Means for intimate hygiene from an unpleasant smell. Gel for intimate hygiene, which is better? How to get rid of the smell in the intimate area

Perhaps every woman has experienced this at least once in her life. In most cases, the culprit is inflammation of the vagina, as a result of which the balance of the bacterial flora is disturbed. Anaerobic bacteria actively begin to multiply, and the number of lactic acid sticks is significantly reduced.

The vagina is a specific environment that is inhabited by several types of microorganisms. The key role belongs to lactic acid bacilli, which "ferment" the ecosystem and thus prevent the development of pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses.

The number of lactic acid sticks can be drastically reduced. This gives harmful microbes a large field of activity. They begin to actively multiply, and since no one interferes with them, they quickly become prevalent in the female ecosystem. This is how various infectious and inflammatory diseases of intimate places develop.

As a result of direct oxidation of aromatic amines released by microbes, an unpleasant odor appears.

When the risk of an imbalance in the bacterial environment increases:

  • during pregnancy or menopause;
  • when using contraceptives, hormonal drugs, antibiotics;
  • against the background of various diseases;
  • when using unsuitable hygiene products, etc.

Causes of a common problem

In fact, there is no universal smell that would speak about the health of intimate places. Every woman smells differently.

The problem begins when the color of the discharge changes and an unpleasant odor appears. These symptoms may be accompanied by itching, burning, pain, redness, etc.

What are the reasons for this kind of trouble?

Large number of sexual partners
Bacterial vaginosis is not always a sexually transmitted disease. The thing is that active contacts with different partners are a risk factor for imbalance of the bacteria that live in the vagina. According to experts, this is due to their functional purpose.

It has nothing to do with sexual transmission of the disease. Accordingly, the treatment applies exclusively to women.

Too intense hygiene
Perhaps many will be surprised, but this is not about insufficient, but, on the contrary, about too diligent hygiene. The use of detergents that are not suitable for intimate areas often leads to increased reproduction of bacterial strains.

Try to use special gels containing substances that are sensitive to lactobacilli.

Hygienic tampons
According to gynecologists, about 100 types of various microorganisms live in the vagina, including yeast fungi, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.

If their number does not exceed normal values, i.e. balanced, the woman does not have any problems.

The use of tampons during menstruation can provoke the growth of anaerobic microbes and an imbalance in the vaginal ecosystem. There are discharge, an unpleasant odor during and after menstruation, as well as other symptoms of inflammation.

Many mistakenly perceive them as thrush and begin to be treated with antifungal drugs.

The presence of odor often serves as a differentiating sign of diseases.

Unsuitable washing powder
Linen should be washed using mild chemicals and then rinsed thoroughly. Delicate, odorless powders do this best.

It is undesirable to apply fragrances to intimate places, in particular deodorants. This will have the opposite effect.

Chemicals found in cosmetics and laundry detergents attack vaginal microorganisms. And most often it is lactobacilli that are under attack. An imbalance of the flora occurs, which is manifested by inflammation, an intense unpleasant smell of fish, etc.

Hormonal changes
We are talking about physiological changes in the hormonal background in women. First of all, this is the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. The appearance of an unpleasant odor in an intimate place after childbirth is more likely to be a complication of an infectious-inflammatory nature.

The appearance of an unusual smell is directly related to a change in the level of sex hormones during childbearing:

  • the pH of the vagina changes with a shift to the alkaline side;
  • the mucosa is loosened, and more glycogen accumulates in the epithelial cells;
  • the level of immunity decreases.

These processes increase the risk of developing fungal and bacterial infections of intimate places.

There are several reasons why during menstruation it is necessary to strengthen hygiene:

  • bleeding disturbs the environment of the vagina;
  • they also serve as ideal food for bacteria;
  • blood on the external genitalia can be the cause of the smell.

Gynecological procedures and contraception
Unfortunately, any intervention, even an examination by a doctor, can cause an inflammatory process. This also applies to mechanical contraceptives.

