The main signs of lack of sleep. Lack of sleep: consequences for women, men. Causes and symptoms of constant sleep deprivation. What causes chronic sleep deprivation

Good sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Many people forget about this, and mistakenly assume that having slept off on the weekend, they will return the lost hours to the body during the working week. Chronic sleep deprivation contributes to the development of many diseases, including cancer, hypertension and diabetes. Even if a person will take vitamins, exercise and eat well, this will not help his body restore the need for healthy sleep.

Good sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Many people forget about this, and mistakenly assume that having slept off on the weekend, they will return the lost hours to the body during the working week. Chronic sleep deprivation contributes to the development of many diseases, including cancer, hypertension and diabetes. Even if a person will take vitamins, exercise and eat well, this will not help his body restore the need for healthy sleep.

Top 10 Consequences of Chronic Sleep Deprivation

Systematic lack of sleep is much more dangerous than staying awake for several days. A person who has not had enough sleep for two weeks begins to get used to it, and a five-hour sleep becomes the norm for him. The body simply adapts to such a rhythm of life and works with all its might. If a person does not restore a full eight-hour sleep, the body will not be able to hold out for a long time in such a rhythm.

1. Decreased memory

During sleep, new information that has come to us during the whole day is transferred to short-term memory. During each phase of sleep, there are different processes for processing new information, which turns into memories. In the event that a person does not get enough sleep, important cycles of the memory chain are destroyed and the memorization process is interrupted.

Each of us could at least once feel for ourselves that a sleepy person does not remember information well, since he simply does not have the strength to concentrate and concentrate.

2. Slow down thought processes

As a result of research, it was found that lack of sleep causes a decrease in concentration. As a result of lack of sleep, it is easier to make mistakes and harder to concentrate - even the simplest logical problems are beyond the power of a sleepy person to solve.

3. Sleep deprivation impairs vision

Constant neglect of sleep is detrimental to vision. Scientists have come to the conclusion that chronic sleep deprivation can provoke glaucoma, which can subsequently cause blindness. In the case of periodic sleep deprivation, a person may experience ischemic optic neuropathy, a vascular disease that occurs after waking up. The optic nerve is affected due to insufficient blood supply, resulting in sudden loss of vision in one eye.

4. Emotional instability in adolescents

Regular sleep deprivation causes depression in teenagers. With a lack of sleep, the psyche of a teenager is extremely vulnerable - an imbalance in the activity of brain regions occurs. So, in areas of the prefrontal zone, which regulates negative associations, activity decreases and adolescents are prone to pessimism and a depressed emotional state.

5. Pressure increase

Chronic sleep deprivation after the age of 25 causes high blood pressure. American scientists have found that late awakening (disturbance of sleep rhythm) also causes an increase in pressure and can cause excess weight.

6. Reduced immunity

A person who does not systematically get enough sleep is more susceptible to viral diseases. This is due to the depletion of the body, the protective functions of which are reduced, giving pathogens a “green color”.

7. Premature aging

Failure to comply with sleep-wake rhythms can lead to early aging of the body. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that plays an important role in prolonging youth. In order for the body to produce a sufficient amount of melatonin, a person must sleep at least 7 hours at night (dark) time of the day, since as a result of full sleep we get 70% of the daily dose of melatonin.

8. Life expectancy is decreasing

In case of lack or excess of sleep, the likelihood of premature death increases. This is evidenced by the results of research by American scientists. The life expectancy of people experiencing chronic sleep deprivation is reduced by 10%.

9. Obesity

Due to lack of sleep, a person is rapidly gaining weight. This is due to an imbalance in the secretion of hormones that are responsible for feelings of satiety and hunger. With a hormonal failure, a person experiences a constant feeling of hunger, which is quite difficult to satisfy. Also, the cause of metabolic disorders due to lack of sleep can be excessive production of the hormone cortisol, which also stimulates hunger. The daily rhythm of the secretion of thyroid hormones and the pituitary gland also changes, which causes functional and organic disorders of many organs and systems of the human body.

10 Cancer

Lack of sleep can lead to cancer. Scientists explain the risk of oncology by a violation of the production of melatonin. This hormone, in addition to antioxidant properties, is able to suppress the growth of tumor cells.

