The cat is not eating. What to do if the cat does not eat, only drinks water and sleeps. Causes of Abnormal Behavior

Surely all owners have noticed that their cats sleep a lot, but who wondered why this happens? Let's look at the features of a cat's sleep, believe me, you will learn such facts that you had no idea about.

You may not have noticed, but your pet sleeps 16-20 hours a day. At the same time, the concepts of nap, sleep and deep sleep are different. Each phase is accompanied by certain physiological processes.

Interesting fact: among warm-blooded cats, the cat is in third place in terms of sleep duration, only the opossum and the mouse are ahead of it. Even a hibernating bear sleeps less in a year than cats.

Cat sleep remains a mystery to all zoologists. Scientists conducted a number of observations, but each time they gave blurred results. The reason is that all cats, like people, are subject to certain psychological norms, but each purr is an individuality. The only thing that scientists say with certainty is the evolutionary processes that forced cats to be nocturnal and sleep most of the day.

The cat is a predator, and nocturnal. The fact of domestication did not change the instincts of the animal, even thoroughbred cats, for the most part, are prone to a nocturnal lifestyle, and under favorable conditions, to hunting. If the animal grows up in close to natural conditions, hunting becomes a natural part of its life. The nocturnal lifestyle is due to the efficiency of hunting.

Bird is an atypical prey for cats, usually tailed prey on small rodents. Mice, voles, rats and other rodents are exclusively nocturnal, which means that the cat needs to stay up at night so as not to be hungry. There is already a simple sequence - for maximum activity at dusk and at night, the cat needs to recuperate and sleep during the day.

The reasons for prolonged sleep are also in the way of hunting. You may have noticed that during the day the cat looks lazy and unhurried, she moves sluggishly from the bowl to the bed and constantly takes a nap. But at night, the same cat is able to overtake, grab and kill prey with one jerk. Simply put, the four-legged are not lazy, but accumulate strength and this is also an instinct. An example from the wild: a cheetah during a jerk experiences such an overload that its blood does not have time to circulate through the vessels. At the same time, the cheetah hunts no more than 1 time per day, the rest of the time it sleeps.

It's time to parse the dream as a process. If you are worried that your cat has started sleeping a lot, try to analyze whether she is really sleeping. So, in the process of monitoring the control groups, scientists were able to prove that the process of sleeping a cat is similar to a human.

Note! A nap, when a cat lies with its eyes closed, but hears everything and monitors the situation, is not a dream, but a rest, the so-called energy saving mode.

Scientists are interested in the fact that domestic cats sleep a lot, although their survival does not depend on hunting. The data obtained allowed us to conclude that the sleep of the koshi is conditionally divided into two phases. The physiological processes that take place in the body during the two different phases are very different. Consider the phases of sleep in order.

As stated above, nap is the rest phase. Usually the cat lies on his stomach, all his paws are tucked under the body, his eyes are closed, his ears are raised. The second typical posture is curled up in a ball, head on top of the body, paws on one side of the body are tucked in and rest against the surface on which the cat lies. This state is no different from being awake, the only difference is that a dormant cat does not expend much energy. In a nap, a cat's breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation and metabolic processes slow down. It is impossible to check this with the help of standard devices, but it has been established that the body temperature of a dormant cat decreases. However, if the quadruped is in danger, he will instantly change his slumber to an active state.

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It is interesting! During drowsiness and the first phase of sleep, the neck muscles of cats are constantly tense, this helps to control the situation by keeping the ears up.

The first stage of sleep is called slow wave. One can guess that the name of the phase corresponds to the process of slowing down the oscillations of brain waves, which were recorded during electroencephalography. This dream is incomplete, interrupting in it, the cat hears and smells well, quickly goes into a state of activity. If nothing disturbs the four-legged for 20-30 minutes of slow-wave sleep, the next phase begins - deep.

Deep dream most important, it is only at this stage that the cat relaxes and really rests. All metabolic processes slow down, but the immune system works very actively. In the deep stage of sleep, active cell division occurs, which is why it is customary to say that during sleep, children ... kittens, puppies grow. In scientific language, this phase is called REM. Because the REM phase is the least understood, observation of cats in this state has received special attention.

