What is internet addiction? Internet addiction: danger, signs and treatment. How is internet addiction treated?

Ugryumova Marina

We chose the topic of the study "Internet addiction - a problem of modern society" because it is close to us, since the rapid spread of new information technologies is becoming one of the attributes of modernity.

In our work, we rely on the research of foreign scientists and sociological surveys conducted among students of our technical school. Moreover, in our country the problem of Internet addiction is still poorly understood.

In studying this topic, we set goals and objectives.

Target: Conduct research with students of I, II courses and teachers on the topic "Internet addiction". Substantiate whether the Internet is a qualitatively different form of interaction between an individual and the environment, identify Internet-dependent students and develop recommendations for controlling time on the network.


1. Conduct an analysis of the literature to study the problem of Internet addiction.

2. To determine the presence of the problem of Internet addiction among students and teachers of the Tataur branch of the Baikal College of Tourism and Ecologically Saving Technologies.

3. Outline ways to solve the problem of Internet addiction.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

State educational institution of secondary vocational education

"Baikal College of Tourism and Eco-Saving Technologies"

Internet Addiction -

The problem of modern society

(research work)

TF BTT and ET, GS 1, I course.

Supervisor: Yarokhina Marina Yuryevna, teacher of special education. disciplines

Tataurovo, 2012

Introduction. …………………………………………………………….

  1. Relevance of the topic……………………………………………

Main part. ……………………………………………………...

2.1 Theoretical part……………………………………………..

2.1.1 Interest that generates mania ……………………………...

2.1.2 The history of “Internet addiction” …………

2.1.3 Symptoms of addiction ………………………………………

2.2 Research part………………………………………...

2.2.1 Questioning…………………………………………………

2.2.2 Information processing……………………………………….


List of used literature ……………………………….

Applications ………………………………………………………….

  1. Introduction
  1. Relevance of the topic

The younger generation now worries a lot of questions. What makes young people move away from an active lifestyle and spend hours on the Internet? What exactly attracts them online, what sites do they visit?Why Internet addiction manifests itself in a kind of escape from reality, in which the process of navigating the network "drags" the subject so much that he is unable to fully function in the real world. These questions concern us too.

We chose the topic of the study "Internet addiction - a problem of modern society" because it is close to us, since the rapid spread of new information technologies is becoming one of the attributes of modernity.

In our work, we rely on the research of foreign scientists and sociological surveys conducted among students of our technical school. Moreover, in our country the problem of Internet addiction is still poorly understood.

In studying this topic, we set goals and objectives.

Target: Conduct research with students of I, II courses and teachers on the topic "Internet addiction". Substantiate whether the Internet is a qualitatively different form of interaction between an individual and the environment, identify Internet-dependent students and develop recommendations for controlling time on the network.


  1. Conduct an analysis of the literature to study the problem of Internet addiction.
  2. To determine the presence of the problem of Internet addiction among students and teachers of the Tataur branch of the Baikal College of Tourism and Ecologically Saving Technologies.
  3. Outline ways to solve the problem of Internet addiction.


Theoretical method:study and analysis of specialized literature on the problem, classification of types of Internet addiction, generalization based on the results of the survey.

Empirical methods:

Observation, questioning.

Analysis of statistical data obtained as a result of a survey of students and teachers of the technical school.

An object: the impact of the Internet on student behavior and the ability to control their time online.

Item: the problem of Internet dependence of students of the Tataurovsky branch of the Baikal College of Tourism and Ecologically Saving Technologies.

Hypothesis: It can be assumed that Internet addiction manifests itself in the fact that people lose the ability to control their time on the Internet, preferring virtual life to real life.

  1. Main part
  1. Theoretical part
  1. Interest that breeds mania.

If a person fails to notice the danger himself,

if he does not fence off with a blank wall that sphere of his

life and activity, where technology dominates,

from other areas of your life and soul,

he becomes a spiritual cripple.

Daniil Andreev "Rose of the World"

The Internet is more and more being introduced into our lives, becoming one of the dominant tools for personal, academic and professional communications. There are approximately 400 million Internet users worldwide. For Russia, this figure is 8.8 million people. And every day the number of users is increasing. Our entire culture is becoming more reliant on this technology, and it's no surprise that some people are having trouble with spending too much time on the Internet. Accordingly, the number of studies devoted to the study of Internet addiction is also growing. Internet addiction is still a phenomenon, not an independent disease; it has not been included in the classifier of mental disorders (DSM-V).

The technological basis of the "information revolution" is the formation of information networks that process an ever-increasing amount of information. Thanks to these networks, any of us anywhere in the world and at any time can get the necessary information and communicate.

But the rapid development of technology and the avalanche-like growing flow of information, "pouring out" on the users of the Web, are fraught with a hidden threat. Spending time online can become so addictive that a person develops an unhealthy attachment or addiction to the Internet.

There is a variety of types of Internet addiction, let's consider the main five types:

  1. cybersex addiction - an irresistible attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex;
  2. addiction to virtual dating;
  3. obsessive need for the Web - making purchases in online stores and participating in virtual auctions, lottery competitions;
  4. information overload (obsessive web surfing) - endless surfing the Net, chaotic search for information;
  5. "Game addiction" - an addiction to computer games (shooters - Doom, Quake, Unreal, etc., StarCraft-type strategies, quests).

All activities carried out through the Internet, such as communication, learning or play, have the ability to capture a person as a whole; they do not leave him time and energy for real life. In this regard, today experts are intensively discussing the disease of "Internet addiction" or "Internet addiction" (Internet Addiction Disorder). [

To designate it, figurative Russian-language terms have already appeared: “netaholic”, “Internet addict” or “Internet addict”.

