Bone densitometry interpretation of indicators. Densitometry: what is it, indications for carrying out, preparation. X-ray densitometry - what kind of method

With a decrease in the mineral density of skeletal tissues, osteoporosis develops. It leads to bone fragility and spinal deformity. At an early stage, the disease can only be detected using special diagnostic procedures. The most effective in terms of accuracy in determining mineralization is spinal densitometry. This diagnostic method allows to detect the development of osteoporosis in time and prevent fractures.

What is spinal densitometry

Not all people suffering from spinal problems know what densitometry is. This diagnostic method is used to determine the extent of bone loss. It is painless and relatively safe. And unlike X-ray, it gives more accurate results. With the help of densitometry, it is possible to determine already 5% loss of bone mass and prevent complications.


Now the examination is carried out using ultrasound waves or x-rays. Both of these methods help determine bone loss, but there are some differences between them.

  1. X-ray densitometry allows you to examine the entire spine. This method, otherwise called osteodensitometry, is considered the most informative. It allows you to get information about the density of bone tissue and the degree of its mineralization. This method has a high accuracy of results, but due to the presence of radiation, it is not recommended to carry it out more than once a year.
  2. Ultrasonic densitometry or ultrasonometry is much safer and faster. But this method is less informative.

According to the diagnostic results, the degree of bone mass loss is determined

When should such an examination be carried out?

The development of osteoporosis is provoked by many factors. It is important to start treatment on time to fully restore bone tissue. It is spinal densitometry that determines the risk of developing the disease. Regularly such an examination should be carried out by the following patients:

  • men over 60 years of age;
  • women after 45 years of age or at the onset of menopause;
  • in case of a fracture without objective reasons;
  • patients with diseases of the spine;
  • when taking hormonal drugs, glucocorticosteroids and anticonvulsants;
  • people with endocrine diseases and rheumatoid arthritis;
  • patients with osteoporosis to determine the effectiveness of treatment;
  • people with small stature or a low body mass index.

Diagnosis in these cases is carried out annually, and if osteoporosis is suspected, even more often. In women, the risk of calcium loss from bone tissue increases with age, especially after menopause.

How is the diagnosis

The procedure is simple and takes only 10-20 minutes. Most often, to detect osteoporosis at an early stage, an examination of the lumbar spine is performed. It is in this place that the skeleton experiences the greatest load, and deformation occurs most often.

The procedure takes place with the help of special equipment, which is a table under which the emitter is placed. The patient lies on it, and a sensor is placed above it, which transmits to the computer information about how X-rays are absorbed by the bone tissue. If the spine is being examined, the legs should be bent at the knees. Under them put a special stand. During the procedure, it is advisable not to move.

During the densitometry procedure, it is important to lie down correctly

What preparation is needed

Densitometry is a painless procedure. It does not require any special preparation. But if the patient is treated with calcium preparations, you need to stop taking them a day before the examination. You must come to the procedure in loose clothing that does not have metal parts. All jewelry must be removed prior to the examination.

Contraindications for densitometry

In recent years, ultrasonography has been used more frequently. It is safe and allows you to examine even children and pregnant women. The X-ray method is used to clarify the diagnosis if osteoporosis is suspected. It may not be possible for all patients. X-ray densitometry is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • women during breastfeeding;
  • if there are metal implants;
  • if radioisotope diagnostics or CT with a contrast agent were performed within 5 days before.

Bone loss in osteoporosis

Diagnostic results

The apparatus for densitometry contains information about normal indicators of bone tissue mineralization. After the diagnosis, two results are issued. Based on this, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

  • The first result is a T-test. It shows how the density of the patient's tissue differs from that of a healthy person. With indicators from +2 to -1, the mineralization of the skeleton is considered normal. If the result is below -2.5, this indicates the development of osteoporosis.
  • The Z-score indicates the ratio of the density of the patient's tissues to the average values ​​in people of the same age and gender.

Spinal densitometry has now become a popular method for preventing the complications of osteoporosis. It can be done at any medical center, the cost of the examination is not very high - from 1200 to 4000 rubles. But it allows you to determine the presence of osteoporosis at an early stage and start treatment on time.

Densitometry is a study of the bone, which allows you to evaluate its density, structure and thickness. You can study both the whole body and a specific area, for example, the hip joint. Various types of diagnostics will help to assess its condition and calcium content, the choice of which depends on the patient's capabilities and the specific situation.

