How to cure sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. Symptoms and treatment of frontal sinusitis or frontal sinusitis

With sinusitis, sinusitis most often develops - frontal sinusitis, while the second most common disease of the paranasal sinuses. Moreover, frontal sinusitis and sinusitis can occur simultaneously. This happens because the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and sinuses is a single whole and the inflammatory process often “roams” from the nasal passages to the paranasal sinuses and back.

General information about sinusitis

Sinusitis - common name for diseases of the paranasal sinuses. With the development of autonomous inflammation of any individual sinus, the name of the affected cavity is indicated in the diagnosis:

  • maxillary or maxillary sinus - sinusitis;
  • frontal sinus - frontal sinusitis;
  • cells ethmoid bone- ethmoiditis;
  • sphenoid sinus- sphenoiditis.

But often there is a simultaneous inflammation of several sinuses. One of the most common diseases of this kind is frontal sinusitis.

Damage to the paranasal sinuses can be different names: polysinusitis (inflammation of several different sinuses, such as the maxillary and frontal), hemisinusitis (damage to all sinuses on one side of the face) or pansinusitis (simultaneous inflammation of all paranasal sinuses).

Sinusitis, in fact, occurs due to blockage of the anastomosis (the small opening that connects the nasal passage and the paranasal sinus) and the lack of a normal outflow of the contents of the sinuses. As a result, constantly produced mucus is retained in the cavities, which contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. And due to a number of circumstances (the aggressiveness of the microbe, the structure of the nasal cavity, etc.), the inflammation process intensifies and purulent sinusitis develops.

Development of sinusitis

In the development of diseases, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis important role play numerous infections of the upper respiratory tract.

Most common cause sinusitis - a common cold. Due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis are most often formed: treatment in this case requires the attention of a specialist.

Also, inflammation of the sinuses often provokes and runny nose- rhinitis: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other types of sinusitis in this case should undergo a longer and more vigorous therapy.

A common cause of the formation of the disease is sinusitis and adenoids. However, this is more likely to apply to children, since they have inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils much more often.

Significantly increases the risk of sinusitis due to anomalies in the anatomical features of the structure of the nasal cavity. First of all, here we are talking about deformity of the nasal septum. In addition, the development of inflammation of the sinuses can contribute to prolonged scuba diving and smoking.

Diseases of the teeth of the upper jaw is one of the causes of the formation of sinusitis, which is called odontogenic. The roots of the teeth can reach the maxillary sinus, therefore, when treating these teeth, there is a risk of falling into the sinus filling material. This leads to an inflammatory process.

Sinusitis or runny nose

One of the main symptoms in the diagnosis of sinusitis or sinusitis is a runny nose. However, not any discharge from the nasal passages can indicate inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. And in order not to miss the onset of sinusitis, you need to know how to distinguish sinusitis from a runny nose. After all, late treatment can lead to serious complications.

sinusitis has several characteristic features that can be detected without a visit to the doctor:

  • discomfort heaviness and bursting in the forehead, cheekbones, superciliary arches. Moreover, when pressing on these areas, the patient, as a rule, experiences acute pain;
  • severe headache that worsens towards the end of the day;
  • night cough: both sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, and other types of sinusitis may be accompanied by this symptom, but often it is absent;
  • weakening of the sense of smell;
  • fast fatiguability, weakness, irritability;
  • loss of appetite.

The presence of the above symptoms allows you to independently distinguish a runny nose from both sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. If you are convinced that you have an ordinary lingering runny nose, then appropriate action must be taken. After all, it can at any time become the cause of a more serious illness.

Sinusitis Treatment

Treatment of frontal sinusitis and sinusitis in any case should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Only a doctor can put accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct therapy. modern medicine identifies two main methods of treatment of sinusitis:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

Conservative therapies

Drug treatment of sinusitis is aimed at improving the outflow of pathogenic contents from the paranasal sinuses and reducing swelling of the nasal mucosa. For this use vasoconstrictor drugs(Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Nafazrlin, Oxymetazoline, etc.) in the form of drops, sprays, aerosols. However, it is worth knowing that such medicines it is not recommended to take more than 5-7 days.

