Restoration of menstruation after a miscarriage. When do periods come after a miscarriage? When does menstruation begin after a miscarriage?

The loss of a child, even in the early stages of pregnancy, is a strong psychological blow for a woman. The longer the period, the more difficult it is to restore the body. After a miscarriage, especially in the first three months, it is necessary to carefully monitor menstruation, and the state of the body as a whole. If any deviations occur, you should consult a gynecologist. Let's figure out when menstruation begins after a miscarriage, what is considered the norm, and what is a deviation.

The state of the body and the causes of miscarriage

The psychological and physiological state of a woman is of great importance for a successful pregnancy. A miscarriage can occur at various stages of pregnancy. It is a situation where the developing embryo cannot stay in the uterine cavity for various reasons. A miscarriage is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • bleeding

The appearance of bleeding is due to the fact that the placental bladder breaks away from the walls of the uterus, and leaves it together with the embryo. It is very important that all the remains of the undeveloped embryo come out of the cavity. If this does not happen, then the development of an inflammatory process and even sepsis is possible. In such cases, doctors conduct.

  • pain in the lumbar region

Inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs most often manifest themselves as pain in the lumbar region. This is due to the fact that the nerve endings from the uterus go to the spinal column, and with deviations in the work of this muscular organ, they respond with pain in this area.

  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen

They are associated with spasms in the uterus. To push out the placental bladder, blood and the remains of the embryo, it contracts.

If such symptoms are observed, then you should immediately consult a specialist.

Spontaneous abortion is divided into the following types:

  • early in pregnancy

In this case, in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy. During this period, the woman's body does not yet have time to fully rebuild at the hormonal level. Therefore, this physiological stress will have a less traumatic effect on the reproductive system. After a miscarriage in this period, the woman's body quickly returns to normal.

  • mid-term

The failure of pregnancy for a period of 4-6 months seriously affects the body of a woman. The fruit is already almost formed. In this period, curettage is most often prescribed, since biomaterial particles remain in the uterine cavity.

During this period, the baby is fully formed, and miscarriage is often classified as a premature birth with a live or dead fetus.

With an early miscarriage, the body can recover more easily, since hormonal changes have just begun to take place.

The causes of spontaneous abortion can be different, they can be divided into physiological and psychological.

The nature of menstruation after a miscarriage

After a miscarriage, the woman's body should return to normal. This takes about six months, and if there were complications, the process may drag on for a longer period. After the failure of pregnancy, menstrual function should be restored again. In the first 3-4 months, menstruation may not be the same as usual, and the cycle is irregular.

Expect another bleeding should be a month after the miscarriage. A woman needs to pay attention to the nature of the discharge:

  • amount of blood

Normally, during the first menstruation after a miscarriage, the frequency of changing pads should be no more than 4-5 times a day. If this happens more often, then we can state the presence of bleeding, especially if the color of the blood is not dark, but scarlet.

  • smell

An uncharacteristic smell should also alert, if it is sour, putrid, then there is an inflammatory process. You need to immediately contact a specialist to prevent the development of sepsis.

The color of menstrual blood is usually red with a brownish tint, if the blood is scarlet, then this indicates the presence of bleeding, if the discharge is brown or black, then a hidden inflammatory process.

  • duration

The duration of menstruation after a miscarriage should not exceed a week. If they do not stop, then you need to see a doctor. The menstrual cycle during this period may vary slightly, this is normal, since the woman's body has not yet recovered from a miscarriage.

  • physiological symptoms

The presence of severe pain and spasms should also alert. Such physiological discomfort indicates the presence of a hidden inflammatory process.

If there are any deviations, then you need to contact a specialist. Depending on the test results, ultrasound readings and the physiological state of the woman, curettage may be prescribed for her.

anxiety symptoms

Symptoms such as:

  • the duration of menstruation is more than a week;
  • profuse bleeding;
  • pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fetid smell;
  • irregular cycle.

How quickly a woman's monthly cycle recovers is influenced by various factors:

  • was there a scraping

Any mechanical impact on the uterine and vaginal mucosa, even if done by a high-level specialist, leaves micro-scratches on it, which then heal for a long time and can fester and become inflamed.

