What discharge from the nose is characteristic of sinusitis and what do they mean. How to get rid of nasal congestion - video. Sinusitis without runny nose and temperature - possible

One of the most basic signs of sinusitis is a violation of nasal breathing. It is almost always accompanied by the release of exudate. The pathological secret is viscous, thick, or may flow like water. Sometimes it may not be, but the nose will still be blocked. Often, with sinusitis, the snot does not flow out, but flows into the nasopharynx. By what exudate is released and in what volume, the doctor identifies the cause of the disease.

What are the discharge with sinusitis

Usually in the first days of illness, patients complain of copious watery discharge from the nose. When they tilt their heads down, water begins to flow out of their noses. On day 2-3, the secret becomes thicker, more viscous. It varies in:

  • density;
  • viscosity;
  • color.

The amount allocated varies greatly. Some patients complain that the nose constantly flows. The day goes by great amount handkerchiefs. At the same time, the skin around the nose is irritated, reddened.

Others have practically no exudate. It is released in small quantities or most of drains into the nasopharynx. These symptoms often indicate that pathological process proceeds not only in the maxillary sinus, but also in the ethmoid. When exudate flows into the nasopharynx, patients complain of:

  • coughing up mucus;
  • dryness in the throat;
  • pain in the larynx;
  • scratching, sore throat.

Usually, the contents accumulate and flow into the nasopharynx during sleep. Therefore, such symptoms appear in the morning. Patients complain that rare cases such a cough can provoke vomiting.

Patients may present various complaints:

  1. Water flows out of the nose. This happens with allergic or vasomotor sinusitis. In this case, defeat the disease will help antihistamines(Eden, Loratadin, Clemastine) and sedatives.
  2. Not very thick clear discharge indicates viral etiology diseases. In this case, help antiviral drugs(Anaferon, Interferon).
  3. Thick and very viscous purulent discharge happen when bacterial infection. Most often in this case is prescribed, this medicine affects various groups microorganisms.
  4. Allocations with blood occur in the hemorrhagic form of the disease. When crusts form from too thick exudate, they can injure the mucous membrane, thereby causing bleeding.

If there is a lot of pathological secretion, the doctor recommends vasoconstrictor drops, sprays. To relieve edema, it is most often prescribed.

In addition to the fact that exudate with sinusitis varies in density, it is of various colors.

What color is the discharge from the nose with sinusitis

With inflammation of the maxillary sinus, the discharge can be transparent, watery, yellow, green, white, gray, interspersed. Depending on the color of the snot with sinusitis, the doctor can identify the cause of the disease:

  1. Allergic and vasomotor sinusitis. It is often accompanied transparent secretions. But sometimes the exudate is bright yellow, orange. This color of discharge indicates that sinusitis is caused by an allergy to pollen.
  2. bacterial infection. The presence of bacteria in the sinus is indicated by a yellow, green purulent secretion. Very often it comes with an unpleasant odor.
  3. Viral sinusitis. It can be suspected if the patient complains of a transparent, thick mucus discharged from the nose or flowing into the nasopharynx.
  4. Fungal attack. The color of the exudate depends on which fungi caused the disease. White curdled discharge most often occur with candidiasis. Gray mucus indicates aspergillosis, and yellowish jelly-like discharge occurs with mold mycoses.

Sometimes it is possible to identify exudate only by performing a rhinoscopy. In this case, a little pus will appear in the lower nasal passage, on the affected side, if the patient tilts his head down. And if there is no discharge, but the x-ray shows a darkening in the area maxillary sinuses, which confirms the presence of exudate in the cavity, a puncture is prescribed.

Depending on the cause of sinusitis, medications will be prescribed:

  • antihistamines;
  • sedatives;
  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal.

Only a doctor can recommend medicines, prescribe a therapeutic course. After all, for staging accurate diagnosis it is not enough just to reveal the color and viscosity of nasal discharge. With allergies, infectious diseases, vasomotor sinusitis, there will be other symptoms.

Sinusitis is the process of inflammation that appears in the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinus, located near upper jaw. Doctors divide the disease into two types according to its localization: bilateral and unilateral sinusitis.

