Althea root: medicinal properties and contraindications. Althea syrup: instructions for use during pregnancy and children. Description of the species of Althea officinalis. Description of the medicinal herb

The root is drug collection included in the set medicines, prescribed mainly in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract or bodies digestive system. There are also other indications for use similar drugs.

What is the composition of Althea Root?

Althea root contains a great variety of substances valuable to humans. First of all, we are talking about polysaccharides, which form the basis for mucous substances. In addition, one cannot fail to mention the presence of starch, the content of which is about 35 - 40 percent, asparagine, simple sugars, fatty oils.

Less carotene content minerals, enough starch, there are phytosterols, betaine, uronic acids, and the presence of mineral salts.

What is the action of the medicine marshmallow root?

Preparations containing Altea root are often prescribed to a patient in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the stomach. This is just related to large quantity polysaccharides or mucus-like substances. Interacting with water and some other substances, in particular with hydrochloric acid, these compounds create a fairly strong shell that envelops the inner lining of organs such as the stomach and esophagus.

Moreover, there is a direct correlation between the degree of acidity gastric juice and the thickness of the protective barrier created by medicines and potions containing Altea root. The lower the acid value, the thicker the mucosal barrier layer.

This formation is a barrier that prevents the impact of aggressive factors on the mucous membrane, which creates conditions for starting regenerative processes and restoring the affected organs.

In addition to the protective effect, we should also mention the presence of a detoxifying effect. The fact is that the polysaccharides that make up the mucous membrane, like a sponge, can adsorb on their surface toxic substances, in in large numbers released by infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses. Removal of such formations along with sputum contributes to the speedy removal of toxins from the body and the normalization of the patient's well-being.

The formation of a mucosal barrier can be extremely beneficial in the presence of burn injury skin. Of course, that such funds should be used in the form of lotions or compresses.

In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that Althea root contains substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect, and this is extremely important, especially when you consider that with an infectious lesion of the respiratory tract, the severity of the patient's condition is determined precisely by the severity of inflammation.

There are also some data on the effect of Altea root on metabolic processes in particular on the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and other substances. The use of decoctions of this plant can be useful for such diseases: neurodermatitis, psoriasis and some others.

In radiology, Althea root can be used by adding it to a barium mixture. The presence of this substance improves visualization hollow organs such as the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum.

Gargling with solutions and other medicines from marshmallow root can be useful in the presence of a pronounced cough. It is used more often in pediatric practice. A small amount of active substances can enter the mucous membrane of the respiratory throat, thereby wetting and moisturizing it, inhibiting the development cough reflex.

What are the indications for the drug marshmallow root?

The use of numerous potions and medicines, which include Altea root, can be useful in the presence of the following diseases:

peptic ulcer and duodenum;
Infectious pathology upper divisions respiratory tract, including pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, and so on;
Inflammatory bowel disease;
burn disease;
Infectious lesions skin;
Lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

I note that most of preparations containing this medicinal plant sold without a doctor's prescription. But this should not be a signal to start self-treatment. The use of any medicinal product must be explicitly approved by a specialist, especially if the patient is a child. Don't risk your health.

What are the contraindications for the drug marshmallow root?

The instructions for use do not list any specific limiting factors for the use of the drug marshmallow root, since they do not exist. Preparations from this plant should not be used only in the presence of individual intolerance.

Pregnancy and lactation are not limiting factors. Indeed, in most cases it is necessary additional consultation specialist obstetrician-gynecologist.

What is the use and dosage of marshmallow root?

The use of drugs and potions, prepared and plants, depends on the indications and the chosen dosage form. For complete information, contact your doctor.

What are the side effects of marshmallow root?

In most cases, the use of such drugs is not accompanied by the development of any side effects. AT rare cases allergic reactions may occur in the form of a slight rash, swelling, redness, and so on. In this case, the selection of an adequate replacement of the drug is required.

Preparations containing marshmallow root (analogues)

Althea root is part of the following medicines: Mukaltin, Tonsilgon, Breast fee No. 1, Mukaltin-lect, as well as several dozen other drugs.


