Glucose solution: instructions for use for intravenous infusions. Glucose in ampoules is it possible to drink

To replenish energy by the body, nourish tissues and organs, it is necessary to receive fats, carbohydrates, proteins, microelements, and vitamins with food. The main energy component is carbohydrates, including natural glucose, galactose, raffinose, starch. Often, with increased loads, glucose tablets are prescribed, it can be used as a detoxifying agent, but there are contraindications to the drug - cerebral edema, diabetes mellitus.

Glucose tablets

The carbohydrate is a colorless, odorless, highly water-soluble crystalline powder with a sweet taste. Glucose is sold in a pharmacy in the form of tablets, powder for oral administration. For parenteral use, solutions are intended with a concentration of the active ingredient of 5, 10, 20, 40% in glass or plastic containers of 200, 250, 400, 500, 1000 ml, which is used for infusion (using droppers), or in ampoules of 5, 10, 20 ml - for intravenous administration.

Composition and form of release

Tablets have a sweet taste, white color, round shape, flat surface with beveled edges and a dividing strip. The active ingredient is dextrose monohydrate. The composition of glucose and other components in one tablet is presented in the table:

pharmachologic effect

Glucose (dextrose) is a monosaccharide. It is found in the juice of grapes and other berries, therefore it received an additional name - grape sugar. Disaccharides (maltose, lactose, sucrose) and oligosaccharides (cellulose, starch, glycogen) are composed of glucose units. In the digestive tract, complex saccharides break down into glucose and fructose. As a monosaccharide, the substance is present in the blood, lymph, brain, skeletal muscles and myocardium.

The glycogen deposited in the body also serves as a source of energy - if necessary, it is broken down into dextrose. Regulation of the balance of monosaccharide and oligosaccharide is carried out with the help of enzymes. Insulin lowers the level of glucose in the blood, and its antagonists increase the concentration of sugar: glucagon, adrenaline, thyroxine, triiodothyronine. If the activity of the endocrine or central nervous system is disturbed, an excessive increase in sugar levels can occur and hyperglycemia or a sharp drop in its concentration - hypoglycemia can occur.

Dextrose is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and has an effect on metabolic processes:

  1. Glucose in the body is necessary for the complete breakdown of fats, with a deficiency of the substance, fatty acids accumulate (acidosis, ketosis is observed).
  2. In the process of glucose metabolism, adenosine triphosphoric acid is formed, which is the body's energy source.
  3. A hypertonic dextrose solution is capable of: “squeezing out” liquid into the bloodstream from organs and tissues, and with it toxins and removing them from the body; increase the amount of urine; enhance the activity of the heart muscle; dilate blood vessels.
  4. Isotonic saline can replace fluid loss.
  5. The substance is used for carbohydrate nutrition of the brain and muscles - the absorption of glucose occurs quickly, mental and physical performance increases.

What is useful Glucose

The properties of the substance to have a positive effect on metabolic processes are used in the treatment of ailments. Pregnant women are prescribed dextrose for suspected small fetal size, as well as to reduce the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. It helps during this period to overcome fatigue and improve well-being when sugar levels drop and hands tremble. During pregnancy and lactation during the use of the drug, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of sugar. According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed:

  • with a deficiency of carbohydrates, with hypoglycemia;
  • with intoxication due to liver disease (with hepatitis);
  • for the treatment of poisoning;
  • with decompensation of cardiac activity;
  • to replenish fluids after surgery, with diarrhea or vomiting;
  • with shock, collapse (a sharp drop in pressure).

How to drink glucose

Glucose tablets should be taken orally sublingually - by resorption under the tongue. The drug should be taken an hour or an hour and a half before eating, because the use of dextrose reduces appetite. The dosage depends on the age, weight and condition of the patient. It is impossible to prescribe the drug on your own, since there are a number of contraindications to taking it.

In case of poisoning

The drug is used as a detoxifying agent. During the treatment of poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, arsenic, carbon monoxide, aniline, paracetamol, along with other drugs, glucose tablets are prescribed to improve the patient's condition. The drug is effective in intoxication of the body due to impaired liver function. Patients are advised to take 2-3 tablets with an interval of 2 hours until the condition improves.

