How to relieve inflammation of the sinus mucosa. The maxillary sinuses hurt - why, how to relieve inflammation. Onion, garlic, horseradish - medicines for the common cold

The sinuses are cavities located in the bones of the upper jaw. They are filled with air and connect to the nasal cavity through natural holes. The paranasal sinuses provide mechanical and thermal protection eyeballs and brain, in addition, thus increasing the strength of the bones of the skull. The sinuses of the nose are involved in the process of voice formation and the formation of sounds when talking. But these formations are most important for normal breathing. Due to the sinuses, the air inhaled by a person is warmed, cleaned and moistened.

The following nasal sinuses are distinguished: maxillary, sphenoid, frontal and ethmoid sinuses, which are divided into posterior and anterior.

Types of inflammation of the sinuses

Inflammation of the sinuses is called a mucosal diseasecharacterized by inflammatory processes and affecting one or more nasal sinuses. Such a pathology appears against the background of rhinitis.

There are three forms of the course of the disease:

  1. Acute inflammation. All symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses are very pronounced, with proper treatment, the disease goes away without leaving any traces.
  2. relapse of inflammation. Outwardly, this species is similar to the previous one, but the signs of the disease are more blurred. If the treatment is started on time and is carried out in full, then the changes in the mucosa quickly disappear.
  3. Chronic inflammation. This pathology is quite difficult to cure, this will require more thorough and thoughtful treatment.

Causes of sinus inflammation

In adults, sinus inflammation is often associated with viral infection. Most often, the spread of the disease occurs through the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, in more rare cases the cause is the condition of the teeth or blood. Viral pathology is milder, but it can cause a bacterial infection to join.

Of the microorganisms, staphylococci most often become the cause of inflammation of the sinuses. Other types of infections can also affect this area, but this usually occurs when there is a malfunction. immune system. Sometimes the inflammatory process can be caused by the spread of infection with bone tissue or teeth. Then only maxillary sinuses. But it's more special case, usually infectious inflammation covers all or almost all nasal sinuses.

The mechanism of development of such a disease is as follows. Otolaryngologists quite often face the transition of inflammation to the sinuses with the affected mucosa. upper organs respiratory system. In this case, not one sinus is usually affected, but several. The reason for this lies in their proximity to each other.

When air is inhaled, various small particles and microorganisms enter the nasal cavity, and then into the sinuses. In the normal state, the air here is cleared of unnecessary elements, this happens due to the ciliated epithelium, which is lined with the sinus, and special mucus. The mucus collects microbes and polluting particles and, with the help of the cilia of the epithelium, moves towards the mouth of the sinus. Then it enters the back wall of the nose and is excreted from the body.

If this mechanism is violated for any reason, then this can lead to the development of inflammation of the sinuses. There is a group of predisposing factors for the onset of the disease. These include the curvature of the conchas of the nose or the nasal septum, the incorrect anatomical location of the mouths of the sinuses, and so on. Some pathologies or genetic characteristics can contribute to the disruption of the sinus cleansing mechanism, and, consequently, the development of inflammation. Adverse factors disrupt the normal functioning of the cilia, due to which microorganisms are delayed or not removed from the sinuses at all, becoming the cause of their defeat. Among such factors are nasal injuries, fever, exposure to tobacco smoke or any other harmful substances, hormonal changes, dry indoor air, and others.

Inflammation of the sinuses: symptoms

Most characteristic features sinus infections are:

  1. Rhinitis, or runny nose.
  2. Headache, aggravated by pressure drop, pressure on the area near the sinuses and tilting of the head.
  3. Constant feeling of stuffy nose.
  4. Rise in temperature to about 38 0 .
  5. Violent discharge from the nose, having a thick consistency and becoming greenish in color.
  6. Cough, especially at night and in the morning.
  7. Feeling of pressure and pain in the forehead, nose and upper jaw.
  8. Breathing through the mouth.
  9. Discharges with an admixture of pus from the nasal passages.
  10. Appearance bad smell from mouth.
  11. Kind of raspy voice.

Usually acute inflammation sinuses resolves on their own in about two weeks, the chronic form can be delayed for a long time, while periods of recovery alternate with relapses of the disease.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the sinuses

A complex of diagnostic procedures for determining the presence of inflammation of the sinuses of the nose is prescribed to the patient by a doctor after collecting an anamnesis and examining the patient. In this disease, a laboratory blood test may show marked leukocytosis, usually indicating acute inflammation.

Computed tomography can provide the most complete information about the condition of the sinuses. During its implementation, such violations as the presence of fluid in the sinus cavity, polyps of the mucous membranes, loss of patency of the mouth and other pathological changes can be revealed. In recent years, radiographic methods for examining the sinuses of the nose have become much less common, as they are less informative than tomography. They are used mainly in acute forms of inflammation of the sinuses. In some cases, a sinus puncture is indicated to take and remove pus from it, as well as to administer a drug.

During this procedure, the patient is sitting position. For local anesthesia a certain drug is injected into the lower nasal canal. Then, a puncture needle pierces the central wall of the sinus in the region of the lower nasal canal. After that, a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride is poured inside, previously brought to room temperature. This remedy washes the sinus and disinfects it. The final stage of the procedure is the administration of antibiotics, steroids, or drugs that stimulate the removal of mucus from the sinus, at the discretion of the doctor.

