Dolobene gel indications. Dolobene gel: instructions for use. Medicines with a similar effect

How to completely and permanently get rid of varicose veins!

Varicose veins cause serious complications and consequences. There is a way that helps to permanently get rid of varicose veins... read MORE

Dolobene gel instructions for use of the drug, price in Moscow, reviews of doctors and patients, what are the analogues and what helps the most. We will answer all the questions in the article and tell you what kind of super gel it is.

Dolobene gel

A wide range of the modern pharmaceutical market in abundance offers users all kinds of drugs, the action of which is aimed at effective treatment bruises, fractures, sprains and other types of injuries.

For fast elimination negative consequences expressed in the appearance of abrasions, pain, tissue edema is recommended to use fast-acting drugs, which include Dolobene gel.

The main active ingredient of the drug quickly penetrates into tissues, eliminates pain, relieves inflammation and swelling of tissues, and also stimulates regenerative processes at the cellular level.

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Varicose veins are among the most common diseases and are characterized by the appearance of such symptoms as severe swelling of the limbs, pain, cramps, discoloration of the skin, swelling of the veins and others. Predominantly, the pathology is accompanied by a violation of blood flow, the formation of thrombic masses in the cavity of the veins, blockage of blood vessels.

The powerful anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect of the gel allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins, significantly improve and normalize blood circulation processes, strengthen and increase the elasticity of the venous walls, as well as their permeability. Substances included in the drug can reduce pain and improve appearance skin covers.

To obtain a pronounced therapeutic effect in varicose veins, it is recommended to use the gel at least twice a day. Apply the drug directly to the affected area.

After applying a layer of ointment, it is permissible to apply gauze or other tissue dressings. Such a measure will slightly increase the effectiveness of the drug. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor in accordance with the degree and form of the disease, as well as the dynamics of the clinical picture.

Producing country

The manufacturer of the multifunctional drug is the pharmaceutical company MERCKLE GmbH, located in Germany. The drug is produced by a representative office of the specified company, located in Israel and registered under the trademark Teva.

A course of treatment

Dolobene gel is one of the multifunctional drugs and can be used as the only remedy or as part of complex therapy for bruises, fractures, sprains, varicose veins, as well as for the treatment of a number of other diseases and pathologies. The duration of the course and the treatment regimen are developed on a strictly individual basis in accordance with physiological characteristics patient and the form of the disease.

Predominantly clinical cases it is recommended to apply the drug to the affected area two to four times a day, you can also use a compress. Total duration the course of therapy is, as a rule, ten to fourteen days.

If there is such a need, it is permissible to increase the duration of the course, as well as the combination of the drug with other drugs that have a similar pharmacological effect.

It is permissible to use the drug both in accordance with medical prescriptions and independently. At the same time, however, one should not forget about the age at which children can use this gel, as well as the presence of contraindications and risks of development side effects. Age restrictions categorically do not recommend the use of the drug for the treatment of children whose age is less than five years.

Release form

In the pharmaceutical market, a multifunctional drug is presented in the form of a transparent or slightly yellowish gel with a characteristic specific odor.

For ease of storage and use, the medication is available in aluminum tubes, the total volume of which can vary from fifty to one hundred grams. The tubes, in turn, are packaged in cardboard packaging, which almost completely eliminates the risk of exposure negative factors environment.


The composition of Dolobene is enriched with three main active ingredients, as well as a number of additional ingredients. As active substances that provide the agent with an effect fast action and penetrating into the deep layers of the tissues of the skin, the following are called:

  1. Dexpanthenol. This substance stimulates regenerative processes and promotes faster healing and restoration of damaged skin and muscle tissues.
  2. Dimethyl sulfoxide. Acts as a local anesthetic. The action of this substance stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level and helps to reduce and relieve tissue swelling.
  3. heparin sodium. A multifunctional substance that promotes the stimulation of regenerative and metabolic processes, improve hemolymph circulation and relieve swelling. Heparin directly prevents the formation of thrombotic masses and promotes their resorption.

In addition to other auxiliary ingredients, the composition is enriched with essential oils of rosemary and mountain pine, which give the product pleasant aromatic properties and promote faster healing and repair of damaged tissues.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of Dolobene gel is due precisely to multicomponent composition medication. The combination and interaction of active substances allows to achieve positive results already after several sessions of applying the ointment. As the main pharmacological properties of the drug, inherent in each of the above ingredients, the following should be mentioned:

  • dexpanthenol. When the substance interacts with the skin, the active component is transformed into pantothenic acid, which is part of the group of vitamins B. Due to the stimulation of the processes of granulation and epithelization, more fast healing and restoration of muscle tissue and skin at the cellular level;
  • heparin. It has a pronounced antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Stimulates the healing of fractures, soft tissues and prevents the formation of pathogenic masses in the cavities of veins and arteries, which is very important, for example, during treatment varicose veins veins, with arthrosis, with arthritis, as well as against the background of the presence of severe bruises;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide easily penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, and also contributes to the entry into the tissues of other ingredients used in the composition of the drug. The substance contributes to the provision of a local anesthetic effect and the removal of tissue swelling.

