A decoction of matryona as a means for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. Healing infusion of matryona from infertility

One of the serious problems of modern women is infertility. Today, many methods of treating the disease have been developed, but none of them gives a 100% guarantee.

One of the popular remedies for the treatment of gynecological diseases is the infusion of Matrena (pharmacies). It is considered an effective herbal preparation, thanks to which the chances of getting pregnant increase. In addition, it is prescribed for the treatment of various female diseases. Often this herbal preparation is called Matron's infusion.

Useful properties of infusion

How effective is the infusion of Matrena, where you can buy a quality product - frequent questions from women, because the likelihood of acquiring a fake is very high due to the huge popularity of the drink.

In pharmacies, a remedy of two types is sold:

  • herbal collection (loose or in bags);
  • ready infusion.

The best way to protect yourself from purchasing a low-quality drug is to order Matron's infusion composition, which will meet all standards in an online store on the website of a pharmaceutical company or in a retail pharmacy, where suppliers provide a 100% quality guarantee.

You can make Matrena's infusion on your own, but doctors categorically do not recommend doing this. It's all about the unique exact proportions of the plants that make up the drug. It is simply impossible to ideally repeat the amount of herbs at home.

The composition of Matryona infusion has a beneficial effect on the body:

  1. It is able to stabilize the psychological state during the course of pregnancy.
  2. Helps facilitate the passage of sperm on the way to the egg.
  3. Contains special phytohormones similar to female estrogens.
  4. Treats various female diseases.
  5. Helps in preventing cervical dysplasia.
  6. Affects the creation of a beneficial environment for conception.
  7. Reduces the chances of miscarriages.
  8. Significantly increases the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Infusion of Matrona for infertility is often prescribed if drug treatment does not help. Medical studies confirm that in 66% of women using the drug, the possibility of becoming pregnant occurs after the fourth month. In most cases, the composition of Matrona's infusion is able to cure various gynecological ailments.

The composition of the product

Herbal infusion of Matrena contains absolutely safe ingredients that exclude the presence of harmful chemical, toxic components.

Since ancient times, the infusion of Matrona was called the collection of 2 herbs - the womb and evening primrose, which improved the reproductive function of a woman and treated her for infertility. Today it is a powder composition, which is recommended for a woman to drink in the course indicated on the package, diluting the required amount in a glass of boiling water.

Modern homeopathy has gone further and proposed a new version of the infusion, which includes herbs that not only stimulate conception, but also can have a healing effect on the female reproductive system as a whole, reducing painful symptoms in women's ailments.

The infusion of Matryona is not worth even trying to make the composition yourself. Of course, the power of suggestion and the right set of herbs can create a feeling of a healing effect, but it is better to purchase a finished product. Infusion of Matryona - herbs include the following types:

  1. The upland uterus is widely used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.
  2. Wintergreen - helps to reduce the chances of miscarriage, improves the period of intoxication, has a beneficial effect on the fetus.
  3. Oregano - protects against inflammatory processes.
  4. Winter-loving - often used to treat genitourinary diseases.
  5. Hibiscus - reduces blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Chamomile is a natural antidepressant, analgesic plant.

Also in the composition there are various vitamins, minerals, active substances, antioxidants, amino acids. In view of this composition, you can not be afraid of the abnormal development of the child - the drink provides the fetus with maximum protection against viruses and harmful bacteria.

Method of preparation, application

Infusion of Matrena how to make it yourself, only a qualified specialist can accurately answer. Despite the herbs that can be found on sale and which are included in the infusion of Matryona, the composition of the drink is very difficult to repeat.

Only an experienced herbalist, homeopath will be able to cope with the task. Specialists have the necessary equipment for measuring the weight of ingredients, they know in what form raw materials should be harvested, and many other subtleties. It should be remembered that the wrong dosage can cause side effects, so it is better to entrust the preparation of the composition of the infusion to a specialist.

If the strength of the desire to prepare such a remedy on your own is very great, then only a consultation with a specialist will help you find out how to make Matrena's infusion yourself correctly.

Abuse of infusion can adversely affect health, so it is not recommended to violate the rules of use.

At home, you can prepare an analogue of the drink - tea-infusion of Matrena, which is available in pharmacies in packaged form.


  • 1 tsp or 1 bag of herbs;
  • 1 cup boiling water.


