Cheap analogues of Suprax - we save on medicines. Suprax - analogues are cheaper

Inflammatory diseases infectious nature can affect both an adult and a children's body. In the fight against infection, conventional anti-inflammatory drugs are not able to have the desired effect, so it is necessary to resort to the help of antibiotics. One of the most powerful modern antibiotics is Suprax.

The medication is available in various forms- tablets, capsules, suspensions. This allows for maximum comfortable treatment especially when it comes to patients with younger age group. The only drawback of "Supraks" - high price not available to all consumers.

In order not to be left alone with infectious diseases, you should pay close attention to similar medications that are no less effective than Suprax, but more attractive in cost.

"Supraks": all the most important about the drug


The active ingredient is cefixime. Additional components: magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and cellulose.


Applies to:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • various forms of bronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • gonorrhea.


hypersensitivity, renal pathologies. During pregnancy, the antibiotic is prescribed by the attending physician in rare cases when a woman's health is at great risk, and replacement therapy does not have the desired effect.

During the period of taking the antibiotic, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Side effects

Antibiotic treatment may cause side effects. They are expressed in symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite, leading to weight loss (up to anorexia);
  • anemia;
  • nephritis;
  • flatulence;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • the occurrence of candidiasis;
  • development of allergies.

The most frequently occurring side effect- violation of the intestinal microflora.

approximate cost

The approximate price for "Supraks" in Russian pharmacies is presented in the table:

Analogues in capsules and tablets

Cheaper analogues of Suprax in the form of capsules (tablets) are an opportunity to start the fight against infectious pathologies, without much loss in financial plan. Tablets in most cases are intended for the treatment of patients of the older age group..


Country of origin Netherlands.

Compound. Antibiotic, the composition is based on cefixime. There are also auxiliary components, including flavor and dye E110.

Indications. Appointed for:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • otitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the lungs.

Also prescribed for pathologies inflammatory nature urinary tract.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, kidney pathology, asthma.

Side effects. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, hepatitis, impaired intestinal microflora.

Approximate cost: from 170 rubles.


Russian production.

Compound. Based on the same name medicinal substance amoxicillin.

Indications. Prescribed for infections respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, urethra, sepsis, purulent lesions skin.

Contraindications. Children before two years of age, infectious mononucleosis, intolerance to amoxicillin.

Side effects. Nausea, diarrhea, violation of the intestinal microflora, an allergic reaction.

Approximate cost. A package containing 20 tablets can be purchased for an average of 60 rubles.


bactericidal agent Russian production.

Compound. The basis is the substance amoxicillin.

Indications. Infectious and inflammatory pathologies:

  • ENT organs;
  • respiratory tract;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • urethra;
  • skin cover.

Used for otitis severe forms bronchitis, salmonellosis, meningitis, sepsis, dysentery.

Contraindications. Diathesis allergic nature, hypersensitivity, mononucleosis, asthma, pathology of the liver, kidneys, pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects. Treatment may be accompanied by some side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • sleep disturbance (up to complete insomnia);
  • nervousness;
  • anxiety state;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • allergy;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • anemia.

Approximate cost. The average price for a package containing 10 tablets is around 30 rubles.

Analogues in granules

Medicines produced in the form of granules are especially convenient for the treatment of children. Among pharmacy assortment you can find many analogues of "Supraks" both imported and Russian-made. Let's take a closer look at their list and find out what the price is in rubles.

The most inexpensive and effective of the generics is Cefalexin.


Serbian antibiotic.

Compound. The basis of the drug is the same name active substance cephalexin.

Indications. It is prescribed for otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, skin infections, infections of the urinary system.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity.

Side effects. Treatment with "Cefalexin" may be accompanied by:

  • daytime sleepiness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • hallucinations;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • hepatitis.

Approximate cost. In Russian pharmacies, you can buy an average of 65 rubles.

Analogues in the form of suspensions

Suspensions are a more convenient form medicinal product for the treatment of children. On the shelves of Russian pharmacies, you can find suspension antibiotics at a better price (compared to the cost of Suprax).

"Ixim Lupin"

Indian antibiotic.

Compound. The active substance is cefixime. Additional components include sodium benzoate, silicon dioxide, sucrose, flavoring.

Indications. Diseases of an infectious, inflammatory nature of the respiratory tract, urethra, cervix, as well as otitis media.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug, age up to 6 months.

Side effects. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, allergic reaction, nephritis, anemia.

Approximate cost. 25 gr - within 490 rubles.


Antibiotic of Russian production.

Compound. The active substance is erythromycin.

Indications. Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, urethra, skin, as well as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.

Contraindications. Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy.

Side effects. Treatment may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dysbacteriosis, allergies, palpitations.

Approximate cost. Within 30 rubles.