Sleep deprivation: health problems

The reason for lack of sleep can be not only a busy work schedule. Most often, we cannot fall asleep due to objective factors that affect healthy sleep. By regularly making the same mistakes, we deprive ourselves of comfortable conditions for sleep, without even knowing it.

Chronic sleep deprivation leads to the following problems:

  • Nightmares, headaches, as a result of which we cannot sleep, may be the result of too slow blood circulation. The reason often lies in our habits - a tight elastic band on the hair, unkempt hair or too aggressive night masks.
  • Pain in the spine, back, muscle cramps, a feeling of cold may result from an improperly equipped bedroom. Please note that you need to sleep on a flat bed, a hard mattress, a pillow that supports your head, and does not bend your spine.
  • With dry skin, drying of the nasal mucosa, it is necessary to normalize the humidity in the room. The room should be regularly ventilated, especially before going to bed. The most comfortable sleep is possible at temperatures up to 20 degrees.

Almost everyone has experienced this in their life. Due to lack of sleep, general weakness and many other unpleasant symptoms appear. Chronic lack of sleep in the initial stage of development is considered harmless. However, with the regular repetition of such a condition, serious consequences in terms of health can occur.

If sleep problems have been bothering you for several weeks, then there is no talk of a disease yet. A person begins to feel the disease in full after six months, when insomnia has already tortured. As scientists have proven, a person who suffers from a constant lack of sleep at night has some health problems.

The reasons

Before you start fighting insomnia, you first need to understand the causes of this condition.

They may be different for men and women. Nevertheless, such violations can occur under the influence of both external and internal factors.

In women and men

Studies have shown that women suffer more from insomnia, as they are more emotional and too receptive. Therefore, in the fair sex, psychological problems are the cause of sleep disturbance. Moreover, such disorders are of a long-term nature.

As medical practice has shown, provocateurs of such a phenomenon in women are: prolonged stressful conditions, conflict situations, a break with a spouse, pregnancy, childbirth, death of relatives and friends, significant changes in life. The psyche of a woman does not perceive such circumstances quite calmly, as a result of which chronic sleep deprivation may develop.

Violation of restful sleep in the stronger sex can occur from both internal and external problems. Problems at work can be put at the top of the list. Most men try to realize themselves in society, so they perceive any failure painfully, as a result of which they become unable to sleep.

Often the representatives of the stronger sex after a hard day continue to work overtime. Even in bed, their brain continues to solve work tasks. After such overwork, a person cannot have a good sleep. All changes in a man's life (marriage, the appearance of a child) are accompanied by stress, which leads to the development of insomnia.

Other causes of violation

There are several common factors that can cause sleep loss in both sexes and in children. These are reasons that can be easily eliminated: not enough air in the room, uncomfortable sleeping bed, street noises, strong light. In addition, often sleep loss occurs after drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages, as well as a heavy dinner.

Chronic sleep deprivation can also develop if a person constantly suffers from a physiological condition or some kind of disease. Insomnia can develop in such cases: frequent trips to the toilet at night, snoring, joint pain, hypertension, overweight.

The human body works in its own biological rhythm. If it is rebuilt, then the body malfunctions: bad mood, loss of appetite, insomnia. Often the biorhythm is disturbed in people who work at night, having fun in nightlife.

Symptoms of sleep deprivation: how chronic lack of rest manifests itself

Chronic sleep deficiency in medicine is assessed as a disease that has several of its characteristics. A person does not allow the body to fully recover, so this negatively affects its condition.

