What is the danger of increased uterine tone during pregnancy. Hypertonicity in the expectant mother. Symptoms of hypertension by trimester


Pregnancy is a period when a woman begins to listen especially carefully to her body, and this is true, because even the slightest deviation can give serious consequences. Uterine hypertonicity is especially dangerous. What is the danger of uterine tone during pregnancy, and what unpleasant surprises can happen? Every second woman in a position asks herself these questions.

The danger of uterine tone for pregnancy

If you have uterine tone, then you should take immediate action. You can’t wait a second, because such a state can lead to:

  • miscarry (on early dates);
  • premature birth (at a later date);
  • fading pregnancy.

Also, the expectant mother endangers the health of her baby. Great amount deviations in children are associated with this pathology.

Let's consider each threat separately.


Increased tonemost dangerous condition, which threatens the health of the pregnant woman. In the early stages (up to 28 weeks), it provokes a miscarriage. If a woman feels pulling pains in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Tone in the early stages may occur due to:

  1. Hormonal imbalance in a woman: insufficient production of the hormone progesterone or advanced level androgens. A miscarriage will be prevented if the hormonal imbalance normalizes.
  2. Intense toxicity. Due to regular vomiting, muscle contractions of the peritoneum and uterus occur. As a result, tone appears.
  3. Rh-conflict of the baby's parents, that is, if the mother is positive and the father is negative, then the body may reject the fetus. This is manifested by hypertonicity.
  4. Frequent inflammation reproductive organs and diseases infectious nature.
  5. Bloating and gas formation. When changing intestinal motility, pathology also often occurs.

Sometimes a miscarriage occurs in the first weeks when the embryo has more than 60% genetic defects. Nothing can be done here, nature will take its toll.

With hypertonicity, the fetus cannot fully develop. Muscle constricts blood vessels and the child becomes insufficiently oxygen - this is hypoxia.

A woman in good shape will be able to recognize a uterus on her own at home. In this case, there is heaviness in the lower abdomen, pain of a pulling nature (similar to premenstrual pain), pain in the lower back. In some cases, a pregnant woman may notice on linen specific secretions streaked with blood.

Do not forget that often hypertension does not make itself felt, there are no symptoms. Therefore, it is important to regularly visit a gynecologist who will prevent trouble in time.

preterm birth

Is uterine tone dangerous at a later date? Of course, if it appeared after 28 weeks, then this can cause premature birth. This happens due to:

  • uterine pathologies;
  • infectious diseases;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • endocrine ailments;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • overwork;
  • stress;
  • drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • smoking and so on.

Hypertonicity in the later stages announces itself in the form of a pulling severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar. The stomach hardens. In such a situation, seek medical attention immediately. If a woman feels cramping uterine contractions and / or the amniotic fluid has already passed, then the birth process has begun and no one can stop it. We can only hope that experienced doctors will save both mother and child.

Danger to the health of the unborn child

What threatens the tone of the uterus during pregnancy for the baby? This condition can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, but there is another danger. A woman can give birth at term, but what happened all this time with a child in the womb? Since the muscles, which are constantly in tension, squeezed the vessels of the umbilical cord, the fetus could not fully receive oxygen. Because of this, hypoxia develops. As a result, the child received less nutrients, and this led to a halt in his growth and development. Hypotrophy often occurs.

In the future, all the shortcomings will be visible in the newborn, it is not surprising if further development will not be the same as healthy babies. To avoid this, you should constantly be observed by your doctor, do control ultrasound examinations and pay attention to any changes in the body.

Fading pregnancy

A pregnancy that ended in fading is a type of miscarriage. At the same time, its development completely stops, and it dies. Most often this happens in the early stages, up to 14 weeks. But, there were cases when this happened even shortly before the expected date of birth. For the fetus, there are some periods when it is especially vulnerable. It:

  1. End of the first month of pregnancy (from 3 to 4 weeks).
  2. End of the 2nd, beginning of the 3rd month (weeks 8-11).
  3. Horses of the fourth, the beginning of the fifth month (16-18 weeks).

Important! At the 8th week, the fetus is forming important organs for life, therefore given period considered the most dangerous.

There are certain situations due to which there is a tone, and after the pregnancy freezes. Pregnancy is negatively affected by:

  1. genetic disorder. A large percentage of missed pregnancies belong to chromosomal abnormalities. If the fetus has a large number of anomalies that are incompatible with life, then fading occurs.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. There are two ways in which misfortune can occur. Due to a lack of progesterone and an excess of androgens. If a violation is detected in a timely manner, then fading can be prevented.
  3. Artificial insemination and IVF. Such pregnancies often have a similar outcome.
  4. Infectious diseases. Because the immune system women are weak, he becomes defenseless against viruses and bacteria. Any disease negatively affects the child, especially cytomegalovirus and rubella. You should be careful throughout all 9 months, but the most dangerous period- the first 14 weeks. Even a pregnant woman is hard to bear a common cold or FLU, the consequences can be unpredictable. If the disease is accompanied by a long high temperature body, intoxication, hypertonicity may occur. The child will be missed nutrients, there is a risk of stopping its development.
  5. STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Infection with ureaplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia.
  6. Wrong, inadequate nutrition.
  7. Tight clothing, squeezing underwear.
  8. Sedentary lifestyle.
  9. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  10. Tobacco smoking and drugs.
  11. Unreasonable work.

A missed pregnancy can be recognized by:

  • bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • weakness, chills;
  • soreness of the abdomen (pulling character);
  • suddenly ended toxicosis;
  • a sharp decrease in the mammary glands;
  • lack of heartbeat in the fetus;
  • inappropriate size of the uterus with the term.

In the 1st trimester, when pregnancy fades, there is a drop in basal temperature.

Keep in mind! Until the moment when the placenta begins to exfoliate, the woman will feel both toxicosis and an increase in the mammary glands.

After 14 weeks, you can understand that the fetus has frozen by the absence of movement. The tone of the uterus is a serious deviation that the doctor must eliminate. Do not let everything take its course, as the consequences can be very serious.