The analysis is carried out in order to prevent, clarify the diagnosis and determine the degree of bone damage.

The goals of densitometry are to detect osteoporosis:

  • lumbar spine;
  • femoral neck and femur;
  • thoracic;
  • cervical spine;
  • forearm;
  • stop and wrist.

Depending on the purpose, the type of diagnostics is selected:

  • ultrasonic densitometry;
  • radiograph;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • computer tomogram.

Ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound densitometry is the safest type of study, but the least accurate. It is used for primary diagnosis, and is used for pregnant women and young children.

Diagnosis is carried out on an ultrasound machine, the action of which is based on the ability of ultrawaves to penetrate into the thickness of the bone. The ultrasound is scattered and reflected from the bone tissue, displaying an image of the area being examined on the screen.

Using this method, you can diagnose the condition of the bones by the following signs:

  • elasticity;
  • rigidity;
  • density.

Determination of the state of bone tissue is carried out at 2 points:

  • the main phalanx of the 3rd finger;
  • radius.

X-ray method

X-ray densitometry is a study of the skeleton by. The method is relatively safe due to the low dose of radiation.

The survey is of two types:

  1. Dual energy. Gamma rays in this case pass through the bone tissue. By the way this happens, the state of the area under study is determined. For example, increased density impairs the scattering of γ-rays, which allows the radiologist to determine the condition of the bone with high accuracy. It is widely used for the diagnosis of the cross-pelvic spine, femoral neck and femur.
  2. Peripheral. The principle of operation, as in dual-energy densitometry, is the difference in the passage of the beam in bone and soft tissues. It has a lower degree of radiation exposure. You can examine the shoulder, knee and other areas of the limbs of a person.

X-ray densitometry involves the study of bone tissue at three points:

  • neck of the femur;
  • 1-5 lumbar vertebrae;
  • radius.

Magnetic resonance imaging

MRI - diagnostics is based on nuclear magnetic resonance. The principle of operation is capturing by the tomograph the vibrations of the nuclei of the hydrogen atom in the magnetic field created inside the skeleton. It detects changes with high accuracy even at the initial stage. It is possible to explore any departments by receiving a 3D picture on a computer, on the monitor of which the organ and its structure are visible. The examination can be performed with or without contrast.

Computer densitometry

Computed bone densitometry is an ultrasound examination. It is distinguished from the ultrasound method by the functionality of the device.

The monoblock is equipped with a niche for examining small areas of the skeleton:

  • wrist;
  • foot;
  • fingers and toes.

The condition is assessed according to two criteria - bone density according to the patient's age and calcium content (mineralization).

About what densitometry is and about one of the types of diagnostics based on x-rays on the video from the channel "Moscow Centers V. I. Dikul".

Indications and contraindications

Diagnosis is carried out twice a year to prevent osteoporosis in people at risk. Children should be examined if there is damage to the bones (fracture, severe bruising). In this case, you need to choose the most sparing method - MRI, ultrasound. From what age you can do densitometry does not matter if you have a referral from a doctor.

Bone examination is carried out for the purpose of diagnosing osteoporosis and has the following indications for conducting:

  • the vertebral or other part of the skeleton is injured;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • the age of men is over 60;
  • women after 40 years;
  • removal of the ovaries - patients after adnexectomy;
  • diseases of the parathyroid glands;
  • taking drugs that wash out calcium salts (diuretic, hormonal, and others);
  • genetic predisposition to osteoporosis;
  • a combination of short stature with low weight;
  • bone fracture after minor trauma;
  • the onset of menopause before reaching the age of 50;
  • long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • the development of autoimmune diseases - lupus erythematosus, vasculitis;
  • the presence of rheumatic pathologies;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent diets or malnutrition;
  • curative fasting;
  • excessive sports or physical activity.

Densitometry has the following contraindications by type of study:

  1. X-ray. It is advisable to avoid radiographs during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging. It is difficult to carry out the procedure for babies and those patients who cannot lie still. But, this is solved when there is an urgent need to conduct such an examination, with the help of anesthesia. MRI is strictly prohibited in the presence of any metal, ferromagnetic and electronic objects in the body (pacemaker, implant, vascular clip). Severe forms of heart failure are also the reason for choosing another research method.

How often can and is it harmful to carry out the procedure

The frequency of the examination is determined by the attending physician. Even with an X-ray examination, such a small dose of radiation is used that the harm to the patient's health is minimal. The exception is pregnant women, since gamma rays affect the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus.

