How to decipher the results of densitometry. Densitometry - what is it. How to perform ultrasound or x-ray bone densitometry. Where can I get a densitometry

Densitometry is an effective way to study the mineral structure of bone tissue, which allows you to see a picture of a decrease in bone density and identify violations in its structure. This diagnostic technique is used for osteoporosis and other diseases that cause a decrease in bone density. The short procedure is absolutely painless and does not require special preparation. As a rule, densitometry is performed on the lumbar spine, on the hip bones, less often on the forearm, in some cases, the entire skeleton can be examined.

Today, the conventional x-ray examination is somewhat outdated, it allows you to make a diagnosis only with 25% loss of bone mass. Densitometry of the spine makes it possible to detect structural changes in bone tissue in the range from 1% to 5% of the total bone mass, which makes it possible to diagnose osteoporosis at the earliest stage. Such a diagnosis will allow prescribing timely treatment and reduce the risk of further development of the disease.

Types of densitometry

  1. X-ray densitometry (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry). This research method provides the most accurate information about bone density. The procedure is based on the use of two different x-rays. Dense bone tissue transmits fewer rays. Thus, by comparing the results of the absorption of rays, it is possible to identify deviations in bone density. The procedure is carried out quickly enough, and the radiation dose does not pose a danger to the patient's health.
  2. Ultrasonic densitometry. The procedure is based on obtaining data on the speed of movement of ultrasonic waves through the layers of the bone, as well as on fixing the magnitude of the scattering of waves in the cavities of the bones. The technique is absolutely safe and does not take a lot of time, but has a lower measurement accuracy than the X-ray method.
  3. Quantitative. The procedure allows obtaining a three-dimensional image of the structural density of bones, but since the method loads the body with a fairly high radiation load, it is used very rarely.

In our time, to diagnose the early stage of osteoporosis, ultrasound methods of research have become more often used. This diagnostic method is an absolutely harmless technique that makes it possible for children and women to be examined during pregnancy. The method allows you to check different parts of the skeleton with high accuracy. The results of the study are compared with the corresponding normal indicators, while many features of the patient are taken into account. The data of the conducted research are displayed on the screen of the densitometer in the form of a graphic dependence. The graph is quite simple and does not require special interpretation of the data. The patient immediately receives all the information about the examination, he is diagnosed and prescribed the appropriate treatment.

In a situation where ultrasound establishes significant indicators of bone loss, doctors resort to clarifying diagnostics. For this, the patient needs to undergo X-ray densitometry. Radiation exposure on modern densitometers is very small and does not harm the health of the patient. Such a technique will allow not only to establish the exact value of bone mineral density, but also to find out its strength, elasticity, as well as the thickness of the cortical layer and microstructures.

Passage of diagnostics

Preparation for the procedure

There are no strict guidelines for preparing for densitometry, but there are still some points that require attention:

  • When using drugs containing calcium, it is necessary to abandon them 24 hours before the diagnosis.
  • If you have pacemakers or metal implants, you should tell your doctor in advance.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

You will be asked to lie down on a horizontal couch, above which a sensor is located that reads information about the degree of absorption of x-rays. The emitter itself is located under the couch. In the case of a spine examination, you will be asked to bend your legs at the hips and knees, and then lay them on a stand. During the diagnosis, the body should be fixed in a fixed position.

Contraindications for radiological densitometry

  • Pregnancy or the period of breastfeeding a child.
  • In the case of a CT scan or with the introduction of a contrast agent within the last 5 days.
  • When undergoing radioisotope diagnostics within the last 2 days.

Who needs to be tested?

  1. People predisposed to the development of osteoporosis.
  2. Women over 45 and men over 60.
  3. Persons over 40 who have had fractures of various kinds.
  4. Women who have taken hormonal drugs for a long time.
  5. People taking drugs that help leach calcium from the bones.
  6. People with endocrine or rheumatic diseases.
  7. Men and women who are underweight.
  8. People with osteoporosis found on a routine x-ray.
  9. People who have various diseases of the spine (, kyphosis,).
  10. Patients suffering from osteoporosis, for the appointment of effective treatment.

