Reactive pancreatitis causes. Disease reactive pancreatitis in adults. What is reactive pancreatitis

Reactive pancreatitis is fast developing attack acute pancreatitis, the occurrence of which is due to pathology in other organs digestive tract. These bodies include:

  • stomach;
  • duodenum;
  • gallbladder;
  • liver.

Thus, reactive pancreatitis is a complication of other chronic diseases digestive tract, which often occur latently, asymptomatically. Identification of the pathology that served as the root cause for the onset of the symptoms of the disease is a fundamental moment in the treatment and choice of tactics of a gastroenterologist.

Symptoms of reactive pancreatitis develop rapidly, in seconds, hence the name. Mostly young and middle-aged children are affected. This is due to the fact that in children the gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed, as well as the immune system. Which means defensive forces the child's body cannot give a sufficient immune response in conditions of an increased predisposition to the occurrence various kinds diseases.

In adults, the symptoms of reactive pancreatitis occur less frequently, since the gastrointestinal tract is formed, which means it is less susceptible to such a rapid attack. Symptoms most often occur after errors in diet or intake. large doses hard alcoholic drinks.


Reactive pancreatitis occurs only when there is background diseases digestive tract. The onset of symptoms is provoked by the intake of large volumes of fatty or fried foods, the intake of alcoholic beverages (especially alcohol surrogates). Also, smoking and taking medications predisposes to the onset of symptoms of the disease. The root causes are the following pathologies:

Diseases of the stomach: Diseases of the duodenum: Diseases of the gallbladder: Liver diseases:
Stomach ulcer Peptic ulcer of the duodenum Cholelithiasis Hepatitis
Gastritis Intestinal infection with damage to the duodenum (enteritis, colitis) Cholecystitis Cirrhosis
Stomach injury duodenal injury Dyskinesia and akinesia of the biliary tract Worm infestation in the liver
Pyloric stenosis All types of helminthic invasions Worm infestations Liver injury


The pancreas performs exocrine functions releasing into the intestinal lumen the enzymes necessary for normal process digestion. There the enzymes go to active form and help absorb nutrients from food. By their biological nature, these enzymes are very active.

The liver, gallbladder, stomach and duodenum have a close relationship with each other. If a pathology occurs in one of these organs, the outflow of pancreatic secretion is disturbed. These enzymes are thrown back into the organ, where they are activated and begin to "digest" the pancreas. This process of autolysis proceeds rapidly, quickly leading to the formation of areas of necrosis and decay of glandular tissue in it. Since that time, the patient begins to worry about the first symptoms of reactive pancreatitis.

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Symptoms and clinical picture

The disease is dangerous for its erased clinical picture in the first days of occurrence. The patient may complain of intestinal discomfort, increased gas formation, flatulence and bloating, heaviness in the stomach after each meal. There is also belching bitter or rotten, hiccups, a bitter taste in the mouth and pain in the abdomen without a clear localization. At first, the pains are subthreshold in nature, the patient stops them with the usual analgesics.

On the second or third day, the pain intensifies, takes on a clear localization. The patient is restless, cannot find comfortable position Nothing can stop the pain attack. Vomiting joins, which may appear as if on top pain symptom, and after it. hallmark: vomiting does not bring any relief to the patient. The patient has a fever (body temperature rises to 38-39 C), weakness, sweating are noted.

Against the background of the above symptoms, there are signs of the underlying disease.

  1. Symptoms of stomach damage: pain in epigastric region occurring after meals or on an empty stomach. Hiccups and belching with reflux of gastric contents into oral cavity, heartburn.
  2. Symptoms of damage to the duodenum: pain in the epigastric region, predominantly on the left, radiating to the back and shoulder blade. Pain occurs half an hour after eating or on an empty stomach at night, causing the patient to wake up. Digestion and absorption disorders, weight loss, dyspeptic disorders (liquid stool, flatulence).
  3. Symptoms of gallbladder damage: pain in the left hypochondrium and irradiation to the left shoulder blade that occurs immediately after drinking alcohol or fatty, fried foods. Liquid, frequent stool, steatorrhea ( increased content fat in feces), flatulence.
  4. Symptoms of liver damage: swelling of the legs, abdomen, enlarged veins of the anterior abdominal wall visible to the naked eye, liver enlargement. Weakness and malaise. Unpigmented stools, dark urine (beer-colored urine).