As a result of research, it was found that every second woman who uses contraceptives has repeatedly observed bacterial vaginosis.

The human body is designed in such a way that intimate places are adequately protected in a natural way. Some bacteria in the vagina produce hydrogen peroxide. It prevents the development of fungal infections in particular. The imbalance of flora is accompanied by the death of these beneficial microbes and the prevalence of anaerobic microbes. Moreover, their number can exceed the norm by 1000 or more times;

Sexually transmitted diseases
An unpleasant smell in an intimate place can be a sign of diseases that are transmitted during sexual intercourse. First of all, it is chlamydia and gonorrhea. The first is more common and often occurs without pronounced symptoms, so women do not always know that they are sick.

Trichomonas are microorganisms that infect the reproductive organs. They penetrate the tissues, resulting in ulcers.

In case of a suspected infection, contact should be avoided and a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

What does a bad smell mean?

Vaginal discharge that is present in a healthy woman is absolutely normal and should not cause any concern. A transparent color and no odor indicate that there is no infection.

If you notice that the smell has become somehow different and unpleasant, do not neglect the advice of a gynecologist.

Here's what the strange "aroma" could mean:

  • if it smells like fish, this indicates that your body is fighting a bacterial infection of the vagina, in other words, bacterial vaginosis (BV) or gardnerellosis;

What other symptoms indicate the disease:

  • yellow, white or gray discharge with a specific fishy odor;
  • frothy discharge after intercourse.

If after sexual intercourse you notice foamy discharge, itching and a specific fishy smell bother you, be sure to go to the gynecologist. You will most likely need to be treated with antibiotics.

Abundant dirty yellow discharge and an unpleasant smell in an intimate place, often reminiscent of fish, may indicate chlamydia. Chlamydia are microorganisms that can be transmitted not only sexually, but also through household contact, i.e. through handshakes, when using contaminated bed linen, washcloths, towels, etc.

What other signs indicate infection:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and external genitalia;
  • burning during urination;
  • bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • weakness;
  • slight rise in temperature, etc.
  • When visiting the toilet, do you smell the characteristic smell of beer or bread? This may be a manifestation of thrush. The disease occurs when yeast fungi of the genus Candida begin to multiply intensively in the vagina.

In most people, these microorganisms live in the oral cavity, intestines, and in women it is in the vagina. The problem arises when there are too many fungi. This is favored by a warm, humid environment. With thrush, there is a whitish coating on the labia.

If during the hygiene procedures of intimate places you notice a white thick mass around the genitals, go to the doctor as soon as possible. He will prescribe antifungal drugs that will help get rid of the disease.

  • A specific sour smell is characteristic of trichomoniasis. The causative agent of this disease is Trichomonas. The disease is transmitted sexually and affects both women and men.

What symptoms should alert:

  • yellowish discharge with an unpleasant sour smell;
  • burning sensations;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • pain during urination and sexual intercourse.

Trichomoniasis should only be treated under medical supervision with appropriate antibiotics.

The disease is dangerous due to complications that are manifested by infertility, problems in the course of pregnancy, etc.

  • The smell of onion or garlic is common. And this is not a disease, but a consequence of eating a large amount of these foods. If your diet includes a lot of onions, pores or garlic, then the characteristic smell of these vegetables will be present not only in the urine, but also in the vaginal discharge.

This can be observed even within 48 hours after eating. After this time everything should be back to normal.

If the smell lasts longer, it indicates poor hygiene.

Despite the fact that the vagina, urethra and rectum are some distance apart, their smells can mix. Therefore, if you do not feel freshness and comfort, it is better to take an extra shower and use a special intimate hygiene product.

  • The smell of spoiled meat- a rare occurrence, but, nevertheless, some people encounter it. The most common cause is tampons forgotten in the vagina during menstruation. For many, this may seem strange and unrealistic, but the fact remains.

The blood that has been absorbed by the swab begins to decompose under the influence of heat and humidity, as a result of which a very unpleasant odor appears.