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Sometimes long-awaited pregnancy may be overshadowed by such a conclusion of the attending physician as the tone of the uterus. What kind of diagnosis is this, is it worth it to be afraid of, what are the symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy and much more you will learn in this article.

The first symptoms of tone

It is very important for the expectant mother to determine the onset of tone in a timely manner and to respond to it correctly. To do this, you need to know the main signs of its manifestation.

As everyone knows, the uterus is a muscular organ that can contract and decompress like the stomach or heart. During pregnancy, such contractions are not only harmful to the child, but also dangerous to his life, since a miscarriage may occur.

How to detect tone at home

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy can occur both in the first trimester and in the last. To determine its beginning is quite simple for this, do the following:

  • lie on your back and try to relax as much as possible;
  • with gentle touches, begin to probe the stomach;
  • according to the degree of elasticity, determine the presence or absence of uterine tone.

Remember! If the stomach is soft to the touch, pliable - there is no tone; too elastic or hard - indicates hypertonicity of the uterus.

There are several other symptoms that can be quickly identified abnormal behavior uterus:

  • pulling pain, similar to those that a woman feels during or before menstruation;
  • localization of pain is located in the lower abdomen or radiates to the lower back;
  • cramping pain;
  • feeling that the uterus has become a stone and presses down;
  • appearance scanty with blood.

Attention! In case of detection of uterine hypertonicity, contact the gynecology department immediately!

Confirmation of the diagnosis in the hospital

After applying to medical institution, the doctor will try to confirm your fears (or refute) and identify the first symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy. The procedure takes place quite quickly - with the help of palpation, an experienced gynecologist will quickly establish a diagnosis. A tense belly gives reason to refer the expectant mother to an ultrasound specialist to confirm the diagnosis, examination inner walls uterus, cervix. In addition, in special cases, the doctor may prescribe this examination to measure the strength of the contraction, which will allow prescribing proper treatment.

Uterine tone during early pregnancy

The first trimester is the most dangerous for pregnancy. According to statistics, 30% of women miscarry as a result of uterine tone 2-3 weeks after conception. Most women may not even know about pregnancy, and perceive painful spasms as a harbinger of the onset of menstruation.

If you have established that you are pregnant and periodically feel unnatural discomfort, heaviness in the lower abdomen, nagging pain in the lumbar region or ovaries, spotting appears - then immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes such symptoms may indicate a tone and a threat of miscarriage, and in some cases, a frozen or ectopic pregnancy.

Important! Remember, pregnancy is not a disease, but a natural state for the female body, so all pain is considered a deviation from the norm!

We distinguish the tone of the uterus in trimesters

At different stages of pregnancy (trimester) can be clearly distinguished various symptoms uterine tone. Some of them can be dealt with at home, and when others appear, seek medical help immediately. We have already looked at the first trimester and identified a number of symptoms that occur during this period.

Second trimester

It differs from the previous one in its complexity of definition. A woman experiences a large number of new sensations associated with pregnancy, which she may miss and not pay attention to. important symptoms. Be carefull!

  • Doctors recommend using panty liners to detect possible changes in the color of vaginal discharge and contact a antenatal clinic in a timely manner.
  • Pain may also change - the pain spreads to the entire back area. Many inexperienced future mothers think that this is due to an increase in the growth of the abdomen and, accordingly, the load on the back increases.
  • It may be erroneous to write off back pain for renal colic, since the symptoms are very similar.

From the sixth to the ninth month, the woman's body begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth. The uterus can periodically contract, as if exercising before contractions, a woman feels this process. Therefore, it is almost impossible to suspect the danger.

Every pregnant woman should know how to distinguish false prenatal contractions from dangerous tone uterus. Here distinctive symptoms prenatal preparation:

  • not accompanied painful sensations, as opposed to tone;
  • complete absence of blood spotting;
  • contractions do not appear regularly and last a short time.

Due to the large load of the child on the spine, a woman may feel constant fatigue, gravity. As a rule, these symptoms disappear after a short rest, in contrast to the dangerous tone of the uterus.

Important! If you observe one or more manifestations of tone in yourself, consult a doctor for advice.

Cause of tone

Gynecologists consider several reasons that contribute to the appearance of uterine tone during pregnancy:

  • nervous experience, emotional stress, violations in the central nervous system;
  • physical exercise, lifting weights, playing sports;
  • increased amount of male hormones;
  • lack of progesterone;
  • lack of some vitamins or trace elements;
  • various diseases internal organs or the uterus itself (tumor, endometriosis, etc.);
  • changes in the endocrine system;
  • infectious, viral disease;
  • disturbed daily routine, overwork at work or at home;
  • polyhydramnios, a large child or several of them;
  • disease, liver;
  • bad habits: alcohol and smoking.

In some cases, the cause of tone can be severe toxicosis, which is accompanied by a frequent gag reflex. In this case, all the muscles of the body are reduced, including the uterus and causes a spasm. To alleviate toxicosis a little, try not to eat foods that cause vomiting, start taking relieving medications and vitamins.

Also, the cause of uterine tone during pregnancy can be age. future mother- this is under 18 years old or over 30-35.

Most gynecologists argue that food that is harmless at first glance can become the cause of a spasm. Therefore, if you are used to eating such foods, then it is recommended to refuse them during pregnancy:

  • spices - celery, garlic - getting into the body, provoke the uterus to contract;
  • legumes - beans, peas and others - contribute to increased gas formation and internal pressure in the body;
  • salinity - lead to a great need to drink, respectively, swelling of the limbs increases, polyhydramnios and uterine tone appear;

Install true reason tone is possible only in outpatient settings. But, at home, a woman can independently try to relieve stress in the early stages and succeed.

Treatment and elimination of uterine tone

Many doctors do not recommend self-medication with uterine tone, but immediately, after the first symptoms are detected, contact a medical facility. However, in the early stages, some symptoms can be eliminated if several procedures are done.

We remove the tone at home

As you remember, the uterus consists of muscle fibers, so it is enough to relax well to relieve tension. There are several methods by which the expectant mother can tone up and enjoy pregnancy. It should be borne in mind that all the methods described below can be effective in the early stages or serve prophylactic to prepare the body for childbirth.


