Other bacterial infections The signs of pathology include. Treatment at home

Staphylococcus aureus causes severe skin lesions in cats. Such a disease is sometimes very difficult to cure. In addition, pathology very often leads to serious complications. Staphylococcal infection is especially dangerous for small kittens. Animals very easily become infected with this bacterium from each other. Every cat owner needs to be aware of the signs and treatment of this. serious illness.

Description of the microorganism

Staphylococci is a group of bacteria. Currently, several varieties of these microorganisms are distinguished:

  • saprophytic;
  • epidermal;
  • golden.

The most common is the golden bacterium. He calls severe inflammation with suppuration.

Translated from the ancient Greek language, the word "staphylos" means "bunch of grapes." Hence the name of the microorganism. Staphylococci under a microscope look like spherical clusters of golden color.

Such bacteria are opportunistic microbes.. Staphylococcus can long time be in the cat's body and not cause any damage. At this point, the bacterium is in an inactive state. But under the influence of unfavorable external and internal factors staphylococcus becomes pathogenic. This is what leads to painful manifestations. Most often, the emergence of pathogenicity contributes to a decrease in immunity.

Causes of pathology

There are certain factors that can contribute to the activation of staph in cats. Under their influence, bacteria become pathogenic and lead to the development of the disease. Can be distinguished the following reasons contributing increased activity microorganisms:

A cat of any breed can become infected with staphylococcus aureus and get sick. However, hairless animals ( different types sphinxes) are more susceptible to infection. They easily form wounds on the skin through which bacteria penetrate. In addition, such animals are often supercooled, which helps to reduce the body's resistance.

Often found staphylococcus aureus in cats of the Persian breed. This is especially true of animals that the owners let out on independent walks. Persian cats are often aggressive and get into fights with their stray relatives. As a result, pets get wounds through which bacteria enter the body. In addition, animals with long hair skin lesions with staphylococcus are more severe.

Is it possible to get infected from a cat

Can a person get staphylococcal bacteria from a sick cat? This way of infection is quite possible. A person can get staph from an animal in the following ways:

  • contact;
  • alimentary;
  • airborne.

Most often, infection occurs through a bite. Even a small wound from a cat's teeth is enough for bacteria to penetrate. The infection is also transmitted if a person does not wash their hands after playing with a pet or cleaning the tray. Also, do not lean close to the nose of the animal. Your face should be kept as far as possible from the muzzle of a sick cat.

Children and the elderly are especially susceptible to the bacteria. Therefore, each person should be aware of the symptoms and treatment. Staphylococcus aureus in cats. This will help to identify the disease in time and protect yourself from infection.


Incubation period may vary from several days to several weeks. At this time, the pet looks quite healthy and his health remains normal.

Then appear general symptoms staphylococcus in cats

  • temperature rise;
  • apathy;
  • thirst;
  • weakness;
  • refusal to eat.

Defeat arises skin- pyoderma. The animal suffers from severe itching. Small sores can be seen on the epidermis. it initial signs staphylococcus in cats. Photos of the manifestations of the disease can be seen below.

If not treated for initial stage, then pyoderma turns into weeping dermatitis. Areas of baldness appear, fluid (exudate) is released from the skin with bad smell. Dermatitis is especially severe in animals with overweight, in cats of long-haired breeds, as well as in pets infected with fleas and ticks.

Further inflammatory process captures hair follicles. Bubbles with purulent contents form on the skin. Due to severe itching, the cat becomes aggressive and irritable. The animal cannot eat and sleep normally.

If left untreated, pyoderma spreads to deep areas of the epidermis and to subcutaneous tissue. Furuncles are formed. The foci of baldness are increasing. Scabs can be seen in the nose.