Study preparation

There is no specific preparation for densitometry. There are no restrictions on food intake, the presence of hair in the study area. It will only be necessary to remove metal objects and jewelry in the study area. You will also need to remove your hearing aid and dentures. Clothing should be comfortable and not contain zippers or metal buttons.

It is important to warn the doctor before starting the diagnosis in the following cases:

  • taking medicines with calcium and / or phosphorus;
  • examination with the use of a barium mixture shortly before densitometry.

How is the procedure carried out?

The procedure depends on the research method:

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics can be dry and water. In the first case, a gel is applied to the area under study. The examination takes place using a transducer through which ultrasound passes. The use of the water method involves immersing the area under study in a special container with distilled water. If it is necessary to examine, for example, pelvic osteoporosis, the person is completely immersed in the bath. The duration of ultrasound diagnostics is 10-15 minutes.
  2. With a CT scan, the limb to be examined is placed in the equipment where the scan takes place.
  3. During an MRI scan, the patient lies on a retractable table that slides into a special tube. To ensure the immobility of a person, it is fixed with belts. The procedure takes 40-90 minutes.
  4. X-ray densitometry involves the procedure lying on a special table. The pose is selected by the radiologist taking into account the area under study. It is impossible to move and breathe at the time of the examination. Diagnostics lasts up to 2 minutes. Under the patient is a scanner device, above it is a device that decrypts the data. A picture appears on the monitor screen, which displays each examined vertebra.

Deciphering the results

Any method of studying bone tissue is aimed at obtaining two indicators - T-criterion and Z-criterion.

The indicators should be interpreted as follows:

  1. The T-score is the generally accepted norm for bone density (mean +1). Evaluated by a point system. Normally, its value is in the range from +2.5 to -1 points. Up to -2 points osteopenia is diagnosed, from -2 - osteoporosis.
  2. The Z-score is the generally accepted norm for the ratio of bone density to age. If the indicator deviates in any direction, additional studies are required.

Which doctor prescribes the examination?

Densitometry is prescribed by a rheumatologist who treats osteoporosis. However, the appointment for the study can be issued by the attending physician and narrow specialists.

We often perceive it as an age-related disease, the lot of the elderly. This delusion is relaxing. But already from the age of 30, calcium reserves in the bones begin to decline, by the age of 50 they can reach a critical minimum, and if measures are not taken in time, it will be too late.


This method allows you to quickly, safely and with high accuracy determine the mineral density of bone tissue: the higher it is, the more resistant the bones to. There is no need to be afraid of the word "X-ray" - the radiation intensity is 400 times less than with conventional X-rays. The densitometer operator does not even use any special protection.

You, without undressing, lie down on a long wide table, a special screen “floats” above you, which “scans” the entire skeleton in two or more projections, if two-photon is carried out. And only the bones of the hand, forearm and lower leg, if single-photon densitometry. The first is preferable. Of greatest interest are data on the mineral density of the cervical spine and proximal femur - bone density in these regions is initially lower.

The procedure is painless and does not require any preparation. The operator of the densitometer fixes the result and gives the conclusion and pictures. The results are interpreted and diagnosed by another specialist, usually a rheumatologist.


  • 1 liter yogurt or low fat milk
  • 200 g hard cheese (Parmesan, Cheddar, Swiss)
  • 4 cans of canned sardines
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 500 g almonds
  • 300 g bananas


Densitometry is necessary every 2 years for all women after 45 years. But these are the norms only for those whose mothers did not suffer from osteoporosis, who do not have menstrual irregularities (including early ones) and who do not suffer from a clear underweight. If you have these risk factors in your life, you have two or more children, or vice versa, you have never given birth, and if you have had fractures, get tested earlier, at 40 years old.

If fractures have happened often in your life, hurry up for densitometry, regardless of age. Doctors advise doing the same for those who are forced to take glucocorticosteroids for a long time (for bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis), (heparin), diuretics (, furosemide) and anticonvulsants (phenobarbital). Men are also recommended to check the strength of bones, but later, after 50 years.

Densitometry is able to record even minimal 2-5% loss of bone mass. And that means detecting osteoporosis at the very beginning, even at the stage of osteopenia, when the situation can still be corrected.

The results obtained on different devices in different clinics may differ, but not significantly. However, if you are undergoing treatment for osteoporosis, it is advisable to monitor changes in bone density on the same equipment to prevent inaccurate results. This should also be done every 2 years.

Patients often have questions. Here are the answers to them.

