Tuberculosis stage 1. Stages of pulmonary tuberculosis. Forms of the disease, negative consequences and their prevention

Many people know about tuberculosis only from TV, the Internet or newspapers, and they think that it is a disease of the poor and prisoners. But this is far from the case, successful and rich people also get sick with this disease.

It only takes half an hour to talk to a sick person for tuberculosis and a healthy person can become infected with it.

Photo of pulmonary tuberculosis

The appearance of signs of pulmonary tuberculosis

Only a few months after Koch's wand enters healthy body pulmonary tuberculosis begins to appear. Most frequent sign- high temperature that does not subside for a long period. The next manifestation of tuberculosis is weakness, from which even good sleep and rest.

Often the first signs of tuberculosis are not noticed ordinary people, not related to medicine, and such patients go to a specialist for more late stages. Pulmonary tuberculosis is difficult to recognize when other organs are affected, such as the kidneys and bones or meninges.

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis

The symptoms of this disease depend on the immunity of the patient and the form of the course of tuberculosis. The patient may already be infected with tuberculosis and not even have the slightest idea about it, while others abruptly fall into bed and believe that they have acute SARS or pneumonia. After all initial signs pulmonary tuberculosis resemble many well-known and frequent seasonal diseases.

Often, in the first stages of tuberculosis, it is asymptomatic and can only be detected during a fluorographic examination.. That is why fluorography is a mandatory examination during medical examinations.

Already with later tuberculosis, the symptoms become clearer:

  • severe malaise;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • complete absence or very poor appetite;
  • cough can be dry and painful or with phlegm (with possible hemoptysis);
  • night sweats;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • shortness of breath.

It is impossible not to pay attention to such symptoms. But even so, many patients believe that they just had the flu and therefore are still very tired, and do not want to go to see a doctor who could examine them and diagnose the disease.

But there are also cases when the doctor himself, with these symptoms, begins to treat another disease, for example, pneumonia or Chronical bronchitis although this happens quite rarely.

If the patient did not turn to a specialist in time or the doctor did not immediately diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis, and he began to carry a chronic form, then his symptoms change. With this course, the disease begins to go in waves.

Because of this, the symptoms of the disease become either clearer or less pronounced:

  • cough (often with phlegm);
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • shortness of breath becomes more and more severe;
  • hemoptysis and bleeding;
  • lean body structure;
  • the face acquires a pale color with a grayish tint.

Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis

This type of disease is characterized by the fact that in the lungs of a sick person there is an infiltrate that can take up different patients completely different sections of the lungs - from a small particle to a whole lobe.

Symptoms infiltrative tuberculosis next:

  • the temperature can rise to 38 ° C and not subside for five to ten days;
  • sweating;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • cough, often not very strong, but with phlegm;

If the infiltrates occupy large areas of the lungs, then the following symptoms may be added:

  • dullness of sound in the lungs;
  • change in breathing;
  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • hemoptysis.

There are 2 courses of infiltrative tuberculosis.

  1. involutive. This option can be observed under the condition rational treatment. The patient's state of health quickly improves, all symptoms gradually disappear. This happens within the first 3 months.
  2. Progressive. Infiltrative changes in the lungs go very quickly in the absence of necessary treatment and reduced immunity.

Stages of pulmonary tuberculosis

The disease of pulmonary tuberculosis has several stages. Pulmonary tuberculosis is divided into primary and secondary forms of the disease.

Primary tuberculosis develops when its pathogen first enters the body. After tuberculosis bacillus hit the lungs they multiply and form inflammatory focus. This is where immune cells accumulate. Primary tuberculosis in most cases affects not two lungs, but one. The symptoms are not very pronounced - weakness and fatigue, slight temperature and decreased appetite. At this stage, Koch's sticks persist and wait for the moment for a new relapse. During this period very important role plays human immunity.

After all, it is now that immunity will either kill tuberculosis in its initial form, or begin to develop severe forms diseases.

Tuberculosis secondary form begins to occur when the patient is re-infected or when an early focus of the disease awakens. Since the immune system already knows what the causative agent of tuberculosis is, the process is different than during the primary form. There are several stages of pulmonary tuberculosis in the secondary form.