Price for spine densitometry

The cost of spinal densitometry depends largely on the equipment used for the study, the method of diagnosis, as well as the authority of the clinic. Examination of one section of the spine will cost approximately 1000-2500 rubles, in most cases lumbar densitometry is performed. In the case when a study of the entire skeleton is required, the price can be 4000-6000 rubles.

Deciphering the results of densitometry

In the densitometric apparatus, the norms of bone tissue density of the human skeleton are laid, which are different for each individual area. Based on these norms, age, gender and individual characteristics of the patient, an analysis of bone parameters is performed. The main indicators are:

  • BMC (g) is an indicator of bone mineral content.
  • BMD (g/cm2) is an indicator of bone mineral density.

The results of the study are presented in the form of two main criteria:

  • T-score - shows the ratio of bone density in your body to the bone density of a completely healthy person of the same sex and age.
  • Z-score - shows the ratio of bone density in your body to the average bone density of a group of people of the same sex and age.

The norm for the T-criterion is the value from "+2" to "-0.9", with the appearance of the initial stage of osteopenia (decrease in bone density), the numerical data will be in the range from "-1" to "-2.5". The development of osteoporosis is characterized by a value below "-2.5". In the case of too low values ​​of the Z-criterion, additional studies are most often assigned.

Currently, most modern medical centers provide the opportunity to conduct a densitometric examination of the spine. Your attending physician should prescribe the procedure and determine the frequency of its passage.

Densitometry is an effective method for assessing the state of bone tissue. Lack of calcium, destruction of the elements of the spine gradually leads to serious consequences. During the procedure, the doctor sees the density of the skeleton, which allows you to recognize the first signs of osteoporosis in time.

Densitometry is indicated for women in the first years after the onset of menopause, with frequent bone injuries. The control of the density of bone elements has practically no contraindications. A highly informative method for diagnosing osteoporosis is offered by many leading clinics in the country.

general information

To clarify the bone density, a densitometric study is performed. A non-invasive technique shows the level of calcium, which is the basis of the elements of the skeleton. Radiation load on the body is several times lower than during fluorography.

The use of modern models of X-ray densitometers allows for the most comfortable examination for the radiologist and the patient. The doctor, using a special sensor, reads information from all areas over which the device passes. An image appears on the monitor, which clearly shows the difference in bone density during development.

The duration of the procedure is no more than half an hour, the result of the study provides a lot of useful information about the nature of bone damage. It is important to know the state of the elements in which severe fractures often develop: all parts of the spine, the femoral neck.

The risk of osteoporosis is increased in the presence of factors:

  • age and gender. Women are more often ill after 50 years;
  • hereditary predisposition: close relatives have a bone lesion;
  • body weight and build. Osteoporosis often develops in short, thin women and men with an asthenic physique;
  • an operation to remove the ovaries;
  • a long course of hormonal drugs;
  • poor diet, constant deficiency of vitamin D and calcium;
  • lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • mineral metabolism is disturbed;
  • in humans, bones are thinned from birth;
  • severe endocrine pathologies that adversely affect the state of the skeleton and cartilage tissue have been identified;
  • the patient has previously suffered a fracture of the bones or spine;
  • the patient's menopause came earlier than the average period (up to 45 years), hormone replacement therapy was not carried out;
  • the patient has an underlying disease that provokes active excretion of calcium from the body, for example, hypothyroidism;
  • For many years, a person has been drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

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Norm and deviations

What is the result of densitometry? What do the pictures show? The doctor clearly sees the density of the tissues of the spine and joints, the level of mineralization.

To clarify the state of bone elements, two indicators are used:

  • Z-score. The doctor compares the bone density of a particular patient with indicators for a certain age. The revealed values ​​should not be higher than the results for the age group. A low or too high Z-score indicates deviations, other diagnostic methods are required to clarify the condition of the bones. In most cases, the doctor prescribes an x-ray, a biopsy of the problem joint or vertebra, and biochemical studies.
  • T-score. The specialist compares the data obtained during densitometry with a reference indicator. The ideal value is 1 point or more. Low indicators are dangerous: from -1 point to -2.5 points - osteopenia was detected: bone tissue has a low mineral density. Values ​​of -2.5 points and below indicate the progression of osteoporosis, increased bone fragility, and a high risk of various types of fractures.

