How to alleviate and independently anesthetize contractions and attempts during childbirth in order to better endure them? Pain relief in childbirth: with and without medication How to relieve pain during labor

It is clear that during childbirth the child must somehow leave the mother's womb. The uterus contracts, and the baby gradually comes out through the opened cervix and vagina. Pain during childbirth can occur due to stretching of the cervix, vagina, perineum, compression and rupture of soft tissues. Some women in labor suffer so much that their heart and breathing can be disturbed. In addition, prolonged pain often leads to premature fatigue, cessation of uterine contractions, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus.

The question of whether it is necessary to resort to anesthesia for childbirth, each woman must decide for herself. Modern methods of anesthesia (drug anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, etc.) are considered safe enough for both mother and child, and make the process of giving birth to a baby more comfortable.

However, many experts oppose labor pain relief. First, there is a risk (albeit small) of side effects. Secondly, the natural course of childbirth is disturbed (the administration of drugs can slow down or weaken labor activity).

On the other hand, the threshold for pain sensitivity is different for everyone. Under the influence of "uncontrollable" prolonged pain, some women in labor may increase blood pressure, increase the pulse rate, and weakness in labor activity may occur. It harms the health of mother and child. In such cases, it is wiser to resort to anesthesia than to suffer unbearable pain.

However, it is best to prepare for childbirth in advance. With the help of the so-called psychoprophylactic preparation, it is possible to increase the threshold of pain sensitivity and facilitate the course of childbirth. It is believed that a woman who is psychologically ready for childbirth, who is well aware of all the stages of the birth process, who knows how to breathe properly, who knows the methods of self-elimination of pain and is focused on the result, may well do without anesthesia. In such cases, childbirth is not associated with "pain", but with the expectation of a miracle, great happiness - an early meeting with the most beloved and wonderful person that you have been waiting for so long.

There are several ways to reduce the pain of childbirth.

Psychological preparation

Birth pain is exacerbated by ignorance. Therefore, learn more about the birth process. Relevant information can be obtained from pregnancy schools, antenatal clinics or from specialized literature. Women who are psychologically ready for childbirth find it incomparably easier to give birth.

childbirth in water

A warm bath relaxes, distracts, has a good effect on labor and even improves the blood supply to the fetus. Staying in warm water can significantly reduce the pain of a woman in labor during the first stage of labor, when the cervix dilates. However, before filling the bath, seriously weigh the pros and cons of this type of childbirth.


Some clinics use acupuncture for pain relief. It relieves pain during labor pains and normalizes labor activity. In Russia, this method is not yet very popular, most likely due to the lack of professional acupuncturists.

Medication pain relief

They tried to anesthetize childbirth many years ago. For this, drugs were used, such as morphine, tincture of opium, and nitrous oxide. The main disadvantage of these methods was the negative impact of narcotic painkillers on the fetus. In particular, they can cause a weakening of breathing in an infant.

In modern obstetrics, of narcotic analgesics, promedol is most often used. It has a good analgesic effect and less than other drugs affect the child.

Often, due to painful prolonged contractions, women in labor spend a sleepless night. Accumulated fatigue can interfere at the most crucial moment. In such cases, drugs that induce sleep are prescribed.

Before giving a woman painkillers, be sure to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist and anesthesiologist.

Epidural anesthesia

This is a relatively young method of anesthesia. The doctor inserts a thin needle between the vertebrae and injects an anesthetic under the dura mater of the spinal cord. In this case, local painkillers are used: lidocaine, marcaine, ropelocaine and others. After the introduction of the drug, any sensitivity below the level of its administration is temporarily blocked.

Epidural anesthesia has its drawbacks. On the one hand, good pain relief is provided, but on the other hand, a woman cannot push effectively. Therefore, immediately before the birth of the child, epidural anesthesia is suspended. In addition, in rare cases, epidural anesthesia can cause headaches and pain in the back, which haunt a woman for quite a long time after childbirth.

Sometimes epidurals are necessary for medical reasons, such as fetal misalignment, twins, and some complications of pregnancy or childbirth.