It is very important to regularly take hygiene measures and change tampons and pads on time.

In addition to proper hygiene, protected sex is important in the prevention of diseases of the reproductive organs.

Unpleasant smell in an intimate place in men

The problem is quite common and it appears for various reasons. They can be divided into two groups - unrelated to diseases and related.

So the first group is:

  • banal non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene - if a man does not regularly take a shower, sebum, sweat, desquamated epithelium, etc. accumulates on the skin. This serves as a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, the waste products of which cause a specific smell;
  • hair - few of the representatives of the stronger sex depilate intimate places, this is considered more the prerogative of women, and in vain. The hairline contributes to the active reproduction of bacteria, especially with insufficient hygiene;
  • increased sweating - there are many sweat glands in the groin area, therefore, under adverse conditions (wearing tight underwear, synthetic clothing, etc.), their activity increases dramatically. Sweat is a breeding ground for bacteria, which explains the terrible smell.

Separately, it should be said about inguinal hyperhidrosis, when an intimate place sweats profusely and constantly.

A man's secret or why hygiene should come first!

The whitish, greasy substance that accumulates on the glans penis under the foreskin is called smegma. It consists of secretions of the sebaceous glands (i.e. fat), bacteria, dead epithelial cells, urine and semen residues.

Smegma is quite physiological and performs a specific function - it reduces the friction of the foreskin against the head, preventing the appearance of microtraumas. Its amount is individual for each man.

With normal hygiene procedures, smegma is washed off with water and detergent. If there is no cleanliness, a pronounced unpleasant odor appears.

In addition, the accumulation of smegma contributes to the development of inflammatory diseases:

  • head of the penis (balanitis);
  • head and foreskin (balanoposthitis).

Bacterial and fungal infections in men

An unpleasant smell in a male intimate place quite often indicates a sexually transmitted disease.

What could it be:

  • gardnerellez - can be transmitted from a woman during sexual intercourse. Gardnerella do not take root well in the male body, but in some circumstances (weakened immunity, the presence of other sexually transmitted infections, uncontrolled relationships, etc.) may well cause a disease. In addition to the specific smell of rotten fish, symptoms of urethritis are observed - burning, pain, frequent urge to urinate;
  • chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichimoniasis- diseases for which an unpleasant odor is not specific, but, nevertheless, can be observed.

penis fungus

This problem is more common among men with diabetes or weak immune systems.

But this is not the only reason. Often, even in healthy people, this problem can occur if certain hygiene rules are not followed:

  • after water procedures, the head must be thoroughly dried;
  • it is undesirable to use soap or shower gel with strong odors. Chemical fragrances can be irritating to mucous membranes and skin.

What symptoms should alert:

  • white plaque with an unpleasant odor on the head of the penis;
  • red spots;
  • pain when urinating;
  • desquamation of the skin.

If such symptoms appear, even if they are minimal, you should consult a doctor.

Not only the man should be treated, but also his partner, even if she does not have visible symptoms of thrush.

At the time of treatment, sexual contact should be excluded. Fungi are highly contagious, often circular infection of each other is observed.

How to treat an unpleasant smell in an intimate place

Prevention is important, because following certain rules will help minimize the risk of infection of the genital organs.

I would like to recall the main points of hygiene that apply to both men and women:

  • wash thoroughly twice a day;
  • use detergents intended for intimate areas;
  • dry with a personal towel;
  • buy linen made from natural materials, change it regularly;
  • pay attention to the composition of washing powders and choose delicate ones that do not contain strong fragrances.

Probiotics should be used to prevent urinary tract infection. They contain Lactobacillus bacteria in certain dosages. The property of such drugs is the restoration of microflora.

Of the probiotics, you need to choose gynecological ones, because. they have those types of lactobacilli that take root well in the vagina - Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

These drugs are used not only for prevention, but also in the complex treatment of various diseases of the reproductive system.

Do not self-medicate! Seek qualified medical assistance from specialists!

