Do you need lfk. Positive effect of physiotherapy exercises. Pulse and blood pressure


Remedial gymnastics differs from professional physical education in that its exercises are not so intense and are aimed at the rehabilitation of the patient. It helps to develop endurance, increase strength, harden the body. This is important for recovery and maintaining a proper lifestyle in the future. The advantage of exercise therapy, or exercise therapy, is the absence of side effects. Improving gymnastics, on the contrary, restores the affected organ.

What is therapeutic gymnastics

This is a physical activity consisting of a set of exercises aimed at restoring the health of an adult or a child with neurological, cardiological, rheumatological, traumatological and other problems. Physiotherapy exercises are necessary to get rid of pain, increase motor activity and improve coordination of movements. In addition to rehabilitation, it is used in medicine to restore the emotional and mental state, as well as to prevent many diseases.


The main difference between gymnastics is the static nature of the exercises. They are performed slowly in order to achieve the desired healing effect under tension. Exercises have a point character, i.e. aimed at restoring the vital activity of a particular organ. In case of a serious illness, gymnastics is carried out under the supervision of an exercise therapy instructor in a special room. For some exercises, sports equipment can be used: stretching boards, couches, benches for the press, fitball.

What is the main therapeutic method of exercise therapy

The main methods of exercise therapy are specially selected physical exercises, with the help of which a certain disease is treated. In fact, this is the main task of the wellness program. The name of a specific exercise therapy technique includes the pathological condition or disease in which it is indicated. Arthrosis of the hip joint, for example, is recommended to be treated with morning exercises.


The list of indications for the use of physiotherapy exercises includes a large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, cardiovascular and other systems. In each case, an individual program is selected that will allow you to influence the diseased organ.In general, therapeutic physical culture is indicated for:
  • curvature of the spine;
  • paralysis;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • orthopedic diseases;
  • post-traumatic recovery;
  • neurological diseases;
  • paresis, manifested by weakening of organs;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Means and forms of exercise therapy

Under the means of exercise therapy understand the existing therapeutic factors that are used for the rehabilitation of the patient. This list includes:

  • walking;
  • gymnastics in water;
  • swimming;
  • exercises on simulators;
  • climbing;
  • gentle acrobatics.

A form of physical therapy is a type of training organization in which methods and means of exercise therapy are carried out. They are used not one at a time, but in combination to achieve a greater effect. The main forms of physical therapy are:

  • hydrokinesitherapy;
  • morning hygienic gymnastics;
  • sports-applied exercises;
  • nearby tourism;
  • outdoor and sports games;
  • industrial gymnastics;
  • walks;
  • health run;
  • occupational therapy;
  • training in household skills and walking;
  • health path;

Types of therapeutic exercises

Gymnastics exercises are divided into types according to different criteria. According to the method of conducting, they can be individual or group, and according to the degree of activity - passive and active. In the first case, when performing, the patient practically does not experience tension, and the movements themselves are performed by the instructor. Active movements can be done by the patient himself. According to other criteria, the following types of gymnastics are distinguished:

  1. Static and dynamic. The first is to hold the position for a certain amount of time. Dynamic - involves the implementation of a series of movements.
  2. For stretching and relaxation. They help relieve muscle fatigue.
  3. Respiratory. Indicated for diseases in the respiratory system. Such exercises have a beneficial effect on all tissues and systems. One of the well-known respiratory gymnastics systems is a complex developed by the singer A.N. Strelnikova.
  4. Corrective - their task is to correct posture disorders and improve the spine.

Exercise therapy complexes for various diseases

A specific system of exercises depends on what disease the patient has and what needs to be restored. Gymnastics should involve the organ that is the cause of the pathological condition and discomfort. Treatment is often carried out with the inclusion of various forms and means of physical therapy. For example, with osteochondrosis of the lumbar, thoracic or cervical spine, morning and industrial exercises are indicated.

With osteochondrosis of the spine

The emphasis in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine is done on strengthening the entire muscular corset of the back. Just a few simple but effective exercises from Dr. Bubnovsky's gymnastics will help with this:

  1. Lying with your back up, put your palms on the side of your thighs. Next, lift the upper body and try to hold for a few seconds. Do five times.
  2. Repeat the previous movement, but with the hands on the back of the head, and then with the hands spread apart (5 p each).
  3. Further, in the same position, try to raise your legs as high as possible, while fixing at the top point (8 p.).
  4. Follow the previous paragraph, but at the top of the feet to part, and then bring back.

With a hernia of the spine

Even in the acute period with a herniated disc, you can perform a few simple movements. The complex will help reduce the intensity of pain and improve the condition. The movements themselves do not cause any discomfort. If they occur, then you should seek the advice of a doctor, and until that time stop exercising. With good health, you can perform the following loads:

  1. Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Next, simultaneously press the chin to the chest, and pull the socks towards you (up to 10 repetitions).
  2. Get on all fours and walk like this for about 3-4 minutes.
  3. In the same position, try to stretch the right arm and left leg at the same time, holding them for a couple of seconds, and then do the same, but for the opposite limbs (ten times for each leg).
  4. Again, on all fours, bend your back, and reach your head with your knee. Repeat the same on the other leg 8-10 times.