After restoring the patency of the nasal passages, you can use Kameton or Bioparox, which have a local antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. At elevated temperature antipyretics (Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen) are prescribed.

Antibiotics are important element in the treatment of sinusitis: the treatment of frontal sinusitis is also usually not complete without antibacterial drugs. The choice of means of this pharmacological group depends on many factors:

  • patient's age;
  • the causative agent of the disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual tolerance of the substances that make up the drug;
  • epidemiological situation.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are active substance amoxicillin. Alternative options are macrolides (Cefaclor, Cephalosporin). Most antibiotics are taken in the form of tablets or suspension, but in particular severe cases they are administered intravenously. The duration of use is usually 1-2 weeks, unless otherwise prescribed by the attending physician.

An important component complex therapy sinusitis is a flushing of the nasal cavity antiseptic solutions This is the so-called fluid transfer method. This procedure helps to cleanse the nasal mucosa from pathogenic contents, dust, microbes, and also reduce inflammation.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention is necessary only in case of ineffectiveness of conservative therapy. If in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses ah there are polyps or neoplasms, most often a puncture (puncture) is performed, because such causes of the disease from pills will not disappear. They will regularly provoke sinusitis - frontal treatment with antibiotics, washing or physiotherapy in this case also cannot be cured.

The goal of any operation for sinusitis is to clear the sinuses of pathogenic contents.: removal of polyps, foreign body, fungi, etc. In addition, for better drainage of the paranasal cavities during the operation, the natural channel between the sinus and the nasal passage is expanded, or a special catheter is installed. Volume surgical intervention depends on the extent of the damage.

It doesn’t matter what kind of disease you have: a banal runny nose or sinusitis, in any case, it is necessary to fight the onset of the disease. Moreover, it is worth carrying out preventive, restorative procedures, avoid hypothermia and put immunity in order.

Under the influence of various viral agents, fungi and bacteria, inflammatory processes occur in the nasal cavity, which in most cases are limited to a short runny nose. However, as a result adverse factors such as hypothermia or wrong therapy complications may develop, for example, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. With such pathologies, inflammation of the maxillary and frontal sinuses occurs and in medicine they are called sinusitis.

Frontitis and sinusitis are very common inflammatory processes, they account for almost 20 percent of the annual pathologies among the population. Interestingly, the inflammatory process of the frontal sinuses is most often diagnosed in young men for unclear reasons.

In many ways, the symptoms of both ailments are very similar.

  • Observed bad feeling with distraction.
  • Marked swelling of the face, and especially of the cheeks.
  • The sense of smell is lost.
  • Increased pressure with bursting pain under the eyeballs.
  • The body temperature rises.
  • There are pain sensations that radiate to the jaw, neck and temples.
  • Dryness appears in oral cavity and bad smell.

The difference between frontal sinusitis in periodic paroxysmal pains in lower bounds forehead and brow ridges. There is intense yellow-green mucus when standing, and a slight runny nose during sleep. Patients develop lacrimation, swelling with redness of the upper eyelids.

For the man who does not own medical education, a runny nose will remain a runny nose, but knowing what symptoms accompany sinusitis, frontal sinusitis will help him orient himself in a timely manner and turn to an ENT.

Reasons for the development of sinusitis

Sinusitis (frontal sinusitis or frontal sinusitis) most often begins as a viral or bacterial pathology. The trigger for inflammation of the frontal sinuses can be a cold, measles, flu and other rotovirus infections. Sometimes the symptoms of these diseases can be triggered by allergic, that is, seasonal manifestations. The difference between such processes and the common cold is that they are quite dangerous.

There may be untreated caries or getting into nasal cavity foreign objects. Sinusitis is often caused by trauma to the frontal sinuses. Almost always, the infection of the nasal cavity is secondary, that is, the result of running colds or viral processes. It develops due to passive therapy, or when the treatment was too active, but with the help of improvised means and without qualified consultation.

Many do not understand how dangerous such an inflammatory process is. Symptoms of rhinitis in such a situation may not be limited to the development of sinusitis, but will move to the membranes of the brain, affecting the eyes and auditory tubes. The treatment of such a process will be very long and serious, so doctors recommend contacting them in a timely manner for help without exposing own life such a danger.