How much does densitometry cost? Depending on the region, the level of the clinic, the cost of the study varies significantly - from 800 to 6000 rubles. The cost of the procedure is affected by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe department that needs to be scanned. The average price of densitometry is around 3500 rubles.

In the presence of risk factors, against the background of which the likelihood of developing osteoporosis increases, it is necessary to periodically do densitometry. A non-invasive, painless procedure with minimal X-ray exposure provides answers to questions about bone density and mineralization. When the first signs of osteoporosis are detected, treatment should be started urgently: neglected cases of pathology lead to pain, active destruction of bones, and disability. Important: the pathological process is difficult to stop when the level of calcium is sharply reduced, and only a part of the original volume remains from the vertebrae and joints.

Bone densitometry is a modern non-invasive study of bones, which allows to determine their density and timely detect a serious developing disease - osteoporosis. This pathology leads to a decrease in the content of minerals (mostly calcium) in the bones, which causes an increase in the fragility of the skeleton. Osteoporosis is especially dangerous in the femoral neck and spine, where the most serious fractures can occur.

Densitometry - description

What it is - densitometry - should be known to all postmenopausal women, because it is in this period that the risk of developing osteoporosis is highest. This method of research in osteoporosis is the most effective and completely painless. It is included in the category of instrumental diagnostic methods and is designed to determine the density of bone tissue, or rather, to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the structure of bones.

Densitometry can be ultrasonic or X-ray, that is, it can be based on different principles of operation and is carried out on two types of equipment. The indicators are read by sensors, then transferred to a computer, and then the program calculates a number of indicators:

  1. relative density.
  2. The thickness of the cortical layer.
  3. Architectonics (spatial structure), etc.

Densitometric equipment can be stationary, having a table and sleeves. Typically, such devices are used for x-ray densitometry in order to assess the condition of the spine and pelvic bones and joints. Also, the equipment is monoblock and is a small device for scanning the feet, hands and other individual bones and joints.

X-ray densitometry - what kind of method

X-ray bone densitometry is a research method based on the effect of X-rays - on their ability to pass through soft tissues and temporarily linger in dense bone tissue, in which a large amount of calcium salts and other minerals is concentrated. It is the rate of absorption of x-rays by the bones that makes it possible to calculate the degree of mineralization of different parts of the bone tissue.

The method is more accurate than ultrasonic bone densitometry.

For the procedure, a stationary table with a “sleeve” is used, where a person is placed for 10-30 minutes.

During the examination, the condition of the entire spine or its departments, the hip and wrist joints, or the entire skeleton is analyzed. Despite the accuracy, the technique is not suitable for everyone: for example, during pregnancy it is prohibited.

The price for X-ray densitometry is 1300-3000 rubles, depending on the type of clinic and the volume of bone tissue examined. Even more expensive (up to 5,000 rubles) can cost combined densitometry, including the use of a computed tomography scanner (CT densitometry).

Ultrasonic densitometry and its features

The characteristic of ultrasonic densitometry converges with that described above according to the data obtained and their interpretation, although the accuracy of the method is lower. In general, densitometry on ultrasound equipment is a way to indirectly determine bone density. When an ultrasonic wave passes through bone tissue, its speed will vary in areas with different densities. Ultrasonic waves of a certain frequency, after passing through the bones, will be recorded by the sensor, and after processing they will appear before the specialist in the form of the necessary data.

The price for this type of examination is 700-2000 rubles.

The method, despite the lower quality of information, is used very often due to its complete safety, speed and the ability to perform without referrals and additional examinations.

This type of densitometry is allowed for pregnant and lactating women and lasts 5-15 minutes.