With scoliosis

Gymnastics is useful for crooked posture. It helps to straighten the spine to some extent and prevent it from deforming even more. The complex of therapeutic exercises should be performed daily, using a slow pace. The delay in the extreme position should not be too long. At the end, you should just lie down on a cotton roll for about a quarter of an hour. The complex of physical therapy exercises itself is as follows:

  1. Lie on your back, put your hands behind the back of your head. Then, while inhaling, spread your elbows to the sides, and as you exhale, bring them back. 10-12 times.
  2. In the same starting position, alternately do flexion / extension of the legs, pressing them to the stomach (repeat up to 12 times).
  3. Lie on your stomach, place one hand on the back of the head, and the other on the chest on the curved side of the curvature. Then, while inhaling, straighten the torso, and while exhaling, take the starting position. Repeat up to two dozen times.

For joints

To get rid of pain and restore joint mobility, you can regularly perform the complex. Along with proper nutrition, exercise gradually restores their function and prevents the condition from starting. Movements should be smooth. In breaks, you can even massage your joints for better circulation of the area. The complex includes exercises for certain joints.

  1. For elbows. Relax your shoulders, clench your hands into a fist, then rotate your forearms in different directions - away from you and towards you, five repetitions.
  2. Shoulder joints. Straighten your arms, rotate them several times forward and backward at the same time or separately.
  3. Hip joints. Place your hands on the belt, then rotate your hips in one direction and the other, trying to use only the pelvis (five times in each direction).
  4. Knees. Slightly bend your legs, put your hands on your hips just above the knee joints. Make circular movements with your knees 8-10 times.

With hemorrhoids

The purpose of physical education for internal or external hemorrhoids is to return muscle tone to the anal sphincter and activate blood flow in this area. It relieves constipation and eliminates venous congestion. You can perform the following exercises:

  1. Scissors. Take a supine position, raise your legs to an angle of about 45 degrees. Next, spread the limbs, and then bring them crosswise, performing movements like scissors (start from 20 seconds, gradually increasing).
  2. Elevation. Stay in the same position, lift the pelvis out of it, hold for a couple of seconds, lower. Do up to 8 repetitions.
  3. Walking on the buttocks. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs. Tighten the muscles of one buttock, move it forward, repeat the same with the second. “Go” first forward, and then back in the same way (10 + 10 movements).

With prostatitis

For the prevention and improvement of the condition with prostatitis, “walking on the buttocks” also helps. From other simple exercises, you can perform the following movements:

  1. Stand up straight, and as you exhale, bring one leg forward, bending the knee to an angle of 90 degrees so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. Next, take the leg back, keeping the same angle in the knee. 8 repetitions.
  2. Lie with your stomach down, stretch your arms along the body. Lift your legs slightly off the floor, and then perform crossing movements with them, as with classic “scissors”. Up to 10 times.
  3. Lying on your stomach, raise your legs and perform circular movements with them like riding a bicycle (no more than 5 minutes).

Breathing exercises with VVD

Breathing exercises help to reduce the manifestation of symptoms in VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). Her exercises are very simple and accessible to everyone. It is worth starting with a small load, and then gradually increase it. They are executed like this:

  1. rhythmic breathing. You need to perform it with your nose, inhaling air at a normal pace. Then you can complicate the exercise by inhaling jerkily, counting to three. Exhalation should be through the mouth.
  2. Chest breathing. Hands must be placed on the waist. Next, inhale as much as possible through the nose, expand the chest, and then exhale all the air from yourself.
  3. Breath in paper bag. Suitable for severe attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia. To perform, the paper bag is pressed tightly against the nose and cheeks, after which they rhythmically breathe into it for 2 minutes. Continue until the attack stops.

Exercise therapy for neurological diseases

Comprehensive treatment of neurological diseases is also not complete without physical therapy. Regular implementation of special programs is important to speed up recovery processes. Their technique is as follows:

  1. Start by walking in circles for 1-2 minutes, changing direction periodically.
  2. Then do the same, but go alternately on toes and on heels.
  3. Stand up straight, stretch your arms along the body, relax. Then alternately raise the right and left hands up at a speed of about 60-120 times per minute.
  4. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Stretch your arms forward, squeeze your fingers at a speed of up to 120 times per minute.
  5. Put your legs a little narrower, inhale to do a squat, exhale to rise. Do 4-5 more repetitions.
  6. Stand on your toes, then lower yourself on your heels, do 5-6 more times.