In its course, sinusitis can be acute or chronic. The disease is almost always accompanied strong secretions mucus, which is popularly called snot. Depending on which snot flows out of the nose during sinusitis, the nature of the disease can be determined.


If we divide the process of development of sinusitis into stages, then we can distinguish three main periods: initial, acute and chronic. During the initial stage, the treatment of the disease is not difficult and leads to positive results almost always.

However, it is not so easy to define the disease precisely on initial stage. Symptoms of sinusitis are very similar to those of simple sinusitis. Patients complain about severe runny nose with clear discharge large quantities. Most often, with this course of the disease, people are engaged in self-treatment at home.

When the disease progresses acute stage development, the symptoms worsen. First of all, edema appears on the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity, an increase in temperature is observed, and pain in the forehead, neck, cheekbones and head.

Over time, the symptoms become more and more obtrusive, in addition, the mucous discharge from the nose with sinusitis changes its consistency and shade. If not start timely treatment the disease progresses to the chronic stage.

When we are talking, then the symptoms become changeable: it either almost completely disappears, then it appears again. The inflammatory process in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus is considered to be running, and is accompanied by the appearance of purulent contents.

Blood from the nose with sinusitis is considered one of the signs chronic course illness. It is worth paying attention to the contents of the discharge, and if there are pathologies, consult a doctor in order to start emergency treatment.

Sinusitis and color of discharge

The contents of the mucus that is released from the nose during inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can be of different consistency and color. Depending on the stage in which sinusitis is located, these parameters may vary.

Mucous discharge can be of such types as:

  • clear liquid mucus;
  • thick green discharge;
  • yellow color of snot with sinusitis;
  • bloody secretions.

In rare cases, sinusitis occurs without any separation of mucus from the nasal passages.


They are odorless, appear with a simple runny nose and with the initial stage of sinusitis. In addition, white discharge suggests that the disease is of an allergic origin.
In most cases, the presence of such mucus indicates that there is no pus in the sinuses.

You can fight such snot with the help of medicines, correct selection medicines will provide speedy recovery. Most often, people do not attach importance to such secretions, and this is bad, since there is a danger that the disease will develop and become acute.


The green discharge is thick in consistency. They appear when the process of inflammation flows into an acute form. On the this stage disease, the patient begins to complain of discomfort in the forehead, which appear while he is trying to blow his nose.

Most often green thick discharge accumulate in the nose during the night, and disturb in the morning. It is not easy for people to get rid of them, even if they start using special drops and sprays.

In some cases, it happens that after the formation of green snot, the discharge stops, but nasal breathing still remains difficult. The presence of such a sign indicates danger, since there is a risk of complications due to the fact that the nasal passages are clogged.


If the patient complains of discharge yellow color, then this is a sure sign that the disease has passed into an advanced stage and urgent medical intervention is needed. For any diseases in the nasopharynx copious discharge yellow mucus indicates the presence of purulent accumulations in the sinuses of the maxillary localization.

If the patient's condition has reached the point where yellow snot, then only in rare cases is prescribed drug treatment. Most often resort to the help of surgeons who perform the sinus puncture procedure.


If you do not start immediate treatment of a patient who complains of green or yellow discharge, then the disease can cause such ailments as sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis and others. Often running view sinusitis entails the appearance of complex diseases of the heart, brain and kidneys.

blood in mucus

Sometimes situations occur when mucus with blood or bloody streaks is released from the nose. Or blowing your nose leads to the fact that blood begins to flow from the nose with sinusitis. All these symptoms can disturb the patient. In most cases, such signs indicate that the nasal mucosa has dried out, which leads to damage to the capillaries.

Other reasons that nosebleeds begin to flow with sinusitis:

  • originally weak walls vessels;
  • the presence of hypertension;
  • incorrectly selected nasal drops;
  • excessive use of drops and sprays for the nose;
  • frequent blowing out of an intense nature;
  • nose injury.

If the patient complains of snot mixed with blood and pain in the head, then this may be the reason for his hospitalization.

Doctors must determine the cause of the blood. This will help them identify any contraindications.

For example, if the blood is associated with the presence of an infection, then it is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure for washing the nasopharynx. Since the causative agent of inflammation can spread throughout the body.

