Understand that the subcutaneous tick. Subcutaneous tick, symptoms, treatment, photo

Inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face are not just a cosmetic defect that is noticeable only when looking in the mirror. A subcutaneous tick on the face can cause a lot of discomfort, including itching, burning, redness, a feeling of dryness and tightness. In some cases, the demodex mite becomes the cause of mental disorders, depression, because a person feels the constant close attention of others to his face. How to treat demodicosis to forget about it forever?

A few words about the demodex tick

Do not try to see it yourself, even if through a magnifying glass. The demodex tick is on average half a millimeter long, so it is extremely difficult to see it. Moreover, the tick lives under the skin, which means that the idea of ​​looking at the face in the hope of seeing the causative agents of the disease is unreasonable. It is in the thickness of the epidermis layer that the whole life of the tick takes place. Both the fertilization of the female and the laying of eggs take place there. Larvae, as a rule, come to the surface along with subcutaneous fat. Some of them die, and the rest safely settles on the skin of a person, regularly causing him inconvenience.

Attention! Demodex mites from the face can move to other parts of the body, and now itching, burning and skin deterioration will become more global. Timely and correct methods of treatment will surely lead to the fact that demodex on the face will remain only in memories.


In different cases, the symptoms of the disease may be different. At the first stage, you can notice a slight rash, which few people pay attention to.

Later, in some places, the rash can develop into sores. It is especially dangerous if a person confuses such sores with ordinary acne, because often many patients with acne do not go to a dermatologist, but try to squeeze out the contents of subcutaneous inflammation on their own. Later, the skin becomes bumpy. Even facial expressions change.

As a rule, the hair follicle begins to fester, swelling appears. The skin around such inflammation begins to peel off. It not only looks terrible, it even affects the quality of vision. A person gets tired faster, cannot look at one point for a long time. In the most extreme cases, it can reach blepharoconjunctivitis or demodectic blepharitis.

Causes of the disease

Why do some people have solitary and almost imperceptible symptoms of the disease, while others have pronounced ones? It's all about the human body. So, there are many factors that can affect the progression of the disease:

  1. Use of new cosmetics. Perhaps some of its components act irritatingly on the skin of the face. Together with infection with demodicosis, the disease becomes pronounced. Often in this case, girls sin on the allergic nature of the cosmetic product and refuse it, but unpleasant symptoms remain. Also, some cosmetics can provoke excessive secretion of sebum, which ticks feed on.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The state of the flora in the organs of this system largely affects the progression of certain diseases. So, in the presence of gastritis, even the symptoms of a cold and the frequency of its occurrence will be much more pronounced.
  3. Frequent stress. The state of the human nervous system is generally considered the most important indicator of health. Stress not only worsens mood, but also destroys the immune system, undermining it daily.
  4. Problems with the immune system. If a person has more than any autoimmune disease or is in remission after suffering a disease in the recent past, then demodicosis of the face can be an unpleasant surprise.
  5. Frequent visits to saunas, baths, solariums, as well as excessive passion for cosmetic procedures. In the first case, the pores of the skin are strongly opened, and the natural protection of the dermis disappears. If one of those present suffers from a subcutaneous tick, then everyone else can easily become infected. Some cosmetic procedures are aimed at injuring the skin of the face, even if it is light and gentle. For example, facial scrub not only removes dead skin particles, but also contributes to the increase in wounds.
  6. Endocrine pathologies. Proper functioning of the endocrine glands contributes to a general increase in immunity.
  7. High-calorie diet with a predominance of fatty and sweet foods in the diet. All this also contributes to the release of subcutaneous fat, which often provokes the development of demodicosis.


Attention! Some drugs have their own contraindications for use. For example, sulfur ointment should never be applied to the lips, ears and eyes, as this can lead to burns.

So, the most common drug used topically for the treatment of demodicosis are gels based on metronidazole. Gels, unlike creams, practically do not contain a fatty component, which means they will deprive the tick of food.

Also, often the doctor prescribes the same medicines to the patient as against the scabies mite. It could be sulfuric ointment, benzyl benzoate or water-soap emulsion.

