Dotted petechiae. Endoscopic examination in the diagnosis of gastritis. red dot on nose

Petechiae (or petechial rash) appear on the skin at any age. These small red dots do not hurt or become inflamed, and therefore are often perceived by people as a harmless phenomenon. In a considerable percentage of cases, this is how it is - petechiae disappear over time, leaving no trace. And yet, such a specific rash can be a reason to take your health seriously and undergo a diagnosis, and in some cases, urgently call ambulance. When red spots are just a minor reaction, and when a sign deadly disease, tells MedAboutMe.

Petechiae - small hemorrhages

Petechial rash is one of the types of hemorrhages that occur due to damage to the smallest vessels, capillaries. A small amount of blood spreads under the skin, forming a rounded spot no larger than 2 mm in size. Such a rash does not bother the patient. Moreover, if petechiae form in small quantities and are not accompanied by other symptoms, a person may not notice their presence on the skin.

A characteristic feature of petechiae that helps to distinguish them from other types of rashes is that they do not disappear when pressed. If the redness is caused by an inflammatory process, but did not lead to a rupture of the capillaries, the rushing blood will leave through the vessel, you just need to press the rash with your finger. The hemorrhage will still remain under the skin, will not shift and will not turn pale.

Petechiae do not become inflamed and do not hurt, they are flat formations that can remain for quite a long time. for a long time. Even after the factor that provoked them has long been eliminated. Over time, they can change color (from scarlet to red, and then to brown), but do not increase in size and do not change in shape. But the progression of the pathological process is indicated by the appearance of new red dots, or more massive bruising.

Trauma and other physiological causes

First and most obvious reason capillary rupture is an injury. And we are talking about a large list of damage. Petechiae can lead to:

Impact with soft tissue injury. Skin rubbing. In infants, a rash can appear from a diaper, in adults - from uncomfortable clothing. Squeezing of the skin. For example, at the site of a tourniquet or tight bandage.

The walls of the capillaries may not be able to withstand the increase in blood pressure that occurs against the background of strong tension. For example, with intense coughing, crying, even screaming. To impact on arterial pressure maybe severe stress or heavy lifting. characteristic feature in case of injuries and overexertion is the local nature of the petechial rash. Red dots appear in the place of pressure, impact and other things, and with strong tension - on the face.

With age, the walls of blood vessels become less elastic, and capillary ruptures occur more often. Therefore, the formation of a small number of petechiae in old age is a natural physiological process.

Wall damage small vessels may occur during treatment various medicines. Petechiae form in people taking the following drugs:

Penicillin antibiotics. warfarin, heparin. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Atropine. Indomethacin.

Also, subcutaneous hemorrhages can be the result of radiation and chemotherapy. Often a rash is observed in drug addicts.

Diseases that provoke petechiae

Weak vessel walls, their frequent damage, and most importantly, the presence of bruises of various sizes may indicate more serious problems. First of all, we are talking about diseases associated with changes in the composition of the blood. In particular, bruising occurs when various types leukemia and aplastic anemia - diseases in which the bone marrow produces an insufficient amount of blood components. Thrombocytopenia is characterized by a low content of platelets - the cells responsible for blood clotting. With their deficiency, any wounds heal longer, and in the worst cases, it is impossible to stop the bleeding at all. Therefore, with such a disease, the formation of any type of hemorrhage is one of the first symptoms. Petechiae also occur in other diseases associated with poor clotting blood.

The vascular system suffers from autoimmune diseases - disorders of the immune system, in which it begins to perceive body cells as foreign and attack them. Against the background of such pathologies, inflammations often develop that destroy the walls of blood vessels - vasculitis. Petechiae occur when:

Systemic lupus erythematosus. Spondyloarthritis. Scleroderma. hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Infectious diseases can affect the state of blood vessels and lead to ruptures of the most delicate of them - capillaries. Therefore, petechiae often occur against the background of such diseases:

Angina. Scarlet fever. cytomagalo viral infection. Enteroviral infection. Mononucleosis. Endocarditis.

Another cause of weak capillaries can be hypovitaminosis. First of all, a deficiency of vitamins K and C leads to subcutaneous bruising. Petechiae occur in small quantities, often against the background of changes in diet or after an illness.

Petechiae in life-threatening conditions

Unfortunately, small red dots on the skin can also indicate severe, life threatening states. First of all, we are talking about a complication of a bacterial infection - the development of sepsis. It occurs when bacteria and their toxins enter the bloodstream. Against this background, various damage to blood vessels occurs, and the microorganisms themselves spread throughout the body and lead to systemic lesion. Without proper treatment, the patient goes into shock, develops acute multiple organ failure. The pathogens that most often lead to sepsis include Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus aureus.

Another dangerous bacterium, the infection of which can be accompanied by petechiae, is meningococcus. If meningococcal infection occurs in mild form, bruising on the skin is not formed. But if the bacterium enters the bloodstream, the most severe form of the disease occurs - meningococcemia. Under the action of the immune system, microorganisms in the blood are destroyed, a toxin is released, which causes severe harm vessels, actively damaging their walls. This development of the disease is typical for children, and its hallmark is fast development and progression. And the formation of a characteristic rash is one of the most accurate symptoms. Small hemorrhages appear throughout the body, their number is growing before our eyes, and the new ones are already larger in size and more complex in shape (reminiscent of stars). In some areas, they can merge into large patches. With this diagnosis, the mortality rate is very high, so the sick child must be urgently hospitalized.

Symptoms to watch out for

In the event that petechiae are not accompanied by other symptoms, their number does not increase, they are not a sign of a serious illness. In pathological processes with damage to the capillaries, other changes in the state of health always appear. Subcutaneous hemorrhages should alert if the following ailments appear against their background:

Heat. Headache, dizziness. Neck stiffness. Violation of coordination of movements. Confusion of consciousness. The appearance on the body of pustules of different sizes or other types of rash. Nausea and vomiting, disruption gastrointestinal tract. Myalgia. Inflammation and pain in the joints. Other types of hemorrhage - bleeding gums, nose bleed bruising. Wounds that bleed for a long time.

  • The presence of petechiae and purpura during infectious processes indicates the severity of the disease.

