Monural analogues: cheap structural substitutes. Monural's analogues: fosfomycin, prices What is better monural

Monural is a powerful remedy that destroys pathogenic microflora in the urinary organs, and also restores the integrity of the mucous membrane damaged by bacteria. Usually, a remedy is prescribed by doctors with the development of cystitis, but sometimes other diseases of the urinary organs are also treated with it. If Monural is not suitable for the patient as a treatment due to the main active ingredient or the presence of contraindications, it can be replaced with an analogue similar in composition and principle of action to Monural. A doctor should prescribe such remedies, who will examine the patient, and then prescribe the correct treatment for him. So, which Monural analogues are the best and cheapest, and what should you pay attention to when choosing them?

The main active substance of the drug is fosfomycin. In a therapeutic agent, it is presented in the form of trometamol, a well-known chemical compound. This active component of the drug has a powerful specific effect on the causative agent of cystitis, however, in order to achieve this, you must follow the rules for taking the drug.

Thanks to fosfomycin, the synthesis of the cell walls of the causative agent of the disease is suppressed, which leads to disruption of the vital activity and reproduction of bacteria. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms die, and human health is fully restored.

It is important to note that Monural is quite safe for the human body, since the drug has a specific effect on bacteria and their enzymes. This means that the drug is not endowed with cross-resistance (if it were, there would be a strong resistance of the pathogen to drugs similar in action and composition).

General description of the remedy:

  • the drug is able to destroy almost all gram-positive and gram-negative types of bacteria;
  • the drug is able to interfere with the early stage of creating the cell wall, so that the drug can safely be considered that it has a wide spectrum of action;
  • a remedy, as the instructions for use say, is capable of destroying almost all pathogens of cystitis - E. coli, morganella, klebsiella, as well as pathogens that can be sexually transmitted.

After taking Monural, its active components are absorbed from the digestive organs into the bloodstream within an hour. After 2-2.5 hours, the maximum concentration of the drug is observed in the bloodstream, and after 4-5 hours, the active substances penetrate into the urine, where they remain for 24 hours.

It is important to note that it is required to take the drug once, since this is quite enough to create a powerful concentration of fosfomycin in the bladder. That is why the course of taking Monural is usually 1 day. In some cases, the concentration of the main active substance in the urine remains for 48 hours - in this case, the drug has a complete cure for cystitis in 99% of cases, unless, of course, the drug was correctly prescribed by the doctor.

The drug is excreted from the body along with urine. ¼ Monural leaves the body with the help of the intestines.

The drug is produced in the form of a powder, from which it is required to prepare a solution for internal administration. The powder contains granules endowed with a pleasant fruity aroma - they dissolve easily in water, so it is quite simple to prepare a solution for oral administration on your own.

In addition to the main active ingredient, the powder also contains:

  • lactose;
  • sugar;
  • flavoring based on mandarin or lemon, which makes the medicine taste good.

Monural analogues may have a similar composition, as well as the principle of action on the body. Therefore, it is forbidden to independently search for its similar means, otherwise it will lead to serious health problems.

High-quality and frequently prescribed analogues of Monural

Although Monural has proven itself in the treatment of genitourinary diseases, and it also has almost no contraindications, sometimes patients are looking for analogues of this drug. As a rule, this is due to the high price of the medicine, because it can be taken by all people, including children and pregnant women, since it is absolutely safe for health.

Effective and inexpensive analogues (European and Russian) are Ureacid and Urolysin.

Such a remedy, endowed with a powerful bactericidal effect, is produced in the form of granules, from which a solution for oral administration is prepared.

1 sachet contains 3 grams of the main active substance (fosfomycin, presented as trometamol).

Ureacid is an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent that is allowed to be taken by all patients diagnosed with cystitis, namely adults, children over 12 years old and the elderly.

Taking the drug is required to get rid of infections that have developed as a result of the activation of microorganisms that are sensitive to the main substance of the drug (fosfomycin).

How to take medicine correctly?

  1. Pour the contents of one sachet into a glass and fill it halfway with cold water.
  2. After that, mix the solution thoroughly so that the granules are completely dissolved in it, and then immediately drink the medicine.