Oriental cultures use the relaxation method to completely relax the whole body, so this method can be used very effectively during pregnancy.

Lie down on a flat surface or sit in a position where you feel comfortable, comfortable and free from distractions. Close your eyes and try to relax the muscles of your face and neck as much as possible, you can imagine yourself on the seashore and on a beach with golden sand. Breathe evenly and calmly. Feel the tension release as you exhale and the body gradually relaxes.

Exercises that relieve tone

All physical exercises are aimed at influencing certain muscles, including relaxation. Therefore, a properly selected complex helps to achieve complete relief of tension in the uterus.

  1. Get on all fours, hands shoulder-width apart, and slowly begin to bend your back. At the same time, slowly raise your head and do deep breath. Hold your breath for a few seconds and also slowly return to the starting position.
  2. In the same position, arch your back as far as you can, and lower your head with your chin down. Hold your breath and then return to the starting position.
  3. Get on all fours, bend your arms at the elbows and rest on the floor. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes, then rest.

Attention! Do each exercise no more than 3-4 times, after which it is recommended to lie down horizontally for one to two hours.

Aromatherapy treats uterine tone

Nowadays, the use of aromatherapy in the treatment of various diseases. This is due to the ability of oils to act on nerve endings through the sense of smell and have a calming effect.

Choose the most pleasant, soothing relaxant for yourself and carry it everywhere with you. A few drops in the aromamedallone allow you to calm down and relieve stress at the time of the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. With the same efficiency, you can use aromatic baths with the addition of drops of your favorite smell.

Relax with tea

Soothing tea can be used as a treatment and prevention of uterine tone during pregnancy. For brewing, you can use herbs such as:

  • mint leaves;
  • valerian root;
  • leaves ;

Take 1 teaspoon of one of the herbs and pour 250 g of boiling water over it, let it brew for 20-30 minutes and drink warm in small sips. In this tea, it is recommended to add a spoonful of honey instead of sugar and after taking it, rest for one to two hours.

If you have no desire to brew and drink tea from soothing herbs, then you can replace it with taking tablets or syrups based on the same plants. So, for example, you can buy valerian or motherwort in tablets at the pharmacy and take one daily three times a day. Very well help both for the prevention of the occurrence of uterine tone, and for its treatment.

Taking magnesium

Another effective remedy, which can be used to treat and relieve spasm of the muscles of the uterus is magnesium. You can buy it at the pharmacy without a prescription. Take 1 tablet daily for rare symptoms, and with frequent - 2 tablets in the morning and evening. Remember that magnesium is used in combination only with vitamin B6, for better digestibility. The course of treatment lasts one to two weeks, then you should take a break for 10 days, and then continue.

Important! Before taking any medications, consult your doctor.

Medication treatment

Only under supervision or after consulting a doctor can you take pills that effectively relieve uterine tone during pregnancy. You should not take risks and take tinctures from "grandmother's recipes", remember that you carry a new life in you.

First trimester

During the first trimester, your doctor may prescribe pills such as No-shpa. As a rule, on this stage this is quite enough. No-shpa is taken two to three times a day, one at a time. Only in exceptional cases the medicine is prescribed in injections, for quick and effective removal uterine spasm.

Second trimester

If the tone of the uterus occurs during this period, then the attending physician adds antispasmodic drugs to No-shpa. It can be papaverine or magnesium. At home, you can effectively use vaginal suppositories with papaverine, and in clinical situations, the medicine is added to saline and administered by drip. In addition, the doctor may prescribe various drugs to help align hormonal background such as dofaston, progesterone, or vitamins E to support the placenta.

In view of the fact that during this period the body is preparing for natural childbirth, doctors are careful to remove the tone of the uterus, so as not to completely exclude them. Therefore, the main task is to regulate the level of contractions, bringing them to a normal degree. This is done with the help of magnesium B6 and under the strict supervision of the attending physician in the gynecology department.

The general appointment of doctors for all pregnant women suffering from uterine tone is to observe the following rules:

  • complete renunciation of physical activity, including sports;
  • recommended bed rest, in some cases, a pregnant woman is placed in a hospital for preservation;
  • take medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • take sedatives sedatives, for example, Persen, Novopasit, valerian tincture or Sedavit.

As you already understood, the tone of the uterus during pregnancy is quite dangerous phenomenon that needs to be fought. negligent attitude and untimely appeal for help and advice from a doctor, can lead to serious consequences.

As a result of the appearance of tone, the flow of blood to the placenta is significantly reduced, and the child ceases to receive required amount oxygen and nutrients. All this threatens to lead to a delay in the development of the child, placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia (suffocation) and, ultimately, to a missed pregnancy, abortion or premature birth.

As a rule, such consequences have an impact on the health of the mother, since placental abruption, bleeding will later lead to a difficult conception of a new child or the inability to have more children.

Prevention of the appearance of tone

To protect yourself from possible appearance tone, many doctors recommend that a pregnant woman adhere to simple preventive measures from the first days of conception. Let's take a closer look at the advice of doctors.

  1. From the beginning of the first trimester, review your diet, and include foods rich in magnesium. This element not only removes the possible tone, but also perfectly relaxes the muscles of the intestines, stomach and other organs. Magnesium has an effect on the central nervous system, relieves excessive excitability and fatigue. Products containing this element: buckwheat and oatmeal, bread with bran, green vegetables.
  1. Limit all possible factors stressful situations. This includes the refusal to visit cemeteries, funerals, funeral processions. Avoid as much as possible conflict situations, disputes, fights, swearing, because all this leads to overexcitation nervous system, respectively, to the tone of the uterus. Remember that you are carrying a child in you, and nothing is more important than his health.
  1. To avoid the formation of constipation, which often occurs during pregnancy, doctors recommend drinking more fluids, at least two liters per day. Even if you suffer from toxicosis, and you are constantly sick, then drink plain purified water so that dehydration does not occur.
  1. It is recommended to limit active sexual life. During pregnancy, you should not get involved in extreme sex, in unusual places and non-standard poses. On the contrary, choose the most calm, comfortable positions, in which you can enjoy intimacy without harm to the baby.
  1. Start to observe correct routine day. Try to go to bed early to get as much sleep as possible and not feel tired. Chronic sleep deprivation leads to nervousness, overexcitation of the nervous system and the appearance of uterine tone.
  1. Get in the habit of doing daily hiking outdoors. This will not only have a beneficial effect on your body, but also contribute to the development of the hip section and preparation for the upcoming birth. It is also good to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed.
  1. Try to redistribute household duties to relatives, husband or older children as much as possible. This will allow you to reduce the daily load, avoid fatigue and, as a result, you will have more time for rest.
  1. Start looking at the world with a positive, support good mood and try not to think about the bad. This can be achieved by watching cartoons, comedies, funny programs or shows.
  1. Psychologists recommend arranging the future room for the baby, planning the location of the crib, changing table. You can prepare baby things, diapers, sliders. Despite various beliefs that have no justification, premature harvesting sets a woman up for a positive result, good birth and the arrival of a new family member.