With diabetes

Due to severe emotional overstrain or taking a large dose of insulin, if the necessary intervals between meals are not observed in diabetes, a sharp decrease in sugar levels can occur. To normalize it, you need to take chewable tablets. In severe hypoglycemia, take 1-2 pieces every 5 minutes to eliminate weakness, sweating, trembling.

For milder conditions, use 3-4 tablets every 30 minutes. Dextrose intake is stopped after the disappearance of characteristic signs. It is important not to confuse the symptoms of hypoglycemia with the signs characteristic of hyperglycemia and to control the sugar concentration with the help of devices. Otherwise, there will be a sharp increase in its level, the patient's condition will worsen and shock may occur.

Glucose for athletes

Athletes are prescribed pills during increased physical exertion - with intense training. Dextrose is necessary for the muscles of athletes to quickly replenish the body's energy reserves. It is not worth taking the drug before training, because there will be an increase in insulin levels, and then a sharp drop in sugar concentration. It is better to use the drug 1-2 hours before physical exertion. To receive, dissolve 7 tablets of 1 gram in a liter of water and drink 4 glasses of liquid with a minute interval.

Glucose for children

Often, children are prescribed pills along with taking ascorbic acid. With this combination of drugs, the synthesis of corticosteroids is enhanced, so you need to monitor kidney function, blood pressure, and insulin levels. The daily norm for a child older than 6 years is no more than 500 mg of dextrose. This dose can be divided into 3-5 doses. In children with high energy consumption of the body, a sharp decrease in sugar levels is observed, therefore, fat begins to break down to obtain energy, and acetone is formed.

Such conditions may be accompanied by vomiting. When acetone appears, the child is given several tablets at once and drink plenty of water. Children under 3 years old are not prescribed glucose tablets - they need to be given ready-made 5% solutions or dissolve the drug in water on their own. You should not give your baby sugary liquids before feeding because they may refuse milk.

Side effects

The instruction contains warnings about the possibility of side effects after taking dextrose. The use of the drug causes an increase in cholesterol levels, which can lead to the formation of blood clots and inflammation of the veins - thrombophlebitis. Rarely after taking the pills can be observed:

  • loss of appetite;
  • hypervolemia;
  • left ventricular failure;
  • nausea, thirst, dyspepsia, flatulence.


If the norms recommended by the instruction are exceeded, side effects are observed more often. With the simultaneous administration of excessive doses of dextrose with ascorbic acid, headaches, irritability, damage to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating, and rarely insomnia may occur. With an overdose of the drug, it is possible: a decrease in insulin synthesis, the onset of hyperglycemia; decreased appetite. In such conditions, it is necessary to stop taking dextrose and consult a doctor for symptomatic treatment.


The instruction contains information about existing contraindications to taking the drug. Do not use glucose for:

  • individual intolerance to the contained components;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • high levels of lactic acid;
  • swelling of the brain or lungs;
  • impaired glucose utilization after surgery;
  • acute left ventricular failure.

Terms of sale and storage

Tablets are packaged in a contour or non-cell blister of 10 pieces. Contour blisters can be placed in cardboard boxes of 1, 2, 5 plates per pack. In pharmacies, tablets are dispensed to the consumer without a prescription. You can store the medicine without access to sunlight at temperatures below 25 degrees for no longer than 4 years from the date of issue.


In pharmacies, you can buy analogues of tableted glucose. Their active ingredient is dextrose monohydrate, so the drugs have similar properties. These funds include:

  • Glucose Bief;
  • Glucose Brown;
  • Glucose-Vial;
  • Glucose-E;
  • Glucosteril;
  • Dextrose;
  • Dextrose monohydrate;
  • Dextrose-Vial;
  • Likadex PF dextrose monohydrate.