Staphylococcus in cats can affect not only the skin, but also other organs:

  1. reproductive system. In females, inflammation of the vagina occurs, and then the infection enters the uterus. This leads to endometritis. The cat is worried about pain in the lower abdomen, exudate is released from the genital tract. Cats get inflamed foreskin, and pus comes out of the penis.
  2. Organ of hearing. Staphylococcus aureus causes otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear. In this case, the cat often scratches the ears and shakes its head. Then there is pain syndrome. The animal does not tolerate even light touches on the ears. The shells look swollen and inflamed.
  3. Eyes. Very rarely, staphylococcus aureus can affect the organ of vision. In this case, cats develop purulent conjunctivitis.

Features of infection in kittens

Signs of staphylococcus in kittens resemble the clinical picture of poisoning or gastrointestinal pathology. The baby is suffering from severe diarrhea. Ulcers form in the throat. Such symptoms are often observed in kittens in the first weeks of life.

In such cases, the kitten needs emergency veterinary care. Very often, babies die from dehydration. At staph infection diarrhea is rare in adult cats.


It is very important to treat Staphylococcus aureus in cats on time. AT advanced cases bacterial disease may lead to sepsis. This complication is often referred to as blood poisoning. In this case, bacteria constantly circulate in the plasma. Toxins of microorganisms accumulate in the blood, which have an extremely negative effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Blood poisoning often leads to septic shock and death of the animal.


If staphylococcus aureus is suspected veterinarian orders a series of tests. The manifestations of this infection resemble those of many other diseases. Therefore, for differential diagnosis the following research needs to be done:

  • blood test for bacterial culture;
  • microscopy of scrapings from the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • smears of secretions from the genital tract.

A general blood test for staphylococcal infection is not informative, since pronounced changes observed only at the stage of sepsis.

Treatment Methods

How to treat staphylococcus aureus in cats? This infection requires a long complex therapy. It is impossible to get rid of a bacterial lesion in a few days.

Assign a polyvalent antistaphylococcal toxoid (drug "ASP"). This medicine acts on the cause of the disease. It can kill bacteria. Anatoxin is administered intramuscularly.

Therapy is supplemented with the use of antibiotics:

  • "Gentamicin".
  • "Amicina".
  • "Ciflox".
  • Baytril.
  • "Azithromycin".

It is also necessary local treatment staphylococcus in cats. For this purpose, antibacterial external agents are used:

  • Streptocid ointment.
  • Sulfacyl ointment.
  • "Mafenid".

These drugs are able to destroy staphylococcus, and also have a wound healing effect.

"Anti-staphylococcal bacteriophage" is effective local remedy. The solution is applied to the lesions in the form of lotions or tampons. The drug is particles of special viruses that kill strains of staphylococci.

For little kittens severe diarrhea and dehydration put droppers with saline solutions. The same therapy is indicated for adult cats with severe intoxication.


Staph in cats is easier to prevent than to cure. After all, such a bacterial lesion requires long-term therapy. You need to protect your pet from infection. To do this, it is necessary to exclude contact of the pet with stray cats and dogs. Care must be taken to ensure that the cat's diet is complete. Vitamin deficiency and an excess of carbohydrates in food can cause a decrease in immunity and activation of bacteria.

Streptococcosis (Streptococcosis, streptococcal septicemia, streptoderma) - bacterial disease predominantly young dogs and cats, manifested in acute course septicemia and ompholitis, and in subacute and chronic cases, mainly damage to the lungs, skin, joints and intestines.

The causative agent belongs to the Streptococcaceae family, the genus Streptococcus covering almost 40 species.

Pathogenic streptococci are gram-positive, catalase-negative, non-motile round or ovoioid cocci with a diameter of at least 2 microns, located in pairs or in a chain. They are encapsulated and microaerophilic conditions favor their growth. They grow on nutrient media supplemented with serum or blood. For isolation, it is better to use blood agar, semi-liquid agar with maltose. In addition to capsules, virulence factors are adhesive structures, protein and glucoprotein of cell membranes, hemolysins, hyaluronidase, fibrolysin, neuramidase toxins.

Epizootological strains of streptococci often differ in the set of antigens and immunogenicity. When serological typing for a specific group polysaccharide, RDP and capillary precipitation are used. Of the laboratory animals, young mice are the most sensitive.