By doing these simple recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of uterine tone and fully enjoy a happy pregnancy. Very important future mother be able to recognize the onset of a spasm in time by the symptoms and apply the methods described in the article to prevent it.

Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy scare women in anticipation of a “miracle”. However, such manifestations are not always a pathological condition that threatens the normal course of gestation. After all, the uterus and the fetus developing in it are sensitive not only to physical impact but also to a change in the psycho-emotional status of the expectant mother. Therefore, a temporary tone can occur even in the norm, reflecting the well-being of a woman. What does the tone of the uterus mean during pregnancy and how to find the line between the norm and pathology?

The uterus is a "ball" of smooth muscle fibers, inside which the fetus develops. The walls of the uterus and the body of the fetus do not directly touch each other, they are separated by a thin membrane - the fetal sac, as well as the placenta. The state in which most of the muscle fibers of the uterus is in the phase of contraction, called the tone. It is observed in childbirth, which ensures the “pushing out” of the baby from the womb and is absolutely normal. But the tone during premature pregnancy can lead to disastrous consequences.

How to identify yourself

Signs of uterine tone during pregnancy are not always noticeable to a woman. It all depends on the duration of pregnancy, as well as on the severity of the tone. How can you independently determine whether there is uterine tone during the current pregnancy or not? You can do this by listening to the body and examining your own feelings.

In the first half of the term

Immediately after conception and throughout the entire 1st trimester, the expectant mother can judge that the uterus is in good shape only by subjective sensations. At this time, the body of the uterus is deep in the cavity of the small pelvis, and it is not possible to probe it through the stomach on its own. Therefore, for diagnosis, it is important to know the main signs of hypertonicity.

  • Painful sensations. Most often, pains over the bosom are similar to menstrual ones. Women describe them as pulling, constant or intermittent. Indeed, during menstruation, the uterus also contracts to evacuate the contents. Therefore, the symptoms are very similar.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet. The body of the uterus lies in close proximity to the bladder. With the contraction of her muscle fibers, she literally presses on bladder, causing false urges for urination.
  • Pressure on the rectum. If the body of the uterus is tilted back, then the effect is not on the bladder, but on the rectum. This creates a feeling of pressure and incomplete emptying rectum, soreness in the perineum when sitting.
  • Special sensations. Many women find it easier to describe what they feel during pregnancy in figurative terms. Often they note that in the lower abdomen "something dense as a stone" or "the uterus clenched like a fist", others describe the tone of the uterus as "coldness in the stomach."

For the doctor, these complaints become a reason for an extraordinary examination. A two-handed examination (through the vagina and abdomen) allows you to accurately find out if there is uterine hypertonicity, or if the sensations during pregnancy are caused by something else.

Symptoms of uterine tone may appear for no apparent reason. But more often, hypertonicity occurs after physical overwork, psycho-emotional experiences, during an exacerbation chronic diseases, with a cold.

In the second half of the term

In the 2nd trimester (closer to 18-20 weeks), the enlarged uterus is already well palpable above the womb. From this moment on, a woman can not only subjectively, but also objectively judge the tone. Increased urge to go to the toilet, a feeling of pressure on the rectum, pain in the lower abdomen - all this worries as well as in a short time. In addition to this, you can simply try to feel the uterus through the abdomen. Normally, it should be soft, practically no different from the surrounding tissues. If a woman defines a "hard ball", this may indicate hypertonicity.

In the 3rd trimester, especially on the eve of childbirth, women clearly determine when the uterus contracts. At the same time, the stomach becomes more formed, and not “blurred”. When stroking, the uterus is dense, but there should be no pain and discomfort. When they occur, acute conditions (for example, placental abruption) should be excluded.

How can you confirm the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Every expectant mother can exaggerate her feelings, worrying about the child's condition. Therefore, to confirm the tone of the uterus and the presence of threatening conditions, additional methods diagnostics.

  • Expert review. Already at the beginning of pregnancy, the gynecologist can detect the tone of the uterus. Normally, when palpated, the pregnant uterus is soft, pliable. But with an increased tone, it thickens, and a woman may feel discomfort and pain during examination.
  • Ultrasound procedure. With the help of ultrasound, local tone can be detected. This definition is especially reliable at the beginning of pregnancy. Local tone may be associated with areas of detachment or be caused simply by the study itself. In the latter case, it passes after 10-15 minutes of rest.
  • Cardiotocography (CTG). By using this study it is possible to determine not only the fetal heartbeat, but also the presence of uterine muscle contractions. For this, a separate sensor is used, which is most often installed in the region of the fundus of the uterus on the right or left. Rhythmic muscle contractions will be visible on the graph as waves of different amplitudes, and constant tone- in the form of a horizontal line of a certain height. This method informative to use only from the third trimester. So you can confirm the onset of labor in normal and premature births.

Pathological tension

The causes of uterine tone during pregnancy are diverse. Periodic tone, which is clearly associated with stress or overwork, is experienced by many expectant mothers. However, causes that increase uterine contractions until full-term pregnancy should be avoided as much as possible.

Pathological tone is characteristic of the following conditions.

