Dry cough to vomit. Strong cough to vomit, cough with sputum - causes and treatment. Why does this process happen in adults?

Cough is the most common symptom of many diseases. It is a mistake to think that cough is only an indicator of diseases of the lungs or upper respiratory tract. Many do not attach such a symptom great importance. Delayed treatment complicates the effect of recovery, leads to more severe forms the course of the disease.

Diseases that cause coughing

ARI (influenza, parainfluenza, RS-infection)

Acute respiratory viral diseases are accompanied by a cough. At the beginning of the current viral infection dry cough, later turning into a wet cough purulent sputum. Causes a feeling of pain behind the sternum. These symptoms often accompany the flu. Parainfluenza is characterized by a "barking" cough with hoarseness. MS infection is characterized by wet, chest cough appearing in the first days of malaise. Acute respiratory viral diseases are accompanied by high temperature, lethargy, headache due to intoxication of the body. Sometimes it can be observed to vomiting.

Tracheitis in acute and chronic form

Appears in the background viral disease. It is characterized by loudness, pain behind the sternum. Appears suddenly, when inhaling cold air or smoke. Cough with tracheitis is accompanied by sputum with pus. General state the patient worsens, the temperature may rise.

Acute bronchitis

The disease is characterized by the occurrence of a wet cough with watery and mucous sputum. In acute bronchitis, a deep, sonorous cough appears. The disease is of a catarrhal nature and develops mainly as a result of hypothermia.

Chronical bronchitis

main symptom this disease- muffled cough. Attacks are repeated in cold air or in a dusty room. Disturbs, especially in the morning, a strong cough to vomiting. Protracted Chronical bronchitis accompanied by cough with purulent sputum.


Deaf cough begins in the first days of the disease. When it turns into wet, it is accompanied by "rusty" sputum. It happens up to vomiting, with painful sensations in chest in the zone diseased lung. Bronchopneumonia is different low temperature, general weakness. At lobar pneumonia severe malaise, high temperature.

Bronchial asthma

The symptom of the disease is coughing up to vomiting with attacks of suffocation. This produces mucus. The attack occurs during contact with the allergen. The disease may be seasonal. Various allergic reactions.

Chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis

With these diseases, a dry cough to vomiting also appears. Sore throat, tingling. They cause seizures. Chronic ENT diseases have mild symptoms. The patient often feels pain in the cheeks, forehead. There is discomfort in the nose, throat.


The disease is accompanied by a painful, dry cough. There is shortness of breath, high temperature. The most common concern is chest pain.

Tumors of the mediastinum

During illness, the patient is tormented by a dry cough, of a persistent nature. He may be the only symptom diseases.


In the first days of the disease, a slight cough is characteristic, which develops into a dry or wet strong cough before vomiting. There may be traces of blood in the sputum. At night, the attack intensifies, sweating, chills appear. Cough is the main symptom of tuberculosis. The patient may lose weight. The body temperature is low, but it lasts a long time. The disease usually occurs through contact with a sick person.


In adults and children during the period of pulmonary migration of ascaris, worms, a dry cough occurs. It goes away after a few weeks. The disease may be accompanied by fever, skin rash. Ascariasis is very common in children. It can cause developmental delays. Causes intestinal obstruction hepatic colic, suppuration in the lungs.

Whooping cough

The disease is accompanied by severe bouts of coughing, periodically interrupted by heavy sighs. In this case, vomiting is possible. Whooping cough is common in children. Adults are very rarely exposed to such a disease.


A painful, dry cough with measles appears in the first days of illness. The disease is accompanied by high fever. A rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes.

In addition to the listed diseases, cough can appear in smokers, also as a result of occupational disease, lung cancer, heart failure, taking certain medical preparations.

The appearance of a cough is a reason to visit a doctor in order to make a correct diagnosis. Timely treatment will achieve the desired, effective results will restore lost health.