The main methods of treatment are topical agents, but this does not mean at all that you can ignore the rest of the doctor's recommendations. Moreover, it is usually not possible to get rid of demodicosis completely only with the use of local remedies. Such a disease becomes complex, and it must be treated from all sides. Be sure to exclude the influence of all irritating factors. If there are problems with the thyroid gland, visit an endocrinologist and receive appropriate treatment. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it makes sense to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Today, there are many drugs to restore the gastrointestinal flora in a short time. Immunostimulating drugs are prescribed by a doctor only in exceptional cases. Self-medication here can be dangerous.

Treatment of demodex necessarily involves and diet. Smoked, sweet, fatty, spicy and salty foods should be excluded. Vegetables and fruits should be introduced into the diet, which will not only reduce the secretion of sebum, but also help nourish the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Finally, in order to cure facial demodicosis, stress should also be minimized. Perhaps, this point of medical recommendations for a person is the most difficult to fulfill, because stress often occurs at work, where it is difficult to manage your emotions. You should rethink your behavior and try to quickly resolve the conflict situation before it reaches the level of a dispute.

Girls for the duration of treatment should refrain from using cosmetics. Only if the skin looks too dry, you can lightly rub in mild cosmetic base oils, such as peach or grape seed oil.

Attention! Alcohol-based products can be especially dangerous. At first glance, they dry out the skin and deprive it of fat. But after a couple of days, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively than before, the skin becomes oily again, which means that in the fight against demodex this method will be not only useless, but also harmful.

During treatment, it is necessary to apply and allergy medications. They help to improve the clinical picture and contribute to the improvement of the general condition. Also, these drugs lower the temperature of the skin of the face, and in the cool, the tick feels no longer so cozy and comfortable.

And of course, during treatment, complete hygiene of the face and body should be observed. Wash your face as often as your doctor says. Towels and all things during treatment must be rewashed by setting the washing machine to the highest temperature setting. All this will prevent a possible recurrence of the disease.

Treatment of pregnant women and children

These groups of patients are the most sensitive, and therefore their treatment should be more gentle and gentle, but at the same time effective. To cure demodex, it is better to consult a highly qualified doctor who already has experience with similar patients.

It is useful to use thermal water to moisturize the face. Salts dissolved in it also help to relieve irritation. Spray it on the face immediately after washing.

  1. A decoction of chamomile with a small amount of aloe juice also has a beneficial effect on the process of treating demodicosis. To do this, pour a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers in 100 ml of water, leave for 15 minutes, strain and add a teaspoon of aloe juice. This decoction soothes the skin. Chamomile acts as an antiseptic, and aloe juice helps heal cracks and slightly cools the skin of the face.
  2. It helps to get rid of demodex and a decoction of wormwood leaves. The proportions are the same as in the decoction with chamomile. With this decoction, you need to wipe your face several times a day. If the decoction seems too concentrated, then you can slightly change the proportions, for example, by increasing the amount of water.
  3. Finally, you can dissolve an aspirin tablet in 100 ml of water, moisten a cotton swab and wipe your face, paying particular attention to the most affected areas. Aspirin must be completely dissolved, otherwise large particles will act as an abrasive.

The cause of skin problems can be a microscopic subcutaneous mite Demodex or "acne iron", which causes a severe skin disease "demodectic mange".

There are two types of subcutaneous mites:

  • Demodex brevis. This form of mite is localized in the ducts of the sebaceous glands of the skin of the face and most often affects the nasolabial triangle, sometimes rashes appear on the forehead, cheeks and superciliary arches, on the external auditory canals, less often demodicosis appears on the skin of the body.
  • Demodex folliculorum- lives in the stomata of the follicles of the eyelashes and eyebrows, very rarely it can be found in the hair follicles on the head or on the chest.

The tick has an elongated body shape of a very small size (from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm). It can move along the skin surface at a speed of 8 to 16 mm per hour.

In just 15 days, an individual develops from an egg to a sexually mature tick: egg -> larva -> nymph -> imago (adult).

Mostly demodicosis affects patients with weakened immune systems, with metabolic disorders, the elderly. Demodicosis is observed in children suffering from chronic diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The nutrient medium for the tick is the secret of the sebaceous glands, so it happily lives and actively multiplies on oily skin with excessive secretion. A couple of its half-dead representatives can be found on the cleanest and healthiest skin, but in such conditions they have to survive rather, so there are no symptoms of the disease, not to mention its development.

