Honey and pine cones cooking. Recipes for medicinal honey from pine cones. What you need to know about pine cone honey? Distinctive features, benefits and harms

Pine honey excellent delicious remedy for children and adults. I paid attention to him after a neighbor cured her husband serious illness bronchi. As you know, bees do not collect nectar from pine trees, pine trees do not secrete it, so you have to contrive and prepare this sweet healing delicacy yourself.

cooking healing pine honey can be from pine cones, its anthers, young shoots. Pine honey obtained from pine anthers has the best healing properties, but also honey prepared from pine cones has excellent medicinal properties.

A remedy obtained from any of these pine gifts has a pronounced healing effect with bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds, as well as with influenza. Pine honey has a positive therapeutic effect and on the digestive system, on the blood, kidneys and liver. It is extremely necessary to use pine honey in case of metabolic disorders.

When preparing pine honey, first of all, a rich decoction of green pine cones is obtained and insisted for several hours. All the medicinal components of the cones turn into a decoction, of course, this destroys some of the vitamins, but they can be replenished from other sources, vitamins do not cure flu and colds, and we are preparing medicine specifically for these purposes.

After insisting, we separate the infusion from the cones, draining it through 3-4 layers of gauze into the cooking container, add sugar and cook. Everything, healing pine honey, which children like so much, is ready.

Recipe for making pine honey from young green pine cones

Cones 5 kg

Water 5 l

Sugar 5 kg

Citric acid 0.5 tbsp. l

Preparing the infusion: Sort the cones, remove spoiled, twigs and debris, rinse the cones under running water, pour into an enameled cooking container, pour water and boil for 1 hour. After that, remove from heat and leave to cool completely and infuse for 8 hours. After 8 hours, again put on fire and boil for 1 hour and insist 8 hours. And so 3-4 times, until the bumps become soft. When ready, drain the infusion through a colander covered with 3-4 layers of gauze. Pour into a cooking container, add 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of infusion and boil for 20 - 30 minutes.

Everything, healing pine honey is ready. Add 0.5 tbsp. l of citric acid, so that pine honey does not sugar, pour into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Store pine honey in the refrigerator.

Use 1 tbsp. l 30 minutes before meals 1-3 times a day for prevention and treatment bronchopulmonary diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Very pleasant in taste, pine honey, this is exactly the means of treating and preventing diseases that a child will not refuse, this can be guaranteed. Flavonoids contained in pine honey significantly reduce blood cholesterol and lipids. Magnesium and iron, which are part of pine honey, significantly activate the enzyme system and serve as carriers for nutrients. Pine honey contains a significant amount of antioxidants and microelements, such as selenium, which limits the excessive oxidation of proteins and lipids, and therefore slows down the aging process.

Pine honey is exactly the remedy that is necessary for every person who takes care of their health. Proven for centuries folk remedy from bronchopulmonary diseases, including asthma.

Pine honey is used for respiratory diseases, rheumatism, dropsy and metabolic disorders. It has antimicrobial, disinfectant, diuretic, choleretic, blood-purifying properties. And if you have the opportunity, be sure to prepare this potion.

Honey from young pine shoots.

Prepare young pine shoots, those that grow from the central pine bud, wash them with running water from dust, cut (about 1 cm) and cover with sugar (1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of shoots), leave for a day. The next day, cook honey: add 1 liter of water, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 5 minutes, let cool. We put it on the stove again, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and so on 3 times.

Ready pine honey is poured into containers and stored in the refrigerator so that it does not get candied, you can add 0.5 tsp. citric acid. You can consume pine honey 1 tablespoon at a time 1-3 times a day.

Honey perfectly treats bronchial - lung diseases, flu, cold. If you use pine shoot honey daily as a preventive measure, then you will forget about the flu.

Pine honey from pine cones

Cones (collected before July 15) are required for pine honey a lot: 80-90 pieces per liter of water. And for every liter of water, 1 kg of sugar is required. First, you count the bumps into the pan, say, 400 pieces per 5 liters of water. Boil them at a light boil until they become quite soft. After straining the cones, you throw them away, and pour 5 kg of sugar into the broth and boil again until all the sugar has dissolved. Pine honey is ready. To keep it from sugaring, put an incomplete teaspoon of citric acid. Pour pine honey into jars and put it in the refrigerator - it does not deteriorate.