Coughing is a common symptom that indicates that the body is fighting something pathological process. Only in some cases it can be the norm. Often there is a cough to vomiting in an adult. Such an undesirable symptom can cause a significant deterioration in well-being. Cough with vomiting in an adult may occur due to different reasons. Most often, it is present precisely at night, when a person cannot cope with an excessive amount of sputum. First of all, the cause of coughing to vomiting in an adult should be established. Only thanks to this it will be possible to get rid not of the symptoms, but of the underlying disease that provoked the appearance of the symptom.

The appearance of vomiting against a cough can be caused by various pathologies.

The cause of the disease

The causes of the gag reflex, which is accompanied by a cough, are determined by the doctor. This is required for appointment effective treatment. It is almost impossible to find out the causes of the onset of the disease on your own. It is for this reason that it is categorically not recommended to establish a diagnosis for yourself and give preference to certain medications without the consent of a specialist. The causes can be established by comparing all the symptoms and passing certain tests. There are many diseases in which the patient may have a severe cough before vomiting.

Specialists highlight the following reasons occurrence of the disease:

  • whooping cough;
  • bronchitis acute or chronic;
  • tracheitis;
  • inflammatory process in the lungs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • helminthiasis.

Helminth infestation can cause coughing to the point of vomiting

Here are the most common causes of severe coughing, leading to vomiting. This disease can also be observed in the presence of colds. But in this case, there will be a temperature. Pathology is accompanied large quantity unwanted symptoms. With SARS and acute respiratory infections, the temperature reaches up to 38 degrees. In this case, the patient feels weakness and constant headache. With the flu, the temperature can reach 39-40 degrees. Coughing and vomiting at the same time deliver significant discomfort.

Coughing spells often occur during various types bronchitis. acute type occurs with significant hypothermia. With this disorder, as a rule, the patient has moist cough With copious amounts sputum. The cough is loud and resonant. It often turns into an attack with a gag reflex.

A cough with a gag reflex is also present in chronic bronchitis. In this case, the condition worsens in the cold season and when in stuffy and heavily polluted rooms. A strong dry cough with this type of bronchitis is significantly different. Sometimes in the sputum you can notice an admixture of pus.

The cause of vomiting with a cough may be bronchitis of various forms.

Such a sign indicates that the condition is very neglected. In this case, you can not do without consulting a doctor, that is, you need to contact a specialist immediately.

Preventive measures

Coughing with vomiting brings a lot of discomfort. The patient has additional unwanted symptoms. As already mentioned, most often vomiting when coughing occurs precisely at night. This is no coincidence. Sputum is actively collected when a person is in horizontal position. Lying down, he cannot fully cough up and clear the airways. For this reason, there is paroxysmal cough without temperature. It is important to know how to treat such an ailment and how to cope with an attack that has appeared.

Coughing in an adult can cause dizziness, which can lead to fainting. You need to know how to help the patient before the doctor arrives. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid deterioration of the condition. Vomiting when coughing can be eliminated with:

  • plentiful warm drink;
  • proper diet;
  • complete rest.

Help relieve cough warm tea from herbs

The patient should drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Preference should be given to herbal or fruit teas. The patient should only take healthy foods. It is recommended to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Food should be low in calories. This is necessary so that the body spends as little energy as possible on the digestion of products.

The patient during illness should not overwork himself. He needs to get enough sleep and rest. The room must be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned in it. Thanks to this, an adult's cough will not turn into seizures.

In the presence of a cough turning into vomiting, preference should be given to inhalations, and the occurrence of an attack can be eliminated by humidifying the air. Highly high efficiency has honey. With it, you can suppress an attack of coughing and nausea. You need to use it 1 tablespoon when the condition worsens.

Rest will help you recover faster

It is possible to use a beekeeping product only in the absence of individual intolerance.

You can reduce the risk of a coughing fit with vomiting in adults by eliminating from the diet:

  • fatty;
  • salty;
  • acute;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • confectionery;
  • fast food;
  • fast food;
  • too sweet;
  • carbonated drinks.

sticking to proper nutrition some health problems can be avoided

Cough treatment

Many patients who are faced with a cough accompanied by a gag reflex try to figure out on their own how to treat such a sign. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Only a doctor can explain how to treat the disease safely and effectively. He will pick up medicines based individual features. This is necessary in order to symptoms present did not develop into more significant complications. Self-treatment is dangerous.