In its most general form, dependence on the Internet is manifested in the fact that people prefer a "virtual" life to a "real" one, spending up to 18 hours (and even more) a day in the "non-aholic" category.

True "internet addicts" are people who have lost the ability to control their time on the Web. It goes to surfing, games, shopping, participation in forums and chats, banal wandering around the sites. This category of users spends on average 10 times more time on the Web than on work or study.

For many years, scientists have been solving the problem of increasing the motivation for learning. Taking into account the fact that the class-lesson system of education has firmly held the entire system of education in its hands for more than 300 years, it could be said with confidence that this problem will not be solved for a long time. If…, yes, if it were not for the Internet with its rich information resources, and we will add with the increase in the information component in production activities, there is a need to revise the methods of activity not only in production, but also in the educational sphere.

The Internet as a new tool, a means of modern life support, removes the problem of increasing motivation. The problems of the younger generation, which were not noticed by adults and were in a state of “rest” in reality (i.e., the admission of adults to this world was closed), resulted in certain negative phenomena: the emergence of a youth subculture, Internet addiction, flame ( flame - this is a process that sometimes occurs during virtual communication, "verbal warfare")etc. Please note that there are problems, they have certain names (obviously not of Russian origin), i.e. These problems are not private.

This study does not set itself the goal of fully elucidating the role of individual factors in the formation of Internet addiction among young people and exhaustively characterizing the variants and forms of this phenomenological continuum (a continuum is some, in which the processes/behavior of this environment are studied under various external conditions). It is rather an attempt to outline the main directions of future work, an attempt to comprehend a number of provisions arising primarily from the individual experience of the Internet user.

Many of the provisions of this work may seem imperfect, due to the insufficient depth of the approach to the processes under study, or simply controversial, as controversial, in essence, the very assumption of the existence of the phenomenon of Internet addiction.

Internet addiction(Internet addiction) - a real-life phenomenon of psychological dependence on the Internet.

The term “Internet Addiction Disorder” (IAD) was coined by New York psychiatrist Ivan Goldberg, meaning by this expression not a medical problem like alcohol or drug addiction, but a behavior with a reduced level of self-control that threatens to crowd out a normal life. Addiction in the medical sense is defined as an obsessive need to use a habitual substance, characterized by an increase in tolerance and pronounced physiological and psychological symptoms. "Growing tolerance" means in fact addiction and resistance to larger and larger doses. When using the Internet, of course, there is no "habitual substance" in the truest sense of the word. Therefore, the nature of dependence is somewhat different than with the use of alcohol and drugs. A “habitual substance” has the property of being integrated into a person’s metabolism, therefore, along with a psychological one, there is also a physical (physiological) dependence, that is, a need, a craving at the level of the body. So in the case of Internet addiction, there is no need to talk about physical dependence. But the psychological component is manifested very clearly.

  1. The history of the emergence of "Internet addiction"

The phenomenon of Internet addiction has been studied in foreign psychology since 1994. Internet addiction is defined as "an obsessive desire to access the Internet while offline and an inability to get off the Internet while on-line". Dr. Kimberley Young, director of the Center for Internet Addiction (University of Pittsburgh-Bradford), who has studied more than 400 cases of IAD, believes that anyone with access to a modem and Internet access can become Internet addicted, with owners most at risk home computer. While there is not enough reliable data, according to preliminary estimates, from 1 to 5 percent of Internet users have become addicted to it. K. Young, researching Internet addicts, found that they most often use chats (37%), teleconferences (15%), E-mail (13%), WWW (7%), information protocols (ftp, gopher) ( 2%). The above Internet services can be divided into those that are associated with communication, and those that are not related to communication, but are used to obtain information. The first group includes chats, teleconferences, E-mail, the second - information protocols. Young notes that this study also found that "Internet Independents predominantly use those aspects of the Internet that allow them to collect information and maintain previously established relationships. Internet Addicts predominantly use those aspects of the Internet that allow them to meet, socialize, and exchange ideas with new people in highly interactive environments." That is, the majority of Internet addicts use Internet services related to communication. Since the majority of Internet addicts in Yang's study were those who use Internet services, the main part of which is communication, her conclusions about all Internet addicts are more likely to concern this particular group of people. Although, based on Yang's data, two completely different groups of users can be distinguished: those who depend on communication for the sake of communication (91%) and those who depend on information (9%). But in her study, such groups of Internet addicts were not singled out. Regarding which features of the Boarding School are most attractive to them, 86% of Internet addicts named anonymity, 63% - accessibility, 58% - security and 37% - ease of use. According to Yang, Internet addicts use the Internet to receive social support (by belonging to a certain social group: participating in a chat or teleconference); sexual satisfaction; the possibility of "creating a person", thereby causing a certain reaction of others, obtaining the recognition of others (Appendix 1-3).