Diagnosis of reactive pancreatitis begins with the appointment of blood and urine tests. There are acute phases in the blood inflammatory changes(leukocytosis, increase in ESR and C-reactive protein, dysproteinemia). Determine the level of various enzymes, primarily amylase. An increase in the amount of amylase in the blood suggests the presence of this disease.

To confirm the diagnosis, biochemical research urine to determine diastase (in favor of acute inflammation is an excess of the diastase level of at least 320 units), fecal analysis to determine the amount of fat in it.

Spend ultrasound procedure, which is prescribed to all patients with suspected reactive pancreatitis. Advantage this method in that, in addition to the pancreas, it can be used to assess the condition of other organs of the digestive tract (including the liver and gallbladder), which is very important in making a diagnosis of reactive pancreatitis.

Read also: Aberrant pancreas: localization of pathology, signs and symptoms

For determining etiological disease, the patient undergoes additional: esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EFGDS) to assess the condition of the upper sections gastrointestinal tract, plain radiography abdominal cavity, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, ERCP and a number of other instrumental and laboratory methods research.


Diet and diet

As in the treatment of other types of pancreatitis, the primary role in therapy is given to diet. In the first days of the acute process, the patient is kept on one mineral alkaline water without giving any food. After the symptoms subside, on the 4th-5th day they give a trial breakfast, the patient is transferred to table No. 5 (a sparing diet for diseases of the pancreas). All indigestible fatty, fried, salty, spicy food.

Instead of fats, more protein dishes are introduced into the menu (lean meat and fish, dairy products and drinks), and vegetables. All dishes are steamed, the products are boiled. It is better to serve food in a crushed form (in the form of cereals or mashed potatoes), not very hot (warm). Meals should be five times a day, in small portions. All irritating foods (spices, spices) and drinks (coffee, carbonated drinks) are completely excluded.

Important! The patient must understand that without a diet, the cure of the disease is impossible. To prevent relapse and increase the effectiveness of therapy, the patient should completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

In some cases, only one non-drug treatment can completely relieve the patient from the symptoms of this disease.

Drug therapy

Medications for treatment are prescribed in a hospital. Therapy for reactive pancreatitis is symptomatic. In parallel with it, the treatment of the underlying disease, which provoked an attack of pancreatitis, is prescribed. To relieve the symptoms of acute inflammation, the following drugs are used:

  • Antispasmodics to relieve pain and spasm of the bile ducts. The drugs No-shpa, Papaverine, Platifillin are used. AT last resort, for cupping pain syndrome may apply narcotic analgesics opioid series and blockade of nerve trunks and plexuses with the help of novocaine.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac).
  • Digestive enzyme preparations for enzyme replacement therapy. in the best way the drug Creon (Pancreatin) is suitable, since it contains digestive enzymes, identical in composition to their own pancreatic enzymes.
  • Antisecretory drugs for blocking the secretion of juices by the pancreas. This will create functional peace for her, which will lead to a speedy recovery.

To prevent infection and generalization infectious process All patients are prescribed antibiotics. As preventive measure suitable antibiotics penicillin series(semi-synthetic protected penicillins), cephalosporins of the 1st and 2nd generations, aminoglycosides (gentamicin). In the case of an active infectious process with a tendency to generalization, antibacterial drugs a wide range actions: fluoroquinolones, 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins, carbapenems. For achievement therapeutic effect they can also be used in combination with other antibacterial agents.

Reactive pancreatitis is acute inflammation pancreas. The disease often develops rapidly and is accompanied by pain, digestive disorders and signs of intoxication. Reactive pancreatitis usually occurs with chronic pathologies organs of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or serious errors in nutrition.

