic)

Cases of the spread of combined candidiasis with damage to internal organs and the development of candidal sepsis are recorded in all countries.

Laboratory diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis

Cultural research should include not only the isolation and species identification of the causative agent of vaginal candidiasis, but also the determination of the sensitivity of isolated strains to antifungal drugs. It is advisable to inoculate according to the following scheme: using the standard method of inoculation, rotating the swab, inoculate the material on a plate with the chromogenic medium "CANDICHROM II", when viewing the inoculation results, it is necessary to calculate the number of CFU of fungi of various species (quantitative analysis).

The use of chromogenic selective medium "CANDICHROM II" for primary inoculation allows direct identification of the main pathogen candida albicans and isolate other types of yeast fungi (bacteria growth is inhibited by a mixture of antibiotics). Other types of mushrooms of the genus Candida, as well as pathogenic yeast fungi of other genera, it is possible to reliably identify to the species level using the Elichrom FUNGI test system.

To determine the sensitivity to common antifungal drugs (fluconazole, itraconazole, amphotericin B, voriconazole, flucytosine (5-fluorocytosine)) it is advisable to use the FUNGIFAST AFG test system. Taking into account the likelihood of developing secondary resistance to azole drugs in fungi of the genus Candida, it is important to perform susceptibility testing in isolated strains and before re-treatment.

Treatment of candidiasis

There are many drugs for the treatment of this disease. Some of them are applied topically (cream, vaginal tablets or suppositories), others - inside (tablets or capsules for oral administration). Drugs for the treatment of candidiasis:

Of the external treatments, a 5-10% solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin topically is also effective. In case of damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth in adults, a 20% solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin topically.

In some cases, treatment is prescribed that supplements antifungal drugs (immunotherapy, restorative drugs, physiotherapy, etc.), bacterial preparations of competing microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria, lactobacterin, colibacterin).

Treatment of candidiasis in men

Therefore, in order to achieve a complete cure and prevent re-infection, it is necessary to take antifungal drugs not only locally, but also inside. Treatment of patients with chronic forms presents significant difficulties. The ineffectiveness of treatment may be associated with insufficient dosage and duration, as well as with individual insensitivity to one or another group of antifungal drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct bacteriological studies (crops) with the determination of sensitivity to antifungal drugs. It should be borne in mind that fungi have the ability to quickly adapt and form resistance to the drugs used.

  • Correction of conditions that provoke the development of candidiasis (diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency, diseases requiring treatment with hormonal drugs)
  • Vaginal candidiasis is treated under medical supervision. With a tendency to relapse, especially in the presence of predisposing factors, additional examination and observation by a doctor is necessary.

    It should be remembered that to cure a candidal infection with folk remedies alone, official medicine is unknown. Folk remedies do not completely eliminate candidiasis, but help strengthen the immune system and eliminate painful symptoms.

    Prevention of candidiasis

    A good way to prevent fungal growth is to eat yoghurts containing live lactic acid cultures, as well as to eat natural foods that have a good antifungal effect, such as garlic, propolis, berries and leaves at Wikimedia Commons

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