Focal.Focuses of inflammation can be different shapes. This type of disease develops as a result of reactivation of early focal tuberculosis and is called infiltrative:

  • infiltrative tuberculosis can be called the initial stage of the development of the disease. With this form of the disease, the lung tissue, as it were, is impregnated with bacterial and immune cells involved in inflammatory processes. If the immune system is weakened and does not work effectively in defense lung tissue, then the part that is captured by the infiltrate dies off, and a cavity with pus appears in that place - and this is already a tuberculoma of the lungs;
  • tuberculoma- this is one of the forms of the so-called focal tuberculosis. With the development of tuberculoma, you can see different periods both exacerbated and remission. But the area lung injury is constantly expanding.

Disseminated. At this stage, many foci of the disease are formed in the lungs, their sizes can be different. The factor of its occurrence is a low immune system, permanent illness chronic form, lack of vitamins in the body. If the foci of this type of tuberculosis are small, the size of a pinhead, then we can talk about miliary tuberculosis.

  • miliary pulmonary tuberculosis characterized by dissemination of foci of infection throughout the lung.
  • if such foci become larger, then this cavernous tuberculosis . This type of disease is characterized by the fact that a massive area of ​​destruction begins to form in the lung tissue. And then a cavity is formed, the dimensions of which can be very significant - up to several centimeters.

Disseminated tuberculosis is characterized by symptoms that can be very similar to colds. But, the main difference between tuberculosis and banal acute respiratory infections is that the symptoms do not go away with time, but only increase and do not go away.

If pulmonary tuberculosis is diagnosed in time, then with proper treatment, patients will get better, up to a full recovery.

How is pulmonary tuberculosis treated?

Today's treatment includes:

  • medical and protective regime;
  • rational diet;
  • aerotherapy;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • hardening.

During the progression of pulmonary tuberculosis, bed rest is prescribed, with the symptoms subsiding - training.

In diet therapy, the main bias is made on the mandatory use of animal proteins, oils, both vegetable and butter, fresh vegetables, milk. The diet is based on individual features patient and disease severity.

On the this moment about 95% of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis are cured due to the use of such drugs:

  • streptomycin;
  • ftivazid;
  • PAS (para-aminosalicylic acid).

Only a doctor can diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis, and he prescribes treatment depending on the course, development, form and stage of the disease.

The diagnosis of tuberculosis is established by the medical commission of the anti-tuberculosis institution. The goals of diagnostics are to identify cases with suspected tuberculosis among the population, the phases of tuberculosis, to confirm and put correct diagnosis. Do you have cough for more than two weeks, fever, weakness and night sweats? If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional studies.

People with low immunity, are susceptible to infection and are at risk of becoming infected by being with a contagious patient in indoors or public transport. An open form of tuberculosis is dangerous to others. The closed form poses no risk of infection. Patients carrying a latent infection do not shed tuberculosis bacteria into environment. The primary and secondary stages of pulmonary tuberculosis are the exacerbation of the primary foci and the secondary entry of the bacterium into the body. Lack of understanding of the principles of treatment, distrust of the doctor impede a successful cure. Long term treatment under constant control the only way conquer the disease.

Spread of tuberculosis

About two billion people in the world are carriers of tuberculosis. Most of them are unaware of this. About 9 million people fall ill with tuberculosis every year in the world. A third of them die from complications of tuberculosis. The stages, symptoms of the disease depend on the organ in which the disease develops, and on the state of the person's immunity.

Photo 1. Koch's wand is the cause of the onset and development of tuberculosis in the human body.

If the body's defenses are not able to restrain the reproduction of tubercle bacillus, a disease develops. Depending on the stage of tuberculosis, the organ of the lesion and the immunity of a sick person, the appearance of certain symptoms depends.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is present in the human body in small quantities and in a state of "sleep". Under the control of the body's defenses, bacteria do not provoke the development of the disease. This condition is called latent tuberculosis infection.

Forms of tuberculosis

There are two forms of tuberculosis:

  • closed;
  • open.

People with latent tuberculosis do not complain. This form of tuberculosis is not contagious to others. Examination reveals a positive tuberculin test, but the radiograph does not show changes in the lungs, there are no mycobacteria in the sputum. In fact, a person with closed tuberculosis considered healthy.