Preparations for pain relief of childbirth really bring relief to the woman in labor. However, it should be remembered that they are prescribed strictly according to the indications, since they have a complex effect on the entire body, not only mothers, but also the child, they have side effects, and in some cases complications can also occur. That's why expectant mothers should not rely on a miracle shot or a magic pill. Fortunately, today there are many opportunities for obtaining information on how to make the birth of a baby as comfortable as possible for both him and his mother: training manuals and courses for pregnant women talk about effective self-help techniques in childbirth, one of the most effective methods among which is massage during childbirth. Thanks to it, pain can be significantly reduced. And all this - without the use of medicines and medical interventions!

Why is there pain during childbirth?

  • pain is provoked by intense contractions of the muscles of the uterus,
  • stretching of the birth canal and perineum,
  • muscle spasms,
  • compression of large vessels in the pelvic area,
  • individual characteristics, such as the structure of the pelvic organs or the low pain threshold of a woman, when it is very painful even with a slight impact.
  • psychological reasons: fear of childbirth, expectation of something unpleasant and unknown, general tension.

It is important for every woman preparing to become a mother to remember: there is no constant pain in childbirth. And in fights, and in attempts, unpleasant sensations increase gradually, and also gradually subside, giving way to periods of rest. And the right massage at the right time during childbirth will completely reduce pain to a minimum.

How does birth massage work?

Massage during childbirth has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system, and through it - on the entire body of a woman: it allows you to relax, relieve nervous tension and fatigue in the muscles, distract yourself from painful sensations and even anesthetize contractions. The mechanism of such a beneficial effect of massage during childbirth is quite complicated.

Its first stage is the excitation of skin receptors in the massaged area. Then the impulse is transmitted throughout the central nervous system, in which a favorable response is formed. Massage during childbirth activates the production of natural stimulants - hormones and enzymes that play the role of natural adaptogens that contribute to the rapid adaptation of the body to a stressful situation.

In addition, massage helps to increase blood circulation and better oxygenation of tissues and organs of both the woman herself (which also has an analgesic effect on childbirth) and the fetus, which prevents the development of oxygen starvation.

7 types of massage during childbirth

It is possible for both the woman in labor and her assistant (husband, mother or midwife) who is present during childbirth to do analgesic massage during childbirth.

Follow simple rules:

  • You can massage during childbirth with dry hands (the main thing is that they are warm, since a feeling of cold can provoke a reflex muscle spasm) or with the help of special creams and gels that improve gliding over the skin and may contain pain-relieving contractions components. Do not be discouraged if you forgot the massage cream during the preparations for the hospital. You can always ask the midwife for some Vaseline oil.
  • It is possible to use aromatic essential oils - they contribute to deeper relaxation. But at the same time, you should find out in advance whether the expectant mother has allergic reactions to them and whether they cause an increase in blood pressure.

Which birth massage is right for you?

1. Acupressure during childbirth

Until the contractions are in full force, you can limit yourself to acupressure during childbirth. It is useful for the expectant mother to remember where there are two important points that will need to be influenced during childbirth. The first is located on the back of the hand in the recess between the thumb and forefinger (it is clearly visible if the fingers are spread wide apart). The second is on the inside of the lower leg four fingers above the ankle (this is the area of ​​​​the ankle, where the bones protrude from the outside and from the inside). Apply continuous pressure to these points, keeping your finger perpendicular to the surface of the body. Movements should be short, pulsating, and last no longer than a minute. Then you should take a break for a couple of minutes and continue the impact in a given rhythm. It is clear that both the woman in labor and her assistant can do such a massage during childbirth. The correct effect on the active points contributes to the intensification and pain relief of contractions, the cervix opens faster, and all this happens without increasing pain.

2. Stroking the abdomen during a contraction

At the beginning of each contraction, you can gently stroke the lower abdomen. To do this, place your palms on its lower part and with light movements massage the stomach with your fingertips in the direction from the center to the sides and back. At the moment of intensification of the contraction, the intensity of pressure can be increased, but only slightly. If an assistant does massage during childbirth, then it will be more convenient for him to sit behind her.

3. Massage of the sacrum during childbirth

Women who are familiar with menstrual pain often note that the sensations in the first stage of childbirth are similar to those that occur on “critical days”: the lower abdomen aches and the lower back hurts. In this case, massage in the sacrum (this is the area that is just below the waist) helps a lot. What is special about this area? The secret of the pain-relieving childbirth effect when exposed to it is simple. The fact is that the sacral nerve plexus is located here, which is associated with the organs of the small pelvis and is responsible for their innervation. When this zone is stimulated, the transmission of a nerve impulse to the uterus and other organs is blocked, thus, it is possible to reduce pain.