The tick activates its activity in the dark, so people suffering from demodicosis often complain of itching and “goosebumps” on the skin in the evening or at night. Demodex waste products are strong allergens, they cause rashes and itching. In addition, it is believed that the tick is capable of:

  • reduce the viscosity of the secretion of the sebaceous glands by adding its lipase enzyme to it;
  • cause hypertrophy of the glands, causing the skin to become porous.

All this is necessary for the tick to facilitate nutrition and movement.

The tick is the cause of the development of blepharoconjunctivitis or demodectic blepharitis. The following symptoms are characteristic of these eye lesions:

  • swelling and itching;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • loss and sticking of eyelashes;
  • accumulation of scales at the roots of the eyelashes;
  • dryness and "sand" in the eyes;
  • eye discharge.

Symptoms of demodicosis of the skin of the face are elements of inflammation. Most often it is:

  • papules - small pink or red pimples, often not containing pus, and usually they are located on the skin asymmetrically (there are more rashes on one side of the face than on the other);
  • areas of peeling;
  • redness;
  • itching that gets worse in the evening or at night.

Many patients complain of skin itching that appears in the process of washing or applying cosmetics. However, itching may not be present at all.

Signs of demodicosis of the skin of the face are very similar to the symptoms of other skin lesions:

  • rosacea;
  • acne
  • perioral dermatitis and other diseases.

Therefore, before starting the treatment of demodicosis, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis so that therapeutic measures give the expected effect.

And one more important point. Demodicosis does not develop in a healthy body. In order for the disease to manifest itself, favorable soil is needed. The trigger can be:

  • Hormonal disbalance. Hormonal problems can affect the amount of sebum and its quality composition, thus creating a favorable environment for the tick. The microorganism feeds well, multiplies and multiplies, the immune system reacts to the active activity of the tick, and symptoms of demodicosis appear. Therefore, a man should seek advice from an endocrinologist, and a woman - from a gynecologist-endocrinologist.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. We are talking about DZHVP (biliary dyskinesia), gastritis, cholecystitis and gastroduodenitis in a chronic form, as well as peptic ulcer.
  • Pregnancy or recent childbirth. The reason for the development of the disease is a decrease in immunity + temporary hormonal imbalance.
  • Strong stress. As you know, against the background of serious emotional upheavals, failures occur in almost all body systems.

Girls deserve special attention - lovers of the daily use of “tonalka” and powder, a more “neglected case” foundation + a layer of compact powder, and even with oily or combination skin types. These are just ideal conditions for activating the vital activity of the tick. Even better, when all these layers are applied somewhere under the hot rays of the sun at some resort - a good life for pathogenic microflora, including the Demodex mite, is provided.

This also includes girls who do not disdain to use any kind of "girlfriend" cosmetics.


In order to confirm demodicosis of the skin of the face, it is necessary to conduct a microscopic examination of a skin scraping.

The result will be more reliable if the patient refuses to use any cosmetics (care and decorative) 2-3 days before the analysis.

There are several other ways to detect a tick on the face:

  • microscopic examination of the contents of the sebaceous glands;
  • skin biopsy followed by histological examination.

Diagnosis of demodicosis of the eyelids is based on the same microscopic examination, but now the material for it is a few eyelashes from each eye.


The main goal of therapy is the destruction of a pathogenic microorganism and the exclusion of favorable conditions for its vital activity. That is, you need to concentrate on eliminating the factors that provoke demodicosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as on the normalization of the hormonal background and the functions of the immune system.

Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive and include:

  1. outdoor therapy. For local treatment, agents with metronidazole, amitrazol, benzyl benzoate, ichthyol and other active ingredients selected by the attending physician are used. Usually treatment lasts from 4 to 6 weeks with possible interruptions. Self-cessation of the use of external agents is fraught with a relapse of the disease.
  2. Oral administration of medications. Here we are talking mainly about taking vitamins and antihistamines, in rare cases, metronidazole preparations may be prescribed.
  3. At the time of treatment, you need to abandon the use of cosmetics, follow a diet and prevent the disease, but we will talk about them a little lower.
  4. After the course of therapy for demodicosis is completed, you can proceed to cosmetic procedures that improve the condition of the skin. Usually, the therapeutic effect is fixed by fruit peeling, microdermabrasion, but it is recommended to start these procedures only one and a half to two months after the therapy - during this time the skin will finally come to its senses and recover. It is not bad to take a course of electrophoresis with various moisturizers.

