Storage temperature of medicines. Organization of storage of pharmaceutical products

This document obliges to ensure the implementation of a set of measures aimed at creating a system for ensuring the quality of storage and transportation of medicines. What this system is and how it should be implemented in a pharmacy organization, she told NataliaZolotareva, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy.

In accordance with the current legislation, namely the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines", pharmaceutical activities include wholesale and retail trade in medicines, storage , transportation, dispensing and manufacturing of medicines (PM). In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2011 No. 1081, for the first time, a set of works and services was specified by law, which includes pharmaceutical activities. Also, in accordance with the current regulation on licensing pharmaceutical activities, a certain set of requirements and conditions has been established that pharmaceutical organizations must comply with without fail when applying for a license or having one and carrying out relevant activities.

I would like to draw attention to one of the subparagraphs of paragraph 5 concerning licensing requirements and conditions for the storage of drugs in a pharmacy organization. Subparagraph h states that a licensee storing drugs for medical use must comply with the relevant storage rules. This subparagraph is included in the range of license requirements and conditions, the violation of which is considered gross and liability for which is established by applicable law.


One of the articles of the State Pharmacopoeia XII edition is separately devoted to the process of storing drugs, and it clearly states that this is a separate process that is an integral part of the circulation of drugs and is associated with the storage of drugs until they are used within the established expiration date.

The process of storing medicines involves solving several global problems, incl. and in connection with the introduction of new regulatory documents, therefore, organizing the storage process, it is necessary to create a quality assurance system that will allow the storage process to be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. It is also necessary, when organizing storage, to ensure the physical safety of the goods. And an important point is related to the fact that drugs are a product, most of which require special storage conditions. In this regard, another important task arises - the creation of conditions that ensure the stability of those properties of the goods that are declared by the manufacturer. In order to solve these problems, three areas of activity of those who are directly involved in the storage process emerge.

First- taking into account the requirements of new regulatory documents, develop a quality assurance system, and it involves a number of instructions and provisions, the so-called SOPs, and the documents provide a specific list of standard procedures that need to be developed at the organization level and approved.

Second- provide the storage process with the necessary premises, equipment that must meet the requirements established for them.

Third - creation of the necessary storage mode and organization of the placement of goods during storage (systematization).


Let's start with the regulatory framework of federal significance, with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1148 of December 31, 2009 "On the procedure for storing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances." This document has been repeatedly supplemented and updated.

Of course, attention is drawn to the "Rules of good practice for the storage and transportation of drugs for medical use", approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 31, 2016 No. 646n and entered into force on March 1, 2017.

Also among the documents is the current order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 23, 2010 No. 706n "On approval of the rules for storing medicines"; order of the Ministry of Health of July 24, 2015 No. 484n concerning the organization of storage and the creation of special regimes for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; the order of transportation and storage of immunobiological drugs of 2016 is determined by the relevant resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2016 No. 19; order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 1997 No. 309 approves the instructions for the sanitary regime of pharmacy organizations (it received a second life in connection with the entry into force of the Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice, where special attention is paid to the procedure for cleaning premises, for which appropriate standard procedures should be developed). How to write them? The answer is obvious: based on the requirements of regulatory documents. In addition to Order No. 309, it is hardly possible to name instructions at the level of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation that would answer the question of how the sanitary regime should be properly organized.

Regulatory documents related to pharmacy organizations, wholesalers, and healthcare institutions are:

  • order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 09.01.07 No. 2 "On approval of the norms of natural loss during storage of medicines in pharmacy organizations, drug wholesalers and healthcare institutions". This document is relevant only for those organizations that are related to substances. Natural loss implies the presence of the corresponding type of work;
  • order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 11/13/96 No. 377 "On approval of instructions for organizing storage in pharmacy organizations of various groups of drugs and medical devices";
  • order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated July 16, 1997 No. 214 of Russia "On quality control of medicines manufactured in pharmacies";
  • general pharmacopoeial article OFS.1.1.0010.15 "On the storage of medicines".


