Oxytocin instructions for use for cows. "Oxytocin" to enhance contractions and after childbirth: dose, application technology. Oxytocin is contraindicated in obstetrics in cases of a large fetus, its deformity, with an incorrect position, position and articulation

: injection.

In appearance, the drug is a clear liquid with a yellowish tint.
Oxytocin contains in 1 ml as an active substance 5 units or 10 units of oxytocin (a synthetic analogue of the polypeptide hormone of the posterior pituitary gland).
3. The drug is produced packaged in glass bottles with a capacity of 10 ml, 100 ml and 200 ml, hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers, reinforced with aluminum caps.
The shelf life of the medicinal product, subject to storage conditions in a closed package, is 2 years from the date of manufacture.
It is forbidden to use Oxytocin after the expiration date.
4. The medicinal product is stored in the manufacturer's closed packaging in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0º C to 10º C.
5. Oxytocin should be kept out of the reach of children.
6. The unused drug is disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the law.

II. Pharmacological properties

7. Pharmacotherapeutic group: labor activity stimulant - oxytocin drug.
Oxytocin is a hormonal drug. The active substance oxytocin is a synthetic analogue of the hormone of the posterior pituitary gland.
It has a uterotonic effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, increases the tone of the myometrium and contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus. Contributes to the reduction of myopithelial cells surrounding the alveoli of the mammary glands, which leads to the release of milk. Possesses weak antidiuretic and pressor activity.

When administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly, the effect of oxytocin on the smooth muscles of the uterus is manifested within 1-3 minutes, the duration of the pharmacological effect is from 20 to 30 minutes. The half-life of oxytocin in animals is 5-7 minutes. Oxytocin has a relaxing effect on vascular smooth muscles, which leads to temporary arterial hypotension and reflex tachycardia.

Raising macaques requires a strong quarry to withstand the onslaught of these smart animals. Juvenile males must be kicked out of the group or they fight. There is a strict hierarchy in groups, and sometimes it is difficult and sometimes impossible to include a new member in an existing group. The food is not very selective, feeding occurs twice a day and in several places to feed all people. The Olomouc Zoo has kept the reddish mackerel since the spring of the year. The group that arrived from Rome originally had 15 members.

A new crossing was built for them in a rugged forest with a bridge over the stream. The group quickly acclimatized in the new building, and the entire exposition was soon available to visitors. At the beginning of the run, everything worked, the primates kept a long distance from the visitors, and the whole exposition became more and more popular. In the summer, however, some macaques could not resist the attractive offers from the visitors, they completely lost their shyness, and there were several skirmishes.

According to the degree of impact on the body, oxytocin belongs to low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it does not have a local irritating effect.

III. Application procedure

8. Oxytocin is used for therapeutic purposes in female farm animals with weak labor, uterine bleeding, retention of the placenta, atony, hypotension and inflammation of the uterus, mastitis and reflex agalactia.

9. Contraindication to the use of Oxytocin is increased individual sensitivity to the drug. It is not allowed to use the drug in case of a threat of uterine rupture and intrauterine fetal hypoxia associated with an incorrect location and position of the fetus, a discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the size of the pelvis, as well as in other cases when it is impossible to naturally pass the fetus through the birth canal. The drug should not be used during obstetrics in cases of a large fetus, its deformity, as well as in the wrong position and position. Oxytocin enhances the pressor effect of sympathomimetics. In combination with MAO inhibitors, the risk of high blood pressure increases.

Several changes were made during the crackdown, including various precautions to prevent potential conflict between visitors and monkeys. The entrance area has many signs with instructions on how to behave and what to avoid, and you can also see a notice board with some of the objects that managed to capture the macaques.

During the season when the runway passes, there are regular patrols posted here who often have to mentor unscrupulous visitors looking for an adrenaline experience. However, a group of thieves, as visitors are sometimes called, show their behavior only by showing dissatisfaction with the behavior of the entrants and disrespectfully following the instructions on the information signs in front of the entrance. Whatever they choose from the visitors is then categorically sorted into the stream in the valley.