    Petechiae appear on the skin as a result of capillary hemorrhages. And, if blood is found under the tissues in large areas, the process is called purpura.

    Purple is pathological formation, which has a purple-red color and does not change it when pressed. Rashes, less than 1-2 cm in diameter - petechiae.

    General representations

    Petechiae are a special case of purpura and are round in shape. Spots of a red or purple hue are formed in the process that red blood cells exit the vascular bed into the space located between the tissues. They do not rise above the skin and cannot be determined by palpation.

    Petechiae on the skin, the photo of which is presented, can be one of the informative signs of such processes as blood diseases, systemic autoimmune and infectious diseases. This type of rash can also appear after a physical injury or excessive pressure (squeezing) of the skin. Rare causes of petechiae are coughing and vomiting (especially in young children). Capillary hemorrhages appear around the eyes.

    Places of localization: arms, legs, torso, face, mucous membrane of the eyes or oral cavity. Occurs in all age groups.

    The appearance of purpura is a response to changes occurring in the body. Very often, the cause of the occurrence is an insufficient number of platelets and a violation of the processes of blood clotting.

    The rash with purpura is most often localized in the lower extremities.

    The occurrence of petechiae and purpura may be associated with the appearance of a bacterial, fungal or viral infection: the presence of cytomegalovirus, meningococcus, manifestations infectious mononucleosis, scarlet fever, septic processes.

    Types of purpura

    AT medical practice There are several varieties of this disease:

    Thrombocytopenic purpura

    Formed when there is a decrease total platelets. Exists like independent disease, and a symptom of another process. It occurs mainly in girls under 14 years of age.

    The mechanism of development is associated with a change in the properties of platelets during infectious processes or the use of a number of medications. Platelets enter the spleen and are destroyed there. The result is thrombocytopenia.

    Bruises and petechiae appear on the skin from the slightest blow. Accompanying symptom may be: bleeding from the nose, on the gums, from the uterus.

    Rashes can change their color depending on the stage of the pathological process and the statute of limitations: from red to purple, green or yellow (within 10 days after the first spot).

    Thrombocytopenic purpura in children may acquire chronic course(recurrent bleeding). The main type of therapy is resection of the spleen.

    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

    Caused by the formation of blood clots due to the use of certain medications, vaccinations, cancerous growth or meningococcal infection.

    • the formation of petechiae and bruises;
    • pain symptom in the abdomen and head;
    • vomiting and nausea;
    • visual function is impaired;
    • mental and nervous system disorders.

    With such a disease, the vessels of the brain, kidneys, and liver are affected. These processes result in death.

    Schonlein-Henoch purpura

    An infectious process caused by viruses or bacteria, the use of certain medications, can cause inflammation in the vessels. The first symptoms will be:

    • small-spotted rashes;
    • the temperature rises to subfebrile numbers;
    • pain in the joints, abdominal area;
    • diarrhea.

    Toxic purpura

    It develops with the use of medications that pathologically affect the blood: they strongly thin or, on the contrary, thicken.

    allergic purpura

    Occurs when there is an allergy to food, drugs, chemicals.

    Diseases and petechiae

    Characterized by hit blood clots in adjacent tissues. Surgery is required to treat them.

    There is a correlation between the main symptoms, visual inspection rashes and diseases. They are listed in the table:

    The rash appears in the first 24 hours. It has the appearance of an irregular star and a pale shade. With the development of the disease, they tend to merge and necrosis. Main localization: thighs, lower leg, buttocks, feet

    Gram-positive cocci are found in purulent petechiae. During the septic process, the vessel wall becomes permeable under the influence of pathogenic toxins. On the skin, mucous surface oral cavity, sclera appear petechiae of a dotted nature

    On the initial stage a rash appears on the upper and lower extremities. After 2-4 days, petechiae appear on all areas of the body and are accompanied by intoxication. After a couple of days, the rash disappears, pigmentation zones remain, the skin begins to peel off.

    At hemorrhagic vasculitis petechiae appear, pain in the joints, abdomen

    Symptoms: fever, muscle pain, sore throat caused by the herpes virus, fever body. They subside at the first appearance of characteristic rashes. The rash appears in the first 24 hours of the disease, after two days it disappears without a trace.

    Most often men are ill. Petechiae are located symmetrically on the thighs and legs. At the beginning of the disease, the rash has a brown or brownish tint, but later brightens. The disease is benign

    Petechiae are located on the extremities most distant from the center of the body, above the large joints. Accompanied characteristic symptoms: suffers from the urinary and reproductive system, anorectal region, pharynx


    With the formation of petechiae and purpura on the part of the skin, the following symptoms may be observed:

    • the formation of bubbles with the flowing liquid, the formation of crusts;
    • pain;
    • the formation of pustules;
    • rashes can appear quickly and disappear just as quickly;
    • peeling of the skin;
    • edema formation.

    To general symptoms include:

    • loss of appetite;
    • symptoms of a respiratory disease;
    • increased excitability and irritability (more often in childhood);
    • pain in the joints;
    • redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
    • runny nose and sneezing.

    Rashes that are accompanied by the following symptoms require immediate medical attention:

    • loss of consciousness;
    • an increase in body temperature to 38.5 ° C and above;
    • any kind of bleeding;
    • tachycardia;
    • respiratory failure;
    • symptoms of meningitis;
    • an allergic reaction, which may be accompanied by soft tissue swelling.

    It should be remembered that dismissive attitude to your health can cost your life!


    If petechiae or purpura appear on the skin, you should consult a hematologist. He will conduct an external examination, collect an anamnesis of the disease and prescribe additional laboratory methods diagnostics. This will help set correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

    During external examination, it is important to pay attention to the location of the rash. According to its location, a preliminary diagnosis can be made.

    The main diagnostic methods include a general blood test (thrombocytopenia, ESR / CRP, as well as the level of leukocytes, most likely increased).

    Additional methods include:

    • a set of tests to assess the functions of the liver;
    • a blood test for the level of urea, creatinine, electrolytes;
    • study of coagulability indicators using a coagulogram;
    • electrophoresis of blood plasma proteins to detect paraproteins.