Features of inflammation of the sinuses in children

AT childhood inflammation of the sinuses is a fairly common disease, while in 9 cases out of 10 it is bacterial in nature. Some of the difficulties of diagnosis at this age are in a wide range possible manifestations pathology. It is most difficult to diagnose newborns and young children. Older children with inflammation of the sinuses complain of discharge from the nose of a purulent-mucous nature, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, pain and a feeling of fullness in the eye area. In the acute course of the disease, an increase in temperature is also usually noted, sometimes above 38 0. In babies, inflammation of the sinuses acquires a long course and is manifested by breathing through the mouth, coughing, bad breath, clogged nasal passages.

In the youngest children, the disease is accompanied common symptoms, such as lack of appetite, moodiness, weight loss, tearfulness, poor sleep, and others. Often there is also swelling of the eyelids or movement towards the eyeball. The latter is due to the fact that the ethmoid sinus is located in close proximity to the eye sockets, and in newborns, the wall between them is still not sufficiently formed. To confirm the diagnosis in children, they may be prescribed computed tomography, it is carried out on the basis of the collected anamnesis, examination and laryngological examination.

Treatment is determined by a specialist depending on the age of the child, the form and severity of the disease. It often consists of a certain complex, it includes taking antibiotics for 2-3 weeks according to the scheme, drugs whose action is aimed at narrowing the sinus mucosa, antipyretics, antihistamines, moisturizers, painkillers and other drugs at the discretion of the attending physician.

If a conservative treatment does not improve, and bone destruction begins, then there is a need for surgical methods. The danger of acute inflammation of the sinuses in children is that, if left untreated, they often lead to complications, therefore, with such a diagnosis, the child is often hospitalized.

Chronic inflammation of the sinuses

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a long course. That is, signs of inflammation of the sinuses of the nose can persist for up to 2-3 months, even with the necessary medical measures. This form of the disease occurs in both adults and children. The maxillary sinuses are most often affected, the frontal sinuses are somewhat less common.

Signs of chronic inflammation are discharge from the nasal passages, having a purulent, mucous, watery or mixed character, difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion, coughing, pain and sore throat caused by mucus flowing down the back of the throat. Perhaps the appearance of headaches, localized mainly in the forehead, eyes and nose. Quite often at patients the sense of smell is broken or vanishes. Chronic inflammation of the sinuses can cause the growth of mucosal polyps and fill them with the entire nasal cavity. This form of the disease is more susceptible to people who have problems with immunity or bad condition teeth and oral cavity. Acute inflammation of the sinuses can also go into the chronic stage, if treatment is not started in a timely manner or it is carried out incorrectly and not fully.

play an important role in the development and progression of the disease pathogenic microorganisms, as well as the anatomical features of the location of the mouth of the sinus. To diagnose the chronic form of inflammation of the sinuses, an examination of the patient and his questioning are used. specialized methods- computed tomography.

Often there is a need to puncture the affected sinus. Treatment of chronic inflammation of the sinuses often includes the removal of the pathologically altered sinus mucosa and the expansion of its mouth. Of the drugs, glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics, agents that reduce the volume of the mucous membrane and remove mucus from the nose and sinuses can be prescribed. If the cause of the inflammation is affected teeth (in such cases, the maxillary sinuses are usually affected), then the teeth should be removed.

Fungal inflammation of the sinuses

Inflammation of the sinuses caused by fungi is quite common. In this case, only one

or several sinuses. The most prone to the occurrence of this type of disease are people who undergo local steroid therapy, often take antibiotics, are treated medicines that depress the immune system, as well as in patients with oncology and who have undergone a course of radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

The disease caused by fungi can occur in HIV carriers and in people with diabetes. The cause of inflammation of the sinuses, most often, are fungi belonging to the genus Candida, mucor, rhizopus and aspergillus. Symptoms fungal infection paranasal sinuses are identical to the signs of a disease caused by bacteria.

The course of the disease can vary considerably, ranging from mild and gradual to rapid and severe. Preliminary diagnosis put on the basis of radiological images. In the future, it is confirmed by the results of histology or mycological analysis, in which pathogens are detected.

Fungal inflammation of the sinuses is treated with a surgical method, which involves the removal of polyps and fungal masses from the lumen of the sinus. Additionally, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Sinus inflammation: treatment

Treatment of inflammation of the sinuses can be carried out by two methods: conservative and surgical. The first of these is to relieve tissue edema, combat the reproduction of microorganisms, facilitate the removal of mucus from the nasal passages and sinuses, and restore normal patency of the sinus mouth. For effective fight with a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be used. The lack of visible improvement after the use of these drugs may indicate the wrong choice of antibiotic, too low a dose of the drug, insufficient treatment time, neglect of other therapeutic measures, as well as a different nature of the disease, for example, viral. Additional methods the treatment required for inflammation of the sinuses is the use of drugs that narrow the nasal mucosa and mouths of the grooves. These drugs can be used topically or as general remedy. For this purpose, ephedrine or pseudoephedrine is often used in conjunction with antihistamines.

Surgical treatment for inflammation of the sinuses is aimed at restoring the patency of the nasal passages, removing mucus and establishing normal ventilation of the sinuses. The indication for intervention is the chronic form of the disease, foreign objects in the sinus or education soft buds. Classically, the operation is performed according to the Goldwell-Look method and consists in opening the maxillary sinus through the nose. modern medicine involves the use of a new operating room endoscope

ic technology. During the operation, all polyps are removed and nasal patency is restored, the mouths of the sinuses (ethmoid, frontal, maxillary and sphenoid) open and expand, and areas of pathologically altered mucosa inside the sinus are also removed.