The price of glucose tablets

You can buy tablets in a pharmacy. It is convenient for the consumer to order the delivery of the drug via the Internet. The cost of the medicine depends on the pricing policy of the retail network and packaging. The prices of tablets in pharmacies in Moscow are presented in the table:

Name of the drug, amount of active substance, packaging

Number of pieces in a package

Price (rubles)

pills. RU

Glucose, tablets 0.5 g, contour blister

Glucose, tablets 0.5 g, contour blister


Glucose, tablets, 0.5 g, cellless circuit



Too little blood sugar is just as dangerous as too much. Food becomes a source of glucose, but if the sugar level is still low, then glucose tablets are used. It increases the energy potential and contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after physical exertion. Glucose is involved in metabolic processes and provides photochemical reactions. The deficiency of this substance in the body is evidenced by chronic fatigue, inability to withstand mental and physical stress.

Composition and form of release

The drug dextrose is offered not only in the form of tablets. There is glucose in the form of powder and injection solutions. The tablets are white in color and have a sweetish taste. The composition includes dextrose monohydrate, aka glucose. 1 tablet contains 50 mg of glucose. Excipients in the composition of tablets are usually absent.

The drug for oral administration is available in blisters of 10 pcs. Injectable solutions are offered in glass ampoules or plastic containers.

Indications for appointment

A person receives the necessary substances from food. If the diet is varied and balanced, then the use of auxiliary means is not needed. In what cases is it necessary to do without additional glucose? The instructions say the following:

  • shock conditions, collapse, a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • prolonged intoxication;
  • liver diseases - hepatitis, dystrophy, atrophy, liver failure;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • underweight fetus during pregnancy;
  • postoperative period;
  • depletion of the body.

Glucose is useful during increased mental and physical stress. It is prescribed for a short course to pregnant women, students, athletes. A sign of glucose deficiency after an illness is the smell of acetone from the mouth. With acetone in children, the drug is prescribed in a standard dosage, but for a short course. Tableted glucose will benefit smokers. It is prescribed simultaneously with ascorbic acid, which is actively washed out of the body under the influence of nicotine.

Dextrose should be taken in violation of cardiac activity and problems from the central nervous system. The tool decompensates cardiac activity, relieves tremor of the limbs, regulates metabolic processes. Glucose preparations can be multicomponent. Vitaminized complexes help to strengthen the body, increase energy levels, and give performance. Vitamins are sold without a doctor's prescription, but it is undesirable to use them without the consent of the therapist. The dosage will vary, depending on the degree of glucose deficiency. Before starting treatment, you need to get a blood test.

Method of application and dosage

Dextrose tablets are taken sublingually, that is, they dissolve.

  1. For intoxication and liver problems, take 2-3 tablets per day with an interval of 2 hours.
  2. Diabetics do not need additional carbohydrates, but in case of hypoglycemia due to diabetes, 2 tablets are taken immediately. Preference is given not to means for resorption, but to chewable dragees. In case of a serious condition, take another 2-3 tablets in 20-30 minutes or inject glucose intravenously. The decision on the appropriateness of such therapy is made by the doctor.
  3. Athletes consume glucose before training, diluting tablets in water at the rate of 7 g of the drug per 1 liter of liquid. Drinking a carbohydrate shake is recommended 20 minutes before class. You should not be afraid for the calorie content of the drink. Glucose in tablets will not harm the figure, but it will increase the energy potential.

Dextrose is not a medicine, and therefore is recommended for children. Up to 3 years, glucose tablets are not given. The standard dose for a child is 250-500 mg per day. Children from 12 years of age are given the drug as adults, and children are diluted in water. An analogue of pharmacy glucose is considered a sweet compote of dried fruits, which is allowed to be given to babies after 1 year.


Supplemental glucose is contraindicated in cases of high blood sugar, which occurs in diabetes. It is undesirable to drink pills with an increase in lactic acid in the body. Among other contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • difficulty breaking down glucose
  • acute left ventricular heart failure;
  • obesity.

Refusal of glucose tablets persons with atherosclerotic manifestations, thrombosis, high cholesterol. Additional glucose in case of a sedentary lifestyle is not required. If you have problems with the pancreas, you should consult a doctor before starting treatment. In old age, glucose tablets are taken under the supervision of a therapist.