  1. Symptoms and differences of addiction.

The symptoms of addiction are:
- an obsessive desire to check your mailbox on the Internet,
- constant waiting for the next access to the network,
- addiction to work (games, programming or other activities) and information overload (that is, an irresistible craving for information search on the WWW or web surfing).
- not wanting to be distracted from work or play with the computer;
- irritation with forced distraction;
- inability to plan the end of a session of work or play with a computer;
- spending a lot of money to ensure constant updating of both software (including games) and computer devices;
- forgetting about household chores, official duties, studies, meetings and agreements while working or playing on the computer;
- neglecting one's own health, hygiene and sleep in favor of spending more time at the computer;
- Abuse of coffee and other similar psychostimulants;
- willingness to be satisfied with irregular, random and monotonous food, without looking up from the computer;
- a feeling of emotional uplift while working with a computer;
- discussion of computer topics with all more or less knowledgeable people in this area.
Dependency Differences:
The causes of addiction are different for introverts and extroverts. Introverts (an introvert isa person whose mental make-up is characterized by a focus on his inner world, isolation, contemplation), as a rule, with the help of the Internet make up for the lack of communication in real life. Quickly realizing that Internet communication does not satisfy the need for understanding, long-term acquaintances and friendship, they switch to computer games. Often, games and entertainment are their primary interest, and introverts may not get to Internet communication at all.
Extroverts (extrovert is
a person whose mental warehouse is characterized by a predominant appeal to objects of the external world),more often they initially come to the Internet to communicate, making a lot of new acquaintances in chats and forums. Most of all, they value anonymity and personal isolation. They find on the Internet what is not in their real life.

In the US, several psychiatric institutes have begun a series of serious studies. A social and psychological portrait of the patient is compiled, the causes of his mental dependence and ways of influencing him. . Most Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous affiliates have started support groups for Internet addicts who are having a hard time getting back to normal. Moreover, there are also groups for relatives who wish to return a family member for normal communication. A more serious and melancholy organization that has taken to treating young users is the Internet/Computer Addiction Services Center, located in Seattle, which is headed by Dr Hilarie Cash and Jay Parker. According to their data, every tenth American user suffers from IAD. How is internet addiction treated? You may not believe it, but so is alcoholism and drug addiction. In some sources, the comparison is completely unambiguous. For example, one researcher, reflecting on the socio-ethnic portrait of an Internet addict, said that hallucinogens are preferred by "white" Americans, "heroin" by blacks, and the Internet is still unknown by anyone. Moreover, the most common program that treats "caught in the Net" is the well-known 12-step program, the meaning of which is that the "withdrawal" from the "cyber drug" is carried out in parallel with the filling of offline life with meaning. That is, a person in the process of group therapy reveals unknown or forgotten aspects of human, real life. Moreover, such a life is considered a sign of recovery when the user himself controls the time spent on the Web, and this time does not exceed 4-6 hours. In parallel with this, the so-called social rehabilitation is being carried out - a person is trying to regain lost connections and relationships, gradually moving away from group therapy. As in the case of any other addiction, several degrees of "immersion in the illusory world" have already been identified. Here is a list of symptoms after which you should immediately equip yourself in the hospital. Firstly, in dreams, "pictures" begin to "scroll" (scrolling). Secondly, when the modem is connected, the blood pressure rises, the pulse quickens. Thirdly, during a long stay at the computer, a person experiences something similar to "heightened awareness" - he does not perceive his body and what is happening around. From the outside it looks like meditation. In rare cases, sensitivity is dulled, and facial expressions are frozen, most often not expressing anything. Offline, there are sudden "drops" from the context of the conversation and laughter out of place. It should be noted that, compared with addictions to alcohol and drugs, Internet addiction harms a person’s health to a lesser extent, does not destroy his brain, and would seem safe enough if it were not for a clear decrease in working capacity and functioning efficiency in real society. Like a drug, online communication can create an illusion of well-being, a seeming opportunity to solve real problems. Although, as studies by Moscow psychologists show, many Internet addicts are aware that they will not receive real support online, and do not regard the Internet as a medium that guarantees communication.

  1. Research part
  1. Questionnaire

To collect statistical data, a questionnaire was used to determine "Internet addiction".

Venue: GOU SPO Tataurovsky branch of the Baikal College of Tourism and Ecologically Saving Technologies.

Number of participants: 62 people

of them students of I and II courses - 55 people, teachers - 7 people.

Date: February 2012


To determine the degree of dependence

To determine the degree of your addiction, answer the following questions using the proposed scale:

0 - does not apply to me

1 - rarely

2 - often

3 - always

  1. Do you often spend more time online than you intended?
  1. Do you often neglect household chores in order to spend more time online?
  1. Do you often prefer being online to actually chatting with friends?
  1. How often do you make new acquaintances with Internet users while online?
  1. How often do you check your e-mail before you do something else that is more necessary?
  1. How often does your work productivity suffer because of your Internet addiction?
  1. Are you often defensive and secretive when asked what you do online?
  1. Do you often block out disturbing thoughts about your real life with comforting thoughts about the Internet?
  1. Data processing

Questionnaire analysis: After you have answered all the questions, add up the numbers. The higher the final figure, the more pronounced your dependence on the Internet and the more serious the problems caused by using a computer.

The final figure in the range from 0 to 9 - you are a regular Internet user. At times you stay online a little longer than usual, but you are able to control your internet usage.

The final figure in the range from 10 to 19 - you are facing problems due to excessive use of the Internet from time to time or often. You need to pay attention to their impact on your life.

The final figure is in the range from 20 to 24 - excessive use of the Internet has created significant problems in your life. You need to understand the impact of the Internet on your life and address the issues directly related to the use of the Internet.

After processing the results of the survey, we got the following result.

The results of the survey: Determining the degree of dependence.

question number

This does not apply to me




Wed value

Results: by length of service on the Internet




1-6 months

6 months - 1 year

2 years



A sociological survey showed that 54 people belong to the group of “ordinary Internet users”. They can traverse the network for as long as they want, because able to control themselves.

And 8 people already have some problems associated with excessive interest in the Internet. And if you do not pay attention to these problems now, then in the future they can fill their whole life.

  1. Conclusion

Thus, the goal of our research work has been achieved. In the course of the study, 8 people were identified as Internet addicts out of 62 people studied. The hypothesis was confirmed. Yes, Internet addiction manifests itself in the fact that people lose the ability to control their time on the Internet, preferring virtual life to real life.