Is there always mucus

It is worth talking about the fact that the presence of secretions of any color and nature is not the most bad performance sinusitis. The presence of snot suggests that fluid can move through the channel that connects the sinuses and nasal passages, and it will not stop in the area of ​​​​inflammation.

But if the patient has all the symptoms of sinusitis, and there is no discharge from the nose, then we are talking about the fact that the nasal passages are clogged. This can lead to the development of many complications.

Now you know the description of selections and their properties. Pay close attention to your health. Even if it seems to you that you have a simple runny nose, pay attention to the color of the snot with sinusitis.

Listen to your body and consider if you have others. If you notice any minimal changes that seem pathological to you, then seek the help of qualified doctors.

The specialist will be able to quickly and correctly diagnose and prescribe effective therapy. Do not self-medicate, because this can lead to various complications.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus, which can be unilateral or bilateral. Most often, sinusitis is a complication of such infectious diseases like SARS, flu, measles, inflammation of the tooth, etc. The secreted snot in sinusitis characterizes the stage and cause of the development of the disease.

Very often, sinusitis is confused with the usual rhinitis. A doctor will help to distinguish inflammation of the maxillary sinus from other diseases.

In most cases, the symptoms of sinusitis are as follows:

  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • pressing pains in the forehead and paranasal sinuses;
  • nasal discharge;
  • increased body temperature;
  • deterioration in general well-being.

The color and consistency of the secreted mucus from the nose will be able to indicate at what stage of development the disease is.

Stages of development of sinusitis

Any form of sinusitis has its own specific characteristics. What snot can stand out when various types disease? There are the following stages of development:

  • catarrhal sinusitis (initial stage). The liquid is released clear slime without smell. On the initial stage it is difficult to identify sinusitis, because the symptoms are similar to the common cold;
  • purulent sinusitis. Usually takes place in acute stage development. The discharge becomes thicker, yellow or yellow-green in color, which is additionally characterized by the appearance discomfort in the forehead, in the area between the cheekbones and the nose, sometimes the pain can radiate to the temple. In some cases, the mucus may be streaked with blood. Often a person loses his sense of smell and body temperature rises;
  • chronic sinusitis. Untimely treatment can provoke the development of a chronic form of the disease, which is characterized by: green-gray discharge with an unpleasant odor; recurrent headaches; feeling constant weakness; nasal voice; body temperature up to 37.5 ° C;
  • recovery stage. With recovery, the amount of discharge decreases. Mucus is not as yellow or green as acute form development. Acquisition white color discharge is a good sign.

How to recognize the cause of sinusitis by snot

Discharge from the nose can characterize not only the stage of development, but also indicate the cause of the inflammatory process.

Causes of sinusitis:

  • allergy. When an allergen is exposed to the nasal mucosa, odorless and colorless mucus is released. If a person for a long time worried about liquid transparent snot without apparent reason, then this is a reason to contact an allergist;
  • bacteria. A bacterial infection usually produces thick, yellow or yellow-green snot. Most often, bacterial sinusitis is a consequence improper treatment viral. At active growth and the development of pathogens in the nose, a person feels general malaise, body temperature rises;
  • viruses. The inflammatory process caused by viruses is characterized by discharge of a liquid consistency and a transparent color. Mucus is secreted into in large numbers, but since mucosal edema occurs very often, the snot can thicken, which is dangerous by the additional addition of a bacterial infection;
  • fungal infections. Snot caused by a fungus is characterized grey-green with black, white streaks (depending on the type of fungus). Allocations may have bad smell;
  • odontogenic sinusitis. This type of disease is found with inflammation of the upper molars. Snot has a specific repulsive smell. At the initial stage of the inflammatory process, mucus is secreted into a small amount. With untimely treatment, the disease often turns into a purulent form.

Can there be sinusitis without snot?

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is not always characterized by discharge from the nose. Sinusitis without snot can be a complication of past infectious diseases, after which there was a blockage of the outlet of the maxillary sinus. This form is considered dangerous, because the symptoms on early stage practically absent.

For accurate diagnosis disease, specialist advice is required and, possibly, the use of following methods research:

  • x-ray examination;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • CT scan.

At untimely treatment, pus begins to gradually accumulate, which in the future can lead to serious problems with health.

Why does the nose bleed with sinusitis?