    Auxiliary diagnostic methods:

    • autoimmune tests;
    • additional diagnostics in the conditions of placement in the clinic (skin biopsy and bone marrow).

    Rashes that arose spontaneously and went away on their own are not accompanied by any clinical symptoms do not require special therapy. But, you still need to go diagnostic examination to identify hidden foci of internal bleeding.

    Treatment of purpura

    Treatment should be started as early as possible, since in 30% of cases the disease can be fatal.

    The main methods of treatment, depending on the cause of the disease:

    Antibiotics, antiviral and immunostimulating drugs, whole body detoxification

    Elimination of the allergen, desensitization of the body, antihistamine drugs

    Desensitizing and corticosteroid drugs, drugs that affect the induration vascular wall

    • vitamin preparations of groups K, P, C;
    • transfusion of blood, erythrocyte mass;
    • liver extract;
    • globulin injections.

    The main methods of treatment for purpura include:

    • resection of the spleen with thrombocytopenia;
    • blocking the action of antibodies on platelets;
    • restoration of blood clotting processes;
    • hypoallergenic diet.

    Strict adherence to all medical prescriptions will certainly lead to relief general condition and speedy recovery

    Disease prevention

    It is better to prevent any disease than to waste energy, nerves and money on the recovery process.

    To prevent the appearance of pathological rashes, it is necessary to protect your skin from childhood: avoid injury, hypothermia or overheating. It is necessary to use drugs (especially those that affect the blood) only under strict medical supervision. If possible, avoid contact with possible allergens.

    Prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic or severe form of the course. At the slightest symptoms of the disease - seek medical help.

    Syndromes in dermatology

    Lyell's syndrome - what is it?

    Subcutaneous mites in humans on the body and on the face: photos, symptoms, treatment

    Skin: structure and functions

    Rosacea: symptoms and treatment

    Mongolian spot in newborns

    Folliculitis of the scalp: symptoms, pathogens, methods of therapy

    Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

    Flea bites on human skin: photos, symptoms, treatment

    All materials on our site are provided for informational purposes only.

    Do not use the information received for self-treatment. Contact your doctor.

    petechial rash

    Petechial rash (petechiae) - small hemorrhages that can appear locally or diffusely, while not protruding above the surface healthy skin, and do not have symptoms characteristic of dermatological diseases. This symptom is not independent, in most cases indicates the development of pathological processes of the hematopoietic system, autoimmune diseases, and some infectious diseases. The rash can be either red or purple or purple. In the presence of such rashes, you should immediately seek medical help.


    The appearance of petechial rashes can be due to both physiological and pathological etiological factors. The pathological group should include:

    • autoimmune diseases;
    • infectious processes in the body - typhus, scarlet fever, sepsis, etc.;
    • capillary toxicosis;
    • hypervitaminosis;
    • hematological disorders;
    • long-term use of anticoagulants;
    • oncological processes and consequences after treatment with chemotherapy, radiation therapy;
    • reception drugs.

    The physiological factors for the appearance of this symptom include:

    • strong physical impact on the skin, which leads to rupture of blood vessels;
    • excessive stress (at strong cough, irrational physical activity), which also leads to rupture of blood vessels;
    • single manifestations of a rash may be the result of stress, severe nervous strain;
    • prolonged wearing of tight and uncomfortable clothes;
    • age changes.

    In such cases, the rash resolves in a few days and does not pose a threat to life. However, if additional symptoms are present, the cause of such a symptom may be serious illness therefore, you need to seek the advice of a qualified doctor.

    In a child, a rash on the face can be observed immediately after birth, which may be due to strong pressure during passage through the birth canal.


    If the cause of the formation of such a rash on the legs or throughout the body is not a pathological process, then, as a rule, there are no additional symptoms.

    If the reason is infection, then the nature of the rash can manifest itself as follows:

    • with meningococcal infection, rashes are multiple, star-shaped spots are often grouped together, which leads to the formation of necrosis;
    • with gonorrhea spots on appearance may resemble pustules with hemorrhagic contents;
    • at staph infection hemorrhagic rashes can be present not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes.

    As regards the general clinical picture, then with this origin of petechial hemorrhages, the following symptoms are possible:

    In autoimmune diseases, the nature of the manifestation of the rash may be as follows:

    • a rash on the legs and arms after 3-4 days is converted into multiple petechiae;
    • over time, the rashes are converted into pigmented spots with peeling;
    • possible transformation of spots into eczema.

    The clinical picture may be supplemented by the following symptoms:

    If the cause of such rashes was the use of drugs, the clinical picture may manifest itself as follows:

    • auditory and visual hallucinations;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • dizziness, headaches;
    • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • uncontrolled urination and defecation;
    • the rash may look like hives.

    In the presence of the above symptoms, it is necessary to urgently seek medical attention as some pathological processes pose a danger to life.


    Initially, an objective examination of the patient is carried out with the clarification of complaints, anamnesis of the disease and life. To establish the etiology of the manifestation of this symptom, the following laboratory and instrumental methods of examination can be prescribed:

    • blood sampling for general and biochemical studies;
    • deployed biochemical analysis blood;
    • coagulogram;
    • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
    • X-ray with contrast agent.

    It should also be noted that the diagnostic program will be adjusted depending on the current clinical picture and the alleged etiological factor.


    Basic therapy will depend on the diagnosis. Medical therapy may include the following drugs:

    • antibiotics;
    • antiviral;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antiallergic;
    • corticosteroids;
    • vitamin and mineral complexes.

    The issue of hospitalization is decided on an individual basis.

    As far as prevention is concerned, specific methods no, because it's not individual disease, but a symptom of a non-specific nature. In general, you should adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, consult a doctor when feeling unwell. Also, one should not forget about the importance of a systematic examination by specialized doctors.

    "Petechial rash" is observed in diseases:

    Viral hemorrhagic fevers(HL) is a poorly differentiated group of acute viral infections, in which the most striking symptom is hemorrhagic syndrome. In medicine, 15 subspecies of such ailments are known. All of them are similar in their course and they are united by hemorrhagic syndrome (hence the name of the group).

