Nephritis in children - types, symptoms and treatment. Interstitial nephritis in children

Interstitial nephritis causes acute or chronic damage to the renal interstitium.

The changes are irreversible. With a long course, the disease leads to kidney failure.

The cause of the condition has not been finally elucidated, but the main etiological factor of the disease is considered to be an immune hypersensitivity reaction that occurs in response to the penetration of beta-hemolytic streptococcus into the body.

There is a pathology against the background of other nosological forms (gout, urolithiasis), so it is difficult to establish the true etiological factor of its occurrence.

The reasons

The main causes of damage to the interstitial tissue of the kidneys:

  • Hypersensitivity reaction;
  • Beta-lactam antibiotics;
  • Diuretics (thiazide).

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According to etiological factors, the following nosological types of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Uratnaya;
  2. Chronic tubulointerstitial;
  3. Acute uric acid;
  4. Bacterial;
  5. Idiopathic.

Urate nephritis develops against the background of a violation of the metabolism of uric acid. The pathology is characterized by bilateral kidney damage, the formation of urinary tract stones.

Interstitial nephritis - two groups

With the localization of the calculus in the pelvis, renal colic occurs. A feature of urate nephritis is the rapid formation of kidney failure. A bacterial infection (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, pyonephrosis) often joins the pathology.

Chronic tubulointerstitial nephropathy is manifested by a pronounced urinary lesion, combined with arterial hypertension. Against the background of pathology, proteinuria is manifested, in which the level of urine protein does not exceed 2 grams per liter.

Half of the patients develop microhematuria. Stones are not found, but there are episodes of sand, azotemia, oliguria, dehydration. A third of patients develop bilateral medullary cysts that do not exceed 3 cm in diameter.

Early addition of nocturnal urination, sclerotic kidney damage, high blood pressure indicates the presence of renal artery stenosis, atherosclerosis with inflammation of the interstitial tissue.

Acute uric acid nephropathy is characterized not only by nephritis. An increase in the content of uric acid in the blood is accompanied by attacks of renal colic, a decrease in the total amount of urine, a hypertensive crisis, and urate crystalluria.

Infectious nephritis is formed with chronic bacterial, viral or fungal lesions of the interstitium of the kidneys.

The medicinal form occurs against the background of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac) or hormonal drugs.

Did you know that detoxifying the blood isn't just for diagnosing kidney failure? , contraindications. The essence of the procedure, preparation, as well as possible complications.

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Many people do not notice the signs of kidney disease, which leads to late diagnosis. Here you will learn about those symptoms that may signal the presence of a kidney disease in an adult and a child.

Symptoms of inflammation of the renal interstitium

The symptoms of acute and chronic interstitial nephritis are different. The pronounced clinical form is characterized by the following clinical signs:

  1. Polyuria - excretion of a large amount of urine;
  2. Hematuria - blood in the urine;
  3. Fever - alternation of periods of increase and decrease in the temperature curve;
  4. Lumbar pain.

Causative agents of infectious interstitial nephritis

Drugs that provoke inflammation of the interstitium of the kidneys:

  • Methicillin;
  • Cephalosporins;
  • Tetracyclines;
  • Penicillins;
  • Anti-tuberculosis drugs (ethambutol, rifampicin);
  • non-steroid drugs;
  • Sulfonamides;
  • thiazide diuretics.

In the literature, there are facts of the occurrence of inflammation of the interstitium of the kidneys when taking allopurinol, cimetidine, phenylin, acyclovir, and some Chinese medicinal herbs.

The effect of certain drugs on kidney damage

Morphologically, with this type of nosology, mononuclear infiltrates are traced, around which non-caseating granulomas are located. Delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions are provoked by the T-cell link of immunity. They are accompanied by the synthesis of immunoglobulins that affect the interstitial tissue of the kidneys.

Diagnosis is difficult due to the nonspecificity of the clinical picture of the disease. Often the only sign of pathology is a repeated wave of fever, in which there are bouts of fever up to 39 degrees.

Delayed treatment leads to the rapid formation of renal failure.

The presence of the following changes in the analyzes helps to identify the pathology of the kidneys:

  1. Hematuria;
  2. Proteinuria more than 2 grams per day;
  3. Decreased glomerular filtration;
  4. Increase in creatinine concentration;
  5. Oliguria and polyuria;
  6. urinary syndrome.

