The most effective drops for conjunctivitis in adults. Eye drops for conjunctivitis. Bacterial form of the disease in adults


Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye in medicine is called conjunctivitis. This disease affects patients of all ages and can be of allergic, bacterial or viral origin. Treatment of the disease is carried out on an individual basis using different drugs. The most popular form of medicines for pathologies of the organs of vision is instillation solutions. When choosing a drug, it is important to consider the age of the patient and the etiology of the disease.

How does conjunctivitis of the eye manifest?

The disease is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (thin transparent tissue that lines part of the sclera and the inner surface of the eyelid). Pathology develops under the influence of infection or other external factors. Without proper treatment, inflammation leads to the development of "pink eye" due to the severity of the blood vessels. Certain forms of conjunctivitis are contagious. Pathology is easily treated, but can provoke the development of serious complications.

Common causes of the inflammatory process are allergens, bacteria or viruses. In addition, the disease provokes prolonged wearing of contact lenses, foreign bodies in the eyes, polluted air, and so on. In newborn babies, infection can occur from interaction with bacteria in the mother's birth canal. Therapy of the disease is prescribed after identifying the cause of inflammation, etiology, studying the clinical picture.

Signs of conjunctivitis may differ in patients with different types of pathology. Common symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • photophobia;
  • burning and itching;
  • the formation of films on the conjunctiva;
  • eye redness;
  • inflammation of the eyelids;
  • sticky eyes after sleep;
  • purulent or mucous discharge from the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes;
  • the formation of cracks in the corners of the eyes;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
  • lacrimation;
  • blepharospasm (uncontrolled closing of the eyelid);
  • mucosal irregularities;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • dryness of the mucosa.

Drops from conjunctivitis for children

After detecting symptoms of an unpleasant disease in your child, it is recommended to immediately visit an ophthalmologist. The doctor will prescribe therapy, taking into account the specific case, the age of the patient, the type of pathology. Medicines are prescribed according to indications. Drops from conjunctivitis for newborns are especially carefully selected, because all drugs have age restrictions. The procedures are carried out after washing the organs of vision. Be sure to treat both eyes, even if only one is inflamed.

For viral conjunctivitis

This type of pathology is caused by adenoviruses, enteroviruses, herpes pathogens. Often conjunctivitis is accompanied by high body temperature, acute respiratory infections, sore throat, catarrhal rhinitis and other disorders. This type of disease affects children of all ages, including infants. Drops for conjunctivitis of viral etiology are prescribed by an ophthalmologist after laboratory tests.

Oftalmoferon is a popular remedy based on recombinant interferon 2-alpha and diphenhydramine. The solution provides antihistamine, antiherpes and antiviral effects, reduces inflammation and swelling of tissues, relieves itching. The drug is suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis in infants. The medicine has a quick effect in the treatment of diseases caused by adenovirus, herpes and others.

For children, eye drops for conjunctivitis are used for a course of 5 days from the moment the symptoms of the disease are detected. The disadvantage of the remedy is that during the treatment an allergy or burning sensation may develop. The instillation scheme is as follows: 1 dose in each eye, no more than 8 sessions (every hour). The cost of Oftalmoferon in a pharmacy: 255-320 rubles.

Aktipol - drops based on para-aminobenzoic acid, which stimulates the synthesis of interferon. The drug removes puffiness, accelerates the healing of the cornea, provides an antiviral effect. The medicine is instilled into the eyes every hour, 1 drop up to 8 times daily. The tool can be used to treat babies under 1 year old. The price of Aktipol in pharmacies is 150-200 rubles.

Oftan Idu - antiviral drops for children over 2 years old. The drug is made on the basis of idoxuridine, has an antiherpes effect. The medicine is used strictly under the supervision of an ophthalmologist due to the special regimen of administration. Drops are instilled into the conjunctival cavity, 1 drop every hour during the day, every 2 hours at night until the patient's condition stabilizes. Further, night sessions are repeated every 3 hours, and daytime sessions are left unchanged. The course of therapy is not longer than 3 weeks. The cost of the drug: 250-290 rubles.

Oftan Ida is not prescribed to patients with deep damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. Due to the components of the drug, cell regeneration processes are slowed down. The product may cause allergies. Among the contraindications, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • fear of light;
  • pain;
  • superficial erosion of the cornea.

With bacterial

This form of conjunctivitis develops after pathogenic microbes enter the mucous membrane of the eye. A child can become infected through dirty hands or toys. The disease is caused by pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia and other microorganisms. Before prescribing drops for this type of conjunctivitis, laboratory tests are carried out to identify pathogens. The disease is characterized by purulent discharge from the eyes.

Sulfacyl sodium is the most popular antibiotic based on sodium sulfacetamide monohydrate (albucid). The drug provides a rapid antimicrobial effect, suitable for young children and newborns. The agent is instilled 1 drop into the conjunctival cavity of each eye. Repeat sessions up to 6 times daily. The course of therapy is 10 days. Price drops: 45-60 rubles.