To perform the procedure, you will need a special set of instruments and endoscopes. Need decision surgical intervention can only be taken by a specialist after all diagnostic measures and confirmation of the diagnosis, a special role is given to such a method as computed tomography.

Possible complications of inflammation of the sinuses

It must be understood that incompletely cured inflammation of the sinuses can cause the development of some serious complications. The reason for them often lies in the incorrect or inappropriate use of antibiotics, a decrease in the protective properties of the body and an increase in the resistance of microorganisms.

The most typical complications are damage to the eyes and eye sockets, the transition of the inflammatory process to Bone marrow skull and intracranial complications. Eye lesions that appeared as a complication of inflammation of the sinuses of the nose include swelling and inflammation of the eyelids, phlegmon of the eye socket, inflammatory processes that affect the soft tissues of the eye socket or optic nerve, periosteal abscess, and others. Of the intracranial complications of inflammation of the sinuses, the most common are thrombosis of the upper longitudinal sinus or cavernous body, an abscess meninges internal or external, inflammation of the pia mater.

Starting the treatment of complications of inflammation of the sinuses, they usually carry out a procedure for cleaning the affected sinus and removing the altered mucosa, polyps and complications. Often, a course of intravenous administration of chemotherapeutic agents that have wide range actions.

The earlier the decision to start treatment is made and the set of necessary therapeutic measures is determined, the more likely it is to cope with complications quickly and without consequences. For this, it is necessary to early dates diagnose the disease, so it is worth knowing the signs and course of the most frequent and dangerous complications inflammation of the sinuses.

Phlegmon of the eye cavity occurs during the transition purulent inflammation from the sinus to the eye cavity or as an unfavorable consequence of inflammation of the soft tissues. This disease is manifested by swelling and blueing of the connective membranes of the eyelids and eyes, an increase in temperature to high numbers and serious condition sick. In some cases, there is a backache, which results in drooping of the eyelids, and eyeball loses mobility. Of particular danger is the development of

aleniya and its promotion inside the eyeball and on optic nerve, it can lead to blindness. Since the trochlear, trigeminal, oculomotor and abducens nerves pass in close proximity to each other, symptoms of their defeat may be noted with eye socket phlegmon.

Phlegmon is treated surgically. The affected sinus opens and purulent contents are removed from it. As additional funds antibiotics and drugs that prevent thrombosis are prescribed.

Another severe complication inflammation of the sinuses - thrombosis and inflammation of the cavernous body. The cause of such processes can be not only acute, but also chronic illness. Inflammation spreads in most cases from the frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, since they are anatomically located close to the base of the skull. But the transition of the inflammatory process from the maxillary sinuses is also possible.

There are a number of factors that increase the likelihood of developing intracranial complications. These include reduced immunity, increased virulence of microorganisms, acquired or congenital defects in the bone tissue of the base of the skull. Thrombotic inflammation of the cavernous body occurs when inflammation passes to the veins of the eye sockets. The manifestations of such a disease are an increase in the sensitivity of the skin of the face to touch, exposure to light, cold, heat, recurrent dizziness, a rise in temperature to high values chills, sensitivity to bright light.

Inflammation spreads very quickly throughout the body with the bloodstream, resulting in sepsis. There are symptoms of damage to the block, trigeminal, visual, efferent and oculomotor nerves. There is a noticeable swelling of the connective membranes of the eyes, immobility of the eyeballs, sharp deterioration vision, sometimes to complete blindness. To characteristic manifestations can be attributed to the blue of the skin of the forehead, which take on the appearance of marble. The above external signs can be supplemented by symptoms of a lesion. nervous system such as limited neck movement.

This complication of inflammation of the sinuses requires the immediate initiation of treatment, including drugs broad action and antibiotics. It is important to take timely measures to treat cerebral edema. Often, surgical intervention is performed, which consists in cleaning the sinuses and removing pathological tissues.

Even with the current level of medicine, effective drugs and methods of treatment, thrombotic inflammation of the cavernous body remains fatal dangerous disease, from which almost every third sick person dies.

Inflammation of the sinuses, in which adnexal areas are affected, is medically called sinusitis. This disease occurs in all people, regardless of the age of the patient and his lifestyle. With inflammation paranasal sinuses, patients complain of a lot of symptoms by which you can determine the type and nature of the disease. Sinusitis is divided into several forms, which must be determined even before the start of medical therapies.

With an incorrect diagnosis and procedures aimed at treating, for example, sinusitis, it is possible severe consequences. Therefore, when prolonged runny nose, feeling unwell, constantly elevated body temperature, do not delay visiting a doctor. In this way, you will be able to determine the symptoms and treatment of sinus inflammation even at early stage.

When contacting a medical center, doctors carefully examine the patient and are interested in his symptoms. Symptoms of sinusitis have important features. It is by them that one can determine the form of inflammation and the nature of the course of the disease.

There are four types of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses of the nasal cavity:

All types of ailment have pronounced symptoms that can be pronounced or be almost invisible.

Their severity largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the state of the body's immune system.


First of all, when diagnosing the localization of the disease, the doctor identifies the causes of the disease. The most common factor in the formation of sinusitis is traumatization of the nasal wings or nasal septum. Other causes include viral entry or bacterial development in the nasal cavity.

In the first case, the virus is often formed as a result of SARS inflammation and patients often confuse sinusitis with colds. In the second situation, sinusitis can develop as a result of a negative process in the oral cavity, not fully cured teeth, or due to the development of caries.