  1. Place the collection of herbs indicated earlier in the composition in any container.
  2. Pour in boiling water.
  3. Insist 5 minutes.
  4. Cool to room temperature.
  5. Consume 3 times a day before or after meals.
  6. The course of treatment consists of at least 30 days.
  7. A month after consumption, a break is made for 1 week, then treatment can be continued again.

Knowing how to make Matrena's infusion and use it correctly, you can significantly improve your women's health after 6 months. Six months later, the treatment is stopped for six months, and only then you can re-drink the infusion.

Infusion of Matrena - reviews of doctors

Tamara Vasilievna, gynecologist: “I have been working in the regional maternity hospital for ten years. We are often approached by women with infertility problems, gynecological diseases. Almost everyone has a high risk of miscarriage. Once a girl came to us with a threat of miscarriage, it was already too late to prescribe medication, since the deadlines did not allow. We decided to try Matrona's infusion at home. The woman took the decoction for almost two months, the body was saturated with vitamins, and her daughter is already 2 years old.

Elena Alekseevna, general practitioner: “Once a patient came to my department, suffering from terrible toxicosis. She told about the previously prescribed pills, which in no way alleviated the symptoms. I advised her to make an infusion of Matryona and take a drink daily instead of regular tea. A month later, this woman came to see me again. As it turned out, the symptoms of toxicosis disappeared within two weeks, after the start of the use of Matrona.

Instructions for use

Infusion of Matrena - instructions for use:

  1. Use the infusion after meals.
  2. Take three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  3. If there are negative manifestations in the work of the body, you should undergo a medical consultation.

Matrena's infusion has only positive reviews, because the drink has a number of advantages over chemical preparations:

  1. The absence of contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to certain ingredients of the infusion.
  2. High efficiency of the product. The method of treatment with herbal preparations gives positive results after 2-3 monthly courses.
  3. Complete absence of age restrictions. If a woman has not yet reached menopause, then you can use a drink to conceive a child.
  4. The complex of herbs is selected in a special way. It protects the body of the expectant mother from all inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Only a properly prepared drink can save a woman from infertility, however, the drink should also be consumed under the supervision of a doctor.

Matron's infusion - patient reviews

Andrey, 30 years old: “For 8 years, my wife could not get pregnant. Turning to the hospital, the doctor advised to conduct a course of treatment with Matrona's infusion. My wife and I hesitated for a long time and did not think that ordinary herbal tea could help us. But 10 years have passed and we are happy with two small children.”

Tamila, 38 years old: “I have been married for over 19 years. For a long period they could not have a child, underwent various therapies, but the results did not improve. Once I found an article about the infusion of Matrona, I decided to try it. Now my husband and I are happy with our beloved daughter.”

What is Matrona's decoction for infertility: deceit and the truth about the power of herbal collection

Externally, the herbal collection is a powder mixture that should be prepared in portions before each use. It tastes slightly bitter, and the color resembles Chinese green tea. If you really want to, then the drink can be sweetened with honey or a piece of refined sugar, although according to the instructions it is supposed to drink “pure infusion”. Knowledgeable people add that each such “tea party” must also be accompanied by an inner prayer addressed to Matronushka. It will help you to tune in the right way, relax and calm down. Of course, the statement that Matrona's decoction for infertility is 100% effective is a lie, but this remedy is not useless either. It is based on the properties of the upland uterus - the most famous herb that restores and heals the female genital area. It was with this herb that our grandmothers were treated for most of the ailments of women. It is effective for inflammation, and for cysts and fibroids, and for erosion, and for obstruction of the pipes, and for the so-called "aggressive environment". In a word, the herbal set removes all the reasons why the female body opposes pregnancy, and facilitates the process of conception. The same applies to those cases when both partners are perfectly healthy and there are purely psychological barriers to a long-awaited pregnancy. Infusion of Matrona removes increased irritability, allowing a woman to tune in the right way.

How to prepare a decoction of Matrena: instructions for use

To properly brew the composition, you need to get a measuring cup with a lid and patience. The course lasts 21 days, during which you should drink a freshly prepared drink three times a day. Infuse the decoction should be as follows:

    Pour a tablespoon of herbal collection with 200 ml of boiling water;

    Close the mixture with a lid and let it brew properly (7-10 minutes);

    You can wrap the infusion with a towel on top so that the herbs are properly steamed and share their healing properties;

    The resulting composition should be divided into three servings, each of which should be drunk after a meal.