Capsules and suppositories for bad breath:

  • Ecofemin - vaginal capsules with lactobacilli;
  • Vaginorm - C - capsules containing ascorbic acid. It normalizes the pH of the vagina, which contributes to the death of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Gynoflor - active active ingredients are lactobacilli and the hormone estriol;
  • Laktonorm - acidophilic lactobacilli;
  • Fermalac - a combination of two types of lactobacilli and thermophilic streptococcus;
  • Lactoginal;
  • Lactogin;
  • Vagilak;
  • Acylact, etc.

For intravaginal applications, such a long-known drug as "Lactobacterin" is suitable. Using it is not as convenient as candles or capsules, but it has a good result.

Known to many "Terzhinan" refers to combined drugs with antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action include

"Kipferon" is a drug based on immunoglobulins and interferon. It is used in the treatment of chlamydia. It has antiviral and immunostimulatory effects.

Such medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor after an examination.

One of the symptoms of infectious or inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system is an unpleasant odor in the intimate area in men. Normally, the penis should not smell of anything, but during the development of bacterial microflora, it begins to exude a sharp, acidic, and sometimes fishy "aroma". Most often, a rotten smell is easily eliminated with the help of increased attention to one's hygiene, but in the presence of diseases this is not enough - treatment is required. Let's find out what causes bad smell and how to get rid of it?

Factors affecting the appearance of odor

In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish two groups of causes that lead to the smell from the intimate area. The first group includes provocative factors associated with lifestyle, nutrition, external influences, etc. The second group is systemic diseases and pathologies of the genitourinary system, manifested by an unpleasant odor and other symptoms.

Worth knowing: in most cases, when the cause of the smell in the intimate area is associated with external influences, the “aroma” from the penis is the only symptom. In the case when the etiology is based on the disease, there are additional symptoms, for example, itching, burning, discharge from the urethra, plaque on the head of the penis, etc.

The causes of an unpleasant smell in an intimate place are as follows:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Remains of physiological fluids accumulate on the penis - urine, seminal fluid, which lead to the presence of odor;
  • Wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials. The skin suffers from oxygen deficiency, the effect of a steam room is created, sweat separation increases;
  • The beginning of sexual activity in a young man, a change of partner;
  • Being overweight or obese leads to increased sweating;
  • Accumulation of smegma in the foreskin. This substance appears as a lubricant of the genital organs. Consists of products of sweat and sebaceous glands. When pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the smegma against the background of a lack of a shower, a rotten smell appears;
  • Prolonged use of antibacterial drugs;
  • The use of barrier contraceptives that contain spermicidal components.

The causes of unpleasant odor from the intimate area, associated with tight underwear or poor hygiene, are easily eliminated. No specific treatment is required in this situation. If the measures do not help to eliminate the “aroma”, then it is necessary to look for the disease in the body.

Diseases that cause odor

A fungal infection can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Infection with fungi occurs during intimacy with a woman who has thrush or infection is detected from the inside - against the background of a sharp decrease in the immune status, an uncontrolled growth of opportunistic microflora occurs, in particular, Candida yeast-like fungi.

For your information, candidiasis of the penis is often accompanied by other symptoms. Often men complain of hyperemia of the penis, the appearance of a whitish coating on the head of the organ, burning during urination. Somewhat less often, pain develops during arousal or during intercourse.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis are two diseases that lead to an uncharacteristic smell from the penis. With balanitis, the head becomes inflamed, and with balanoposthitis, the inflammatory process affects the head along with the foreskin. The causes include fungi, inflammatory infections. Diseases are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Sour smell from the penis.
  2. Swelling of the penis.
  3. The appearance of a white coating. After its removal, an ulcer or erosion is formed.
  4. Constant irritation in the groin.
  5. Pain and discomfort.
  6. Burning.