Comparison of analogues with the original

To determine which is better - "Supraks" or its analogues, it is necessary to compare the presented medicines according to the main indicators.

Substitute name Comparison with Suprax
"Ceforal Solutab" For two drugs, the same active substance, as well as identical indications, contraindications and side effects. At the same time, the analogue is more affordable.
"Amoxicillin" One of the highest quality Russian, differs from Suprax in composition, is allowed for treatment from the age of two. The analogue is much cheaper than the original.
"Amosin" Another powerful antibiotic domestic production. It differs from the original composition, more extensive scope and very low cost. The disadvantages of generics include big list contraindications and side effects.
"Cephalexin" Both drugs are very similar in all respects, however, "Cefalexin" there are very dangerous child's body side effects including hallucinations. The price of analogue is more than affordable.
"Ixim Lupin" The two drugs are very similar in all respects, are available in a convenient form for the treatment of children. The price of the analogue is slightly cheaper than the original.
"Erythromycin" The Russian antibiotic is produced in various forms, including as suspensions. It differs from the original composition, while in other respects both drugs are completely similar. The analogue is much cheaper in cost.

It is important to remember that the use of any medicinal product allowed only when prescribed by the attending physician. Also, if you want to replace the prescribed drug with a cheaper analogue, you need to consult a doctor!

Suprax is included in the category of antibacterial medications broad spectrum of action. This medicine referred to as cephalosporins. The main component of the drug is cefixime in the form of trihydrate. The drug is active against any bacterial flora. However, sometimes it is required to choose analogues cheaper than supraks. To properly solve this problem, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Characteristics of the drug

Suprax is produced in the form of capsules with a dosage of 200 or 400 mg. There is also a release form in the form of granules, which are used to make a suspension. The main substance of the drug is cefixime.

This component contributes to the inhibition of the cell membranes of microorganisms and provokes their death. Therefore, the drug is actively used for therapy. bacterial pathologies, which differ in sensitivity to the drug. Which is better - suprax or suprax solutab, the doctor must answer.

Key indications for taking the remedy include the following:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • infectious lesions of the urinary tract, which occur without difficulty;
  • damage to the cervix by gonococci;
  • gonococcal infection of the urethra.

The dosage of the drug should be selected by a specialist. This is done according to the age and weight of the patient:

  1. Adult patients and children over 12 years of age who weigh more than 50 kg are recommended to use 400 mg once a day. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days.
  2. Babies under 12 years of age are prescribed a remedy in the form of a suspension. In this case, the dosage is calculated as follows: 8 mg per kilogram of body weight once a day. May also be used at 4 mg every 12 hours.

If the infection is the result of infection with streptococci, the course of therapy is at least 10 days. With kidney damage, which are accompanied by creatinine clearance from 21 to 60 ml per minute, the dosage is reduced by a quarter. The same applies to patients who are on hemodialysis. If the creatinine clearance is less than 20 ml per minute or the person is on peritoneal dialysis, the daily volume is halved.

To make a suspension, shake the mixture. Then it is recommended to inject 40 ml cold water. Boiled liquid should be used. The procedure must be done in 2 stages. After each use, the mixture is thoroughly shaken to achieve a homogeneous mass. Then the composition should be left for a few minutes to achieve complete dissolution of the granules. Before taking finished product will need to be shaken again.

Sometimes the use of supraks is contraindicated. The main restrictions include:

  • age less than 12 years - for taking capsules;
  • age less than six months - for the use of a suspension;
  • intolerance to cephalosporins;
  • high sensitivity to penicillins;
  • hemodialysis;
  • pseudomembranous colitis;
  • complex pathologies of the kidneys and liver of various origins, especially in the elderly;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • allergy to the ingredients of the product.

Uncontrolled use of the substance can cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • feeling of itching;
  • noise in ears;
  • rashes;
  • urticaria and anaphylactic shock;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • convulsions;
  • damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • stool disorders;
  • headache;
  • vaginitis;
  • violation of the composition of the blood.

Excessive consumption of the drug and the occurrence of symptoms of poisoning is the basis for detoxification therapy. To do this, perform gastric lavage, bowel cleansing. Also shown is the use antihistamine drugs, sorbents and other medicines. In difficult cases, you need infusion therapy and inpatient treatment.

Review of cheap analogues of Suprax

Suprax belongs to the category of antibiotics. Therefore, any agent to which they are sensitive can replace it. bacterial microorganisms. The main analogues of Suprax 400 mg include cephalosporins. These include the following drugs:

  • Ixim lupine - this Indian powder for making a suspension will cost about 470 rubles;
  • ceforal solutab - tablets with a dosage of 400 mg are produced by the Netherlands and they cost 800 rubles;
  • cefix - capsules with a dosage of 400 mg are produced by a Jordanian manufacturer, they cost about 550 rubles;
  • panzef - 60 ml of granules for making a suspension will cost 420 rubles;
  • cemidexor - these Chinese tablets can be bought for 350 rubles.