From a cough with vomiting, you can drink a decoction prepared from a special breast collection. Such a tool has a low cost and is sold in every pharmacy. The recipe is on the packaging. It is recommended to drink the prepared broth several times a day.

Many doctors recommend inhalation to patients. You can do this with a special device or use a regular pan with a towel. To increase the protective functions of the body, it is recommended to drink tea with raspberries and honey.

Antibiotics with vitamins are prescribed to eliminate cough with vomiting

Typically, patients are prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • immunostimulatory drugs.

Drugs are selected based on the individual characteristics of the patient and his underlying disease. At the same time, completely different drugs may be recommended for people with the same symptoms.

Carrying out inhalations helps to relieve an attack of coughing with vomiting.

After complete recovery, the patient without fail should be treated with vitamin and mineral complexes. This is necessary in order to restore protective functions organism.

  • Linkas;
  • Codeine;
  • Ascoril.

With absence elevated temperature body can be taken therapeutic baths and hover your feet using essential oils. Rubbing is recommended before bed. For this, it is recommended to use honey. Then you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and go to sleep.

Medicines for the treatment of cough with vomiting

Should be taken before bed warm milk with the addition of honey or raspberries. Due to this, the process of producing and removing sputum will be accelerated. Experts recommend drinking warm dried fruit compote throughout the day.

Cough with vomiting significantly worsens the patient's condition. Due to the gag reflex, he cannot fully rest. There may be insomnia. Treatment in this case is recommended to start immediately. However, only a doctor can prescribe drugs. This is explained by the fact that vomiting when coughing occurs for various reasons and it is impossible to find them out on your own.

What and how to treat a cough will be described in the video:

Bronchial asthma is the most common disease in which a dry cough occurs. Then it becomes more painful and sometimes even vomiting spasms occur. At bronchial asthma the attack can last about an hour. It can be provoked by various allergens (irritating gases, tobacco smoke, animal hair). Also, bronchial asthma is exacerbated by high emotional stress.

Tracheitis can occur against the background of a cold. Often it manifests itself quite unexpectedly when inhaling cold air. Cough with tracheitis is often accompanied by sputum with pus. Acute bronchitis usually produces a wet cough. This is a cold-like illness that can occur as a result of hypothermia.

An agonizing cough can also be a symptom of such dangerous disease like tuberculosis. Particularly characteristic of tuberculosis are nocturnal attacks of coughing and the appearance of severe chills. Pneumonia is often accompanied by pain in the chest. Then there is a strong cough, the temperature rises and general weakness occurs.

In children, the occurrence of gag reflexes is possible with whooping cough. Gradually, the disease develops, and the cough becomes convulsive. Attacks can be repeated up to 50 times a day. Sometimes with whooping cough, nosebleeds and hemoptysis also occur.

Causes of cough to vomiting in children and adults

In addition to the above diseases, there are other occurrences of vomiting during a strong cough. For example, the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx often leads to the appearance of such symptoms. If you do not blow your nose and spit out, you may experience vomiting reflex organism. That is why it is recommended that small children wash their sinuses with special solutions in case of such a problem. Also, vomiting when coughing can occur in a child with a common cold.

Respiratory tract infections are often the cause of severe coughing with vomiting in people. In addition, coughing can be caused by smoking, inhaling some poisonous substances and dust mites. Similar symptoms can occur even with heart failure or diseases gastrointestinal tract. Often a strong cough is provoked by taking ACE inhibitors.

Severe respiratory diseases and other disorders in the body can cause severe coughing to the point of vomiting. it serious condition most often observed in children, since their cough and vomiting centers in the brain are located very close and interconnected with each other. In some cases this symptom does not carry any danger and is easily treatable, but there are severe pathologies, which can be eliminated only with the help of complex therapy.