With leukemia, cancer of the lungs, stomach and intestines, and almost all malignant tumors I give the patient a mixture of pine honey and tincture of pine pollen, usually a teaspoon 3 times a day, and in some cases a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals, always in combination with the necessary herbal infusions.

AT preventive purposes use 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning for 20 minutes. before the first meal and in the evening before going to bed.

Pine honey can be added to tea. Pine honey has excellent taste and smell, which is especially liked by children. Contraindications - exacerbation of kidney disease.

Pine cone honey for kidney disease

Chop 1 kg parsley with roots and 1 large celery root, add 1 kg bee honey, 0.5 kg of honey from pine cones and 1.2 liters of water. Put the mixture on a slow fire and bring to a boil, stirring. Insist 3 days. Add another 0.5 l of water, bring to a boil again, strain, not allowing the mixture to cool. The resulting syrup, take 2 tbsp. l. before eating.

Pine honey from young pine shoots and bumps from bladder stones

Pour a handful of femur and rose hips with 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes, add 300 g of pine honey, and then take it warm with 1 tbsp. l. 1-2 cups a day.

Rose honey for asthma

Take 100 g rose petals, 500 g grated raw pumpkin, 5 finely chopped plantain leaves, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 liter of dry red wine. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil. Insist for a day, then strain. Drink a tablespoon 5 times a day.

Pine cone honey for whooping cough

Stir bee honey with warm olive oil, add honey from pine cones and give your child a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Pine honey for bronchitis

Take 100 g of pine honey, 50 g of bee honey, 100 g butter, 100 g goose fat, 15 g of aloe juice and 100 g of cocoa. Mix all this, heat, not boiling. Take a tablespoon in a glass of hot tea 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Treatment of hypertension with pine honey

Take a glass of beetroot juice, carrot juice, horseradish or radish juice (the grated horseradish must first be infused in water for 36 hours) and the juice of 1 lemon. Mix this mixture with 1 tbsp. honey and 0.5 tbsp pine cone honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day one hour before meals or 2-3 hours after. Course of treatment: two months.

Store such mixtures in a well-closing glass container in a cool place.

Pine honey from young shoots from gastritis.

Pine honey with plantain - from gastritis. Mix 500 g of honey with 500 g of plantain juice and boil over very low heat for 20 minutes. Take chilled juice before meals, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Store in a dark place.

Treatment of constipation with pine honey

Honey dried fruits for constipation. Pass through a meat grinder 400 g of dried apricots, 400 g of prunes. Add 200 g of pine honey to this mass and mix well. Take 1 tsp. at dinner with warm water.

Pine honey for gallstones.

Radish with honey - from stones in the gallbladder. Mix a glass of pine honey and a glass of black radish juice. Take this solution 3 times a day for 0.5 cups for 1 week.

Pine honey is extremely rich in vitamins and microelements, has the most pleasant aroma coniferous forest, provides invaluable health benefits, and has only one drawback - it is not made by bees. Fortunately, making it yourself is not difficult - the recipes are very simple, but the health benefits are huge!

Pine honey is not obtained as a result of the life of bees, but is prepared by a person, since there is no nectar on pine trees. Surprisingly fragrant sweetness contains flavonoids, phytoncides, vitamins and minerals, therefore it brings to the body great benefit. Having prepared a folk sweet medicine for the winter, you will forget about the malaise, feeling unwell, colds and other illnesses.

Honey from pine buds or young shoots has an unusual resinous aroma. Despite the fact that this product is prepared by human hands, it is very useful for the body, since it contains such useful substances:

The unique composition of the product contributes to the fact that pine honey has such beneficial properties:

  • cleanses the blood;
  • reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antiviral action;
  • improves metabolism;
  • eliminates pain;
  • has an expectorant effect;
  • charges the body with strength and energy;
  • improves memory and mental activity;
  • increases efficiency;
  • strengthens defensive forces organism;
  • has a urinary and choleretic effect;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • resumes the processes of hematopoiesis and so on.

List useful properties this product can be continued for a long time. It has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various ailments.