At the end of this work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Computer technologies have a profound impact on the human psyche and consciousness. Psychiatry has already recognized the fact of the zombifying and stupefying role of the Internet.
  2. We believe that it is definitely impossible to talk about the Internet-addiction syndrome. Not all Internet users are "absorbed" by virtual reality and become mentally addicted.
  3. In our opinion, the negative impact of the Internet is in direct proportion to the user's personality.
  4. Education of computer culture, self-education of users - this is the antidote to Internet addiction.
  1. Recommendations

If the results of the survey show that addiction is starting to develop, then treatment should be started while it is still possible on an independent level.

First of all, identify sites, forums, chats that are not related to education, and limit, if not completely stop visiting them.

You need to relax somehow. For example, sign up for a sports section, get a pet, get carried away with a hobby, etc. And maybe, after a while, you will be happy to find that you now connect to the Internet only when necessary.

The main thing is to find what you are interested in, and fully devote your free time from study or work to this activity.

To get rid of Internet addiction and prefer real life to virtual, we have developed the following recommendations:

1. set a limit on the time that can be spent on the Internet;
2. force yourself from time to time not to work on the Internet for several days in a row;
3. programmatically block access to some specific Internet resources;
4. establish a rule for yourself not to access the Internet under any circumstances during the working day (unless it is part of your work duties);
5. introduce, sensitive for themselves (however, without causing damage to health), sanctions for non-compliance with such rules and restrictions;
6. to impose such sanctions on oneself until the ability to fulfill the promises made to oneself is restored;
7. force yourself to do something else instead of working on the Internet;
8. learn to extract other pleasures from life that can replace or surpass the pleasure you get when working on the Internet;
9. ask for help whenever your own efforts are not enough;
10. Avoid encounters and places that might prompt a return to addictive behavior.

To implement such recommendations, the subject must reach a certain psychological maturity - for example, the ability to self-control and self-management, developed reflection, as well as the ability and, most importantly, the desire to foresee the possible consequences (especially negative ones) of their actions.

  1. Bibliography
  1. Arestova O.N., Babanin L.N., Voiskunsky A.E. Psychological study of the motivation of Internet users // 2nd Russian Conference on Ecological Psychology. Abstracts. M., 2000.
  2. Burova (Loskutova) V.A. Cyberaddicts among us // Izvestia newspaper, №2  2001.
  3. Voiskunsky A.E. Psychological aspects of human activity in the Internet environment // 2nd Russian Conference on Ecological Psychology. Abstracts. M., 2000.
  4. Zhichkina A. "On the possibilities of psychological research on the Internet", article, 2002.http://flogiston.ru/
  5. Kolchanova L. "Psychological problems of Internet addiction", articlehttp://www.imago.spb.ru
  6. Perezhogin L.O. "Internet addiction in adolescence", article. – http://cyberpsy.ru/
  7. Chudova N.V., Evlampieva M.A., Rakhimova N.A. Psychological features of the communicative space of the Internet // Mediapsychology. M., 2001.
  1. Applications

Annex 1.

Shares of Internet users in countries, % of the population

Note 1. In foreign countries, people aged 16-17 years old are taken into account and those who do not have a home phone are not taken into account
Note 2: Data for foreign countries have been adjusted based on Nielsen/NetRatings Global Internet Trends™ Regional Reports, Quarter 3.2001

`Municipal budgetary educational institution "Podgorodnepokrovskaya secondary school of the Orenburg region"

Internet Addiction:

problems of modern society

Belyaeva Nadezhda Alekseevna

MBOU "Podgorodnepokrovskaya secondary school", grade 8

Head: Koblova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of computer science

With. Podgorodnaya Pokrovka, 2016




    Problems of modern society Internet addiction ..................................6

    Classification of Internet addictions ……………………………..….10

    Ways to solve the problem……………………………………………..….…..11

    Internet Addiction Test. Kimberly Young………….……….……...14





This work contains material on the topic "Internet addiction: problems of modern society". The problems of Internet addiction and the causes of its occurrence are revealed. A survey was conducted on the presence of Internet addiction among schoolchildren from 11 to 17 years old.

This paper discusses the main problem of modern society, as well as ways to solve it.

Target: Identify the causes of Internet addiction and ways to get rid of it.



    To identify the positive and negative aspects of the influence of the Internet on students;

    Identify the symptoms of Internet addiction;

    Identify the causes of Internet addiction;

    Determine ways to get rid of Internet addiction.


    Formation of critical thinking;

    Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle;

    Development of group work skills;

    Education of a socially developed personality.


    Implementation of communicative, technical and heuristic abilities of students;

    Development of cognitive interest of students through the use of Internet technologies.


    Search for information on the Internet;

    Sociological survey;


Hypothesis: The Internet is not only harmful, but also useful.


The younger generation now worries a lot of questions. What makes young people move away from an active lifestyle and spend hours on the Internet? What exactly attracts them online, what sites do they visit? Why Internet addiction manifests itself in a kind of escape from reality, in which the process of navigating the network "drags" the subject so much that he is unable to fully function in the real world. These questions concern us too.

The term "Internet addiction" was first introduced into psychiatric practice by the American psychiatrist Ivan Goldberg.back in 1995. By this expression, he meant rather than a medical problem like alcoholism and drug addiction, but a behavioral anomaly characterized by a reduced level of self-control and capable of destroying a normal life. Internet addiction today is regarded as a mental disorder, expressed in the inability of the victim to leave the network in time and the constant and obsessive desire to enter there again. How to deal with Internet addiction, what are the signs of this condition, what is the treatment?