  • Placental abruption. This is one of the most formidable complications pregnancy. Detachment is called the pathological separation of the placenta from the uterine wall with the formation of a hematoma and subsequent uterine bleeding. In addition to a constant tone, a woman will notice soreness in the entire surface of the uterus and a change in fetal movements. May join later bloody issues from the genital tract. The condition requires immediate medical attention.
  • Abortion. Most often, tone is associated with this condition. At the same time, bloody discharge may join for a short time. At the onset of labor before the due date, the tone of the uterus acquires a cramping character.
  • Anomalies in the structure of the uterus. Periodic tone is observed in women with congenital anomalies uterus: bicornuate, with a septum, saddle. Such features of development increase the risk of miscarriage, which is the reason for the increase in tone.
  • Neoplasms and other diseases. Myoma often causes tone due to abnormal tissue extensibility in the area of ​​the nodes. When fibroids are located on the anterior wall of the organ, they are palpable as rounded focal dense formations. Severe endometriosis of the uterus (adenomyosis) is also the cause of such changes in the myometrium.
  • pathology of pregnancy. If the uterus is overdistended, for example, with polyhydramnios, large fruit or multiple pregnancy, a feeling can be artificially created that she is constantly in good shape. At the same time, only a doctor can distinguish the norm from the pathology.
  • Diseases of nearby organs. With the pathology of organs that are located close to the uterus, the latter can come into tone. For example, when renal colic, appendicitis. Ordinary constipation or bloating can also provoke tone.

Norm Options

In some situations, a normal tone occurs, which passes on its own without consequences.

  • Physical labor. Any physical work, even if a woman feels good during its implementation, it can lead to hypertonicity. This is a kind of evidence of overwork.
  • Touch. As soon as the uterus is well defined above the bosom, a woman may notice that when touched, she quickly comes into tone. This is especially clearly seen when examined by a doctor and is normal reaction to touch.
  • intimate relationships. During sex and for some time after it, the muscles of the uterus continue to contract due to the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes an increase in tone.
  • Fetal movements. Starting from 26-28 weeks, the baby reaches enough large sizes. His movements each time bring the myomerium into a state of some contraction, which is the more frequent and more intense the closer to childbirth.
  • Mom's stress. Psycho-emotional overstrain leads to the release of hormones into the blood, which leads to contraction of the myometrium and the appearance of tone.
  • Training bouts. From the 37th week of pregnancy, a periodic tone appears, especially often occurring at night. Such activity of the myometrium is necessary for the preparation of the cervix.

Although increased uterine tone during pregnancy is not always accompanied by pathological conditions, you should definitely see a doctor if hypertonicity is noted for a day or two, is cramping in nature, or in addition to tone, there are abdominal pains, changes in fetal movements (very violent or absent) or discharge mixed with blood from the vagina.

What is the danger

Normal contractions, for example, before childbirth and after stroking the abdomen do not provoke any pathological changes. But the constant tone of the uterus, especially during late pregnancy, can be dangerous, so if it is present, it is better to get expert advice rather than waste precious time.

The point is that when positioned children's place on back wall uterine tone is the only symptom of detachment. Other conditions, which in this case should be ruled out by a specialist, are:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding.

But only a doctor can distinguish a physiological tone from a pathological one after an examination and a minimal examination (ultrasound, CTG).

How to cope on your own

The gynecologist observing her should tell the woman how to remove the tone of the uterus during pregnancy and prevent its occurrence. The following is usually recommended to prevent hypertension.

  • Relaxing gymnastics. For pregnant women, special sets of exercises have been developed to relax and strengthen muscles. pelvic floor. There is also a whole area of ​​yoga that pursues the same goals. But it is better to engage in such exercises after consulting a gynecologist.
  • Swimming in the pool. Swimming is good for muscle and psychological relaxation. But the pool should be used only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Calming herbs. Pregnant women are more prone to mood swings, they are more sensitive and vulnerable. And psychosomatics can not only provoke the threat of interruption, but also contribute to the development of toxicosis and preeclampsia. Therefore, with increased anxiety, irritability and emotional stress it is useful to take valerian or motherwort.
  • Fight against constipation. The well-coordinated work of the intestines is important for maintaining the normal tone of the uterus. Constipation and the constant straining that follows them can increase the tone. It is especially important to prevent constipation in the event of a threatened miscarriage. To improve intestinal motility, you should increase the amount of fiber-rich foods (fruits and vegetables) in your diet. If necessary, you can use safe medicines for constipation, for example, containing lactulose (Duphalac).
  • Rest properly. It is important for pregnant women to know how to lie down, especially for long periods, so as not to provoke hypertonicity. AT horizontal position you should spend more time on your left side. So the inferior vena cava will not be compressed.

By following these simple recommendations, you can remove the tone of the uterus, which is provoked by overwork or small functional disorders. If discomfort persists or when other complaints (for example, doubtful discharge) are attached, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible.


Treatment of uterine tone during pregnancy can take place at home as prescribed by a doctor or in a hospital, and early and late therapy is different. Medications are prescribed in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories, tablets, droppers or intramuscular injections- it all depends on the severity of the tone.

Medications at the beginning of pregnancy

It is important to observe the medical-protective regimen and rest. With psycho-emotional instability, a pregnant woman is prescribed sedative herbs in the form of decoctions or tablets. For the main treatment, the following groups of drugs are used.

  • Antispasmodics. Help relieve tension in the smooth muscle fibers of the uterus. Tablets or injections of drugs also dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow in the placenta. Examples of funds: "No-shpa", "Papaverin", "Drotaverin".
  • Hormonal preparations. Progesterone-based products are used (Dufaston, Utrozhestan, Susten). Their appointment is effective for really low levels of progesterone in blood tests. With increased tone, natural progesterone (in Utrozhestan) is more often used, which can be used up to 32-34 weeks. Doses and regimens are set individually depending on the clinical picture.
  • Vitamins and microelements. Magne B6 or other magnesium preparations are used (for example, Magvit, Magnefar). This microelement affects muscle contractions, including relaxing the myometrium. It can be prescribed both in prophylactic doses (one tablet once or twice a day) and in therapeutic doses (two tablets two or three times a day).