Chlamydia is a disease transmitted during sex. In most clinical pictures, symptoms do not appear in the representatives of the stronger sex. You can suspect the presence of chlamydia in the body by an unpleasant smell from the penis. Against the background of an acute lesion, symptoms are observed such as discharge from the urethra of a purulent nature, fever, swelling of the penis, discoloration of urine. After a short period of time, the signs can level out on their own, but this does not mean that the man is completely healthy. Pathology has transformed into a chronic form.

An unpleasant smell in the intimate area indicates the following diseases:

  • Colpitis. Pathology occurs with hormonal failures, fungal infections, allergic reactions. Among the signs, a feverish state, discharge from the urethra are distinguished;
  • Trichomoniasis. Trichomonas are transmitted through sexual intercourse. Symptoms are usually blurred or mild. The pathological process affects the glandular organ, urethral canal and testicles. You can suspect the disease if there is an unpleasant odor in an intimate place without discharge. An additional clinic includes pain in the process of emptying the bladder, frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Men do not have bacterial vaginosis, but a partner may well suffer from such a disease. As a result of sexual contact in men, a specific - unpleasant odor from the reproductive organ is manifested. The pathology is of a non-infectious nature, due to the lack of hygiene, vaginal microflora, and features of the female structure.

Important: a fishy smell may indicate gardnerellosis. The route of infection is sexual, but often gardnerella are part of the microflora of the genital organs, which is activated when immunity is reduced. The smell of fish is the first and most obvious symptom of the disease. Sometimes there are other signs: burning in the urethra, discharge from the urethra, pain, erectile dysfunction.


So, how to get rid of the smell from the intimate area? First of all, you need to establish the cause. If the elimination of probable factors such as wearing underwear made of synthetic materials, excessive sweating, etc., did not help, then you need to seek qualified help from a medical specialist.

Drug treatment is focused on eliminating the cause - the disease that provoked the appearance of an unpleasant odor. All diseases are treated in different ways. It is not recommended to self-medicate, since drugs have contraindications, they are not always effective if the dosage is incorrect.

Treatment depending on the disease:

  1. With balanitis of the initial stage, agents for external use are prescribed - creams and gels with an antiseptic effect. With a pronounced inflammatory process, it is recommended to take antifungal, antibacterial drugs inside.
  2. With balanoposthitis take antibiotics, use topical agents with antiseptic and antifungal effects.
  3. With candidiasis of the reproductive organ, antifungal tablets for systemic exposure, creams and ointments for application to the genitals are prescribed.
  4. Gardnerellosis is treated with antibiotics, immunostimulants and immunomodulators, vitamins are additionally prescribed to enhance the immune status.
  5. To cure chlamydia antibacterial therapy is carried out. Often, treatment involves the use of two antibiotics of different groups at once.
  6. Trichomoniasis is treated with antibiotics. In advanced cases, other procedures are recommended - magnetotherapy, mud therapy.

Therapy of other pathologies that develop as a result of unprotected intercourse is carried out in accordance with the nature of the disease. In most cases, treatment involves taking antibiotics, antifungals, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamins.

How to get rid of the smell at home?

If the cause of the rotten smell is a consequence of insufficient hygiene, then it is recommended to wash the genitals twice a day with warm soapy water. After hygienic manipulation, wipe dry. You should also change your underwear daily. With excessive sweating, baby powder helps - it perfectly absorbs odors. Before use, you need to get rid of the hairline in the perineum.

Folk remedies for bad breath:

  • With an unpleasant odor and inflammation, a decoction of plantain helps. In 300 ml of water, add 10 g of plantain leaf, brew for an hour. Filter. With the help of the solution, a bath or compress is made. The procedure is carried out twice a day, after which the penis is wiped dry;
  • A decoction with pharmacy chamomile and calendula inflorescences copes well with a rotten "aroma". For its preparation, a mixture of medicinal collection is taken. A tablespoon is infused in 400 ml of hot water. Dip the penis in a warm solution for 15 minutes, repeat 3 times a day;
  • If an unpleasant odor is the result of a fungal infection, then an infusion with juniper helps. It boosts immunity. A tablespoon of raw materials is added to 300 ml of water, insisted for a day. Filter. Take 20 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is a month.