Coughing up to vomiting in an adult or child appears due to mucus stagnation in the respiratory tract. The sputum that comes out of the bronchi during a spasm irritates the throat and causes a gag reflex. This condition is characterized by morning attacks. If viscous masses accumulate in the nose, they flow down back wall throat into the throat, which also leads to vomiting. Most discomfort the patient experiences in the evening and at night, in lying position his condition is deteriorating.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, type more air into the lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Reasons for the appearance

Vomiting when coughing is extremely rare, and this good reason to apply for medical care. This condition is especially dangerous for young children, since edema may occur if the mucous membrane is irritated. vocal cords, they can also simply choke on their own vomit in a dream.

In any case, diagnosis is necessary to determine the disease that caused this symptom. Cough with vomiting can provoke such violations:

  • whooping cough;
  • sharp and chronic inflammation respiratory tract;
  • ascariasis;
  • cancer of the lungs and larynx;
  • heart disease;
  • allergy.

You can determine the disease that caused the vomiting cough by the nature of the sputum. If the mucus has a bright yellow tint, then we are talking about bronchial asthma, rust-colored discharge indicates lobar pneumonia, inclusions of black particles indicate the presence of pneumoconiosis.

An admixture of blood is a sign of active tuberculosis, pulmonary embolism, bronchiectasis, or Goodpasture's syndrome. At viral lesions mucus is colorless, yellowish or greenish.

Let us consider in more detail the causes that cause a very strong cough with a gag reflex.

Whooping cough

A hacking dry cough to vomiting can develop with whooping cough. The disease is mainly diagnosed in children, it is transmitted by airborne droplets. It is very easy to detect a violation, the child tries to clear his throat, but cannot do it, during the urge his face becomes red, his tongue protrudes forward. No classic antitussive drugs can stop the spasm.

It is important to seek medical attention in time, as whooping cough leads to swelling of the vocal cords and suffocation.

Bronchitis in acute and chronic form

Coughing up to vomiting can provoke stagnation of mucus in the bronchi. Most often this occurs in the acute stage of bronchitis. The disease is characterized by abundant sputum, it requires special medical treatment.

The disease may progress to chronic stage if the person has not healed acute bronchitis, a cold or had been ill several times in a row. When the disease is observed deaf cough, most often it worries when inhaling cold air or staying in a dusty room. Attacks occur more in the morning, they are so strong that they cause vomiting. Together with sputum, pus is separated if chronic bronchitis is running. It can proceed without temperature, it is treated with the help of complex therapy.

Coughing in an adult can cause tracheitis. The causes of this disease are viral infections of the respiratory tract. Characteristic features acute and chronic tracheitis are:

  • sudden pain in the chest area;
  • loud cough;
  • secretion of mucus with an admixture of pus;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • malaise.

The cough reflex occurs when inhaling, it is especially pronounced in the cold or when in a smoky room. The patient feels a spasm, which can lead to vomiting. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a detailed examination and examination of the tests.

Pneumonia and bronchopneumonia

This is a serious disease that begins with a mild, dull cough. Progressing, the disease can cause severe spasms, while sputum has the color of rust or even blood blotches. The gag reflex occurs at the peak of pneumonia, and pain is felt in the infected lung. What to do in such a situation, the doctor decides, most often the patient is hospitalized.

Bronchopneumonia - complex disease. Causes of its appearance: advanced bronchitis, severe hypothermia complication of pneumonia. Causes a strong cough, chest pain, sometimes a spasm provokes a gag reflex. How to treat it, the doctor decides, for each patient, therapy is prescribed individually.

Chronic respiratory diseases

In case of incorrect or untimely treatment respiratory diseases progress to chronic form. They can cause such unpleasant symptoms, how nagging pain in the forehead and cheeks, runny nose, headache. Coughing provokes a sore throat, sometimes attacks can reach vomiting.

Bronchial asthma is caused by improper treatment bronchitis, it can also be congenital. Cough with vomiting begins upon contact with allergens, most often the attacks begin at night. Seasonal exacerbations are also observed. Therapy includes antitussive and antihistamine drugs.