Usually the drug is required to be taken only once, like Monural. For adults and the elderly, a single dose is 3 grams or one sachet. For children and adolescents over 12 years of age, the dose of the drug is slightly reduced.

Side effects of the drug include:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ureacid contraindications include renal failure, high levels of creatinine in the urine and blood, as well as high sensitivity of the body to the components of the therapeutic agent.

This analogue of Monural is available in the form of granules, which must be taken orally. The active components of Urolysin are:

  • horsetail;
  • birch leaf;
  • glucose;
  • Rowan;
  • blueberry shoots and so on.

Thanks to the unique and safe composition, all patients aged 12-75 years can take the medicine.

Urolysin is prescribed to patients for the treatment of mild urinary tract infections, as well as prophylaxis after surgical treatment of the genitourinary organs.

How to take medicine correctly? This is required as follows: dilute one small spoon in 100 ml of water, then mix thoroughly. It is required to take a remedy 3 times a day for 5 weeks. Sometimes the course of treatment lasts longer or shorter in time, depending on the general state of health and the severity of the course of the disease.

Usually, 2 weeks after the completion of treatment, the patient is prescribed a second course.

The drug must be carefully taken by people with exacerbations of urolithiasis (and gallstones), which occurs more often than 1 time in 4 years. It is also recommended to exercise caution if the patient has large kidney stones.

Side effects of the remedy include disruption of the digestive organs.

It is important to note that this medicine is sold to patients strictly by prescription, since if taken incorrectly, it will cause serious harm to the patient's health.

These types of analogues of Monural are considered the most effective and high-quality, but it is forbidden to drink them without a doctor's testimony.

Most often, doctors prescribe them to patients, but do not forget that there are several more drugs that, in terms of action and composition, also belong to the analogues of Monural.

Additional types of analogues

Judging by the reviews, these drugs have proven themselves well in the treatment of cystitis. Therefore, doctors during the appointment of treatment do not let them out of their sight.

Additional analogues of Monural include Urofosfabol and Fosmitsin.

The release form of this antibiotic is a powder from which a solution for intravenous administration is prepared. As a rule, it looks like small granules of a yellow or white tint.

The main active substance of the drug is fosfomycin. Urofosfabol is prescribed to patients during inflammation or infection in the pelvic organs, as well as during exacerbations of diseases of the genitourinary system. The positive aspect of the medicine is that it is prescribed to each patient in the absence of contraindications, starting from infants of the first year of life. The drug is not considered toxic, which means that it will not be able to harm the health of the patient.

How to take medicine correctly? Since Urofosfabol is intended for intravenous administration, the solution for injection is prepared by doctors. The method of its preparation depends on the type and complexity of the disease. You can read about how the solution is prepared in the instructions for use for the drug.

Side effects of the remedy include itching, chills, convulsions, frequent dizziness, and skin irritation. Contraindications of the drug include high sensitivity to the main active substance, liver disease and some kidney diseases. That is why it is required to take the drug only as directed by the doctor.


This is a well-known analogue of Monural, which is similar to it in terms of the main active ingredient - fosfomycin, presented in the preparation in the form of Trometamol. Fosmycin is available as a powder, from which it is necessary to make an intravenous solution. The drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that needs to be used systematically in order to completely cure diseases of the genitourinary organs. A medicine is prescribed for the treatment of the urinary organs, as well as for maintaining health after an operation on them. Children whose age is less than 5 years should not use the drug.

Reception of Fosmycin is prescribed by the attending physician, while the dosage is prescribed to each patient individually. It depends on age, general health, as well as the type of disease. You can read about how doctors prepare a solution for infusion in the instructions for use.

Side effects of the drug include nausea, skin rash, vomiting, and diarrhea. Fosmycin contraindications include the sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug, as well as pregnancy and feeding the baby.

If a doctor has prescribed treatment with Monural for a patient with a diagnosis of cystitis, but he is “not affordable” or the patient has contraindications, in this case the patient will have to replace it with a similar drug that will quickly destroy the pathogenic microflora and also normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system .