Each jar of herbal collection of Matryona is supplied with instructions for use, so it’s simply impossible to confuse the stages of preparing a drink. It should not be done in advance, because over time, herbs will lose their healing properties. Every day you need to brew a fresh broth. It does not cause any unpleasant side effects, so it can be taken before bedtime and in the morning after breakfast. In addition, the natural composition is quite compatible with taking medications prescribed by a doctor, and can be used in combination with the main treatment of infertility or female sores.

How effective is Matrena's infusion for a quick pregnancy: doctors' reviews and personal impressions

My attempts to get pregnant ended in complete failure after calculating the days of ovulation, and after a course of pills, and after other artificial stimulations. My husband and I were already ready for IVF, when Matrena's infusion came to our aid, reviews of which my husband accidentally saw in one magazine, while waiting for me in line to the gynecologist. He suggested simply trying traditional medicine as a last chance before artificial conception. Then he himself, it seems to me, did not really believe in the effect. I decided to do everything according to the rules and first consult with the doctor. Oddly enough, Matrena's decoction also deserved very high reviews from doctors. My gynecologist fully supported my husband in his desire to try the decoction for my treatment. I just had to dutifully take the drink according to the instructions - 21 days daily, then a seven-day break, and a second course. During this time, I managed to calm down and relax, and enjoy the very process of "child production", I stopped running with a thermometer and a table of critical days. As a result, I almost missed the most important moment, that is, I found out about my pregnancy only in the third week, when there were already several days of delay. I didn't have any toxicity or other problems. The doctor assures me that just the herbs played a decisive role in this, they prepared my body and made sure that the pregnancy was easy and pleasant. She gave birth to the baby herself, without tears and incisions. Maybe Matrona helped again, or maybe she just set herself up correctly, but if I decide on the second one, then I will charmingly repeat the course with a healing drink.

What herbs are included in Matrena's decoction: the composition of the healing drink and its properties

In addition to the upland uterus known for its healing properties, the composition of the herbal collection for women also includes: evening primrose, chamomile, wintergreen, winter love and oregano. All herbs are harvested by hand and subjected to special processing, without losing their natural properties. The freshly brewed broth of Matrena, the composition of which is crushed into convenient granules, has a strong aroma and a rather pleasant, slightly bitter taste. In addition to the healing effect for the female genital area, it also improves immunity, normalizes digestion, improves the condition of hair, nails and skin, and rejuvenates the body. In other words, healing herbs completely prepare the female body for the desired conception, including making it extremely attractive to a partner.

Upland uterus with myoma and other female diseases

Matrenin decoction will be useful not only at the stage of pregnancy planning, but also for ladies who have serious illnesses. Properly brewed herbs relieve inflammation, accelerate regeneration processes, can delay the onset of menopause and alleviate all its symptoms. The old recipe for the infusion has remained virtually unchanged since the time of Matronushka herself and still helps even seriously ill women. Unfortunately, sometimes even doctors give in to diseases of the female genital area and are ready to label “infertility”, while traditional medicine treats these same ailments and allows you to get pregnant naturally. Faith and the power of nature itself are sometimes capable of real miracles.

Where can I buy a decoction of Matryona for infertility: price in pharmacies and on the official resource

Since herbal preparations are not subject to mandatory inclusion in the official register of medicines, they can not always be found on sale in a pharmacy. However, you can buy a decoction of Matrena from infertility at any convenient time on the official website - here. The resource works around the clock and accepts orders from all cities. Delivery is quite prompt, my order came within a week, and even at a discount. The only thing to watch out for is cheap fakes. This infusion is sold in branded packaging, with instructions and warranties from the manufacturer. I strongly advise everyone who is planning a happy pregnancy to try it - it will definitely help.

The modern lifestyle, the ecological situation is increasingly affecting the reproductive system of the female body. Young, outwardly healthy girls, sometimes not only cannot bear a child, but also have difficulty conceiving. Alternative folk medicine offers an alternative to medicines - the herbal collection of Matrena.

What is a decoction of Matryona

Nature has still kept many secrets, including healing ones. When doctors can shrug their hands in confusion, healers' knowledge comes to the rescue. Such a healing drink is the infusion of Matrena. The collection of certain herbs that make up the decoction helps to maintain a difficult pregnancy or helps the woman's body to rebuild so that she can conceive a long-awaited child.