The pronounced pharmacological action of the multifunctional drug is due precisely to the complex effect of several ingredients directly on the affected areas.

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Mode of application

The current annotation to the medication recommends using the remedy in accordance with a number of the following rules: gel should be applied thin layer directly to the affected area. For faster absorption of the product, light massage movements are acceptable.

If it is necessary to use a sealed bandage, it is recommended to apply gauze, plaster or sterile tissue only after the ointment is completely absorbed, that is, a few minutes after application.

For optimal results, e.g. ankle sprains, intercostal neuralgia, cervical osteochondrosis or other diseases, it is recommended to conduct sessions involving the application of ointment at least 2-4 times a day. Apply the gel in a thin layer. If any disturbing signs appear, such as burning, redness or rash, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Indications for use

As noted above, Dolobene gel is one of the universal multifunctional drugs that can be used both after past injuries, and against the background of the presence of any diseases of muscle, bone and cartilage tissues or skin. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is permissible to use the medication in a number of the following cases:

  1. From bruises, regardless of the nature and severity of the acquired injury.
  2. From scars.
  3. With varicose veins and pathologies associated with the disease, for example, with thrombophlebitis.
  4. For any traumatic lesions tissues that have closed form. That is, a question of this kind, such as: is it possible to smear a medicinal product on a wound or other damage, should be answered - it is categorically not recommended. hit active components in bloodstream can lead to negative consequences.
  5. With sprain or other damage to the tendons, after a fracture.
  6. With the appearance of painful sensations against the background of the presence of varicose veins.
  7. From rheumatism and from joints damaged due to the development of any pathology.
  8. You can also smear the gel with a fracture of the jaw, provided there are no open wound surfaces.
  9. To reduce pain after plaster removal.
  10. For neck pain, regardless of the nature of the symptom.
  11. Can be used for hemorrhoids. However, due to the specifics of this disease, it is recommended to use the ointment only for external hemorrhoids.
  12. With acute neuralgia.
  13. Against the background of inflammatory processes affecting tendons, ligaments, joints, and so on.

In some cases, persons with certain pathologies are interested in questions of this kind, such as: is it possible to smear on the face healing gel, for example, from a bruise under the eye, use it when heel spur, for acne, with flux or used to treat children.

Despite the fact that to carry out medical therapy through the use of the product in such cases is permissible, before applying the medicine, you should still consult with a specialist.


As well as any multicomponent remedy, the gel has a fairly large number of contraindications, the presence of which completely excludes the use of the remedy. As such, it is necessary to name a number of the following:

  • during gestation and subsequent lactation;
  • at chronic diseases organs of the respiratory system;
  • against the background of the presence of diseases and pathologies of the organs of the excretory system;
  • with violations of hematopoietic processes;
  • at serious illnesses and pathologies of the vascular system and the heart;
  • with individual intolerance to some components of the drug.

Side effects

As a rule, subject to all the rules and regulations of treatment, the risk of adverse reactions from the body is reduced to a minimum mark. However, in some cases reactions may develop allergic nature expressed in the appearance of redness, itching and skin rash.

In the most severe cases headaches, a specific garlic smell from oral cavity patient, digestive problems. These symptoms are completely eliminated immediately after the drug is discontinued.

During pregnancy and lactation

Best before date

During pregnancy, as well as postpartum period Most women notice the appearance of pronounced signs of varicose veins. In this regard, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are puzzled by the following question: can it be used for therapeutic purposes during breastfeeding or pregnancy?

Unfortunately, a pregnant woman, as well as a nursing mother, is not recommended to use the drug due to the risk of side effects.

Photo of packaging 100 gr and 50 gr

Dolobene gel: instructions for use

Official instructions for the use of the drug.

Where to buy in Russia - price in Moscow and St. Petersburg

You can buy the gel throughout Russia in any city. Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Izhevsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, etc. You can also order the drug at a discount through the official store of the pharmacy site. Advertising of the drug is famous, it is known to all pharmacies in the country. The price of the drug, on average in the cities, is 700-800 rubles.

  1. Moscow - gel 100 grams 463 rubles. A tube of 50 grams - 378 rubles.
  2. St. Petersburg, Ozerki pharmacy. 100 gr - 442 rubles.
  3. Tver - 430 rubles.
  4. Izhevsk - 440 rubles.

The price in Ukraine may vary, depending on the city. If you look at the largest cities, like Kyiv, Kharkov, Zhytomyr, Lviv, the price reaches 200 UAH.