Diagnostic methods for inflammation of the nasal cavity

Except clinical picture and the patient's own story, doctors may use several examination options. To laboratory methods it is customary to attribute general analysis blood, which will identify the main provocateur of the disease using a leukocyte formula. Thanks to such information, the doctor will be able to determine the correct tactics of therapy, since the use of antibiotics for such diseases is justified only in those cases when they appeared against the background of bacterial infection. Treatment viral infection does not include antibiotic formulations as it is not effective.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are represented by radiography, in which you can get a complete display of the affected area in the pictures in the form of dark areas. Computed tomography will allow with high accuracy to identify the localization of inflammation and the anatomy of the sinuses.

In addition, doctors use other additional procedures to confirm the diagnosis, for example:

If there is a suspicion of allergic cause, then treatment can only be started after appropriate allergy tests have been carried out. Sinusitis is not classified as a mild inflammation that could go away without a therapeutic course. That is why treatment at home with the help of folk remedies for sinusitis and frontal sinusitis is not permissible.

Therapeutic methods for eliminating sinusitis and frontal sinusitis

In order to eliminate the inflammatory process in maxillary sinuses ah it is necessary to apply conservative procedures. Among them, washing, a course of antibiotics, physiotherapy and taking antihistamines are noted. If the above sparing methods cannot have a pronounced effect, then other methods of treatment are used.

Classical maxillary sinusectomy involves open access to the affected areas under the local or general anesthesia. This procedure has been known for many years, therefore it is carried out everywhere without any fear. The disadvantages of this procedure include a long period for full recovery with a high risk of damage to healthy tissue. In addition, after the intervention, swelling is observed, which causes discomfort.

Laser maxillary sinusectomy is similar to classical surgery in terms of accessibility to the damaged area. But the risk of tissue injury is lower as well as recovery period.

Sinusectomy with endoscopy is considered best method radical therapy of inflammation of the maxillary sinus. Injury to the healthy mucosa in this case is minimal, and the recovery period is also reduced. In addition, swelling is absent or mild. Anesthesia is not used for this intervention.

As for frontal sinusitis, here the treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of inflammation and ensuring normalized air exchange in the frontal sinus. Therapy is divided into radical and conservative. In an uncomplicated course, vasoconstrictor and antiallergic drugs are recommended. Physiotherapy procedures are carried out regularly, and upon confirmation bacterial infection use of antibiotics is acceptable.

If such measures do not positive results, then sinus lavage is connected, for example, using the cuckoo method. Trepanopuncture is performed if the purulent contents of the cavity cannot be eliminated by other means. It is carried out using local anesthesia. A plastic conductor is inserted into the puncture, into which an elastic needle with an elongated end is placed. This device is fixed on the patient's face for 5 days for regular washing.

Doctors note the seriousness and danger of these inflammatory processes. As a result of their neglected forms, irreversible processes of the spread of pus can begin throughout internal organs. In order to avoid such severe consequences, it is necessary to go to the hospital at the first sign of inflammation.

Sinusitis(from Latin "sinus" - sinus) is an inflammation paranasal sinuses- cavities in the bones of the skull, which communicate with the nasal cavity through holes. Sinuses exist in the maxillary bones ( maxillary sinuses ), in the frontal bones ( frontal sinuses ), in the ethmoid bone ( ethmoid sinuses ). In addition to them, there is also a wedge-shaped ( sphenoidal sinus ), located behind the ethmoid sinuses in upper section nose.

Based on this, there are several types of sinusitis. - inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus, frontitis- inflammation frontal sinus, ethmoiditis- inflammation of the ethmoid labyrinth and sphenoiditis- inflammation of the sphenoid sinus. Sinusitis can be unilateral or bilateral, affecting one or all of the sinuses. The most common types of sinusitis are sinusitis and sinusitis.

There are two types of sinusitis - acute, which occurs as a result of acute, and lasts 2-3 weeks, as well as chronic, which occurs as a result of insufficiently cured sinusitis. There are also 3 forms of inflammation of the sinuses - purulent when the sinuses contain pus, catarrhal when inflammation affects the surface of the mucosa, and discharge in the form of mucus is observed, as well as mixed form .

