Nosebleed 1 help. First aid for nosebleeds. What actions are prohibited with nosebleeds

nosebleed in medical terminology called epistaxis. This condition is characterized by bloody discharge from the nasal passages, which may be less or more abundant depending on the underlying cause.

In some cases, the pathology is accompanied dangerous signs and can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to know what first aid should be for nosebleeds. Right Action in this condition, they can not only stop the bleeding from the nose, but also save a person's life.

There are many reasons why nosebleeds occur. Given pathological condition may develop due to the following factors:

  • Injury to the nasal mucosa in the area of ​​the septum.
  • Surgery on the nose.
  • Deviation of the nasal septum.
  • The presence of an oxygen catheter in the nose.
  • Hit in nasal cavity foreign objects.
  • Barotrauma due to air travel or deep diving.
  • Decreased air humidity.
  • body intoxication.
  • Vitamin K deficiency.
  • Lack of ascorbic acid in the body.
  • Deformation of the nasal cavity.
  • Excessive drinking.
  • Change hormonal background.
  • Sunstroke.
  • The use of drugs.
  • stressful situations.
  • Physical stress.
  • Fragility of the vessels in the nose.
  • The use of certain medications.

Provoke the development of epistaxis and such diseases of the nose:

  • Sinusitis.
  • Atrophic rhinitis.
  • Allergic rhinitis.
  • Polyps in the nose.
  • Malignant or benign education in the nasal cavity.

You can learn more about the causes of nosebleeds from the video:

In addition, nosebleeds can occur as a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Gyroteriosis.
  • Hemoblastosis.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Leukemia.
  • Liver failure.
  • Cirrhosis and hepatitis.
  • Pathology of the kidneys.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Sometimes nosebleeds occur in the background various infections(influenza, SARS, diphtheria).

Diseases that are associated with impaired platelet function, abnormal blood clotting are also common causes of nosebleeds.The risk group includes children and the elderly.

How to provide first aid?

It is important for every person to know how to properly provide first aid for bleeding from the nasal cavity, so as not to harm and stop the blood.

  1. Reassure a person who is bleeding. For this purpose, it is advised to adjust breathing: take deep and slow breaths and exhalations. Anxiety of the patient only contributes to increased outflow of blood from the nose.
  2. Man must accept comfortable position. The head should be raised, but not thrown back. Breathing should be through the mouth.
  3. Press the nostrils with your fingers to the nasal septum for a few minutes until the bleeding stops.
  4. Provide the victim with fresh air.
  5. Carefully free the nasal cavity from accumulated blood clots, after which it is recommended to drip the passages with vasoconstrictor nasal drops. These include Nazivin, Tizin, Galazolin, Sanorin. A few drops of medication are dripped into each passage.
  6. After application vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose, drop hydrogen peroxide into each nostril.
  7. Apply an ice pack to the nose. Every ten minutes it is changed to keep it cold. Another way to stop bleeding is to dive lower extremities in warm water and hands in cold water. If this is not possible, then any cold object can be applied to the nose area.
  8. Insert a cotton swab into the nasal passage. It can be moistened with aminocaproic acid or peroxide. It needs to be removed after a while. Before this, it is recommended to moisten the swab with water using a pipette.

If the cause of nosebleeds is overheating or sunstroke, then the patient must be seated in a place where direct sunlight does not fall.

It is also recommended that the victim drink some salt water. To prepare the solution, take a glass of water and a teaspoon of salt.It is important to determine whether blood enters the nasopharynx. To do this, the patient should spit. If the saliva is colored red, then the bleeding continues.

What actions are prohibited with nosebleeds

With nosebleeds, the following actions are strictly prohibited:

  • Tilt back your head. In such a position bleeding begin to drain down the nasopharynx, resulting in vomiting. Sometimes blood clots penetrate in this way into Airways. Due to the constriction of the veins due to the tilting of the head, pressure also begins to rise.
  • Horizontal position with blood from the nose.
  • Blow your nose. In such a situation, formed blood clot damaged, so the blood continues to flow.
  • It is impossible to cough, eat food, swallow, speak, spit during nosebleeds.
  • If there is a foreign object in the nose, it is not allowed to get it yourself. This can only be done health worker. Otherwise, the foreign body may move to the lower respiratory organs and cause suffocation.