If during the course of treatment the cause of hypertonicity is found out (detachment, inflammation in the vagina), the corresponding groups of drugs (hemostatic, anti-inflammatory suppositories, antibiotics) are additionally prescribed.

Preparations after 20-22 weeks

After 20-22 weeks, the range of drugs expands. The following medicines are used.

  • "Ginipral". The drug acts on certain receptors, which in in large numbers concentrated in the muscle fibers of the uterus. medicine in the form intravenous infusion effective for removing acute condition(even contractions), and pills - as maintenance therapy. But Ginipral has side effect in the form of an increase in the heart rate of a woman and a fetus. Avoid similar adverse reactions helps the appointment of drugs that slow down the heart rate (for example, it can be both "Nifedipine" and "Verapamil").
  • Magnesia. This remedy is universal during pregnancy. It has complex action and has almost no contraindications. Most often it is administered intravenously by drip, less commonly prescribed intramuscular injections(they are very painful, according to reviews, and can also be complicated by the formation of seals). Usually, the infusion of the solution is carried out in the first half of the day - in the morning.
  • Physiotherapy. Magnesium electrophoresis, Shcherbak's collar, therapeutic sleep are prescribed.

If, during research, changes in the state of the fetus are detected, for example, the blood flow between the child and the woman is disturbed, vasodilators and drugs that improve metabolic processes("Pentoxifylline", "Actovegin").

Regulation of labor activity

Pathological tone can occur even during childbirth. This leads to a violation of uterine contraction, lengthening of labor, sometimes you have to resort to performing caesarean section. To quickly reduce the local tone of the cervix, which arose during active labor, use both antispasmodics and painkillers. At the same time, to ensure adequate pain relief:

With their ineffectiveness, in most cases, delivery ends with an operation.

It is important for women to understand what uterine tone is during pregnancy, when it can be normal and pathological. Timely identified deviations can save not only the baby, but also the life of the woman herself. Therefore, with exciting symptoms, it is better again get a consultation with your doctor.


Any pregnant woman should know how to control the course of pregnancy. In world medicine, it is generally accepted that if there are no alarming symptoms, then an increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy does not belong to the category of diseases. Western doctors consider this to be a normal physiological process.

How pathology manifests itself

Increasing the tone of the muscles of the uterus can harm the placenta. And this is already fraught with violations in the development of the fetus. It may even lead to his death. In the 1st trimester, the condition manifests itself in the following sensations:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • pain resembling menstrual;
  • pain radiating to the sacrum or lumbar.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, these symptoms may be supplemented by hardening and contraction of the abdomen. The woman has a feeling that she has a stone in her stomach. The most alarming with uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy are spotting bloody discharge from the vagina, periodic cramping pain. In this case, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Sometimes during muscle strain during pregnancy, no symptoms may be observed. Deviations can be detected by ultrasound examination and examination by a gynecologist. A woman can find out about the increased tone herself only if obvious signs. As soon as she realizes that there are deviations in her pregnancy, it is urgent to call a doctor. It is not recommended to eliminate alarming symptoms on your own without consulting a specialist. Careless steps in self-treatment can lead to even greater problems.

Uterine tone in the early and late stages

But when the uterine os is open by 5 mm or more, the cervix is ​​less than 3 cm long, then you should worry. This suggests that the pregnancy is at risk. Bloody discharge from the vagina can complicate the situation. Such symptoms suggest urgent hospitalization. At this stage of pregnancy, the cause of this condition can be sexual excitement, physical activity, stress, nervous tension.

If in the early stages a woman has only spasms, and there are no other signs of a threatened miscarriage, then you should not worry. The spasms will pass quickly. In this case, simple manipulations can help. You need to relax, sit comfortably, stroking your stomach, start talking to your child. You can take a warm bath. In the later stages, increased muscle tone may indicate the preparation of the body for labor. Preparatory fights may begin. If there is no opening of the cervix, this phenomenon can be considered short-term. It can be removed as in the early stages. When contractions build up, when a painful sensation begins, medical attention is needed.

Hypertonicity may appear in a pregnant woman at a gynecologist's appointment. With a steady state, a woman should undergo a course of treatment, since continuous uterine contractions can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of hypertonicity

When prescribing treatment for uterine tone during pregnancy, the doctor tries to determine the reasons that led to this condition of the woman. After all, the doctor must eliminate not only the signs of the violation, but also the factors of its appearance.

The main reasons for the increase in uterine tone during pregnancy can be called:

  • deficiency of the hormone progesterone in the ovaries of a pregnant woman and a number of others hormonal disruptions in her body;
  • severe toxicosis, expressed by a strong and repeated gag reflex;
  • increased gas formation, intestinal motility disorders in a pregnant woman (flatulence);
  • abnormal phenomena during uterine development;
  • Rhesus conflict of the parents of the unborn child;
  • drugs, alcoholism, smoking;
  • infectious, cancerous diseases;
  • repeated artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • psychological disorders;
  • improper sleep and rest;
  • stretching of the uterus as a result of multiple pregnancy, as well as a large fetus;
  • excessive physical activity.

The presence of at least one of these factors can increase the tone of the uterus during pregnancy.

The main directions of treatment

The consequences of this pathology can be very severe. it miscarriage and premature generic activity up to 28 weeks. This period is still considered a miscarriage, not premature birth. The fact is that it is extremely difficult to save the fetus before this time. A more favorable prognosis for a period from 28 weeks. Hypertonicity in the later stages poses a threat to the fetus, but not so terrible.

After establishing the cause of uterine hypertonicity, the treatment process begins. Medical preparations recommended for this purpose, should be prescribed only by a doctor. If the condition of the pregnant woman is not accompanied by painful sensations, there is no threat to the child, then doctors can prescribe outpatient treatment.

With an increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy, a special regimen must be observed. It is necessary to completely eliminate physical activity and avoid stress.

  1. Pain in the uterus is relieved with antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine).
  2. Magnesium deficiency is replenished with Magne B6.
  3. Help to normalize the psycho-emotional state sedatives and sedatives based natural ingredients. Well helps motherwort, valerian.
  4. In a critical situation, Utrozhestan, Duphaston, androgen antagonists Dexamethasone, Metipred are prescribed.
  5. If spotting begins, then Etamzilat, Dicinon (hemostatic agents) are prescribed.