Who benefits from pine honey

A sweet treat is useful for both adults and children. The substances included in the composition help to overcome various diseases and health issues:

  1. Iron and other minerals help to get rid of anemia and improve blood formation processes.
  2. Antioxidants normalize metabolism and slow down the aging process.
  3. The expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect of honey is used in the treatment of colds, SARS, coughs or bronchitis.
  4. Flavonoids and phytoncides suppress pathogenic microflora in the stomach and intestines and restore the processes of digestion.
  5. The bile and diuretic properties help to get rid of kidney stones and gallbladder.
  6. The high content of potassium in honey helps to restore work nervous system forget about insomnia chronic fatigue and lethargy.

Take pine honey bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and other diseases respiratory tract. Delicacy helps to forget about violations digestive tract, kidney or liver problems. The intake of pine honey relieves physical or mental exhaustion, and is effective for beriberi and weak immunity.


Honey from pine cones, the benefits and harms of which are difficult to compare, can be called universal remedy which is used to treat many diseases. The product has practically no contraindications, but it is necessary to refuse it for diabetes mellitus, since sugar is included in the composition. Sweets should be taken with caution acute diseases kidney and liver, alcoholism and obesity.

The product is anti-allergic, so it can be used by both children (over 3 years old) and adults. If you have not eaten this delicacy before, you should start with small doses. AT rare cases may be observed negative reactions organism.

How to take

In order for homemade honey from young cones to bring only benefits, it is important to use it in limited quantities. To improve the body, it is enough in the morning and evening on an empty stomach to take 1 tablespoon with water. For children, the dose should be halved.

The product can also be used in the following ways:

  • add to tea, milk or other drinks;
  • eat with pancakes, buns and other pastries;
  • add to various desserts.

For colds and flu, pine honey is added to warm drink and also used for gargling. Inhalations are made from a sweet treat to treat coughs and runny noses. To cure tuberculosis, the honey from the cones is mixed with pine pollen.

How to make pine honey

Honey from pine cones can be prepared independently, besides simple recipes only contribute to it. You will need a minimum of products and a little time, and as a result you will receive a healing potion for many diseases. Do not miss the moment to prepare cone jam for the winter. Honey can be prepared both from cones and from young shoots.

Raw material preparation

The process of making pine honey begins with the preparation of raw materials. In order for the prepared delicacy to bring maximum benefit, you must follow simple recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to collect cones in April-May. During this period they contain the largest number nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  2. Choose young green buds that are no larger than 4-5 cm. They should be soft to the touch. From hard buds beneficial substances getting out is harder.
  3. Go for raw materials in ecologically clean areas. Do not collect cones near automobile or railways, landfills, densely populated cities, enterprises.
  4. Put the collected raw materials into production immediately, do not store it, as it will lose its usefulness.

Recipe #1

To prepare pine honey for the winter, take the following components:

  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of pine cones;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Put water in a saucepan on fire. When it boils, add sugar to it. Simmer the syrup over low heat until it thickens a bit, meanwhile rinse the buds and cut them into small pieces.

Add the main component to the sugar syrup and continue to boil the honey for about 45 minutes. Strain the amber-pink syrup through several layers of cheesecloth to separate the bumps and other solids. Pour hot pine jam into prepared jars and roll up.

Recipe #2

For cooking, you will need 1 kg of cones and the same amount of sugar, as well as 1 liter of water and a little citric acid. The cooking process is a little longer than in the previous recipe, but the result is worth it. You need to do the following:

  1. Sort the pine buds and rinse. Place the cones in a bowl.
  2. Fill with water and send to the fire. After the mixture boils, simmer it for an hour over low heat.
  3. leave pine decoction infuse for 8 hours. The procedure must be repeated 3 times.
  4. After last time strain the broth and add sugar to it.
  5. Boil honey for 30 minutes.
  6. At the end, add a pinch of citric acid.
  7. Pour hot jam into jars.

Honey from pine shoots

Honey can be prepared not only from cones, but also from pine shoots. Remove needles from fresh and young pine shoots and rinse with water. Put the branches in a saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers them.

Boil the shoots for about 20 minutes, and then leave to cool completely. Strain the broth and add sugar to it, based on one liter of broth, you need to take one kilogram of sugar. Boil the syrup until it thickens. Pour hot honey into jars.