It is important to note that only a doctor has the right to prescribe a medicine, who will take into account all the characteristics of the body, as well as the degree and type of the disease.

Antibiotic Monural (Monural) over the past years is the gold standard in the treatment of cystitis. The drug is able to quickly eliminate most pathogenic microbes that cause inflammation of the bladder. The pharmacological properties of the drug allow it to be used only 1 time per day. Moreover, a single dose is enough to eliminate symptoms and cure the disease. Monural from cystitis is well tolerated by the body and in most cases does not cause the development of side effects. The advantages of the drug include the fact that it is allowed to be used to treat children.

Release form and composition

Powder from cystitis Monural is available in the form of pure white granules with a slight tangerine smell. Packed in paper multi-layer bags of 2 or 3 grams and are intended for the preparation of a solution. Packs of 1-2 pcs. are placed in a box and completed with instructions for use.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • active, active ingredient - fosfomycin trometamol in the amount of 3.754 g or 5.631 g;
  • auxiliary, additional substances - flavors (tangerine, orange), sucrose, saccharin.

Pharmacological properties

The active ingredient of the drug is fosfomycin. This antibiotic has the ability to inhibit the formation of the cell wall of microbes, which leads to the death of the latter. It is active against a large number of pathogens, including:

  • gram-positive bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, corynebacteria, enterococci,);
  • gram-negative bacteria (Haemophilus influenzae, E. coli, representatives of the genera Proteus, Klebsiella, Salmonella and Shigella);
  • anaerobes (Peptostreptococci, Fusobacteria, Clostridia, Bacteroides).

Monural not only has a good antibacterial effect, but also has a number of other important advantages:

  • prevents the attachment of microbes to the cells of the urinary tract;
  • stimulates the immune system and fights bacteria;
  • reduces the side effects of other antibiotics.

After ingestion, the drug enters the bloodstream, penetrates into the tissues of the kidneys and accumulates in them. A distinctive feature of the drug is that the concentration of fosfomycin, sufficient for the death of microbes, is maintained for 1-2 days. This allows you to treat diseases with a single dose of medication.

Indications for use

Monural is effective when cystitis is provoked by bacteria sensitive to fosfomycin.
The drug can be used for any form of the disease, including:

  • acute, chronic cystitis;
  • catarrhal, hemorrhagic (cystitis with blood in the urine);
  • postcoital cystitis (“honeymoon” - is directly related to an active sex life);
  • post-defloration (associated with rupture of the hymen) and others.

In addition, the drug is used in the following cases:

  • acute urethritis (infection of the urethra - a disease that is more often detected in men);
  • when a significant amount of bacteria is found in the urine of a pregnant woman;
  • the occurrence of urinary tract infections after surgical operations;
  • when performing studies of the genitourinary system to prevent the occurrence of infections.

Monural - treatment of cystitis

According to the instructions, Monural with cystitis must be taken once. The granules contained in one package must be dissolved in 70-80 ml of water. You should drink the medicine on an empty stomach, i.e. 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after meals. It is most preferable to take the drug before bedtime. The effect of the medication will be stronger if you first empty the bladder.

Contraindications and side effects of Monural

There are only a few contraindications to taking the medicine:

  • hypersensitivity to any of its components;
  • kidney disease, which led to a sharp disruption of their work (renal failure);
  • the age of the patient is up to 5 years.

Monural is a safe drug that is well tolerated by most people and is rarely associated with severe side effects. Among the adverse events, the most common are digestive disorders (loose stools, nausea, vomiting), allergic manifestations (skin itching, rashes, etc.). You can reduce the risk of side effects by increasing the amount of fluid you drink.

Interaction with other drugs

Monural can be taken simultaneously with other drugs. The only limitation is that the drug should not be used simultaneously with the antiemetic Metoclopramide.

Monural and alcoholic drinks

The question of the compatibility of drugs and alcohol is relevant. The answer is unequivocal: Monural and ethyl alcohol are incompatible and it is forbidden to take strong drinks in the treatment of cystitis.

Features of use during pregnancy and in children

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for the use of Monural, but for treatment, the antibiotic is used with extreme caution and only in situations where the expected health benefits of the expectant mother significantly outweigh the risk to the fetus.