Interstitial nephritis in children

Interstitium nephritis in children occurs against the background of infectious or immune factors. Due to the instability of the protective system, the baby's body cannot successfully withstand aggressive environmental factors.

A feature of pathology in children is the rapid development of the clinical picture, the gradual formation of chronic changes. The tendency to develop renal failure in a child is rarely formed, since children are not prescribed medications.

In childhood, analgesic nephropathy never appears, which is characterized by necrosis of the renal papillae due to the lack of pain medication.


Principles of diagnosis of interstitial nephritis:

  1. Urinalysis to detect pyuria, microhematuria, proteinuria, eosinophiluria;
  2. Biopsy of interstitial tissue for lymph and monocytosis;
  3. Signs of an allergic reaction are of diagnostic value: skin rashes, drug-induced hepatitis, arthralgia.

The pathogenesis of acute interstitial nephritis

When taking an anamnesis, clinical examination, palpation, you should pay attention to some features:

  • Taking medication;
  • Urinary syndrome with the release of no more than 2 grams of protein per day;
  • Renal failure with hypertension;
  • Tubular disorders with a concentration defect;
  • Hyperproteinemia, increased ESR;
  • Extrarenal fever.

Clinical and instrumental diagnostic methods (ultrasound, urography, tomography) allow confirming the morphological changes in the kidneys.


Treatment involves the elimination of the etiological factor, the elimination of symptoms, the prevention of complications. Kidney failure requires hemodialysis to cleanse the blood of toxins.

Principle of hemodialysis by diffusion

Diet for inflammation of the interstitial tissue of the kidneys

Diet for inflammatory changes in the interstitial tissue of the kidneys:

  1. The use of low-calorie foods;
  2. Restriction of the purine diet;
  3. Plentiful alkaline drink;
  4. The daily amount of proteins - no more than one gram per kilogram;
  5. The concentration of fats is equal to the content of proteins;
  6. The use of fish oil provides a nephroprotective effect.

Inflammation of the renal glomeruli disrupts the main function of the kidneys - cleaning the blood from metabolic products. Find out why is a common diagnosis. How to resist this and what is the treatment of glomerular inflammation based on?

Read about the symptoms of female pyelonephritis. The course of the disease in the chronic and acute stages.

Prevention of tubulointerstitial nephritis

Preventive measures include limiting the use of purine compounds, timely treatment of high blood pressure, and preventing the negative effects of blood toxins on the kidneys.

You should not unnecessarily take drugs that can provoke inflammation of the interstitial tissue of the kidneys.

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Interstitial nephritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the kidney tissues and tubules. This disease can develop as a result of a past infection. In addition, it can be formed due to the use of certain medications. The appearance of this disease is often affected by metabolic disorders, intoxication, and in addition, the formation of malignant tumors. Such a phenomenon as interstitial nephritis occurs in acute or chronic form. Next, we find out what symptoms and manifestations accompany the development of this disease in humans. And also find out what kind of treatment is carried out.

Basic information about the disease

So, interstitial nephritis is an inflammatory pathology of the kidneys, which has a non-infectious abacterial nature. In the presence of this disease, pathological processes occur in the interstitial tissues and affect the tubular apparatus of the nephrons.

This disease is considered independent. It differs from pyelonephritis, primarily in that in the presence of pathology, any destructive changes in the renal tissues do not occur, that is, the inflammation process does not extend to the region of the calyces and pelvis.

Interstitial nephritis (ICD 10 N 11.0) can manifest itself at absolutely any age. It can even occur in newborns or among elderly patients. But most often this disease is registered in the age category from twenty to fifty years. The clinic of interstitial nephritis is characterized by a decrease in the functionality and performance of the renal tubules, in connection with this, the presented pathology can be called tubulointerstitial nephritis or tubulointerstitial nephropathy.

Acute and chronic form of the disease

Acute interstitial nephritis is usually expressed as inflammatory changes in the interstitial tissues. In more severe cases, this process can provoke the development of kidney failure. True, this disease has a predominantly favorable prognosis.

Chronic interstitial nephritis is characterized by interstitial fibrosis, glomerular involvement, and tubular atrophy. The chronic type of the disease leads to nephrosclerosis. This form of the disease can cause chronic kidney failure.