Streptococci are particularly sensitive to sunlight and desiccation, as well as to β-lactane, macrolide, and fluoroquinolone antibiotics. True, the pathogen, dried in a protein medium (blood, sputum, pus), lasts up to two months, and in milk - for an hour. It has a natural resistance to aminoglucosides. Heating at 55 ° C kills it in 10 minutes, 2% formaldehyde solution or 20% freshly slaked lime - in 10-15 minutes.

epizootology. Pathogenic streptococci, being ubiquitous microorganisms, are widely distributed in nature, and they are often permanent or temporary symbionts. normal microflora, mucous membranes and skin of animals. Overt infection often develops endogenously - from places of permanent colonization or exogenously - after infection of sensitive tissues.

All types of young animals and adult animals are susceptible to streptococcosis. Streptococcal sepsis of newborns develops in the first days of life, acute lesions of the bronchi, lungs, intestines, skin and joints - mainly up to 3 months of age. In adult dogs and cats, local and generalized pyogenic infection of a streptococcal nature (arthritis, abscesses, eczema, streptoderma) is possible. With an exogenous infection, the source of the pathogen is an animal sick or ill with streptococcosis, as well as mothers with mastitis and endometritis of streptococcal etiology. Streptococci are isolated from a sick animal with nasal discharge, urine, feces and semen.

The pathogen can be transmitted different ways: alimentary with mother's milk, aerogenic, contact, during childbirth, in utero. In dogs, streptococcosis usually presents sporadically. At the same time, the intensity of the epizootic process depends on the degree of violations in the feeding and maintenance of dogs and cats. Factors contributing to the development of the disease are a decrease in resistance, transportation, dirty premises, mixed infections etc.

Pathogenesis. The development of streptococcosis depends on the potential ability of the pathogen to suppress local defense mechanism mucous membranes and skin of the animal, which is determined by virulence various kinds(groups) of streptococcus, its quantity and decrease in resistance. By suppressing the local barrier mechanisms of the mucous membranes and skin, streptococci penetrate the blood, lymph and cause septicemia and streptoderma. Exotoxins of the pathogen destroy the capillary endothelium, diapedesis of erythrocytes and multiple hemorrhages in organs, serous and mucous membranes occur. Septic phenomena and signs of hemorrhagic diathesis are associated not only with the virulence factors of the pathogen, but also with the development of immune- allergic condition, which in acute course leads to death. In chronic course, in addition to dystrophic phenomena internal organs, usually develops purulent pneumonia, pyoderma and arthritis. Dogs often develop abscesses under the skin and in the lymph nodes, eczema.

Symptoms and course. The incubation period lasts 1-2 days, sometimes up to a week. Streptococcosis can be hyperacute, acute, subacute, and chronic in dogs.

Superacute current streptococcosis in dogs begins with sudden weakness, sero-catarrhal conjunctivitis and rhinitis. The temperature rises to 40-41°C. During a clinical examination of a sick dog, we note shortness of breath, wheezing, an arrhythmic pulse, cyanosis of visible mucous membranes with hemorrhages and before death - we note the discharge of foamy fluid from the nose (pulmonary edema). A sick dog develops clinical picture septicemia, and the animal dies a few hours later.

Acute course accompanied high temperature body -40-41°C, increased heart rate and respiration, hyperemia of the conjunctiva, mucous membranes oral cavity and nose, profuse lachrymation and catarrhal-purulent discharge from the nostrils. The heart beat is pounding, the pulse is weak, frequent and arrhythmic, there is no appetite. In the future, a sick dog with increasing weakness and depression dies with signs of septicemia after 1-3 days (septic form).