Is it possible to do with ultrasonic densitometry and not expose yourself to radiation at all?

Using ultrasound, the density of the bones of the fingers and heels is measured - the patient puts his finger (or puts his heel) in a special recess of the apparatus. But this is a less informative study. On its basis, only a preliminary conclusion can be made and, if necessary, sent for a full-fledged X-ray densitometry of the spine, thigh or the whole body, after which an accurate diagnosis will be made.

Some prefer to undergo a full x-ray examination, is it more reliable?

Conventional X-ray "sees" only that stage of the disease, at which 30% of bone density is already lost. It is prescribed only for the diagnosis of possible complications. In this case, an x-ray of the thoracic and lumbar spine is performed in a lateral projection. He is unable to detect early signs of osteoporosis.

Is it possible to determine the lack of calcium, and therefore the risk of osteoporosis, by blood tests?

Osteoporosis is associated with a deficiency of the female sex hormone estrogen. But even if the analysis shows a decrease in their level, this is not the basis for making a diagnosis, but just a reason for further examination. A blood test for calcium has nothing to do with osteoporosis at all. With this disease, the level of calcium in the blood is normal. Just due to the fact that it is washed out of the bones. So there are no laboratory tests that can be used to make an accurate diagnosis of osteoporosis.

If the results of densitometry are normal, then preventive calcium intake is not needed?

It is enough to ensure that the body receives the daily rate of calcium (1200 mg) from products, primarily from dairy products. If for some reason this does not work for you, you can take calcium in addition.

Osteoporosis is a disease that is progressive systemic in nature and is accompanied by a decrease in density indicators with a further change in the structure of bone tissue.

Currently, the issue of diagnosing osteoporosis remains fully understood, so the definition of this disease is not difficult.

To diagnose osteoporosis, the patient is comprehensively examined

As a rule, high-quality modern diagnostics of osteoporosis is complex and is based on an assessment of the patient's complaints, examination data, as well as the results of laboratory and instrumental studies. The most informative and common methods for determining osteoporosis will be discussed in this article.

Before checking the condition of the bones for osteoporosis using laboratory and instrumental methods, it is necessary to determine the factors that could affect the development of the pathological condition of the bone tissue.

This can be done by carefully collecting anamnestic data, examining the patient and studying his outpatient card.

The most typical factors in the development of osteoporosis today are:

  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by impaired absorption of calcium;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • low body mass ratio;
  • obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • early menopause;
  • the presence of deformities of the spine and other bone elements;
  • insufficient amount of calcium-containing products in the human diet;

    Read more about nutrition for osteoporosis

  • long-term use of steroids;
  • long recovery period after bone injury.

To learn more about the various risk factors for osteoporosis, as well as its main manifestations and stages, special materials will help, for example, the questionnaire "Osteoporosis in women", "Osteoporosis and quality of life", "Osteoporosis and pain syndrome".

Early diagnosis of osteoporosis is one of the ways to prevent the development of the disease. Read more about preventive measures

Methods for diagnosing osteoporosis

If a person has several risk factors for developing osteoporosis and has a history of bone fractures, the doctor will definitely suggest that the patient undergo an examination to determine bone mineral density, the name of which is densitometry. An analysis of osteoporosis densitometry, the price of which completely depends on the method of its implementation, is an assessment of bone density, that is, the coefficient of their saturation with calcium.

Currently, the most informative methods for diagnosing osteoporosis are considered to be:

  • ultrasonic computer densitometry;
  • x-ray densitometry;
  • biochemical blood test for osteoporosis.

You will learn more about the densitometry method from the video:

Ultrasound computed densitometry

This is the most common method for diagnosing osteoporosis. The essence of the technique is based on determining the speed of ultrasound transmission through tissues with different density indicators: tissues with high density transmit ultrasonic waves much faster than less dense structures.

The slower ultrasound passes through the bone, the lower its mineral density, and, consequently, the higher the degree of osteoporosis.

Ultrasound examination for osteoporosis is carried out using special ultra-sensitive equipment. The doctor, moving the sensor in the places of projection of the bones affected by the pathological process, has the ability to display the received data on the monitor, as well as record them on digital media in order to study these results in dynamics. The method of ultrasonic densitometry is very sensitive, which allows it to respond with maximum accuracy to the slightest changes in bone density.

Such qualities make this research method effective for diagnosing the initial forms of the pathological process in the bones, when the loss of mineral density does not exceed 4% of the total.