Except drug treatment there are other treatments. Physiotherapists prescribe special exercises that help eliminate discomfort during hypertonicity. You can do the following exercise every day. Get on all fours, while the back should be arched and the head raised. They stand in this position for a few seconds, then return to their original position.

Muscles throughout the body are interconnected. You can strengthen the work of the uterine muscles with the help of simple exercises that involve the muscles of the face. You should do this exercise several times a day. Lower your head and relax completely. Next, you should inhale and exhale through your mouth. The exercise can be started from 15 times, gradually increasing the figure to 30.

Evening walks in the fresh air before going to bed have a beneficial effect on the condition of the fetus and pregnant woman. Oxygen deficiency negatively affects the fetus. If possible, the time of walks should be increased, supplementing them with morning and afternoon walks.

If home therapy does not bring the desired result, the doctor decides to place the sick woman for treatment in a hospital. To relieve tension, occasionally you can use medicinal plants. These types of herbal medicine include teas and decoctions. But you need to drink them very carefully and only after the permission of the doctor. Tea with mint, linden and honey helps. Brew such components on a steam bath, mixing all the ingredients in equal proportions. You need to use this remedy 2 times a day.

Well helps to relax tea with lemon balm, motherwort and valerian. All components are brewed in a water bath in equal proportions. For 2 cups boiling water, 1 teaspoon of herbs. Drink half a glass 2 times a day. If the broth is very strong, it is diluted boiled water. Honey is added to tea.

Preventive measures

Even before the onset of pregnancy, a woman must completely cure all existing diseases. genitourinary system and pelvic organs. Today, special motherhood preparation schools are organized for expectant mothers, in which they teach how to relax physically and emotionally. You need to register on time. Gynecological examinations help identify initial development pathology and accept emergency measures. You should not delay this process, since in some cases gynecological control helps to avoid premature birth and save the life of the unborn child.

It is recommended to completely revise your daily routine. During pregnancy, aggressive sex is contraindicated. Caution and accuracy in this matter are extremely important during pregnancy. Do not neglect the intake of vitamins, you need to eat right. Fatty foods rich in carbohydrates, sweet and starchy foods provoke weight gain, which puts a burden on the uterus. You need to include foods rich in magnesium in your diet. These are all green vegetables, hazelnuts, beans. You can use oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

You need to watch your weight and exercise special gymnastics for pregnant. If there are no painful sensations in the abdomen or uterus, there is no bleeding, then you can take warm baths with decoctions of soothing herbs. But before that, do not forget to consult a doctor. Under no circumstances should you use essential oils with strong odors, it can activate the uterine muscles. A pregnant woman should sleep for at least 8 hours.

It is advisable for a pregnant woman to wear a prenatal bandage. Supporting the stomach, it will relieve tension from the muscles of the uterus. Bandages can be purchased at any pharmacy or medical equipment stores. You need to choose a free, non-constricting bandage. It should be comfortable, ideally a woman should not feel it at all.

The tone should pass imperceptibly for the woman. If a pregnant woman feels pulling pains, heaviness and discharge mixed with blood, she should immediately contact her doctor. Hypertonicity has backfire in every trimester.

  • Pregnancy is not always smooth and trouble free. It is not uncommon for women to make a decision about the existence of tone in all trimesters - this is muscle tone. The uterus is also a muscle and tends to contract under the influence of various factors. Ideally, during pregnancy be calm. But if it periodically decreases before conception and after, this is not always bad and problematic.
  • This phenomenon can be safely regarded as normal physiological process, if it is not pursued by any other symptoms and diseases. Muscle contraction should not cause confusion, because it is observed even when a woman simply sneezes. Stress, anxiety and nervousness remain unchanged factors affecting contractions.
  • When making such a diagnosis, you need to ask the doctor in detail about how dangerous it is for you. The consequences of not normal tone can be very deplorable. In the early stages, the tone can provoke a miscarriage, and in the rest - premature birth

Most often, uterine tone is diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester) according to the results of an ultrasound examination.

early pregnancy

It is because of uterine contractions that many women cannot become pregnant. The fertilized egg is simply not able to attach to the wall of the uterus.

Tone up to the twenty-eighth week is considered real threat miscarriage, and only when more than 28 weeks have passed, you can talk about it as a risk of preterm labor.

Unfortunately, uterine tone is diagnosed in 60% of pregnant women, but doctors are trying to do everything possible to exclude all possible causes of its manifestation:

  • replenish the hormone progesterone
  • prescribe sedatives
  • assign "preservation" and recommend calm, not active image life
  • eliminate or alleviate toxicosis
  • eliminate flatulence in the intestines
  • cure inflammatory and infectious diseases

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy on your own?

Determining the presence of tone is not difficult. This will be indicated by very eloquent symptoms that accompany the problem at all stages of pregnancy. When a woman's belly is not yet bulging forward, she may feel:

  • severe heaviness in the groin and lower abdomen
  • pain and cramps, similar to those that accompany a woman during menstruation
  • lumbar pain
  • pain similar to intestinal spasms
  • spotting discharge with blood impurities

To these symptoms in the second and third trimester, you can add:

  • feeling of a tight and heavy abdomen
  • visual petrification
  • belly hard to the touch

A pregnant woman experiencing such symptoms should immediately seek medical advice so that this phenomenon does not provoke a miscarriage or unplanned premature birth. The doctor prescribes a number of medications that have an antispasmodic and mild sedative effect.

the fetus presses on the walls, causing spasms

How to reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

  • Involuntary uterine contractions may be present at all stages of pregnancy. Most often, the tone appears due to a hormonal failure in the body and a lack of progesterone - the female "pregnant" hormone.
  • Starting from the sixteenth week, it may appear as a result of placental growth and fetal enlargement. In this case, it does not require intervention, in others - it is simply necessary to reduce the tone in order to avoid consequences.
  • In most cases, in order to reduce uterine tone, doctors prescribe antispasmodics - drugs that relax muscle organs.
  • The most common medicine is No-shpa, proven over the years. It has a fairly mild and safe effect. In more severe cases you can use fresh "papaverine" or "viburkol"

the tone of the uterus can be reduced with the help of medications

The tone caused by the growth of the placenta can be alleviated by wearing a special bandage for pregnant women. The principle of his work is that he is able to distribute the weight of a woman and facilitate her movement, as well as relieve the load from her back.