Tip: an unpleasant odor against the background of balanitis helps to eliminate the medicinal collection based on oak bark, chamomile and sage. The components are mixed in equal proportions, brewed with 2 tbsp. in 700 ml of water, insist an hour. With the help of a decoction, they wash 4-5 times a day or make baths for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day.

To prevent an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to wash the penis twice a day, use a condom during sex, refuse casual sexual intercourse, and treat urological diseases in a timely manner.

A light, barely perceptible smell is not a cause for concern. But if you feel a persistent, rotten or fishy stench, you should contact the antenatal clinic - perhaps odorous allocation- the beginning of the inflammatory process of the cervix or other diseases in the female part. There can be a lot of reasons for drastic changes in the intimate microflora, because a large number of microbes interacting with each other live inside the vagina. Half of them are vital for a woman.

Factors and diseases that affect the occurrence of an unpleasant odor:

  • Candidiasis or milkmaid. Thick whites are formed in large quantities when the weather changes, excessive antibiotics are taken, hormones fail, wet underwear is worn, and pads are not changed in time;
  • Vaginosis. Reasons: too active reproduction of bacteria, ingestion of seminal fluid, a new sexual partner, the use of douching;
  • Diseases venereal nature(syphilis, trichomoniasis, etc.);
  • Sometimes whitish discharge appears after monthly and go by themselves. These days, the main thing is to keep clean and wash yourself several times a day;
  • When sick colpitis there is a characteristic smell of rotten fish. Most often occurs in pregnant women.

How to remove bad odor from the vagina

Wash the vagina and labia properly. In no case do not use syringes - by pouring water inside, you violate the natural inner shell and destroy some of the beneficial microorganisms that protect the vaginal mucosa from infection with external pathogenic infections. Water is great at removing odors, but it is not a panacea for all ills - by washing yourself inside, you can carry the infection even deeper. Pharmaceutical aerosols can also cause irritation and worsen the condition.

For washing, use plain or unscented baby soap. Remember to change your underwear once a day, choose panties made of quality, cotton material: your body will breathe. Too tight synthetic clothing can cause excessive sweating, which will affect the condition of your intimate area. After intense physical exercise, it is recommended to immediately change into dry clothes and take a shower.

Important. After visiting the toilet, never wipe yourself with the movement "on yourself". The hand with toilet paper should always be held in the opposite direction from the vagina. An alarm bell if you feel a slight burning sensation or itching every time you go to the toilet. Such symptoms clearly indicate the presence of internal inflammation. Pay attention to the color of the whites. It should not be gray, yellow or greenish. The discharge may have a pronounced yeasty smell, the cause of which lies in the abundant reproduction of fungal bacteria.

How to get rid of the smell at home

The use of yogurt normalizes bowel function and restores a favorable environment for the intimate zone. It is no secret that certain foods can increase unwanted secretions, so do not abuse alcohol, sour milk and coffee drinks. Onions, garlic, hot spices also have a side effect.

A bath procedure with the addition of vinegar and salt will relieve discomfort for a while. To do this, add half a glass of acetic acid and the same amount of table salt to the bath. It will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem, but taking an vinegar bath will serve as a good prevention.

Normal vaginal discharge has a mild, specific odor that is not repulsive. If the microflora of the vagina changes for some reason, then the result of the changes is an unpleasant odor. To deal with such a phenomenon, it is necessary, first of all, to establish the cause that caused it. Attempts to get rid of the smell without finding out the source will not give the desired result, but will only exacerbate the problem.