Interstitial nephritis occurs in children.

According to the mechanism of development, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Primary. In this case, the pathological process develops in the renal tissue on its own, and not against the background of another disease.
  • Secondary. It develops against the background of an already existing kidney disease and greatly complicates its course. It can also develop due to the presence of leukemia, diabetes, gout and other diseases in the body.

The main causes of pathology

The main causes of this disease include a number of different factors, for example:

  • Use for the treatment of various drugs. We are talking about antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, nonsteroidal drugs, sulfonamides, diuretics, for example, the use of Penicillin, Ampicillin, Cefalotin, Gentamicin, Ibuprofen, Captopril, Naproxen and so on.
  • Transferred infectious pathologies that are caused by various bacteria, for example, streptococcus or diphtheria.
  • Past illnesses caused by viruses, for example, cytomegalovirus or hemorrhagic fever.
  • The presence of diseases of the immune system, for example, the development of systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • development of multiple myeloma.
  • Poisoning with heavy metals, for example, lead, mercury, cadmium and the like.
  • Metabolic disorder in humans.

In the event that the underlying cause of interstitial nephritis remains unclear, then it is called idiopathic. Now let's find out what symptoms accompany this disease.

Symptoms of the disease

The clinical symptoms of interstitial nephritis directly depend on the degree of intoxication, and in addition, on the level of intensity of the development of the disease. Symptoms of the acute form of this pathology usually appear three days after the onset of infectious diseases, such as, for example, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, influenza, sinusitis, and so on. Also, symptoms may appear after the use of antibiotics, medicinal serums and diuretics.

Most often, against the background of chronic interstitial nephritis, patients experience weakness along with lethargy, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting. Often, all these symptoms can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Muscle pain, an allergic rash on the skin, and, in addition, a slight increase in pressure are not excluded.

For the acute form of interstitial nephritis, urination is not characteristic and edema does not occur. Exceptionally in extremely severe cases of this disease, patients may have a decrease in the amount of urine. This can occur up to the complete cessation of urinary flow, thus developing anuria.

The symptoms of interstitial nephritis are very unpleasant.

From the first days, patients may also develop renal failure of varying severity, however, with adequate treatment, these manifestations are quite reversible. They usually go away after a couple of weeks. The concentration function of the kidneys most often normalizes after three months.

Symptoms of interstitial nephritis also depend on the form of the disease.

Forms of the disease

In addition to the main forms of the disease (acute and chronic), this pathology is further divided into the following four types:

  • The development of an expanded form of interstitial nephritis. In this case, the patient expressed all the clinical symptoms of the disease.
  • Against the background of a severe form, manifestations of acute kidney failure along with prolonged anuria can be expressed.
  • With the development of the abortive form, patients do not have anuria, and, in addition, a favorable course of the disease is observed along with a rapid restoration of kidney function.
  • With the development of a focal form, a mild clinical symptomatology of interstitial nephritis is observed. There may be polyuria, which will be expressed in excessive formation of urine. This type of disease is characterized by a favorable course, with which patients recover quickly.

It should be noted that chronic nephritis differs from the acute form in a more unfavorable course. In the later stages of the disease, changes in the functioning of the kidneys are noted, and glomerulosclerosis develops. At the same time, the development of chronic kidney failure is also not excluded.

Among the symptoms of interstitial nephritis in adults, wave fever is often observed along with an allergic itchy rash, lumbar pain, anuria or polyuria, dry mouth and thirst, increased pressure and anemia. The development of glomerulosclerosis can lead to edema and proteinuria. The prognosis of therapy for the chronic form of interstitial nephritis directly depends on the rate of development of kidney failure. In addition, the prognosis depends on the degree of damage to the renal tangles.

Mechanisms of nephrotoxicity in the presence of an acute form

Specialists distinguish five mechanisms of nephrotoxicity in the development of acute interstitial nephritis:

  • The process of redistribution of renal blood flow along with its decrease.
  • Development of ischemic lesions of glomerular and tubular basement membranes.
  • The occurrence of a delayed hypersensitivity reaction.
  • The process of direct damage to tubular cells by enzymes in the presence of anoxia.
  • Development of selective cumulation in the kidneys.