Yes, myself physical activity, movement and carrying weights - must be excluded from your life.

A pregnant woman suffering from tonus needs more sleep, walk in parks and breathe the air. It is worth completely reviewing your diet to eliminate fixing foods:

  • sweet foods: candy, chocolate and others
  • bakery products
  • rice groats

It is very useful for women to increase the amount of vitamin E consumed from food, eat bee royal jelly and wheat germ.

Uterine tone in the first trimester of pregnancy

The muscles enveloping the uterus are three-layered, intertwined very tightly. This interlacing allows the muscle to hold the uterus tightly in case of overstrain.

The tone indicates the presence of problems in the body, since the fetus is very small and can hardly somehow stretch the walls of the uterus.

aching pain in the abdomen

In the early stages of pregnancy, namely in the first trimester, the tone of the uterus can appear from the smallest experiences and worries. Stress is not the only reason.

Physical activity, even the smallest, provokes tone. Not infrequently, simple abstinence and the inability to go to the toilet also provoke muscle contractions.

If you nevertheless relaxed, went to the toilet, did not burden yourself with loads, but the tone and pulling sensations do not go away, it is possible that your symptoms are related to something else:

  • hormonal disorders in the body
  • toxicosis
  • lack of progesterone
  • underdevelopment of the uterus
  • Availability oncological diseases in the uterus
  • diseases of the genital organs
  • infectious disease
  • different Rh factor in the blood of mother and baby

If the tone is provoked by external factors, it is eliminated very quickly. If internal - you need to look for the cause with the help of specialists.

Uterine tone in the second trimester of pregnancy

We can say that the second trimester of pregnancy for a woman is the most favorable. In the second trimester, toxicosis goes away and the pregnant woman feels much better. All that can disturb a woman in the fourth, fifth and sixth months is the tone of the uterus.

The tone in this period is provoked various factors, both external and internal. External factors include:

  • weight lifting
  • stress, anxiety, constant nervousness
  • unfavorable lifestyle, bad habits
  • Internal factors:

    • hormonal disorders
    • uterine mime
    • the threat of a breakdown (underdevelopment of the child, different Rh blood factors in mother and baby, congenital anomalies)
    • rapid fetal growth

    at the reception

    Unfortunately, the tone can lead to poor blood flow in a woman's body. This phenomenon can have very unpleasant consequences and inhibit the development of the child in utero.

    The worst thing that can happen to a woman experiencing tone is detachment of the fetal placenta from the uterine wall, since it, unlike a muscle, does not contract.

    Uterine tone in the third trimester of pregnancy

    Minor contractions of muscle fibers are normal for a pregnant woman. Not infrequently, hypertonicity is a consequence of multiple pregnancy ( several children in the womb) or too large a fetus.

    late term, third trimester

    The fetus in the uterus is already large enough, it stretches the uterus and gives discomfort. If the tone is increased, this may well cause premature birth.

    Also, the causes of tone in the third trimester can be:

    • nervous irritation, regular stress
    • carrying weights
    • intestinal gases

    Why is uterine hypertonicity dangerous during pregnancy?

    The tone of the uterus can have different consequences at different stages of pregnancy. In any case, the tone is dangerous for abortion. In the early stages, muscle contractions cause the impossibility of fixing gestational sac on the wall of the uterus.

    fixation of the fetus in the uterus

    Hypertonicity is the cause of constriction of blood vessels, which are the main link between mother and child. It is for this reason that the fetus may not receive development in the womb. It is through blood vessels, the child receives the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen.

    In all three trimesters, hypertonicity causes involuntary abortion. Not infrequently, the tone itself can be confused with the onset of contractions.

    How to treat uterine tone during pregnancy?

    The tone of the uterus, depending on the causes, requires proper treatment. It can be simple manipulations, or it can be a full-fledged drug treatment.

    no-shpa with uterine tone

    Try starting treatment with simple exercises and only if folk ways cannot cope with the sensations, consult a doctor for help:

    • take a horizontal position
    • learn breathing relaxation exercises to necessary moment apply it successfully
    • raise your legs above your head, put them on a pillow
    • drink soothing tea with chamomile and lemon balm
    • stroke the belly with gentle circular motions
    • try not to burden yourself with heavy bags and physical exercises during the day and not be nervous

    The tone of the uterus requires regular taking medical preparations. In the arsenal of every pregnant woman should be sedatives, antispasmodics and vitamins prescribed by the attending physician.

    Exercises to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy

    A number of simple exercises are aimed at eliminating the tone and relaxing the muscular system of the body of a pregnant woman:

    • Exercise "Cat". This is a simple exercise that every woman can do, and it is especially useful for those who are already in the third trimester of pregnancy. It requires the support of a woman on all limbs. Standing on all fours, the back and abdominal muscles relax. It is necessary to stand in a calm state for five minutes, after which bending and raising the back should be performed. You need to fix each position up to five seconds. Blood circulation increases, condition becomes better
    • Exercise "Free position". For this, it is not necessary to perform any special movements. It is enough to take a position in which the uterus remains as relaxed as possible. Take a chair, lean on it with your forearms, put your knees on the floor and sit in this state for a while

    uterine tone requires elimination

    What to do with uterine tone during pregnancy: tips and reviews

    The tone of the uterus pursues almost every woman at different stages of pregnancy. In any case, strong sensations of pain, stretching, spotting are always not normal. The tone requires elimination in any case, since it should always pass asymptomatically and imperceptibly.

    At the slightest health disorder, try to contact your doctor, limit your workload and be in a horizontal mood. Stress is the easiest way to cause muscles to contract, so try not to be nervous, relax and avoid any stress.

    Video: “The tone of the uterus. What to do?"

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