Be sure to follow all the prescriptions of the attending doctor, take all the medicines recommended by him, visit preventive examinations, and at the slightest change in well-being, immediately notify the doctor.

Colds are often accompanied wet cough. This symptom must be treated in a timely manner so as not to provoke the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

The beneficial properties of the syrup help to cope with a cough with a cold. A convenient form of release of the drug allows the use of syrup in the treatment of both adults and children. If you follow the instructions, the effect will be noticeable on the second day of use.

Release form and composition

The release of the drug is made in the form of a yellowish-brown syrup. It has a thick texture and a sweet taste. The smell is moderate, reminiscent of the aroma of honey with hints of meadow herbs.

For long-term preservation of useful properties, the drug is poured into dark glass or plastic bottles that do not allow direct light exposure. The volume of the drug different manufacturers varies from 100 to 150 g.

Main active ingredient is medicinal extract obtained from the roots of marshmallow. The beneficial properties of the plant are also found in flowers and leaves, but they healing effect significantly lower than in the roots, therefore, in the production of the extract, they are used in small quantities. Althea grass, like the root, is used to create the bulk of the active ingredient.

The syrup is a 2% solution: 100 g of the product contains 2 g of the active extract. Active substance added to sugar syrup, consisting of a solution of sucrose and water. Pharmaceutical companies sometimes use substances to provide long-term storage preparations such as potassium sorbate or sodium benzoate, but most marshmallow syrups are preserved only with sugar, which retains the drug throughout its shelf life.

Medicinal properties

Althea syrup stimulates motor function respiratory tract and contributes to the formation of mucus in the respiratory tract. The medicinal properties of the drug are associated with its expectorant effect. The medicine works as follows:

  1. 1. The syrup envelops the mucous membrane and remains on its surface long time preventing irritation. This effect is provided by a large number of vegetable slime at the root of Althea.
  2. 2. The drug helps to cough up sputum, softening the mucous tissues. The special benefit of using syrup is manifested in dry, but productive cough with excessively viscous sputum.
  3. 3. The remedy helps reduce inflammation and stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Marshmallow root has a beneficial effect on digestion, prevents stomach irritation and protects mucous membranes from damage. oral cavity and throat.

The drug has the following effect:

  • relieves swelling and inflammation in places of direct exposure;
  • facilitates the removal of mucous masses from the lungs;
  • contributes to the restoration of the body.

Indications for use

The drug is intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • emphysema;
  • whooping cough;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.


The drug is not recommended for use with a dry cough, the remedy can provoke additional attacks. With caution, you should take the medicine for diabetes mellitus. Such patients are recommended to take the syrup exclusively on medical indications and under medical supervision. The main contraindications include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • fructose intolerance; deficiency of enzymes - sucrose, isomaltose;
  • allergic reactions to substances present in the composition of the syrup;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Overdose is marked by the following side effects:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • allergy, manifested in the form of itching and a small rash.

The syrup does not contain toxic substances and components prohibited for use during pregnancy, but pregnant women should consult a doctor to exclude allergic reactions and negative interactions with other drugs.

Marshmallow officinalis is a herbaceous perennial from the Malvaceae family. Due to the rich composition of various useful substances, it has been widely used in folk medicine since ancient times.

In particular, the plant has pronounced antitussive, anti-inflammatory properties and is often included in the treatment of diseases. respiratory system. By this his medicinal properties are of course not limited. Root-based remedies are used to treat many diseases.

How to use this root, medicinal qualities And what are the contraindications of Marshmallow officinalis? What do reviews say about the use of funds based on it, which ones? I invite you to discuss these issues on the site "Popular about health":

Contraindications and properties

Medicinal properties of marshmallow root

Due to the rich, diverse composition, the plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, tonic, tonic and wound-healing effect on the body.

Root-based medicinal products are very often used in the treatment of cough caused by acute respiratory infections, with various inflammatory processes pharyngeal mucosa.

Adults can use the plant to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, peptic ulcer, gastritis. Marshmallow is effective for prostatitis, adenoma prostate, as well as arthrosis, neuralgia and conjunctivitis. Many women use the plant for weight loss and to improve the condition of their hair.