The nature of the violation of the functions of the tubules can vary greatly depending on the location of the lesion.

Diagnosis of this pathology

As part of the diagnosis of this disease, the following methods of examining the patient are taken:

  • Conducting an analysis of the patient's complaints along with the collection of an anamnesis of the disease.
  • Study of the general blood test.
  • Conducting a biochemical analysis of urine.
  • Taking a sample of Zimnitsky and Roberg.
  • Conducting a serological study.
  • Performing a study to determine the specific microglobulins present in the urine.
  • Carrying out a urine culture to identify and identify bacteria.
  • Performing an ultrasound examination of the kidneys.
  • Taking a kidney biopsy.

In addition to the above research methods, other diagnostic methods can be carried out at the discretion of the attending physician.

Carrying out therapy of the disease

Extremely important for the treatment of interstitial nephritis is early diagnosis along with the abolition of medications that provoke the development of this disease. Whenever possible, the number of drugs used should be reduced by replacing them with nephrotoxic agents and non-toxic drugs. Against the background of polyuria, the volume of fluid consumed should be increased, and with oliguria, on the contrary, reduced. Patients with oligoanuria are prescribed hemodialysis, which helps restore kidney function. If necessary, a short course of glucocorticoid treatment is carried out, and in addition, cytostatics are used.

The prognosis of therapy for acute interstitial nephritis is usually favorable. Direct recovery of patients occurs in a few weeks, in extreme cases, it takes a couple of months. Against the background of a slow recovery of kidney function and with prolonged anuria, acute interstitial nephritis can become chronic.

The development of the chronic form of the disease necessarily requires the restoration of the patient's water and electrolyte metabolism. Among other things, measures are being taken to eliminate the causes of damage to the interstitium. Also, therapy is aimed at normalizing the functions of the urinary tract. In addition, therapy is being carried out aimed at treating chronic kidney failure.

Disease treatment program

Treatment of such a problem should be aimed at eliminating provoking factors and restoring renal function. Thus, therapy is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Exclusion of causal factors that cause the development of the chronic nature of the disease. To do this, you should completely cancel the drugs that caused the pathological processes.
  • In the event that there are no symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis, then patients are prescribed a physiologically complete diet that can provide a sick person with the necessary amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and, of course, vitamins. It is equally important to limit the patient in the use of table salt. This is especially useful in the presence of high pressure.
  • Carrying out symptomatic treatment of interstitial nephritis. Such therapy should include the use of drugs called Enalapril. This drug is able to favorably affect renal hemodynamics, thanks to which the level of proteinuria decreases.
  • It is also necessary to prescribe steroid hormones. This is especially true if the nephritis has begun to progress rapidly or is extremely severe.
  • Adjustment in the body of low sodium and potassium levels as a result of too frequent urination.
  • The use of medicines that improve the state of microcirculation. For example, in this case, patients should be prescribed drugs in the form of Curantil and Troxevasin.

Possible complications in the development of pathology

Against the background of the development of such a disease as interstitial nephritis (ICD N 11.0), patients are likely to experience the following complications:

  • Acute or chronic form of kidney failure.
  • The occurrence of arterial hypertension.
  • The development of a chronic form of nephritis.

Prevention of this pathology

As part of the prevention of this disease, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Complete refusal of prolonged use of drugs that are potentially dangerous to the kidneys.
  • Conducting regular urine tests.
  • Sanitation of any chronic foci of infection.
  • It is very important to try to avoid hypothermia. Thus, it is necessary to observe the thermal regime.
  • It is very important to conduct a study of urine against the background of each disease. Among other things, this should be done before and after performing various preventive vaccinations.
  • A person should monitor the state of his body and prevent excessive overwork and frequent fatigue. Thus, excessive exercise should be avoided.

In the event of any symptoms that may indicate the appearance of interstitial nephritis, it is urgent to contact a general practitioner, and in addition to such specialists as a nephrologist or urologist. Untimely treatment may turn out to be ineffective, as a result of which all vital renal functions will be disrupted, while the development of insufficiency of this organ is not excluded, which means that there is a direct threat to the patient's life.

This disease is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys of a non-infectious (abacterial) nature. Interstitial nephritis is localized in the interstitial (interstitial) tissue and affects the tubular apparatus of the nephrons. This is an independent nosological form of the disease, but it is still little known to practitioners.