What herbs are part of Matrena's decoction

For decades, healers have noticed and collected information about the healing properties of herbs. To help a woman get pregnant and cure her of infertility, you need to know what the composition of Matryona's decoction should consist of and in what proportions. Only under exactly the right conditions, the use of tincture will give the desired effect. Plants that should be part of the decoction grow in the forest, in the meadow, in garden plots. Here is a mandatory herbal list and medicinal properties of the collection:

  • winter love - will help increase immunity and strengthen the body;
  • field chamomile inflorescences - has a calming effect, relieves inflammation;
  • wintergreen - during pregnancy, it will reduce the symptoms of toxicosis, it will help to more easily endure the difficulties of bearing a child, save the fetus, and normalize the functioning of the ovaries;
  • the upland uterus is the basis of the collection, all parts of the plant are used to relieve inflammatory processes, it has a strong diuretic property;
  • lily of the valley (evening primrose) - reduces the symptoms of toxicosis, stimulates the production of female hormones;
  • oregano - has a calming, analgesic effect;
  • hibiscus (hibiscus) - normalizes blood pressure, relieves swelling, muscle spasms, removes toxins.

Indications for use of Matrena's decoction

No woman of any age is immune from reproductive health problems. How to help get pregnant if, according to medical diagnostics, doctors talk about infertility? The collection of Matrena, named after the famous healer, thanks to its composition, helps almost all women who are already desperate to have a child. Difficulties experienced with fertilization, pregnancy failures are solved if you take tea infused with herbs of primrose and upland uterus.

Treatment of gynecological diseases, especially those associated with insufficiently effective ovarian function, is mild and gives a positive result. Irregular periods begin to come according to the cycle, without pain. The period of treatment with Matrona's decoction is individual, taking into account age and general condition. For most women who take the herbal healing decoction, pregnancy occurs in two to four months.

Decoction of Matrena - instructions for use

Matryona tincture is very easy to prepare. Herbs, packaged in boxes in the right proportions, are brewed with boiling water in the ratio of one teaspoon per 200 ml of liquid. The broth, which has settled from 4 to 7 minutes, must be filtered. Drink one glass of tea with meals twice a day in a warm form. The minimum admission period is 1 month, the maximum is 6 months. There are no contraindications to the decoction, except for individual intolerance to the components.

The price of Matrena's broth

In order to observe the correct proportional ratio of herbs during the preparation of the decoction, it is better to purchase the Matrona collection at the pharmacy. A prescription is not required upon purchase. How much does Matryona's decoction cost, you can find out in one of the nearest pharmacies. The run-up of prices is small, the cost ranges from 1200 to 1500 rubles per pack. To save money, you can order inexpensively and buy in an online pharmacy on the official website with targeted delivery. The course will require several jars of Matrena's decoction, and a 5-10% discount will significantly reduce the final cost.

There are not many women on earth who voluntarily refuse to become mothers. It is believed that the child strengthens the family and makes the relationship between parents more harmonious. It is difficult to say whether this is really so, but the appearance of a long-awaited baby always becomes a holiday in the family, and women who cannot get pregnant try to find the cause of infertility and ways to get rid of it.

Reasons why pregnancy may not occur

The diagnosis of "infertility" can be heard by any modern woman. It often leads to many diseases of the female reproductive system that are not cured in time, often asymptomatic and manifest themselves only after reaching an incurable stage.

Women may lose their ability to bear children:

  • After a failed abortion or injury;
  • With problems with ovulation;
  • Due to the presence of benign inflammation and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Long-term use of certain drugs belonging to the group of antidepressants, antibiotics or analgesics.
  • Pregnancy may not occur as a result of long-term use of hormonal or birth control pills. Underweight or overweight, smoking, frequent stress, age - all this often delays the onset of a desired pregnancy.

Herbs that help get rid of female diseases

When all the traditional remedies tried by doctors turn out to be powerless, women turn their attention to traditional medicine. Indeed, in ancient times, healers with the help of plants often managed to save visitors from many female ailments. There are a huge number of herbs, taking decoctions and infusions of which allows you to get rid of female diseases.

These include:

  • Knotweed;
  • Plantain;
  • Red brush;
  • Sage;
  • evening primrose;
  • Boron uterus.

The principle of operation of each herb is approximately the same, and they all save a woman from inflammation, benign formations (except for those that are removed only by surgery) and other troubles.