Causes of Bad Smell

Smelling a bad smell from the vagina, a woman blames herself for improper and insufficient care for the intimate area. But often an unpleasant smell does not depend on the quality and frequency of washing and changing clothes. It can appear almost immediately after taking a shower and will accompany a woman throughout the day. There are several main causes of bad breath:

Bacterial vaginosis. The disease has an infectious non-inflammatory nature and is caused by an imbalance of the vaginal microflora. A healthy environment in the vagina is lactobacilli. They are defenders of local immunity and fight pathogens. Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by colonization of the vagina with pathogenic bacteria and a sharp decrease in healthy microflora. Women's magazine site warns: bacterial vaginosis is especially dangerous during pregnancy: it provokes premature birth. There is also a risk of giving birth to a child with low weight or purulent-septic infections, the development of inflammation of the genital organs of a pregnant woman.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis is carried out in 2 stages:

  • Destruction of infection with the help of general and local antibacterial drugs;
  • Restoration of healthy microflora of the vagina. For this, both general preparations of biological origin and local remedies are used - tampons, suppositories, baths, etc.

The most commonly prescribed drugs at the first stage: Metronidazole, Clindamycin, Chlorhexidine, Betadine, Terzhinan. Additionally, creams, gels or ointments for topical application with the same name are used. In the complex, drugs are prescribed that restore the protective functions of the immune system - Viferon and Kipferon. At the second stage, the microflora is populated with beneficial bacteria. To do this, take Linex, Bifiform, Atsilakt (candles), Bifidumbacterin.

Thrush (candidiasis). The disease refers to fungal infections and most often worries women who have given birth and pregnant women. The number of pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida in the vagina is growing rapidly, causing terrible discomfort. With candidiasis, there is an increase in vaginal discharge, which acquire a curdled texture and an unpleasant sour smell, as well as severe itching and burning in the intimate area, pain when going to the toilet "in a small way" and sexual intercourse.

In the free market, there are many antifungal drugs that relieve thrush. The main active ingredients in them are clotrimazole, iconazole and miconazole. In addition, it is necessary to take antimicrobial agents, which include natamycin, levorin or nystatin. To enhance the therapeutic effect, complex therapy is carried out, which includes both oral and local use of drugs. Locally, suppositories, ointments, vaginal tablets, douches, etc. are used to treat candidiasis.

In addition to secretions that have a repulsive odor that have changed color and texture, other symptoms should also alert, for example, swollen lymph nodes in the inguinal region, the appearance of rashes on the genitals, pain and itching when emptying the bladder, etc.

To treat sexually transmitted diseases should only be a doctor after a thorough examination. Treatment includes several stages, among which there is mandatory antibiotic therapy and restoration of the body's defenses.

Vulvitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis. All three diseases are caused by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the area of ​​the external or internal genital organs.

They are divided depending on the lesion:

  • Vaginitis - causes inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • Vulvitis - inflammation of the external genitalia;
  • Vulvovaginitis is a combination of the two diseases described above.

Inflammation is caused by pathological microorganisms: chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, streptococci, etc. Such diseases can also cause sexually transmitted infections, endocrine diseases, genital injuries and many other reasons.

In addition to abundant, foul-smelling discharge, vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Swelling and redness of the genitals;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • Itching in the intimate area;
  • Frequent urge to urinate.

If vulvitis proceeds without complications, antibiotics can be avoided, and in severe cases of the disease, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. With vaginitis and vulvovaginitis, the use of antimicrobial drugs is indispensable. Often, doctors prescribe penicillin drugs, macrolides, cephalosporins and nitromidazoles. Together it is necessary to take antifungal agents, for example, Mikosist or Flucostat.

To reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, topical drugs are prescribed. These can be vaginal suppositories (Betadine, Polyiodin), baths with the addition of soda, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, etc.

How to get rid of the smell?

The problem of unpleasant smell from the intimate area will not go away if it is not thoroughly dealt with. To do this, you need to visit a gynecologist and pass the necessary tests (smear for bacterial culture and for latent infections). Only on the basis of the results, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment that will get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Some women, instead of visiting a gynecologist, start self-medication and resort to folk methods. Antibiotics, douching with various solutions, uncontrolled intake of immunomodulators, etc. are used. The portal site reminds that self-medication can start and aggravate the disease and it will be much more difficult to cure it later.