Symptoms of the development of interstitial nephritis in children

Clinical diagnosis of the disease presents great difficulties due to the lack of clinical symptoms and laboratory criteria characteristic only for this disease. The symptoms of nephritis are similar to other forms of nephropathy. Therefore, the most reliable diagnosis of the disease is a puncture biopsy of the kidney.

Children complain about:

general weakness,


aching pain in the lumbar region,



loss of appetite

Often the mentioned symptoms of the disease are accompanied by chills, fever, muscle aches and allergic skin rashes. /b>

Features of the treatment of interstitial nephritis in children

Early rehabilitation includes rational nutrition, taking membrane stabilizers (vitamins A, E), agents that improve tissue trophism, anti-sclerotic drugs.

Late rehabilitation in the treatment of nephritis in children is a sanatorium stage using all the factors of sanatorium treatment. A rational regimen, diet, physiotherapy procedures (microwave, electrophoresis with novocaine, nicotinic acid on the lumbar region) are recommended. It is advisable to prescribe medicinal herbs (collection according to Kovaleva). Sanitation of chronic foci of infection is being carried out.

Rehabilitation treatment includes hardening, spa rehabilitation, exercise therapy, gymnastics, herbal medicine courses (lingonberries, strawberries, phytolysin).

Dynamic observation after an acute process of the urinary tract is carried out for 3 years, with a chronic one - constantly.

Diet for interstitial nephritis

The composition of the diet: mainly boiled, mashed vegetables, fruits, especially rich in potassium salts (dried apricots, apricots, raisins), cereals and flour dishes in moderation (buckwheat porridge with milk), tea with milk, salt-free white bread, sugar up to 70 g, butter up to 30 g. Add vitamins C, K, group B. Fractional nutrition. Liquids up to 600-800 ml; table salt is completely excluded.

With developing uremia, the daily amount of proteins is reduced to 20-25 g (first of all, the content of vegetable proteins should be reduced - legumes, cereals, flour products, (bread, etc.), since they are inferior in biological value to animal proteins and only overload the body with harmful products of protein metabolism); prescribe large amounts of glucose or sugar (up to 150 g per day).

During the calm period of the interstitial form of nephritis, it is important to beware of infectious diseases, overwork, and hypothermia. Exclude salty and smoked foods, canned food.

Folk remedies for interstitial nephritis in children

Black elderberry flowers, tansy inflorescences, St. John's wort grass, tricolor violet grass, comfrey root - equally.

Rose hips in the treatment of jade - 2 parts, anise fruits - 2 parts, lovage roots - 2 parts, parsley fruits - 1 part, mallow flowers - 1 part, bearberry leaves - 3 parts, birch leaves - 3 parts, harrow roots - 3 parts , wheatgrass rhizome - 3 parts.

Calendula inflorescences, St. John's wort, immortelle inflorescences, chicory flowers, fragile buckthorn bark, knotweed grass, chamomile inflorescences - equally

Black currant leaves, yarrow grass, yasnitka flowers, succession grass, burdock roots, strawberry leaves, birch buds, violet grass, bearberry leaves equally.

Astragalus grass, sweet clover grass, clover flowers, birch leaves, dandelion root, wormwood grass, string grass for the treatment of nephritis in a child - equally.

Chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, tansy flowers, immortelle flowers, burdock root, goldenrod grass - equally.

Thistle grass, cornflower flowers, cinquefoil root, bird cherry fruits, erect cinquefoil root, currant leaf - equally.

Currant leaves, violet grass, lamb grass, blackhead grass, skullcap root, schizonepeta grass, mint grass - equally.

Zopnik grass, basilisk grass, linden flowers, bearberry leaves, wintergreen grass, shiksha grass, volodushka grass, coriander fruits - equally.

Horsetail grass - 1 part, geranium grass - 2 parts, juniper berries - 1 part, adonis grass - 1 part, oregano grass - 2 parts, calamus root - 2 parts, kidney tea - 3 parts.

Grass agrimony, pine buds, celandine grass, calendula flowers, dandelion root, burdock root, currant leaves, oregano herb, yarrow herb, mint herb for the treatment of interstitial nephritis - equally.

Violet grass, mint grass, burdock root, calamus root, oregano grass, St.