Massage of the sacral region can be done with one hand or both at once, with the pads or knuckles, the base or edge of the palm, a fist or a manual massager. The main thing is that the impact is intense enough: pressure, active rubbing, patting and tapping are acceptable. If desired, you can cover not only the sacrum, but also a wider area around it.

A powerful, pain-relieving contraction effect can be achieved by pressing on the dimples above the buttocks - the exit points of the sacral nerve - the impact on which brings noticeable relief.

4. Massaging the iliac bones during contractions

This method is based on the principle of transferring the source of pain. Just as we rub our temples to relieve a headache, during contractions you can rub and massage the iliac bones of the pelvis, which are located below the waist on both sides of the abdomen. You need to stimulate them both at the same time, using active rubbing. This type of massage during childbirth can be combined with the stroking of the lower abdomen already described above (in this case, hand movements should go from the ilium to the center and back), as well as with hand movements along the inguinal fold from the ilium to the perineum - this improves blood circulation in the uterus .

5. Massaging the buttocks during childbirth

Important reflex zones are also located in the buttocks - at the exit of the sciatic nerve. To find them, you need to mark an imaginary center on each buttock (as a rule, there is a small hole there, when pressed on which mild pain can occur). Rolling the center of the buttocks with your fists or pressing on these points with your thumbs helps to relax the muscles of the pelvic floor - this is a great way to distract a woman from labor pains.

6. Massaging the thighs during contractions

Rubbing the inner surface of the thighs with the palm of your hand is an excellent technique that relieves contractions. To do this, lie on your side and, pressing your palm tightly against the skin of the inner surface of the thigh, stroke it from the groin to the knee and back. As the intensity of the contraction increases, the pressure on the thigh should also increase.

7. Massage between contractions

In the period between contractions, it is not recommended to touch the skin of the abdomen, as this is fraught with too intense an extraordinary contraction. However, this is where massage really comes in handy! The assistant can stretch the woman's neck and collar area, upper back, give a general light relaxing massage of the whole body so that the woman in labor can calm down and restore strength before the next contraction. It is important to remember that lying on your back is undesirable, since the inferior vena cava can be clamped and blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disturbed.

Anesthetize contractions with massage: alone or with an assistant?

The choice of positions for massage during childbirth depends on the individual characteristics of each expectant mother: the body itself tells you exactly how it is more convenient for him to position himself during the massage: on his side, standing on all fours, lying or sitting on a fitball, in a knee-elbow position - it all depends on you.

If you have an assistant, then the choice of possible poses will be wider. For example, postures in which a woman in labor, kneeling or on straightened legs, seems to hang on her assistant, holding her hands on his neck - while the lower back relaxes well, and the partner can additionally massage her sacrum. The convenience of childbirth with an assistant lies in the fact that in this case it is possible to combine different types of massage during childbirth, for example, a woman strokes her stomach and rubs the iliac bones, while the partner acts on the sacrum.

However, the absence of an assistant does not at all mean that the anesthetic contraction of massage should be abandoned. After all, only the woman herself can know what kind of impact and on which zone she needs at the moment. So listen to your body and, focusing on your feelings, you will surely be able to choose the types of massage that are most effective for you, and help yourself to endure the period of contractions more easily.

When should you not massage?

Despite the fact that anesthetic massage during childbirth is indicated for almost all women, it is worth mentioning separately the possible obstacles to its implementation. Directly during childbirth, any touch can be extremely unpleasant for a woman. In this case, the massage will have to be abandoned.

Deviations from the normal course of labor become a serious contraindication (for example, weak labor activity, stopping the progress of the fetus through the birth canal, acute fetal hypoxia, bleeding, etc.). You will also have to refuse massage during childbirth during the installation of CTG sensors, as well as in the second stage of labor, when attempts begin.

Childbirth is a natural and painful process. Every woman experiences pain differently. Some find it tolerable, others unbearable. It happens that one woman gives birth to a baby without any intervention from the medical staff, while another simply needs this help. In this case, they talk about various. So what are the types of anesthesia and how safe are they?