If all of the above diseases are absent, then the matter is most likely in insufficient hygiene of the genital organs. During washing, it is necessary to use only special means for intimate hygiene, which will not violate the acidity of the vagina, and only the anus area should be cleaned with soap. During the period of menstruation, do not neglect the replacement of the pad every 3-4 hours, even if the discharge is meager.

Few things can stress a woman as much as a bad smell wafting OUT OF THERE. Especially if everything shows that things are moving towards cunnilingus (oral sex). We will tell you everything about this so that in a moment of passion you do not find yourself in an extremely awkward situation.

First of all, it must be said that many women are often embarrassed by their intimate smell, even in situations where there is no reason for this. Many ladies have the wrong idea about the normal feminine scent. Society requires a woman to be sweet, pretty, and her vagina must certainly smell like flowers. And girls try to meet these expectations, although the natural smell of intimate places should not at all resemble a bouquet of roses!

On the other hand, the fishy smell is also unacceptable. The norm lies somewhere between these two extremes. In addition, everything is purely individual: some women have no smell at all, while others constantly have to deal with an unpleasant odor, for others, the nature of the smell changes dramatically within a month. Knowing what is normal for you is extremely important for everyday comfort. And also in order to clearly understand when there are health problems.

What affects intimate smell

In one word, everything! Your sex life, the nature of your work, the stage of your menstrual cycle - all of these affect your vaginal odor in one way or another.

Many women notice that during menstruation, the smell from their vagina changes somewhat. This is due to a change in the pH (acidity) of this organ.

The normal pH of the vagina is 4.7, which means that the vaginal environment is acidic. Menstrual blood has a pH of 7.4, so it reduces the acidity of the environment in the vagina. This causes a change in the smell during menstruation, it acquires a fishy hue.

The same thing happens after sex. The prostatic fluid gives semen an extremely alkaline character (pH~8), which accordingly affects the pH of the vagina and the smell from it. You can check the acidity of the vagina with a doctor or by buying special strips to measure pH.

Signs of a questionable odor

If you're unsure about vaginal odor, check your underwear. Increased volume of discharge from the vagina is a characteristic sign of a vaginal infection. A discharge that is white or with a slight yellow tint can be considered within the normal range. But if it is gray and spreads a fetid fishy aroma throughout the room, something is clearly wrong here. Green or yellow colors are also not good, as well as itching in the vagina.

A long-term imbalance in the pH of the vagina occurs when the number of beneficial microbes decreases and the harmful microbes increase. This can lead to the development of a local infectious process, such as candidiasis ("thrush") and bacterial vaginosis. The latter has a very negative effect on the smell from the vagina. Factors that provoke the development of vaginosis are sex with a new partner and douching: both of them disturb the microbial balance, as thin as Chinese silk. Terrible smell (especially after intercourse), gray discharge, itching around the entrance to the vagina are typical symptoms of vaginosis. Consult a gynecologist, he will prescribe you antibiotics, such as metronidazole, with which you will get rid of this trouble very quickly.

The good news is that it doesn't take much effort. The vagina is an organ with a powerful self-cleansing system. Cilia on its walls literally push out dirt, germs and other foreign particles. So, fortunately, you don't have to do the unthinkable to keep your vagina clean.

Often just the same inappropriate intervention in this subtle system leads to depressing consequences. We are talking about douching: along with harmful microbes, water flows also wash out beneficial bacteria that maintain the necessary acidic environment in the vagina. In addition, during douching, you can introduce other bacteria into the genital tract, which will cause vaginosis.

The list of problems associated with this dubious procedure does not end here: douching has been proven to increase the risk of developing salpingitis and cervical cancer. If you use talc, then feel free to add more and invasive ovarian cancer.

In fact, it only takes a little! Warm water and mild soap (the less the better) on a daily basis, cotton underwear, not synthetics, and your intimate scent will not let you down at the most crucial moment.

More useful information about the vagina you will find in our special project "

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