Side effects

In case of an overdose, symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, nausea, and frequent urination occur. With proper use of the drug, there are no side effects. Be especially careful with glucose in case of diabetes, early childhood, pregnancy. Passion for glucose preparations leads to disruption of metabolic processes.

Glucose is one of the available means for the rapid recovery of the body. The drug will not cause harm if you do not abuse the pills and control blood sugar levels.

If you have a child, 1-2 ampoules of 40% glucose 20 ml should always be in the house:

Let you never need it - such an ampoule costs about 4 UAH, it is stored for a long time - 3 years, so you will not lose a large amount of money. But if suddenly ... then the presence of glucose on hand will help prevent an acetone crisis.

Most often, pharmacies offered me glucose produced by Farmak (Kyiv, Ukraine). I once worked as a medical representative in this pharmaceutical company, their quality is good, so I buy without a doubt. Although glucose is such a product that is difficult to spoil, therefore the manufacturer does not play a big role.

The package contains 10 ampoules of 20 ml, the whole package costs about 37 UAH, but you can buy ampoules individually.

And these ampoules are not only for intravenous administration, you can drink glucose! Most often, this is recommended with an increase in acetone in children.

I have used glucose to increase acetone so many times and made sure that this is the most effective remedy!


Why does acetone increase in children? The most common causes - high temperature, flu, viral infection, poisoning, stress, physical activity. The fact is that Our body needs energy in the form of glucose. It's like fuel for a gas tank. Glucose accumulates in reserve in the liver and muscles (in the form of glycogen), but children's energy reserves are small, and if there is an increased consumption of this very energy, then the body runs out of "fuel". Then he begins to burn fats (which come with food, or his own), and fats break down into glucose and ketone bodies (acetone).

Lead to lack of energy all processes mentioned above:


Infectious disease (viral infections, influenza, intestinal infections)

Stress (and even positive ones - guests, parties, holidays, going to the circus)

Physical activity - the child ran, jumped, swam a lot

Too long breaks in eating (for example, lunch 6-8 hours after breakfast without snacks).

This does not happen to all children.

It all depends on how large / small the child's glycogen stores are, how quickly his kidneys remove acetone, how well the liver breaks down fats. And this is not a disease! With age, energy reserves increase, the liver and kidneys cope with increasing loads, and everything goes away most often up to 5 years, and after 13-14 years, acetonemia practically does not occur.

When acetone rises in the blood (and later in the urine), sometimes parents can detect the smell of acetone from the child's mouth. This smell is reminiscent of apple-fruity. When I hear this smell from the mouth of a child, I know thaturgent need to give glucose!

My child was just one of those in whom acetone most often rises: thin and very energetic, as they say, "with an awl in the pope." This does not mean that acetone does not increase in chubby children, but it is much less common in them.

And so, as soon as my son ran up - he jumped, he urgently needed to be given a sweet drink. Yes, he asked for sweets. But if this moment was missed and the smell of rotten apples appeared from the mouth, I already knew: acetone had risen. Then one ampoule of glucose (how to give, read below) completely removed the problem, and the process did not develop further.

If you do not give glucose, what happens?

The child can be capricious, irritable, and then becomes lethargic, drowsy. Appetite decreases or disappears. Your stomach may hurt, your head may hurt. If this moment is missed, an acetone crisis may begin with repeated vomiting. The child will vomit everything that is given to him, even water - and then it will not be possible to give him glucose to drink.

In such cases, doctors advise either droppers with glucose, or an injection of a special agent to stop vomiting, and half an hour after the injection urgently need to give an ampoule of glucose to drink.

Why an ampoule and not glucose tablets?

Acetone most often rises in children, starting at 10 months of age (sometimes earlier). You won’t give a pill to such a crumb, and even in a year old - two won’t work either. And there is often simply no time to grind and dissolve it in water, or to prepare a concentrated glucose solution yourself.

Therefore, glucose in ampoules, as a means of first aid, is most convenient.

How it works?

Glucose provides a quick replenishment of energy costs, accelerates metabolic processes and activates the cleansing function of the liver, promotes the speedy removal of toxins from the body, and provides proper nutrition to tissues.