  1. Kyiv - Kharkov. Gel in a tube 20 grams - 75 UAH.
  2. Kyiv - Kharkov. Gel in a tube 50 grams - 110 UAH.


Despite a lot of advantages, Dolobene also has some disadvantages, including, for example, the rather high cost of the drug. Regardless of how much the ointment costs in a particular region, you can always buy Russian analogues with similar pharmacological activity and chemical composition. The most suitable are:

  1. Hepatrombin C.
  2. Heparin ointment.
  3. Diclofenac.
  4. Lyoton.
  5. Voltaren.
  6. Troxevasin.
  7. Ketonal.
  8. Long gel.
  9. Fastum gel.
  10. Nise.
  11. Venabos.
  12. Ointment of comfrey.

It should be emphasized that in some cases, the use of analogs makes it possible to obtain a more pronounced therapeutic effect. In addition to the products presented in the form of gels and ointments, in order to achieve maximum results from the use of complex therapy, you can also use products in the form of injections or tablets.

The drug Hepatrombin C, produced in the form of a gel, is a high-quality and more cheap analogue drug, the cost of which may vary slightly depending on the region of sale. What helps Hepatrombin C?

As the main points of the spectrum pharmacological action medicines are also called bruises, sprains, abrasions, fractures, inflammatory processes affecting the joints, tendons and ligaments, and so on.

The composition of the Hepatrombin C ointment includes three main active ingredients, including: dexpanthenol, sodium heparin and dimethyl sulfoxide. Complex action of these ingredients on the affected tissues allows you to quickly obtain a therapeutic effect and eliminate existing symptoms, such as soreness or swelling of tissues.
Help for bruises

In addition to the treatment of diseases and pathologies, musculoskeletal locomotive apparatus the gel can also be used to eliminate bruising. But we should not forget that it is recommended to apply the medication or its substitute only if there are no even minor scratches or other open wound surfaces.

Regular use of the ointment will help relieve pain, restore and normalize blood flow in the affected area, as well as eliminate hemolymph stagnation, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Considered a non-steroidal drug

Common medical term"steroid drugs" is commonly referred to as drugs, which in one quantity or another include a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Due to the absence of this substance in the composition, it is unacceptable to classify the indicated medication as a steroid preparation.

Analog Voltaren: which is better

As mentioned above, there are many analogues and cheaper gel substitutes, both imported and domestic production, which can be used both separately and in combination with Dolobene. Complex application several means provides faster penetration of active ingredients into tissues and allows you to get the fastest and most pronounced therapeutic effect.

What is it used for, what does it treat and what does Voltaren gel help with? This Swiss-made drug is also designed to relieve pain, eliminate swelling and suppress inflammatory processes.

The main active ingredient of Voltaren cream is the analgesic substance diclofenac, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties.

A significant advantage of Voltaren is that it can be used, including during pregnancy, regardless of whether the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester and subsequent breastfeeding, while the use of Dolobene in this time period is categorically unacceptable. The remaining parameters of Voltaren are almost similar to our drug.

These drugs have similar pharmacological properties and allow you to get an identical therapeutic effect. The cost of medicines in pharmacies may vary depending on the region of sale.

Analog Dolgit: which is better

The drug Dolgit, presented in the form of a gel and ointment, is an analogue and is used to eliminate similar diseases and pathologies. The main active ingredient of this drug is ibuprofen, a substance that contributes to the rapid relief of inflammatory processes, pain syndrome, resorption of hematomas and stimulation of regenerative processes.

Nevertheless, despite a certain identity of the drugs, there are some differences, including: unlike Dolobene, using Dolgit cream, children over 12 months old can be treated.

Dolgit is more often used as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and is used, for example, for myositis, sciatica, gout, mastopathy, lumbago and other diseases of similar pathogenesis. At the same time, the dosage of medications, the scheme and duration of the course of treatment are almost completely identical.

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Regardless of which disease, injury or pathology the gel or any of its analogues is used to eliminate, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before use. The point is especially relevant if, in carrying out therapeutic measures needs a younger child.

Dolobene (dimethyl sulfoxide + heparin + dexpanthenol) is a combined drug for external use, which has an antithrombotic effect and stimulates tissue regeneration. Dimethyl sulfoxide has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effects. Its anti-inflammatory activity is due to the neutralization of hydroxyl radicals, in large quantities formed in the focus of inflammation and have a destructive effect on cells. The analgesic effect of dimethyl sulfoxide is associated with its ability to slow down the speed of pain impulses in peripheral nerves. The decongestant effect is achieved by inactivating oxygen radicals and improving the metabolic reaction at the site of application of the drug. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a hygroscopic substance, which enhances its anti-edematous effect. In addition, due to its ability to pass through biological membranes, it provides deeper penetration through the skin into the tissues of all contained with it in one dosage form substances. Heparin exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the restoration of connective tissue by suppressing the activity of the hyaluronidase enzyme. It has a dose-dependent antithrombotic effect, stimulating inhibitory activity plasma factor antithrombin III on the activation of thrombin and its precursor prothrombin. The degree of penetration of heparin through normal skin depends on the dose of the drug and begins to increase linearly from a dose of 300 IU / g. Dexpanthenol, when applied externally, turns into pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), without losing its effectiveness at all. As a component of coenzyme A, pantothenic acid is involved in anabolic and catabolic processes in cells. By stimulating granulation and epithelialization, it provides faster recovery of damaged areas of the skin.