Oncological diseases

Cancer of the lungs, larynx, and other organs can cause severe persistent cough. During attacks, the patient cannot stop, he does not have enough air, which leads to vomiting. going on severe irritation pharynx, sputum is excreted with an admixture of blood. Diseases require long-term complex treatment.

Ascariasis and allergies

An allergic reaction is also accompanied by a strong cough reflex, which sometimes comes to vomiting. The spasm begins upon contact with allergens, the mucous membrane becomes very irritable. Runny nose and watery eyes are also characteristic of this disease.

You can eliminate it with drug therapy, it is also necessary to protect the patient from the causative agents of the reaction.


On the early stages the patient coughs not much, but for a long time. When the disease becomes acute stage, there is a prolonged cough that does not bring relief, sometimes reaching vomiting. There is an increase in body temperature in evening time, increased sweating at night, there are blood clots in the sputum.

Heart disease

heart failure in acute form causes severe spasm. Coughing does not improve the patient's condition. The violation occurs due to the fact that a person wants to inhale as much air as possible, but the bronchi cannot cope with its volume. What to do in the presence of such symptoms, the cardiologist determines.

First aid

Before the doctor establishes the cause of the vomiting cough, the patient must be given first aid. Simple but effective measures help to alleviate the condition of an adult or child until drug therapy is prescribed.

To relieve spasm, follow these rules:

Summing up

The reasons, causing cough with a gag reflex, can be very different. In children, such disorders are more common, if similar condition found in an adult, this indicates the presence serious illnesses or hard fall immunity.

In this case, consultation with a doctor is necessary. You can only provide first aid to the patient on your own, you can’t take any medications without the consent of the doctor.

Coughing fits are very disturbing for babies, especially during a night's rest. Of particular concern to parents is a cough with vomiting, which can be caused by various ailments. What is its cause, can it be prevented and how to help the baby during an attack? Adults should be aware of this in order to calm the child in time and correctly approach the problem.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of a strong dry cough in a child, so parents need to know how to stop his attacks.

Why cough can be accompanied by vomiting?

Vomiting usually accompanies a paroxysmal dry cough. During an attack, facial and cervical muscles the child is tense, tears may flow from the eyes, skin turn purple. It seems that he does not have enough air, and this is true. The amount of vomit that comes out at the same time is small. Until the baby coughs, it will not get easier. After an attack, he looks tired and confused, afraid to cough again.

With a wet cough, vomiting occurs between its attacks. The situation can provoke excess amount sputum that can clog in swollen airways. Mucus enters the stomach, which wants to get rid of it by vomiting.

Why do coughing attacks bother you more often at night?

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The cough is almost always worse at night. During the day, the baby not only lies, but also sits, walks, talks, so that sputum leaves faster. During sleep, the blood supply slows down, and mucus in a horizontal position clogs the throat. This is the main cause of cough with vomiting.

As a rule, a dry cough “suffocates” a child during sleep (see also:)

Pediatricians convince parents that there is nothing dangerous in such a cough. It most often occurs in children under three years of age who cannot perfectly control the urge to vomit. During illness, parents should carefully observe the children at night, help them clear their throats and sleep peacefully.

Causes of coughing up vomiting

Vomiting during or between coughing attacks is caused by various violations. The main physiological reasons:

  • dry air in the room;
  • profuse salivation during teething;
  • mouth breathing, which dries out the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • discharge of the contents of the nasopharynx into the esophagus and activation of the gag reflex.

There is always a risk that the child will choke on vomit and cough even more. Parents should be on the lookout, especially during the SARS period, when the child has a stuffy nose and a daytime cough is observed.

bronchospasm, vomiting at night, can provoke such diseases:

Rhinitis and sinusitisCough appears when the baby is lying down. Mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx and irritates the vomiting center.
BronchitisAT initial stage cough dry, turning over time into wet. His attacks are characterized by shortness of breath, vomiting, strong tension of the child.
Whooping coughIn the initial stage, the disease is similar to a cold, which quickly joins agonizing cough to the point of vomiting. His attacks may be accompanied by wheezing, repeated several times a night, which exhausts the child.
allergic reactionsPeriodic bouts of coughing are associated with swelling of the mucosa and runny nose, redness of the nose.
Asthma bronchialCoughing attacks are observed in the morning, may be accompanied by the release of a small amount clear slime. In the sitting position, the baby becomes easier.
Foreign body in the airwaysIt is very difficult for the child to breathe, wheezing is possible. If a foreign object block the bronchi, possibly suffocation.