All these substances have the same active ingredient - cefixime. Therefore, they produce an identical effect on the body. The main advantage of these funds is their low cost. The only exception is ceforal solutab. The only difference between these funds is the manufacturer that produces these drugs.

Before buying and using analogues of Suprax 400 mg tablets at a lower price, you should consult a doctor and study the instructions in detail. Sometimes there are certain differences in the use and dosage of these funds.

Suprax or clacid

When choosing klacid or suprax, it should be borne in mind that these substances have various active ingredients and are included in different categories antibiotics. So, the main ingredient of clacid is clarithromycin. This substance belongs to the category of macrolides.

The main disadvantage of the drug is one dosage form. It is produced exclusively in tablet form. You can use this analogue of supraks for children after 12 years. This is due big amount contraindications and an extensive list of possible adverse reactions. Because klacid is considered more dangerous means compared to suprax.

The main advantage of the substance is more fast action. Moreover, klacid has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity. Because he has more indications for use. The remedy is cheaper than supraks. On average, its price is 580 rubles.

Suprax or sumamed

When choosing sumamed or suprax, you need to understand that these substances have different composition. Sumamed belongs to the category of azalides. Its active ingredient is azithromycin dihydrate. Because these drugs are quite different.

The main advantages of sumamed include a lower cost. So, capsules with a dosage of 250 mg will cost about 450 rubles. With an aggressive course of the disease, it is better to use sumamed. This substance has an extensive spectrum of action and helps to cope with various types of infectious pathologies. The course of therapy with this remedy does not take much time. As a rule, it is only 3 days.

The disadvantages of sumamed include an increased risk of side effects. The manual for this tool contains a rather extensive list. adverse reactions organism.

Suprax or amoxiclav

These funds have different composition and are included in various categories antibiotics. When choosing amoxiclav or suprax, this should certainly be taken into account. The first agent belongs to the group of penicillins and has a weaker effect. At the same time, its cost is lower in comparison with suprax.

Taking amoxiclav is not very convenient, because you have to take pills several times a day. In the treatment of suprax, 1 dose is sufficient. In general, amoxiclav should be drunk with a simple course of pathologies.

In addition, suprax is often compared with other penicillin antibiotics - in particular, with augmentin and flemoxin. IN this case the same differences are observed as with amoxiclav. When choosing, this should certainly be taken into account. This feature characteristic of other penicillins.

Suprax or Cedex

These medicinal substances are included in one group and belong to a new generation of cephalosporins. What's more, they're in roughly the same price range.

However, they have different active ingredients. So, cedex includes ceftibuten, while suprax is made on the basis of cefixime. Therefore, it is only possible to choose a specific substance experienced doctor. The specialist will make a choice taking into account all the features.

Suprax or ceftriaxone - which is better

The main similarity of these funds is that they belong to the new generation cephalosporins. In this case, the release form is somewhat different. So, ceftriaxone is produced in vials that are intended for injection. They can be given intravenously or intramuscularly. At the same time, the drug does not have a tablet form of release.

Ceftriaxone also has certain advantages. This tool has a wider spectrum of action and can be used for complex infectious pathologies. different localization. However, other antibiotics do not give such results. In addition, ceftriaxone can be given to children from 2 weeks.

It is important to consider that this substance also has disadvantages. They include high number adverse reactions, which appear literally from the 3rd day of therapy.

Suprax or panzef

When choosing suprax or pancef, it should be borne in mind that these substances are the same in terms of the form of release and the features of use. These substances can be used to treat bacterial lesions of the respiratory system, otitis media and infectious pathologies of the urinary tract.

Thanks to the use of the drug, it is possible to disrupt cell synthesis pathogenic microorganisms. The drug has a wide spectrum of activity. In this case, panzef cannot be used when hypersensitivity to antibacterial agents, including penicillins. Also, the restrictions include age less than six months, pregnancy, lactation.

Extremely carefully, the remedy is prescribed for colitis and kidney failure. The same applies to older people.

Suprax or Ixim Lupine

This Indian remedy has the same effect as suprax. It belongs to the third generation cephalosporin antibiotics and is taken orally. The tool has a bactericidal effect and a broad spectrum of action.

This element is produced in the form of a powder, from which a suspension should be made. The substance is used for bacterial damage to the respiratory system. These include pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Other indications include otitis media, mild gonorrhea, and urinary tract infections.

Suprax or zinnat - which is better

When choosing zinnat or suprax, it should be borne in mind that the first agent belongs to second-generation cephalosporins. The main substance of zinnate is cefuroxime. The drug is suitable for oral use and produces an antimicrobial and bactericidal effect. This activity is due to the suppression of the synthesis of bacterial cells.