Tobrex is an antimicrobial agent based on tobramycin. The drug is suitable for patients with allergies to fluoroquinolones. The drug has long been used only for adult patients, but clinical studies have proven the possibility of its use for children, including newborns. With conjunctivitis, the drug is instilled into each eye 1 drop up to 5 times daily. The course of therapy is not longer than 1 week. The cost of Tobrex is 185 rubles.

Floksal - eye drops with a bacteriostatic effect. The drug is made on the basis of fluoroquinol, provide a quick effect. The disadvantage of using these drops for conjunctivitis is a large number of side effects. The remedy is not prescribed for children under 7 years old, it can cause photophobia, burning, itching or swelling. Apply the drug according to the scheme: 1 drop in each eye, 5 times daily. The course of therapy is 10 days. Cost: 140-170 rubles.

With allergic

If the cause of the child's illness was an individual reaction of the body to pollen, wool or household chemicals, then anti-allergic drugs are used for treatment. To ensure a lasting effect of therapy, it is important to find and eliminate the allergen.. Popular drops for conjunctivitis for children are presented below:

  1. Lekrolin is a non-hormonal drug for patients older than 4 years. The drug is made on the basis of sodium cromoglycate, which quickly acts on mast cells, stabilizes membranes, and reduces the production of histamine. The agent is instilled into the eyes up to 4 times daily until the symptoms of conjunctivitis disappear. Drops do not eliminate the allergen, but only improve the general condition of the patient. Against the background of therapy, urticaria or bronchial asthma may develop. Price of the drug: 89-95 rubles.
  2. Allergodil is a drug based on azelastine hydrochloride, which provides a strong prolonged anti-allergic effect, blocking histamine receptors. Not intended for children under 4 years of age. Against conjunctivitis of allergic etiology, the drug is used 1 drop 4 times daily until the symptoms of the disease disappear. The cost of drops is 430 rubles.

Drops from conjunctivitis in adults

Therapy of inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision begins with the identification of the cause of infection. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor after a series of clinical studies, taking into account the severity of the inflammatory process, the pathogen, and the existing complications. The basis of therapy is the use of drops, eye rinsing with medicinal solutions.. Drugs are selected individually, depending on the type of disease.

Drops from viral conjunctivitis

Therapy of this form of pathology in adults does not differ from the methods of treating children. It is important to destroy the virus that caused the inflammation. Drops from conjunctivitis are prescribed after the identification of the causative agent of the disease. During therapy, it is forbidden to make bandages on the eyes. Drops will be used after hygiene procedures. The following are popular remedies for the treatment of conjunctivitis:

  1. Florenal (solution 0.1%) is a synthetic antiviral drug based on fluorenonylglyoxal bisulfite. The agent is instilled into the eyes one drop up to 6 times a day. Drops inhibit the replication of viruses, are effective against pathogens such as adenovirus, Herpes simplex, Varicella zoster. It is not prescribed for individual intolerance to the components. Price of the drug: 745 rubles.
  2. Terbofen (0.1% solution) - drops from conjunctivitis with tetrabromotetrahydroxybiphenyl, have a pronounced antiviral and immunostimulating effect. Apply 1 dose in each eye, 3 times daily. The course of therapy is determined by the doctor, but lasts no longer than 4 weeks. Contraindication to use is pregnancy, lactation, allergy to the active substance. The product has been discontinued and is not available in Russian pharmacies, so its cost is unknown.
  3. Gludantan (0.1% solution) - a drug with amantadine, effective against adenovirus, influenza, herpes and other conjunctivitis pathogens of this form. It is used in 1 dose up to 3-6 times daily, depending on the severity of the disease. It has a large number of contraindications: renal failure, pregnancy, mental illness, dermatitis, arterial hypertension. There is no medicine in pharmacies, but you can buy an analogue of PK-Merz at a price of 1380-1450 rubles.

From bacterial

Often conjunctivitis develops in adults and children under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. In this case, ophthalmologists prescribe antibiotics to patients. Treatment of bacterial inflammation should last at least 7 days. Popular antimicrobial eye drops are listed below:

  1. Albucid (30% solution) - a remedy for the treatment of various infections with sodium sulfacyl. It is applied three times daily for 1 dose. It is not prescribed for patients with allergies to components. The cost of a bottle is 60-80 rubles.
  2. Norsulfazol (10% solution) is a drug based on sulfatiozol. It is used for conjunctivitis three times a day, 1-2 doses in each eye. The course of therapy is determined by a specialist. Norsulfazol is not prescribed for problems with the bone marrow, kidney failure, pregnancy. The cost of the powder for the preparation of the solution is unknown, since the drug has been discontinued and is being replaced by analogues.
  3. Gentamicin (0.25% solution) is a remedy for conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology with dexamethasone sodium phosphate, gentamicin sulfate. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually. The course of therapy lasts up to 3 weeks. Contraindications are chickenpox, dendritic keratitis, corneal epitheliopathy, fungal eye infections. The price of the drug: 132-150 rubles.
  4. Levomycetin (0.25% solution) is an inexpensive domestic remedy with chloramphenicol. It affects microorganisms (stops protein synthesis), while producing nucleic acids. Apply one dose 2 times daily. It is not prescribed for patients with allergies to components, skin diseases, pregnant women. The cost of the drug: 10-15 rubles.