Such actions only reinforce nose bleed and can lead to dangerous complications.

Dangerous symptoms that require a doctor?

In some cases, symptoms may be observed that indicate the development of dangerous pathological conditions.

These signs include:

  • Vomiting (bloody) and nausea.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Strong feeling of thirst.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Convulsive state.
  • Cloudiness and loss of consciousness.
  • Rapid pulse.
  • Frequent occurrence of bleeding from the nasal cavity.

The presence of blood with foam may indicate illness lower divisions respiratory system. In the case when the blood has a yellowish-pale color, it is necessary health care, since this sign often indicates fractures of the bones of the skull. Consultation with a specialist will definitely be required in the presence of injuries to the head or face.

An ambulance should also be called if bleeding occurs due to a fall or head injury.

If such symptoms are observed, it is necessary to call ambulance. In the case of prolonged nosebleeds (more than twenty minutes) or its abundance, you will also need to call an emergency.The doctor should examine a patient with nosebleeds if he has diabetes mellitus, hypertension, diseases associated with impaired blood clotting.

Complications of nosebleeds

Nosebleeds can sometimes lead to severe blood loss due to the presence of a large number vessels in the nose. In some situations, it threatens human life.

Among severe consequences The most common nosebleeds are:

  1. Hypotension.
  2. Acute heart failure.
  3. Shock state.

To avoid these consequences, it is important to properly provide emergency care when blood from the nose appears and call an ambulance if there are dangerous signs.

Thus, providing first aid for nosebleeds is quite simple. The main thing in such a situation is to stop panicking. However, when blood is coming long time, It has watery character mixed with liquid yellow color then you need to call a doctor immediately.

But are we doing everything right? Consider step-by-step first aid for nosebleeds.

With a sudden nosebleed, many of us almost reflexively tilt our heads up or take horizontal position body. And this is our first mistake, since it is strictly forbidden to do this.

This is due to the fact that with this position of our body, blood from the nasopharynx will accumulate in the larynx, and from there very Great chance its entry into the respiratory tract or even into the stomach. And this, in turn, can cause vomiting.

What to do about a nosebleed

1) First aid consists mainly in calmness and planned actions. It is necessary to put aside the panic and calm the victim, invite him to sit down and tilt his torso forward and, with the help of his fingers, press the wings of the nose to the nasal septum.

In this case, the head should be slightly tilted forward and you need to breathe only through your mouth. It takes about five minutes to be in this position. If possible, it is recommended to measure blood pressure.

2) Moisten a handkerchief cold water or take ice wrapped in a napkin and apply it to the bridge of the nose.

The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. The principle of action - the cold constricts the vessels of the bridge of the nose, which helps to reduce bleeding.

3) Also as a vasoconstrictor element, you can use either freshly squeezed lemon juice. To do this, you just need to drip two or three drops of the solution.

4) Drag with a rubber band thumb hands in the area of ​​the nail. This method is called su-jok - the constricted zone of the nail at the reflex level corresponds to the nose area.

5) Moisten a cotton pad or gauze swab hydrogen peroxide solution 3% or cold water and push it into the nasal passage, then pinch the nostril with your finger. The tampon must be kept for about half an hour.

It is necessary to make sure that the blood does not go inside the nasopharynx - for this it is enough to spit several times (saliva should be transparent). Before removing the swab, it is necessary to moisten it with cold water using a pipette.

First aid for bleeding from open wound in the nose:

  1. With frequent formations of a crust, it is necessary to periodically instill two to three drops of rosehip or sea buckthorn oil.
  2. If the cause of bleeding is increased vascular fragility, then it is necessary to take ascorbic acid or routine.
  3. To increase blood clotting, it is recommended to use herbal teas from yarrow, nettle, plantain, mountaineer or sea buckthorn leaves. Also very effective tool is a 10% solution calcium chloride, which must be taken one to two teaspoons up to three times a day immediately after meals. This drug helps to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall.