Postoperative gymnastics

It is impossible to create a universal set of therapeutic exercises that would be suitable after any operation. The complex is determined by the doctor depending on the organ that has undergone surgical intervention. In general, after the operation, it is indicated to do exercises that the patient should have mastered even before the procedure. It is allowed to start physiotherapy exercises approximately 1-2 hours after the patient has recovered from anesthesia. These include:

  1. Exercises to help teach the patient proper breathing.
  2. Mode of light gymnastics, the exercises of which involve small muscles, lasting 3-5 minutes and frequency 3-4 times a day.
  3. More intense physical activity from the 2nd day after the operation, represented by therapeutic exercises, which are determined based on the disease.


Not in all cases, physical activity is beneficial. Exercise is strictly prohibited in the presence of:

  • signs of exacerbation of diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pregnancy in women or a recent operation - according to indications;
  • diseases of the lungs and heart;
  • bleeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • thrombosis;
  • intoxication, infectious and inflammatory processes.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Unfortunately, even small children are not immune from problems with the spine, poor posture, because modern kids spend more and more time with their parents at home watching TV or with a phone and a tablet in their hands. And such a lifestyle will certainly affect the state of the child's musculoskeletal system. But if it is problematic for adults to correct the curvature of the spine, then in children this is all possible with the help of exercise therapy. This is a physiotherapy exercise that compensates for the lack of physical activity. What features it has in children and what benefits it brings, we will analyze in our article.

What is LFC

This is a set of exercises that is more reminiscent of yoga, because it is performed smoothly, slowly. The basis of physiotherapy exercises is the use of the main function of our body - this is movement. The whole complex is a selected exercise combined with proper breathing.

As a separate section of medicine, exercise therapy was isolated only in the 20th century, but even Plato noted that movement is the same healing power as drugs. Physiotherapy exercises are not only exercises, but also water procedures, ordinary walking, outdoor games.

The positive aspects of exercise therapy

In order for the body to develop normally, not only proper nutrition is important, but also constant physical activity. Often adults forget about this when they start scolding their kids for being too active. Exercise therapy for children is not just physical therapy, it also plays an educational role:

  • The child receives some hygiene knowledge.
  • Get to know the world around you better.
  • Learn to relate to the world around you.

What does physical therapy give a child? Parents often ask this question, believing that only serious sports can bring benefits. But this is far from true. Exercise therapy exercises:

  • contribute to the harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system;
  • correct posture;
  • back muscles are strengthened;
  • in the presence of asymmetry of posture, a correction occurs.

Exercise therapy is a complex that can prevent postural disorders. Therapeutic physical education develops endurance, strength, improves coordination of movements.

Also thanks to exercise therapy:

  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the body becomes less susceptible to various pathogens;
  • the child adapts better to school;
  • the work of the whole organism is normalized;
  • sleep and appetite improves.

Children especially need exercise therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But a preliminary consultation of a specialist is necessary in order to choose an effective complex.

Varieties of exercises

Some believe that physiotherapy exercises are a common gymnastics complex, but experts say that any active recreation can be attributed to exercise therapy. Often classes with children are held in a playful way, so that the kids are interested.

All exercises that are included in the complex can be divided into:

  1. Are common. They are used to strengthen the entire body.
  2. Special exercises are aimed at a specific system, for example, exercise therapy for fractures will contribute to the speedy healing and restoration of mobility of the injured limb. If there is scoliosis or flat feet, then the exercises are selected to correct these pathologies.

All exercises can also be divided into groups:

  • active movements.
  • Static to hold postures.
  • Passive. These exercises are usually included in the complex for babies, because the baby is not yet able to do them on his own.

The nature of the exercises also differs, they are:

  • Respiratory.
  • Relaxing.
  • Stretching.
  • Corrective.
  • Coordination.

Taking into account what deviations in the musculoskeletal system the child has, the specialist selects a set of exercises.

Contraindications for exercise therapy

Despite the enormous benefits of therapeutic exercises, it is not indicated for all children; contraindications include:

  • The presence of any pathologies in an acute form.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Frequent bleeding.
  • Heart disease.
  • Violation of the rhythm of the heart.
  • Poor health of the child.
  • Heat.

Even in the absence of contraindications, if the child falls ill with a common cold, then it is worth interrupting exercise therapy for a few days, and resume it again after recovery.

Features of children's exercise therapy

Since classes are held with children, the instructor must thoroughly prepare. It is important to choose as many exercises as possible in a playful way. But the following points must also be taken into account:

  • The age of the kids.
  • The level of physical development.
  • The state of the psyche.
  • The development of fine motor skills.