From allergic

This form of the disease often develops in patients with allergies to pollen, wool, chemicals, cosmetics, and more. As a rule, inflammation begins in both eyes at once. Medicines for patients with this form of the disease are prescribed only after a thorough examination and a visit to the allergist. Popular anti-allergic drugs are listed below:

  1. Hydrocortisone is a potent agent that affects protein and carbohydrate metabolism, provides anabolic and catabolic effects on protein synthesis. Additionally, the solution has an immunosuppressive, desensitizing, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect. The remedy is not prescribed for pregnant women, patients with diseases of the kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract, HIV infections. It is used in 1 dose in 3-4 doses until the symptoms disappear. Cost: 25-40 rubles.
  2. Histimet is a medicine with levocabastine. The tool has an antihistamine and anti-allergic effect. Differs in a small number of contraindications. Not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the components. Apply the solution up to 4 times daily, 1 drop in each eye.
  3. Oftadek is a remedy with an antibacterial and antiallergic effect. The medicine contains decamethoxin. It is not prescribed for patients with allergies to components. The solution is instilled 2 drops into each eye. The procedure is repeated as needed no more than 6 times a day. Cost: 58-72 rubles.


One of the most common eye diseases is conjunctivitis. Its symptoms are tearing, redness of the eyes and purulent discharge. As a rule, conjunctivitis appears due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. The most common means of combating the disease are drops. Their choice depends on the type of conjunctivitis, which can be viral, allergic and bacterial.

When choosing drops from conjunctivitis, you need to understand the history of its origin. If this is an allergic reaction of the body to an external irritant, for example, cosmetics, animals, then antihistamine drops will do. Allergic conjunctivitis is accompanied by swelling of both eyes, redness and tearing. Bacterial conjunctivitis appears due to dirt brought by the hands, and is accompanied by purulent discharge. It is treated with other drops, which are based on more serious components. Weak immunity and a viral infection can trigger the appearance of viral conjunctivitis. In this case, you need to turn to antimicrobial and antiviral drops.

Children are more likely to get conjunctivitis. But far from all means are suitable for the treatment of babies, therefore, the choice of eye drops should be approached very carefully: study the indications and contraindications for use, side effects and method of application. All this will help to cope with inflammation without harm to health.

It must be remembered that the choice of drops for healing depends on what form of the disease with conjunctivitis affected a person. Having studied various means, namely, composition, indications for use, side effects and customer reviews, we have developed a rating of the best drops for conjunctivitis.

Attention! There are contraindications - you need to consult a specialist!

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best drops for conjunctivitis for adults

The basis of the treatment of all forms of conjunctivitis is antimicrobial drops. The timely use of correctly selected means helps to quickly cope with the disease and prevent its further development.

4 Levomycetin

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 9 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The drug for adults and children effectively fights bacteria. It is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of the following diseases: blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis, keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis, conjunctivitis, secondary bacterial infections. Enveloping the shell of the eyeball, the active substance destroys pathogenic microorganisms and eliminates discomfort. The inflammation disappears a few days after the first application. According to the recommendations of ophthalmologists, Levomycetin should be dripped every 2-3 hours for one to two weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

The main component of the eye medication is chloramphenicol. Thanks to its effect, the symptoms of conjunctivitis disappear, and patients feel much better. It does not allow bacteria to multiply, and it kills existing ones. The agent quickly penetrates the tissues and literally cleanses them of: salmonella, staphylococci, gonococci, spirochetes and other harmful microorganisms. Customer reviews of these eye drops are positive. They consider the possibility of using children from 3 years of age as a significant advantage, and also highlight the “ridiculous” cost of the drug. The disadvantages include a short shelf life after opening and the likelihood of side effects.

3 Ciprofloxacin

Suitable for purulent conjunctivitis
Country: Belarus (produced in Russia)
Average price: 22 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Eye drops Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has no smell. The product is contained in a glass bottle with a narrow spout. With its help it is convenient to dose the drug. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by numerous positive reviews from patients. He manages to defeat the symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis in a day, 3 days are enough for the complete disappearance of the disease.

Ciprofloxacin practically does not burn the eyes. It's cheap. On the first day of use, patients note relief of the condition: a decrease in inflammation, burning and swelling. It is convenient that the package includes a sterile cap - a pipette. With its help, it is easy to dose the drug. To achieve a real effect, it is recommended to use the drops strictly according to the instructions.