Let's start with document No. 646n, which entered into force on March 1, 2017. It contains certain innovations that require clarification. This document applies to a fairly large number of participants in the field of drug circulation. The first paragraph of the document says that the executors of this order are manufacturers, drug wholesalers, pharmacy organizations, individual entrepreneurs engaged in pharmaceutical activities, as well as medical organizations, including FAPs, outpatient clinics, centers of various kinds located in those settlements. points where there are no pharmacy organizations, and which are endowed with FZ-61 in 2010 with part of the authority to carry out a separate type of work and services of pharmaceutical activities.

The second section of this document attracts special attention - this is a system for ensuring the quality of storage and transportation of medicines. Speaking about the organization of storage, I would like to start with the requirements that are imposed today in terms of creating a quality assurance system.

The document clearly states that this is a wide range of responsibilities. The quality assurance system requires a very serious resource in terms of time, money, and personnel, because SOPs will have to be written by process owners, i.e. those who directly carry out certain processes of storing, receiving, dispensing medicines. At the same time, no one relieves the manager of responsibility for organizing a whole range of measures, which will maintain the appropriate quality of drugs in connection with their storage.

The quality assurance system is a set of measures that is associated with the development and approval of a number of issues. First, you must clearly state in a separate local regulatory act of the organization how you work with suppliers, according to what criteria they are selected, since this is an outpost of the procurement process and the related receipt and storage of medicines.

Order No. 646n says that standard operating procedures, the so-called SOPs, should be developed for the process of receiving, transporting, and placing medicines. This can either be a document that sets out all of these processes as a whole, or a document that can describe individual standard operating procedures. As you wish. Today, regulatory documents do not describe in any way whether you should issue everything together or separately. The forms of documents in which you record the progress of the processes should be prescribed. You must record all this in your instructions and provisions related to the drug storage process. It should also be clearly spelled out how counterfeit, substandard, counterfeit drugs are detected. Maintenance and checks of measuring instruments and equipment that should be in the storage of medicines are carried out, and it is important how to monitor compliance with standard operating procedures. They are not created in order to write and forget once on paper. There is a certain positive moment in the standard operating procedures. This is a document that, to a certain extent, formalizes the procedure for personnel actions, excluding the subjective factor, errors in the reception, transportation, placement and any other process related to pharmaceutical activities. The regulatory document suggests that standard operating procedures should live the life of a pharmacy organization, should change when there are objective reasons. The reason for making a change in the standard operating procedure may be control activities, internal audits, which should also be clearly spelled out at the organization level. All activities related to the functioning of quality assurance, storage and transportation systems are carried out by a responsible person - a quality officer. All processes must be systematized, documented, familiarized with employees and calmly work according to the developed documents.


SOP is an algorithm of certain actions for different processes, a document that describes step by step the set of actions that an employee of a pharmacy organization must carry out in order to perform a particular procedure.

In terms of the type of standard operating procedures, there are two important regulatory documents - orders No. 646n and No. 647n. They specify verbatim what specific standard operating procedures are to be developed. But there is no clear classification of SOPs, and each organization systematizes them independently. Large companies, as a rule, allocate everything related to equipment, its verification into separate groups of SOPs, SOPs related to cleaning the premises, risk management, and even SOPs for managing SOPs can be allocated as a separate block. This is the document that will describe who is involved in the development of documents, what kind of documents they participate in, how many copies and copies of these documents, where they will be stored, updated and agreed upon. This is a huge piece of work. Therefore, where there are many standard operating procedures, SOPs are needed to manage SOPs.

SOPs are not the only document that forms the quality system documentation. The main document is the quality manual. Order No. 647n says that such a document should be developed, it provides the tactics of the organization in terms of ensuring the quality of the relevant goods, meeting consumer requirements in the implementation and implementation of a particular type of work or service. The documents of the second level are SOPs, which indicate who, what, when, with the help of what resources carries out job descriptions, etc. (including quality records).

Unfortunately, today there are no clear instructions on how this document should be drawn up, in what format. But, one way or another, when describing the process, you must answer at least a few questions: who carries out this process, with what equipment, what resources are involved, what procedures are used, what methods and how this process can be evaluated or measured . There is nothing complicated, it is only necessary to systematize a huge amount of documents and present them in a logical sequence.