Photo 2. When a person with open TB sneezes or coughs, people around them are at risk of becoming infected.

The risk of infection from a patient with a closed form of tuberculosis is low. With it, the bacterium is not released into the environment, as with extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

Open pulmonary tuberculosis is the main source of infection. A patient with an open form of tuberculosis releases bacteria into the environment. Droplets of moisture, which contain mycobacteria, enter the air when coughing, sneezing, talking, singing, breathing.

With one cough, up to three thousand particles are released, with a sneeze - a million, with a conversation - two hundred. If there are nine healthy people and one patient with an open form of tuberculosis in a closed room, then in a minute everyone is breathing air with the causative agent of the disease. Bacteria live in the air for about six hours.

Defense Forces organisms may not be able to cope with the task of limiting the reproduction of tuberculosis bacteria. As a result, the disease develops. Mycobacterium enters the human body mainly by airborne droplets; through milk and meat of animals; less often - from mother to child during pregnancy.

Photo 3. Eating meat or milk of animals infected with tuberculosis, you can become infected with Koch's bacillus.

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis affects various organs and tissues:

Any human organ can be infected. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a form of the disease that occurs more often than other forms.

Photo 4. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a common form of tuberculosis disease according to cause lung entry into these organs.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Primary infection develops after the first contact with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Features of the active primary disease is that it develops imperceptibly. Koch's wand multiplies and captures new territories. The first symptoms of the disease are insignificant, since there is no significant deterioration in the condition.

Clinical stages pulmonary tuberculosis:

  1. Primary - exacerbation of the primary foci of infection.
  2. Secondary - repeated entry of bacteria into the body.

After the primary stage, secondary tuberculosis develops, which lasts from several months to several years. The development of the disease is possible as a result of an old tuberculosis focus or reinfection - the resumption of reproduction of bacteria or reinfection.

Tuberculosis of the secondary form begins to occur when the patient is re-infected or when an early focus of the disease awakens. Since the immune system knows what the causative agent of tuberculosis is, the process is different than during the primary form.

In secondary tuberculosis, the lungs are affected. Such patients are the main source of infection. If the patient has previously completed treatment for tuberculosis, then the resumption of the disease is regarded as a relapse.

Miliary tuberculosis

Exists special shape disease miliary tuberculosis. The infection develops in the primary stage of tuberculosis. From the focus of inflammation in the lungs, mycobacterium affects the lymph nodes near the large bronchi. On x-ray, they look like light formations.

Photo 5. View of a sample of miliary pulmonary tuberculosis on a micropreparation during its examination under a microscope.

Such changes indicate compaction and an increase in intrathoracic lymph nodes. Bacteria from them with the blood flow are carried to the organs. The immune system fights infection. With high immunity, bacterial activity stops and self-healing is possible. The development of the disease depends on the degree of weakening of the body.

Miliary tuberculosis translated from Latin means "millet". With this type of disease, small, like millet grain, foci are located in all lobes of the lungs. This form of tuberculosis occurs in people with weak immunity - children, the elderly and HIV-positive people. They have widespread generalized forms of tuberculosis, when several organs are affected and nervous system.

In severe immunodeficiency (HIV), the clinical presentation and subspecies of the disease are unusual. Tuberculosis foci are located in the lower lung lobes, and not in the upper ones, as in the case of primary infection. There are no clear boundaries of tuberculosis foci. The structure of forms of the disease is dominated by widespread disseminated processes and tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes.

There are two phases of tuberculosis:

  • sensitive to anti-tuberculosis drugs;
  • chemoresistant or drug resistant.

Anti-tuberculosis drugs are divided into two groups of the 1st and 2nd line. First-line drugs are used to treat sensitive tuberculosis. 1st line antibiotics:

  • rifampicin;
  • isoniazid;
  • ethambutol;
  • pyrazinamide;
  • streptomycin.

Of the second-line drugs, capreomycin, levofloxacin, PAS, prothionamide are prescribed. Treatment should not be interrupted, as this leads to the development of a resistant form of tuberculosis.