Symptoms of reactive pancreatitis

The first symptoms of reactive pancreatitis appear fairly quickly. Sometimes after the action of a provoking factor, only a few hours can pass - and the disease will already make itself felt. To the most characteristics reactive pancreatitis include:

  • pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the ribs and shoulder blades and aggravated after eating;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nausea, vomiting with traces of bile;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • decline blood pressure.

If signs of reactive pancreatitis appear, you should contact a specialist to conduct professional diagnostics and start treatment early stage diseases.

Causes of reactive pancreatitis

The main cause of reactive pancreatitis is the premature activation of enzymes that the pancreas produces. Normally, enzymes are activated only after they enter the intestine. But if the pancreatic duct is narrowed, for example, due to chronic diseases or alcohol abuse, stagnation of pancreatic juice occurs. Accumulating, digestive enzymes begin to act destructively on the tissues of the pancreas, which leads to severe inflammation and the ingress of decay products into the blood.

The most common causes of reactive pancreatitis are:

To determine the nature of damage to the pancreas and surrounding tissues, specialists may prescribe comprehensive examination which includes:

In difficult clinical cases to clarify the diagnosis and select the correct medical tactics laparoscopy may be required - a micro-surgery in which small (0.5-1.5 cm) incisions are made in the abdominal cavity to access the pancreas.

Treatment of reactive pancreatitis

Treatment of reactive pancreatitis includes elimination of inflammation of the pancreas, removal of intoxication and restoration of normal secretion of pancreatic juice. The treatment process must certainly take place under the supervision of a physician.

Help relieve inflammation, especially in acute period, maybe therapeutic fasting. It relieves stress from the inflamed pancreas and the entire digestive tract. After the acute phase is over, it is allowed to eat small portions, eating foods in a crushed form. But in no case should you deal with the adjustment of nutrition on your own. Assign correct and healthy diet only a doctor can, based on the characteristics of your body.

As a rule, those foods that can provoke re-activation of pancreatic enzymes and increase the inflammatory reaction in tissues are excluded from the patient's diet for several months.

With reactive pancreatitis are prohibited:

  • alcohol;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • legumes;
  • sour juices;
  • fresh baking;
  • smoked meats, sausages;
  • corn;
  • mushrooms;
  • sauces, spices, spices.

The meat is recommended to be steamed or boiled. It is advisable to prefer lean poultry, beef or rabbit. In the treatment of pancreatitis, it is very important to follow the diet exactly: regular violations food regimen may exacerbate the disease.

Drug therapy for pancreatitis includes taking enzyme preparations and antispasmodics that eliminate spasm smooth muscle and relieve pain. The doctor may also prescribe medications that improve the intestinal microflora and increase the amount of live bacteria in the body.

An important stage of treatment is the intake of enzyme preparations based on pancreatin. An inflamed pancreas does not produce enzymes required quantity to ensure high-quality digestion of food and proper flow digestive processes. Medicines containing enzymes make up for the lack of their own digestive elements, prevent the appearance of fermentation and decay of food in the intestines.

An example of an enzyme preparation used in the treatment of reactive pancreatitis is Creon®. Modern drug latest generation, produced in the form of capsules with active pancreatin mini-microspheres enclosed in a gelatin shell. Once in the stomach, the capsule dissolves quickly, and the mini-microspheres are mixed with food and enter the intestine with it, helping the process of splitting and assimilation. nutrients.

The material was developed with the support of Abbott to increase patient awareness of the state of health. The information in this material does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Contact your doctor

RUCRE172658 from 07/25/2017

1. Balog P.G. Some issues of acute pancreatitis // Klin, med. 1980. - No. 8.

2. Lashchevker V. M. Acute pancreatitis// Kyiv. 1978.

3. Lopatkin H.A., Dzerzhinskaya I.I., Darenko A.F. Activity Diagnostics inflammatory diseases// M.,. 1985.

4. Bueverov A.O. Mediators of inflammation and damage to the pancreas. // Ross. Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology. -1999.-№4.