Monural easily passes into breast milk, so you can not breastfeed the baby during the treatment period. It is necessary for 2-3 days following taking the medicine to transfer the baby to artificial feeding with adapted mixtures or to feed it with expressed milk in advance. After complete removal of the drug from the body, breastfeeding can be resumed.

In children under 5 years of age, Monural is not used. For children over 5 years of age, a pediatric dosage of the drug is used - 2 grams.

Monural's analogs

Analogues are drugs that contain the same active substance.
In addition to Monural, there are a number of other drugs, the active ingredient of which is fosfomycin. These include:

  • Urophosphabol;
  • Fosmycin;
  • Urofoscin;
  • Fosfomycin trometamol;
  • Fosfomycin* (Fosfomycin*);
  • Fosfomycin sodium;
  • Ecofomural;
  • Phosphoral Rompharm;
  • Fosfomycin Esparma.

Deserve attention and drugs with other active ingredients in the composition, but having an effect similar to Monural. Among them are the following:

  • phytolysin - a herbal remedy that has an antimicrobial effect, is produced in the form of a paste;
  • furagin - a domestic antibacterial drug in tablet form;
  • furadonin - a drug containing nitrofurantoin;
  • nolicin - antibiotic norfloxacin, taken twice a day, 1 tablet;
  • palin - contains pipemidic acid, taken twice a day, 1 tablet.

Monural is one of the popular antimicrobial drugs designed to combat cystitis. Instructions for the use of Monural indicate that the effect occurs already with a single use of the drug, which exhibits high bactericidal activity against the most common pathogens.

Monural with cystitis - description and principle of action

The active substance of Monural is fosfomycin. It is included in the composition of the drug in the form of a chemical compound - trometamol. The active component of the drug has a specific effect on the pathogens of cystitis. Fosfomycin inhibits the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, which disrupts the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms and causes their death.

The drug is relatively safe, as it exhibits a rather specific effect on bacterial enzymes, so there is no cross-drug resistance to it (a condition in which the resistance of pathogens to one drug extends to related drugs).

The drug Monural is active against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Its spectrum of action includes common pathogens of cystitis - E. coli, Klebsiella, Morganella, pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. The drug interferes with one of the early stages of cell wall synthesis, which is why its spectrum of action is so wide.

How long does Monural work? When taking the drug inside, the active substance is absorbed from the digestive tract within an hour. Therapeutic concentration of the drug in the blood is achieved within 2-2.5 hours, in the urine - after 4-5 hours and lasts throughout the day.

A single dose is enough to create a bactericidal concentration of the drug in the blood, so Monural from cystitis helps from the first dose. In the urine, the required concentration of the active substance is maintained during the day (in some cases - up to 48 hours).

The drug is excreted from the body mainly in the urine, only about a quarter of the dose taken is excreted through the intestines.

Release form

Monural is available in the form of a powder containing white mini-granules with a characteristic fruity odor that dissolves easily in water. A solution for oral administration is prepared from the powder. The drug is packaged in multi-layer paper bags laminated with polyethylene, 2 g or 3 g each, and 1-2 pieces are placed in cardboard packs.

Monural powder, in addition to the main substance (fosfomycin), contains additional components - sugar, lactose, orange or tangerine flavor, which make the drug taste good.

There is no such form of release as Monural tablets or injection solutions.

When is Monural prescribed?

The main area of ​​​​application of Monural is the treatment of bacterial cystitis and urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). Powder Monural 3g is used in the acute course of the disease or is prescribed as part of a complex treatment of chronic infectious processes in the urinary system. The use of the drug is also justified in acute recurrent attacks of the disease. In addition, Monural is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • massive bacteriuria of pregnant women, asymptomatic;
  • urinary tract infections in the postoperative period.

For the purpose of prevention, the drug is prescribed after surgical intervention on the urinary tract or during medical and diagnostic procedures (when placing a catheter or cytoscopy).