Process description scheme, i.e. A standard operating procedure should typically include the following sections: the purpose of the process, its scope, responsibilities, references to the documents you used to develop it, terminology if necessary, and a key section - the process flow itself and quality records.

Order No. 646n requires the development of a number of standard operating procedures, incl. to receive goods.


It is good practice to start the SOP with an SOP identifier, which should indicate the type of document or number the procedures. According to the normative documents of the quality assurance system, you must continuously improve, take corrective and preventive measures and actions. How do you prove that they were carried out? Including changing the standard operating procedure. The second improved version will be reflected in the identifier. This will show the reviewer that your versions are working and they are changing.

  1. Preparatory measures - preparation of places for the receipt of drugs (refrigeration equipment, safes, cabinets, racks, depending on the type of drugs).
  2. Unloading. Upon receipt of drugs, the correctness of transportation is checked.
  3. Placement of drugs. Narcotic drugs require instant transfer to safes and metal cabinets. At the next stage, the person responsible for receiving checks the accompanying documents, then the consignment note is filled in, the acceptance stamp is put, the documents are transferred to the supplier.
  4. Acceptance control. There are two possible scenarios for the development of events: if everything suits the acceptance control or there are questions in terms of quality and quantity during acceptance, and then certain actions are required on the part of the responsible person. In the first case, if you agree with the delivery, a corresponding entry is made in the accompanying documents (invoice, acceptance stamp, pharmacy seal, full name and signature of the responsible person on the approval protocol) and then the process of registering the received goods in the acceptance control log, the form of which is not determined by the current regulations. It is determined by the head of the pharmacy organization. If subject-quantitative medications are received, entries are made in the appropriate journal.

In the second case, if you do not agree, either in terms of quantity or quality of medicines. In this case, the responsible officer draws up a letter of claim, the commission, on the basis of it, draws up an act on identifying discrepancies in quantity and quality upon acceptance of drugs. Such goods must be placed in a quarantine zone until the circumstances are clarified. Completion of the SOP - if the acceptance control does not reveal non-compliance with the quality requirements, the preparations should be placed at the storage sites, taking into account a separate SOP. Next, we deal with the reusable returnable packaging and transfer it to the designated area, prescribe responsibility. The document should include such positions as how and who developed (direct participant and controller), who agreed. The manager approves the standard procedure.

The golden rule of GMP: what is not documented does not exist.


Premises requirements are very important in terms of storage organization. They are determined by two regulatory documents: orders of the Ministry of Health No. 706n and No. 646n. The device, composition, operation and equipment of premises for storing medicines must correspond to the volume and type of work performed and, of course, ensure the safety of medicines. For pharmacy organizations, there are no requirements for the composition of premises, areas, unlike manufacturers and wholesalers. Only wet cleaning of the premises is allowed, and in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 646n, the cleaning procedure must be recorded in the SOP.

Traditionally, storage rooms should be provided with equipment in the form of racks, cabinets, pallets, and they should be identified and marked. Storage rooms are fixed and must be maintained at a certain temperature and humidity. The premises are equipped with devices for recording temperature and humidity parameters. Instruments must be maintained in good condition. A separate document should record the process of putting the equipment into operation, its verification. This may be a separate SOP.

Order No. 706n speaks of the need to account for drugs with a limited shelf life.

A pharmacy organization must have quarantine zones: one for drugs for which a decision has been made to suspend sales, another for counterfeit products, drugs with an expired shelf life, and another zone for other pharmacy products. Each pharmacological group of drugs is stored in accordance with its specifics: for example, drugs subject to subject-quantitative accounting require separate storage, etc.

Based on materials from an online seminar organized by the St. Petersburg Union of Doctors

Answers on questions:

1. Does paragraph 35 of Order 647n (information regarding price tags) apply to dietary supplements?
- In this case, paragraph 35 of Order 647n refers specifically to over-the-counter drugs. As for price tags for dietary supplements, the requirements for them are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55 “On approval of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods, a list of durable goods that are not subject to the buyer’s requirement to provide him free of charge for the period of repair or replacement a similar product, and a list of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of a different size, shape, size, style, color or configuration.