A healthy cat in the REM phase is completely relaxed, but can make involuntary movements of a different nature. Against the background of fixing these movements, scientists have a question about whether cats dream. Since the observations were made in the 80s, the study methods may seem redundant. In fact, the part of the brain responsible for muscle relaxation during REM sleep was removed in cats. When the test subjects fell asleep, they got up, walked, jumped, imitated hunting, and even fought. On this basis, it was concluded that cats see dreams and live them. Later, the experiment was repeated with dogs and the results were confirmed.

It is interesting! Rapid eye movement from side to side occurs during REM sleep.

Another interesting feature of cats is sleep with open eyes. This phenomenon also occurs in the REM phase. The fact is that being in a completely relaxed state, the cat becomes vulnerable, she does not hear, does not see and does not smell. When a cat sleeps with its eyes open, the mucous membranes are protected by a transparent film, the third eyelid. This trick allows feral cats to scare off potential predators who will not dare to attack an "awake" cat.

It is interesting that the phase of light sleep lasts up to 30 minutes, and the REM phase is only 5-7 minutes. After the REM phase, the animal wakes up and feels alert. A domestic cat, if she has nothing to do, immediately goes to eat, and then naps again. Relapse into light sleep is also possible, for example, if the cat is really tired or not feeling well.

It is worth understanding that if your cat falls deeply asleep after 10-20 minutes, this is also normal. The conclusions that the researchers made related to specific animals, but each cat is individual. For example, the duration of sleep may depend on the ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, the age of the cat, and even her mood. Everyone knows the feeling when on a cloudy morning, in winter, you don’t want to get out of bed. It has been established that a domestic cat in frosty weather sleeps (on average) 40-80 minutes more per day ... apparently for the same reasons.

Newborn kittens can spend up to 22 hours a day in a state of alternating slow-wave and REM sleep.

Kittens aged 1 to 2 months sleep 19-20 hours a day. The average feed for an adult cat ranges from 16-18 hours, but can increase up to 20. Older cats seem to sleep a lot and for a long time, in fact they either doze or are in the slow-wave sleep phase. The older the cat, the lower its activity, so the relevance of the REM phase is slightly reduced.

Read also: Small children and cats: what to do if there is no friendship?

Sleep, physiology and psychology

The duration of sleep is greatly influenced by the lifestyle of the animal - this is a fact. Let's compare two cases:

  • A cat living in the village, hunting rodents, guarding its territory.
  • An apartment cat, which always has access to water and food, and the owner is at work for 8-10 hours, that is, there is no one to communicate with the pet.

In which case will the cat sleep more? Of course, in the second, a rural cat will simply have no time to sleep, because she has two very important tasks: hunting and protection.

It is believed that a cat after sterilization becomes less active, sleeps more and gets very fat. If we are talking about the second (from the above) case, this statement is true. In a sterilized cat, the sexual instinct is dulled, and with it, territoriality decreases. As long as the pet has access to food and water, she has nothing to worry about. So it turns out that the cat eats and sleeps simply because she has nothing to do.

The conclusion here is quite simple, the lifestyle described in the second option does not suit a sterilized (and unsterilized) cat. Your pet is naturally strong and should receive exercise, remember the example of the cheetah. If you yourself drove the cat into the frame between the bowl and the bed, do not be surprised.

Many are concerned about the question why some cats often wake up to eat and others don't. The answer is obvious and you will get it as soon as you analyze the diet of animals. If the pet receives natural food, more than 60-70% of which is meat, he sleeps long and calmly. Cats kept on a high-carbohydrate diet or low-quality dry food are forced to wake up and eat more often. By nature, a cat is a predator, it is adapted to eating meat and a small amount of coarse fibers. If a cat gets enough meat (protein food), it stays full longer and can sleep longer. The opposite option - receiving defective food, leads to the fact that the cat feels hungry faster, although it consumes carbohydrate foods that are difficult to digest.

Sleep from boredom associated with the mood, more precisely, with the temperament and psyche of the cat. We know that temperaments are divided into four types: phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine and choleric. Phlegmatic and melancholy people can sleep out of boredom, or rather, they tend to do this. Sanguine people have a balanced nervous system, so when the cat really has nothing to do, she sleeps. A choleric person who has come into a state of excitement cannot calm down for a long time, which can affect the duration of sleep or falling asleep. By the way, a cat with any temperament needs to be given attention, because without physical and intellectual stress, animals tend to fall into a state of stress and depression.

Sleep disorders in cats

Do you suspect your cat is sleeping too much or too little? Have you noticed that the pet has become lethargic, lethargic, eats poorly and is reluctant to play? Perhaps your pet is suffering from a sleep disorder, which is fraught with serious consequences. Above, we have already said that the cat's immune system fully works only in the REM phase of sleep, this factor is enough to start worrying about sleep disturbance.