The problem of demodicosis of the eyelids deserves special attention. Treatment of the disease should take place strictly under the supervision of the attending physician, since the drugs must be selected individually. Demalan, Demazol, as well as a gel based on pilocarpinoma, a substance that paralyzes the muscles of microorganisms, and other drugs are usually prescribed, at the discretion of the attending physician. If, against the background of the underlying disease, symptoms of a purulent lesion are detected, then antibacterial eye drops should be used. The course of treatment is at least a month.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, since most of the drugs used in the treatment of demodeokz are contraindicated for them. Seboregulating cosmetics are suitable here:

  • blefarogel 2;
  • demoten;
  • serums and gel masks;
  • drying lotions for topical application on rashes.

Do not use acid-containing drugs, as they can provoke the appearance of age spots, antibiotics are prohibited.

Read more about drugs for the treatment of demodicosis.


Let's start with the basics of hygiene - everyone should have their own: a clean towel, underwear and tools for applying cosmetics.

The important thing is diet. Proper nutrition is useful in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and without them. In the treatment of demodicosis and after therapy, you should deal with nutrition. The rules are simple:

  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • no - fast food, fatty, spicy and fried;
  • no - confectionery (sweet buns, butter cakes and other "butter-butter"), but dates, dried apricots, raisins and other "sweets" remain.

During the course of therapy for demodicosis, you will have to sacrifice a visit to the solarium and sauna.

Demodicosis is an unpleasant disease that is difficult to treat, but only at first glance. Any qualified dermatologist will prescribe a successful treatment strategy.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

Another group of people who can become infected with a subcutaneous tick are those suffering from a genetic predisposition. They have a much higher chance of getting sick.

Demodicosis can affect children who are genetically predisposed

Note. According to the doctor of medical sciences, academician Loshakov V.I. about 80% of mite skin lesions are to some extent exposed to some type of radiation, incl. from computer monitors. Artificial light creates a favorable environment for their reproduction.
In the chronic form of the disease, the subcutaneous tick in humans cannot be cured. The phases of lull in its activity are simply fixed, alternating with an exacerbation of the disease.

The harmful effect of the tick

Demodicosis in the chronic stage is practically incurable

Subsequently, the rash forms into whiteheads. Without proper treatment, they harden, turning into calcifications. At this stage, the skin mite on the face is very difficult to remove.

How do you know that demodicosis has attacked you?

  • causeless itching of the skin of the face, ears;
  • the appearance of pink rashes;
  • eyes "lose" eyelashes;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • the occurrence of a feeling of subcutaneous movement, followed by itching;
  • change in the texture of the skin: the appearance of scars, tuberosity, hardened formations;
  • sharp marked porosity of the skin;
  • atypical change in complexion: it can even become gray;
  • metamorphosis of the shape of the nose, an increase in its size, a change in color with a characteristic plum shade.

The likelihood of a tick infestation

The subcutaneous mite initially manifests itself in the form of itching and a small rash

The fight must begin as early as possible, then the effectiveness will be very high.

Attention! If after the first phase of treatment some deterioration occurs, do not be alarmed, be patient. This means that the therapy has begun to “work”.

Treatment involves maximum effort and patience, but the result is worth it!

Rashes on the face are a serious test for any person. And if they are accompanied by redness, itching, looseness of the skin, then there is no doubt that the culprit of this is a subcutaneous tick on the face. This skin disease is called demodicosis.

A microscopic microorganism similar to a worm lives on the skin. This is a mite iron or demodex. There are many varieties, but on the surface of the body of people there are a long mite Demodex folliculorum and a short mite Demodex brevis.

They live in the sebaceous glands on the face, chest, neck, back. The tick does not settle on one part of the body, usually several places on the surface of the skin are affected at the same time. Facial demodex in almost 100% of cases occurs together with the eye.

The facial Demodex is more aggressive than the ocular. It does not remain on the surface of the body, but penetrates deep into the skin, into the sebaceous gland. It feeds on sebum, hormones, dead cells. Cosmetics with hormones also feed demodex.