    Hepatomegaly of the liver is the main sign that there has been a failure in normal functioning this body. With the progression of this condition, the size of the liver increases. Most common cause hepatomegaly is the poisoning of the body with various poisons and toxins.

    With help exercise and temperance most of people can do without medicine.

    Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

    Reprinting of materials is possible only with the permission of the administration and indicating an active link to the source.

    All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation by the attending physician!

    Questions and suggestions:

    What is a petechial rash and what causes it

    Petechiae - a small subcutaneous rash, the elements of which outwardly resemble traces of insect bites. The reason for the appearance of petechiae is the rupture for one reason or another of small blood vessels. Pathology can be caused physiological causes and diseases, including very serious ones.

    Petechiae are tiny (1-2 mm) flat growths round shape that look like insect bites. However, the absence of a characteristic point trace, purple color, group localization are hallmarks such spots that can "decorate" skin covering both an adult and a child.

    Reasons for the appearance

    Petechiae: what is it? The main reason for the appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhagic elements is a point rupture of capillaries, around which a microscopic hematoma is formed. Most often this occurs under the influence of a blow or bruise, in children - in the process outdoor games or when falling.

    Petechiae on the body at the time of occurrence are characterized by a reddish color; after a period of time they become burgundy

    Petechiae on the face, in the cervical and chest area can also form with a strong cough, emotional crying, vomiting as a result of excessive stress face, which leads to rupture of small capillaries.

    On a note. Petechiae that appear suddenly and are not accompanied by other clinical symptoms often disappear on their own, without the use of special therapy.

    Petechiae on the body can result from wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing. The formation of elements occurs in the areas of contact of the body with the tissue.

    Petechiae - a sign of illness?

    What are petechiae on the skin? How dangerous? How to get rid of them quickly and effectively? Petechiae, the causes of which are not only physiological factors, can be side effect reception medicines: Aspirin, Naproxen, Quinine, Indomethacin.

    Advice. Older people in order to prevent the appearance of petechiae should avoid any injuries, falls. To maintain balance, it is better to use a stick.

    Subcutaneous hemorrhages sometimes occur during sports, in particular weightlifting.

    Also, small subcutaneous hemorrhages may indicate the presence of autoimmune and hematological diseases, in which the body is disrupted in the formation of platelets and their functioning. We are talking about the syndrome of lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, thrombocytopenic purpura, spondyloarthritis.

    Petechiae on the body: localization

    Depending on the cause that caused them, petechiae can occur in different parts of the body: infectious diseases- on the tonsils internal surfaces cheeks, upper palate; on the stomach - as a sign of cirrhosis of the liver, scarlet fever, measles. Petechiae on the legs may be associated with vascular diseases and pathology connective tissue.

    Subcutaneous hemorrhagic rash may be accompanied by sepsis - blood poisoning that occurs against the background of long-term illnesses

    With thrombocytopenia, characterized by poor blood clotting, any, even the most minor injury to the skin causes heavy bleeding and the appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhages.

    Petechiae on the skin also appear with rheumatoid arthritis, periarteritis nodosa, infective endocarditis, Wegener's granulomatosis, scurvy, systemic lupus, etc.

    On a note. Immediate medical consultation is required in case of multiple manifestations of petechiae that have arisen against the background of high temperature and accompanying signs inflammation.

    At enterovirus infection manifested by fever, herpetic sore throat, muscle pain and gastrointestinal disorder, petechiae on the face are formed within one day. Subcutaneous elements disappear on the second day, while the patient's condition improves significantly.

    Petechiae in a child

    Often parents notice petechiae in a child. The reasons for the appearance of such rashes are of a different nature. In the infant period, petechiae in a child can be caused by poor hygiene, most often they are localized on the pope, abdomen and limbs.

    Petechiae on the skin of a child can form with bruises and minor injuries and in a single manifestation do not pose any threat to health

    If the rashes are characterized by periodicity and are not the result of mechanical injuries, you need to seek medical help from a pediatrician who will prescribe appropriate tests.

    Sometimes parents notice petechiae on a child's earlobe. The cause may be a viral infection, especially the flu, against which the strength of the walls of small vessels weakens. To strengthen them, the baby can be given ascorbic acid in pure form or foods rich in this substance: sauerkraut, oranges, black currants.


    Petechiae on the skin, the causes of which are of a different nature, are most often associated with injuries. Diagnosed by external examination by a dermatologist and finding out possible causes rashes, including:

    • mechanical injury to soft tissues,
    • transferred diseases of infectious and viral origin,
    • predisposition to allergic manifestations.

    How to recognize: petechiae on the body from other types of rash can be distinguished by pressing on the skin elements with your finger, and then releasing. When pressed, the affected area will not change at all: the elements of the rash will not disappear or discolor.

    Petechiae do not itch; in some cases, there may be a feeling of skin irritation

    Along the way, the doctor takes into account the time of appearance of rashes, their size, and the dynamics of development. The patient is advised to take a blood test for microorganisms and antibodies.


    The treatment for petechiae depends on the underlying cause. So, in case of injury, it will reduce inflammation and stop the formation of a rash. cold compress from ice wrapped in a towel and applied to the problem area for a quarter of an hour.

    It is extremely important to seek medical advice if the petechiae cover a large enough area of ​​the body.

    In the infectious nature of diseases, patients may be prescribed antibiotics, desensitizing drugs, immunostimulants, and means to eliminate concomitant symptoms.

    Petechiae on the arm and other parts of the body, which are a manifestation of allergies, are eliminated by taking antihistamine drugs(Zodak, Zirtek, Suprastin, etc.).

    Systemic autoimmune diseases, accompanied by a petechial rash, are treated for 4-8 weeks with desensitizing, vasoconstrictive drugs, as well as corticosteroids.

    For debilitated patients with reduced immunity, against which the frequent formation of petechiae on the body is possible, general strengthening therapy is recommended with the use of vitamins of the C.K.R group, the introduction of globulins, and the transfusion of blood products.

    In the external treatment of seborrheic psoriasis of the head, it is imperative to use products containing, in addition to hormones, salicylic acid, it promotes fast.

    Of course, psoriasis can be “calmed down”, and there are many means for this, including hormonal and safe during pregnancy.