The physiological level of dimethyl sulfoxide in the blood in normal conditions is 40 ng/ml.

6 hours after applying dolobene, the maximum concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide in the blood rises to 120 ng / ml and is maintained at this level for up to 12 hours. 60 hours after application, the concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide returns to its original (physiological) value. Heparin is only slightly absorbed when used topically. Dexpanthenol, as noted above, upon contact with the skin is transformed into pantothenic acid. The good absorption of the latter has been repeatedly confirmed in experiments. The half-life of dimethyl sulfoxide - the time during which half of the total administered substance leaves the systemic circulation - averages 11-14 hours. 12-25% of absorbed dimethyl sulfoxide leaves the body during the first day, another 37-49% is excreted during the week with urine. A small amount of dimethyl sulfoxide is excreted by the lungs.

Dolobene comes in the form of a gel. The drug is applied in a thin layer over the affected area of ​​the skin 2-4 times a day. If dolobene is used under a bandage, then after applying the gel, it is necessary to wait for several minutes so that it is absorbed into the skin and the isopropanol disappears. After that, you can apply a bandage. Dolobene can be administered by iontophoresis. In this case, the gel is deposited under the cathode. As a contact gel, the drug can be used in phonophoresis. Active ingredients Dolobene complement the therapeutic effect of ultrasonic waves. The duration of the drug is determined by the severity of the symptoms and the nature of the course of the disease. Before applying the gel, it is recommended to cleanse the skin of cosmetics, other drugs or chemicals. Dolobene is not intended for application to mucous membranes, open wound surfaces, postoperative scars severe sunburn. During pharmacotherapy, the photosensitivity of the skin may increase, and therefore, during the use of Dolbobene, sunlight should be avoided and no visits to the solarium should be made.


Combined preparation for external use. The action of the drug is due to its active substances: sodium heparin, dexpanthenol, dimethyl sulfoxide.

Dimethyl sulfoxide has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and local analgesic effects. Anti-inflammatory activity is associated with some pharmacological effects, the most significant of which is the inactivation of hydroxyl radicals, which are produced in large quantities during the inflammation process and have destructive action on fabric.

Dimethyl sulfoxide has a local analgesic effect by reducing the speed of nociceptive (pain) impulses in peripheral neurons. The anti-edematous effect is provided by the inactivation of hydroxyl radicals and the improvement of the subcutaneous metabolic reaction at the site of application of the drug. To a certain extent, the anti-edematous effect of dimethyl sulfoxide is due to its hygroscopic properties.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (from 50% or more) penetrates through biological membranes, incl. through the skin, contributing to a better and deeper penetration into the tissues of other drugs used simultaneously with it medicines.

Heparin has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the regeneration of connective tissue by inhibiting the activity of hyaluronidase. It has a dose-dependent antithrombotic effect, increasing the inhibitory activity of antithrombin III on the activation of prothrombin and thrombin. penetration of heparin through healthy skin is dose-dependent and validated for doses starting at 300 IU/g.

Dexpanthenol at topical application is transformed in the skin into pantothenic acid (vitamin of group B). The effectiveness of dexpanthenol is comparable to that of pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid, as a component of coenzyme A, is involved in various catabolic and anabolic processes in tissues, by improving the processes of granulation and epithelization, it promotes the regeneration of damaged skin areas.


Suction and distribution

The physiological concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide in blood plasma is normally 40 ng / ml. 6 hours after application of the drug, Cmax in blood plasma reaches 120 ng / ml and lasts up to 12 hours after application. 60 hours after application, the concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide in blood plasma reaches a physiological level of 40 ng / ml. When using dimethyl sulfoxide 1 g 3 times / day for 5 days, its average content at the site of application to the skin is 3 mg / g, the average content in the subject muscle tissues and the synovial membrane at the site of the synovial junction 7-10 μg / ml, in synovial fluid- 0.8 mcg/g. The concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide in blood plasma is 0.5 µg/g.

Heparin when applied topically, heparin is absorbed slightly.

When applied externally, dexpanthenol is transformed in the skin into pantothenic acid. Good absorption of dexpanthenol has been experimentally confirmed.