Usually, with such a course of the disease, the patient's well-being worsens significantly every day., body temperature rises, the timbre of the voice changes, strong pain in the head and temples.

The next cause of the formation of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is considered a fungus. In this case, urgent treatment of the disease is necessary with the use of antibacterial drugs and various antifungal medicines. In the absence of treatment, patients complain of a strong increase in temperature, up to 39 degrees Celsius, dysfunction of many ENT organs, and other signs.

Under the frequent influence of too warm or cold temperatures on the patient's body, sinusitis occurs much more often.

In addition, for many, the inflammatory process is complicated by certain symptoms that early stage similar to SARS.

Most often, with such a pathological process, patients complain of the following signs of the disease:

  • a strong increase in body temperature;
  • partial deafness;
  • swelling not only of the nasal mucosa, but of the entire face;
  • discoloration of the skin, formation dark circles under the eyes;
  • strong pressure in the region of the nose, decreased visual acuity;
  • eye pain and increased intraocular pressure;
  • a strong anatomical change in the nasal cavity;
  • on palpation of the affected area, sharp shooting sensations;
  • pain when tilting and turning the head;
  • in the evening and at night, increased nasal congestion;
  • mucous discharge from the nose of different shades, purulent accumulations in the sinuses;
  • poor outflow of mucus;
  • strong, hacking cough;
  • bad feeling;
  • fatigue, loss of working capacity, insomnia;
  • during the progression of the disease, an increase in purulent discharge is noted;
  • swelling from the side internal cavity eye;

Often these symptoms are accompanied by nosebleeds, severe pain throughout the body, as well as some individual symptoms.

How and how to treat inflammation of the sinus

Treatment of inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity takes long time. In many ways, the course of treatment depends on the diagnosis, as well as the nature of the disease itself.

To prescribe drug therapy, the patient should undergo all diagnostic procedures.

On their basis, the specialist will make a final decision and prescribe a course of tablets and sprays.

With inflammation of sinusitis, it is necessary to donate blood and check the level of leukocytes.

At increased rates, the treatment will be more complex, since such a sign symbolizes the acute course of the disease.

It is impossible to make a comprehensive and correct treatment without computed tomography, as well as x-rays. Only after all the procedures have been completed, the patient will be prescribed further treatment.

Usually, drug therapy includes antibacterial drugs, homeopathic remedies and antiviral drugs. At the initial stage of inflammation, the patient may be advised to use alternative methods of medicine, but folk recipes won't help for more later phases sinusitis.

For nasal congestion

If the sinuses are clogged, first of all, it is necessary to use medications to relieve swelling.

They help to eliminate mucus from the sinuses and clear the passages, which will normalize breathing.

For nasal congestion, doctors usually prescribe the following drugs: « Oxymetazoline", "Nafazolin", "Sanorin", "Nazol", "Erespal", "Sinupret".

Keep in mind that it is necessary to be treated with these medicines for no more than one week. Otherwise, the body gets used to active components drug and ceases to perceive them as a drug.


The next step on the path to recovery will be washing the nasal passages with the help of the following means: "", "", "Fornos" and others.

Flushing is necessary before each use of the nasal remedy and as needed.

There are no serious contraindications for this procedure, but it is best to consult with your doctor about choosing an individual drug.

In some cases, doctors can replace specialized solutions with decoctions of chamomile or St. John's wort.

Combined drugs

The next step in the treatment of sinusitis will be the use of combined nasal preparations: "Isofra", "Sofradex", "Garazon", "Polydex", "Normax".

Their action is aimed at the destruction of viruses and infections, as well as the elimination of the focus of inflammation itself.

It is necessary to bury them for no more than five days in accordance with the dosage.

Anti-inflammatory and homeopathic

In addition to drops with antibiotics, it is important to use anti-inflammatory drugs. The treatment of sinusitis does not stop there. Throughout the course of treatment, the patient needs antiallergic drugs. They relieve swelling, promote the natural functioning of the sinuses and improve the outflow of mucus. Best to take well-known drugs: "Diazolin", "Zirtek", "Claritin", "Loratadin", "Cetrin".

Antibacterial drugs

If, after performing all the procedures, the patient does not notice improvement, then the patient is prescribed more powerful drugs. These medicines include antibiotics from the penicillin group.

With sinusitis, it is allowed to use the following antibacterial drugs: "Erythromycin", "Amoxicillin", "Cefuroxime".

When acute course ailments they can be prescribed for up to ten days.

If the inflammation has passed into the chronic phase, the course may be increased.

After the end of treatment antibacterial agents don't forget about the need for probiotics. It is best to use medicines such as "Bifidumbacterin", "Lactobacterin", "Colibacterin".

If the inflammation is gaining momentum, the patient is admitted to the hospital and surgical intervention is prescribed. The operation is preceded by drug therapy, but only in the form of an auxiliary process.


Sinusitis has a lot of dangerous consequences. They can form not only with inadequate therapy, but also in the case of an incompletely cured disease. Therefore, in case of serious complications, it is necessary constant control several doctors.

At this time, the body is especially vulnerable. Most often wrong treatment sinusitis or ignoring the dosages and advice of doctors provokes the formation of inflammation of the eyelids, the appearance severe swelling, otitis, chronic sinusitis and so on. In particular severe cases inflammation of the membranes of the brain is not excluded.

The main symptom of sinusitis (from Latin Sinusitis) is acute or chronic inflammation mucous or bone walls sinuses - sinuses. In otolaryngology, it is one of the most common. common cause the filling of the sinuses with exudate, which accumulates due to a viral or bacterial infection, acts. Due to the stagnation of mucus, the natural ventilation of the sinuses is disturbed. Pathology is dangerous, because without adequate treatment it can become chronic and even lead to complications in the form of meningitis or lesions of the facial bone structures.