Cleaning significantly increases the process of rehabilitation of the reproductive system after a miscarriage. There is a risk of adhesions and neoplasms. Menstruation can remain irregular for a long time.

  • at what time was the abortion of the embryo

The shorter the gestation period before a miscarriage, the better. The body does not have time to rebuild and receives less physiological stress. After that, menstruation usually returns to normal within six months.

  • cause of miscarriage

This also plays an important role. If the cause of the failure of the pregnancy was any traumatic factor, for example, a fall or an accident, then the recovery will take many times longer. With a miscarriage due to psychological stress, the recovery process is somewhat easier.

  • general health

Of great importance is the state of health of the female body as a whole. If the immune system is weakened, there are many chronic diseases, including the reproductive system, then it will take a long time for the menstruation to return to normal.

Causes of irregular periods after miscarriage

Sometimes it happens that menstruation does not recover for a long time. The main reasons for this may be the following:

  • adhesive processes of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • malfunctions of the ovaries;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • severe psychological stress;
  • bad environment and nutrition.

The nature of menstruation after a miscarriage is influenced by a large number of different factors. On average, it takes 5-6 months for a woman's body to return to normal.

How to restore your menstrual cycle after a miscarriage

During this difficult period, a woman's body needs supportive therapy. You should not engage in self-medication; before taking certain drugs, you should consult with a specialist. The main ways to normalize menstruation after a miscarriage include the following:

  • vitamin therapy

Before taking various vitamin complexes, you should consult a gynecologist. Depending on the state of the body and the particular history of the disease, the doctor will select the necessary drugs that are best suited for the speedy improvement of the state of the reproductive system.

  • traditional medicine

Do not forget about the healing power of natural ingredients. To restore menstruation in the period after a miscarriage, various decoctions of herbs, such as oregano, mint, lemon balm, are suitable. They will help calm the nervous system and accelerate the regenerating processes in the body.

  • light physical activity

Do not forget about physical therapy during this period. This will help the body to get in shape and gain strength. However, the load should be light so as not to provoke a deterioration in the woman's condition. To do this, you need to discuss this point with a specialist.

  • walks in the open air

This is necessary to enrich the body with oxygen and restore the psychological and physiological forces of the body.

  • revision of the diet

Don't overload your digestive system. Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Try to eat less fatty, carcinogenic foods and fast food.

  • revision of the sleep and rest regimen

This is necessary, especially in the first time after a miscarriage, so that the body can recover faster.

  • lack of stress

This is one of the main factors for normalization after a miscarriage. Often it is the psychological factor that is the main cause of miscarriage and premature birth.

  • work with a psychologist

Sometimes a pregnancy failure has such a strong effect on a woman's psyche that she can go into a deep depression. It is important to understand that this period simply needs to be experienced, there will still be a chance to become a mother. If you can’t get out of this state on your own, then you need to seek help from a specialist.

Failure of pregnancy is a serious psychological trauma for a woman. In the first months after a miscarriage, it is necessary to monitor the state of the body and the menstrual cycle. With various kinds of deviations, such as an uncharacteristic color and smell of discharge, a long duration, pain, you need to contact a gynecologist. With normal rehabilitation, menstruation after a miscarriage is restored in six months.

For every woman who has experienced a miscarriage, the most important thing is to get out of this situation with the least possible losses - to give birth to a healthy baby after this. The next pregnancy after a miscarriage is planned, and normal periods after a miscarriage are an integral part of a woman's health and future conception.

What you need to know about menstruation after a miscarriage

Bleeding is an essential companion and the first symptom of a miscarriage. Strictly speaking, the first day of bleeding that accompanies a spontaneous abortion is considered the first day of menstruation after a miscarriage. On average, this menstrual bleeding lasts about ten days. Over the next month and a half, minor bleeding may periodically resume. Their duration and intensity are directly influenced by such factors as the transferred nervous stress, the presence of concomitant infections or bacterial complications.

A full-fledged next period after a miscarriage should normally begin in 21-35 days. It should be borne in mind that in the vast majority of cases, a miscarriage is a cause or a consequence of a hormonal imbalance in a woman's body, so the first few cycles after a miscarriage may be longer than usual. Since the regularity of menstruation after a miscarriage is restored over a certain period of time, a woman should consult a gynecologist about her desire to use oral contraceptives.