You can take them both separately and in a mixture, brewing according to a specific recipe. The last two medicinal herbs are part of a 100% natural remedy called "Matryona's Decoction". When developing its recipe, the knowledge and experience of traditional healers accumulated over hundreds of years were used.

The effectiveness of Matrena's decoction and reviews about it

If you look at various sites for reviews of women who took Matrena's infusion, you can see that almost all of them are positive. Someone decided to buy a decoction on their own, someone was recommended by an employee or girlfriend, and sometimes even a gynecologist.

Reviews of Matrena's decoction claim that many girls and women managed to get rid of most gynecological problems.

They write stories about this on various sites and forums. There you can also read about how many of them experienced the joy of motherhood thanks to herbs, and in particular, Matrena's decoction. Of course, it was not without negative reviews, claiming that Matryona's decoction does not give any result. But after all, no one says that this remedy is a panacea for absolutely all troubles: problems with the onset of pregnancy are not always associated with a woman's illness.

The main plants that make up Matrena's Infusion

The composition of the decoction includes several plant components, the main of which are:

1. Uterus Borovaya, which is otherwise called hare salt, forest pear, female grass, wine grass, pear, and so on.

The plant is effective in the fight against:

  • Inflammation of the appendages;
  • endometriosis;
  • Erosion w / m;
  • Toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • Myoma and fibroma;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • Infertility.

The list goes on, but undoubtedly, ortilia lopsided (this is the official name of the herb) is considered the best remedy of natural origin, used in the fight against numerous gynecological diseases.

2. evening primrose - has a rejuvenating, antioxidant and regenerating effect. The gamma-linolenic acid contained in the oil of the plant restores immunity by stimulating the production of prostaglandins, which are similar to hormones.

The plant has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of women by stimulating the production of mucus in the cervix, which increases the likelihood of fertilization.

Primrose oil reduces the likelihood of late toxicosis and other unpleasant conditions in pregnant women.

In addition to the two main herbs, the Infusion of Materena contains:

1. Oregano, which is also called bedbug, zvirazh, bee-lover, oregano, mother, etc. In folk medicine, it is used as a remedy that has the following effect on the body:

  • Weak diuretic;
  • Antiseptic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • expectorant;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • soothing;
  • Painkiller;
  • Hemostatic.

Taking drugs and decoctions, which include the motherboard, is not recommended for pregnant women, as it can provoke a miscarriage.

2. Wintergreen rich in tannins, vitamins, trace elements and a host of other useful substances that make the plant truly unique. It is used not only in herbal medicine, but also in traditional medicine for the treatment of:

  • hernias;
  • Radiculitis;
  • scurvy;
  • headaches;
  • epilepsy;
  • breast cancer;
  • skin diseases;
  • Inflammation of the female genital organs.

Wintergreen is part of some drugs used to treat chronic adnexitis, female and male infertility caused by inflammation of the pelvic organs, and also relieves endometriosis.

3. Zimolyubka called bitter grass, spool, pine forest, pear, core, and so on. The plant has diuretic, tonic, disinfectant, astringent properties and is used in the treatment of:

  • ascites;
  • gout;
  • gonorrhea;
  • Jade;
  • Inflammation of the urethra;
  • Enterocolitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urinary retention;
  • breast cancer;
  • Chronic urethritis.

4. Hibiscus called the drink of the pharaohs or hibiscus. Tea made from it has a sour taste and many useful properties:

  • Stimulates the production of bile;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Removes toxins;
  • Has a relaxing effect.

5. Chamomile drugstore is called mother grass, german chamomile, morgun, blush and camila. It has carminative, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Chamomile relieves:

  • Colitis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • Painful menstruation;
  • eczema;
  • Furuncles;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Ulcerative diseases of the skin.

Matryona's decoction can not only be drunk as tea, but also used for washing if a woman wants to get rid of rashes or other cosmetic problems.

Matrena's decoction at home is recommended to be taken in parallel with the drugs prescribed by the attending physician. You can also drink it to prevent the occurrence of diseases of the genitourinary system, improve the functions of the female genital organs and accelerate the conception of a child.

It is necessary to use infusion from infertility as indicated in the instructions, namely, every day, exclusively fresh. You should not wait for it to start working in just a couple of days - it takes time to achieve the desired result, since herbs never heal anything very quickly.

How to prepare a decoction of Matryona

  • They take raw materials with the calculation of a teaspoon of herbal collection per glass of water;
  • Pour the grass into a cup, pour boiling water and leave for five minutes;
  • Drink 30 minutes before meals.