Psychological pain relief in childbirth

No matter how strange it may seem, but the positive psychological attitude of a woman is an excellent tool to significantly reduce pain during the birth of a baby. If the expectant mother is psychologically ready for the process itself, if she does not “twist” herself, does not “clamp” and wait for pain, then everything will go much easier. It has already been proven that with the onset of labor, many women begin to feel pain just because they are waiting for it. Instead of getting ready for serious work and helping the baby to be born as soon as possible, they begin to be intensely afraid of pain. Self-hypnosis, you see, is a serious thing. Nevertheless, we will not deny that many women, due to any individual characteristics, really experience severe pain.

What can be advised in these cases? To relax. Believe me, wise nature took care of pain relief during childbirth, but women sometimes harm themselves. The pregnant woman must realize and firmly drive into her head: the more she clamps, the more painful it will be for her. And vice versa: pain will be minimal if a woman can relax. If you familiarize yourself with breathing techniques that promote relaxation before childbirth, master them, and apply the acquired knowledge with the onset of labor, then this exam can be passed with a “five plus”. After all, in a calm state in the body of a woman in labor, a sufficient amount of endorphin hormones is produced, which can reduce unpleasant physical sensations, help to relax, reduce pain and have a beneficial effect on the course of childbirth. It is also important to listen to the advice of an obstetrician-gynecologist who "commands the parade", then you can significantly alleviate the condition.

Massage helps many women cope with labor pain. It is especially good to stimulate points located in the buttocks and. Moreover, a warm bath helps to relax. This is true if the woman is still at home or if the conditions in the hospital allow. This procedure helps to relax during contractions, relieve muscle tension,.

Childbirth pain relief with acupuncture

Reflexology is one of the safest methods of pain relief during childbirth. This method is suitable for all women in labor without exception, since it is non-drug and does not affect the whole body, but its certain points. Using this method, you can reduce pain, interrupt the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain, and contribute to the release of pain-relieving hormones.

To tell the truth, with the help of this method, not a complete, but a relative effect on pain centers occurs, therefore, special means are often used along with acupuncture.

Medical anesthesia for childbirth

Often, for the purpose of pain relief during childbirth, they resort to taking medications. In particular, we are talking about drugs of group A, which includes analgesics. True, they are used in case of emergency: only when the expectant mother cannot do without their use. In general, pain relief with drugs is used if a woman has nausea, vomiting, or if she is too fixated on pain and cannot concentrate on the birth process. Analgesics are administered intravenously, intramuscularly, using compresses (applied to certain places), as inhalers.

Sometimes the doctor decides on the use of Promedol. It is a narcotic substance that is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. He, of course, does not completely relieve the pain, but significantly reduces it. It has already been proven that a single dose of Promedol does not adversely affect the health of the child. However, the second time its use is unacceptable.

In addition to drugs included in the group of antispasmodics and drugs, others are used, for example, anesthetics, antipsychotics, tranquilizers.

Epidural anesthesia

During this manipulation, an anesthetic is injected into the space between the lumbar vertebrae in front of the dura mater surrounding the spinal cord. In this case, known anesthetics are used (for example, Lidocaine or Bupivacaine). As a result of this procedure, the roots of large nerves are blocked, and the woman does not feel pain at all. This method of anesthesia allows from time to time, if necessary, "topping up" the anesthetic substance. This is done through a thin catheter. But at the same time, a woman should know that after carrying out this manipulation, she will not be able to move independently for some time.

Unfortunately, this method of anesthesia is not suitable for everyone. If a woman has poor blood clotting or an elevated temperature, if she has neurological diseases, then she will not be suitable. It is also not suitable for women who are obese or allergic to local anesthetics.

Of the "side effects" that often occur as a result of epidural anesthesia, headache can be noted. Sometimes it can last up to three weeks. This happens if the needle is inserted a little deeper than it should be. Today, doctors know how to deal with such consequences and effectively eliminate this pain.

We have looked at the most popular methods for reducing or eliminating the pain that occurs during the most important event in the life of a pregnant woman - the birth of her child. But you should know that the decision on anesthesia during childbirth is made by doctors depending on how severe the pain is, and is applied only on the condition that all manipulations will be safe for the baby.

Specially for- Ksenia Dakhno

Women deal with pain differently. For some, special breathing techniques are enough to successfully overcome pain during childbirth; others are advised to take pain relief.

The choice of medicines that help overcome pain during childbirth is great. We recommend that you explore your options in order to make the right choice later: discuss all options with your obstetrician well before the day of birth so that you have all the necessary information at the right time.