The first periods after a miscarriage are often quite heavy. Over the next few months (usually no more than two), the volume of menstrual bleeding should normalize, otherwise there is reason to assume the presence of other diseases of the pelvic organs or infection. Such a complication is dangerous with the possibility of developing profuse uterine bleeding that threatens the life of a woman, requires hospitalization and adequate medical measures in a medical hospital.

Massive periods after a miscarriage often lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia. Symptoms of the disease are increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, pallor of the skin. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes iron-containing preparations to the patient in an individual dosage in order to normalize her condition.

Modern medicine differentiates miscarriages on a number of grounds. So, they distinguish:

  • threatened miscarriage;
  • Missed miscarriage;
  • Started miscarriage;
  • Incomplete miscarriage.

If severe bleeding occurs after a miscarriage, regardless of type, a decision is made on additional curettage of the uterine cavity and subsequent ultrasound monitoring of its quality. This procedure has a direct impact on the nature of menstruation after a miscarriage. If remnants of fetal tissues remain in the uterine cavity after a miscarriage, this can lead to infection, bacterial and inflammatory complications, the development of heavy periods after a miscarriage, and even bleeding.

If there is no heavy bleeding, then in modern gynecology it is customary to confine ourselves to ultrasound monitoring of the state of the uterine cavity after a miscarriage approximately once every seven days. In a situation where the uterus is clean or has a small amount of clots, but the woman's condition is satisfactory, drug treatment is indicated - antiprogestins, prostaglandins, etc., as well as medical supervision using ultrasound.

According to statistics, more than 70% of miscarriages end with self-cleansing of the uterus after a miscarriage. Expectant management, if indicated, lasts from two to four weeks.

Cycle after miscarriage

Curettage helps to avoid these and other negative consequences of spontaneous abortion, and the fetal tissues sent for histological examination make it possible to establish the cause of the miscarriage and prescribe an adequate medical correction of the condition. In general, such a set of measures allows you to plan the next pregnancy with minimal risks to the health of the mother and fetus.

In order to normalize the cycle after a miscarriage, a course of treatment is also prescribed. As a rule, it consists of:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Antifungal;
  • Iron-containing;
  • Hemostatic drugs;
  • Medicines that cause uterine contractions.

The restoration of sexual relations is indicated after one menstrual cycle, since the tissues of the uterus after a miscarriage are still injured and can be infected during sexual contact; the first sexual contacts should be protected.

It is necessary to know that a pregnancy that occurs shortly after a miscarriage has a high probability of the same unfavorable outcome, therefore, together with a doctor, it is necessary to choose a method of contraception that is suitable from different points of view (as a rule, these are oral contraceptives).

The female body needs to be restored, to establish the cause of the miscarriage, including examinations of the hemostasis system, and full treatment. It is correct to plan conception only five or six cycles after a miscarriage (at least three). Before that, it is important to make sure that the menstrual cycle is regular, as well as adhere to a healthy lifestyle - normalize diet and sleep, introduce regular exercise and walks in the fresh air. A woman needs to give up bad habits and maintain an adequate emotional state.

All of the above applies to a planned pregnancy. If the conception, shortly after the miscarriage, nevertheless happened unplanned, then you should not despair - it is likely that the body is already ready for a new pregnancy. You should only immediately notify your doctor about it and follow all his recommendations.

uterus after miscarriage

No less dangerous than heavy periods after a miscarriage, for a woman, menstruation is meager. After the actual spontaneous abortion, as well as in response to the curettage that followed it, synechia, that is, adhesions, can form in the uterus after a miscarriage. Intrauterine synechias have an effect similar to a spiral, that is, they act as a local mechanical contraceptive and prevent conception.

Also, scanty periods after a miscarriage may indicate hormonal disorders caused by stress. For reliable diagnosis, the patient is prescribed laboratory tests on the 2nd-3rd day of the menstrual cycle, and hysteroscopy is also performed. In addition, with the help of hysterosalpingography or sonohysterosalpingography, the patency of the fallopian tubes is examined.