2. Recent changes in legislation regarding the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances?
- There are currently no significant changes regarding the issue of storage of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
There will definitely be amendments regarding accounting. They will be spelled out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 4, 2006 No. 644 "On the procedure for submitting information on activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and registration of operations related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances." This document is currently under development and as soon as it is released, we will hold a new webinar on this Resolution.

3. The Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice include the position of the head of a retail entity. Is this the director of the entire pharmacy chain or the head of one pharmacy in this chain?
- The head of a retail trade entity means the head of a legal entity, i.e. in this case, the director of the pharmacy chain.

4. Should prescription drugs be kept separate from OTC drugs?
- According to paragraph 36 of Order 647n, “prescription drugs are placed separately from non-prescription drugs in closed cabinets with a mark “by prescription for a drug applied to the shelf or cabinet in which such drugs are placed.”

5. How many work instructions / SOPs should a pharmacy have, guided by the requirements of Order 647n?
- The basic information regarding SOPs is spelled out in paragraphs 37, 47, 66 and 68 of Order 647n. Order 647n does not give an exact figure of how many SOPs should be in a pharmacy organization, but special attention should be paid to paragraph 68:
“Standard operating procedures should describe the procedures for:
a) analysis of complaints and suggestions of buyers and making decisions on them;
b) establishing the reasons for the violation of the requirements of these Rules and other requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating the circulation of pharmacy goods;
c) assessing the need and feasibility of adopting appropriate ones in order to avoid the recurrence of a similar violation;
d) determination and implementation of the necessary actions in order to prevent the ingress of counterfeit, low-quality, counterfeit goods of the pharmacy assortment to the buyer;
e) analyzing the effectiveness of the preventive and corrective actions taken.”
Referring to this paragraph, you will be able to form SOPs on the Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice yourself.

6. A medical organization has a structural unit - a pharmacy. Do the requirements of Order 646n regarding the storage of medicines apply to nursing posts, treatment rooms and other premises?
- Clause 2 of Order 646n states that its requirements apply to both pharmacy and medical organizations. But as already discussed above, attributing violations of Order 646n to a specific article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is a rather complicated issue. In this case, it is necessary to wait for the first court decisions on these violations, because there is a possibility that violations of Order 646n will not be related to medical and pharmacy organizations.
Nevertheless, based on clause 2 of this Order, it is still worthwhile for medical organizations to comply with its requirements.

An important role in the provision of high-quality and effective medical care is played by the proper storage of medicines in health facilities. In a medical organization, stocks of drugs that provide a 5–10-day requirement are placed in offices and premises run by a senior (chief) nurse, and stocks of drugs that provide a daily requirement are located in departments and at nurses' posts. It is necessary to create the right conditions for the storage of medicines, taking into account their quantity and physico-chemical properties, as well as to ensure the safety from unwanted or illegal use of drugs, especially potent, poisonous and narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

The main regulatory documents on the rules for the storage of medicines in the Russian Federation are:

§ Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 23, 2009 No. 706n “On approval of the rules for the storage of medicines” (hereinafter - Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 23, 2010 No. 706n);

§ Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 16, 2011 No. 397n “On approval of special requirements for the storage conditions of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances duly registered in the Russian Federation as medicines intended for medical use, in pharmacies, medical institutions, scientific -research, educational organizations and organizations of wholesale trade in medicines”;

§ Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2009 No. 1148 “On the procedure for storing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors”.

To store medicines at the nurse's station, there are cabinets that must be locked with a key.

1. Medicines for external and internal use are stored at the nurse's station in a lockable cabinet on different shelves marked "For external use", "For internal use".

2. The nurse groups medicinal substances for internal use: in one cell of the cabinet she places drugs that lower blood pressure, in another - diuretics, in the third - antibiotics.