5. Bukaev O.B., Toshkov E.A., Aronov B.Z. and etc. Effective Therapy in acute pankteatitis // Efferent. therapy. 2003. - T. 9. - No. 1.

6. Gubergrits N.B. Treatment of pancreatitis. Donetsk: "Swan", 2001.

7. Gubergrits N.B. Treatment of pancreatitis. Enzymatic preparations in gastroenterology. M.: Medpraktika, 2003.

Reactive pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that occurs due to some initial cause associated with pathologies of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, such as the stomach, duodenum, or intestinal diseases.

This disease develops most often in adults, but sometimes the pathology is diagnosed in children. At the same time, reactive pancreatitis in a child is either a consequence of hereditary pathologies of the digestive tract, or has acute course, directly related to the intake of certain foods or drugs - that is, the symptoms develop rapidly and the child needs urgent hospitalization to the hospital.

Generally, chronic form reactive pancreatitis as such does not exist, since it is acute process. It's just that in some cases the disease develops slowly, but always ends. acute attack. Therefore, if chronic pancreatitis is diagnosed, this only means that a person for a long time suffers from this pathology, but with the help of symptomatic therapy eliminates its manifestations until an acute attack occurs.

Diagnosis of this disease, which developed against the background of another gastroduodenal pathology, is difficult. In ICD-10, there is no such thing as reactive pancreatitis at all, however, according to this classification, this disease belongs to the category K82.8 - dysfunctional disorders of the biliary tract. This classification applies specifically to children.


AT normal condition the pancreas produces enzymes involved in the process of digestion. However, in the gland itself, these enzymes are not activated, but only when they enter the intestine, they begin to perform their function. Enzymes enter this organ through the pancreatic ducts, and if it happens that intestinal contents are thrown into these ducts, the enzymes can be activated without reaching the desired part of the intestine, which causes them to digest their own pancreatic cells. This is what causes it to flare up.

Destroying cells secrete even more pancreatic juice with enzymes, which worsens the inflammatory process and causes great damage to the organ - pancreatic tissue is actively destroyed.

In addition, the disease can develop against the background of a narrowing or cessation of the transport of enzymes through the ducts of the organ.

The reasons

As already mentioned above, this disease is the cause of other diseases of the digestive tract, including:

It can also cause reactive pancreatitis, or it will begin to progress due to injury to the organ during blunt blows or falls.

There are certain etiological factors, which can increase the likelihood of developing this pathology in humans. These include excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and poor nutrition, eating large amounts of fatty foods and fried foods, as well as uncontrolled reception various medicines.


Reactive pancreatitis has symptoms typical for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • belching and heartburn;
  • bloating and pain in the abdomen.

As the disease progresses, there is fever, vomiting, and symptoms general intoxication. The symptoms of such a pathology as reactive pancreatitis are supplemented by signs of an ailment of the gastrointestinal tract that caused it.

Features of treatment

The main treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the development of the disease in humans. Therefore, preliminary full examination patient, after which the doctor prescribes him symptomatic therapy drugs - to relieve external signs diseases such as pain, heat, spasms, etc.

Of great importance in the treatment is the diet for reactive pancreatitis, which excludes all harmful products and involves the use of food in liquid form and in small portions. In this case, a person is shown to drink plenty of water.

If a diet is prescribed for reactive pancreatitis, then a person should not eat fatty and fried foods, sweets and smoked meats, too salty and spicy foods, as well as foods with a pronounced taste, as they irritate the pancreatic mucosa.

Sometimes patients are shown surgery, for example, if false cysts have formed in the affected organ. And at times the organ is so affected that it takes parenteral administration nutrients (through a vein).