    Rosacea cannot be cured in one session, it is - chronic illness, which requires systematic treatment, and permanent care behind the skin.

    Petechiae on the skin and mucous membranes: photos, causes, treatment

    Petechiae are tiny round spots that appear on the skin, mucosa, or serous membrane. They result from bleeding under the skin.

    Petechiae usually appear on the surface of the skin, eyelids, or oral mucosa.

    Some causes of petechiae do not require specific treatment, while others may be more serious.

    Petechiae usually look like a rash. The appearance of petechiae can be caused by many different reasons. It is advisable to make an appointment with a doctor if petechiae appear.

    What are petechiae? How do they look?

    Petechiae look like a rash, only more pronounced and frightening. The spots themselves are tiny patterns that can be purple, red, or brown, associated with bleeding under the skin.

    They are usually flat to the touch and, unlike rashes, will not lose color when pressed - this useful way find out if any skin abnormality is a rash or not.

    Petechia - photo

    Causes of petechiae

    Petechiae occur when tiny blood vessels(capillaries) burst. When this happens, blood flows out under the skin.

    Some of the reasons that can lead to petechiae include:

    • local trauma or trauma in which the skin is damaged;
    • sunburn;
    • allergic reactions to insect bites;
    • various autoimmune diseases;
    • viral and bacterial infections;
    • low levels of platelets in the blood;
    • medical treatments for cancer, such as radiation or chemotherapy;
    • leukemia or bone marrow cancer, which leads to a reduction in platelets;
    • after severe vomiting or coughing - especially in newborns;
    • strenuous activity, such as weight lifting or childbirth;
    • sepsis;
    • scurvy;
    • vasculitis;
    • viral fevers such as dengue, ebola, and yellow fever can interfere with blood clotting, causing bleeding under the skin.

    Some medications can also cause petechiae. Drugs that can cause petechiae as a side effect:

    • antibiotics;
    • antidepressants;
    • contraceptives;
    • blood thinners;
    • preparations for the normalization of the heart rhythm;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
    • sedatives.

    If petechiae appear after using any medications, you should consult a doctor.

    Types of petechiae

    Petechiae may differ depending on the cause that caused them. Let's consider some options:

    • Autoimmune diseases and vasculitis. Petechiae appear on the arms and legs. The petechiae may then disappear, leaving scaly skin.
    • Staphylococcal infection. With such an infection, dotted petechiae appear on the oral mucosa and skin.
    • Gonorrhea. petechiae on hands and feet lower parts) may occur in this case. The standard symptoms of gonorrhea should of course also be present.
    • Enteroviral infection. In this case, the petechiae are good sign. usually the patient's condition improves after their appearance. petechiae on the chest, back and face disappear without a trace after two days.
    • Meningitis. It manifests itself as a hemorrhagic rash, which usually rapidly covers the body. petechiae on the abdomen, legs and buttocks often accompany this species.


    The appearance of spots is the only sign of petechiae. However, since they are often a sign of an underlying condition, the patient may experience other symptoms along with the petechial rash:

    • hematomas;
    • bleeding or bruising;
    • bleeding gums;
    • bleeding into the joint cavity (hemarthrosis);
    • unusually heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia);
    • nose bleed.

    Petechiae in a child

    Petechiae in children are mostly caused by trauma. Children often actively play and bruises, abrasions and bruises are normal phenomenon. petechiae on the skin in children are usually caused by trauma.

    Petechiae in a child can also occur in the mouth. petechiae on the mucous membrane of the mouth, the palate may appear in a child due to solid food that has damaged the mucous membrane. However, petechiae on the oral mucosa can also occur as a result of malnutrition, lack of vitamin K, childhood scurvy.

    Septicemia can also cause petechiae in a child. More often, septicemia occurs in young children, since their immune system is not yet fully formed and is not fully able to fight pathogens. Septicemia can accompany any disease, this is infection of the blood by bacteria. This condition is accompanied by a rapid spread of a rash on the child's skin, petechiae spots in a child do not change color when pressed. Septicemia progresses rapidly, fainting is characteristic, the child may become delirious.

    If you suspect septicemia, you should immediately consult a doctor in as soon as possible A child's life depends on it!

    However, in most cases, petechiae in children are the result of trauma.

    When should you see a doctor?

    It is highly advisable to have a doctor examine petechiae on the skin and mucous membranes because they may be a sign of a more serious condition. The doctor will evaluate the symptoms and possible causes to determine if the cause of the petechiae is mild or severe.

    If the number of petechiae continues to increase, bleeding may be the cause.

    There are also other symptoms that may occur along with petechiae, which are indicators of a severe or life-threatening condition.

    These include:

    • loss of consciousness;
    • confused mind;
    • heat;
    • heavy bleeding;
    • Strong headache.

    If any of these symptoms occur along with the appearance of petechiae, a person should seek immediate medical attention. Petechiae on the skin and mucous membranes plus the above symptoms are an alarm signal.


    Treatment for petechiae will depend on the underlying cause. If petechiae are caused by a reaction to a specific drug, they will disappear as soon as the drug is stopped.

    If the cause is viral or bacterial infection, they should disappear after the infection is cured.

    The doctor will diagnose the cause of the petechiae and recommend appropriate treatment.

    Medical treatment of petechiae

    The doctor may prescribe:

    • antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection;
    • corticosteroids to reduce inflammation;
    • for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, azathioprine, methotrexate, or cyclophosphamide may be prescribed;
    • for cancer treatment - chemotherapy, biological therapy.

    If the appearance of petechiae is not due to an underlying condition, then rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and pain relievers may help:

    Petechiae on the skin as a result of injuries do not pose any danger. They can be treated with any remedy that cures bruises. petechiae on the mucous membrane of the mouth, which have arisen due to the use of solid food, will pass by themselves over time.

    Are complications possible?

    The appearance of petechiae has no complications. In most cases, petechiae on the skin disappear without a trace when the petechial rash disappears - it does not leave scars.

    However, if petechiae on the skin and mucous membranes are the result of an underlying disease, some complications may occur.

    • damage to the kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, lungs or other organs;
    • various heart problems;
    • infections that may occur in other parts of the body.