Treatment of the disease is a long process, lasting from six months to two years. The patient takes medications according to a strict regimen, four to eight anti-tuberculosis drugs per day. Medications are taken under the supervision of a medical or social worker. The treatment does not end even if the patient does not excrete bacteria and his health has improved.

Photo 9. Drug treatment shows itself as effective method in the fight against tuberculosis.

A course of treatment

The main course of treatment consists of two stages

  1. Intensive.
  2. supportive.

At the stage intensive care the patient uses four to eight drugs. The goal is to destroy the developing bacterium. With the correct classification of tuberculosis and an adequate approach to treatment, at the end of the intensive phase, bacterial excretion stops. This does not mean that the patient is healthy. If you stop taking the medication at this stage, the disease may return in a severe form.

It is important to continue taking medications in the maintenance phase, as directed by your doctor. This stage is longer and more intense. The goal is to kill the slow-growing tuberculosis bacteria.

The duration of treatment for sensitive tuberculosis in this phase is from four to six months, for chemoresistant tuberculosis - up to one year. The number of drugs in the second phase is less. The main goal is to consolidate the effect of treatment and prevent relapse.

Treatment predictions depending on the stage

Interruption of treatment threatens the development of a resistant form of tuberculosis. With the chemoresistant form, the mycobacterium becomes insensitive to the action of the main anti-tuberculosis antibiotics. As a result, the doctor is forced to prescribe second-line drugs. These drugs are more expensive, not as effective, and more likely to cause side effects. The duration of treatment is increased.

If the full course of treatment for sensitive tuberculosis is six to nine months, then for chemoresistant tuberculosis it is two to three years. At the same time to achieve positive result more difficult.

The main principle of treatment is the control of medication intake, which is carried out by a medical or social worker for full course treatment. To remove a disability, patients are provided with free Spa treatment.

Photo 10. In the conditions of the sanatorium, anti-tuberculosis therapy will be carried out as quickly and comfortably as possible for the patient.

Anti-tuberculosis antibiotics also cause adverse reactions, like others. medicines. Most of them are not severe and do not require discontinuation of the drug. Severe adverse reactions are rare.

Side effects disappear after correction of treatment. The doctor decides to stop the drug, reduce the dose, adjust the regimen, or prescribe additional medicines for elimination adverse reactions. It is unacceptable to cancel the drug without consulting a doctor.

Patients should understand that the treatment of tuberculosis is long and complicated, and is under the constant supervision of medical staff. Anti-tuberculosis drugs cause side effects which should be reported to the doctor. Non-compliance with the treatment regimen leads to the development of resistant forms of tuberculosis. Remember the main thing - the disease is curable!

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that can affect internal organs and bones. The progression of the disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process that provokes pathological changes tissue structures of the affected organ. Despite all the achievements modern medicine, and today this disease is one of the most difficult to treat. Most often, only stable remission can be achieved. Especially the treatment depends on the stage of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Under the stages of tuberculosis are meant the stages of progression of the disease. It is possible to determine what degree of development the disease has reached after a complete medical examination, testing and a mandatory X-ray examination.

The main stages of the development of tuberculosis:

  1. The first degree - the infection has only penetrated into the body of a healthy person. At this stage, pathogens begin to multiply in the lungs, which causes the onset of the inflammatory process. Symptoms are more like a cold - cough, slight fever, weakness. It is important to know that it is impossible to get infected from a patient with the initial stage of pulmonary tuberculosis. It is almost impossible to diagnose the initial stage of the disease.
  2. The second degree is the phase of the disease, called latent or latent. Among the signs of this stage, one can single out a suffocating cough, a stable but significant increase in temperature, and physical weakness. Mycobacteria multiply rather slowly, because the human immune system is constantly fighting them. AT rare cases if the patient has serious violations immunity, pulmonary tuberculosis progresses very quickly. Tuberculosis on early stage quite curable. Main condition - timely detection. Therefore, a person who notices anxiety symptoms, is obliged to immediately seek the advice of a specialist - such prudence will help him maintain health.
  3. Third degree - at this stage, tuberculosis goes into an open form. Is a person with this disease contagious? Definitely yes. To the signs of tuberculosis in the early stages, an active discharge of sputum with blood, sweating (especially at night), and severe fatigue are added. Diagnosing a stage 3 disease is not a problem, but treating it is already much more difficult compared to the first two.
  4. Fourth degree - last stage tuberculosis. feature this stage is that the patient falls ill again. That is, after the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, the patient undergoes therapy that brings results. But, after a certain period of time, the pathogen begins to multiply again in the body. Most often, not only the lungs, but also other organs are affected.