How chronic lack of rest manifests itself

  1. Symptoms from the nervous system. At night, during sleep, recovery work is activated in the human nervous system. With a lack of rest, symptoms will soon appear, foreshadowing the development of the disease. They manifest themselves in the form of lethargy, irritability, impulsivity, memory impairment, impaired coordination of movement. A person with an exhausted nervous system is capable of aggressive actions. With such symptoms, you should think about a good rest for the body.
  2. Reflection on appearance. You have noticed more than once that after a sleepless night, all the symptoms of lack of sleep are “obvious”. A person who does not sleep has the following symptoms: redness of the eyes, blue under the eyes, swollen eyelids, pale skin, the appearance of a sick person. The result of chronic lack of sleep is overwork, which makes a person look sloppy.
  3. Reaction of other organ systems. From a systematic lack of sleep, the internal organs and systems of the body will soon begin to suffer, which will seriously affect the overall well-being. Lack of sleep leads to a decrease in immunity, which is why a person is constantly sick with various infections. Obvious symptoms of lack of sleep - blurred vision. With poor rest in people with hypertension, the condition is greatly aggravated. Having lost sleep, the patient begins to gain weight. The body, overtired from a constant lack of sleep, begins to age early. As a result of sleepless nights, the following symptoms also appear: dizziness, headaches, malfunctions of the digestive organs, changes in body temperature.

Basic Treatments

Do not leave the symptoms of lack of sleep unattended, as this is fraught with the development of serious diseases. Treatment of this condition is better to start in a timely manner. To begin with, you should take all measures in order to resume a good sleep.

To do this, follow the following recommendations: do not sleep during the day, walk more in the air, go in for sports, ventilate the bedroom at night, pay attention to sleep patterns. If such actions do not help to establish proper sleep, then you should contact specialists who can help you.

Which doctor to contact

You need to start with a therapist who will prescribe a special study for you. According to their results, the doctor will refer you to the right specialist. If the sleep disorder is in the initial or mild stage, you can immediately go to a neurologist. Most likely, he will prescribe you a light sedative. With constant insomnia, it is better to visit a psychiatrist who will prescribe strong medications.

Depending on the stage of the disease, lack of sleep can be treated in different ways:

  1. Folk remedies. To normalize night sleep, in some cases it is enough to use folk recipes. Before going to bed, you can lie down in a bath with warm water diluted with pine extract. This procedure will relieve headaches and calm the nerves. Drinks with chamomile, mint, lemon balm contribute to a relaxing holiday. And warm milk with the addition of honey, drunk at night, will provide you with a pleasant sleep.
  2. Massage and exercise. This method has a beneficial effect on sleep. A relaxing massage can be done not only by a professional, but also by relatives. Massage of the neck and face gives a special effect. There are special exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles. It is desirable to perform them in combination with massage. These treatments can help you get a good night's sleep.
  3. The use of medicines. This method of treatment is used if the cause of insomnia is nervous disorders. Medicines can be prescribed for patients who do not sleep due to severe pain or itching. Sleeping drugs with a sedative effect include: Melaxen, Donormil, Novopassit, Fitosedan, Persen-forte. Most of these medicines can be bought at pharmacies without a prescription. However, before taking them, it is better to consult a doctor in order not to harm yourself.
  4. Correct daily routine. A person should generally sleep for 7-9 hours. Nowadays, not everyone manages to take full advantage of such a vacation. A person is in a hurry to do a lot in life, therefore, first of all, he saves time on sleep. It is necessary to understand that the activity of such a person will become less effective over time, and the person himself will become irritable and insolvent. Therefore, you should not expect such negative consequences, but it is better to immediately establish a sleep pattern.
  5. Sleep Hygiene Recommendations. To set the correct mode, you need to go to bed at the same time. It is better to go to the bedroom no later than 00:00. The earlier you go to bed, the better you will rest even if you get up very early. Know that in a ventilated and cool bedroom, sleep is much more pleasant. Don't eat late, especially overeat. Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol before bed. It is better to sleep in the dark, because in the light the sleep will not be of high quality.

The body needs sleep at night. Otherwise, he begins to forcefully demand it. As a result, a person can fall asleep in any inappropriate place, which can lead to terrible problems. About what threatens lack of sleep, you can often hear from participants in car accidents.

What other harm can it do?