Ultrasound computed densitometry is the most common method for diagnosing osteoporosis

The most significant advantages of ultrasonic densitometry include:

  • absolute harmlessness of the method, when the analysis for osteoporosis - densitometry using ultrasonic waves does not pose any threat to the health and normal functioning of the human body;
  • high information content of the study;
  • availability and relatively low cost of the technique;
  • the speed of obtaining results: ultrasound densitometry indicators of osteoporosis can be determined within a few minutes from the start of the study;
  • no contraindications to the procedure;
  • painless method.

Ultrasonic densitometry has no contraindications, therefore it is a universal method for determining bone density, which can be used even in relation to people with severe pathologies, pregnant women and children.

Absolute indications for the study of bones using ultrasound are:

  • age (for women it is 40 years, and for men - 60);
  • the first signs of osteoporosis in women who have given birth many times or breastfed for more than a year;
  • early or pathological menopause;
  • frequent fractures;
  • dysfunction of the parathyroid glands;
  • taking drugs that remove calcium from the bones.

X-ray densitometry

X-ray densitometry is quite accurate, but, unfortunately, not the safest method for determining bone density.
X-ray for osteoporosis allows you to examine for this disease such parts of the skeleton as the lower back, femoral neck, trochanteric region, wrist joint, and the like.

The study is a very effective and accurate method, but has a number of contraindications due to its ability to irradiate tissues.

That is why the diagnosis of osteoporosis in women in an interesting position, children, seriously ill patients is impossible.

X-ray densitometry, being one of the first methods for studying the health of bone tissue, continues to improve and develop in our time. This tendency to limit the detrimental effect on the human body allows us to recommend this procedure to an increasing number of patients. The unique ability of X-rays to weaken when passing through bone structures allows a doctor to see osteoporosis on an x-ray, which makes it possible for a specialist to assess their surface mineral density.

X-ray densitometry is a very accurate method for diagnosing osteoporosis

X-ray signs of osteoporosis - a reduced amount of minerals in relation to the total area of ​​bone tissue that the x-ray beam has passed. The accuracy and availability, and most importantly, the high information content of this procedure made it an excellent alternative to more expensive ultrasonic densitometry.

Both methods have both their positive and, of course, negative sides.

Therefore, the question of the advisability of using one or another option for diagnosing osteoporosis in a patient should be decided solely by the attending physician.

This method consists in determining the indicators of bone metabolism, as the best option for an additional examination of the patient.

It is possible to diagnose osteoporosis not only by the results of instrumental studies. Laboratory diagnosis of osteoporosis, which is based on the quantitative determination of the levels of hormones of the endocrine glands (thyroid, parathyroid, genital) in human blood, as well as the concentration of trace elements that are responsible for building bone tissue (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) will also help the doctor to suggest the development of this disease. , in the morning urine of the patient. These and other indicators in medical practice are called "markers of osteoporosis" and are significant factors that can confirm the presence of a pathological process and determine the nature of its origin.

Laboratory diagnosis of osteoporosis will help the doctor diagnose osteoporosis

What tests need to be taken for osteoporosis is decided by the attending physician, relying on the results of densitometric studies, the patient's history, his complaints and the presence of clinical manifestations of the disease.

Biochemical diagnostics allows not only to determine the disease in the early stages of its development, but is also a very informative method for monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment, which, after 8 weeks from the start of therapy, makes it possible to assess its effectiveness or inappropriateness.

When examining a patient with osteoporosis, the following laboratory tests are mandatory:

  • determination of the level of thyroid hormones (TSH, T4);
  • blood test for sex hormones (for men - testosterone, for women - estrogen);
  • quantitative study on ionizing calcium;
  • determination of parathyroid hormone titers;
  • control of the level of active vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D).

Other types and methods for determining osteoporosis

A method that allows you to determine the foci of osteoporosis, which go unnoticed even with X-ray and tomography, is scintigraphy. It is based on the use of technetium phosphate contrast. The ability of a contrast agent to penetrate into bone tissue depends on the quality of metabolism and blood flow in the affected area.
For more information about the method, see the video:

Areas with high blood supply and metabolism, which occur with fractures, metastasis, infectious processes, hyperparathyroidism, look like "hot spots" on the scintiogram.

In some cases, the results of the examination require differential diagnosis, for example, to determine the true nature of the pathological process: the presence of hidden fractures, osteoporosis, or metastases.