What is sinusitis

This is the name of inflammation that affects one or more paranasal sinuses, developing as an independent disease or a consequence of complications from another pathology. The disease is acute - the treatment takes about 2 months, and the symptoms of sinusitis are more pronounced. The chronic form may not go away for a very long time, reappearing with the slightest cold. This happens in people with reduced immunity or immunodeficiency.


Each sinus is lined with a mucous membrane and connected to the nasal cavity. This message is very important to ensure normal state paranasal sinuses. If the channel connecting them to the nasal cavity closes, then air begins to be absorbed into the blood from the sinus. As a result, the sinus is filled with inflammatory fluid, which is favorable environment for bacterial growth.

The disease can affect both one and several paranasal sinuses. Depending on the localization, the pathology is different types:

  1. Frontit. This type involves inflammation of the paranasal sinus. It runs harder than other types.
  2. Sinusitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the maxillary sinus. It is often a complication of influenza, scarlet fever, prolonged runny nose, measles and others. infectious diseases.
  3. Sphenoiditis. The symptoms of this sinusitis appear less frequently than others, suggesting inflammation sphenoid sinus.
  4. Etmoiditis. The most common type of this disease, characterized by inflammation of the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth.

Classification of pathology

Sinusitis can be triggered by various factors. More often they are secondary pathological processes in the paranasal sinuses, for example, rhinitis, influenza, scarlet fever, measles. Varieties of pathology are distinguished according to other criteria.

  1. By the nature of the flow. May be acute and chronic. In the first case, the symptoms of sinusitis are more vivid, and in the second, the disease is characterized by frequent relapses.
  2. By shape pathological process. The disease is divided into productive (parietal-hyperplastic and polypous) and exudative forms (purulent, catarrhal, serous).
  3. By etiology. Depending on the cause and symptoms of sinusitis, it can be allergic, traumatic, bacterial, mixed, fungal and viral.

Signs of illness in adults

Regardless of the specific type and symptoms of sinusitis, the disease has a number of common features characteristic of any of its forms in adults:

  • local signs in the form of pain and pressure in the face - eyes, forehead, nose, cheeks;
  • cough at night;
  • toothache;
  • bad breath;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of discomfort in the nose;
  • nasal congestion due to violations of normal ventilation;
  • nasality in the voice;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • profuse mucous or purulent discharge from the nose.


This symptom of sinusitis is almost constant. Although this sign may be absent if the natural fistulas are not closed, i.e. no congestion. Sinus headaches are either dull or sharp. They can affect the back of the head or forehead, and also be spilled. Pain occurs due to the accumulation of pus inside the sinuses, which put pressure on bottom walls. Discomfort features:

  1. Headache worse when coughing and sneezing.
  2. Patients complain of a feeling of pressure in the bridge of the nose and its lateral sections. Sometimes they may not attribute the pain to suppuration, citing pressure or weakness as the cause.
  3. Spasms become stronger when the head is tilted forward, and when tilted to the side, dizziness is observed.
  4. At chronic form pain attacks worse in the evening.

Sinus pain affects different areas of the head. With frontitis, it is felt in the forehead area. Other forms of pathology are characterized by pain in the following departments:

  • with ethmoiditis - in the eyeballs, in the depth of the bridge of the nose;
  • with sinusitis - gives to the upper jaw, the roots of the teeth, disturbs on the sides of the wings of the nose;
  • with a sphenoidal form, it is noted in the middle of the head, extends to the back of the head, crown or temple.

This symptom is secondary, occurs more often at night. The cause is irritated dry mucosa of the nasopharynx, in which there is no healthy moisture, or mucus flowing into the larynx. A nocturnal cough may be due to a viral or bacterial infection, in which pathogenic microflora cover not all cavities of the nose, but also the upper and lower Airways. This leads to swelling of the mucosa and narrowing of the connecting channels. Due to the coverage of bacteria in the bronchi and lungs, an excruciating dry cough begins, often accompanied by chest pain.

Another classic symptom of this disease is nasal congestion, which is permanent, with periods of short-term relief and periods of "piercing" one or the other nostril. Consequence permanent congestion becomes nasal voice. The symptom is accompanied by the release of a purulent secret of yellow or green color, in some cases with blood impurities. They may not be there if the congestion is too strong and makes it difficult to outflow through nasal sinus.

Elevated temperature

In combination with congestion and headache, the temperature may rise. High it happens more often in the acute form of the disease. AT chronic stage the temperature rarely rises above 37 degrees. In any form, the patient feels general malaise, manifested by signs of intoxication:

  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • photophobia.

Deterioration of smell

As a result of impaired nasal breathing, the sense of smell may be impaired. This symptom is especially sharply manifested in sphenoiditis. The patient here may also complain about the sensation of unpleasant odors. The olfactory disorder has its own medical name- anosmia. This condition is a symptom of some other diseases. It is possible to determine the pathology only by what symptoms anosmia is combined with.

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - specific symptoms

Any inflammation of the sinuses is dangerous because the patient may not give it special attention confusing the symptoms of sinusitis with those of the common cold. Isolation of gray-yellow thick mucus associated with a runny nose, and congestion, headache and malaise with SARS or influenza. The most serious complications in this case are meningitis and brain abscess. Bacteria with such a pathology are dangerous for the whole organism. In order not to be confused with a cold, it is worth knowing the symptoms of sinusitis that are characteristic of each of its forms.