    Since petechiae are usually the result or symptom of another disease, the only way prevent their occurrence - try to avoid the conditions that cause them.

    Stay fit, avoid infections, practice good hygiene and safe sex and avoid medications that cause petechiae - good ways reduce the chances of their development.

    However, it is not possible to prevent all conditions that cause petechiae on the skin and mucous membranes.

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    Petechiae are red dots on the skin that occur when capillaries break.. Reasons for the appearance can be covered in diseases:

    • vasculitis (inflammation of the vascular wall with increased permeability);
    • avitaminosis C, K;
    • severe forms of rheumatism, endocarditis (damage to the inner lining of the heart);
    • nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys);
    • jaundice;
    • poisoning, including medication, drugs;
    • irradiation.

    In children are in the first place congenital disorders blood clotting (Glantzmann, Osler, Willebrand), followed by infections. In adults there are mainly acquired forms of inflammation of the capillary walls, including those of autoimmune origin.

    Physiological causes of petechial hemorrhages:

    • straining during childbirth;
    • tightening the tourniquet;
    • insect bites;

    First of all, you need to determine the history of the appearance of rashes, the presence of signs of an infectious process, increased bleeding. Important to discover distinctive features which are typical for petechiae.

    Small spots with a petechial rash on the skin have the following typical signs:

    • the skin around the points is not changed;

    The occurrence of hemorrhagic eruptions in the oral cavity, on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the membranes of the eyes, stomach and intestines is characteristic of disorders of the blood coagulation system. Such patients are characterized by increased bleeding, and even small surgical interventions accompanied by severe blood loss.

    Petechiae on the skin in children

    At congenital pathology a child may be born with intracranial hematoma, or cerebral hemorrhage occurs during childbirth. Lighter forms proceed with slow healing of the umbilical wound. In the future, teething is accompanied by hemorrhage, nosebleeds often appear, girls have heavy menstruation. Such symptoms are accompanied by anemia, dizziness, shortness of breath, fainting.

    Often the rash covers legs, and then spread throughout the body. Patients are characterized by complaints of muscle and joint, heart pain. After a few days, the petechiae may disappear, leaving a patch of pigmented (darkened) skin in their place.

    With an unclear origin of rashes, diagnosis includes:

    • general analysis of blood and urine;
    • coagulogram;
    • stool for occult blood.

    General analysis blood
    • blood biochemistry;
    • puncture of the spinal cord;
    • analysis for lupus anticoagulant;
    • blood culture.

    At traumatic injury capillaries it is enough to apply cold to the place of petechiae, with the exclusion of hemorrhagic syndrome(increased bleeding) apply heparin ointment or Lyoton gel for rapid resorption.

    External treatment rashes at background diseases not carried out.

    • violation of blood coagulation - prescribe the introduction of platelet mass, coagulation factors, blood transfusion (blood transfusion);
    • autoimmune vascular damage - Prednisolone or Dexamethasone, cytostatics, blood purification from immune complexes - plasmapheresis, cryoapheresis are indicated;

    Read more in our article on petechiae on the skin.

    Read in this article

    Petechiae are red dots on the skin that occur when capillaries break. Their appearance may be associated with such diseases:

    • hemorrhagic diathesis - a tendency to bleed due to a lack of blood clotting factors;
    • thrombocytopenia (platelet deficiency), thrombocytopathy (defective platelets);
    • (inflammation of the vascular wall with increased permeability);
    • avitaminosis C, K;
    • infections - diphtheria, measles, hepatitis, malaria, meningococcal or tick-borne encephalitis, meningitis, scarlet fever;
    • sepsis, DIC (microthrombosis due to intravascular coagulation);
    • severe forms of rheumatism, (damage to the inner lining of the heart);
    • nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys);
    • allergies, autoimmune connective tissue diseases (collagenoses);
    • jaundice;
    • poisoning, including medication, overdose of anticoagulants, aspirin, drugs;
    • irradiation.

    In children, congenital disorders of blood coagulation (Glantzmann, Osler, Willebrand) are in the first place, followed by infections. In adults, there are mainly acquired forms of inflammation of the capillary walls, including those of autoimmune origin.

    There are also physiological reasons (without a background disease) for the appearance of petechial hemorrhages:

    • trauma - blow, compression, bruise;
    • increased intrathoracic pressure - hacking cough, severe vomiting crying (in children);
    • straining during childbirth;
    • lifting weights, including during sports;
    • tightening the tourniquet;
    • fragility of capillaries age-related changes skin;
    • insect bites;
    • altitude sickness or caisson (in divers).

    Signs of red dots

    Since the appearance spot rash has many causes, the symptoms may be different. First of all, you need to determine the history of the appearance of rashes, the presence of signs of an infectious process, increased bleeding. It is important to discover the distinctive features that are characteristic of petechiae.

    Watch the video about the causes of skin rashes:

    On the skin

    Small spots with a petechial rash have the following typical signs:

    • in violation of blood clotting are located symmetrically, mainly on the limbs;
    • most dot rashes are on the extensor surface of the legs, mucous membranes of the mouth;
    • do not rise above the surface of the skin, do not fall off when pressed;
    • change color from red to yellow-brown;
    • when resorption, the contours become blurred;
    • extremely rarely, the elements of the rash suppurate;
    • the skin around the points is not changed;
    • no itching or soreness.

    Signs of red dots on the skin

    On the mucous membrane

    The occurrence of hemorrhagic eruptions in the oral cavity, on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the membranes of the eyes, stomach and intestines is characteristic of disorders of the blood coagulation system. For such patients, increased bleeding is characteristic, and even minor surgical interventions are accompanied by severe blood loss.

    With congenital pathology, a child may be born with an intracranial hematoma or cerebral hemorrhage occurs during childbirth. Lighter forms proceed with slow healing of the umbilical wound.

    In the future, teething is accompanied by hemorrhage, nosebleeds often appear, girls have heavy menstruation. Such symptoms are accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath, fainting.

    On foot

    In autoimmune vascular lesions, their cells are perceived by the immune system as foreign. This serves as a signal for lymphocytes to produce antibodies. The formed complexes of antigen and antibodies destroy small capillaries, arterioles and venules.