An animal deprived of the opportunity to fully sleep becomes excitable and irritable.

Against the background of lack of sleep, an increased appetite develops, but if the cat does not eat and sleep well, it is highly likely that she is sick. Immediately make a reservation that sleep disturbance in cats is a rarity. Not quite normal functioning of the nervous system can be explained by external factors, for example, hot weather or dry air. A cat physically cannot sleep when she is cold, especially if she is shaking or purring. It is for this reason that most homeless animals die in winter. Dogs and cats outside in frosty weather do not freeze, they die from lack of sleep, a sharp decrease in the body's immune defenses, and most often, a banal bacterial or viral infection that they are unable to resist.

Many owners treat their pet like a child. When a cat does not eat well, they become very worried. Force-feeding her is pointless. The main thing here is to determine the reasons why the cat does not eat well. Sometimes poor appetite indicates the presence of an ailment and other abnormalities.

Possible reasons

The cat began to eat poorly - this is a rather serious problem.

The reasons for this are different:

  • changes in the cat's life;
  • thermoregulation of the body;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • estrus and sexual instinct;
  • fasting day;
  • ailment;
  • stress.

Of course, there are other reasons why a cat is lethargic and does not eat well. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering why the cat does not eat well.


Cats are distinguished by their conservatism. They constantly adhere to the established way of life. Therefore, any changes will lead to stress, which will negatively affect his behavior. This also applies to loss of appetite.

Often this is observed when moving to another apartment and the appearance of a new tenant. The cause of stress can be even the slightest rearrangement where the pet lives. The unfamiliar environment in the room causes anxiety. As a result, the cat does not eat food well.

The diet is important. The cat gets used to one food relatively quickly. If you abruptly change its type or brand, then this will lead to the rejection of food. In this matter, even the smallest details are important. This applies to consistency, temperature and other features of food. To eliminate stress, the change in diet is carried out gradually. New food is added to the usual food in small portions. Gradually the dosage increases. Thus, you can painlessly transfer your pet to another diet.

Decreased appetite or refusal to eat causes even minor changes, such as changing a bowl or mat. Of course, over time, the pet gets used to it. Otherwise, you will have to return everything to its place.

Animal thermoregulation

Thermoregulation is a natural process that is accompanied by various changes in the behavior of the animal. Often this is observed in the summer, when the air temperature outside the window reaches high values. From ignorance of ordinary things, the owners begin to worry very much when the cat eats poorly and sleeps a lot, lethargic. And everything is explained quite simply.

In cold weather, animals consume a lot of food. This is due to the fact that they need a sufficient amount of energy that goes to warming. In the summer, everything happens the other way around. Very little energy is needed, so the amount of feed consumed is significantly reduced.

Fasting day

The cat needs a fasting day

Many people have heard of such a phenomenon as fasting day. It is also found in pets. On this day, they completely refuse food. The main goal is to unload the intestines. There is nothing to worry about here. In some cases, cats refuse food for several days. After unloading, the power mode stabilizes.

The reason for the fasting day may be overeating or eating hard-to-digest food. Also, a decrease in appetite occurs after active games. In such cases, you should leave your pet alone and not force him to eat. The situation will improve on its own.

sexual instinct

Many owners forget that cats are in heat, and cats have an exacerbation of the sexual instinct. As a result, they experience a change in lifestyle and behavior.

The main symptoms of estrus in cats are:

  • cries that are aimed at calling a partner;
  • frequent sleep, regardless of the time of day;
  • the cat eats poorly and loses weight;
  • partial or complete failure, which lasts up to a week;
  • pet prefers water.

As for cats, they rarely refuse food. But, there are exceptions. If he smells a cat in heat, then his behavior changes a lot. He stops eating and behaves very strangely. In such cases, the cat begins to actively look for the cat.

Over time, the aggravation passes, and life returns to its course. But, in some cases, you have to contact the veterinarians. This applies to those pets in which the spring period proceeds very rapidly. As a result, he suffers physically. Exacerbation may indicate a hormonal disorder.


Pregnant cats should eat for two. But, in some cases, they refuse to feed.