The blood vessels in the nose are very thin and close to the mucous membrane, so any minor trauma in the nasal cavity can lead to the release of mucus with blood.

Common causes of appearance spotting in the nose:

  • incorrect blowing of the nose;
  • acute form of development;
  • overuse vasoconstrictor drugs into the nose;
  • mechanical injury ( foreign object in the nose, picking in the nasal cavity, etc.).

Blood from the nose can also go due to pathological processes internal organs or due to high blood pressure.

A little about proper blowing

Proper blowing of the nose with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is important point on the issue of treatment. Strong and frequent blowing your nose can damage blood vessels. To blow your nose properly, follow these simple rules:

  • do not blow your nose with great force;
  • when blowing your nose, it is necessary to alternately clamp one or the other nostril;
  • it is recommended to use disposable handkerchiefs;
  • you do not need to draw mucus into yourself, removing it through your mouth. Such a habit can only complicate the course of the disease.

In children younger age strong blowing of the nose can provoke the development of inflammation in the ear.

Complications after sinusitis

Sinusitis is serious illness, the consequences of which can significantly affect health.

Often during and after sinusitis, patients complain of headaches, long-term loss smell and impaired nasal breathing due to nasal congestion (a slight runny nose may be characterized by residual effect after illness).

In case of incorrect or incomplete treatment, serious complication can become inflammatory processes that develop in the respiratory tract, middle ear, outer shell eyes, etc.

Do not self-medicate with sinusitis. For any signs, you need to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist.

There is no definite answer to the question of what color the snot is in sinusitis, since the color and nature of the snot changes depending on the degree of the course of the disease and its duration.

The initial stage of the course of sinusitis is accompanied by the appearance of transparent liquid secretions from the nasal cavity. If bacterial or viral infection, then the discharge is a rather thick and viscous mass of a yellowish or green hue. The formation of blood impurities in the secretions indicates advanced stage sinusitis and requires urgent therapy.

Many patients believe that if snot appears, then this is a sure sign of sinusitis, but this is not so. In many cases, if the nose is blocked and transparent snot runs, then this indicates the presence of rhinitis.

Sinusitis occurs mainly with improper treatment of rhinitis. There are several reasons for the formation of the disease:

  • bacteria;
  • fungi;
  • viruses;
  • allergy;
  • rhinitis in the advanced stage.

The stage of sinusitis can be recognized by the color of the snot. Painful sensations are considered another way to determine the course of pathology.

Forms of sinusitis:

  • catarrhal;
  • purulent;
  • chronic.

The catarrhal form is somewhat similar to rhinitis and they are often confused, since completely transparent mucus is released from the nasal cavity. To understand how it looks, you can see a photo of the snot. Besides, catarrhal form has features such as:

  • slight nasal congestion;
  • respiratory failure;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • transparent highlights.

The purulent form of the disease is quite acute and is mainly accompanied by fever and a significant deterioration in well-being. A characteristic sign of the occurrence purulent stage considered to be a severe headache. Green snot also appears, having a fairly thick consistency. This indicates the presence of impurities of pus. Sometimes whole clots are formed that come out during blowing. It is at this stage of the course of sinusitis that bloody streaks can appear, which is clearly seen in the photo of snot with sinusitis.

During the course of the acute purulent stage of the disease, it is often difficult for a patient to tilt his head forward, as it immediately appears sharp pain in the forehead and near the sinuses. Another characteristic symptom disease is considered total loss smell.

Running stage acute sinusitis gradually becomes chronic. This stage of pathology is characterized by such signs as:

  • Strong headache;
  • gray-green discharge from the nose with sinusitis with a bad smell;
  • alternating improvement and relapse;
  • the presence of an admixture of blood in purulent snot.

In the chronic stage of the disease, there may be normal temperature and occasionally there is a sense of smell. However, chronic form pathological process requires more careful and complex treatment In comparison with others.

Recovery is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of discharge from the nose, pain. White snot with sinusitis indicates an improvement in well-being.

Snot color

Allocations with sinusitis at each specific stage of the course of the pathology have their own characteristics, which allows you to accurately recognize the nature and form of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. In addition, the consistency of snot at allows you to determine the feature and stage of violations. If the stage of the course of the pathology is recognized in a timely manner and therapy is carried out, then the disease can be quickly cured and complications can be avoided.