10. Oxytocin is administered once subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously, if necessary - epidurally in combination with novocaine in the following doses:
Kind of animal Route of administration and dose, units
Subcutaneously or intramuscularly Intravenously epidural
Mares and cows 30-60 40 15-30
Sows weighing up to 200 kg 30 20 10-15
Goats and sheep 10-15 8-10 -
Dogs 5-10 2-7 -
cats 3 2-3 2

With an overdose of the drug, hyperstimulation of the uterus, a decrease in heart rate, hypoxia and fetal death are possible. At the same time, the use of the drug is stopped and symptomatic therapy is carried out (drug withdrawal, reduction of fluid intake, forced diuresis, hypertonic sodium chloride solution, normalization of electrolyte balance).

Before sorting, each element undergoes a thorough analysis and is disassembled into small details. If there is something suitable for enriching daily entertainment, the item is the subject of games before being recycled until they are frozen. It was mentioned several times that the macaque is a very intelligent primate, which we convinced several times at the zoo in Olomouc. The last time the internal parts of the hull were changed was when the electric fence needed to be turned off for a while. It didn't take long and the two young men used it to get away.

11. Features of the drug's action during its first use are not observed.
12. The drug is prescribed once, which eliminates the possibility of skipping the next dose.
13. As a rule, there are no side effects and complications when using Oxytocin in accordance with this instruction.
With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the drug and the appearance of side effects (uterine hypertonicity, tachycardia, short-term arterial hypotension, bronchospasm), symptomatic treatment is carried out.
14. The use of Oxytocin does not exclude the use of other drugs.
15. Milk and meat from animals when using Oxytocin in accordance with this instruction are used without restrictions, on a general basis.

IV. Measures of personal prevention

16. When working with Oxytocin, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with drugs.
17. When working with Oxytocin, it is forbidden to drink, smoke and eat. Wash your hands with soap and water after handling the drug.

Oxytocin is a pharmacological hormonal veterinary drug produced in the form of injections, which is a synthetic analogue of the polypeptide hormone of the posterior pituitary gland. The main active component (active) substance is oxytocin. In traditional veterinary medicine, it is used to enhance the contractile activity of the myometrium - the smooth muscles of the uterus.

They decided to explore their surroundings, then the surrounding zoo, and continued boldly. For more than two months, chiklets have been moving in the wild around Pohorzhany and Teshik. Although the monkeys have been separated, but with the help of residents living in these areas, there are still new reports of the current appearance of refugees at the zoo. Due to the fact that they are able to survive well in our nature and that resources are still plentiful, all attempted catches have so far been unsuccessful. The possibility of capturing monkeys will only increase in winter when we try to attract them to treats that nature will not give them at this time.

Description of the veterinary preparation

Oxytocin is a hormonal injectable. This is an analogue of the polypeptide hormone, which is produced by the posterior pituitary gland in warm-blooded animals. The pharmacological agent is produced in the form of a colorless, odorless, sterile solution. 1 ml of the drug contains 5 or 10 IU (international unit) of oxytocin (oxytocin 10 units, 5 units). Excipients: nipagin, water for injections. It is packaged in glass containers (bottles) with a volume of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 ml, which are sealed with rubber stoppers, aluminum caps.

It was found that the arrival of sick puppies came from illegal catch, their health condition was very poor, so it was necessary to save their lives first of all. This was achieved thanks to the great efforts of breeders, zoologists and veterinarians.

The whole case ended with the coordinator of the European Conservation Program, after evaluating all the facts, ultimately decided that the two orangutans in the zoo would remain. At that time, the graphic representation of primates was included in the research project when Luninka was very skilled in painting and more interested in this activity.

Belongs to the group of low-toxic, low-hazard medicines (hazard class 4). Subject to the recommended dosage, it practically does not provoke complications, side symptoms. The dosage is indicated in the annotation to the veterinary preparation.

According to the instructions, the veterinary drug should be stored in a cool, dark place protected from UV radiation at a temperature of 0 to 23 °C. From the date of issue, Oxytocin must be used within two years. After opening the vial, storage of the medicine is not allowed. After the expiration date, the drug is disposed of.