It is necessary to give glucose, not fructose!

Where to keep the ampoule in glucose?

In the first aid kit, you can in the refrigerator (optional).


- I kept the glucose in the refrigerator, in which case the ampoule needs to be heated to body temperature, then it is absorbed very quickly. To do this, put it for a few minutes in a mug of warm (not hot) water.

If the ampoule was stored in the first aid kit, you can simply hold the ampoule in your hand, warming it with your warmth.

Then, holding the ampoule in one hand, with the other hand you need to break off the tip “away from yourself”, preferably through a towel, so as not to accidentally cut yourself.

You don’t need to wipe the ampoule with anything, you won’t give an injection.

Turn the ampoule upside down and, tapping the bottom with your finger (or flicking the ampoule with your finger), shake out - pour the contents into a glass, or a small cup. It is not much, 20 ml is 4 teaspoons. Glucose is as clear as water and tastes like a very sweet sugar syrup:

Give your child 1 teaspoon every 5 minutes. Can be given directly from a spoon:

If the child is stubborn, use a measuring syringe from under the antipyretic, or a regular syringe - five without a needle. Fill it up to the "5" mark and pour it into the child's mouth, holding the syringe so that the glucose enters from the side, behind the cheek, and not directly into the throat.

And so every 5 minutes, only 4 times.

Remember: if you fail to pour glucose into your mouth, you will have to infuse it intravenously!

I was convinced that if everything is done correctly, the child's condition improves very quickly, he comes to life just before our eyes!


After the child has drunk glucose, wait 10-15 minutes and start drinking. It is best to give raisin compote. Steam raisins at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raisins per 1 cup (250 ml) of boiling water, preferably in a thermos, let it brew for half an hour and drink. While the raisins are infused (or, if there is none), drink sweet tea (for 1 cup - 3 teaspoons of sugar). It's sugar, not honey! Tea can be black, green (only very weak), or chamomile (but also not strong).

Sugar is the same glucose, only your tea, of course, is not a 40% solution, and you don’t need it anymore.

Alternate compote and sweet tea. Let's drink every 15 minutes.

How much should you drink?

It depends on the weight - the liquid needs 120 ml per 1 kg. That is, if your child weighs 15 kg, he needs to drink 1.8 liters per day (120 times 15 = 1800 ml, or 1.8 liters).



It's easier to say what is NOT.

When your child has elevated acetone, you need to temporarily exclude animal fats (butter, sour cream, cream, hard "Dutch" cheeses, processed cheeses, full-fat homemade milk, homemade cottage cheese (purchased fat-free cottage cheese, up to 1% fat - you can).

Do not give products containing trans fats (margarine) - these are many purchased sweets, exclude mayonnaise. Vegetable fats are also excluded for a while - until recovery.

Remember, fried, smoked, sausages, sausages, canned food, mushrooms are not children's food at all, and even more so if acetone is elevated.

It is also strictly forbidden to give frying in soup (for example, onions, carrots fried in vegetable oil). This is not useful for an adult either, as it loads the liver and pancreas, and for a child, such food is poison! If dumplings are, as it were, boiled food, but you pour them with onions fried in oil - this is already fried! Or, if the stuffing contains potatoes / minced meat with fried onions - this is also fried.

What then is possible?

Porridges on water, or on 1% - 1.5% milk with sugar, you can with raisins

Low-fat 0-1% kefir, low-fat 0-1% cottage cheese

Boiled potatoes, you can puree, only without oil (you can add a decoction in which the potatoes were boiled, or 1-1.5% milk in the puree)

Eggs boiled or steamed scrambled eggs (one per day)

Vegetable soups, with noodles, potatoes, carrots, rice, buckwheat, you can add diced chicken or turkey fillet, or lean meatballs. But not rich broths!

Boiled meat (but not pork, or fatty chicken), better beef, chicken / turkey fillet, rabbit;

Meatballs, or steam cutlets, but not from purchased minced meat - it has a lot of fat!