2 Montevisin

Fast action
Country: Serbia (produced in Serbia, Montenegro)
Average price: 167 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Montevisin is an "ambulance" for the eyes. The drug has proven itself quite well. It helps to overcome fatigue and redness of the eyes, eliminate puffiness. Many users have noticed a decrease in pain and cramps after applying the drops. Pleased with the price of the drug in relation to efficiency.

The remedy has contraindications associated with high blood pressure and heart disease. Doctors strongly recommend not to neglect them. You can not use the tool constantly, it can be addictive. But as a fast-acting medicine, Montevizin fits perfectly. The eyes, a couple of minutes after instillation, become lighter and brighter, the reddened vascular network disappears. It is worth noting that the bottle contains a pipette, which greatly simplifies the use of the drug.

1 Okomistin

Better Efficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 174 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The drug Okomistin really qualitatively fights conjunctivitis and other eye diseases provoked by pathogenic bacteria. Users leave mostly positive reviews. Rare negative opinions are associated with a side effect of drops - itching and burning, which disappear over time. Whatever it was, these side effects are not dangerous to health.

In terms of composition and medicinal properties, the drug is comparable to expensive Miramistin. To cope with purulent conjunctivitis, Okomistin needs 5 days. Symptoms gradually begin to disappear on the 2nd day. The versatility of the drug is due to the possibility of using it as ear drops.

The best drops for conjunctivitis for pregnant women

Women in position always have a hard time in the fight against various ailments. However, modern manufacturers make sure that drugs for pregnant women have the most gentle composition. Eye drops marked in this category will not harm the fetus, but, nevertheless, will effectively fight conjunctivitis.

4 Opatanol

High efficiency and ease of use
Country: Belgium
Average price: 476 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The famous anti-allergic eye drops that help get rid of conjunctivitis. They are recommended for use by adults, including pregnant women and children over 3 years of age. Ophthalmologists prescribe Opatanol during the period of the disease of allergic origin. To treat the disease, it will be enough to use the drug 2 times a day. Manufacturers advise shaking the bottle before each use. Most often, the drug is well tolerated, without side effects.

The main component is olopatadine hydrochloride. Thanks to its effect, the anti-allergic function is activated. Auxiliary substances contribute to a better result, and the disease quickly passes. Girls in the position of a drop can only be prescribed by a specialist, since it is necessary to weigh the possible risks and benefits. Patients in the reviews note the effectiveness and ease of use of Opatanol. Most of them do not like the price of the drug.

3 Aktipol

Suitable for complex stage of conjunctivitis
Country Russia
Average price: 275 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An effective remedy that helps to cure even the most difficult stage of conjunctivitis disease. By applying it to the cornea, you can not only get rid of the disease, but also strengthen local immunity. Aktipol is actively prescribed for colds, herpes and even flu. The best anti-inflammatory effect of the drug allows it to be used in case of minor damage to the eye caused by bruises or wearing lenses. It is recommended to drip into both eyes 3-8 times a day.

To completely destroy the infection, it will be enough to use Actipol for a week, a maximum of two. Due to the most important active ingredient - para-aminobenzoic acid, the medicine quickly copes with conjunctivitis. The component strengthens the immune system, allowing the body to independently resist viruses. It also contains saline, which helps to have a therapeutic effect. The drug is allowed for pregnant women if the benefit outweighs the risk. It is recommended to use only in the second and third trimester.

2 Oftalmoferon

Best antiviral action
Country Russia
Average price: 315 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most powerful antiviral drug that brings results and relieves the symptoms of conjunctivitis. It can be used by both adults and children, as well as pregnant women. Oftalmoferon acts on bacteria located on the membrane of the eye, in the mucous membranes of the eyelids and conjunctiva. Convenient application of the product allows you to make the procedure of instillation easy and simple. It can also be used as a prophylaxis for diseases associated with eye damage by viruses.

The main component is interferon. It has antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties. The antiseptic function is performed by an additional substance that is part of the eye drops - acid with diphenhydramine. All components in the complex are safe for the human body. They are not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, the drug is prescribed for young children and pregnant girls. Economical use and surgical treatment are noted by patients in the reviews. Some are not satisfied with the storage conditions - you should put the medicine in the refrigerator after opening.

1 Allergodil

Fast action. No contraindications
Country: Germany
Average price: 398 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

One of the best drugs for the treatment of an ailment of allergic etiology in adults and children over 4 years old. It has absolutely no contraindications, and there are no side effects from its action. Irritants that cause allergies bring a lot of inconvenience. Allergodil allows you to get rid of the symptoms of eye allergies. It blocks histamine receptors and reduces the permeability of blood vessels. Thanks to the membrane-stabilizing effect, the eyes stop hurting and watery.