Classification of the disease

Tuberculosis of the lungs can be of two types:

  • primary - pathogenic bacteria entered the body for the first time, and the disease began to develop in a healthy person;
  • secondary - there was a re-infection, after treatment with primary infection.

Depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the following types of damage to organ tissues are distinguished:

  • - there is a sharp increase connective tissue provoking severe violations respiratory function lungs;
  • fibrous-focal - in the lungs there is only one focus of the inflammatory process. The immune system, fighting the enemy, envelops him fibrous tissue, preventing the further development of the disease;
  • necrotic - observed in patients with tuberculosis at the stage of decay. There is a death of the tissues of the affected organ;
  • fibrous-cavernous - encapsulated foci of inflammation contain inside caseous (similar to cottage cheese) masses;
  • caseous-pneumonic - developing infection, affects the entire organ, due to which its inflammation is observed. Depending on the location of the foci, pneumonia can be one- or two-sided;
  • - tissue death is observed inside the foci.

It should be understood that in the absence proper treatment the disease will develop very quickly, and milder forms of the disease can quickly turn into severe ones. If the patient does not comply with the prescriptions of doctors and does not adhere to the recommended lifestyle, tuberculosis can also affect other internal organs.

Features of the tuberculosis process

To understand how pulmonary tuberculosis develops, one should understand the mechanism of the development of the disease. The duration of the phases of the development of the disease depends on general condition organism, the correctness of treatment and other related factors.

The following phases of the tuberculous process are distinguished:

  • with primary infection, inflammation of the lungs begins, complicated by a lesion lymphatic vessels. Since in the vast majority of cases the diagnosis occurs later, against the background of the lack of treatment, lymph node damage is observed, accompanied by inflammation or necrosis;
  • against the background of correct anti-tuberculosis treatment or with high protective properties of the body, a complete or temporary stop of the disease occurs. At the site of the foci there are connective tissue scars. If there is a lot of connective tissue, it prevents normal functioning body, in this case, an operation is necessary;
  • in case of incomplete recovery, will remain high risk re-development ailment. This is due to the fact that anti-tuberculosis drug therapy is aimed at destroying bacteria that are actively dividing and multiplying. But bacteria that have fallen into a dormant state can continue to retain the ability to live in the foci. At certain conditions- decreased immunity wrong image life, accompanying illnesses- they are activated, and secondary pulmonary tuberculosis is triggered.

The success of treatment largely depends on how quickly the person reacted to the symptoms of the disease that appeared, and whether the therapy was chosen correctly. In some cases, the TB bacteria are so aggressive that none of the chosen treatments bring the desired results. Then we are talking on the development of disseminated tuberculosis, which is divided into three types:

  • chronic disseminated - the lungs are severely affected, multiple foci of inflammation are observed, often against the background of tissue infection;
  • hematogenous - tuberculosis bacteria penetrate the patient's blood, which can lead to the appearance of foci of inflammation in other internal organs;
  • lymphogenous - against the background of the progression of the disease in the lungs, the lymph nodes are affected, and then the entire lymphatic system.

Signs of the development of the disease

The initial stage of tuberculosis responds well to treatment, so it is important to know what symptoms indicate the development of the disease:

  • apathy, weakness, absence physical strength, a state of constant fatigue;
  • sleep problems;
  • heavy sweating at night;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • unhealthy blush;
  • a little fever body, not higher than 37.

It is these signs that are noted at stage 1 of the disease. When the disease enters the 2nd degree, the person suffers from:

  • choking cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • chest pain;
  • pallor of the skin.

Additionally, the cough begins to be accompanied by a significant discharge of sputum, often with blood impurities.

Everyone can become infected with this disease - Koch's wand, which causes tuberculosis, is resistant to many factors. The disease is transmitted both by airborne droplets and by direct contact with the patient. Additionally, sources of infection can be products from infected animals or birds.