It should also be remembered that in each individual case, the choice of an anesthetic depends on certain conditions and characteristics of childbirth and the state of health of the woman. The doctor will assess your condition, comfort and health during childbirth and help you decide on the method of pain relief.

You should not feel guilty about asking your doctor for pain relief. Only you know your feelings best, so only you are in a position to make decisions regarding pain relief during childbirth. Moreover, you should not worry about the safety of the pain medication. All drugs used for pain relief during childbirth are safe - both for you and for the baby.

Drugs for pain relief during labor and childbirth

There are three ways of pain relief during labor and childbirth:

    Local anesthesia is used during childbirth in order to numb a specific area or after childbirth if stitches are needed.

    Regional anesthesia (epidural, spinal) is used by an anesthesiologist (a doctor who administers pain medication) during childbirth in order to reduce discomfort. In both epidural and spinal anaesthesia, pain medication is injected into the lower back, near the nerves, blocking pain in a large area of ​​the body while keeping you awake. Regional anesthesia significantly reduces discomfort and pain during childbirth. It is also used when a caesarean section is needed.

    General anesthesia means insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness. General anesthesia is safe, but rarely used, only in emergencies, because it prevents the mother from seeing the baby immediately after birth.

In addition, pain medications may be injected into a vein or muscle to dull the pain. In this case, the pain is not completely blocked, however, you will feel much less pain. This method is mainly used at the beginning of childbirth, so that you rest and gain strength before childbirth, since the drugs cause an effect on the entire body and can make you and the baby sleepy.

What is the difference between epidural and spinal anesthesia?

Spinal anesthesia involves the introduction of the drug into the middle of the dura mater, which is located next to the spine. With epidural anesthesia, the drug is injected into the spinal column, outside the bag surrounding the spinal cord.

Spinal anesthesia requires less drug than epidural; moreover, spinal anesthesia works faster, however, it is more likely to cause headaches and low blood pressure.

How is regional anesthesia performed?

If you ask for regional anesthesia, you may be given an epidural, spinal, or a combination of these types of anesthesia. Your doctor will choose the type of regional anesthesia based on your general health and how your labor is progressing.

After the anesthetist has reviewed your medical history, they will numb a small area in your lower back with a local anesthetic. The anesthetist will then insert a special needle into the numb area to find the right position and inject the pain medication. After the drug is injected, the anesthetist will withdraw the needle. In most cases, the doctor will leave an epidural catheter, a small plastic tube, at the needle insertion site to administer drugs during labor if needed.

During the procedure, the woman can sit or lie on her side.

At what point during contractions is regional anesthesia performed?

Choosing the optimal time for regional anesthesia depends on the course of labor, your condition and the condition of the child. Your OB/GYN will decide the best time to administer the anesthesia.

Will anesthesia affect the baby?

Numerous studies have shown that regional anesthesia, both epidural and spinal, is safe for mother and child.

How quickly will the anesthesia work and how long will it last?

Epidural anesthesia begins to act 10-20 minutes after administration. The analgesic effect lasts as long as you need it, since the drug can be administered through the catheter at any time.

Spinal anesthesia works immediately after injection. The analgesic effect lasts about 2.5 hours. If labor is expected to last longer than this time, you will have an epidural catheter inserted to continue the drug.

Will you feel anything after the injection of the anesthetic?

Although you will feel significant relief from the anesthesia, you may still feel pressure from your contractions. You may also feel pressure when you see a doctor.

Will it be necessary to stay in bed after regional anaesthesia?

Not necessary. The anesthetist can perform anesthesia so that you can sit in a chair or walk. Sitting and walking can contribute to the development of labor. If you want to know more about this, ask your doctor about walking with an epidural. However, it should be remembered that this option of anesthesia is not possible in all cases.

Will regional anesthesia slow down labor?

For some women, contractions and labor slow down a bit after regional anesthesia—not for long. Most women, however, note that regional anesthesia helps them relax, improves contractions, and allows them to rest.

Fear of pain during childbirth is rooted in the soul of a woman from the very beginning, and even after giving birth once, she can continue to be afraid. Why it occurs is understandable, everyone says that there is nothing more painful than childbirth. Someone compares labor pain with fractures of 20 bones at once, someone says that it was the biggest pain in his life.