    Often the rash covers lower limbs and then spread throughout the body. Patients are characterized by complaints of muscle and joint, heart pain. After a few days, the petechiae may disappear, leaving a patch of pigmented (darkened) skin in their place.

    petechiae on legs

    Diagnosis of hemorrhagic petechiae

    With an unclear origin of rashes at the first stage, patients are shown the following studies:

    • general analysis of blood and urine;
    • coagulogram;
    • stool for occult blood.

    After receiving their results diagnostic search may include:

    • blood biochemistry;
    • puncture of the spinal cord;
    • determination of antibodies to erythrocytes, platelets;
    • analysis for ;
    • capillary fragility tests - tourniquet test, tonometer cuffs, cupping, pinching;
    • bacteriological examination of smears;
    • blood culture.

    Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity in the diagnosis of petechiae

    Treatment of petechial rash

    In case of traumatic damage to the capillaries, it is enough to apply cold to the place of petechiae, with the exclusion of hemorrhagic syndrome (increased bleeding), heparin ointment or Lioton gel is applied for rapid resorption.

    External treatment of rashes in background diseases is not carried out. It is important to influence the cause of the appearance of petechiae:

    • violation of blood coagulation - prescribe the introduction of platelet mass, coagulation factors, blood transfusion ();
    • autoimmune vascular damage - shows Prednisolone or Dexamethasone, cytostatics, blood purification from immune complexes - plasmapheresis, cryoapheresis;
    • DIC is treated with Curantil, Heparin and Trental;
    • in the infectious process is prescribed antimicrobials and the introduction of solutions to reduce intoxication;
    • if rashes appeared against the background of the use of medications, then they are canceled, if necessary, blood is purified using hemosorption.

    Petechiae are pinpoint hemorrhages from small blood vessels. They are caused by clotting disorders, infections, autoimmune diseases, and external influences. Characterized by the appearance of small red dots on the skin and mucous membranes that do not disappear when pressed. For the selection of treatment, it is important to establish the cause of the hemorrhagic rash and eliminate it.

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    The complex disease thrombocytopenic purpura can occur in children and adults. The reasons are not fully understood. Symptoms are manifested by a red rash, bruises. By type it is idiopathic, hemorrhagic, acute. Diagnosis of immune pathology and treatment is complex.

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  • A decrease in the number of platelets in the blood is thrombocytopenia, the causes and treatment of which differ in adults and children. For example, in newborns, it may be congenital, the mother passed it on to the child during pregnancy. Acquired from teenagers. In men and women, children require correction.

  • Flat red spots on different parts of the body, single and multiple, do not change color, size, location when pulling the skin or pressing, what is it? The slightest bruises, no more than two millimeters in diameter, that occur when red blood cells come out into the interstitial space, are called petechiae.

    The appearance of such points on the skin may indicate blood diseases, the presence in the body, autoimmune diseases. Similar rashes can also appear in healthy people with frequent stressful situations. In such cases, the symptoms of petechiae go away on their own after a while.

    When the integrity of the capillary walls is violated, blood elements (platelets) begin the process of blood clotting and wound healing. AT normal condition a blood clot forms at the site of the injury, which prevents blood from pouring out, if a person has spots, red blood cells come out.

    By type of origin, petechiae are:

    • Primary small dots of purple color, after which it changes to yellow due to the formation of a dark yellow pigment consisting of iron oxide in the tissues. After a while, the rash loses its clear color.
    • Secondary ones are associated with the passage of red blood cells into the nearest tissues. Such formations cannot go away by themselves, they require surgical intervention.

    Children with weak immune systems may develop rashes all over their bodies. This may be due to the entry of the virus into the body. The spots are accompanied by fever, pain in the head, shortness of breath. AT severe cases the child may fall unconscious, convulsions, delirium may begin.

    Diseases of the body systems lead to a misperception of human immunity in relation to its parts. So, for example, those who perceive the walls of blood vessels as foreign, settle on them and destroy them. The patient feels pain in muscle tissues, in the left half chest, joints, increased sweating.

    The appearance of a rash on the skin, accompanied by symptoms, rapidly spreading throughout the body, large and blue requires urgent appeal in hospital.

    The reasons

    There are several causes of petechiae, which are divided into physical and pathological.

    Physical causes of petechiae:

    • Injury to a skin area, for example, after a blow in adults and when playing in children.
    • Strong emotional shock, causes spots on the face;
    • With strong stress during childbirth;
    • Some sports can affect the occurrence of spots;
    • Tight clothing;
    • When pinching the skin, for example, with a tourniquet;
    • When aging.

    To pathological reasons occurrence of petechiae include:

    • Diseases associated with impaired functioning of the human immune system;
    • Infection in the body;
    • Insufficient amount of a number of vitamins in the body;
    • Autoimmune damage to small vessels;
    • Hormonal disbalance;
    • Oncological diseases;
    • Taking drugs;
    • Long-term use of certain drugs.

    Petechiae is divided into several types depending on the underlying disease:

    • With meningitis, a rash appears in the form of pale stars on the thighs, shins, buttocks, legs, and lower abdomen. Merging with each other, they form wide spots, the surface of which dies off after a while.
    • In gonorrhea, the rash focuses on distal parts legs, over the joints. It has the form of pustules filled with blood. Bladder disorders occur.
    • Staphylococcus manifests itself as petechiae with pus, inside of which there is an infection. Here, cell permeability increases, spots appear on the face.
    • At autoimmune diseases(, for example) rashes appear on the limbs, both lower and upper. In addition, a person feels symptoms such as fever, pain in muscles, joints, general malaise. After some time, the rash disappears, but the skin still differs in color from healthy areas and peels off.

    Symptoms of petechiae with inflammation of the walls of blood vessels:

    • Pain in the abdomen;
    • Inflammation of the joints of the lower extremities;
    • Sometimes diarrhea, vomiting, fever.

    With chronic petechial hemorrhage on the skin, with inflammation of the capillaries, petechiae are most often localized on the legs. First, a lot of brown small spots, which later disappear, but then reappear. The disease is more common in men than in women.