Sea fish (hake, pollock) boiled or baked / steamed


If you can't catch the smell of acetone from your child's mouth, use special test strips for acetone (they are called test strips for the determination of ketone bodies). They are sold in pharmacies and determine the acetone in the urine. Pay attention to the expiration date of the strips after opening the vial and do not use expired strips. You can use test strips that simultaneously detect both sugar in the urine and acetone (they are called test strips for determining glucose and ketones). If both glucose and acetone are elevated on an empty stomach, you urgently need to see a doctor! If only acetone - the child has the acetonemic syndrome described above, and you need to give glucose!


If your child has the flu, a fever, or is tired, jumped up - ran in - overdone, or has an overabundance of impressions, or a tantrum - a lack of energy can quickly set in. In all these situations, children need glucose. Do not wait until the smell of acetone from the mouth appears, or, even more so, vomiting! Let's have a sweet drink - juice / tea with sugar, because sugar is glucose. If your child wants sweets - do not refuse!

Remember, with viral diseases (flu, SARS), especially with fever, you need to drink a lot!

And then you, most often, will not know what elevated acetone is.

Acetone may increase if the child has diabetes. But then the sugar in the urine rises at the same time.

Acetonemic syndrome can also be a sign of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, infectious toxicosis, hemolytic anemia, starvation, and others. Therefore, if acetone has risen for the first time, you need to determine the level of sugar in the blood, take a biochemical blood test, and, if necessary, consult a child with a gastroenterologist, pediatric endocrinologist.

Health to you and your loved ones!

Here. Come in, I'll be happy to answer all your questions!

Glucose for a child, especially the first days of life, is prescribed quite often. What is it connected with? Let's start with the fact that glucose is a very valuable source of nutrition, which, moreover, is easily absorbed by the body. It is necessary for some babies, as it is able to significantly increase the energy reserves of the crumbs.

To whom is it shown? Who is contraindicated? For what problems does a child need glucose? Do pediatricians exaggerate the role of this organic compound? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.


Let's start with the very acquaintance with glucose. What is it? This compound is also called grape sugar, and it is considered the most common source of energy in all living organisms on our planet. Where did such a name come from? The thing is that glucose can be found in the juice of many berries and fruits, including grapes.

Those who loved chemistry and biology must know that our body is able to break down some compounds into glucose and fructose. This list includes:

  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • glycogen;
  • maltose;
  • lactose;
  • sucrose.

It can also be added to the above that the described substance is the main product of photosynthesis. Energy is necessary for the implementation of metabolic processes, and glucose is its universal source.

In animals, this compound is found as glycogen, and in plants as starch. Cellulose is a polymer of glucose and forms the basis of the cell wall in plants. Glucose helps animals to overwinter. As an example, consider the wintering of frogs. During a cold snap, the level of grape sugar in their blood increases, and due to this, the frog can easily survive freezing in ice.

In our pharmacies, you can find both a liquid solution and tablets with this compound. Note that glucose in ampoules is given to children much more often than in the form of tablets.

Now we propose to move on to the issue of indications and contraindications for taking these drugs.

Indications and contraindications

So, is it possible to give a child glucose, and when is it needed? Indications for admission are the following cases:

  • avitaminosis;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • acute lack of glucose;
  • a period of intensive growth;
  • convalescence;
  • increased physical activity.

They can prescribe glucose to a one-year-old child, a baby in the first days of life, or an adult. In this case, the attending physician must make sure that there are no barriers to taking this drug. In the list below you can see all possible contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • glycosuria;
  • hypersensitivity to a component of the drug (this applies to glucose in tablets);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tendency to thrombosis.

In addition, you need to know that glucose in the form of tablets is not recommended for children under six years of age. If a person has diabetes mellitus or deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, then it should be taken only after consulting the attending physician, and only if he agrees to this type of treatment.

Blood sugar

A glucose solution for children, as well as adults, is prescribed only after a blood test. In this section of the article, we will talk about the norm of blood sugar in adults and children.

Surely everyone has heard that you need to regularly conduct a blood test for sugar. Although this is a common name, it is not entirely correct.

The fact is that in the Middle Ages, doctors believed that increased thirst, frequent urination, purulent infections are all the result of excess blood sugar in humans. But in our time, doctors are sure that it is completely absent there, since all simple sugars are converted into glucose.