If you are expecting a baby, you, of course, do your best to set yourself up for positive. Thanks to the availability of information comes the understanding that this is a natural process that should not cause much pain. By the end of the term, you calm down and the desire to end the pregnancy becomes stronger than these fears. But the question of whether childbirth is facilitated still remains. Even the most self-confident person should have hope that if it suddenly hurts too much, they will help him.

Do they give painkillers during childbirth?

Of course, it is possible to make childbirth easy and painless, and analgesics during childbirth in one form or another are now used in almost 90% of women in labor. You can do it in such a way that a woman will simply oversleep them, and she will have to be woken up at the most crucial moment.

Pain medication during childbirth has even become a source of additional income for maternity hospitals; almost everywhere you can get this service for a fee (we are talking about epidural anesthesia). In the antenatal clinic, you can be given a list of things necessary for the maternity hospital, so far it may also contain medications designed to weaken contractions.

You now have plenty of chances to think over childbirth, although from the point of view of what is best for mother and child during physiological childbirth, a birth without drugs is, of course, preferable.

How to anesthetize childbirth

There are several options to make childbirth painless. They differ in efficiency and safety. Another question is whether it is necessary. Sometimes loss of pain sensitivity is vital. For example, if the contractions are strong, frequent, but ineffective, and the cervix does not open.

The following methods are used for this process:

  • Physiological. This is a relaxing massage of the lower back, calm music, special breathing techniques and exercises, bath and shower.
  • Spinal and - a special injection during childbirth in the spine with the introduction of drugs to the spinal cord. The most reliable and modern method. Such an injection during childbirth begins to act literally after 5 minutes, completely relieving pain.
  • Other drugs are also used during childbirth, which are administered intramuscularly, intravenously and in other ways. These are mainly antispasmodics, narcotic analgesics and drugs that affect the central nervous system. Even nitrous oxide (an anesthetic) is used, which a woman breathes through a mask, independently adjusting the degree of anesthesia.
  • Acupuncture and other physiotherapeutic methods of influence. Not applicable in all hospitals.

It also happens: at the end of the second stage of labor for about 40 minutes - 1 hour there are very intense, frequent contractions, leading to full disclosure of the cervix. The fatigue that has accumulated over the past hours makes itself felt, there is a strong feeling of pressure on the bottom, the baby presses his head on the cervix and sacral plexus, the head is pressed tightly against the entrance to the small pelvis and there is very little left before the baby is born.

A woman who says a firm "no" to any medical intervention may simply break down at this time. It is at such moments that a woman in labor most often screams - do me a caesarean, do at least something, stop it! But right now it's too late to do anything. If a woman in labor is given a medicine that really relieves pain, the baby may have complications after birth, for example, respiratory depression.

And then the necessary injection is given as a placebo. For example, a no-shpa is introduced, which does not have any effect on the uterus at all. This injection is done only to calm the mother, while she will wait for his action - she will have time to give birth.

How to relieve pain during childbirth on your own

The severity of pain during childbirth largely depends on how the woman in labor perceives the birth act. If you resist contractions, tighten up, then your body quickly gets tired and you begin to feel pain. It often happens that a woman initially expects pain during childbirth and thereby provokes its appearance. It's a vicious circle - the more you resist the contractions, the more the pain, the more the pain, the more you tighten up. The uterus is working hard, but the cervix cannot open - you do not let her do it with your fear.

The pain syndrome increases due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles of the uterus and its resistance to itself: some muscles work to open, while others spasm and do not allow to open. Due to the fact that at present, almost all expectant mothers have the opportunity to attend childbirth preparation courses, and you have the opportunity to learn in advance how to anesthetize childbirth on your own.

In the courses, you will learn everything about special breathing and relaxation techniques in childbirth, about exercises that help, you will tune in to the fact that giving birth is not painful, and should not be painful. It’s good if you have a partner with you during childbirth, not necessarily a husband. Even your mother, aunt or girlfriend can act as an assistant during childbirth. She needs to go to these courses with you. Here they will teach you how to make a relaxing massage during childbirth, breathe with the woman in labor, support and guide her at the right moment.

Yes, childbirth cannot be completely painless. Unpleasant sensations, of course, will be. Partly on how much it will be unpleasant and painful for you, you can influence yourself. And remember that if you suddenly can’t cope - there are alternative ways to relieve pain, analgesics are used during childbirth, if you need it, they will help you.

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