Hypericum herb, mint herb, yarrow herb, oregano herb, kidney tea, Kuril tea, succession herb, calendula flowers - equally.

Bird cherry fruits, rose hips, hawthorn fruits, motherwort grass, St. John's wort grass, licorice root, tricolor violet grass, oregano grass in the treatment of interstitial nephritis in a child - equally.

Celandine grass, calamus root, marshmallow root, juniper berries, volodushka grass, coriander berries, linden flowers, bearberry leaves, lingonberry leaves - equally.

Features of folk treatment of children's nephritis in children

For children, it is recommended to prepare infusions and decoctions in the following daily dose of dry medicinal collection: up to 1 year - 1/2-1 tsp, from 1 to 3 years - 1 tsp, from 3 to 6 years - 1 des. l., from 6 to 10 years - 1 tbsp. l., over 10 years old - 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation of fees for treatment: 2 tbsp. l. pre-ground (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist overnight in a thermos. Take during the day, 100-150 ml 30 minutes before meals.

To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 3-4 months, after which they take a break for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment. The course is 12-18 months, after which you can switch to the preventive intake of herbal teas in spring and autumn for 2 months.

Herbal preparations for the treatment of nephritis can be used in combination with other medicines. Improvement in herbal medicine occurs after 2-3 weeks of regular intake of herbs. However, a lasting effect of nephritis treatment can be achieved only in the case of long-term and regular use of herbs (for 8-12 months or more).

Remember that all plants have contraindications, be sure to read them before herbal treatment.

Interstitial nephritis (according to ICD 10 has code No. 11) is an inflammatory process in the intermediate connective renal tissue involving tubules and blood vessels. Gradually, the lesion affects the entire structure of the kidneys.

Pathology appears in the acute phase or chronic form, sometimes accompanied by serious complications with a threat to the health of the patient. The development of the disease can lead to cell death, which causes an irreversible process, kidney failure and a complete loss of organ functionality.

The occurrence of interstitial nephritis is associated with numerous external influences and internal disorders. Factors include:

  • uncontrolled intake of certain drugs (antibiotics, potent antispasmodics, diuretics and antiseptics);
  • poisoning (salts of heavy metals, plant, chemical and animal toxins);
  • infections caused by streptococci, bacilli and other pathogens;
  • violation of metabolism and water-salt balance;
  • insufficient patency of the urinary canals (associated with stones in the kidneys, malignant tumors and anomalies in the structure of the system);
  • ionizing radiation;
  • scleroderma, lupus;
  • allergy.

If during the study the doctor cannot establish the cause of the development of the pathology, then such an interstitial form of nephritis refers to spontaneous.


Jade is divided into two main types - according to the clinical picture and the mechanism of development.

Main classification:

  1. Expanded form (it defines all the specific symptoms and test indicators characteristic of interstitial nephritis).
  2. with prolonged urinary retention and impaired nitrogenous kidney function. The pathological process develops in phases, has a severe course and requires the patient to be connected to hemodialysis.
  3. In the abortive form, urinary retention is not observed, the nitrogen excretion function is slightly impaired. Such interstitial nephritis is characterized by a favorable course with the restoration of kidney functionality.
  4. Focal inflammation manifests itself in the form of mild symptoms. An increased content of metabolic products with a violation of the nitrogen excretion function is practically not observed. In other cases, it may be insignificant. A focal lesion is characterized by increased urine production, which ends quickly. Kidney function is gradually restored. This type of nephritis is the most favorable for the patient.

According to the mechanism of development:

  • damage associated with an immune response;
  • autoimmune disorders or the introduction of external foreign microorganisms.

By type of occurrence:

  • primary (development begins in a healthy organ);
  • secondary (occurs after various diseases of the excretory system and kidneys).


Acute interstitial nephritis flares up 2 to 3 days after the trigger (acute illness or medication). Patients have:

  • pain in the lumbar region of varying intensity;
  • headache;

  • general malaise;
  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • high temperature (in 70% of cases);
  • itching of the skin (in 50% of patients);
  • rashes on the body;
  • pain in the joints (in 20% of patients).

Symptoms of the pathology progress rapidly if necrosis of the renal tissue develops. Acute insufficiency of the affected organ is determined. In such cases, manifestations may indicate an imminent death.