The tick in the sebaceous gland grows and develops. Its life cycle is 24 days. Having reached puberty, it is fertilized, lays eggs, usually 20-25 pieces. Of these, 40-50 new mites hatch. Growing up, they get along with the secretions from the sebaceous glands on the surface of the skin, they begin to look for housing for themselves - a free sebaceous gland. The whole cycle is repeated again.

Often, patients themselves carry ticks with their hands, their eggs to other parts of the body when combing or simply touching the affected areas. There are other ways to spread Demodex:

  • from the sick to the healthy when touched, shaking hands;
  • from pets (rarely);
  • through common hygiene items, towels, bed linen, dishes.

The demodex skin mite is a conditionally pathogenic organism: it exists peacefully on the body until the factors that cause its growth and aggression appear. 9 inhabitants of the Earth out of 10 are tick carriers.

Who gets demodicosis

In most cases, a person becomes infected with Demodex, but does not get sick, but becomes a carrier. Until the immune system fails. This is especially noticeable in the spring, when the body is weakened after a long winter, lack of greenery, vitamins.

But not only a decrease in immunity provokes the activation of the tick. An important role is played by malfunctions of internal organs:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, ulcers, gastritis;
  • diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
  • age-related weakening of the body.

In recent years, an interesting trend has been noticed: 85% of all cases are young people under the age of 40, who spend most of the day at a computer monitor. The radiation of the screen, mobile phone, artificial lighting awaken demodex, contribute to its development.
Why demodex behaves aggressively

Of great importance in maintaining the health and beauty of the skin is its pH balance. In healthy people with normal immunity, the value of the acid-base balance is 5.5-5.6 units. For some, it shifts towards alkaline (more than 6.5).

The surviving young ticks and larvae cannot cope with such an amount of food. Therefore, various fungi and bacteria settle in this dead mass, which can often be found in scrapings.

Favorable conditions for the development and seeding of such microorganisms contribute to the production of an increased amount of active compounds by them. These substances cause irritation, allergies, itching.

The patient begins to comb the irritated places, new microbes are brought inside: streptococci, staphylococci. A sign of the presence of these bacteria is the formation of abscesses and pimples.

Therefore, in addition to Demodex, the culprits of skin problems are saprophytic microorganisms that constantly live on the skin. A surge in their activity is caused by a change in the pH balance of the skin.

What to do in order not to get sick

It is desirable that the computer screen be liquid crystal. Be sure to wear computer glasses. Do not put the phone to your ear, but use headphones.

You can not stay in the bright sun for a long time, visit the solarium, steam room. It is forbidden to use biocosmetics.
Provoking factors for demodex are:

  1. fried, spicy food;
  2. hormonal drugs;
  3. low-quality cosmetics;
  4. alcohol, caffeine;
  5. saunas, steam rooms;
  6. hot shops.

It is necessary to distinguish a tick on the face from ordinary acne. General: skin redness, peeling. With demodicosis, pustules and itching are added, which intensifies after washing and using a tonic.

Olga Rosen

Take a test for the predisposition of your skin to mite aggression and.

Particular attention should be paid to the "triangle of demodex" on the face: nose, nasolabial folds, chin. It is there that pimples, blackheads, pustules appear. This is the beginning of demodicosis.

If left untreated, the tick develops rapidly, spreading to the back, chest, and sometimes to the legs.

How does demodicosis manifest?

Redness, significantly enlarged pores, friability of the skin appear as a result of the presence of a large number of microorganisms inside the sebaceous glands. They open up pores. The skin has a bumpy surface, increased fat content, greasy luster. Earthy gray face.

Scars and calcifications appear in the deep layers of the skin, so facial expressions are difficult. A person has a feeling of crawling on the skin, burning, scratching. The itching increases in the evening and continues until the morning. Usually itching spreads to the auricles.

The symptoms in the eyes are strongly pronounced: white coating on the eyelashes, loss of eyelashes and eyebrows, lacrimation, discharge from the eyes. There is inflammation of the conjunctiva, itching of the eyelids, swelling, redness, a feeling of motes in the eyes.

There are the following types of demodicosis:

  1. papular. More common than other species. Papules are non-cavitary seals on the skin with a size of 0.5-2 mm or more, pink or red.
  2. Erythematous (rosacea-like). Much like rosacea. Intensely red complexion due to dilated capillaries.
  3. Pustular (pustular). Occurs rarely. Similar to acne, folliculitis.