Diagnosis of sinusitis determines the main causes of sinusitis, which are:

  • not fully cured cold, acute rhinitis, (flu , , );
  • chronic runny nose;
  • diseases of the roots of the 4 upper back teeth;
  • sick;
  • immune disorders, which can lead to long-term chronic diseases;
  • hypertrophied rhinitis;
  • congenital disorders in the development of the anatomical features of the nose;
  • nose injury.

During a decrease in immunity or hypothermia, the body cannot fight back pathogenic bacteria, which leads to their contact with the nasal mucosa. The arising leads to a violation of the ventilation of the sinus, which is isolated from the nasal cavity, and in which mucus begins to secrete, filling the sinus. Bacteria multiply in the mucus, pus is formed, which, entering the bloodstream, sends the body. If sinusitis is left untreated, it progresses to chronic form and complications of sinusitis occur.

Symptoms of sinusitis

The symptoms of sinusitis are:

  • and pain in the cheekbones, cheeks, teeth, increasing in the evening;
  • a feeling of fullness, pressure in the forehead, nose, cheeks;
  • nasal congestion, alternate obstruction of both nostrils is possible, mucous or purulent discharge from the nose;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of heightened sensitivity of a part of the face;
  • night cough;
  • weakness, fatigue, irritability;
  • weakening of the sense of smell.

One of the most common variants of sinusitis is sinusitis. It usually occurs against the background of a runny nose and other diseases, and also as a result of inflammation of the roots of the 4 rear upper teeth.

The main symptoms of sinusitis are a feeling of pressure in the area of ​​​​the inflamed sinus, as well as headaches in the forehead, cheekbones, pain that captures half of the face, and also with pressure on the cheeks. The pain may increase with a change in the position of the head. It may also be observed toothache which increases with chewing. In patients with sinusitis, the nasal breathing, appears nasal voice, as well as clear or purulent discharge from the nose. Patients may complain of lacrimation, photophobia, decreased sense of smell. Sometimes body temperature rises and worsens general state, the person becomes lethargic, unable to concentrate. There may be swelling of the cheek on the side of the affected sinus, swelling of the lower eyelid, discomfort in the ears.

The acute form of sinusitis usually lasts 2 weeks, and if it is not treated, then the sinusitis becomes chronic. There are also rhinogenic , odontogenic , hematogenous and traumatic sinusitis.

Frontit is an inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinuses. When suffering from frontal sinusitis, there is pain in the forehead, which increases with pressure and during bending, impaired nasal breathing, discoloration skin above the sinuses, as well as swelling in the forehead. Chronic sinusitis is accompanied hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa and polyps .

Ethmoiditis has the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the soft tissues around the eyes and eyelids;
  • pain between the eyes;
  • partial loss of smell.

Symptoms sphenoiditis:

  • ear pain;
  • pain around the neck.

All of these symptoms of sinusitis are aggravated by tilting the head forward.

Diagnosis of sinusitis

ENT diagnoses acute catarrhal and purulent sinusitis on the basis of a patient interview, examination of the nasopharyngeal cavity and the results of an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses. Swelling of the mucous membranes leads to darkening of the sinuses on the x-ray, and the accumulation of exudate (pus) looks like a fluid level.

For diagnosing chronic sinusitis the doctor prescribes a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses, which will reveal cysts, polyps and other changes.

Sinusitis treatment

In the case of allergic sinusitis, it is prescribed antihistamine therapy( , ). For people prone to allergies, prevention of sinusitis is important in order to avoid relapses of the disease.

Nasal irrigation is an important element in the treatment of sinusitis. antiseptic solutions(moving method or "cuckoo"), due to which the nasal mucosa is cleared of germs, dust, and inflammation is also reduced.

If the inflammation of the sinuses has become purulent, then . The choice of antibiotics depends on the infectious agent, and is usually given loracarbef , axetil . These drugs are used both inside in the form of tablets, and intramuscularly and intravenously for 1-2 weeks. Alternative drugs are macrolides , cephalosporin , .

Applies complex treatment sinusitis including homeopathic preparations ( , ), which contribute to the reduction pain and inflammation in the sinuses.

Corticosteroids contribute to the restoration of outflow from the sinuses and reduce the severity of allergic reactions. However, they are not prescribed purulent sinusitis. If sinusitis occurs due to allergic rhinitis or, then the treatment of the underlying disease is mandatory.