T 1/2 of dimethyl sulfoxide is 11-14 hours. 12-25% of absorbed dimethyl sulfoxide is excreted during the first 24 hours and 37-48% is excreted within 7 days unchanged by the kidneys or as a metabolite (dimethyl sulfone). 3.5-6% of the total dimethyl sulfoxide is excreted through the lungs in the form of dimethyl sulfide 6-12 hours after the use of the drug.

Release form

Gel for external use from clear to slightly cloudy, colorless to slightly yellowish.

Excipients: polyacrylic acid - 1-1.4 g, trometamol - 0.2-0.3 g, macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate (cremophor CO 455) - 1 g, isopropanol - 35 g, rosemary oil - 0.2 g, mountain pine oil - 0.25 g, citronella oil - 0.05 g, purified water - 42.023-42.913 g.

50 g - aluminum tubes (1) - packs of cardboard.


Dolobene should be applied with a surface layer on the skin over the affected area of ​​the skin 2-4 times / day.

When using the gel under the bandage, apply the gel and wait a few minutes for it to be absorbed by the skin and the isopropanol to evaporate. Then you can apply an airtight bandage.

Dolobene can be used for iontophoresis. The drug is applied under the cathode.

Dolobene as a contact gel can be used in ultrasound therapy(phonophoresis). The active substances of the gel complement therapeutic effect ultrasonic waves.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms and the severity of the disease.


Data on an overdose of the drug Dolobene are not available.


When used externally together, Dolobene may enhance the penetration of other drugs through the skin.

With the simultaneous use of drugs containing sulindac (NSAIDs), with the drug Dolobene, the development of peripheral neuropathy is possible.

Side effects

Local reactions: possible skin reactions (redness, itching, burning sensation at the site of application of the gel), which usually disappear during further treatment.

Allergic reactions: sometimes - skin manifestations, incl. hives; in isolated cases - Quincke's edema.

Others: in rare cases- the smell of garlic from the mouth (caused by dimethyl sulfide, which is a product of the metabolism of dimethyl sulfoxide), a change is possible taste sensations(disappear a few minutes after applying the gel); when applying the drug to large areas of the body, it is extremely rare - nausea, diarrhea, shortness of breath, headache, chills.

  • severe liver dysfunction;
  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • severe disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • open wounds at the place of application;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • childhood up to 5 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug Dolobene is contraindicated in pregnancy due to lack of data clinical research.

The use of Dolobene during breastfeeding is contraindicated, since dimethyl sulfoxide is excreted in breast milk.

Application for violations of liver function

Contraindicated in severe violations liver function.

Application for violations of kidney function

Contraindicated in severe renal impairment.

Use in children

Contraindication: children under 5 years of age.

special instructions

Before applying Dolobene, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed of other medicines, cosmetics or any chemicals.

Dolobene should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth, open wounds or damaged areas of the skin (due to irradiation, strong sunburn, postoperative scars).

During treatment with the drug, the photosensitivity of the skin may increase, therefore, during the period of its use, intense sunbathing and a visit to the solarium.

In case of occurrence skin reactions treatment should be discontinued.

Due to the high absorption of dimethyl sulfoxide, Dolobene should not be used in combination with other ointments and gels.

For bruises, injuries, muscle strain, you need to use special ointments contributing get well soon. One of the most effective means is Dolobene ointment.

Dolobene - composition, description

Medicine Dolobene produced in the form gel (ointment) for external use, weight - 50, 100 g. The drug belongs to the group of anticoagulants direct action, therefore, it is widely used as absorbable, decongestant. The gel helps with pain and bruising, damage to tendons and joints.

Externally, the drug substance is a gel-like mass - colorless or yellowish. The composition of the drug is represented by such substances:

  1. . Cell regenerator, has a dermatoprotective effect.
  2. Heparin sodium. Anticoagulant, prevents blood clotting.
  3. Dimethyl sulfoxide. Another name is dimexide, it is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic.

The tool includes a number of additional components:

  • rosemary oil;
  • mountain pine oil;
  • purified water;
  • polyacrylic acid;
  • citronella (lemongrass) oil;
  • isopropanol;
  • trometamol;
  • Cremophor.

After penetration into the skin layers, Dolobene begins to act immediately, due to which it quickly removes pain and swelling. You can store the drug at room temperature. Dolobene is released without a prescription. The price of the medicine is 370 rubles / 50 g.

The action of the drug

Thanks to Dimexide in the composition, the drug easily penetrates through cell membranes, therefore, all components reach the inflammation zone and begin to work.

The agent in the complex has anti-inflammatory, antiexudative, analgesic, antithrombotic, regenerating effects.

The half-life of the components is 11-14 hours, Dimexide is excreted the longest (up to 48% of the drug is taken in the form of metabolites in a week).