Therapeutic gymnastics contributes not only to the correct formation of posture in a child, strengthening the body, but also to the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Some rules for exercise therapy

This is a complex that must be performed in compliance with some rules that can make classes more effective:

  • Before the first lesson, it is necessary to visit a doctor, because in the presence of serious pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, medical assistance may also be required.
  • Classes should be conducted by specialists who can adequately assess the condition of the child.
  • It is necessary to load the baby gradually.
  • Exercise therapy exercises should not cause pain to the child when performed.
  • To make it more interesting for kids, it is necessary to select a variety of exercises, include game moments.
  • It is not worth starting the complex immediately after eating, at least 45 minutes should pass.

  • You need to work in a room that is well ventilated.
  • If the complex is done with a baby, then it should begin and end with a pleasant stroke, but for older children, relaxing and breathing exercises are done at the beginning of the complex and at the end.
  • Some people think that the exercise therapy complex does not require a warm-up, but this is not so. It is also divided into an introductory, main and final part.
  • The course of exercise therapy is usually prescribed by a doctor, it can be repeated several times during the year.

Features of exercise therapy for scoliosis in a child

Considering that our children now spend much more time in front of computer monitors than in active movement, it is not surprising that many already in elementary school have an incorrect posture. If everything is still not so neglected, then there is every chance to return the straight back to the child.

To do this, it is important to choose the right exercises, and only an orthopedist who needs to be visited can do it competently. In serious cases, not only gymnastics may be required, but also the use of a special corset.

Depending on the type of curvature of the spine, exercises are selected:

  1. If thoracic kyphosis is diagnosed, then exercise therapy for children must necessarily include exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as to stretch the muscles of the chest.
  2. In the presence of a flat back, it is necessary to choose exercises in such a way that the muscles of the back, legs, and shoulder girdle are evenly strengthened.
  3. Scoliosis requires exercises to increase the mobility of the spine, improve coordination of movements, and stretch the spinal column.

Exercise therapy for the shoulder, lumbar - it does not matter, it requires that the exercises be performed regularly. If you practice only a couple of times a week, then there will be no effect.

Approximate complex for preschoolers

It has already been noted that for kids it is necessary to include many game moments in the complex, but the main exercises can be distinguished:

  1. It is necessary to start the complex with a warm-up. You can start by walking with high knees for a few seconds, on toes, heels.
  2. While waving your arms to the sides, at the same time rise on your toes.
  3. Exercise with a gymnastic stick. Pick it up from the floor, lift it up on outstretched arms and put it on the floor again.
  4. Swing your legs from a prone position, while the pelvis should not come off the floor.
  5. Exercise "swallow".
  6. Half-squat, bending your knees, and take your hands back, return to the starting position. The back during the exercise should be straight.
  7. Coordination exercise: take turns standing on one leg with arms outstretched to the side.

Exercises can be done using various gymnastic equipment, for example, jump ropes, balls, hoops.

Approximate complex for schoolchildren

After warming up, you can begin to perform the following exercises:

  1. Lower and raise your arms with the ball, while the elbows should be apart.
  2. Keeping your back straight, you need to lower and raise the ball behind your head.
  3. Put one hand behind the back from above, and the other from below and try to fasten them into the lock.
  4. Tilts to the side with arms outstretched to the side.
  5. Take a position lying on the floor, and bend your back without lifting your pelvis.
  6. From a kneeling position with an emphasis on the hands, bend and round the back.
  7. Lie on your stomach and at the same time raise your legs and shoulders, lingering for a few seconds.
  8. Bicycle exercise.

After the end of the complex, you must definitely walk around, perform breathing exercises. During classes, the coach must necessarily monitor the correctness of the exercises, breathing and the position of the child's back.

Violation of posture is not yet a sentence. If parents pay attention to this in a timely manner, then a special complex will not only quickly return the child to an even back, but also strengthen the entire body.

(exercise therapy) is a non-specific method of rehabilitation and training therapy with the help of sports and physical culture. Exercise therapy has a therapeutic and prophylactic goal to accelerate the process of restoring human health and is an independent medical discipline.

Treatment with exercise therapy

Exercise therapy is a mandatory element in the treatment of patients who have injuries or diseases, since without the use of physiotherapy exercises, the impaired function of support and movement is practically not restored.

This technique is used not only to exclude a disease or injury, but also to prevent certain diseases in order to avoid complications and exacerbations, and also exercise therapy is an effective means of restoring working capacity.

3. In a prone position. You need to lie on your back, while taking your hands behind your head, stretch. This movement stimulates the stretching of the lumbar spine.

Exercise therapy for the cervical spine

1. To perform this exercise, you should press your forehead on the palm, while straining the neck muscles. The exercise lasts 5-7 seconds, repeated 3 times. After that, press the back of the head on the palm, repeat 3 times for 5-7 seconds.

2. You should strain the muscles of the neck, pressing on the left palm with the left temple, as well as on the temple. Perform the exercise for 5-7 seconds, repeat 3 times.

3. First you need to slightly tilt your head back, and then slowly bend forward, pressing your chin to the jugular fossa. Repeat the exercise should be at least 5 times.