With demodicosis, other skin diseases are also observed that are not associated with the demodex mite. Therefore, treatment should be directed not only to the destruction of the tick, but also to the solution of other skin problems.

Diagnosis and treatment

The main diagnostic method is biomicroscopy. A skin scraping is taken, the contents of the pustules, several affected cilia. Under the microscope, see the subcutaneous tick and its larvae is not difficult. Before taking the material, you should not wash, paint. 2 weeks before the analysis, you can not use therapeutic ointments, creams.

Preparations for internal and external use:

The subcutaneous tick instantly dies in the presence of tar, carbolic acid, chloroform, ether. In alcohol and salicylic acid, it dies after a few minutes.

What else should be done to heal

During the treatment period, the face needs careful competent care: soft fruit peels, cleansing. Without dirt and fat, the subcutaneous tick dies of hunger.

Diet is essential in the fight against demodex. Fried, fatty, spicy, salty foods should be excluded from the diet. It is not recommended to drink bioyogurt, biomilk, aktimeli, immunal. Exclude dietary supplements.

No self-treatment can be carried out. First you need to consult a doctor. Even multivitamins should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.

You can not visit saunas and steam rooms, use decorative cosmetics. Any cosmetic procedures for the face, laser, liquid nitrogen are cancelled. Masks and scrubs are not allowed. Limit heavy physical activity, exclude physiotherapy, baths.

Treatment lasts from several months to a year. Adequate sleep, healthy nutrition, exercise are recommended. You can take immunomodulators and means to restore the intestinal microflora.

It is necessary to change the pillow, change bed linen every day, iron it with a hot iron, wash and iron scarves and scarves daily, boil towels. Disinfect razors.

We must not forget that demodex settles in jars of cosmetics, vaseline, vegetable oil.

Folk remedies

There are a number of folk remedies and methods that have proven themselves in the treatment of subcutaneous ticks:

No matter how effective a folk remedy is, official medicines for the treatment of subcutaneous mites should not be rejected. They serve as an excellent addition to pharmaceutical preparations. Treatment is carried out under medical supervision.

What happens if you don't treat

Lack of adequate treatment causes physical and psychological problems. The patient is acutely experiencing a painful condition. Self-confidence is lost, communication problems appear. The habitual way of life is disrupted. You have to miss classes or work. All this can aggravate the disease.

In addition, there are physiological complications of demodicosis. Rhinophyma develops: the nose increases in size, it becomes like a large blue-red plum. This is a serious consequence, which is difficult to get rid of. Only surgical methods, laser, electrocoagulation help.

Demodicosis causes damage to the eyes, visual impairment. The disease spreads to other parts of the body: back, chest, ears. Ear damage leads to noise in the head. Other infections and diseases join.
Dermatological complications of demodicosis:

  • Rosacea. Chronic rosacea. Manifested in the form of purulent acne. Tuberosity appears on the skin, it is burgundy in color. Itching, tightness, enlargement and hardening of the wings of the nose. It spreads to other parts of the body, including the eyes.
  • Acne. Juvenile acne. Single and multiple. Complications - scars, blueing.
  • Perioral dermatitis. The nasolabial triangle, nose, lips are affected. Burgundy seals, nodular formations, blue, itching, peeling, thinning of the skin, vascular network, acne appear on the skin.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. Papules and pustules on the face, head, eyebrows and eyelids. The skin is covered with dry white crusts. Goes to the chest, armpits, groin, behind the ears. Outwardly, it looks like dandruff. It affects large surfaces, they are covered with scaly formations and crust. Itching, scratching and spreading over the whole body.

Skin mite is not only an aesthetic problem. This is a sign that something is not right with the body and it needs to be treated. Otherwise, the general condition of the body will worsen.

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion: in order to cope with Demodex, it is necessary to be treated with drugs for external and internal use for several weeks.
Then you should restore the body with the help of drugs:

  • liver - Essentiale forte;
  • intestines - with the help of probiotics;
  • remove toxins from the body.

This is necessary because during treatment, toxins and harmful substances accumulate in the body from taking medications and the death of subcutaneous mites. It is necessary to observe hygiene, to refuse cosmetics, to take care of prevention.