Indications and contraindications Dolobene

Various pathologies, from which Dolobene ointment helps, belong to the field of traumatology, orthopedics and other branches of medicine. Main indications - traumatic injuries tissue integrity:

Against various diseases musculoskeletal system Dolobene is also successfully used. The indications are as follows:

  • osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion;
  • arthrosis, different kinds arthritis
  • tendinitis, tendovaginitis;
  • periarthritis humeroscapular;
  • epicondylitis, tennis elbow.

In neuralgia, Dolobene is used against acute inflammatory processes in the peripheral nervous system. Dolobele is often prescribed for pain in the legs against the background of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins, periphlebitis.

Among the main contraindications - severe illness heart, blood vessels, bronchial asthma, kidney, liver failure.

You can not be treated Dolobene with open wounds, under the age of 6 years, during pregnancy, lactation, allergies to active ingredients.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, the gel should be gently rubbed into the affected area of ​​the body. On top, you can make dressings from gauze, bandage. single dose squeezed out gel - about 3 cm. The number of applications per day - 2-4 times. If the product is applied under a bandage, you need to do it like this:

For safe therapy, Dolobene should be applied only on clean skin, first it must be washed from cosmetics, dirt, creams, other local medicines. When applied to bleeding wounds, heparin prevents their healing, so the therapy of such wounds is unacceptable. It is forbidden to lubricate Dolobene mucous membranes, the area of ​​scars, places with manifestations of dermatitis, eczema, and other skin diseases.

Analogues and other information

There are a number of analogues in action that can replace Dolobene with the approval of a specialist. Here are the main ones.

A drug price, rub.

Dolobene gel - combination drug, which contains several ingredients at once. Due to this, the tool provides local anesthesia and stop the development of inflammation. The medicine is used for damage to the joints and soft tissues. It is also allowed to be applied for acute neuralgia and varicose veins.


Dolobene gel contains several key ingredients - heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide, dexpanthenol. Also, the product contains several additional components - macrogol, polyacrylic acid, purified water. In addition, the preparation contains medicinal oils- rosemary, citronella and mountain pine.

The substance is produced in the form of a gel. Each tube contains 50 g of medicine. Many people are interested in how much dolobene gel costs. The price of this substance depends on the policy of the pharmacy and the pharmaceutical company. The cost of Dolobene gel is about 380 rubles.

Mechanism of action

Dolobene is combination medicine for local use. The characteristics of the drug are determined by the ingredients that make up its composition.

Instructions for the use of dolobene gel indicate that dimethyl sulfoxide eliminates inflammation, copes with swelling and pain. The anti-inflammatory characteristics of a substance are associated with a number of properties.

The most important of these is the fight against hydroxyl radicals. These elements are produced in a significant amount during the development of inflammation. They lead to the destruction of tissues.

In addition, the element produces a local anesthetic effect. This is achieved by reducing the rate of transmission of nociceptive impulses. The ability to cope with swelling is associated with the normalization of the subcutaneous metabolic reaction and the suppression of hydroxyl radicals in the area of ​​drug application. To a certain extent, the decongestant characteristics of the drug are associated with hygroscopic characteristics.

More than 50% of the means overcomes cell membranes. This ensures a sufficiently deep penetration of the agent into the tissue.

Heparin enhances anti-inflammatory properties and restores connective tissue due to inhibition of hyaluronidase. The drug produces an antithrombotic effect, increases the inhibitory effect of antithrombin on thrombin and prothrombin. The level of penetration of the substance through the intact dermis is determined by the dosage. This result is achieved at a volume of 300 IU/g.

Local use of dexpanthenol leads to the transformation of the substance into pantothenic acid, which belongs to the B vitamins. The effectiveness of the substance is comparable to the properties of pantothenic acid, which is an ingredient in coenzyme A.

This element is involved in anabolic and catabolic processes occurring in tissues. Due to the normalization of epithelialization and granulation, it is possible to accelerate the recovery of the affected areas of the dermis.

Pharmacokinetic properties

The normal content of dimethyl sulfoxide in the body is 40 ng / ml.

6 hours after applying the substance this indicator reaches 120 ng/ml and stays at this level for 12 hours.

60 hours after treatment of the affected areas, the level of dimethyl sulfoxide normalizes and is 40 ng / ml.

When using the substance 1 g 3 times a day for 5 days, the average level of dimethyl sulfoxide in the application area is 3 mg / g. The content in the muscles and synovial membrane is at the level of 7-10 µg/ml. The concentration of the element in the synovial fluid is 0.8 µg/g. The level of dimethyl sulfoxide in the blood is 0.5 µg/g.

At local application heparin is absorbed in a small amount. Dexpanthenol is converted to pantothenic acid. Its superior absorption is confirmed by experimental studies.