4. In the starting position, keep your shoulders and head straight. Then turn your head to the right as far as possible. Do the movement more than 5 times. Repeat turns on the other side.

5. In the starting position, press the chin to the neck. In this position, turn your head first to the right more than 5 times, then to the left the same number of times.

6. Performing the last movement, the head must be thrown back. And then try to touch the right shoulder with the right ear, and the left shoulder with the left ear. Do exercises more than 5 times on each side.

Therapeutic physical culture for the lumbar

Proper treatment can be ensured if an exercise therapy instructor works with the patient. But in the case of preventive actions, physical therapy can be done independently.

1. Hang or half hang. This exercise is performed on the crossbar, either touching the floor with your feet or not. In any case, the effect of the exercise will be positive. Hanging, relaxing the muscles, should be several approaches for 1 minute.

2. In the starting position, the person stands with his hands on his hips. You should perform ten tilts forward and backward, left and right.

3. Standing and holding your hands on your hips, you should move the pelvis to the left and right, forward and backward, in each direction 10 times.

Floor exercises

1. You need to kneel and rest on the floor with your hands, then fold in the form and return to the starting position. Repeat this movement 15-25 times.

2. Exercise lying on the stomach. It should rest with bent arms on the floor, then straighten your arms and, without taking your legs off the floor, do push-ups. The exercise should be repeated 10-20 times.

3. You should kneel, resting on the floor with straight arms. Then you need to bend your back up as much as possible and return to the starting position. Also repeat 10-20 times.

4. Exercise lying on your back. You should press the knees of the bent legs to the chest and return to the starting position. So continue 10-20 times.

Usually, the exercise therapy instructor advises doing all the movements gently and slowly. It is not necessary to wait for the spine to crunch, falling into place, since these movements are suitable only for preventive, home use.

Exercise therapy for fractures

Physiotherapy exercises are simply necessary for the restoration of the body after a fracture. To do this, use a selected set of exercises.

1. To restore mobility to the damaged joint, you need to rotate the injured arm or leg, repeating the movement about 10 times. It should be taken into account the fact that this movement cannot be applied in the first few days after the plaster has been removed.

2. This exercise will help tone the muscles. The injured leg or arm must be raised at an angle of approximately 30 degrees in the forward direction and held for several seconds. Repeat the movement several times.

3. To tone the muscles of the lateral and back of the thighs, you should perform movements using the support. It is necessary to swing the right and left legs forward and sideways 10 times, while holding on to the support.

4. This exercise therapy exercise is used after a broken leg and creates a good effect for strengthening the calf muscle. You will also need support. Standing facing the support, you need to take hold of it with your hands, and then slowly rise on your toes and also slowly go down to the foot. If you need to increase the load, you can perform movements on one leg.


Exercise therapy massage helps to relieve pain and muscle tension. Researchers have confirmed that during massage, the muscle is stretched and due to this, the inflammatory response of cells is reduced. This proves that massage will be very useful for the recovery of the body after injuries.

With the help of vibration, pressure and friction, it is possible to influence the organs and tissues of the human body. To achieve a therapeutic effect, massage should be done with special devices, but for preventive purposes it can also be done with your hands.

It can be concluded that exercise therapy is a very convenient, in most cases painless therapy, with which you can not only cure the patient, but also prevent some diseases of an absolutely healthy person.

Physical therapy exercises are designed to strengthen muscles weakened for any reason. The most relevant today is exercise therapy for the back, since the spine is the most common site for the occurrence of pathological changes. And it is these changes that greatly spoil a person's life.

What is LFC

Therapeutic physical culture is a large group of special physical exercises, the purpose of which is to help restore the tone of any muscle groups. From the point of view of anatomy and physics, the most vulnerable place in the human body is the back and spinal column: from the sacrum to the neck. Therefore, the most relevant today is therapeutic exercises for the back.

There are a lot of exercises in physical therapy. You already know some of them, because for sure, at least once in your life you did exercises.

Neurological departments often admit people who cannot straighten up. One day their back was pinched and they couldn't straighten up on their own. This is due to pinching of some kind of nerve due to the fact that the muscular corset of the lower back cannot provide proper protection to the spine.

Why are back exercises so important? See for yourself:

  • Hands - they are always doing something, moving. Even eating - you hold a spoon in your hands. In general, the arm moves too much for the muscles to atrophy so much.
  • Legs - as a person walks, their muscles are also constantly trained.
  • The body remains. To maintain a straight body position, the muscles of the back and abs must be evenly developed, be in good shape and receive a good blood supply. If these conditions are violated (say, with a sedentary lifestyle), the muscles weaken and can no longer perform their functions.

So, for example, the longest muscle of the back, which runs along the spine, is constantly under load. During a long and motionless sitting, blood flow to it is difficult, which reduces its capabilities.