The reasons for this may be:

  1. Toxicosis. During this period, the cat sleeps and eats poorly. A clear symptom of toxicosis is vomiting. If the temperature does not rise, then there is no cause for concern.
  2. Rapid birth. Shortly before giving birth, the cat does not eat well and sleeps a lot. After giving birth, she will return to her normal diet.

It is worth noting that such changes in the behavior of the animal are individual. Some cats do not experience toxicosis and behave quite naturally during pregnancy.

Period after childbirth

Poor appetite is a normal behavior for a woman in labor.

Reasons for abnormal behavior:

  • stress resulting from childbirth;
  • the use of placenta during labor;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • reluctance to leave a pet.

In the postpartum period, the pet needs a lot of energy and strength that needs to be restored and replenished. Therefore, his diet should be taken very carefully.

Here it is worth considering the following features:

  1. If the cat refuses food for a long time, then you need to show it to the veterinarian. An experienced specialist will easily determine the cause of abnormal behavior and help normalize the diet of the woman in labor.
  2. During lactation, a woman in labor should eat normally. A large amount of energy is spent on milk production. As a result, if she stops eating, the milk will disappear.

After childbirth, a woman in labor should eat normally. Not only her health, but also the life of newborn kittens will depend on this.


pet stress

Cats are not resistant to stress. As a result of experiences and unrest, their appetite is significantly reduced. In the future, this leads to a complete rejection of food. If the pet does not eat for a long period and begins to lose weight, then something needs to be done.

The following tips will help with this:

  • Analyze the situation and note the latest changes in the family and home that could provoke stress in the pet. Rearranging furniture, quarrels between family members, punishment and other changes lead to a decrease in appetite in cats. The main thing here is to return everything to its place and renew the balance in the house.
  • Spend more time with your pets. Communication and active games will significantly improve their condition and eliminate the effects of stress.

Two simple rules will allow the cat to return to normal life.


In a diseased state, appetite is significantly reduced. And this applies not only to people, but also to pets.

Common diseases include:

  • viral infection;
  • inflammation of the intestines and stomach;
  • acute poisoning;
  • kidney failure;
  • pathology of the oral cavity and teeth;
  • stress and pain syndrome.

A sharp refusal to eat occurs as a result of a foreign body entering the digestive tract. We looked at the main reasons why a cat does not eat well and what to do about it. The main thing is to take seriously changes in the diet and lifestyle of your pet, as this may indicate the presence of serious problems.

Every owner should be wary if a cat suddenly refuses to eat. If, in addition, the animal does not change its position for a long time, then, most likely, something is wrong with it. If the cat does not touch food and sleeps most of the time, then you should be more attentive to it. It is possible that some kind of disease struck her, and you need to take urgent measures.

What does it mean for a pet to refuse food and drink?

There are times when a cat does not eat for several days, and at first glance it is difficult to say what this is connected with. When kitten has no appetite, then often talk about the presence of anorexia. Moreover, unlike hunger, which manifests itself due to the physiological characteristics of the body, anorexia is associated with psychological factors.

This condition can be provoked by many reasons, due to which a cat can lose its appetite for a long time. In a kitten, it can be observed when certain disorders occur in his body that contribute to the development of the disease. If the kitten does not show its former activity, for several days does not eat or drink and does not leave his place, then it can be assumed that he has problems with his stomach or other important organs. It is difficult to imagine that a cat that experiences unpleasant pain every minute will think about food.

Another reason that may be associated with the lethargic behavior of the cat is the first estrus. The owner may mistake this condition for an illness.. For the animal, this is the first experience when it feels natural urges, so it can behave confused. Usually the kitten behaves like this only for a few days, but then it becomes cheerful and active again.

If within two or three days you observe how the kitten does not want to eat, but only sleeps, then some kind of illness must have fallen down on him. Lack of appetite is often associated with the development of infectious diseases, for example, the appearance of worms. To prevent such situations, it is advisable to periodically give him special preparations for helminths in order to prevent them.

Among the entire list of diseases, the most common in domestic cats can be distinguished. Please note that if within a few days your the pet does not eat, remains lethargic, and there is weight loss, you can be sure that this is some kind of disease. And first of all, you need to find out what infection caused this condition and what needs to be done.

A kitten may begin to lose weight during diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. characteristic symptoms of this disease are diarrhea and other unconventional discharge. But to be sure that this is the ailment, you should take it to the veterinarian, who can make a more accurate diagnosis.