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06.08.2018 Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

The sudden termination of a desired pregnancy is always stressful for a woman. There are even more worries about the subsequent state of the reproductive system. And it is menstruation after a miscarriage that will help track the state of health and recognize the problem in time.

When do periods come after a miscarriage?

It is difficult to answer the question of when menstruation begins after a miscarriage without knowing the general picture of the state of the female body.

The following factors influence the rate of recovery of the reproductive female system:

  • the duration of the gestational period at the time of spontaneous abortion;
  • the absence of surgical intervention;
  • the state of the hormonal background;
  • the presence or absence of cleaning the uterine cavity;
  • the presence of complications after the curettage procedure;
  • the number of terminated pregnancies in the past;
  • the age of the patient;
  • compliance with the recommendations of the gynecologist;
  • individual characteristics of the organism;
  • the presence of an external negative impact (stress, anxiety).

In an ideal situation, menstruation will follow the schedule that the woman had before. But the first day of the cycle is already the date of termination of pregnancy. From this time, you need to count the length of your cycle. Normally, monthly bleeding should begin no earlier than the 21st and no later than the 35th day after a spontaneous abortion.

Experts also advise tracking ovulation with the help of tests. It is the period of maturation of a full-fledged egg that will not only tell the date of menstruation, but also indicate the restoration of hormonal levels and reproductive function. After the ovulatory period, menstruation occurs after 14-17 days.

And there are also non-dangerous and more serious deviations, which have their own characteristics, duration, and also differ in certain symptoms.

The nature of the discharge

The first menstruation after a miscarriage remains unchanged in only 5% of cases. Especially the discharge changes significantly if the doctor has cleaned the uterus from the remnants of the fetus. Therefore, due to the admissibility of deviations from the norm, doctors insist on an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) every 5–10 days after termination of pregnancy.

To ensure the normal renewal of the uterine mucosa and reproductive function, it is enough to compare the features of your menstruation with the following indicators:

  1. duration. From three days to a week, taking into account the total amount of discharge. Do not be afraid if earlier menstruation was less than seven days. This is not a deviation if it does not exceed a week period, and blood loss does not cause anemia.
  2. Volume. The amount of blood is from 50 to 150 ml. A slight increase is allowed. But the gasket should not be completely wet in an hour. Otherwise, bleeding should be suspected.
  3. Composition and color. Dark red and red-brown shades are considered normal. Clots up to 1.5 cm may be present without an unpleasant odor and pus.
  4. Cycle state. Full recovery can occur both after 1 month and after several. If the situation does not stabilize within three months, you should consult a doctor for help and undergo an examination.
  5. Additional sensations. PMS, mild pain at the beginning of the cycle in the lumbar abdomen, moderate weakness, mood swings are the norm.

When menstrual flow is very different from medical standards, you need to visit your gynecologist and get tested. Most often, belated stabilization is caused by stress and emotional overstrain, but inflammation and other negative consequences cannot be ruled out.

Menstruation after a complete miscarriage

The onset of menstruation after an early miscarriage without cleaning most often occurs on schedule. But only on the condition that there was no severe hormonal failure, and the remnants of the embryo were completely gone.

With a complete miscarriage or spontaneous interruption of the gestation period, minor bleeding quickly stops, and unpleasant symptoms are practically not observed.

It is the complete cleansing of the uterus from fetal residues, the absence of inflammatory processes and a short gestation period that allow the body to fully recover in a new cycle after a miscarriage. Minor delays and modifications of menstruation are possible, but such processes are of a short-term nature and disappear in the second, third month.

Menstruation after miscarriage with curettage

With an incomplete or failed miscarriage, there is a need for surgical intervention. The specialist conducts curettage to prevent inflammation, severe bleeding and other negative consequences.

The most modern method of treatment is a separate diagnostic curettage. When cleaning blindly, there is a high probability of leaving particles of the placenta inside the uterine cavity. And also curettage is prescribed if there is a suspicion that the fetus came out spontaneously, but not completely.

Expecting the start of menstruation after a miscarriage with cleaning, it must be borne in mind that the first day of the cycle is precisely the date of scraping, and not the termination of pregnancy. And in this case, a delay of up to two months is allowed due to the following:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • severe stress for the body;
  • damage to the endometrium (uterine lining).