So gradually, depending on our bad habits, the muscles of the body lose their ability to reduce the compression of the spine, the intervertebral cartilage is erased, and the spinal nerves are pinched. This causes pain and limited mobility.

Thus, the back requires training. If you don’t go to the gym, don’t exercise in the morning, you are overweight (even if you just have a stomach), one day you will have to perform therapeutic exercises to save your back from the progression of diseases.

Types of exercise therapy

Gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the back is not the only type of exercise therapy. First of all, physical therapy is designed to restore muscle tone in any part of the body. For example, after prolonged wearing of a cast and forced immobility, muscle rehabilitation is required.

As for the back, this is a separate issue, since almost half of the entire earthly population needs exercise therapy for the spine.

The most vulnerable part of the spine is the neck, because the vertebrae here are the smallest and most fragile. She holds her head, the mass of which can reach 2 or more kg. Imagine - most of the day the neck muscles hold this weight. Titanic work that we do not notice. And add to this a long sitting, tilting your head to one side or stretching your neck forward. Under such conditions, not only is the blood supply difficult, but the load is distributed unevenly. Some muscles are loaded more than others and do not withstand. So therapeutic exercises for the neck are also necessary.

As a result, the classification of physical exercises can be based on the following:

  1. Training of target muscle groups: gymnastics for the muscles of the back, arms, legs, etc.
  2. Prevention or treatment of various diseases: for example, for a sore back, etc.

These are all conditional classifications. Often, the same exercises are used to achieve several goals.

Three complexes for the back of varying complexity

Any disease has several periods. For example, the manifestation of osteochondrosis of the spine can be divided into 2 stages. The acute period, and then there is a decrease in the severity of symptoms and a rehabilitation stage. And at each stage, their exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back.

With exacerbation of osteochondrosis

Depending on the severity of back diseases, special exercises will be different. And they differ in their complexity and load.

Exercises should be started only after acute pain has been relieved.

For example, a primary set of exercises might look like this:

  1. We lay down on a soft and warm rug, throw our legs on a thick roller. We squeeze and unclench our hands and feet. We do 10 simultaneous compressions.
  2. They moved the roller, put their feet on the floor. The left leg was bent at the knee, placing the foot on the floor. The right leg remains straight. Take your right leg 10 times to the side (sideways).
  3. Put your feet on the roller again, starting position - arms along the body. Alternately raise each arm up, as if you are swimming on your back - 10 strokes for each arm.
  4. Now do exercise number 2, but for the other leg.
  5. And again, legs on the roller, bend your arms at the elbows, keep your palms at your shoulders. Describe a circle with your elbows in a horizontal plane. That is, draw simultaneously with both elbows 10 circles above you. Try to draw even circles.
  6. The legs are still on the roller, bent at the knees. Straighten each leg in turn. 10 times for each leg.
  7. Now a more difficult exercise that can cause pain in the acute period, be careful. The roller was removed, the legs were bent at the knees. Alternately pull each leg with your knee to your chest. 10 times.
  8. From the same starting position, turn your knees to the side, trying to touch the floor with each knee. Avoid sharp pain.
  9. At the end of the complex, breathe by inflating and deflating the abdomen - 10 breaths and exhalations.

These exercises are suitable for daily use. You see that a very light load is applied for the treatment. But it is enough to help a person.

When the acute period is over, you can do a more serious set of exercise therapy exercises.

When the symptoms began to subside

When the symptoms are no longer so strong, you can gradually increase the load. But listen to your body - if doing something hurts (acute pain) - reduce the range of motion. This will definitely help.

  1. Lying on your back with arms extended along the body, raise your head and at the same time strain your abs. This is a lightweight version of lifting the torso from a prone position. We repeat the movement 10 times.
  2. We lean on the shoulder blades, arms along the body, bend the legs at the knees. We raise the pelvis 10 times. You don’t need to strongly bend it towards the ceiling, it’s enough to raise it by 10-15 cm. A large amplitude can hurt you at this stage.
  3. Straighten up lying on your back, tense your buttocks and relax them. Try to reach maximum tension. This is a static exercise.
  4. We lie down, legs bent at the knees, alternately with our hands we touch the knees crosswise, slightly raising the head and body above the floor. 10 times for each hand.
  5. They put a large roller under the knees (you can have an ottoman). From this position, you need to raise the pelvis above the floor - again by 10-15 cm.
  6. We got on our knees and hands, back with a wheel (curved up). They sat down with such a back on their heels and stood back up. So 10 times.
  7. Now we stand in the same position as in exercise 6 - we arch our back up, lower it back to a straight position. So 10 times. In this exercise, the longissimus muscle and other muscles of the spine work well.

Well done, more heavy exercises now that the pain has subsided!

Exercises for rehabilitation

At this stage, when there is no more pain, you need to gradually strengthen the muscles of the spine so that they can withstand the usual load for your life.

The main goals are the press, the longest muscle of the spine (all its parts), the muscles of the cortex.