When frontal sinusitis inflammation affects the frontal paranasal sinus. The disease occurs in acute or chronic form. Symptoms of the first are sharp pain in the forehead, photophobia, difficulty in nasal breathing. From the side of the blocked nostril, odorless mucus discharge is noted. The temperature rises to 39 degrees, swelling in the soft tissues. Chronic frontitis is expressed somewhat differently:

  • aching or pressing headache, localized on one side of the face;
  • increased pain on pressure inner corner eye sockets;
  • copious discharge from the nose in the morning, sometimes with an unpleasant odor;
  • expectoration of large amounts of sputum in the morning.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

The clinical picture of sinusitis is characterized by pressure in the area of ​​the affected sinus. Sometimes severe headaches are possible that radiate to the upper jaw, forehead, cheekbones, and in more rare cases, temples. The nose with sinusitis is often stuffed up on both sides, which causes a nasal voice. Sometimes relief comes and one nostril begins to breathe normally, but this is short-lived. From the nose, serous, liquid, and then viscous, cloudy and greenish discharge.

In the acute form of sinusitis, there is an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees. In the case of a chronic course of the disease, patients complain of:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • constant runny nose;
  • eye pain;
  • headache;
  • unilateral nasal congestion;
  • dry cough;
  • dullness of the sense of smell.

This is the name of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe membrane of the posterior cells ethmoid bone. The disease often develops with rhinitis, flu, colds, prolonged inhalation of cold air, allergies. characteristic symptom acute ethmoiditis is a headache that affects the root of the nose and the bridge of the nose. Possible violation or complete absence nasal breathing. The general condition of the patient is gradually deteriorating, the temperature rises to 38 degrees. Discharge from the nose is initially odorless, then it becomes purulent or serous-purulent.

With a rapid course, inflammation can affect the inner corner of the orbit, causing it to swell. Chronic ethmoiditis is distinguished by other symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • nasal congestion;
  • copious discharge from the nose;
  • headache.

The most common form is characterized by the presence of pain in the parietal or occipital region and a sensation of an unpleasant odor. The discharge swells along the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus along the posterior wall and fornix of the nasopharynx. Because of this, the process can spread to the orbit, other sinuses and cranial cavities. A dangerous consequence here is a visual complication in the form of retrobulbar neuritis.

Acute and chronic sinusitis - distinguishing features

According to the main classification, almost any disease can be acute or chronic. The same goes for sinusitis. The main difference between the two forms of the disease is the severity of symptoms. In acute, they occur suddenly, the patient tolerates them harder. The chronic form proceeds not so brightly. It is characterized by a change in periods of improvement and relapses. Each form has its own characteristics by which it can be recognized.

Acute form of the disease

It is possible to diagnose an acute stage of this pathology in a patient by a suddenly rising temperature, a headache, and congestion. It becomes difficult for a person to breathe, the nose becomes clogged with mucus. Congestion periodically passes from one nostril to another. Against the background of it, discharge from the nose is observed - they can be with pus or even blood. The sense of smell worsens, the area of ​​inflammation causes pain and swelling of the soft tissues. At night, the patient is tormented by bouts of dry cough. Acute sinusitis is divided into severe, moderate and mild depending on the symptoms.

Chronic form

If the acute inflammatory process has not ended, has not been treated to the end or has not been treated at all, the disease can become chronic. The symptoms of such sinusitis include those listed for acute form- all or just a few. They can be stored for 2 or more months. The disease recurs several times throughout the year. The most common symptoms are nasal congestion and a large number of mucus. Against this background, you can observe:

  • fatigue;
  • swelling of the face, a rush of blood;
  • heat;
  • toothache;
  • colorless or yellow discharge from the nose.

How does sinusitis manifest in children?

The child is prone to this disease after suffering colds, including influenza, sore throat, inflammation of the middle ear. Children are characterized by left- or right-sided nasal congestion. It is more common in people over 7 years of age. The symptoms of sinusitis are not so bright, so they are difficult to notice. The following should be of concern:

  • weakness of the baby;
  • purulent discharge from the nose;
  • bad breath;
  • malaise;
  • breathing through the mouth day and night during sleep;
  • normal temperature, no complaints of headache;
  • reduced appetite.

Diagnosis of the disease

Sinusitis symptoms are not harmless. The development of purulent processes in the maxillary region causes the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the vascular bed of the brain, which cause meningoencephalitis. The infection can affect the ears, eyes, and respiratory tract. Bacteria provoke the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

For this reason, it is important to consult a doctor at the first sign. Based on the tests, he will be able to determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to certain drugs, which will be used for treatment. To make an accurate diagnosis, use:

  • radiograph;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan;
  • laboratory research.

X-ray or MRI

Diagnosis of sinusitis by these methods helps to identify the disease at an early stage. X-ray with high probability will show the problems of the sinuses, but it does not always help to diagnose the child. The reason is that the tissues of the body are not yet fully formed in babies. When X-rays do not help, MRI is used. The procedure determines the presence of tumors in the nasal cavity, curvature of the nasal septum, polyps. The use of MRI is not always justified, because it is possible to confirm the pathology without it due to other diagnostic methods.

This procedure is the best visual method for examining the paranasal sinuses. It is especially recommended for acute sinusitis complicated by serious infections. Computed tomography allows you to see the contours, density, volume and structure of the paranasal sinuses. Besides, this procedure helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the already prescribed treatment.