Dangerous secretions

The following menstruation may indicate violations:

  1. Scarce. A small amount of bleeding (a few drops on a pad) often indicates the development of a severe hormonal failure or the formation of adhesions after cleaning. It is necessary to determine what caused the obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as well as undergo therapy.
  2. Abundant. Unusually large blood loss during menstruation precedes the development of dangerous iron deficiency anemia. Common causes are incomplete miscarriage or sudden onset of bleeding.
  3. Atypical. The presence of an unpleasant odor, significant clots, pus and discharge with a scarlet or pink tint cannot be considered the norm. The doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

If the menstruation went ahead of time

Even if the patient knows when menstruation comes after a miscarriage, do not be afraid of early bloody marks on the pad. The next period can begin in 21 days, even if the cycle was longer before.

All discharges up to this time, if they do not resemble bleeding, can be attributed to the consequences of a sudden termination of pregnancy. The maximum duration is up to 10 days, but recurrence of bloody marks on the gasket is allowed.

Why is there no menstruation

The absence of menstrual flow after a miscarriage with cleansing for 1.5-2 months is not a pathology. But only on condition that the doctor confirmed the absence of negative processes in the body.

In other cases, if there is no menstruation after a miscarriage, the following should be suspected:

  • the onset of a new pregnancy;
  • inflammatory process;
  • the formation of adhesions;
  • strong feelings;
  • non-compliance with doctor's recommendations;
  • functional disorders of the ovaries.

The material of the article on the site cannot replace a full consultation with a doctor or examination. It is worth abandoning hasty conclusions and not immediately suspect pathology. Short delays and changes in the characteristics of menstruation are normal, if all indicators fit into medical standards.

Subject to a regular menstrual cycle and a normal hormonal background, menstruation after a miscarriage will occur on days 21-35. Roughly speaking, the first day of bleeding that accompanies a spontaneous abortion is considered the first day of menstruation after a miscarriage.

Bleeding can be the cause or result of a hormonal imbalance in a woman's body.

This worries many women who have experienced a miscarriage, as they look forward to their next opportunity to conceive, carry, and give birth to a healthy baby.

Definition and consequences of the phenomenon

A miscarriage is a spontaneous pathological termination of pregnancy.

A miscarriage occurs under the influence of several factors:

  • infection in the internal genital organs;
  • infection throughout the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • experienced severe stress;
  • weakened body after severe illness

Spontaneous abortion begins with severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen, back pain. The temperature rises, weakness, chills appear, severe bleeding begins. With blood, the uterus pushes out the fetal egg and placenta. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

The bleeding can last for about 10 days, give or take a few days. After the discharge stops, specialists should conduct an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity for the presence of remains of the fetus or placenta.

If, after the examination, particles were found in the uterus, the uterine cavity is scraped. Remnants of the fetal egg are mechanically removed. These materials are sent for examination to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion.

After an early miscarriage and cleansing, doctors prescribe medication: anti-inflammatory, antifungal, painkillers, antibacterial medications, iron supplements, vitamins, medical supervision, frequent checks of the uterus on an ultrasound machine. With severe bleeding, hemostatic drugs are prescribed that cause uterine contractions.


Cycle recovery

As mentioned above, a miscarriage is considered the first day of menstruation. In the period between this cycle and the next, slight spotting may appear.

Menstruation after a miscarriage without cleaning, provided that the uterus is in a satisfactory condition (its cavity must be clean after spontaneous cleansing), will come the next month.

The onset of the next menstruation may begin on time or be late. The duration and intensity of the next menstruation after a miscarriage may vary depending on the state of the hormonal background, the stress experienced, the presence of a bacterial or fungal infection.

When periods begin after a miscarriage, they may last more days than usual, or may be shorter. There may also be changes in intensity. The volume of monthly bleeding may increase or, conversely, become scarce. Abundant periods are associated with the remaining particles of the amniotic membrane. Abundant menstruation threatens a woman's health with anemia. The body weakens, exhausted, immunity decreases. This is inconvenient and unpleasant. After cleaning, particles of the membranes and tissues of the fetus can sometimes remain. Therefore, re-cleaning is required. It is worth insisting on an ultrasound examination.