More about what a scintigraphy is, osteoporosis or metastases are visualized on a scintigram and what alternatives to this study exist, the attending physician will better explain to the patient.

MRI study is a highly technical, innovative and ultra-sensitive method for diagnosing the state of internal organs and body systems, including determining bone density. The results of such an examination make it possible to evaluate morphological changes in tissues and trace their functionality. MRI allows you to get a contrast image of the internal organs in any plane without ionizing radiation and the introduction of chemicals. MRI is rarely used to determine bone mineral density. This is due to the high cost of the method and its tendency to overdiagnose.

MRI is rarely used to diagnose osteoporosis.

To assess the possible risks of developing osteoporosis of the bones will help genetic research. A comprehensive genetic study allows you to determine violations in the genes that are responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D, collagen, the functionality of parathyroid hormone receptors, and much more. Naturally, even if the method shows a person's high propensity to develop osteoporosis, this is not yet a reason to get upset and start treatment immediately. Periodic prophylaxis will be sufficient to avoid a decrease in bone density in the future.

A comprehensive and complete examination allows you to determine the total coefficient for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. More comprehensive answers to questions about what an analysis for osteoporosis is, what is the name of the most informative study, where to go for help can be obtained from an experienced doctor. Do not delay in contacting the doctor!

Since 1994, the World Health Organization has recognized the urgency of the problem of osteoporosis and the danger of its complications for the patient's life. Osteoporosis has practically no pronounced clinical picture and is manifested by a decrease in bone mineral density, which significantly increases the risk of non-traumatic fractures.

The world community is faced with the acute problem of early diagnosis of osteoporosis, and now the gold standard, recognized throughout the world, is bone densitometry. This study allows you to evaluate two important indicators of bone strength: mineral density and such a complex indicator as bone quality.

Under the quality of bone tissue, doctors mean the microarchitectonics of bones, the level of bone metabolism, skeletal mineralization, microdamages of bone beams. The state of all these indicators can be assessed by bone densitometry.

The area for densitometric research is the lumbar spine and proximal parts of the hip joints. It is in these places that pathological fractures most often occur. If necessary, whole-body densitometry is performed. The principle of operation of densitometers is to scan the bone with x-rays that have a low radiation load.

Indications for bone density densitometry

Due to the urgency of the problem of osteoporosis and its complications of pathological fractures, the Russian Osteoporosis Association has developed national clinical guidelines, which indicated the contingent of people who need early diagnosis of the disease.

These recommendations indicate the specialists who most often encounter osteoporosis and should always be alert to this disease: general practitioners, rheumatologists, endocrinologists, traumatologists, gynecologists, surgeons.

Clinical guidelines for bone density densitometry have been developed taking into account risk factors, the severity of clinical manifestations, and BMD indicators. According to these recommendations, two groups of patients with modifiable and non-modifiable risk groups were identified:

Non-modifiable risk groups, which include patients:

  • With a low IPC;
  • Female over 65 years of age;
  • With hypogonadism;
  • Systemically taking glucocorticoids for more than three months;
  • Belonging to the Caucasian race;
  • Have a positive family history of osteoporosis;
  • Having a history of non-traumatic fractures;
  • with prolonged immobilization.

Modifiable risk factors that include patients:

  • With an insufficient content of minerals, in particular - calcium;
  • With a lack of vitamin D;
  • With a low body mass index;
  • Alcohol abusers;
  • Long-term smokers;
  • With low physical activity.

If a patient has several risk factors at once, then they have a cumulative effect and the risk of developing pathological fractures increases significantly.

Densitometry is also prescribed to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy. This diagnostic method is especially effective in the presence of compression fractures. Therefore, if a patient has a suspected compression injury, a bone density test by densitometry is prescribed to accurately localize the fracture site and determine the severity of the injury.

Bone densitometry in Med-7

In Med-7, bone densitometry is performed using a modern high-precision device that allows you to evaluate BMD, microarchitectonics of bones, and identify compression fractures. Advantages of the densitometric system installed in our clinic:

  • Ability to study the axial skeleton;
  • Diagnosis of osteoporosis at the stage of 2-3% bone loss;
  • Low diagnostic error 1-2%;
  • Assessment of the cortical layer;
  • Diagnosis of compression fractures;
  • Obtaining a high quality image;
  • The ability to predict the risk of developing pathological fractures in the next few years.

X-ray densitometry is such an accurate and informative research method that its results serve as the basis for making a diagnosis of osteoporosis and prescribing treatment.


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