The drug can be used to combat infectious pathologies of organs respiratory system, skin, organs genitourinary system, which differ high sensitivity to the active substance. The tool can be used for otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Also included in the indications bacterial pneumonia, cystitis, urethritis.

Zinnat should not be used if the active ingredient is intolerant. Do not take it to people with kidney failure, digestive pathologies. Not discharged this remedy children under 3 months, pregnant women and nursing mothers. For children under 3 years of age, the remedy is usually prescribed in the form of a suspension.

Suprax - effective medicine which allows you to deal with bacterial infections and improve the condition. At the same time, situations often arise when you need to choose an analogue. This is best done under the guidance of a physician. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing unwanted side effects.

Infections of ENT organs, as a rule, require the use of medications. One of the powerful antibacterial agents Suprax is considered, however, due to high cost it is not available to all users. In this case, patients are looking for cheaper analogues of the Suprax antibiotic. Before buying, you should consult with your doctor, as well as read the annotation to the medicine.

Description of the drug

Suprax is a medicine from the group of cephalosporins with a wide range of therapeutic effects. It is produced in different dosage forms - powder for the manufacture of suspensions, tablets, and capsules.

The main substance - cefixime - destroys the cells of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, provoking their death.

The antibiotic showed potent activity against pathogenic microflora, which has become the cause of respiratory diseases:

  • streptococci;
  • Klebsiella;
  • salmonella;
  • shigella;
  • hemophilic infection;
  • proteas;
  • pasteurellosis.

Due to its wide spectrum of action, the antibiotic has found its application in the treatment of many respiratory diseases:

  • inflammation of the palatine tonsils;
  • tonsillitis, tonsillitis;
  • inflammation of the pharynx;
  • various types of sinusitis - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc .;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • bronchitis at any stage;
  • uncomplicated infections of the urogenital tract;
  • gonorrhea.

The necessary dosage form and dosage of the drug is selected by a specialist, taking into account age and individual features patient:

  • Adults and children from 12 years of age weighing over 50 kg are prescribed 400 mg of the substance once a day. Course duration - 7-10 days.
  • Children under the age of 12 are prescribed a suspension. The dose is based on weight: 8 mg / kg once a day or 4 mg twice a day.

Of the contraindications to taking an antibiotic, one can note:

  • children's age under six months - for suspension, less than 12 years - for capsules;
  • sensitivity to cephalosporin antibiotics and penicillins;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • colitis;
  • liver disease, especially in the elderly.

During pregnancy, the need for the use of the drug should be agreed with the attending physician.

During lactation, it is necessary to transfer the baby to artificial feeding.

Of the side effects are often observed:

  • allergic rashes;
  • thrombus formation;
  • pain in the head;
  • disorders digestive tract, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • bloating;
  • candidiasis;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • vaginitis.

This drug has an extensive list of side effects, so the patient must inform the attending physician about all the changes that occur in the body during the period of therapy.

The cost of the drug Suprax Solutab 400 mg No. 7 ranges from 828 rubles. You can buy 6 capsules of 400 mg for 718 rubles, a bottle of 30 ml granules costs 605 rubles.

Due to the rather high cost, patients often face the question of cheap analogues of Suprax. However, you should not choose a substitute yourself: only qualified specialist who will advise the best option taking into account individual characteristics.

Analogues for the active ingredient

Active substance- cefixime - found in the following antibiotics.

Iksim lupin

A semi-synthetic antibiotic of the cephalosporin series, manufactured in India, is sold in the form of a powder for the manufacture of suspensions in vials of 25 mg. Designed to eliminate infections and inflammations of the respiratory system - sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

Cost - 496 rubles.


The drug from a Macedonian pharmaceutical company is presented in pharmacies in 400 mg tablets (10 pieces in a pack), as well as in powder form, from which a suspension is prepared.

Tablets are intended for the treatment of adults and children older than 6 months. The medicine has antimicrobial action, destroys cell membranes pathogen, and has similar indications and dosages as its counterpart. However, Suprax has a less negative effect on the body: when taking Pancef, it is necessary to without fail use probiotics to restore intestinal microflora, prevent dysbacteriosis and candidiasis.

The cost of 10 tablets is 451 rubles, six - 381 rubles.

The price of a suspension of 100 ml is 425 rubles, 60 ml is 314 rubles.


The drug is from a Chinese manufacturer, presented in the form of 100 mg film-coated tablets, in a package of 24 pieces.

It has similar indications and restrictions, as Suprax. It is quite difficult to meet the drug in Russian pharmacies.

The price ranges from 350 rubles.