Liver disease is also common in cats. Any change in the cat's behavior is a signal for the owner to take him to the veterinarian to be sure that nothing threatens him. So that this doesn't happen again, you should be more careful about what to feed the kitten. In his diet, there must be foods that can cleanse this organ.

  • Diseases of the pancreas. Some animals may not have an appetite precisely because of the development of this disease.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Along with the above reasons, a kitten may refuse water and food due to diseases of the mucous system - throat, nose, mouth, etc.

Other reasons

If the cat does not eat for a long time, this should not be immediately taken as a sign of an emerging disease. It is possible that weight loss may be due to the following reasons:

  • The kitten did not like the new food;
  • When changing residence. It often happens that cats do not immediately get used to a new place. To speed up the adaptation period, you can use special preparations that help animals when moving.
  • Stress arising from various soils.

Be that as it may, if the cat has no appetite during the day, you should not panic and puzzle over what to do. If your pet's condition does not change for a longer time, then you should take it to the vet. But even here there are some peculiarities. In order not to worry ahead of time about the health of the kitten, it will be useful for you to read the following information:

What to do?

Realizing that something is wrong with the cat, the owner needs to decide what to do in this case in the first place.

If the cat is lethargic

After observing a complete lack of appetite in a cat for several days, the first thing you should do is change the diet. If you in the morning gave your pet a new food and he has not touched it all day, then most likely the reason is food. To transition your cat to a new food, you can do the following: take some food and mix it with the old food, reducing the amount over time.

It is possible that the whole thing is in a dirty bowl from which the cat eats. To prevent this from happening, you should wash your pet's dishes after every meal. Another Cause of refusal of food in a cat can be the wrong location of the bowls. To see if this is true or not, you can put the cat's bowl in another place and see if he touches the food. You may not need to do anything else.

If you have tried all the ways, but nothing helped you understand why your cat has not eaten for several days, then you have to take it to the vet. Given the ineffectiveness of the above recommendations, it can be assumed that this is a serious disease. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible.

If he does not eat, does not drink and burps

If you notice these signs in your pet, then they can be explained by the following factors:

  • The cat ate a portion of food too quickly.
  • You put too much food for dinner and your pet ate it all.
  • You have given the cat too dense food that is difficult to digest.
  • You have switched your pet to a new food without prior preparation.
  • The food was poor quality and spoiled.
  • It is possible that the reason for the lack of appetite is poisoning due to the fact that the cat rummaged through the garbage or ate something poisonous.

Try changing the food and see if your pet still refuses to eat.

Health problems

It can also be associated with certain health problems. The most common are the following:

If your cat has one of the first four diseases, then you should never treat it yourself. Here you need to act differently and at the first sign immediately show it to the veterinarian. Any other action may endanger the cat's life. Increase the chances of rescue and speedy recovery of the animal possible if diagnosed and treated promptly. And attempts at home to help the cat can lead to the fact that because of your experiments, the animal may die.

If you suspect the presence of worms in the cat's stomach, you can find out for yourself without contacting a specialist whether this is true or not. There is nothing difficult in this. To do this, you will need to purchase an anthelmintic drug for domestic cats in a veterinary store. It is added to water or feed. But in order for it to work well, it is recommended to give it to the cat in its pure form.

Of course, the animal will not want to eat the medicine so easily and will break out. To do this, you will have to open your mouth with one hand, and put a pill under your tongue with the other. Make sure the cat has swallowed the medicine otherwise you won't achieve anything. After the cat has eaten the drug, you should wait until she wants to go to the toilet.

Among owners, there is an opinion that a dry nose in a cat indicates the presence of a certain disease. However, this rule does not work in all cases. If you touch a cat's nose after sleeping you will find that it is dry. Therefore, the conclusion that the cat is sick will be incorrect. If your pet hasn't eaten in a few days and she still has this symptom, then you shouldn't wait any longer and it's time to take her to the vet.

It is not worth placing high hopes on self-treatment, since such methods may not always be effective. With a dry nose, it does not hurt to touch the cat, it is possible that she has a fever. If you find this symptom, then this is another reason why you should immediately take the animal to the veterinarian.

How to deal with illness?

Given that a cat's desire to eat can disappear due to various reasons, only a specialized doctor can determine the disease. In the process of diagnosing a health condition, a number of activities are carried out:

Based on the results of the measures taken, a diagnosis is determined, on the basis of which a treatment program is drawn up that will help your cat recover faster.