If all of the above methods of struggle did not give positive results and the blood continues to go, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Please note that if you notice large blood loss - 100 milliliters or more, then even if the bleeding stops, the patient must be shown to the doctors.

When do you need a doctor's help?

It should be remembered that with heavy and frequent recurring bleeding, a person should definitely consult a doctor (


Health 16.03.2016

Today we, dear readers, will talk about nosebleeds, an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous phenomenon, especially if it occurs in children. At times the view a large number blood makes us feel terrified, and nosebleeds usually occur unexpectedly, causing a person to panic, so you need to clearly know what to do in such cases and how to provide first aid to yourself and your loved ones if a nosebleed occurs.

Most often, bleeding occurs from the anterior parts of the nose due to a rupture blood vessels. Such bleeding can be quite heavy, but they are easy to stop. It is much more difficult to cope with bleeding from posterior divisions nose, sometimes in these cases, emergency medical intervention is required.

First of all, you need to determine which departments nose goes blood. In the anterior parts of the nose, blood vessels are located on the nasal septum, and damage to them usually causes bleeding from one nostril. If you are watching profuse bleeding from two nostrils, it can be assumed that the vessels of the posterior parts of the nose are damaged. Let's take a closer look at the causes of nosebleeds, first aid and treatment methods.

Nosebleeds in adults and children. The reasons

There are many causes of nosebleeds in adults and children. They can occur in completely healthy people influenced by certain external factors, such bleeding usually occurs episodically and resolves on its own. Sometimes nosebleeds are the result of some disease, and in these cases, it is necessary to find the root cause and treat the underlying disease.

What can cause nosebleeds? In apparently healthy people, nosebleeds can cause:

  • swings atmospheric pressure;
  • overheating or sunstroke;
  • dry air in the room;
  • nose injury;
  • foreign body in the nose;
  • the effect of certain drugs;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • influenza or ARVI, when the vessels in the nasal cavity swell in a person, and since the vessels in the nose are very thin and delicate, they can burst when high temperature and when blown out.

Nosebleeds can cause more serious reasons which include diseases such as

  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa, in which the mucosa becomes thinner and the slightest tension or blowing out causes rupture of blood vessels;
  • pathology of the development of blood vessels in the nose, in which vascular wall thin, which leads to frequent breaks;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • blood diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • liver disease;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • lack of vitamin C in the body.

First aid for nosebleeds

What to do if blood suddenly comes out of the nose? First of all, do not panic, and if this happened to someone close to you, reassure the person and provide first aid. You can’t lie down with nosebleeds or tilt your head back so that the blood does not enter the respiratory tract. You need to sit down and lower your head slightly.

Blood must be spit out, not allowed to enter the stomach, so as not to cause vomiting. Place a container in front of the person for convenience.

Pinch both nostrils with a handkerchief, put something cold on the bridge of the nose, at least a handkerchief moistened with cold water, and sit with your head down. After 10 to 15 minutes, bleeding from the front of the nose usually stops. You need to breathe through your mouth.

Advice from me from practice: at home it is very useful to always have a cold. Ice cubes are inconvenient to use, ice containers in the form of containers too, I do this: I pour a little water into a medical glove, tie it tightly and freeze it in this form. And on occasion - you never know, a bruise or something else, there is always a remedy at hand. Very simple and convenient.

Many people fall into the floor at the sight of blood. fainting, and if you see that a person not only bleeds from his nose, but he becomes ill, it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room, unbutton the collar, and, if necessary, call an ambulance.

Nose drops during bleeding and immediately after it stops are not recommended to be instilled; in the future, the use of any medicines must be agreed with the doctor.

If the bleeding has not stopped within 15 minutes, then a cotton or gauze swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide can be inserted into the nasal passages.

If the bleeding cannot be stopped on its own within 20 minutes, you must call an ambulance or take the person to the nearest hospital. medical institution to help. In this case, it can be assumed that the cause of bleeding was a rupture of a blood vessel in the back of the nose, which requires special measures to eliminate it.