Laboratory diagnostics

A complete blood count helps confirm the symptoms of sinusitis. It detects the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. To determine the causative agent of the disease, a tank sowing is carried out. The study consists in taking fluid from the paranasal sinuses and studying them. After identifying the pathogen, it is possible to determine its sensitivity to certain drugs, which will be prescribed as drug therapy.


Difficulty breathing and a runny nose are common causes of feeling unwell. Consider in the article how to treat inflammation of the nasal cavity.

Let's remember a little school anatomy to understand what the paranasal sinuses are and what role they play in the human body.

in the maxillary bones facial skull six paranasal sinuses are concentrated:

  • Two in the upper jaw (maxillary).
  • One in the frontal part (frontal).
  • One in the ethmoid bone. It's called a labyrinth.
  • Two in the sphenoid bone (main).
They are covered with a mucous membrane, filled with air and communicate with the nose through special passages. A person inhales air and microorganisms, and dust particles with him penetrate into nasal cavity. At the same time, it is considered the norm that 60 percent of microbes die and are excreted along with the mucus. But when an inflammatory process sets in, the sinus mucosa swells due to the rush of blood and lymph and completely or partially blocks the natural passages. Then there is swelling, which makes it difficult for the patient to breathe. And in the end, the mucous secretes a watery or purulent secretion from the nose, which indicates inflammation.
What do you need accessory sinuses nose? They perform important role in human life:
  • Enhance the voice.
  • They are an anti-shock airbag in traumatic situations.
  • They protect the most sensitive organs (roots of teeth and eyeballs) from the influence of cold air currents and from overheating.

In the photo you can clearly see what inflammation of the sinuses looks like. Such a disease is not only aesthetic in nature, but also greatly complicates the performance of a basic function, such as breathing. We carelessly treat the appearance of a runny nose or congestion, and yet the sinuses are located next to the most important body- brain. If you have a watery or purulent secretion, you need to contact a general practitioner or an otolaryngologist for help.

The most common and main reason inflammatory process is a viral infection. The causative agents can be rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, as well as a bacterial infection (staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, streptococcus). First, bacteria stop the nasal mucosa, but then 90 percent of them go directly to the paranasal sinuses. This happens when sneezing, blowing your nose or coughing, then the patient's pressure rises because of this, and the viruses go deep. Further, the bacteria multiply at a faster rate, and superinfection appears (a new disease is superimposed on the previous one). In this case, the watery secretion turns into a thick one after 5-7 days, and the color becomes yellow-green. The patient then feels relief, swelling subsides, breathing normalizes and the sense of smell returns. If such discharge from the nose lasts for about a week, this indicates viral nature ailment.

Also found fungal infection, this is rare form diseases, and it concerns people with impaired immunity: HIV-infected people, diabetics, cancer patients and patients after organ transplantation.

Other causes of inflammation of the upper sinuses include:

  • Constant stress and physical overwork.
  • Abrupt change ambient temperature.
  • Decreased immune protective function organism.
  • Diving and swimming in the summer beach season.
  • Poor and monotonous diet (lack of vitamins).
  • Individual characteristics nose.
  • Allergy to spring bloom flora, on pet hair, on certain types of medicines.
  • Polyps and adenoids in the nasal cavity.
  • Curvature of the septum and the presence of spikes and ridges on it.
  • Conchobulosis is a congenital enlargement of the middle turbinates.
  • A sick tooth in the upper jaw of the face.
  • Nose injuries (bruises and fractures, unsuccessful operations). Pain dominates here, and there is no discharge from the sinuses.

Inflammation of the sinuses, or sinusitis, can appear under the influence of various factors. Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis are distinguished.


One of four types sinusitis, in which there is inflammation of the nasal sinuses of the ethmoid bone, namely the maxillary sinus - sinusitis. Inflammation leads to swelling, which blocks the outflow tract that connects the nose and sinuses. And for this reason, pus begins to accumulate in them.

Causes and symptoms of sinusitis

There are two main causes of sinusitis. It can be caused by a runny nose, flu, or other infectious diseases. That means ill effects diseases in which there is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sinuses of the ethmoid bone and subsequent edema, leading to the accumulation of pus in the sinuses.

Dental treatment and dental diseases can also lead to the development of the disease. This refers to odontogenic sinusitis, which is not caused by a runny nose or infectious disease but a disease of the teeth. Unsuccessful dental treatment can also cause sinusitis: a thorough filling of the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw, in which, in case of contact filling material chronic or fungal sinusitis develops in the sinus.

Sinusitis manifests itself individually in each person. But among the many symptoms, there are several main ones:

  • Heaviness in the nose, it is clogged, it is difficult for a person to breathe.
  • Minor purulent discharge from the nose is possible.
  • Headache.
  • Unpleasant sensations when pressing on the maxillary sinuses.
  • Pain in the sinuses when moving the head.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist to receive qualified treatment. Otherwise, it is likely that the disease will become chronic.

Therapy Methods

If sinusitis is suspected, an x-ray is required. Appropriate therapy is prescribed only after confirmation of the diagnosis.

Medicines are used to treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. An appointment is scheduled various antibiotics, which destroy bacteria, thereby preventing their reproduction and further accumulation of pus. Or apply vasoconstrictors and special nasal drops to relieve swelling and drain pus.

If the sinus is completely white in the picture, which means there is no air, then various vasoconstrictor drugs won't help. The only way get rid of pus and cure sinusitis - puncture followed by self-treatment in the form of self-washing of the sinuses through a special tube, established by the doctor. Self-treatment lasts a certain period, which is set by the doctor.