Unlike humans, cats cannot tell when they are sick. Therefore, the owner must be attentive to their pets. Refusal to eat is the first sign that something is wrong with him. However, it is not worth sounding the alarm right away, because this may be normal for the animal. But if the situation does not change in two or three days, then you should be wary. If your cat has other signs of illness, such as a dry nose, along with a lack of appetite, then you should take him to the veterinarian. Even if you are wrong, you will at least be sure of the health of your pet.

Cat owners note that their pets spend a lot of time in a nap or sleep, nestled in a cozy place. Games and amusements often tire them and sleep helps to replenish strength. But many are worried about why cats sleep all the time, considering this behavior to be a deviation from the norm.

Most often, there is no reason to worry, because cats are naturally sleepy. A short period of vigor is replaced by a deep sleep or a long nap. This is not at all a malaise, as it might seem at first glance, if the cat looks healthy in general. Alarm bells that join drowsiness can be:

  • sluggish behavior during wakefulness, when favorite games become a burden, apathy, lack of mood and gleam in the eyes,
  • refusal to eat and drink, even favorite treats,
  • dry nose, pale integument, fever.

These symptoms indicate that your pet is sick and needs to be seen by a doctor.

Sleep features

Cats spend almost two-thirds of the day sleeping, but any deviation in the direction of a significant decrease or increase in hours of sleep should make the owner take a closer look at the pet. Little kittens in general can sleep almost all the time, interrupted only by food and a short exploration of the world around them. Adults, on the other hand, become more active, mobile, and periods of wakefulness are longer and more interesting.

Several factors can influence sleep duration.:

  • seasonality and weather conditions, in hot weather, cats become drowsy,
  • age, small kittens and older individuals sleep more,
  • how full the pet is, the feeling of satiety always tends to sleep,
  • the atmosphere of the house, the calmer and more comfortable, the more serene the pet is resting,
  • activity and health.

At the same time, it is worth noting that well-fed cats can sleep more than normal and be less active and mobile than their "slender" counterparts.

Cats cannot be called continuous sleep. He goes through phases, the first of which is drowsiness. At this time, processes slow down, but the cat can return from slumber to wakefulness instantly. If nothing interferes, then he falls into a deep sleep. And then complete relaxation sets in, during which it is rather difficult to wake the pet.

These two phases constantly alternate. At the same time, you still need to leave time for games, entertainment and, of course, delicious food.

Long sleep and its causes

There are several reasons for prolonged sleep. If they are not associated with general lethargy and refusal to eat, then they are considered normal.

Cats are naturally very active. It is vital for them to replenish their strength and sleep is the best medicine for this.

Again, returning to the natural prerequisites, it should be noted that in nature, cats are predators. Their main diet is food rich in proteins. Pets also eat mainly protein foods that require long digestion.

After sterilization, the cat may sleep longer than usual.

Long sleep: norm or pathology?

In general, only a veterinarian can make conclusions about the health of a pet. Perhaps the cat is sick, and sleep is the result of malaise, weakness and loss of strength.

Kitten, little cat sleeps all the time and that's okay. Her sleep may be interrupted by short games and meals. At the same time, during the rest, he can twitch his paws and squeak quietly. Do not worry, these are signs of emotionality experienced during the day of events.

Experts believe that the number of hours a pet naps and sleeps is greatly influenced by weather conditions. Since thermoregulation is important for animals, in the summer, especially on hot days, the rest period may increase and it will seem that the cat sleeps all day.

The combination of drowsiness with a lack of appetite should alert. This is when you need to take your pet to the vet.

In general, prolonged sleep is normal for cats, if during wakefulness there are no obvious deviations in behavior, there are no problems with appetite and stool.

Signs of the disease

An attentive owner will always notice that something is happening to the cat. Lethargy is always a sign of illness, as are the following symptoms:

  • appetite is absent or significantly reduced, the pet may even refuse favorite treats,
  • the nose became dry and hot,
  • the cat sleeps all day, apathy appeared,
  • refusal of water
  • elevated body temperature,
  • diarrhea and vomiting are noted,
  • the coat has acquired a dull shade, the mucous membranes have turned pale.

Any of these symptoms is a reason to consult a specialist doctor. The presence of two or more signs at the same time can be a sign of an acute or chronic disease.

The main reasons that the cat has become lethargic and always sleeps can be diseases such as worms, ticks, poisoning, problems with the intestines or urogenital area, as well as injuries of a different nature. And the sooner the disease is detected, the faster and easier it is to defeat it.