3. Problems of modern society Internet addiction.

The Internet as a great achievement of technological progress is of great importance for mankind, performing many useful and irreplaceable functions. But, as it turned out, the World Wide Web has one negative consequence that is widespread throughout the world - this is Internet addiction, a problem of modern society. What is its essence and what is the danger of dependence on the network?

The problem of Internet addiction is really not so harmless. Some psychologists still put it on a par with alcoholism and drug addiction, given the antisocial consequences. According to the results of research on the topic of Internet addiction, it turned out that a long and uncontrolled stay on-line causes negative changes in the state of consciousness and in the overall functioning of the brain. This threatens a person with the loss of the ability to learn and deep analytical thinking and to any intellectual work.

In addition to mental disorders, constant hanging on the Internet and developing addiction lead to the fact that a person loses the skills of real communication, acquires antisocial characteristics in behavior. Thus, all the advantages and conveniences provided by the Internet (Skype, e-mail, Internet commerce), with their uncontested and constant use, threaten to turn into a problem.

In addition to mental and mental disorders, Internet addiction is an indirect cause of physical diseases. The most common consequence of frequent and prolonged sitting at the computer is visual impairment. A sedentary lifestyle, which inevitably accompanies Internet addiction, affects the condition of the spine (scoliosis, osteochondrosis), the work of the heart and blood vessels (arrhythmias, hypertension, varicose veins).

The fact that internet addiction is a problem in today's society is especially clear about another of its serious consequences: the disruption of family relationships.

According to research by Google Corporation, about 200 million people connect to the Internet every year. According to experts, by 2016 every second inhabitant of the Earth will be registered in the virtual world. How the Internet itself will change by this time, one can only guess. Already today in the virtual space you can live your whole life: work, communicate, fall in love, play, visit museums, scientific conferences, study, and also achieve popularity. Already now it seems that the world on the other side of the monitor is increasingly being confused with reality, but what will happen in 20 years, when computer technology will exceed all our expectations? And the answer to a virtual act can be a real shot.

Like any severe addiction, Internet addiction is associated with crime. In Shanghai, 41-year-old LegendofMir 3 online game player QiuChenwei killed his friend because he "stole" a virtual sword from him. The court sentenced Qiu to death, albeit with a two-year reprieve: for good behavior in prison, the sentence could be commuted to life imprisonment, and in the future, reduced to 15 years. The parents of the murdered ZhuCaoyuan do not agree with the verdict: “My son was only 26 years old,” says the father of the family. "We demand the immediate death penalty for Qiu." 26-year-old Chinese Xuyan, a resident of the city of Jinzhou (Liaoning Province), passed away while online in a virtual reality game. According to his parents, he spent almost all his time at the computer. In 2011, an American housewife, carried away by the game Warcraft, forgot about her three-year-old daughter, who died of malnutrition and dehydration. American couple Billie ClayPain and Billie-Jean Hayworth were the victims of a murder that will be remembered throughout the world. The young couple were killed by the father of a woman they removed from their Facebook friends list. A Chinese woman named Slowly, a World of Warcraft player, has died after several days of non-stop gaming. A few minutes before her death, the girl told other players that she was terribly tired and did not feel well. Members of the gaming community organized a virtual memorial service for her, lining up their characters in a row with their heads bowed in memory of Slowly. She was remembered as "a diligent and dedicated player".

After dozens of similar cases of Internet addiction, China has recognized Internet addiction as a disease and a serious problem at the state level. China is not the only country where Internet addiction is discussed at the state level. South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam have also taken steps to keep teenagers from getting too caught up in virtual reality. As part of these measures, the admission of children to Internet clubs is limited and "parental control" systems have been introduced that automatically terminate the communication session every five hours of online play. In Finland, “Internetaholics” (Internet addicts) are treated more softly: Internet addiction can even lead to a postponement of conscription. Russian clinics also treat this addiction, but no country has gone as far in the fight against Internet addiction as China.

According to Erin Hoffman, an online game developer, one of the causes of Internet addiction is procrastination. Procrastination is a person's tendency to constantly put off important or unpleasant things. She explained very well what the cause of addiction is: “When we talk about addiction, we are not talking about what people do, but about what they do not, replacing not-doing with addictive behavior. Any addiction is made up of three factors - time, activity and reward, and there are countless ways in which these three components can be combined with each other in order for the gamer to demonstrate the stereotype of behavior that the developer wants.

People with Internet addiction go out less often and communicate less with other people, suffer from lack of sleep, malnutrition, rarely go in for sports, other addictions are not alien. Recent studies have also shown that constantly turning to Internet search engines for information dulls memory, because users do not see the need to remember information that can be easily obtained at any time.

The alienation of man from man is becoming practically the norm of today's life, as a result of the socio-psychological problem of human loneliness in the modern world. In this regard, the task of providing psychological assistance by remote methods can be especially relevant for Internet addiction. This is a situation where the same remedy can act both as a medicine and as a source of the disease. Remote counseling (DC) is a model of psychological counseling (psychocorrection, psychotherapy), which is carried out by various methods of remote communication - using the telephone and the Internet, providing the necessary psychological assistance when a person no longer finds internal resources for choosing behavior in a difficult life situation. The nature and degree of difficulty of the situation are determined both by the peculiarity of the situation itself and by the personal properties of the person. Emotions often prevent the client from realizing the full range of important components of a difficult situation. One of the consultant's tasks is to help them understand their significance. Counseling helps a person responsibly and freely achieve a set goal, and learn new behavior.

    Classification of Internet addictions .