Bleeding during a miscarriage and subsequent menstruation with remnants of unscraped particles in the uterine cavity are often accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, back, high fever, weakness, chills. In any case, you must consult a doctor.

Scanty periods are no less dangerous. The causes of scanty menstruation can be severe stressful situations, the formation of adhesions on the walls of the uterus, hormonal disorders. Adhesions become a serious obstacle to the occurrence of pregnancy. They act like a contraceptive intrauterine device, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

If there is no menstruation, it is necessary to exclude the presence of pregnancy, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Menstruation may not begin due to a functional disorder of the ovaries. It happens that there is no ovulation even a few months after curettage. The doctor must find out the reason.

In case of hormonal disorders, tests are carried out, hormonal preparations are prescribed. A woman needs to change her lifestyle.

Sex life and pregnancy

When menstruation comes after a miscarriage, sexual activity can begin after a month (or one menstrual cycle). Since the walls of the uterus are still inflamed, the cervix is ​​ajar, infection of the genital organs is possible.

After a miscarriage, the menstrual cycle will improve for 2-3 months. Even if the cycle is restored the next month, you should resort to contraception during intercourse. Doctors do not advise getting pregnant in the first six months after the incident. The woman's body is weak, it takes time to recover, if a pregnancy occurs, the same outcome is possible. The uterus should also come into tone. It is better to allocate this time to treat the causes that caused spontaneous abortion, to restore and improve health: go in for sports, improve nutrition, give up bad habits, walk more often in the fresh air. Pregnancy should be planned and prepared for it.

If, nevertheless, pregnancy has occurred, you should not despair. Most likely, everything will be in order, the body is already ready for a new pregnancy. You need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.


Any deviation from the norm during menstruation after a miscarriage that does not disappear after a three-month period is a mandatory reason to visit a doctor. It is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the body, respond to temperature increases, pain in the lower abdomen. Complete the prescribed treatment, follow the recommendations.

Termination of pregnancy is a great tragedy for the whole family, especially for a woman, a mother. But after what happened, you need to continue to live on, you don’t need to let yourself go. On the contrary, it is better to pay more attention to yourself, to improve your health. Consult with doctors more often, you should be more attentive to yourself. So there will be more chances for conception, a healthy pregnancy.

When does my period come after a miscarriage? This question is quite appropriate, since abnormal terms can indicate various pathologies. Long delays cannot be taken lightly. If there is the slightest suspicion of abnormal circumstances, then you should consult a doctor.

Naturally, the answer to the question depends on the timing of the interrupted pregnancy, the causes and conditions for the occurrence of this phenomenon. But in any case, there are certain statistics that normalize this period. Similarly, such a problem is considered when carrying out artificial cleaning. In addition to the timing of the delay, it is necessary to take into account the volume of allocations. It should always be remembered that after natural or artificial embryo particles may remain, which can cause complications.

Features of the period after a miscarriage

In the earliest stages of pregnancy, a woman, not knowing about conception, does not take measures to preserve the fetus, and the risk of miscarriage is quite high. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy, i.e. miscarriage can occur for a number of reasons and most often becomes a significant psychological stress. The process itself and the recovery of the body depend on the type of miscarriage. It is customary to distinguish the following types depending on the stage of the course of the pathology: threatening, failed, begun, incomplete and completed miscarriage.

Already from the first days of conception, hormonal changes begin in the female body, which develops especially actively in the initial weeks of pregnancy. Under these circumstances, any miscarriage, even at the earliest stages, is accompanied by a violation of the hormonal balance, for the spontaneous normalization of which time is needed, determined by the purely individual characteristics of the organism.

With premature termination of pregnancy, bleeding is a natural physiological process. The normal period of bleeding can be 5-10 days, and these discharges should not be confused with menstruation. Longer bleeding indicates an abnormality of the process, and you should consult a gynecologist. The intensity of the release of blood mass depends on the duration of pregnancy and the completeness of the purification from the embryo. An important condition for the correct implementation of restorative prophylaxis is a mandatory examination by a gynecologist and ultrasound. These studies should confirm the absence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterus - otherwise an inflammatory reaction may develop. It is possible that after a miscarriage, additional cleaning of the uterus will be necessary.