Here is a visual reminder for us about helping with nosebleeds.

Nosebleeds in children

I want to pay special attention to children's nosebleeds, since in children this unpleasant phenomenon quite often observed. In most cases, nosebleeds in children are due to damage to the walls. small vessels in the anterior part of the nose, which are located on the nasal septum. In children, the vessels are very delicate, not fully formed, so any minor injury or overheating can cause nosebleeds. It does not cause danger, the main thing is to help the child in time.

Much more serious if blood comes out of large vessels, such bleeding can be very severe, and in this case, the help of a specialist is necessary, since a large loss of blood is very dangerous for a child. At severe loss blood quickly develops weakness, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, violation heart rate fainting may occur. That's why medical assistance necessary if you see that the bleeding is heavy.

It is especially dangerous if the rupture of blood vessels occurs in the back of the nose. Blood can enter the stomach, causing vomiting, it can enter the respiratory tract, which is even more dangerous, in this case it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. As I wrote above, bleeding from the back of the nose comes from two nostrils at once, and this is already a signal to emergency assistance. Don't hesitate, call an ambulance!

Causes of nosebleeds in children

Consider the most common causes nosebleeds in children:

  • nose injury
  • foreign bodies in the nose
  • dryness of the air in the room
  • overheating in the sun
  • excessive physical or mental stress schoolchildren
  • hormonal changes in adolescents
  • high blood pressure
  • anemia
  • bleeding disorder

How to stop nosebleeds in children

Because the most common cause of nosebleeds in children is mechanical damage vessels on the nasal septum, then stopping such bleeding usually does not present any particular difficulties.

First aid for nosebleeds in children

The child must be seated, head slightly tilted forward and pinch both nostrils of the child with your fingers. In this position, the child should sit for 10 minutes. We must be patient.

At the same time, cold must be applied to the bridge of the nose. Usually after 10 minutes the blood from the nose ceases to stand out. If after 20 minutes the bleeding cannot be stopped, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

The main mistakes of parents in the provision of first aid for nosebleeds in children.

What can not be done with nosebleeds in children?

Do not tilt your head back when bleeding from the nose.

You can't lie down either. About the child's position, I said above.

Can't paste cotton swabs into the child's nose. Of course, it is easier for us because cotton wool absorbs blood, but when we remove these tampons, we can only harm the child. During this time, blood clots form, they remain on the cotton wool, and you yourself understand that dried blood can only exacerbate the problem.

Now a little about those 10 minutes that are recommended to be spent in calm state to stop bleeding from the nose. 10 minutes - of course, we understand that it is not easy for a child to withstand such a position. Especially for a small fidget child.

What else can you advise parents? Give a child sitting in this position ice cream, plain water With a small amount ice cubes, but you need to drink it only through a straw, so that the child sits like that, slightly tilting his head forward. You can also turn on the TV or give a tablet to watch his favorite cartoons. So time will pass more quickly ... And we will make sure that the child's head is in the right position.

I suggest you watch the video children's doctor Komarovsky on the causes of children's nosebleeds, first aid and prevention.

Nose bleed. Treatment.

We can talk about the treatment of nosebleeds only in cases where they are caused by certain diseases. If nosebleeds occur frequently, you should be concerned and get tested.

First of all, it will be necessary to donate blood for analysis and do an ultrasound. abdominal cavity. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe some other studies, and if the cause is found, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Very often, doctors prescribe ascorutin to strengthen capillaries.

Nose bleed. Prevention

In all other cases we will talk Rather not about the treatment, but about the prevention of nosebleeds. Let's talk about it in more detail.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze Lifestyle Possibly the cause of nosebleeds is chronic sleep deprivation fatigue, lack of rest. Sometimes it is enough to include in your daily routine of the day hiking on the fresh air and add a vitamin-mineral complex to your diet to stop nosebleeds.

AT winter period dry air in the room can contribute to the fragility of the vessels of the nose, so the easiest way to install in the apartment and in the office humidifier . Humidifiers are freely sold, they are different in price and configuration, you can choose the one that suits you.