You should know that tuberculosis is transmitted exclusively from people who have an open form of the disease. The danger lies in the fact that under some circumstances the patient himself may not know about the transition of the disease from closed form openly.

Features of treatment depending on the stage

Tuberculosis treatment always takes place in a tuberculosis dispensary under the constant supervision of specialists. Goals of therapy - limitation inflammatory processes, the destruction of mycobacteria, the elimination of the consequences of the disease and the return of the patient to a full life.

Comprehensive therapy includes drug treatment, therapeutic diet, compliance bed rest. It should be understood that more than one month, or even a year, will pass before complete recovery. Therefore, a person who has been diagnosed with tuberculosis must be persistent.

The method of treatment and the list of the drug depend on the stage at which tuberculosis was detected. Therapy of the 4th degree is aimed simply at alleviating the patient's condition, it is no longer possible to overcome the disease.


The most important preventive measure, allowing to stop the tuberculosis epidemic - BCG vaccination. The first dose is given to newborns, followed by revaccinations. Vaccination creates immunity to the disease, but is not a guarantee that it will be possible to avoid infection. Vaccinated patients usually become ill in mild form and heal fairly quickly.

Another important component of prevention is the annual passage of fluorography, for the possibility of rapid detection.

Strong immunity will not allow mycobacteria to take root and develop in the body, so it is important to eat right, play sports and give up bad habits.

Who said that it is impossible to cure tuberculosis?

If the treatment of doctors does not help to completely get rid of tuberculosis. I have to take more and more pills. Complications from antibiotics have joined tuberculosis, but there is no result. Find out how our readers beat tuberculosis...

Tuberculosis is infectious disease in humans and animals, which is caused by several types of mycobacteria. The causative agent of this disease is Koch's wand, which enters the body by airborne droplets.

How can you get tuberculosis

It is known that one sick person can infect about 20 people in just a day. Infection can occur without personal contact, for example, through dirty dishes. The causative agent of tuberculosis does not die even at low or high temperature, in contact with moisture or sunlight. Koch's wand can live in dust, on the pages of magazines and books for up to 3 months. Insects (cockroaches, flies) can carry tuberculosis. It is possible to get sick by eating milk and meat from infected animals.

According to the WHO, about a third of the world's population is infected. Every year, 8 million people become infected and 2 million die from the disease. In 2008, 25,000 people died in Russia. It is known that people living in adverse conditions are more likely to develop tuberculosis. There are also a number of factors due to which a person has hypersensitivity to the disease. The most serious is AIDS.

Signs of tuberculosis in the early stages

Tuberculosis is enough serious illness, although it is often difficult to determine it. Symptoms of the disease depend on its form and are similar to those of bronchitis. If there is chronic tuberculosis, then there are no symptoms as such, for a long time the patient may not be aware that he is ill. Early symptoms of TB may also be absent in many people.

What to pay attention to

- Profuse sweating at night. This symptom appears before everyone else and is present until the sick person begins medical treatment.

- Severe fatigue, drowsiness, weakness. These signs of tuberculosis in the early stages are mild, many believe that this is just the fatigue of the body. All you have to do is sleep well and rest, and everything will pass. However, in the event that a person is really sick, such actions will not help.

- Dry cough. It is commonly mistaken for one of the symptoms of a cold. At later stages, there is productive cough with often blood.

- Subfebrile fever- this is a state of the body when the temperature of the human body rises slightly (usually not higher than up to 37 and a half degrees Celsius). For many, this body temperature can persist in the later stages of tuberculosis, although it is likely that it will rise to 38 degrees and above.

- Pain in the stomach.

Enlarged liver and lymph nodes.

- Bronchitis.

Unlike regular flu, the cough does not stop, it is impossible to reduce the temperature. There are constants that do not go away, even if the appropriate ones are taken medical preparations. If a patient with tuberculosis takes tests, then in the urine it will be found a large number of protein, the level of ESR in the blood is also increased.

Children, like adults, can be diagnosed with tuberculosis. this disease is no different. Although at the beginning of the disease there may be a deterioration in appetite. And along with this, there is a decrease in the weight of the child or there is no increase in body weight. If, during a medical examination, the doctor finds that the weight of the child does not correspond to his age, then he must send him for an examination, during which the Mantoux test will be done.