  • Obesity. A person begins to gain weight after a week of lack of sleep. The body, experiencing stress in this case, begins to fight it in the form of fat accumulation.
  • Oncology. Chronic insomnia can activate the development of cancer cells in the colon and other organs. This is due to the fact that with lack of sleep, the body produces little melatonin, which inhibits the development of cancer in some organs. For the treatment of oncological diseases, by the way, they began to use innovative drugs Nivolumab, Cymraz or Daunorubicin, which show very good therapeutic results.
  • Premature aging. The more a person sleeps poorly, the faster he ages. As a result of hormonal changes in the body, the production of collagen and elastin decreases. These elements are responsible for the formation of the skin and its elasticity.
  • Elevated blood pressure. With a constant lack of sleep, a person develops hypertension. Even if you do not get enough sleep for one hour a day, the risk of high blood pressure increases by 37%.
  • Decreased life expectancy. Poor sleep can bring a person closer to an untimely death. Research results have shown that people who rested for 7 hours at night lived longer. At the same time, patients who took sleeping pills were at risk of early death.
  • Diabetes. After much research, scientists have come to the conclusion that people who sleep less than 6 hours a day are more at risk of developing diabetes (almost 3 times).
  • vision problems. A long lack of sleep leads to swelling of the optic nerve. From this condition, intracranial pressure often develops, which affects the vessels of the nerve, and the person begins to lose vision.
  • Viral and cold diseases. Due to the constant lack of sleep, over time, a person's immune system begins to suffer. According to statistics, such people often suffer from infectious and colds.
  • The deterioration of men's health. Even after one week of lack of sleep, in men, the amount of testosterone in the blood decreases by almost 15%. This negatively affects the quality of sex and other sexual functions.

As medical practice has shown, there are still many things that threaten lack of sleep. Almost any organs and systems can be affected. Often, with a lack of sleep, people begin to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, and hypertensive crises can occur. The appearance of severe pain in the head, can develop into a migraine.

How to compensate

To improve sleep, somnologists advise to rest at lunchtime, since it is at this time that a person loses his activity. This makes it possible to cheer up and activate the brain. You can compensate for lack of sleep by daytime sleep, but not more than 1.5 hours, otherwise nighttime rest will suffer.

In the evening, you should not struggle with sleep by watching an interesting program on TV. Otherwise, you may get insomnia. To improve the quality of sleep, it is useful to engage in physical activity during the daytime, ventilate the room well before going to bed, and do not eat heavy food.

Many people are familiar with a condition in which, due to lack of sleep, general weakness is felt.

This is called chronic sleep deprivation, and if it is not dangerous at the initial stage, then serious health problems can appear with constant sleep deprivation.

Chronic lack of sleep: symptoms and causes ^

A few years ago, scientists found that the normal duration of sleep for an adult is 7-8 hours. For some people, even 4 hours is enough, because. here it all depends on the biorhythm, but there are some factors in which a person in any case needs to observe the optimal sleep rate:

  • Work in difficult or harmful conditions;
  • Constant emotional overload;
  • Regular physical labor;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

In the latter case, adherence to the norm turns out to be quite problematic, but in order to reduce the likelihood of the consequences of lack of sleep, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes, after consulting with your doctor.

In general, lack of sleep is a condition in which a person feels constantly tired, weak and lethargic. Its signs are external and internal.

External signs of lack of sleep include:

  • Redness of the eye proteins, swelling of the eyelids;
  • Bad complexion;
  • Dark ;
  • Untidy appearance.

The internal symptoms of lack of sleep affect the entire body:

  • Decreased concentration;
  • Irritability, apathy;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Emotionality;

  • Violation of speech, thinking, memory;
  • Headache, nausea, dizziness;
  • Flatulence;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • Poor immunity, high susceptibility to diseases.

As for the consequences of lack of sleep, they can be very different: at the initial stage, external signs appear, then chronic fatigue, irritability appear, and with prolonged lack of sleep, diseases can begin to develop.

What diseases can appear and what causes lack of sleep

  • Obesity: if a person sleeps little, the body begins to receive the energy it needs to a greater extent from food. In this case, the appetite increases and cravings for high-calorie high-calorie foods appear;
  • Stroke: with a lack of sleep, blood circulation is disturbed, including cerebral;
  • Diabetes: insulin production is disrupted, the amount of glucose in the blood increases;
  • Weakened immunity: if you constantly lack sleep, the work of all body systems is disrupted. For example, the absorption of nutrients worsens, and as a result, the immune system becomes vulnerable;
  • Pathological heart diseases;

  • Depression: here the harm of lack of sleep is complex: at first, fatigue appears, a person becomes more irritable and emotional, inexplicable outbursts of aggression can be observed, or vice versa - tantrums, causeless tears;
  • Oncology;
  • Hypertensive crisis.