Children are given a syrup based on the root, which is taken for a cough caused by a cold. This tool quickly, effectively dilutes sputum, contributes to its complete, rapid removal.

For treatment, a syrup, infusion or tincture prepared from the root of the plant is used. Let's take a closer look at the recipes for their preparation:

Cooking medicinal products


chop finely fresh root or use dried crushed. Fill with water at normal (room) temperature, observing the proportion - 6.5 g per 100 ml of water. Cover the container with a lid, leave for 1 hour. Strain, take a small sip, every 2 hours.

This tool is used for internal use at complex treatment pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Used for laryngitis, whooping cough, tracheitis.

In addition, it is taken for skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis. It can also be used to normalize metabolic processes in the body.


Pour 20 g of finely chopped root with half a liter of vodka. Close the container tightly, put it on the shelf of a dark, cool pantry. Keep 10 days, strain. It is recommended to take 10-15 caps, with warm water, before meals.

Cough syrup for children

Mix freshly prepared marshmallow infusion with sweet fruit syrup. Let's drink to the child 1 tsp, several times a day. The duration of treatment is 10-15 days.

Please note that these funds can be given to children who have reached the age of 1 year. At the same time, it is better to dilute it in half a glass of slightly warmed boiled water.

Several treatment prescriptions

flu, pneumonia

When treating, you can use an infusion prepared in a cold way (see above) or use this recipe:

Pour the finely chopped root with boiling water, at the rate of 1 tbsp per glass of water. Insulate the dishes with the infusion, wait until it cools down (becomes warm). Strain, take a quarter cup, three times a day.

Gastritis with high acidity

Pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials with half a liter of boiling water, wrap, leave overnight. The next day, pour through gauze, wring out the raw material. Take a quarter cup, three times a day.

For weight loss

Pour 1 tbsp boiling water (glass). Then sweat in a water bath for about half an hour. Strained infusion drink half a glass before meals. For getting pronounced effect take the infusion for 4-5 weeks.

Althea root - contraindications

The root has no serious contraindications. However, it should be taken with extreme caution diabetes. You can not combine the reception of funds based on it with other antitussive drugs that slow down the cough reflex and thicken sputum.

During pregnancy breastfeeding the decision to use marshmallow should be taken together with the attending physician.

What are Altea's reviews?

Most of the feedback from people using Marshmallow is positive. Here is some of them:

From a cough in a child, I use a decoction of chamomile, where I add a little marshmallow syrup. I give to drink little by little, several times a day. My daughter's cough goes away in just a few days.

Marshmallow root for cough was advised by my pediatrician friend. I cook sweet syrup for my little children. This is an excellent expectorant, enveloping agent. The cough goes away quickly. And children drink syrup well, as it tastes good.

I take an infusion from the root for heaviness, pain in the stomach. I cook like this: 2 tablespoons per half liter of boiling water. I insist at least 6 hours. Then I drink with honey, before meals. I recommend to everyone. this is very good remedy with ulcers and gastritis.

I take marshmallow root infusion when I need to tone up my figure and lose weight. The mucus in the root envelops the stomach, gives a feeling of satiety and does not feel like eating. Well, as you know, eat less - lose weight more.

Altea root - excellent tool to improve the condition of the hair. I always rinse my hair with infusion after washing and then do not wipe it. When they dry, they become smooth, shiny, and comb perfectly. No conditioner is required after washing. I recommend to everyone!

As you can see, many people use it and the reviews about the marshmallow root are quite positive. However, before starting treatment, you should always consult with your doctor. Be healthy!

Marshmallow is a perennial herbaceous gray-green plant up to 150 cm high, with a short, thick, many-headed rhizome. It has single or several stems, branched, erect. Leaves are long-petiolate, alternate, pubescent, soft-felt. Corolla five-petal, pink, large flowers. The fruit is a disk-shaped flat polysemyanka. Seeds are smooth, kidney-shaped, brown. It blooms all summer, while it begins to bear fruit in July.


The plant is common in the European part of Russia, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, in the Caucasus, as well as in some places Central Asia. Procurement is carried out in Ukraine, Dagestan, Voronezh region.