As drug therapy prescribe medications such as enzymes, antispasmodics, carminatives, antibiotics and painkillers.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Intestinal obstruction is a severe pathological process, which is characterized by a violation of the process of release of substances from the intestine. This disease most often affects people who are vegetarians. Distinguish between dynamic and mechanical intestinal obstruction. If the first symptoms of the disease are detected, it is necessary to go to the surgeon. Only he can accurately prescribe treatment. Without timely assistance doctor, the patient may die.

Inflammation of the lungs (officially pneumonia) is an inflammatory process in one or both respiratory organs, which usually has an infectious nature and is caused by various viruses, bacteria and fungi. In ancient times, this disease was considered one of the most dangerous, and although modern facilities treatment allows you to quickly and without consequences get rid of the infection, the disease has not lost its relevance. According to official figures, in our country every year about a million people suffer from pneumonia in one form or another.

Reactive pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas provoked by other diseases. Further on what is reactive pancreatitis in detail. What are the symptoms of reactive rancreatitis. Treatment, diet, phytotherapy of reactive pancreatitis.

Reactive pancreatitis - what is this disease?

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas ( pancreas -pancreas, itis- inflammation).

The word "reactive" is translated as follows - coming as a response to any impact. (primary factor)

The primary process (factor) provokes the beginning of the secondary process. The primary factor may be alcohol, gallstones, gastritis, etc.

Reactive pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas triggered by another disease or factor (primary disease)

In this way,

REACTIVE pancreatitis is a response of the pancreas to other diseases, nutritional errors, alcohol, medications, adverse factors and stress.

Causes of reactive pancreatitis

  • and not necessarily strong drinks
  • chronic diseases (alcoholism, cholelithiasis, gastritis, duodenal disease, etc.)
  • binge eating;
  • eating disorders (fatty and spicy foods, highly carbonated drinks, hot dogs and fast foods);
  • uncontrolled use medications (for example, paracytomol, metronidazole, furosemide, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • frequent and prolonged stress;
  • abdominal trauma resulting in tissue rupture.

Reactive Pancreatitis Symptoms

Symptoms of reactive pancreatitis are similar to those of acute pancreatitis.

  1. sudden pain of a burning nature;
  2. localization of pain - above the navel, in the left hypochondrium, under the pit of the stomach, often girdle character.

Localization of pain depends on the location of the inflammatory process in the pancreas:

  • with inflammation of the body of the pancreas - pain in the epigastrium,
  • with inflammation of the head of the pancreas glands - pain in the right hypochondrium,
  • with inflammation of the tail of the pancreas, pain in the left hypochondrium.
  1. the pain decreases if you take a sitting position and when you bend your torso forward;
  2. there is an eructation, a state of nausea, vomiting of gastric contents;
  3. chills and fever in the first hours after the onset of the disease;
  4. appetite is absent, there is an aversion to spicy and fatty foods.

At home, it is difficult to overcome an attack of reactive pancreatitis. Requires medical treatment.

Diagnosis of reactive pancreatitis

Diagnosis of reactive pancreatitis is made by questioning the patient, medical checkup, and several tests, including blood, stool, computed tomography (CT), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

1. History taking is one of the main methods of medical examination. By questioning the patient or persons who know the patient a medical history is taken. The anamnesis data includes information about the manifestation of the disease and about current diseases, about existing chronic and allergic diseases, about living conditions, about hereditary factors. Medical history, the totality of information obtained during medical examination by questioning the subject himself and/or those who know him. Anamnesis is carried out in order to determine the methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients.

A medical worker finds out about the presence of cholelithiasis, inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas. Find out what medications the patient has previously taken. About passion for alcoholic beverages. Have or have not had previous abdominal surgery, heart surgery, or abdominal trauma
2. Blood tests. Clinical and biochemical blood tests.

If the level of leukocytes is elevated, then this indicates inflammatory process in the body.
If the level of amylase and lipase is elevated (these are pancreatic enzymes involved in digestion), then this indicates pathological processes in the pancreas.