Knowing what threatens constant lack of sleep, it is vital to adjust your daily routine and try to avoid stressful situations. In most cases, the latter is not possible, and then, with high emotional susceptibility, folk remedies will help to effectively deal with the problem: for example, or other sedative preparations that do not cause any harm to health.

  • In such a situation, it is necessary to adjust the daily routine, and in order to become a little more cheerful, you need to drink a cup of coffee or eat some dark chocolate.
  • The exceptions are cases when the head is spinning and the pressure is increased: then such methods are contraindicated.

Tired of lack of sleep

  • With chronic lack of sleep, vascular tone decreases, which leads to circulatory disorders and various ailments: for example, nausea or vomiting.
  • How to deal with lack of sleep in this case? The answer is obvious: simply do not allow it.

Temperature from lack of sleep

Most often, an increase in body temperature is associated with internal inflammatory processes. As you know, lack of sleep often leads to a decrease in immunity, and then the body reacts more sensitively to various viruses, as a result of which the temperature may deviate from the norm. What happens from lack of sleep in this case:

  • The temperature for several days keeps within 37.2;
  • There may be vomiting and nausea;
  • Decreased performance, dulled appetite.
  • This hormone controls almost all of our hormones in the body. He sends some of the hormones to work, some to rest.
  • Gradually increasing its concentration in the blood, starting at 21:00, it prepares us for going to bed, stimulates the production of growth hormone (muscle growth, adequate fat burning) and reduces production.

  • Melatonin increases leptin levels (satiation) and reduces ghrelin levels (sense of hunger). Its maximum amount is produced in a dream, in a dark room.
  • Melatonin also affects the synthesis of cortisol, reducing it. From 3-4 am, a gradual decrease in melatonin and an increase in cortisol (the hormone of stress and activity) begin.

In the morning we wake up at the peak of cortisol. We are cheerful, ready for an active day. Ready for physical activity. Further, cortisol during the day goes down. Low melatonin allows insulin to work optimally during the day. With the onset of the evening, melatonin again comes into its own and everything repeats again.

What happens when we stay up late and sleep little, thereby reducing the secretion of melatonin?

  • The entire chain of interaction of hormones is disrupted. The synthesis of growth hormone decreases, an imbalance appears in the hormones of satiety and hunger - leptin and ghrelin.
  • Cortisol “takes away” more and more time of the day, leading to chronic fatigue and insulin resistance.
  • Reduced muscle building and fat breakdown. Everything happens exactly the opposite - the construction of fat and the breakdown of muscles.
  • Reproductive health also suffers - an excess of cortisol automatically causes a progesterone deficiency.
  • The peak of testosterone secretion in the morning in men disappears.

You can go on for a long time. Now you see that neglecting the regime of the day, or rather, sleep, you can disrupt your hormonal background, gaining excess weight in the first place, and then problems with sex hormones and chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • Going to bed before 23:00 in a dark room without artificial light sources and getting up at 7:00-7:30 is an easy recipe for hormone imbalance. You can start using it even before going to the doctor.
  • People who work at night and sleep during the day are automatically at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes.

To get rid of constant lack of sleep, you must follow the following rules:

  • Do not sleep during the day: if a person rests during the daytime, his sleep pattern shifts;
  • Maintain physical activity: play sports, walk more often;
  • Before rest, carry out relaxing procedures: take herbal baths, read books or watch positive films;
  • Sleep in a comfortable environment: on a comfortable pillow (read the article), in a ventilated room;
  • Try to normalize the daily routine: go to bed at the same time, rest at least 7 hours.

Knowing the dangers of lack of sleep, it is necessary to completely eliminate it, otherwise constant drowsiness, fatigue and lack of sleep can lead to a variety of health problems.