Her drawings have appeared in several exhibitions at international primatology conferences. However, in adulthood, she fell from direct contact - the male weighs 130 kg, naturally defends his territory and her family, while the female has about a third, but they are both powerful and able to bite significantly, so running into people may not be very good . The first chick born to Luninka and Shukak was a female Raja who died a year later from an unspecified human infection.

Just two years later, a husband named Amos was born, and seven years later he was a husband named Budi. Currently, visitors to the zoo can see Zhulyak, Luninka and Budi. Seeing two-headed sloths in nature is very difficult as they live motionless in the dense branches and leaves of South American rainforests. The Lenowalkers came into the public consciousness largely because of their own.

Properties and pharmacodynamics

Veterinary preparation belongs to the group of hormones and their antagonists. The main action of Oxytocin is aimed at stimulating the contractile function of the myometrium - the smooth muscles of the uterus. The main component increases the tone of the uterus in warm-blooded animals, especially in the last stages of pregnancy, stimulates labor activity.

The two-leaved linden has long and dense brown hair that grows in the opposite direction than normal. These shelves protect from rain, as water can run from the belly to the back and onto the ground, and therefore the hair will not let go. In nature, the coat is green, but this does not cause hair dye, but green algae that give lawns a protective color. The two-foot blades grow at a height of 65 cm and weigh about 6-8 kg. They have long limbs with two and three curved claws that serve as hooks when hanging from trees and do not have a tail that develops slowly during development.

Oxytocin also increases the contractile activity of the myoepithelial cell structures surrounding the alveoli of the milk sacs, which in turn stimulates milk production, facilitating its movement into the mammary ducts (larger) and sinuses.

Important! The veterinary drug in high doses has a mild antidiuretic effect, has vasopressin-like properties, but does not affect the muscles of the bladder and intestines.

The ladders have a total of twenty teeth. Interestingly, they do not have enamel-coated teeth, but a thin and porous stomatologist in which juices seep from food, and therefore they take on dark brown colors. It spends most of its life hanging from trees, allowing it to have strong limbs. It is very difficult to tear it, let alone catch a sloth in a tree. However, there is danger in the branches of the branches, especially from eagles, especially in the harpies of the forest and eagle cavalry, where the slopes are hindered by their sharp claws, which can cause serious injury or even kill predators.

The therapeutic effect occurs approximately 2 minutes after intramuscular, subcutaneous administration, with intravenous administration - after 0.5-1 minute. The effect lasts 25-30 minutes.

With a rapid jet injection of an injection, a slight decrease in blood pressure is possible. Before use, we recommend that you consult with a veterinarian, carefully study the annotation to the drug.

Lenowalkers do not have a particularly developed vision, and therefore, in search of food, which becomes mainly leaves, but also twigs and fruits, rarely small amphibians or reptiles, relies on a highly developed touch and hearing. A relatively large attraction lies in the fact that he is an excellent swimmer, and he often does not hesitate to venture into the wide South American rivers.

For stables, constant air temperature and high humidity are important. Just like anteaters are sensitive to drafts. Their quarters need to be grown at least once a day because they don't drink from a bowl, but they do lick the drops on the leaves. The interior of the premises should form horizontal and vertical branches. After a horizontal takeoff, verticals are needed to empty the animals.

Instructions for use

Oxytocin in veterinary medicine stimulates labor activity in domestic, farm animals (goats, cows, sheep, cattle). The veterinary preparation, stimulating the smooth muscles of the uterus, promotes the natural release of the placenta during its retention. The use of Oxytocin is also indicated for uterine, atonic bleeding, reflex agalactia, and inflammatory processes in the uterus. In traditional veterinary medicine, the drug is used to treat mastitis in cows, goats, pigs, cats, dogs, and other animal species.

The Olomouc Zoo breeds two-faunal leopards, since the first pair, Olina and Robert, were brought from Guyana, but no offspring remained. From the first moment, the mother took care of her offspring. The woman soon gave birth to a child, but refused to take care of it. Apparently, she was not sufficiently acclimatized in the new environment and was ready to breed the young. Therefore, artificial cultivation was carried out. This task was taken up by the breeder Ms. Hana Dostalova. The little male has been given the name Bohusz, and his spare human mother still spends all day at work and at home, day and night.