If the cause of nosebleeds lies in the atrophy of the nasal mucosa, then it is necessary treat atrophic rhinitis . I must say that in most cases this disease is chronic and can accompany a person all his life. All measures should be aimed at preventing the formation of dry crusts on the nasal septum, it is necessary to humidify the air in the apartment, use moisturizing nasal sprays. For a better discharge of dried mucus and relieve inflammation, instill into the nose oil solution vitamin A or insert tampons with sea buckthorn oil into the nasal passages.

Sometimes nosebleeds can cause allergic rhinitis , in this case, it is necessary to identify the allergen that causes swelling of the mucous membrane and avoid provoking factors. If the allergy still took you by surprise, you need to take it on time antihistamines, but, of course, only after consulting an allergist. In addition, it is necessary to use special drops or nasal sprays that remove allergic edema mucous. About allergic rhinitis I have elaborated

I wish everyone good health so that we do not encounter such nosebleeds, and if anything happens, we will know how to provide first aid. And in continuation of the topic, I will say that it is important to rest, not to overstrain, to avoid stress. I have one daughter, when she graduated from Moscow State University last year before the session, she simply suffered from nosebleeds. As soon as I defended my diploma, everything was over, and such bleeding disappeared.

And for the soul, we will listen today A. Dvorak Melody . Beautiful music and paintings by the artist Edouard Manet.

I wish everyone, my dear readers, health, a wonderful spring mood with our aromas of happiness, harmony and warmth in your families. Give your warmth to your loved ones.

see also




    Olga Suvorova
    22 Mar 2016 at 23:24


    Olga Andreeva
    20 Mar 2016 at 21:44


    19 Mar 2016 at 19:37


    19 Mar 2016 at 17:00


    19 Mar 2016 at 1:59


    Irina Lukshits
    18 Mar 2016 at 21:35

    First aid for nosebleeds should be as soon as possible to avoid major blood loss. If nosebleeds stop on their own fails, you need to see a doctor. In any case, everyone needs to know what to do with a nosebleed - your skills can be decisive in saving the victim.

    Nosebleeds can be caused by or sharp rise blood pressure (then you should immediately take measures to reduce it), or pathology in the nasal cavity (most often the usual increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels due to acute or chronic inflammation), as well as traumatic injuries nose hypovitaminosis with a lack of vitamin C; heat due to its drying effect on the nasal mucosa.

    What to do about a nosebleed

    First aid for nosebleeds begins with the victim sitting on the floor or chair, then his head should be slightly tilted forward. In no case do not tilt your head back, as it usually happens: tilting leads to the fact that the blood begins to be swallowed, thus creating a false impression of stopping the bleeding.

    First you need to blow your nose well, because if blood clots remain in the nasal cavity, they will prevent the mucous membrane from contracting.

    You need to put something cold on the bridge of your nose (preferably ice in some thick cloth or bag), after which you should press the nostril against the nasal septum.

    Can be sucked into the nose from time to time salt water with vinegar and alum.

    A good help for bleeding from the nose will be the instillation of one of the vasoconstrictors. pharmaceutical preparations- galazolin, naphthyzine, otrivin.

    If this does not help to the proper extent, then it is necessary to insert a swab of sterile gauze into the nose, pushing it deeper, for example, with a clean pencil, and leaving the tip outside, for which one could, then pull the gauze back. If at the same time blood will go with your mouth, you can slightly press the corresponding carotid artery on the neck towards the spine, but not to the windpipe. When helping with nosebleeds, tamponade is best done with pieces of cotton wool or gauze soaked in a solution of calcium chloride.

    Stop bleeding from the nose folk remedies

    When stopping bleeding from the nose, you can also use folk remedies:

    1. Insert cotton wool moistened with fresh nettle juice into the nose.

    2. After cutting a raw onion in half, with the cut side, attach it tightly to the back of the neck.

    3. With very strong nosebleeds, you can pour half a bucket on your head cold water(preferably from a watering can) and in the same way, but not immediately, pour another half a bucket on upper part back.