Indications for densitometry

The main indication for this kind of diagnosis is a suspicion of osteoporosis and a preventive examination for this disease. The procedure will help identify:

  1. The amount of minerals in bone tissue in absolutely any part of the body or in the entire skeleton.
  2. General condition of the spinal column.
  3. The presence and degree of osteoporosis or osteopenia (a slight decrease in calcium in the bones).
  4. Fractures of bones and vertebrae.

Thus, densitometry is indicated for everyone who is at risk of developing osteoporosis - a decrease in bone density, especially people who are exposed to certain risk factors. Densitometry is recommended for such problems and conditions:

  1. Metabolic failures, metabolic diseases.
  2. Pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancies.
  3. Diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis, injuries and fractures.
  4. Endocrine diseases - hypothyroidism, parathyroid pathology, diabetes.
  5. Long-term treatment with hormones and other calcium-releasing drugs.
  6. Some neurological pathologies.
  7. Recurring fractures.
  8. Rheumatism.
  9. Malnutrition, frequent strict diets.
  10. Alcohol abuse, smoking, low body weight.

The technique will help to predict the risk of hip fracture for 10 years, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. For children, densitometry can be recommended to analyze the adequacy of providing the body with calcium and phosphorus during intensive bone growth.

Since the amount of calcium begins to slowly fall after 30 years, then from about 40 years of age, densitometry should be performed every 2 years. It is screening examinations that will help identify osteoporosis at an early stage and cure it. In the same mode, it is worth doing an examination for women after 30 years old, whose close relatives suffer from osteoporosis. Men are recommended preventive examinations after 60 years.

How to prepare for a bone densitometry procedure

Preparation for densitometry is simple, but includes a number of recommendations:

  1. For a day, do not drink drugs containing calcium, phosphorus.
  2. For a day, do not eat foods rich in calcium - cottage cheese, cheese.
  3. Do not perform an MRI or CT scan with contrast, as well as an isotope scan, one week before the densitometry.
  4. Do not wear clothes with metal elements (with rivets, zippers, buttons) during the examination so that the information content of the results is not reduced.

Immediately before the procedure, you should take off your watch, put your mobile phone in your bag.

Carrying out a densitometry examination

If densitometry is performed on x-ray equipment, then the patient is placed on the table available in the stationary apparatus, after which the specialist leaves the room. When examining the spine, the legs are supported with a special stand.

If the pelvic bones are examined, then the legs are placed in a curly brace. Next, the sleeve of the device moves and takes a series of pictures, and the data is fed into the computer. It is impossible to move during the diagnosis, only if the doctor does not ask for it. Also, sometimes you may have to hold your breath.

How is ultrasound densitometry performed? In this case, the patient lies down on a regular couch, and the doctor performs an ultrasound procedure with a special nozzle with a sensor. Both types of research do not cause any pain, they are performed quickly enough.

There are no contraindications to ultrasound densitometry, the procedure can be performed according to indications to any person. X-ray diagnostics is strictly prohibited for pregnant women, and is also not recommended during lactation and is not done without urgent need for children.

Deciphering the results of densitometry

The most important indicators when deciphering the results are as follows:

  1. Bone density (indicator "T"), which is compared with the norm in young people by points. The normal value is 1 point and above, -1-2.5 - osteopenia, less than -2.5 - osteoporosis.
  2. Bone density in comparison with the norm in the age group (Z-score). This indicator should be within certain age limits.

Diseases for which densitometry is prescribed:

  • Osteoporosis
  • osteopenia
  • bone fractures
  • Spinal fractures

Densitometry, both X-ray and ultrasound, is designed for early detection of the insidious disease - osteoporosis. The method is very sensitive, so it is worth performing it regularly in order not to give the pathology a chance for development and progression.

Bone densitometry is a procedure that is based on x-rays. The thing is that the tissues of the human body transmit radiation in completely different ways, depending on their density. The assessment of the density of opaque tissues is carried out by measuring the attenuation of X-rays that have passed through them. Bone tissue has the highest density in the entire body, so it becomes impossible to study it in other ways. In this regard, if bone diseases are suspected, a person will have to find out what kind of procedure it is - densitometry, how it is performed and what it can show.