Ceforal Solutab

This medication, active against a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, can be a worthy substitute for the drug. Ceforal is produced in tablet form (400 mg), the package contains 1, 5, 7 or 10 pieces.

The antibiotic can be dissolved in water and drunk regardless of the meal. The dosage regimen is set taking into account the age and body weight of the patient. Not applicable to children under six months of age. The duration of therapy should not be more than 10 days: prolonged use can provoke dysbacteriosis.

The price of one tablet is approximately 170 rubles, Ceforal in package No. 7 can be purchased for 623 rubles.

Only the attending physician can replace Suprax with an analogue, even having the same active substance.

Analogues in tablets, capsules, powders

To combat infections of the ENT organs, medicines from the group of penicillins, macrolides and cephalosporins are often prescribed, which not only effectively suppress the development of pathogenic microflora, but also have a low cost.

Which drug is better, it is impossible to say unambiguously. It all depends on clinical picture pathology, symptoms, the nature of the course of the disease, as well as the characteristics of the patient's body.


Medicine from the Russian producer. The composition includes the component of the same name amoxicillin. It is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, digestive tract, urinary tract, as well as skin pathologies of a purulent nature.

Of the contraindications - children under two years of age, mononucleosis, hypersensitivity to the active ingredient.

Side effects after taking may be violations from the side gastrointestinal system, dysbacteriosis, allergic rashes.

Tablet form 500 mg No. 20 can be purchased for 73 rubles, capsules No. 20 - for 88 rubles.


The drug based on amoxicillin is used in the treatment of infections of the respiratory system, stomach, intestines, skin, urinary organs.

Of the contraindications - mononucleosis, bronchial asthma, hepatic and kidney disease, diathesis, periods of childbearing and breastfeeding.

Amosin can cause negative reactions: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, sleep disorder, disturbance mental state, anaphylaxis, deterioration of the liver, headaches and other symptoms.

You can buy an analogue in tablet form 500 mg No. 20 for 119 rubles.


This antibiotic produced in Slovenia belongs to the group of penicillins, and can be an excellent analogue of Suprax for children with a mild infection. The main ingredients are amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

Applicable for acute illnesses upper and lower organs respiration, skin, bones, genitourinary system. Pills are not prescribed for children under 12 years old, weighing less than 40 kg. Suspension is allowed to be taken by newborns. The dosage is set depending on the weight of the patient and the severity of the course of the disease. Multiplicity of use - three times a day.

It is sold in the form of tablets No. 14 (422 rubles), granules for making a suspension of 100 ml (282 rubles), as well as a powder from which intravenous solution. You can buy 5 ampoules for 853 rubles.

What to buy in a pharmacy, Suprax or Amoxiclav, should be decided by the attending physician, taking into account the course of the infection.


This medicine, belonging to penicillins, is sold in the form of tablets and powder for suspension. Active ingredients- amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

The difference from its counterpart is that Augmentin can be used from the first days of a child's life.

A vial of powder can be bought for 457 rubles, in tablet form 0.5 / 0.125 No. 14, the drug is sold at a price of 666 rubles.


Antibiotic macrolide Klacid from a French pharmaceutical company, includes the main component clarithromycin in the content. It is used if the patient has intolerance to cephalosporin and penicillin drugs.

The tool has quick effect and has a wide spectrum therapeutic effect than its counterpart, however, it has a more impressive list of limitations and negative effects.

Despite the fact that both drugs are used in pediatric practice, Klacid is usually prescribed for complicated infections.

The tablet form is not for use by children under 3 years of age.

The tool is available in various medicinal forms: tablets 500 mg No. 14 can be purchased at a price of 825 rubles, 250 mg - 680 rubles, a solution for intravenous administration - 629 rubles, a suspension of 60 ml is sold at a price of 374 rubles.


One of the most popular and highly effective medicines based on azithromycin belongs to the azalide antibiotics. Produced by Croatia. The drug has a bacteriostatic and antimicrobial effect, successfully inhibits the synthesis of proteins of pathogenic bacteria. High doses of the drug have a bactericidal effect.

Due to its high activity against gram-negative, anaerobic, gram-positive and intracellular bacteria, the drug is often used in ENT practice, including for the treatment of pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, as well as lower ENT organs - bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases.

Other indications are infectious diseases of the skin and muscles, erythema, pathology of the genitourinary tract.

It is forbidden to take Sumamed 500 mg to children under 12 years of age, weighing less than 45 kg. The tablet form of 125 mg is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, as well as during lactation. With caution, the drug is prescribed during pregnancy. Powder for the manufacture of suspensions is used with extreme caution during the neonatal period due to insufficient knowledge of the effects of the substance on the infant's body.

Like Suprax, the drug can be used in childhood older than 6 months.