    4. From nosebleeds, even our distant ancestors hung a small iron key on a woolen thread between the shoulder blades on their backs. Moreover, if the bleeding was constant, resuming several times a day, then it was recommended to wear this key for 10-12 days.

    5. You can use recipes using medicinal herbs:

    • put 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs horsetail in an enamel saucepan and pour 1 cup of boiling water, then boil for 30 minutes, cool and take a third of a cup 3-4 times a day;
    • carefully explain fresh leaves nettle and the resulting mass squeeze through cheesecloth; make tampons out of cotton, dip them in juice and put them in your nostrils; Change tampons every half an hour.

    The article has been read 9,715 times.

    Nosebleeds are quite common in medical practice. Stopping nosebleed.
    Epitaxis, or bleeding from nose may be a symptom of a number of diseases. nose and other bodies

    Nose bleed is a symptom of diseases such as the nasal cavity (acute and chronic rhinitis, as well as benign and malignant tumors nose), and the body as a whole.
    Nosebleeds can be the result of trauma, bleeding disorders, hypertension, severe physical activity.

    Possible causes that can lead to nosebleeds are varied:

    1. diseases of cardio-vascular system(hypertension, heart defects and vascular anomalies with increased blood pressure in the vessels of the head and neck, atherosclerosis of blood vessels);
    2. blood clotting disorders, hemorrhagic diathesis and diseases of the blood system, hypovitaminosis and beriberi;
    3. fever due to acute infectious diseases, at thermal and sunstroke, when overheated;
    4. hormonal imbalances (bleeding during puberty, bleeding during pregnancy).

    Blood may come out of the nose in drops or a stream. As a result of its ingestion and entry into the stomach, bloody vomiting may occur. With prolonged, and especially hidden nosebleeds, a fainting condition develops: the skin is pale, cold sweat, weak and rapid pulse, blood pressure drops.

    First aid for nosebleeds:

    1. It is necessary to comfortably seat the patient so that the head is higher than the body.
    2. Tilt the patient's head slightly forward so that blood does not enter the nasopharynx and mouth.
    3. Do not blow your nose if you have a nosebleed, as this can make the bleeding worse!
    4. Press the wing of the nose against the septum. Before this, cotton swabs moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, naphthyzinum 0.1% can be introduced into the nasal passages (tampons are prepared from cotton wool in the form of a cocoon 2.5-3 cm long and 1-1.5 cm thick, tampons for children should be injected with a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm).
    5. Put a bubble (heater) with ice on the back of the head and bridge of the nose for 20 minutes.
    6. Here is a way: if the nose bleeds, then you need to take paper (clean) about 6X6 cm, and quickly make a ball out of it, put the ball under the tongue. Medicine is not able to explain this phenomenon, but the blood stops within 30 seconds and you do not need to throw your head back, you just need to sit still.

    In which case it is necessary to consult a doctor?

    1. If the blood from the nose flows in a stream and does not stop after the attempts made to stop on your own for 10-20 minutes.
    2. If nosebleeds are the result of a bleeding disorder, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure.
    3. If the patient is constantly taking drugs such as aspirin, heparin, ibuprofen.
    4. If the blood, profusely flowing down back wall pharynx, enters the throat and causes hematemesis.
    5. If, against the background of nosebleeds, a fainting or pre-fainting condition has occurred.
    6. With frequent nosebleeds.

    Treatment of nasal bleeding is carried out by an ENT doctor.

    Folk remedies for nosebleeds:

    1. If blood comes from the right nostril, then right hand lift up above your head, and hold the nostril with your left, and vice versa.
    2. The patient raises both hands behind his head, and the second person clamps both nostrils or one for 3-5 minutes. The bleeding will stop soon.
    3. Rub fresh yarrow leaves to make them moist and insert into the nose. And even more effective - squeeze the juice and drip it into the nose.
    4. Squeeze the juice of 1/4 lemon into a glass of cold water or pour 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar. Pull this liquid into the nose and hold it there for 3-5 minutes, holding the nostrils with your fingers. Sit quietly or stand, but do not lie down. Put a wet, cold towel on your forehead and nose.
    5. With frequent nosebleeds, corn stigmas will help. 1 st. spoon (with top) corn silk pour 1.5 cups of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then cool the broth and take a quarter cup 3 times a day.
    6. For nosebleeds, drink an infusion of dry herbs. Pour 3 pinches of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and cool. Strain and drink the infusion in 3 divided doses.