If a drug treatment sinusitis is not effective, then the washing of the sinus cavity and the puncture (puncture) of the maxillary and frontal sinuses are prescribed. In this case, the sinuses are cleaned of pus accumulated there, the sinuses are washed and antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic preparations ( , , angina), as well as the elimination of factors that are predisposing to the development of inflammation in the sinuses. It is important to harden the body, exercise regularly, do not overcool, often visit fresh air, take vitamins and immunosuppressive drugs. Avoid swimming in pools, as chlorine irritates the mucous membranes of the nose.

Complications of sinusitis

Complications of sinusitis can be diseases such as meningitis , swelling of the meninges , eyelid thrombosis , i.e. various intraorbital and intracranial diseases, as well as pneumonia , otitis media .

Under the influence of viruses, bacteria and fungi, inflammation occurs in the nasal cavity, in most cases limited to a runny nose. However, under adverse circumstances, hypothermia or inadequate care, complications develop in the form of damage to the paranasal sinuses. This group of diseases is called sinusitis: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis and ethmoiditis. Most often, the maxillary and frontal sinuses become inflamed. Here we will talk about them.

Symptoms of diseases

The share of sinusitis in general accounts for about 20% of the annual diseases of the population, of which 4% belong to frontal sinusitis, and 10-12% to sinusitis.

An interesting fact: inflammation of the frontal sinuses is more often diagnosed in young men than in women, but the reason for such a “love” of the disease for the noses of gentlemen is still not clear.

In many ways, the signs of sinusitis and frontal sinusitis are similar:

However, there are other characteristic symptoms suggestive of sinusitis:

  • accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx at night;
  • back rhinitis;
  • nasal congestion;
  • pain syndrome, more spreading to the upper jaw and upper area cheeks;
  • dry mouth;
  • bad breath from the mouth and nose.

Or frontitis:

Although for ordinary person, who does not have medical knowledge, a runny nose remains a runny nose, knowledge of the symptoms of frontal sinusitis and sinusitis will help you orient yourself in time and seek the help of an ENT doctor.

Causes of sinusitis

The vast majority of sinusitis and sinusitis are caused by viral and bacterial diseases. The trigger for inflammation can be a common cold, flu, other SARS, and even measles. A number of cases on the conscience of allergic, including seasonal, manifestations. Often, sinusitis occurs due to injuries, especially the frontal sinuses, and foreign objects entering the nasal cavity. The cause of sinusitis can be "unfinished" caries or accidental ingress of filling material into the root canals.

Most often, the infection in the sinuses is secondary and is the result of a neglected cold or viral disease with passive "non-treatment" or, conversely, active self therapy by all available means.

Both are dangerous, since rhinitis may not be limited to the transition to sinusitis or frontal sinusitis, but go further and provoke inflammation of the meninges, damage to the eyes and auditory tubes.

Diagnostic methods

In addition to the clinical picture and the patient's complaints, there are several additional examination options in the hands of specialists. Laboratory methods include a general blood test, which allows you to determine the culprit of the disease by leukocyte formula. Knowing this radically affects the tactics of treatment, since antibiotics for frontal sinusitis and sinusitis are necessary only when bacterial origin ailment. Viral diseases not amenable to antibiotic therapy.

Blood analysis

Instrumental methods of examination are represented, first of all, by radiography, which displays the affected area in the picture as a darkening, and computed tomography, which allows to determine the localization of the infection with high accuracy and anatomical features sinuses.

Among other options, other additional methods are used:

  • rhinoscopy;
  • endoscopy;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses;
  • thermography;
  • immunological analysis;
  • diagnostic puncture;
  • bacteriological examination of mucus.

If an allergy has become a provoking factor of the infection, appropriate allergy tests are carried out.

Treatment methods

Sinusitis is by no means a mild inflammation that can go away on its own without consequences. Therefore, in principle, we cannot talk about the treatment of frontal sinusitis and sinusitis at home.

To eliminate inflammation of the maxillary sinuses applied conservative therapy as:

If sparing methods do not have a pronounced effect or have an insufficient effect for recovery, resort to radical methods.