After a while, the problem may return, because the main thing is not the subcutaneous mites themselves, but how the body reacts to them. In each case, an individual approach is required, stress should be avoided, immunity, skin condition, and hormonal levels should be monitored.

Demodicosis is a skin lesion with an acne gland (a special subcutaneous mite whose enlarged image you can see in the photo above). Many experts do not classify it as a disease. Doctors, saying that the patient has demodicosis, do not mean a skin disease, but its condition. After all, it is believed that the stay of a subcutaneous tick on the face is the norm. But for certain reasons, its active reproduction begins to occur. And already the waste products of the subcutaneous tick on the face begin to provoke inflammation.

In fact, Demodex is a saprophyte mite that can be on the skin without causing any negative consequences. There is even an opinion that the passive mite Demodex folliculorum or acne gland is necessary for the skin. As if it plays a significant role in maintaining the microbial biocenosis of healthy human skin, preventing the reproduction of pathogens, and forms an acid-base balance, which also protects the integument from negative external influences.

Types of demodicosis

Demodicosis can be divided into primary and secondary. Primary demodicosis begins to occur on healthy, previously unchanged skin. Secondary - develops against the background of other skin diseases. For example, acne, rosacea, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis may be accompanied by the activity of a subcutaneous mite on the face.

In addition to Demodex folliculorum, the human skin can be affected by the mite Demodex brevis. They are called eyelash mites. At the same time, cases of human damage by the Demodex canis tick, which mainly lives on domestic dogs, have been recorded.

Causes of demodicosis

The subcutaneous tick on the face begins to do its dirty deeds, provoking inflammation for a number of reasons. Skin diseases that have arisen due to the reproduction of Demodex folliculorum may appear due to hormonal disorders, chronic conditions of various etiologies, and stress. The use of drugs that can disrupt the balance of the skin when taken for a long time also often causes the development of demodicosis. Immune disorders also lead to the reproduction of acne glands.

Problems begin when the pH of the skin changes. As a result, the protective mechanisms that held back the microflora cease to work. And this is a direct road to demodicosis. To provoke such changes in the acidity of the skin can diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers).

Demodicosis: symptoms

Let's talk about the clinical manifestations of demodicosis. Usually, a subcutaneous tick on the face begins to cause redness. It can be localized on the eyelashes, eyebrows, forehead, chin, wings of the nose, around the mouth. The redness is often accompanied by itching. Many patients complain that they feel crawling on the skin.

Demodicosis often causes the appearance of nodular, pustular rashes. It can cause vascular pathology of the skin of the face, swelling, etc.

Methods of infection with a subcutaneous tick

The tick is passed from one person to another. To do this, it is enough to come into contact with the demodex carrier with the skin of the face or eyebrows, hair. You can get a subcutaneous tick, using the same towels, bed linen with a person who has a gland. It is also believed that the carriers of demodex are animals. Most often this affects dogs.

Correct diagnosis of demodicosis

A subcutaneous mite is easy to identify on any skin - both clean and inflamed. To do this, you need to contact the clinic, where specialists will take scrapings from those areas of the skin where Demodex folliculorum can be located. Instead of scraping, sometimes dermatologists prescribe a tape test. After that, the number of subcutaneous mites on the skin is counted. If there are more than five individuals of the acne gland per 1 sq. cm of the skin, then this means that the above symptoms arose as a result of the reproduction of the tick.

If demodicosis is detected, you should definitely be examined by a good ophthalmologist. Indeed, since the tick can live in the mouths of the hair follicles located on the eyelids, it is able to affect vision. An ophthalmologist, upon detection of inflammatory processes on the eyelids caused by tick activity, should prescribe special means that protect the eyes from the effects of the iron gland.

Treatment of subcutaneous mites on the face

You can get rid of severe skin lesions with a tick. But, they say, it is not necessary to completely remove it from the skin. After all, as it was said, the amount of Demodex folliculorum not exceeding the norm does not harm the skin, but even vice versa. The main thing is that the gland should not multiply, but be at rest. With the complete eradication of the subcutaneous tick, the same redness or peeling may occur on the face. Such troubles arise due to increased sensitivity of the skin.

With demodicosis, you can not self-medicate. The doctor should help the patient in solving the problem by prescribing a complex treatment. It may consist of external and systemic therapy. The first step is to learn how to take care of the skin, leaving away decorative cosmetics, fatty creams, milk, the use of which leads to the fact that the tick begins to feel quite at ease on the skin, not thinking of stopping its active actions. Do not dry your face with terry towels - use only disposable products, such as tissues.