Chemical composition

The rhizomes and roots of the plant contain about 35% of various mucous substances - a mixture of hexazones and pentazones. Upon hydrolysis, they break down into dextrose, galactose, and pentose. In addition, starch, l-asparagine, betaine, sucrose, fixed oils; solid essential oil in flowers and leaves.


Althea root is prescribed as an enveloping, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and emollient, which protects nerve endings, gastrointestinal tract and the oral cavity from irritating substances, and also contributes to their removal from the body.

Althea root (instructions for its use are given in this article) was a popular remedy among the ancient Romans and Greeks. Today it is included in the pharmacopoeia different countries peace. Preparations from it are used for tracheitis, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, dyspepsia, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

They are also effective in bleeding from the digestive tract, which are caused by peptic ulcer, as well as in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema. Marshmallow root is included in various breast teas, gargles and emollients. In addition, a decoction of it is recommended for hemoptysis.

medicinal properties

Preparations that contain marshmallow root have been used for various inflammatory diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This is just related to huge amount mucus-like substances or polysaccharides. They, interacting with water, as well as some other substances, including hydrochloric acid, create a fairly strong shell that envelops the inner shell of organs, including the esophagus and stomach.

There is, in addition, a direct correlation between the level of acidity of gastric juice and the thickness of the protective barrier created by drugs containing the root of this plant. The lower the acidity index, the thicker the layer.

This formation is considered a barrier that prevents the aggressive effects of factors on the mucosa. This, in turn, creates conditions for the restoration of diseased organs, as well as the launch of all regenerative processes.

In addition to the protective effect, the detoxifying effect of this plant should also be mentioned. This is due to the fact that polysaccharides, which are part of the mucosa, like a sponge, can adsorb toxic substances released in large quantities by infectious agents, such as viruses and bacteria, on their surface. Removal of these formations with sputum helps fast normalization patient well-being and elimination of toxins.

The appearance of a mucous barrier can be very useful in the presence of skin burns. Of course, such funds must be used in the form of compresses or lotions.

Indications for use

The use of numerous medicines and potions, which include marshmallow root, can be useful in the presence of such diseases:

  • infectious pathology of the respiratory tract (upper sections), including laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, etc.;
  • duodenal ulcer and stomach;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract;
  • skin infections;
  • lesions of the oral mucosa.

Interestingly, the main part of the preparations that contain this medicinal plant, including marshmallow root syrup, is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. But the signal to start self-treatment it shouldn't be. The use of any medicine must be approved by a specialist, especially if the patient is a child. Do not risk your health and the health of your loved ones!

Althea syrup for bronchitis and severe cough

In order to cook this remedy, you need to take 2 g of marshmallow root, then place it in a pre-prepared filter. Prepare a mixture of water and ethyl alcohol. Pour 100 g of this mixture with raw materials, collecting all the flowing liquid under the filter. She then needs to fill in the raw materials again. You need to do this within one hour. From this number of components, the result is 37 g of liquid. Thus, the root of the marshmallow is used. This cough remedy is indispensable.

Add 63 g of sugar to the resulting mixture. Then heat it over low heat, then the sugar will completely melt. At the end, you can add a couple of drops anise oil. For children, we give marshmallow syrup 1 tsp, after diluting it in 50 g of water, 5 times a day.

Children after 12 years and adults are prescribed 1 tbsp. l. previously diluted in 100 g of water means. The course of treatment must be continued for two weeks. If these symptoms persist, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of taking this drug.

For the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma

To do this, you will need marshmallow root (6.5 g). It needs to be filled with 1/2 cup of water. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse for an hour, then strain. Consume 1 teaspoon every 2 hours.

For the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, trigeminal neuralgia, myositis

Lotions with an infusion of this plant will help you with this. 3 tsp fill it with a glass of boiled cold water and remove to infuse for 8 hours, then strain. The tool is ready.

Tincture for the treatment of tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia

You will need marshmallow root (20 g). It must be filled with half a liter of vodka. Close the container, then put it in a dark place for ten days. Drink after straining 10 drops three times a day. The tincture should be taken with caution in diseases of the digestive and urinary systems. To reduce its concentration, you need to dilute the product with warm water.