  1. Classic sinusectomy. It is performed under local or general anesthesia and consists in open access to the affected sinuses. The procedure is well studied, performed everywhere. Among the shortcomings can be identified a long recovery period, high risk damage to healthy tissues, swelling after the intervention.
  2. Laser maxillary sinusectomy. By the type of access, it is similar to the classical operation, however, the risk of tissue trauma is reduced, as is the recovery period.
  3. Endoscopic maxillary sinusectomy. Today is optimal way radical treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Traumatization of healthy mucous membranes is minimal, the recovery period is shortened, swelling is mild or absent. Moreover, this intervention does not require general anesthesia and can be done on an outpatient basis.

It is also possible to use a sinus catheter.

Regarding the front therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause of inflammation and ensuring air exchange in the frontal sinuses. It is also divided into conservative and radical methods. With an uncomplicated course of the disease, they resort to the help of vasoconstrictor and antiallergic drugs, physiotherapy, antibiotics when a bacterial infection is confirmed. If these measures do not help, sinus lavage is connected, including by the method of movement, which is popularly referred to as the "cuckoo".

Washing with the cuckoo method

In the case when the disease is started, passed into purulent stage and not affected conservative methods, it remains to resort to surgery.

One of the most effective ways evacuation of the contents of the sinuses with frontal sinusitis - trepanopuncture.

This procedure is most often performed under the influence of local anesthesia. Before the intervention, a mandatory x-ray with contrast is performed, as a result of which special marks are applied to the patient's forehead for the best access.

A hole for subsequent drainage is made with a long special needle, the dimensions of which are adjustable, or with a drill. A rigid plastic conductor is inserted into the puncture, through which it is inserted into the frontal sinus. cannula- an elastic needle with a round end made of stainless metal or high-quality plastic, necessary for washing the sinuses and delivering drugs to the site of inflammation. This device is carefully fixed with adhesive plasters on the patient's forehead and left for several days for regular procedures until the disease "loses ground". This period should not exceed 5 days from the moment of puncture, since a longer stay of the drainage structure in the sinus can adversely affect tissue repair.

Trepanopuncture is contraindicated:

  • with meningitis;
  • with osteomyelitis of the bones of the skull;
  • with purulent abscesses;
  • with thrombophlebitis.

The list of contraindications may include other diseases that can adversely affect the outcome of therapy or the health of the patient during treatment. It is determined strictly individually by the attending physician.

Treatment of frontal sinusitis and sinusitis is the prerogative of otolaryngologists. Attempts to get rid of inflammation with your own hands often lead to a deterioration in the condition and the transformation acute illness in chronic illness. If you suspect inflammation of the frontal, maxillary or other sinuses, you should without fail See a specialist in ENT practice.

Inflammatory pathological processes sinuses are called sinusitis. This pathology is quite common and occurs in more than 30 percent of all pathologies that affect the ENT organs.

Depending on which of the sinuses is affected, there are several types of sinusitis: sinusitis(inflammation of the maxillary sinuses), frontitis(inflammation of the frontal sinus), ethmoiditis(inflammation of the ethmoid labyrinth), sphenoiditis (inflammation of the sphenoid sinus). There is inflammation of all the paranasal sinuses at once - pansinusitis. According to the duration of the disease, sinusitis is divided into acute and chronic. The main causative agents of sinusitis are pneumococci and Haemophilus influenzae, the main source of infection of the sinus mucosa is the nasal mucosa.

Causes of sinusitis.

Sometimes the cause of sinusitis can be diseases of the teeth (caries, pulpitis), in which case they speak of odontogenic sinusitis. The mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses during the disease can increase in volume by more than 20 times.

Sinus symptoms.

Despite the similarity of the disease pattern, different forms diseases have their own characteristics.

Acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis is the most common type of sinusitis. Maxillary sinus located on the side of the nasal cavity in the thickness of the bone between the orbit and upper jaw. Patients note a feeling of tension or pain in the affected sinus, impaired nasal breathing, nasal discharge, a disorder of smell on the affected side, photophobia and lacrimation. The pain most often occurs in the forehead, temple, and at the same time of the day. Sometimes there is swelling of the cheeks and swelling of the upper or lower eyelids. Body temperature is elevated, chills are common.