Indications for holding

There are quite a number of situations in which it is necessary to undergo such an examination. Namely:

  • if a woman has gone through menopause and is not taking estrogen;
  • it is worth knowing how densitometry is performed, for the fair sex of tall stature with excessive thinness;
  • in the diagnosis of a fracture of the femoral neck;
  • when taking drugs that can lead to a loss of calcium in the body;
  • if there are cases of osteoporosis in the family;
  • with diseases of the kidneys, liver, as well as diabetes;
  • if urinalysis results show elevated deoxypyridinoline;
  • with hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism;
  • in case of fractures with minor injuries, as well as in the detection of a fracture of the spine.
If you do not know how the bone densitometry procedure is done and what it is, you should understand that the technique is based on X-ray irradiation, therefore, without indications for its implementation, it is not necessary to expose the body to harmful effects.

What will densitometry show?

Such a diagnostic method allows not only to understand what pathological process occurs in the bones and obtain an image, but also to evaluate the quantitative parameters of the structural matrix. Thus, it will become clear whether the content of mineral salts in the bones is normal, it will be possible to determine what the mineral density of the bone tissue is, and also what is the volumetric mineral density of the bones. The evaluation of the result is based on two indices:

  • BMC - "BoneMineralContent" - an indicator of the content of mineral salts;
  • BMD - "BoneMineralDensity" - mineral density index.
The first is considered the most accurate indicator of the content of mineral salts in bone tissue. The second one is no less important, since its ratio with the risk of fractures is very high, so this index has a great predictive value.

Deciphering the results of densitometry may contain another parameter - the volumetric mineral density of tissues, but it is used less and less. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to detect and often to obtain such a parameter it is necessary to use a special type of computed tomography and use rather expensive methods of data processing.

How to prepare for densitometry?

Such a study of bones, like densitometry, involves examining the distal part of the bone tissue, and then the epiphyses of the bones. To get the most reliable results, the patient must:

  • a day before the diagnosis, refuse any calcium-containing food supplements and medications;
  • notify the doctor about any procedures with the use of contrast - for some time after them, densitometry cannot be performed;
  • do not move during the procedure and do not change the position of the body and limbs.
Now you know how to prepare for densitometry, and it becomes clear that no special preliminary procedures will be required.

Research types

In total, there are two types of such a procedure: X-ray and ultrasound. Each of these methods is more effective when examining certain parts of the body. For example, ultrasound is used to identify problems in the calcaneus, since it provides more information, and it is advisable to use the x-ray method if it is necessary to examine the femoral neck or.

X-ray densitometry

If you have been assigned such a procedure, it is worth knowing what densitometry is and how it is performed in order to understand what to be prepared for. This method is more informative, but it is also less gentle. You can pass the study no more than once a year, and this may not be enough. However, in this case, the radiation dose will be small - much less than with a standard x-ray. Such a procedure will reveal even minimal deviations in the bone tissue and accurately determine its density based on how exactly the rays will pass through the bones. This method is also very informative when examining the wrists.

Ultrasonic densitometry

If you do not know how ultrasound bone densitometry is done, you should find out that it is the safest and has no contraindications. It is prescribed even for pregnant and lactating women. This procedure is carried out using a special densitometer, the work of which is based on the passage of ultrasound through the patient's bones. The advantage is that such diagnostics can be carried out both to detect and to control the disease as often as desired.

How is the procedure carried out?

The procedure rarely takes more than thirty minutes in the case of X-ray densitometry and fifteen in the case of ultrasound. All the patient needs to do is to take a certain position on a special table for diagnostics. A detector will be placed over the area to be examined. If you do not know how bone densitometry is performed, it is worth knowing that such a sensor can move over different areas of the patient's body. The level of rays passing through the body is measured and recorded by a special program, after which the data is subject to processing. Sometimes parts of the patient's body are fixed with special devices to reduce their mobility to zero, and they also ask the person to hold their breath in order to get the clearest image.