Subacute course streptococcosis is clinically manifested in a dog by a weak intermittent fever and poor appetite. Then the dogs show clinical signs of lung damage (small-medium and large bubbling rales on auscultation) - pulmonary form, joints (arthritis) - articular form, digestive tract(diarrhea, etc.) - intestinal form and skin (cutaneous form).

mixed form streptococcosis is clinically manifested by symptoms, gastroenteritis and inflammation of the skin and joints. Fecal matter liquid, watery-foamy with an admixture of blood. A sick dog quickly weakens, loses weight, due to diarrhea, the eyes sink deep into the orbits. In case of late delivery veterinary care the death of the dog occurs in 2-7 days.

chronic course streptococcosis is usually diagnosed in adult animals. For chronic course streptococcosis is characterized by intermittent fever, occasional diarrhea and marked signs of pneumonia. , turning into catarrhal-purulent, dry and rare cough becomes later frequent, moist and painful; wheezing and bronchial breathing, with percussion in the region of the lungs, foci of dullness. Weeping eczema, purulent, folliculitis, redness, dandruff develop on the skin, itching intensifies. Foci of inflammation on palpation are painful and hot.

With timely and effectively started treatment, the disease in dogs ends in recovery.

Diagnosis. The diagnosis of streptococcosis is based on the analysis of epizootological data, clinical signs diseases, pathological and anatomical changes and are confirmed by the data of bacteriological studies (detection of the pathogen). In lifetime diagnosis importance It has bacteriological examination blood and contents from purulent foci (where the causative agent of the disease is found).

Differential Diagnosis. When conducting a differential diagnosis, veterinarians need to exclude pasteurellosis, staphylococcosis and other mono- and mixed viral and bacterial infections with similar clinical presentation.

Treatment. Sick animals are isolated in separate clean, warm rooms and complex local (omphalitis, eczema, dermatitis, pyoderma) and general treatment according to the clinical form of the disease. Antistreptococcal serum is administered intramuscularly in doses: dogs - 5-10 ml (2 ml / kg), cats 1-5 ml; if necessary, the injection is repeated after 12-24 hours. At the same time, antibiotics penicillin, tetracycline, macrolides (klacid, erythromycin), cephalosporins (klaforan, fortum), fluoroquinolones (tsifran), sulfonamides and nitrofurans are prescribed to brl animals. The dose and treatment chickens are determined by the veterinarian of the veterinary clinic.

Symptomatic treatment for streptococcosis includes the use of antitoxic, adsorbing, antihistamine, expectorant and other drugs.

During treatment, sick animals are prescribed diet therapy and the introduction vitamin preparations. Young animals are injected with blood from their mothers or undergo a course of autohemotherapy.

In case of skin lesions, disinfectant solutions of rivanol, furacillin or hydrogen peroxide are used, as well as ointments and suspensions - ichthyol, synthomycin, Vishnevsky, Wilkinson, Konkov, etc.

Prevention. In prevention special meaning give complete nutrition to animals. Eliminate food from the diet allergic and itching. Proper veterinary and sanitary order is maintained in the premises for keeping animals and preventive disinfection is carried out. used to prevent streptococcosis inactivated vaccine"Streptoevak", which ensures the production of a sufficient level of protective bodies in dogs, protecting them from disease. The vaccine is administered to puppies twice intramuscularly with an interval of 14 days at doses of 0.5 and 1.0 cm³.

With a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose, the immunomodulator "Polyoxidonium" is used, which contributes to the activation of the body's defenses aimed at preventing clinical forms diseases, and in infected animals elimination of the pathogen and reduction of intoxication. The drug is used at a dose of 250 mcg / kg intramuscularly with an interval of 48 hours.

Rubric: Diseases and treatment

cats- the most affectionate and devoted animals. They are the ones who can keep you warm. cold winter their loving hosts. But very often, beloved pets get sick. One of the main diseases is streptoderma. This disease it is very rare, but not all cats can tolerate it.

Streptoderma - skin, inflammatory disease, which can be transmitted even with the slightest touch, close contact. It wears infectious nature and, if the disease is not eliminated in time, it can lead to lethal outcome.

Causes of the disease

What does this come from unpleasant disease? On the this moment, scientists have identified several reasons for the appearance of Streptoderma. The main ones are presented in this article. It could be:
- Close contact with a sick animal.
- Improper nutrition.
- Bad environmental conditions.
- Viral pathologies.
- Weak immunity.
- Completion of various open wounds, scratches.
- Uncleanliness.