It is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis in the development of interstitial nephritis. The problem lies in the mild symptoms that are observed in most patients. Diagnosis is usually carried out in this way:

  1. Do it only after a specialized analysis, accompanied by a tissue sampling of a diseased organ.
  2. Not always laboratory tests of blood, urine and patient complaints give a detailed picture. In the diagnosis, great importance is attached to the long-term release of large portions of urine.
  3. When diagnosing interstitial nephritis, pay attention to the amount of microglobulin. Its release is enhanced at the first signs of the disease at the initial stage.
  4. The most reliable and reliable study is a kidney biopsy. Puncture tissue sampling accurately shows the level of cell damage and the extent of the focus.


Interstitial nephritis in any form requires hospitalization of the patient. Treatment takes place:

  • If medications have become a factor in kidney disorders, they are immediately canceled. In the acute form, such a reaction leads to the attenuation of symptoms. The first three weeks the patient strictly observes bed rest.
  • To reduce the burden on the kidneys, limit the intake of table salt. The amount of protein products depends on the indicators of azotemia.
  • In complicated cases of interstitial nephritis with fever and impaired urine outflow, high doses of a diuretic are administered intravenously. They help relieve swelling.
  • To stabilize the processes in the body, hormone therapy (prednisolone) is prescribed for at least a month. Gradually, the doses are reduced, but only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • With high blood clotting, it is necessary to take anticoagulants and blood thinners (acetylsalicylic acid).
  • To strengthen the immune system and improve metabolic processes, vitamin complexes (vitamin C, B6, B5) are included in the therapy. If anemia persists against the background of renal failure, iron intake is mandatory.

  • With high blood pressure, the doctor individually prescribes means that stabilize pressure.
  • If a secondary infection is observed, the doctor includes a course of antimicrobial and or antifungal drugs.
  • To stimulate the nonspecific protective properties of the body, immunomodulators are prescribed.

With the abolition of the drugs that caused the disease, stabilization of the renal processes begins. Early diagnosis gives the patient a chance for reverse development, removal of inflammation and restoration of the epithelium and cells of the organ. In the allergic form of interstitial nephritis, recovery occurred after the cessation of contact with the allergen.


Interstitial nephritis can be prevented by:

  1. If you control the intake of medicines.
  2. It is not recommended to independently prescribe potent drugs, continuously use dietary supplements of dubious origin and teas for weight loss.

Interstitial nephritis occupies a special place among urological diseases. This pathology is rare and little information has been collected about it at present. The inflammatory process caused by interstitial nephritis has a non-infectious nature, the disease is considered independent. With early diagnosis, the disease responds well to treatment.

What it is?

The use of drugs without a doctor's prescription can lead to the formation of interstitial nephritis.

Inflammation covering the connective tissue, blood vessels and tubules of the kidneys, but not extending to the pelvis, is called interstitial nephritis. This phenomenon occurs independently, without infection. Recently, the pathology has become known as "tubulointerstitial nephropathy", since damage to the connective tissue of an organ is the onset of the disease. In the future, the process affects the tubules, which provokes glomerulosclerosis. The connective tissue itself can be affected in systemic diseases or vasculitis.


Pathology occurs due to congenital anomalies of the kidneys, certain blood diseases, the presence of bacteria and viruses in the body, heavy metal poisoning, after injuries. Certain medications (eg, analgesics) affect kidney tissue. The disease is provoked by metabolic disorders, the presence of cysts, tuberculosis, radiation damage to the body, mushroom poisoning. Changes in the renal connective tissue are diagnosed with arterial hypertension. Among the most common causes of the disease are:

  • Congenital anomaly of the renal structure - diagnosed in 30% of cases.
  • The use of analgesics by patients, if the drug has been used for a long time (Analgin, Sedalgin, Pentalgin), provokes the formation of the disease in 20% of cases.
  • Uric acid diathesis - 11%.
  • Another 7% are for various reasons. In a significant proportion of patients, the cause of the pathology has not been established.


With interstitial nephritis, the use of complex therapy is required. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, if one has been determined, to stop the use of all drugs that can provoke this disease. For the treatment of interstitial nephritis, medicines are used in parallel with traditional medicine recipes. Be sure to follow the diet.

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