3. CT scan(CT) is the most accurate and informative method pancreatic research. Computed tomography is X-ray method research. But, a CT scan is more informative than a conventional one. x-ray 1000 times. An x-ray is used to create a static image. With the help of computed tomography, layered images are obtained with a step of 0.8 mm. As a result, black-and-white snapshots-sections are obtained on the computer monitor in any necessary projection.

There is a technique for "enhancing" the image, the CT tomogram. For this use intravenous administration radiopaque preparations.

4. Ultrasound.. Stones in gallbladder do not always appear on CT. In order to detect stones in the gallbladder, the doctor usually prescribes an ultrasound - an ultrasound examination.

5. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
ERCP, or specialized X-ray bile ducts, enables the doctor to diagnose problems in the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder and pancreas, including pancreatitis. ERCP is used to determine the cause of inflammation of the pancreas and prevent possible flare-ups of pancreatitis.

The endoscope is equipped with a light source, a camera and a working channel. Through the working channel, small instruments can be inserted into the target organ for various necessary manipulations (take tissue samples for a biopsy, eliminate fluid, etc.) contrast agent which is clearly visible on X-ray.

6. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. With the help of fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy, it is possible to determine the degree of inflammation and the need for a biopsy. It is performed under local or general anesthesia.

7. Radioscopy of the abdominal cavity.

8. Urinalysis.

All these procedures are important, and each of them helps to determine the degree of damage to the abdominal cavity. Clinical Analysis blood is necessary to detect the number of leukocytes, with a disease, its level rises. Biochemical analysis blood shows how much the level of the enzyme amylase is increased and allows you to make a final diagnosis.

With the help of gastroscopy, the doctor can take material for a biopsy, as well as establish the degree of inflammation of the stomach and duodenum. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is used to determine what changes from the norm have occurred in duodenum and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. For overall assessment of the state of the body, doctors conduct computed tomography.

Treatment of reactive pancreatitis

REACTIVE pancreatitis requires immediate treatment.
Treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.
Self-treatment disease often leads to the transition of this form of the disease to chronic

I. Treatment of reactive pancreatitis begins with the establishment of the causes that caused inflammation of the pancreas (history).

And it is clear that the treatment of a diseased organ is impossible without eliminating the root cause that caused this disease - the removal of stones in cholelithiasis, the removal of intoxication or the treatment of alcoholism with an alcoholic root cause, consultation of a psychologist or psychiatrist with stressful conditions etc

II. Medical treatment: painkillers, antispasmodics, enzymes.

The main tactics of treatment of reactive pancreatitis:

      • elimination of pain syndrome;
      • giving rest to the inflamed pancreas;
      • the appointment of enzymes that replace pancreatic enzymes in normal functioning pancreas;
      • diet number 5p for pancreatitis

Diet for reactive pancreatitis

III. The diet must be strictly followed. Diet in reactive pancreatitis plays a therapeutic role.

The principles of dietary nutrition in reactive pancreatitis remain the same as in acute and chronic pancreatitis. This was described in detail in the article ""
It is necessary to monitor the quality of the diet, according to the content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates:

Food should be low-fat (up to 70-80 g), low-calorie, portions should be small, the temperature of the dish is 40-60 degrees. Eat regularly, 5-6 times a day. Forbidden dishes and products: fatty, spicy, containing coarse fiber.
AT diet food for reactive pancreatitis, follow

Is it possible to cure reactive pancreatitis with folk remedies?

Reactive pancreatitis cure completely folk remedies impossible. However, knowing healing power plants can maintain a state of remission and chronic and reactive type pancreatitis.

In order to effectively use folk medicine in the fight against reactive pancreatitis, it is necessary to select fees in such a way that they provide healing effect both the pancreas and the underlying cause of reactive pancreatitis.

What plants heal the pancreas you can in the article ""

With the help of herbal medicine, you can achieve a long-term remission. with reactive pancreatitis.

We call pancreatitis a lesion of the pancreas, the result of which is swelling and melting of the tissue, a violation of the entire process of digestion. The term "reactive pancreatitis" is applicable when symptoms of pancreatic disease are detected, when the leading pathology refers to other organs ( peptic ulcer, exacerbation chronic gastritis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis).