The half-life of dimethyl sulfoxide requires 11 to 14 hours. Approximately 12-25% of the substance leaves the body during the day. 37-48% is excreted by the kidneys during the week in original form or in the form of a metabolite. 3.5-6% of the substance leaves the body after 6-12 hours. This is done with the help of the lungs.


What helps dolobene gel? This question interests many people. Key indications Dolobene ointment use includes the following:

  1. Hematomas and swelling.
  2. Traumatic lesions of the joints, which are characterized by stretching ligamentous apparatus and tendons.
  3. Shoulder epicondylitis is also referred to as tennis elbow.
  4. Inflammatory lesions of soft tissues, tendons, muscles.
  5. Bruises and closed injuries.
  6. Tendovaginitis - is an inflammatory lesion of the tendon sheaths.
  7. Tendinitis - this term means inflammatory changes in the tendons.
  8. Acute neuralgia.
  9. Bursitis - is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous bag of the joint.
  10. Periarthritis of the shoulder joint.

Application rules

The gel is applied to the affected areas. This must be done in a thin layer. In the presence of abrasions, the nearby areas are treated with the agent. Then the composition is distributed over the epithelium, performing gentle rubbing. This should be done 2-4 times a day.

If this substance is used in the form of dressings, the use of a dressing fabric that is well breathable is indicated.

The compress is applied after the main part of the substance enters the skin and the evaporation of ethanol, which is present in the composition. This takes several minutes.

The drug can be administered by using the iontophoretic technique, which consists in applying a constant electric current. In such a situation, the gel is applied under the cathode, which is the positive pole. This is due to the anionic characteristics of heparin, which is present in the preparation, and the specific pH of the skin.

With phonophoresis, which is a transdermal method of administration medication with the help of ultrasound, the medicine complements the physiotherapeutic activity of ultrasonic waves. This is due to the presence of active elements in the drug.

Before using the gel, the application area is cleaned of dirt and other medicines. The substance is not recommended to treat open wounds, mucous membranes and damaged areas. Therefore, the gel is not used after irradiation, in the presence of dermatitis, skin pathologies, dermatosis, inflammation. Do not apply the substance and in the formation of postoperative scars.

The duration of therapy is selected individually. Specific terms depend on the severity of the course of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy.

Side effects

As a result of the use of Dolobene gel, adverse reactions body:

When processing impressive areas of the body, there is a risk of negative reactions in the form of nausea, respiratory function, diarrhea. In addition, there is a threat of chills and headaches.


Substances have certain restrictions on use. Key contraindications Dolobene gel includes the following:

  • Complex kidney damage;
  • Breast-feeding;
  • Complex pathologies of the liver;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Pregnancy;
  • High sensitivity to the ingredients of the product;
  • Open damage in the area of ​​application;
  • Age less than 5 years;
  • Coma;
  • Cataract, glaucoma.

During the period of bearing a baby, the remedy is not used. This is due to the lack enough clinical information. Lactation is also a contraindication to the use of the composition, since dimethyl sulfoxide is able to penetrate into milk.

special instructions

Before using this substance, it is necessary to cleanse the epithelium from medications, cosmetic products and chemical elements.

Dolobene is strictly forbidden to use for the treatment of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eyes. It is not recommended to treat open wound surfaces or affected areas of the dermis as a result of severe burns, radiation and the formation of postoperative scars.

When treating with a gel, there is a risk of an increase in the photosensitivity of the dermis. Therefore, during the period of therapy, it is recommended to limit the effect ultraviolet radiation and avoid solarium. If adverse skin reactions occur, therapy should be discontinued.

Due to the pronounced absorption of dimethyl sulfoxide, dolobene is not recommended to be combined with other local preparations.

Features of interaction

When combining the drug with other local medicines, there is a risk of increasing the penetration of other substances through the dermis. When using the drug with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which include sulindac, there is a risk of peripheral neuropathy.


Symptoms of an overdose of the drug have not yet been recorded. But it is important to consider that excessive use of the substance in large areas of the dermis can increase the risk of hypersensitivity.

If unwanted symptoms appear as a result of the use of the substance, you should stop it and immediately consult a specialist.

Storage rules


In case of intolerance to the substance, it is worth choosing analogues of the Dolobene gel. There is a medicine that contains the same active substance - hepatrombin C. From the category of anticoagulants, you can choose the following analogues:

  • Venabos;
  • Angioks;

Dolobene gel is an anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic medicinal product which is intended for outdoor use.

Although there are many similar drugs on the pharmaceutical market, it is the most popular because it universal remedy from sprains, bruises and other injuries at home and during sports.

On this page you will find all the information about Doloben: complete instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Dolobene gel. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug with anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, analgesic, anti-thrombotic and tissue regeneration-improving action for external use.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a prescription.