Stationary study

It is important to know what densitometry is, what the procedure is, and what to expect from it before undergoing such an examination. You can undergo diagnostics in the doctor's office using a stationary device. It is a special table with sensors on which the patient needs to lie down.

Monoblock equipment

Often people ask the question: "Densitometry: what is it, how is it carried out?" - When they are assigned such a study. Diagnostics can also be carried out using portable equipment. However, this does not mean that the procedure can be performed outside the diagnostic center, since we are talking about x-rays. With the help of monoblock equipment, it is convenient to examine the bones of the phalanges of the fingers and the heel.

Deciphering the results of densitometry

Only a qualified radiologist can report what densitometry shows. Decryption is carried out after the procedure is completed, it can take up to half an hour.

To whom is densitometry contraindicated?

It will not be possible to find out how the bone densitometry procedure is done if we are talking about a pregnant woman or a child under 15 years old. The thing is that in this case, even minimal doses of radiation can have a negative impact. However, the doctor makes the final decision.


One of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system is osteoporosis. Pathology develops due to a lack of calcium in the bones. Often this condition is associated with hormonal changes during menopause in women, but many other factors can be included in the list of causes. The disease can be prevented if timely examination is carried out. One of the effective methods is osteodensitometry.

What it is?

Densitometry is a form of examination that allows you to determine the level of calcium in bone tissue and establish its mineral density. Carrying out such diagnostics is possible in elite clinics and public medical institutions.


In medical practice, several types of research are used:

Ultrasonic bone densitometry

Non-radiation method of examination, therefore it is allowed to use it even for expectant mothers and when breastfeeding to make a primary diagnosis. With the help of a special device, an ultrasonic wave is emitted, the speed of which is constantly changing, thus it is possible to determine how well it passes through the bone structures. All information is collected by sensors and displayed on the monitor. Examinations are carried out mainly on the calcaneus, because it is there that it is possible to obtain more accurate data. The advantages of this type of survey are:

X-ray densitometry

X-ray densitometry is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. The principle of operation of the device: to determine the speed of passage of x-rays through the bone tissue. A special apparatus evaluates the data and, according to a certain algorithm, calculates the content of mineral substances. X-ray densitometry of the lumbar spine, thigh bones, and wrist joint shows the most accurate picture of the condition of the bone tissue. This research method will be informative only on specialized equipment, so it can not be done in every clinic and at a price it is not affordable for everyone. This variety is further subdivided into the following studies:

  • Dual-energy densitometry involves measuring the degree of X-ray absorption by the bone. With an increase in bone density, the patency of the rays worsens. For different areas of study, the use of different beams is implied.
  • Bone peripheral densitometry. The essence is the same, but the dosage of radiation used is smaller. This type of examination is used to assess bone density in the legs and arms.
  • Computed tomography is rarely performed, as radiation exposure is high.

X-ray densitometers are highly accurate, the reliability of the indicators can be affected by the ability of medical personnel to correctly determine the location of the examination and the violation of the patient's mobility during the examination.

What's better?

It is difficult to say which is better, ultrasonic or X-ray densitometry. Each method has its pros and cons. But from the point of view of informativeness, the most effective examination can be considered with the help of X-ray irradiation.


This examination of bone tissue is indicated for the following categories of patients:

  • To beautiful ladies after 40, in menopause.
  • Representatives of the stronger sex after retirement.
  • Women after surgery to remove the ovaries.
  • Patients with parathyroid diseases.
  • Those who have had fractures even after a small injury.
  • Patients with family history of osteoporosis.
  • Patients who undergo therapy for a long time using glucocorticoids, anticoagulants, diuretics, anticonvulsants, drugs from the group of tranquilizers.
  • Women taking hormonal contraceptives.
  • Smokers and drinkers.
  • Anyone who prefers to spend a lot of time in a sitting or lying position.
  • People who are constantly dieting, eating irrationally.
  • Those who constantly experience great physical exertion.

There are several other indications for this type of examination:


Ultrasonic computer densitometry is safe for human health, therefore it is shown to all segments of the population. It is better not to resort to x-ray examination:

  • Women who are carrying a baby.
  • While breastfeeding the baby.