Pine honey - unique healing product, which positively affects almost all organs and systems. Having jam from pine cones among the preparations for the winter, you will forget about colds, beriberi, anemia and other diseases.

A delicious folk remedy, the so-called "honey on pine cones", is prepared in principle from immature raw materials. Additionally, you will need water and sugar. If desired, you can add citric acid or lemon juice.

Harvesting and benefits of pine cones

It is important to collect raw materials only in an environmentally friendly way. favorable places. Time may vary depending on the climate zone. For example, it is optimal to collect cones in Russian forests from June 21 to 25, in Ukrainian - in mid-May or early June. Cones of a certain degree of ripeness are suitable for making jam, they should be easy to cut with a knife and push through with a fingernail. The length of each of them is 1-4 centimeters. It is necessary to choose the highest quality specimens without damage, from completely healthy trees.

Homemade sweet desserts act as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. If such dishes are not contraindicated for you, then take a remedy to protect against colds, pathologies of the lungs and bronchi. Jam helps the body to actively counteract gastrointestinal diseases, polyarthritis, gum and throat diseases. It is useful to chew the pulp of the cones without swallowing it. By the way, some sources seriously indicate the admissibility of swallowing this product, so do it at your own discretion. Pine cones have proven to be a strong bactericidal agent that has a positive effect on the gums and the entire oral cavity. It is known that cone dessert helps to eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome and acts as a powerful tonic. With the constant use of this remedy, the level of hemoglobin increases and the state of the immune system improves.

medicinal jam with unique flavor characteristics, natural prophylactic

Traditional Pine Cone Jam Recipes

Imitation honey


  • kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • liter of purified water;
  • 0.3 kilograms of cones.

Check the quality of the collected buds by sorting out the best ones and removing the bad ones. Rinse the raw materials and place in a convenient container for cooking. When pouring water, it is not necessary to adhere to the proposed proportions - the main thing is that the liquid level is a centimeter and a half higher than the level of the cones. After waiting for boiling, add sugar and dissolve it. Continue cooking the newly boiled substance for about an hour and a half. It is desirable to maintain a low heat and strive to obtain a beautiful transparent consistency, this is achieved by periodically removing the foam. characteristic feature the finished dish are translucent cones, due to the absorption of sweet syrup, they acquire a red tint. You can slightly change the ratio of products, the main thing is not to reduce the time and principle of cooking. It is this dessert that is popularly called “honey on pine cones”.

Sugar tincture


  • chopped pine cones;
  • granulated sugar.

Randomly cut clean unripe pine cones and roll liberally in granulated sugar. Pack the pieces into jars, making sure that each of them has a layer with a maximum thickness of 2 centimeters. Pour additional sugar into each container, the sand should tightly cover the bumps. All jars must be protected with napkins or a thin cloth, put in a warm environment. It is optimal to place them in a place warmed by the sun. In order to form enough sugar syrup, shake vigorously. Complete dissolution of sugar is a guarantee of the readiness of the product. The syrup will be kept long time if tightly close the jars and send them to a cool place.

Amber jam


  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • 1-1.5 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • kilogram of pine cones.

This recipe has a lot positive feedback and first-class flavor characteristics, so it deserves your attention. For the best absorption of sugar, it is necessary to cut each cone. First you need to prepare the syrup. Pour a lot of cones with hot sugar syrup, leave it to infuse for 4 hours. Put the prepared mixture on heat and bring it to 85 degrees, then turn off the fire for a while. Cool the jam completely and do this heating again, without bringing to a boil. hot bumps nai in the best way soaked in liquid, which has a positive effect on the quality of the dessert. After repeating the boil for the third time, maintain a boil for about 40 minutes. At the end of the process, you can notice a characteristic amber hue, softening of the cones and the appearance of a pleasant tart taste. The product removed from the heating is laid out in jars and closed.

Consumers of sweets should be aware that jam, tincture or honey on pine cones may not be useful during pregnancy, as well as in childhood and old age. Special care should be taken with such products for those who are prone to allergies or suffer from kidney disease. Sweet desserts should not be consumed with liver diseases. For those who are not contraindicated in jam, it is usually recommended to take it in a tablespoon three times a day. Therapeutic dosage- 2 large spoons. Use this folk remedy correctly, bearing in mind that it is designed for use in small quantities, large portions may be harmful to health.