According to the instructions, the pharmacological agent is preferably administered intramuscularly. In this case, the animals in the indicated dose of Oxytocin are also administered subcutaneously, intravenously.

Important! If necessary, according to the testimony of a veterinarian, Oxytocin can be administered simultaneously with novocaine epidurally. To achieve a faster effect, you can inject the drug in combination with glucose. The dose is indicated in the instructions.

A story about a two-faced Czech young lady. The young lady of the two-headed boy Bosch was born. His mother was brought to Olomouc Zoo directly from South America, 14 days before birth. The new environment is likely to have a negative impact on the woman's behavior after birth and has caused the mother's lack of interest in the baby. Apparently, she was not yet sure of her new home, and she was not ready to take care of young people. The young man was split on the ground and completely caught a cold. He immediately switched to an electric blanket and received glucose for energy.

The dosage, depending on the type of animal, is indicated in units in the table:

Kind of animal

Method of administration and dose of the drug, ED

Subcutaneously or intramuscularly



After the warm weather, the boy tried to return to his mother, as it could happen that the young mother accidentally fell alone. The mother still refused and even bit the minor, so it was decidedly decided to take the young man to his mother and begin artificial education.

We had no experience in raising Leninists, so we consulted with colleagues from the Dortmund Zoo, where artificial offspring were already taking place. The first problems arose when we found out that there was no suction reflex in Bohus. Feeding was very demanding, diluted condensed milk was very reluctant to drink and swallowed hard. Another problem was keeping him warm. The initial problems, however, managed to be overcome, God began to gradually gain weight and gradually got around.

Mares, cows (cattle)

Sows weighing up to 200 kg

Goats, sheep

As a rule, in case of an overdose of complications, side symptoms in animals are not noted. Oxytocin for veterinary medicine can be used simultaneously with other pharmacological agents.

It became a favorite of zoo workers and especially visitors who had the unique opportunity to come into direct contact with live sloths. Bohusz was very accustomed to human contact, he became increasingly popular with the general public and participated in activities organized for visitors and school teams. In fact, he became just another member of the promotion department, helping out on tour at the zoo and didn't miss any of the action. Participates in weddings, corporate events and educational programs.

Today, Bohusz has made great progress in his development, for which he owes nurse Mrs. Hanna Dostalova, her substitute mother, but she still has a lot to learn to be able to fully integrate between individuals and take care of herself. At the same time, spending his whole life in the company of a man with his nurse, spending time working at the zoo, and then returning home with her, gives a lot of attention, especially in public transport buses. Currently, she is not yet able to eat enough food on her own and is therefore dependent on her nurse.

Important! If a goat after lambing, cows, other farm animals were injected with oxytocin, there are no contraindications for eating meat, animal products.

When working with a veterinary drug, as well as with other groups of medications, safety precautions, personal hygiene, asepsis, antiseptics should be observed.

The Dark Lathan is known by the former zoological name of the California Lion. The male was given the name Hombre and the female was named Jena. A new exposure was waiting for the barnacles, due to more exposure than the breeder. Both sea lions turned out to be very friendly, the woman was more shy, but the man is gradually getting used to the presence of farmers who took place to try similar training both in the international zoo and Oceania in the west of our country. At the time when the sea lions came to the zoo, it is not possible that the contact with the West German zoo, as today, as Czech aquarists can only come from amateur seals, learning from samples.

Contraindications and side effects

The veterinary preparation used for females can provoke side effects only in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In this case, individuals note:

  • tachycardia;
  • short-term arterial hypotension;
  • violation of respiratory function;
  • uterine hypertonicity.

In case of an overdose, uterine hyperstimulation, cardiac arrhythmias, hypoxia, and fetal death are possible.

Oxytocin is categorically contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug, as well as if there is a threat of uterine rupture during fetal hypoxia, which is provoked by its incorrect location. In this case, the veterinarian performs a caesarean section.