    Nose bleed.

    The most common reason nosebleeds- injuries. In some, the vessels can even suffer from a strong blowing of the nose or from the habit of picking your nose with your finger. In children, nosebleeds are often caused by inflamed adenoids or because of too dry air in the room: the parched mucous membrane cracks and breaks the blood vessel .
    It happens that blood from the nose comes during the flu, colds - the vessels become fragile due to illness. They are more vulnerable during pregnancy. Another one possible reason- lack of vitamins C or K, long-term use aspirin, heparin, ibuprofen.
    Sometimes nosebleeds occur with a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure, prolonged exposure to the sun, physical overstrain.
    Regular bleeding from the nose occurs with blood diseases, rheumatism, diabetes, chronic diseases liver. They often accompany hypertension: with a sharp rise in blood pressure, the walls of the vessels do not withstand and burst. In this case, the blood will not stop until the pressure returns to normal.

    What to do about nosebleeds?
    First of all, you need to calm down - with excitement, the heart begins to beat faster, and this only increases the bleeding. Then sit down and tilt your head slightly forward.
    Throwing it back, as many do, is impossible in any case!
    Firstly, because of this, blood can enter the esophagus and cause vomiting, and secondly, in this position, the veins in the neck are compressed and pressure in the vessels of the head increases, which increases bleeding.
    Cold should be applied to the back of the head and bridge of the nose (hold for 3-4 minutes, then the same break), and heat should be applied to the legs. Pinch your nose with your fingers and sit like this for 5-10 minutes.
    If the bleeding is severe, before that, you can gently insert cotton swabs moistened with hydrogen peroxide or naphthyzinum into the nostrils. In order not to damage the bleeding vessel again, the cotton wool from the nose can be removed no earlier than an hour later
    It is better not to bury any drops: blood along with the medicine can get from the nasal cavity into auditory tubes and then cause inflammation of the ear.
    After stopping the bleeding, you can not blow your nose for a day (so as not to dislodge the formed blood clot). Also at this time it is better to refrain from hot food and drinks. They can dilate blood vessels and cause re-bleeding.

    If the cause of nosebleeds is weak vessels, you can strengthen them in the following ways:

    1. rinse your nose with salt water;
    2. lubricate the nostrils from the inside with petroleum jelly to protect the mucous membrane from drying out;
    3. drink more often green tea, rosehip broth;
    4. drink 1 tbsp three times a day. nettle infusion (3 tsp dry herb pour 1 tablespoon boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes);
    5. take ascorutin (it contains vitamins necessary for blood vessels.

    Common barberry will relieve frequent nosebleeds

    1/2 teaspoon of crushed barberry bark should be infused for 1 hour in a glass of boiling water. Strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day and rinse the nose with this cool infusion several times a week. Gradually, bleeding will stop bothering you.

    Turnip for nosebleeds

    Such a treatment for nosebleeds: grate a turnip, squeeze the juice, add sugar. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Bleeding will stop after 1 day, but for prevention, take the juice for another two days. There will be no more bleeding.

    Nosebleed will stop horsetail

    As soon as bleeding begins, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of horsetail: 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 l of water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, cool quickly, put the saucepan with the broth in a large container of cold water, strain and draw the broth into the nose several times. The procedure is not pleasant.

    Willow powder (white willow) against nosebleeds

    Dried willow bark is used for nosebleeds. It must be ground in a coffee grinder. You will get a powder that needs to be inhaled through the nose. This should not be done during bleeding, but in advance. For several weeks, inhale willow powder every two days, and the bleeding will stop.

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