Azelastine is the most important active ingredient. Due to it, the agent shows its effectiveness and produces therapeutic properties quickly. Within 15 minutes after the first application, the patient gets rid of unpleasant burning and itching. The medicine enters the blood in scanty quantities, which does not harm the body in any way. Therefore, during the period of gestation, Allergodil is recommended for women. In the reviews, users positively characterize the effect of the drug. The price may confuse some patients.

The best drops for conjunctivitis for children

Children have different forms of conjunctivitis. It is very important to choose the right drops for treatment without causing adverse reactions that can provoke other health problems for the baby.

4 Vitabact

The safest remedy
Country: France
Average price: 366 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Vitabact - broad-spectrum drops with antimicrobial action. Absolutely safe, therefore suitable for newborns. The drug is able to effectively cope not only with inflammation and suppuration, but also with the causative agent of the disease itself. Reviews testify to the positive effect of the remedy. It relieves discomfort in the eyes, eliminates irritation and dryness.

Among the disadvantages are the high cost of drops and the limited period of use after opening (1 month). Parents talk about the good tolerance of Vitabact by newborns, about the absence of discomfort after using the drops in the form of burning and itching. The lack of effect may be due to especially advanced cases, untimely access to a doctor, or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

3 Tsiprolet

Affordable price
Country: India
Average price: 55 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Users recommend Tsiprolet as an effective and inexpensive remedy compared to more expensive counterparts. One bottle is enough to completely cure conjunctivitis. If you use it strictly according to the instructions, instilling it every 5 hours for several days, then already on the 3rd day the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age. It can be used for no longer than a week. Tsiprolet copes with inflammation in the shortest possible time, this has been proven in practice. The only discomfort is a slight burning sensation in the eyes. But for the sake of achieving a quick effect, you can endure. Additional advantages of the drug include convenient packaging and affordable price.

2 Vizin Classic

Instant relief of irritation
Country: USA (manufactured in Canada)
Average price: 341 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The following eye drops in the ranking of the best are ideal for allergic conjunctivitis. The effect of the drug does not make you wait long, after 5-7 minutes there is an improvement in the condition of the eyes. The effect persists for quite a long time - from 4 to 8 hours. Well remove puffiness and redness caused by lenses, chemicals, cosmetics, dust.

Patients using Vizin drops leave positive feedback that the remedy instantly relieves irritation, redness and dryness of the mucosa. Vizin is not suitable for permanent instillation, but only with severe inflammation and swelling. Allowed for children from 2 years. The drug is enough for 3-4 days to relieve the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.

1 Diclofenac

The best healing effect
Country Russia
Average price: 58 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Diclofenac is used to treat inflammation of the eyes and conjunctivitis, as well as to relieve pain after injury or surgery. The vast majority of reviews about the drug are positive. When using drops, there is a rapid removal of pain. Diclofenac copes well with various inflammatory manifestations.

Due to the active ingredient, diclofenac sodium, which is rapidly absorbed into the blood, the drug is able to provide immediate assistance. Like any drug, diclofenac has side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to use it strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the remedy can cause severe itching, swelling, allergies, vomiting, nausea. Diclofenac is approved for use in children over 2 years of age. After opening, the drops can be used for a month. For other drugs, this period is shorter.

Conjunctivitis is a common disease that many people now suffer from. There are several signs of conjunctivitis:

  1. Sensation of sand in the eyes.
  2. Constant tearing.
  3. Edema appeared.
  4. Itchy eyes.
  5. Sensation of a foreign body.
What are drops from conjunctivitis

Do you have one of these symptoms? Then a great confidence that you are sick of conjunctivitis. And in such a situation, you must immediately contact an ophthalmologist, so that he prescribes high-quality and timely treatment. We will tell you what drops from conjunctivitis for adults now exist.

What drops from conjunctivitis to use

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that now there are several main types of conjunctivitis, and only on this basis, it is possible to select remedies for treatment. So, the types of conjunctivitis:

  1. Viral.
  2. Bacterial.
  3. Allergic.

Next, we will talk about all the existing eye drops for conjunctivitis for adults. However, you must understand that only an ophthalmologist can prescribe a remedy. What are the chances that you will be able to find out what kind of conjunctivitis you have? Therefore, it is better not to take risks and immediately consult a doctor.

Types of conjunctivitis

Drops for bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis can be caused by bacteria. As a rule, they quickly affect the eyes, so treatment should begin immediately. Now we can distinguish the following list of drops that are used in this form of the disease:

  1. Oftadex.
  2. Norsulfazol.

In this case, it is necessary to use drops three times a day, always rinse your eyes thoroughly before installation. However, remember that each remedy has its own side effects and contraindications, so they cannot be used without an appointment.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis

Viral disease can be caused by:

  • Kokasaki viruses.
  • Adenoviruses.
  • Enteroviruses.

If we talk about the difference from the first option, then one eye is first infected, but the infection quickly spreads to the other.