The complex is as follows:

  1. Raising the body lying down. You have already done a head raise, now from the same position try to tear your upper back off the floor. Knees need to be thrown on the ottoman.
  2. From a prone position, alternately raise straight legs. Over time, you can lift both legs. Press your lower back to the floor. At first, this can be painful, so first you need to work with each leg separately.
  3. Raising the legs from a vertical position. You need to hang on the gymnastic wall or use the horizontal bar or special stops. The legs do not need to be kept straight, in your case it is enough to raise your legs bent at the knees. Just try to touch your knees to your chest.
  4. A very effective exercise in exercise therapy is rolling back and forth on a round back. Grab your knees with your hands and ride. But do it on a mat, as spinal riding is not the most pleasant experience on a hard surface. You can lean to the side a little to get a longer trajectory and wash more muscles.
  5. Hyperextension and reverse hyperextension are the best exercises for strengthening the back. Regular hyperextension should be done in parallel with strengthening the press. This is the key to lower back health.
  6. Stretching exercises for the legs and lower back are also an indispensable part of exercise therapy. To do this, stand up straight, fix your lower back and try to reach the floor with your hands. If you are good at this, wrap your arms around your shins and stretch closer to your legs. When performing the exercise, try to maintain the curve in the lower back, which is characteristic of correct posture.

There are a lot of exercises, as already mentioned. You need to do them regularly and monitor your feelings.

Here are some simple tips to help you recover faster:

  • Don't do anything through the pain. But, do not immediately abandon the exercise if it causes pain. Reduce the range of motion and experiment. As a result, you will know exactly at what stage the pain occurs and where to stop.
  • Don't work with weights. Hyperextension and raising the torso to the press in your case cannot be done with additional weight.
  • With osteochondrosis, it is useful to simply hang on the horizontal bar, this stretches the spine.
  • Avoid drafts while exercising as you are exercising on the floor. Cold is an enemy for the back, not only with osteochondrosis, but also with other diseases.

Classes consist of a variety of general strengthening and special exercises.

Patients should use the following criteria:

Performing only exercises that do not exceed the threshold of mild pain;

Increasing the load in order to better adapt the body to them should be gradual.

Indications for the appointment of exercise therapy:

After the acute manifestations of the disease have passed in the period

Beginning subsidence of pain syndrome;

In subacute and chronic stages.


Acute period of the disease with pronounced pain


The presence of symptoms of increasing compression of the roots

spinal cord.

The main tasks of therapeutic gymnastics are:

Stimulation of the normalization of blood circulation in the belt

Nichosacral cervicothoracic regions and the affected limb;

Restoration of normal range of motion;

Pain reduction;

Strengthening weakened muscles of the trunk and limbs,

Restoration of their normal tone, relaxation

tense muscles;

Improvement and strengthening of the whole body of the patient.

With pronounced pain, the procedures at the beginning of the course of treatment are carried out individually, and later - in groups.

The duration of the procedure is from 10-13 minutes at the beginning and up to 15-30 minutes - in the middle and at the end of the course of treatment.

The total number of procedures per course of treatment is 10-20. The procedure of therapeutic gymnastics is carried out in the therapeutic gymnastics hall under the guidance of an instructor once a day.


Exercises are performed 2 times a day, repeating each 8-10 times, in a gentle initial position - lying on your back, in order to completely eliminate the vertical axial load on the spinal column (some movements must be done by placing a large cushion or roller under your feet).

1. Bend and unbend the feet, while clenching into a fist and straightening the fingers;

2. The left leg is bent at the knee. Bend and unbend your right leg at the knee, sliding your heel along the bed or floor. The same, changing the position of the legs;

3. Alternately raise your hands up;

4. Bend your left leg at the knee. Move the right side to the side. The same, changing the position of the legs;

5. Describe circles with arms bent at the elbows;

6. Bend your knees. Pull the left, then the right knee to the stomach (walking lying down);

7. Bend your arms, fingers touching your shoulders;

8. Bend your legs at the knees. Take aside first one, then the other knee;

9. Raise your hands up - inhale. Grab your knee with your hands and pull it to your stomach - exhale. The same - with the other leg;

10. Perform circular movements with your feet;

11. Feet on the roller. Diaphragmatic breathing - take 3-5 breaths, raising the chest, the stomach is motionless;

12. Raise the pelvis, leaning on the arms extended along the body and the thoracic spine;

13. Bend your knees, palms folded at the back of your head. Raise your head and tighten your abdominal muscles;

14. Within 4-6 seconds, strain and relax the gluteal muscles;

15. Bend your legs at the knees. Hands up - inhale, hands to your knees, lift the body and stretch forward - exhale;

16. Bend your leg at the knee. Straighten it by pressing your foot on the floor. The same - with the other leg;

17. Do the same movement as in exercise 16, with both legs at the same time;

18. Raise the pelvis, tensing the abdominal muscles and buttocks;

19. Perform exercises 19-20 standing on all fours;

20. Sit on your heels without taking your hands off the floor; Arch your back, but don't arch your back as you return to the starting position.