The drug is not administered if it is impossible for the fetus to pass naturally through the birth canal, as well as with its deformities, obstetrics in cases of a large fetus.

If there are contraindications to the use of oxytocin or a pronounced side symptomatology is noticeable, the medication is stopped. Animals are prescribed symptomatic therapy. In case of hypersensitivity to oxytocin, other pharmacological agents may be prescribed to enhance the contractile function of the smooth muscles of the uterus, to stimulate labor.

Oxytocin is a synthetic hormonal drug in the form of a solution. It is intended for animals to stimulate labor.

The composition of the drug suggests the presence of an active substance, namely oxytocin, a hormone that is produced in the hypothalamus and enters the posterior pituitary gland. In pharmacies, you can buy Oxytocin in vials or ampoules. In addition to the main component, the preparation contains glacial acetic acid, water, ethanol, chlorobutanol hemihydrate. The mechanism of action of the drug is aimed at stimulating contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, increasing the amount of milk produced.

Indications for the use of Oxytocin

The action of the drug is aimed at promoting the natural exit of the placenta in case of detention. In veterinary medicine, the drug stimulates childbirth, both in agricultural and domestic animals:

  • cattle;
  • sheep;
  • cows;
Appearance of the packaging of Oxytocin

Oxytocin is a fast-acting drug. The effect of its use occurs after an incident of 2 minutes with intramuscular or subcutaneous administration, and with intravenous administration - less than 1 minute. According to the instructions for use, Oxytocin is used for:

  • weak course of childbirth;
  • endometritis;
  • atony and hypotension of the uterus;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • reflex agalactia;
  • maste.

When not to use the drug

According to the instructions, in veterinary medicine, Oxytocin for animals is prohibited from using in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Also, it is not recommended to use if the size of the pelvis and the fetus of the woman in labor does not match, the presence of a scar mark after a cesarean section. Other contraindications to the use of Oxytocin in veterinary medicine are:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • the animal has contraindications for vaginal delivery;
  • renal failure of chronic type;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • oblique or transverse position of the fetus;
  • squeezing the fetus;
  • facial presentation of the fetus;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus, which did not appear during childbirth;
  • premature birth;
  • malignant formation of the cervix;
  • threatening uterine rupture;
  • uterine sepsis;
  • partial placenta previa;
  • uterus after multiple births.

Side effects from the drug

When using Oxytocin, side effects are not excluded, which include vomiting and nausea, the development of allergic reactions (itching, skin rashes). Among other consequences of taking Oxytocin, violations of the following systems are distinguished:

  1. Reproductive: placental abruption, uterine hypertonicity, intrauterine fetal suffering (arrhythmia, asphyxia, bradycardia), excessively strong or discoordinated labor activity, uterine rupture.
  2. Endocrine: vasopressin-like action (antidiuretic).
  3. Immune: bronchospasm, anaphylaxis, rarely - death.
  4. Cardiovascular: violation of the rhythm of the beating of the heart muscle.

Instructions for use in veterinary medicine

The use of Oxytocin in veterinary medicine, according to the instructions, is as follows: the pharmacological preparation is administered intramuscularly, but subcutaneous, intravenous administration is not excluded. Before use, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. The doctor may advise you to administer the drug simultaneously with novocaine epidurally or inject the drug along with glucose.

Oxytocin solution must be free of impurities and color

For the best efficacy and safety of the animal, it is better to choose an individual dosing regimen. According to the instructions for use, a single dose for intramuscular injection is 2-10 IU. With intravenous administration (drip or jet-slow dose is 5 IU). If Oxytocin was injected to cows, goats or other farm animals, then animal products and meat can be consumed.

Depending on the type of animal, the dosage of the drug, according to the instructions, is as follows:

Animal Dosage of the drug depending on the route of administration (ED)
Intramuscular or subcutaneous Intravenously epidural
cats 3 2-3 2
Cattle 30-60 40 15-30
Dogs 5-10 2-7 -
Pigs up to 200 mg 30 20 10-15
Cattle 30-60 40 15-30

Use in lactation and pregnancy

If the animal is in the first trimester of pregnancy, then the drug is used only for induced or spontaneous abortions. Statistical data were collected on whether the drug has an effect on the occurrence of malformations in the fetus. The conclusion is that when used correctly, Oxytocin does not harm the fetus.