The main 5 types of internet addiction are:
1. Obsessive web surfing - endless travel on the World Wide Web, searching for information.
2. Addiction to virtual communication and virtual acquaintances - large volumes of correspondence, constant participation in chat rooms, web forums, redundancy of acquaintances and friends on the Web.
3. Game addiction - an obsessive passion for computer games over the network.
4. Obsessive financial need - online gambling, unnecessary purchases in online stores or constant participation in online auctions.
5. Cyber ​​addiction - an obsessive attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex.

Statistics distributes network services according to the frequency of Internet addiction in the following way:
1. Chats - 37%
2. Multiplayer games - 28%
3. Teleconferences over the network - 15%
4. Email - 13%
5. World Wide Web Sites - 7%
6. Other network protocols (ftp, Torrent, etc.) - 2%

The analysis shows that the main factor due to which all these phenomena have become widespread is the anonymity of the individual on the Internet.

    Ways to solve the problem.

It is possible to use auto-training techniques, such as breath control, as well as the use of Internet blocking programs.

In 2009, the writer Stanislav Mironov published in free access on one of the literary resources the novel "Virtuality", which tells about the problem of Internet addiction, where the author classifies Internet addiction not only as a mental disorder, but also as an acute social problem, suggesting ways to solve it . In 2013, based on the novel under the auspices of the administration of the Vladimir region under the state social order within the framework of the long-term target program "Ensuring the information security of children, the production of information products for children and the circulation of information products in the Vladimir region for 2013-2015" by students of the Vladimir Regional College of Culture and Arts staged a performance - rock fantasy "Point of no return" (director - Evgenia Prozorovskaya). The premiere of the performance took place at the Vladimir Regional College of Culture and Arts on November 15, 2013, and then, on the instructions of the Department of Culture of the Vladimir Region, the group toured in many cities of the Vladimir Region.

As you know, the best treatment for addiction is to replace one with another, more harmless, and maybe even useful. For example, a well-known method of treating alcohol dependence is to gather such alcoholics into groups, while most develop dependence on communication in a group, while they refuse alcohol. Thus, one dependence is replaced by another.

It should be noted that Internet addiction itself is much more harmless than the same alcohol or drug addiction, since there is no destruction of brain cells and no significant damage is caused to the body. Although some psychologists note some disturbance of the CNS activity in patients, nevertheless, these disturbances are incomparable with the action of toxins. There are many cases where drug addicts or alcoholics have reduced their dose due to long sessions on the Internet, and some have completely abandoned the toxin. The same variant of substitution of one dependence for another took place.

In the case of Internet addiction, given that patients do not have a chemical addiction, but only a psychological one and the withdrawal syndrome is much easier, it is quite possible to replace Internet addiction with some useful hobby, for example, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, collecting something -any or even teaching or making something. For example, some patients begin to get involved in needlework, drawing, photography, and so on.

In the problem of treating Internet addiction, identifying the causes of its development plays an important role. So, Kimberly Young, after conducting his research, noted that about 91% of patients have a second type of addiction, that is, an obsessive desire to communicate on the Internet. He (Kimberly Young) proposes to open social help groups, which, similar to groups of patients with alcohol addiction, will help people get rid of Internet addiction. In this case, the group will thus become a substitute for the need for social communication. Today, there are many such centers around the world opened by Kimberly Young.
In other patients, Internet addiction develops against the background of some kind of complexes, more often associated with appearance or imaginary sexual inferiority. Accordingly, such people require treatment aimed at increasing self-esteem. That is, the elimination of the complex automatically removes the fear of communication in real life, and hence Internet addiction.

Signs of internet addiction in teenagers:

    Decreased academic performance, systematic absenteeism, postponement of tests and exams, and other problems in the learning process.

    Frequent unreasonable mood swings, from sluggish to elated, from listless-depressed to elated-euphoric.

    Painful and inadequate reaction to criticism, comments, advice.

    Growing opposition to parents, relatives, old friends.

    Significant emotional withdrawal.

    Deterioration of memory and attention.

    Attacks of depression, fear, anxiety, the appearance of phobias.

    Limited communication with friends, parents, relatives, a significant change in the social circle.

    Leaving cases in which there was interest, abandoning hobbies.

    Loss of valuables or money from the house, the appearance of other people's things, monetary debts.

    Resourcefulness, deceit, untidiness, slovenliness, previously uncharacteristic

    Internet Addiction Test. Kimberly Young.

In the United States, the leading specialist in the study of Internet addiction is now considered to be a professor of psychology at (), author of the famous book "Caught in the Net" ("Caught in the Net" ) translated into many languages. She is also the founderCenter for Online Addiction ). The center, established in , advises psychiatric clinics, institutions and that are faced with Internet abuse. The Center freely distributes information and methods for getting rid of Internet addiction. Scientific activity K . Yang is widely represented in such media - resources like The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The London Times, Newsweek, USA Today, CBS News, Time, CNN, Fox News, The Today Show, AndGood Morning America. Dr. C. Young - Award Winner"Psychology in the Media Award", established by the Pennsylvania Psychological Association(PPA); awarded "Alumni Ambassador Award"Awarded by Indiana University of Pennsylvania to its alumni for excellence in their chosen profession. Kimberly Young is currently (St. Bonaventure University)and acts as an expert on the site .