SECOND COMPLEX (1-2 weeks after exacerbation)

Exercises are performed lying on your back and standing on all fours - this is the most physiological starting position at the stage of recovery. With it, as well as in the prone position, the vertical axial load on the spine is excluded, the affected segment and muscles are unloaded to the maximum, the motor load on neighboring vertebrae is evenly distributed.

Lying on your back:

1. Bend and unbend alternately the feet (10 times);

2. Bend and unbend the legs alternately at the knees (10 times);

3. Raise first one, then the other hand up and stretch (5-7 times). If you have a partner, ask him to gently pull your hands (3-5 times);

4. Perform exercise 4 from the first complex (5-7 times);

5. Repeat exercise 5 from the first complex with straightened legs (10 times);

6. Pull your left knee to your stomach. Raise your straightened right leg up. The same - changing the position of the legs (3-7 times);

7. Do the 12th exercise from the complex (10 times);

8. Bend your legs at the knees, fold your hands on your stomach. Raising your head and shoulders, stay in this position for 2-4 seconds (5 times);

9. Stretching your legs, strain and relax the gluteal muscles for 6-7 seconds;

10. Bend your legs at the knees and, clasping them with your hands, pull them to your stomach (5-7 times);

Standing on all fours:

1. Sit on your heels without taking your hands off the floor, as in exercise 19 I of the complex (10 times);

2. Spread your legs apart. Turn your torso to the left, moving your left arm to the side. The same - in the other direction (5 times);

3. Arch your back, repeating exercise 20 of the first complex (5-7 times);

4. Raise your right hand forward, take your right leg back without lifting it high. The same - with the left hand and foot (5-7 times);

5. Spread your legs apart. Try to touch the elbow of your left hand with your right knee. The same, changing the leg (5 times);

6. Without taking your hands off the floor, sit on your left heel, at the same time take your right leg back (half twine). The same with the other leg (5 times);

7. Perform exercises 17-20 lying face down, placing a roller under your stomach;

8. Rest your chin with your hands. Raise your right leg off the floor and hold it hanging for 4-5 seconds. The same - with the left foot (5 times);

9. Leaning on arms spread apart, raise your head and shoulders above the support and hold this position for 4-5 seconds (5 times);

10. Fold your arms bent at the elbows under the chin. Take first one, then the other leg strictly to the side (7-10 times);

11. Bend your knees (5-7 times).

THIRD COMPLEX (on the way to recovery)

Starting position (ip) for exercises 1-5 - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees.

1. Straighten your leg at the knee, pressing your foot on the floor. The same - with the other leg (8-10 times);

2. Raise your straight arms up behind your head - inhale. Grab your knee with your hands and press it to your chest - exhale. The same - with the other leg (5 times);

3. Raise the pelvis, as in exercise 12 of the first complex (10-12 times);

4. Fold your arms over your chest. Raise your head, straining the abdominal muscles (5-7 times);

5. Bend and unbend alternately legs at the knees (10 times);

6. Bend your legs at the knees and, clasping them with your hands, pull them to your stomach (5-7 times);

7. Sit on your heels without taking your hands off the floor, as in exercise 19 of the first complex (10 times);

8. Spread your legs apart. Turn your torso to the left, moving your left arm to the side. The same - in the other direction (5 times);

9. Arch your back, repeating exercise 20 of the first complex (5-7 times);

10. Raise your right hand forward, take your right leg back without lifting it high. The same - with the left hand and foot (5-7 times);

11. Fold your arms bent at the elbows under the chin. Take first one, then the other leg strictly to the side (7-10 times);

12. Bend your knees (5-7 times);

13. Lying on your back. Spread your arms and legs bent at the knees to the sides. Turning your torso to the right, join your hands in front of you. The same - in the other direction (8-10 times);

14. Lying on the right side, pull the legs bent at the knees to the stomach. The same, turning on the left side (10 times);

15. Standing straight, grab your lower back with your palms. Pull in the stomach, fix this position for 8-10 seconds (5 times);

16. Standing 1-2 steps from the bar, located at chest level, and holding it with your hands, lean forward. Feel how the back muscles are stretched (8-10 times);

17. Hang on the bar, facing it. Turn the pelvis to the left and right, slightly bending the legs at the knees (5-8 times);

18. Kneeling, step your hands on the floor, spreading them apart and tilting your torso to the left, then to the right (5 times).

19. Without taking your hands off the support, sit first on the left and then on the right thigh (5 times).

20. Repeat exercise 6 from the second complex.

21. Complete the set of exercises with relaxation: lie quietly for 5 minutes on your back, without straining your muscles, placing a roller under your feet.

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