What color of snot with sinusitis largely depends on the nature of the course of the pathology. However, often the discharge has such shades as:

  • white;
  • yellow-green;
  • green.

Snot of white or transparent color is observed if the pathological process proceeds without pus, which occurs in the initial stages. thick viscous secretions from the nose are considered a sign of recovery. If the snot is green or with a yellowish tinge, then this means that an inflammatory process is taking place in the body. In this case, the yellowish color is mainly due to the accumulation of pus.

Sometimes there may be brown discharge from the nose, which indicate an incorrectly performed treatment or its untimely start. This suggests that a serious inflammatory process is taking place in the body and the disease has passed into chronic stage.

The appearance of a brownish tint of snot with sinusitis should be very alert and become a signal to visit the doctor.

Discharge with blood

Blood clots are far from always present and often they are observed due to the characteristics of the disease itself. However, to provoke the appearance bloody streaks In the discharge from the nose, there may be other reasons, in particular such as:

  • frequent use of vasoconstrictors;
  • thinned nasal mucosa;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • the presence of comorbidities.

Despite the fact that the patient may have snot with blood, they must be treated in any case. Therapy involves washing the nose with the use of special means which help speed up the healing process and prevent complications. If there are blood impurities in the snot, you should definitely consult a doctor, since self-medication can only aggravate the situation.

Sinusitis without snot

With sinusitis, snot does not always appear, often the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses does not manifest itself at all, especially in the initial stages of the pathology. There may be no snot at all, especially with severe swelling of the sinuses, which makes it difficult to drain the contents. However, a few days after the onset of the course of the disease, pus appears, and it may even bleed from the nose, which indicates the transition of the disease to an acute stage.

In any case, if there is an inflammatory process, you should immediately begin treatment, since the disease can quickly turn into a chronic stage, and there will also be various kinds complications requiring surgery.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses of the nose, which primarily affects the mucous membrane of the organ. One of the main tasks of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavities (including adnexal) is protective function, which consists in binding and removing the pathogen from the body. Therefore, discharge during sinusitis is a completely understandable and even good phenomenon, since it indicates that the connecting channel is not completely blocked, and an outflow of exudate from the cavities is possible.

What does the color of sinus discharge mean?

Due to the fact that the disease occurs in enclosed space maxillary sinus, the consistency and color of the secretion can determine the stage of the disease and the main processes occurring in the organ, as well as the cause of the disease and the nature of the pathogen.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor must pay attention to external characteristics mucus to make an initial diagnosis and develop a treatment regimen.

Depending on the color of the snot with sinusitis, the stage of the disease is determined:

  • Initial stage. It is called catarrhal sinusitis. The main characteristic is a liquid, watery, transparent or odorless discharge. At this stage, the main problem is to recognize the disease, since in terms of symptoms it is very similar to the common cold with a cold. Therefore, many adults try to be treated at home for colds, until they appear characteristics more serious stage of the disease.
  • acute stage. Different about catarrhal more severe course and the appearance of a purulent component in the mucus. Because of this, nasal discharge becomes yellow, greenish or brown, has a thick consistency, and often comes out in whole clots. When staining mucus in yellow shades, you should immediately consult a doctor, because at this stage it is necessary conservative treatment most often with the use of antibiotics.
  • Recovery stage. With proper and timely therapy, under the influence of drugs, the symptoms of sinusitis begin to subside: congestion and headaches disappear. The color of the snot first remains yellow-green, then becomes white, their number gradually decreases until it disappears completely with the final recovery.
  • Advanced (severe) stage. Due to swelling of the anastomosis connecting maxillary sinus with a nasal cavity, mucus stagnates in the sinus. It acquires a putrid, unpleasant odor and a gray-green color.

Also, by what kind of snot with sinusitis, an experienced otolaryngologist is able to recognize the cause of the development of the disease:

Sometimes there is no discharge from the nose with sinusitis at all. This indicates that the connecting canal of the sinus is completely blocked due to severe swelling or the presence of a mechanical obstruction (polyp, cyst). In such cases drug therapy often turns out to be ineffective, so doctors use the method surgical intervention- puncture of the cavity (puncture) with subsequent forced evacuation of the accumulated exudate.