    When an infection enters the body, fever, pain in the muscles, and inflammation first occur. meninges, violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. After some time, these symptoms subside, in return for them come rashes all over the body, which last one day.


    Diagnosis of petechiae includes several methods. In addition to listening to the patient's complaints, collecting an anamnesis, there is also:

    • laboratory research, which includes counting all types of blood cells, determining their parameters, measuring hemoglobin levels, determining the ratio of cell mass to plasma;
    • puncture of the iliac, heel, tibia or chest.


    If a person does not feel a deterioration in well-being, and petechiae appear, then special treatment they don't need to.

    In other cases, the following types of therapy are used:

    • If a part of the body is injured and a rash appears, it must be cooled so that they do not spread. For this, a moistened towel is perfect, which is applied for fifteen minutes to the affected area.
    • If an infection occurs, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
    • In case of allergy, the element that causes it should be eliminated and the body's sensitivity to it is reduced with the help of drugs, antihistamines are indicated for severe itching.
    • With the appearance of a rash associated with impaired immunity, desensitizing drugs, corticosteroids, and substances that seal the vessels are prescribed. The course of treatment in this case lasts up to two months.

    After each therapy, patients are prescribed vitamins, blood transfusion, the introduction of blood proteins that have a high molecular weight and less solubility in water.

    Petechiae are tiny (1-2 mm), round, flat formations that look like insect bites. However, the absence of a characteristic dotted trace, purple color, group localization are the hallmarks of such spots that can “decorate” the skin of both an adult and a child.

    Reasons for the appearance

    Petechiae: what is it? The main reason for the appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhagic elements is a point rupture of capillaries, around which a microscopic hematoma is formed. Most often this occurs under the influence of a blow or bruise, in children - in the process of outdoor games or when falling.

    Petechiae on the face, in the cervical and chest area can also form with severe coughing, emotional crying, vomiting as a result of excessive facial tension, which leads to rupture of small capillaries.

    On a note. Petechiae that appear suddenly and are not accompanied by other clinical symptoms often disappear on their own, without the use of special therapy.

    Petechiae on the body can result from wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing. The formation of elements occurs in the areas of contact of the body with the tissue.

    Are petechiae a sign of illness?

    What are petechiae on the skin? How dangerous? How to get rid of them quickly and effectively? P etechiae, the causes of which are not only physiological factors, can be a side effect of taking medications: Aspirin, Naproxen, Quinine, Indomethacin.

    Advice. Older people in order to prevent the appearance of petechiae should avoid any injuries, falls. To maintain balance, it is better to use a stick.

    Also, small subcutaneous hemorrhages may indicate the presence of autoimmune and hematological diseases, in which the body is disrupted in the formation of platelets and their functioning. We are talking about the syndrome of lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, thrombocytopenic purpura, spondyloarthritis.

    information to read

    Petechiae on the body: localization

    Depending on the cause that caused them, petechiae can occur in various parts of the body: in infectious diseases - on the tonsils, inner surfaces of the cheeks, upper palate; on the stomach - as a sign of cirrhosis of the liver, scarlet fever, measles. Petechiae on the legs can be associated with vascular diseases and connective tissue pathology.

    Subcutaneous hemorrhagic rash may be accompanied by sepsis - blood poisoning that occurs against the background of long-term illnesses

    With thrombocytopenia, characterized by poor blood clotting, any, even the most minor injury to the skin causes heavy bleeding and the appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhages.

    Petechiae on the skin also appear in rheumatoid arthritis, periarteritis nodosa, infective endocarditis, Wegener's granulomatosis, scurvy, systemic lupus, etc.

    On a note. Immediate medical consultation is required for multiple manifestations of petechiae that have arisen against a background of high fever and associated signs of inflammation.

    With an enterovirus infection, manifested by fever, herpetic sore throat, muscle pain and gastrointestinal upset, petechiae form on the face within one day. Subcutaneous elements disappear on the second day, while the patient's condition improves significantly.

    Petechiae in a child

    Often parents notice petechiae in a child. The reasons for the appearance of such rashes are of a different nature. In the infant period, petechiae in a child can be caused by poor hygiene, most often they are localized on the pope, abdomen and limbs.

    If the rashes are characterized by periodicity and are not the result of mechanical injuries, you need to seek medical help from a pediatrician who will prescribe appropriate tests.

    Sometimes parents notice petechiae on a child's earlobe. The cause may be a viral infection, especially the flu, against which the strength of the walls of small vessels weakens. To strengthen them, the baby can be given pure ascorbic acid or foods rich in this substance: sauerkraut, oranges, black currants.


    Petechiae on the skin, the causes of which are of a different nature, are most often associated with injuries. They are diagnosed by an external examination by a dermatologist and finding out the possible causes of rashes, including:

    • mechanical injury to soft tissues,
    • transferred diseases of infectious and viral origin,
    • predisposition to allergic manifestations.

    How to recognize: petechiae on the body from other types of rash can be distinguished by pressing on the skin elements with your finger, and then releasing. When pressed, the affected area will not change at all: the elements of the rash will not disappear or discolor.

    Along the way, the doctor takes into account the time of appearance of rashes, their size, and the dynamics of development. The patient is advised to take a blood test for microorganisms and antibodies.


    Treatment of petechiae depends on the cause that caused their appearance.. So, in case of injury, a cold compress of ice wrapped in a towel and applied to the problem area for a quarter of an hour will reduce inflammation and stop the formation of a rash.

    In the infectious nature of diseases, patients may be prescribed antibiotics, desensitizing drugs, immunostimulants, and means to eliminate concomitant symptoms.

    Petechiae on the arm and other parts of the body, which are a manifestation of allergies, are eliminated by taking antihistamine drugs (Zodak, Zirtek, Suprastin, etc.).

    Systemic autoimmune diseases, accompanied by a petechial rash, are treated for 4-8 weeks with desensitizing, vasoconstrictive drugs, as well as corticosteroids.

    For weakened patients with reduced immunity, against which the frequent formation of petechiae on the body is possible, general strengthening therapy is recommended with the use of vitamins of the S.K.R group, the introduction of globulins, and transfusion of blood products.

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