Among the main tools that allow you to effectively deal with the virus are:

  1. Florenal.
  2. Gludanthan.
  3. Tebrofen.

Means allow you to quickly neutralize the virus and remove all possible unpleasant symptoms. They are also prescribed only by a doctor.

How does conjunctivitis manifest?

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis

An allergic disease can occur due to the following irritants:

  1. Animal fur.
  2. Flowers.
  3. Chemistry.
  4. Various substances.
  5. Dust.
  6. Medicines and more.

As a rule, the peak of diseases comes in the spring, and they are accompanied by redness of the eyes, itching and a fairly strong purulent discharge.

Drops from allergic conjunctivitis are as follows:

  • Cortisone.
  • Claritin.
  • Lacrisifin.

Universal drops

Now it is also possible to single out universal drops that allow you to fight a viral, allergic and bacterial disease at the same time. These droplets include:

  1. Oftadec.

What to use for chronic conjunctivitis

Chronic is the most complex form of the disease. It manifests itself as a result of exposure to the eyes:

  1. Dust.
  2. Smoke.
  3. Chemical substances.
  4. Particles that are constantly in the air, etc.

The danger and difficulty lies in the fact that such a disease can last for several months. Plus, it is quite difficult to treat it, since there are no drops that are prescribed for this form.

Related videos

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How is the treatment going.

The main methods of diagnosis and methods of treatment.

The inflammatory process of the membrane covering the apple of the eye (conjunctiva) is called conjunctivitis. If you notice that your eyes began to hurt, watery and itch - it's time to buy eye drops for conjunctivitis, but which ones are the best and how to use these medications?

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis

This is one of the most common diseases in children, along with stomatitis. Toddlers, especially babies, do not always control their movements, which is why they can accidentally damage the conjunctiva or simply bring dirt into the eye. What children's eye drops for conjunctivitis can be used by the smallest?

A monthly baby needs a very gentle, but at the same time effective treatment. It is not advisable to use cheap drops of Albucid (sulfacyl sodium) here, they are highly aggressive and too “painful” for children. Pretty good reviews about Tobrex - it's a very affordable drug - it costs about $ 4, but it is completely painless. In addition, it is hypoallergenic. It is recommended to use 3 times a day.

Viral conjunctivitis

This is the most dangerous and unpleasant type of disease. It is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the eye and the area around it, increased tearing, itching and burning.

Solutions containing interferon have proven themselves well - this is an antibiotic compound that resists diseases such as keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, and herpetic inflammation of the conjunctiva. Types of such drops: Oftalmoferon, Interferon alpha-2 (solution for the preparation of a medicinal mixture), Reksod of and Lokferon.

It is worth noting that children and lactating women and during pregnancy cannot independently prescribe eye drops for viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, you should definitely visit a doctor for a consultation and examination.
Video: treatment of conjunctivitis

Drops for allergic conjunctivitis

Photo - Conjunctivitis of the eye

Allergic conjunctivitis is very difficult to treat, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using any medication, because. some of them are quite harsh on the cornea and can significantly aggravate the situation. In particular, Tobrex, Indocollir and Lacrisifin can be used.
List of drugs in the table
Drops for adults against conjunctivitis can be much more aggressive than children's. Depending on the form of the disease and its stage, it is allowed to use antibiotics. If it is not possible to urgently visit a doctor, the following list of drugs can somewhat alleviate the condition (choose according to symptoms):

NameApplication and instruction
GludanthanThis is not a liquid, but a powder that must be dissolved in anticholinergics, used twice a day.
PoludanGood eye drops for blepharoconjunctivitis, the only drawback is that you need to use a pipette for instillation.
OftadekDrops for the treatment of ocular chlamydia, gonorrhea in children and acute coyucctivitis.
DexamethasoneNot used for herpes keratitis, can not be used during pregnancy. After instillation, there is an acute burning sensation.
SofradexThis is not a solution, but an ointment for conjunctivitis, which is applied to damaged areas. It is also prescribed for blepharitis, eczema of the mobile eyelid and scleritis.
FloresanRemedy for the treatment of mild conjunctivitis. It is also widely used to disinfect lenses.
norsulfazolThis powder, which must be dissolved in ordinary water, is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases of the eyes and ears. Use 4 times a day.
VigamoxQuite a strong remedy with a pronounced antibiotic effect. Treats corneal ulcer in adults, conjunctivitis (any form), approved for use in the elderly.
PhloxalBasically, this drug is used to eliminate infectious eye diseases: conjunctivitis caused by staphylococci, gonococci, salmonella and other microorganisms.
CiprofloxacinIt is strictly forbidden to use for the treatment of keratitis, corneal diseases, and blepharitis. Before treating with this drug, be sure to clarify the diagnosis.
Tsipromed (in a green box)An excellent antimicrobial drug, prescribed to cure blepharoconjunctivitis.
TsiproletThese drops treat keratitis of various forms, but not viral diseases of the cornea.
LacrisifinVery gentle eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis.
TaufonBelarusian drops are used for conjunctivitis on dystrophic corneas, use 2 times a day.
GentomycinThese antibiotic drops are used to treat dacryocystitis, irocyclide and keratoconjunctivitis.
IndocollierThey have an analgesic effect, are prescribed for infections after corneal surgery.
RohtoNot related to drugs, it is a tonic. Abroad, they are prescribed for the prevention of conjunctivitis.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis based on Levomycetin and Cortisone are also often used, but they are distinguished by severe burning and pain in the eyes. All the recommendations presented above are instructions for an emergency situation (severe tearing, the appearance of yellow mucus, pain in the eyes, etc.), the main treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