Attracting people with an invigorating aroma of pine needles, it has a huge healing power. Walking here is very beneficial for health, especially for those who suffer from respiratory diseases. Many are perplexed by the concept of "honey from pine buds." Where does this miraculous product come from?

Of course, not everyone knows how to make honey from pine buds. This delicious product produced from buds that are just beginning to bloom in the spring. It is made by people, not bees. In other words, this is a decoction with the addition of a certain amount of sugar.

Chemical composition

The therapeutic effect of this product lies in its richest chemical composition. In addition to flavonoids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, the kidneys contain complex organic compounds, as well as biological substances necessary for their development and reliable protection fetus.

Drying and storage

We will talk about how to cook honey from pine buds a little lower. First you need to collect them. This must be done in the spring, when the pine shoots are orange-brown, and the buds at the break are green or brown color. Their surface is covered with small scales glued together with resin. The aroma of pine buds is resinous, rich, the taste is bitter. The pine is gaining strength in spring. Buds swell, but do not have time to open yet. it perfect time harvest them, now they are the most resinous and fragrant. If their scales have opened, the kidneys should not be collected.

It is best to pluck them with your hands or cut them off with scissors, but be sure to put on gloves first, as they are covered with resin, which is then washed very poorly. The kidneys are dried in a ventilated room by placing them on a thin layer of paper or cloth. The fact that they have dried up can be determined by a break.

Buds in good weather can dry out fairly quickly. Usually 10 days is enough for this. It is not worth drying them in attics or in dryers, because the resin melts, then evaporates, and when they bloom. They are stored in a dry, dark and well-ventilated area for no more than two years.

Therapeutic action

An excellent tool for the treatment and recovery of pathologies of the digestive tract, with cardiovascular and oncological diseases This is honey from pine buds. It also has the benefit of boosting performance and immunity.

It has an expectorant, antimicrobial and analgesic effect. Due to this, honey from pine buds has an excellent therapeutic effect when coughing and starting colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases.

If you are experiencing increased appetite, then ten minutes before a meal, eat some pine buds.

Indications for use

The product contains various important substances, among which are amino acids, vitamins, minerals, essential oils. Therefore, honey from pine buds is used:

  • in diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, etc.);
  • to normalize metabolism;
  • with diseases of the digestive tract;
  • for cancer prevention;
  • to cleanse the liver, kidneys and blood;
  • with viral and catarrhal ailments;
  • as an analgesic, antimicrobial and diuretic;
  • with dropsy and pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • with mental and physical exhaustion;
  • to strengthen the immune system.

Pine is one of the most ancient medicinal plants. Its pollen can cure the most severe form of tuberculosis, while the resin has long been used to strengthen the gums, teeth and against various inflammations oral cavity. In addition, in folk medicine, the leaves of the plant are widely used, namely the needles from which decoction, possessing huge amount useful properties.

Not everyone knows how to cook honey from pine buds. At the same time, it contains medicinal qualities constituent parts of this miraculous tree. It is useful equally for adults and children.

So, let's find out how to make honey from pine buds. This healing jam is made from young green cones and pine buds. Both recipes are healing.

Pine buds: making honey from buds

Buds are harvested from pine trees in early spring, as mentioned above. Before cooking, they are thoroughly washed, laid out in an enameled container, and then poured with water (in equal proportions). After that, put the container on moderate heat, boil, stirring occasionally, and turn off after 20 minutes.

Since some of the water will evaporate during cooking, you need to add boiling water to the broth, thereby replenishing the initial volume of liquid. Cool the resulting broth, carefully strain through a sieve or gauze and add a little sugar (2 parts sugar per part jam) to pine bud honey.

The recipe assumes that the broth will be brought back to a boil. The sugar will melt, after which you will get a thick, viscous syrup - honey from pine buds. It should be stored in the refrigerator glass jars. Use a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals, while dissolving in water or drinking tea.

From cones

The little green cones are excellent tool from diseases respiratory system and colds. To make this honey, you will need:

  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 80 cones;
  • liter of water.

Rinse the pine cones thoroughly, dry, then fill with cool water. Put the container on the stove, boil and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. After that, let the broth brew for a day. After this time, mix the future honey with sugar and cook until the syrup thickens over moderate heat. The process will take about an hour and a half. After completing the procedure, add citric acid or juice to taste to the syrup, pour into hot jars and put in the refrigerator.