The daily norm of Matrena's decoction is one glass. It must be divided into three doses.

A jar of dry mix is ​​enough for several courses, each of which should last no less and no more than 21 days. The minimum recommended intake of the decoction is 2-3 menstrual cycles.

After each course, you should take weekly breaks. You can resume taking the decoction several times in a row, but not more than six times in a row.

Where, how and for what price can you buy a decoction Matryona

Buying a decoction of Materena is not difficult, because it is sold in all cities, in almost every pharmacy. Its beneficial properties and proven effectiveness have long been known to many women, because with its help many of them have already become mothers.

The price of herbal collection is a little over 1000 rubles and it cannot be called high. The package is enough for several courses.

Taking the remedy, you can get rid of a long and fruitless walk around the offices of gynecologists, taking hormonal drugs, and so on. Buy a decoction of Matrena in a pharmacy or order on the Internet - a woman must decide for herself. But in order to protect yourself from fakes and get closer to realizing the dream of a child, it is advisable to buy the collection from the manufacturer, that is, on the official website.

Matryona's decoction creates favorable conditions in a woman's body, under which the sperm and the egg find each other faster. The herbs present in the collection contain hormones of plant origin, which are very similar to estrogen. These phytohormones accelerate the onset of pregnancy, relieve many diseases that even the most expensive traditional methods could not cope with, and often make women forget that they once heard the diagnosis “infertility” from a doctor.

The effectiveness of Matrena's decoction has been proven by clinical trials. Doctors say that thanks to him:

  • 89% of women were able to become pregnant after the third course of treatment;

  • 23% managed to get rid of gynecological problems in just a month;

  • 44% got pregnant about a month after taking the herbs.

Matrena's Decoction can be taken by women who just want to not yet plan a pregnancy or already have children, but want to get rid of gynecological problems. The decoction works even where the doctors were powerless, and the courses of treatment prescribed by them did not give positive results.

There are no contraindications to taking the decoction, as such. Only those who have an individual intolerance to one or more phytocomponents will have to refuse it. Preserving a woman's health and giving her the joy of motherhood is the goal for which Matryona's Decoction was created.

Women have suffered from gynecological diseases throughout the history of mankind. For the treatment of women's ailments, herbs were used, such as upland uterus, evening primrose, wintergreen. It is these plants that are included in the infusion or decoction of Matrona.

Composition and healing properties

The therapeutic effect of taking Matrona's decoction is observed due to its constituent herbs such as:

Scope and rules for receiving funds

A decoction of Matryona for infertility is an extremely effective remedy. Infertility is the main indication for the use of the drug collection.

It can be primary, that is, due to its characteristics, the female body cannot initially conceive and bear a child. This pathology occurs very rarely, and herbs will not help here.

Many women are diagnosed with secondary infertility, which is provoked by various disorders in the body:

  • Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  • Hormonal disorders.

It is possible to restore the normal functioning of the body not only by chemical means, but also by herbal remedies, in particular, Matron's decoction, which has several advantages:

Matron's infusion is brewed like regular tea. Instructions for its use can be found on the packaging.

In case of infertility, it is recommended to take 1 glass of decoction per day daily before or during meals. If it is difficult to drink 200 ml at a time, then you can divide the daily dosage into 3 doses. As a preventive measure for gynecological diseases, the infusion is recommended to take 2 teaspoons 2 times a day.

Every day you need to brew a fresh infusion. The course of admission for infertility can last from 2 to 6 months. The manufacturer recommends taking Matrena's infusion for 3 weeks, then take a break for 1 week and continue taking it again.

If pregnancy has not occurred six months after the start of the intake, then again you can take Matrona's infusion no earlier than 6 months later.

Contraindications and unwanted effects

Like any medicine, herbal medicines also have contraindications for use. You should refrain from taking this collection of medicinal herbs if the following diseases and conditions are observed:

It is also worth considering that when taking oral contraceptives and when prescribing hormone replacement therapy, the active substances of hibiscus tea can affect estrogen levels. In addition, they can react with Paracetamol, antihypertensive and anticancer drugs.

The manufacturer assures that when using the collection of herbs, no adverse reactions occur, except for allergies, however, the herbs that make up the collection can cause such undesirable effects as:

In addition, the acids that make up hibiscus tea can cause the destruction of tooth enamel, to avoid this, you need to rinse your mouth after every cup of drink you drink.

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