Joint diseases

You need to take 6 g of dry root, pour 200 ml of boiled cold water over them. Remove to infuse for an hour, then strain and add sugar to taste. The infusion is consumed every 2 hours, one spoonful.


Take the crushed marshmallow root (2 tbsp.) Add 1.5 cups of boiled cold water to it. Remove to infuse for an hour. Then stir with a spoon, then strain. Infusion take three times a day for half a glass for 2 months. This course should be repeated for 5 years three times a year.

Treatment of breast and skin cancer

Take 2 tbsp. l. flowers, roots or leaves of the plant and fill them with two glasses cool water. Remove from the fire, then boil for 15 minutes. You need to insist this remedy for a couple of hours. In this decoction, moisten a napkin, then make poultices for 2 hours on the affected areas. This decoction is not a panacea for the listed diseases, it is only an addition to treatment.

With diarrhea

For the treatment of prolonged diarrhea, a decoction of herbs prepared in red wine is used. In equal quantities, mix the branches of the cuff, wormwood, and marshmallow root (the price of the latter is about 80 rubles per pack). Take 30 g of the finished mixture, then pour 1 liter of wine. On an empty stomach, you need to drink half a glass of warmed broth. Divide the rest into four doses and consume hot.

Treatment of duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer

Take comfrey root, licorice root and marshmallow root (20 g each). A spoonful of this collection must be brewed with a glass hot water. Then boil for 5 minutes, then insist for an hour. Drink every evening a glass of this remedy.

For the treatment of cold, drug or food allergies

AT equal parts take marshmallow root, licorice and elecampane. Mix and separate a spoonful of the mixture from the collection. It must be poured with two glasses of water, covered with a lid and removed to infuse for 10 hours. It is necessary to use the infusion for 1/3 cup in a heated form.


There are no limiting factors in order to use marshmallow root syrup. Means from this plant should not be used only if there is allergic reaction.

Lactation and pregnancy are not limiting factors, although it is better to use the remedy after consulting a doctor.

Althea root: reviews

Reading reviews about the use of drugs prepared on the basis of this plant, we can conclude that they allow you to cope with various ailments. Many say that such remedies help them cope with coughs, joint diseases and other ailments. But negative feedback hard to find. Unless they talk about the impossibility of acquiring marshmallow root in certain regions of our country.

perennial reaching one and a half meters in height. It has a fairly long flowering period (from June to September). marshmallow flowers pale pink collected in an ear, which ends the stem. Althea root has, but may have contraindications.

Its distribution area is the European part of Russia and the steppe areas of Kazakhstan, it also grows in the western part of Siberia. Prefers to settle on the banks of rivers and lakes, in meadows rich in moisture soil.

This plant has long been known to healers. At present it beneficial features used both in folk and traditional medicine. To collect marshmallow in medicinal purposes, it is grown on specially prepared land plots.

Keep in mind! For medicinal purposes, only two varieties of Althea out of twelve known are used.

Medicinal properties

The chemical composition of marshmallow acts as an anti-inflammatory, healing agent that strengthens the immune system.

Used in the treatment of diseases:

  1. upper respiratory tract. Marshmallow contributes to the suppression of the cough reflex, facilitates the thinning of mucus and regenerates the inflamed walls of the mucous membrane.
  2. Digestive system. The ability of marshmallow to create a mucous substance helps to mitigate the aggressive action of gastric juice and other enzymes that affect the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. immune system. The polysaccharides that make up this plant stimulate the activity of phagocytes, increasing cellular immunity.

For women

Marshmallow-based medicines do not contain chemical components that can negatively affect the body, which is, first of all, important in the treatment of women.

Important! At gynecological diseases Althea infusions are used for douching in gynecological diseases.

For breast cancer

It relieves the condition of the breast affected by cancer, if moistened in a decoction of this plant and applied to the diseased area for 2-3 hours. For this purpose, a decoction (2 tablespoons of marshmallow and 2 tablespoons of boiling water) is boiled for 15 minutes and then infused for about two hours.