After sterilization

It should be noted that after the sterilization operation, the cat does not eat and sleeps all the time, this is a normal state after anesthesia. If this period lasts for a day, then there is nothing to worry about. If the day has passed, and the condition does not change, you need to urgently see a veterinarian.

The first day you do not need to force the cat to get up, wake up if she does not want to. As well as insist on food and drink. Give her a little rest, recover and she will again delight you with her cheerful look.

If the effect of anesthesia has not ended, and the cat does not sleep, gets up and tries to move around the apartment, do not lose sight of it so that it does not accidentally get injured. Better take her in your arms, calm her down and maybe she will fall asleep. Sleep here is the best medicine.

How to change sleep patterns

The cat is a relative of predators and the usual hunting time for them is evening and morning. It is nature and instincts that cannot be taken away. But it is unlikely that any of the owners wants to get up with the first rays of the sun to feed their meowing friend. Curtain the windows, and let him take a little longer naps, and frolic a little longer during the day.

Cats can't complain about how they feel, so their health is in your hands. You should keep a close eye on your animal, and at the first sign of illness, change in appearance or behavior, check to see if the cat is sick.

Any deviation from normal behavior is cause for concern.

If in a normal state your cat keeps independently, and then suddenly seeks your company and does not leave you a single step, or, conversely, does not leave its place all day, then try to find out what happened. Do not think that purring for a cat is a sign of health. Purring can sometimes indicate pain or discomfort. Unexpected aggressiveness of an always calm and accommodating cat can be caused by pain, fever, concussion, infection, head injury, seizures, diabetic crisis, which requires medical intervention.

Signs of a healthy cat

A few words about what a healthy animal looks like. A healthy cat has an excellent appetite, a smooth and shiny coat, a cold and moist nose (during sleep it can be dry and warm), mucous membranes are pink and moderately moist. Vigor and mobility are also signs of the health of the animal. Important criteria for assessing the state of health are temperature, pulse and respiratory rate.

Signs of the onset of the disease

At disease the cat's behavior changes. She becomes lethargic, lies more than usual, looks sad, tries to hide in a quiet darkened place, reluctantly responds to the call or, on the contrary, is too excited, constantly moves around the apartment, meows plaintively or shows aggression. Movements can become awkward, their coordination is disturbed. Signs of the onset of the disease are also fatigue, loss of appetite, perhaps the cat does not eat anything, insomnia, or vice versa - increased drowsiness.

The normal temperature is from 38 to 39 degrees (in small kittens - up to 39.6 degrees, and in sphinxes - up to 41.5).

A rise in temperature above 40 may indicate the onset of the disease. But we should also not forget that the animal's body temperature rises with excitement and fright, after physical exertion, as well as in hot weather, with poisoning, after electric shock, or due to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Remember, or better yet, write down your cat's normal body temperature at rest.

The pulse reflects the frequency and rhythm of the heartbeat, as well as the strength of the shocks of the heart muscle.

At rest, a healthy cat's heart rate ranges from 110 to 150 beats per minute.

In large cats and animals leading a more relaxed lifestyle, the heartbeat is slow. An increased pulse occurs with an increase in temperature, with inflammatory processes, physical exertion, with overexcitation, fear and hot weather. In kittens and cats of small breeds, the pulse rate can reach 200 beats per minute, in cats the pulse is less than in cats.
Calculate and record your cat's resting heart rate - this will help you determine in the future if its frequency has changed in a given situation. It is enough to calculate the number of shocks in 15 seconds, and then multiply the resulting value by 4.

It is convenient to determine the respiratory rate of a cat by the movements of the chest, abdominal wall or wings of the nose.

Normally, it is from 20 to 30 respiratory movements per minute.

Kittens and young animals, whose metabolism is more active than adults, breathe more frequently than adult cats, and females breathe more frequently than males. In addition, pregnant or lactating cats breathe at a higher rate than normal. The respiratory rate is also affected by size and genetic factors: small cats breathe more often than large ones, which is explained by a higher level of metabolism and, accordingly, increased heat loss. Changes in your cat's breathing rate can be caused by fear, pain, shock, or respiratory problems. It should also be borne in mind that breathing quickens in hot weather, during physical exertion, and when the cat is excited. The breathing of a healthy animal after exercise is restored in a few minutes. Difficulty breathing can be caused by heat stroke or, in rare cases, a lack of calcium in the blood during lactation in females. An animal can suffocate with heart failure, with inflammation of the genitourinary system, as well as when swallowing a foreign object.