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

And how can you not sleep without knowing this? - you ask. However, most of the signs of sleep deprivation are much more subtle than falling face down on your plate at dinner. In addition, if you have made it a habit to save on sleep, you may not even remember what it is like to get enough sleep for real, to really be aware of everything that is happening around you, to work and live with maximum energy and dedication.

You are more likely to be sleep deprived if…

  • You always need an alarm clock to wake up on time.
  • You constantly rearrange your alarm clock in the morning.
  • You have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Feel sluggish in the afternoon.
  • Get sleepy at formal meetings, lectures, or in warm rooms.
  • You usually feel drowsy after a heavy meal or while driving.
  • You need to sleep during the day in order to "survive" normally until the evening.
  • Fall asleep while watching TV or relaxing in the evening.
  • Sleep very long on weekends.
  • Fall asleep within five minutes of going to bed.

While sleep deprivation may not seem like much of a problem, it has a wide range of negative effects that go far beyond normal daytime sleepiness.

Effects of insufficient sleep and chronic sleep deprivation

  • Fatigue, lethargy and lack of motivation.
  • Capriciousness and irritability.
  • Decreased creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Inability to cope with stress.
  • Reduced immunity, frequent colds and infections.
  • Problems with concentration and memory.
  • Weight gain.
  • Impaired motor skills and increased risk of accidents.
  • Difficulty in making decisions.
  • Increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems.

According to the US National Institutes of Health, the average adult now sleeps less than 7 hours a night. In today's dynamic society, 6 or 7 hours of sleep may seem like the norm or even a luxury. In fact, this is a direct road to chronic sleep deprivation.

While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need between 7.5 and 9 hours of sleep per night to be able to function really well. Children and teenagers need even more. And while our need for sleep decreases with age, older people still need at least 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep. Since older people often have trouble sleeping at night, daytime naps can help fill this gap.

Sleep needs and peak performance

There is a big difference between the amount of sleep that you can work with little to no yawning and the amount that your body can function optimally. Just because you can work with 7 hours of sleep a night doesn't mean you won't feel much better and get more done if you spend an extra hour or two in bed. If you get enough sleep, you will feel more energetic and focused throughout the day, from the moment you wake up until late at night. You will also do the same work faster and better, due to the higher speed of thought and better concentration.

Or maybe you're lucky?

Researchers from the University of California (San Francisco) have found that some people have a gene that allows them to live ideally, giving only 6 hours of sleep a night. But such a gene is very rare - less than 3% of the population. For the other 97% of us, six hours is too little.

The content of the article:

Sleep is the time when a person is in complete peace and balance. It is after a good rest in the morning that we feel cheerful and start our business with renewed vigor. It is known that a person spends a third of his life in a dream. This indicates the need for a night's rest for the full functioning of the whole organism.

The too active life rhythm of a modern person, the stresses that constantly surround us, affect not only the quality of sleep, but also its duration. After all, everyone knows that if you fall asleep too late and wake up early, this greatly affects both a person’s performance and his health.

We all have heard more than once about people who are workaholics or those who have to work at night. Oddly enough, such people soon get used to such a regimen, but in fact it has a very negative effect on their health. For example, the human brain suffers first of all, because with lack of sleep, it begins to “live its own life”, which does not go unnoticed and is expressed in the form of stress, depression, etc. All human organs and systems begin to suffer, since the brain is the main link in their healthy functioning.

In general, a person should sleep for at least 8 hours, but these figures may vary, since the character of a person plays a big role. For example, energetic and communicative people need only 6 hours of sleep and they feel cheerful. People of the melancholic type, who are inherent in such character traits as thoroughness and slowness, need a 9-hour night's rest.

What is the benefit of sleep?

We all know that sleep is very useful and necessary for us. But what actually happens during sleep with a person? It is known that a person grows in a dream. This is due to the fact that only at night the body produces growth hormone - serotonin. Another hormone is also produced - prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk in lactating women. Probably, women of nursing babies noticed how much milk is secreted at night. In addition, night sleep is a time when all organs work at a slower pace, which gives them the opportunity to recover and work intensively during the day.