For breast augmentation

The roots and leaves of marshmallow contain a natural hormone - phytosterol. It is believed that taking drugs based on this plant increases female breast. To do this, you need to take a decoction of marshmallow prepared in milk for three or more months (500 ml of milk and 2 tablespoons of marshmallow bring to a boil). Twice a day, take 120 ml (half a glass) in the morning and evening before meals. After a year of admission, the effect will be maximum.

The decoction can also be prepared on water, without the use of milk (500 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of the plant). Bring the composition to a boil, remove from heat and let it brew for 2 hours. Take half a glass three times a day before meals.

For kids

Marshmallow products have a specific smell and taste, but children like it. Usually they are happy to accept them. You can buy syrup at a pharmacy, but you can make it yourself. For this, an infusion is prepared from the ground marshmallow root.

  1. The plant is flooded with water wine vinegar(2 g of marshmallow, 90 g of vinegar and 20 g of water) and infused for about five hours.
  2. Then it strains. 100 g of sugar is added to the finished liquid and boiled for 1 hour.
  3. Can add anise drops(2 - 3 drops).

For the treatment of inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract in children, 1-2 tsp can be given. syrup diluted in 100 g of warm water. The number of doses is 5-6 times a day after meals. Children aged 12 years and older can be diluted with 3 tsp. syrup. The course of admission is 2 weeks.

How to prepare

For medicinal purposes, the roots and stems of this plant are used. Decoctions, syrups and tinctures are prepared from them. Althea roots are harvested in the fall after the flowering period ends, or in the spring, before they begin to grow. The stems are cut off after flowering begins.

When choosing a plant for harvesting, you need to focus on appearance marshmallow. The stem must be strong and tall. To dig a root, dig into the plant and then dig a hole to reach from the bottom of the root system. Since the root penetrates enough great depth so it's not easy to take it out.

The properties of the marshmallow root are that when wet, it turns into a slimy mass. Therefore, before washing it, it should be cleaned with a brush and only then quickly washed under the tap, wiped with a dry cloth or gauze. Then lay out under the sun, for pre-drying.

After that, all stiff and thin processes are separated from the root. The rest is cut into small bars and dried under a canopy with maximum ventilation. Althea bars strung on a fishing line dry out most quickly.

With an artificially created drying mode, it is important not to exceed the temperature of 60 degrees, as useful properties may be lost. You can determine the readiness of dried raw materials by breaking the root. It should break easily under pressure. If the root bends under force, then it is not ready for storage and may rot.

Note! Dried raw materials are stored in glass jars. It should be carefully protected from water and humid air. Under these conditions, the root can be stored for three years.

How to brew

As a remedy, decoctions, infusions, syrups are prepared from the marshmallow root. There are many ways to prepare them. Here are a few of them.

  1. The infusion is prepared from 2 tsp of dried and crushed root, poured over a glass of water room temperature. After two hours, the infusion is filtered, placed in the refrigerator.
  2. A decoction of marshmallow root is prepared from the dried and ground roots of the plant and warm water, by heating in a water bath for half an hour (1 tablespoon of marshmallow and 250 ml of water). After that, allow the composition to cool slightly and strain.
  3. The syrup is prepared from the prepared broth by adding sugar to it (200 g of sugar per 100 g of liquid) and boiling the mass for at least 1 hour.

What helps

Marshmallow has long been used as an expectorant in inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract. Now not only ethnoscience advises taking this drug, but traditional medicine uses such remedies in the treatment of these diseases.

The properties of the plant to create a mucous substance are used for. Mucus envelops the surface of the stomach and intestines, preventing the aggressive environment from negatively affecting the affected areas. The drugs are prescribed for and duodenal ulcers, for diseases urinary tract, as well as a means to reduce acidity.

Helps obese patients to cope with the excretion of consumed fats, eliminating its absorption into the body and contributing to weight loss. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment skin diseases.


Although it is a non-poisonous plant, in some cases it can cause side effects. There is a possibility of an allergic reaction in case of personal intolerance. An overdose may also cause nausea or vomiting. If such reactions occur, the drug should be discontinued.

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