Contraindications to densitometry must be taken into account so as not to harm the expectant mother and baby. Before any study, you must inform the doctor if there are serious chronic pathologies.

Preparation for the examination

Preparation for bone densitometry includes the following:

  • Loose-fitting clothing without metal accessories.
  • Remove jewelry.
  • If the goal is to diagnose osteoporosis, then a week in advance, it is necessary to stop therapy using calcium preparations.
  • If the birth of a baby is expected, then the expectant mother must inform the attending physician about her situation before the examination is carried out.
  • If X-rays with contrast have already been performed, then the specialist should know about this.

How to prepare for bone densitometry will tell the doctor who gives the referral.

How is it carried out?

The examination proceeds as follows:

  1. It is necessary to position yourself on special medical equipment as required by the uzist.
  2. Any movement must be excluded.
  3. At a certain point, at the request of a specialist, the patient holds his breath.
  4. The duration of the procedure is about half an hour, but it may take longer, depending on the examination method used.

Each type of densitometry has its own characteristics:

  • Ultrasound is carried out with a special device. The leg or arm is placed in a niche, and the device calculates the speed at which ultrasound passes through the bone structures, the result of the calculations is displayed on the monitor. Devices for this type of examination are of two types:
  1. "Dry" densitometer. Before the procedure, a special gel is applied to the area of ​​​​research, which differs from those used in ultrasound examinations.
  2. Water device. Diagnostics is carried out on specialized equipment in conditions when the limb under study is lowered into a container with distilled water.
  • Carrying out X-ray densitometry is possible only on a device installed in a hospital. The patient is located on the table, the X-ray generator is located below, and the device that captures the picture is on top. All movements must be eliminated so that the pictures are clear. The generated image is sent to the computer monitor.

How often can you do it?

X-ray densitometry can be done every 10-12 months. This can be explained by the negative impact of X-rays on the body. Ultrasound is performed as often as the attending physician considers. It all depends on the condition of the patient and the available factors that can increase the rate of development of the pathology.

Deciphering the results

How to decipher the result of bone densitometry? To do this, it is important to have an idea of ​​what the examination shows, and what standard indicators of bone tissue density generally exist in medicine. When decrypting, the following data is taken into account:

  1. The density of the fabric, expressed in g/cm2.
  2. T - this indicator shows how much the density does not meet standard standards. The norm of bone density densitometry for a young organism is 1 or more points.
  3. Z - this indicator is determined taking into account how old the patient was who was examined. For adult patients and children, there is a scale for interpretation. If the discrepancy with the norm is large in any direction, then you will need to undergo an x-ray, a bone biopsy, a biochemical study.

The densitometry decoding table will give more accurate readings:

It is important to determine the parameters of BMD during densitometry in the hip bone and the trunk of the spine. It is in these departments that frequent fractures with irreversible consequences occur. After the decoding of the indicators is completed, with the results of the examination, it is necessary to visit a rheumatologist, who will prescribe therapy, taking into account the severity of the condition.

Where can you do it?

You can go through densitometry in a regular clinic, but state institutions practice ultrasound, which can provide information only at the initial stage of diagnosis. Considering that X-ray densitometry requires the installation of expensive equipment, examination using such a device is possible only in private clinics and multidisciplinary medical centers.

Where to make high-quality densitometry? Information on clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg is presented in the table.

What is the price?

The cost of densitometry depends on the amount of research that needs to be done. The price is also affected by the following indicators:

  • It requires checking one joint or the entire skeleton.
  • Which method will be used: ultrasound or X-ray.
  • Modern equipment.
  • Qualification of specialists.
  • clinic status.

The cost of the procedure, taking into account all the criteria, varies from 350 rubles to 4000 thousand. You can find out the cost of the procedure and make an appointment by phone, which is available on the websites of the clinics, or directly on the website by filling out a special form.


Any densitometry is an effective way to determine bone density. Regular examination will prevent the development of osteoporosis and its complications.

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