However, it is able to slightly penetrate to the fetus of the animal through breast milk. If it is necessary to give Oxytocin to stop uterine bleeding, then feeding should be started at the end of treatment with the drug.

Terms of sale and storage

A veterinary drug is sold in pharmacies by prescription. The medication should be kept away from children in a place protected from direct sunlight. The optimum temperature for storage is 2-15 degrees.

The shelf life of a closed vial is 3 years. An open container with the remnants of the drug should be thrown away.

Price and analogues of oxytocin in veterinary medicine

A hormonal agent is produced in the form of a solution for injection. The solution appears to be a colorless, clear liquid. One ml of the product is placed in a glass ampoule. The cardboard box contains 5 ampoules. The package contains instructions for medical use. The cost of a veterinary drug is 30-60 rubles (Russia), 10-70 UAH (Ukraine), 9 Bel. rub. (Belarus).

There are drugs on the pharmaceutical market with a similar mechanism of action. The analogues of the drug include the following names:

  • Syntocinon;
  • Oxytocin-Vial;
  • Pitocin;
  • Oxytocin-MEZ;
  • Oxytocin-Ferein;
  • Oxytocin-Richter;
  • Oxytocin-Grindeks.

You cannot buy Oxytocin tablets or spray. However, its substitutes are Sandopart, Deaminooxytocin and Demoxytocin.


1.1. Oxytocin solution (Solutio Oxytocini pro injectionibus) is a hormonal drug, the active principle of which is oxytocin (a synthetic analogue of the polypeptide hormone of the posterior pituitary gland.

1.2. The drug is a colorless transparent liquid with a slight specific odor. 1 ml of the drug contains 5 or 10 units of oxytocin.

1.3. The drug is produced packaged in bottles with a capacity of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ml, closed with rubber stoppers and rolled up aluminum caps. Packing unit is marked according to specifications.

1.4. The drug is stored with caution (list B) in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 1 to 100 C. The drug has a shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture.


2.1. Oxytocin has the ability to enhance the contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and the myoepithelium of the mammary gland.


3.1. Oxytocin solution is used for female farm animals with weak labor activity, uterine bleeding, retention of the placenta, atony, hypotension and inflammation of the uterus, mastitis and reflex agalactia.

3.2. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously, if necessary - in combination with novocaine epidurally in the following doses:

Kind of animal


and doses (ED)

Subcutaneously or intramuscularly



Mares and cows

Sows weighing up to 200 kg

Goats and sheep

3.3. Oxytocin solution is contraindicated in obstetrics in cases of a large fetus, its deformity, as well as in the wrong position and position.

3.4. Side effects and complications after the use of the drug have not been established.

3.5. During the period of use of Oxytocin, there are no restrictions on the use of animal products for human consumption.

3.6. The use of the drug does not exclude the use of other drugs.

Instructions for use of the drug Oxytocin-10 (50 ml)

Oxytocin is a hormonal drug for animals, which contains 1 ml as an active ingredient in 5 units or 10 units of oxytocin (a synthetic analogue of the polypeptide hormone of the posterior pituitary gland).

In appearance, the drug is a clear sterile solution for injection.

Release form
Produced packaged in bottles of 10, 50 and 100 ml.

Pharmacological properties
Oxytocin is a synthetic analogue of a polypeptide hormone produced by the posterior pituitary gland in mammals. Oxytocin has a tonic effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, increasing its tone and contraction. The drug helps to reduce the myoepithelial cells of the mammary glands, which stimulates milk flow. Unlike other hormones of the posterior pituitary gland, Oxytocin has weak antidiuretic and pressor activity. Oxytocin relaxes vascular smooth muscle, which leads to temporary arterial hypotension and reflex tachycardia. When administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly, the effect of Oxytocin on the smooth muscles of the uterus is manifested within 1-3 minutes, the duration of the pharmacological effect of the drug is from 20 to 30 minutes. The half-life of Oxytocin in animals is 5-7 minutes. Oxytocin, according to the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, is classified as a low-hazard substance and, in recommended doses, does not have a local irritating effect.