How much is Dolobene worth? average price in pharmacies is at the level of 400 rubles.

Release form and composition

Dolobene is produced in the form of a gel, the color of which is from transparent to slightly cloudy, from colorless to slightly yellowish. The drug is packaged in tubes of 50 and 100 g.

The composition of the gel includes 3 active ingredients:

  1. Dexpanthenol;
  2. Heparin sodium;
  3. Dimethyl sulfoxide.

In 100 grams, the active ingredients are contained in the amount of 2.5g / 50 thousand IU / 16.66g.

Pharmacological effect

The agent has anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and analgesic effects. This medicine comes in the form of a gel. Its properties are influenced by the active ingredients included in the composition:

  1. Heparin improves microcirculation, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It helps regenerate connective tissue.
  2. Dexpanthenol promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. It has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the processes of epithelialization. It is one of the components of the coenzyme, therefore it is involved in many metabolisms. Thanks to him, the tolerance of Dolobene-gel improves.
  3. Dimethyl sulfoxide relieves inflammation, swelling and has a local analgesic property. During inflammation in soft tissues hydroxyl radicals are produced in large quantities, which can destroy tissues around. The active substance Dimethyl sulfoxide inhibits their activity and stops inflammatory process and also relieves swelling. Pain syndrome decreases due to the fact that due to the action of the substance, the conduction of pain impulses in neurons decreases. Dimethyl sulfoxide also locally improves subcutaneous metabolic reactions. Active substance promotes more efficient and deep holding other medicines, if used simultaneously with Dolobene gel.

Indications for use

What helps? Dolobene gel is used in the following cases:

  • with soft tissue edema;
  • with thrombophlebitis;
  • with acute neuralgia;
  • when stretching muscles, tendons and ligaments;
  • with periarthritis of the shoulder joints;
  • with inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis) and tendon sheaths;
  • with bruises, injuries with intact skin;
  • in diseases musculoskeletal system, including at , at , ;
  • with hematomas and joint injuries.


Contraindications to the use of Dolobene are:

  1. Bronchial asthma.
  2. Children's age up to 5 years.
  3. Open wounds (in particular, at the site of application of the drug).
  4. heavy functional disorders liver.
  5. The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.
  6. Severe disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is forbidden to use Dolobene gel during pregnancy. There are no data from clinical studies on the effect of the drug on fetal development, so doctors prefer not to risk the health of the mother and baby.

If there is a need to use the drug during the period of breastfeeding a child (lactation), the baby should be transferred to artificial nutrition, since it has been proven that the active substance dimethyl sulfoxide can be excreted in breast milk.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Dolobene gel is applied to the surface of the skin directly above the damaged area 2-4 times a day. The freshly applied gel should not be covered with a bandage. It is necessary to wait until the gel completely penetrates the skin, and then make a tight tight bandage. Dolobene is used in physiotherapeutic procedures (iontophoresis) under the cathode.

It is also used in phonophoresis as a contact gel. Thanks to active substances drug is increased healing effect from ultrasound therapy.

The duration of exposure to the drug depends on the symptoms of the disease.

Side effects

The drug may contribute to the development of the following undesirable side effects:

  1. Allergic reactions: urticaria, in rare cases -.
  2. Local skin reactions: a feeling of itching and burning at the site of application, redness.

Other side effects: in some cases, the patient may begin to worry bad smell garlic from the mouth. This is due to the presence of dimexide in the preparation. There is a possibility of taste disturbance. Nausea, headache, stool disturbance, difficulty in breathing may begin.


Data on the occurrence of an overdose of the drug are not provided by the manufacturer. Most likely, this is due to a small concentration of active ingredients that are quickly absorbed and are not capable of causing signs of intoxication.

special instructions

  1. In the event of skin reactions, treatment should be discontinued.
  2. Before applying Dolobene, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed of other medicines, cosmetics or any chemicals.
  3. During treatment with the drug, the photosensitivity of the skin may increase, therefore, during the period of its use, intense sunbathing and visits to the solarium should be limited.
  4. Due to the high absorption of dimethyl sulfoxide, Dolobene should not be used in combination with other ointments and gels.
  5. Dolobene should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth, open wounds or damaged areas of the skin (due to exposure, severe sunburn, postoperative scars).

drug interaction

When used externally together, Dolobene may enhance the penetration of other drugs through the skin.

With the simultaneous use of drugs containing sulindac (NSAIDs), with the drug Dolobene, the development of peripheral neuropathy is possible.


The main advantage of the drug is its complex impact, which allows you to carry out in three directions at the same time: pain relief and removal of puffiness, elimination of inflammation, regeneration of damaged fibers and skin cells. The effect of the treatment is noted from the first application of the gel.

The alcohol base freezes pain by rapidly evaporating moisture from skin helping to enhance the analgesic effect.

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