Thus, when they talk about blood sugar, they mean exactly the concentration of glucose, which plays a big role in metabolism and supplies energy to all tissues and organs. In the table below you will see the rate of blood sugar in an adult.

In the following table, you can see the norm of glucose concentration in a child from the first days of life to eleven years.

What determines the level of glucose concentration in the blood of a child? The most obvious factors:

  • food;
  • work of the digestive tract;
  • hormones and so on.

The fact that this indicator may fall below the norm is influenced by the following reasons:

  • starvation;
  • the child drinks little water;
  • chronic illness;
  • pathology of the digestive tract;
  • nervous system;
  • arsenic poisoning.

And indicators above the norm are provoked by:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • incorrect analysis (eating before blood sampling, overstrain, both physical and nervous, etc.);
  • thyroid disease;
  • tumor of the pancreas;
  • obesity;
  • long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

What are the consequences?

A sharp increase in blood sugar, as well as a drop in this indicator, can have a deplorable effect on the health of the baby. What are the symptoms of impaired glucose levels? When there is a shortage, there is:

  • increased activity;
  • anxiety;
  • desire to eat sweets;
  • severe sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • fainting.

All these symptoms instantly disappear if you give the baby something sweet or inject intravenous glucose. These conditions are dangerous because they can degenerate into a hypoglycemic coma, which in turn can lead to the death of the patient.

Symptoms of high blood sugar in a child include:

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • cold extremities;
  • dry mouth;
  • strong thirst;
  • skin itching;
  • digestive problems.

The problem of high or low blood sugar should be treated very carefully. Prolonged violation of its level leads to a deterioration in brain function. That is why later in the article you will learn how much glucose to give your child, how to give it and in what cases.

Pay attention to the fact that in case of a bad blood test for sugar, the doctor is obliged to conduct a second test to exclude errors in the laboratory. If the result is the same in two analyzes, then the probability of the test being incorrect disappears. If the level of glucose in the blood is at the lowest or highest mark of the norm, then an additional study is also carried out. Experiences, strong physical exertion, or a recent illness can distort the test results.

Glucose for newborns

Now we will analyze in detail the questions: is glucose possible for children, why is it needed and how to give it? As mentioned earlier, pediatricians prescribe glucose to children quite often and for various reasons. Grape sugar is a source of energy for the whole body, which is very easily absorbed even by infants in the first days of life. We list the situations when glucose is prescribed for newborns:

  • prematurity;
  • problems with breastfeeding (glucose can replace the baby's nutrition);
  • jaundice;
  • asphyxia (the child receives food during resuscitation);
  • birth injuries of the back and head.

In the latter case, the nervous system of the crumbs suffers, and glucose is simply necessary for recovery and recovery. It is worth immediately drawing the attention of parents to the fact that the level of blood sugar concentration in the baby drops sharply at birth. An hour and a half later, doctors take a blood test to make sure he's recovered. If this does not happen, then the doctor must prescribe glucose.

For newborn babies, a special five percent solution is produced, which is either administered intravenously or added to the diet. We will talk about it in more detail in the next section.

How to give glucose to a child in the first days of life?

In medical institutions, it is customary to administer a glucose solution to a child intravenously, through a tube, or add it to a bottle with baby food. What to do if glucose was prescribed to a baby at home? Moms note that it is quite difficult to give a baby a drink with a solution because of the sugary taste.

Here are some tips to make it easier for you and your baby to take the medicine:

  1. Dilute the solution with water 1: 1, sweet water will certainly please the baby.
  2. It is worth drinking the solution between meals, since after sweet water there is a high probability that the baby will refuse to eat.
  3. Divide the entire dose into small portions.
  4. After taking, hold the baby upright so that spitting up does not occur.


Jaundice in newborn babies is a fairly common occurrence. Statistics say that every third baby is born with this diagnosis. The yellow tint of the skin and mucous membranes appears as a result of an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. This condition appears on the second or third day after the birth of the crumbs and lasts no more than ten days.