The remedy should be taken correctly: a tablespoon three times a day for adults, a teaspoon three times a day for children. Be sure to use honey from pine buds half an hour before meals.

This recipe is not suitable for young children, pregnant women, the elderly, people suffering from kidney disease, allergies, liver cirrhosis and hepatitis. These pathologies are contraindications to the use of this remedy.

Pine buds with honey

Pine buds with honey have been used in the treatment of tuberculosis. They can be taken with various pharmaceutical preparations thereby increasing their efficiency. For this recipe pine pollen is used.

In order for it to work, it is necessary to collect it on time, during the flowering of the pine. In early May, it is covered with inflorescences. greenish color ready for pollination. They appearance they look like little corncobs. Inflorescences, ripening, acquire a pale yellow hue. During this period, pollen is collected. Collected inflorescences need to be laid out on paper thin layer then dry. Gently sift the crumbled pollen and use it to prepare various medicinal mixtures.

The most popular recipe for pine pollen for the treatment of tuberculosis is as follows: 150 g of honey and a tablespoon of pollen mix until a homogeneous mass appears. It should be taken three times a day for a tablespoon an hour before a meal. The treatment period is two months with a break of 2 weeks.

How to take this honey?

Adults in the treatment should take this honey 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals. Children should use it in the same way, with the exception of the amount of funds. They need to take a dessert spoon. Adults as effective prophylactic it is necessary to use pine honey in the same volumes as for treatment, while children should reduce the rate to 1 teaspoon.

We want to offer you another recipe that uses pine buds.

Tincture with honey and vodka

You will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of pine buds;
  • a glass of bee honey;
  • 0.5 liters of vodka.

Cooking method

Fill the pine buds with vodka. We leave for two weeks. Add bee honey. Take this tincture for tuberculosis and infections urinary tract fifteen drops, diluted in a glass cool water. The remedy should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Remedy from pine buds and honey in milk

You will need:

  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 1 spoon of pine buds;
  • 1 spoon of bee honey;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter.

Cooking method

Pour crushed pine buds with hot milk, leave for 20 minutes. Add to the mixture raw eggs, butter and bee honey. We mix everything thoroughly. We divide the mass into 3 equal parts and use it throughout the day.

Expectorant tea

You will need:

  • glass of water;
  • 10 grams of pine buds.

Cooking method

Pine buds pour boiling water. The infusion should be taken warm throughout the day.

Treatment of female infertility

You will need:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 50 grams of pine buds;
  • 500 grams of sugar (50 grams of honey).

Cooking method

Pine buds pour boiling water. We insist at least two hours. We pass carefully. Add honey/sugar to the mixture and boil until syrup is obtained. It should be taken within a month, five tablespoons per day.

For skin problems

Tinctures and ointments based on pine buds can relieve skin from irritation and redness. You will need:

  • 12 drops of alcohol pine tincture created according to the recipe proposed above;
  • 1 egg (white).

Cooking method

Beat egg white with tincture of pine buds. This mask should be applied three times a week to cleansed skin. Keep it for at least 2 hours. Wash off with warm water.

Honey for stones in the bladder

Pour a handful of rose hips and thighs with a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Next, add 300 g of pine honey, and then take the drink warm, 1 cup per day.

honey for asthma

Take 500 g of raw grated pumpkin, 100 g of rose petals, 5 sheets of plantain, finely chopped, 2 tablespoons of pine honey and a liter of dry red wine. Bring the mixture to a boil. Insist 1 day, then strain. Use 5 times a day for a tablespoon.

Whooping cough use

Mix bee honey with warm olive oil. Add pine honey. Give your child one spoon three times a day.

honey for bronchitis

Take 100 grams of pine honey, 50 grams of May bee honey, 100 grams of goose fat and fresh butter, 100 grams of cocoa and 15 grams of aloe juice. Mix it all up and heat it up. Take one spoon per glass warm tea twice a day.


As we mentioned, not for everyone this remedy. Although pine honey is a product that does not cause side effects When using it for the first time, do not overdo it: after all, sometimes individual intolerance occurs.