If sinus drainage is not restored in a timely manner, infection may spread to nearby tissues.

Presence of blood in secret

The presence of clots or streaks of blood in the snot scares many patients, and especially the parents of sick children. They give the impression that it is danger sign requiring urgent medical attention. However, most often this is not the case, and the presence of traces of blood can occur in such cases:

The causes of bleeding in sinusitis may be other diseases that the patient is susceptible to: arterial hypertension, liver disease, diabetes. In this case, the doctor, when drawing up a treatment regimen and selecting necessary drugs should take into account the presence of other ailments in the patient. If the bleeding from the nose is severe and it is not possible to stop it with improvised means, an ambulance should be called.

Proper blowing your nose with sinusitis

Regular removal of discharge from the maxillary sinuses is necessary so that the secret does not stagnate in the chambers, and the ciliated cells of the mucous membrane can perform their function of removing exudate into the nasal cavity.

The easiest way to evacuate snot is to blow your nose.

However, even in such a seemingly simple matter, there are subtleties:

  • Blow out each nostril alternately without applying excessive force. If the mucus does not come out, then the fistula is swollen, and the exit of the liquid is complicated. Then you can apply medicine local or general action with a vasoconstrictor component, and after its action, try blowing your nose again.
  • You can not blow your nose at the same time in two nostrils, as this can lead to the secretion getting into auditory tube and the development of inflammation inner ear. This is especially true for children who Eustachian tube wide and short, which contributes to the throwing of infected mucus into the auditory canal with improper blowing of the nose.
  • It is necessary to remove the secret through the nasal passages. Retraction of snot through the nasopharynx into oral cavity and their subsequent spitting threatens the penetration of infection into the lower Airways and the development of pharyngitis or laryngitis.
  • You need to regularly change handkerchiefs or use disposable paper napkins. With prolonged use of a handkerchief, it begins to actively develop pathogenic microflora. It is also undesirable to use handkerchiefs containing synthetic fibers in their composition, this can lead to irritation in the vestibule of the nose and on the edges of the nostrils.

Washing the nose with sinusitis

Washing the nasal passages for inflammation of the maxillary cavities is a popular, effective and simple way to deal with the disease. It can be used both in the hospital and at home.

Washing results in:

  • liquefaction of the discharge with the facilitation of its subsequent removal from the sinuses;
  • improved fluid drainage naturally;
  • reduction of swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • maintaining immune function epithelium;
  • toning of the capillary system of local blood circulation.

Used for nasal irrigation saline solutions, medications and herbal tinctures. The most popular and effective of them are:

  • Furacilin - antimicrobial agent, well proven in the treatment of inflammatory and purulent diseases. Has practically no side effects however, it should be used with caution in people with kidney disease.
  • Iodine solution (1-2 drops per glass of water). It's cheap and available drug, however, it may cause allergic reactions at individual people. Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, pregnant women and people suffering from serious illnesses.
  • Aqua Maris - purified sea ​​water containing natural minerals. Can be used for small children.
  • Dolphin is a complex solution based on salts, minerals, organic elements and herbal extracts. Comes with a handy irrigation device. Contraindicated in children under 4 years of age and people with a deviated nasal septum.
  • Salt solutions. Can be cooked at home with lukewarm boiled water and cooking or sea ​​salt(half a teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Before washing, it is desirable to filter the solution through several layers of gauze to eliminate possible mechanical impurities.
  • Dioxidine. Powerful antimicrobial drug, which can only be used by adults, preferably after prior irrigation with normal saline.

For flushing, a syringe without a needle, a small syringe, or special devices that come with some products can be used. Irrigation nasal cavity is done like this:

  • Before starting the procedure, the nose is thoroughly cleaned, it is important that it is not blocked. For this you can use vasoconstrictor drops(Nazivin, Rinazolin) and only after 15 minutes start irrigation.
  • The patient tilts his head slightly to one side over a tub, sink, or bowl. The liquid is injected into the nostril located above, strong pressure no need to create, especially for children.
  • The patient slowly tilts his head to the other side, and the liquid flows out of the nostril in a natural way. Then the procedure is repeated with the other nostril.
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