Which medication to choose - Suprax or Sumamed, depends on the clinical picture of the disease. With aggressive infection best solution will receive Sumamed.

The price depends on the dosage form: a 1000 mg No. 3 tablet is sold at a cost of 1095 rubles, 500 mg No. 3 - 488 rubles, 250 mg capsules No. 6 - 483 rubles, a suspension of 15 ml - 358 rubles.


This antibiotic, like its analogue Suprax, belongs to the 3rd generation cephalosporins, but differs dosage form, and is intended primarily for intramuscular and intravenous injections.

Ceftriaxone has a fairly wide spectrum of therapeutic activity and is prescribed for serious infections different localization. The difference is that this antibiotic can be used in children older than 2 weeks. Main disadvantage drug - a fairly significant list of side effects.

The medicine is sold by average price 377 r. for 20 ampoules.

The following analogues can also replace the antibiotic:

  • Zinnat is a 2nd generation cephalosporin, the price range for 10 tablets of 250 mg varies within 405 rubles;
  • Cephalexin is a 1st generation cephalosporin. Capsules 500 mg 16 pieces cost 88 rubles, granules - 70 rubles;
  • Erythromycin is a drug from the macrolide group. The price of 20 tablets of 250 mg is 88 rubles;
  • Flemoxin Solutab - penicillin antibiotic 1 g No. 20 can be bought for 478 rubles, 500 mg No. 20 - for 355 rubles.

Despite the impressive list of worthy analogues, it is necessary to replace one medicine with another only after consulting with your doctor: this is the only way to avoid serious consequences.

Suprax drug a wide range actions, a new generation antibiotic. Able to destroy the cell walls of pathogens. The active substance is cefixin mn. How to take, how to dilute, and instructions for use depends on the age and disease of the patient.

Indications for use:

  • with angina,
  • with sinusitis,
  • with cystitis,
  • with pneumonia,
  • with bronchitis,
  • when coughing
  • with otitis
  • tonsillitis,
  • in gynecology,
  • with inflammation of the cervix,
  • with pyelonephritis.

Release form - tablets, suspension, capsules, granules, syrup for oral administration.

Drug analogues:

  • Sumamed
  • panzef
  • Amoxil
  • Flemoxin
  • Cedex
  • Cefexide
  • Klacid
  • Cephalosporin
  • Ceftriaxone
  • Gideon.

These drugs are substitutes for the drug and are synonymous with each other. Price differences.

Composition price

Suprax acts bactericidal, killing the pathogenic microflora. Highly effective against gram positive and gram negative microorganisms. Begins to act within half an hour after consumption, but has a cumulative effect. Depending on the severity of the disease, it is necessary to drink it in a course. Price and cost, a list of side effects of the drug is indicated on the official website.

Suprax Solutab

Contains the active substance cefixime and excipients - cellulose, povidone, calcium stearate. A semi-synthetic antibiotic has the ability to destroy the active life processes of pathogens. Does not affect the intake and consumption of food. Applicable for acute bronchitis, with tonsillitis and in gynecology.

Analogues are cheaper

The medicine has a number Russian analogues, which may differ in their cost and be cheaper. Most cheap substitute supraksa - cefix, manufacturer - Jordan. For milder cases of illness, panzef is used.

Pancef or supraks which is better?

For a milder effect on the body, suprax is widely used. According to patients, it does not have a detrimental effect on intestinal microflora However, taking probiotics is a must.

Sumamed or supraks which is better?

Suprax, unlike sumamed, is used even by small children starting from 6 months. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. Sumamed - more complex drug, which is capable of destroying not only pathogenic bacteria, but also their decay products in chronic diseases.

Instructions for use Suprax

For adults and children who are older than 12 years, the dosage of the drug is calculated based on body weight. Approximate dose at one time is about 400 mg. at one time and does not depend on food intake. If you have diseases of the respiratory system, then the course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. In diseases of the genitourinary system, the course of taking the drug is 10 days on average. However, it is worth remembering the obligatory consultation of a doctor and how to prepare one syrup. Recipe in Latin below.

Suspension for children with bronchitis, pneumonia

The dosage for children with bronchitis is 5 ml. for one dose 2 times a day. In pneumonia, the dosage should be increased, depending on the age and body weight of the child. Be sure to observe the interval between doses, which is 24 hours.

Dosage for angina for adults

The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, however, with purulent tonsillitis, the medicine should be taken for more than 7 days in order to exclude a recurrence of the disease. The doctor calculates the dosage, on average it is 1.8 g. in one go. The drug is active for 24 hours after ingestion.

How to take supraks during pregnancy: before meals or after meals

Suprax during pregnancy is used in cases where the danger to the mother exceeds negative impact on a child. Used to treat respiratory diseases, richter. Not recommended for use in III trimester. Consume after meals. With lactation, the reception is not possible or with caution.