After respiratory diseases, sore throats or a severe cold, the immune system weakens and the body's defense against viruses decreases. During this period, the risk of ophthalmic inflammation, including viral conjunctivitis, increases. Viral conjunctivitis causes severe discomfort and is dangerous to health, so it is important to know its symptoms and implement prevention.

Main characteristics of viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis is a fairly common disease. It is often episodic. Conjunctivitis indicates the onset of inflammation. The process affects the mucous membrane of the eye and the inner side of the eyelid.

Conjunctivitis can be a symptom of another disease. Often, inflammation of the eyes is observed with colds and systemic viral infections. Most often, conjunctivitis accompanies measles, chicken pox, rubella and parotitis (mumps).

Isolated inflammation that does not provoke systemic disorders is usually caused by adenoviruses. Less commonly, the cause is the activity of enteroviruses. The incubation period of the disease is 5-12 days. After that, discharge occurs, irritation of the mucous membrane is felt. Inflammation quickly passes to the second eye.

In severe lesions, patients report a sensation of foreign particles in the eye. Photophobia often develops. Vision becomes blurry due to the formation of fibrin pseudomembranes and inflammatory cells. After severe conjunctivitis, foci of corneal opacity can be seen during the examination for the next 2 years.

In children, viral conjunctivitis develops due to poor hygiene in situations where the child takes dirty objects and immediately rubs his eyes after that. It is noteworthy that in children, viral conjunctivitis is milder. Therefore, severe cases of inflammation in children are much less common, and mild conjunctivitis often does not even require treatment.

Varieties of viral conjunctivitis

The inflammation affects both eyes, although usually only one is affected initially. A distinctive feature of viral conjunctivitis is its periodicity during the months of the spread of adenovirus and enterovirus diseases.

Herpetic conjunctivitis

Mucosal lesions and conjunctivitis develop with the active reproduction of the herpes virus in a weakened body. Usually, inflammation appears due to the fault of the herpes virus or herpes zoster, less often the Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus become the cause. The cause of development is infection with the herpes virus, usually at an early age.

A characteristic sign of such inflammation is a pronounced lesion of the edges of the eyelid, skin and cornea. The course may be vesicular-ulcerative or follicular, but most often the inflammation is superficial.

Herpetic conjunctivitis begins in one eye. At first, the inflammation is sluggish and slow, and the symptoms are usually erased. Conjunctivitis can be combined with rashes on the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes. The catarrhal form is distinguished by the presence of slight mucous secretions. If a bacterial infection begins in parallel, purulent discharge appears.

Herpetic conjunctivitis requires specific treatment that cannot be delayed. Self-medication increases the chances of worsening inflammation. Often, after herpetic conjunctivitis, tree-like keratitis develops with damage to the cornea.

Adenovirus conjunctivitis

For any type of conjunctivitis, Albucid drops with sodium sulfacyl will be effective. The drug is instilled after washing, then drops with interferon are used and after 30 minutes an ointment is applied.

Viral conjunctivitis is treated with antiviral drops

  1. Oftalmoferon. The drug has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. This effect is due to the presence of human interferon in the composition of Oftalmoferon. The agent must be instilled 6-8 times a day in an acute process and 2-3 times as it recovers.
  2. Poludan. These antiviral drops are based on biosynthetic endogenous interferons, cytokines and interferons in tear fluid. Poludan is prescribed for adenovirus and herpetic conjunctivitis. The agent is instilled 6-8 times a day and 3-4 times as you recover. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.
  3. Aktipol. The drug is an inducer of endogenous interferon, which has an antiviral, regenerative and antioxidant effect on tissues and mucous membranes. Aktipol is instilled 3-8 times a day (2 drops). The course of treatment for conjunctivitis is 10 days.

In addition to drops, the ophthalmologist may prescribe additional antiviral ointments. Some drugs are allowed for children, but before use, it is advisable to rinse your eyes with fresh infusion of chamomile, sage or weak tea. You should first check for allergies to these drugs.