In these diseases, reactive pancreatitis is secondary, because it occurs as defensive reaction in response to inflammation of neighboring organs, impaired production of gastric juice.

Changes in the pancreas itself occur quickly: it begins increased output enzymes, swelling, vasodilation, thrombosis and hemorrhage, tissue necrosis or fusion from exposure to its enzymes is possible. Treatment of reactive pancreatitis should be started as early as possible.

What can cause disease

When the regulation of the entire process of digestion is not coordinated, each organ begins to act autonomously and protects itself. Reactive pancreatitis is most commonly seen with:

  • acute viral hepatitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • on the background of an attack of gallstone disease.

In these cases clinical manifestations pancreatitis complement the symptoms of diseases, appear simultaneously or in the second week of exacerbation.

In adults, one of primary causes is poisoning with alcohol, surrogates, liquids from household chemicals, food products, mushrooms.

AT childhood it occurs with any infection (measles, scarlet fever, influenza). The child's pancreas reacts much more sharply to medication, the introduction of complementary foods, worms and Giardia. In babies, it is impossible to exclude underdevelopment of the pancreas, the anatomical narrowness of the duct that leads the secret into the duodenum.

The disease manifests itself suddenly, always develops acutely, requires immediate medical intervention.

Clinical manifestations of reactive pancreatitis

Symptoms of reactive pancreatitis do not differ from those of a typical exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

On examination, the doctor finds a soft abdomen, sharply painful at typical points. Muscle tension appears only in advanced cases, when a patient with reactive pancreatitis has been without medical care for a long time.

Detection of symptoms of reactive pancreatitis requires an ambulance call. On your own without a doctor you can only put a cold on upper divisions belly.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of this pancreatitis differs little from acute. It must also be carried out in surgical department hospital. The patient needs an urgent examination to determine possible cause pancreatitis.

AT without fail the patient is provided bed rest, hunger is prescribed for 2-3 days.

  • A thin tube is inserted into the stomach through the nose, through which the gastric lavage is carefully carried out. solution.
  • For the purpose of anesthesia intramuscularly and intravenously administered antispasmodic drugs, narcotic analgesics.
  • Antihistamines can reduce the inflammatory response.
  • To remove intoxication, a liquid in the form of physical is administered intravenously. solution, 5% glucose, Hemodez, Polyglukin.
  • To prevent necrosis of the pancreas, add enzyme preparations(Trasilol, Kontrykal).
  • At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the of cardio-vascular system. Depending on the heart rate and blood pressure level are added symptomatic remedies support.
  • Prolonged vomiting and diarrhea are accompanied by fluid loss. Therefore, it is necessary to drip inject nutrient solutions and electrolytes. They are supplemented with B vitamins, which improve all types of metabolism.
  • One of the differences between the treatment of reactive pancreatitis and the usual exacerbation is the careful use of antibiotics. If there are no clear symptoms of exposure to infection, then they are not prescribed.

The diet for reactive pancreatitis is no different in terms of the quality of the products from ordinary pancreatitis. The expansion of permitted meals is usually faster because the symptoms are more responsive to treatment and resolve sooner.

Within a month after the “hungry” days, it is necessary to eat liquid, hateful soups, mashed cereals in half portions, only dry White bread. Meat dishes cook only boiled and chopped. Can eat lean varieties curd, vegetable puree and casseroles. Drink tea with milk, rosehip broth, dried fruit compote. Temporarily cut down on sugar.

Application Shown mineral waters with low salt concentration (Narzan, Borjomi, Smirnovskaya, Essentuki-4).

Further expansion of the diet depends on the results of treatment and restoration of pancreatic function.

During the convalescence period additional examination the patient needs to find out the reason for such a violent reaction. If it is some kind of medicine or food (alcohol), give it up forever. This option is much easier than being treated all your life. Reactive pancreatitis requires attentive attitude to the treatment and prevention of disease.

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