Chronic sinusitis

The main complaint of the patient is periodic discharge from the nose. With difficult outflow of mucus from the sinus, there is almost no discharge from the nose and patients complain of dryness in the throat, expectoration of a large amount of sputum in the morning, and bad breath. There is usually no pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus, but it may appear with an exacerbation of the process or difficulty in the outflow of mucus. Frequent headaches and discomfort nervous system(rapid fatigue, inability to concentrate). Ino-
where there are cracks and abrasions of the skin at the entrance to the nose. Exacerbations proceed in the same way as acute sinusitis.


Frontitis - inflammation of the frontal sinus. Patients complain of pain in the forehead, especially in the morning, impaired nasal breathing and discharge from the corresponding half of the nose. In severe cases, there is pain in the eyes, photophobia and decreased sense of smell. The headache subsides after cleansing the sinus and resumes as the outflow of mucus is obstructed. With acute frontal sinusitis, the body temperature rises, sometimes the color of the skin over the sinuses changes, swelling and swelling are noted in the forehead and upper eyelid.


The sphenoid (sphenoid) sinus is located at the base of the skull. This is the most difficult to diagnose form of sinusitis, often requiring consultations with an ophthalmologist or neurosurgeon. Main hallmarks her are the pains in different parts head, sensation as if a tight constricting cap was put on the head. There is profuse lacrimation, general weakness, unsteady gait and dizziness.


Ethmoiditis is an inflammation of the sinuses of the ethmoid labyrinth, which is located deep in the nasal cavity. Most often combined with sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. The patient complains about severe congestion nose, feeling of heaviness at the root of the nose, headache in the forehead. Due to the structural features of the sinus (located very close to optic nerves) there is pain in the eyes; one of severe complications may become inflammation of the orbit and optic neuritis.

Sinusitis treatment.

The basis of the treatment of sinusitis - local or systemic antibiotic therapy. The disease is dangerous because the focus of infection is located near the cranial cavity and inflammation can spread to the brain and meninges. For this reason, treatment must be vigorous and continued until complete recovery. With an increase in body temperature, it is recommended bed rest and prescribing antipyretics and painkillers. To reduce swelling and swelling of the mucous membrane instilled into the nose vasoconstrictors, prescribe drugs that promote the outflow of mucus from the sinuses (secretolytic agents), sometimes anti-allergic agents. Antibacterial drugs are selected individually depending on the pathogen that caused the disease. Washing the sinuses with disinfectant solutions helps (the procedure is performed by a doctor), physiotherapy procedures.

Folk remedies for sinusitis should be used with caution and only after consulting a specialist doctor. Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies can be dangerous. So, warming the nose area with any folk remedies acute sinusitis, whether boiled egg, decoction bay leaf or potatoes, can lead to increased inflammation and accumulation of pus in the sinuses, and then surgery - a puncture - cannot be avoided. Treatment with folk remedies is allowed only when chronic course sinusitis without exacerbation.

Non-traditional and folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis

Folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis)

    Boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water. Wrap up and breathe over the steam of potatoes with sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis). Potatoes can be additionally mashed.

    Pour in 4 minced garlic cloves and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar 0.5 cups of boiling water and inhale the vapors, covered with a blanket. Add boiling water as the mixture cools. The procedure is carried out daily for 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a day until complete recovery. Apply for sinusitis (for the treatment of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis)

    Pour the grated pulp of a small onion with hot honey water (mix 0.5 cups of water with 0.5 teaspoons of honey), insist, wrapped, 4-6 hours, strain. With the resulting infusion, rinse the nose several times a day with sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis).

    Mix until smooth in equal parts by volume, onion juice, aloe, cyclamen root, honey, Vishnevsky ointment. Store the ointment in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator, warm up to a temperature of 36-37 ° C before use. Make turundas, dip them into the ointment and put them in both nostrils for 30 minutes to treat sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis). After 20 days of treatment, the maxillary cavities are cleaned.