Cooked jam from pine cones should not be used for the following diseases:

  • the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • alcoholism.

Pine honey should be used with caution by persons over 60 years of age, in addition, by patients diabetes because it is cooked with sugar.


Scientists were able to prove how useful it is to walk through a pine forest. As it turned out, there are about three hundred bacteria in a meter of the local air, while in rooms with a huge number of people, including public places- shops, cinemas, clinics, schools, bacterial contamination of the same volume of air ranges from 5000-300 000.

It turns out that, walking through a pine forest, a person breathes sterile air. This is explained by the fact that conifers emit phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on all kinds of viruses and microbes. By inhaling this air deeply, we cleanse our lungs of the microorganisms that live in them.

Honey from pine shoots or pine cones is a conventional name, since this product is not related to bees. Jam has healing properties for the human body: it is effective in colds, disorders digestive system, violation metabolic processes, blood diseases and the presence of kidney stones. And also a decoction of cones increases the overall tone and charges vitality and energy.

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    Beneficial features

    A decoction of young shoots or green cones contains essential oils, as well as a vitamin and mineral complex that has a beneficial effect on the body:

    • Fights cough, asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.
    • Accelerates metabolism and normalizes metabolism.
    • Treats diseases of the digestive system.
    • Cleanses the liver and kidneys of toxins, removes toxins and harmful substances from blood.
    • An effective remedy for tuberculosis.
    • Oncology prevention.
    • Strengthens immunity.
    • It energizes the body and helps eliminate general overwork.

    The beneficial properties of pine honey are very extensive. It can be eaten by both adults and children. This remedy is especially effective during an exacerbation viral infections, therefore it is recommended to eat 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach as a preventive measure.

    Medicinal properties of pine cones - use in traditional medicine and contraindications

    Collection principles

    To get the most out of such a decoction, you need to know from which cones you can prepare a healing agent and where it is recommended to collect them:

    1. 1. You only need to collect green pine cones and young shoots, so the collection time is the spring months or early June.
    2. 2. You should carefully examine the trees, since you need to collect cones only from healthy pines.
    3. 3. Coniferous forest is an ideal place for gathering. Trees growing near roads will not work, as the harm from such a jam will be much more than good.

    Healing Jam Recipes

    Pine honey should be boiled from sugar syrup and young cones. There are also cooking options. healing remedy without cooking. The most popular recipes are listed below.

    Honey from green cones

    For cooking you will need:

    • Cones - 70 pcs.;
    • Sugar - 0.8 kg;
    • Lemon - 1 piece of medium size.
    • Purified water - 1 liter;

    The process of preparing a healing agent is not laborious, even a beginner can cope with it:

    1. 1. Thoroughly rinse the cones from dirt in in large numbers water.
    2. 2. Pour them with purified water and put under the lid on a slow fire.
    3. 3. Bring the broth to a boil, simmer under the lid for half an hour.
    4. 4. Leave for a day to infuse.
    5. 5. After the broth is infused, strain it through clean gauze folded in several layers and add sugar.
    6. 6. It is necessary to cook pine honey for about two to two and a half hours over low heat, stirring occasionally. The consistency of the finished jam should resemble liquid honey.
    7. 7. On last step cooking, add lemon juice to the broth and mix.

    Pour pine jam into sterilized jars and roll them up.

    Jam from young pine shoots

    Ingredients: young shoots - 1 kg, sugar 1.2 kg; water - 1 liter.

    It is necessary to wash the shoots, cut into small pieces and cover with sugar. Leave for 24 hours in a dark place. To make jam, you need to add water to a mixture of sugar and shoots, put on the stove, turn on the burner on a slow fire, cover and bring to a boil. Remove from stove. Let cool completely. After the lapse of time, again put on a slow fire and repeat the steps two more times. Pour the finished honey into jars and put in the refrigerator.

    Pine cones in sugar without boiling

    You need to take 2 kg of granulated sugar and 1 kg of green cones (pre-washed). Cut them into small pieces. Should be worn by hand rubber gloves, because the pine resin very difficult to wash off. The knife should be large and sharp. Combine chopped cones with sugar and mix well. Pour the prepared mixture into jars and close with nylon lids. Lower into the cellar to infuse. The jam will be ready in 3 months.

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