Monural is equally effective in both women and men. Reviews of the use of Monural for cystitis show its exceptional effectiveness and rather high safety. The drug is allowed to be used at almost any age, and its use in pregnant and lactating women is also allowed, since no negative effect of the active substance on the fetus or breast-fed infant has been recorded.

Treatment of cystitis with Monural

Monural is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach, after dissolving one sachet of medicine (3g) in a third of a glass of warm water. This should be done in the evening (before going to bed), two hours after the last meal and after emptying the bladder. A single dose of the drug is enough to eliminate the symptoms of cystitis and destroy the pathogens.

With a recurrent form of the disease, the doctor may recommend a second dose of Monural a day after taking the first dose of the antibiotic. The same treatment regimen is used for elderly patients. If Monural is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, a single dose of the drug is taken 3 hours before the diagnostic procedure or operation or one day after the intervention. In patients with renal insufficiency

How much to drink Monural with a recurrent course of cystitis or urethritis depends on the severity of the disease. The need for repeated use of the drug becomes clear a day after the first dose. If the symptoms of the disease persist, you need to take another dose. In total, you can take the drug up to three times.

In patients with renal insufficiency, the treatment regimen must be adjusted - to reduce the dose of the drug and increase the time interval between taking the solution. Sometimes this drug is prescribed for pyelonephritis to prevent a descending infection. In this case, Monural and tablets are taken simultaneously against the causative agents of the underlying disease.

Block header

There is a special form of release of Monural for children, in which the dosage of the active substance is not 3, but 2 grams. The drug is used in children over 5 years of age and adolescents. The treatment regimen is the same as in adult patients - it is necessary to dissolve a bag of powder in a third of a glass of water and drink it at night. If the drug does not help, you can not give it again.

The use of Monural during pregnancy is permissible, but under the supervision of the attending physician. The drug does not penetrate the placental barrier, therefore it is completely safe for the baby, but a hypersensitivity reaction may occur to it (even if it was not there before pregnancy). Therefore, it is best to trust your gynecologist and strictly follow his recommendations.


There are few contraindications for taking Monural. These include severe and recurrent forms of thrush, renal failure (acute and chronic), accompanied by a decrease in glomerular filtration.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug may also be noted, in which case it is prohibited to prescribe Monural. The medicine is not intended for children under five years of age. With fungal and bacterial lesions that occur simultaneously, Monural should be prescribed together with antifungal agents so as not to cause a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Adverse reactions

Adverse reactions when taking Monural can be manifested by the appearance of skin rashes (in persons with hypersensitivity) or disorders of the digestive system (nausea, heartburn, vomiting or diarrhea). If such symptoms are pronounced, then it is advisable to replace Monural with analogues that do not cause such side effects. In less severe cases, to eliminate dyspepsia, it is enough to increase the amount of fluid consumed.

An overdose of the drug is extremely rare. If it does occur, the patient is prescribed forced diuresis - an increase in the amount of fluid consumed along with the intake of diuretics. There is no specific antidote, and there is usually no need for hospitalization or resuscitation.


  1. How long to take Monural? In most cases, a single dose of the drug is sufficient. If necessary, the doctor may recommend taking the powder three times a day at intervals (in adults). In children, re-admission is unacceptable.
  2. Can Monural be taken with thrush? If thrush is combined with bacterial cystitis, then combined treatment is possible under the supervision of a physician. In other cases, the use of an antibiotic can increase the manifestations of thrush.
  3. Why Monural with pyelonephritis? With inflammation of the renal pelvis, there is a risk of a descending infection - the introduction of pathogens with urine into the bladder and urethra. To avoid this complication, the doctor may prescribe Monural.
  4. Monural did not help, what to do? Take the medicine again. If there is no improvement even after repeated antibiotic use, consult a doctor. Most often, the lack of effectiveness is due to the fact that cystitis is non-bacterial in nature or infectious agents are insensitive to the active substance.
  5. Does Monural help men? The drug is equally effective in cystitis, urethritis and bacteriuria in both sexes. The dosage for men and women is the same, the method of application is the same.
  6. How to use Monural in teenagers? Children's Monural can be used up to 18 years old, that is, it is permissible to prescribe it to adolescents. In some cases, the doctor may individually select the adult form of the drug for treatment.