    Bring to a boil 200 g of powder spruce resin, 1 chopped onion, 15 g vitriol powder and 50 ml olive oil mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula. Ointment used for compresses on the area of ​​sinus inflammation for the treatment of sinusitis

    Peel the onion, cut it into several parts, put it on the surface of the bandage, then roll up the bandage, attach it to the nose so that a part of the onion is under both nostrils, and tie it at the back of the head. It is especially good to breathe onions during sleep. This is an effective folk remedy for the treatment of sinusitis.

    Twice a day, morning and evening, instill 5 drops into each nostril fresh juice prickly tartar for 10 days. Inulin, in in large numbers contained in the plant, helps in the treatment of sinusitis.

    Another folk remedy for the treatment of sinusitis: Rinse the nasal cavity warm water with addition a small amount iodine tincture or potassium permanganate.

    For pain in the nose, ears and head, instill radish juice into the nose or insert a swab with radish juice into the nose.

Herbs and fees for the treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis)

    Brew 1 tablespoon of centaury, cumin and tansy flowers taken in equal quantities with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes and apply the mixture together with the flowers in the form of a compress to the nose with sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis).

    Brew 2 tablespoons of willow-herb in 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave for 30 minutes. Take 0.3 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis).

    Brew the following herbs separately in 1 cup of boiling water: 15 g of St. John's wort, 10 g of chamomile flowers and 10 g of marsh cudweed. Mix the infusions and instill into the nose 5 drops in each nostril 3 times a day. They can be used for inhalations lasting 5 minutes. The course of treatment for sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis) - 10-12 procedures.

    Take 15 g of chamomile flowers, 10 g of calendula flowers, 5 g of meadow geranium. Collection pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Do inhalations for sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis).

    Take 15 g of a large plantain leaf, 10 g of yarrow herb, 5 g of a leaf walnut. Collection pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Do inhalations for sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis).

    Take 10 g of a large plantain leaf, 5 g of yarrow herb and sandy immortelle flowers. Collection pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Do inhalations for sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis).

    With polyposis inflammation of the sinuses, celandine and chamomile juice are recommended, taken in equal amounts. Juice must be fresh. Bury or inject into the nasal cavity on turundas with sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmonditis, ofenonditis).

Treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis) with herbs

  1. take in equal quantities the bark of the common viburnum, the herb St. John's wort and the leaves of the nettle dioica. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse overnight, in the morning you can strain the broth. Take half a glass 3 times a day and instill 1-2 drops in the nose 3 times a day for sinusitis. The course of treatment of sinusitis is one month. If necessary, repeat the course in a week.
  2. take equal amounts of common yarrow grass, large plantain leaves and sandy immortelle flowers. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water. Leave overnight, strain in the morning. The decoction is taken half a cup 3 times a day and instilled 1-2 drops into the nose 3 times a day. The course of treatment of sinusitis is one month. If necessary, repeat the course in a week.
  3. take equal amounts of meadow geranium, calendula flowers and chamomile. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water. Insist 8 hours, strain. The decoction is taken half a cup 3 times a day and instilled 1-2 drops into the nose 3 times a day. The course of treatment is one month. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment of sinusitis in a week.
  4. Take equal amounts of common yarrow grass, calendula, coltsfoot, and bird cherry flowers and peppermint. Insist, strain. Infusion take half a glass 3 times a day and instill 1-2 drops in the nose 3 times a day for the treatment of sinusitis. The course of treatment is one month. If necessary, repeat the course in a week.
  5. take equal amounts of plantain leaf, yarrow herb, dandelion root, celandine herb, eucalyptus leaf. Insist, strain. The decoction is taken half a glass 3 times a day and instilled 1-2 drops into the nose 3 times a day for the treatment of sinusitis. The course of treatment of sinusitis is one month. If necessary, repeat the course in a week.

Gentle remedies for the treatment of sinusitis in the elderly

    Take equal amounts of rose hips, horsetail grass, lilac inflorescences, roots and rhizomes of couch grass. Pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 8-10 hours. Dilute boiled water and drink as tea 1 glass 3-4 times a day in a warm form 30 minutes before meals.

    Rinse the sinuses with a 5% infusion of calendula flowers.

    Inhale fir oil vapors.

    Before going to bed, take 0.5 cups of motherwort herb decoction (1 teaspoon per 1 cup of water).

    For the treatment of sinusitis, along with folk remedies, the Buteyko method is used.

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