From demodicosis, drugs that are used in medicine for the treatment of scabies can be prescribed. For example, patients are often prescribed benzyl benzoate, which kills various mites due to its acaricidal action. For the treatment of demodicosis, a 20% benzyl benzoate cream is used. It should be rubbed into the face three to five times a day.

Caution: Avoid getting benzyl benzoate in the eyes.

Despite the fact that benzyl benzoate is classified as a vital drug, it should not be prescribed to pregnant, lactating, babies under three years old, people with pustules, damaged skin. Upon completion of treatment, the patient should be under medical supervision for several weeks.

Also, for the treatment of demodicosis, ichthyol, tar, which reduce the colonization of ticks, can be used. Even patients need to normalize metabolic processes in the skin. Doctors systemically prescribe metronidazole, an antimicrobial drug that, like benzyl benzoate, belongs to vital drugs. Taking metronidazole is necessary only as prescribed by a doctor, because it can have a number of serious side effects. With demodicosis, preparations of azelaic acid, sulfur, etc. are often prescribed. It will take several months to eliminate demodicosis with adequate treatment and following the recommendations of an experienced specialist.

To normalize the work of the skin, restore the protective barrier, relieve inflammation, improve metabolic processes, the patient can be prescribed ozone therapy and cryomassage, photo- and mesotherapy. To eliminate rosacea, which proceeded in combination with demodicosis, the patient will need laser treatment.

Important: in the treatment of demodicosis, in addition to a dermatologist and an ophthalmologist, it is worth connecting a gastroenterologist and an immunologist.

Necessary precautions: if a patient has a Demodex canis tick, he should additionally contact a veterinarian who will examine and, if necessary, treat the patient's pets.

Prevention of demodicosis

In order not to provoke the reproduction of subcutaneous mites on the face, you need to properly care for the skin. It is very important to promptly treat the inflammatory processes that have arisen, including skin ones, and also pay attention to chronic conditions that may be heralds of the development of secondary demodicosis.

It is important to change linen frequently during treatment, especially pillowcases. It's better to do it every day. Do not use old cosmetics and make-up brushes that you used to hide suspicious breakouts.

Home treatment for demodicosis

Not all girls who have been diagnosed with demodicosis trust doctors. Some of them, thanks to cosmetologists, the advice of luminaries of science and medical preparations, were able to get rid of the subcutaneous tick on their face. And although most adequate people are advised to treat demodicosis only to doctors, there are really effective home treatment systems.

Treatment program

The first six days you should wash yourself with tar soap and make masks with Spregal. You simply spray it on your hands and transfer the spray to your face. Wash off a kind of mask after half an hour. For the next six days, apply the Spregal mask in the morning and smear the face with 20% benzyl benzoate at night. Then change these two procedures to a mask with benzyl benzoate and tar soap. Do these masks once a day for the same six days.

For the mask, you need a small spoonful of grated, and after soaked soap and benzyl benzoate. The agent is aged for 40 minutes. It is very hot, but does not injure the skin. Look, do not put such a mask under your eyes.

Be sure to ask your doctor about talkers with trichopolum, streptocide and sulfur. Wipe your face with them both in the morning and in the evening. Before using talkers, wash your face with a good natural soap. During this period, sign up for cryomassage. The procedure should take approximately five minutes. The face will then be covered with a crust that cannot be torn off, otherwise scars may form. Talkers can be done after the course of treatment, but not longer than four months.

Being treated for demodicosis, the ladies hoped not only for talkers with masks and cryomassage. Girls who easily got rid of this scourge also used Trichopolum three times a day for two weeks. For another two weeks, you will need to drink a tablespoon of enterosgel (three times a day) and activated charcoal, it is taken on an empty stomach.

Attention: the amount of activated carbon is calculated depending on body weight: one tablet per 10 kg.

It is also very important to go to an immunologist. Have him prescribe immunostimulants for you. It is not necessary to visit a nutritionist. But you still have to stick to the diet. And it should be pretty tough: less sweets, no spicy, fried, salty, no alcohol. Also, you can not, being treated for demodicosis, eat or drink something hot.

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