3. Strong-smelling medicines (Vishnevsky's liniment, Finalgon ointment) are stored separately so that the smell does not spread to other medicines. Flammable substances (alcohol, ether) are also stored separately.

4. Alcoholic tinctures and extracts are stored in bottles with tightly ground or well-screwed stoppers, as due to the evaporation of alcohol, they can become more concentrated over time and cause an overdose. The preparations are stored in a cool place at a temperature of + 8 to + 15 ° C in the primary and secondary (consumer) packaging of the manufacturer.

5. Drugs requiring protection from light (eg prozerin, silver nitrate) should be stored away from light. In order to avoid direct sunlight or other bright directional light, as well as ultraviolet rays, it is necessary to use a reflective film, blinds, visors, etc., on these drugs.

6. Perishable products (water infusions, decoctions, medicines, serums, vaccines, rectal suppositories) are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of + 2 ... + 10 ° C. The shelf life of infusions, decoctions, mixtures in the refrigerator is no more than 2 days.

7. All sterile solutions in ampoules and vials are stored in the treatment room.

8. Separately, in technically fortified premises that meet the requirements of the Federal Law of January 8, 1998 No. 3-FZ “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”, the following are stored:

§ narcotic and psychotropic drugs;

§ strong and poisonous medicines controlled in accordance with international legal norms.

9. The shelf life of sterile solutions made in a pharmacy for parchment rolling is three days, and for metal rolling - 30 days. If during this time they are not implemented, they should be returned to the head nurse.

10. Signs of unsuitability are:

ü in sterile solutions- change in color, transparency, the presence of flakes;

ü in infusions, decoctions- turbidity, discoloration, the appearance of an unpleasant odor;

ü at ointments- discoloration, delamination, rancid smell;

ü in powders, tablets- color change.

11. A nurse has no right:

ü change the form of medicines and their packaging;

ü the same medicines from different packages are combined into one;

ü replace and correct labels on medicines;

ü store medicinal substances without labels.

Premises or places of storage of medicines should be equipped with air conditioners, refrigerators, vents, transoms, second lattice doors - all this is necessary to create temperature conditions.

In the premises where medicines are stored, it is necessary to have devices for recording air parameters: thermometers, hygrometers, psychrometers. The nurse of the department during the work shift once a day should record the readings of these devices in a special journal in the places where medicines are stored.

At home, a separate place should be allocated for the storage of medicines, inaccessible to children and people with mental disorders. But at the same time, medicines that a person takes for pain in the heart or suffocation should be available at any time.

All medicinal products should be stored properly. This strictness ensures the preservation of the properties of medicines, and also eliminates or at least minimizes the possibility of their erroneous use. Each of us sooner or later faces such a need at home.

In light of this, it will not be superfluous to find out how medicines are stored in a pharmacy? I note that this is not a very simple matter. In medical institutions, the circulation of medicines is regulated by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 377 dated 11/13/1996.

Requirements for the premises

Any room suitable for the storage of medicinal products must meet certain requirements. Maybe the information from this section is not very useful for ordinary home use, but I would be less interested to know how professionals solve such issues.

All rooms must be equipped with industrial supply and exhaust ventilation. In regions with pronounced climate fluctuations, temperature and humidity should be stabilized with air conditioners.

Thermometers must be placed to measure indoor air temperature. The choice of a place for their fastening must be approached properly. They must be fixed on the wall, at a distance of at least three meters from the nearest doorway, and one and a half from the floor level. Otherwise, their testimony should not be trusted.

Humidity, as well as temperature, must be strictly controlled. This is done using a device called a hygrometer. The placement requirements for this precision measuring instrument are the same as for a thermometer.

Medicinal products that are destroyed when stored in the light should be kept in rooms without windows, even if the tight factory packaging is preserved.

Entrance doors to the premises must be strong, excluding unauthorized entry. Subject to the storage of narcotic and potent drugs, the territory must be equipped with signaling devices connected to the dispatcher's central console.