Monural has a number of structural analogues, which are based on the same active substance - fosfomycin. These include drugs:

  • Urophosphabol,
  • Fosfomycin trometamol.

In case of intolerance to fosfomycin, the doctor may choose a drug based on a different active substance, but with an identical therapeutic effect, for example:

  • Nitroxoline,
  • nolicin,
  • zenix,
  • Amizolid,
  • Dioxidine,
  • Sanguiritrin etc.


The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, despite the fact that it belongs to antibacterial agents. The price of Monural is on average from 380 to 470 rubles.

The shelf life of the drug with intact packaging is 3 years, it must be stored in a dry place, out of the reach of children and pets, at room temperature.

The medicine Monural contains in its composition 3.754 or 5.631 grams fosfomycin trometamol (which corresponds to 2 or 3 grams fosfomycin ), as well as flavor (tangerine and orange), sucrose and saccharin.

Release form

Granules for the preparation of oral solution, packaged in 2 and 3 g bags of laminated paper, 1 or 2 bags in a pack.

pharmachologic effect

Has a wide spectrum antimicrobial activity , renders bactericidal action .

Suppresses the process of synthesis of the bacterial cell wall (in particular, its first stage).

specific action fosfomycin manifested in its ability to inactivate enolpyruvil transferase, which ensures the absence of cross-drug resistance and excludes the possibility of synergism with other antimicrobial agents (in vitro there is synergism with pipemidic acid, cephalexin , ).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Monural is an antibiotic or not?

The action of the active substance of the drug is aimed at the destruction and prevention of further reproduction of bacteria that are the causative agents of UTIs. Therefore, the agent is an antibiotic.

Description of the drug Monural

The antibiotic Monural is produced in the form of characteristically smelling white granules. As an active substance, the preparation includes a derivative of phosphonic acid - fosfomycin . Being a structural analogue phosphoenol pyruvate , the substance is active against most Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria.


The antibacterial activity of the drug in vitro includes most of the usual Gram (+) microorganisms: enterococci (including fecal), staphylococci (including golden and saprophytic).

Gram (-) pathogens are also sensitive to the action of the drug: citrobacter , enterobacteria , Klebsiella (including Klebsiella pneumonia), proteus mirabilis , morganella morgani , serrations , pseudomonas .

In vitro, the agent reduces the adhesion (sticking) of a number of microorganisms on the urothelium.


When ingested from the digestive tract, it is rapidly absorbed. Breaks down in the body into trometamol (the substance does not have antibacterial activity) and fosfomycin .

The bioavailability of a single dose of Monural 3 g can vary from 34 to 65%. TCmax 2-2.5 hours, Cmax is in the range of 22-32 μg / ml. T1 / 2 - 4 hours

Fosfomycin is in a state not associated with plasma proteins, is not metabolized, accumulates mainly in the urine.

With a single dose of 3 g of the drug in the urine, a high concentration is created (from 1.053 to 4.415 g / l), which is 99% bactericidal for most UTI pathogens.

IPC fosfomycin for these pathogens - 128 mg / l. In the urine, it is maintained for 24-48 hours, which implies a single-dose course of treatment. Excreted by the kidneys (unchanged). From 18 to 28% of the dose taken unchanged is excreted in the feces.

Indications for use

Drugs such as Fosfomycin and Monural, are used to treat acute attacks bacterial cystitis (including recurrent) bacterial nonspecific urethritis , asymptomatic massive bacteriuria (including in pregnant women), postoperative UTIs.

For prophylactic purposes, they are prescribed for transurethral diagnostic studies and surgical intervention.

Treatment of cystitis with antibiotics

Which is better: Monural or Nolicin?

- this is quinolone bacterial agent with a wide spectrum of activity, which is used to treat infectious diseases of the upper and lower urinary tract (complicated or uncomplicated, occurring in acute or chronic form).

The indications for its use are pyelitis , pyelonephritis , cystitis , chronic prostatitis infectious diseases associated with urological operations, neurogenic bladder , as well as nephrolithiasis caused by sensitive to (active substance Nolicina ) pathogens.