What causes dry cough?

Due to the large number of causes of cough, it is imperative to visit a doctor who will determine the etiology of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Dry cough to vomit at night or daytime cause:

  • helminthiasis during the migration of larvae through the lungs;
  • the initial stage of a cold, SARS;
  • cardiac pathology;
  • chronic inflammation paranasal sinuses nose
  • whooping cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • dry air in the room.

Coughing to vomiting in a child without fever and any symptoms on the eve of sleep is usually due to a reaction to the presence of an allergen nearby (new laundry detergent, pollen from the window, fluff inside the pillow). Additionally, the child is tormented by a sore throat, itchy nose, redness of the eyes and watery eyes.

What causes a wet cough?

Wet cough in infants may be associated with excessive crying and copious secretions from the nose, insufficient development of the muscles of the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux), teething.

These conditions pass over time and are not considered dangerous to health. Also in infants under one year old and older children, a wet cough is based on cough reflex. It may occur for the following reasons:

  • viral infection and cold in the final stage;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • lung abscesses;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia under treatment.

The cause of the cough is easy to determine by the nature of the sputum. Purulent contents are characteristic of bronchiectasis and abscesses, watery - for a viral infection. Viscous sputum happens with bronchitis, its rusty hue is observed with pneumococcal pneumonia.

First aid for severe cough with vomiting

If the baby wakes up at night, coughs and vomits, parents try to help him in any way, sometimes panicking. They go and folk methods, and medicines. It is important to remember that coughing is natural reaction for airway inflammation. They evacuate with him pathogenic bacteria, the trachea and bronchi are cleared.

With frequent bouts of coughing, inhalations with alkaline solutions

Proper first aid should be as follows:

  • unbutton pajamas so that it does not make it difficult to breathe;
  • try to move the child to another room;
  • if sputum does not come out well, massage the back with tapping movements;
  • ventilate the room;
  • give a mucolytic drug according to the instructions;
  • take an inhalation when the attack has passed;
  • give the baby warm water(ideally - heated Borjomi without gas) or milk;
  • go out onto the balcony and get some air (if the child does not have a temperature).

summon emergency care the child should in such cases:

  • vomiting does not stop;
  • the nasolabial triangle turns blue;
  • foam appears from the mouth;
  • signs of suffocation are expressed;
  • skin is pale, cold;
  • loss of consciousness.

Child treatment

Therapeutic measures are selected individually, depending on the reason why the child vomited during a cough. Why this happens, only a doctor can find out.

In addition to antitussives and folk remedies he appoints little patient the main treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the ailment.

With SARS and its complications (laryngitis, tracheitis), you should follow the rules for caring for your baby. They require providing the crumbs with rest, carrying out wet cleaning and ventilating the room, receiving antiviral drugs and immunomodulators as prescribed by a doctor.

At bacterial diseases and their complications (tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), therapy is usually not complete without antibiotics. AT advanced stage the disease becomes chronic, when coughing with vomiting and fever is not easy to eliminate. If the cause of the cough is serious violations in the body, the pediatrician connects other specialists (cardiologist, ENT, pulmonologist).


Cold inhalations work well in eliminating most causes of coughing. For their implementation, nebulizers are used, which fill mineral water, saline or a medicine prescribed by a doctor (for example, Chlorfillipt, Interferon, Furacilin, Lazolvan).

When the baby does not have a temperature, you can do warm herbal inhalations. Can be used antitussive fees, as well as coltsfoot, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort. During the procedures, you should be next to the baby and make sure that he breathes properly.