As for immunity, its protective functions also increase during sleep. Indeed, during this period, the body produces all the necessary substances in order to cope with an infection or virus. Therefore, even during a cold, sleep is the best medicine.

Consequences of lack of sleep

  1. Excess weight. Sleep deprivation greatly affects metabolism. Therefore, its main cause is not only overweight, but also obesity. You can often see that people who work at night have problems with being overweight more often than those people who work during the day.
  2. Disorders in the cardiovascular system. As a rule, a person who lacks sleep has an overly busy work schedule. That is why he does not have enough time for a good rest. But long-term performance without rest exhausts a person, he may feel a headache, nausea, and if he does not sleep in the near future, this may result in fainting or, even worse, a heart attack or stroke.
  3. Deterioration of the skin. Lack of sleep reduces the production of the hormone melatonin in the body. As a result, the skin becomes dry, rashes, wrinkles and bags under the eyes appear. Therefore, in order to maintain youthful skin, it is very important to get enough sleep.
  4. Lack of sleep negatively affects the reproductive system, both women and men. Everything leads to stress, as a result of which men experience a decrease in libido and a decrease in potency. In women, this primarily affects the mood on which her sexual desire depends.
  5. Inadequate sleep can lead to such a serious illness as diabetes. After all, many experiments have been carried out, during which it turned out that regular lack of sleep significantly exceeds the level of glucose in the blood.
  6. A person who does not sleep regularly at night becomes lethargic and inattentive. In addition, the time of drowsiness and wakefulness is reversed for him. This can be the cause of serious mistakes in the workplace. For example, there are cases when, after night duty, medical workers made big mistakes, which sometimes led to death. Therefore, after a night's work, a person must definitely rest in order to restore strength.
  7. Lack of sleep or sleep disturbance can also, in rare cases, lead to to hallucinations. After all, if a person has little rest, it affects his brain, as a result, he perceives constant stress and the stage of wakefulness as a malfunction. That is why various disorders in thinking and memory can occur, up to amnesia.
Listing the different consequences that lack of sleep can lead to, you can make a huge list. All these problems are only a small part of what can happen. Therefore, think about whether your health is worth such sacrifices.

What to do in order to get enough sleep?

First of all, in order to get enough sleep, it is important to establish a daily schedule, which must be strictly adhered to. It will help you to correctly allocate time for work and rest. When planning a daily routine, it is also important to adhere to the following rules:
  1. The quality of sleep is affected by what we eat throughout the day. It is advisable not to accustom yourself to eat dry food, and not be too lazy and cook yourself a full meal. After all, if the body receives nutrients, it will have more energy. Also very often the cause of lack of sleep is the intake of too much heavy food. The body, instead of resting, must spend strength and energy to process food. No wonder they say that you can’t eat after 18.00, because this applies not only to the figure, but also to health in general.
  2. Also, don't drink a lot of fluids before bed. This may be the reason why you are tossing and turning all night.
  3. It’s good if you take a little walk in the fresh air before going to bed. As you know, fresh air has a good effect on sleep, and in the morning you will feel full of energy.
  4. Do not watch movies or read books before going to bed that will cause strong emotional stress or fear. On the contrary, you can watch a funny movie or listen to relaxing music. As you know, there is a special set of melodies that have a positive effect on human sleep.
  5. If you still have urgent business that you plan to finish at night, give up this idea. It is best to go to bed early, and in the morning with renewed vigor to start these things.
  6. The place where you rest is very important. For example, a pillow, a mattress, and even soft linen should be of high quality.
  7. The quality of sleep and its duration is strongly influenced by air temperature. In the bedroom, it should not be more than +18 degrees.
It would seem that a simple lack of sleep, but can lead to such dangerous consequences. Of course, if you have sleep problems only sometimes, this is normal, because everyone sometimes does not sleep, worrying about something, or vice versa, worrying about an important event. Remember that lack of sleep will be dangerous when it is regular. Such sleep disorders can lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to be examined by a somnologist. Before chasing money or a career, think about it, no money and statuses are worth your health. Therefore, it is very foolish to neglect what is the main value in life.

One of the most devastating effects of lack of sleep in this video:

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