Medical intervention is divided into two methods for removing pus from the sinuses:

  1. Procedure "Yamik". Created using special devices negative pressure (vacuum) in the nasal cavity, and as a result of which fluid (pus) is removed from all sinuses. That is, it is sucked off with the help of an artificially created vacuum.
  2. Puncture. This method is the most common. Puncture - the creation of a puncture in the sinus, the subsequent removal of pus, the introduction of a medicinal substance.

It is worth noting that in some cases, when sinusitis appears again, you have to do a second puncture. And with subsequent occurrences of sinusitis, the procedure will again inevitably be repeated.

Recommended timely appeal see a doctor if symptoms of sinusitis appear. This disease is very dangerous, since delay and ignoring its manifestations can lead to more serious diseases.


This is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses located in the frontal zone. Less common than sinusitis, but accompanied severe symptoms and can lead to complications.

Causes and manifestations of frontitis

The disease can appear due to SARS and excessive hypothermia. But this must be accompanied by a number of factors. Frontitis develops in people with anatomical disorders of the nose - a curvature of the nasal septum. It may also be a consequence chronic rhinitis. Neoplasms in the nose - polyps, block the fistula with the sinus, which disrupts the outflow of mucus from it.

Pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • General deterioration of health, malaise, drowsiness, unwillingness to do anything.
  • Headaches in the frontal zone, a feeling of pressure - as if something is buzzing. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by tilting and turning the head. When pressing on the forehead, the patient may experience some discomfort.
  • The nose is stuffed up, purulent discharge periodically appears from it. If there is unilateral inflammation of the sinuses, snot is released from only one nostril, and with bilateral inflammation, from both.
  • The sense of smell is broken.
  • Lachrymation, eyes itch, sharp pains appear in bright light.
  • The skin in the affected area turns red due to a rush of blood. The tissues may be swollen. Edema can also spread to the upper eyelid.

The frontal sinuses are connected to the nasal passage by a narrow canal, it is very short - its length does not exceed 2.5 cm. Because of this, the outflow of fluid from it is often disturbed, and the inflammatory process begins. Left untreated, inflammation can spread to the eyes and brain. Appear very serious complications sometimes life threatening.

Diagnosis and treatment

To diagnose the disease, the doctor collects an anamnesis, examines nasal cavity. With the help of palpation, ENT differentiates frontal sinusitis from other pathologies (for example, neuralgia). In case of illness, the slightest touch to the frontal zone causes severe pain at the patient. If frontitis is suspected, an ultrasound, CT or endoscopic examination is prescribed.

prescribed for treatment medical preparations- antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating agents. Therapeutic regimen selected individually and depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Surgical methods of therapy are prescribed only when conservative treatment is ineffective. Also, an indication for surgery may be increased pain and the presence of high temperature- up to 40 degrees. During surgery, the anastomosis of the fronto-nasal canal expands, so that the purulent contents can be easily removed. The operation is less traumatic, so the recovery period after it does not last long.


It is an inflammation of the mucous cells of the ethmoid labyrinth, which is one of the paranasal sinuses. Most often the disease occurs in children preschool age, while other people age groups it is diagnosed less often.

Causes and symptoms of ethmoiditis

The disease may appear due to allergic and infectious processes in the nasopharynx. Also, injuries to the nose that violate the integrity of bone structures can lead to its occurrence. The inflammatory process can spread to the ethmoid labyrinth from neighboring organs. Therefore, ethmoiditis is often observed against the background of other sinusitis.

It appears suddenly and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pressing pains in head extending to eyes and nose. Their intensity increases with head movements.
  • Nasal breathing is difficult, the sense of smell is disturbed.
  • Significant rise in temperature.

AT advanced cases purulent masses destroy part of the bone, so they penetrate into the tissues of the orbit. As a result, the eye swells, the eyeball can be protruded outward, visual acuity decreases.

In infants, the disease is much more severe - the temperature immediately rises, the baby is capricious, cries, refuses to eat. If he is not given timely assistance, dehydration will occur. Possible death.


Can ethmoiditis be treated? conservative methods. The doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor drugs that promote the outflow of purulent fluid from the nose. Tissue swelling is reduced, restored nasal breathing. To consolidate the results, physiotherapy procedures are used.

During surgical treatment, the doctor opens the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth. But such an operation is necessary only if conservative treatment has not helped, and the patient's condition worsens.


In this case, the mucous membrane of the sphenoid sinus, located at the base of the skull, becomes inflamed. Next to it are vital anatomical structures - nerves, pituitary gland, carotid artery. Therefore, complications of the disease can be very serious, and even fatal.

Causes, symptoms and treatment

Acute disease appears as a result of infection, and chronic - due to untimely treatment of acute sphenoiditis. The disease is accompanied by severe aching headaches in the back of the head. Unpleasant sensations do not go away even after taking medicines. Such symptoms are less commonly observed - decreased visual acuity, dizziness, weakness.

Symptoms and treatment of pathology are interrelated, since therapy is mainly symptomatic. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In the chronic form of the disease, surgery may be required. It is aimed at the rehabilitation of the sphenoid sinus. This eliminates the inflammatory process and alleviates the patient's condition. Application only folk remedies not recommended, since the lack of drug therapy can lead to intracranial complications.

Thus, all varieties of sinusitis are accompanied by similar symptoms. It is impossible to determine the exact disease on your own. Therefore, if unpleasant symptoms occur, an examination by a doctor is required.

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