A course of treatment Norfloxacin lasts - depending on the severity of the patient's condition and the nature of the course of the disease - from 3-5 days (with uncomplicated cystitis) to several weeks (with chronic form of bacterial prostatitis ).

Unlike Monural, Nolicin cannot be used in pediatrics and in pregnant women.

Monural and alcohol

During treatment with the drug, alcohol is contraindicated.

Monural during pregnancy and breastfeeding

According to the instructions, during pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible if necessary.

The drug is used exclusively in urological practice, which eliminates the occurrence of cross-resistance with other antibiotics, meets safety criteria, has proven microbiological efficacy and, in addition, has good pharmacokinetic parameters.

Despite the fact that animal studies have not shown that the drug can cause harm to the fetus, it should be remembered that even safe medications are undesirable in the early stages.

In the 2nd trimester and in the 3rd trimester, the medicine is taken according to the standard scheme: 1 sachet of 3 g and then another one - a day after the first dose.

More recently, structural analogues of Monural from domestic and foreign manufacturers have appeared on the Russian pharmacological market. Despite the high quality standard and proven efficacy, patients ask to replace the medicine with more budget-friendly drugs. The cost of one bag of granules to obtain a solution of 2 grams is 390 rubles, 3 g - 530 rubles.

The active ingredient is an antibiotic fosfomycin. The drug is effective for newly diagnosed acute uncomplicated cystitis.

Well suited for providing emergency care to patients. In chronic course and in complicated cases, it is poorly effective, since it has a superficial effect.

Structural analogues Monural

1. Uronormin-F (Russia). An effective drug for the relief of acute cystitis on the first day. A qualitative analogue is cheaper than Monural. Creates good antimicrobial concentrations in the urinary system.

After a single dose, the patient's condition improves rapidly. Phenomena characteristic of inflammation of the bladder mucosa quickly regress.

  • May be prescribed for bacterial nonspecific urethritis.
  • In the postoperative period to eliminate urinary tract infections.

Well tolerated.

  • Powder for solution 2 gr. pack.6 g 1 pc. - 230 rubles, 3 gr. pack. 8 grams 1 piece - 370 rubles.

2. Phosphoral Rompharm (Romania). Violates the synthesis of the cell wall of pathogenic bacteria. This analogue substitute Monural is intended for the treatment of acute urological diseases of a bacterial nature. A single dose provides a stable therapeutic effect. Eliminates the typical symptoms of cystitis in a short period of time:

  • Cutting when urinating.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

Suitable for use in patients with:

  • Inflammation of the urethra resulting from damage to the canal wall by a bacterial infection.
  • Asymptomatic massive bacteriuria in pregnant women.
  • Granules for solution 3 g sachets 1 pc. - 360 rubles.

3. Ecofomural (Russia). An effective analogue of the drug Monural for the treatment of lower urinary tract infections. It is prescribed as a first-line drug for acute cystitis. Significantly weakens the symptoms of the disease in the first hours after administration.

  • Relieves pain.
  • Relieves the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  • Eliminates inflammation in the genitourinary tract in the presence of resistant flora to tetrazolines, fluoroquinolones.

It is used for antimicrobial prophylaxis of the urinary tract with:

  • Transurethral diagnostic examinations.
  • In the pre and postoperative period.
  • Gran. for a solution of 3 grams pack. 1 PC. - 370 rubles.

4. Ovea (Turkey). Stops the development of inflammatory, infectious processes in the treatment of urological diseases. It inhibits most potentially dangerous pathogenic strains sensitive to the active substance.

This analogue of Monural powder has a wide antimicrobial spectrum of activity. Relieves acute symptoms of inflammation of the bladder.

Suitable for the treatment of an episode of acute cystitis. Within 24 hours, the manifestations of the disease completely disappear:

  • Discomfort and aching pain when urinating.
  • Frequent imperative calls.

May be prescribed during pregnancy.

For prophylaxis, it is used in the postoperative period in urological patients.

It combines well with other antibacterial agents due to the absence of cross-resistance.

  • Granules d / r-ra Pak. 3 grams No. 1 - 440 rubles.
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