Often, pediatricians at the same time prescribe a glucose solution, but it is not able to reduce the level of bilirubin in the blood. The solution prevents intoxication. The best remedy and preventive measure is frequent breastfeeding.

Glucose tablets

And why prescribe glucose in tablets to children? The instruction says that it is needed in the following cases:

  • with intoxication;
  • dehydration;
  • collapse;
  • shock;
  • hepatitis;
  • liver dystrophy, etc.

This drug is produced in blisters of 10 pieces, each tablet contains 50 mg of active ingredient. The drug also has contraindications, which include: diabetes mellitus, hyperlactacidemia, heart failure, hyponatremia, cerebral or pulmonary edema.

Application features and dosage

If you are going to use glucose in the form of tablets, then it is recommended to drink it an hour before meals. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the individual dosage: no more than 300 mg per kilogram of weight. It would be better if the dosage is calculated by the attending physician.

With intravenous administration (drip or jet method), the attending physician is obliged to independently calculate the dose, based on the weight of the child. It should not exceed these indicators:

  • if a child weighs up to 10 kg, then per day he should receive 100 ml per kilogram of weight;
  • if the child's weight varies from 10 to 20 kg, then he needs 1000 milliliters per day plus 50 milliliters for each kilogram over 10;
  • if the weight of the child is more than 20 kg, then to 1.5 thousand milliliters it is necessary to add 20 ml for each kilogram of weight over 20 (daily rate).


Glucose cannot harm a child if it is taken correctly. In case of an overdose, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

It is also necessary to know that with an overdose of glucose with ascorbic acid, gastritis develops, ulcers form on the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. At the same time, an increased level of oxalate salts, which form kidney stones, can be detected in the urine. It also reduces the permeability of capillaries, which leads to a deterioration in tissue nutrition.

Side effects

We list the side effects that can be expected if you give your child glucose. These include: allergic reactions, damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, inhibition of insulin production, fever, acute left ventricular failure, pain and bruising when administered intravenously.

How to drink glucose correctly?- sooner or later, all patients with porphyria ask such a question. It would seem, what is simpler, glucose, the same sugar, dilute and drink. In fact, everything is not so simple. If we use sugar to literally sweeten our lives, then glucose is needed to save lives, or, if not so loudly, to relieve an attack.

It has been proven many times that eating large amounts of carbohydrates reduces the severity of an attack, and sometimes stops the attack. Glucose is almost 100% absorbed by the body, so it is ideal for this role.

In the American practice of treating porphyria, even with a strong attack, normosang is not immediately administered, but a concentrated glucose solution is dripped for three days. Read more about glucose infusion solution here. Often, this can help stop an attack.
Dry glucose, sold in pharmacies, is rather a home remedy for relieving an attack of porphyria, which can help with early warning signs of an attack or a sluggish attack. She will not be able to remove a strong attack. Treatment of a severe attack is the business of doctors in a hospital setting.
So, how to drink dry glucose? The therapeutic daily dose of glucose is the amount of 200-600 gr. Accordingly, a couple of teaspoons added to tea 3 times a day will not do here.
The most convenient and simple method is to prepare a glucose solution immediately for a day. We need about 2 liters of concentrated solution per day. Therefore, we take a 2-liter jar, we fall asleep inside 200-600 gr. (depending on the severity of the attack, but it is better to stick to average values. For example, 400g is optimal) and fill it all with boiled water. Everything - the solution is ready. It remains to evenly distribute it among the glasses. During the day, you can drink a little every hour, at night it is also better to drink a glucose solution. At least a couple times a night. With a more or less uniform intake of glucose into the body, it has a better therapeutic effect.
You can go a more complicated way by calculating the percentage of glucose in each glass. You can pour 400gr. glucose in a separate bowl and, adding it to the liquid during the day, achieve the same effect. In fact, this is not so important, quantity and uniformity are important.

And finally, when you drink glucose solution for the first time, and even when you are very afraid of a repetition of the attack, it is drunk quite normally. Afterwards it becomes difficult. In order not just to be treated, but to be treated tasty, you can add different juices to the solution or cook unsweetened compote, and then add glucose to it.

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