In all premises of a pharmacy or warehouse, daily sanitary cleaning should be carried out. Moreover, at least once a month, walls, ceilings, doors, windows, and so on should be washed.

equipment requirements

All medicines should be placed either on racks or in cabinets, and their number should be sufficient. It is not allowed to place medicines directly on the floor, even if there is a protective packaging and shipping container.

Racks must be placed in strict accordance with the requirements: not lower than 0.25 meters from the floor level, 0.5 - from the walls, 0.7 - from the ceiling. This condition is designed to ensure proper insulation from partitions, due to air gaps.

The distance between each rack should not be less than 0.75 meters. All equipment must be properly lit. You should also monitor his hygienic condition. At least once a day, it is necessary to sanitize any available equipment.

Medicine storage requirements

All medicines must be laid out on shelves, and in strict accordance with the lists. Moreover, those drugs that differ in the presence of a consonant name should be stored separately. On each medicine, it is necessary to indicate not only the date of manufacture, but the maximum daily and single dose.

Medicines that require low temperatures for storage must be kept in a refrigerator. It is necessary to indicate the names, expiration dates, as well as the maximum dosages of drugs.

All drugs should be stored in strict accordance with their state of aggregation. Liquid preparations must be kept separate from solid and gaseous preparations.

At least once a month, it is necessary to audit all medicines, as well as the state of the shipping container. If there are any changes, the medicines must be discarded and the packaging replaced.

Dressings, rubber products, as well as medical equipment are stored on separate racks.

Requirements for the storage of potent drugs

Strong drugs and toxic substances are recommended to be stored separately from the rest. Moreover, they must be stored not just in special rooms, but in special safes.

Toxic substances are placed in a special closed strong box inside the safe. Access to the contents of these repositories is strictly controlled. Outsiders, even if they are pharmacy employees, are not allowed into this area.

The issuance of potent and narcotic drugs is carried out in strict accordance with applicable law. Everything is recorded in a special journal, to whom the drugs were given, as well as who prescribed them.


Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will need to organize a special room for storing medicines at home. But, nevertheless, I believe that you were able to understand that it is necessary to approach this process with all seriousness.

After all, medicinal substances with improper care can not only not have their effect, but vice versa - harm a person. Be careful when handling medicines.

The organization of storage of drugs should ensure separate storage of drugs grouped according to the following classification criteria: toxicological group, pharmacological group,

Classification features of drug groups for separate storage

type of application, state of aggregation, physical and chemical properties, expiration date, dosage form.

So, depending on the toxicological group, drugs related to:

List A (poisonous and narcotic substances);

List B (strong);

General list.

Lists A and B are lists of drugs approved for medical use by the State Pharmacological Committee, registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and requiring special security and control measures during the storage, manufacture and use of these drugs due to high pharmacological and toxicological risks.

Taking into account the pharmacological group, for example, vitamins, antibiotics, cardiac, sulfa drugs, etc. should be stored separately.

The sign "type of application" determines the separate storage of drugs for external and internal use.

Medicinal substances "angro" are stored taking into account their state of aggregation: liquid, loose, gaseous, etc.

In accordance with the physico-chemical properties and the influence of various environmental factors, drug groups are distinguished:

Requiring protection from light;

From exposure to moisture;

From volatilization and drying;

From exposure to elevated temperature;

From exposure to low temperatures;

From exposure to gases contained in the environment;

odorous and coloring;


When organizing separate storage of medicines, it is also necessary to take into account the expiration date, especially if it is relatively short, for example, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years.

An important feature that should be taken into account when storing separately is the type of dosage form: solid, liquid, soft, gaseous, etc.

Have nearby drugs that are consonant in name;

Place nearby drugs for internal use, which have very different higher single doses, and also arrange them in alphabetical order.

Failure to comply with the rules for separate storage of drugs described above can lead not only to a deterioration or loss of consumer properties of the drug, but also to a mistake by pharmaceutical personnel when dispensing a high-quality, but wrong drug and, as a result, to a threat to the life or health of the patient.

During storage, complete visual control of the state of the container, external changes in drugs and medical devices is carried out at least once a month. In the event of a change in drugs, their quality control should be carried out in accordance with the NTD and GF.

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