After a miscarriage, as well as after artificial cleansing, the female body needs a rehabilitation period. Full recovery includes a reduction in the size of the uterus and a return to its previous limits, the normalization of hormonal balance. Only after the restoration of the body, the process of ovulation enters the normal mode, and we can expect the appearance of a regular menstrual cycle.

First period after miscarriage

The need for a recovery period clearly indicates that menstruation cannot occur immediately after a natural or artificial termination of pregnancy. With normal rehabilitation of the uterus, the first menstruation after a miscarriage should begin in 25-35 days. This period depends on the condition of the woman, the term of the interrupted pregnancy, additional cleaning and some other factors. If the delay of the first menstruation exceeds this period by more than a week, then various pathologies can be expected and you should consult a doctor. It is considered a bad sign when menstruation began too early (bleeding after a miscarriage directly turns into menstruation). This fact also requires special examination.

The first menstruation after an unsuccessful pregnancy (miscarriage) comes with different intensity. The norm is considered to be a slight excess of the volume of excretion in comparison with menstruation before pregnancy. Greater intensity and prolonged periods may indicate fetal remnants (partial miscarriage). This pathology can cause an increased mass volume even within 3-4 cycles. Other symptoms should be considered completely abnormal: menstruation is accompanied by significant pain, fever, discharge with clots. Such phenomena require urgent examination by a specialist. Scanty (smearing) discharge in the first cycle that has begun or even in the next 2-3 cycles is considered a normal physiological process.

Features of the menstrual cycle

When the menstrual cycle begins after an interrupted pregnancy, its difference from the cycle that existed before conception becomes a completely natural phenomenon. Several cycles may be unstable due to the ongoing recovery of hormonal metabolism. Until the body is fully restored, this instability should not be considered a pathology.

Only after 2-3 months the menstrual cycle stabilizes, but on condition that before pregnancy it has a stable character.

By the way, the parameters of the new cycle most often coincide with the previous one, but a change in the time frame is also possible.

What to do with a long delay?

If menstruation does not begin 40-45 days after the miscarriage, or the first discharge is excessively abundant, then you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor must identify the causes of the cycle disorder, for which he conducts examinations to detect inflammatory processes, ovarian dysfunction, significant hormonal imbalance, and infection. He conducts a complete examination and prescribes blood and urine tests. Ultrasound is mandatory.

Based on the results of examinations, an additional curettage of the uterus can be carried out with an incomplete exit of the fetus. Hemostatic, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as iron-containing agents are usually prescribed. If the miscarriage occurred at a fairly late stage of pregnancy, then menstrual irregularities can be significant. In this case, therapeutic recovery is carried out, as a rule, in a hospital setting.

What should be considered in a miscarriage?

After spontaneous abortion, many women have an erroneous opinion about the assessment of the subsequent period.

For some reason, some consider the day when the miscarriage occurred as the first day of a new menstrual cycle. This view is fundamentally wrong: there is no direct relationship between the delay of the first menstruation after the incident and the menstrual cycle. This period is 25-35 days and depends on the recovery process of the body, incl. from the time of normalization of hormonal exchanges. Moreover, the normal cycle is most often restored only after 2-3 months.

The second very important misconception is that after a miscarriage, it is impossible to get pregnant until the menstrual cycle is restored. This erroneous opinion can have very undesirable consequences, given the weakened female body and the psychological stress that the woman has experienced. Practice shows that a new conception can occur before the first menstruation, and this circumstance sometimes causes a long delay in menstruation. Therefore, an experienced gynecologist, when a woman contacts him on the issue of a long delay after a miscarriage, first of all conducts a pregnancy test. Given all the problems that fall on the shoulders of a woman with an unexpected spontaneous termination of pregnancy, a new rapid conception is not recommended, that is, sexual intercourse should be protected.

After a miscarriage, the female body must go through a recovery period, which naturally affects the menstrual cycle. The normal delay in menstruation after spontaneous abortion is at least 4-5 weeks, but excessive excess of this period is considered a sign of pathology and requires appropriate examinations.

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