Respiratory tract infections always cause a lot of inconvenience - headaches, severe runny nose, cough and other symptoms. It is important to start treatment as early as possible, otherwise severe complications up to the transition of diseases to chronic form. But there is a way out: such an antibacterial drug as Suprax tablets can completely prevent everything unpleasant symptoms right in the early stages of the disease. But to begin with, it is still worthwhile to carefully study Full description this medication.

Each capsule contains the main element - cefixim trihydrate. Its dosage is 400 mg, for this reason there is a name on the package - Suprax Solutab 400 mg. In addition to the main element, there are additional components:

  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • dye;
  • povidone.

Suprax is considered the first antibiotic to be considered a third-generation cephalosporin. It can be used for internal use. This tool is developed on the basis of cefixime and has a wide range of interactions.

The bactericidal effect of the drug is carried out by suppressing the formation of the main element of the cell wall of pathogens pathological process. If we compare the antibiotic Suprax with similar medicines of previous generations, it can be noted that this medication has an increased resistance to beta-lactamases, namely bacterial enzymes that have a destructive effect on many antibiotic agents.

According to the description in the instructions, the drug has a depressing effect on gram-positive (streptococci different kind) and gram-negative bacteria (hemophilic and coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella, Serration, Citrobacter, Gonococcus). But it should be borne in mind that such drugs have increased resistance to the effects of this drug. pathogenic organisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa a large number of varieties of staphylococcus, enterobacter and listeria.

The level of bioavailability of the drug is 30-40%. At the same time, the use of food does not have a reducing effect on this indicator, it can only slightly increase the period of achievement. the most content in blood. Due to the fact that Suprax has a long half-life, its use should be no more than once a day. This quality is very convenient, especially for small children.

The active component penetrates quite well into the foci of an infectious lesion - into the middle ear cavity, into paranasal sinuses nose, tonsils, lungs, bile ducts.

Together with urine, about 50% of the drug is excreted unchanged, for this reason it is highly effective in the treatment of infectious lesions of the urinary tract. Approximately 10% of the drug is excreted in the bile.

Release form and cost

The medicine is produced in the form of capsules for internal use. The capsules have a white body and a purple cap. During the opening, you can see that inside there are granules with a yellow-white color. The capsules are packed in blisters, each blister contains 6 capsules. Each pack contains 1 blister.

The cost of packaging the drug in different pharmacies in Russia is relatively different. It may be influenced various factors- city, supplier, manufacturer. On average, for one package of Suprax, the price varies from 550 to 670 rubles. Perhaps somewhere you can find a drug and its analogues cheaper.

Indications for use

Before you start taking Suprax capsules for adults and children, be sure to read the instructions. Special attention it is worth giving the indications section, because the medication must be used in accordance with them.

Usually Suprax is prescribed to patients who have infectious and inflammatory processes. The main indications of this tool include:

  • the presence of infectious lesions of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract - symptoms of sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, laryngitis;
  • recommended for use during infectious lesions lower divisions respiratory tract - with bronchitis with bacterial origin, with pneumonia;
  • with otitis media;
  • is prescribed during infections of the urinary system with an uncomplicated course with cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • with gonorrhea without complications.

Instructions for use

Please consider before use detailed description schemes of use, which is described in the instructions. The period of use of the drug may depend on many factors:

  • from the diagnosis
  • from the severity of the course of the pathological process;
  • from the presence of complications;
  • on the characteristics of the body.

In accordance with the instructions for Suprax, adults and children over 12 years of age weighing more than 50 kilograms are prescribed 1 capsule of Suprax with a dosage of 400 milligrams. This dosage is taken once a day. The capsule must be taken at the same time, it is not opened when taken. She is swallowed, for this she needs to be washed down enough water.

The course of application in the instructions is indicated from 5 to 10 days. If after full course reception symptoms of the disease still persist, it is best to consult a doctor to undergo the necessary examination.

Features of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is not recommended to use Suprax in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The fact is that during this period there is a complete laying and formation internal organs and systems of the unborn child. And when using medications at this time, it can negatively affect the development of the child and cause serious deviations in him.

In the second and third trimester of gestation, the use of the drug Suprax is also not recommended. However, if suddenly acute indications, then it can be used, but only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

At breastfeeding it is not worth using the medication, because its constituent components are excreted along with breast milk. But if suddenly there are acute indications for the use of this drug, then for its period of administration it is worth refusing to breastfeed the child.

Features of use in children

Suprax should be carefully administered to children aged 0 to 6 months. It is best for children under 12 years of age to use Suprax in the form of a suspension. It is taken at a dose of 8 mg per 1 kilogram of weight once a day or 4 mg per kilogram of weight every 12 hours.