Tuberculosis is no joke

However, many people do not take early TB symptoms seriously, believing it to be a common cold or flu, stress or fatigue.

Modern medicine is able to cure tuberculosis at an early stage. But the detection of the disease initial stage however, it is very important, as it does not allow the infection to spread. Even if a person has recently become ill with this disease, being in in public places, communicating with people, he poses a danger to the health of others. If you notice the symptoms of tuberculosis at an early stage, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Children are most susceptible to infection, as well as adults with a weak immune system.

Forms of tuberculosis

Allocate closed and open mold. Each of them has its own characteristics in the course of the disease and treatment.

The open form of tuberculosis is the most dangerous for others, since by coughing, sneezing, spitting saliva, the patient releases pathogens into the environment. And people who come into contact with him are exposed to big risk infections.

Open tuberculosis usually appears in people who have not previously had contact with Koch's bacillus. The infection penetrates the lung, inflammation occurs. Then the inflamed area dies off. This process is clearly visible during the procedure. This stage is usually asymptomatic.

There is a so-called secondary open tuberculosis that appears in previously ill people. In the course of the disease, parts of the lung also die off, but with further development disease, a rupture of its tissues is possible and the infection enters the bloodstream, spreading to other internal organs. This form of the disease is also called miliary. The development of this stage of tuberculosis usually occurs within a couple of months, there are symptoms such as coughing and elevated body temperature.

In Russia, patients with the second form of tuberculosis began to appear quite often. Such a diagnosis is made to a patient when he is ill with tuberculosis, but does not pose a threat to healthy people, as the causative agent of infection does not enter the external environment. In the second form of tuberculosis, the disease proceeds slowly, then subsides, then aggravates again, becomes chronic. Diagnosing the disease is not easy. The fight against tuberculosis of this form is difficult.

The closed form of tuberculosis is characterized

The absence external signs infections.

Pleurisy, when fluid accumulates in the lungs.

Pain in the chest when taking a deep breath.

General weakness.

Diagnosis of tuberculosis

1. microscopic examination sputum smear. A negative result of this study does not mean that there is no infection. often on initial stage disease, it is difficult to identify Koch's wand. That's why this procedure must be done at least three times.

2. X-ray or fluorography of the chest.

3. Sputum culture. This procedure grows cultures of bacteria from a sample of human sputum. The analysis is carried out for quite a long time - about three months. But it allows you to reveal the sensitivity pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics, which allows doctors to prescribe an effective medicine.


Both forms of tuberculosis are treated by a phthisiatrician. You need to know that full recovery is guaranteed only with a timely diagnosis. It is necessary to undergo a fluorography procedure every year to prevent development. Many people do not pay attention to the symptoms of tuberculosis at an early stage, they believe that x-ray exposure harmful to health, and subsequently end up in a tuberculosis dispensary.

Treatment for this serious illness should be carried out continuously and over a long period of time. Except chemicals, treated people are prescribed drugs that improve immunity, breathing exercises and physiotherapy.

Judging by nutrition, you absolutely do not care about immunity and your body. You are very susceptible to diseases of the lungs and other organs! It's time to love yourself and start getting better. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, floury, sweet and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Feed the body with the intake of vitamins, drink more water (precisely purified, mineral). Harden the body and reduce the amount of stress in life.

  • You are prone to lung diseases at an average level.

    So far, it’s good, but if you don’t start taking care of it more carefully, then diseases of the lungs and other organs will not keep you waiting (if there were no prerequisites yet). And frequent colds, problems with the intestines and other "charms" of life and accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, starchy foods, sweets and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink plenty of water (purified, mineral). Harden your body, reduce the amount of stress in life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.

  • Congratulations! Keep it up!

    Do you care about your nutrition, health and immune system. Keep up the good work and problems with the lungs and health in general long years will not disturb you. Do not forget that this is mainly due to the fact that you eat right and lead healthy lifestyle life. Eat the right and wholesome food (fruits, vegetables, dairy products), do not forget to drink plenty of purified water, harden your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate.

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