    Do you often find yourself spending more time online than you intended?
    2. Do you often neglect household chores in order to spend more time online?
    3. Do you often prefer being online to being intimate with your partner?
    4. Do you often make new acquaintances with Internet users while online?
    5. Do people around you often ask about the amount of time you spend online?
    6. Do your academic or work performance often suffer because you spend too much time online?
    7. Do you often check your e-mail before you do something else that is more necessary?
    8. Does your work productivity often suffer because of your Internet addiction?
    9. Are you often defensive and secretive when asked what you do online?
    10. Do you often block out disturbing thoughts about your real life with comforting thoughts about the Internet?
    11. Do you often find yourself looking forward to being online again?
    12. Do you often feel that life without the Internet is boring, empty and

13. Do you often swear, yell or otherwise express your annoyance when someone tries to distract you from being online?
14. Do you often neglect sleep by staying up late on the Internet?
15. Do you often look forward to what you'll do online while offline or fantasize about being online?
16. Do you often tell yourself "one more minute" while online?
17. Do you often fail when trying to cut down on time spent online?
18. Do you often try to hide the amount of time you spend online?
19. Do you often choose to spend time on the Internet instead of going out with friends?
20. Do you often feel depressed, overwhelmed or nervous when you are offline and find that this condition goes away as soon as you get online?

Points are awarded according to the following scheme:
never - 0 points;
rarely - 1 point;
sometimes - 2;
usually - 3;
often - 4;
always 5 points.

Interpretation of test results:

Less than 20 points: "You don't have an Internet addiction."
20 - 49 points: "You spend a lot of time on the Internet and you are able to control yourself."
50 - 79 points: You have an average Internet addiction. The Internet influences your life and causes some problems."
More than 80 points: "You have a strong Internet addiction. The Internet is the cause of many problems in your life."

    memo .

Let's talk about the history of visited pages in the browser. namely, where it can be viewed in various web browsers, and how to delete it.

When might you need to view your browsing history?

For example, you found some useful article on the Internet or a website, but forgot to add the page to your Favorites (or Bookmarks). Finding the same page again can be problematic, especially if you stumbled upon it by accident. This is where browsing history can help. When you open it, you can see a list of all the sites you have visited. It will probably be much easier to find the desired page in this list than to search for it again through one of the Internet search engines.

Or you want to know what pages other users of the computer have opened in the browser. For example, if your children visit any suspicious sites. Or vice versa, parents). It is also useful to find out which sites were visited on the day when, for example, you caught a banner virus from ransomware scammers on the Internet. To then be more careful about these Internet resources. The main thing is not to open these sites again, but just look at the names! Otherwise, you risk downloading a virus again. Of course, an antivirus can save you from such a problem. but you should understand that there is never one hundred percent protection, and be careful and careful on the Internet yourself.

Let's look at how to open the browsing history (or log) in various browsers, how to work with this list, and also how to delete these entries in whole or in part. You may need to erase your browsing history if, for example, you do not want other computer users to know what pages you viewed, and at the same time you did not use incognito (or private) mode. which would allow you not to leave traces of your activity in the browser.

In addition to the page address in the history, as a rule, the date and time of the visit are also stored. In addition, various browsers provide additional options for working with browsing history, such as searching, filtering, deleting.

Memo to students in grades 8-11 when using the Internet

The Internet offers a tremendous amount of learning opportunities, but there is also a great deal of information that is neither useful nor reliable. Web users must think critically in order to assess the accuracy of materials; because absolutely anyone can publish information on the Internet. This also applies to children, who tend to think, “Being on the Internet means it's right. Newspapers or magazines have checking people: proofreader and editor. But the Internet will not be able to verify how true the posted information is.


Nor is the notion that there is a secure Internet somewhere. It must be remembered that most resources are created for commercial purposes, and someone's goals are being realized here.

Responsibility for students visiting sites that are not related to the tasks of education and upbringing and monitoring their visits to relevant sites at school is carried out by the teacher, at home - by parents.

Selective control of information on school PCs is carried out by the School Public Council on the regulation of access to information on the Internet to ensure the formation of the necessary moral and spiritual values ​​in the younger generation.

This control is necessary because of the inability to navigate the information due to the age characteristics of students.

There are resources on the Internet that harm the younger generation. And this is a very serious problem.

A draft federal law "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health, Moral and Spiritual Development" is currently being developed.

Secure access to the Internet can be provided in many ways: through filtering, regulation, self-regulation of the Internet industry, and so on. The most effective way is family control.

Use inappropriate material filtering tools (such as MSN Premium's Parental Controls or those built into Internet Explorer®). But filters can only help in blocking some unwanted material, they cannot completely solve the problem. Hate expressions found on the Internet often take soft forms and are not always recognized by filters. Therefore, it is important to maintain a trusting relationship with parents.

In order to protect themselves, their family, their parents from the dangers of the Internet and causing possible damage, the child should take the following precautions when using the Internet:

Never give out your name, phone number, address where you live or study, passwords or credit card numbers, favorite vacation spots or leisure activities.

Use a neutral screen name that does not contain sexual innuendo and does not give out any personal information, including indirect ones:

about the school where you study, places you often visit or plan to visit, etc.

If something scares you about your computer, turn it off immediately. Tell your parents or other adults about it.

Always tell an adult about any incident online that makes you feel embarrassed or anxious.

Use email filters to block spam and unwanted messages.

Never agree to a face-to-face meeting with people you have met online. Tell your parents about such offers immediately.

Stop all contact via email, instant messaging, or chat rooms if someone starts asking you questions of a personal nature or contains sexual innuendo. Tell your parents about it.

8. Conclusion.

On the one hand, the Internet is a significant gift of civilization, which somehow facilitates and enriches our lives. But on the other hand, it can be very dangerous and bring a lot of trouble to our lives. Although the modern world is unimaginable without the Internet, think twice before visiting your social media page again - Internet addiction is no longer just a myth. The requirements of modern society are such that it is impossible to refuse to communicate with a computer. Acquaintance with him occurs already in infancy, without a computer it is impossible to imagine learning at school and at all subsequent stages of education, the ability to work with a computer is a prerequisite for the vast majority of activities in the modern world.

Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to eradicate it as an object of evil, it is just necessary to treat it not as a means of entertainment and try to use the Internet only for some specific purposes, and not sit at it for hours from idleness or boredom. And then, it seems to me, we will not receive such a negative reaction from its use.

If you think about this question, then at least a little distracted from the virtual web. And therefore, the prevention of computer addiction is the most urgent problem of society. In order not to become a slave of the network, you must first of all be aware of this problem and understand that apart from yourself, no one will help you get rid of this harmful disease. And in general, imagine for a moment how people lived without the Internet. Yes, it was not easy, but how interesting and informative. After all, the peculiarity of the virtual space is that it simply does not exist. So, there is no need to waste your precious time on something that is not there.

    Literature .

Zhichkina A. Socio-psychological aspects of communication on the Internet.

Belinskaya E., Zhichkina A. Modern studies of virtual communication: problems, hypotheses, results.

Voiskunsky A.E., The phenomenon of Internet addiction // Humanitarian research on the Internet / Ed. A.E. Voiskunsky. M, 2000. P. 100-131.

Vygonsky S.I. The reverse side of the Internet. Psychology of work with a computer and a network. - Moscow: Phoenix, 2010

Young K.S. Diagnosis - Internet addiction // Mir Internet 2000. No. 2. P. 24-29







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10 years ago, on February 4, 2004, one of the most popular social networks, Facebook, was officially founded. The Internet was founded on October 29, 1969. In just over 40 years, people have not only become accustomed to the Internet, which has changed the world beyond recognition, but have also become dependent on it. Moreover, dependence on the Internet sometimes reaches painful forms, and not so long ago such a phenomenon as "Internet addiction" was included in the International Encyclopedia "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-IV).

So far, the disease is described as a disease that requires further research, but scientists admit that today we can safely say that Internet addiction is AIDS and the plague of the 21st century, and network drug addicts need clinics and special treatment.

Passion or addiction?

Everyone goes through the period of passion for the Internet - the World Wide Web, like a new toy, draws in and attracts, but eventually gets bored, and as a result, a person switches to something else. But if there is no switching and change of interests, then you need to sound the alarm.

It is not difficult to calculate the first signs of Internet addiction. The first thing to watch out for is the amount of time a person spends online. 5 hours a day is already an alarming figure.

It is also important what exactly a person does on the Internet. It is one thing when it is related to work, production needs or training, and another thing is if a person aimlessly browses sites, plays online games, chats, makes acquaintances or engages in cybersex. Usually, against the background of immersion in the network, a person refuses normal, real, personal communication, from work and study, relationships with other people deteriorate, sleep and diet are disturbed.

Network addiction causes emotional depression, difficulty concentrating, and withdrawal. As a result, a person prefers a computer and virtual communication to communication with real people.

AiF infographics

The main category of people prone to Internet addiction are children and adolescents, as well as timid, anxious, weak, low self-esteem and self-absorbed individuals. Internet addiction is as serious a disease as addiction to alcohol or drugs.

The number of Internet addicts is estimated by experts in different ways - from 2% to 10% of the world's population. Also, according to some data, most of them are men, according to other studies, children and teenagers are mostly “addicted” to the Internet.

In addition, today psychiatrists distinguish five types of Internet addictions: cybersex (love for porn sites), virtual dating, money games, online role-playing games and Internet surfing (mindless page flipping).

From stress to death

The first to sound the alarm back in 1995 Dr. Ivan Goldberg, who assured that excessive use of the Internet causes depression, stress, aggression. Today it is known that in children and adolescents, dependence on virtual space causes a delay in social and emotional development - an inability to work and achieve results, have friends, and start a family.

For adults, the Internet “separates” from the world, leads to constant anxiety and excitement, families fall apart, loved ones move away, and more and more reports are heard that addiction to the network has led to the death of a person. Usually death occurs as a result of exhaustion, when a person, sitting at the monitor, simply forgets to eat, drink and sleep.

“Today we can say quite seriously that Internet addiction slows down metabolism, reduces appetite, tires the eyes and brain, nervous system, in severe cases narrows the real social circle, leads to isolation and distortion of reality,” believes family psychologist and head of the Assistance Center Anna Khnykina.

save yourself

As with any other type of addiction, the most important thing is to recognize the problem and begin to solve it.
Bringing a person back to real life is sometimes difficult. First of all, you need to contact a psychotherapist who will analyze the problem, exclude other diseases and find the right way out of the situation.

If you yourself notice that you spend too much time online, or if the behavior of a person close to you shows symptoms characteristic of Internet addiction, then you can try to take simple preventive actions:

  • set the exact amount of time that can be spent on the Internet;
  • sometimes forcing yourself not to go online for several days in a row;
  • block access to specific Web resources (especially for children);
  • establish a rule - do not communicate on the Internet on Saturday and Sunday;
  • introduce sensitive but not harmful sanctions for non-compliance with rules and restrictions;
  • saturate real life with a variety of events (hobbies, communication, physical activity, travel);
  • yourself or with the help of a specialist to identify the root cause of cravings for the Internet and get rid of it.

“If you don’t notice how time passes at the computer, or vice versa, you notice that it “flies very quickly” - pay attention to how much time you spend on it and what exactly you do. Analyze how it is really important and necessary for you. If you have an addiction, you can avoid addiction only with the help of self-control, ”added psychologist Anna Khnykina.

If you still cannot refuse social networks - subscribe to AIF accounts on Facebook,

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