Streptoderma symptoms

How can you tell if your pet has contracted the disease? This infection cats have a very severe course and therefore the symptoms can be very diverse.
- Profuse mucous discharge from the nose and eyeballs.
- Frequent urination(It has horrible smell, may not go to the tray).
- If the cat was on demolition, the babies will be born dead.
- Sputum production in a pet.
- Inflammation of subcutaneous lymph nodes.
- Partial irritability.
- Refusal of food, but a large intake of water.
- The appearance of arthritis in cats.
- Redness on the skin.
- Severe itching.
If they were visible similar symptoms, which last for several days and the cat's condition only worsens, you should immediately contact a specialist.


As soon as the veterinarian makes this diagnosis, he immediately cuts off the infected skin with antibiotics and leaves the pet for several hours in a special isolation room. After antibiotics, it is recommended to ensure that the cat is completely calm, limit his movement and give water with a pipette as often as possible. It is better that the pet does not get cold, otherwise complications may begin. Also, the veterinarian strict diet and certain medicines, for each cat they are individual. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness around the animal, and give vitamins to increase immunity so that the animal does not pick up the infection again.

It is not always possible to take the animal to the veterinarian and therefore often the owners do not turn to specialists for help, but treat their cats folk remedies. Let's look at the most popular home remedies.
The easiest and simplest method. Inflammatory areas of the skin need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide, this process is recommended to be done 7-8 times a day. In a few days, the result will be noticeable. The second method is to decoction medicinal herbs. You need to brew chamomile and nettle, many people know that these plants will help relieve swelling and remove the infection. This solution needs to be infused for several hours, and then, using a cotton pad, lubricate the sores of the animal every hour. The third method is the most efficient. Recommended for adult cats. In the pharmacy you need to buy propolis tincture. Twice a day, in a dotted way, you need to apply the solution to sore spots, you don’t need to do it more often, otherwise burns may appear. If you do this procedure, at least a week, the sores will begin to heal, and the pet will return to Everyday life.
If you listen to these tips, then your beloved pet will be able to quickly recover and again bring joy and love to their owners. Take care of animals to prevent such situations.

In the article I will talk about the main diseases of the ears in a cat: otitis, dermatitis, scabies, ulcers, eczema, etc. I will list the symptoms of these ailments. I will give the reasons for the development of the disease. Why suddenly a clean pet starts to itch and what to do. I will tell you when you need to take your pet to the veterinarian.

If a kitten or cat experiences discomfort or pain in the ear area, they become restless, tilt their head, and act unusually.

The pet becomes irritable, not too willing to make contact.

Ear diseases can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of abundant plaque in the auricle;
  • an unpleasant odor comes from the cat's head;
  • the pet constantly scratches his ears, sometimes he combs them until deep wounds appear;
  • the cat periodically shakes its head;
  • sores, small scratches, a rash appear on the surface of the ear, and in advanced cases a squelching sound is heard.

Any of these symptoms indicate the development of an ear disease.

If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, then a banal fungus can cause deafness or even death of a pet.

Ear diseases and home remedies

Ear diseases are divided into two groups: contagious and non-contagious. The first group includes the presence subcutaneous tick or otodectosis. The second group includes: dermatitis, eczema, necrosis, neoplasms, hematomas, ulcers, otitis media, inflammation, lymphoextravasate.

Scabies mite (otodectosis)

If untreated, the infection penetrates deeper and eventually affects inner ear.

Otodectosis is easily transmitted from a sick cat to a healthy one.

It can develop for many reasons:

  • ear mite;
  • neoplasm;
  • water in the ear
  • head injury;
  • an infection caused by staphylococci or streptococci.

Otitis externa of a cat or cat is manifested by itching, profuse secretion of sulfur.

With inflammation of the middle or inner ear the pet can get sick, then he constantly shakes his head, there is a purulent exudate.