Assign to female animals for therapeutic purposes with weak labor, uterine bleeding, retention of the placenta, atony and hypotension of the uterus, endometritis, mastitis and reflex agalactia.

Doses and method of application
Oxytocin is administered to females in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics once subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously, if necessary - epidurally in combination with Novocaine solution in the following doses:
Mares and cows: 30 - 60; 40; 15 - 30.
Sows weighing up to 200 kg: 30; twenty; 10 - 15.
Goats and sheep: 10 - 15; 8 - 10; not used epidurally.
Dogs: 5 - 10; 2 - 7; not used epidurally.
Cats: 3; 2 - 3; 2.

Side effects
With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the drug, the following are possible: uterine hypertonicity, tachycardia, short-term arterial hypotension, bronchospasm. In these cases, animals are prescribed symptomatic therapy. With an overdose of the drug, hyperstimulation of the uterus, a decrease in heart rate, hypoxia and fetal death are possible. In such cases, the use of the drug is stopped and symptomatic therapy is carried out: the volume of fluid is reduced, diuretics are administered to cause forced diuresis, hypertonic solutions of sodium chloride and electrolytes. Oxytocin enhances the pressor effect of sympathomimetics. In combination with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, the risk of high blood pressure increases.

Increased individual sensitivity of animals to Oxytocin. It is not allowed to use the drug in cases of threat of uterine rupture and intrauterine fetal hypoxia associated with an incorrect location and position of the fetus, a discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the size of the pelvis, as well as when it is impossible to naturally pass the fetus through the birth canal. Oxytocin is not used by females during obstetrics in cases of a large fetus, its deformity, as well as in the wrong position and position.

special instructions
Slaughter and use of livestock products after the introduction of Oxytocin is carried out without any restrictions. During manipulations with the drug, it is forbidden to drink, smoke and eat. At the end of work, wash your hands with soap.

Storage conditions
In a dry, cool, protected from light place, out of the reach of children and animals, in the manufacturer's packaging. Separated from food and feed at temperatures from 1 to 25 °C.

Best before date- 2 years.

Package: bottle 50 ml.

Item release unit: bottle 50 ml.

Manufacturer: BIOWET PULAWY, Poland.

Sometimes with the pathological course of pregnancy in animals, it becomes necessary to use drugs to stimulate labor. However, in order not to harm the goat, it is important to correctly calculate the dosage of the medication. Today we will tell you how oxytocin is applied to a goat. what is the correct dosage, let's talk about the characteristics of this drug.

Oxytocin is a hormone-based drug that is used for various injections. In the body, the pituitary gland is responsible for its natural production process. If we talk about the pharmaceutical form of oxytocin, then the product is produced in the form of a colorless liquid, does not have any smell.

One milliliter of the product contains up to 10 units. active substance. The drug is produced in vials with a capacity of 1 to 100 ml.

In addition to the main component of oxytocin, the composition contains:

  • preservatives;
  • stabilizer.

The drug belongs to the drugs with low toxicity. If the dosing regimen is observed, it does not pose a danger to the health of animals.

Properties of oxytocin

Oxytocin increases the tone of the uterus, it is especially often used for goats in the last days of pregnancy, thereby provoking rapid labor activity.

The hormone also contributes to the active production of milk in case of its shortage. It accelerates its movement along the ducts. The drug has an instant effect. After injection into the muscle, it begins to act after 60 seconds. When injected into a vein, the agent begins to act after 20 seconds.

To enhance the effect of oxytocin, it is administered in the same syringe with glucose. In this case, the dosage of the active substance is significantly reduced.

In what cases is it used?

There are the following indications for the use of drugs for animals:

  • lack of normal fetal progression;
  • mastitis;
  • bleeding from the uterus;
  • absence of placenta at the end of childbirth.