The dose per day for children aged 5 to 11 years should be 6-10 ml of suspension, aged 2 to 4 years - 5 ml, aged 6 months to a year - 2.5-4 ml.

You may also be interested in how to use Suprax for otitis media.

Adverse symptoms

Be sure to follow the instructions for use exactly. Sometimes when taking Suprax capsules, the following side effects may occur:

  • disorder of the digestive system - the appearance of pain in the abdomen, signs of nausea, manifestations of vomiting, symptoms of stomatitis, increased dryness in the oral cavity, signs of flatulence, development reactive pancreatitis, signs of diarrhea, the development of colitis, an increase in the size of the liver;
  • from the side nervous system headaches, dizziness, increased lethargy, lethargy, increased weakness tinnitus may occur;
  • allergic reactions- symptoms of urticaria, swelling of the mucous membranes, signs of rhinorrhea, rashes on the surface of the skin, manifestations of anaphylactic shock;
  • unpleasant symptoms in the activity of the organs of the genitourinary system - nephritis interstitial type, symptoms of oliguria, anuria, may begin to develop kidney failure, manifestations of vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, sometimes there is a sensation of itching in the genitals, signs of thrush in women, symptoms of balanitis and balanopastitis in men;
  • there may be an increase in the level of activity of hepatic transaminases, an increase in bilirubin in the blood, an increase in the prothrombin period, signs of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

But the reviews of many patients note that these unpleasant symptoms occur very rarely and they usually go away on their own.


Before taking Suprax, the instruction recommends that you fully study all its features and rules of use. To begin with, the patient must undergo a complete examination, pass all necessary tests, which will help identify the causative agent of the infection, as well as its level of sensitivity to cefixime.

Be sure to carefully study the annotation to the drug, because it has some contraindications:

  • not recommended for use by children under the age of 12;
  • should not be taken in the presence of individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug;
  • Availability severe pathologies kidneys that cause serious violations in the functioning of this body;
  • if there is a history of allergic reactions to drugs from the cephalosporin group.

It is also worth paying attention to some conditions in which the drug must be used with caution:

  1. In the presence of pseudomembranous colitis;
  2. At liver failure in a chronic form;
  3. It is required to take the medicine under the supervision of a doctor for people in old age.


It is advisable, before you start using the drug Suprax, to study its analogues in advance. Sometimes this drug is not always available in pharmacies, in these cases it will be able to replace it similar medicines. In addition, not everyone can afford Suprax, and some similar medicines can be bought at a relatively low price.

can replace the drug Suprax, but first you should carefully study the properties of this drug. What is the difference between the two drugs? In order to understand this, it is worth comparing Suprax or Amoxiclav.

These two preparations have a different composition and belong to different pharmacological groups. Amoxiclav belongs to penicillins, and its effect is weaker. But at the same time, it costs much cheaper than Suprax - from 200 rubles depending on the release form. The regimen is also different - this medication should be taken twice a day, and Suprax once. It is recommended to use Amoxiclav for weak processes of an infectious nature.

Augmentin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, an analogue of Suprax for children. The composition of this medication differs from the composition of Suprax, it includes two components - amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

It is produced in several forms - in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension, in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration, in the form of tablets. Augmentin is used to treat infectious lesions respiratory organs, for the treatment of infections of the skin and soft tissues, helps with acute intestinal infections and also eliminates the symptoms of gonorrhea and syphilis. Before using Augomentin, it is worth studying its contraindications and side effects.

The cost of the drug Augmentin is less than that of Suprax - the packaging of tablets costs about t 270 to 380 rubles.

Flemoxin or Suprax - how to be treated?

Suprax or - two similar drug that have the same effect. But they differ in composition: the composition of the drug Flemoxin Solutab includes, as well as additional components. But what is better than Suprax or Flemoxin can only be said for sure by a doctor.

Flemoxin Solutab is produced in the form of oblong tablets. Prescribed for treatment infectious diseases respiratory organs, skin, soft tissues, digestive organs. Before using this tool, you should carefully study its instructions. Analogue price - from 200 rubles.

Sumamed and Suprax - analogues?

When choosing Suprax or, it is worthwhile to consider in advance all the properties and differences between these two drugs. Medicines have differences in composition, and also belong to two different pharmacological groups. Sumamed is an azalide, its main element is azithromycin dihydrate.

In order to find out which remedy is better - Sumamed or Suprax, you should pay attention to one advantage of the analogue - its low cost. A package of capsules with a dosage of 250 mg costs 450 rubles. In addition, at aggressive course pathological process, Sumamed is suitable, it has an overwhelming effect on many infectious agents. The course of using this tool is small - only three days.

But which remedy is better to take - Suprax or Sumamed - only a specialist can say for sure in accordance with the indications and condition of the patient.

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