The cat's ears smell unpleasant, they become hot to the touch. The animal often has a fever.

Otitis media is treated with antibiotics, ear ointments and lotions.


This disease is characterized by the accumulation of lymph under the skin. auricle. Reasons for the development of the disease: mechanical impact (trauma, bruises, bites, etc.). Lymphoextravasate develops slowly, while the ear has a normal temperature.

Treatment consists in removing the lymph with a syringe. This procedure should only be carried out by a veterinarian. AT rare cases the skin is incised, then the cavity is thoroughly cleaned and stitched.


Each owner should regularly inspect the ears of his cat at home for the appearance of copious discharge, crusts, sores or other signs of the disease. If the pet began to shake his head, scratch his ear vigorously, or if he had a fever, this is a reason to consult a veterinarian.

Ear infections without treatment can lead to serious complications. If the inflammation spreads to the inner ear, the animal may become deaf.

Many diseases are accompanied severe itching and pain, so it is necessary to start treatment on time.

We and our pets are constantly surrounded by millions and billions of microorganisms invisible to the eye: bacteria, viruses and fungi. Oddly enough, you don’t need to run to bathe in antiseptics: our immunity copes well with threats from the external environment. But not always, unfortunately. If a defensive forces will be undermined (it is not too important for what reason), "harmless" microorganisms are able to quickly take revenge. This is how streptoderma occurs in cats.

If you decipher the term, it turns out that it consists of two words: Strepto and Dermia. The first means that microbes from a huge group are involved in the case, the second - “hints” at. Simply put, streptoderma is called dermatitis caused by the action of streptococci. And this disease has many specific features.

It is believed that potentially pathogenic streptococci can be found in about 30% of the total cat population in our country. As a rule, they coexist quite peacefully with the animal's body, living on the mucous membrane. respiratory organs and on the surface of the skin. They cause disease if they were “created” for this. suitable conditions. In particular, it is for this reason that streptococcal infections are extremely common among the "guests" of cat shelters and other places where animals are kept in crowded conditions. Finally, there is a high risk of streptoderma in cats who have recently had an illness, who have given birth to cats, and also in other cases when the pet's body has not yet had time to recover from some serious stress.

Read also: Inflammation of the pancreas in cats: causes and methods of treatment

Unfortunately, specifically in cats, streptococcal infections run very hard, and therefore dermatological problems the case is rarely limited. The symptoms are very varied:

  • severe sinusitis, chronic diseases upper respiratory tract, the pet is constantly coughing up clots of sputum.
  • Ulcerative lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. That is, the cat has constants and. The latter, by the way, with streptococcal infections tend to "mutate" into keratitis.
  • Copious discharge and nasal cavity.
  • AT severe cases- shock conditions caused by the action of streptococcal toxins.
  • Signs of edematous phenomena (due to the same intoxication).
  • , all subcutaneous The lymph nodes bloated and tense.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Stillbirth and abortion in cats.
  • (in severe cases).

Worst of all, it is in cats that the latent carriage of pathogenic strains of streptococci occurs. There are no clinical signs in such animals, but they spread the pathogen regularly.


Diagnosis is quite difficult. We have repeatedly noted that streptococci can be easily detected in healthy animals, so the results of the study of skin scrapings can not always be considered objective. So that the veterinarian is forced to collect the most detailed anamnesis: how and after that the cat developed inflammation of the skin, did you take this kitten from a shelter, did your pet have contact with other cats or other animals.

Given that in places of crowded keeping of animals very often appear viral infections, correct diagnosis still not easy to set up. In such cases, the decisive factor may be the appearance of foci purulent inflammation on the skin. Scrapings are taken from the border of healthy and diseased tissue or a biopsy is taken, after which the resulting material is used for seeding on nutrient media. Pathogenic strains of streptococci, by the way, grow well on blood agar. If the colony grew from a sample taken from a sick animal directly from the border of inflamed and healthy tissue, the diagnosis can be considered conditionally confirmed.

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