The duration of the effect of the drug is about 40 minutes. Sometimes the veterinarian considers it necessary to use the product multiple times.

Dosage of the drug

Contraindications and side effects

The medication can cause dangerous side effects. This happens with individual intolerance to the remedy by the body of a goat. The following symptoms are observed:

  • palpitations;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • respiratory failure;
  • allergic manifestations of various types.

The main contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • the presence of a threat of damage to the cervix in the pathological location of the fetus in the womb;
  • clear indications for the operation;
  • fetal deformity;
  • a narrow pelvis that does not match the size of the fetus;
  • stretching of the walls of the uterus;
  • kidney failure;
  • blood poisoning;
  • lactation period;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • previous caesarean section;
  • tumors in the uterine cavity.

In the case of the introduction of a large amount of the drug, excessive stimulation may occur, which will cause bleeding, death of the fetus. In this case, the drug is no longer administered, but intravenous saline is used to normalize the balance.

Oxytocin is strictly prohibited for use in the presence of individual intolerance to one of the components of the composition. Otherwise, uterine rupture may occur. In difficult situations, the animal is operated on, the fetus is removed.

It is forbidden to use the medicine in the absence of the possibility of natural childbirth. And also in the case of a too large fruit or with its obvious flaws. If necessary, the hormone is combined with other drugs without fear. And also there are no prohibitions on eating animal meat after such therapy.

special instructions

When administering the drug to a goat during lambing, sterility should be observed. Upon completion of the process, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. During this time, it is forbidden to eat any food.

Contact of the product with the mucous membranes of the eyes should be avoided. If the drug gets into the eye, it is recommended to immediately rinse it with running water.

In the presence of an allergic reaction to oxytocin, it is allowed to work with the drug only in tight gloves. If the remedy has appeared on the skin and caused irritation, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Vials of the drug after use should be discarded immediately. They are strictly prohibited for personal use.


Store the drug in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. Shelf life before opening the vial is 24 months. It is forbidden to store the opened drug, which remained after use.

Features of lambing in a goat

Goat pregnancy is a crucial period in which the animal needs to pay more attention. Quite often, physiological disorders of the fetus are associated with poor living conditions and poor nutrition. It is important to ensure that the uterus is calm so as not to provoke nervous stress.

Contractions are the first sign of lambing. This means that the fetus begins to move through the birth canal. At such a moment, the uterus lies on the bedding, can eat the mucus that appears along with the waters. Then the legs begin to be seen, to which the head is pressed. Another part of the body comes out rapidly in a few minutes. Such a process should occur quickly, in the absence of a pathological pregnancy.

Obstetrics is carried out only with the participation of a veterinarian.

The farmer does not always have the opportunity to call a doctor. It is important to learn the rules on how to make an intramuscular injection to an animal on your own.

Table 1. How to give an intramuscular injection

Step one: prepare the drug for injection and draw it into a syringe.
Step two: it is necessary to fix the body of the goat so that it cannot move and feel for the muscle near the front paw.
Step three: then you have to carefully inject.

Before making any injection, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Otherwise, you can harm the animal.

The duration of a goat's lambing can be from 20 minutes to 10 hours. It is desirable that this period lasts less. If, as a result of contractions, the fetus does not move along the birth canal, this means that the muscles of the uterus are too relaxed and cannot cope with such a process. Such a pathology occurs in the absence of a normal walking goat during pregnancy.

An injection of oxytocin is administered 11-12 hours after the onset of contractions in the absence of obvious contraindications. Most often, veterinarians inject the medicine into the sacrum. An operation to extract the fetus is done only in extreme cases, when the fetus is excessively large and the animal may die.

Sometimes when passing through the birth canal, the legs of a kid goat are bent. It is necessary to recognize such a problem in time and straighten them into the right position.

After the birth of a kid, the placenta must come out. Usually it comes out in the interval from 20 minutes to 4 hours. Do not try to get it yourself. If this process is delayed, then oxytocin must be used.

Video - Helping a goat during lambing

Summing up

During lambing, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the goat. In most cases, labor activity proceeds without any complications. However, it is important to provide urgent assistance if any problems arise.

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