What ointments can be used for viral conjunctivitis

  1. Florenal. An antiviral agent that effectively fights the herpes virus, adenoviruses, the varicella zoster virus (herpes zoster and chicken pox). Ointment should be used 2-3 times a day. Florenal is placed behind the lower eyelid. The course of treatment for conjunctivitis is 10-45 days.
  2. Tebrofen. This is a universal remedy that is prescribed for any viral lesions of the visual system. The most effective ointment for adenoviral conjunctivitis. You need to use it 3-4 times a day.
  3. Bonafton. The drug is active against adenoviruses and herpes virus. Adults should use the ointment 3-4 times a day, 0.1 g for 15-20 days. Children with conjunctivitis are prescribed 1-4 layings of 0.025 g for two weeks.

Sometimes with viral conjunctivitis, antibacterial ointments with antibiotics are prescribed. If an infection joins the inflammation, it is necessary to add to therapy or tetracycline ointment. Adenovirus conjunctivitis with proper treatment disappears in 2-3 weeks.

Therapy for herpetic conjunctivitis includes antiviral, anti-inflammatory, interferon drops and ointments. With a strong lesion of the skin of the eyelids, it must be carefully treated with brilliant green.

Therapy for herpetic inflammation

  1. Laying antiherpetic ointment (Zovirax, Acyclovir, Virolex, Bonafton, Florenal, tebrofen ointment).
  2. If the skin around the eyes is affected, oral antiherpetic drugs (Acyclovir, Valtrex) are prescribed.
  3. Additionally, immunomodulators (Cycloferon or Polyoxidonium) are required.
  4. Antibiotic eye ointments (erythromycin, tetracycline) or drops () are prescribed to prevent a bacterial infection.

If a bacterial infection has begun, it is necessary to add antimicrobial drugs to antiviral drugs. It can be Levomycetin, but it can not be used for fungal skin lesions, psoriasis, eczema, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. also has an antimicrobial effect, but also accelerates tissue regeneration. With conjunctivitis, it is prescribed for washing or instillation. You can prepare a solution by mixing furacilin with sodium chloride (1:5000).

How to treat acute conjunctivitis

In acute inflammation, a lot of purulent discharge appears that needs to be removed, otherwise the risk of developing a microbial environment increases. Boron solution or antibacterial drops are used for cleansing.

Treat with virucidal drugs with oxolin, tebrofen or florenal. It can be ointments or solutions. The use of Albucid and tetracycline ointment for acute conjunctivitis is ineffective, but these drugs are suitable for the prevention of relapse.

Alternative treatment of viral conjunctivitis

You can use traditional medicine recipes only in the complex therapy of viral conjunctivitis. It is possible to use any means for inflammation of the eyes only with the permission of an ophthalmologist, otherwise the condition can be aggravated and provoke serious complications.

Lotions are the most effective treatment for eye inflammation. It is allowed to apply gauze or cotton cloth soaked in dill juice. 15 minutes at a time is enough.

In case of inflammation, you can use rosehip infusion. To prepare it, you need to insist two tablespoons of berries in a glass of boiling water, filter and apply to the eyes for 15 minutes.

Honey is sometimes used to make lotions. You need to add a teaspoon to a glass of water and boil for 2 minutes. After the solution has cooled, a suitable cloth is moistened in it and applied to the eyes for 15 minutes twice a day. It should be remembered that honey often causes a strong allergic reaction.

Herbs can help fight inflammation. To prepare a solution for lotions, you need to boil two tablespoons of cornflower flowers in 0.5 liters of water (10 minutes). Leave to infuse for 30 minutes, strain and use similarly to other lotions.

Chamomile and sage are suitable for washing with viral conjunctivitis. You can make compresses for inflammation using aloe juice: mix the juice and cooled boiled water (1: 1). It is permissible to do compresses 2-3 times a day and keep for 5-10 minutes.

Complications of viral conjunctivitis

The most common complication of conjunctivitis is the transition of the disease into a chronic form. This happens with insufficient or incorrect treatment. Non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations, violation of the medication regimen and the end of therapy until a complete cure can contribute to chronic inflammation.

Also often with conjunctivitis, keratitis develops, that is, inflammation of the cornea. This condition can cause blindness, so treatment of inflammation should be taken seriously. With the defeat of deep tissues, dangerous phlegmon and abscess are formed.

Prevention of eye inflammation

The main measure for the prevention of viral conjunctivitis is the exclusion of contact with sick people and potentially infected objects (for example, in a hospital). During the period of active spread of viral infections, crowds of people should be avoided and immunity should be strengthened in every possible way.

To protect yourself from viral conjunctivitis, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene. Hands should be washed regularly using disinfectants and special wipes. Dry your hands and face with a personal towel.

A healthy lifestyle and vitamin intake will help strengthen the body and counteract viruses. We must not forget about preventive examinations, because the ophthalmologist can notice the early symptoms of inflammation. By taking precautions and leading a healthy lifestyle, you can protect yourself from viral conjunctivitis and protect your loved ones.

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