The use of compresses

Compresses give nice results in the elimination of cough, which is accompanied by vomiting. They improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, prevent pain syndromes. The following recipes are effective and safe for children:

  • Compress based on boiled potatoes. Two boiled unpeeled tubers should be mashed, mixed with alcohol, turpentine and vegetable oil taken 1 tablespoon. Make warm cakes and wrap in cloth. Apply to chest and back for 30-60 minutes. You can not apply a compress to the heart area, do it at an elevated temperature.
  • Compress of grated radish and honey. A mixture of components in a 1: 1 ratio should be wrapped in cellophane and cloth and applied to the throat, wrapped in a warm scarf. Keep 20 minutes. After removing, lubricate the skin with baby cream and insulate the place where the compress was located.

Medical therapy

Any antitussive drugs should be given strictly according to the instructions and only after consultation with the doctor.

A cough that is accompanied by vomiting is usually treated with the following medicines:

  • expectorants: Dr. MOM, Gedelix, Mukaltin (we recommend reading:);
  • herbal remedies: sage tablets;
  • mucolytics: Ambroxol, Brombhexine;
  • drugs of peripheral action: Levopront, Libeksin;
  • combined: Stoptussin, Kodteprin;
  • antihistamines: Zodak, Tsetrin;
  • central action: Sinekod, Glauvent.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk methods complement traditional treatment and help the baby get well soon. When coughing, which is accompanied by vomiting, such folk recipes will help:

  • Infusion of plantain and mallow leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water over a mixture of crushed leaves, taken in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each). Infuse for 15 minutes, strain, give the child in a warm form.
  • Fruits and color of viburnum. Pour a glass of berries or flowers with a liter of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. Take warm in the morning and evening, 2 tablespoons.
  • Warm tea with raspberries. A proven recipe will help you sweat well, remove toxins and toxins, and reduce the viscosity of sputum.
  • Herbal infusions. Decoctions of nettle, chamomile, mint with the addition of honey will help to overcome the disease.

Raspberry tea is very good for hysterical, dry, debilitating cough

An attack of coughing, ending with vomiting, will help to finally calm down such events (suitable for all babies, with the exception of allergies and infants):

  • give chamomile decoction or warm milk to drink in small sips, which will soothe the mucous membrane;
  • offer to suck a spoonful of honey or a piece butter, which have a soft enveloping effect;
  • offer mint candy for resorption, which can eliminate perspiration and dull irritation.

What should be done to prevent coughing up vomit?

Preventing a cough with vomiting is easier than treating and calming the baby. Prevention is as follows:

  • Correct daily routine. You should regularly ventilate the room and humidify the air (humidity should be at least 50%). It is important to ensure that pajamas and bedding are made from hypoallergenic fabrics. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia and overheating, not to be in crowded places during influenza and SARS epidemics.
  • hardening and physical activity reduce the risk respiratory diseases and facilitate their flow. If the child is sick, do not limit him to bathing. It used to be that a baby who is sick is forbidden water procedures. It is now proven that warm baths with the addition of coniferous extracts loosen thick mucus. A contraindication to them is the temperature in a child.
  • Plentiful drink. During illness, the baby may refuse to eat and this is not scary. However, he should drink as much warm water, milk, tea, herbal decoctions and morses. Drinking will ensure the removal of toxins and toxins, help eliminate the viscosity of sputum and remove harmful bacteria.
  • Antitussive diet (reduces the risk of attacks at night). The child's diet should include berries and fruits with vitamin A, C, mashed potatoes, fresh juices, oatmeal porridge With butter. Such food helps relieve bronchospasm, has expectorant properties.
  • Attention to the condition of the child. When the baby is sick, it is better for one of the parents to sleep in the nursery or take the child to bed with them (see also:). It is important to turn him over often at night so that he can breathe and phlegm does not clog his nasopharynx. You can slightly raise the head of the crib with a roller or pillow. This technique will not allow mucus to accumulate in the nasopharynx.

When a child coughs and has a fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. It should not be brought to serious conditions when vomiting will join the cough. It happens that medical appointments ineffective. In this case, you should re-seek medical help, clarify the diagnosis and get new recommendations.

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