The coat becomes ruffled, dull, there may be increased shedding, discoloration (yellowness) or elasticity of the skin.
A sick cat has discharge (purulent, mucous, etc.) from the nose, eyes, mouth and other organs. Colorless discharge may indicate anemia, yellowish discharge indicates liver damage, bloody discharge indicates serious infection or poisoning, and bluish discharge indicates heart failure or circulatory system disorders.

The nasal mirror (nose) is dry, constantly warm (a sign of fever), cracked skin, mucopurulent discharge from the nostrils, the formation of dry crusts, a whitened lobe (a sign of anemia) are sure signs of a cat's disease.

In a sick cat, various discharges from the eyes (clear, purulent, mucous, etc.) can be observed, squinting and lacrimation can reflect pain in the eye, with a number of diseases, yellowness of the mucous membrane, inflammation of the eyelids is observed. With conjunctivitis, poisoning, and some other cases, the eyes are sometimes half-closed by the third eyelid.

As for the oral cavity, with the disease there may be increased salivation, there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, the gums and tongue are covered with plaque or sores. The mucous membranes of the mouth, eyelids are pale, cyanotic or icteric.

Signs of digestive problems

Digestion may also be disturbed. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract is changed: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, painful defecation, accumulation of gases in the intestine are noted. Foreign objects appear in the feces (wool, worms, etc.). Drops of blood in the feces (normally they should be brown) also indicate a serious internal pathology - usually bleeding in the large intestine. Gastric bleeding, or bleeding in the anterior intestine, is evidenced by tarry feces of a dark, almost black color. Clarified feces are a sign of liver disease (lack of bile, etc.). Foamy feces are an indicator of a bacterial infection.

Signs of problems with the genitourinary system

On the part of the genitourinary system, the following deviations can be noted: increased urination, urinary incontinence, lack of urination, pain when emptying the bladder, change in color (normal urine is yellow) and amount of urine, unpleasant odor, mucopurulent discharge from the genitals, hunched back, stiff gait, pain in the lumbar region. A sweet smell from the mouth may also indicate that the cat has problems with the kidneys. Diseases that make it difficult to urinate and pass food can be a tumor, prostate hypertrophy, hemorrhoids, cystitis, urolithiasis.

Other signs

Breathing becomes frequent or, conversely, rare and cautious (with pain), wheezing, sniffling, coughing, shortness of breath appear. Shortness of breath in a cat can be caused by increased exercise, asthma, inflammation or emphysema, which, in turn, is a consequence of poisoning. Difficulty breathing is observed with pleurisy, heart failure, anemia, worms. In older cats, coughing may be a sign of heart failure.

Lymphatic system. The enlarged size of the lymph nodes, as a rule, indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. More often, the submandibular lymph nodes are involved in this process, so you should learn to find and feel them.

Increased thirst may be associated with colds, diabetes, dropsy, kidney failure, or kidney disease, and if it is accompanied by physical weakness and smell from the mouth, then this is most likely indicative of uremia.


Vomiting develops in response to poisonous herbs entering the stomach and in general with poisoning, with helminthic invasion, and traveling in transport. Vomiting and increasing physical weakness, combined with constipation, indicate intestinal obstruction and the presence of a foreign body in the intestine.

Jaundice of mucous membranes can be a sign of hepatitis, poisoning, leptospirosis.

Increased salivation occurs when the tongue and oral cavity are damaged, when a foreign body enters the esophagus, with heat and sunstroke, with poisoning and some liver diseases. It can also be a symptom of such a terrible disease as rabies.

But these signs of diseases, as a rule, do not appear all at the same time: usually one sign is most pronounced, and the rest accompany it (in one or another combination). An improvement in the well-being and recovery of a cat can be judged after the disappearance of all painful manifestations characteristic of a particular disease.

The posture of a cat can also tell a lot. A healthy animal rests or sleeps in a relaxed position, straightening the torso and stretching out the limbs. A sick cat takes a forced posture, which helps to reduce pain or any discomfort. In particular, with heart disease, the cat stands with its forelimbs wide apart - this makes it easier to breathe; the cat keeps the damaged limb on weight; with urolithiasis, intermittent lameness is possible on the hind legs on the left or right, respectively, for a diseased kidney, etc.

Veterinarian on rabies prevention: how to recognize rabies, what to do and where to go

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